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Compost:-types and
Submitted by-
Ritu sheoran
MSC (microbiology)
 Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called
composting .
 Compost is rich in nutrients .It is used ,for example in gardens , landscaping ,
horticulture,urban , agriculture and organic farming .
 Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming.
Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into a dark rich
 By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the
 Composting organisms require four important ingredients to work effectively
such as carbon,nitrogen, oxygen,water
 Most efficient composting occur with an optimal carbon:nitrogen ratio of
about 30:1.
Benefits of compost:-
 Add nutrients to the soil.
 Introduces valuable organisms to the soil.
 Good for environment.
 Enhances soil fertility.
 Benefits soil structure.
 Replenishes the soil.
 Compost is renewable .
 Reduces soil erosion .
 Compost help slow climate change .
 Compost conserve resources.
 Compost helps prevent pollution.
 Compost contains macronutrients and micronutrients often absent in synthetic
 Reduces need for synthetic fertilizers.
How to make compost:-
Microbiology of composting:-
 Composting occurs by the activity of a mixed microbial community.
 All microorganisms that have been said to be present during
composting ,bacteria and fungi have the highest population.
 Two different groups of aerobic microorganism are involved in
composting :- the first group is the mesophilic organisms while the
second groups thermophilic organisms.
 These organisms could be bacteria ,actinomycetes ,molds ,yeasts ,and
they dominate different phases of composting.
 The composting process could start with a mesophilic stage where the
temperature lies between20-40 Degree Celsius.
 Thermophilic stage (40-70) degree Celsius active decomposition takes
places compared with mesophilic stage.
 During this stage , mesophilic organisms are killed or inactived and the
population and diversity of thermophiles and or thermotolerant
bacteria , actinomycetes and fungiincrease .
 Second mesophilic stage (maturation stage)is also known as the curing
phase,comes after thermophilic stage,at this stage ,the compost is
Microorganisms in composting:-
 Actinobacter:- necessary for breaking down paper products such as newspaper,bark etc.
 Actinomycetes:- actinomycetes have been observed to have biodegradative activity ,they
secret wide range of extracellular enzymes.
 They play an important role in degrading complex organics such as cellulose , lignin ,chitin and chromogena.
 Some lignocellulose degrading microorganisms are involved in composting .
 Lignocellulose comprises polysacco, phenolic polymer,lignin.
 Fungi:-molds and yeasts help that break down materials that bacteria cannot, especially lignin in
wood material.
 Most fungi live in the outer layer of compost when temperature are fumigatus
 Protozoa:- help consume bacteria ,fungi and mico-organic particulates.
 Earthworms:- earthworms are the most important of the large physical decomposers in a
compost pile .
 Erthworms ingest organic matter and digest it with the help of tiny stones in their gizzards.
 The worm leave dark ,fertile castings behind .A worm can produce its weight in casting each day .
 These castings are rich in plant nutrients such as nitrogen , calcium , magnesium ,and
phosphorus .
"Green” materials:
 Grass clippings
 Garden waste(except weed,seeds,
diseased plants).
 Coffee grounds
 Fruit and vegetable peelings
 Egg shell,tea leaves.
 Leaves,straw
 Yard debris
 Plastic,glass ,metal,non –
organic materials
 Meat*,dairyoily products*,fatty
*these materials can be composted
but risk attracting pests and
unwanted odors if not managed
properly .
Commercial compost facilities are
best suited to process these
Types of composting:-
 Composting may be divided into two categories by
nature of decomposition process:-
 Aerobic composting.
 Anaerobic composting.
 Aerobic composting:-This means to compost with
air.High nitrogen wastes (like grass clippings or other
material ) will grow bacteria that will create high waste will break down quickly
and is not prone to smell.
 Aerobic microorganisms breaks down organic matter
and produce – carbon dioxide ,ammonia,heat,humus
 Although aerobic composting produce intermediate
compounds such as organic acids ,aerobic
microorganism decompose them further.
 This type of composting is high maintenance ,since it
will need to be turned every couple days to keep air in
the system and your temperature up.
 Processing time is shorter .
 Destroy many microorganisms that are human or plant
 It is considered more efficient and useful than
anerobic composting for agricultural production.
Indore method
 This method was developed by A.Howard and Y.D.WAD at institute of plant
industry,Indore India.
 Urine soaked earth,scraped from cattle sheds is mixed with water and sprinkled over
the layer of wastes twice or thrice a day .
 Layeringg process continued for about a fortnight .A thin layer of well decomposed
compost is sprinkled over top and the heap given a turning and reformed .
 Old compost acts as inoculum for decomposing the material.
 The heap is left undisturbed for about a month .Then it is thoroughly moistened and
given a turning .The compost is ready for application in another month.
size of pit:-
Depth- 2-3 feet
length- 10 feet or more as per requirement
Raw material:-
Mix plant residues,weeds,sugarcane leaves,grass,wood ashes ,etc.
Animal dung,wood ashes ,water,urine soaked mud.
Pit method
 Site and pit dimension:-The site selected for the compost pit should be at
high level so that no rainwater gets in during the monsoon season;it should
be near to the cattle shed and a water source .
 Access raw material.
 By making the pit close to the crop waste,you can reduce the transport cost.
Not to do:- In region of low temperature .
 In low rainfall
 In high rainfall,water is collected in the pit .Hence the soil microorganisms
don’t get sufficient oxygen amount for activity as well as nutrients can be
washed out from rain.
Pit making
Filling the pit
 The material brought from cattle shed is spread evenly in the pit in layers 10-15
cm .on each layer is spread a slurry made with 4.5 kg dung ,3.5kg urine earth and
4.5 kg of inoculum taken from a 15 day –old composting pit .
 Sufficient quantity of water is sprinkled over the material in the pit to wet it.
 The pit is filled in this way ,layer by layer ,and it should not take longer than one
week to fill.
 A temporary shed may be constructed over it to protect the compost from heavy
rainfall .
Turning:-The material is turned three times during the whole period of
composting ;the first time 15 days after filling the pit,the second after another 15
days and the third after another month .
 At each turning,the material is mixed thoroughly , moistened with water and
replaced in the pit.
Advantages of pit method
 Completely remove disagreeable
 Simple mechanism
 Inexpensive
 Easy to manipulate
 No need of big attention
 High temperature inside the pit
kills the pathogens
Disadvantages of pit method
 Labor intensive
 Time consuming
 Cannot be practiced in high rainfall
 Not enough aeration inside the pit.
Heap method
 Sites and heap dimensions:- During
rainy seasons or in regions with
heavy rainfall ,the compost may be
prepared in heaps above ground
and protected by shed.
 The basic Indore pile is about 2m
wide at the base ,1.5 m high and 2
m long .
 The sides are tapered so that the
top is about 0.5m narrower in
width than the base .
Forming the heap
 The heap is usually started with a 20 cm layer of carbonaceous material such as
leaves ,hay straw ,swadust ,wood chips .This is then covered with 10 cm of
nitrogenous material such as fresh grass ,weeds or garden plant residues ,fresh or
dry manure.
 The pattern of 20 cm carbonaceous material and 10 cm of nitrogenous material is
followed until the pile is 1.5 m high and the material is normally wetted so that it
may feel damp but not soggy.
 The pile is sometimes covered with soil or hay to retain heat and is turned at six –
and twelve- week intervals.In South Korea heaps are covered with thin plastic
sheets to retain heat and prevent insect breeding .
 All materials may be mixed together in the pile if one is careful to maintain the
proper proportions . Shredding the material speeds up decomposition considerably
 To hasten the process , the heap can be turned after a month . Depending on the
weather condition the compost will be ready by 2to 3 month.
NADEP method:-
 This method facilitates a lot of composting through
minimum use of cattle dung.
Steps For NADEP method Of composting :-
selection of site:- The tank should be located
near cattle shed or farm site.
Size of pit:-The tank should be
10’(length)5’(breadth)3(height) in size.
 Proper blocks and holes of 7 inches should be left on
all the four side of tank wall for the circulation of
air .
 Plastering of inner wall and floor of tank should be
done by mixture of dung and mud .
Material required:-
 Material farm residues- 1400-1500kg
 Cattle dung – 90-100 kg
 Dry sieved soil- 1750 kg
 Water- 1500-2000 Litre
Method of filling tank-Slurry made of cow dung and water should be
sprinkled on the floor and the walls of tank.The filling of tank follows these
1. -first layer- plant waste is filled up to height of 6 inches .This will take up at
least (100-120kg)of material .
2. Second layer- 4 kg of cowdung should now be mixed well in 125 to 150 litres
of water and sprinkled on the palnt waste in such a way that the material is
completely wet with it.More water will be required in summer for the wetting
3. Third layer – The wet cowdung sprinkled waste is cover with another 60 kg of
clean, filtered soil and water is sprinkled on it again.
NADEP method:-
 In this way ,the tank is filled layer by layer up to 1.5 feet above the brick
level of tank.
 Filled tank should be covered and sealed by 3 inch layer of soil (300-400kg).
 It should also be pasted with a mixture of dung and soil.
 Periodically the paste of cattle dung and water should be sprinkled to
maintain 15-20% moisture.
 Second filling :-At this stage the process of first filling is repeated and again
sealed with mud and dung
 After 20 days the plant residues contracts and goes down in the tank by 20-
25 inches.
 Periodically the paste of cattle dung and water sprinkle to maintain
moisture 15-20%.
 The entire tank is covered with a thatched roof to prevent excessive
evaporation moisture.
Major factors affecting Aerobic
 Oxygen and aeration:-In aerobic composting oxygen is major limiting factor.The
growth of aerobic microbes is directly affected by the oxygen supply.lesser supply of
oxygen to compost pile can restrict the growth of aerobic microbes and leads toward
slower decomposition of raw organic material .proper aeration eliminates excessive
heat,water vapour and other gases trapped in the pile .The proper aeration in
composting can be achieved by controlling the particle size of raw material used in
composting and also with frequent turning of pile.
 Temperature :- temperature is a major factor and it can be regulated by turnings
and aeration of compost.
 Moisture :- the major role of moisture content in aerobic composting is to maintain
the metabolic activity of the microorganisms.proper Aerobic composting process the
moisture content should be 40-65 percent.
 pH value:- optimum pH for proper microbial growth in composting pile is
recommended between 6.0 and 7.5 for most microbes.
 Nutrients :- carbon ,nitrogen , phosphorus, potassium major nutrients in compost
carbon to nitrogen ratio(C:N)
Optimal -20:1( range from 20:1to 40:1)
Anerobic composting:-
 In this decomposition occurs in the absence of oxygen or
under limited supply of oxygen .
 Anerobic microorganisms dominate.
 Produce intermediate compounds like methane,organic
acids ,hydrogen sulphide etc.
 In anerobic composting four major stages takes place
such as:-
 Thesee substances have strong odour and some are
 It is a low temperature possibility of the
pathogens to remain into the compost.
 Anerobic composting technique:- Bangalore method
 Coimbatore method
Differences between anerobic and
aerobic compost:-
Anerobic compost
 Decomposition:-In anaerobic
composting the composted material
held for periods of 6 months to a year
ensure to check proper decomposition
of material.
 Pathogen suppression:-under anerobic
condition temperature never reaches
higher ,so the possibility of pathogens
to remain into the compost .
 Emission of gases:- in anerobic
composting formation and emissions of
odour is more,due to closed system
Aerobic compost
 In aerobic composting the complete
decomposition time is about 3 to 6
 Under aerobic condition compost pile
may attain a temperature upto 60 to
70 degree Celsius ,which is high
enough to kill pathogen present in
raw material.
 In aerobic composting a frequent
supply of oxygen to heap helps to
reduce the chances of formation and
emissions of unpleasant gases.
Bangalore method :-
 -This method is an anaerobic process, developed at the
Indian Institute of science , Bangalore by the late
Dr.C.N. Acharya in 1939.
 This method is suitable for areas with scanty rainfall.
 Compost is done in the trenches of 9.1m*1.8m*0.9m or
in the pits 6.1 m*1.8m*0.9m.
 Steps:- trenches or pit about 1m deep are dug 1m in
breadth,and length of trenches can vary according to
the availability of land and the type of material to be
 Organic residues and night soil are put in alternate
layers.The trench or pit is filled layer wise till the raw
material reaches about 50 cm above the surface.
 Here 100% space of pit is used.
 The pit is covered with 15-20cm thick layer of refuse
and plastered with a 2-5 cm layer of mixture of mud
and cowdung.
Method of filling pit :-
 Plastering of pit prevents loss of moisture and fly nuisance.This method
effectively controls foul smell and kills pathogenic organisms.
 C:N ratio of finished product drops to a value below 20:1 with no odour,
indicating that compost is ready to use.
 Decomposition rate is slow it takes 6-8 months.
 Labour requirement are less than for Indore method.
 Well decomposed compost contain 0.8-1.0%N.
Merits- This method saves labour cost because there is no need of turning and
regular sprinkling of water.
 Pathogen and weed free manure.
 Simple and easy to manipulate.
Demerits- Long duration
 Low nutrient recovery.
Coimbatore method :-
 Developed by Manickam in 1967.
 Composting is done in pits of different sizes depending on the waste material
available .
Filling of compost tank:-
First layer:- 15 cm – farm waste materials for eg :- maize stalks ,straw, cattle
shed wastes,wood powder.
Second layer:-
 It is moistened with a suspension of 5-10kg cowdung in 20 to 25 litre of water
and 0.5 to 1.0 kg fine bone meal sprinkled over it uniformly.
 Similar layers are laid one over the other fill the material rises 0.75 m above
the ground level
Top plastering:-
 Top layer is plastered with met mud and left undisturbed for 8 to 10 weeks .
 After 65-70 days plastering is then removed ,material moistened with water
,give a turning and made into a rectangular heap under shade .It is left
undisturbed for 3 months
Factors affecting anaerobic
 Temperature:- temperature is a major limiting factor in anaerobic
composting process . Optimum temperature considered for optimum growth
of mesophilic digester for biogas production is 35 degree Celsius.
 pH:- pH is the second major factor that affect the processing of anaerobic
composting.optimum pH for anaerobic digester is considered between 6.8 to
7.2.However anaerobic decomposition process can tolerate a range of 6.5 up
to 8.0.
 Substrate:- the initial substrate concentration directly influence the
anaerobic digestion and also methane gas production during anaerobic
decomposition is critically depends on initial substrate concentration.
 Pathogens:- in anaerobic composting pathogens are major threats to
composting materia because there is not enough heat that can destroy the
pathogens.only way of eradication of pathogen during this process is
unavailability of oxygen that provides unfavorable condition to the pathogens
Rapid composting methods:-
(shredding and frequent turning)
 The Berkeley Rapid Composting Method:-
 With this process compost can be made in 2 to 3 weeks.several important factors
essential for rapid composting :-
1. Material will compost best if it is between ½ to 1 inches in size.woody material should
be put through a grinder- for good Composting.
2. When pruning plants then cut material into small pieces with pruning shears .
3. Material to be composted should have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 30:1 – mixing equal
volumes of green plant materials and equal volumes of naturally dry plants material.
4. Materials ,which should not be added in composting pile – soil ashes from stove
,fireplace ,manure from carnivores animals.
5. Once a pile started ,do not add anything .
6. Moisture content of materials in the pile 50 %.
7. Heat – which is very important in rapist Composting,heat retention is better in bins
than open piles.
8. Compost piles needs to be turned to prevent pile from getting too hot.if it gets much
above 70 degree Celsius , microorganisms will be killed,whole process will have to start
from beginning.
 The longer interval between turning it will take for long time for Compost to finish.
 Covering of pile is Composting near temperature drops and finally little or no heat is
produced then the compost is then ready to use.
Use of mineral nitrogen activators (North Dakota
state University hot Composting):-
 Compost piles with a height of 6 feet are rasied.maximum size of the organic matter pieces should
be 6-9inches long.
 If bins are constructed , dimensions of 5 *5*6feet – yield 150 cubic feet of compost .compost produce
in 4to 6 week time period.
 Aerobic bacteria population high ,active 0.12 kg of actual nitrogenous fertilizer should be added per
cubic feet of dry matter.
 Holes punched 4-5 into centre of the pile .this is done in stages ,phages.
 Temperature should be high ,turn material every 3-4 days , decomposition faster in summer
 Once compost formed no longer heat produced no smell then it is ready to use.
Use of effective microorganisms (EM)
EM based quick Composting
 Since 1999 seven small scale organic fertilizer plants,using EM based
quick production process have been in operation in Myanmar.
 Operated by WIGG ( women income generation groups).
 A unit placed consists of 9 pits 6 ft*4ft*3ft enclosed by low walls and
covered with roof.
 Raw materials:- cow dung – 2 portions ,rice husk- 1 portions,rice
husk- / charcoal – 1 portions,rice bran milled – 1 portions ,
accelerator- 33 litres of E M solution
 Procedure :-
 Firstly mix all ingredients , except accelerator .
 Then make 0.5 ft layer of mixture in pit sprinkle accelerator over.
 Repeat same procedure until the pit is full ,cover plastic sheet.
 2-3 weeks later ,mix whole pit fertilizer is ready to us ea couple of
weeks later.
 Impact- research has shown that inoculation EM culture to soil
plant ecosystem – can improve soil health growth yield , quality of

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  • 1. Compost:-types and methods Submitted by- Ritu sheoran Roll-no190000304014 MSC (microbiology)
  • 2. Compost:-  Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called composting .  Compost is rich in nutrients .It is used ,for example in gardens , landscaping , horticulture,urban , agriculture and organic farming .  Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. Composting:- Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into a dark rich substance.  By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the soil.  Composting organisms require four important ingredients to work effectively such as carbon,nitrogen, oxygen,water  Most efficient composting occur with an optimal carbon:nitrogen ratio of about 30:1.
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  • 5. Benefits of compost:-  Add nutrients to the soil.  Introduces valuable organisms to the soil.  Good for environment.  Enhances soil fertility.  Benefits soil structure.  Replenishes the soil.  Compost is renewable .  Reduces soil erosion .  Compost help slow climate change .  Compost conserve resources.  Compost helps prevent pollution.  Compost contains macronutrients and micronutrients often absent in synthetic fertilizers.  Reduces need for synthetic fertilizers.
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  • 7. How to make compost:-
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  • 9. Microbiology of composting:-  Composting occurs by the activity of a mixed microbial community.  All microorganisms that have been said to be present during composting ,bacteria and fungi have the highest population.  Two different groups of aerobic microorganism are involved in composting :- the first group is the mesophilic organisms while the second groups thermophilic organisms.  These organisms could be bacteria ,actinomycetes ,molds ,yeasts ,and they dominate different phases of composting.  The composting process could start with a mesophilic stage where the temperature lies between20-40 Degree Celsius.  Thermophilic stage (40-70) degree Celsius active decomposition takes places compared with mesophilic stage.  During this stage , mesophilic organisms are killed or inactived and the population and diversity of thermophiles and or thermotolerant bacteria , actinomycetes and fungiincrease .  Second mesophilic stage (maturation stage)is also known as the curing phase,comes after thermophilic stage,at this stage ,the compost is matured.
  • 10. Microorganisms in composting:-  Actinobacter:- necessary for breaking down paper products such as newspaper,bark etc.  Actinomycetes:- actinomycetes have been observed to have biodegradative activity ,they secret wide range of extracellular enzymes.  They play an important role in degrading complex organics such as cellulose , lignin ,chitin and chromogena.  Some lignocellulose degrading microorganisms are involved in composting .  Lignocellulose comprises polysacco, phenolic polymer,lignin.  Fungi:-molds and yeasts help that break down materials that bacteria cannot, especially lignin in wood material.  Most fungi live in the outer layer of compost when temperature are fumigatus  Protozoa:- help consume bacteria ,fungi and mico-organic particulates.  Earthworms:- earthworms are the most important of the large physical decomposers in a compost pile .  Erthworms ingest organic matter and digest it with the help of tiny stones in their gizzards.  The worm leave dark ,fertile castings behind .A worm can produce its weight in casting each day .  These castings are rich in plant nutrients such as nitrogen , calcium , magnesium ,and phosphorus .
  • 11. Composting:- WHAT CAN I COMPOST? "Green” materials:  Grass clippings  Garden waste(except weed,seeds, diseased plants).  Coffee grounds  Fruit and vegetable peelings  Egg shell,tea leaves. “brown”materials:-  Leaves,straw  Yard debris WHAT CAN’T I COMPOST?  Plastic,glass ,metal,non – organic materials  Meat*,dairyoily products*,fatty products* *these materials can be composted but risk attracting pests and unwanted odors if not managed properly . Commercial compost facilities are best suited to process these materials.
  • 12. Types of composting:-  Composting may be divided into two categories by nature of decomposition process:-  Aerobic composting.  Anaerobic composting.  Aerobic composting:-This means to compost with air.High nitrogen wastes (like grass clippings or other material ) will grow bacteria that will create high waste will break down quickly and is not prone to smell.  Aerobic microorganisms breaks down organic matter and produce – carbon dioxide ,ammonia,heat,humus etc.  Although aerobic composting produce intermediate compounds such as organic acids ,aerobic microorganism decompose them further.  This type of composting is high maintenance ,since it will need to be turned every couple days to keep air in the system and your temperature up.  Processing time is shorter .  Destroy many microorganisms that are human or plant pathogens.  It is considered more efficient and useful than anerobic composting for agricultural production.
  • 13. Indore method  This method was developed by A.Howard and Y.D.WAD at institute of plant industry,Indore India.  Urine soaked earth,scraped from cattle sheds is mixed with water and sprinkled over the layer of wastes twice or thrice a day .  Layeringg process continued for about a fortnight .A thin layer of well decomposed compost is sprinkled over top and the heap given a turning and reformed .  Old compost acts as inoculum for decomposing the material.  The heap is left undisturbed for about a month .Then it is thoroughly moistened and given a turning .The compost is ready for application in another month. size of pit:- Breadth-6-8feet Depth- 2-3 feet length- 10 feet or more as per requirement Raw material:- Mix plant residues,weeds,sugarcane leaves,grass,wood ashes ,etc. Animal dung,wood ashes ,water,urine soaked mud.
  • 14.
  • 15. Pit method  Site and pit dimension:-The site selected for the compost pit should be at high level so that no rainwater gets in during the monsoon season;it should be near to the cattle shed and a water source .  Access raw material.  By making the pit close to the crop waste,you can reduce the transport cost. Not to do:- In region of low temperature .  In low rainfall  In high rainfall,water is collected in the pit .Hence the soil microorganisms don’t get sufficient oxygen amount for activity as well as nutrients can be washed out from rain.
  • 17. Filling the pit  The material brought from cattle shed is spread evenly in the pit in layers 10-15 cm .on each layer is spread a slurry made with 4.5 kg dung ,3.5kg urine earth and 4.5 kg of inoculum taken from a 15 day –old composting pit .  Sufficient quantity of water is sprinkled over the material in the pit to wet it.  The pit is filled in this way ,layer by layer ,and it should not take longer than one week to fill.  A temporary shed may be constructed over it to protect the compost from heavy rainfall . Turning:-The material is turned three times during the whole period of composting ;the first time 15 days after filling the pit,the second after another 15 days and the third after another month .  At each turning,the material is mixed thoroughly , moistened with water and replaced in the pit.
  • 18. Advantages of pit method  Completely remove disagreeable odor  Simple mechanism  Inexpensive  Easy to manipulate  No need of big attention  High temperature inside the pit kills the pathogens Disadvantages of pit method  Labor intensive  Time consuming  Cannot be practiced in high rainfall regions.  Not enough aeration inside the pit.
  • 19. Heap method  Sites and heap dimensions:- During rainy seasons or in regions with heavy rainfall ,the compost may be prepared in heaps above ground and protected by shed.  The basic Indore pile is about 2m wide at the base ,1.5 m high and 2 m long .  The sides are tapered so that the top is about 0.5m narrower in width than the base .
  • 20. Forming the heap  The heap is usually started with a 20 cm layer of carbonaceous material such as leaves ,hay straw ,swadust ,wood chips .This is then covered with 10 cm of nitrogenous material such as fresh grass ,weeds or garden plant residues ,fresh or dry manure.  The pattern of 20 cm carbonaceous material and 10 cm of nitrogenous material is followed until the pile is 1.5 m high and the material is normally wetted so that it may feel damp but not soggy.  The pile is sometimes covered with soil or hay to retain heat and is turned at six – and twelve- week intervals.In South Korea heaps are covered with thin plastic sheets to retain heat and prevent insect breeding .  All materials may be mixed together in the pile if one is careful to maintain the proper proportions . Shredding the material speeds up decomposition considerably .  To hasten the process , the heap can be turned after a month . Depending on the weather condition the compost will be ready by 2to 3 month.
  • 21. NADEP method:-  This method facilitates a lot of composting through minimum use of cattle dung. Steps For NADEP method Of composting :- selection of site:- The tank should be located near cattle shed or farm site. Size of pit:-The tank should be 10’(length)5’(breadth)3(height) in size.  Proper blocks and holes of 7 inches should be left on all the four side of tank wall for the circulation of air .  Plastering of inner wall and floor of tank should be done by mixture of dung and mud .
  • 22. Material required:-  Material farm residues- 1400-1500kg  Cattle dung – 90-100 kg  Dry sieved soil- 1750 kg  Water- 1500-2000 Litre Method of filling tank-Slurry made of cow dung and water should be sprinkled on the floor and the walls of tank.The filling of tank follows these steps:- 1. -first layer- plant waste is filled up to height of 6 inches .This will take up at least (100-120kg)of material . 2. Second layer- 4 kg of cowdung should now be mixed well in 125 to 150 litres of water and sprinkled on the palnt waste in such a way that the material is completely wet with it.More water will be required in summer for the wetting 3. Third layer – The wet cowdung sprinkled waste is cover with another 60 kg of clean, filtered soil and water is sprinkled on it again.
  • 23. NADEP method:-  In this way ,the tank is filled layer by layer up to 1.5 feet above the brick level of tank.  Filled tank should be covered and sealed by 3 inch layer of soil (300-400kg).  It should also be pasted with a mixture of dung and soil.  Periodically the paste of cattle dung and water should be sprinkled to maintain 15-20% moisture.  Second filling :-At this stage the process of first filling is repeated and again sealed with mud and dung  After 20 days the plant residues contracts and goes down in the tank by 20- 25 inches.  Periodically the paste of cattle dung and water sprinkle to maintain moisture 15-20%.  The entire tank is covered with a thatched roof to prevent excessive evaporation moisture.
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  • 27. Major factors affecting Aerobic composting:-  Oxygen and aeration:-In aerobic composting oxygen is major limiting factor.The growth of aerobic microbes is directly affected by the oxygen supply.lesser supply of oxygen to compost pile can restrict the growth of aerobic microbes and leads toward slower decomposition of raw organic material .proper aeration eliminates excessive heat,water vapour and other gases trapped in the pile .The proper aeration in composting can be achieved by controlling the particle size of raw material used in composting and also with frequent turning of pile.  Temperature :- temperature is a major factor and it can be regulated by turnings and aeration of compost.  Moisture :- the major role of moisture content in aerobic composting is to maintain the metabolic activity of the microorganisms.proper Aerobic composting process the moisture content should be 40-65 percent.  pH value:- optimum pH for proper microbial growth in composting pile is recommended between 6.0 and 7.5 for most microbes.  Nutrients :- carbon ,nitrogen , phosphorus, potassium major nutrients in compost carbon to nitrogen ratio(C:N) Optimal -20:1( range from 20:1to 40:1)
  • 28. Anerobic composting:- I  In this decomposition occurs in the absence of oxygen or under limited supply of oxygen .  Anerobic microorganisms dominate.  Produce intermediate compounds like methane,organic acids ,hydrogen sulphide etc.  In anerobic composting four major stages takes place such as:- hydrolysis,acidogensis,acetogensis,methanogenesis.  Thesee substances have strong odour and some are phytotoxic.  It is a low temperature possibility of the pathogens to remain into the compost.  Anerobic composting technique:- Bangalore method  Coimbatore method
  • 29. Differences between anerobic and aerobic compost:- Anerobic compost  Decomposition:-In anaerobic composting the composted material held for periods of 6 months to a year ensure to check proper decomposition of material.  Pathogen suppression:-under anerobic condition temperature never reaches higher ,so the possibility of pathogens to remain into the compost .  Emission of gases:- in anerobic composting formation and emissions of odour is more,due to closed system Aerobic compost  In aerobic composting the complete decomposition time is about 3 to 6 months.  Under aerobic condition compost pile may attain a temperature upto 60 to 70 degree Celsius ,which is high enough to kill pathogen present in raw material.  In aerobic composting a frequent supply of oxygen to heap helps to reduce the chances of formation and emissions of unpleasant gases.
  • 30. Bangalore method :-  -This method is an anaerobic process, developed at the Indian Institute of science , Bangalore by the late Dr.C.N. Acharya in 1939.  This method is suitable for areas with scanty rainfall.  Compost is done in the trenches of 9.1m*1.8m*0.9m or in the pits 6.1 m*1.8m*0.9m.  Steps:- trenches or pit about 1m deep are dug 1m in breadth,and length of trenches can vary according to the availability of land and the type of material to be composted.  Organic residues and night soil are put in alternate layers.The trench or pit is filled layer wise till the raw material reaches about 50 cm above the surface.  Here 100% space of pit is used.  The pit is covered with 15-20cm thick layer of refuse and plastered with a 2-5 cm layer of mixture of mud and cowdung.
  • 31. Method of filling pit :-  Plastering of pit prevents loss of moisture and fly nuisance.This method effectively controls foul smell and kills pathogenic organisms.  C:N ratio of finished product drops to a value below 20:1 with no odour, indicating that compost is ready to use.  Decomposition rate is slow it takes 6-8 months.  Labour requirement are less than for Indore method.  Well decomposed compost contain 0.8-1.0%N. Merits- This method saves labour cost because there is no need of turning and regular sprinkling of water.  Pathogen and weed free manure.  Simple and easy to manipulate. Demerits- Long duration  Low nutrient recovery.
  • 32. Coimbatore method :-  Developed by Manickam in 1967.  Composting is done in pits of different sizes depending on the waste material available . Filling of compost tank:- First layer:- 15 cm – farm waste materials for eg :- maize stalks ,straw, cattle shed wastes,wood powder. Second layer:-  It is moistened with a suspension of 5-10kg cowdung in 20 to 25 litre of water and 0.5 to 1.0 kg fine bone meal sprinkled over it uniformly.  Similar layers are laid one over the other fill the material rises 0.75 m above the ground level Top plastering:-  Top layer is plastered with met mud and left undisturbed for 8 to 10 weeks .  After 65-70 days plastering is then removed ,material moistened with water ,give a turning and made into a rectangular heap under shade .It is left undisturbed for 3 months
  • 33. Factors affecting anaerobic composting:-  Temperature:- temperature is a major limiting factor in anaerobic composting process . Optimum temperature considered for optimum growth of mesophilic digester for biogas production is 35 degree Celsius.  pH:- pH is the second major factor that affect the processing of anaerobic composting.optimum pH for anaerobic digester is considered between 6.8 to 7.2.However anaerobic decomposition process can tolerate a range of 6.5 up to 8.0.  Substrate:- the initial substrate concentration directly influence the anaerobic digestion and also methane gas production during anaerobic decomposition is critically depends on initial substrate concentration.  Pathogens:- in anaerobic composting pathogens are major threats to composting materia because there is not enough heat that can destroy the pathogens.only way of eradication of pathogen during this process is unavailability of oxygen that provides unfavorable condition to the pathogens .
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  • 37. Rapid composting methods:- (shredding and frequent turning)  The Berkeley Rapid Composting Method:-  With this process compost can be made in 2 to 3 weeks.several important factors essential for rapid composting :- 1. Material will compost best if it is between ½ to 1 inches in size.woody material should be put through a grinder- for good Composting. 2. When pruning plants then cut material into small pieces with pruning shears . 3. Material to be composted should have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 30:1 – mixing equal volumes of green plant materials and equal volumes of naturally dry plants material. 4. Materials ,which should not be added in composting pile – soil ashes from stove ,fireplace ,manure from carnivores animals. 5. Once a pile started ,do not add anything . 6. Moisture content of materials in the pile 50 %. 7. Heat – which is very important in rapist Composting,heat retention is better in bins than open piles. 8. Compost piles needs to be turned to prevent pile from getting too hot.if it gets much above 70 degree Celsius , microorganisms will be killed,whole process will have to start from beginning.
  • 38.  The longer interval between turning it will take for long time for Compost to finish.  Covering of pile is Composting near temperature drops and finally little or no heat is produced then the compost is then ready to use. Use of mineral nitrogen activators (North Dakota state University hot Composting):-  Compost piles with a height of 6 feet are rasied.maximum size of the organic matter pieces should be 6-9inches long.  If bins are constructed , dimensions of 5 *5*6feet – yield 150 cubic feet of compost .compost produce in 4to 6 week time period.  Aerobic bacteria population high ,active 0.12 kg of actual nitrogenous fertilizer should be added per cubic feet of dry matter.  Holes punched 4-5 into centre of the pile .this is done in stages ,phages.  Temperature should be high ,turn material every 3-4 days , decomposition faster in summer  Once compost formed no longer heat produced no smell then it is ready to use.
  • 39. Use of effective microorganisms (EM) EM based quick Composting  Since 1999 seven small scale organic fertilizer plants,using EM based quick production process have been in operation in Myanmar.  Operated by WIGG ( women income generation groups).  A unit placed consists of 9 pits 6 ft*4ft*3ft enclosed by low walls and covered with roof.  Raw materials:- cow dung – 2 portions ,rice husk- 1 portions,rice husk- / charcoal – 1 portions,rice bran milled – 1 portions , accelerator- 33 litres of E M solution  Procedure :-  Firstly mix all ingredients , except accelerator .  Then make 0.5 ft layer of mixture in pit sprinkle accelerator over.  Repeat same procedure until the pit is full ,cover plastic sheet.  2-3 weeks later ,mix whole pit fertilizer is ready to us ea couple of weeks later.  Impact- research has shown that inoculation EM culture to soil plant ecosystem – can improve soil health growth yield , quality of crops.