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Managing Quality & Productivity
What is Work place? 
“Workplace is where one works” 
“Where there is an output” 
“Where there is creative activity!” 
“Where value is being added” 
It is where one spends the largest part of his living time.
Importance of 
Work place in one’s life 
On an average one spends his whole day as below: 
25-30% Time sleeping 
5-15% Traveling 
15-25% with family 
5-10% having food 
35-40% in WORKPLACE 
That is , about 50% of our wakeful time, we spend in our workplace
How is your work place? 
Lovable or Likeable Threatening or Inviting? 
Can we make our work place excellent, so that 
life is fulfilling and enjoyable. And we & our 
organization become excellent?
 Your work place should be an enabler! 
Because good workplace is what enables us 
Provide for our families 
Earn our salaries 
Give good education 
to our children 
Improve our
Why is your organization’s health important to you? 
A healthy organization showers 
prosperity on its employees. 
How does good work place help your organization? 
 Create products 
 Manufacture Products 
 Reach them to customers 
 Execute growth plans 
 Create value for customers 
 Our Organization 
 My co-employees and 
 All other stake holders 
If it is not in excellent condition, our 
organization would also not be. 
If it is good it would ADD more value to my 
Workplace becomes good through 5s 
“I don’t have to wait for 
materials, I can get any tool I 
need in seconds and I don’t 
get tired through heat, sweat 
and poor ventilation 
This enables me and my 
organization to improve 
 I organized my workplace well. 
The physical and psychological environment became better 
 Atmosphere became serene 
 Activities got STREAMLINED and 
 Wastages were avoided. 
Just as your body and 
attire indicate your 
personality, conditions 
of your work place 
also indicates your 
Positive group engaged in 5s 
I consider my workplace as 
a symbol of myself and an 
extension of my personality. 
It is like the shirt I wear. 
I don’t like to wear a dirty 
smelling, bad quality shirt. 
It is below my dignity, same 
about my work place 
here is a big 
A highly Negative, Argumentative, Stressful shop floor is unhealthy
For a good 
• Orderliness 
• Good Organization 
• Cleanliness 
•No wastage of time 
• No wastage of 
•No wastage of 
•No pinpricks like 
heat, poor 
ventilation, bad 
light, dust, dirt, etc. 
& also 
5Scannot be 
without proper 
What is 5s? 
The 5S System is a series of activities 
designed to improve workplace 
organization and standardization. 
Standardization in the workplace 
simplifies everyday activities leading 
to time-saving improvements. 
Seiri - Sorting 
Seiton - Systematic arrangement 
Seiso - Cleaning-Inspection while cleaning 
Seiketsu - Standardization 
Shitsuke - Self Discipline
5S Principles 
• Elimination of waste 
• Every body is involved, Co-operative effort 
• Attack root cause 
• Human being is not infalliable
5S Objectives 
• Improve housekeeping 
• Make every individual responsible for housekeeping 
• Beautify by simple means 
• Productivity improvement by saving time, space etc.
SEIRI = Sorting 
Meaning Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary 
items and eliminate the unnecessary items 
Activity Establish a criteria for eliminating unwanted items 
Eliminate unwanted items either by disposing 
them or by relocating them. 
Success Area saved or percentage of space available 
SEIRI = Sorting 
Japanese Meaning : The Japanese meaning of 
“Seiri” is to straighten and contain. 
- Get rid of waste and put it in order according to rules 
farmland cultivation, Make an orderly system and 
Seiri = Sorting 
1. Item is not needed 
What is unnecessary 
2. Item is needed however quantity in stock is more 
than what is needed for consumption in near 
3. Contingency Parts 
Critically decide the quantity of contingency 
parts to be retained and criteria for such parts
Frequency of use Storage Method 
*Things you have not used 
in the past one year 
Throw them out 
*Things you have used once 
in the last 6-12 months 
Store at distance OR 
Keep in store 
*Things you have used only 
once in the last 2-6 months 
Store it in central place 
in your zone 
*Things used more than once 
a month 
Store it in central place 
in your zone 
HIGH *Things used once a week Store near the workplace 
*Things used daily or hourly Store near the workplace
Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 
1. Parts & Work in Process (WIP) 
• Things fallen back behind the machine or rolled under it 
• Broken items inside the machine 
• Things under the racks/ platform 
• Extra WIP 
• Stock of rejected items 
• Items accumulated over period for rework 
• Material awaiting disposal decision 
• Material brought for some trial, still lying even after trial 
• Small qty of material no longer in use 
Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 
2. Tools, Toolings, Measuring devices 
• Old jigs, tools not in use are lying 
• Modified tools, tooling for trial, are lying after trial 
•Worn out items like bushes, liners, toggles etc. lying 
• Broken tools, bits, etc. may be lying 
• Measuring equipment not required for the operation 
being performed , is lying 
3. Contingency Parts 
• Many times storage place for contingency parts become 
a last refuge for broken parts, surplus items and things 
nobody is likely to use 
Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 
4. Shelves and Lockers 
• Shelves and lockers tends to collect things that nobody 
ever uses , like surplus, broken items etc. 
5. Passages and Corners 
• Dust, material not required seem to gather in corner 
6. Besides Pillars and under the stairs 
• These places tends to collect junk, spittoon etc. 
7. Walls and Bulletin Boards 
• Old out dated notices which have lost their relevance 
• Posters or bulletins on wall 
• Dust, remains of torn notices, cell tape pieces 
Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 
8.Floor, Pits, Partitions 
• Defective parts 
• Protection caps, covers 
• Packing material 
• Hardware items , small items 
• Even tools, tooling 
Items dropped on the floor are never picked 
9.Computer Hard Disk 
• Many unwanted, outdated, temporary files pile up
Seiri = Sorting Improvement methods 
1. Flow Process Chart (Procedural Analysis) 
Drawing a process flow chart for the system 
eg. How to make and use category wise grouping 
2. Operational Analysis 
Preparing the sequence of operations for system 
eg. How to perform Seiri (sorting) 
3. Check List 
A check sheet is used to decide what sort of main system 
and sub system are necessary.
Seiri = Sorting Dealing with papers 
How to reduce papers on 
your table ? 
1. Make a single pile of papers 
2. Go through them and sort in 
following categories 
a) Immediate action 
b) Low priority 
c) Pending 
d) Reading material 
e) For information
Seiri = Sorting Dealing with papers 
How to reduce papers on 
your table ? 
4 D Principle 
SEITION = Systematic Arrangement 
Meaning To determine type of storage and layout that 
will ensure easy accessibility for everyone . 
Activity - Functional storage 
- Creating place for everything and putting 
everything in its place 
Success - Time saved in searching 
Indicator - Time saved in material handling
SEITION = Systematic Arrangement 
Japanese Meaning: 
Dictionary meaning of Seiton is “to be correctly 
prepared”and “to prepare correctly”. 
In short these means : 
(a) arrange correctly in accordance with the correct method of 
doing activities and 
(b) make thorough preparations so that activities can be done 
even if they occur abruptly
SEITION = Systematic Arrangement 
The main target areas for Seri-Seiton improvement are : 
Tool-setting and preparation operations, line balancing and 
process planning, parts supply to assembly line, peak time 
problems etc. 
Improvement Methods 
Kit Method / Assembly box method / Outside tool setting 
Cassettisation / Parallel operations / Changes in assignment 
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? 
• Decide where things belong 
• Decide how things should be put away 
• Obey the Put away rules
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? 
• Decide where things belong 
- Standardize Nomenclature 
- Determine an analytical method of storage 
• Decide how things should be put away 
- Name & locations to everything. Label both item 
and location 
- Store material functionally 
- Prevent mistakes with coding by shapes & colour 
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? 
• Decide how things should be put away 
- Follow first in first out rule 
- If two identical items are to be located, then store 
them separately, colour code them. 
• Obey the rules 
- Put the things back to their location after 
their use
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
USE : 
1 ) Signboards 
2) Colour codes 
3) Outline markings 
4) Labels
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
• Store frequently used material 
near the workplace and less 
frequently at some distance 
Weight & 
Shape of the 
• Heavy material should be stored 
at lower levels/layers 
Place directly on the material 
handling device for ease of 
Functional Storage
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
• Same category of material may be 
stored in one location. 
Eg. Allen Screws, Oil Seals 
• All items required for an 
operation may be stored in one 
Eg. Allen key, spanner etc hand 
tools required for setting m/c 
Functional Storage
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
• Outlining and Placement Marks 
- Mark boundaries of dept., aisles, Machines 
- Follow straight line, right angle rule 
- Nothing shall be kept outside the boundaries 
• Stands and shelves 
- Keep only required number of stands and shelves 
- Standardize height, size 
- Provide casters where necessary so that it can be 
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
•Wires and Ducts 
- Colour code 
-When there are multiple connections - bundle the 
wires, label them and make sure that they are in 
straight line /right angle and firmly anchored 
• Machine-tools & Tools 
- Put the tools in the order you need them 
- Location of the tool should be such that it can be 
put away with one hand 
- Try to eliminate some hand tools by permanently 
attaching it to the bolt head
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
• Blades, Dies, Other important consumables 
- Store them in the protected place 
- Maintain these things regularly by applying rust 
preventive, oiling etc. 
• WIP-Work In Process 
- Designate a place for each component/part 
- Decide on how much quantity to be stored 
- Ensure that there is no damage to good part 
during transit, they do not get rusty and they are 
not mislabeled
Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 
• Oils 
- Reduce number of oils used (Standardize) 
- Colour code for oil 
- Safety aspects - fire prevention, pollution, leak, 
• Instrumentation & Measuring Devices 
- Label them, show direction of flow
SEISO = Cleaning 
Meaning Cleaning trash, filth, dust and other foreign 
matter. Cleaning as a form of 
Activity - Keep workplace spotlessly clean 
- Inspection while cleaning 
- Finding minor problems with cleaning inspection 
Success - Reduction in machine down time 
Indicator - Reduction in no. of accidents
SEISO = Cleaning 
Japanese Meaning : 
Dictionary meaning “to clean up” and 
“getting rid of dirt and unclean items” 
While cleaning potential defects such as abrasion, 
damage, loose parts, deformities, leaks temp., 
vibration, abnormal sound etc. are revealed hence 
Seiso is Inspection
Seiso = Cleaning 
• Here cleaning means more than just keeping 
things clean. Cleaning should be viewed as a 
form of Visual Inspection 
• Preventive measures should be taken to tackle 
problems of dust, grim, burrs, leakage etc. 
Root cause of the problem should be identified 
and it should be eliminated
Seiso = Cleaning 
Various Minor Defects 
= Trash = Dirt =Knocking 
= Loose parts = Leaks =Scattering 
=Skips =Curvature =Abrasion 
=Rust =Scratches=Eccentricity 
=Lurching =Abnormal =Vibration 
=Abnormal =Heat =Abnormal 
Sounds smells 
=Faded colour =Hisses
Seiso = Cleaning 
5 Minutes Every day for cleaning 
• Devote 5 minutes everyday for cleaning your 
work area 
• Participation of everyone is required 
• Attack hard to clean places regularly
Seiso = Cleaning 
Cleaning-Inspection points for most 
Cleaning Grime, clogging, dust balls, rust, 
leakage etc. 
Oils No oil, Low oil, leakage, filter clogging, 
dirty oil, dirty or bent oil lines, clogged 
drainage, oil spillage, worn& torn ports 
Seiso = Cleaning 
Cleaning-Inspection points for most 
Tightening Loose bolts, welding detachment, 
loose parts, vibration or bumping 
noise, friction 
Heat Oil tanks, motors, heater, axles, control 
panels, washing/ cleaning water, 
bearing, wiring etc.
Seiso = Cleaning 
Cleaning-Inspection points for most 
Breakage, cracks, dent on sliding 
parts, handle has come off, broken 
switches, wire joints come off, wires 
are broken or crack, crack dial of 
various pre. gauges, meters etc.
Seiso = Cleaning 
Function wise Cleaning check list of 
Compressed Air lines, air valves, 
connections, meters, filters, 
reservoirs etc. 
Hydraulic oil tank, oil valves, 
filters, pumps, hoses, gauges, 
cylinders etc.
Seiso = Cleaning 
Function wise Cleaning check list of 
Mech & 
Power Train 
Motor fan, fan belt, couplings, 
Joints, pulleys, chains, pump 
bearings etc. 
Control panel, lamps, light, switch, 
sensors, wiring, ducts, fuses etc.
Seiso = Cleaning 
Function wise Cleaning check list of 
Tools, fixtures, gauges, dies, 
measuring instruments, etc. 
Furnaces, rollers, chutes, 
CNC machines, etc.
SEIKETSU = Standardization 
Meaning Setting up standards / Norms for a neat, 
clean, workplace and details of how to 
maintain the norm (Procedure) 
Activity - Innovative visual management 
- Colour coding 
- Early detection of problem and early action 
Success Increase in 5S indicator 
SEIKETSU = Standardization 
Japanese Meaning : 
Dictionary meaning 
“unsoiled things, purity and cleanliness” 
Clean manners , 
Clean cloths, clean politician 
It is the proof that 3 S’s are being faithfully 
carried out.
SEIKETSU = Standardization 
Tools used for analysis : 
Seiketsu = Standardization 
• Regularizing 5S activities so that 
abnormalities are revealed 
• Make it easy for everyone to identify 
the state of normal or abnormal 
• For maintaining previous 3S, deploy 
visual management
Seiketsu = Standardization 
• It has been estimated by scientific 
study that 60% of all human activities 
starts with sight 
• 5S is easy to do once. It is consistency 
that is difficult. That is why Visual 
Management is so important, so that 
everybody will know that there is 
some problem.
Seiketsu = Standardization 
What visual control communicates ? 
It grabs one or more of our senses in 
order to 
• Alert us to an abnormality 
• Help us recover quickly 
• Promote adherence and prevention 
• Enable successful self management
Seiketsu = Standardization 
Some methods for visual communication 
 Color coding 
 Use of Labels 
 Danger alerts 
 Indication where things should be put 
 Directional arrows/ marks 
 Transparent covers 
 Performance indicators
Seiketsu = Standardization 
Some methods for visual communication 
 Precision management labels 
 Inspection labels 
 Temperature labels 
 Responsibility labels
Seiketsu = Standardization 
Points to remember in making visual c 
control tools 
1. Make them easy to see from distance 
2. Put the display on the things 
3. Everyone can tell what is right and 
what is wrong 
4. Anybody can follow them and make 
necessary corrections easily 
5. Work place should look brighter & 
Seiketsu = Standardization 
Some everyday visual management 
 Traffic signal 
 Zebra crossing 
 In car - Petrol indicator 
- Speed indicator 
 Direction arrows 
 Electric danger sign etc.
Seiketsu = Standardization 
Some visual communication signs
SHITSUKE = Self Discipline 
Meaning Every one sticks to the rule and makes it a 
Activity - Participation of everyone in developing good 
- Regular audits and aiming for higher level 
Success High employee morale 
Indicator Involvement of all people
SHITSUKE = Self Discipline 
Japanese Meaning : 
Dictionary meaning is 
“learning of the manners” 
“having manners, dressing neatly” OR 
“training children for good customs”
SHITSUKE = Self Discipline 
Activities : 
5S Committee 
5S Training 
5S Competition / evaluation 
5S Month 
Posters , Literature etc. 
Shitsuke = Self Discipline 
We need everyone to maintain 5S 
To maintain DISCIPLINE, we need 
to practice and repeat until it 
becomes a way of life. 
Discipline is the Core of 5S
Shitsuke = Self Discipline 
Discipline means making a steady 
habit of properly maintaining 
correct procedure. 
Time and effort involved in 
establishing proper arrangement 
and orderliness will be in vain if 
we do not have discipline to 
maintain it.
Shitsuke = Self Discipline Pledge 
It shall be my constant effort to 
maintain my workplace in good 
order by 
 Assigning a place for everything 
& keeping everything in its place. 
 Sorting out unwanted material 
periodically & discarding them. 
 Keeping my work area neat & 
clean everyday
Work place

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Work place

  • 1. Managing Quality & Productivity
  • 2. What is Work place? “Workplace is where one works” “Where there is an output” “Where there is creative activity!” “Where value is being added” It is where one spends the largest part of his living time.
  • 3. Importance of Work place in one’s life On an average one spends his whole day as below: 25-30% Time sleeping 5-15% Traveling 15-25% with family 5-10% having food 35-40% in WORKPLACE That is , about 50% of our wakeful time, we spend in our workplace
  • 4. How is your work place? Lovable or Likeable Threatening or Inviting? Can we make our work place excellent, so that life is fulfilling and enjoyable. And we & our organization become excellent?
  • 5.  Your work place should be an enabler! Because good workplace is what enables us to- Provide for our families Earn our salaries Give good education to our children AND Improve our
  • 6. Why is your organization’s health important to you? A healthy organization showers prosperity on its employees.  How does good work place help your organization? MY WORK PLACE HELPS MY ORGANIZAION TO  Create products  Manufacture Products  Reach them to customers  Execute growth plans &  Create value for customers  Our Organization  My co-employees and  All other stake holders If it is not in excellent condition, our organization would also not be. If it is good it would ADD more value to my organization. Workplace becomes good through 5s “I don’t have to wait for materials, I can get any tool I need in seconds and I don’t get tired through heat, sweat and poor ventilation HOW?
  • 7. GOOD ENVIRONMENT BAD ENVIRONMENT This enables me and my organization to improve performance When:  I organized my workplace well. The physical and psychological environment became better  Atmosphere became serene  Activities got STREAMLINED and  Wastages were avoided. Just as your body and attire indicate your personality, conditions of your work place also indicates your personality.
  • 8. Positive group engaged in 5s I consider my workplace as a symbol of myself and an extension of my personality. It is like the shirt I wear. I don’t like to wear a dirty smelling, bad quality shirt. It is below my dignity, same about my work place Bloody Hitler Boss Working here is a big headache A highly Negative, Argumentative, Stressful shop floor is unhealthy
  • 9. For a good PHYSICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT, we need- • Orderliness • Good Organization • Cleanliness •No wastage of time • No wastage of energy •No wastage of material •No pinpricks like heat, poor ventilation, bad light, dust, dirt, etc. & also A GOOD CULTURE 5Scannot be implemented without proper culture
  • 10. What is 5s? The 5S System is a series of activities designed to improve workplace organization and standardization. Standardization in the workplace simplifies everyday activities leading to time-saving improvements. 5s
  • 11. Seiri - Sorting Seiton - Systematic arrangement Seiso - Cleaning-Inspection while cleaning Seiketsu - Standardization Shitsuke - Self Discipline
  • 12. 5S Principles • Elimination of waste • Every body is involved, Co-operative effort • Attack root cause • Human being is not infalliable
  • 13. 5S Objectives • Improve housekeeping • Make every individual responsible for housekeeping • Beautify by simple means • Productivity improvement by saving time, space etc.
  • 14. SEIRI = Sorting Meaning Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items and eliminate the unnecessary items Activity Establish a criteria for eliminating unwanted items Eliminate unwanted items either by disposing them or by relocating them. Success Area saved or percentage of space available Indicator
  • 15. SEIRI = Sorting Japanese Meaning : The Japanese meaning of “Seiri” is to straighten and contain. - Get rid of waste and put it in order according to rules OTHER JAPANESE MEANINGS - farmland cultivation, Make an orderly system and straighten 15
  • 16. Seiri = Sorting 1. Item is not needed What is unnecessary 2. Item is needed however quantity in stock is more than what is needed for consumption in near future 3. Contingency Parts Critically decide the quantity of contingency parts to be retained and criteria for such parts
  • 17. Organization Frequency of use Storage Method *Things you have not used in the past one year Throw them out *Things you have used once in the last 6-12 months Store at distance OR Keep in store LOW *Things you have used only once in the last 2-6 months Store it in central place in your zone *Things used more than once a month Store it in central place in your zone AVERAGE HIGH *Things used once a week Store near the workplace *Things used daily or hourly Store near the workplace
  • 18. Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 1. Parts & Work in Process (WIP) • Things fallen back behind the machine or rolled under it • Broken items inside the machine • Things under the racks/ platform • Extra WIP • Stock of rejected items • Items accumulated over period for rework • Material awaiting disposal decision • Material brought for some trial, still lying even after trial • Small qty of material no longer in use Contd..
  • 19. Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 2. Tools, Toolings, Measuring devices • Old jigs, tools not in use are lying • Modified tools, tooling for trial, are lying after trial •Worn out items like bushes, liners, toggles etc. lying • Broken tools, bits, etc. may be lying • Measuring equipment not required for the operation being performed , is lying 3. Contingency Parts • Many times storage place for contingency parts become a last refuge for broken parts, surplus items and things nobody is likely to use Contd..
  • 20. Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 4. Shelves and Lockers • Shelves and lockers tends to collect things that nobody ever uses , like surplus, broken items etc. 5. Passages and Corners • Dust, material not required seem to gather in corner 6. Besides Pillars and under the stairs • These places tends to collect junk, spittoon etc. 7. Walls and Bulletin Boards • Old out dated notices which have lost their relevance • Posters or bulletins on wall • Dust, remains of torn notices, cell tape pieces Contd..
  • 21. Seiri = Sorting Identifying unnecessary 8.Floor, Pits, Partitions • Defective parts • Protection caps, covers • Packing material • Hardware items , small items • Even tools, tooling Items dropped on the floor are never picked 9.Computer Hard Disk • Many unwanted, outdated, temporary files pile up
  • 22. Seiri = Sorting Improvement methods 1. Flow Process Chart (Procedural Analysis) Drawing a process flow chart for the system eg. How to make and use category wise grouping 2. Operational Analysis Preparing the sequence of operations for system eg. How to perform Seiri (sorting) 3. Check List A check sheet is used to decide what sort of main system and sub system are necessary.
  • 23. Seiri = Sorting Dealing with papers How to reduce papers on your table ? 1. Make a single pile of papers 2. Go through them and sort in following categories a) Immediate action b) Low priority c) Pending d) Reading material e) For information
  • 24. Seiri = Sorting Dealing with papers How to reduce papers on your table ? 4 D Principle DO DELEGATE DELAY DUMP
  • 25. SEITION = Systematic Arrangement Meaning To determine type of storage and layout that will ensure easy accessibility for everyone . Activity - Functional storage - Creating place for everything and putting everything in its place Success - Time saved in searching Indicator - Time saved in material handling
  • 26. SEITION = Systematic Arrangement Japanese Meaning: Dictionary meaning of Seiton is “to be correctly prepared”and “to prepare correctly”. In short these means : (a) arrange correctly in accordance with the correct method of doing activities and (b) make thorough preparations so that activities can be done even if they occur abruptly
  • 27. SEITION = Systematic Arrangement The main target areas for Seri-Seiton improvement are : Tool-setting and preparation operations, line balancing and process planning, parts supply to assembly line, peak time problems etc. Improvement Methods Kit Method / Assembly box method / Outside tool setting Cassettisation / Parallel operations / Changes in assignment method
  • 28. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? • Decide where things belong • Decide how things should be put away • Obey the Put away rules
  • 29. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? • Decide where things belong - Standardize Nomenclature - Determine an analytical method of storage • Decide how things should be put away - Name & locations to everything. Label both item and location - Store material functionally - Prevent mistakes with coding by shapes & colour contd..
  • 30. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? • Decide how things should be put away - Follow first in first out rule - If two identical items are to be located, then store them separately, colour code them. • Obey the rules - Put the things back to their location after their use
  • 31. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement USE : 1 ) Signboards 2) Colour codes 3) Outline markings 4) Labels
  • 32. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement Functional Storage
  • 33. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement 33 Usage Frequency • Store frequently used material near the workplace and less frequently at some distance Weight & Shape of the Material • Heavy material should be stored at lower levels/layers Place directly on the material handling device for ease of handling Functional Storage
  • 34. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement Category • Same category of material may be stored in one location. Eg. Allen Screws, Oil Seals Operation Wise • All items required for an operation may be stored in one location. Eg. Allen key, spanner etc hand tools required for setting m/c Functional Storage
  • 35. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement • Outlining and Placement Marks - Mark boundaries of dept., aisles, Machines - Follow straight line, right angle rule - Nothing shall be kept outside the boundaries • Stands and shelves - Keep only required number of stands and shelves - Standardize height, size - Provide casters where necessary so that it can be moved
  • 36. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement •Wires and Ducts - Colour code -When there are multiple connections - bundle the wires, label them and make sure that they are in straight line /right angle and firmly anchored • Machine-tools & Tools - Put the tools in the order you need them - Location of the tool should be such that it can be put away with one hand - Try to eliminate some hand tools by permanently attaching it to the bolt head
  • 37. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement • Blades, Dies, Other important consumables - Store them in the protected place - Maintain these things regularly by applying rust preventive, oiling etc. • WIP-Work In Process - Designate a place for each component/part - Decide on how much quantity to be stored - Ensure that there is no damage to good part during transit, they do not get rusty and they are not mislabeled
  • 38. Seiton = Systematic Arrangement • Oils - Reduce number of oils used (Standardize) - Colour code for oil - Safety aspects - fire prevention, pollution, leak, spillage • Instrumentation & Measuring Devices - Label them, show direction of flow
  • 39. SEISO = Cleaning Meaning Cleaning trash, filth, dust and other foreign matter. Cleaning as a form of Inspection Activity - Keep workplace spotlessly clean - Inspection while cleaning - Finding minor problems with cleaning inspection Success - Reduction in machine down time Indicator - Reduction in no. of accidents
  • 40. SEISO = Cleaning Japanese Meaning : Dictionary meaning “to clean up” and “getting rid of dirt and unclean items” While cleaning potential defects such as abrasion, damage, loose parts, deformities, leaks temp., vibration, abnormal sound etc. are revealed hence Seiso is Inspection
  • 41. Seiso = Cleaning • Here cleaning means more than just keeping things clean. Cleaning should be viewed as a form of Visual Inspection • Preventive measures should be taken to tackle problems of dust, grim, burrs, leakage etc. Root cause of the problem should be identified and it should be eliminated
  • 42. Seiso = Cleaning Various Minor Defects = Trash = Dirt =Knocking = Loose parts = Leaks =Scattering =Skips =Curvature =Abrasion =Rust =Scratches=Eccentricity =Lurching =Abnormal =Vibration Movements =Abnormal =Heat =Abnormal Sounds smells =Faded colour =Hisses
  • 43. Seiso = Cleaning 5 Minutes Every day for cleaning • Devote 5 minutes everyday for cleaning your work area • Participation of everyone is required • Attack hard to clean places regularly
  • 44. Seiso = Cleaning Cleaning-Inspection points for most equipment Cleaning Grime, clogging, dust balls, rust, leakage etc. Oils No oil, Low oil, leakage, filter clogging, dirty oil, dirty or bent oil lines, clogged drainage, oil spillage, worn& torn ports etc.
  • 45. Seiso = Cleaning Cleaning-Inspection points for most equipment Tightening Loose bolts, welding detachment, loose parts, vibration or bumping noise, friction Heat Oil tanks, motors, heater, axles, control panels, washing/ cleaning water, bearing, wiring etc.
  • 46. Seiso = Cleaning Cleaning-Inspection points for most equipment Breakage, Cracks Breakage, cracks, dent on sliding parts, handle has come off, broken switches, wire joints come off, wires are broken or crack, crack dial of various pre. gauges, meters etc.
  • 47. Seiso = Cleaning Function wise Cleaning check list of equipment Pneumatics Hydraulics Compressed Air lines, air valves, connections, meters, filters, reservoirs etc. Hydraulic oil tank, oil valves, filters, pumps, hoses, gauges, cylinders etc.
  • 48. Seiso = Cleaning Function wise Cleaning check list of equipment Mech & Power Train Electrical Motor fan, fan belt, couplings, Joints, pulleys, chains, pump bearings etc. Control panel, lamps, light, switch, sensors, wiring, ducts, fuses etc.
  • 49. Seiso = Cleaning Function wise Cleaning check list of equipment Toolings Equipment Specific Tools, fixtures, gauges, dies, measuring instruments, etc. Furnaces, rollers, chutes, CNC machines, etc.
  • 50. SEIKETSU = Standardization Meaning Setting up standards / Norms for a neat, clean, workplace and details of how to maintain the norm (Procedure) Activity - Innovative visual management - Colour coding - Early detection of problem and early action Success Increase in 5S indicator Indicator
  • 51. SEIKETSU = Standardization Japanese Meaning : Dictionary meaning “unsoiled things, purity and cleanliness” Clean manners , Clean cloths, clean politician It is the proof that 3 S’s are being faithfully carried out.
  • 52. SEIKETSU = Standardization Tools used for analysis : MTTR MTBF OEE
  • 53. Seiketsu = Standardization • Regularizing 5S activities so that abnormalities are revealed • Make it easy for everyone to identify the state of normal or abnormal condition • For maintaining previous 3S, deploy visual management
  • 54. Seiketsu = Standardization • It has been estimated by scientific study that 60% of all human activities starts with sight • 5S is easy to do once. It is consistency that is difficult. That is why Visual Management is so important, so that everybody will know that there is some problem.
  • 55. Seiketsu = Standardization What visual control communicates ? It grabs one or more of our senses in order to • Alert us to an abnormality • Help us recover quickly • Promote adherence and prevention • Enable successful self management
  • 56. Seiketsu = Standardization Some methods for visual communication  Color coding  Use of Labels  Danger alerts  Indication where things should be put  Directional arrows/ marks  Transparent covers  Performance indicators
  • 57. Seiketsu = Standardization Some methods for visual communication Labels  Precision management labels  Inspection labels  Temperature labels  Responsibility labels
  • 58. Seiketsu = Standardization Points to remember in making visual c control tools 1. Make them easy to see from distance 2. Put the display on the things 3. Everyone can tell what is right and what is wrong 4. Anybody can follow them and make necessary corrections easily 5. Work place should look brighter & orderly
  • 59. Seiketsu = Standardization Some everyday visual management examples  Traffic signal  Zebra crossing  In car - Petrol indicator - Speed indicator  Direction arrows  Electric danger sign etc.
  • 60. Seiketsu = Standardization Some visual communication signs
  • 61. SHITSUKE = Self Discipline Meaning Every one sticks to the rule and makes it a habit Activity - Participation of everyone in developing good habits - Regular audits and aiming for higher level Success High employee morale Indicator Involvement of all people
  • 62. SHITSUKE = Self Discipline Japanese Meaning : Dictionary meaning is “learning of the manners” “having manners, dressing neatly” OR “training children for good customs”
  • 63. SHITSUKE = Self Discipline Activities : 5S Committee 5S Training 5S Competition / evaluation 5S Month Posters , Literature etc. 63
  • 64. Shitsuke = Self Discipline We need everyone to maintain 5S guidelines. To maintain DISCIPLINE, we need to practice and repeat until it becomes a way of life. Discipline is the Core of 5S
  • 65. Shitsuke = Self Discipline Discipline means making a steady habit of properly maintaining correct procedure. Time and effort involved in establishing proper arrangement and orderliness will be in vain if we do not have discipline to maintain it.
  • 66. Shitsuke = Self Discipline Pledge It shall be my constant effort to maintain my workplace in good order by  Assigning a place for everything & keeping everything in its place.  Sorting out unwanted material periodically & discarding them.  Keeping my work area neat & clean everyday