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                                                                                             What is Classification?
                                                                                             Classification vs Prediction
                                                                                             Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
                                                                                             Data Preparation
                                                                                             D t P         ti
                                                                                             Classification Accuracy
          Classification and Prediction
                                        Lecture 5/DMBI/IKI83403T/MTI/UI                      ID3 Algorithm
                          Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D, CISA (
                                                                                             Information Gain
                        Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia                 Bayesian Classification
                                                                                             Predictive Modelling
                                                                                         2                                                            University of Indonesia

Introduction                                                                             What is Classification? – A two step process
 Databases are rich with hidden information that can be used                             Model construction:
 for making intelligent business decisions.                                                  Each tuple is assumed to belong to a predefined class, as
 Classification and prediction can be used to extract models                                 determined by one of the attributes, called the class label.
 describing i
 d     ibi important d classes or to predict f
                        data l                 di future data
                                                          d                                  Data tuples are also referred to as samples, examples, or objects.
                                                                                             All tuples used for construction is called training set.
 Classification predicts categorical labels. Ex: categorize bank
 loan applications     safe or risky.                                                        Since the class label of each training sample is provided
 Prediction models continuous-valued functions. Ex: predict the                              supervised learning. In clustering (unsupervised learning),
 expenditures of potential customers on computer equipment                                   the l labels f
                                                                                             th class l b l of each training sample i not known, and th
                                                                                                                    ht i i          l is t k           d the
 given their income and occupation.                                                          number or set of classes to be learned may not be known in
 Typical Applications:                                                                       advance.
   Credit approval, target marketing,                                                        The model is represented in the following forms:
   Medical diagnosis, treatment effectiveness analysis
              g      ,                            y                                            Classification rules, (
                                                                                                                   , (IF-THEN statements), decision tree, mathematical
                                                                                                                                        ),              ,
                                                               University of Indonesia
                                                                                         4                                                            University of Indonesia
What is Classification? – A two step process (2)
                            two-step                                                     Classification Process (1)
     The model is used for classifying future or                                                                                                Classification
     unknown objects.                                                                                                                            Algorithms
      First, the predictive accuracy of the model is estimated                                              Data
        The known label of test sample is compared with the classified result
        from the model.
        Accuracy rate is the percentage of test set samples that are correctly
        classified by the model.                                                        NAM E    RANK           YEARS TENURED                     Classifier
        Test set is independent of training set otherwise over-fitting (it may          M ike    Assistant Prof   3      no
        have incorporated some particular anomalies of the training data that           M ary    Assistant Prof   7      yes
        are not present in the overall sample population) will occur.                   Bill     Professor        2      yes
      If the accuracy of the model is considered acceptable the
                                                 acceptable,                            Jim      Associate Prof   7      yes
      model can be used to classify future objects for which the                        Dave     Assistant Prof   6      no
                                                                                                                                          IF rank = ‘professor’
                                                                                                                                          OR years > 6
      class label is not known (unknown, p
                               (          previously unseen data).
                                                   y             )                      Anne     Associate Prof   3      no               THEN tenured = ‘yes’
 5                                                            University of Indonesia                                                             University of Indonesia

Classification Process (2)                                                               What is Prediction?
                                                                                              Prediction is similar to classification
                                                                                                First, construct model.
                                                                                                Second, use model to predict future or unknown objects
                                                                                                                      p                          j
                                                                                                  Major method for prediction is regression:
                    Testing                                                                         Linear and multiple regression
                     Data                                     Unseen Data
                                                                                                    Non-liner regression

                                                           (Jeff, Professor, 4)               Prediction is different from classification
                                                                                                Classification refers to predict categorical class label.
Tom        Assistant Prof   2      no                  Tenured?                                 Prediction refers to predict continuous value.
M erlisa   Associate Prof   7      no
George     Professor        5      yes
Joseph     Assistant Prof   7      yes

                                                              University of Indonesia
                                                                                          8                                                       University of Indonesia
Classification vs Prediction                                                      Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
    Sending out promotional literature to every new                                Supervised learning (classification)
    customer in the database can be quite costly. A more cos-                          Supervision: The training data (observations, measurements,
    efficient method would be to target only those new                                 etc.) are accompanied by labels indicating the class of the
                                                                                           )          p         y               g
    customers who are likely to purchase a new computer
                 h       lik l       h                                                 observations
                                                                                       Based on the training set to classify new data
                                                                                                           g               y
    Predict h
    P d the number of major purchases that a customer
                    b      f          h     h
    will make during a fiscal year  prediction.                                    Unsupervised learning (clustering)
                                                                                       We are given a set of measurements, observations etc with
                                                                                                              measurements observations,
                                                                                       the aim of establishing the existence of classes or clusters in
                                                                                       the data
                                                                                       No training data, or the “training data” are not accompanied
                                                                                       by class labels
9                                                       University of Indonesia
                                                                                  10                                                    University of Indonesia

Issues – Data Preparation                                                         Issues – Data Preparation
    Data preprocessing can be used to help improve the                             Data Transformation
    accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of the classification or                     Data can be generalized to higher-level concepts.
    prediction process.                                                                Useful fot continuous-valued attributes.
    Data Cleaning                                                                      Income can be generalized      low, medium, high.
      Remove/reduce noise and the treatment of missing values                          Street    city.
    Relevance Analysis                                                                 Generalization compresses the original training data, fewer
      Many of the attributes in the data may be irrelevant to the                      input/output operations may be involved during learning.
      classification or prediction task. Ex: data recording the day of                 When i
                                                                                       Wh using neural networks (or other methods involving
                                                                                                         l t      k (      th     th d i l i
      the week on which a bank loan application was filed is unlikely                  distance measurements), data may also be normalized.
      to be relevant to the success of the application
      Other attributes may be redundant.
      This step is known as feature selection
11                                                      University of Indonesia
                                                                                  12                                                    University of Indonesia
Comparing Classification Method                                                           Classification Accuracy: Estimating Error Rates
 Predictive accuracy                                                                         Partition: Training-and-testing
 Speed and scalability                                                                         use two independent data sets, e.g., training set (2/3), test
     time to construct the model
     time to use the model
                                                                                               used for data set with large number of samples
     handling noise and missing values                                                       Cross-validation
 Scalability                                                                                   divide the data set into k subsamples
     efficiency in large databases (not memory resident data)
                                                                                               use k-1 subsamples as training data and one sub-sample as test
                                                                                                                p             g                   p
 Interpretability:                                                                             data --- k-fold cross-validation
     the level of understanding and insight provided by the model
                                                                                               for data set with moderate size
 Goodness of rules
     decision tree size                                                                      Bootstrapping (leave-one-out)
     the compactness of classification rules                                                   for small size data
13                                                              University of Indonesia
                                                                                            14                                                     University of Indonesia

What is a decision tree?                                                                   Training Dataset
A decision tree is a flow-chart-like tree structure.                                      An Example
                                                                                                               Outlook    Tempreature Humidity Windy Class
                                                                                                               sunny      hot         high     false   N
  Internal node denotes a test on an attribute                                            from Quinlan’s       sunny      hot         high     true    N
  Branch represents an outcome of the test                                                ID3                  overcast   hot         high
                                                                                                                                        g      false   P
    All tuples in branch have the same value for the tested                                                    rain       mild        high     false   P
    attribute.                                                                                                 rain       cool        normal false     P
  Leaf node represents class label or class label distribution.                                                rain       cool        normal tr e
                                                                                                                                               true    N
                                                                                                               overcast   cool        normal true      P
To classify an unknown sample, the attribute values of the                                                     sunnyy     mild        high
                                                                                                                                        g      false   N
sample are tested against the decision tree. A path is traced                                                  sunny      cool        normal false     P
from the root to a leaf node that holds the class prediction                                                   rain       mild        normal false     P
for h
f that sample. l                                                                                               sunny      mild
                                                                                                                            ild       normal t
                                                                                                                                           l true      P
                                                                                                               overcast   mild        high     true    P
Decision trees can easily be converted to classification rules.                                                overcast   hot         normal false     P
                                                                                                               rain       mild        high     true    N
15                                                              University of Indonesia
                                                                                            16                                                     University of Indonesia
A Sample Decision Tree                                                                              Decision-Tree
                                                                                                    Decision Tree Classification Methods
                                                                                                     The basic top-down decision tree generation approach
                                                                                                     usually consists of two phases:

                                                                                                         Tree construction
                                  overcast              rain
                                                                                                          At start, all the training examples are at the root.
                                                                                                          Partition examples recursively based on selected
                humidity               P                         windy
                                                                                                         Tree pruning
         high             normal                         true            false
                                                                                                          Aiming at removing tree branches that may lead to errors
                                                                                                          when classifying t t d t (t i i d t may contain noise,
                                                                                                           h      l if i test data (training data       t i    i
           N                 P                               N            P
                                                                                                          outliers, …)

17                                                                        University of Indonesia
                                                                                                    18                                                   University of Indonesia

                                                                                                    Choosing Split Attribute –
ID3 Algorithm                                                                                       Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (1)
All attributes are categorical                                                                       Assume all attributes to be categorical (discrete-values).
     Create a node N;                                                                                Continuous-valued attributes must be discretized.
     if samples are all of the same class C, then
                                                                                                     Used to select the test attribute at each node in the tree.
       return N as a leaf node labeled with C
     if attribute-list is empty then                                                                 Also called measure of the goodness of split.
       return N as a leaf node labeled with the most common class                                    The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen
                                                                                                                                g                  g
     select split-attribute with highest information gain                                            as the test attribute for the current node.
       label N with the split-attribute
       f each value Ai of split-attribute, grow a branch from Node N
                 h l       f lit tt ib t           b     hf     N d
       let Si be the branch in which all tuples have the value Ai for split- attribute
       if Si is empty then
          attach a leaf labeled with the most common class
          Else recursively run the algorithm at Node Si
     until all branches reach leaf nodes

19                                                                        University of Indonesia
                                                                                                    20                                                   University of Indonesia
Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (2)
                 (ID3/C4.5)                                                          Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (3)
Assume that there are two classes, P and N.                                           The attribute A is selected such that the information gain
  Let h
  L the set of examples S contain p elements of class P and n
              f        l               l      f l         d                                                gain(A) = I(p, n) - E(A)
  elements of class N.
  The amount of information needed to decide if an arbitrary
                  information,                                                        is maximal, that is, E(A) is minimal since I(p, n) is the same to all
                                                                                                  ,      , ( )                    (p, )
  example in S belong to P or N is defined as                                         attributes at a node.
                                 p          p     n          n                        In the given sample data, attribute outlook is chosen to split at
               I ( p, n ) = −       lo g 2     −     lo g 2
                                p+n        p+n   p+n        p+n
                                                                                      the root :
Assume that using attribute A as the root in the tree will partition
S in sets {S1, S2 , …, Sv}
                         }.                                                                 gain(outlook) = 0 246
                                                                                              i ( tl k) 0.246
   If Si contains pi examples of P and ni examples of N, the information                    gain(temperature) = 0.029
   needed to classify objects in all subtrees Si :
                                                                                            gain(humidity) = 0.151
                            v     pi + ni                                                   gain(windy) = 0.048
                E( A) =    ∑                I ( pi , ni)
                           i =1   p+n
21                                                         University of Indonesia
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Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (3)
                 (ID3/C4.5)                                                          Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (4)
 Examples:                                                                            Next, compute the entropy of each attribute. Let’s start with the
     See Table 7.1.                                                                   attribute age.
                                                                                          For age = “<= 30”: s11 = 2 s21 = 3 I (s11, s21) = 0.971
     Class label: buys_computer. Two values:YES, NO.
                                                                                          For age = “31 40”: s12 = 4 s22 = 0 I (s12, s22) = 0
                                                                                                     31..40 :
     m = 2. C1 correspond to yes, C2 correspond to no.
                                                                                          For age = “>40”: s13 = 3 s23 = 2 I (s13, s23) = 0.971
     9 samples of class yes and 5 samples of class no.
                                                                                      Using equation (7.2), the expected information needed to classify
                                                                                                      (7 2)
     Compute the expected information needed to classify a given
                                                                                      a given sample if the samples are partitioned by age is
     sample                                                                                               5                      4                      5
                                                                                           E ( age ) =      I ( s 11 , s 21 ) +    I ( s 12 , s 22 ) +    I ( s 13 , s 23 ) = 0 . 694
                                    9      9   5        5                                                14                     14                     14
       I ( s1 , s 2 ) = I (9,5) = − log      − log        = 0 .940                    Hence, the gain in information from such a partitioning:
                                   14   2 14  14     2 14

                                                                                      Gain(age) = I (s1, s2) – E (age) = 0.246
                                                                                           ( g )     (           ( g )
                                                                                      Similarly, we can compute Gain(income) = 0.029, Gain(student) =
                                                                                      0.151, Gain(Credit_rating) = 0.048.

23                                                         University of Indonesia
                                                                                     24                                                                               University of Indonesia
How to use a tree?                                                              Tree Pruning
 Directly                                                                        A decision tree constructed using the training data may have
     test the attribute value of unknown sample against the tree.                too many branches/leaf nodes.
                                                                                                       / f
     A path is traced from root to a leaf which holds the label                    Caused by noise, overfitting
 Indirectly                                                                        May
                                                                                   M result poor accuracy for unseen samples
                                                                                             l                   f             l
     decision tree is converted to classification rules                          Prune the tree: merge a subtree into a leaf node.
     one rule is created for each path from the root to a leaf                     Using
                                                                                   U i a set of d different from the training data.
                                                                                                  f data diff      f  h      i i d
     IF-THEN is easier for humans to understand                                    At a tree node, if the accuracy without splitting is higher than
                                                                                   the accuracy with splitting replace the subtree with a leaf node
                                                                                                        splitting,                              node,
                                                                                   label it using the majority class.
       IF age = “<=30” AND student = “no” THEN buys_computer = “no”
                                                                                 Pruning Criterion:
                                                                                     Pessimistic pruning: C4.5
                                                                                     MDL: SLIQ and SPRINT
                                                                                     Cost complexity pruning: CART
25                                                    University of Indonesia
                                                                                26                                                    University of Indonesia

Classification and Databases                                                    Classifying Large Dataset
 Classification is a classical problem extensively studied by                    Decision trees seem to be a good choice
     statisticians                                                                   relatively faster learning speed than other classification
     AI, especially machine learning researchers                                     methods
 Database researchers re-examined the problem in the                                 can be converted into simple and easy to understand
                                                                                     classification rules
 context of large databases
                                                                                     can be used to generate SQL queries for accessing databases
     most previous studies used small size data, and most
     algorithms are memory resident                                                  has comparable classification accuracy with other methods
 Recent data mining research contributes to                                      Classifying data sets with millions of examples and a few
     Scalability                                                                 hundred even thousands attributes with reasonable
     Generalization-based classification
     Parallel and distributed processing

27                                                    University of Indonesia
                                                                                28                                                    University of Indonesia
Scalable Decision Tree Methods                                            Previous Efforts on Scalability
 Most algorithms assume data can fit in memory.                                Incremental tree construction (Quinlan’86)
                                                                                                             (          )
 Data mining research contributes to the scalability issue,                     using partial data to build a tree.
 especially for decision trees.
   p      y                                                                     testing other examples and those mis-classified ones are used
                                                                                      g             p
                                                                                to rebuild the tree interactively.
 Successful examples
                                                                               Data reduction (Cattlet’91)
     SLIQ (EDBT’96 -- Mehta et al ’96)
          (EDBT 96             al. 96)
                                                                                reducing data size by sampling and discretization.
     SPRINT (VLDB96 -- J. Shafer et al.’96)
                                                                                still a main memory algorithm.
     PUBLIC (VLDB98 -- Rastogi & Shim 98)
                                                                               Data partition and merge (Chan and Stolfo’91)
     RainForest (VLDB98 -- Gehrke, et al.’98)
                                                                                partitioning data and building trees for each partition.
                                                                                merging multiple trees into a combined tree.
                                                                                experiment results indicated reduced classification accuracy.

29                                              University of Indonesia
                                                                          30                                                         University of Indonesia

Presentation of Classification Rules                                      Other Classification Methods

                                                                           Bayesian Classification
                                                                           Neural Networks
                                                                           Genetic Algorithm
                                                                           Rough Set Approach
                                                                           k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
                                                                           Case-Based Reasoning (CBR)
                                                                           Fuzzy Logic
                                                                           Support Vector Machine (SVM)
31                                              University of Indonesia
                                                                          32                                                         University of Indonesia
Bayesian Classification                                                          Bayes Theorem (1)
 Bayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers.                                Let X be a data sample whose class label is unknown.
 They can predict class membership probabilities, such as                         Let H be some hypothesis, such as that the data sample X
 the probability that a given sample belongs to a particular                      belongs to a specified class C.
 class.                                                                           We want to determine P(H|X), the probability the the
 Bayesian classification is based on Bayes theorem.                               hypothesis H holds given the observed data sample X.
 Naive Bayesian Classifier is comparable in performance                           P(H|X) is the posterior probability or a posteriori
 with decision tree and neural network classifiers.                               probability, of H conditioned on X.
 Bayesian classifiers also have high accuracy and speed                               Support the world of data samples consists of fruits, described
 when applied to large databases.                                                     by their color and shape., Suppose that X is red and round, and
                                                                                      that H i the h
                                                                                       h       is h hypothesis that X i an apple. Th P(H|X)
                                                                                                          h i h        is       l Then
                                                                                      reflects our confidence that X is an apple given that we have
                                                                                      seen that X is red and round.
33                                                     University of Indonesia
                                                                                 34                                                          University of Indonesia

Bayes Theorem (2)                                                                Predictive Modeling in Databases
 P(H) is the prior probability or a priori probability, of H.                     What if we would like to predict a continuous value,
     The probability that any given data sample is an apple,                      rather than a categorical label?
     regardless of how the data sample looks.                                         Prediction of continuous values can be modeled by statistical
 The posterior probability is based on more information                               techniques of regression.
                                                                                         h i       f       i
 (such as background knowledge) than the prior                                        Example:
 probability which i i d
    b bili    hi h is independent of X
                               d         f X.                                           A m dle t predict the salary of c lle e graduates with 10 years of
                                                                                          modle to redict        salar f college rad ates ith      ears f
                                                                                        work experience.
 Bayes theorem is P(H | X ) = P( X | H )P(H )                                           Potential sales of a new product given its price.
                                     P( X )
                                                                                  Many problems can be solved by linear regression.
 See example 7.4 for example on Naive Bayesian                                    Software packages for solving regression problems:
 Classification.                                                                      SAS, SPSS, S-Plus

35                                                     University of Indonesia
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Linear Regression                                                          Prediction: Numerical Data
 Data are modeled using a straight line.
 The simplest form of regression
 Bivariate liner regressions models a random variable Y
 (called a response variable), as a linear function of another
 random variable, X (called a predictor variable)
 See Example 7.6 for an example of linear regression.
          p                 p               g
 Other regression models
     Multiple regression
     Log-linear models

37                                               University of Indonesia
                                                                           38                                                    University of Indonesia

Prediction: Categorical Data                                               Conclusion
                                                                            Classification is an extensively studied problem (mainly in
                                                                            statistics, machine learning & neural networks)
                                                                            Classification is probably one of the most widely used data
                                                                            mining techniques with a lot of applications.
                                                                            Scalability is still an important issue for database applications.
                                                                            Combining classification with database techniques should be a
                                                                                    g                                    q
                                                                            promising research topic.
                                                                            Research Direction: Classification of non relational data e g
                                                                                                                  non-relational data, e.g.,
                                                                            text, spatial, multimedia, etc..

39                                               University of Indonesia
                                                                           40                                                    University of Indonesia
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41                                                                            University of Indonesia
                                                                                                        42                                                                              University of Indonesia

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05 Classification And Prediction

  • 1. Objectives Introduction What is Classification? Classification vs Prediction Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Data Preparation D t P ti Classification Accuracy Classification and Prediction Lecture 5/DMBI/IKI83403T/MTI/UI ID3 Algorithm Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D, CISA ( Information Gain Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia Bayesian Classification Predictive Modelling 2 University of Indonesia Introduction What is Classification? – A two step process two-step Databases are rich with hidden information that can be used Model construction: for making intelligent business decisions. Each tuple is assumed to belong to a predefined class, as Classification and prediction can be used to extract models determined by one of the attributes, called the class label. describing i d ibi important d classes or to predict f data l di future data d Data tuples are also referred to as samples, examples, or objects. trends. All tuples used for construction is called training set. Classification predicts categorical labels. Ex: categorize bank labels loan applications safe or risky. Since the class label of each training sample is provided Prediction models continuous-valued functions. Ex: predict the supervised learning. In clustering (unsupervised learning), expenditures of potential customers on computer equipment the l labels f th class l b l of each training sample i not known, and th ht i i l is t k d the given their income and occupation. number or set of classes to be learned may not be known in Typical Applications: advance. Credit approval, target marketing, The model is represented in the following forms: Medical diagnosis, treatment effectiveness analysis g , y Classification rules, ( , (IF-THEN statements), decision tree, mathematical ), , formulae University of Indonesia 4 University of Indonesia
  • 2. What is Classification? – A two step process (2) two-step Classification Process (1) The model is used for classifying future or Classification unknown objects. Algorithms Training First, the predictive accuracy of the model is estimated Data The known label of test sample is compared with the classified result from the model. Accuracy rate is the percentage of test set samples that are correctly classified by the model. NAM E RANK YEARS TENURED Classifier (Model) Test set is independent of training set otherwise over-fitting (it may M ike Assistant Prof 3 no have incorporated some particular anomalies of the training data that M ary Assistant Prof 7 yes are not present in the overall sample population) will occur. Bill Professor 2 yes If the accuracy of the model is considered acceptable the acceptable, Jim Associate Prof 7 yes model can be used to classify future objects for which the Dave Assistant Prof 6 no IF rank = ‘professor’ OR years > 6 class label is not known (unknown, p ( previously unseen data). y ) Anne Associate Prof 3 no THEN tenured = ‘yes’ yes 6 5 University of Indonesia University of Indonesia Classification Process (2) What is Prediction? Prediction is similar to classification Classifier First, construct model. Second, use model to predict future or unknown objects p j Major method for prediction is regression: Testing Linear and multiple regression Data Unseen Data Non-liner regression (Jeff, Professor, 4) Prediction is different from classification Classification refers to predict categorical class label. NAM E RANK YEARS TENURED Tom Assistant Prof 2 no Tenured? Prediction refers to predict continuous value. M erlisa Associate Prof 7 no George Professor 5 yes Joseph Assistant Prof 7 yes es 7 University of Indonesia 8 University of Indonesia
  • 3. Classification vs Prediction Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning Sending out promotional literature to every new Supervised learning (classification) customer in the database can be quite costly. A more cos- Supervision: The training data (observations, measurements, efficient method would be to target only those new etc.) are accompanied by labels indicating the class of the ) p y g customers who are likely to purchase a new computer h lik l h observations classification. Based on the training set to classify new data g y Predict h P d the number of major purchases that a customer b f h h will make during a fiscal year prediction. Unsupervised learning (clustering) We are given a set of measurements, observations etc with measurements observations, the aim of establishing the existence of classes or clusters in the data No training data, or the “training data” are not accompanied by class labels 9 University of Indonesia 10 University of Indonesia Issues – Data Preparation Issues – Data Preparation Data preprocessing can be used to help improve the Data Transformation accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of the classification or Data can be generalized to higher-level concepts. prediction process. Useful fot continuous-valued attributes. Data Cleaning Income can be generalized low, medium, high. Remove/reduce noise and the treatment of missing values Street city. Relevance Analysis Generalization compresses the original training data, fewer Many of the attributes in the data may be irrelevant to the input/output operations may be involved during learning. classification or prediction task. Ex: data recording the day of When i Wh using neural networks (or other methods involving l t k ( th th d i l i the week on which a bank loan application was filed is unlikely distance measurements), data may also be normalized. to be relevant to the success of the application application. Other attributes may be redundant. This step is known as feature selection selection. 11 University of Indonesia 12 University of Indonesia
  • 4. Comparing Classification Method Classification Accuracy: Estimating Error Rates Predictive accuracy Partition: Training-and-testing Speed and scalability use two independent data sets, e.g., training set (2/3), test time to construct the model set(1/3) time to use the model used for data set with large number of samples Robustness handling noise and missing values Cross-validation Scalability divide the data set into k subsamples efficiency in large databases (not memory resident data) use k-1 subsamples as training data and one sub-sample as test p g p Interpretability: data --- k-fold cross-validation the level of understanding and insight provided by the model for data set with moderate size Goodness of rules decision tree size Bootstrapping (leave-one-out) the compactness of classification rules for small size data 13 University of Indonesia 14 University of Indonesia What is a decision tree? Training Dataset A decision tree is a flow-chart-like tree structure. An Example Outlook Tempreature Humidity Windy Class sunny hot high false N Internal node denotes a test on an attribute from Quinlan’s sunny hot high true N Branch represents an outcome of the test ID3 overcast hot high g false P All tuples in branch have the same value for the tested rain mild high false P attribute. rain cool normal false P Leaf node represents class label or class label distribution. rain cool normal tr e true N overcast cool normal true P To classify an unknown sample, the attribute values of the sunnyy mild high g false N sample are tested against the decision tree. A path is traced sunny cool normal false P from the root to a leaf node that holds the class prediction rain mild normal false P for h f that sample. l sunny mild ild normal t l true P overcast mild high true P Decision trees can easily be converted to classification rules. overcast hot normal false P rain mild high true N 15 University of Indonesia 16 University of Indonesia
  • 5. A Sample Decision Tree Decision-Tree Decision Tree Classification Methods The basic top-down decision tree generation approach Outlook usually consists of two phases: sunny Tree construction overcast overcast rain At start, all the training examples are at the root. Partition examples recursively based on selected humidity P windy attributes. Tree pruning high normal true false Aiming at removing tree branches that may lead to errors when classifying t t d t (t i i d t may contain noise, h l if i test data (training data t i i N P N P outliers, …) 17 University of Indonesia 18 University of Indonesia Choosing Split Attribute – ID3 Algorithm Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (1) (ID3/C4.5) All attributes are categorical Assume all attributes to be categorical (discrete-values). Create a node N; Continuous-valued attributes must be discretized. if samples are all of the same class C, then Used to select the test attribute at each node in the tree. return N as a leaf node labeled with C if attribute-list is empty then Also called measure of the goodness of split. return N as a leaf node labeled with the most common class The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen g g select split-attribute with highest information gain as the test attribute for the current node. label N with the split-attribute for f each value Ai of split-attribute, grow a branch from Node N h l f lit tt ib t b hf N d let Si be the branch in which all tuples have the value Ai for split- attribute if Si is empty then attach a leaf labeled with the most common class Else recursively run the algorithm at Node Si until all branches reach leaf nodes 19 University of Indonesia 20 University of Indonesia
  • 6. Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (2) (ID3/C4.5) Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (3) (ID3/C4.5) Assume that there are two classes, P and N. The attribute A is selected such that the information gain Let h L the set of examples S contain p elements of class P and n f l l f l d gain(A) = I(p, n) - E(A) elements of class N. The amount of information needed to decide if an arbitrary information, is maximal, that is, E(A) is minimal since I(p, n) is the same to all , , ( ) (p, ) example in S belong to P or N is defined as attributes at a node. p p n n In the given sample data, attribute outlook is chosen to split at data I ( p, n ) = − lo g 2 − lo g 2 p+n p+n p+n p+n the root : Assume that using attribute A as the root in the tree will partition S in sets {S1, S2 , …, Sv} }. gain(outlook) = 0 246 i ( tl k) 0.246 If Si contains pi examples of P and ni examples of N, the information gain(temperature) = 0.029 needed to classify objects in all subtrees Si : gain(humidity) = 0.151 v pi + ni gain(windy) = 0.048 E( A) = ∑ I ( pi , ni) i =1 p+n 21 University of Indonesia 22 University of Indonesia Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (3) (ID3/C4.5) Information Gain (ID3/C4 5) (4) (ID3/C4.5) Examples: Next, compute the entropy of each attribute. Let’s start with the See Table 7.1. attribute age. ib For age = “<= 30”: s11 = 2 s21 = 3 I (s11, s21) = 0.971 Class label: buys_computer. Two values:YES, NO. For age = “31 40”: s12 = 4 s22 = 0 I (s12, s22) = 0 31..40 : m = 2. C1 correspond to yes, C2 correspond to no. For age = “>40”: s13 = 3 s23 = 2 I (s13, s23) = 0.971 9 samples of class yes and 5 samples of class no. Using equation (7.2), the expected information needed to classify (7 2) Compute the expected information needed to classify a given a given sample if the samples are partitioned by age is sample 5 4 5 E ( age ) = I ( s 11 , s 21 ) + I ( s 12 , s 22 ) + I ( s 13 , s 23 ) = 0 . 694 9 9 5 5 14 14 14 I ( s1 , s 2 ) = I (9,5) = − log − log = 0 .940 Hence, the gain in information from such a partitioning: 14 2 14 14 2 14 Gain(age) = I (s1, s2) – E (age) = 0.246 ( g ) ( ( g ) Similarly, we can compute Gain(income) = 0.029, Gain(student) = 0.151, Gain(Credit_rating) = 0.048. 23 University of Indonesia 24 University of Indonesia
  • 7. How to use a tree? Tree Pruning Directly A decision tree constructed using the training data may have test the attribute value of unknown sample against the tree. too many branches/leaf nodes. / f A path is traced from root to a leaf which holds the label Caused by noise, overfitting Indirectly May M result poor accuracy for unseen samples l f l decision tree is converted to classification rules Prune the tree: merge a subtree into a leaf node. one rule is created for each path from the root to a leaf Using U i a set of d different from the training data. f data diff f h i i d IF-THEN is easier for humans to understand At a tree node, if the accuracy without splitting is higher than Example: the accuracy with splitting replace the subtree with a leaf node splitting, node, label it using the majority class. IF age = “<=30” AND student = “no” THEN buys_computer = “no” Pruning Criterion: Pessimistic pruning: C4.5 MDL: SLIQ and SPRINT Cost complexity pruning: CART 25 University of Indonesia 26 University of Indonesia Classification and Databases Classifying Large Dataset Classification is a classical problem extensively studied by Decision trees seem to be a good choice statisticians relatively faster learning speed than other classification AI, especially machine learning researchers methods Database researchers re-examined the problem in the can be converted into simple and easy to understand classification rules context of large databases can be used to generate SQL queries for accessing databases most previous studies used small size data, and most algorithms are memory resident has comparable classification accuracy with other methods Recent data mining research contributes to Classifying data sets with millions of examples and a few data-sets Scalability hundred even thousands attributes with reasonable Generalization-based classification speed. speed Parallel and distributed processing 27 University of Indonesia 28 University of Indonesia
  • 8. Scalable Decision Tree Methods Previous Efforts on Scalability Most algorithms assume data can fit in memory. Incremental tree construction (Quinlan’86) ( ) Data mining research contributes to the scalability issue, using partial data to build a tree. especially for decision trees. p y testing other examples and those mis-classified ones are used g p to rebuild the tree interactively. Successful examples Data reduction (Cattlet’91) SLIQ (EDBT’96 -- Mehta et al ’96) (EDBT 96 al. 96) reducing data size by sampling and discretization. SPRINT (VLDB96 -- J. Shafer et al.’96) still a main memory algorithm. PUBLIC (VLDB98 -- Rastogi & Shim 98) Shim’98) Data partition and merge (Chan and Stolfo’91) RainForest (VLDB98 -- Gehrke, et al.’98) partitioning data and building trees for each partition. merging multiple trees into a combined tree. experiment results indicated reduced classification accuracy. 29 University of Indonesia 30 University of Indonesia Presentation of Classification Rules Other Classification Methods Bayesian Classification Neural Networks Genetic Algorithm Rough Set Approach k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Fuzzy Logic Support Vector Machine (SVM) 31 University of Indonesia 32 University of Indonesia
  • 9. Bayesian Classification Bayes Theorem (1) Bayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers. Let X be a data sample whose class label is unknown. They can predict class membership probabilities, such as Let H be some hypothesis, such as that the data sample X the probability that a given sample belongs to a particular belongs to a specified class C. class. We want to determine P(H|X), the probability the the Bayesian classification is based on Bayes theorem. hypothesis H holds given the observed data sample X. Naive Bayesian Classifier is comparable in performance P(H|X) is the posterior probability or a posteriori with decision tree and neural network classifiers. probability, of H conditioned on X. Bayesian classifiers also have high accuracy and speed Support the world of data samples consists of fruits, described when applied to large databases. by their color and shape., Suppose that X is red and round, and that H i the h h is h hypothesis that X i an apple. Th P(H|X) h i h is l Then reflects our confidence that X is an apple given that we have seen that X is red and round. 33 University of Indonesia 34 University of Indonesia Bayes Theorem (2) Predictive Modeling in Databases P(H) is the prior probability or a priori probability, of H. What if we would like to predict a continuous value, The probability that any given data sample is an apple, rather than a categorical label? regardless of how the data sample looks. Prediction of continuous values can be modeled by statistical The posterior probability is based on more information techniques of regression. h i f i (such as background knowledge) than the prior Example: probability which i i d b bili hi h is independent of X d f X. A m dle t predict the salary of c lle e graduates with 10 years of modle to redict salar f college rad ates ith ears f work experience. Bayes theorem is P(H | X ) = P( X | H )P(H ) Potential sales of a new product given its price. P( X ) (X Many problems can be solved by linear regression. See example 7.4 for example on Naive Bayesian Software packages for solving regression problems: Classification. SAS, SPSS, S-Plus 35 University of Indonesia 36 University of Indonesia
  • 10. Linear Regression Prediction: Numerical Data Data are modeled using a straight line. The simplest form of regression Bivariate liner regressions models a random variable Y g (called a response variable), as a linear function of another random variable, X (called a predictor variable) Y=α+βX See Example 7.6 for an example of linear regression. p p g Other regression models Multiple regression Log-linear models 37 University of Indonesia 38 University of Indonesia Prediction: Categorical Data Conclusion Classification is an extensively studied problem (mainly in statistics, machine learning & neural networks) Classification is probably one of the most widely used data mining techniques with a lot of applications. Scalability is still an important issue for database applications. Combining classification with database techniques should be a g q promising research topic. Research Direction: Classification of non relational data e g non-relational data, e.g., text, spatial, multimedia, etc.. 39 University of Indonesia 40 University of Indonesia
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