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AI jako klíč pro
efektivní marketing
Source: Google Cloud, internal Google data, accessed 3/14/23
AI je třetí velký posun
1. Internet
2. Mobile
3. AI
Generativní AI
otevírá svět
*Bard is available in the US and UK for now, and will expand to more countries
and languages over time.
Analytická &
Prediktivní AI
svět kolem
Adopce AI byla 2.5X vyšší v
2022 než v roce 2017
70% osvojitelů AI dosahuje
nárůstu příjmů
28% osvojitelů AI dosahuje
snížení nákladů
Source: “The state of AI in 2022—and a half decade in review”, McKinsey, 12/6/22
AI je klíčem k
V čem jsou
dobří lidé:
Soustřeďte se na to, v čem jste nejlepší,
k dosažení zlepšení pomocí AI
Marketingová strategie
Nastavování cílů
Kreativní design
Správa 1P dat
Efektivita médií
V čem jsou
dobré stroje:
Nastavování nabídek
Hledání publik
Vytváření insightů
Optimalizace výkonu
Škálování kreativ
AI Produkty,
které můžete
použít dnes
Vyhledávání +
Performance Max
Nejlepší výkonnostní kombinace
a znásobení výsledků napříč
Googlem za pomocí Vyhledávání
a Performance Max.
Dosahuje o 20 % více konverzí při
podobné ceně za konverzi*
Google Internal Data, April 2021
**Advertisers that adopt responsive search ads in campaigns
that also use Broad Match and Smart Bidding see an average
of 20% more conversions at a similar cost per action.
Při použití s nástroji jako RSA a Automatické
vytváření podkladů může Google AI použít vaše
assety a AI-generovaný obsah k vytvoření
nejvhodnější reklamy v reálném čase.
Zachyťte více příležitostí v reálném čase.
Zkombinujte klíčová slova ve Volné shodě
společně se Smart Biddingem v reklamách ve
vyhledávání a získejte
v průměru 35 % více konverzí*
Volná shoda
*Advertisers that upgrade their exact
match keywords to broad match in
campaigns that use conversion-based
Smart Bidding with a Target CPA can
see 35% more conversions on average
PMax kampaň používá plnou sílu Google AI k tomu,
aby vám pomohla znásobit konverze napříč Google
službami. Najděte neobjevené příležitosti k růstu z
nových vyhledávacích dotazů a dodatečných kanálů
k dosažení lepších výsledků.
Performance Max
Inzerenti kteří používají Performance
Max dosahují v průměru přes
18 % více konverzí
při podobné ceně za konverzi
Google Data, Global, Ads, November - December 2022
Používejte App campaigns k nalezení a udržení
vašich nejhodnotnějších uživatelů, ať už promujete
retailovou aplikaci, nebo třeba startujete novou hru.
Kampaně na aplikaci
Nasdílejte svoje konkrétní cíle a App
campaigns vám odemknou plnou sílu
Google AI na podporu vaší aplikace
napříč kanály - z jedné pouhé kampaně.
Inzerenti, kteří změní strategii nabídek
z tCPA na tROAS, pozorují v průměru
o 14 % vyšší konverzní hodnotu
při srovnatelných úrovních
návratnosti investic*
Nabídky na
základě hodnoty
Dosáhněte na zákazníky s vysokou hodnotou a posilte
vaše ROI pomocí kombinace vašich first-party dat a
Value based biddingu poháněným Google AI.
*ZDROJ: Google Internal Data, Global, February
Získejte vhled na míru pro váš byznys,
výkonnost vašich kampaní, zákazníky,
nebo kreativu.
Stránka statistik
Insights Page používá Google AI pro včasné
postřehy a bezprostřední projekce budoucnosti
k tomu, aby vám pomohla lépe operovat s
nejistotou, nebo vykreslila širší strategii pro
následující období.
+55 % zlepšení v cílech kampaně
Optimized targeting používá AI k vybudování cílového
publika nad rámec vašich existujících publik, které se
systémem sdílíte k nalezení nových a relevantních
zákazníků napříč Googlem.
Google Data, Global, 9/8/22-9/15/22
*On average, advertisers who use
optimized targeting in Display & Video
360 can see 55% improvement in their
campaign objectives when using
first-party data.
Spolehněte se na Google AI pro atribuci napříč
zákaznickou cestou a dosáhněte lepších
obchodních výsledků.
Data-driven atribuce je nejrozšířenější
atribuční model na měření konverzí pro
autmatizovaný bidding v Google Ads.
Inzerenti, kteří přešli na DDA z jiného
atribučního modelu vidí v průměru
6% nárůst v počtu konverzí.
Modelování a Atribuce
Inzerenti, kteří na webu používají
funkci Enhanced conversions,
dosahují v průměru nárůst konverzí
5 % ve vyhledávání a 17 %
na YouTube*
Rozšířené konverze
& Režim souhlasu
Sbírejte přesnější a data o konverzích při
zachování uživatelského soukromí a zajistěte si, že
Google modelování má správné signály pro
správné nabídky.
*ZDROJ: Google Internal Data, Global, February
AI nástroje
pro kreativu
Kreativa je zásadní k úspěchu kampaně.
Řešení pro kreativu poháněné AI může
chytře vytvořit, překlopit, či oříznout
YouTube video k usnadnění celého
procesu tvorby kreativy. Díky tomu
můžete lépe škálovat na různá publika
nebo formáty.
● ABCDs efektivních
YouTube ads
● Video Reach
● Video Action
● Text-to-speech
CSE Central Europe
Generativní Text - FeedGen
Generujte titulky a popisky produktu pro Google Shopping feeds
Použití Generativního Textu (fine-tuned T5 or LLM) pro
generování produktových nadpisů a popisků pro
vyplnění jakýchkoliv mezer, za použití existujících dat
pro Shopping.
Celý obsah titulků a popisků se používá pro párování k
vyhledávacímu dotazu. Zlepšením těchto komponent
můžete zlepšit CTR a dosáhnout lepších konverzních
Potenciální dopad
Požadované zdroje
Škálovatelnost a dostupnost
Feed existujících produktů Vylepšený titulek a popisek produktu
Guido Maria Kretschmer
Frühlingskleid ‘Paula’, Schwarz,
Damen Gr. 38, V-Ausschnitt,
Das Guido Maria Kretschmer Collection Kleid
'Paula' ist ein wunderschönes schwarzes
Frühlingskleid in Größe 38. Der taillierte
Schnitt und der tiefe Ausschnitt/Dekolleté
betonen die weibliche Figur auf elegante
Weise. Das Kleid verfügt über einen
Rücken-Reißverschluss und der Saum/Kante
ist mit einer Borte verziert, was dem Kleid
eine besondere Note verleiht. Der
V-Ausschnitt gibt dem Kleid einen edlen
Look, der durch das unifarbene Muster und
die drapierten/gera en Details unterstrichen
wird. Das Kleid besteht aus Viskose und hat
einen fließenden Stoff sowie einen kühlen
Griff. Die Ärmellänge ist lang, was es zu
einem perfekten Begleiter für Frühlingstage
macht. Das Kleid ist kurz/mini und hat eine
normale Passform. Das Kleid ist perfekt für
besondere Anlässe oder einfach für den
täglichen Gebrauch.
Guido Maria Kretschmer
Collection Kleid 'Paula' Damen
Größe 38 schwarz
Saum/Kante mit Borte,
Taillierter Schnitt, Tiefer
Reißverschluss; Material:
Viskose; Ausschnitt:
V-Ausschnitt; Muster:
Unifarben; Details:
Drapiert/gera ; Extras:
Fließender Stoff, Kühler Griff;
Länge: Kurz/Mini; Passform:
Normale Passform;
Ärmellänge: Langarm
FeedGen odebral
duplicitní nebo irelevantní
slova, změnil pořadí
komponentů a přidal
klíčové detaily produktu
FeedGen přidal
přirozenější jazyk pro
čtení, čímž dělá titulek
Das Guido Maria Kretschmer
Collection Kleid 'Paula' ist ein
elegantes und raffiniertes
Frühlingskleid aus hochwertiger
Viskose. Das Kleid hat einen
taillierten Schnitt und einen tiefen
V-Ausschnitt, der Ihre Figur perfekt
zur Geltung bringt. Der Rücken ist
mit einem Reißverschluss versehen.
Das Kleid ist mit einer eleganten
Borte am Saum versehen und hat
lange, drapierte Ärmel. Der Stoff
des Kleides ist fließend und weich
und hat einen angenehmen, kühlen
Griff. Das Kleid ist perfekt für
festliche Anlässe oder einen
eleganten Auftritt im Alltag.
Tady je
Case Studies
Rothy's goal was to use a full-funnel, cross-channel approach to grow
conversions and revenue efficiently.
As a brand that relies on video and lifestyle imagery to showcase the quality
and colorful nature of their products, Rothy’s used Performance Max to
unlock new channels to creatively meet their customers where they were.
At first we were hesitant to use AI to make such
important decisions. But the results spoke for
themselves. AI stays on top of customer trends
and behavior faster than we can.
Kate Barrows
Rothy’s, VP of growth
Google AI and Rothy’s pair up
to grow revenue The outcome
Grew impressions by 89%,
conversions by 60% and
revenue by 59%.
Increased sign-ups by 182%
with AI-powered Search ads.
With limited brand awareness in Germany, needed to scale
sign-ups via Search in a cost-efficient way.
Tails tested AI powered Search campaigns that used broad match together
with Smart Bidding, responsive search ads and data-driven attribution.
When you move into a different market, it’s really difficult to
know in advance what will be the search terms customers
use in that market. We were using a manual approach–and
of course it gives you a feeling of control–what it doesn’t do
though is give you the ability to stay current with the
nuances as they change in the landscape.
Jamie MacNaughton, Head Of Digital
Google AI and
unleash sales growth The outcome
McDonald’s Hong Kong faced changing customer habits during the
pandemic. Agencies Media.Monks and OMD helped McDonald’s used
Google AI-powered solutions to gather customer insights and use
them in App campaigns to boost in-app orders and in-store pickups.
AI enables us to do so much more to increase media
efficiency and sales, and we look forward to seeing
more breakthroughs brought by GA4 and other
solutions powered by Google AI.
Joanna Chow
OMD Hong Kong, Associate Digital Director
McDonald’s uses Google AI to
reach customers effectively
McDonald’s Hong Kong increased
conversions 550%, decreased
cost-per-acquisition 63%, all while
seeing a 560% increase in revenue.
The outcome
Independent search agency Solutions 8 unlocked new audiences and
demand for its client who sells shelf-stable food products. After using
Performance Max to target the client’s traditional audience, doomsday
preppers, the Insights page showed that audiences with an interest in
boating and sailing outperformed the client’s traditional audiences. Solutions
8 created new advertising assets specifically for this demographic.
We gave Google AI a well-researched audience
that brought in results, and it used that as a
starting point to find audiences that were even
John Moran
Solutions 8, Co-Founder
AI-driven insights unlocked
new audiences and demand
for Solutions 8’s CPG client.
The outcome
Search agency Solutions 8 uncovers
new client insights with Google AI
Ferrero is a global brand in chocolate and confectionery
production with iconic brands such as Nutella, Kinder,
and Tic-Tac.
As a result of brand safety escalations, Ferrero was
forced to rethink whether YouTube was the right
platform for their brand. Advertising comes with great
responsibility; even though they had experienced
strong performance on YouTube, they decided to pause
their YouTube campaigns while Google took measures
to create a safer platform.
After Google made significant improvements in its
products and policies, Ferrero worked with their Google
team to match up their suitability preferences to
YouTube’s controls. Ferrero used Google AI to help
detect problematic video content at scale and quickly
remove comments on their videos that violate the
Community Guidelines.
Today, Ferrero relies on a combination of people- and
AI-powered technology to maintain a safe and vibrant
community for users, advertisers, and publishers. As a
result, Ferrero also increased their reach potential on
safe and popular YouTube inventory.
Read the full story
Ferrero accelerates its YouTube reach with a new
brand suitability mindset aided by Google AI
Customize creative in real
May 2023
“Google AI helped us mix different
controls like content labels, topics
and keyword exclusions to help us
feel overall more confident in our
Christine von Gosen
Senior Media Manager, Ferrero
“We’ve recently upgraded to
Performance Max and we’re able
to reach potential customers
across the whole Google
Network. So Search, Display, and
YouTube. We love that it lets us
use our assets in more places.”
Lucy Aylen
CEO, Never Fully Dressed
Never Fully Dressed is a company steeped in style.
Founded in 2009 with CEO Lucy Aylen selling
customised clothing at London's fashion markets, today
it's a global, multi-million pound business.
Following an incredibly tumultuous few years for the
industry, Lucy’s challenge was growing the business in a
sustainable way. Specifically, she needed to find a
marketing channel to support a business model of
frequent, limited-availability product drops.
The winning combination of Shopify and Google has
been a perfect match. With the Google channel on
Shopify, Never Fully Dressed is able to sync their entire
inventory to Google so that shoppers can discover their
products all over the internet. The combination of
syncing their entire inventory to Google, plus their
Performance Max campaigns, has driven strong results.
Their AI-powered campaigns have delivered an 890%
ROAS this year, and revenue generated by Google Ads
represents 40% of total online revenue.
This success has allowed for international expansion —
with the brand hosting pop-ups in Barcelona, New York
and Los Angeles.
Watch the full video
Never Fully Dressed drove 890% ROAS with
Shopify and AI native Performance Max
Optimize budgets across
channels and inventory
Unlock new audiences and
Customize creative in real
Accelerate sales and ROI
April 2023
LC Waikiki (LCW) is a fashion retailer with a presence in over 50
countries. LCW wanted to expand its app’s user base by
promoting installs and aligning its mobile services with user
expectations. The retailer had good App campaigns for installs
(ACi) fundamentals in place, but needed a tool to develop new
creatives that would achieve better performance.
Together with agency partner SEM, LC Waikiki adopted a test
and learn culture, running a test with a new video creative using
asset uplift, the core creative testing solution for App campaigns.
During the test, LCW made the most of asset uplift's key levers,
equal audience split, and a high confidence interval threshold
since the outcome of the test would affect mid- to long-term
decision-making for the app’s creative narrative.
LC Waikiki tested video assets that focused on its app’s unique
selling propositions and limited-time offers. They found that the
new assets outperforming the retailer’s evergreen assets by
generating over 32% more installs at a 7% lower cost per install
(CPI) and at a 95% confidence interval across video inventory.
The App campaign's asset uplift solution contributed to LC
Waikiki's test and learn approach by providing a platform for
gaining data-driven insights.
“We know that providing the
smart algorithms of App
campaigns with a high number
of quality creatives is crucial for
best results. With this
experiment, we were able to
observe the incremental
benefits with tangible results ”
Erim Birol
Digital Marketing Manager, SEM
LC Waikiki increases app installs by 32%
with asset uplift testing
Accelerate sales and ROI
Optimize budgets across
channels and inventory
Customize creative in real
April 2023
Corissia Hotels drives 32% increase in
revenue with Performance Max for travel
The family-run Corissia Hotels Group has doubled its capacity
during the last three years, adding two new luxury hotels to its
portfolio. It was challenged to find ways to fuel this growth, access
new source markets, and expand its distribution channels. The
group’s main objective was to increase the total gross room
revenue generated in Q4 2022 by 24% compared to Q4 2021,
mainly by optimizing the direct bookings channel through its
When Performance Max for travel goals launched, Corissia
recognized it as a great opportunity to expand the reach of its
hotels and increase direct bookings. The company promptly
switched its Performance Max campaigns to Performance Max for
travel goals and set its campaigns to conversion value, its primary
KPI. As a starting point, Corissia created four asset groups — one
for each hotel.
Performance Max for travel goals exceeded Corissia Hotels’
expectations by becoming one of its highest-performing
campaigns. In the first month, the AI native campaign yielded an
increase of 26% in total conversions / direct bookings. The value
of direct bookings generated by Performance Max for travel goals
was 21% higher than the average, resulting in an overall increase
of 32% in total revenue. Corissia Hotels is now expanding
Performance Max for travel goals by building out additional asset
groups and broadening its audience signals.
Unlock new audiences and
Accelerate sales and ROI
“Performance Max for travel
goals is a great opportunity for
hotels trying to optimize their
direct booking channel. We
would’ve never imagined such a
strong performance and
Giorgos Tsiledakis
Sales & Marketing Manager, Corissia Hotels &
March 2023
For Dutch retailer Scotch & Soda, the 2022 holiday
season had its challenges on a macro economic
level. They saw a shift in consumer confidence,
which led to shoppers looking for value earlier in the
season as customer acquisition costs rose.
Scotch & Soda believes that experimenting with
innovation is how it can succeed and differentiate in
a competitive environment. The team tests new
approaches in a controlled environment to rapidly
learn from failures and double down on what works,
remaining focused on the metrics that matter. When
the core success metric was revenue, for example,
experiments initially showed traffic decreasing. But
they let the test run its course, knowing that AI is all
about finding quality customers. By the end, they
realized that they were driving more revenue more
efficiently with AI-powered Performance Max
The future will involve a continued effort to break
down channel barriers and experiment with new
ways of connecting the company with its valuable
customers. They’ve also found that app customers
have a higher average order value and lifetime value,
so Scotch & Soda will also be focusing on creating
seamless web-to-app journeys and measuring the
overall business impact of app downloads.
“We had to dig deep to find the
right customers across
channels and eliminate the
noise, using Google’s AI to
identify and reach only the
shoppers willing to purchase
rather than just browse.”
Leon Wharton Hallen
Media & Advertising Director, Scotch & Soda
Scotch & Soda attracts high-value customers
with AI-powered solutions
Optimize budgets across
channels and inventory
Unlock new audiences and
Accelerate sales and ROI
February 2023
Zest Car Rental beats pre-pandemic
bookings by 124% with AI-powered Search
UK-based car broker, Zest Car Rental, was eager to return bookings
and revenue to its impressive pre-pandemic numbers. With the
entire auto industry impacted by COVID-19, Zest witnessed an
unpredictable shift in customer behavior and an unprecedented
amount of booking cancellations.
Zest fully embraced the best practices for AI-powered Search
campaigns. It consolidated 200 campaigns and 14,000 ad copies,
created responsive search ads and a dynamic search ad for every
campaign, and fully adopted target cost per acquisition (tCPA)
bidding. Zest also launched a full broad match strategy to adapt to
new search behaviors and customer concerns around
post-pandemic travel. For better account maintenance and
supercharged growth, Zest began auto applying
recommendations. Lastly, to prepare its Google account for
changes in the privacy landscape, Zest activated enhanced
By embracing coverage expansion and privacy measurement best
practices, Zest was able to show its ads to a wider, more relevant
audience. Its click through rates grew by 150%, boosting new
customer bookings 124% and growing revenue by 239% versus
2019 while cost per acquisition fell 56%. Zest Car Rental is now
equipped with the AI-powered ad solutions to increase its
customer base and continue to grow internationally.
Accelerate sales and ROI
Unlock new audiences and
Drive high-quality leads
“When I arrived at Zest, the account
required an overhaul. I began
working with my team to optimize
and accelerate the account. With
Smart Bidding and broad match, in
just 10 months we increased
revenue by 239% with a 56%
decrease in CPA.”
Sebastian Brickell
Digital Marketing Manager, Zest Car Rental
January 2023
As an insurance leader in a rapidly changing and highly
competitive business environment, Allianz strives to get the most
out of their marketing budget by improving the efficiency of
advertising activities. Allianz turned to Performance Max,
optimizing this new campaign for online form completions that
result in car insurance leads at a profitable, stable CPA.
Partnering with Jellyfish, their digital transformation agency,
Allianz developed a plan to implement Performance Max with
their lead gen marketing objectives in mind. They repurposed
existing creative assets from other campaigns to quickly build
and launch their Performance Max campaign, enabling them to
maximize their reach across Search, Display, Video, Gmail and
the Discover feed. Using real-time reporting in Google Data
Studio, they were also able to easily monitor the quantity and the
cost per lead delivered by Performance Max campaigns.
The result? Performance Max drove a 15% increase in the
number of car insurance leads at the same price as the overall
Search activation (Brand+Generic) and 5 euros cheaper than
generic Search campaigns. As a result, Allianz has expanded
Performance Max campaigns to several more insurance
Watch the full story
“Let the AI algorithms work for
you to find the customers that
you want, whilst you can ensure
that you are tweaking it and
directing it the way you need.”
Elias Nuevo
Managing Director, Jellyfish
Allianz Spain drives 15% growth in qualified
car insurance leads with Performance Max
Optimize budgets across
channels and inventory
Unlock new audiences and
Drive high-quality leads
August 2022
H&M and iProspect leverage AI-powered
Search to find new valuable customers
Together, iProspect worked with H&M’s global paid media team to
use Search not only to drive revenue, but to acquire new
customers as well. H&M initially wanted to optimize Search
campaigns for revenue and ROAS, a goal that retailers commonly
use to drive short-term results. Over time, iProspect and H&M
embarked on a project to better understand the impact of paid
search activities on overall sales data. They arrived at some
interesting insights. For instance, they discovered that optimizing
for short-term revenue led the algorithms to focus on consumers
with a higher conversion rate, and thus campaigns were highly
indexed on existing customers.
The team decided to add a new key metric, “new customer share,”
in order to reach more individuals who had never patronized H&M.
By setting up custom revenue multipliers in Google Ads to
influence how the system optimizes for H&M’s customer segments,
iProspect and its client observed a 65% increase in new
customers and a 70% increase in paid search revenue.
According to Anna Calciolari, iProspect’s global director of product
and partnerships, “We drove long-term growth by prioritizing new
customers and adapting our bidding strategy, and by investing our
resources in strategic tasks like account restructure and feed and
app optimization.”
Read the full story (agency perspective)
Read the full story (brand perspective)
Accelerate sales and ROI
Unlock new audiences and
"To make more impact with our
performance marketing, we
needed to start taking a
customer-centric, value-based
Kristoffer Ullenius
Global Head of Paid Media, H&M
March 2022
Performance Max drives
38% more Revenue for
Increase in
Increase in
Sportisimo is an omnichannel retailer selling Sporting Goods,
Sports & Fitness Apparel.
SK •
Sportisimo was running SSC successfully for a long time
on all of their markets with 100% SSC adoption rate. They
were looking for the new ways to scale their campaigns
while still having the same effectivity.
Sportisimo participated in the beta version of Performance
Max for Retailers. This new campaign type helps maximize
performance across Search, Shopping, Display, Discover
and YouTube. It was important to setup the same budget or
slightly higher for Performance Max as they had in Smart
Shopping campaigns as most of the shopping traffic would
move to Performance Max.
Performance Max brought amazing results straight from
the beginning. Performance Max generated 49% more
Revenue while staying slightly above the average tROAS,
compared to Smart Shopping campaigns the period before.
If taking into consideration performance of other campaign
types (Search, Shopping, etc.) together with Performance
Max, Sportisimo saw improvement of 38% in Revenue for
the similar ROAS. Important to mention that Search
campaigns didn’t lose their volume after Performance Max
Sportisimo decided to adopt Performance Max in other
© 2021 Google LLC. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
In Europe, Smart Shopping campaigns can be used with any Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) you work with. The ads will show on general search results pages and on any other surfaces the CSS has
opted in to.
Increase in
“We are satisfied with results
achieved so far by Performance Max
and we plan to continue using this
type of campaign in Slovakia.”
— Matej Múčka, Performance Marketing Team Leader,
Nárůst tržeb
Nárůst životní
© 2021 Google LLC. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
In Europe, Smart Shopping campaigns can be used with any Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) you work with. The ads will show on general search results pages and on any other surfaces the CSS has
opted in to.
<Vložte případovou studii zde>
Úspech leží v nastavení správného modelu, správných dat a správných KPIs
napříč celým procesem.
Měření hodnoty
GeoX 2.0,
Conversion Lift
MMM, Lightweight MMM
(Google’s open source)
Zodpovědné marketingové praktiky
Vstup správných dat
EC, CoMo,
OCI, Value Ingestion,
Objem konverzí
Konverzní hodnota
Reklamy poháněné AI
Smart Bidding
Data-Driven Atribuce
Proprietary + Confidential
Jaká je nejlepší struktura kampaní?
A jaké ultimátní pravidlo úspěchu?
Proprietary + Confidential
Zjednodušená struktura účtu: Zpátky k základům
Platební metoda, fakturace, Měna, Konverze*
Geo, Rozpočet, Bidding strategie Geo, Rozpočet, Bidding strategie
Text reklamy,
Klíčové slovo,
Cílová stránka
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PPC Restart 2023: Matouš Ledvina - AI jako klíč pro efektivní marketing

  • 1. AI jako klíč pro efektivní marketing 2023
  • 2. Source: Google Cloud, internal Google data, accessed 3/14/23 AI je třetí velký posun 1. Internet 2. Mobile 3. AI
  • 3. Updated P1 Generativní AI otevírá svět kreativity Vyzkoušet *Bard is available in the US and UK for now, and will expand to more countries and languages over time.
  • 5. Adopce AI byla 2.5X vyšší v 2022 než v roce 2017 70% osvojitelů AI dosahuje nárůstu příjmů 28% osvojitelů AI dosahuje snížení nákladů Source: “The state of AI in 2022—and a half decade in review”, McKinsey, 12/6/22 AI je klíčem k pohánění silné marketingové efektivity
  • 6. V čem jsou dobří lidé: Soustřeďte se na to, v čem jste nejlepší, k dosažení zlepšení pomocí AI Marketingová strategie Nastavování cílů Kreativní design Experimentování Správa 1P dat Efektivita médií V čem jsou dobré stroje: Nastavování nabídek Hledání publik Vytváření insightů Optimalizace výkonu Škálování kreativ
  • 8. Vyhledávání + Performance Max Nejlepší výkonnostní kombinace a znásobení výsledků napříč Googlem za pomocí Vyhledávání a Performance Max.
  • 9. Dosahuje o 20 % více konverzí při podobné ceně za konverzi* Zdroj Google Internal Data, April 2021 **Advertisers that adopt responsive search ads in campaigns that also use Broad Match and Smart Bidding see an average of 20% more conversions at a similar cost per action. Při použití s nástroji jako RSA a Automatické vytváření podkladů může Google AI použít vaše assety a AI-generovaný obsah k vytvoření nejvhodnější reklamy v reálném čase. Vyhledávání
  • 10. Zachyťte více příležitostí v reálném čase. Zkombinujte klíčová slova ve Volné shodě společně se Smart Biddingem v reklamách ve vyhledávání a získejte v průměru 35 % více konverzí* Volná shoda Zdroj *Advertisers that upgrade their exact match keywords to broad match in campaigns that use conversion-based Smart Bidding with a Target CPA can see 35% more conversions on average
  • 11. PMax kampaň používá plnou sílu Google AI k tomu, aby vám pomohla znásobit konverze napříč Google službami. Najděte neobjevené příležitosti k růstu z nových vyhledávacích dotazů a dodatečných kanálů k dosažení lepších výsledků. Performance Max Inzerenti kteří používají Performance Max dosahují v průměru přes 18 % více konverzí při podobné ceně za konverzi Zdroj Google Data, Global, Ads, November - December 2022
  • 12. Používejte App campaigns k nalezení a udržení vašich nejhodnotnějších uživatelů, ať už promujete retailovou aplikaci, nebo třeba startujete novou hru. Kampaně na aplikaci Nasdílejte svoje konkrétní cíle a App campaigns vám odemknou plnou sílu Google AI na podporu vaší aplikace napříč kanály - z jedné pouhé kampaně.
  • 13. Inzerenti, kteří změní strategii nabídek z tCPA na tROAS, pozorují v průměru o 14 % vyšší konverzní hodnotu při srovnatelných úrovních návratnosti investic* Nabídky na základě hodnoty Dosáhněte na zákazníky s vysokou hodnotou a posilte vaše ROI pomocí kombinace vašich first-party dat a Value based biddingu poháněným Google AI. *ZDROJ: Google Internal Data, Global, February 2023
  • 14. Získejte vhled na míru pro váš byznys, výkonnost vašich kampaní, zákazníky, nebo kreativu. Stránka statistik Insights Page používá Google AI pro včasné postřehy a bezprostřední projekce budoucnosti k tomu, aby vám pomohla lépe operovat s nejistotou, nebo vykreslila širší strategii pro následující období.
  • 15. Optimalizované cílení +55 % zlepšení v cílech kampaně Optimized targeting používá AI k vybudování cílového publika nad rámec vašich existujících publik, které se systémem sdílíte k nalezení nových a relevantních zákazníků napříč Googlem. Zdroj Google Data, Global, 9/8/22-9/15/22 *On average, advertisers who use optimized targeting in Display & Video 360 can see 55% improvement in their campaign objectives when using first-party data.
  • 16. Spolehněte se na Google AI pro atribuci napříč zákaznickou cestou a dosáhněte lepších obchodních výsledků. Data-driven atribuce je nejrozšířenější atribuční model na měření konverzí pro autmatizovaný bidding v Google Ads. Inzerenti, kteří přešli na DDA z jiného atribučního modelu vidí v průměru 6% nárůst v počtu konverzí. Modelování a Atribuce
  • 17. Inzerenti, kteří na webu používají funkci Enhanced conversions, dosahují v průměru nárůst konverzí 5 % ve vyhledávání a 17 % na YouTube* Rozšířené konverze & Režim souhlasu Sbírejte přesnější a data o konverzích při zachování uživatelského soukromí a zajistěte si, že Google modelování má správné signály pro správné nabídky. *ZDROJ: Google Internal Data, Global, February 2023
  • 18. AI nástroje pro kreativu Kreativa je zásadní k úspěchu kampaně. Řešení pro kreativu poháněné AI může chytře vytvořit, překlopit, či oříznout YouTube video k usnadnění celého procesu tvorby kreativy. Díky tomu můžete lépe škálovat na různá publika nebo formáty.
  • 19. ● ABCDs efektivních YouTube ads ● Video Reach Campaigns ● Video Action Campaigns ● Text-to-speech A B C D
  • 20. CSE Central Europe Generativní Text - FeedGen Generujte titulky a popisky produktu pro Google Shopping feeds Shrnutí _________________________________________________ CO? Použití Generativního Textu (fine-tuned T5 or LLM) pro generování produktových nadpisů a popisků pro vyplnění jakýchkoliv mezer, za použití existujících dat pro Shopping. PROČ? Celý obsah titulků a popisků se používá pro párování k vyhledávacímu dotazu. Zlepšením těchto komponent můžete zlepšit CTR a dosáhnout lepších konverzních poměrů. _________________________________________________ Potenciální dopad ●●●●○ _________________________________________________ Požadované zdroje ●●○○○ _________________________________________________ Škálovatelnost a dostupnost ●●●○○ Výstup Feed existujících produktů Vylepšený titulek a popisek produktu Guido Maria Kretschmer Frühlingskleid ‘Paula’, Schwarz, Damen Gr. 38, V-Ausschnitt, Reißverschluss Popisek Das Guido Maria Kretschmer Collection Kleid 'Paula' ist ein wunderschönes schwarzes Frühlingskleid in Größe 38. Der taillierte Schnitt und der tiefe Ausschnitt/Dekolleté betonen die weibliche Figur auf elegante Weise. Das Kleid verfügt über einen Rücken-Reißverschluss und der Saum/Kante ist mit einer Borte verziert, was dem Kleid eine besondere Note verleiht. Der V-Ausschnitt gibt dem Kleid einen edlen Look, der durch das unifarbene Muster und die drapierten/gera en Details unterstrichen wird. Das Kleid besteht aus Viskose und hat einen fließenden Stoff sowie einen kühlen Griff. Die Ärmellänge ist lang, was es zu einem perfekten Begleiter für Frühlingstage macht. Das Kleid ist kurz/mini und hat eine normale Passform. Das Kleid ist perfekt für besondere Anlässe oder einfach für den täglichen Gebrauch. Titulek Popisek Guido Maria Kretschmer Collection Kleid 'Paula' Damen Größe 38 schwarz Frühlingskleid Design: Rücken-Reißverschluss, Saum/Kante mit Borte, Taillierter Schnitt, Tiefer Ausschnitt/Dekolleté; Verschlussart: Reißverschluss; Material: Viskose; Ausschnitt: V-Ausschnitt; Muster: Unifarben; Details: Drapiert/gera ; Extras: Fließender Stoff, Kühler Griff; Länge: Kurz/Mini; Passform: Normale Passform; Ärmellänge: Langarm Observations FeedGen odebral duplicitní nebo irelevantní slova, změnil pořadí komponentů a přidal klíčové detaily produktu FeedGen přidal přirozenější jazyk pro čtení, čímž dělá titulek atraktivnějším Titulek Das Guido Maria Kretschmer Collection Kleid 'Paula' ist ein elegantes und raffiniertes Frühlingskleid aus hochwertiger Viskose. Das Kleid hat einen taillierten Schnitt und einen tiefen V-Ausschnitt, der Ihre Figur perfekt zur Geltung bringt. Der Rücken ist mit einem Reißverschluss versehen. Das Kleid ist mit einer eleganten Borte am Saum versehen und hat lange, drapierte Ärmel. Der Stoff des Kleides ist fließend und weich und hat einen angenehmen, kühlen Griff. Das Kleid ist perfekt für festliche Anlässe oder einen eleganten Auftritt im Alltag. Vstup
  • 22. Rothy's goal was to use a full-funnel, cross-channel approach to grow conversions and revenue efficiently. As a brand that relies on video and lifestyle imagery to showcase the quality and colorful nature of their products, Rothy’s used Performance Max to unlock new channels to creatively meet their customers where they were. At first we were hesitant to use AI to make such important decisions. But the results spoke for themselves. AI stays on top of customer trends and behavior faster than we can. Kate Barrows Rothy’s, VP of growth Google AI and Rothy’s pair up to grow revenue The outcome Grew impressions by 89%, conversions by 60% and revenue by 59%.
  • 23. Increased sign-ups by 182% with AI-powered Search ads. With limited brand awareness in Germany, needed to scale sign-ups via Search in a cost-efficient way. Tails tested AI powered Search campaigns that used broad match together with Smart Bidding, responsive search ads and data-driven attribution. When you move into a different market, it’s really difficult to know in advance what will be the search terms customers use in that market. We were using a manual approach–and of course it gives you a feeling of control–what it doesn’t do though is give you the ability to stay current with the nuances as they change in the landscape. Jamie MacNaughton, Head Of Digital Google AI and unleash sales growth The outcome
  • 24. McDonald’s Hong Kong faced changing customer habits during the pandemic. Agencies Media.Monks and OMD helped McDonald’s used Google AI-powered solutions to gather customer insights and use them in App campaigns to boost in-app orders and in-store pickups. AI enables us to do so much more to increase media efficiency and sales, and we look forward to seeing more breakthroughs brought by GA4 and other solutions powered by Google AI. Joanna Chow OMD Hong Kong, Associate Digital Director McDonald’s uses Google AI to reach customers effectively McDonald’s Hong Kong increased conversions 550%, decreased cost-per-acquisition 63%, all while seeing a 560% increase in revenue. The outcome
  • 25. Independent search agency Solutions 8 unlocked new audiences and demand for its client who sells shelf-stable food products. After using Performance Max to target the client’s traditional audience, doomsday preppers, the Insights page showed that audiences with an interest in boating and sailing outperformed the client’s traditional audiences. Solutions 8 created new advertising assets specifically for this demographic. We gave Google AI a well-researched audience that brought in results, and it used that as a starting point to find audiences that were even better. John Moran Solutions 8, Co-Founder AI-driven insights unlocked new audiences and demand for Solutions 8’s CPG client. The outcome Search agency Solutions 8 uncovers new client insights with Google AI
  • 26. Ferrero is a global brand in chocolate and confectionery production with iconic brands such as Nutella, Kinder, and Tic-Tac. As a result of brand safety escalations, Ferrero was forced to rethink whether YouTube was the right platform for their brand. Advertising comes with great responsibility; even though they had experienced strong performance on YouTube, they decided to pause their YouTube campaigns while Google took measures to create a safer platform. After Google made significant improvements in its products and policies, Ferrero worked with their Google team to match up their suitability preferences to YouTube’s controls. Ferrero used Google AI to help detect problematic video content at scale and quickly remove comments on their videos that violate the Community Guidelines. Today, Ferrero relies on a combination of people- and AI-powered technology to maintain a safe and vibrant community for users, advertisers, and publishers. As a result, Ferrero also increased their reach potential on safe and popular YouTube inventory. Read the full story CPG EMEA LCS Ferrero accelerates its YouTube reach with a new brand suitability mindset aided by Google AI Customize creative in real time May 2023 “Google AI helped us mix different controls like content labels, topics and keyword exclusions to help us feel overall more confident in our advertising.” Christine von Gosen Senior Media Manager, Ferrero
  • 27. “We’ve recently upgraded to Performance Max and we’re able to reach potential customers across the whole Google Network. So Search, Display, and YouTube. We love that it lets us use our assets in more places.” Lucy Aylen CEO, Never Fully Dressed RETAIL EMEA GCS Never Fully Dressed is a company steeped in style. Founded in 2009 with CEO Lucy Aylen selling customised clothing at London's fashion markets, today it's a global, multi-million pound business. Following an incredibly tumultuous few years for the industry, Lucy’s challenge was growing the business in a sustainable way. Specifically, she needed to find a marketing channel to support a business model of frequent, limited-availability product drops. The winning combination of Shopify and Google has been a perfect match. With the Google channel on Shopify, Never Fully Dressed is able to sync their entire inventory to Google so that shoppers can discover their products all over the internet. The combination of syncing their entire inventory to Google, plus their Performance Max campaigns, has driven strong results. Their AI-powered campaigns have delivered an 890% ROAS this year, and revenue generated by Google Ads represents 40% of total online revenue. This success has allowed for international expansion — with the brand hosting pop-ups in Barcelona, New York and Los Angeles. Watch the full video Never Fully Dressed drove 890% ROAS with Shopify and AI native Performance Max Optimize budgets across channels and inventory Unlock new audiences and demand Customize creative in real time Accelerate sales and ROI April 2023
  • 28. LC Waikiki (LCW) is a fashion retailer with a presence in over 50 countries. LCW wanted to expand its app’s user base by promoting installs and aligning its mobile services with user expectations. The retailer had good App campaigns for installs (ACi) fundamentals in place, but needed a tool to develop new creatives that would achieve better performance. Together with agency partner SEM, LC Waikiki adopted a test and learn culture, running a test with a new video creative using asset uplift, the core creative testing solution for App campaigns. During the test, LCW made the most of asset uplift's key levers, equal audience split, and a high confidence interval threshold since the outcome of the test would affect mid- to long-term decision-making for the app’s creative narrative. LC Waikiki tested video assets that focused on its app’s unique selling propositions and limited-time offers. They found that the new assets outperforming the retailer’s evergreen assets by generating over 32% more installs at a 7% lower cost per install (CPI) and at a 95% confidence interval across video inventory. The App campaign's asset uplift solution contributed to LC Waikiki's test and learn approach by providing a platform for gaining data-driven insights. “We know that providing the smart algorithms of App campaigns with a high number of quality creatives is crucial for best results. With this experiment, we were able to observe the incremental benefits with tangible results ” Erim Birol Digital Marketing Manager, SEM LC Waikiki increases app installs by 32% with asset uplift testing RETAIL - APPS EMEA LCS Accelerate sales and ROI Optimize budgets across channels and inventory Customize creative in real time April 2023
  • 29. Corissia Hotels drives 32% increase in revenue with Performance Max for travel goals TRAVEL The family-run Corissia Hotels Group has doubled its capacity during the last three years, adding two new luxury hotels to its portfolio. It was challenged to find ways to fuel this growth, access new source markets, and expand its distribution channels. The group’s main objective was to increase the total gross room revenue generated in Q4 2022 by 24% compared to Q4 2021, mainly by optimizing the direct bookings channel through its website. When Performance Max for travel goals launched, Corissia recognized it as a great opportunity to expand the reach of its hotels and increase direct bookings. The company promptly switched its Performance Max campaigns to Performance Max for travel goals and set its campaigns to conversion value, its primary KPI. As a starting point, Corissia created four asset groups — one for each hotel. Performance Max for travel goals exceeded Corissia Hotels’ expectations by becoming one of its highest-performing campaigns. In the first month, the AI native campaign yielded an increase of 26% in total conversions / direct bookings. The value of direct bookings generated by Performance Max for travel goals was 21% higher than the average, resulting in an overall increase of 32% in total revenue. Corissia Hotels is now expanding Performance Max for travel goals by building out additional asset groups and broadening its audience signals. EMEA GCS Unlock new audiences and demand Accelerate sales and ROI “Performance Max for travel goals is a great opportunity for hotels trying to optimize their direct booking channel. We would’ve never imagined such a strong performance and efficiency.” Giorgos Tsiledakis Sales & Marketing Manager, Corissia Hotels & Resort March 2023
  • 30. For Dutch retailer Scotch & Soda, the 2022 holiday season had its challenges on a macro economic level. They saw a shift in consumer confidence, which led to shoppers looking for value earlier in the season as customer acquisition costs rose. Scotch & Soda believes that experimenting with innovation is how it can succeed and differentiate in a competitive environment. The team tests new approaches in a controlled environment to rapidly learn from failures and double down on what works, remaining focused on the metrics that matter. When the core success metric was revenue, for example, experiments initially showed traffic decreasing. But they let the test run its course, knowing that AI is all about finding quality customers. By the end, they realized that they were driving more revenue more efficiently with AI-powered Performance Max campaigns. The future will involve a continued effort to break down channel barriers and experiment with new ways of connecting the company with its valuable customers. They’ve also found that app customers have a higher average order value and lifetime value, so Scotch & Soda will also be focusing on creating seamless web-to-app journeys and measuring the overall business impact of app downloads. “We had to dig deep to find the right customers across channels and eliminate the noise, using Google’s AI to identify and reach only the shoppers willing to purchase rather than just browse.” Leon Wharton Hallen Media & Advertising Director, Scotch & Soda Scotch & Soda attracts high-value customers with AI-powered solutions RETAIL EMEA GCS Optimize budgets across channels and inventory Unlock new audiences and demand Accelerate sales and ROI February 2023
  • 31. Zest Car Rental beats pre-pandemic bookings by 124% with AI-powered Search ads UK-based car broker, Zest Car Rental, was eager to return bookings and revenue to its impressive pre-pandemic numbers. With the entire auto industry impacted by COVID-19, Zest witnessed an unpredictable shift in customer behavior and an unprecedented amount of booking cancellations. Zest fully embraced the best practices for AI-powered Search campaigns. It consolidated 200 campaigns and 14,000 ad copies, created responsive search ads and a dynamic search ad for every campaign, and fully adopted target cost per acquisition (tCPA) bidding. Zest also launched a full broad match strategy to adapt to new search behaviors and customer concerns around post-pandemic travel. For better account maintenance and supercharged growth, Zest began auto applying recommendations. Lastly, to prepare its Google account for changes in the privacy landscape, Zest activated enhanced conversions. By embracing coverage expansion and privacy measurement best practices, Zest was able to show its ads to a wider, more relevant audience. Its click through rates grew by 150%, boosting new customer bookings 124% and growing revenue by 239% versus 2019 while cost per acquisition fell 56%. Zest Car Rental is now equipped with the AI-powered ad solutions to increase its customer base and continue to grow internationally. TRAVEL EMEA GCS Accelerate sales and ROI Unlock new audiences and demand Drive high-quality leads “When I arrived at Zest, the account required an overhaul. I began working with my team to optimize and accelerate the account. With Smart Bidding and broad match, in just 10 months we increased revenue by 239% with a 56% decrease in CPA.” Sebastian Brickell Digital Marketing Manager, Zest Car Rental January 2023
  • 32. As an insurance leader in a rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment, Allianz strives to get the most out of their marketing budget by improving the efficiency of advertising activities. Allianz turned to Performance Max, optimizing this new campaign for online form completions that result in car insurance leads at a profitable, stable CPA. Partnering with Jellyfish, their digital transformation agency, Allianz developed a plan to implement Performance Max with their lead gen marketing objectives in mind. They repurposed existing creative assets from other campaigns to quickly build and launch their Performance Max campaign, enabling them to maximize their reach across Search, Display, Video, Gmail and the Discover feed. Using real-time reporting in Google Data Studio, they were also able to easily monitor the quantity and the cost per lead delivered by Performance Max campaigns. The result? Performance Max drove a 15% increase in the number of car insurance leads at the same price as the overall Search activation (Brand+Generic) and 5 euros cheaper than generic Search campaigns. As a result, Allianz has expanded Performance Max campaigns to several more insurance products. Watch the full story “Let the AI algorithms work for you to find the customers that you want, whilst you can ensure that you are tweaking it and directing it the way you need.” Elias Nuevo Managing Director, Jellyfish Allianz Spain drives 15% growth in qualified car insurance leads with Performance Max INSURANCE EMEA LCS Optimize budgets across channels and inventory Unlock new audiences and demand Drive high-quality leads August 2022
  • 33. H&M and iProspect leverage AI-powered Search to find new valuable customers AGENCY+RETAIL Together, iProspect worked with H&M’s global paid media team to use Search not only to drive revenue, but to acquire new customers as well. H&M initially wanted to optimize Search campaigns for revenue and ROAS, a goal that retailers commonly use to drive short-term results. Over time, iProspect and H&M embarked on a project to better understand the impact of paid search activities on overall sales data. They arrived at some interesting insights. For instance, they discovered that optimizing for short-term revenue led the algorithms to focus on consumers with a higher conversion rate, and thus campaigns were highly indexed on existing customers. The team decided to add a new key metric, “new customer share,” in order to reach more individuals who had never patronized H&M. By setting up custom revenue multipliers in Google Ads to influence how the system optimizes for H&M’s customer segments, iProspect and its client observed a 65% increase in new customers and a 70% increase in paid search revenue. According to Anna Calciolari, iProspect’s global director of product and partnerships, “We drove long-term growth by prioritizing new customers and adapting our bidding strategy, and by investing our resources in strategic tasks like account restructure and feed and app optimization.” Read the full story (agency perspective) Read the full story (brand perspective) EMEA LCS Accelerate sales and ROI Unlock new audiences and demand "To make more impact with our performance marketing, we needed to start taking a customer-centric, value-based approach." Kristoffer Ullenius Global Head of Paid Media, H&M March 2022
  • 34. Performance Max drives 38% more Revenue for Sportisimo 38% Increase in Revenue 36% Increase in Conversions Sportisimo is an omnichannel retailer selling Sporting Goods, Sports & Fitness Apparel. SK • CASE STUDY Challenge Sportisimo was running SSC successfully for a long time on all of their markets with 100% SSC adoption rate. They were looking for the new ways to scale their campaigns while still having the same effectivity. Approach Sportisimo participated in the beta version of Performance Max for Retailers. This new campaign type helps maximize performance across Search, Shopping, Display, Discover and YouTube. It was important to setup the same budget or slightly higher for Performance Max as they had in Smart Shopping campaigns as most of the shopping traffic would move to Performance Max. Results Performance Max brought amazing results straight from the beginning. Performance Max generated 49% more Revenue while staying slightly above the average tROAS, compared to Smart Shopping campaigns the period before. If taking into consideration performance of other campaign types (Search, Shopping, etc.) together with Performance Max, Sportisimo saw improvement of 38% in Revenue for the similar ROAS. Important to mention that Search campaigns didn’t lose their volume after Performance Max launch. Sportisimo decided to adopt Performance Max in other accounts. © 2021 Google LLC. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. In Europe, Smart Shopping campaigns can be used with any Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) you work with. The ads will show on general search results pages and on any other surfaces the CSS has opted in to. 35% Increase in Click “We are satisfied with results achieved so far by Performance Max and we plan to continue using this type of campaign in Slovakia.” — Matej Múčka, Performance Marketing Team Leader,
  • 35. XX% Nárůst tržeb XX% Nárůst životní spokojenosti CASE STUDY © 2021 Google LLC. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. In Europe, Smart Shopping campaigns can be used with any Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) you work with. The ads will show on general search results pages and on any other surfaces the CSS has opted in to. XX% Nárůst světového míru <Vložte případovou studii zde>
  • 36. Úspech leží v nastavení správného modelu, správných dat a správných KPIs napříč celým procesem. Měření hodnoty Obchodní růst GeoX 2.0, Conversion Lift MMM, Lightweight MMM (Google’s open source) MMM Inkrementalita Zodpovědné marketingové praktiky Vstup správných dat EC, CoMo, Server-side OCI, Value Ingestion, W2AC Obchodní cíle Objem konverzí Konverzní hodnota Reklamy poháněné AI GA4 BM, PMax, VBB Modelování Smart Bidding Data-Driven Atribuce DDA
  • 37. Proprietary + Confidential Jaká je nejlepší struktura kampaní? A jaké ultimátní pravidlo úspěchu?
  • 38. Proprietary + Confidential Zjednodušená struktura účtu: Zpátky k základům Platební metoda, fakturace, Měna, Konverze* Geo, Rozpočet, Bidding strategie Geo, Rozpočet, Bidding strategie Text reklamy, Klíčové slovo, Cílová stránka Text reklamy, Klíčové slovo, Cílová stránka Text reklamy, Klíčové slovo, Cílová stránka Text reklamy, Klíčové slovo, Cílová stránka