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Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease
Dr. Rahul Magazine
M.D. (Medicine); D.T.C.D.
Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
COPD, a common preventable and treatable
disease, is characterized by persistent airflow
limitation that is usually progressive and
associated with an enhanced chronic
inflammatory response in the airways and the
lung to noxious particles or gases.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Chronic bronchitis has been defined as the
presence of chronic productive cough for 3
months during each of two successive years in
a patient in whom other causes of chronic
cough have been excluded.
Emphysema is defined as a condition of the
lung characterized by abnormal permanent
enlargement of the air spaces distal to the
terminal bronchioles accompanied by
destruction of their walls and without obvious
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• COPD ranked sixth as the cause of death
in 1990, but will become the third leading
cause of death worldwide by 2020.
• The prevalence of COPD is appreciably
higher in smokers and ex-smokers than in
nonsmokers, in those over 40 years than
those under 40, and in men than in
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
 Exposure to particles
Tobacco smoke
Indoor air pollution from heating and cooking
with biomass in poorly vented dwellings
(among women in developing countries)
Occupational dusts (organic and inorganic)
Outdoor air pollution
 Genes (α1 anti-trypsin deficiency)
 Airway hyperresponsiveness
 Lung Growth and Development
 Oxidative stress
 Gender
 Age
 Respiratory infections
 Socioeconomic status
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Large Airway
Mucous gland enlargement and goblet cell
• Small Airways
Airway wall thickening
Peribronchial fibrosis
Luminal inflammatory exudate
Airway narrowing (obstructive
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Lung parenchyma
Alveolar wall destruction
Apoptosis of epithelial and endothelial cells
• Pulmonary vasculature
Thickening of intima
Endothelial cell dysfunction,
lymphocytes, few neutrophils or eosinophils
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Peripheral airway obstruction
Air trapping during expiration
Functional Residual Capacity increased
• Gas Exchange Abnormalities
• Mucus Hypersecretion
• Pulmonary Hypertension
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
The inflammation in the respiratory tract of
COPD patients appears to be an
amplification of the normal inflammatory
response of the respiratory tract to chronic
irritants such as cigarette smoke
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Lung Inflammation
Oxidative Stress
COPD Pathology
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
 Breathlessness
Progressive (worsens over time)
Usually worse with exercise
Persistent (present every day)
 Chronic cough, which is often, but not
invariably, productive.
 Wheeze
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
 History of exposures to risk factors:
A smoking history of at least 20 pack
years is usual before symptoms develop
Smoke from home cooking and heating
Occupational dusts and chemicals
 Family history of COPD
 Weight loss and anorexia are features of severe
 Sleep quality is impaired in advanced COPD
 Hemoptysis
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Clinical signs
General examination
• Tachypnoea,
• Prolonged forced expiratory time (more
than 5 s)
• Adopting pursed lipped breathing on
expiration which reduces expiratory airway
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Use of the accessory muscles of respiration
• Adopt the position of leaning forward, supporting
themselves with their arms to fix the shoulder
• Tar-stained fingers
• Cyanosis in advanced disease
• Flapping tremor
• Weight loss
• Finger clubbing is not a feature of COPD
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Examination of Chest
Inspection and Palpation
• Signs of overinflation: barrel-shaped with a
kyphosis and an apparent increased
anterior/posterior diameter, horizontal ribs,
prominence of the sternal angle, and a wide
subcostal angle. Distance between the
suprasternal notch and the cricoid cartilage
(normally three finger-breadths) may be
• Pursed lip breathing, use of accessory muscles
• An inspiratory tracheal tug
• Hoover's sign
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Indrawing of the suprasternal and supraclavicular
fossas and of the intercostal muscles
• Hyper resonant note
• Decreased hepatic and cardiac dullness
• Breath sounds may have a prolonged expiratory
phase, or may be uniformly diminished
• Wheeze
• Crackles may be heard particularly at the lung bases
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Cardiovascular Examination
• Difficulty in localizing the apex beat
• Signs of pulmonary artery hypertension
• Signs of right heart failure
Skeletal muscle wasting
Anxiety and Depression
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory
infections diabetes, lung cancer
Type A: Pink Puffer
(Emphysema Predominant)
• Major complaint is dyspnea,
• Cough is rare, with scant clear, mucoid sputum.
• Patients are thin, with recent weight loss
• They appear uncomfortable, with evident use of
accessory muscles of respiration.
• Chest is very quiet without adventitious sounds.
• No peripheral edema.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Type B: Blue Bloater
(Bronchitis Predominant)
• Major complaint is chronic cough, productive of
mucopurulent sputum
• Dyspnea usually mild, though patients may
note limitations to exercise.
• Patients frequently overweight and cyanotic but
seem comfortable at rest.
• Peripheral edema is common.
• Chest is noisy, with rhonchi invariably present
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• COPD Assessment Test (CAT): An 8-item
measure of health status impairment in
• Breathlessness Measurement using the
Modified British Medical Research Council
(mMRC) Questionnairewell to other
measures of health statusand predicts
future mortality risk.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Polycythemia can develop in the presence
of arterial hypoxemia, especially in
continuing smokers, and can be identified
by hematocrit > 55%.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Spirometry:
The presence of a postbronchodilator
FEV1/FVC < 0.70 confirms the presence of
persistent airflow limitation and thus COPD
Spirometry: Normal Trace Showing
FEV1 and FVC
1 2 3 4 5 6
Time, sec
FEV1 = 4L
FVC = 5L
FEV1/FVC = 0.8
Spirometry: Obstructive Disease
Time, seconds
1 2 3 4 5 6
FEV1 = 1.8L
FVC = 3.2L
FEV1/FVC = 0.56
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Classification of Severity of Airflow
Limitation in COPD
(Based on Post-Bronchodilator FEV1)
In patients withFEV1/FVC < 0.70
GOLD I: Mild; FEV1 ≥ 80% predicted
GOLD II: Moderate; 50% ≤ FEV1 < 80%
GOLD III: Severe; 30% ≤ FEV1 < 50%
GOLD IV: Very Severe; FEV1 < 30% predicted
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Imaging
Chest X-ray Signs of hyperinflation
(flattened diaphragm and an increase
in the volume of the retrosternal air
space), hyperlucency of the lungs,
and rapid tapering of the vascular
Computed tomography (CT)
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Arterial blood gas measurement
• Exercise testing
• Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
screening (when COPD develops under 45
years or with a strong family history of COPD.)  
• Other investigations, including
electrocardiography, echocardiography,
radionucleotide scintigraphy, and magnetic
resonance imaging.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
1. Smoking Cessation
• Counseling
• Pharmacotherapy
Nicotine replacement products (nicotine
gum, inhaler, nasal spray, transdermal
patch, sublingual tablet, or lozenge)
Other pharmacotherapy:The antidepressants
bupropion and nortriptyline. Varenicline,
a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial
agonist that aids smoking cessation by
relieving nicotine withdrawal symptoms and
reducing the rewarding properties of nicotine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Drugs Used in COPD
(Salbutamol, Terbutaline)
(Formoterol, Salmeterol)
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Drugs Used in COPD
Ipratropium bromide
Oxitropium bromide
Drugs Used in COPD
Combination short-acting β 2-agonists
plus anticholinergic in one inhaler
Theophylline (SR)
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Drugs Used in COPD
Inhaled glucocorticosteroids
Beclomethasone, Budesonide,
Fluticasone, Triamcinolone
Combination long-acting β 2-agonists plus
glucocorticosteroids in one inhaler
Drugs Used in COPD
Phospodiesterase-4 inhibitor: Roflumilast
Systemic glucocorticosteroids
Prednisone, Methyl-prednisolone
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Alpha-1 antitrypsin augmentation therapy.
• Vaccines:
Influenza vaccine (reduces serious illness and
Pneumococcal vaccine (reduces incidence of
• Mucolytic agents (ambroxol, carbocysteine,
iodinated glycerol)
Patients with viscous sputum may benefit
from mucolytics; overall benefits are very
• Antibioticsefits are very small
• Antioxidant agents
• Immunoregulators
• Antitussives
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Oxygen Therapy
Can be administered in three ways: longterm
continuous therapy, during exercise, and to relieve
acute dyspnea.
The primary goal of oxygen therapy is to increase
the baseline PaO2 to at least 8.0 kPa (60 mm Hg)
at sea level and rest, and/or produce an SaO2 at
least 90%, which will preserve vital organ function
by ensuring adequate delivery of oxygen.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
The long-term administration of oxygen(> 15
h/d) to patients with chronic respiratory
failure has been shown to increase survival.
Long-term oxygen therapy is generally
introduced in patients with COPD, who have
PaO2 at or below 55 mm Hg or SaO2 at or
below 88%, with or without hypercapnia
• Non invasive ventilation with LTOT in
a some selected patients may improve
• Rehabilitation
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Surgical Treatments
Lung volume reduction surgery
Lung transplantation
Only three interventions influence the natural
history of patients with COPD.
1.Smoking cessation
2.Oxygen therapy in chronically hypoxemic
3.Lung volume reduction surgery in selected
patients with emphysema.
There is currently suggestive, but not definitive,
evidence that the use of inhaled glucocorticoids may
alter mortality rate.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Characteristic Spirometric
s per year
Low Risk
Less Symptoms
GOLD 1-2 ≤ 1 0-1 < 10
Low Risk
More Symptoms
GOLD 1-2 ≤ 1 > 2 ≥ 10
High Risk
Less Symptoms
GOLD 3-4 > 2 0-1 < 10
High Risk
More Symptoms
GOLD 3-4 > 2 > 2
≥ 10
Combined Assessment
Management of Stable
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Managing Stable COPD
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
An exacerbation of COPD is defined as an
event in the natural course of the disease
characterized by a change in the patient’s
baseline dyspnea, cough, and/or sputum
that is beyond normal day-to-day
variations, is acute in onset, and may
warrant a change in regular medication in
a patient with underlying COPD.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
 The most common causes of COPD
exacerbations are viral upper respiratory
tract infections and infection of the
tracheobronchial tree. .
 Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus
influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are
the most common bacterial pathogens
involved in COPD exacerbations.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Inhaled bronchodilators (particularly
inhaled Β 2-agonists with or without
anticholinergics) and oral
glucocorticosteroids are effective
treatments for exacerbations of COPD.
Antibiotics if clinical signs of airway
infection (e.g., increased sputum,
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
 Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in
exacerbations improves respiratory acidosis,
increases pH, decreases the need for
endotracheal intubation, and reduces PaCO2,
respiratory rate, severity of breathlessness,
the length of hospital stay, and mortality.
 Medications and education to help prevent
future exacerbations should be considered as
part of follow-up
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Oxygen is the substrate that cells use in the
greatest quantity and upon which aerobic
metabolism and cell integrity depend. Since the
tissues have no storage system for oxygen, a
continuous supply at a rate that matches
changing metabolic requirements is necessary
to maintain aerobic metabolism and normal
cellular function.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
In general, maintain SaO2 >90%, though
preferably >95%.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Devices For Providing
• Oxygen supply (cylinder or wall unit)
• Nasal cannula
• Face mask
• Venturi mask
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• The nasal cannula is a low-flow oxygen administration
system designed to add oxygen to room air when the
patient inspires.
• A nasal cannula provides up to 44% oxygen.
• The ultimate inspired oxygen concentration is
determined by the oxygen flow rate through the
cannula and how deeply the patient breathes (tidal
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Increasing the oxygen flow by 1 L/min
(starting with 1 L/min) will increase the
inspired oxygen concentration by
approximately 4%:
— 1 L/min: 21% to 24%
— 2 L/min: 25% to 28%
— 3 L/min: 29% to 32%
— 4 L/min: 33% to 36%
— 5 L/min: 37% to 40%
— 6 L/min: 41% to 44%
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• A simple face mask delivers low oxygen
flow to the patient’s nose and mouth. A
partial rebreathing mask consists of a face
mask with an attached reservoir bag
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• A face mask can supply up to 60% oxygen
with flow rates of 6 to 10 L/min. A face
mask with oxygen reservoir
nonrebreathing mask) provides up to 90%
to 100% oxygen with flow rates of 9 to 15
L/min. In this system a constant flow of
oxygen enters an attached reservoir.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Use a face mask with a reservoir for patients who
Are seriously ill, responsive, and have adequate
ventilation but require high oxygen concentrations
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• A Venturi mask enables a more reliable and
controlled delivery of oxygen concentrations
from 24% to 50%. Use the Venturi mask for
patients who retain carbon dioxide (CO2).
Patients who have chronic high levels of CO2 in
their blood and moderate-to-severe hypoxemia
may develop respiratory depression if the drive
stimulating them to breathe (oxygen) is
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Delivered oxygen concentrations can be
adjusted to 24%, 28%, 35%, and 40%
using a flow rate of 4-8 L/min and 40% to
50% using a flow rate of 10-12 L/min.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Adequacy and changes in arterial oxygen
saturation can be continuously monitored
by pulse oximetry and intermittent or
continuous invasive blood gas analysis.
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th
• GOLD. 2011 (revised)
• Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory
Medicine, 4th ed.
• CMDT 2010
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Pulmonary Medicine

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Copd 2012

  • 1. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Dr. Rahul Magazine M.D. (Medicine); D.T.C.D. Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 5. Department of Pulmonary Medicine DEFINITION COPD, a common preventable and treatable disease, is characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lung to noxious particles or gases.
  • 6. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Chronic bronchitis has been defined as the presence of chronic productive cough for 3 months during each of two successive years in a patient in whom other causes of chronic cough have been excluded. Emphysema is defined as a condition of the lung characterized by abnormal permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of their walls and without obvious fibrosis.
  • 7. Department of Pulmonary Medicine EPIDEMIOLOGY • COPD ranked sixth as the cause of death in 1990, but will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2020. • The prevalence of COPD is appreciably higher in smokers and ex-smokers than in nonsmokers, in those over 40 years than those under 40, and in men than in women.
  • 8. Department of Pulmonary Medicine RISK FACTORS  Exposure to particles Tobacco smoke Indoor air pollution from heating and cooking with biomass in poorly vented dwellings (among women in developing countries) Occupational dusts (organic and inorganic) Outdoor air pollution  Genes (α1 anti-trypsin deficiency)  Airway hyperresponsiveness  Lung Growth and Development  Oxidative stress  Gender  Age  Respiratory infections  Socioeconomic status
  • 9. Department of Pulmonary Medicine PATHOLOGY • Large Airway Mucous gland enlargement and goblet cell hyperplasia. • Small Airways Airway wall thickening Peribronchial fibrosis Luminal inflammatory exudate Airway narrowing (obstructive bronchiolitis)
  • 10. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Lung parenchyma Alveolar wall destruction Apoptosis of epithelial and endothelial cells • Pulmonary vasculature Thickening of intima Endothelial cell dysfunction, INFLAMMATORY CELLS: Macrophages, T lymphocytes, few neutrophils or eosinophils
  • 11. Department of Pulmonary Medicine PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Peripheral airway obstruction Air trapping during expiration Hyperinflation Functional Residual Capacity increased
  • 12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Gas Exchange Abnormalities • Mucus Hypersecretion • Pulmonary Hypertension Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 13. Department of Pulmonary Medicine PATHOGENESIS The inflammation in the respiratory tract of COPD patients appears to be an amplification of the normal inflammatory response of the respiratory tract to chronic irritants such as cigarette smoke
  • 14. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Smoking Lung Inflammation Oxidative Stress COPD Pathology Proteinases
  • 15. Department of Pulmonary Medicine CLINICAL FEATURES Symptoms  Breathlessness Progressive (worsens over time) Usually worse with exercise Persistent (present every day)  Chronic cough, which is often, but not invariably, productive.  Wheeze
  • 16. Department of Pulmonary Medicine  History of exposures to risk factors: A smoking history of at least 20 pack years is usual before symptoms develop Smoke from home cooking and heating fuels Occupational dusts and chemicals  Family history of COPD  Weight loss and anorexia are features of severe COPD  Sleep quality is impaired in advanced COPD  Hemoptysis
  • 17. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Clinical signs General examination • Tachypnoea, • Prolonged forced expiratory time (more than 5 s) • Adopting pursed lipped breathing on expiration which reduces expiratory airway collapse.
  • 18. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Use of the accessory muscles of respiration • Adopt the position of leaning forward, supporting themselves with their arms to fix the shoulder girdle • Tar-stained fingers • Cyanosis in advanced disease • Flapping tremor • Weight loss • Finger clubbing is not a feature of COPD
  • 19. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Examination of Chest Inspection and Palpation • Signs of overinflation: barrel-shaped with a kyphosis and an apparent increased anterior/posterior diameter, horizontal ribs, prominence of the sternal angle, and a wide subcostal angle. Distance between the suprasternal notch and the cricoid cartilage (normally three finger-breadths) may be reduced. • Pursed lip breathing, use of accessory muscles • An inspiratory tracheal tug • Hoover's sign
  • 20. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Indrawing of the suprasternal and supraclavicular fossas and of the intercostal muscles Percussion • Hyper resonant note • Decreased hepatic and cardiac dullness Ausculatation • Breath sounds may have a prolonged expiratory phase, or may be uniformly diminished • Wheeze • Crackles may be heard particularly at the lung bases
  • 21. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Cardiovascular Examination • Difficulty in localizing the apex beat • Signs of pulmonary artery hypertension • Signs of right heart failure SYSTEMIC FEATURES: Skeletal muscle wasting Osteoporosis Anxiety and Depression Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections diabetes, lung cancer
  • 22. Type A: Pink Puffer (Emphysema Predominant) • Major complaint is dyspnea, • Cough is rare, with scant clear, mucoid sputum. • Patients are thin, with recent weight loss common. • They appear uncomfortable, with evident use of accessory muscles of respiration. • Chest is very quiet without adventitious sounds. • No peripheral edema. Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 23. Type B: Blue Bloater (Bronchitis Predominant) • Major complaint is chronic cough, productive of mucopurulent sputum • Dyspnea usually mild, though patients may note limitations to exercise. • Patients frequently overweight and cyanotic but seem comfortable at rest. • Peripheral edema is common. • Chest is noisy, with rhonchi invariably present Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 24. Department of Pulmonary Medicine MANAGEMENT
  • 25. Assessment • COPD Assessment Test (CAT): An 8-item measure of health status impairment in COPD • Breathlessness Measurement using the Modified British Medical Research Council (mMRC) Questionnairewell to other measures of health statusand predicts future mortality risk. Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 26. Department of Pulmonary Medicine INVESTIGATIONS Hematocrit Polycythemia can develop in the presence of arterial hypoxemia, especially in continuing smokers, and can be identified by hematocrit > 55%.
  • 27. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Spirometry: The presence of a postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70 confirms the presence of persistent airflow limitation and thus COPD
  • 28. Spirometry: Normal Trace Showing FEV1 and FVC 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 Volume,liters Time, sec FVC5 1 FEV1 = 4L FVC = 5L FEV1/FVC = 0.8
  • 29. Spirometry: Obstructive Disease Volume,liters Time, seconds 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 FEV1 = 1.8L FVC = 3.2L FEV1/FVC = 0.56 Normal Obstructive
  • 30. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Classification of Severity of Airflow Limitation in COPD (Based on Post-Bronchodilator FEV1) In patients withFEV1/FVC < 0.70 GOLD I: Mild; FEV1 ≥ 80% predicted GOLD II: Moderate; 50% ≤ FEV1 < 80% predicted GOLD III: Severe; 30% ≤ FEV1 < 50% predicted GOLD IV: Very Severe; FEV1 < 30% predicted
  • 31. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Imaging Chest X-ray Signs of hyperinflation (flattened diaphragm and an increase in the volume of the retrosternal air space), hyperlucency of the lungs, and rapid tapering of the vascular markings. Computed tomography (CT)
  • 32. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Arterial blood gas measurement • Exercise testing • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency screening (when COPD develops under 45 years or with a strong family history of COPD.)   • Other investigations, including electrocardiography, echocardiography, radionucleotide scintigraphy, and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • 33. Department of Pulmonary Medicine TREATMENT 1. Smoking Cessation • Counseling • Pharmacotherapy Nicotine replacement products (nicotine gum, inhaler, nasal spray, transdermal patch, sublingual tablet, or lozenge) Other pharmacotherapy:The antidepressants bupropion and nortriptyline. Varenicline, a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist that aids smoking cessation by relieving nicotine withdrawal symptoms and reducing the rewarding properties of nicotine
  • 34. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Drugs Used in COPD β2-agonists Short-acting (Salbutamol, Terbutaline) Long-acting (Formoterol, Salmeterol)
  • 35. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Drugs Used in COPD Anticholinergics Short-acting Ipratropium bromide Oxitropium bromide Long-acting Tiotropium
  • 36. Drugs Used in COPD Combination short-acting β 2-agonists plus anticholinergic in one inhaler Salbutamol/Ipratropium Methylxanthines Aminophylline Theophylline (SR) Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 37. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Drugs Used in COPD Inhaled glucocorticosteroids Beclomethasone, Budesonide, Fluticasone, Triamcinolone Combination long-acting β 2-agonists plus glucocorticosteroids in one inhaler Formoterol/Budesonide Salmeterol/Fluticasone
  • 38. Drugs Used in COPD Phospodiesterase-4 inhibitor: Roflumilast Systemic glucocorticosteroids Prednisone, Methyl-prednisolone Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 39. Department of Pulmonary Medicine OTHER PHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENTS • Alpha-1 antitrypsin augmentation therapy. • Vaccines: Influenza vaccine (reduces serious illness and death) Pneumococcal vaccine (reduces incidence of CAP)
  • 40. OTHER PHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENTS • Mucolytic agents (ambroxol, carbocysteine, iodinated glycerol) Patients with viscous sputum may benefit from mucolytics; overall benefits are very small. • Antibioticsefits are very small • Antioxidant agents • Immunoregulators • Antitussives Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 41. Department of Pulmonary Medicine OTHER PHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENTS Oxygen Therapy Can be administered in three ways: longterm continuous therapy, during exercise, and to relieve acute dyspnea. The primary goal of oxygen therapy is to increase the baseline PaO2 to at least 8.0 kPa (60 mm Hg) at sea level and rest, and/or produce an SaO2 at least 90%, which will preserve vital organ function by ensuring adequate delivery of oxygen.
  • 42. Department of Pulmonary Medicine The long-term administration of oxygen(> 15 h/d) to patients with chronic respiratory failure has been shown to increase survival. Long-term oxygen therapy is generally introduced in patients with COPD, who have PaO2 at or below 55 mm Hg or SaO2 at or below 88%, with or without hypercapnia
  • 43. OTHER TREATMENTS • Non invasive ventilation with LTOT in a some selected patients may improve survival • Rehabilitation Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 44. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Surgical Treatments Bullectomy Lung volume reduction surgery Lung transplantation
  • 45. Only three interventions influence the natural history of patients with COPD. 1.Smoking cessation 2.Oxygen therapy in chronically hypoxemic patients 3.Lung volume reduction surgery in selected patients with emphysema. There is currently suggestive, but not definitive, evidence that the use of inhaled glucocorticoids may alter mortality rate. Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 46. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Patien t Characteristic Spirometric Classification Exacerbation s per year mMRC CAT A Low Risk Less Symptoms GOLD 1-2 ≤ 1 0-1 < 10 B Low Risk More Symptoms GOLD 1-2 ≤ 1 > 2 ≥ 10 C High Risk Less Symptoms GOLD 3-4 > 2 0-1 < 10 D High Risk More Symptoms GOLD 3-4 > 2 > 2 ≥ 10 Combined Assessment
  • 47. Management of Stable COPD Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 48. Managing Stable COPD Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  • 49. Department of Pulmonary Medicine MANAGE EXACERBATIONS An exacerbation of COPD is defined as an event in the natural course of the disease characterized by a change in the patient’s baseline dyspnea, cough, and/or sputum that is beyond normal day-to-day variations, is acute in onset, and may warrant a change in regular medication in a patient with underlying COPD.
  • 50. Department of Pulmonary Medicine  The most common causes of COPD exacerbations are viral upper respiratory tract infections and infection of the tracheobronchial tree. .  Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common bacterial pathogens involved in COPD exacerbations.
  • 51. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Inhaled bronchodilators (particularly inhaled Β 2-agonists with or without anticholinergics) and oral glucocorticosteroids are effective treatments for exacerbations of COPD. Antibiotics if clinical signs of airway infection (e.g., increased sputum, purulence)
  • 52. Department of Pulmonary Medicine  Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in exacerbations improves respiratory acidosis, increases pH, decreases the need for endotracheal intubation, and reduces PaCO2, respiratory rate, severity of breathlessness, the length of hospital stay, and mortality.  Medications and education to help prevent future exacerbations should be considered as part of follow-up
  • 53. Department of Pulmonary Medicine OXYGEN THERAPY
  • 54. Department of Pulmonary Medicine INTRODUCTION Oxygen is the substrate that cells use in the greatest quantity and upon which aerobic metabolism and cell integrity depend. Since the tissues have no storage system for oxygen, a continuous supply at a rate that matches changing metabolic requirements is necessary to maintain aerobic metabolism and normal cellular function.
  • 55. Department of Pulmonary Medicine PRINCIPLES In general, maintain SaO2 >90%, though preferably >95%.
  • 56. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Devices For Providing Oxygen • Oxygen supply (cylinder or wall unit) • Nasal cannula • Face mask • Venturi mask
  • 57. Department of Pulmonary Medicine NASAL CANNULA • The nasal cannula is a low-flow oxygen administration system designed to add oxygen to room air when the patient inspires. • A nasal cannula provides up to 44% oxygen. • The ultimate inspired oxygen concentration is determined by the oxygen flow rate through the cannula and how deeply the patient breathes (tidal volume).
  • 58. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Increasing the oxygen flow by 1 L/min (starting with 1 L/min) will increase the inspired oxygen concentration by approximately 4%: — 1 L/min: 21% to 24% — 2 L/min: 25% to 28% — 3 L/min: 29% to 32% — 4 L/min: 33% to 36% — 5 L/min: 37% to 40% — 6 L/min: 41% to 44%
  • 60. Department of Pulmonary Medicine FACE MASK • A simple face mask delivers low oxygen flow to the patient’s nose and mouth. A partial rebreathing mask consists of a face mask with an attached reservoir bag
  • 61. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • A face mask can supply up to 60% oxygen with flow rates of 6 to 10 L/min. A face mask with oxygen reservoir nonrebreathing mask) provides up to 90% to 100% oxygen with flow rates of 9 to 15 L/min. In this system a constant flow of oxygen enters an attached reservoir.
  • 62. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Use a face mask with a reservoir for patients who Are seriously ill, responsive, and have adequate ventilation but require high oxygen concentrations
  • 64. Department of Pulmonary Medicine VENTURI MASK • A Venturi mask enables a more reliable and controlled delivery of oxygen concentrations from 24% to 50%. Use the Venturi mask for patients who retain carbon dioxide (CO2). Patients who have chronic high levels of CO2 in their blood and moderate-to-severe hypoxemia may develop respiratory depression if the drive stimulating them to breathe (oxygen) is reduced.
  • 65. Department of Pulmonary Medicine • Delivered oxygen concentrations can be adjusted to 24%, 28%, 35%, and 40% using a flow rate of 4-8 L/min and 40% to 50% using a flow rate of 10-12 L/min.
  • 66. Department of Pulmonary Medicine MONITORING Adequacy and changes in arterial oxygen saturation can be continuously monitored by pulse oximetry and intermittent or continuous invasive blood gas analysis.
  • 67. Department of Pulmonary Medicine REFERENCES • Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition • GOLD. 2011 (revised) • Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 4th ed. • CMDT 2010
  • 68. Department of Pulmonary Medicine THANK YOU

Editor's Notes

  1. The GOLD definition refers to neither chronic bronchitis nor emphysema (see later), either of which may occur with or without airflow limitation. It contrasts with asthma, which by definition[2](see Chapter 37 ), is associated with reversible airflow limitation. The clinical distinction between asthma and COPD, however, is often difficult because the two entities may coexist ( Fig. 36.1 ), and asthma may progress to COPD (see later).
  2. The most important risk factor for the development of COPD is cigarette smoking, which is associated with 85-90% of all cases. Smokers exhibit a substantially greater rate of annual decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) than the normal age-related decline of 15–30 mL/yr. Cigar and pipe smokers are also at increased risk of developing COPD, albeit less than cigarette smokers. However, only a minority (~15%) of smokers develop clinically significant COPD, suggesting that genetic predisposition and other environmental factors may be required for the development of lung injury. Less than 1% of COPD cases are linked to alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, Washington manual of pulmonary Med
  3. Genes COPD is a polygenic disease severe hereditary deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin4, a major circulating inhibitor of serine proteases. Premature and accelerated development of panlobular emphysema and decline in lung function occur in both smokers and nonsmokers with the severe deficiency, although smoking increases the risk appreciably Inhalational Exposures Tobacco Smoke: The most commonly encountered risk factor for COPD. Cigarette smokers have a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and lung function abnormalities, a greater annual rate of decline in FEV1, and a greater COPD mortality rate than nonsmokers. The risk for COPD in smokers is dose-related12. Age at starting to smoke, total pack-years smoked, and current smoking status are predictive of COPD mortality. Not all smokers develop clinically significant COPD, which suggests that genetic factors must modify each individual’s risk. Passive exposure to cigarette smoke may also contribute to respiratory symptoms19 and COPD 0 by increasing the lungs’ total burden of inhaled particles and gases. Occupational Dusts and Chemicals: Include organic and inorganic dusts and chemical agents and fumes. Indoor Air Pollution: From biomass cooking and heating in poorly ventilated dwellings is an important risk factor for COPD (especially among women in developing countries) Outdoor Air Pollution: Air pollution from fossil fuel combustion, primarily from motor vehicle emissions in cities, is associated with decrements of respiratory function Lung Growth and Development Any factor that affects lung growth during gestation and childhood has the potential for increasing an individual’s risk of developing COPD. Oxidative Stress Imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants is considered to play a role in the pathogenesis of COPD Gender Role of gender in determining COPD risk remains unclear Infections Infections (viral and bacterial) may contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of COPD Socioeconomic Status Risk of developing COPD is inversely related to socioeconomic status Nutrition It is estimated that 80% of patients seen for COPD have significant exposure to tobacco smoke. The remaining 20% frequently have a combination of exposures to environmental tobacco smoke, occupational dusts and chemicals, and indoor air pollution from biomass fuel used for cooking and heating in poorly ventilated buildings CMDT 2010
  4. PATHOLOGY Figure: Pathological Changes in COPD Proximal airways (trachea, bronchi &amp;gt; 2 mm internal diameter) Inflammatory cells: Macrophages, CD8+ (cytotoxic) T lymphocytes, few neutrophils or eosinophils Structural changes: Goblet cells, enlarged submucosal glands (both leading to mucus hypersecretion), squamous metaplasia of epithelium Peripheral airways (bronchioles &amp;lt; 2mm) Inflammatory cells: Macrophages, T lymphocytes (CD8+ &amp;gt; CD4+), B lymphocytes, lymphoid follicles, fibroblasts, few neutrophils or eosinophils Structural changes: Airway wall thickening, peribronchial fibrosis, luminal inflammatory exudate, airway narrowing (obstructive bronchiolitis) Increased inflammatory response and exudate correlated with disease severity Lung parenchyma (respiratory bronchioles and alveoli) Inflammatory cells: Macrophages, CD8+ T lymphocytes Structural changes: Alveolar wall destruction, apoptosis of epithelial and endothelial cells • Centrilobular emphysema: dilatation and destruction of respiratory bronchioles; most commonly seen in smokers • Panacinar emphysema: destruction of alveolar sacs as well as respiratory bronchioles; most commonly seen in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency Pulmonary vasculature Inflammatory cells: Macrophages, T lymphocytes Structural changes: Thickening of intima, endothelial cell dysfunction, smooth muscle pulmonary hypertension6. PATHOGENESIS The inflammation in the respiratory tract of COPD patients appears to be an amplification of the normal inflammatory response of the respiratory tract to chronic irritants such as cigarette smoke. Inflammatory Cells COPD is characterized by a specific pattern of inflammation involving neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes Inflammatory Mediators Attract inflammatory cells from the circulation (chemotactic factors), amplify the inflammatory process (proinflammatory cytokines), and induce structural changes (growth factors). Oxidative Stress Oxidative stress may be an important amplifying mechanism in COPD. Oxidants are generated by cigarette smoke and other inhaled particulates, and released from activated inflammatory cells such as macrophages and neutrophils There may also be a reduction in endogenous antioxidants in COPD patients. Oxidative stress has several adverse consequences in the lungs, including activation of inflammatory genes, inactivation of antiproteases, stimulation of mucus secretion, and stimulation of increased plasma exudation. Protease-Antiprotease Imbalance There is compelling evidence for an imbalance in the lungs of COPD patients between proteases that break down connective tissue components and antiproteases that protect against this. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Airflow Limitation and Air Trapping The extent of inflammation, fibrosis, and luminal exudates in small airways is correlated with the reduction in FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio, and probably with the accelerated decline in FEV1 characteristic of COPD. This peripheral airway obstruction progressively traps air during expiration, resulting in hyperinflation. Hyperinflation reduces inspiratory capacity such that functional residual capacity increases, particularly during exercise (when this abnormality is known as dynamic hyperinflation), and this results in dyspnea and limitation of exercise capacity. Gas Exchange Abnormalities Result in hypoxemia and hypercapnia Mucus Hypersecretion It is due to mucous metaplasia with increased numbers of goblet cells and enlarged submucosal glands in response to chronic airway irritation by cigarette smoke and other noxious agents. Pulmonary Hypertension Due to hypoxic vasoconstriction of small pulmonary arteries, eventually resulting in structural changes that include intimal hyperplasia and later smooth muscle hypertrophy/hyperplasia Progressive pulmonary hypertension may lead to right ventricular hypertrophy and eventually to right-side cardiac failure (cor pulmonale). Systemic features • Cachexia: loss of fat free mass • Skeletal muscle wasting: apoptosis, disuse atrophy • Osteoporosis • Depression • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: associated with ↑ CRP
  5. Physical examination should always include an estimate of the forced expiratory time (FET).13 Measure the time taken by a patient to exhale forcefully and completely through the open mouth after taking a maximum inspiration. The normal forced expiratory time is 3 seconds or less. Note any audible wheeze or cough. An increased FET indicates airways obstruction. The combination of a significant smoking history and an FET of 9 seconds or more is predictive of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (positive LR 9.6). A peak flow meter or spirometer, however, will provide a more accurate measurement. NJ Talley
  6. Some patients with advanced disease have paradoxical inward movement of the rib cage with inspiration (Hoover&amp;apos;s sign), the result of alteration of the vector of diaphragmatic contraction on the rib cage as a result of chronic hyperinflation.
  7. CMDT 2010
  8. Only three interventions—smoking cessation, oxygen therapy in chronically hypoxemic patients, and lung volume reduction surgery in selected patients with emphysema—have been demonstrated to influence the natural history of patients with COPD.
  9. Repeated exacerbations (for example, 3 in the last 3 years) GOLD 2006
  10. These exacerbations are commonly precipitated by infection (more often viral than bacterial) or environmental factors. CMDT 2010