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Insights into English,Ticket 2 English
Second year Bac
Unit 1
Cultural Issues and Values
Vocabulary: Expressions of definition
…refers to…
… is referred to as…
…is defined as…
…has been defined as...
…is the way of…
refers to
Cultural anthropology is referred to as being the study ofhuman culture.
has been defined as
An anthropologist is an expert in anthropology.
Culture is the way of life of a particular group of people.
A stereotype is defined as being a belief about an individual or a group based on the idea that everyone in a
particular group will behave in the same way.
Hospitality and tolerance are values that are deeply rooted in the Moroccan culture.
If you happen to go to live in a foreign country with a different culture, you have to adjust to it, otherwise you will
feel as a fish out of water.
Different cultures have different values. Values vary from culture to culture.
People from rural areas stick to customs and traditions more than urban people.
Cultural issues arise when groups of people believe another group behaves wrongly.
Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation.
Deeper insights into other people’s customs, values and ideas minimize conflict due to ignorance and intolerance.
Asking for clarification:
A: What is another word for ‘aware’?
B: Conscious.
Vocabulary: (p 12)
uneasy: uncomfortable
unlike: as opposed to
to obey: to respect, to abide by
dissimilarities: differences
natural: healthy
wrongly ≠ rightly
.What does ‘the verb’… mean ?
.What is another word for…?
Conditional: types 1 and 2
If you pay attention in the classroom, you’ll understand better.
I’ll continue my studies abroad if I get high grades in by bac exams.
Mariam won’t marry Nabil if he isn't an honest person.
If I were you, I’d give up smoking.
We wouldn’t have so many car accidents ifboth drivers and pedestrians were careful enough.
If Souad had money, she could buy a newlaptop.
Asking for, giving and responding to advice: (p 15)
Asking for advice Giving Advice Responding to advice
What do you think I should do?
What do you suggest?
What would you do if…?
What’s your advice for…?
What would you advise me to do?
Howcan I …?
What’s the best…?
I don’t knowwhat to do.
What should I do?
I think you should…
May be you should…
It’s best not to…
It’s a good idea not to…
Why don’t you…?
If I were you, I would…
You’d better (not)…
Whatever you do, don’t…
You should(n’t)/ought(n’t)to…
That’s a good idea. Thanks.
Thanks for your advice, but I
Thank you for your advice, but I
Sorry, I can’t. I’m… ing…
It sounds like a good idea.
Thanks, but I’ve already…
Thanks, but I doubt whether…
Patient: I’m afraid I’m putting on weight, doctor. What do you think I should do?
Doctor: It’s a good idea not to eat between meals and you’d better exercise at least three times
a week.May be you should eat more vegetablesand less fatty food.
Patient: It sounds like a good idea! Thanks for your advice, doctor.
Vocabulary: (18)
hardworking, aspiring
competent, effective
light-hearted, joyful
willing to forgive others
working for the welfare of others
sincere, truthful
daring, creative
standing up for your beliefs
Expressing lack ofunderstanding, interrupting and asking for clarification:
Expressing lack of understanding Interrupting Asking for clarification
Couldyou say that again / repeat please?
I beg your pardon?
I’m not quite sure I followyou.
I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.
I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite
I don’t quite see what you mean, I’m
Sorry, I didn’t quite hear what you said.
I’m not quite sure I got your point.
Sorry, I didn’t get your point, I’m afraid.
Excuse me…
Sorry, but…
Excuse me for interrupting…
May I interrupt for a moment?
Can I add something?
Can I say something here?
I’d like to say something, if Imay?
Can I ask a question?
May I ask a question?
What do you mean by…?
Do you mean…?
I’m not quite with you. What do you mean?
Couldyou clarify that, please?
Couldyou be more explicit?
Couldyou explain what you mean by…?
Couldyou possibly give us an example?
I wonder if you could say that in a different
Couldyou be a little bit more specific, please.
I don’t quite see what you’re getting at.
Expressions for clarifying one’s point / idea:
Headmaster: Mobile phones are not allowed at school.
Student: Sorry, sir. I’m not quite sure I knowwhat you mean.
Headmaster: In other words, you mustn’t use your mobile at school because they are forbidden.
Student: I’m sorry, sir.
The Past Perfect vs. The Past Perfect Continuous: (p24)
Form: P.Participle: had + past participle of the verb
P. Participle Continuous: had + pastparticiple +v…ing
After the cultural anthropologist had finished the lecture,he flewto Tangier.
By the time I went to see the doctor, I had been ill for at least two weeks.
Adib had bought a brand newcar before he got his driving license.
Once Ilham had read the advert about the job, she went to the Office ofAdmission.
Jane had done her homework before she went out.
When he arrived to the airport, there was no plane. It had already taken off.
She didn’t go to bed until she had set her alarm clock.
“Why didn’t you tell her that you had divorced your first wife?”
The fire had already spread to the neighboring houseswhen the fire brigade arrived.
Mounia and Jamal had been e-mailing each other before they got married.
Jim had been studying computer science for three years before he graduated.
Phrasal Verbs: (p 24)
I’ve tried explaining how it works, but I just can’t get through to him. (communicate with)
I’m taking the Baccalaureate this year, I will certainly get through. (pass)
I still don’t know how to use Excel. Could you possibly go through the instructions again? (repeat)
One of my classmates has been very ill, but her doctor says she will pull through. (recover/survive)
I’ve looked through the editorial twice and can’t see the issue the editorialist is arguing for.(read carefully)
- Let me explain that.
- Let me put it another way.
- Let me expressthat differently.
- Sorry, let me explain.
- In other words,…
- In other terms…
- To say that differently, …
- To put it differently, …
- Let me explain that in more detail.
Although young people are a heterogeneous group,they can play responsible, determining roles in society. They
are the lifeblood ofa country and represent the most active and vital force in its development. They should be
allowed to voice their opinions because they have as much to say about societal problems and potential solutions
as others do.
Karim, our classmate,is known to be very cooperative. When we are assigned projects, he works well with us and
always does his share of work.
A high percentage of young people no longer believe in their country’s political parties; that’s why they tend to shy
away from politics.
The youth need their independence in order to grow into responsible adults.
The young man left the conference room with a clear conscience.He felt happy he had been able to raise people’s
awareness to the importance of community work.
Advances in Science and Technology
Ahmed: What does OFWT stand for?
Nabila: It stands for Observe, Form, Watch and Test.
Ahmed: I think these are the four steps scientists normally follow in their work, aren’t they?
Nabila: Yes,they are.
Vocabulary: (p48)
benefits = advantages
events = happenings
on your own = independently
pseudo = false, fake, not genuine
One of the advantages of being scientifically literate is that you can ask and find answers to questions
derived from curiosity about everyday happenings. Another advantage is that you can understand how
the world works and think critically and independently. A third one is that scientific literacy allows us to
identify pseudo scientific claims.
Yousra: In your opinion, which is the most significant breakthrough in technology?
John: For me, the internet is the most significant one. I really can’t do without it.
breakthrough = advances
to + infinitive Souad goes jogging every morning to keep fit and healthy.
for + noun Akram met Mr. Johnson for an interview.
for + ……ing Posters and brochures are used for interviewing people to study.
in order to + infinitive Adults go to literacy classes in order to learn how to read and write.
so that + modal He trains very hard so that he can be ready for the next Olympic Games.
so as to + infinitive She left home early so as to be on time for the interview.
We should all be scientifically literate so as to identify pseudo scientific claims.
Salma learnt Italian so as to get a better job.
Hicham likes to meet foreigners so as to practice his languages.
Journalists should be tactful so as not to offend readers.
They left home early in order not to miss the train.
Amina works very hard so as not to failher exams.
I took off my shoes and walked upstairs so as not to wake my parents.
When I have a lot of homework, I sometimes do it immediately in order not to forget it.
He went out for a walk in order not to get sleepy.
Could you repeat the message slowly so that I can understand.
Other ways of expressing purpose:
An investigation is carried out for the purpose ofdetermining the cause of the accident.
Research is being done with the aim of developing a cure to bird flu.
The association is raising money with the objective of building a street children center.
He went to the clinic with the intention ofdoing a generalcheck-up.
Vocabulary: (p50)
fundamental : important
headways : progress, strides
Scientists are making headways in many technological fields such as biotechnology and cellular phones
Branches of Science and Technology
engineering biotechnology
Technology is applied science. It focuses on designing tools and systems for practical purposes whereas science
focuses on general knowledge by investigating natural phenomena.
The Simple Past Tense: (review)
When I returned home from work, I decided to watch TV. I took the remote controller and zapped to
my favorite channel. But, the electricity went off a short time later. I took my mobile phone and called
my friend to help me fix the problem. He was busy on his computer sending and replying to e-mails or
chatting. I couldn’t use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and do it
manually. I couldn’t use the microwave oven to heat my dinner and was obliged to have cold. After
dinner, I couldn’t use the dishwasher and again, with my own hands, I washed all the dishes.
Making and respondingto complaints about behavior
Sorry to say it, but you…….
Enough is enough!
I’m not satisfied with the way you…
I’ve been patient long enough, but…
I just don’t know how to say it, but…
I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint.
Oh. I’ve got a bit of a problem here; you see...
Sorry to bother you, but…
Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but…
I do apologise.
Sorry about that.
I’m very sorry.
I’m awfully sorry.
I’m terribly sorry.
Sorry to hear that.
Oh, dear. I’m really sorry.
I just don’t know what to say.
I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.
I can’t tell you how sorry I am.
It’s O.K
Never mind.
It’s not important.
Don’t worry about it.
I see no reason why I should.
Rejecting a complaint
Science Technology
-Well, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do about it actually.
-I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it.
*Susan: I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise when I’m busy working.
Tom: Oh, I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t realize you were working.
*Hamid: I’m sorry to say this, but I really didn’t like the way you talked to your mother.
John: Oh, I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t realize I was so rude.
*Barbara: I was waiting for you in the coffee shop but you didn’t come.
Steve: I’m awfully sorry, darling. I really forgot it.
Barbara: Don’t worry about it.
Steve: Another time perhaps.
At a hotel
*A: Excuse me, but there is a problem with the heating in my room.
B: Sorry to hear that – I’ll get someone to check it for you.
*Man: I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my room.
Receptionist: We’re terribly sorry, sir.
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty (p56)
undoubtedly – crystal clear – no one can deny –
won’t be – are sure – certainly – must be
may –could – might – unlikely - probably – I doubt
if… - It’s improbable that…..-I think /guess etc
Here are some phrases you can when you are sure that something will not happen in the future.
For example, to the question “ Do you think that scientists will find a cure to AIDS in the near future ?”, you
may respond as follows:
absolutely sure
quite sure
they will.
of course.
Expressing uncertainty:
When you are not sure whether something will happen in the future, you can use these useful phrases:
it’s possible.
there might be.
it could happen.
it’s not possible. I suppose but
I wouldn’t like to say for certain.
I’m not really sure.
I doubt it.
I have my doubts.
it’s doubtful.
it’s highly unlikely.
it’s never know of course.
no one can say for certain.
Functional meaning of modals:
must: certainty, obligation, ( 100% necessary to do something.)
absolutely sure
quite sure
they won’t.
definitely not.
certainly not.
absolutely not.
mustn’t: prohibition ( 100% necessary not to do something.)
may: possibility – probability ( it’s about 50% possible )
might: possibility ( less than 50% possible )
needn’t: ( lack of necessity )
should: advice ( it’s a good idea )
shouldn’t: ( it’s a bad idea )
can’t : impossibility
WhenI leave school,I may go to a universityof science orIcan evengeta job at a laboratory.
Thismust be the laboratory – there are instrumentsandproductsof scientificresearch.
I’ll probablycome backto see the managernextweekif Iam free.
I think / guess theyare goingto offerme a job as I have the ideal profile.
Theywill certainlyinterviewme aboutmypastexperience astheyusuallydo.
I guess/ think theirwagesare highand theirtechnologyisadvanced.
I certainlywill enjoymyself working inthislaboratory;Iam fondof science andtechnology.
Computersare likelytoreplace teachersina few years’time.
It’s positive that the problemof unemploymentwill be solvedif drasticmeasuresare taken.
I bet the rate of illiteracyinourcountrywill decrease inthe nextdecade.
We needn’traise taxes.We have made a lotof moneyout of phosphatessalesthisyear.
PAST TENSE : simple and continuous (review)
Phrasal verbs (pages56,57)
bumpup: increase
turn down:(1) refuse anoffer,rejectanapplication.She turneddownthe new jobbecause she didn’twant to
turn down:(2) lowerthe volume orintensityof aTV,radio,or other machine. →I’m studying!Pleaseturndown
the TV.
put down:insult,make someone feel stupid
ease off:reduce pressure
lookforwardto: be excitedaboutthe future
Phrasal verbs 2 (p58)
progress → along,behind,through,on
communication →across,through,over,between
relationships →together,up
gettinginvolvedinanactivity →in,into
ignoringproblems →around,aside,off
My projectworkis coming along nicely.
I’ve fallenbehindwithmywork.
We sailedthrough our exams.We learntalot before the exams.
Justkeepon. You have beendoingagood job.
Let’sall join inwhenI singthe Moroccan National Anthem.
I was having lunchina small restaurantnearthe office.She wassittingat a table nearthe window.I
wonderedwhyshe was looking at me.Didshe know me?I didn’tthinkI had everseenherbefore.
Suddenlyshe stoodupand walkedslowlytowardsme.Istill remembermyfeelingexactly.I wanted
to run away,but I knewI couldn’t.She stoppedby my table and smileddownat me.She had on a purple
dress.I thinkithad a flowerpatternandshe was amazinglybeautiful.‘Excuse me,’she said.‘Have you
got a pen?’
WhenI can get into my work, I reallyenjoyit.
I can’t work round thisproblem.
We needto put aside our differences.
I laughedoff hiscriticism.
We got togetherin ourfirstyear at thisschool.
The whole group ralliedtogetherto protestagainstchild labor.
Two studentsfromeachclass pair up to produce a shortplay.
I don’tseemtobe able to get through to them.
The message came overclearly.
Somethinginteresting passedbetweenthem.
She easedoff the acceleratortoletthe car slow down.
Reading: (pages60,61)
A: What didGraham Bell invent?
B: He inventedthe telephone.
To do any jobwell requireshardwork, perseverance andthe abilitytofocusonyour aimswithoutbeing
Abdellah:Whatwouldyoulike tobe inthe future?
Habiba: I’d like tobe a laboratorial.
Women and Power
Many people are activelyinvolvedinmanyMoroccannon-governmental organizations.
The Palestinianshave been strugglingfortheirindependence since 1948.
to struggle:tofight
MeriamChadid was the firstwomanto setfoot on the Antarctica,where she patrioticallyandproudlyraised
Morocco’s flag.
Nawal Almoutawakil isaUNICEFgoodwill ambassador.
Womenhave demonstratedconsiderable leadershipincommunity, aswell as inpublicoffice.
Moroccan rural womenneededucation aswell as healthcare.
However,theystill sufferfromnegative stereotyping.
Our districthasbeenshortof waterfor aboutsix monthsnow. However,nothinghasbeendone aboutsofar.
Along withbeingbusywithherprofessionalcareer,Karimamanagesherfamilylife.
Not only…..but…..also…..
Moroccan women’smagazinesare notonly criticizedforbeingelitist butalso forfocusingonurban issues.
Educatedwomenhave a biginfluenceonsociety. Moreover,theycontribute tothe welfareof theirfamilies.
Educatedwomenlookaftertheirhouses.They alsoworkoutside theirhomes.
Despite spendingmuchtime atwork,workingwomenare able toperfectlymanage theirhouseholds.
In spite of the effortsmade bythe governmenttoalleviatepoverty,the problemstill persists
It’strue that a lotof womenandgirlsinMorocco have accessto education. However,theirsituationis farfrom
Although,Globalizationhasapositive impactonwomen’sstatus,theyare stillregardedasinferiorin some
Hamidtakesafterhis fatherwhereasAbdellahtakesafterhismother.
Regardlessof theircolor or religion,peoplemustbe treatedequally.
Don’tgive up yourproject regardlessof how muchmoneyitwill costyou.
Contrary to whatpeople think,the youthare notso selfishastheyare portrayed.
No matter how theytried, theycouldn’tgettothe otherside of the sea-coast.
No matter what yoursocial status,youmust abide bythe law.
Writing: Using Conjunctions
Talking About Australia
feminism:amovementwhichadvocatesthe rightsof women tohave equal opportunitiestothose possessedby
gender:male or female
emancipation:freeingsomeone sociallyorpolitically
violence:actionsorwordswhichare intendedtohurtsomeone
polygamy: havingmore thanone spouse
stereotype:anexaggeratedorwrongimage of the characteristicsof a particulargroup
self-confidence:belief inone’sownabilitiesorskills
Negative stereotypesare obstaclesthathinderwomen’sadvancementindifferentdomains.
Thanksto the newMoroccan familycode, the statusof womenhasnoticeablychanged.
Accordingto the new‘Mudawana’, polygamycan’t be practisedwithoutthe firstwife’sapproval.
All overthe world,womenhave alwayshadacontinuousstruggle for emancipation.
The Red Crescentorganization provides humanitarianaidforpeople inneed,especiallywomenandchildren.
UNIT 4 Insights into English
Asking for and giving opinion: (Please seep70)
Asking for opinion Giving opinion
-What doyou thinkabout…?
- Howdo you feel about…?
-Do(n’t) youthink/believe that…?
-Do youreallythink/believe that…?
-Are youabsolutelysure that…?
-AmI rightin thinkingthat…?
-WouldIbe rightinthinkingthat…?
-To be honest,…
-Well,if youaskme…
-To mymind,…/Inmy opinion,/view,…
-I reallyfeelthat…
-I’dlike topoint outthat…
-I stronglybelievethat…
- Frommy pointof you,..
-Asfar as I’mconcerned,…
-I think/believe…/Itseemstome that…
- etc
Australiaisveryhotin December, butcoldinJuly. Althoughthe country is big,there aren'tmany people
livingthere.Australiahasalot of interestinganimals.The koalaiscute, butthe crocodile is dangerous.
Australiahasa lot of openspaces, and the weatherisgood, so sportis very popular.Australianpeople often
eat barbecuedfood.
Past simple
Past continuous
Past simple
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect
Past perfectcontinuous
Had to
Time and place words changes reporting statementsor questions:Here are some changes that may to be
now then
this that
these those
here there
today that day
yesterday the day before
tonight that night
tomorrow the nextday
nextweek the followingweek
He believes
Accordingto him,
In hisview,
that it’snice to have faithful friends.
“I’m awfullysorryIam late.”
He apologised for being late.
My Englishteachercongratulatedme forhavingsuccessfullypassedmyexam.
“You’dbettertake up computerscience nextyear,”
My classmate advisedme to/thatI shouldtake upcomputerscience.
“I will helpyouwithyourcomputerscience,” Iam a computerliterate,”
My classmate alsoofferedtohelpme withmycomputerscience.
“You reallymustworkharderto pass the mathematicstest,”
My teacherof math orderedme towork harder.
“Anouarshouldgo touniversity,”
The EnglishteachersuggestedthatAnouarshouldgotouniversity.
“Why don’twe go to the library?”
My friendsuggestedourgoing/that we shouldgoto the library.
My Mum complainedaboutthe freezingcold.
“Go on! You’ll neverhave anotherchance tovisitSpain,”
The travel agentencouragedme to visitSpain.
“Hurry up!”
The headmasterorderedme tohurry up.
“Where Hassan Tower,please?”
He askedme where HassanToweris.
“Doesthe chartercompanyrun cheap flightstoJapan?”
He askedme if the charter companyruns cheapflightstoJapan.
“Have youboughta Moroccan Arabicphrasebook?”
I askedhimif he had boughta Moroccan Arabicphrasebook.
“How longare yougoingto stay inMorocco?”
I askedhimhowlonghe wasgoingto stay inMorocco.
“Is Japanese easytolearn?”
I askedhimif he thinksJapanese iseasytolearn.
Reading: A long struggle for equality and freedom (p74)
A: Whenisthe International Women’sDay?
B: It’s onMarch 8.
Vocabulary: (p74)
irrevocably:irretrievably;once andforall;forever
Brain drain:humancapital migration
Brain drain isthe departure of highlyskilledpeopletomore favorable,geographic,economic,orprofessional
Due to conflicts,political turmoilandlackof opportunitiesintheirhome countries,manytalentedandtrained
people emigratetoothercountriestolookfora betterlife.
Janet: Are you for or against brain drain?
Adila: I’m not in favour of brain drain because this human capital migration has very bad side-effectsonthe
developingcountries.Itreallyemptiesthese countriesof theirhuman resources.As far as I’m concerned,
highlyskilledpeople suchas engineers,architectsand doctors should return home after finishingtheir
studiesabroad. Governmentsshoulddo theirbest to encourage these highlyqualifiedpeople toreturn
to their countriesby creating a good working environmentand more attractive opportunitiesfortheir
graduates and researchesto stop or at least to reduce this phenomenon.
Janet: I share your view.
- ( Do sth.fome) ,will you?
- Will youplease…?
- I wantyou to + vb…
- Can you…?
- Couldyouplease…?
- Wouldyou…?
- Do youthinkyoucould…?
- Couldyoupossibly…?
- Do youmind…?
- Wouldyoumind…?
- I wonderif youcould possibly…?
- Yes,of course.
- Sorry,I can’t.
- Certainlynot.
- Notat all.
- Sure
- Sorry,I’m afraidnot.
- Let me helpyou+ vb…
- Let me helpyouwith…
- Do youwant me to…
- Shall I…?
- Wouldyoulike me to…?
- If you like,I can…
Accepting offers Declining offers
- Yes,please (if youcould)
- Thankyou.
- Couldyou?That’sverykindof you!
- Thankyou. I’dappreciate that.
- That’ll be fine.Thanks.
- Oh,that’dbe great.Thanks.
- Thanks,butthat won’tbe necessary.
- Thanks,butplease don’tbother.
- That’sverykindof you,but…
- That won’tbe necessary.
- No,it’sall right,thanks.I can manage.
- No,thanksall the same.
A: Can youlendme yourEnglishbook,please?
B: I’m sorry,I needit.
A: Thanks,anyway.
A: Couldyoutype thisletterforme,please?
B: Yes,I thinkso.
A: Thankyou verymuch,indeed.
A: CouldIborrow the magazine fora while?
B: I’m sorry,I’mafraidnot.
A,Oh, I see.Well,thankyou,anyway.
A: Sir,Wouldyoumindmy openingthe window?
B: Not at all.
A: I wonderif youwouldn’tmindwordprocessingthisarticle forme?
B: Not at all.
A: Will youplease turndownthe volume?
B: OK.
A: Thanks.
A: If you like Ican helpyoucarry your suitcase.
B: Couldyou?That’s verykindof you.
Despite this, → nevertheless
In comparisontothis, → by contrast
As I see it,→ personally
It seems→ apparently
As a resultof this,→ consequently
For thisreason, → therefore
It iseasyto appreciate /grasp / see that → understandably
It certainthat → undoubtedly
1. Cause Effect
X resultsin y
is responsible for
is the leadingcause of
2. Effect Cause
is causedby
is due to
Y is the resultof X
results from
Smokingresultsin lungcancer. (Cause → Effect)
Lung cancer resultsfrom smoking. (Effect → Cause)
Road accidentsare the resultof carelessdriving.
Brain drain isdue to the lack of opportunitiesinthe home countries.
Schoolsare far from students.Consequently,absenteeismincreasesinrural areas.
One cause of underdevelopmentisilliteracy.
One effectof illiteracyislarge familysize.
Due to droughtand lack of publicservices,manypeople have lefttheirvillagestolookfora betterlife inthe
As a consequence of this,citieshave grownsolarge.
Educatedwomenhave fewerchildrenbecausetheyplantheirfamilywell. Asaresult,theyhave betterpersonal
life andnutrition.
Some jokesare untranslatable becauseof cultural differences.
Some mental-expertsthinkthereisacorrelationbetweenoptimisminanindividual andhavingagoodsense of
Positive emotions
amusement – pleasure– happiness - joy – fun – merriment – jubilation
–optimism –cheerfulness –gaiety – light-hearted -
Negative emotions
sorrow– sadness –pessimism– grief –loneliness – anger – depression –
misery –bitterness – boredom – tension – down-heartedness
Whenmy fatherlaughs,hismouthstretchesalmostfromearto ear.
Life nowadaysismore enjoyablethanitwasin the past.
“What was the playlike?” “Great!We enjoyeditverymuch.We hadlots of fun.”
“Do you knowwhichpeople inMoroccoare famousfor joke telling?”“PeoplefromMarrakech.theyexcel at
The story I readlast nightwasso amusingthatI couldn’thelplaughingall along.
I knowhowyou mustbe feeling,butIdidn’tmeantohurt yourfeelings.Iwasjust joking.
That’s great! / Congratulations!/ That’s wonderful! /
I’m glad to hear that/ Great news!/ Incredible!/ Superb!/
Sounds great! / Lucky you! / Oh, how wonderful! / Really? I
can’t believe that! / Wow! That sounds exciting!/ That’s
I’m awfully sorry that… / I’m sorry to hear that. /
I hope there is nothingwrong. / I’m ever so sorry./
It’s such a frighteningexperience. / I’m sorry to hear such
terriblenews/ My goodness! / I can’tbelieve it!
Poor you! / I’m awfully sorry to hear that. / I do sympathize
with you. / Please,accept my deepest sympathy. / I know
how you must be feeling. / that must be awful!
The result/ effect/consequence of ………….is………….
…….Because of this,……………..
Asa result,…………………….
Asa consequence,…………
Rim: I’ve passedmydrivingtest.
Ilias:That’s great!
Rim: Thankyou verymuch.
Karima:I’ve learntall myirregularverbsbyheart.
Souad: That’s wonderful!
Loubna: What’sthe problem,Oualid?
Oualid: My fatherhada badcar accidentthismorning.
Loubna: I’m sorry to hear such terrible news.
Jalila: You lookpale,Lamiae!Are yousick?
Rajae: No,but somebodywantedtosteal myhandbaga few minutesago.Iwas so scared because
he washoldingaknife,butfortunatelyhe ranawaywhenhe saw a policemancoming
Jalila: It’s such a frighteningexperience.
Rachid: We’ll establishaclean-airassociationinourtown.Wouldyoulike tojoinus?
Samy: Superb!I wouldn’tmisssuchaninitiative.
Son: Didyouhear that? A newcivil warhas brokenincentral Africa.
Father: My goodness! Ihope it won’tlastfor long.
Son: But, the UN will sendsoldierstoestablishorderthere.
Father: Great!They’ll surelycalmdownthingsthere.
Rachid: We’ll establishaclean-airassociationinourtown.Wouldyoulike tojoinus?
Samy: Superb!I wouldn’tmisssuchaninitiative.
Amal: What was yesterday’santi-globalisationrallylike?
Salim: Some angry boysclashedwiththe police!
Amal: I can’t believe it! Ihope there weren’tanycasualties!
Salim: Fortunately,there weren’t.
A: Who andwhenwere the lyricsof the Moroccan National Anthemwrittenby?
B: Theywere writtenbyAli Skalli in1970.
A: Do youfeel patrioticwhenyouhearournational anthem?
B: Yes,I do. I thinkschoolsshouldteachtheirstudentstorespecttheirflagsandanthems.
How do you feel when………………..? Whowas it…………………… by?
Is having………………..important? Whowere they……………
A: Howdo you feel whenyousee some Africanpeople starving?
B: I feel sadand verysorryfor them.
A: Ishavinga lotof friendsimportanttoyou?
B: No,I preferto have one or twogood and intimate friends.
A: Who wasthe Moroccan National Anthemcomposedby?
B: It was composedbyLéoMorgan.
‘Citizenship’ referstothe statusof beinga citizen.Inthissense,ithastodo withcertainrightsand obligations
that are defined bylaw,suchasthe rightto vote,the obligationtopaytaxesandso on.
to abide by:to respect
keepabreastof:stay informedabout
altruistic:caringaboutthe goodsof others
to be proud of:to take satisfactionin
We shouldbe proudof our Moroccan cultural heritage.
We should abide byall lawswhetherwe like themornot.
Ahmedisoptimisticoverthe future of Morocco.
Many people workand keepabreast of publicaffaires.
A goodcitizenhasto be altruistic and cooperative.
All citizensshouldbe aware of theirrightsandobligations.
Expressingprobability,ability,obligationand making deductions: (Please see the examplesonp109)
Samir:What are youplanningtodo nextweekend?
Hamid:I may go to Ifrane topractise skiing.
Lotfi might continue hisstudiesabroad.He hasn’ttakenadecisionyet.
Rachidisn’tat home now.He must be withhisfriends.
We couldhave spent a longertime inRabat,but we didn’t.
She can’t have beena universitystudent.
We shouldhave a medical check-upfromtime totime.
Whenhe was younger,Nabil couldswimverywell.
Omar could have gone on a picnicwithhisfriends.
Lailahad to stay at home yesterdaytolookafterhersister’sbaby.
*A: Where isAmal?
B: I don’tKnowforcertain.She might be workingon her project.
Vocabulary: USING AFFIXATIONS: ( Pleasesee theguideonpages111 and11 formore examples)
re- do again/back reread – rewrite
en- make – cause to be – putinto enlarge – enrich– encircle
de- remove demotivate-debone
pre- before /earlier pretest – preplan– prehistoric
post- after post-war;post-graduate
pro- for /infavourof pro-abortion – pro-American
anti- against anti-war– anti-nuclearweapons
over- too much/excessively oversleep – over-populated
under- not enough/toolittle underpaid – undercook–
mis- wrongly /badly misunderstand – mishear
self- by oneself self-educated – self-sufficient
non- not connectedwith/not non-governmental– non-violence
ex- former ex-president – ex-wife
sub- under submarine – subway – submarine
co- together/with co-manage – co-author
bi- two /twice bilingual– biannual
out- more than/outdoanother outnumber– outweigh
hyper- very /above /over hyper-critical– hyper-sensitive
auto- ofor by oneself/self autograph – autobiography
Salmadidn’tgetthe job because of her inexperience inmarketing.
It illegal tosell drugs.
Irregular school attendance isa bad thing.
I don’tlike dishonestpeople.
Football hooliganism isa antisocial behaviour.We shouldstampitout.
Citizenshipoftenimpliesworkingtowardsthe bettermentof one’scommunity.
Morocco isa memberof the Islamicorganization.
In 1953 the Moroccan people didnotacceptthe replacementof SultanMohammedV bythe unpopularBen
Arafa, Whose reignwas illegitimate.
Last weekIread the autobiographyof my favourite playwright.
Morocco recovereditspolitical independence onMarch2, 1956.
Passengersmustfastentheirbeltsbefore the planestake off landdown.
The studentsaskedthe teachertosimplifythe instructionsforthem.
My friendAminadecoratedherbedroombeautifully.
The freedomof speech,democracy, collaborationandhappinessare some of the valuesYassine believesin.
Catchy: 1. attractive or appealing → A catchyideafor a TV series.
2. easilyremembered→ A songwitha catchy tune.
3. tricky; deceptive→ A catchy questiononanexam.
Sports as a means of building body and character:
UNIT 7 Insightsinto English
I canworkhoursandhours.
I may apply fora scholarship.
I shouldhave a medicalcheck-up.
I hadto weara tie forthe interview.
WhenI wasyounger, Icouldplay football
Modal + Simple verb
(infinitive without to)
It's given fact that practising sports has a very great
importance. Sport contributes to building our bodies perfectly.
It's the best solution to obesity .It also leads to intelligence
because a sound reason is in a sound body. Sports also accustom us
to great values such as team-work, co-operation, punctuality,
self-reliance and ambition. Nowadays, the government gives due
care to sports activities. New clubs and stadiums are set up all
over the country. Sports competitions are hold everywhere to
encourage our youth to do their best and become a strong
generation. Unless you practise sport, you will be weak, lazy and
He might be joking!
You must be joking!
Modal + continuous form Present
You can’t have beenserious!
My classmate might havegone on
I couldhave sent himane-mail.
Perfect Modals Past
Ability They might have beenmaking
Perfect Modals Past
Dialogue: (page 110)
Journalist: The teamcoachhasbeenaway fora weeknow.Whenisgoingto return
Presssecretary:Well, Ican’t really be certain.He may /mightstaylonger.perhapsthree more days.
Journalist: Ishe havinga goodtime?
Presssecretary:He must behaving a wonderfultime becausehe simply doesnotwantto leave.
Journalist:What didhe do thismorning?
Presssecretary:Ican’t say forsure, buthe might havetalkswitha MoroccanplayerinLiverpool.
Journalist:What ishe doingnow?
Presssecretary:He may beresting, orhe may be talkingto Englishcoaches.Idon’tknowforcertain.
UNIT 8 International Organizations
Useful Expressions:
The UN came intoexistence on 24 October1945.
The UN aimsat resolvinginternational conflictspeacefully.Italsoaimsat savingsucceedinggenerationsfrom
the scourge of war.
The UN providesassistancetodevelopingcountriesandencourages sustainabledevelopmentandself-
Despite of the factthat it doesn’thave enforceable legal authorityovermemberstates,the UN remainsan
influential organization.Forexample,itcanrecommendthatmemberstatesimpose armsembargoes orwide-
rangingsanctionsagainstnationswhichthreatento disruptinternational peace.
AmnestyInternational isanon-profitorganization.
Salma:Whenwas the League of Nationsformed?
Alae: It was formedin1919.
Salma:Whendidthe UN officiallycome intoexistence?
Alae: It officiallycame intoexistence on24 October1945.
Salma:Where was the UnitedNationsChartersigned?
Alae: It was signedinSanFrancisco,USA.
A: Where are the headquartersof the UN based?
B: Theyare basedinNewYork, USA.
Vocabulary: (page115)
to govern:to administer
to draft:to write
to setforth:to present
to have a moral force:itis consideredright,agoodthing.Itis notillegal
Collocations: (page 117)
to resolve conflicts peacefully
to save generationsfrom the scourge of war
maintaininternational peace disruptinternational peace
natural disasters
sustainable development
to encourage self-sufficiency
highly valued
Abbreviations: (p119)
GMT → GreenwichMeanTime
MARWAN → Moroccan AcademicandResearchWide AreaNetwork
AIDS→ AcquiredImmune DeficiencySyndrome
NATO→ NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization
Vocabulary: (page 120)
You shouldinstall anantivirusinorder toprevent computerviruses.
It takesonlya fewminutestosetupa blog.There are some elements tobearinmind,though.
We always settle ourconflictsinourclass peacefully.
We all agree to helpeachother,don’twe?
We are allowed to use only English in our classroom.
The UN hasplayeda prominentrole in maintaininginternational peace.Ithas also
beena leaderina wide range of otherfieldssuchasproviding humanitarianassistance,improvingmedical
treatment, promotingdemocracy andhuman rights.
Dialogue: The United Nations
Son: Why wasthe UN formed?
Father: It was formedtoprovide nationswithaway to resolve conflictspeacefully
and to provide assistance tonationsincrisis.
Son: Don’t yousee that the UN has failedtostopinternationalconflicts?
Father:You knowthat’snot true.Since 1945, the UN has carriedoutpeacekeeping
operationsinmanyinternational crisis.Thankstothe interventionsof this
organization,manycountriesare now livinginpeace andharmony.Don’tyou
Son: Yes,of course there isthat,but I still believethatthe UN hasn’tgot a real
powerto solve all the regional andinternationalconflicts.Hasitfounda
solutiontothe problemof ourMoroccan Sahara? Doesithave enough power
to settle peace inSomaliaandSudanforexample?
Father:I agree withyou,but youshouldn’tunderestimate the role the UN hasplayed
to resolve these problemsandmanyotherconflictspeacefully…
Some useful expressionstoask for and give opinion: (page 120)
*A: Cigarettesadvertisementsare adangerto publichealth. Whatdoyou think?
B: To my mind,theyshouldbe banned.
*A: What’s your opinionabout the Moroccan comedian,El Jem?
B: I reallyfeel that he’sthe funniestactorinMorocco.
Vocabulary: (page 123)
the poor : the needy
as a consequence of:due to
The Moroccan RedCrescent (MRC) is a non-profitmaking,voluntaryrelief organization.
Due to theircontinuingassistance to the needy andpromptdisasterreliefactivities,
MRC andthe RedCrosshave a world renowned reputation.Theyserve vulnerable
people andthose inneed withoutregardtorace,religion,classorpolitical belief.
Agreeing Disagreeing
I agree.
I agree entirely / completely.
I certainly agree with that.
I couldn’t agree more.
That’s a good point.
I sharethe same view.
That’s exactly what I was thinkingmyself.
I quite agree with you
You’re definitely / absolutely right.
You’re quite right
That’s justhow I see it.
I suppose so.
I’m afraid I don’t agree.
I disagreewith you.
I’m sorry,but I disagree.
Sorry to say it, but you’re wrong.
Yes, that’s quite true, but…
I don’t sharethis view.
I don’t sharethis view with you.
I’m afraid you’re wrong there.
I’m not sureI quite agree with you here.
Perhaps,but don’t you agree…?
I see what you mean, but…
I suppose not.
A: Our school handball teamisthe best.
B: I supposeso. (partial agreement)
Don’t you see that…?
You must know that…
Are you tellingme that…?
Yes, that’s all very well,but…
Yes, of coursethere is that, but…
That makes no difference!
You know that’s not true.
In myopinion,…
I guess,…
I trust,…
I definitelythinkthat…
A: Theyhave done a goodjob.
B: I supposenot. (partial disagreement)
THE GERUND: (p 124) The Malhoun
PlayingMalhouninvolves rememberinghundredsof musical phrasesand singingthemproperly.Unlike poets,
novelistsandpainters,Malhounmusiciansaren’taccustomedto workingalone.Becauseof the true nature of
Malhoun,formost of them, playingandpractisingmustbe withothermusicians.Some Malhounmusiciansare
skillfulatimprovising.SingingandusingMoroccandialectisa lot of funfor them.
I greatlyenjoyed listeningtothe lastsong of the concert. Itwas certainly worthlisteningto.However,Iadmitnot
likingall of it.
I certainlyappreciatedyourinvitingme tothe concert.
Hamidenjoysfishingand jogging.
Aminaisinterestedin readingmagazines.
Salim’sfathercan’t standwatchingEgyptianmovies.
Wouldyoumindopeningthe window,please?
I hope you’ll enjoy visitingthe museum.
Salahthinksit’snotworth wastingtime onwatchingsome Moroccan football matches.
A: Let’shave a tagine withlambandprunes.
B: I’m fedupwithlamb!I suggest havingfishanda mixedsalad.
Usesof the gerundand infinitive (p125)
Excludingwomenfromthe political scene isahindrance towomenempowerment.
On myway to work,I usuallystop topickup hitchhikers,whatevertheylooklike.
I staredto read an article aboutthe UnitedNations.
Our Englishteacherdoesn’tallowusinglanguagesotherthanEnglish.
My fatherdoesn’tallow mylittle brother touse hislaptop.
Halimaprefers havingcouscousonFridays.
Halimaprefers tohave couscouson Fridays.
Notknowingwhatto do,I went to look forsomebodytohelpme.
*A: I’mgoingto see Casa Negra.
B: Is itworth seeing?
A:I thinkso.
Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education
Anwarholdsa Master’sdegree inmarketing.He trainsteachers notonly inMorocco
but elsewhere,too.
Reading: Types of education (p131)
There are three types of education. Formal education is the structured educational
system provided by the state for school goers. Non-formal education,in contrast, is
refers to education that happens outside the formally-organised school –that is the
education that refers to adultliteracy and continuingeducation for adults.This kind
of education is voluntary.As for the informal education,itis the education that happens outside the classroom.Itis
considered as integral partof formal education.
Writing: an e-mail
Applicationfor admissionto the BBA
Unit 9 Insights into English
Reading : Psychology: The Science of the Mind (p 136)
Psychologists,likeotherscientists, use the scientificmethod…Theyuse the humanbehaviorasa clue to howthe
mindworks.Since the mindcannotbe observeddirectly,psychologistsuse humanbehaviorasdata totest their
theoriesabouthowthe mindworks…
Linkingwords: (see p137)
Reading : Job Ads (p137)
A: Are youinterestedinteachingEnglishtobankemployees?
B: You’re kidding,aren’tyou?
B: No, Meditel needsEnglishstudentstoteachEnglishtoa groupof itsemployees.
A: Isit a full time job?
B: No,it’sa part-time one.
A: Isany experience needed?
B: I don’tthinkso.You just needtosendyourCV andsalary expectations.Willyouapplyforit?
A: I thinkI’mnot qualifiedenoughtogetit.I wishI were fluentinEnglish.
B: You shouldbe self-confident.For me,yourEnglishismuchbetterthan mine.If Iwere youI
I wouldn’tmisssuch anopportunity.
B: Thanks forthe advice.
WRITING: Curriculum Vitae (See p 139)
Dear Siror Madam,
I am writingtoapplyfor admissiontothe BBA,whichI saw advertisedinthe website of Your
University. Iam a Moroccan student,aged18. I will sitforthe Baccalaureate examsnext
June.Overthe lastthree yearsI studiedEnglish.
I lookforwardto hearingfromyou.
Yours sincerely.
Your address :
Date :
Layout :
Non-defining relative clauses: review (Please see page 141 formore examples)
MohamedKhaireddine, whose all worksIamgoingto read, wasa poet.
Agoun’chich, whichwashisseventhandlastnovel,waspublishedinFrance sevenyearsafterhisdeath.
Criticscompare himto Rimbaud,the Frenchwriter, whomI like verymuch.
Expressing addition: ( see p140)
Sustainable Development
Vocabulary: (pages 143→145)
sustain: maintain
sustainable: able to continue over a period oftime.
Despite his shyness Khalid seems to find it easy to sustain relationship with neighbours.
The Minister offinance think that the economy ofMorocco will sustain its growth for the next fewyears.
That sort ofdiet is not sustainable over a long period oftime.
As far as I am concerned, making wise use ofnational resourcessuch as water and energy is very important.
Global problems such as climate change, the damage to the ozone layer and the extinction of wildlife species
affect all of us. They are real threats to our survival.
We should do something to stop the extinction ofdolphins.
Air pollution is a serious threat to health.
It is frightening to see people throwgarbage in public places.
Hard work is rewarding; that is, it pays off.
I’ve been working hard for the exam. I don’t squander one minute ofmy free time.
I will pursue all my aims simultaneously through my life.
Each and everyone ofus has a valuable role in sustainable development.
Citizenship relies on us taking part in sustainable development.
A letter of application should be an original or a word-processed copy,
not a photocopy. It should be neat and free from grammatical and spelling
errors. Try to be brief, but express your interest in the particular job
you are applying for.
The addressofthe person Youraddress
youare writingto Date
DearSiror Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Writing: (p 147)
The Passive Voice:
Present Simple The UN document are translated into six languages
The article on sustainable
is being translated into Korean
Past Simple The proposal was discussed by the UN members
Past Continuous This proposal was being discussed when the TV crew
Present Perfect The date of the conference on
sustainable development
has been announced
Future You will be invited to participate in this
The Passive with modals (page 150)
The passive with modelsisformed as follows:
Subject+ ………..+ ………..+ Past Participle ………..
All literary books should returned to the library before 1st July
The article must be word-processed now
The General Assembly can
called for an emergency session
A Film review
‘The Grass is Greener Here’ is Moroccan romance film. It is the true story of Halim –
a Moroccan brain drainer, aged 34 who is back home because he thinks that human
development is the concern of all Moroccans. He set up a building firm and recruits
five young architects to work on an affordable housing projects for new teachers in
the north of Morocco in gratitude for what his former teachers have done for him.
The project goes very well. In the closing scene, Halim gets married to Halima – an
excellent architect and a niece of one of his former teachers of mathematics. They
promise each other to live happily until death parts them. The soundtrack is superb.
I love all the songs, particularly those sung at the wedding party. This film is
unquestionably worth seeing.
You must switch off the computer after use.
The computer must be switched offafter use.
You must keep medicinesout ofthe reach ofchildren.
Medicines should be kept out ofthe reach ofchildren.
You must sign the visa application.
The visa application must be signed.
You can fill it out in Arabic, too.
It can be filled in Arabic, too.
You may send it by post or e-mail it.
It may be sent by post or e-mailed.
We could inform you about your visa application either by e-mail or phone.
You could be informed about your visa either by e-mail or by phone.
We can only process complete applications for admission.
Only complete applications can be processed for admission.
We speak Arabic in Morocco.
Arabic is spoken in Morocco.
The father drives his children to school every day.
The children are driven to school every day by the father.
Nadia decorated the bedroom beautifully.
The bedroom was decorated beautifully by Nadia.
The mechanic is repairing my brother’s car.
My brother’s car is being repaired by the mechanic.
They are building newschools in our village.
Newschools are being built in our village.
My mother was cooking lunch when I got home yesterday.
Lunch was being cooked by my mother when I got home yesterday.
They have taken the injured man to the hospital.
The injured man has been taken to the hospital.
The maid had done the housework before we arrived.
The housework had been done by the maid before we arrived.
Unit 7 Ticket 2 English
Dialogue: Advice please!
A: Can’tyou see childrendying?
B: What do youthinkI shoulddo?
A: I thinkyoushouldhelpthem.
B: What do yousuggestto helpthese children?
A: May be youshouldhelpfeedingthemandcuringtheirillness.
B: What wouldyoudo inthissituation?
A: If I were you,I wouldparticipate inbuildingsheltersandhospitalsforthem.
He asks me if I can do it
Reportingstatements,questionsand commands in the presentand the past
“Citizenship includes civic virtues and duties,” the teacher always states.
The teacher always states that citizenship includes civic virtues and duties.
“What is fairness? Some students ask the teacher.
Some students ask their teacher what fairness is.
“Always express your gratitude,” my mother often reminds me.
My mother often reminds me to always express my gratitude.
“How do you define a good citizen?”, Brahim asked his friend.
Brahim asked his friend howhe defined a good citizen.
“Is civility similar to politeness?”, Brahim wonders.
Brahim wonders if civility is similar to politeness.
“Responsibility means being in charge of our choices and our lives.”
The quote states that responsibility means being in charge of our choices and our lives.
“What does fairness involve?”
Students ask their teacher what fairness involves.
“Fairness involves issues of equality and impartiality”
The teacher replies that fairness involves issues of equality and impartiality.
“Never judge others without prior knowledge. Judge them only on their character,abilities and conduct.”
He always warns them not to judge others without prior knowledge, and to judge them only on their character,
abilities and conduct.
“Did you watch yesterday’s show about citizenship?”
My friend wants to knowif I watched yesterday’s show about citizenship.
“Fill in this application form to become a member.”
A member of the association told the volunteer to fill in the application form to become a member?
“How can help in sensitizing people to become good citizens?”
The volunteer wanted to know how he could help in sensitizing people to become good citizens.
“Don’t underestimate voluntary work.”
He advised the audience not to underestimate voluntary work.
“A lot of people participated in the campaign.”
He reported that a lot of people had participated in the campaign.
“I will participate in a conference on citizenship.”
Ann told Betty that she would participate in a conference on citizenship.
“Are you invited there?”
Betty asked Ann whether she was invited there.
“How long are you going to stay there?”
She wanted to know how long she was going to stay there.
“Please,bring me a copy of the annual report.”
She begged her to bring her a copy of the annual report.
Read this excerptfrom Kofi Anna’s speechand notice the changes.
“Leadership is needed more than it was 60 years ago. In these days, the security of every one of us
is linked to that of everyone else. Global solidarity is both necessary and possible. Powerful states
have a special responsibility to take account of global views and interests. We can only do all these
things by working together… We have achieved much since 1945, but much remains to be done
A spokespersonofthe UN has reportedK. Annan’s speech.Study and notice the changes.
Kofi Annan said that leadership was needed more than it had been 60 years before. He added that in
those days, the security of every one of us was linked to that of everyone else. He stated that global
solidarity was both necessary and possible. He also stressed that powerful states had a special
responsibility to take account of global views and interests. He insisted that they could only do all these
things by working together… Finally, he declared that they had achieved much since 1945, but much
remained to be done the day after.
UNIT 8 International Organizations
The following acronyms stand for:
UN → the United Nations
UNESCO → The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNICEF → The UN Children’s Emergency Fund
UNHCR → The UN high Commissioner for Refugees
WHO → World Health Organisation
FHO → Food and Agriculture Organisation
ICRC → International Committee of the Red Cross / Crescent
TI → Transparency International
AI → Amnesty International
WTO → World Trade Organisation
DWF → Doctors Without Frontiers
The United Nations was established in the 40s to maintain international peace and security. According to
its charter, member states are supposed to refrain from the use of force against other member states. This
document also calls on countries to settle bilateral disputes by peaceful means. That is to say,
international discords should be solved by diplomacy and negotiations. Any violations of this principle
can result in severe economic and political sanctions. The UN has a court in The Hague (Holland) whose
function is to look into conflicts between countries.
Amnesty International is an independent pressure group. It campaigns for the release of imprisoned or
maltreated people because of their political or religious beliefs. The movement was founded in 1961 and
has its headquarters in London. Amnesty International has a network of voluntary local groups and
individual members throughout the world. To keep its independence from governmental influence, AI is
financed by donations and benevolent contributions. AI’s activities include campaigns and lobbying for
political and religious freedom.
To achieve security in the world, populations must be protected from genocide, war crimes, ethnic
cleansing and crimes against humanity.
Through solidarity, countries can be stable and secure.
Poor countries should benefit from the world’s wealth as much as rich countries.
UNIT 9 Advancesin Science and Technology
Rule: Conditional type 3
If + past perfect+ wouldhave +
past participle
To describe hypothetical conditions
inthe pastand the resultsthatthe
speakerimagineswere possible
If the leaders hadbeenwiser,the
war wouldn’thave broken out.
Rule: Wishes
I wish / wished / If only + past participle
To express past wishes
To express regret
My grandfather wishes he had had a cell
phone in his childhood.
If only there hadn’t been many victims in
the second world war.
Text: If I had time, I wouldhave done it
“My brotherJamal wona national awardfor hislatestscientificinvention.We celebrateditlastnight.A lotof
people came.We hada lotof food.Unfortunately,Iate somuch that I had a stomach-ache.Icouldn’tgetupin
the morningbecause Ididn’tsleepearly.Ididn’tgotoschool. I missedseveral lessons.Ididn’tdothe test.The
teachergave me a bad markbecause I forgotto do myhomework.”
If Jamal hadn’t eaten a lot, he wouldn’t have had a stomach-ache.
If he had slept early,he could have got up in the morning.
He wouldn’t have missed severallessons if he had gone to school.
If he had gone to school, he would have done the test.
The teacher wouldn’t have given him a bad mark if he had done the homework.
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much last night. I felt terrible then.
If I hadn’t eaten so much last night, I wouldn’t have felt terrible.
I wish my father had bought me computer last year. I could be a programmer then.
If my father had bought me a computer last year,I could have been a programmer then.
Health authorities wish people got immunized. They could improve their health then.
People could have improved their health if they had got immunized.
Nabil wishes his satellite receiver hadn’t stopped working. He could watch the live conference about the nuclear
danger on the environment.
Nabil could have watched the live conference about the nuclear danger on the environment if his satellite receiver
hadn’t stopped working.
Student: Could you give me an idea about biotechnology, please?
Teacher: Yes,of course. Biotechnology (or bioengineering) refers to any change of an organism’s genes for
practical purposes like disease control, better crops, cloning of plants and animals,…Biotechnology is
closely related to genetics which can be defined as the scientific study of genes,i.e. variations in the
characteristics – resemblances and differences – of organisms and how these characteristics are inherited
from generation to generation. Modern genetics is as much concerned with the organism level of this
process as it is with cellular and molecular levels.
Thanks to biotechnology, farmers are able to get rid of unwanted characteristics of plants and keep the
ones that they desire. One example of these is the new type of potatoes that resist invasion by dangerous
Advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to decrease the need for fertilizers by breeding
plants that produce their own form of efficient fertilizers… However,there are some negative side
effects that must be worked out. An example ofthis,is a decline in the quality of taste, which would
definitely outweigh the benefits of a long shelf life or resistance to insects!
Student: Is it used to control some of the human diseases?
Teacher: Yes. The use of genetic engineering in humans promises some extraordinary benefits, one ofwhich is
cure and prevention of many types of diseases that come from faulty genes.
Student: Thank you very much, sir.
Teacher: Not at all.
Expressionsofconcessionand addition:
Link your Sentences
Whendiplomatsmettoformthe UnitedNationsin1945, one of the thingstheydiscussedwassettlingupaglobal
health organizations. As a result, World Health Organisation was set up on 7 April 1948- a date we now
celebrate everyyearasWorldHealthDay.WHO is responsible forprovidingleadership on global health matters.
It also accountsfor shapingthe healthresearchagenda such as setting norms and standards, providing technical
supportto countries,monitoringandassessinghealthtrends. Since healthisasharedresponsibility,WHO’s job is
to provide equitable accesstoessential care andcollective defence againsttransnational threats. In brief WHO’s
greatest concern must always rest with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; that is to say, the groups who
often live in remote rural areas or shanty towns and have little political voice.
Althoughthe school isfar away,Zahra attendsall afternoonclasses.
Althoughhe isrich, Adil doesnotgive almsto the poor.
Althoughinternational organizationsworkhard,theycan’tsolve all the problems.
Althoughglobalizationhasapositive impactonMoroccan women’ssituation,thereisstill fearof losinglocal
Althoughit was raining,we wentout.
Though the school is veryfarfrom hervillage,Fatimainsistsonattendingall herlessons.
In spite of hiswealth, Adil doesnotgive almstothe poor.
In spite of the fact that he is wealthy, Adildoesnotgive almstothe poor.
She getshighermarks despite studyingindifficultconditions.
In spite of beingilliterate,some womenuse the magazine’spicturesasresourcesfordressmaking.
In spite of the rain, we wentout.
In spite of the fact that it wasraining,we wentout.
Despite spendingmuchtime atwork,workingwomenare able toperfectlymanage theirhouseholds.
It’strue that a lotof womenandgirlshave accessto education. Yet,theirsituationisfarfromperfect.
Along withbeingbusywithhisprofessional career,Rachidisagood father.
Zahra has got an awardfrom the UNESCO because she wasthe firstto fightilliteracyinhervillage.
Her parentswere illiterate. Consequently,theydidn’tsendhertoschool whenshe wasyoung.
Fouadis not onlygood at volleyball buthe isalso a fantastichandball player.
HelenKellerwasawomanof luminousintelligence,highambitionandgreataccomplishment. Inaddition,she
devotedherlife tohelpingothers.
Moroccan womenneededucation aswell as healthcare.
Womenhave demonstratedconsiderable leadershipincommunity, aswell as inpublicoffice. However,theystill
sufferfromnegative stereotyping.
UNESCO worksto promote fieldsof interest suchaseducation,science,andculture.
Greenpeace workstopreserve the environment. Besides,itisannon-profitorganization.
Some Moroccan womenare illiterate. However,theybenefitfrompicturesinmagazines.
Educatedwomenhave a biginfluenceonsociety. Moreover,theycontribute tothe welfareof theirfamilies.
Educatedwomenlookaftertheirhouses.They alsoworkoutside theirhomes.
Scientists,engineers, expertsandtalenteduniversitystudentsfrompoorcountriesare flockingtothe
industrializedworld,drawnbythe promise of bettersalariesandworkingconditions.Butnoteveryone ishappy
withhissituation.Governmentsof some developingcountriesregardthe phenomenonas aloss of human capital
that mustbe restricted.Othersviewthe situationwithsome optimismascountriesof originmightalsogainsome
skilled:havingthe abilitytoperformatask expertlyandwell
unskilled:nothavingspecial skillortraining
A physicist:anexpertinphysics
The presidentof the WorldBank urged developingcountriestoinvestineducationandeconomyandcombat
An estimated900,000 of highlyskilledprofessionalsenteredthe Americanlabourmarkedbetween1990 and
Talentedprofessionalsemigrate todevelopcountriestoearn temptingwagesandsecure a betterfuture.
A physicistis a scientistwhostudiesthe propertiesandinteractionsof matterandenergyinall theirforms(liquid,
solid,gasand plasma).
attract attention
Prefixesandtheir meanings:
excessively,more than
Underpaidworkersprefertoemigrate abroadtoimprove theirsalaries.
Accordingto the International OrganisationforMigration,Africahasbeenlosing20,000 professionalseachyear
since 1990.
An immigrantscientistinthe USA saidthat the mysteryof Bermudatriangle issomething supernatural.
The majorityof highlytalentedprofessionalsemigrate from underdevelopedtodevelopedcountries.
Some youthsare overexcitedaboutemigratingtoEurope notknowingthe problemstheymightface.
Many scientistsandexpertsattendedan intercontinentalconference onbraindrain.
An Africanscientistpresented extraordinaryideasturnbraindraintobraingain.
« After spending two months in Canada, I began to feel homesick. It’s too cold to live here.
Also I didn’t like the job. If only I had stayed in my country! I’m now longing for my
country’s climate and my family life. I can’t come back because I lost my job in Morocco.
If I hadn’t abandoned my job there, I wouldn’t have stayed here a day longer. I thought
that immigrating to Canada would help me make a lot of money. Unfortunately, I was
unlucky. I should have thought well before deciding to do that. I regret it now. I wish I
were among my relatives.
Relative Clauses:
Study these two sentencesand notice the difference:
a) My brotherwho graduated from the university emigratedtoCanada.
I have more than one brotherand I am speakingaboutthe one whoemigratedtoCanada.
b) My brother, who graduated from the university,emigratedtoCanada.
I have onlyone brother.He graduatedfrom the universityandemigratedtoCanada.
{NB. The clause in sentence b) can be deleted without affecting the meaning of the sentence
Lionel Messi whois a talentedfootball player isfrom Argentina.
Africanwriters whowrite inEnglish settle downinEnglandorthe USA.
Graduates whose grades are the highestwill be givenjobswithtemptingsalaries.
The Pan AfricanConference,whichtookplace in Illinois,USA onOctober24, 2003 focusedonreversingbrain
drainintobrain gain.
Capital flight, whichisproblematicas brain drain,refersto financial capital thatisnolongerinvestedinthe
countrywhere itsownerlivedandearnedit.
One of the problemswhich the Arab countriessufferfrom isbraindrain.
My uncle, whogot his universitydegree,emigratedtoCanadato continue hisstudies.
India, whose highlyskilledlabouris IT engineers,hasremarkablysucceededinreversingbraindraintobrain
Expertswho came around 50 African countries were givenaspecial receptionatthe hotel.
The UnitedNationsisan international organization whose missionistomaintainworldpeace andsecurity.
The house, whichhas beenemptyfor about a year, has justbeensold.
The lady whom/ that Ban Ki-Moonappointedtoserve ashisdeputyiswell qualified.
Two kinds of relative clauses can be distinguished:defining relative clauses and non-
defining relative clauses. The relative pronouns used are:“who – which – whom – that –
In defining relative clauses, the relative can be left outif it is the object of the relative
e.g. Did you like the present (which) I sent you? (“which” can be left out here).
If the relative pronoun is the subjectof the clause, we cannot leave it out.
e.g. I met a woman who works for the UN Organisation. (”who” cannot be left out).
Non-defining relative clauses add extra information to a sentence and are set off by
My grandmother, who is 75 years old, stillgoes jogging twice a week.
My car, which is 25 years old, often lets me down.
Relative pronouns cannot be left out of NDRC.
Paragraph writing: Problems of schooling in rural areas
Test yourself:
1. legal: There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an ______________ drug for the foreseeable
2. possible: It was quite _________________ for us to drive all the way from Paris to Madrid in one
one day.
3. successful: He made an ________________ attempt to climb the highest mountain in the range.
4. responsible: To take the boat out with four children under the age of ten and with no life jackets
on board was quite ________________ of him.
5. appropriate: The dress she was wearing was quite _________________ for the occasion.
6. polite: It was very ________________ of him to insult his mother in front of his aunt.
7. religious: They were a completely _________________ family and I never thought that one day I
would marry one of the daughters.
8. honest: As a politician he was __________________ and it was not long before nobody trusted him.
9. perfect: The goods were ________________ and had to be returned to the store we bought them
10. contented: She was __________________ with her life and decided that things had to change.
Answers:1) illegal 2) impossible3) unsuccessful4) irresponsible5) inappropriate 6) impolite
7) irreligious8) dishonest9) imperfect10) discontented
Phrasal verbs Definitions / Synonyms
call off
break up
put up with
get on with
let somebody down
run out ofsomething
take after
put on
put up
end a relationship with somebody
have a good relationship with sb.
fail to help, disappoint
have none left
look like, resemble
get dressed in
increase, raise
Today in many parts of the world growing up in a rural region often means
growing up without a decent education. School attendance is generally low and
absenteeism is high, mainly among girls. This is not surprising, considering the
distance many children have to walk daily, only to find a school in precarious
areas, without furniture, learning materials, drinking water or toilets, and
sometimes even without a teacher. Rural people are often caught in the vicious
circle of having no access to the services and opportunities that might lift
them out of poverty.
put off
put on
put out
give up
check in
look forward to
fill in
set up
turn down
put somebody up
cut down on
go on
get over
get rid of
look up
look after
pull down
figure out
go off
postpone, delay
increase weight
stop; abandon
long for, anticipate with pleasure
establish, start
give accommodation to
recover from an illness
throw away
search for
take care of
ring etc.
. Howare you getting on with your newneighbours? I hope they are as nice as the previous ones.
. The price ofpetrol has been put up several times over the last two years.
. We can’t have lunch at home. We’ve run out ofgas. We’d rather go to a restaurant and have lunch there.
. I’m really thinking of moving to the country. I can’t put up with the city noise any longer.
. Put on your coat. It’s cold outside!
. I’m sorry to be nuisance,but could we put off our meeting until next week?
. The manager is off sick, so we need to call offall his appointments today.
. If you’d like to keep fit, cut down on fatty food and exercise three times a week.
“All country women who are willing to set up their own businessescan now get loans from the bank.” said
the social affaires minister in a recent interview.
. On international flights, passengers need to check in about two hours before departure.
. I’ve put on five kilos since last January. I ought to go on diet.
. I miss you a lot. I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon.
. You needn’t stay at a hotel. We can put you up for a fewdays. We’ve got a spare room.
. Mr and Mrs Jones, our nextdoor neighbours , are making too much noise. I wonder what’s going on over
there. Perhaps they’re arguing again.
. “You’ll have to give up smoking, otherwise your cough will get worse.” said the doctor to the patient.
. Take off your coat and hang it up in the wardrobe.
. I was rearranging my home library books when I came across an old school report ofmine.
. My brother is determined to emigrate somewhere.However, he hasn’t made up his mind which country to
go to.
. Look at these abbreviations,Jacky. Do you knowwhat they stand for?
. Pick up that banana skin from the stairs and put it in the dustbin; somebody might slip on it.
. The aircraft was refused permission to take offbecause oflack ofvisibility due to thick fog.
. Look! There’s a job advertisement in this newspaper. Why don’t you apply for it?
. I’ve been waiting here since 4 o’clock. Now it’s round 5 nowand he hasn’t turned up yet.
. Sorry, I can’t make out the doctor’s prescription. His handwriting is so terrible.
. Will you please try on these newshoes? I’ve just bought them for you.
. My car engine didn’t start yesterday morning. The battery might have died out.
. Most ofNGO’s in Morocco rely on benevolent donations only. They receive no financial support from the
. Slow down, will you? Speed limit is limited here. It’s only 40 km.
. “I hope the USA will not carry out its threats to impose newsanctions on our country.”
said the Iranian diplomat to a journalist.
. Turn off the tap, will you? You’re wasting too much water these days.
.“Don’t worry! Cheer up! Your son’s all right. He’s out ofdanger.” The doctor said to Jim’s mother.
. Love between married couples does not last long. It fades away with time.
. Look out! You almost knocked out that old lady. Howmany times do I have to tell you to drive slowly and
. Tommy knewhe was in big trouble; so he made up a fabulous alibi to make the police believe he was
. One ofour classmates is mentally-retarded. He finds it difficult to keep up with the class.
. My parents object to my moving homes and changing jobs nowand again. They’d really like me to get
married and settle down once for all.
. When I got back home from work yesterday evening, I was surprised to find out that I had left the front
door unlocked. Howcareless ofme!
. How’s your mother? Has she got over from her illness or is she still in bed?
. It took the fire fighters hours and hours to put out the fire in the forest.
. Let’s get the work done today. I hate putting offthinks to a later time.
. The plane took offon time but landed 20 minutes late due to some technical problems.
. “Could I add an other idea here?” “Sure. Go ahead.”
. I’ll ring you up in case I need you.
. The song you’re listening to dates back to the 70’s. It’s a very nice one.
. Kate has thrown away every single letter her ex-fiancé wrote to her. She hasn’tkept one.
. Although they setoff/ out early in the morning, they didn’t get to their destination until past midnight.
. “I wonder if you could possibly look after my child while I’m away on holiday?” Mrs Jefferson said to her
. I don’t have the company’s phone number. I must look it up in the directory.
. As soon as he finished the telephone conversation, he took offhis pyjamas, put on his suit and rushed out.
. The city council is pulling down the old houses and in the city center and converting them into buildings
and shopping centres.
. If you try to open that safe door, the alarm will certainly go off.
Adjective + preposition combinations:
fedup with
bad at
late for
capable of
responsible for
sorry for
angry with
compatible with
Verb+ prepositioncombinations:
apologize for
deal with
congratulate on
hearof / from
approve of
abide by
agree with
disagree with
concentrate on
be / get usedto
protect (sb.) from
warn (sb.) against/about
arrest sb.For
Our neighbour’s daughteris excellentatall subjects.Hermotheris proudof her.
My sisterisreally keenon playingthe piano.
“Is there anythingyou’re allergicto?”The doctoraskedthe patient.
Most people livinginrural areasare pessimisticabout the future.Theyfeel the situationisgettingworse.
Jack wasaccused of stabbinghiswife todeath.
The pilotwasheld responsible forthe aircraftcrash.He insistedon landinginbadweatherconditions.
Whenwill you sitforthe entrance examinationtothe facultyof medicine?
Sara is sufferingfrom insomnia.She’dbettersee adoctor.
Some Japanese are usedtoeatingraw fish.
Moroccan cuisine is famousforitsdeliciousdishes.
The studentapologizedforcominglate.
Nabil was angry with hissisterbecause she damagedhiscamcorder.
Althoughthe examquestionswere abitdifficult,Ali succeededin answeringall of them.
To be continued
NB. Mise en page: Haut: 1cm / Bas: 1cm
Gauche : 1,5cm / Droite : 1,5

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Insights into English,Ticket 2 English Second year Bac Morocco

  • 1. 1 Insights into English,Ticket 2 English & G.W.P.F.Y.E.B.P Second year Bac Mr.Dahbi Unit 1 Cultural Issues and Values Vocabulary: Expressions of definition …is… …refers to… … is referred to as… …is defined as… …has been defined as... …is the way of… is refers to Cultural anthropology is referred to as being the study ofhuman culture. has been defined as An anthropologist is an expert in anthropology. Culture is the way of life of a particular group of people. A stereotype is defined as being a belief about an individual or a group based on the idea that everyone in a particular group will behave in the same way. Hospitality and tolerance are values that are deeply rooted in the Moroccan culture. If you happen to go to live in a foreign country with a different culture, you have to adjust to it, otherwise you will feel as a fish out of water. Different cultures have different values. Values vary from culture to culture. People from rural areas stick to customs and traditions more than urban people. Cultural issues arise when groups of people believe another group behaves wrongly. Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation. Deeper insights into other people’s customs, values and ideas minimize conflict due to ignorance and intolerance. Asking for clarification: A: What is another word for ‘aware’? B: Conscious. Vocabulary: (p 12) uneasy: uncomfortable unlike: as opposed to to obey: to respect, to abide by dissimilarities: differences natural: healthy wrongly ≠ rightly .What does ‘the verb’… mean ? .What is another word for…?
  • 2. 2 Conditional: types 1 and 2 If you pay attention in the classroom, you’ll understand better. I’ll continue my studies abroad if I get high grades in by bac exams. Mariam won’t marry Nabil if he isn't an honest person. If I were you, I’d give up smoking. We wouldn’t have so many car accidents ifboth drivers and pedestrians were careful enough. If Souad had money, she could buy a newlaptop. Asking for, giving and responding to advice: (p 15) Asking for advice Giving Advice Responding to advice What do you think I should do? What do you suggest? What would you do if…? What’s your advice for…? What would you advise me to do? Howcan I …? What’s the best…? I don’t knowwhat to do. What should I do? I think you should… May be you should… It’s best not to… It’s a good idea not to… Why don’t you…? If I were you, I would… You’d better (not)… Whatever you do, don’t… You should(n’t)/ought(n’t)to… That’s a good idea. Thanks. Thanks for your advice, but I really… Thank you for your advice, but I really… Sorry, I can’t. I’m… ing… It sounds like a good idea. Thanks, but I’ve already… Thanks, but I doubt whether… Patient: I’m afraid I’m putting on weight, doctor. What do you think I should do? Doctor: It’s a good idea not to eat between meals and you’d better exercise at least three times a week.May be you should eat more vegetablesand less fatty food. Patient: It sounds like a good idea! Thanks for your advice, doctor. Vocabulary: (18) ADJECTIVE MEANING ambitious broad-minded capable cheerful forgiving helpful honest imaginative independent logical polite self-controlled courageous hardworking, aspiring open-minded competent, effective light-hearted, joyful willing to forgive others working for the welfare of others sincere, truthful daring, creative self-reliant consistent,rational courteous,well-mannered self-disciplined standing up for your beliefs Expressing lack ofunderstanding, interrupting and asking for clarification: Expressing lack of understanding Interrupting Asking for clarification Couldyou say that again / repeat please? I beg your pardon? I’m not quite sure I followyou. I’m not quite sure I know what you mean. I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand. I don’t quite see what you mean, I’m afraid. Sorry, I didn’t quite hear what you said. I’m not quite sure I got your point. Sorry, I didn’t get your point, I’m afraid. Excuse me… Sorry, but… Excuse me for interrupting… May I interrupt for a moment? Can I add something? Can I say something here? I’d like to say something, if Imay? Can I ask a question? May I ask a question? What do you mean by…? Do you mean…? I’m not quite with you. What do you mean? Couldyou clarify that, please? Couldyou be more explicit? Couldyou explain what you mean by…? Couldyou possibly give us an example? I wonder if you could say that in a different way? Couldyou be a little bit more specific, please.
  • 3. 3 I don’t quite see what you’re getting at. Expressions for clarifying one’s point / idea: Headmaster: Mobile phones are not allowed at school. Student: Sorry, sir. I’m not quite sure I knowwhat you mean. Headmaster: In other words, you mustn’t use your mobile at school because they are forbidden. Student: I’m sorry, sir. The Past Perfect vs. The Past Perfect Continuous: (p24) Form: P.Participle: had + past participle of the verb P. Participle Continuous: had + pastparticiple +v…ing After the cultural anthropologist had finished the lecture,he flewto Tangier. By the time I went to see the doctor, I had been ill for at least two weeks. Adib had bought a brand newcar before he got his driving license. Once Ilham had read the advert about the job, she went to the Office ofAdmission. Jane had done her homework before she went out. When he arrived to the airport, there was no plane. It had already taken off. She didn’t go to bed until she had set her alarm clock. “Why didn’t you tell her that you had divorced your first wife?” The fire had already spread to the neighboring houseswhen the fire brigade arrived. Mounia and Jamal had been e-mailing each other before they got married. Jim had been studying computer science for three years before he graduated. Neighborhood Phrasal Verbs: (p 24) I’ve tried explaining how it works, but I just can’t get through to him. (communicate with) I’m taking the Baccalaureate this year, I will certainly get through. (pass) I still don’t know how to use Excel. Could you possibly go through the instructions again? (repeat) One of my classmates has been very ill, but her doctor says she will pull through. (recover/survive) I’ve looked through the editorial twice and can’t see the issue the editorialist is arguing for.(read carefully) UNIT 2 THE GIFTS OF YOUTH Vocabulary: STRENGTHS OFYOUTH NOUNS ADJECTIVES NOUNS ADJECTIVES energy perseverance enthusiasm patience flexibility sociability optimism energetic perseverant enthusiastic patient flexible sociable optimistic audacity strength competence reliability responsibility vitality ability audacious strong competent reliable responsible vital able - Let me explain that. - Let me put it another way. - Let me expressthat differently. - Sorry, let me explain. - In other words,… - In other terms… - To say that differently, … - To put it differently, … - Let me explain that in more detail.
  • 4. 4 vigor imagination creativity adventure innovation talent ambition inquiry vigorous imaginative creative adventurous innovative talented ambitious inquisitive punctuality persuasion cooperation maturity efficiency self-confidence autonomy rebellion independence punctual persuasive cooperative mature efficient self-confident autonomous rebellious independent Although young people are a heterogeneous group,they can play responsible, determining roles in society. They are the lifeblood ofa country and represent the most active and vital force in its development. They should be allowed to voice their opinions because they have as much to say about societal problems and potential solutions as others do. Karim, our classmate,is known to be very cooperative. When we are assigned projects, he works well with us and always does his share of work. A high percentage of young people no longer believe in their country’s political parties; that’s why they tend to shy away from politics. The youth need their independence in order to grow into responsible adults. The young man left the conference room with a clear conscience.He felt happy he had been able to raise people’s awareness to the importance of community work. UNIT 3 Advances in Science and Technology Ahmed: What does OFWT stand for? Nabila: It stands for Observe, Form, Watch and Test. Ahmed: I think these are the four steps scientists normally follow in their work, aren’t they? Nabila: Yes,they are. Vocabulary: (p48) benefits = advantages events = happenings on your own = independently pseudo = false, fake, not genuine One of the advantages of being scientifically literate is that you can ask and find answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday happenings. Another advantage is that you can understand how the world works and think critically and independently. A third one is that scientific literacy allows us to identify pseudo scientific claims. Yousra: In your opinion, which is the most significant breakthrough in technology? John: For me, the internet is the most significant one. I really can’t do without it. breakthrough = advances EXPRESSING PURPOSE Structure to + infinitive Souad goes jogging every morning to keep fit and healthy. for + noun Akram met Mr. Johnson for an interview. for + ……ing Posters and brochures are used for interviewing people to study. in order to + infinitive Adults go to literacy classes in order to learn how to read and write. so that + modal He trains very hard so that he can be ready for the next Olympic Games. so as to + infinitive She left home early so as to be on time for the interview. We should all be scientifically literate so as to identify pseudo scientific claims. Salma learnt Italian so as to get a better job. Hicham likes to meet foreigners so as to practice his languages.
  • 5. 5 Journalists should be tactful so as not to offend readers. They left home early in order not to miss the train. Amina works very hard so as not to failher exams. I took off my shoes and walked upstairs so as not to wake my parents. When I have a lot of homework, I sometimes do it immediately in order not to forget it. He went out for a walk in order not to get sleepy. Could you repeat the message slowly so that I can understand. Other ways of expressing purpose: An investigation is carried out for the purpose ofdetermining the cause of the accident. Research is being done with the aim of developing a cure to bird flu. The association is raising money with the objective of building a street children center. He went to the clinic with the intention ofdoing a generalcheck-up. Vocabulary: (p50) fundamental : important headways : progress, strides Scientists are making headways in many technological fields such as biotechnology and cellular phones technology. Branches of Science and Technology mathematics robotics physics chemistry engineering biotechnology Technology is applied science. It focuses on designing tools and systems for practical purposes whereas science focuses on general knowledge by investigating natural phenomena. The Simple Past Tense: (review) When I returned home from work, I decided to watch TV. I took the remote controller and zapped to my favorite channel. But, the electricity went off a short time later. I took my mobile phone and called my friend to help me fix the problem. He was busy on his computer sending and replying to e-mails or chatting. I couldn’t use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and do it manually. I couldn’t use the microwave oven to heat my dinner and was obliged to have cold. After dinner, I couldn’t use the dishwasher and again, with my own hands, I washed all the dishes. Making and respondingto complaints about behavior COMPLAINING APOLOGIZING ACCEPTING/REFUSING APOLOGIES Sorry to say it, but you……. Enough is enough! I’m not satisfied with the way you… I’ve been patient long enough, but… I just don’t know how to say it, but… I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint. Oh. I’ve got a bit of a problem here; you see... Sorry to bother you, but… Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but… I do apologise. Sorry about that. I’m very sorry. I’m awfully sorry. I’m terribly sorry. Sorry to hear that. Oh, dear. I’m really sorry. I just don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. It’s O.K Never mind. It’s not important. Don’t worry about it. I see no reason why I should. Rejecting a complaint Science Technology
  • 6. 6 -Well, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do about it actually. -I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it. *Susan: I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise when I’m busy working. Tom: Oh, I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t realize you were working. *Hamid: I’m sorry to say this, but I really didn’t like the way you talked to your mother. John: Oh, I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t realize I was so rude. *Barbara: I was waiting for you in the coffee shop but you didn’t come. Steve: I’m awfully sorry, darling. I really forgot it. Barbara: Don’t worry about it. Steve: Another time perhaps. At a hotel *A: Excuse me, but there is a problem with the heating in my room. B: Sorry to hear that – I’ll get someone to check it for you. *Man: I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my room. Receptionist: We’re terribly sorry, sir. Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty (p56) EXPRESSIONS OF CERTAINTY EXPRESSIONS OF UNCERTAINTY undoubtedly – crystal clear – no one can deny – won’t be – are sure – certainly – must be may –could – might – unlikely - probably – I doubt if… - It’s improbable that…..-I think /guess etc Expressingcertainty: Here are some phrases you can when you are sure that something will not happen in the future. For example, to the question “ Do you think that scientists will find a cure to AIDS in the near future ?”, you may respond as follows: Yes I’m absolutely sure quite sure certain positive they will. definitely. certainly. of course. Expressing uncertainty: When you are not sure whether something will happen in the future, you can use these useful phrases: Well, it’s possible. there might be. it could happen. it’s not possible. I suppose but I wouldn’t like to say for certain. I’m not really sure. I doubt it. I have my doubts. it’s doubtful. it’s highly unlikely. it’s never know of course. no one can say for certain. Functional meaning of modals: must: certainty, obligation, ( 100% necessary to do something.) No, I’m absolutely sure quite sure certain positive they won’t. definitely not. certainly not. absolutely not.
  • 7. 7 mustn’t: prohibition ( 100% necessary not to do something.) may: possibility – probability ( it’s about 50% possible ) might: possibility ( less than 50% possible ) needn’t: ( lack of necessity ) should: advice ( it’s a good idea ) shouldn’t: ( it’s a bad idea ) can’t : impossibility WhenI leave school,I may go to a universityof science orIcan evengeta job at a laboratory. Thismust be the laboratory – there are instrumentsandproductsof scientificresearch. I’ll probablycome backto see the managernextweekif Iam free. I think / guess theyare goingto offerme a job as I have the ideal profile. Theywill certainlyinterviewme aboutmypastexperience astheyusuallydo. I guess/ think theirwagesare highand theirtechnologyisadvanced. I certainlywill enjoymyself working inthislaboratory;Iam fondof science andtechnology. Computersare likelytoreplace teachersina few years’time. It’s positive that the problemof unemploymentwill be solvedif drasticmeasuresare taken. I bet the rate of illiteracyinourcountrywill decrease inthe nextdecade. We needn’traise taxes.We have made a lotof moneyout of phosphatessalesthisyear. PAST TENSE : simple and continuous (review) Phrasal verbs (pages56,57) bumpup: increase turn down:(1) refuse anoffer,rejectanapplication.She turneddownthe new jobbecause she didn’twant to move. turn down:(2) lowerthe volume orintensityof aTV,radio,or other machine. →I’m studying!Pleaseturndown the TV. put down:insult,make someone feel stupid ease off:reduce pressure lookforwardto: be excitedaboutthe future Phrasal verbs 2 (p58) progress → along,behind,through,on communication →across,through,over,between relationships →together,up gettinginvolvedinanactivity →in,into ignoringproblems →around,aside,off My projectworkis coming along nicely. I’ve fallenbehindwithmywork. We sailedthrough our exams.We learntalot before the exams. Justkeepon. You have beendoingagood job. Let’sall join inwhenI singthe Moroccan National Anthem. I was having lunchina small restaurantnearthe office.She wassittingat a table nearthe window.I wonderedwhyshe was looking at me.Didshe know me?I didn’tthinkI had everseenherbefore. Suddenlyshe stoodupand walkedslowlytowardsme.Istill remembermyfeelingexactly.I wanted to run away,but I knewI couldn’t.She stoppedby my table and smileddownat me.She had on a purple dress.I thinkithad a flowerpatternandshe was amazinglybeautiful.‘Excuse me,’she said.‘Have you got a pen?’
  • 8. 8 WhenI can get into my work, I reallyenjoyit. I can’t work round thisproblem. We needto put aside our differences. I laughedoff hiscriticism. We got togetherin ourfirstyear at thisschool. The whole group ralliedtogetherto protestagainstchild labor. Two studentsfromeachclass pair up to produce a shortplay. I don’tseemtobe able to get through to them. The message came overclearly. Somethinginteresting passedbetweenthem. She easedoff the acceleratortoletthe car slow down. Reading: (pages60,61) A: What didGraham Bell invent? B: He inventedthe telephone. To do any jobwell requireshardwork, perseverance andthe abilitytofocusonyour aimswithoutbeing distracted. perseverance:determination Abdellah:Whatwouldyoulike tobe inthe future? Habiba: I’d like tobe a laboratorial. UNIT 4 Women and Power Many people are activelyinvolvedinmanyMoroccannon-governmental organizations. The Palestinianshave been strugglingfortheirindependence since 1948. to struggle:tofight MeriamChadid was the firstwomanto setfoot on the Antarctica,where she patrioticallyandproudlyraised Morocco’s flag. Nawal Almoutawakil isaUNICEFgoodwill ambassador. Womenhave demonstratedconsiderable leadershipincommunity, aswell as inpublicoffice. Moroccan rural womenneededucation aswell as healthcare. However,theystill sufferfromnegative stereotyping. Our districthasbeenshortof waterfor aboutsix monthsnow. However,nothinghasbeendone aboutsofar. Along withbeingbusywithherprofessionalcareer,Karimamanagesherfamilylife. Not only…..but…..also….. Moroccan women’smagazinesare notonly criticizedforbeingelitist butalso forfocusingonurban issues. Educatedwomenhave a biginfluenceonsociety. Moreover,theycontribute tothe welfareof theirfamilies. Educatedwomenlookaftertheirhouses.They alsoworkoutside theirhomes. Despite spendingmuchtime atwork,workingwomenare able toperfectlymanage theirhouseholds. In spite of the effortsmade bythe governmenttoalleviatepoverty,the problemstill persists It’strue that a lotof womenandgirlsinMorocco have accessto education. However,theirsituationis farfrom perfect. Although,Globalizationhasapositive impactonwomen’sstatus,theyare stillregardedasinferiorin some societies. Hamidtakesafterhis fatherwhereasAbdellahtakesafterhismother. Regardlessof theircolor or religion,peoplemustbe treatedequally. Don’tgive up yourproject regardlessof how muchmoneyitwill costyou. Contrary to whatpeople think,the youthare notso selfishastheyare portrayed. No matter how theytried, theycouldn’tgettothe otherside of the sea-coast. No matter what yoursocial status,youmust abide bythe law.
  • 9. 9 Writing: Using Conjunctions Talking About Australia Vocabulary: feminism:amovementwhichadvocatesthe rightsof women tohave equal opportunitiestothose possessedby men. gender:male or female emancipation:freeingsomeone sociallyorpolitically violence:actionsorwordswhichare intendedtohurtsomeone polygamy: havingmore thanone spouse stereotype:anexaggeratedorwrongimage of the characteristicsof a particulargroup self-confidence:belief inone’sownabilitiesorskills Examples: Negative stereotypesare obstaclesthathinderwomen’sadvancementindifferentdomains. Thanksto the newMoroccan familycode, the statusof womenhasnoticeablychanged. Accordingto the new‘Mudawana’, polygamycan’t be practisedwithoutthe firstwife’sapproval. All overthe world,womenhave alwayshadacontinuousstruggle for emancipation. The Red Crescentorganization provides humanitarianaidforpeople inneed,especiallywomenandchildren. UNIT 4 Insights into English Asking for and giving opinion: (Please seep70) Asking for opinion Giving opinion -What doyou thinkabout…? -What’syouropinionabout…? -What’syourviewabout…? - Howdo you feel about…? -Do(n’t) youthink/believe that…? -Do youreallythink/believe that…? -Are youabsolutelysure that…? -AmI rightin thinkingthat…? -WouldIbe rightinthinkingthat…? -etc -To be honest,… -Well,if youaskme… -To mymind,…/Inmy opinion,/view,… -I reallyfeelthat… -Personallyspeaking,Ithink… -I’dlike topoint outthat… -I stronglybelievethat… - Frommy pointof you,.. -Asfar as I’mconcerned,… -I think/believe…/Itseemstome that… - etc Australiaisveryhotin December, butcoldinJuly. Althoughthe country is big,there aren'tmany people livingthere.Australiahasalot of interestinganimals.The koalaiscute, butthe crocodile is dangerous. Australiahasa lot of openspaces, and the weatherisgood, so sportis very popular.Australianpeople often eat barbecuedfood.
  • 10. 10 ReportedSpeech: DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Presentsimple Presentcontinuous Past simple Presentperfect Past continuous ‘Will’future Can May Must Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect Past perfectcontinuous ‘would’conditional Could Might Had to Time and place words changes reporting statementsor questions:Here are some changes that may to be made: now then this that these those here there today that day yesterday the day before tonight that night tomorrow the nextday nextweek the followingweek says thinks He believes feels Accordingto him, In hisview, that it’snice to have faithful friends. EXAMPLES: “I’m awfullysorryIam late.” He apologised for being late. “Congratulationsonhavingsuccessfullypassedthisexam,” My Englishteachercongratulatedme forhavingsuccessfullypassedmyexam. “You’dbettertake up computerscience nextyear,” My classmate advisedme to/thatI shouldtake upcomputerscience. “I will helpyouwithyourcomputerscience,” Iam a computerliterate,” My classmate alsoofferedtohelpme withmycomputerscience. “You reallymustworkharderto pass the mathematicstest,” My teacherof math orderedme towork harder. “Anouarshouldgo touniversity,” The EnglishteachersuggestedthatAnouarshouldgotouniversity. “Why don’twe go to the library?” My friendsuggestedourgoing/that we shouldgoto the library. “It’sfreezingcoldtoday,” My Mum complainedaboutthe freezingcold. “Go on! You’ll neverhave anotherchance tovisitSpain,” The travel agentencouragedme to visitSpain. “Hurry up!”
  • 11. 11 The headmasterorderedme tohurry up. “Where Hassan Tower,please?” He askedme where HassanToweris. “Doesthe chartercompanyrun cheap flightstoJapan?” He askedme if the charter companyruns cheapflightstoJapan. “Have youboughta Moroccan Arabicphrasebook?” I askedhimif he had boughta Moroccan Arabicphrasebook. “How longare yougoingto stay inMorocco?” I askedhimhowlonghe wasgoingto stay inMorocco. “Is Japanese easytolearn?” I askedhimif he thinksJapanese iseasytolearn. Reading: A long struggle for equality and freedom (p74) A: Whenisthe International Women’sDay? B: It’s onMarch 8. Vocabulary: (p74) irrevocably:irretrievably;once andforall;forever idealistic≠realistic UNIT5 BRAIN DRAIN Brain drain:humancapital migration Brain drain isthe departure of highlyskilledpeopletomore favorable,geographic,economic,orprofessional conditions. Due to conflicts,political turmoilandlackof opportunitiesintheirhome countries,manytalentedandtrained people emigratetoothercountriestolookfora betterlife. Janet: Are you for or against brain drain? Adila: I’m not in favour of brain drain because this human capital migration has very bad side-effectsonthe developingcountries.Itreallyemptiesthese countriesof theirhuman resources.As far as I’m concerned, highlyskilledpeople suchas engineers,architectsand doctors should return home after finishingtheir studiesabroad. Governmentsshoulddo theirbest to encourage these highlyqualifiedpeople toreturn to their countriesby creating a good working environmentand more attractive opportunitiesfortheir graduates and researchesto stop or at least to reduce this phenomenon. Janet: I share your view. MAKING REQUESTS AND OFFERS: (p83) EXPRESSING REQUESTS RESPONDING TO REQUESTS MAKING OFFERS - ( Do sth.fome) ,will you? - Will youplease…? - I wantyou to + vb… - Can you…? - Couldyouplease…? - Wouldyou…? - Do youthinkyoucould…? - Couldyoupossibly…? - Do youmind…? - Wouldyoumind…? - I wonderif youcould possibly…? - Yes,of course. - Sorry,I can’t. - Certainlynot. - Notat all. - Sure - Sorry,I’m afraidnot. - Let me helpyou+ vb… - Let me helpyouwith… - Do youwant me to… - Shall I…? - Wouldyoulike me to…? - If you like,I can… Accepting offers Declining offers
  • 12. 12 - Yes,please (if youcould) - Thankyou. - Couldyou?That’sverykindof you! - Thankyou. I’dappreciate that. - That’ll be fine.Thanks. - Oh,that’dbe great.Thanks. - Thanks,butthat won’tbe necessary. - Thanks,butplease don’tbother. - That’sverykindof you,but… - That won’tbe necessary. - No,it’sall right,thanks.I can manage. - No,thanksall the same. A: Can youlendme yourEnglishbook,please? B: I’m sorry,I needit. A: Thanks,anyway. A: Couldyoutype thisletterforme,please? B: Yes,I thinkso. A: Thankyou verymuch,indeed. A: CouldIborrow the magazine fora while? B: I’m sorry,I’mafraidnot. A,Oh, I see.Well,thankyou,anyway. A: Sir,Wouldyoumindmy openingthe window? B: Not at all. A: I wonderif youwouldn’tmindwordprocessingthisarticle forme? B: Not at all. A: Will youplease turndownthe volume? B: OK. A: Thanks. A: If you like Ican helpyoucarry your suitcase. B: Couldyou?That’s verykindof you. LINKING WORDS: (p84) Despite this, → nevertheless In comparisontothis, → by contrast As I see it,→ personally It seems→ apparently As a resultof this,→ consequently For thisreason, → therefore It iseasyto appreciate /grasp / see that → understandably It certainthat → undoubtedly CAUSE AND EFFECT: (p85) 1. Cause Effect causes X resultsin y leadsto is responsible for is the leadingcause of 2. Effect Cause is causedby is due to Y is the resultof X results from
  • 13. 13 Examples: Smokingresultsin lungcancer. (Cause → Effect) Lung cancer resultsfrom smoking. (Effect → Cause) Carelessdrivingleadstoroadaccidents. Road accidentsare the resultof carelessdriving. Brain drain isdue to the lack of opportunitiesinthe home countries. Schoolsare far from students.Consequently,absenteeismincreasesinrural areas. One cause of underdevelopmentisilliteracy. One effectof illiteracyislarge familysize. Due to droughtand lack of publicservices,manypeople have lefttheirvillagestolookfora betterlife inthe cities. As a consequence of this,citieshave grownsolarge. Educatedwomenhave fewerchildrenbecausetheyplantheirfamilywell. Asaresult,theyhave betterpersonal life andnutrition. UNIT 6 HUMOUR Some jokesare untranslatable becauseof cultural differences. Some mental-expertsthinkthereisacorrelationbetweenoptimisminanindividual andhavingagoodsense of humour. Positive emotions amusement – pleasure– happiness - joy – fun – merriment – jubilation –optimism –cheerfulness –gaiety – light-hearted - Negative emotions sorrow– sadness –pessimism– grief –loneliness – anger – depression – misery –bitterness – boredom – tension – down-heartedness Whenmy fatherlaughs,hismouthstretchesalmostfromearto ear. Life nowadaysismore enjoyablethanitwasin the past. “What was the playlike?” “Great!We enjoyeditverymuch.We hadlots of fun.” “Do you knowwhichpeople inMoroccoare famousfor joke telling?”“PeoplefromMarrakech.theyexcel at that!” The story I readlast nightwasso amusingthatI couldn’thelplaughingall along. I knowhowyou mustbe feeling,butIdidn’tmeantohurt yourfeelings.Iwasjust joking. RESPONDING TO GOOD AND BAD NEWS: (p93) RESPONDING TO GOOD NEWS RESPONDING TO BAD NEWS That’s great! / Congratulations!/ That’s wonderful! / I’m glad to hear that/ Great news!/ Incredible!/ Superb!/ Sounds great! / Lucky you! / Oh, how wonderful! / Really? I can’t believe that! / Wow! That sounds exciting!/ That’s fantastic! I’m awfully sorry that… / I’m sorry to hear that. / I hope there is nothingwrong. / I’m ever so sorry./ It’s such a frighteningexperience. / I’m sorry to hear such terriblenews/ My goodness! / I can’tbelieve it! Poor you! / I’m awfully sorry to hear that. / I do sympathize with you. / Please,accept my deepest sympathy. / I know how you must be feeling. / that must be awful! The result/ effect/consequence of ………….is…………. …….Because of this,…………….. Consequently,……………… Asa result,……………………. Asa consequence,………… So,…………………………………
  • 14. 14 Examples: Rim: I’ve passedmydrivingtest. Ilias:That’s great! Rim: Thankyou verymuch. Karima:I’ve learntall myirregularverbsbyheart. Souad: That’s wonderful! Karima:Thanks. Loubna: What’sthe problem,Oualid? Oualid: My fatherhada badcar accidentthismorning. Loubna: I’m sorry to hear such terrible news. Jalila: You lookpale,Lamiae!Are yousick? Rajae: No,but somebodywantedtosteal myhandbaga few minutesago.Iwas so scared because he washoldingaknife,butfortunatelyhe ranawaywhenhe saw a policemancoming towardsus. Jalila: It’s such a frighteningexperience. Rachid: We’ll establishaclean-airassociationinourtown.Wouldyoulike tojoinus? Samy: Superb!I wouldn’tmisssuchaninitiative. Son: Didyouhear that? A newcivil warhas brokenincentral Africa. Father: My goodness! Ihope it won’tlastfor long. Son: But, the UN will sendsoldierstoestablishorderthere. Father: Great!They’ll surelycalmdownthingsthere. Rachid: We’ll establishaclean-airassociationinourtown.Wouldyoulike tojoinus? Samy: Superb!I wouldn’tmisssuchaninitiative. Amal: What was yesterday’santi-globalisationrallylike? Salim: Some angry boysclashedwiththe police! Amal: I can’t believe it! Ihope there weren’tanycasualties! Salim: Fortunately,there weren’t. UNIT 7 CITIZENSHIP A: Who andwhenwere the lyricsof the Moroccan National Anthemwrittenby? B: Theywere writtenbyAli Skalli in1970. A: Do youfeel patrioticwhenyouhearournational anthem? B: Yes,I do. I thinkschoolsshouldteachtheirstudentstorespecttheirflagsandanthems. FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSIONS How do you feel when………………..? Whowas it…………………… by? Is having………………..important? Whowere they…………… A: Howdo you feel whenyousee some Africanpeople starving? B: I feel sadand verysorryfor them. A: Ishavinga lotof friendsimportanttoyou? B: No,I preferto have one or twogood and intimate friends.
  • 15. 15 A: Who wasthe Moroccan National Anthemcomposedby? B: It was composedbyLéoMorgan. ‘Citizenship’ referstothe statusof beinga citizen.Inthissense,ithastodo withcertainrightsand obligations that are defined bylaw,suchasthe rightto vote,the obligationtopaytaxesandso on. VOCABULARY (p104) aware:conscious to abide by:to respect keepabreastof:stay informedabout altruistic:caringaboutthe goodsof others to be proud of:to take satisfactionin We shouldbe proudof our Moroccan cultural heritage. We should abide byall lawswhetherwe like themornot. Ahmedisoptimisticoverthe future of Morocco. Many people workand keepabreast of publicaffaires. A goodcitizenhasto be altruistic and cooperative. All citizensshouldbe aware of theirrightsandobligations. Expressingprobability,ability,obligationand making deductions: (Please see the examplesonp109) Samir:What are youplanningtodo nextweekend? Hamid:I may go to Ifrane topractise skiing. Lotfi might continue hisstudiesabroad.He hasn’ttakenadecisionyet. Rachidisn’tat home now.He must be withhisfriends. We couldhave spent a longertime inRabat,but we didn’t. She can’t have beena universitystudent. We shouldhave a medical check-upfromtime totime. Whenhe was younger,Nabil couldswimverywell. Omar could have gone on a picnicwithhisfriends. Lailahad to stay at home yesterdaytolookafterhersister’sbaby. *A: Where isAmal? B: I don’tKnowforcertain.She might be workingon her project. Vocabulary: USING AFFIXATIONS: ( Pleasesee theguideonpages111 and11 formore examples) PREFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE re- do again/back reread – rewrite en- make – cause to be – putinto enlarge – enrich– encircle de- remove demotivate-debone pre- before /earlier pretest – preplan– prehistoric post- after post-war;post-graduate pro- for /infavourof pro-abortion – pro-American anti- against anti-war– anti-nuclearweapons over- too much/excessively oversleep – over-populated under- not enough/toolittle underpaid – undercook– underworked mis- wrongly /badly misunderstand – mishear self- by oneself self-educated – self-sufficient non- not connectedwith/not non-governmental– non-violence ex- former ex-president – ex-wife
  • 16. 16 sub- under submarine – subway – submarine co- together/with co-manage – co-author bi- two /twice bilingual– biannual out- more than/outdoanother outnumber– outweigh hyper- very /above /over hyper-critical– hyper-sensitive auto- ofor by oneself/self autograph – autobiography Examples: Salmadidn’tgetthe job because of her inexperience inmarketing. It illegal tosell drugs. Irregular school attendance isa bad thing. I don’tlike dishonestpeople. Football hooliganism isa antisocial behaviour.We shouldstampitout. Citizenshipoftenimpliesworkingtowardsthe bettermentof one’scommunity. Morocco isa memberof the Islamicorganization. In 1953 the Moroccan people didnotacceptthe replacementof SultanMohammedV bythe unpopularBen Arafa, Whose reignwas illegitimate. Last weekIread the autobiographyof my favourite playwright. Morocco recovereditspolitical independence onMarch2, 1956. Passengersmustfastentheirbeltsbefore the planestake off landdown. The studentsaskedthe teachertosimplifythe instructionsforthem. My friendAminadecoratedherbedroombeautifully. The freedomof speech,democracy, collaborationandhappinessare some of the valuesYassine believesin. Catchy: 1. attractive or appealing → A catchyideafor a TV series. 2. easilyremembered→ A songwitha catchy tune. 3. tricky; deceptive→ A catchy questiononanexam. Writing: Sports as a means of building body and character: UNIT 7 Insightsinto English Page 109 EXAMPLES FORM TIMEREFERENCE Ability Probability Obligation obligation Ability I canworkhoursandhours. I may apply fora scholarship. I shouldhave a medicalcheck-up. I hadto weara tie forthe interview. WhenI wasyounger, Icouldplay football Modal + Simple verb (infinitive without to) Present Future Past It's given fact that practising sports has a very great importance. Sport contributes to building our bodies perfectly. It's the best solution to obesity .It also leads to intelligence because a sound reason is in a sound body. Sports also accustom us to great values such as team-work, co-operation, punctuality, self-reliance and ambition. Nowadays, the government gives due care to sports activities. New clubs and stadiums are set up all over the country. Sports competitions are hold everywhere to encourage our youth to do their best and become a strong generation. Unless you practise sport, you will be weak, lazy and aimless.
  • 17. 17 well. Probability Makingdeduction He might be joking! You must be joking! Modal + continuous form Present Makingdeduction Probability Ability You can’t have beenserious! My classmate might havegone on holiday. I couldhave sent himane-mail. Perfect Modals Past Ability They might have beenmaking arrangementsfortheirholidayupnorth. Perfect Modals Past Dialogue: (page 110) Journalist: The teamcoachhasbeenaway fora weeknow.Whenisgoingto return home. Presssecretary:Well, Ican’t really be certain.He may /mightstaylonger.perhapsthree more days. Journalist: Ishe havinga goodtime? Presssecretary:He must behaving a wonderfultime becausehe simply doesnotwantto leave. Journalist:What didhe do thismorning? Presssecretary:Ican’t say forsure, buthe might havetalkswitha MoroccanplayerinLiverpool. Journalist:What ishe doingnow? Presssecretary:He may beresting, orhe may be talkingto Englishcoaches.Idon’tknowforcertain. UNIT 8 International Organizations Useful Expressions: The UN came intoexistence on 24 October1945. The UN aimsat resolvinginternational conflictspeacefully.Italsoaimsat savingsucceedinggenerationsfrom the scourge of war. The UN providesassistancetodevelopingcountriesandencourages sustainabledevelopmentandself- sufficiency.Furthermore,itisconsideredaleaderinpromotingdemocracyhumanrights. Despite of the factthat it doesn’thave enforceable legal authorityovermemberstates,the UN remainsan influential organization.Forexample,itcanrecommendthatmemberstatesimpose armsembargoes orwide- rangingsanctionsagainstnationswhichthreatento disruptinternational peace. AmnestyInternational isanon-profitorganization. Salma:Whenwas the League of Nationsformed? Alae: It was formedin1919. Salma:Whendidthe UN officiallycome intoexistence? Alae: It officiallycame intoexistence on24 October1945. Salma:Where was the UnitedNationsChartersigned? Alae: It was signedinSanFrancisco,USA.
  • 18. 18 A: Where are the headquartersof the UN based? B: Theyare basedinNewYork, USA. Vocabulary: (page115) to govern:to administer to draft:to write to setforth:to present considerable:thoughtful to have a moral force:itis consideredright,agoodthing.Itis notillegal Collocations: (page 117) to resolve conflicts peacefully to save generationsfrom the scourge of war maintaininternational peace disruptinternational peace natural disasters sustainable development to encourage self-sufficiency non-profitorganization highly valued Abbreviations: (p119) GMT → GreenwichMeanTime MARWAN → Moroccan AcademicandResearchWide AreaNetwork AIDS→ AcquiredImmune DeficiencySyndrome NATO→ NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization Vocabulary: (page 120) You shouldinstall anantivirusinorder toprevent computerviruses. It takesonlya fewminutestosetupa blog.There are some elements tobearinmind,though. We always settle ourconflictsinourclass peacefully. We all agree to helpeachother,don’twe? We are allowed to use only English in our classroom. The UN hasplayeda prominentrole in maintaininginternational peace.Ithas also beena leaderina wide range of otherfieldssuchasproviding humanitarianassistance,improvingmedical treatment, promotingdemocracy andhuman rights. Dialogue: The United Nations Son: Why wasthe UN formed? Father: It was formedtoprovide nationswithaway to resolve conflictspeacefully and to provide assistance tonationsincrisis. Son: Don’t yousee that the UN has failedtostopinternationalconflicts? Father:You knowthat’snot true.Since 1945, the UN has carriedoutpeacekeeping operationsinmanyinternational crisis.Thankstothe interventionsof this organization,manycountriesare now livinginpeace andharmony.Don’tyou thinkso? Son: Yes,of course there isthat,but I still believethatthe UN hasn’tgot a real powerto solve all the regional andinternationalconflicts.Hasitfounda solutiontothe problemof ourMoroccan Sahara? Doesithave enough power
  • 19. 19 to settle peace inSomaliaandSudanforexample? Father:I agree withyou,but youshouldn’tunderestimate the role the UN hasplayed to resolve these problemsandmanyotherconflictspeacefully… Some useful expressionstoask for and give opinion: (page 120) *A: Cigarettesadvertisementsare adangerto publichealth. Whatdoyou think? B: To my mind,theyshouldbe banned. *A: What’s your opinionabout the Moroccan comedian,El Jem? B: I reallyfeel that he’sthe funniestactorinMorocco. Vocabulary: (page 123) immediate:prompt non-lucrative:non-profit the poor : the needy irrespectiveof:withoutregardto vulnerable:physicallyoremotionallyweak as a consequence of:due to The Moroccan RedCrescent (MRC) is a non-profitmaking,voluntaryrelief organization. Due to theircontinuingassistance to the needy andpromptdisasterreliefactivities, MRC andthe RedCrosshave a world renowned reputation.Theyserve vulnerable people andthose inneed withoutregardtorace,religion,classorpolitical belief. EXPRESSIONS OF AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT: (p123) Agreeing Disagreeing I agree. I agree entirely / completely. I certainly agree with that. I couldn’t agree more. That’s a good point. I sharethe same view. That’s exactly what I was thinkingmyself. I quite agree with you You’re definitely / absolutely right. You’re quite right That’s justhow I see it. I suppose so. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I disagreewith you. I’m sorry,but I disagree. Sorry to say it, but you’re wrong. Yes, that’s quite true, but… I don’t sharethis view. I don’t sharethis view with you. I’m afraid you’re wrong there. I’m not sureI quite agree with you here. Perhaps,but don’t you agree…? I see what you mean, but… I suppose not. A: Our school handball teamisthe best. B: I supposeso. (partial agreement) Don’t you see that…? You must know that… Are you tellingme that…? Yes, that’s all very well,but… Yes, of coursethere is that, but… That makes no difference! You know that’s not true. In myopinion,… I guess,… I trust,… I definitelythinkthat…
  • 20. 20 A: Theyhave done a goodjob. B: I supposenot. (partial disagreement) THE GERUND: (p 124) The Malhoun PlayingMalhouninvolves rememberinghundredsof musical phrasesand singingthemproperly.Unlike poets, novelistsandpainters,Malhounmusiciansaren’taccustomedto workingalone.Becauseof the true nature of Malhoun,formost of them, playingandpractisingmustbe withothermusicians.Some Malhounmusiciansare skillfulatimprovising.SingingandusingMoroccandialectisa lot of funfor them. I greatlyenjoyed listeningtothe lastsong of the concert. Itwas certainly worthlisteningto.However,Iadmitnot likingall of it. I certainlyappreciatedyourinvitingme tothe concert. Hamidenjoysfishingand jogging. Aminaisinterestedin readingmagazines. Salim’sfathercan’t standwatchingEgyptianmovies. Wouldyoumindopeningthe window,please? I hope you’ll enjoy visitingthe museum. Salahthinksit’snotworth wastingtime onwatchingsome Moroccan football matches. A: Let’shave a tagine withlambandprunes. B: I’m fedupwithlamb!I suggest havingfishanda mixedsalad. Usesof the gerundand infinitive (p125) Excludingwomenfromthe political scene isahindrance towomenempowerment. On myway to work,I usuallystop topickup hitchhikers,whatevertheylooklike. I staredto read an article aboutthe UnitedNations. Our Englishteacherdoesn’tallowusinglanguagesotherthanEnglish. My fatherdoesn’tallow mylittle brother touse hislaptop. Halimaprefers havingcouscousonFridays. Halimaprefers tohave couscouson Fridays. Notknowingwhatto do,I went to look forsomebodytohelpme. *A: I’mgoingto see Casa Negra. B: Is itworth seeing? A:I thinkso. UNIT 9 Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education Anwarholdsa Master’sdegree inmarketing.He trainsteachers notonly inMorocco but elsewhere,too. Reading: Types of education (p131) There are three types of education. Formal education is the structured educational system provided by the state for school goers. Non-formal education,in contrast, is refers to education that happens outside the formally-organised school –that is the
  • 21. 21 education that refers to adultliteracy and continuingeducation for adults.This kind of education is voluntary.As for the informal education,itis the education that happens outside the classroom.Itis considered as integral partof formal education. Writing: an e-mail Applicationfor admissionto the BBA Unit 9 Insights into English Reading : Psychology: The Science of the Mind (p 136) Psychologists,likeotherscientists, use the scientificmethod…Theyuse the humanbehaviorasa clue to howthe mindworks.Since the mindcannotbe observeddirectly,psychologistsuse humanbehaviorasdata totest their theoriesabouthowthe mindworks… Linkingwords: (see p137) Reading : Job Ads (p137) Dialogue: A: Are youinterestedinteachingEnglishtobankemployees? B: You’re kidding,aren’tyou? B: No, Meditel needsEnglishstudentstoteachEnglishtoa groupof itsemployees. A: Isit a full time job? B: No,it’sa part-time one. A: Isany experience needed? B: I don’tthinkso.You just needtosendyourCV andsalary expectations.Willyouapplyforit? A: I thinkI’mnot qualifiedenoughtogetit.I wishI were fluentinEnglish. B: You shouldbe self-confident.For me,yourEnglishismuchbetterthan mine.If Iwere youI I wouldn’tmisssuch anopportunity. B: Thanks forthe advice. WRITING: Curriculum Vitae (See p 139) Remember! Dear Siror Madam, I am writingtoapplyfor admissiontothe BBA,whichI saw advertisedinthe website of Your University. Iam a Moroccan student,aged18. I will sitforthe Baccalaureate examsnext June.Overthe lastthree yearsI studiedEnglish. I lookforwardto hearingfromyou. Yours sincerely. Your address : Date : Addressof university
  • 22. 22 Layout : Non-defining relative clauses: review (Please see page 141 formore examples) MohamedKhaireddine, whose all worksIamgoingto read, wasa poet. Agoun’chich, whichwashisseventhandlastnovel,waspublishedinFrance sevenyearsafterhisdeath. Criticscompare himto Rimbaud,the Frenchwriter, whomI like verymuch. Expressing addition: ( see p140) UNIT 10 Sustainable Development Vocabulary: (pages 143→145) sustain: maintain sustainable: able to continue over a period oftime. Despite his shyness Khalid seems to find it easy to sustain relationship with neighbours. The Minister offinance think that the economy ofMorocco will sustain its growth for the next fewyears. That sort ofdiet is not sustainable over a long period oftime. As far as I am concerned, making wise use ofnational resourcessuch as water and energy is very important. Global problems such as climate change, the damage to the ozone layer and the extinction of wildlife species affect all of us. They are real threats to our survival. We should do something to stop the extinction ofdolphins. Air pollution is a serious threat to health. It is frightening to see people throwgarbage in public places. Hard work is rewarding; that is, it pays off. I’ve been working hard for the exam. I don’t squander one minute ofmy free time. I will pursue all my aims simultaneously through my life. Each and everyone ofus has a valuable role in sustainable development. Citizenship relies on us taking part in sustainable development. A letter of application should be an original or a word-processed copy, not a photocopy. It should be neat and free from grammatical and spelling errors. Try to be brief, but express your interest in the particular job you are applying for. The addressofthe person Youraddress youare writingto Date DearSiror Madam, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yours sincerely,
  • 23. 23 Writing: (p 147) The Passive Voice: TENSE SUBJECT VERB TO BE PAST PARTICIPLE Present Simple The UN document are translated into six languages Present Continuous The article on sustainable development is being translated into Korean Past Simple The proposal was discussed by the UN members yesterday Past Continuous This proposal was being discussed when the TV crew arrived Present Perfect The date of the conference on sustainable development has been announced Future You will be invited to participate in this conference The Passive with modals (page 150) The passive with modelsisformed as follows: Subject+ ………..+ ………..+ Past Participle ……….. All literary books should returned to the library before 1st July The article must be word-processed now The General Assembly can may might called for an emergency session A Film review ‘The Grass is Greener Here’ is Moroccan romance film. It is the true story of Halim – a Moroccan brain drainer, aged 34 who is back home because he thinks that human development is the concern of all Moroccans. He set up a building firm and recruits five young architects to work on an affordable housing projects for new teachers in the north of Morocco in gratitude for what his former teachers have done for him. The project goes very well. In the closing scene, Halim gets married to Halima – an excellent architect and a niece of one of his former teachers of mathematics. They promise each other to live happily until death parts them. The soundtrack is superb. I love all the songs, particularly those sung at the wedding party. This film is unquestionably worth seeing.
  • 24. 24 Examples: You must switch off the computer after use. The computer must be switched offafter use. You must keep medicinesout ofthe reach ofchildren. Medicines should be kept out ofthe reach ofchildren. You must sign the visa application. The visa application must be signed. You can fill it out in Arabic, too. It can be filled in Arabic, too. You may send it by post or e-mail it. It may be sent by post or e-mailed. We could inform you about your visa application either by e-mail or phone. You could be informed about your visa either by e-mail or by phone. We can only process complete applications for admission. Only complete applications can be processed for admission. We speak Arabic in Morocco. Arabic is spoken in Morocco. The father drives his children to school every day. The children are driven to school every day by the father. Nadia decorated the bedroom beautifully. The bedroom was decorated beautifully by Nadia. The mechanic is repairing my brother’s car. My brother’s car is being repaired by the mechanic. They are building newschools in our village. Newschools are being built in our village. My mother was cooking lunch when I got home yesterday. Lunch was being cooked by my mother when I got home yesterday. They have taken the injured man to the hospital. The injured man has been taken to the hospital. The maid had done the housework before we arrived. The housework had been done by the maid before we arrived. Unit 7 Ticket 2 English Dialogue: Advice please!
  • 25. 25 A: Can’tyou see childrendying? B: What do youthinkI shoulddo? A: I thinkyoushouldhelpthem. B: What do yousuggestto helpthese children? A: May be youshouldhelpfeedingthemandcuringtheirillness. B: What wouldyoudo inthissituation? A: If I were you,I wouldparticipate inbuildingsheltersandhospitalsforthem. He asks me if I can do it Reportingstatements,questionsand commands in the presentand the past “Citizenship includes civic virtues and duties,” the teacher always states. The teacher always states that citizenship includes civic virtues and duties. “What is fairness? Some students ask the teacher. Some students ask their teacher what fairness is. “Always express your gratitude,” my mother often reminds me. My mother often reminds me to always express my gratitude. “How do you define a good citizen?”, Brahim asked his friend. Brahim asked his friend howhe defined a good citizen. “Is civility similar to politeness?”, Brahim wonders. Brahim wonders if civility is similar to politeness. “Responsibility means being in charge of our choices and our lives.” The quote states that responsibility means being in charge of our choices and our lives. “What does fairness involve?” Students ask their teacher what fairness involves. “Fairness involves issues of equality and impartiality” The teacher replies that fairness involves issues of equality and impartiality. “Never judge others without prior knowledge. Judge them only on their character,abilities and conduct.” He always warns them not to judge others without prior knowledge, and to judge them only on their character, abilities and conduct. “Did you watch yesterday’s show about citizenship?” My friend wants to knowif I watched yesterday’s show about citizenship. “Fill in this application form to become a member.” A member of the association told the volunteer to fill in the application form to become a member? “How can help in sensitizing people to become good citizens?” The volunteer wanted to know how he could help in sensitizing people to become good citizens.
  • 26. 26 “Don’t underestimate voluntary work.” He advised the audience not to underestimate voluntary work. “A lot of people participated in the campaign.” He reported that a lot of people had participated in the campaign. “I will participate in a conference on citizenship.” Ann told Betty that she would participate in a conference on citizenship. “Are you invited there?” Betty asked Ann whether she was invited there. “How long are you going to stay there?” She wanted to know how long she was going to stay there. “Please,bring me a copy of the annual report.” She begged her to bring her a copy of the annual report. Read this excerptfrom Kofi Anna’s speechand notice the changes. “Leadership is needed more than it was 60 years ago. In these days, the security of every one of us is linked to that of everyone else. Global solidarity is both necessary and possible. Powerful states have a special responsibility to take account of global views and interests. We can only do all these things by working together… We have achieved much since 1945, but much remains to be done tomorrow.” A spokespersonofthe UN has reportedK. Annan’s speech.Study and notice the changes. Kofi Annan said that leadership was needed more than it had been 60 years before. He added that in those days, the security of every one of us was linked to that of everyone else. He stated that global solidarity was both necessary and possible. He also stressed that powerful states had a special responsibility to take account of global views and interests. He insisted that they could only do all these things by working together… Finally, he declared that they had achieved much since 1945, but much remained to be done the day after. UNIT 8 International Organizations VOCABULARY: The following acronyms stand for: UN → the United Nations UNESCO → The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNICEF → The UN Children’s Emergency Fund UNHCR → The UN high Commissioner for Refugees WHO → World Health Organisation FHO → Food and Agriculture Organisation ICRC → International Committee of the Red Cross / Crescent TI → Transparency International AI → Amnesty International WTO → World Trade Organisation DWF → Doctors Without Frontiers
  • 27. 27 The United Nations was established in the 40s to maintain international peace and security. According to its charter, member states are supposed to refrain from the use of force against other member states. This document also calls on countries to settle bilateral disputes by peaceful means. That is to say, international discords should be solved by diplomacy and negotiations. Any violations of this principle can result in severe economic and political sanctions. The UN has a court in The Hague (Holland) whose function is to look into conflicts between countries. Amnesty International is an independent pressure group. It campaigns for the release of imprisoned or maltreated people because of their political or religious beliefs. The movement was founded in 1961 and has its headquarters in London. Amnesty International has a network of voluntary local groups and individual members throughout the world. To keep its independence from governmental influence, AI is financed by donations and benevolent contributions. AI’s activities include campaigns and lobbying for political and religious freedom. To achieve security in the world, populations must be protected from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. Through solidarity, countries can be stable and secure. Poor countries should benefit from the world’s wealth as much as rich countries. UNIT 9 Advancesin Science and Technology CONDITIONAL TYPE 3 + WISHES Rule: Conditional type 3 FORM USE EXAMPLE If + past perfect+ wouldhave + past participle To describe hypothetical conditions inthe pastand the resultsthatthe speakerimagineswere possible If the leaders hadbeenwiser,the war wouldn’thave broken out. Rule: Wishes FORM USE EXAMPLE I wish / wished / If only + past participle To express past wishes To express regret My grandfather wishes he had had a cell phone in his childhood. If only there hadn’t been many victims in the second world war. Text: If I had time, I wouldhave done it “My brotherJamal wona national awardfor hislatestscientificinvention.We celebrateditlastnight.A lotof
  • 28. 28 people came.We hada lotof food.Unfortunately,Iate somuch that I had a stomach-ache.Icouldn’tgetupin the morningbecause Ididn’tsleepearly.Ididn’tgotoschool. I missedseveral lessons.Ididn’tdothe test.The teachergave me a bad markbecause I forgotto do myhomework.” If Jamal hadn’t eaten a lot, he wouldn’t have had a stomach-ache. If he had slept early,he could have got up in the morning. He wouldn’t have missed severallessons if he had gone to school. If he had gone to school, he would have done the test. The teacher wouldn’t have given him a bad mark if he had done the homework. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much last night. I felt terrible then. If I hadn’t eaten so much last night, I wouldn’t have felt terrible. I wish my father had bought me computer last year. I could be a programmer then. If my father had bought me a computer last year,I could have been a programmer then. Health authorities wish people got immunized. They could improve their health then. People could have improved their health if they had got immunized. Nabil wishes his satellite receiver hadn’t stopped working. He could watch the live conference about the nuclear danger on the environment. Nabil could have watched the live conference about the nuclear danger on the environment if his satellite receiver hadn’t stopped working. Dialogue: Student: Could you give me an idea about biotechnology, please? Teacher: Yes,of course. Biotechnology (or bioengineering) refers to any change of an organism’s genes for practical purposes like disease control, better crops, cloning of plants and animals,…Biotechnology is closely related to genetics which can be defined as the scientific study of genes,i.e. variations in the characteristics – resemblances and differences – of organisms and how these characteristics are inherited from generation to generation. Modern genetics is as much concerned with the organism level of this process as it is with cellular and molecular levels. Thanks to biotechnology, farmers are able to get rid of unwanted characteristics of plants and keep the ones that they desire. One example of these is the new type of potatoes that resist invasion by dangerous insects. Advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to decrease the need for fertilizers by breeding plants that produce their own form of efficient fertilizers… However,there are some negative side effects that must be worked out. An example ofthis,is a decline in the quality of taste, which would definitely outweigh the benefits of a long shelf life or resistance to insects! Student: Is it used to control some of the human diseases? Teacher: Yes. The use of genetic engineering in humans promises some extraordinary benefits, one ofwhich is cure and prevention of many types of diseases that come from faulty genes. Student: Thank you very much, sir. Teacher: Not at all. Expressionsofconcessionand addition: Link your Sentences
  • 29. 29 Whendiplomatsmettoformthe UnitedNationsin1945, one of the thingstheydiscussedwassettlingupaglobal health organizations. As a result, World Health Organisation was set up on 7 April 1948- a date we now celebrate everyyearasWorldHealthDay.WHO is responsible forprovidingleadership on global health matters. It also accountsfor shapingthe healthresearchagenda such as setting norms and standards, providing technical supportto countries,monitoringandassessinghealthtrends. Since healthisasharedresponsibility,WHO’s job is to provide equitable accesstoessential care andcollective defence againsttransnational threats. In brief WHO’s greatest concern must always rest with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; that is to say, the groups who often live in remote rural areas or shanty towns and have little political voice. Althoughthe school isfar away,Zahra attendsall afternoonclasses. Althoughhe isrich, Adil doesnotgive almsto the poor. Althoughinternational organizationsworkhard,theycan’tsolve all the problems. Althoughglobalizationhasapositive impactonMoroccan women’ssituation,thereisstill fearof losinglocal tradition. Althoughit was raining,we wentout. Though the school is veryfarfrom hervillage,Fatimainsistsonattendingall herlessons. In spite of hiswealth, Adil doesnotgive almstothe poor. In spite of the fact that he is wealthy, Adildoesnotgive almstothe poor. She getshighermarks despite studyingindifficultconditions. In spite of beingilliterate,some womenuse the magazine’spicturesasresourcesfordressmaking. In spite of the rain, we wentout. In spite of the fact that it wasraining,we wentout. Despite spendingmuchtime atwork,workingwomenare able toperfectlymanage theirhouseholds. It’strue that a lotof womenandgirlshave accessto education. Yet,theirsituationisfarfromperfect. Along withbeingbusywithhisprofessional career,Rachidisagood father. Zahra has got an awardfrom the UNESCO because she wasthe firstto fightilliteracyinhervillage. Her parentswere illiterate. Consequently,theydidn’tsendhertoschool whenshe wasyoung. Fouadis not onlygood at volleyball buthe isalso a fantastichandball player. HelenKellerwasawomanof luminousintelligence,highambitionandgreataccomplishment. Inaddition,she devotedherlife tohelpingothers. Moroccan womenneededucation aswell as healthcare. Womenhave demonstratedconsiderable leadershipincommunity, aswell as inpublicoffice. However,theystill sufferfromnegative stereotyping. UNESCO worksto promote fieldsof interest suchaseducation,science,andculture. Greenpeace workstopreserve the environment. Besides,itisannon-profitorganization. Some Moroccan womenare illiterate. However,theybenefitfrompicturesinmagazines. Educatedwomenhave a biginfluenceonsociety. Moreover,theycontribute tothe welfareof theirfamilies. Educatedwomenlookaftertheirhouses.They alsoworkoutside theirhomes. UNIT 10 BRAIN DRAIN Scientists,engineers, expertsandtalenteduniversitystudentsfrompoorcountriesare flockingtothe industrializedworld,drawnbythe promise of bettersalariesandworkingconditions.Butnoteveryone ishappy withhissituation.Governmentsof some developingcountriesregardthe phenomenonas aloss of human capital that mustbe restricted.Othersviewthe situationwithsome optimismascountriesof originmightalsogainsome benefit. VOCABULARY tempting:highlyattractive
  • 30. 30 skilled:havingthe abilitytoperformatask expertlyandwell unskilled:nothavingspecial skillortraining A physicist:anexpertinphysics income:revenue gain:obtainsomethingneededorwanted The presidentof the WorldBank urged developingcountriestoinvestineducationandeconomyandcombat povertyeffectively. An estimated900,000 of highlyskilledprofessionalsenteredthe Americanlabourmarkedbetween1990 and 2000. Talentedprofessionalsemigrate todevelopcountriestoearn temptingwagesandsecure a betterfuture. A physicistis a scientistwhostudiesthe propertiesandinteractionsof matterandenergyinall theirforms(liquid, solid,gasand plasma). COLLOCATIONS: braindrain lowpay attract attention developedcountries hightechnology skilledworkers Prefixesandtheir meanings: PREFIXES MEANING EXAMPLES inter extra intra under over super hyper etc between,among outside,beyond within,over,inside lessthan,insufficient excessively,more than above,over,beyond above,over,excessive etc intercontinental,international extraterrestrial,extraordinary intracellular underpaid,underdeveloped overpopulated,overcrowded supersonic,supernatural hypersensitive etc Examples: Underpaidworkersprefertoemigrate abroadtoimprove theirsalaries. Accordingto the International OrganisationforMigration,Africahasbeenlosing20,000 professionalseachyear since 1990. An immigrantscientistinthe USA saidthat the mysteryof Bermudatriangle issomething supernatural. The majorityof highlytalentedprofessionalsemigrate from underdevelopedtodevelopedcountries. Some youthsare overexcitedaboutemigratingtoEurope notknowingthe problemstheymightface. Many scientistsandexpertsattendedan intercontinentalconference onbraindrain. An Africanscientistpresented extraordinaryideasturnbraindraintobraingain. EXPRESSING REGRET « After spending two months in Canada, I began to feel homesick. It’s too cold to live here. Also I didn’t like the job. If only I had stayed in my country! I’m now longing for my country’s climate and my family life. I can’t come back because I lost my job in Morocco. If I hadn’t abandoned my job there, I wouldn’t have stayed here a day longer. I thought that immigrating to Canada would help me make a lot of money. Unfortunately, I was unlucky. I should have thought well before deciding to do that. I regret it now. I wish I were among my relatives.
  • 31. 31 Relative Clauses: Study these two sentencesand notice the difference: a) My brotherwho graduated from the university emigratedtoCanada. I have more than one brotherand I am speakingaboutthe one whoemigratedtoCanada. b) My brother, who graduated from the university,emigratedtoCanada. I have onlyone brother.He graduatedfrom the universityandemigratedtoCanada. {NB. The clause in sentence b) can be deleted without affecting the meaning of the sentence } Lionel Messi whois a talentedfootball player isfrom Argentina. Africanwriters whowrite inEnglish settle downinEnglandorthe USA. Graduates whose grades are the highestwill be givenjobswithtemptingsalaries. The Pan AfricanConference,whichtookplace in Illinois,USA onOctober24, 2003 focusedonreversingbrain drainintobrain gain. Capital flight, whichisproblematicas brain drain,refersto financial capital thatisnolongerinvestedinthe countrywhere itsownerlivedandearnedit. One of the problemswhich the Arab countriessufferfrom isbraindrain. My uncle, whogot his universitydegree,emigratedtoCanadato continue hisstudies. India, whose highlyskilledlabouris IT engineers,hasremarkablysucceededinreversingbraindraintobrain gain. Expertswho came around 50 African countries were givenaspecial receptionatthe hotel. The UnitedNationsisan international organization whose missionistomaintainworldpeace andsecurity. The house, whichhas beenemptyfor about a year, has justbeensold. The lady whom/ that Ban Ki-Moonappointedtoserve ashisdeputyiswell qualified. REMEMBER! Two kinds of relative clauses can be distinguished:defining relative clauses and non- defining relative clauses. The relative pronouns used are:“who – which – whom – that – whose.” In defining relative clauses, the relative can be left outif it is the object of the relative clause. e.g. Did you like the present (which) I sent you? (“which” can be left out here). If the relative pronoun is the subjectof the clause, we cannot leave it out. e.g. I met a woman who works for the UN Organisation. (”who” cannot be left out). Non-defining relative clauses add extra information to a sentence and are set off by commas. My grandmother, who is 75 years old, stillgoes jogging twice a week. My car, which is 25 years old, often lets me down. Relative pronouns cannot be left out of NDRC.
  • 32. 32 Paragraph writing: Problems of schooling in rural areas Test yourself: 1. legal: There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an ______________ drug for the foreseeable future. 2. possible: It was quite _________________ for us to drive all the way from Paris to Madrid in one one day. 3. successful: He made an ________________ attempt to climb the highest mountain in the range. 4. responsible: To take the boat out with four children under the age of ten and with no life jackets on board was quite ________________ of him. 5. appropriate: The dress she was wearing was quite _________________ for the occasion. 6. polite: It was very ________________ of him to insult his mother in front of his aunt. 7. religious: They were a completely _________________ family and I never thought that one day I would marry one of the daughters. 8. honest: As a politician he was __________________ and it was not long before nobody trusted him. 9. perfect: The goods were ________________ and had to be returned to the store we bought them from. 10. contented: She was __________________ with her life and decided that things had to change. Answers:1) illegal 2) impossible3) unsuccessful4) irresponsible5) inappropriate 6) impolite 7) irreligious8) dishonest9) imperfect10) discontented PHRASL VERBS: Phrasal verbs Definitions / Synonyms call off break up put up with get on with let somebody down run out ofsomething take after put on put up cancel end a relationship with somebody tolerate have a good relationship with sb. fail to help, disappoint have none left look like, resemble get dressed in increase, raise Today in many parts of the world growing up in a rural region often means growing up without a decent education. School attendance is generally low and absenteeism is high, mainly among girls. This is not surprising, considering the distance many children have to walk daily, only to find a school in precarious areas, without furniture, learning materials, drinking water or toilets, and sometimes even without a teacher. Rural people are often caught in the vicious circle of having no access to the services and opportunities that might lift them out of poverty.
  • 33. 33 put off put on put out give up check in look forward to fill in set up turn down put somebody up cut down on go on get over get rid of look up look after pull down figure out go off postpone, delay increase weight extinguish stop; abandon register long for, anticipate with pleasure complete establish, start reject give accommodation to reduce happen recover from an illness throw away search for take care of demolish understand ring etc. Examples: . Howare you getting on with your newneighbours? I hope they are as nice as the previous ones. . The price ofpetrol has been put up several times over the last two years. . We can’t have lunch at home. We’ve run out ofgas. We’d rather go to a restaurant and have lunch there. . I’m really thinking of moving to the country. I can’t put up with the city noise any longer. . Put on your coat. It’s cold outside! . I’m sorry to be nuisance,but could we put off our meeting until next week? . The manager is off sick, so we need to call offall his appointments today. . If you’d like to keep fit, cut down on fatty food and exercise three times a week. “All country women who are willing to set up their own businessescan now get loans from the bank.” said the social affaires minister in a recent interview. . On international flights, passengers need to check in about two hours before departure. . I’ve put on five kilos since last January. I ought to go on diet. . I miss you a lot. I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon. . You needn’t stay at a hotel. We can put you up for a fewdays. We’ve got a spare room. . Mr and Mrs Jones, our nextdoor neighbours , are making too much noise. I wonder what’s going on over there. Perhaps they’re arguing again. . “You’ll have to give up smoking, otherwise your cough will get worse.” said the doctor to the patient. . Take off your coat and hang it up in the wardrobe. . I was rearranging my home library books when I came across an old school report ofmine. . My brother is determined to emigrate somewhere.However, he hasn’t made up his mind which country to go to. . Look at these abbreviations,Jacky. Do you knowwhat they stand for? . Pick up that banana skin from the stairs and put it in the dustbin; somebody might slip on it. . The aircraft was refused permission to take offbecause oflack ofvisibility due to thick fog. . Look! There’s a job advertisement in this newspaper. Why don’t you apply for it? . I’ve been waiting here since 4 o’clock. Now it’s round 5 nowand he hasn’t turned up yet. . Sorry, I can’t make out the doctor’s prescription. His handwriting is so terrible. . Will you please try on these newshoes? I’ve just bought them for you. . My car engine didn’t start yesterday morning. The battery might have died out. . Most ofNGO’s in Morocco rely on benevolent donations only. They receive no financial support from the government. . Slow down, will you? Speed limit is limited here. It’s only 40 km. . “I hope the USA will not carry out its threats to impose newsanctions on our country.” said the Iranian diplomat to a journalist. . Turn off the tap, will you? You’re wasting too much water these days. .“Don’t worry! Cheer up! Your son’s all right. He’s out ofdanger.” The doctor said to Jim’s mother.
  • 34. 34 . Love between married couples does not last long. It fades away with time. . Look out! You almost knocked out that old lady. Howmany times do I have to tell you to drive slowly and carefully? . Tommy knewhe was in big trouble; so he made up a fabulous alibi to make the police believe he was innocent. . One ofour classmates is mentally-retarded. He finds it difficult to keep up with the class. . My parents object to my moving homes and changing jobs nowand again. They’d really like me to get married and settle down once for all. . When I got back home from work yesterday evening, I was surprised to find out that I had left the front door unlocked. Howcareless ofme! . How’s your mother? Has she got over from her illness or is she still in bed? . It took the fire fighters hours and hours to put out the fire in the forest. . Let’s get the work done today. I hate putting offthinks to a later time. . The plane took offon time but landed 20 minutes late due to some technical problems. . “Could I add an other idea here?” “Sure. Go ahead.” . I’ll ring you up in case I need you. . The song you’re listening to dates back to the 70’s. It’s a very nice one. . Kate has thrown away every single letter her ex-fiancé wrote to her. She hasn’tkept one. . Although they setoff/ out early in the morning, they didn’t get to their destination until past midnight. . “I wonder if you could possibly look after my child while I’m away on holiday?” Mrs Jefferson said to her aunt. . I don’t have the company’s phone number. I must look it up in the directory. . As soon as he finished the telephone conversation, he took offhis pyjamas, put on his suit and rushed out. . The city council is pulling down the old houses and in the city center and converting them into buildings and shopping centres. . If you try to open that safe door, the alarm will certainly go off. Prepositions: Adjective + preposition combinations: pleasedwith certainabout goodat satisfiedwith cleverat seriousabout optimisticabout fedup with hopelessat uselessat bad at famousfor impressedby late for readyfor nervousabout capable of coveredin frustratedwith interestedin lackingin skilledat responsible for frightenedof sorry for worriedabout afraidof fondof proudof differentfrom dependentof terrifiedof keenon astonishedat accustomedto allergicto guiltyof angry with compatible with etc. Verb+ prepositioncombinations: apologize for complainabout deal with congratulate on waitfor hearof / from applyfor objectto succeedin approve of abide by insiston sufferfrom agree with disagree with complywith concentrate on be / get usedto protect (sb.) from warn (sb.) against/about arrest sb.For attribute etc. Examples: Our neighbour’s daughteris excellentatall subjects.Hermotheris proudof her. My sisterisreally keenon playingthe piano. “Is there anythingyou’re allergicto?”The doctoraskedthe patient. Most people livinginrural areasare pessimisticabout the future.Theyfeel the situationisgettingworse. Jack wasaccused of stabbinghiswife todeath.
  • 35. 35 The pilotwasheld responsible forthe aircraftcrash.He insistedon landinginbadweatherconditions. Whenwill you sitforthe entrance examinationtothe facultyof medicine? Sara is sufferingfrom insomnia.She’dbettersee adoctor. Some Japanese are usedtoeatingraw fish. Moroccan cuisine is famousforitsdeliciousdishes. The studentapologizedforcominglate. Nabil was angry with hissisterbecause she damagedhiscamcorder. Althoughthe examquestionswere abitdifficult,Ali succeededin answeringall of them. GOOD LUCK To be continued NB. Mise en page: Haut: 1cm / Bas: 1cm Gauche : 1,5cm / Droite : 1,5