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(causes and treatment)
Presenter: Dr PASHI
Moderator: Dr Sergii Yakubiuk
Date: 29-11-2016
• Introduction
• Definitions
• Regulatory Mechanisms
• Anion gap
• Acid Base Disorders
• Causes
• Treatment
• Daily acid production: 15,000 mmol of CO2 and 50-
100 meq of non-volatile acid (mostly sulfuric acid
from metabolism of amino acids)
• Balance maintained by renal and pulmonary
• Renal excretion: combination of H+ with titratable
acids, mainly phosphate and ammonia
• Balance assessed in terms of bicarbonate-carbon
dioxide buffer system, Henderson-Hasselbalch
– pH = 6.10 x log ([HCO3] / [0.03 x pCO2])
• Acid-base homeostasis critically affects tissue and
organ performance
• Both acidosis and alkalosis can have severe
and life threatening consequences
• It is the nature of the responsible condition
that determines the prognosis
• An acid is a substance that can release or
donate H+;
• A base is a substance that can combine with
or accept H.
• Acid base balance : maintenance of normal pH
within the body systems.
• Normal body pH : 7.35 - 7.45
• Acidosis < 7.35 alkalosis >7.45
• Base Excess refer to an excess or deficit,
respectively, in the amount of base present in
the blood. Reference range is – 2 to +2 mEq/L
• Normal pH is accomplished by regulation of
hydrogen ion balance.
• When an acid (HA) is added to water, it
dissociates reversibly ,
HA H+ + A- ;
yielding a free H+ and its conjugate base, A-.
• At equilibrium, the rate of dissociation of an
acid , and the rate of association of H+ and A-
to form HA, are equal. the acid dissociation
constant, (Ka), is
• Ka = [H+]x[A-]
pKa = -log10Ka (logarithmic expression of Ka)
• The higher Ka the more an acid dissociates
and the stronger the acid
• pH is a logarithmic measure of hydrogen ion
pH= -log10 [H+]
• pH is inversely proportional to [H+] . Each
whole number on the pH scale represents a
10fold (logarithmic) change in acidity.
• The pH of a solution is determined by the pKa
of the acid and the ratio of the concentration
of the conjugate base to acid.
pH= pKa + log [A-]
(Henderson-Hasselbalch equation)
• Most enzymes function only within narrow pH
• Acid base balance can also affect electrolytes
• Can also affect hormones
Regulatory Mechanisms
• Buffer system
• Respiratory
• Renal
Buffer system
• Take up H+ or release H+ as conditions
• Buffer pairs – weak acid and a base
• Exchange a strong acid or base for a weak
• Results in a much smaller pH change
• In the ECF, the main chemical buffers are
bicarbonate, inorganic phosphate and
plasma proteins.
Bicarbonate buffer
• Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and carbonic
acid (H2CO3)
• Maintain a 20:1 ratio : HCO3
- : H2CO3
HCl + NaHCO3 ↔ H2CO3 + NaCl
NaOH + H2CO3 ↔ NaHCO3 + H2O
• It is in very high concentration and is the main
buffer pair
• It is controlled both by lungs and kidneys
Phosphate Buffer
• Major intracellular buffer
• H+ + HPO4
2- ↔ H2PO4-
• OH- + H2PO4
- ↔ H2O + H2PO4
Protein Buffers
• Includes hemoglobin, work in blood
• Carboxyl group gives up H+
• Amino Group accepts H+
• Side chains that can buffer H+ are present on
27 amino acids.
Respiratory Mechanism
• Exhalation of carbon dioxide
• Powerful, but only works with volatile acids
• Doesn’t affect fixed acids like lactic acid
• CO2 + H20 ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3
• Body pH can be adjusted by changing rate and
depth of breathing
Respiratory Mechanisms
• Arterial PCO2 stimulates chemorecptors in the
medulla oblongata
• An elevated arterial blood PCO2 is a stimulus
to increase ventilation leading to increased
expiration of CO2 hence increase blood pH
• Conversely, a drop in blood PCO2 inhibits
ventilation; the consequent rise in blood
[H2CO3] reduces the alkaline shift in blood pH
Renal Mechanisms
• Can eliminate large amounts of acid
• Can also excrete base
• Can conserve and produce bicarb ions
• Most effective regulator of pH
• If kidneys fail, pH balance fails
Renal Mechanisms
• Acidification of the glomerular ultrafiltrate as
the H+ is secreted into the lumen by a Na+/H+
exchanger and H+-ATPase in the brush border
• At the end of the tubule the pH would have
dropped from 7.4 to 6.7
• The H+ is buffered by the HCO3- and H2PO4-
(present in filtrate) and NH3 (from epith cells)
Renal Excretion of Acid, Sodium/Hydrogen
Ion Exchange and Formation of Ammonia
Renal Reclamation of Bicarbonate
Rates of Correction
• Buffers function almost instantaneously
• Respiratory mechanisms take several minutes
to hours
• Renal mechanisms may take several hours to
Acid Base Disorders
• Respiratory acidosis
• Respiratory alkalosis
• Metabolic acidosis
• Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis
• Acute increase in pCO2
• Buffered primarily by intracellular buffers
Chronic state:
• Kidneys compensation:
- Increase net acid excretion, (48 hours for full
Underlying cause:
• Central nervous system disease,
• lung (COPD)and heart disease,
• sedatives and opiates depressing the respiratory
• Hypercapnic encephalopathy can develop
Respiratory Acidosis
• Treatment
- Restore ventilation
- IV lactate solution
- Nabicarb IV ( mmol = kg * 0.3 * BE )
- Treat underlying dysfunction or disease
Respiratory Alkalosis
• Carbonic acid deficit
• pCO2 less than 35 mm Hg (hypocapnea)
• Most common acid-base imbalance
• Primary cause is hyperventilation
Respiratory Alkalosis
pCO2 , pH  due to:
Hypoxia (compensatory hyperventilation)
• Acute: pulmonary edema or emboli, pneumonia,
• Chronic: severe anemia, high altitude,
Respiratory center stimulation
• Pregnancy, Anxiety, Fever, heat stroke, sepsis,
salisylate intox., cerebral disease, hepatic
Increased mechanical ventilation
Respiratory Alkalosis
• Treat underlying cause
• Reduce ventilation, increase dead space
• Breathe into a paper bag
• IV Chloride containing solution – Cl- ions
replace lost bicarbonate ions
Metabolic Acidosis
• Hallmark is [HCO3
• Acid production  net acid intake 
above net renal excretion
(ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, ammonium chloride
• failure of renal net excretion
(chronic renal failure, renal tubular acidosis)
• Bicarbonate loss via the gastroinestinal tract
(diarrhea, gastrointestinal fistula)
• Nonbicarbonate solutions added to ECF
(dilutional acidosis)
Metabolic Acidosis
- IV lactate solution
- Nabicarb IV
- Treat underlying cause
Metabolic Alkalosis
• Bicarbonate excess - concentration in blood
is greater than 26 mEq/L
• Causes:
– Excess vomiting = loss of stomach acid
– Excessive use of alkaline drugs
– Certain diuretics
– Endocrine disorders
– Heavy ingestion of antacids
– Severe dehydration
Metabolic Alkalosis
• Alkalosis most commonly occurs with renal
dysfunction, so can not count on kidneys
• Respiratory compensation difficult –
hypoventilation limited by hypoxia
Metabolic Alkalosis
• Respiration slow and shallow
• Hyperactive reflexes ; tetany
• Often related to depletion of electrolytes
• Atrial tachycardia
• Dysrhythmias
Metabolic alkalosis
- Electrolytes to replace those lost
- Ascorbic acid, tranexamic acid
- IV chloride containing solution
- Treat underlying disorder
Anion Gap
• The anion gap is the difference in the
measured cations (positively charged ions)
and the measured anions (negatively charged
ions) in serum or urine.
• It is calculated as :
([Na+] + [K+]) − ([Cl−] + [HCO3−])
• Anion gap is calculated when attempting to
identify the cause of metabolic acidosis.
Anion Gap
• The anion gap is influenced by changes of the
unmeasured ions.
• The most frequent change is an increase of the
anion gap, indicating acidosis due to
accumulation of acid metabolites.
• Less frequently a decrease of the anion gap is
seen, which may be due to hypoproteinemia, the
presence of a cationic paraprotein as in multiple
myeloma, or an increase in calcium or
magnesium (“undetermined cations”).
Causes of Increased Anion Gap
• Ketoacidosis (diabetic, alcoholic, starvation)
caused by acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate
• Renal failure (accumulation of organic acids,
sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid)
• Lactic acidosis
• Treatment with substances that are unmeasured
anions at physiological pH, e.g. citrate, lactate,
carbenicillin, penicillin
• Poisonings (all yield unmeasured anions) ◦Aspirin,
salicylic acid, and other organic acids
Causes of Decreased Anion Gap
•Hypoalbuminemia (decrease in negative
◦Normal anion gap: (140 + 4) - (100 + 25) =
144 - 125 = 19
◦But with 20% dilution: (112 + 3.2) - (80 + 20)
= 115.2 - 100 = 15.2
Causes of Acid Base Disorders
Acidosis Anion
Acidosis Non-
Acute Resp.
•Lactic acidosis
•Renal Tubular
•CNS depression
•Excess alkali
•CNS disease
•Mech. Ventilation
Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder
1. Determine the primary disturbance:
– Acidemia or Alkalemia: look at the pH
< 7.40 = acidemia
> 7.40 = alkalemia
– Respiratory or Metabolic: look at HCO3 and CO2
HCO3 = primary metabolic acidosis
pCO2 = primary respiratory acidosis
and vice versa for alkalosis
Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder
2. Determine acute or chronic for Respiratory
o Compensation attempts to normalize pH but can be
present with an abnormal pH
o Expected change in pCO2 best used for primary
metabolic disturbance and expected change in HCO3
for primary respiratory disturbance
Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder
3. Primary Metabolic Disturbance:
o Calculate anion gap : Na – (Cl + HCO3)
o Normal = 12 +/- 2
o If gap is >20 then there is primary metabolic
acidosis regardless of pH or bicarb.
o Helps narrow differential with a anion gap or non-
anion gap metabolic acidosis
Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder
4. Assess appropriate respiratory compensation
for metabolic disorder:
o Respiratory compensation is fast
o Winters formula:
Expected pCO2 = (1.5 * HCO3) + 8 (+/-2)
o If measured pCO2 is
< expected then co-existing resp. alkalosis
> expected then co-existing resp. acidosis
Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder
5. Determine if other metabolic disturbances co-
exist with AG metabolic acidosis:
o Delta gap – accounts for increase in anion gap and
shows any variation in HCO3
o If no other disorder is present then the calculation
should be 24
Corrected HCO3 = measured HCO3 + (AG - 12)
o So if corrected HCO3
>24 then metabolic alkalosis co-exists
<24 then non-anion gap metabolic acidosis co-exists
Normal values
pH 7.35 – 7.45
PCO2 35 – 45mmHg
PO2 80 -100mmHg
K+ 3.5 – 5.0meq/l
Na+ 135 -145meq/l
Cl- 98 – 108mmol/l
HCO3- 22 – 26meq/l
Anion gap 9 - 16
55 yo man collapsed in a bar and was brought to the
ER. He was unresponsive, no BP was obtainable,
a sinus tachycardia was present and he had
peritoneal signs.
pH 6.86 pCO2 81 HCO3 14 Na 139 Cl 84
K 3.9 HCO3 16
He was intubated, started on pressors and treated
with HCO3
pH 7.04 pCO2 34 HCO3 9 Na 148 Cl 93
K 4.5 HCO3 10
On Admission
• pH: 6.85 low, acidosis
• pCO2: 81 high, respiratory acidosis
• HCO3: 16 low, metabolic acidosis
• Anion Gap: 139 – (84 + 16) = 39
• Winter’s equation (expected pCO2): (16 x 1.5 = 24) + 8 =
32 (lower than observed, 81)
• Delta change HCO3: (39-12 = 27 )+16 (observed) = 43
• Answer:
– anion gap metabolic acidosis
– respiratory acidosis
– metabolic alkalosis
After Intubation
• pH: 7.04 low, acidosis
• pCO2: 34 low, respiratory alkalosis
• HCO3:10 low, metabolic acidosis
• Anion Gap: 148 – (93 + 10) = 45 (increasing)
• Winter’s equation(expected pCO2): (10 x 1.5 = 15) +
8 = 23 (lower than observed, 34)
• Delta change HCO3: (45-12 + 33)+10(observed) = 43
• Answer:
– anion gap metabolic acidosis (lactate was 24)
– respiratory alkalosis
– metabolic alkalosis
• Alpern RJ: Renal acidification mechanisms. In Brenner BM
(ed):The Kidney, 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000,
pp 455-519.
• Capasso G, Unwin R, Rizzo M, et al: Bicarbonate transport
along the loop of Henle: molecular mechanisms and
regulation J Nephrol 15(Suppl 5):S88, 2002.
• Decoursey TE: Voltage-gated proton channels and other
proton transfer pathways. Physiol Rev 83:475, 2003.
• Gennari FJ, Maddox DA: Renal regulation of acid-base
• Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney—Physiology and
Pathophysiology, 3rd ed. New York: Raven Press, 2000, pp

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Acid base abnormalities (causes and treatment)

  • 1. ACID BASE ABNOMALITIES AND MANAGEMENT (causes and treatment) Presenter: Dr PASHI Moderator: Dr Sergii Yakubiuk Date: 29-11-2016
  • 2. OUTLINE • Introduction • Definitions • Regulatory Mechanisms • Anion gap • Acid Base Disorders • Causes • Treatment
  • 3. Introduction • Daily acid production: 15,000 mmol of CO2 and 50- 100 meq of non-volatile acid (mostly sulfuric acid from metabolism of amino acids) • Balance maintained by renal and pulmonary excretion • Renal excretion: combination of H+ with titratable acids, mainly phosphate and ammonia
  • 4. Introduction • Balance assessed in terms of bicarbonate-carbon dioxide buffer system, Henderson-Hasselbalch equation – pH = 6.10 x log ([HCO3] / [0.03 x pCO2]) • Acid-base homeostasis critically affects tissue and organ performance • Both acidosis and alkalosis can have severe and life threatening consequences • It is the nature of the responsible condition that determines the prognosis
  • 5. Definitions • An acid is a substance that can release or donate H+; • A base is a substance that can combine with or accept H. • Acid base balance : maintenance of normal pH within the body systems. • Normal body pH : 7.35 - 7.45 • Acidosis < 7.35 alkalosis >7.45
  • 6. Definitions • Base Excess refer to an excess or deficit, respectively, in the amount of base present in the blood. Reference range is – 2 to +2 mEq/L • Normal pH is accomplished by regulation of hydrogen ion balance. • When an acid (HA) is added to water, it dissociates reversibly , HA H+ + A- ; yielding a free H+ and its conjugate base, A-.
  • 7. Definitions • At equilibrium, the rate of dissociation of an acid , and the rate of association of H+ and A- to form HA, are equal. the acid dissociation constant, (Ka), is • Ka = [H+]x[A-] [HA] pKa = -log10Ka (logarithmic expression of Ka) • The higher Ka the more an acid dissociates and the stronger the acid
  • 8. Definitions • pH is a logarithmic measure of hydrogen ion concentration. pH= -log10 [H+] • pH is inversely proportional to [H+] . Each whole number on the pH scale represents a 10fold (logarithmic) change in acidity.
  • 9. Definitions • The pH of a solution is determined by the pKa of the acid and the ratio of the concentration of the conjugate base to acid. pH= pKa + log [A-] [HA] (Henderson-Hasselbalch equation)
  • 10. Definitions • Most enzymes function only within narrow pH ranges • Acid base balance can also affect electrolytes • Can also affect hormones
  • 11. Regulatory Mechanisms • Buffer system • Respiratory • Renal
  • 12. Buffer system • Take up H+ or release H+ as conditions change • Buffer pairs – weak acid and a base • Exchange a strong acid or base for a weak one • Results in a much smaller pH change • In the ECF, the main chemical buffers are bicarbonate, inorganic phosphate and plasma proteins.
  • 13. Bicarbonate buffer • Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and carbonic acid (H2CO3) • Maintain a 20:1 ratio : HCO3 - : H2CO3 HCl + NaHCO3 ↔ H2CO3 + NaCl NaOH + H2CO3 ↔ NaHCO3 + H2O • It is in very high concentration and is the main buffer pair • It is controlled both by lungs and kidneys
  • 14. Phosphate Buffer • Major intracellular buffer • H+ + HPO4 2- ↔ H2PO4- • OH- + H2PO4 - ↔ H2O + H2PO4 2-
  • 15. Protein Buffers • Includes hemoglobin, work in blood • Carboxyl group gives up H+ • Amino Group accepts H+ • Side chains that can buffer H+ are present on 27 amino acids.
  • 16. Respiratory Mechanism • Exhalation of carbon dioxide • Powerful, but only works with volatile acids • Doesn’t affect fixed acids like lactic acid • CO2 + H20 ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3 - • Body pH can be adjusted by changing rate and depth of breathing
  • 17. Respiratory Mechanisms • Arterial PCO2 stimulates chemorecptors in the medulla oblongata • An elevated arterial blood PCO2 is a stimulus to increase ventilation leading to increased expiration of CO2 hence increase blood pH • Conversely, a drop in blood PCO2 inhibits ventilation; the consequent rise in blood [H2CO3] reduces the alkaline shift in blood pH
  • 18. Renal Mechanisms • Can eliminate large amounts of acid • Can also excrete base • Can conserve and produce bicarb ions • Most effective regulator of pH • If kidneys fail, pH balance fails
  • 19. Renal Mechanisms • Acidification of the glomerular ultrafiltrate as the H+ is secreted into the lumen by a Na+/H+ exchanger and H+-ATPase in the brush border membrane. • At the end of the tubule the pH would have dropped from 7.4 to 6.7 • The H+ is buffered by the HCO3- and H2PO4- (present in filtrate) and NH3 (from epith cells)
  • 20. Renal Excretion of Acid, Sodium/Hydrogen Ion Exchange and Formation of Ammonia
  • 21. Renal Reclamation of Bicarbonate
  • 22. Rates of Correction • Buffers function almost instantaneously • Respiratory mechanisms take several minutes to hours • Renal mechanisms may take several hours to days
  • 23. 23
  • 24. Acid Base Disorders • Respiratory acidosis • Respiratory alkalosis • Metabolic acidosis • Metabolic alkalosis
  • 25. Respiratory Acidosis • Acute increase in pCO2 • Buffered primarily by intracellular buffers Chronic state: • Kidneys compensation: - Increase net acid excretion, (48 hours for full development) Underlying cause: • Central nervous system disease, • lung (COPD)and heart disease, • sedatives and opiates depressing the respiratory center • Hypercapnic encephalopathy can develop
  • 26. Respiratory Acidosis • Treatment - Restore ventilation - IV lactate solution - Nabicarb IV ( mmol = kg * 0.3 * BE ) - Treat underlying dysfunction or disease
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  • 28. Respiratory Alkalosis • Carbonic acid deficit • pCO2 less than 35 mm Hg (hypocapnea) • Most common acid-base imbalance • Primary cause is hyperventilation
  • 29. Respiratory Alkalosis pCO2 , pH  due to: Hypoxia (compensatory hyperventilation) • Acute: pulmonary edema or emboli, pneumonia, • Chronic: severe anemia, high altitude, hypotension Respiratory center stimulation • Pregnancy, Anxiety, Fever, heat stroke, sepsis, salisylate intox., cerebral disease, hepatic cirrhosis, Increased mechanical ventilation
  • 30. Respiratory Alkalosis Treatment • Treat underlying cause • Reduce ventilation, increase dead space • Breathe into a paper bag • IV Chloride containing solution – Cl- ions replace lost bicarbonate ions
  • 31. 31
  • 32. Metabolic Acidosis • Hallmark is [HCO3 -] • Acid production  net acid intake  above net renal excretion (ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, ammonium chloride loading) • failure of renal net excretion (chronic renal failure, renal tubular acidosis) • Bicarbonate loss via the gastroinestinal tract (diarrhea, gastrointestinal fistula) • Nonbicarbonate solutions added to ECF (dilutional acidosis)
  • 33. Metabolic Acidosis Treatment - IV lactate solution - Nabicarb IV - Treat underlying cause
  • 34. 34
  • 35. Metabolic Alkalosis • Bicarbonate excess - concentration in blood is greater than 26 mEq/L • Causes: – Excess vomiting = loss of stomach acid – Excessive use of alkaline drugs – Certain diuretics – Endocrine disorders – Heavy ingestion of antacids – Severe dehydration
  • 36. Metabolic Alkalosis • Alkalosis most commonly occurs with renal dysfunction, so can not count on kidneys • Respiratory compensation difficult – hypoventilation limited by hypoxia
  • 37. Metabolic Alkalosis • Respiration slow and shallow • Hyperactive reflexes ; tetany • Often related to depletion of electrolytes • Atrial tachycardia • Dysrhythmias
  • 38. Metabolic alkalosis Treatment - Electrolytes to replace those lost - Ascorbic acid, tranexamic acid - IV chloride containing solution - Treat underlying disorder
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  • 40. Anion Gap • The anion gap is the difference in the measured cations (positively charged ions) and the measured anions (negatively charged ions) in serum or urine. • It is calculated as : ([Na+] + [K+]) − ([Cl−] + [HCO3−]) • Anion gap is calculated when attempting to identify the cause of metabolic acidosis.
  • 41. Anion Gap • The anion gap is influenced by changes of the unmeasured ions. • The most frequent change is an increase of the anion gap, indicating acidosis due to accumulation of acid metabolites. • Less frequently a decrease of the anion gap is seen, which may be due to hypoproteinemia, the presence of a cationic paraprotein as in multiple myeloma, or an increase in calcium or magnesium (“undetermined cations”).
  • 42. Causes of Increased Anion Gap • Ketoacidosis (diabetic, alcoholic, starvation) caused by acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate • Renal failure (accumulation of organic acids, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid) • Lactic acidosis • Treatment with substances that are unmeasured anions at physiological pH, e.g. citrate, lactate, carbenicillin, penicillin • Poisonings (all yield unmeasured anions) ◦Aspirin, salicylic acid, and other organic acids
  • 43. Causes of Decreased Anion Gap •Hypoalbuminemia (decrease in negative charge) •Hemodilution ◦Normal anion gap: (140 + 4) - (100 + 25) = 144 - 125 = 19 ◦But with 20% dilution: (112 + 3.2) - (80 + 20) = 115.2 - 100 = 15.2
  • 44. Causes of Acid Base Disorders Metabolic Acidosis Anion Gap “MUDPILERS” Metabolic Acidosis Non- Gap “HARDUPS” Acute Resp. Acidosis “anything causing hypoventilation” Metabolic Alkalosis “CLEVERPD” Respiratory Alkalosis “CHAMPS” •Methanol •Uremia •DKA/Alcoholic ketoacidosis •Paraldehyde •Isoniazid •Lactic acidosis •Ethanol •Renal failure/Rhabdo •Salicylates •Hyperalimentation •Acetazolamide •Renal Tubular Acidosis •Diarrhea •Uretero-Pelvic shunt •Post-hypocapnia •Spironolactone •CNS depression •Airway obstruction •Pulmonary edema •Pneumonia •Hemo/Pneumo thorax •Neuromuscular •Contraction •Licorice •Endocrine (Conn/Cushing /Bartters) •Vomiting •Excess alkali •Refeeding •Post- hypercapnia •Diuretics •CNS disease •Hypocapnia •Anxiety •Mech. Ventilation •Progesterone •Salicylates •Sepsis
  • 45. Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder 1. Determine the primary disturbance: – Acidemia or Alkalemia: look at the pH < 7.40 = acidemia > 7.40 = alkalemia – Respiratory or Metabolic: look at HCO3 and CO2 HCO3 = primary metabolic acidosis pCO2 = primary respiratory acidosis and vice versa for alkalosis
  • 46. Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder 2. Determine acute or chronic for Respiratory Disturbance: o Compensation attempts to normalize pH but can be present with an abnormal pH o Expected change in pCO2 best used for primary metabolic disturbance and expected change in HCO3 for primary respiratory disturbance
  • 47. Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder 3. Primary Metabolic Disturbance: o Calculate anion gap : Na – (Cl + HCO3) o Normal = 12 +/- 2 o If gap is >20 then there is primary metabolic acidosis regardless of pH or bicarb. o Helps narrow differential with a anion gap or non- anion gap metabolic acidosis
  • 48. Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder 4. Assess appropriate respiratory compensation for metabolic disorder: o Respiratory compensation is fast o Winters formula: Expected pCO2 = (1.5 * HCO3) + 8 (+/-2) o If measured pCO2 is < expected then co-existing resp. alkalosis > expected then co-existing resp. acidosis
  • 49. Diagnosis of acid Base Disorder 5. Determine if other metabolic disturbances co- exist with AG metabolic acidosis: o Delta gap – accounts for increase in anion gap and shows any variation in HCO3 o If no other disorder is present then the calculation should be 24 Corrected HCO3 = measured HCO3 + (AG - 12) o So if corrected HCO3 >24 then metabolic alkalosis co-exists <24 then non-anion gap metabolic acidosis co-exists
  • 50. Normal values pH 7.35 – 7.45 PCO2 35 – 45mmHg PO2 80 -100mmHg K+ 3.5 – 5.0meq/l Na+ 135 -145meq/l Cl- 98 – 108mmol/l HCO3- 22 – 26meq/l Anion gap 9 - 16
  • 51. 51
  • 52. Example 55 yo man collapsed in a bar and was brought to the ER. He was unresponsive, no BP was obtainable, a sinus tachycardia was present and he had peritoneal signs. pH 6.86 pCO2 81 HCO3 14 Na 139 Cl 84 K 3.9 HCO3 16 He was intubated, started on pressors and treated with HCO3 pH 7.04 pCO2 34 HCO3 9 Na 148 Cl 93 K 4.5 HCO3 10
  • 53. On Admission • pH: 6.85 low, acidosis • pCO2: 81 high, respiratory acidosis • HCO3: 16 low, metabolic acidosis • Anion Gap: 139 – (84 + 16) = 39 • Winter’s equation (expected pCO2): (16 x 1.5 = 24) + 8 = 32 (lower than observed, 81) • Delta change HCO3: (39-12 = 27 )+16 (observed) = 43 • Answer: – anion gap metabolic acidosis – respiratory acidosis – metabolic alkalosis
  • 54. After Intubation • pH: 7.04 low, acidosis • pCO2: 34 low, respiratory alkalosis • HCO3:10 low, metabolic acidosis • Anion Gap: 148 – (93 + 10) = 45 (increasing) • Winter’s equation(expected pCO2): (10 x 1.5 = 15) + 8 = 23 (lower than observed, 34) • Delta change HCO3: (45-12 + 33)+10(observed) = 43 • Answer: – anion gap metabolic acidosis (lactate was 24) – respiratory alkalosis – metabolic alkalosis
  • 55. References • Alpern RJ: Renal acidification mechanisms. In Brenner BM (ed):The Kidney, 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000, pp 455-519. • Capasso G, Unwin R, Rizzo M, et al: Bicarbonate transport along the loop of Henle: molecular mechanisms and regulation J Nephrol 15(Suppl 5):S88, 2002. • Decoursey TE: Voltage-gated proton channels and other proton transfer pathways. Physiol Rev 83:475, 2003. • Gennari FJ, Maddox DA: Renal regulation of acid-base homeostasis. • Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds): The Kidney—Physiology and Pathophysiology, 3rd ed. New York: Raven Press, 2000, pp 2015-2054.