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Antianginal Drugs
Dr. D. K. Brahma
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
What is angina?
• Angina pectoris is a syndrome characterized by
sudden severe pressing substernal chest pain or
heaviness radiating to the neck, jaw, back and
arms. It is often associated with diaphoresis,
tachypnoea and nausea
• Primary cause: imbalance between myocardial
oxygen demand and oxygen supplied by coronary
– This imbalance may be due to:
1. a decrease in myocardial oxygen delivery
2. an increase in myocardial oxygen demand, or both
• The discomfort abates when supply becomes
adequate for demand. Typically angina lasts for
seconds to minutes, up to 15 minutes
Factors affecting Myocardial
Oxygen Delivery
• Coronary artery blood flow is the primary determinant of
oxygen delivery to the myocardium
– Myocardial oxygen extraction from the blood is nearly
complete, even at rest
• Coronary blood flow is essentially negligible during systole
and is therefore determined by:
– Perfusion pressure during diastole
– Duration of diastole
– Coronary vascular resistance: determined by numerous factors:
• Atherscelorosis
• Intracoronary thrombi
• Metabolic products that vasodilate coronary arterioles
• Autonomic activity
• Extravascular compression
Factors Affecting
Myocardial Oxygen Demand
• The major determinants of myocardial oxygen
consumption include:
1. Ventricular wall stress
• Both preload (end-diastolic pressure) and afterload (end-
systolic pressure) affect ventricular wall stress
2. Heart rate
3. Myocardial metabolism (glucose vs fatty acids)
• A commonly used non-invasive index of
myocardial oxygen demand is the “double
– [Heart rate] X [Systolic blood pressure]
– Also known as the “rate pressure product”
Types of Angina
1. Classical angina:
 Stable
2. Variant or Prinzmetal`s angina
 Unstable
Myocardial infarction – what is it ?
• Ischaemic necrosis of a portion of myocardium due to
acute and complete occlusion of a coronary artery -
due to coronary thrombosis
Stable Angina
• Common form and is also known as - exertional angina/typical or classic
angina/angina of effort/atherosclerotic angina
– The underlying pathology is usually atherosclerosis (reduced oxygen delivery)
giving rise to ischemia under conditions where the work load on the heart
increases (increased oxygen demand)
– Anginal episodes can be precipitated by exercise, cold, stress, emotion, or
– Subendocardial crunch developes
• Therapeutic goals:
– Increasing myocardial blood flow by dilating coronary arteries and arterioles
(increase oxygen delivery)
– Decreasing cardiac load (preload and afterload: decrease oxygen demand)
– Decreasing heart rate (decrease oxygen demand)
Unstable Angina
• Unstable angina is also known as:
– Preinfarction angina/Crescendo angina/angina at rest
• Associated with a change in the character, frequency, and
duration of angina in patients with stable angina, and
episodes of angina at rest
• Caused by recurrent episodes of small platelet clots at the
site of a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque which can also
precipitate local vasospasm
• May be associated with myocardial infarction
• Therapeutic Goal: Inhibiting platelet aggregation and
thrombus formation (increase oxygen delivery), decreasing
cardiac load (decrease oxygen demand), and vasodilate
coronary arteries (increase oxygen delivery)
• Vasospastic angina (uncommon form) is also known as:
– Variant angina/Prinzmetal's angina
• Caused by transient vasospasm of the coronary vessels
• Attack occurs even at rest or during sleep
• Usually associated with underlying atheromas, abnormally
reactive or hypertrophied segments in coronary artery
• Chest pain may develop at rest
• Therapeutic rationale: Decrease vasospasm of coronary
vessels (calcium channel blockers are efficacious in >70% of
patients; increase oxygen delivery)
artery image
• Coronary calibre
changes in Classical
and variant angina
1. Normal
2. Classical angina
3. Variant angina
Classification of Antianginal Agents
1. Nitrates:
a) Short acting (10 minutes): Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN and
Nitroglycerine) - EMERGENCY
b) Long acting (1 Hour): Isosorbide dinitrate, Isosorbide mononitrate,
Erythrityl tetranitrate, Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
2. Calcium Channel Blockers:
a) Phenyl alkylamine: Verapamil
b) Benzothiazepin: Diltiazem
c) Dihydropyridines: Nifedipine, Felodipine, Amlodipine, Nitrendipine
and Nimodipine
3. Beta—adrenergic Blockers: Propranolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol and
4. Potassium Channel openers: Nicorandil
5. Others: Dipyridamole, Trimetazidine, Ranolazine and oxyphedrine
Actions of Nitrates - GTN
1. Preload reduction:
 Dilatation of veins more than arteries – peripheral pooling of Blood –
decrease venous return
 Reduction in preload – decreased end diastolic size – decrease in
fibre length
 Less wall tension to develop for ejection (Laplace`s law) – less oxygen
consumption and reduction in ventricular wall pressure (crunch
2. Afterload reduction:
 Some amount of arteriolar dilatation – Decrease in peripheral
Resistance (afterload reduction) – reduction in Cardiac work (also fall
in BP)
 Standing posture – pooling of Blood in legs – reflex tachycardia
(prevented by lying down and foot end raising)
 However in large doses opposite happens – marked fall in BP – reflex
tachycardia – increased cardiac work – precipitation of angina
Actions of Nitrates - contd.
3. Increased Myocardial Perfusion:
 Redistribution of coronary blood flow – facilitates entry of
blood to Ischaemic area
 However, total blood flow in coronary vessels is almost
unchanged with Nitrates
4. Mechanism of angina relief:
 Variant angina – coronary vasodilatation
 Classical angina – reduction in Cardiac load
 Increased exercise tolerance
5. Other actions: Cutaneous vasodilatation (flushing),
meningeal vessels dilatation (headache) and decreased
splanchnic and Renal blood flow (compensatory)
Mechanism of Action of Nitrovasodilators
Nitric Oxide
Guanylate Cyclase*
cGMP-dependent protein kinase
Activation of PKG results in dephosphorylation
of several proteins that reduce intracellular calcium
causing smooth muscle relaxation
Nitrates become denitrated by glutathione S-transferase
to release
Dephosphorylaton of
Pharmacokinetics - Nitrates
• All Nitrates share same action – only Pharmacokinetic differences
• All are highly lipid soluble and absorbed well from bccal mucosa, orally
and skin
• Rapidly denitrated by glutathione reductase and mitochondrial aldehyde
• Hepatic first-pass metabolism is high and oral bioavailability is low for
nitroglycerin (GTN) and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)
– Sublingual or transdermal administration - avoids the first-pass effect
• Isosorbide mononitrate is not subject to first-pass metabolism and is 100%
available after oral administration
• Hepatic blood flow and disease can affect the pharmacokinetics of GTN
and ISDN
Half-life (min) 3 10 280
Plasma clearance (L/min) 50 4 0.1
Apparent volume of distribution (L/kg) 3 4 0.6
Oral bioavailability (%) < 1 20 100
Comparison of
Properties of Nitrates
Nitrates - ADRs
• Due to excessive vasodilatation - Orthostatic
hypotension, Tachycardia, Severe throbbing
headache, Dizziness, Flushing and Syncope
• Methaemoglobinemia
• Rashes - rare
• Contraindicated in patients with elevated
intracranial pressure
• Drug Interaction: Sildenafil (Viagra) and other PDE-5
inhibitors used for erectile dysfunction can
potentiate the actions of nitrates because they
inhibit the breakdown of cGMP (they should not be
taken within 6 hours of taking a nitrovasodilator)
Nitrate Tolerance
• Continuous or frequent exposure to nitrates can
lead to the development of complete tolerance
• The mechanism of tolerance is not completely
– May be related to the enzymes involved in converting
the nitrates to NO
– or to the enzyme that produces cGMP
• Industrial (occupational) exposure to organic
nitrates has been associated with “Monday
disease” and physical dependence manifest by
variant angina occurring 1-2 days after
Nitrates – Individual agents
• Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, Nitroglycerine):
– Rendered nonexplosive by adsorbing in inert matrix of a
– Stored in a tightly closed Glass container
• Formulations: Oral, SL, IV and ointment
1) SL (0.5 mg) – to terminate an Ongoing attack
• Crushed under the tongue and spread over the buccal mucosa
• Action starts within 1-2 minutes
• Effects disappear within minutes but its metabolite – dinitrate
stays (1 hr)
2) IV transfusion: in acute AMI
3) Patches: Ointment and patches – at night application
Nitrates – Therapeutic Uses
1. Angina pectoris: Classical and variant Types
2. Acute Coronary syndromes: Unstable angina and associated with
MI (Combination Drugs)
3. Myocardial Infarction: In evolving MI : IV administration is useful
in relieving – 3 things: chest pain, congestions of chest and
reducing the infarct size favouring blood supply to ischemic zone
4. CHF and LVF: Pooling of blood
5. Biliary colic: Sl administration
6. Oesophageal spasm: Reduction in oesophageal tone (achalasia)
7. Cyanide Poisoning: Nitrates counter cyanide by producing
Methaemoglobin – then Cyanomethaemoglobin (Sod. Thiosulfate
is given to form Sod. Thiocyanate)
Role of Beta-blockers
• No coronary vasodilatation like the
nitrovasodilators or calcium channel blockers -
beta-blockers are important in the treatment of
• Instead coronary flow reduced – beta2 effect
• But, Coronary flow to ischaemic area not
– Redistribution and decrease in ventricular wall
• Improve myocardial perfusion by slowing heart rate (more
time spent in diastole)
• less O2 consumption (decreased HR, Inotropy and mean BP)
Role of Beta-blockers – contd.
• Benefits:
– Decreased frequency and severity of attacks
– Increased exercise tolerance (classical angina) – cardioselectives are
preferred (coronary spasm due to alpha-blockade)
– Lowers sudden cardiac death
– Routinely used in UA and with MI – pretreatment with Nitrates or CCB
– Avoid abrupt withdrawal
• ADRs and CI:
– May exacerbate heart failure
– Contraindicated in patients with asthma
– Precaution in diabetes since hypoglycemia-induced tachycardia can be
blunted or blocked
– May depress contractility and heart rate and produce AV block in
patients receiving non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (i.e.
verapamil and diltiazem)
Calcium Channels
1. Voltage Sensitive Channels (-
2. Receptor operated Channel (Adr
and other agonists)
3. Leak channel (Ca++ATPase)
o Voltage sensitive Calcium
channels are
heterogenous (membrane
spanning funnel shaped):
o L-Type (Long lasting
current) – SAN, AVN,
Conductivity, Cardiac and
smooth muscle
o T-Type (Transient Current) –
Thalumus, SAN
o N-Type (Neuronal) – CNS,
sypmathetic and myenteric
Calcium Channel Blockers
1) Phenylalkylamines:
2) Dihydropyridines:
• 1st generation: Nifedepine
• 2nd generation: Nicardipine,
nimodipine, Felodipine,
• 3rd generation: Amlodipine
3) Benzothiazepines: Diltiazem
4) Diarylaminopropylamine
ethers: Bepridil
5) Benzimidazole-substituted
tetralines: Mibefradil
Effects on Vascular Smooth Muscle
• Ca++ channel blockers inhibit mainly L-type
• Little or no effect on receptor-operated channels or on
release of Ca++ from SR
1. Decreased intracellular Ca++ in arterial smooth muscle results
in relaxation (vasodilatation) -> decreased cardiac afterload
(aortic pressure)
2. Little or no effect on venous beds -> no effect on cardiac
preload (ventricular filling pressure)
DHPs have the highest vascular SM relaxant action
3. Additional Mechanism: Release of NO – inhibit cAMP PDE –
increased SM cAMP
• Specific dihydropyridines may exhibit greater potencies in
some vascular beds (e.g.- nimodipine more selective for
cerebral blood vessels, nicardipine for coronary vessels)
• Little or no effect on nonvascular smooth muscle except
bronchial, uterine, biliary, vesical and intestinal
Effects on
Cardiac Cells
• Negative Inotropic, Chronotropic and Dromotropic
• Negative inotropic effect (myocardial L-type channels) –
WMC and ventricular fibres
• Negative chronotropic /dromotropic effects (L- and T-type
• Verapamil and diltiazem shows such effects but not DHPs
• Verapamil, diltiazem, and mibefradil depress SA node and AV
conduction – depression of pacemaker and conduction
• Dihydropyridines have minimal direct effects on SA node
and AV conduction – more selective for vascular smooth
• Magnitude and pattern of cardiac effects depends on
the class of Ca++channel blocker
Resting Activated Inactivated
Nonconducting of C++ conducting Ca++ NC Ca++
Relative Cardiovascular Effects of Calcium
Channel Blockers - (Goodman & Gilman)
Verapamil ++++ ++++ +++++ +++++
Diltiazem +++ ++ +++++ ++++
Nifedipine +++++ + + 0
Nicardipine +++++ 0 + 0
Compound Coronary
of cardiac
SA node
AV node
Adverse effects
• Verapamil:
– Nausea, constipation and bradycardia
– Headache, flushing and oedema – less common
– Hypotension and tachycardia - less common
– Precipitation of CHF in pre-existing patients
– Increase in plasma digoxin level
– Contraindicated in 2nd and 3rd degree heart block
• Diltiazem: Same as Verapamil
Adverse effects – contd.
• DHP – immediate release forms e.g. Nifedepine:
– Palpitation, flushing ankle oedema, hypotension, headache
and drowsiness
– Diuresis
– Higher incidence of frequency of angina
– Higer incidence of mortality
– Voiding difficulty (relaxed bladder Vs increased urine)
• Nifedipine may increase mortality in patients with
myocardial ischemia
– Cause increase in angina frequency (myocardial
– Cerebral Ischaemia – rapid bringing down of BP
– Bladder relaxation – voiding difficulty
– Decrease in Insulin release
CCBs - Pharmacokinetics
• High oral absorption, but high first pass metabolism (except amlodipine) –
inter and intra individual variation and highly plasma protein bound
• Extensively distributed in tissues and highly metabolized in liver and
excreted in urine, eliminated in 2 - 6 Hrs (except amlodipine)
Drug Bioavailability
Vd (L/kg) Active
Elim half life(hr)
Verapamil 15-30 5.0 Y 4-6
Diltiazem 40-60 3.0 Y 5-6
Nifedepine 30-60 0.8 M 2-5
Felodipine 15-25 10.0 None 12-18
Amlodipine 60-65 21.0 None 35-45
Desired Therapeutic Effects of Calcium
Channel Blockers for Angina
• Improve oxygen delivery to ischemic
– Vasodilate coronary arteries
– Particularly useful in treating vasospastic angina
• Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption
– Decrease afterload (no effect on preload)
– Non-dihydropyridines also lower heart rate and
decrease contractility
– (* Dihydropyridines may aggravate angina in some
patients due to reflex increases in heart rate and
CCBs – Therapeutic Uses
1. Angina Pectoris:
 Reduce frequency and severity of Classical and Variant
 Classical angina
• reduction in cardiac work by reducing afterload
• Increased exercise tolerance
• Coronary flow increase – less significant (fixed arterial block)
• But: short acting DHPs cause Myocardial Ischaemia – WHY? -
due to decreased coronary blood flow secondary to fall in mean
BP, reflex tachycardia and coronary steal
• Verapamil/Diltiazem a reduce O2 consumption by direct effect –
do not aggravate angina
 MI - Verapamil/Diltiazem as alternative to β-blockers
 Variant angina: Benefited by reducing the arterial spasm
CCBs – Therapeutic Uses – contd.
2. Hypertension
3. Cardiac arrhythmia
4. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: verapamil
5. Nifedipine – Preterm labour (?) and
Raynaud`s disease; Verapamil - migraine and
nocturnal leg cramps
Pharmacotherapy of Angina Pectoris
• Aim: 1. Relief and prevention of Individual attack; 2. Chronic Prophylaxis; 3.
Measures to prevent Progression
1. Prevention of Individual attack:
• Short acting Nitrate as and when required basis
• GTN is the drug of Choice in all kinds of angina
• Dose: 0.3 – 0.6 mg SL
• If symptoms not relieved quickly – additional tabs at 5 min. interval (not more than 3 tabs at 5
minutes interval)
• Discard the remnant tab soon relieved – hypotension
2. Acute Prophylaxis: GTN 15 minutes before a period of increased activity –
exercise, sexual activity etc. – lasts for upto 2 Hrs
3. Chronic Prophylaxis:
• Monotherapy with either of the 3 groups of Drugs – depends on stage and associated
cardiac disease
• May be Nitrates/Ca++ blockers /beta-blockers – beta blockers are preferred
• When Monotherapy fails: Go for combination of those Drugs (two drugs)
• Beta blocker + nitrates or slow acting DHP + beta blocker (no diltiazem or verapamil)
• CCB + Nitrates
• In severe cases - nitrates+ CCBs + beta blockers
Combination Therapy of Angina
• Use of more than one class of antianginal agent can reduce specific
undesirable effects of single agent therapy
Nitrates Alone
Reflex Increase
Reflex increase
Beta-Blockers or
Channel Blockers
Nitrates Plus
Beta-Blockers or
Channel Blockers
None or decrease
Undesireable effects are shown in italics
* Dihydropyridines may cause the opposite effect due to a reflex increase
in sympathetic tone
Heart Rate
Ejection time
Potassium Channel Openers –
• Minoxidil and diazoxide
• MOA:
– Activation of ATP sensitive K+ channel – hyperpolarization of vascular
smooth muscle – relaxation of Smooth muscle
– Also acts as NO donor and increases cGMP – Arterio-venous relaxation
– Dilatation of all types of coronary vessels – epicardial and deep
• Benefits in angina (equipotent to nitrates, beta blockers and Ca++
channel blockers)
– Reduced angina frequency
– Increased exercise tolerance
– Ischaemic preconditioning for Myocardial stunning , arrhythmia and
infarct size (Mitochondrial K+ATP channel opening)
• ADRs: Flushing, palpitation, nausea, vomiting, aphthous ulcer
• Dose: available as 5, 10 mg tabs and also injection
of MI
1. Aim:
 Emergency life saving management of the patient (ICU)
 Subsequent Treatments
2. Pain, anxiety and apprehension: Morphine, Pethidine parenteral
3. Oxygenation: assisted respiration
4. Maintenance of Blood Volume, tissue perfusion and microcirculation: slow IV
fluid with saline
5. Correction of acidosis: Sodibicarb IV
6. Prevention of Arrhythmia: Beta blockers early (arrhythmia and infarct size)
7. Pump Failure: Furosemide, GTN IV/Nitroprusside and Dobutamine
8. Prevention of Thrombus extension and thrombo-embolism: Aspirin and oral
9. Thrombolysis and reperfusion: Streptokinase, urokinase etc.
10. Prevention of Remodelling
11. Prevention of future attacks: beta-blockers, aspirin, anti-hyperlipidemia
Peripheral Vascular Disease –
Pentoxiphylline (Trental) -
• Analogue of Theophylline – PDE inhibitor
• Action:
– Reduction of whole blood viscosity by improving the flexibility of RBCs
– Improvement of passage of blood through microcirculation
– No vasodilatation but improved circulation
– Less chance of steal phenomenon
• Kinetics: Well absorbed in the GI tract, Metabolized in liver and via erythrocytes -
some metabolites are active. Undergoes extensive 1st pass metabolism, excreted
in urine
• Available in tabs – 400 mg form and also injection
• Uses: 1) Non-haemorrhagic stroke 2) Intermittent claudication 3) Trophic leg
ulcers 4) TIA 5) To improve memory, vertigo and tinnitus etc. after CVA
What is Important?
• Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and
ADRs of Nitrates
• Role of Nitrates in Angina Pectoris
• Role of Beta-blockers and Ca++ channel
blockers in Angina Pectoris
• Pharmacotherapy of Angina Pectoris
• Pharmacotherapy of Myocardial Infarction
• Potassium Channel Openers – short question
Antianginal drugs and drugs used in ischaemia - drdhriti

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  • 1. Antianginal Drugs Dr. D. K. Brahma Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology NEIGRIHMS, Shillong
  • 2. What is angina? • Angina pectoris is a syndrome characterized by sudden severe pressing substernal chest pain or heaviness radiating to the neck, jaw, back and arms. It is often associated with diaphoresis, tachypnoea and nausea • Primary cause: imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand and oxygen supplied by coronary vessels – This imbalance may be due to: 1. a decrease in myocardial oxygen delivery 2. an increase in myocardial oxygen demand, or both • The discomfort abates when supply becomes adequate for demand. Typically angina lasts for seconds to minutes, up to 15 minutes
  • 3. Factors affecting Myocardial Oxygen Delivery • Coronary artery blood flow is the primary determinant of oxygen delivery to the myocardium – Myocardial oxygen extraction from the blood is nearly complete, even at rest • Coronary blood flow is essentially negligible during systole and is therefore determined by: – Perfusion pressure during diastole – Duration of diastole – Coronary vascular resistance: determined by numerous factors: • Atherscelorosis • Intracoronary thrombi • Metabolic products that vasodilate coronary arterioles • Autonomic activity • Extravascular compression
  • 4. Factors Affecting Myocardial Oxygen Demand • The major determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption include: 1. Ventricular wall stress • Both preload (end-diastolic pressure) and afterload (end- systolic pressure) affect ventricular wall stress 2. Heart rate 3. Myocardial metabolism (glucose vs fatty acids) • A commonly used non-invasive index of myocardial oxygen demand is the “double product”: – [Heart rate] X [Systolic blood pressure] – Also known as the “rate pressure product”
  • 5. Types of Angina 1. Classical angina:  Stable 2. Variant or Prinzmetal`s angina  Unstable Myocardial infarction – what is it ? • Ischaemic necrosis of a portion of myocardium due to acute and complete occlusion of a coronary artery - due to coronary thrombosis
  • 6. Stable Angina • Common form and is also known as - exertional angina/typical or classic angina/angina of effort/atherosclerotic angina – The underlying pathology is usually atherosclerosis (reduced oxygen delivery) giving rise to ischemia under conditions where the work load on the heart increases (increased oxygen demand) – Anginal episodes can be precipitated by exercise, cold, stress, emotion, or eating – Subendocardial crunch developes • Therapeutic goals: – Increasing myocardial blood flow by dilating coronary arteries and arterioles (increase oxygen delivery) – Decreasing cardiac load (preload and afterload: decrease oxygen demand) – Decreasing heart rate (decrease oxygen demand)
  • 7. Unstable Angina • Unstable angina is also known as: – Preinfarction angina/Crescendo angina/angina at rest • Associated with a change in the character, frequency, and duration of angina in patients with stable angina, and episodes of angina at rest • Caused by recurrent episodes of small platelet clots at the site of a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque which can also precipitate local vasospasm • May be associated with myocardial infarction • Therapeutic Goal: Inhibiting platelet aggregation and thrombus formation (increase oxygen delivery), decreasing cardiac load (decrease oxygen demand), and vasodilate coronary arteries (increase oxygen delivery)
  • 8. Vasospastic Angina • Vasospastic angina (uncommon form) is also known as: – Variant angina/Prinzmetal's angina • Caused by transient vasospasm of the coronary vessels • Attack occurs even at rest or during sleep • Usually associated with underlying atheromas, abnormally reactive or hypertrophied segments in coronary artery • Chest pain may develop at rest • Therapeutic rationale: Decrease vasospasm of coronary vessels (calcium channel blockers are efficacious in >70% of patients; increase oxygen delivery)
  • 9. Coronary artery image • Coronary calibre changes in Classical and variant angina 1. Normal 2. Classical angina 3. Variant angina 1. 2. 3.
  • 10. Classification of Antianginal Agents 1. Nitrates: a) Short acting (10 minutes): Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN and Nitroglycerine) - EMERGENCY b) Long acting (1 Hour): Isosorbide dinitrate, Isosorbide mononitrate, Erythrityl tetranitrate, Pentaerythritol tetranitrate 2. Calcium Channel Blockers: a) Phenyl alkylamine: Verapamil b) Benzothiazepin: Diltiazem c) Dihydropyridines: Nifedipine, Felodipine, Amlodipine, Nitrendipine and Nimodipine 3. Beta—adrenergic Blockers: Propranolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol and others 4. Potassium Channel openers: Nicorandil 5. Others: Dipyridamole, Trimetazidine, Ranolazine and oxyphedrine
  • 11. Actions of Nitrates - GTN 1. Preload reduction:  Dilatation of veins more than arteries – peripheral pooling of Blood – decrease venous return  Reduction in preload – decreased end diastolic size – decrease in fibre length  Less wall tension to develop for ejection (Laplace`s law) – less oxygen consumption and reduction in ventricular wall pressure (crunch abolished) 2. Afterload reduction:  Some amount of arteriolar dilatation – Decrease in peripheral Resistance (afterload reduction) – reduction in Cardiac work (also fall in BP)  Standing posture – pooling of Blood in legs – reflex tachycardia (prevented by lying down and foot end raising)  However in large doses opposite happens – marked fall in BP – reflex tachycardia – increased cardiac work – precipitation of angina
  • 12. Actions of Nitrates - contd. 3. Increased Myocardial Perfusion:  Redistribution of coronary blood flow – facilitates entry of blood to Ischaemic area  However, total blood flow in coronary vessels is almost unchanged with Nitrates 4. Mechanism of angina relief:  Variant angina – coronary vasodilatation  Classical angina – reduction in Cardiac load  Increased exercise tolerance 5. Other actions: Cutaneous vasodilatation (flushing), meningeal vessels dilatation (headache) and decreased splanchnic and Renal blood flow (compensatory)
  • 13. Mechanism of Action of Nitrovasodilators Nitric Oxide activates converts Guanylate Cyclase* GTP cGMP activates cGMP-dependent protein kinase Activation of PKG results in dephosphorylation of several proteins that reduce intracellular calcium causing smooth muscle relaxation Nitrates become denitrated by glutathione S-transferase to release Dephosphorylaton of MLCK
  • 14. Pharmacokinetics - Nitrates • All Nitrates share same action – only Pharmacokinetic differences • All are highly lipid soluble and absorbed well from bccal mucosa, orally and skin • Rapidly denitrated by glutathione reductase and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase • Hepatic first-pass metabolism is high and oral bioavailability is low for nitroglycerin (GTN) and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) – Sublingual or transdermal administration - avoids the first-pass effect • Isosorbide mononitrate is not subject to first-pass metabolism and is 100% available after oral administration • Hepatic blood flow and disease can affect the pharmacokinetics of GTN and ISDN
  • 15. GTN ISDN 5-ISMN Half-life (min) 3 10 280 Plasma clearance (L/min) 50 4 0.1 Apparent volume of distribution (L/kg) 3 4 0.6 Oral bioavailability (%) < 1 20 100 Property Comparison of Pharmacokinetic Properties of Nitrates
  • 16. Nitrates - ADRs • Due to excessive vasodilatation - Orthostatic hypotension, Tachycardia, Severe throbbing headache, Dizziness, Flushing and Syncope • Methaemoglobinemia • Rashes - rare • Contraindicated in patients with elevated intracranial pressure • Drug Interaction: Sildenafil (Viagra) and other PDE-5 inhibitors used for erectile dysfunction can potentiate the actions of nitrates because they inhibit the breakdown of cGMP (they should not be taken within 6 hours of taking a nitrovasodilator)
  • 17. Nitrate Tolerance • Continuous or frequent exposure to nitrates can lead to the development of complete tolerance • The mechanism of tolerance is not completely understood: – May be related to the enzymes involved in converting the nitrates to NO – or to the enzyme that produces cGMP • Industrial (occupational) exposure to organic nitrates has been associated with “Monday disease” and physical dependence manifest by variant angina occurring 1-2 days after withdrawal
  • 18. Nitrates – Individual agents • Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, Nitroglycerine): – Rendered nonexplosive by adsorbing in inert matrix of a tablet – Stored in a tightly closed Glass container • Formulations: Oral, SL, IV and ointment 1) SL (0.5 mg) – to terminate an Ongoing attack • Crushed under the tongue and spread over the buccal mucosa • Action starts within 1-2 minutes • Effects disappear within minutes but its metabolite – dinitrate stays (1 hr) 2) IV transfusion: in acute AMI 3) Patches: Ointment and patches – at night application
  • 19. Nitrates – Therapeutic Uses 1. Angina pectoris: Classical and variant Types 2. Acute Coronary syndromes: Unstable angina and associated with MI (Combination Drugs) 3. Myocardial Infarction: In evolving MI : IV administration is useful in relieving – 3 things: chest pain, congestions of chest and reducing the infarct size favouring blood supply to ischemic zone 4. CHF and LVF: Pooling of blood 5. Biliary colic: Sl administration 6. Oesophageal spasm: Reduction in oesophageal tone (achalasia) 7. Cyanide Poisoning: Nitrates counter cyanide by producing Methaemoglobin – then Cyanomethaemoglobin (Sod. Thiosulfate is given to form Sod. Thiocyanate)
  • 20. Role of Beta-blockers • No coronary vasodilatation like the nitrovasodilators or calcium channel blockers - beta-blockers are important in the treatment of angina • Instead coronary flow reduced – beta2 effect • But, Coronary flow to ischaemic area not reduced: – Redistribution and decrease in ventricular wall tension • Improve myocardial perfusion by slowing heart rate (more time spent in diastole) • less O2 consumption (decreased HR, Inotropy and mean BP)
  • 21. Role of Beta-blockers – contd. • Benefits: – Decreased frequency and severity of attacks – Increased exercise tolerance (classical angina) – cardioselectives are preferred (coronary spasm due to alpha-blockade) – Lowers sudden cardiac death – Routinely used in UA and with MI – pretreatment with Nitrates or CCB – Avoid abrupt withdrawal • ADRs and CI: – May exacerbate heart failure – Contraindicated in patients with asthma – Precaution in diabetes since hypoglycemia-induced tachycardia can be blunted or blocked – May depress contractility and heart rate and produce AV block in patients receiving non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (i.e. verapamil and diltiazem)
  • 22. Calcium Channels 1. Voltage Sensitive Channels (- 40mV) 2. Receptor operated Channel (Adr and other agonists) 3. Leak channel (Ca++ATPase) o Voltage sensitive Calcium channels are heterogenous (membrane spanning funnel shaped): o L-Type (Long lasting current) – SAN, AVN, Conductivity, Cardiac and smooth muscle o T-Type (Transient Current) – Thalumus, SAN o N-Type (Neuronal) – CNS, sypmathetic and myenteric plexuses
  • 23. Calcium Channel Blockers 1) Phenylalkylamines: Verapamil 2) Dihydropyridines: • 1st generation: Nifedepine • 2nd generation: Nicardipine, nimodipine, Felodipine, Isradipine • 3rd generation: Amlodipine 3) Benzothiazepines: Diltiazem 4) Diarylaminopropylamine ethers: Bepridil 5) Benzimidazole-substituted tetralines: Mibefradil
  • 24. Effects on Vascular Smooth Muscle • Ca++ channel blockers inhibit mainly L-type • Little or no effect on receptor-operated channels or on release of Ca++ from SR 1. Decreased intracellular Ca++ in arterial smooth muscle results in relaxation (vasodilatation) -> decreased cardiac afterload (aortic pressure) 2. Little or no effect on venous beds -> no effect on cardiac preload (ventricular filling pressure) DHPs have the highest vascular SM relaxant action 3. Additional Mechanism: Release of NO – inhibit cAMP PDE – increased SM cAMP • Specific dihydropyridines may exhibit greater potencies in some vascular beds (e.g.- nimodipine more selective for cerebral blood vessels, nicardipine for coronary vessels) • Little or no effect on nonvascular smooth muscle except bronchial, uterine, biliary, vesical and intestinal
  • 25. Effects on Cardiac Cells • Negative Inotropic, Chronotropic and Dromotropic • Negative inotropic effect (myocardial L-type channels) – WMC and ventricular fibres • Negative chronotropic /dromotropic effects (L- and T-type channels) • Verapamil and diltiazem shows such effects but not DHPs • Verapamil, diltiazem, and mibefradil depress SA node and AV conduction – depression of pacemaker and conduction • Dihydropyridines have minimal direct effects on SA node and AV conduction – more selective for vascular smooth muscles • Magnitude and pattern of cardiac effects depends on the class of Ca++channel blocker Recovery Resting Activated Inactivated Nonconducting of C++ conducting Ca++ NC Ca++
  • 26. Relative Cardiovascular Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers - (Goodman & Gilman) Verapamil ++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ Diltiazem +++ ++ +++++ ++++ Nifedipine +++++ + + 0 Nicardipine +++++ 0 + 0 Compound Coronary vasodilatation Suppression of cardiac contractility Suppression of SA node Suppression of AV node
  • 27. Adverse effects • Verapamil: – Nausea, constipation and bradycardia – Headache, flushing and oedema – less common – Hypotension and tachycardia - less common – Precipitation of CHF in pre-existing patients – Increase in plasma digoxin level – Contraindicated in 2nd and 3rd degree heart block • Diltiazem: Same as Verapamil
  • 28. Adverse effects – contd. • DHP – immediate release forms e.g. Nifedepine: – Palpitation, flushing ankle oedema, hypotension, headache and drowsiness – Diuresis – Higher incidence of frequency of angina – Higer incidence of mortality – Voiding difficulty (relaxed bladder Vs increased urine) • Nifedipine may increase mortality in patients with myocardial ischemia – Cause increase in angina frequency (myocardial Ischaemia) – Cerebral Ischaemia – rapid bringing down of BP – Bladder relaxation – voiding difficulty – Decrease in Insulin release
  • 29. CCBs - Pharmacokinetics • High oral absorption, but high first pass metabolism (except amlodipine) – inter and intra individual variation and highly plasma protein bound • Extensively distributed in tissues and highly metabolized in liver and excreted in urine, eliminated in 2 - 6 Hrs (except amlodipine) Drug Bioavailability % Vd (L/kg) Active metabolite Elim half life(hr) Verapamil 15-30 5.0 Y 4-6 Diltiazem 40-60 3.0 Y 5-6 Nifedepine 30-60 0.8 M 2-5 Felodipine 15-25 10.0 None 12-18 Amlodipine 60-65 21.0 None 35-45
  • 30. Desired Therapeutic Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers for Angina • Improve oxygen delivery to ischemic myocardium – Vasodilate coronary arteries – Particularly useful in treating vasospastic angina • Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption – Decrease afterload (no effect on preload) – Non-dihydropyridines also lower heart rate and decrease contractility – (* Dihydropyridines may aggravate angina in some patients due to reflex increases in heart rate and contractility)
  • 31. CCBs – Therapeutic Uses 1. Angina Pectoris:  Reduce frequency and severity of Classical and Variant angina  Classical angina • reduction in cardiac work by reducing afterload • Increased exercise tolerance • Coronary flow increase – less significant (fixed arterial block) • But: short acting DHPs cause Myocardial Ischaemia – WHY? - due to decreased coronary blood flow secondary to fall in mean BP, reflex tachycardia and coronary steal • Verapamil/Diltiazem a reduce O2 consumption by direct effect – do not aggravate angina  MI - Verapamil/Diltiazem as alternative to β-blockers  Variant angina: Benefited by reducing the arterial spasm
  • 32. CCBs – Therapeutic Uses – contd. 2. Hypertension 3. Cardiac arrhythmia 4. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: verapamil 5. Nifedipine – Preterm labour (?) and Raynaud`s disease; Verapamil - migraine and nocturnal leg cramps
  • 33. Pharmacotherapy of Angina Pectoris • Aim: 1. Relief and prevention of Individual attack; 2. Chronic Prophylaxis; 3. Measures to prevent Progression 1. Prevention of Individual attack: • Short acting Nitrate as and when required basis • GTN is the drug of Choice in all kinds of angina • Dose: 0.3 – 0.6 mg SL • If symptoms not relieved quickly – additional tabs at 5 min. interval (not more than 3 tabs at 5 minutes interval) • Discard the remnant tab soon relieved – hypotension 2. Acute Prophylaxis: GTN 15 minutes before a period of increased activity – exercise, sexual activity etc. – lasts for upto 2 Hrs 3. Chronic Prophylaxis: • Monotherapy with either of the 3 groups of Drugs – depends on stage and associated cardiac disease • May be Nitrates/Ca++ blockers /beta-blockers – beta blockers are preferred • When Monotherapy fails: Go for combination of those Drugs (two drugs) • Beta blocker + nitrates or slow acting DHP + beta blocker (no diltiazem or verapamil) • CCB + Nitrates • In severe cases - nitrates+ CCBs + beta blockers
  • 34. Combination Therapy of Angina • Use of more than one class of antianginal agent can reduce specific undesirable effects of single agent therapy Nitrates Alone Reflex Increase Decrease Decrease Reflex increase Decrease Beta-Blockers or Channel Blockers Alone Decrease* Decrease Increase Decrease* Increase Nitrates Plus Beta-Blockers or Channel Blockers Decrease Decrease None or decrease None None Undesireable effects are shown in italics * Dihydropyridines may cause the opposite effect due to a reflex increase in sympathetic tone Heart Rate Afterload Preload Contractility Ejection time Effect
  • 35. Potassium Channel Openers – Nicorandil • Minoxidil and diazoxide • MOA: – Activation of ATP sensitive K+ channel – hyperpolarization of vascular smooth muscle – relaxation of Smooth muscle – Also acts as NO donor and increases cGMP – Arterio-venous relaxation – Dilatation of all types of coronary vessels – epicardial and deep • Benefits in angina (equipotent to nitrates, beta blockers and Ca++ channel blockers) – Reduced angina frequency – Increased exercise tolerance – Ischaemic preconditioning for Myocardial stunning , arrhythmia and infarct size (Mitochondrial K+ATP channel opening) • ADRs: Flushing, palpitation, nausea, vomiting, aphthous ulcer • Dose: available as 5, 10 mg tabs and also injection
  • 36. Pharmacotherapy of MI 1. Aim:  Emergency life saving management of the patient (ICU)  Subsequent Treatments 2. Pain, anxiety and apprehension: Morphine, Pethidine parenteral 3. Oxygenation: assisted respiration 4. Maintenance of Blood Volume, tissue perfusion and microcirculation: slow IV fluid with saline 5. Correction of acidosis: Sodibicarb IV 6. Prevention of Arrhythmia: Beta blockers early (arrhythmia and infarct size) 7. Pump Failure: Furosemide, GTN IV/Nitroprusside and Dobutamine 8. Prevention of Thrombus extension and thrombo-embolism: Aspirin and oral anticoagulants 9. Thrombolysis and reperfusion: Streptokinase, urokinase etc. 10. Prevention of Remodelling 11. Prevention of future attacks: beta-blockers, aspirin, anti-hyperlipidemia
  • 37. Peripheral Vascular Disease – Pentoxiphylline (Trental) - • Analogue of Theophylline – PDE inhibitor • Action: – Reduction of whole blood viscosity by improving the flexibility of RBCs – Improvement of passage of blood through microcirculation – No vasodilatation but improved circulation – Less chance of steal phenomenon • Kinetics: Well absorbed in the GI tract, Metabolized in liver and via erythrocytes - some metabolites are active. Undergoes extensive 1st pass metabolism, excreted in urine • Available in tabs – 400 mg form and also injection • Uses: 1) Non-haemorrhagic stroke 2) Intermittent claudication 3) Trophic leg ulcers 4) TIA 5) To improve memory, vertigo and tinnitus etc. after CVA
  • 38. What is Important? • Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and ADRs of Nitrates • Role of Nitrates in Angina Pectoris • Role of Beta-blockers and Ca++ channel blockers in Angina Pectoris • Pharmacotherapy of Angina Pectoris • Pharmacotherapy of Myocardial Infarction • Potassium Channel Openers – short question

Editor's Notes

  1. The coronary perfusion pressure is the difference between the aortic diastolic pressure and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP)
  2. Balance between Oxygen and fatty acid for production of ATP in heart. When Oxygen reduces in heart (post ischemia) increased fatty acid oxidation for ATP production which require more oxygen --- more demand