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Introduction to
Concurrent programming
Akka Actors
● Shashank L
● Senior Software engineer at Tellius
● Part time big data consultant and trainer
● Concurrency is the decomposability property of a
program, algorithm, or problem into order-independent or
partially-ordered components or units
● Structure a program by breaking it into pieces that can be
executed independently
● Co ordinating the execution of independent pieces
Concurrency and parallelism
● Concurrency is dealing with more than one thing at once
● Parallelism is doing more than one thing at once
Given tasks T1 and T2
T1 may be executed and finished before T2 or vice versa
(serial and sequential)
T1 and T2 may be executed alternately
(serial and concurrent)
T1 and T2 may be executed simultaneously at the same instant of time
(parallel and concurrent)
Concurrency is not parallelism
● Queues can be thought of
● Vending machine is
processor core
Moore’s law
The number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately
every 2 years.
~ Gordon Moore, 1965
Free performance lunch
● Over 30 years till 2000, performance gains were in 3
○ Clock speed
○ Execution optimization
○ Caching
Old applications have always run significantly faster
even without being recompiled
Moore’s law
● Early 2000
○ Chips got big, transistors were added aggressively
○ Clock cycle was almost unchanged
○ Heat dissipation issues
○ Power consumption
○ Current leakage
Moore’s law
Birth of Multicore processors
● Multi-core processors
● Handle multiple operations in parallel
● CPU speeds are not increasing drastically anytime soon
● No free performance lunch without significant redesign
● Performance gains in new chips will be fueled by three main
○ Hyperthreading
○ Multicore
○ cache
Free performance lunch is over
● Concurrency revolution
● Build multi core aware applications
● Operate in concurrent fashion
● Scale horizontally
Types of Concurrency
● Shared state concurrency
● Software transactional concurrency
● Message passing concurrency
Shared state concurrency
● Shared mutability
● Memory blocks can be access simultaneously by multiple
● Race condition
● Dead locks
● Blocking calls
Software transactional memory
● Shared, managed mutability
● Objects can be mutated only within a transaction
● STM keeps track of changes made in a particular
● Once transaction is completed, it validates and commits the
● Validation fails when others have committed the result
● Transaction will be repeated with the updated value.
Message passing concurrency
● Isolated mutability
● Mutable objects are isolated from the threads
● Threads will not be able to directly access the objects
● Access to the mutable objects is done through messages
● Sending message can be asynchronous and nonblocking
Joe Armstrong’s words
The world is concurrent. It is parallel. Pure message-passing
concurrency is what we do all the time.
Imagine a group of people. They have no shared state.
I have my private memory (in my head) and you have yours. It is NOT
shared. We communicate by passing messages (sound and light
waves). We update our private state based on the reception of these
That’s Concurrency Oriented Programming in a nutshell.
● From a 1973 paper, written by Carl Hewitt
● First major adoption was done by Ericsson in 80s
○ Invented Erlang and open sourced in 90s
○ Built a distributed, concurrent, and fault-tolerant telcom
system which has 99.9999999% uptime
● Implements Message-Passing or Isolated mutability based
Actor model
● Share Nothing
○ No need to synchronize.
● Isolated. Lightweight event-based Processes
○ ~ 6.5m on 4GB RAM
● Communicate through Messages
○ Asynchronous and Nonblocking
○ Messages are immutable
● Each actor has a mailbox (message queue)
● Scalable and fast
When an Actor receives messages
● Creates new actors
● Send message to other actors/self
● Designate how it should handle the next
● Founded by Jonas Boner and now part of Typesafe stack
● Actor implementation on JVM - Scala
○ Java API and Scala API
● Provides a framework to create & manage actors
● Backed by JVM Thread model
● Akka provides a mailbox for each actor
○ in-memory queue to stage messages
● Clients can send messages synchronously or
● Actor receives messages and respond to clients
Actor System
● Actors are created within this context
● Fundamental unit that embodies:
Processing, storage and communication
● Manage shared facilities:
scheduling, logging, configuration etc
● Can have many per JVM with different configs
● Can contain millions of actors
class LoggerActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case x:String => println(x)
case _ => println("huh?")
val system = ActorSystem("LogSystem")
val loggerActor = system.actorOf(
name = "loggeractor")
● Fire and forget
○ Async
○ No expected reply
○ ! or tell()
● Send and Receive
○ Async
○ Expects reply (Future)
○ ? or ask()
SEND - Fire and forget
//No need to return anything in the receive method
def receive = {
case x:Int => println(x)
//Send the message and don’t wait for the reply
actorRef ! (100)
SEND - Send and receive
//Use the sender method to get the actorRef of the sender
def receive = {
case "hello" =>
sender() ! ("hello how are you?")
//Send the message and get a future back, we can wait for that future to be successful to get
the result
val responseFuture = bufferActor ? ("hello")
responseFuture onSuccess{
case response => println(response)
ActorRef Mailbox
Points to Actor
Delivers to Mailbox
ActorRef Mailbox
Invokes Actor Instance with Message
Runs on dispatcher - abstracts threading
ActorRef Mailbox
Your code here
● Dynamically redefines actor behaviour
● Reactively triggered by message
● Like changing an interface or implementation on-the-fly
How error handling is done in Java
● You are given a single thread of control
● If this thread blows up, you are screwed
● So you need to do all explicit error handling within this single
● Errors do not propagate between threads
● This leads to Defensive programming with
○ Error handling tangled with business logic
○ Error handling scattered all over the code
● Manage another actor’s failure
● Supervisor receives notification
and it can react upon failure
● Every actor has a default
supervisor strategy
○ Can be overridden
● On Failure, Supervisor decides what happens next
○ Resume child and keep the internal state
○ Restart child and wipe the internal state
○ Stop child permanently
○ Stop itself and escalate the error
● OneForOneStrategy affects only failed child
● AllForOneStrategy affects all the children
SUPERVISE - OneForOneStrategy
SUPERVISE - AllForOneStrategy
Actor can form a hierarchy
Actor can form a hierarchy
Name resolution - like a file system
Stopping Actors
//Shutting down the Actor System
//Sending PoisonPill message
actorRef ? (PoisonPill)
//Shutting the actor from inside the actor
//Shutting another actor from inside the actor
Message delivery
● At most once - No guaranteed delivery
● Cheapest
● Highest performance
● Least implementation overhead
● It can be done in a fire-and-forget fashion without keeping
state at the sending end or in the transport mechanism
● At least once - Akka persistence
Message ordering
● Message ordering per sender-receiver pair
● Controls and coordinates the message dispatching to the
● Make sure that the resources are optimized and messages
are processed as fast as possible
● Dispatch policies that can be customized(number of cores or
memory available)
● Runways - Threads
● Airlines - Mailboxes
● ATC - Dispatcher or
Dispatch policy
Dispatcher and Mailboxes
Types of dispatchers
● Dispatcher
● Pinned dispatcher
● Balancing dispatcher
● Calling thread dispatcher
Mailbox implementations
● Unbounded mailbox
● Bounded mailbox
● Unbounded priority mailbox
● Bounded priority mailbox
● Entity that directs the message from source to the destination actor
● Router is also a type of actor
● Does not make use of the store-and-forward mechanism
● Routers dispatch the incoming messages directly to the destination
actor’s mailboxes
system.actorOf(Props[MyActor].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)))
● Round robin router
It routes the incoming messages in a circular order to all its routees
● Random router
It randomly selects a routee and routes the message to the same
● Smallest mailbox router
It identifies the actor with the least number of messages in its mailbox and routes the
message to the same
● Broadcast router
It forwards the same message to all the routees
● Scatter gather first completed router
It forwards the message to all its routees as a future, then whichever routee actor responds
back, it takes the results and sends them back to the caller
Types of Routers
def preStart(): Unit = ()
def postStop(): Unit = ()
def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
context.children foreach { child ⇒
def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = {
Actor API
● A path is a place that can be occupied by a living actor
● When actorOf() is called it assigns an incarnation of the
actor described by the passed Props to the given path
● An ActorRef always represents an incarnation (path and
UID) not just a given path. Another actor created later with
the same name will have a different ActorRef
// will look up this absolute path
// will look up sibling beneath same supervisor
Actor Path
Actor life-cycle
● Consists of 2 parts
○ A public interface
○ An implementation
● Similar to Interface and implements in Java, Traits in
● TypedActors have a static contract
● Some features like become is not available
● Bridging between actor systems (the “inside”) and
non-actor code (the “outside”)
Typed actors
def squareDontCare(i: Int): Unit //fire-forget
def square(i: Int): Future[Int] //non-blocking send-request-reply
def squareNowPlease(i: Int): Option[Int] //blocking send-request-reply
def squareNow(i: Int): Int //blocking send-request-reply
@throws(classOf[Exception]) //declare it or you will get an UndeclaredThrowableException
def squareTry(i: Int): Int //blocking send-request-reply with possible exception
//Creating an actorRef of a TypedActor
val mySquarer: Squarer = TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[SquarerImpl]())
Typed actors
● Dedicated module akka-testkit for supporting tests
● Testing isolated pieces of code without involving the actor
model, meaning without multiple threads
● Testing (multiple) encapsulated actors including
multi-threaded scheduling
● Integration with ScalaTest to write more readable
Actor TestKit
● All configuration for Akka is held within instances of ActorSystem
● ActorSystem is the only consumer of configuration information
● Parse the configuration file
val config =
ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("src/main/resources/router/application.conf"))
val system = ActorSystem("NameOfActorSystem", config)
● Read the configuration files automatically from ClassLoader
val config = ConfigFactory.defaultReference()
val system = ActorSystem("NameOfActorSystem", config)
● Parse all application.conf, application.json and
● akka.log-config-on-start
Configuration - TypeSafe config
● Distributed by default
● Messages should be and are serializable
● ActorRefs are serializable
● Probability of the message reaching is higher than local
● No separate remoting layer in Akka. Purely driven by
● Communication between involved system is symmetric
● Not possible to create pure client-server setups
Remote Actors
Remote Actors
In different scenarios Actors can be alternatives for:
● A thread
● An object instance or component
● A callback or listener
● A singleton or service
● A router, load-balancer or pool
● An out-of-service process
● A Finite State machine (FSM)
What can I use Actors for?
Programming with Actors by Venkat

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Introduction to concurrent programming with akka actors

  • 1. Introduction to Concurrent programming with Akka Actors g-with-akka
  • 2. ● Shashank L ● Senior Software engineer at Tellius ● Part time big data consultant and trainer at ●
  • 3. Concurrency ● Concurrency is the decomposability property of a program, algorithm, or problem into order-independent or partially-ordered components or units ● Structure a program by breaking it into pieces that can be executed independently ● Co ordinating the execution of independent pieces
  • 4. Concurrency and parallelism ● Concurrency is dealing with more than one thing at once ● Parallelism is doing more than one thing at once Given tasks T1 and T2 T1 may be executed and finished before T2 or vice versa (serial and sequential) T1 and T2 may be executed alternately (serial and concurrent) T1 and T2 may be executed simultaneously at the same instant of time (parallel and concurrent)
  • 5. Concurrency is not parallelism ● Queues can be thought of processed/threads ● Vending machine is processor core
  • 6. Moore’s law The number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every 2 years. ~ Gordon Moore, 1965
  • 7. Free performance lunch ● Over 30 years till 2000, performance gains were in 3 areas ○ Clock speed ○ Execution optimization ○ Caching Old applications have always run significantly faster even without being recompiled
  • 8. Moore’s law ● Early 2000 ○ Chips got big, transistors were added aggressively ○ Clock cycle was almost unchanged ○ Heat dissipation issues ○ Power consumption ○ Current leakage
  • 10. Birth of Multicore processors ● Multi-core processors ● Handle multiple operations in parallel ● CPU speeds are not increasing drastically anytime soon ● No free performance lunch without significant redesign ● Performance gains in new chips will be fueled by three main approaches ○ Hyperthreading ○ Multicore ○ cache
  • 11. Free performance lunch is over ● Concurrency revolution ● Build multi core aware applications ● Operate in concurrent fashion ● Scale horizontally
  • 12. Types of Concurrency ● Shared state concurrency ● Software transactional concurrency ● Message passing concurrency
  • 13. Shared state concurrency ● Shared mutability ● Memory blocks can be access simultaneously by multiple programs ● Race condition ● Dead locks ● Blocking calls com.shashank.akka.basic.ThreadUnsafeBuffer
  • 14. Software transactional memory ● Shared, managed mutability ● Objects can be mutated only within a transaction ● STM keeps track of changes made in a particular ● Once transaction is completed, it validates and commits the results ● Validation fails when others have committed the result ● Transaction will be repeated with the updated value.
  • 15. Message passing concurrency ● Isolated mutability ● Mutable objects are isolated from the threads ● Threads will not be able to directly access the objects ● Access to the mutable objects is done through messages ● Sending message can be asynchronous and nonblocking
  • 16. Joe Armstrong’s words The world is concurrent. It is parallel. Pure message-passing concurrency is what we do all the time. Imagine a group of people. They have no shared state. I have my private memory (in my head) and you have yours. It is NOT shared. We communicate by passing messages (sound and light waves). We update our private state based on the reception of these messages. That’s Concurrency Oriented Programming in a nutshell.
  • 17. Actors ● From a 1973 paper, written by Carl Hewitt ● First major adoption was done by Ericsson in 80s ○ Invented Erlang and open sourced in 90s ○ Built a distributed, concurrent, and fault-tolerant telcom system which has 99.9999999% uptime ● Implements Message-Passing or Isolated mutability based concurrency
  • 18. Actor model ● Share Nothing ○ No need to synchronize. ● Isolated. Lightweight event-based Processes ○ ~ 6.5m on 4GB RAM ● Communicate through Messages ○ Asynchronous and Nonblocking ○ Messages are immutable ● Each actor has a mailbox (message queue) ● Scalable and fast
  • 19. When an Actor receives messages ● Creates new actors ● Send message to other actors/self ● Designate how it should handle the next message
  • 20. Akka ● Founded by Jonas Boner and now part of Typesafe stack ● Actor implementation on JVM - Scala ○ Java API and Scala API ● Provides a framework to create & manage actors ● Backed by JVM Thread model ● Akka provides a mailbox for each actor ○ in-memory queue to stage messages ● Clients can send messages synchronously or asynchronously ● Actor receives messages and respond to clients
  • 21.
  • 22. Actor System ● Actors are created within this context ● Fundamental unit that embodies: Processing, storage and communication ● Manage shared facilities: scheduling, logging, configuration etc ● Can have many per JVM with different configs ● Can contain millions of actors
  • 24. DEFINE class LoggerActor extends Actor { def receive = { case x:String => println(x) case _ => println("huh?") } }
  • 25. CREATE val system = ActorSystem("LogSystem") val loggerActor = system.actorOf( Props[LoggerActor], name = "loggeractor")
  • 26. SEND ● Fire and forget ○ Async ○ No expected reply ○ ! or tell() ● Send and Receive ○ Async ○ Expects reply (Future) ○ ? or ask()
  • 27. SEND - Fire and forget //No need to return anything in the receive method def receive = { case x:Int => println(x) } //Send the message and don’t wait for the reply actorRef ! (100) com.shashank.akka.basic.SimpleActor
  • 28. SEND - Send and receive //Use the sender method to get the actorRef of the sender def receive = { case "hello" => sender() ! ("hello how are you?") } //Send the message and get a future back, we can wait for that future to be successful to get the result val responseFuture = bufferActor ? ("hello") responseFuture onSuccess{ case response => println(response) } com.shashank.akka.basic.ThreadSafeBuffer
  • 30. Mailbox ActorRef Mailbox Actor Instance Invokes Actor Instance with Message Runs on dispatcher - abstracts threading
  • 32. BECOME ● Dynamically redefines actor behaviour ● Reactively triggered by message ● Like changing an interface or implementation on-the-fly com.shashank.akka.basic.ThreadSafeBufferWithLimit
  • 33. How error handling is done in Java ● You are given a single thread of control ● If this thread blows up, you are screwed ● So you need to do all explicit error handling within this single thread ● Errors do not propagate between threads ● This leads to Defensive programming with ○ Error handling tangled with business logic ○ Error handling scattered all over the code
  • 34. SUPERVISE ● Manage another actor’s failure ● Supervisor receives notification and it can react upon failure ● Every actor has a default supervisor strategy ○ Can be overridden
  • 35. SUPERVISE ● On Failure, Supervisor decides what happens next ○ Resume child and keep the internal state ○ Restart child and wipe the internal state ○ Stop child permanently ○ Stop itself and escalate the error ● OneForOneStrategy affects only failed child ● AllForOneStrategy affects all the children com.shashank.akka.supervision.BasicSupervision
  • 38. Actor can form a hierarchy
  • 39. Actor can form a hierarchy
  • 40. Name resolution - like a file system
  • 41. Stopping Actors //Shutting down the Actor System system.shutdown() //Sending PoisonPill message actorRef ? (PoisonPill) //Shutting the actor from inside the actor context.stop(self) //Shutting another actor from inside the actor context.stop(actorRef) com.shashank.akka.basic.ShuttingDown
  • 42. Message delivery ● At most once - No guaranteed delivery ● Cheapest ● Highest performance ● Least implementation overhead ● It can be done in a fire-and-forget fashion without keeping state at the sending end or in the transport mechanism ● At least once - Akka persistence
  • 43. Message ordering ● Message ordering per sender-receiver pair
  • 44. Dispatcher ● Controls and coordinates the message dispatching to the actors ● Make sure that the resources are optimized and messages are processed as fast as possible ● Dispatch policies that can be customized(number of cores or memory available)
  • 45. Dispatcher ● Runways - Threads ● Airlines - Mailboxes ● ATC - Dispatcher or Dispatch policy
  • 47. Dispatcher and Mailboxes Types of dispatchers ● Dispatcher ● Pinned dispatcher ● Balancing dispatcher ● Calling thread dispatcher Mailbox implementations ● Unbounded mailbox ● Bounded mailbox ● Unbounded priority mailbox ● Bounded priority mailbox
  • 48. ● Entity that directs the message from source to the destination actor ● Router is also a type of actor ● Does not make use of the store-and-forward mechanism ● Routers dispatch the incoming messages directly to the destination actor’s mailboxes system.actorOf(Props[MyActor].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5))) Routers
  • 49. ● Round robin router It routes the incoming messages in a circular order to all its routees ● Random router It randomly selects a routee and routes the message to the same ● Smallest mailbox router It identifies the actor with the least number of messages in its mailbox and routes the message to the same ● Broadcast router It forwards the same message to all the routees ● Scatter gather first completed router It forwards the message to all its routees as a future, then whichever routee actor responds back, it takes the results and sends them back to the caller com.shashank.akka.basic.Router Types of Routers
  • 50. def preStart(): Unit = () def postStop(): Unit = () def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = { context.children foreach { child ⇒ context.stop(child) } postStop() } def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = { preStart() } Actor API
  • 51. ● A path is a place that can be occupied by a living actor ● When actorOf() is called it assigns an incarnation of the actor described by the passed Props to the given path ● An ActorRef always represents an incarnation (path and UID) not just a given path. Another actor created later with the same name will have a different ActorRef // will look up this absolute path context.actorSelection("/user/serviceA/aggregator") // will look up sibling beneath same supervisor context.actorSelection("../joe") Actor Path
  • 53. ● Consists of 2 parts ○ A public interface ○ An implementation ● Similar to Interface and implements in Java, Traits in Scala ● TypedActors have a static contract ● Some features like become is not available ● Bridging between actor systems (the “inside”) and non-actor code (the “outside”) Typed actors
  • 54. def squareDontCare(i: Int): Unit //fire-forget def square(i: Int): Future[Int] //non-blocking send-request-reply def squareNowPlease(i: Int): Option[Int] //blocking send-request-reply def squareNow(i: Int): Int //blocking send-request-reply @throws(classOf[Exception]) //declare it or you will get an UndeclaredThrowableException def squareTry(i: Int): Int //blocking send-request-reply with possible exception //Creating an actorRef of a TypedActor val mySquarer: Squarer = TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[SquarerImpl]()) com.shashank.akka.basic.TypedActorExample Typed actors
  • 55. ● Dedicated module akka-testkit for supporting tests ● Testing isolated pieces of code without involving the actor model, meaning without multiple threads ● Testing (multiple) encapsulated actors including multi-threaded scheduling ● Integration with ScalaTest to write more readable assertions com.shashank.akka.supervision.SupervisorTestSpec Actor TestKit
  • 56. ● All configuration for Akka is held within instances of ActorSystem ● ActorSystem is the only consumer of configuration information ● Parse the configuration file val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("src/main/resources/router/application.conf")) val system = ActorSystem("NameOfActorSystem", config) ● Read the configuration files automatically from ClassLoader val config = ConfigFactory.defaultReference() val system = ActorSystem("NameOfActorSystem", config) ● Parse all application.conf, application.json and ● akka.log-config-on-start Configuration - TypeSafe config
  • 57. ● Distributed by default ● Messages should be and are serializable ● ActorRefs are serializable ● Probability of the message reaching is higher than local JVM ● No separate remoting layer in Akka. Purely driven by config ● Communication between involved system is symmetric ● Not possible to create pure client-server setups Remote Actors
  • 59. In different scenarios Actors can be alternatives for: ● A thread ● An object instance or component ● A callback or listener ● A singleton or service ● A router, load-balancer or pool ● An out-of-service process ● A Finite State machine (FSM) What can I use Actors for?
  • 60. ● ● ● Programming with Actors by Venkat ● ● va-users-group ● References