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A New Paradigm for
Delay Analysis
The Hybrid Dynamic Simulation Engine
Anders Axelson
Director, Pezala Consulting
Melbourne, Australia
Marriott Marquis Marina
San Diego CA
16 January 2015
Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis
• Consider the Data Required to Perform a Delay
• There are three types of inputs into setting up a
network model for delay analysis -
• Planning (including estimating and modelling)
• Factual
• Legal
Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis
Recorded Progress
Facts About
Causative Events
Estimated Durations
Other Constraints on the
Network Model:
Resource Gang Sizes
Resource Pool Sizes
Causal Chain Initiation
and Severance
Factual Deeming
Resolution of Concurrency
“Float” Ownership
Forward Pass
Backward Pass
Resource Levelling
Standard of Proof
Legal Aspects of Delay Analysis
• Consider the usual way in which the law deals with matters of causation
• Identifying dominant/ proximate cause
• A matter of common sense (cf. juries, drunk driver)
• Problems arise when the court has difficulty discriminating between two or more causes that have equal
causative potency…
• “Concurrent” causes - a special rule is required (cf. wills)
• Concurrency problems recur in different areas of law.
• Legal system is completely deterministic…
• Uncertainty is dealt with by a cascading system of appeals, not hedging bets as to outcomes.
• The place for fuzzy logic/ stochastic/ probabilistic/ Monte Carlo analysis within the context of forensic
scheduling is limited. (cf. sentencing)
• It’s about making determinations, not about probability!
• It is in this context that CPM-based methods can be considered…
• CPM deals with causation problems in the special context of project delay…
• CPM is best regarded as replacing or refining the dominant cause/ proximate cause paradigm
• In this regard, the critical path or critical delay may be deemed to be the dominant/ proximate
• In the context of forensic scheduling, the whole point of CPM is to provide a more objective and
scientific method for identifying the dominant/ proximate cause of a particular delay event,
thereby replacing the impressionistic or “common sense” approaches that courts and tribunals
would otherwise have to rely on.
• In theory at least, this supposedly should reduce the ambiguity and the extent to which
“concurrency problems” arise.
• CPM also ties in well with the deterministic requirement (unlike Monte Carlo method, PERT,
GERT etc.)
Relationship with Law on Causation
• Computational complexity theory
• Computer science differentiates between….
• Computationally “easy” problems that can be solved by the application of mathematical formulae, algebra or
algorithms that are guaranteed to converge straightforwardly on a solution. Methodologies are either correct or
incorrect. A methodology that produces an incorrect answer in a case can be dismissed as wrong.
• “Puzzle-like” problems that require searching for a solution…
• (a) Problems that can be solved by brute force or a process of elimination. For example, look at every possible
configuration and then eliminate each sub-optimal solution by brute force. (e.g. tic-tac-toe a.k.a. noughts and
crosses there are 39 = 19,683 possible configurations).
• (b) Puzzle-like problems for which the domain of the solution space is too large for a brute force search and so
require the application of a heuristic/ rule of thumb/ artificial intelligence in order to search for the best possible
solution for the computational capacity available (e.g. chess there are 1364 = 196,053,476,430 possible
configurations). Known as “non-polynomial deterministic complete” or “NP-complete” or “NP-hard”.
• Note that numbers are based on factorial number series so the number of items that put it beyond the threshold of
(a) are very modest, even with modern day computers.
• Solutions are either optimal (correct) or sub-optimal (incorrect) but a superior methodology for one case will not
necessarily be a superior methodology in other cases. A methodology that produces an inferior or sub-
optimal solution in a case cannot be dismissed as wrong because it may produce a superior or optimal
solution in another case.
• A schedule without resource levelling is computationally easy. Forward pass and backward pass. This is the same for
all software (save for quirks such as dealing with “ladders”).
• Resource levelling, however, is an NP-hard problem. Requires searching for an optimal solution. No guarantee that
the configuration your software finds for you will be the optimal one.
• More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling of transition times).
Relationship with Computer Science
Relationship with Planning and Scheduling
• Consider the difference between planning and scheduling…
• Scheduling…
• A purely mathematical exercise in problem solving,
• Projects are modelled as a network (= network optimization).
• Lends itself to being solved by computational methods (algorithms/ heuristics).
• Minimizing project duration/ makespan (or cost) subject to a set of constraints…
• The work tasks that need to be carried out for the project to be complete (i.e. WBS)
1. The time it takes to complete each work item (i.e. activity durations).
2. The precedence relationships between work items.
3. The availability of resources to complete each work item (i.e. ‘calendars’)
4. Unary decision domain constraints (i.e. SNET, FNLT, SO, FO etc.)
5. Resource gang requirements associated with each activity and resource pool sizes associated with the
whole project.
• More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling transition times).
• The complexity of scheduling…
• The work tasks that need to be carried out for the project to be complete (i.e.
• The time it takes to complete each work item (i.e. activity durations).
• The precedence relationships between work items.
• The availability of resources to complete each work item (i.e. ‘calendars’)
• Unary decision domain constraints (i.e. SNET, FNLT, SO, FO etc.)
• Resource gang requirements associated with each activity and resource pool
sizes associated with the whole project. —-> NP-hard
• More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling
transition times).
Relationship with Planning and Scheduling
• Scheduling:
• Consider t = value of time clock (work front, “time now”, “data date” etc.)
• t versus m diagram
• Scheduling = minimizing m for a fixed value of t
• But delay occurs across multiple values of t
• Delay analysis:
• An extension of scheduling.
• t is changed from a constant to a variable.
• Delay is just the difference in time between two scenarios. So tallying delay between timeframes is computationally
• Mathematical methods are performed across multiple values of t in order to measure delay.
• Therefore, it is all math and it’s about getting the mathematical methods right (not case law, not art).
• It is only NP-hard to the extent that it incorporates a resource levelling process from the scheduling process.
Relationship with Planning and Scheduling
Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis
Recorded Progress
Facts About
Causative Events
Estimated Durations
Other Constraints on the
Network Model:
Resource Gang Sizes
Resource Pool Sizes
Causal Chain Initiation
and Severance
Factual Deeming
Resolution of Concurrency
“Float” Ownership
Forward Pass
Backward Pass
Resource Levelling
Standard of Proof
Inputs Into Delay Analysis
• Legal Inputs
• The standard of proof (that is, the weight of factual evidence that is
required before a fact can be modelled)
• Which delays are excusable and which are inexcusable
• When causal chains leading to events initiate and when they are
• How concurrency problems are resolved
• How ‘float ownership’ is resolved
• Deeming provisions that relate to how facts are interpreted by the law
(e.g. the postal rule)
• Factual Inputs:
• Progress records (e.g. activity, percent
complete, recording time)
• Records about the timing of causal events
leading to delay
Inputs Into Delay Analysis
• Planning Inputs
• Estimating = calculations of activity durations
• Modelling = professional (engineering )judgment
calls about how project is to be represented as
a network
Inputs Into Delay Analysis
• Planning:
• Estimating activity durations.
• Devising an appropriate network model.
• Quantifying the constraints that apply to the network model that determine
the project makespan.
• Making professional judgement calls about how the work should be
modelled as a network.
• Note that modelling is core competence of the engineering profession
and, as with all professions, entails an aspect of “art”
• The outputs of planning are the inputs of scheduling
Inputs Into Delay Analysis
Relationship with the Scientific Method
• What is “the scientific method”? (cf. Daubert etc.)
• Misleadingly named - a general set of principles that allow factual conclusions that are objectively grounded (and
therefore legitimate) to be distinguished from illegitimate conclusions that arise from arbitrary, subjectively-grounded art
or from pseudoscience. Basically ensures objectivity and transparency.
• Reproducibility - a result can be reproduced by another who follows the same technique.
• Falsifiability - a conclusion is either correct or incorrect. It is not a case of “there are no right or wrong answers”.
• Other principles that relate to transparency and facilitate reproduction such as full disclosure and peer review.
• cf. Art is subjective. Different for different people. No right or wrong.
• cf. Pseudoscience. Irreproducible or arbitrary methodologies dressed up to look like science. e.g. astrology, homeopathy,
• So, for delay analysis to be considered at one with scientific method:
• The same set of inputs (network model, constraints, progress records, and legal inputs) should produce the same
conclusion about EOT.
• The conclusion should be correct irrespective of whether it was reached on behalf of the developer/owner or contractor
• Conclusion
• Project delay analysis (1) as it currently represented in professional literature (e.g. UK SCL
Protocol and the AACE 29RP-03) and (2) as it is practised by experts around the world fails to
meet basic standards to qualify it as a legitimate field of science which is wholly consistent with
the scientific method.
• Why??
• Multiple solutions (4 methods in the SCL Protocol, 13 in the AACE RP). Only one solution
should be correct for a computational problem that is not NP-hard.
• Lack of falsifiability… there is no right or wrong methodology prescribed… “Well, I applied the
time impact evaluation method. You applied the as-built collapsed method. Your results may be
correct for the method you used and the assumptions you made but mine are correct for the
method I used…”
• Lack of reproducibility. Hiding behind walls of assumptions. Hiding behind software.
• Scientific method implies that, for a given set of inputs (modelling, estimating, recording,
factual, legal) the conclusions that an expert reaches in relation to EOT entitlement should be
the same irrespective of which party the expert is hired by.
• cf. Failure of single joint experts to take off.
Relationship with the Scientific Method
Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis
Recorded Progress
Facts About
Causative Events
Estimated Durations
Other Constraints on the
Network Model:
Resource Gang Sizes
Resource Pool Sizes
Causal Chain Initiation
and Severance
Factual Deeming
Resolution of Concurrency
“Float” Ownership
Forward Pass
Backward Pass
Resource Levelling
Standard of Proof
• Error is a scientific concept, not necessarily pejorative. It refers to
any discrepancy between anticipated and actual inputs or outputs…
• Estimating error <— inevitable, cannot be helped
• Modelling error <—-professional judgment, inevitable
• Recording error <—- inevitable, but can be minimized
• Methodological error <—- the thing to focus on minimizing !!
• Rounding error <— easy to eliminate
• Legal error <—- can model different scenarios
Error in Delay Analysis
Conclusions from the UK
• Conclusion
• Described as “dark art” (Barry, Lowsley and Linnett) - I partly agree and partly
• See UK cases where delay experts have been criticised:
• Skanska v. Egger - expert criticized for presenting “computer programme logic
demonstrably collided with fact”
• London Borough of Lambeth - adjudicator criticized for performing his own delay
analysis rather than deferring to the parties.
• Great Easter Hotel - expert criticized for a lack of objectivity and producing an
analysis unreasonably favourable to his client
• The fact that there are aspects of error and professional art inevitably needed in
representing a project as a model and that other inputs (legal, factual) are inevitably
subject to error does not excuse a less-than-scientific approach to the computational
AACE and SCL Approaches
• SCL: UK Society of Construction Law (2002) Protocol on Delay and
• Four named methods: as-planned versus as-built, as-planned impacted,
as-built collapsed, time impact analysis
• AACE: Recommended Practice 29R-03
• Nine “Method Implementation Protocols” (MIPs):
• Designed to be used in conjunction with PPM software with a single
instance of t (or at least, simple static variance comparisons with no more
than a couple of baselines)
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol, 2002)
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Time Intervals
Between Iterations
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Single iteration for
whole project.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Typically months.
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Typically weeks to
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Typical time intervals between iterations?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Are Iterations
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Are iterations automated?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does the Delay Analysis
Method Incorporate the
Critical Path Method?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes.
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Partially (only forward pass is
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation Partially (only backward pass is
used).MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Does the method incorporate the critical path method?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Take Into Account
Instances When Delays Are
Causally Pre-Empted by
Discrete Events?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Yes.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No.
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Does the method take into account instances when delays are
causally pre-empted by discrete events?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Accurately Account for the Effects of
Delays Occurring At the Same Time?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - uses critical path to determine which of
continuous delays occurring within same time
window is deemed causative of delay for whole
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No. All delays are deemed to occur serially. If
delays occur in parallel an arbitrary order needs
to be chosen to model them as events occurring
one after the other if their respective effects are
to be accounted for separately.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Does the method accurately account for the effects of delays
occurring at the same time?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Accurately Account for the
Effects of Delays Occurring One
After the Other?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic No - if delays occur in same time
Yes - if delays occur in different time
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Yes.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Does the method accurately account for the effects of delays
occurring one after the other?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Take As-
Planned Times
Into Account?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Yes.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No.
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Yes.
Best Practice
• Does the method take as-planned times into account?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Take As-
Built Times Into
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Yes.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base Yes.
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• Does the method take as-built times into account?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Take Interim Progress
Measurements Into Account?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - if time windows are chosen that
coincide with times when progress is
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base Yes - if time windows are chosen that
coincide with times when progress is
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No.
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Yes - if time windows are chosen that
coincide with times when progress is
Best Practice
Yes - each part of an activity spanning
between successive progress measurements
is analysed separately.
• Does the method take interim progress measurements into account?
AACE and SCL Approaches
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
Does It Accurately Account for Activity Progress
Between Progress Measurements?
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No.
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - if time windows are chosen that coincide with
times when progress is measured.MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No.
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base No - adopts a forward stepwise interpolation from start
of window (which assumes that all progress within a
time window is equal to the progress measurement at
the start of the window).
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No.
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base No - adopts a backward stepwise interpolation from
end of window (which assumes that all progress within
a time window is equal to the progress measurement at
the end of the window).
Best Practice
Yes - adopts a linear interpolation (takes both the
previous and the next progress measurements into
account and derives an intermediate value on a straight
line basis).
• Does the method accurately account for activity progress between
progress measurements?
AACE and SCL Approaches
An Optimal Method of Delay Analysis?
• Key Features:
1. Hybrid (Continuous and Discrete) Timescale
2. Three Delay Types Treated Separately:
A. Discrete Event delays (occur in discrete time)
B. Arc delays (occur in continuous time)
C. Node delays (occur in continuous time)
3. Continuous Delays: Emphasis on Modelling the Path Growth Rate
4. Discrete delays: can be modelled with before versus after comparison using fragnets etc.
5. Incorporation of Interim progress measurements
6. Introduction of the Excusability Coefficient
7. Adapt network so that the path growth rate is a constant for each element
8. Dealing with Concurrent Delay and Float Ownreship in a Sound Manner
The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy
• Some delays occur gradually as a result of work proceeding on activities
at a slower rate than forecast. Such delays occur in ‘continuous time’.
• e.g. excavation - ground harder than expected, contractor waiting for
the release of design information
• Other delays arise from events in ‘discrete time’ - that is, independently
founded events that bring about (or are deemed by the application of
relevant legal doctrine to bring about) an instantaneous change to
downstream scheduled activities planned or forecast for the future.
• e.g. change order to work downstream of current work front.
• Hybrid timescale…
The Hybrid Timescale
Hour 1
Time (t)
Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7
Continuous Time
Event 1
Event 2
Event 3
Discrete Time
The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy
SCL Method
(SCL Protocol,
AACE Method
(AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011)
As-Planned versus
MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross
MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic
MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is
MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split
MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated
Impacted As-
MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base
Time Impact
MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base
As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation
MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base
Best Practice
• MIPs 3.1 - 3.5 model delay as continuous only
• MIPs 3.6 - 3.9 model delay as discrete only
• Best practice: a hybrid timescale…
The Three Types of Delay
• Three types of delay:
• e.g. excavation - ground harder than expected, contractor
waiting for the release of design information
• Other delays arise from events in ‘discrete time’ - that is,
independently founded events that bring about (or are deemed
by the application of relevant legal doctrine to bring about) an
instantaneous change to downstream scheduled activities
planned or forecast for the future.
• e.g. change order to work downstream
• Hybrid timescale
The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy
Set Clocktime = 0
Discrete Simulation
Is Next Step
Continuous Simulation
Has Simulation
Reached End?
Simulation allows Continuous
and Discrete Steps to be
Interwoven with Each Other…
Accounting for Arc and Node Delays
Logic Link
Arc (experiences arc delay)
Arc (does not experience delay)
Node (experiences node delay)
Node (does not experience delay)
Accounting for Arc and Node Delays
Path Growth Rate
of Node is 1 Path Growth Rate
of Arc is n2
Path Growth Rate
of Node is 1
Path Growth Rate
of Arc is n1
Accounting for Arc and Node Delays
Making Task Start Nodes
Separate Elements of
Network So That Node Delay
to Task Start (a.k.a.
“Commencement Delay”)
is Tracked Separately
Accounting for Arc and Node Delays
Making Task Start Nodes
Separate Elements of
Network So That Node Delay
to Task Start (a.k.a.
“Commencement Delay”)
is Tracked Separately
Accounting for Arc and Node Delays
The Three Types of Delay
• Discrete Event Delay (on the discrete timescale)
• Arc Delay (on the continuous timescale)
• Node Delay (on the continuous timescale)
The Three Types of Delay
Arc Delay
• Network delay that arises spontaneously on the work front when a forecast task is carried out at a lower
(or different rate) of progress to that planned or forecast.
• Examples: excavation in tougher than expected geological conditions; a task with lower resource
• Arc delay is meaningfully represented as a path growth rate (q). This is the rate per unit time at which the
activity path that the arc falls on is lengthening. It equals unity minus the progress ratio (r).
• For example, if a task is planned to take 60 working hours and takes 80 working hours, then:
The progress ratio (r) is (60/80) = 0.75.
The rate of path growth (q) = 1 - r =0.25
dp/dt = 1 - dr / dt
The resultant arc delay is 80 - 60 = 20 hours.
• Arc delay from every task or sub-task on a network is derived from a comparison between the planned
or forecast duration, and the actual duration of the task or sub-task.
• Arc delay only occurs in relation to tasks or sub-tasks; never to logic links.
The Three Types of Delay
Node Delay
• Network delay that arises when waiting for a milestone
to occur or a node to materialize.
• Progress Rate is always 0.
• Path Growth Rate is always 1.
• Examples: waiting for a task to start (“commencement
delay”), waiting for a client to release design information,
waiting for a client to issue free issue materials.
The Three Types of Delay
Discrete Event Delay
• Network delay that arises spontaneously on the work front when a
forecast task is carried out at a lower (or different rate) of progress to
that planned or forecast
• Causes an instantaneous change to the network or the constraints that
apply to it and arises from a discrete event.
• Associated with causal chains, stemming from a root cause - unless
there is the intervention of a novus actus interveniens that severs the
chain of causation.
• Discrete event can be
• May be represented by fragnets - network fragments that model
instantaneous change.
The Three Types of Delay
Forecast Actual PGR
Discrete Delay ∞
Node Delay 1
Arc Delay q ∈ [0,∞)
Modelling Discrete Delay
• Relatively straightforward comparison - before versus after on a
ceteris parabis basis, such as with a time impact analysis/ MIP 3.7.
• Note role of causal chain theory…
• Unlike node delays and arc delays, discrete event delay is
ascertainable without reference to the critical path.
• Discrete event delay does not show up in an as-planned versus as-
built comparison.
• It is simply the change in terminal-to-terminal length of the longest
path that the event being modelled brings about.
• Discrete change may be modelled by fragnets - fragments of the
Modelling Discrete Delay
• Fragnets can be incorporated into the network from project
commencement and then turned on or “activated” when the discrete
event occurs A fragnet means a ‘network fragment’ that is added or
subtracted to a network in order to model the effects of
instantaneous change.
• It is a joined set of network elements - arcs and nodes for a
topological network, or activities and links for a CPM network.
• This way, all data structures needed for the simulation can be
inducted in advance of the simulation All network elements are
incorporated within the topology of a single master network. Change
is then modelled by activating and deactivating elements. A
deactivated element plays no part in critical path calculations..
• Virtually all discrete change can be modelled by fragnets…
Accounting for Discrete Events
Accounting for Discrete Events
Addition of Fragnet…
Arcs and Nodes Are
Incorporated Into The
Network But Are Inactive
Until the Clock Time
Reaches the
Discrete Event Milestone -
Then Are Activated…
Discrete Event
Accounting for Discrete Events
Addition of Fragnet…
Arcs and Nodes Are
Incorporated Into The
Network But Are Inactive
Until the Clock Time
Reaches the
Discrete Event Milestone -
Then Are Activated…
Discrete Event
No Type of Discrete Change Input Data Specified by User How Change is Modelled with Fragnets
1 Add new activity Definition of entire new activity Defined activity is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then
activated at the start time of the associated discrete causative event.
2 Subtract activity Activity Specified activity is part of fragnet that is initially active,but then
deactivated at the start time of the associated discrete causative event.
3 Increment task duration (only if no
interim progress measurements)
Task; Amount to add (subtract) to
existing task duration in working
Specified task is duplicated. Duplicate with altered duration is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is
deactivated at the same time.
4 Change task duration (only if no
interim progress measurements)
Task; Duration that replaces
existing duration in hours.
Specified task is duplicated. Duplicate with altered duration is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is
deactivated at the same time.
5 Increment logic link lag Logic Link; Amount to add
(subtract) to logic link lag in
working hours.
Specified logic link is duplicated. Duplicate with altered lag is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is
deactivated at the same time.
6 Change logic link lag Logic Link; Duration that replaces
existing duration in working hours.
Specified logic link is duplicated. Duplicate with altered lag is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is
deactivated at the same time.
7 Change calendar of activity Activity; Define entire new
calendar that replaces specified
Calendar of activity.
Replacement calendar is defined as a separate calendar within the
calendar data set. Duplicate activity with altered calendar is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original activity is part of fragnet
that is deactivated at the same time.
8 Change calendar of logic link Logic Link; Define entire new
calendar that replaces specified
Calendar of activity.
Replacement calendar is defined as a separate calendar within the
calendar data set. Duplicate logic link with altered calendar is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original logic link is part of fragnet
that is deactivated at the same time.
9 Increment task resource
requirement profile
Resource; Amount to increase
gang size of resource
Duplicate task with altered task resource requirement profile is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original task is part of fragnet that
is deactivated at the same time.
10 Change task resource requirement
Resource; New gang size of
Duplicate task with altered task resource requirement profile is part of
fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of
associated discrete causative event. Original task is part of fragnet that
is deactivated at the same time.
11 Change resource capacity profile Resource; New array of vectors
that defines the resource capacity
function of the resource over the
project range.
Resource is duplicated with altered resource capacity profile in
resource data set. Duplicate task with duplicated version of original
resource capacity profile is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but
then activated at the start time of the associated discrete causative
event. Original task is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same
Causal Chain Theory
• The modelling of discrete events is governed by theory that mixes legal doctrine with rational scientific logic, known as
causal chain theory. What consequences or ‘knock-on effects’ of a discrete causal event should be attributed to the effects
of the event itself? How far should a chain of causation be inferred, given that ultimately, if one goes back far enough,
everything is just a consequence or knock-on effect of the Big Bang?
• causa proxima est non remota spectatur - spawned ‘reasonable foreseeability’.
• All of the consequential or ‘knock-on’ effects of a discrete event are deemed to vest at the very instant the event occurs,
unless they are supervened by a novus actus interveniens.
• A nail is an intervening or ‘fresh’ event or action that packs enough of a punch to ‘sever’ the discrete event’s ‘chain of
• e.g. deliberateness or carelessness (especially negligent or criminal behaviour) - C deliberately deciding to proceed slowly
on additional work..
• The extent of a causal chain is usually resolvable by common sense but sometimes may be disputable.
• e.g. instruction to install a waterproof membrane in a bathroom wall will not be considered a fresh event if the membrane
is already part of the design that a contractor has agreed to build, or if it is to remedy a shortcoming that arises from
shoddy workmanship by the contractor. In such cases the instruction is simply a link in a causal chain that was initiated
earlier. It will, on the other hand constitute a fresh event and found a new causal chain if it arose from, say, a design
change materialising from revised client requirements.
• Causal chains are modelled by adding or subtracting fragnets to and from the network (or possibly, in some instances,
changing the resource capacity profile that pertains to a particular resource).
Modelling Continuous Delay
• Path Growth Rate (PGR) is key concept.
• Objective:
• divide the timescales into small intervals,
• identify the delay across the interval
• identify the critical element(s) that are deemed to be causative of delay across the interval (= dominant/
proximate cause)
• apportion blame for the delay to the critical elements
• excusability then considered to determine EOT associated with element
• Just as there is a growth rate for each path, there is also a growth rate for the project makespan as a whole
• If there is only one critical path, m’s growth rate for a small interval dt immediately following an instant on the
time clock t will be the growth rate of the fastest growing critical path.
• The fastest growing critical path can be deduced to have been on the cusp of overtaking the slower-growing
critical paths. The tie occurs only for an instant.
• cf. Daily Delay Measure
Modelling Continuous Delay
• For snapshots (with no discrete events), note that there are two criteria for criticality:
• activity must be in progress
• activity must be on the longest path
• But across intervals, however, there are three criteria for determining criticality:
• activity must be in progress
• activity must be on longest path
• activity must be on fastest growing longest path.
• Just as there is a growth rate for each path, there is also a growth rate for the project makespan
as a whole.
• If there is only one critical path, m’s growth rate for a small interval dt immediately following an
instant on the time clock t will be the growth rate of the fastest growing critical path.
• The fastest growing critical path can be deduced to have been on the cusp of overtaking the
slower-growing critical paths. The tie occurs only for an instant
Modelling Continuous Delay
Path Length
Path Growth Rate (PGR)
Activity C
Activity A
Activity D
Activity B
only activity that is
critical for the whole interval
only critical at very
start of interval
Four Activities in Progress:
Modelling Continuous Delay
• Another way of thinking about the three criteria for interval criticality:
• ‘Triple zero slack’
• Distance between activity and work front = 0 (i.e. activity is in
• Distance between longest path in network and length of the path
activity is on (i.e. total float, Φ) = 0;
• Distance between path growth rate of activity and path growth rate of
fastest growing critical activity = 0 (i.e. dΦ / dt = 0). This is the first
order derivative of float over time.
• Each of these measurements can be thought of as a kind of ‘slack’.
The concept of ‘critical’ insofar as it pertains to an interval can be
thought of as ‘triple zero slack’ criterion!
Accounting for Progress Records
Path Growth Rate
of Second Segment is n2
Path Growth Rate
of First Segment is n1
Path Growth Rate
of First Segment is m1
Path Growth Rate
of Second Segment is m2
Path Growth Rate
of First Segment is m1
Path Growth Rate
of Second Segment is m2
Accounting for Progress Records
Accounting for Progress Records
• ‘Excusability’ means the property of whether or not any terminal delays arising
from an element of the network will be ‘excusable’ (i.e. give rise to a concomitant
• A mathematical distillation of a contractual concept.
• Based on the contractual EOT provisions.
• Independent from compensability or cost compensation.
• A rational number between 0 and 1. Normally 0 (not excusable) or 1 (excusable).
Intermediate values, however, may arise from a measured mile analysis or
• The excusability of node delays will often be obvious from the schedule
milestones (e.g. engineer releases design information, owner provides free issue
materials: milestones with exc. = 1).
• (Gross) EOT for Element = (Gross) Terminal Delay * Excusability
Concurrent Delay
• Concurrency pertains to an indeterminacy in the context of
determining causation - a failure of the primary system to
isolate a single cause as dominant/ proximate(= identify a
single delay as critical). A special rule is thus required to
resolve this indeterminacy.
• It arises when multiple delays occur at the same time (but not
all delays occurring at the same time are “concurrent” in this
• Only delays on the continuous time scale can be concurrent.
This is because discrete events are always modelled one after
the other, never together at the same time.
• For a single snapshot of time:
• Two criteria for determining the dominant/proximate
cause: (1) in progress and (2) on longest path
• For a small interval of time following a snapshot:
• Three criteria for determining the dominant/ proximate
cause: (1) in progress; (2) on longest path; (3) highest
growth rate of elements satisfying (1) and (2)
• What do we do if these ‘filters’ fail to isolate a single
element of the network?… Need a tiebreak rule…
Concurrent Delay
• Potential tiebreak rules…
1. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project
delay gets apportioned evenly between the members of the concurrent set.
• Excusability of concurrent set = the mean excusability of the set
2. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project
delay gets apportioned to the member(s) of the concurrent set with the highest excusability.
• Excusability of concurrent set = the maximum excusability of the set
3. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project
delay gets apportioned to the member(s) of the concurrent set with the lowest excusability.
• Excusability of concurrent set = the minimum excusability of the set
• In my opinion (1) is the best, simplest, and most logical approach. Some contracts, however,
expressly or impliedly specify (2) or (3).
Concurrent Delay
• Why in my opinion is the ‘mean’ approach best?
• No two processes are ever truly in tandem and lockstep
• There will always be at least some stochastic variation in which of two
processes is in the lead or on the longest path, even if the average rate
of progress (e.g. concrete curing) of the two processes is tied.
• In this sense, concurrent delay doesn’t really exist. It’s only something
that arises from modelling assumptions.
• It is thus reasonable to assume, absent further progress records, that
for n processes occurring in tandem, each will be on the longest path
1/n of the time and thus causative of 1/n of the terminal delay.
Concurrent Delay
Float Ownership
• ‘Float’ in this context really refers to two things:
• Accrued terminal gain
• Contractual milestone contingency
• Computation needs to distinguish between terminal
delay on a net and gross basis, if contractor ‘owns’
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
Excusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Discrete Delays)
Overall Discrete Delay: the Sum of
All the Lines (As Applicable)
Presentation of Results
Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Continuous Delays)
Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of
the Areas (As Applicable)
Partially Excusable Delay
(Excusability = 0.5)
Presentation of Results
Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Combined Timescale)
Partially Excusable Delay
(Excusability = 0.5)
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
Excusable Terminal Discrete Delay
Presentation of Results
Presentation of Results
Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Continuous Delays)
Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of
the Areas (As Applicable)
Partially Excusable Delay
(Excusability = 0.5)
Concurrency Treatment:
Even Apportionment
Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Continuous Delays)
Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of
the Areas (As Applicable)
Partially Excusable Delay
(Excusability = 0.5)
Concurrency Treatment:
Activity with
Minimum Excusability
Deemed to be Dominant/
Proximate Cause of
Terminal Delay
Presentation of Results
Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay
Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay
(Continuous Delays)
Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of
the Areas (As Applicable)
Partially Excusable Delay
(Excusability = 0.5)
Concurrency Treatment:
Activity with
Maximum Excusability
Deemed to be Dominant/
Proximate Cause of
Terminal Delay
Presentation of Results
Temporary US Phone No:

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  • 1. A New Paradigm for Delay Analysis The Hybrid Dynamic Simulation Engine Anders Axelson Director, Pezala Consulting Melbourne, Australia Marriott Marquis Marina San Diego CA 16 January 2015 pezalaconsulting
  • 2. Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis • Consider the Data Required to Perform a Delay Analysis… • There are three types of inputs into setting up a network model for delay analysis - • Planning (including estimating and modelling) • Factual • Legal pezalaconsulting
  • 3. Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis Recorded Progress Measurements Facts About Causative Events Estimated Durations Other Constraints on the Network Model: Availability Precedence Resource Gang Sizes Resource Pool Sizes Unary WBS FACTUAL INPUTS PLANNING/ MODELLING INPUTS LEGAL INPUTS Excusability Causal Chain Initiation and Severance Factual Deeming Provisions Resolution of Concurrency Cases “Float” Ownership SCHEDULING Forward Pass Backward Pass Resource Levelling Heuristic Standard of Proof SIMULATING RESULTS START pezalaconsulting
  • 4. Legal Aspects of Delay Analysis • Consider the usual way in which the law deals with matters of causation • Identifying dominant/ proximate cause • A matter of common sense (cf. juries, drunk driver) • Problems arise when the court has difficulty discriminating between two or more causes that have equal causative potency… • “Concurrent” causes - a special rule is required (cf. wills) • Concurrency problems recur in different areas of law. • Legal system is completely deterministic… • Uncertainty is dealt with by a cascading system of appeals, not hedging bets as to outcomes. • The place for fuzzy logic/ stochastic/ probabilistic/ Monte Carlo analysis within the context of forensic scheduling is limited. (cf. sentencing) • It’s about making determinations, not about probability! pezalaconsultingpezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 5. • It is in this context that CPM-based methods can be considered… • CPM deals with causation problems in the special context of project delay… • CPM is best regarded as replacing or refining the dominant cause/ proximate cause paradigm • In this regard, the critical path or critical delay may be deemed to be the dominant/ proximate cause • In the context of forensic scheduling, the whole point of CPM is to provide a more objective and scientific method for identifying the dominant/ proximate cause of a particular delay event, thereby replacing the impressionistic or “common sense” approaches that courts and tribunals would otherwise have to rely on. • In theory at least, this supposedly should reduce the ambiguity and the extent to which “concurrency problems” arise. • CPM also ties in well with the deterministic requirement (unlike Monte Carlo method, PERT, GERT etc.) Relationship with Law on Causation pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 6. • Computational complexity theory • Computer science differentiates between…. • Computationally “easy” problems that can be solved by the application of mathematical formulae, algebra or algorithms that are guaranteed to converge straightforwardly on a solution. Methodologies are either correct or incorrect. A methodology that produces an incorrect answer in a case can be dismissed as wrong. • “Puzzle-like” problems that require searching for a solution… • (a) Problems that can be solved by brute force or a process of elimination. For example, look at every possible configuration and then eliminate each sub-optimal solution by brute force. (e.g. tic-tac-toe a.k.a. noughts and crosses there are 39 = 19,683 possible configurations). • (b) Puzzle-like problems for which the domain of the solution space is too large for a brute force search and so require the application of a heuristic/ rule of thumb/ artificial intelligence in order to search for the best possible solution for the computational capacity available (e.g. chess there are 1364 = 196,053,476,430 possible configurations). Known as “non-polynomial deterministic complete” or “NP-complete” or “NP-hard”. • Note that numbers are based on factorial number series so the number of items that put it beyond the threshold of (a) are very modest, even with modern day computers. • Solutions are either optimal (correct) or sub-optimal (incorrect) but a superior methodology for one case will not necessarily be a superior methodology in other cases. A methodology that produces an inferior or sub- optimal solution in a case cannot be dismissed as wrong because it may produce a superior or optimal solution in another case. • A schedule without resource levelling is computationally easy. Forward pass and backward pass. This is the same for all software (save for quirks such as dealing with “ladders”). • Resource levelling, however, is an NP-hard problem. Requires searching for an optimal solution. No guarantee that the configuration your software finds for you will be the optimal one. • More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling of transition times). pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Relationship with Computer Science
  • 7. Relationship with Planning and Scheduling • Consider the difference between planning and scheduling… • Scheduling… • A purely mathematical exercise in problem solving, • Projects are modelled as a network (= network optimization). • Lends itself to being solved by computational methods (algorithms/ heuristics). • Minimizing project duration/ makespan (or cost) subject to a set of constraints… • The work tasks that need to be carried out for the project to be complete (i.e. WBS) 1. The time it takes to complete each work item (i.e. activity durations). 2. The precedence relationships between work items. 3. The availability of resources to complete each work item (i.e. ‘calendars’) 4. Unary decision domain constraints (i.e. SNET, FNLT, SO, FO etc.) 5. Resource gang requirements associated with each activity and resource pool sizes associated with the whole project. • More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling transition times). pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 8. • The complexity of scheduling… • The work tasks that need to be carried out for the project to be complete (i.e. WBS) • The time it takes to complete each work item (i.e. activity durations). • The precedence relationships between work items. • The availability of resources to complete each work item (i.e. ‘calendars’) • Unary decision domain constraints (i.e. SNET, FNLT, SO, FO etc.) • Resource gang requirements associated with each activity and resource pool sizes associated with the whole project. —-> NP-hard • More exotic types of constraint are available in some software (e.g. modelling transition times). pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Relationship with Planning and Scheduling
  • 9. • Scheduling: • Consider t = value of time clock (work front, “time now”, “data date” etc.) • t versus m diagram • Scheduling = minimizing m for a fixed value of t • But delay occurs across multiple values of t • Delay analysis: • An extension of scheduling. • t is changed from a constant to a variable. • Delay is just the difference in time between two scenarios. So tallying delay between timeframes is computationally simple. • Mathematical methods are performed across multiple values of t in order to measure delay. • Therefore, it is all math and it’s about getting the mathematical methods right (not case law, not art). • It is only NP-hard to the extent that it incorporates a resource levelling process from the scheduling process. pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Relationship with Planning and Scheduling
  • 10. Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis Recorded Progress Measurements Facts About Causative Events Estimated Durations Other Constraints on the Network Model: Availability Precedence Resource Gang Sizes Resource Pool Sizes Unary WBS FACTUAL INPUTS PLANNING/ MODELLING INPUTS LEGAL INPUTS Excusability Causal Chain Initiation and Severance Factual Deeming Provisions Resolution of Concurrency Cases “Float” Ownership SCHEDULING Forward Pass Backward Pass Resource Levelling Heuristic Standard of Proof SIMULATING RESULTS START pezalaconsulting
  • 11. Inputs Into Delay Analysis • Legal Inputs • The standard of proof (that is, the weight of factual evidence that is required before a fact can be modelled) • Which delays are excusable and which are inexcusable • When causal chains leading to events initiate and when they are severed • How concurrency problems are resolved • How ‘float ownership’ is resolved • Deeming provisions that relate to how facts are interpreted by the law (e.g. the postal rule) pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 12. • Factual Inputs: • Progress records (e.g. activity, percent complete, recording time) • Records about the timing of causal events leading to delay pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Inputs Into Delay Analysis
  • 13. • Planning Inputs • Estimating = calculations of activity durations • Modelling = professional (engineering )judgment calls about how project is to be represented as a network pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Inputs Into Delay Analysis
  • 14. • Planning: • Estimating activity durations. • Devising an appropriate network model. • Quantifying the constraints that apply to the network model that determine the project makespan. • Making professional judgement calls about how the work should be modelled as a network. • Note that modelling is core competence of the engineering profession and, as with all professions, entails an aspect of “art” • The outputs of planning are the inputs of scheduling pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Inputs Into Delay Analysis
  • 15. Relationship with the Scientific Method • What is “the scientific method”? (cf. Daubert etc.) • Misleadingly named - a general set of principles that allow factual conclusions that are objectively grounded (and therefore legitimate) to be distinguished from illegitimate conclusions that arise from arbitrary, subjectively-grounded art or from pseudoscience. Basically ensures objectivity and transparency. • Reproducibility - a result can be reproduced by another who follows the same technique. • Falsifiability - a conclusion is either correct or incorrect. It is not a case of “there are no right or wrong answers”. • Other principles that relate to transparency and facilitate reproduction such as full disclosure and peer review. • cf. Art is subjective. Different for different people. No right or wrong. • cf. Pseudoscience. Irreproducible or arbitrary methodologies dressed up to look like science. e.g. astrology, homeopathy, reiki. • So, for delay analysis to be considered at one with scientific method: • The same set of inputs (network model, constraints, progress records, and legal inputs) should produce the same conclusion about EOT. • The conclusion should be correct irrespective of whether it was reached on behalf of the developer/owner or contractor pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 16. • Conclusion • Project delay analysis (1) as it currently represented in professional literature (e.g. UK SCL Protocol and the AACE 29RP-03) and (2) as it is practised by experts around the world fails to meet basic standards to qualify it as a legitimate field of science which is wholly consistent with the scientific method. • Why?? • Multiple solutions (4 methods in the SCL Protocol, 13 in the AACE RP). Only one solution should be correct for a computational problem that is not NP-hard. • Lack of falsifiability… there is no right or wrong methodology prescribed… “Well, I applied the time impact evaluation method. You applied the as-built collapsed method. Your results may be correct for the method you used and the assumptions you made but mine are correct for the method I used…” • Lack of reproducibility. Hiding behind walls of assumptions. Hiding behind software. • Scientific method implies that, for a given set of inputs (modelling, estimating, recording, factual, legal) the conclusions that an expert reaches in relation to EOT entitlement should be the same irrespective of which party the expert is hired by. • cf. Failure of single joint experts to take off. pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Relationship with the Scientific Method
  • 17. Data Inputs Into a Delay Analysis Recorded Progress Measurements Facts About Causative Events Estimated Durations Other Constraints on the Network Model: Availability Precedence Resource Gang Sizes Resource Pool Sizes Unary WBS FACTUAL INPUTS PLANNING/ MODELLING INPUTS LEGAL INPUTS Excusability Causal Chain Initiation and Severance Factual Deeming Provisions Resolution of Concurrency Cases “Float” Ownership SCHEDULING Forward Pass Backward Pass Resource Levelling Heuristic Standard of Proof SIMULATING RESULTS START pezalaconsulting
  • 18. • Error is a scientific concept, not necessarily pejorative. It refers to any discrepancy between anticipated and actual inputs or outputs… • Estimating error <— inevitable, cannot be helped • Modelling error <—-professional judgment, inevitable • Recording error <—- inevitable, but can be minimized • Methodological error <—- the thing to focus on minimizing !! • Rounding error <— easy to eliminate • Legal error <—- can model different scenarios pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting Error in Delay Analysis
  • 19. Conclusions from the UK • Conclusion • Described as “dark art” (Barry, Lowsley and Linnett) - I partly agree and partly disagree. • See UK cases where delay experts have been criticised: • Skanska v. Egger - expert criticized for presenting “computer programme logic demonstrably collided with fact” • London Borough of Lambeth - adjudicator criticized for performing his own delay analysis rather than deferring to the parties. • Great Easter Hotel - expert criticized for a lack of objectivity and producing an analysis unreasonably favourable to his client • The fact that there are aspects of error and professional art inevitably needed in representing a project as a model and that other inputs (legal, factual) are inevitably subject to error does not excuse a less-than-scientific approach to the computational methodology. pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 20. AACE and SCL Approaches • SCL: UK Society of Construction Law (2002) Protocol on Delay and Disruption • Four named methods: as-planned versus as-built, as-planned impacted, as-built collapsed, time impact analysis • AACE: Recommended Practice 29R-03 • Nine “Method Implementation Protocols” (MIPs): • Designed to be used in conjunction with PPM software with a single instance of t (or at least, simple static variance comparisons with no more than a couple of baselines) pezalaconsulting
  • 21. • SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As-Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 22. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Time Intervals Between Iterations As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Single iteration for whole project. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Typically months. MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Typically weeks to months. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Hours. • Typical time intervals between iterations? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 23. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Are Iterations Automated? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Are iterations automated? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 24. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does the Delay Analysis Method Incorporate the Critical Path Method? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes. MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Partially (only forward pass is used). Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation Partially (only backward pass is used).MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Does the method incorporate the critical path method? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 25. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Take Into Account Instances When Delays Are Causally Pre-Empted by Discrete Events? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Yes. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No. MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Does the method take into account instances when delays are causally pre-empted by discrete events? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 26. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Accurately Account for the Effects of Delays Occurring At the Same Time? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - uses critical path to determine which of continuous delays occurring within same time window is deemed causative of delay for whole window. MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No. All delays are deemed to occur serially. If delays occur in parallel an arbitrary order needs to be chosen to model them as events occurring one after the other if their respective effects are to be accounted for separately. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Does the method accurately account for the effects of delays occurring at the same time? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 27. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Accurately Account for the Effects of Delays Occurring One After the Other? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic No - if delays occur in same time window. Yes - if delays occur in different time windows. MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Yes. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Does the method accurately account for the effects of delays occurring one after the other? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 28. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Take As- Planned Times Into Account? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Yes. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No. MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Yes. Best Practice Yes. • Does the method take as-planned times into account? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 29. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Take As- Built Times Into Account? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross Yes. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base Yes. As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Yes. • Does the method take as-built times into account? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 30. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Take Interim Progress Measurements Into Account? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - if time windows are chosen that coincide with times when progress is measured. MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base Yes - if time windows are chosen that coincide with times when progress is measured. As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No. MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Yes - if time windows are chosen that coincide with times when progress is measured. Best Practice Yes - each part of an activity spanning between successive progress measurements is analysed separately. • Does the method take interim progress measurements into account? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 31. SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) Does It Accurately Account for Activity Progress Between Progress Measurements? As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross No. MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic Yes - if time windows are chosen that coincide with times when progress is measured.MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base No. Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base No - adopts a forward stepwise interpolation from start of window (which assumes that all progress within a time window is equal to the progress measurement at the start of the window). As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation No. MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base No - adopts a backward stepwise interpolation from end of window (which assumes that all progress within a time window is equal to the progress measurement at the end of the window). Best Practice Yes - adopts a linear interpolation (takes both the previous and the next progress measurements into account and derives an intermediate value on a straight line basis). • Does the method accurately account for activity progress between progress measurements? AACE and SCL Approaches pezalaconsulting
  • 32. An Optimal Method of Delay Analysis? • Key Features: 1. Hybrid (Continuous and Discrete) Timescale 2. Three Delay Types Treated Separately: A. Discrete Event delays (occur in discrete time) B. Arc delays (occur in continuous time) C. Node delays (occur in continuous time) 3. Continuous Delays: Emphasis on Modelling the Path Growth Rate 4. Discrete delays: can be modelled with before versus after comparison using fragnets etc. 5. Incorporation of Interim progress measurements 6. Introduction of the Excusability Coefficient 7. Adapt network so that the path growth rate is a constant for each element 8. Dealing with Concurrent Delay and Float Ownreship in a Sound Manner pezalaconsulting
  • 33. The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy • Some delays occur gradually as a result of work proceeding on activities at a slower rate than forecast. Such delays occur in ‘continuous time’. • e.g. excavation - ground harder than expected, contractor waiting for the release of design information • Other delays arise from events in ‘discrete time’ - that is, independently founded events that bring about (or are deemed by the application of relevant legal doctrine to bring about) an instantaneous change to downstream scheduled activities planned or forecast for the future. • e.g. change order to work downstream of current work front. • Hybrid timescale… pezalaconsulting
  • 34. The Hybrid Timescale Hour 1 Time (t) Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Continuous Time Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Discrete Time pezalaconsulting
  • 35. The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy SCL Method (SCL Protocol, 2002) AACE Method (AACE Recommended Practice 29R-03, 2011) As-Planned versus As-Built MIP 3.1 Observational/ Static/ Gross MIP 3.2 Observational/ Static/ Periodic MIP 3.3 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ As-Is MIP 3.4 Observational/ Dynamic/ Contemporaneous/ Split MIP 3.5 Observational/ Dynamic/ Modified or Recreated Impacted As- Planned MIP 3.6 Modeled/ Additive/ Single Base Time Impact Analysis MIP 3.7 Modeled/ Additive/ Multiple Base As-Built Collapsed MIP 3.8 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Single Simulation MIP 3.9 Modeled/ Subtractive/ Multiple Base Best Practice Discrete Continuous • MIPs 3.1 - 3.5 model delay as continuous only • MIPs 3.6 - 3.9 model delay as discrete only • Best practice: a hybrid timescale… pezalaconsulting
  • 36. The Three Types of Delay • Three types of delay: • e.g. excavation - ground harder than expected, contractor waiting for the release of design information • Other delays arise from events in ‘discrete time’ - that is, independently founded events that bring about (or are deemed by the application of relevant legal doctrine to bring about) an instantaneous change to downstream scheduled activities planned or forecast for the future. • e.g. change order to work downstream • Hybrid timescale pezalaconsulting
  • 37. The Continuous-Discrete Dichotomy Set Clocktime = 0 FINISH Discrete Simulation Process yes yes no Is Next Step Discrete? Continuous Simulation Process no Has Simulation Reached End? Clocktime++ Simulation allows Continuous and Discrete Steps to be Interwoven with Each Other… pezalaconsulting
  • 38. Accounting for Arc and Node Delays PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Logic Link Task Milestone pezalaconsulting
  • 39. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Arc (experiences arc delay) Arc (does not experience delay) Node (experiences node delay) Node (does not experience delay) Accounting for Arc and Node Delays pezalaconsulting
  • 40. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Path Growth Rate of Node is 1 Path Growth Rate of Arc is n2 Path Growth Rate of Node is 1 Path Growth Rate of Arc is n1 Accounting for Arc and Node Delays pezalaconsulting
  • 41. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Making Task Start Nodes Separate Elements of Network So That Node Delay to Task Start (a.k.a. “Commencement Delay”) is Tracked Separately Accounting for Arc and Node Delays pezalaconsulting
  • 42. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Making Task Start Nodes Separate Elements of Network So That Node Delay to Task Start (a.k.a. “Commencement Delay”) is Tracked Separately Accounting for Arc and Node Delays pezalaconsulting
  • 43. The Three Types of Delay • Discrete Event Delay (on the discrete timescale) • Arc Delay (on the continuous timescale) • Node Delay (on the continuous timescale) • pezalaconsulting
  • 44. The Three Types of Delay Arc Delay • Network delay that arises spontaneously on the work front when a forecast task is carried out at a lower (or different rate) of progress to that planned or forecast. • Examples: excavation in tougher than expected geological conditions; a task with lower resource • Arc delay is meaningfully represented as a path growth rate (q). This is the rate per unit time at which the activity path that the arc falls on is lengthening. It equals unity minus the progress ratio (r). • For example, if a task is planned to take 60 working hours and takes 80 working hours, then: The progress ratio (r) is (60/80) = 0.75. The rate of path growth (q) = 1 - r =0.25 dp/dt = 1 - dr / dt The resultant arc delay is 80 - 60 = 20 hours. • Arc delay from every task or sub-task on a network is derived from a comparison between the planned or forecast duration, and the actual duration of the task or sub-task. • Arc delay only occurs in relation to tasks or sub-tasks; never to logic links. • pezalaconsulting
  • 45. The Three Types of Delay Node Delay • Network delay that arises when waiting for a milestone to occur or a node to materialize. • Progress Rate is always 0. • Path Growth Rate is always 1. • Examples: waiting for a task to start (“commencement delay”), waiting for a client to release design information, waiting for a client to issue free issue materials. • pezalaconsulting
  • 46. The Three Types of Delay Discrete Event Delay • Network delay that arises spontaneously on the work front when a forecast task is carried out at a lower (or different rate) of progress to that planned or forecast • Causes an instantaneous change to the network or the constraints that apply to it and arises from a discrete event. • Associated with causal chains, stemming from a root cause - unless there is the intervention of a novus actus interveniens that severs the chain of causation. • Discrete event can be • May be represented by fragnets - network fragments that model instantaneous change. pezalaconsulting
  • 47. The Three Types of Delay Forecast Actual PGR Discrete Delay ∞ Node Delay 1 Arc Delay q ∈ [0,∞) pezalaconsultingpezalaconsulting
  • 48. Modelling Discrete Delay • Relatively straightforward comparison - before versus after on a ceteris parabis basis, such as with a time impact analysis/ MIP 3.7. • Note role of causal chain theory… • Unlike node delays and arc delays, discrete event delay is ascertainable without reference to the critical path. • Discrete event delay does not show up in an as-planned versus as- built comparison. • It is simply the change in terminal-to-terminal length of the longest path that the event being modelled brings about. • Discrete change may be modelled by fragnets - fragments of the network. pezalaconsulting
  • 49. Modelling Discrete Delay • Fragnets can be incorporated into the network from project commencement and then turned on or “activated” when the discrete event occurs A fragnet means a ‘network fragment’ that is added or subtracted to a network in order to model the effects of instantaneous change. • It is a joined set of network elements - arcs and nodes for a topological network, or activities and links for a CPM network. • This way, all data structures needed for the simulation can be inducted in advance of the simulation All network elements are incorporated within the topology of a single master network. Change is then modelled by activating and deactivating elements. A deactivated element plays no part in critical path calculations.. • Virtually all discrete change can be modelled by fragnets… pezalaconsulting
  • 51. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Accounting for Discrete Events Addition of Fragnet… Arcs and Nodes Are Incorporated Into The Network But Are Inactive Until the Clock Time Reaches the Discrete Event Milestone - Then Are Activated… Discrete Event Milestone pezalaconsulting
  • 52. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Accounting for Discrete Events Addition of Fragnet… Arcs and Nodes Are Incorporated Into The Network But Are Inactive Until the Clock Time Reaches the Discrete Event Milestone - Then Are Activated… Discrete Event Milestone pezalaconsulting
  • 53. No Type of Discrete Change Input Data Specified by User How Change is Modelled with Fragnets 1 Add new activity Definition of entire new activity Defined activity is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of the associated discrete causative event. 2 Subtract activity Activity Specified activity is part of fragnet that is initially active,but then deactivated at the start time of the associated discrete causative event. 3 Increment task duration (only if no interim progress measurements) Task; Amount to add (subtract) to existing task duration in working hours Specified task is duplicated. Duplicate with altered duration is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 4 Change task duration (only if no interim progress measurements) Task; Duration that replaces existing duration in hours. Specified task is duplicated. Duplicate with altered duration is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 5 Increment logic link lag Logic Link; Amount to add (subtract) to logic link lag in working hours. Specified logic link is duplicated. Duplicate with altered lag is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 6 Change logic link lag Logic Link; Duration that replaces existing duration in working hours. Specified logic link is duplicated. Duplicate with altered lag is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 7 Change calendar of activity Activity; Define entire new calendar that replaces specified Calendar of activity. Replacement calendar is defined as a separate calendar within the calendar data set. Duplicate activity with altered calendar is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original activity is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 8 Change calendar of logic link Logic Link; Define entire new calendar that replaces specified Calendar of activity. Replacement calendar is defined as a separate calendar within the calendar data set. Duplicate logic link with altered calendar is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original logic link is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 9 Increment task resource requirement profile Resource; Amount to increase gang size of resource Duplicate task with altered task resource requirement profile is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original task is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 10 Change task resource requirement profile Resource; New gang size of resource. Duplicate task with altered task resource requirement profile is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of associated discrete causative event. Original task is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. 11 Change resource capacity profile Resource; New array of vectors that defines the resource capacity function of the resource over the project range. Resource is duplicated with altered resource capacity profile in resource data set. Duplicate task with duplicated version of original resource capacity profile is part of fragnet that is initially inactive, but then activated at the start time of the associated discrete causative event. Original task is part of fragnet that is deactivated at the same time. pezalaconsulting
  • 54. Causal Chain Theory • The modelling of discrete events is governed by theory that mixes legal doctrine with rational scientific logic, known as causal chain theory. What consequences or ‘knock-on effects’ of a discrete causal event should be attributed to the effects of the event itself? How far should a chain of causation be inferred, given that ultimately, if one goes back far enough, everything is just a consequence or knock-on effect of the Big Bang? • causa proxima est non remota spectatur - spawned ‘reasonable foreseeability’. • All of the consequential or ‘knock-on’ effects of a discrete event are deemed to vest at the very instant the event occurs, unless they are supervened by a novus actus interveniens. • A nail is an intervening or ‘fresh’ event or action that packs enough of a punch to ‘sever’ the discrete event’s ‘chain of causation’. • e.g. deliberateness or carelessness (especially negligent or criminal behaviour) - C deliberately deciding to proceed slowly on additional work.. • The extent of a causal chain is usually resolvable by common sense but sometimes may be disputable. • e.g. instruction to install a waterproof membrane in a bathroom wall will not be considered a fresh event if the membrane is already part of the design that a contractor has agreed to build, or if it is to remedy a shortcoming that arises from shoddy workmanship by the contractor. In such cases the instruction is simply a link in a causal chain that was initiated earlier. It will, on the other hand constitute a fresh event and found a new causal chain if it arose from, say, a design change materialising from revised client requirements. • Causal chains are modelled by adding or subtracting fragnets to and from the network (or possibly, in some instances, changing the resource capacity profile that pertains to a particular resource). pezalaconsulting
  • 55. Modelling Continuous Delay • Path Growth Rate (PGR) is key concept. • Objective: • divide the timescales into small intervals, • identify the delay across the interval • identify the critical element(s) that are deemed to be causative of delay across the interval (= dominant/ proximate cause) • apportion blame for the delay to the critical elements • excusability then considered to determine EOT associated with element • Just as there is a growth rate for each path, there is also a growth rate for the project makespan as a whole • If there is only one critical path, m’s growth rate for a small interval dt immediately following an instant on the time clock t will be the growth rate of the fastest growing critical path. • The fastest growing critical path can be deduced to have been on the cusp of overtaking the slower-growing critical paths. The tie occurs only for an instant. • cf. Daily Delay Measure pezalaconsulting
  • 56. Modelling Continuous Delay • For snapshots (with no discrete events), note that there are two criteria for criticality: • activity must be in progress • activity must be on the longest path • But across intervals, however, there are three criteria for determining criticality: • activity must be in progress • activity must be on longest path • activity must be on fastest growing longest path. • Just as there is a growth rate for each path, there is also a growth rate for the project makespan as a whole. • If there is only one critical path, m’s growth rate for a small interval dt immediately following an instant on the time clock t will be the growth rate of the fastest growing critical path. • The fastest growing critical path can be deduced to have been on the cusp of overtaking the slower-growing critical paths. The tie occurs only for an instant pezalaconsulting
  • 57. Modelling Continuous Delay Path Length Path Growth Rate (PGR) Activity C Activity A Activity D Activity B only activity that is critical for the whole interval only critical at very start of interval Four Activities in Progress: pezalaconsulting
  • 58. Modelling Continuous Delay • Another way of thinking about the three criteria for interval criticality: • ‘Triple zero slack’ • Distance between activity and work front = 0 (i.e. activity is in progress). • Distance between longest path in network and length of the path activity is on (i.e. total float, Φ) = 0; • Distance between path growth rate of activity and path growth rate of fastest growing critical activity = 0 (i.e. dΦ / dt = 0). This is the first order derivative of float over time. • Each of these measurements can be thought of as a kind of ‘slack’. The concept of ‘critical’ insofar as it pertains to an interval can be thought of as ‘triple zero slack’ criterion! pezalaconsulting
  • 59. Accounting for Progress Records PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Path Growth Rate of Second Segment is n2 Path Growth Rate of First Segment is n1 Path Growth Rate of First Segment is m1 Path Growth Rate of Second Segment is m2 Progress Record Progress Record pezalaconsulting
  • 60. PROJECT START PROJECT FINISH Path Growth Rate of First Segment is m1 Path Growth Rate of Second Segment is m2 Progress Record Accounting for Progress Records pezalaconsulting
  • 62. Excusability • ‘Excusability’ means the property of whether or not any terminal delays arising from an element of the network will be ‘excusable’ (i.e. give rise to a concomitant EOT). • A mathematical distillation of a contractual concept. • Based on the contractual EOT provisions. • Independent from compensability or cost compensation. • A rational number between 0 and 1. Normally 0 (not excusable) or 1 (excusable). Intermediate values, however, may arise from a measured mile analysis or similar. • The excusability of node delays will often be obvious from the schedule milestones (e.g. engineer releases design information, owner provides free issue materials: milestones with exc. = 1). • (Gross) EOT for Element = (Gross) Terminal Delay * Excusability pezalaconsulting
  • 63. Concurrent Delay • Concurrency pertains to an indeterminacy in the context of determining causation - a failure of the primary system to isolate a single cause as dominant/ proximate(= identify a single delay as critical). A special rule is thus required to resolve this indeterminacy. • It arises when multiple delays occur at the same time (but not all delays occurring at the same time are “concurrent” in this sense). • Only delays on the continuous time scale can be concurrent. This is because discrete events are always modelled one after the other, never together at the same time. pezalaconsulting
  • 64. • For a single snapshot of time: • Two criteria for determining the dominant/proximate cause: (1) in progress and (2) on longest path • For a small interval of time following a snapshot: • Three criteria for determining the dominant/ proximate cause: (1) in progress; (2) on longest path; (3) highest growth rate of elements satisfying (1) and (2) • What do we do if these ‘filters’ fail to isolate a single element of the network?… Need a tiebreak rule… Concurrent Delay pezalaconsulting
  • 65. • Potential tiebreak rules… 1. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project delay gets apportioned evenly between the members of the concurrent set. • Excusability of concurrent set = the mean excusability of the set 2. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project delay gets apportioned to the member(s) of the concurrent set with the highest excusability. • Excusability of concurrent set = the maximum excusability of the set 3. Where multiple elements are concurrently causative of the delay, ‘blame’ for the overall project delay gets apportioned to the member(s) of the concurrent set with the lowest excusability. • Excusability of concurrent set = the minimum excusability of the set • In my opinion (1) is the best, simplest, and most logical approach. Some contracts, however, expressly or impliedly specify (2) or (3). Concurrent Delay pezalaconsulting
  • 66. • Why in my opinion is the ‘mean’ approach best? • No two processes are ever truly in tandem and lockstep • There will always be at least some stochastic variation in which of two processes is in the lead or on the longest path, even if the average rate of progress (e.g. concrete curing) of the two processes is tied. • In this sense, concurrent delay doesn’t really exist. It’s only something that arises from modelling assumptions. • It is thus reasonable to assume, absent further progress records, that for n processes occurring in tandem, each will be on the longest path 1/n of the time and thus causative of 1/n of the terminal delay. Concurrent Delay pezalaconsulting
  • 67. Float Ownership • ‘Float’ in this context really refers to two things: • Accrued terminal gain • Contractual milestone contingency • Computation needs to distinguish between terminal delay on a net and gross basis, if contractor ‘owns’ float. pezalaconsulting
  • 68. Time Discrete Terminal Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay Excusable Terminal Discrete Delay Discrete Terminal Gain (Discrete Delays) Overall Discrete Delay: the Sum of All the Lines (As Applicable) hours Presentation of Results pezalaconsulting
  • 69. Time Path Growth Rate Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay (Continuous Delays) Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of the Areas (As Applicable) 0 1 Delay Gain Partially Excusable Delay (Excusability = 0.5) Concurrent Delay Presentation of Results pezalaconsulting
  • 70. Time Path Growth Rate Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay (Combined Timescale) 0 1 Delay Gain Partially Excusable Delay (Excusability = 0.5) Time Discrete Terminal Delay hours Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay Excusable Terminal Discrete Delay Presentation of Results pezalaconsulting
  • 71. Presentation of Results Time Path Growth Rate Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay (Continuous Delays) Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of the Areas (As Applicable) 0 1 Delay Gain Partially Excusable Delay (Excusability = 0.5) Concurrent Delay Concurrency Treatment: Even Apportionment Approach pezalaconsulting
  • 72. Time Path Growth Rate Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay (Continuous Delays) Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of the Areas (As Applicable) 0 1 Delay Gain Partially Excusable Delay (Excusability = 0.5) Concurrent Delay Concurrency Treatment: Activity with Minimum Excusability Deemed to be Dominant/ Proximate Cause of Terminal Delay Presentation of Results pezalaconsulting
  • 73. Time Path Growth Rate Excusable Terminal Continuous Delay Inexcusable Terminal Discrete Delay (Continuous Delays) Overall Continuous Delay: the Sum of the Areas (As Applicable) 0 1 Delay Gain Partially Excusable Delay (Excusability = 0.5) Concurrent Delay Concurrency Treatment: Activity with Maximum Excusability Deemed to be Dominant/ Proximate Cause of Terminal Delay Presentation of Results pezalaconsulting