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Author(s): Rebecca W. Van Dyke, M.D., 2012

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M2 GI Sequence

              Liver Tests: Use and
                Rebecca W. Van Dyke, MD

Winter 2012
Learning Objectives
•   A.    General: Understand the laboratory tests that are used in the clinical
    approach to liver disease and the pattern of abnormalities that occur in specific
    forms of liver injury.
     –   1. When do we suspect a patient has liver disease? What tests can be used to accept or deny the
         presence of liver disease?
     –   2. Can we define the type of liver disease the patient has by analyzing the results of the liver tests?
     –   3. How much functional liver tissue is present in a patient?
•   B.     Specific:
     –   1. Be able to interpret panels of biochemical liver tests in terms of general type of liver disease,
         chronicity and severity.
     –   2. Be able to construct a differential diagnosis for different patterns of liver test results.
     –   3. Be able to identify potential problems in interpreting liver tests.
Industry Relationship Disclosures
Industry Supported Research and
     Outside Relationships
• None
How Do We Tell Someone Has Liver
Clues that may lead to a suspicion of liver disease:

     Nonspecific        Nausea
                        Mental confusion

                        Jaundice (“yellow eyes”)
   More specific        Dark urine (“coca-cola” urine)
   (late findings)      Abdominal swelling; ascites
                        Peripheral edema; leg swelling

Unfortunately none of these are specific markers of liver disease
and for many patients these are very late findings.
Purpose of Liver Tests

1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease
             liver cell injury
             bile flow/cholestasis

2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction
             quantitative liver tests

3. Diagnose general type of liver disease
            pattern of liver test abnormalities

4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease
             disease-specific tests such as serology for
             viral hepatitis
Tests of Liver Cell Injury/Death


    Alanine amino transferase (ALT)

   Aspartate amino transfersase (AST)
Transaminases are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of α-
amino groups from amino acids to α-keto acids.
These enzymes are important in gluconeogenesis.

       ALT (alanine aminotransferase)

       alanine                 pyruvic acid
           +                      +
       ketoglutarate           glutamate

       AST (aspartate aminotransferase)

       aspartate               oxaloacetic acid
           +                      +
       ketoglutarate           glutamate
      AST(SGOT)                  ALT(SGPT)
      Many tissues               Liver only
      Cytosol/mitochondria       Cytosol

Normal blood levels:   20-70 IU/liter (depending on method)
Some AST/ALT release occurs normally
Require pyridoxal 5’-phosphate as an essential cofactor
Multi-channel Automated Analysis of Enzymes in Blood

Patient                           λ

                 ALT                 Colored
                  +                  product


                                               converted to
                                               enzyme activity
Release of AST/ALT from Liver Cells
 during Acute Hepatocellular Injury

Why do we used these enzymes to indicate liver damage?

     1. Convenient to measure

     2. Present in liver cells in large amounts

     3. Direct release of enzymes into blood through
           fenestrated endothelium allows rapid
           “quantitative” assessment of ongoing
           hepatocyte necrosis

     4. Blood level roughly proportional to the number
           of hepatocytes that died recently (hours-days)
Patterns: AST and ALT in Various Liver Diseases


      500                                                            AT


                Acute viral       Acute viral         Mild chronic     Cirrhosis
                hepatitis A       hepatitis A         hepatitis C  (little ongoing
            (clinically severe) (clinically mild)   (asymptomatic)       injury)
Ischemic infarction: how high would AST/ALT go?
Special considerations:

1. AST is also present in other tissues
     (muscle, brain, kidney, intestine).
     ALT is more specific for liver.

2. Even very mild liver abnormalities can cause
      slightly elevated AST/ALT

      - for example, mild fatty liver.
Fatty Liver:
Most Common Cause of Mildly Increased AST/ALT
        (~1.5-3x upper limit of normal)
Problems with using transaminases to assess liver injury:

3. Only assess injury over the past 1-2 days as enzymes
      are cleared efficiently from blood by RES

5. May not accurately assess hepatocyte death from

7. Magnitude of elevation does not necessarily correlate
     with extent of liver function or dysfunction at the
     present time or in the future.

AST and ALT = rate of destruction of hepatocytes

Liver function = number of functional hepatocytes left
Not all liver abnormalities cause liver cell
      death: simple liver cyst with
              normal liver tests
Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver
           Disease: A Twist
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P) deficiency:

q   AST and ALT require P5P (vit. B-6) as an enzymatic

q   Alcoholics are often deficient in P5P as their major
    calorie source is alcohol

q   P5P deficiency results in lower synthesis of AST/ALT
    (less in hepatocytes) and very low enzymatic activity
    (ALT worse than AST)

q   Less AST/ALT released into blood and it isn’t
    measured by lab assays
Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver
  Further: Mitochondrial AST and alcohol
  q   Alcohol shifts mAST from mitochondria to plasma
      membrane where it readily enters blood – thus AST
      easier to remove from hepatocytes.

Therefore: AST>>ALT is released into blood
from damaged hepatocytes


both AST/ALT enzymatic activities in blood
are lower than expected from the extent of liver
AST/ALT and Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate
          AST is Affected Less than ALT so AST>ALT


Numerous active enzymes with P5’P   Few inactive enzymes without P5’P
                                    Poorly measured by lab assays
Release of AST/ALT from Liver Cells After Alcohol Exposure

                                                A T

    Alcohol increases mitochondrial AST on liver cell plasma membrane
    where it readily enters blood. Thus AST>>ALT in blood.
Patterns: AST versus ALT

    1000    Ratio 2.4    Ratio 0.65    Ratio 0.8

      650                                            AST
Enzyme                                               ALT


            Alcoholic   Acute viral   Mild chronic
            hepatitis   hepatitis A   hepatitis C
Tests of Cholestasis/Reduced Bile Flow

Enzymes released as a           Accumulation in liver/blood
 consequence of decreased        of substances normally
 bile flow                       excreted in bile

    Alkaline phosphatase            Bilirubin
    5’-nucleotidase                 Bile salts
    Leucine aminopeptidase
    γ-glutamyl transpeptidase
Alkaline Phosphatase:
Location at Canalicular (Apical) Membrane
Alkaline phosphatase

Origin of enzyme and mechanism of increase in
           cholestatic liver disease:

    1. Apical membrane of hepatocyte and bile duct cells
    2. Very sensitive to any changes in bile flow,
         obstruction of large or small bile ducts.
    3. Amplified by bile acid retention
    4. Easily released into blood as it is a GPI-anchored
         protein solubilized from membrane by
         detergents (bile acids)

Easily measured spectrophotometrically
Purpose: ? Detoxifies lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from bacteria
Bile Acids
(Bile Salts) such as

stimulate production
of alkaline
Normal (A) and
(B) Blebbed

Bile acid-induced injury
Release of GPI-Anchored Proteins From
           Liver During Cholestasis             GPI-Anchored Proteins
                                                  5’ Nucleotidase


                             Bile canaliculus
Alkaline Phosphatase in Various Liver Diseases

     00                        Degree of elevation of AP is highly variable
                               depending on duration and extent of
                               cholestasis and other unknown factors.



              Long-standing   Acute bile      Mild early       Hepato-
                bile duct        duct          partial         cellular
               obstruction    obstruction     bile duct        disease
Alkaline Phosphatase
Interpretation of elevated levels:
       1. Cholestasis (especially in extrahepatic
       2. Infiltrative diseases (granulomas)
       3. Neoplastic disease infiltrating liver

Sensitive test as will go up if only some small ducts are
obstructed and/or if there is only partial obstruction of
major ducts.

      Not completely specific because of isoenzymes
            in other organs (bone, intestine, placenta)
      Ex: bone disease, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy.
Serum Bilirubin (Bile Acids)

      Liver is virtually the only mechanism for excretion
      Cholestasis from any cause results in “back-up”
              of these compounds in blood

       Cholestasis: extrahepatic or intrahepatic

      Does not distinguish hepatocellular disease,
            in which hepatocytes don’t make bile,
            from bile duct obstruction
An organic anion

The byproduct of heme breakdown

In mammals bilirubin must be conjugated to
    glucuronic acid and excreted in bile

Blood levels go up if any steps in production or
    hepatocyte excretion are altered. However
    obstruction at the level of bile ducts must be
    complete or virtually complete for bilirubin
    levels in blood to change
Hepatic Bilirubin Transport

 RBC                        +
 breakdown       Unconj BR
 in RES
               Unconj BR                       Bile
Unconj                                         Canaliculus
                                              Multispecific organic
                                              anion transporter
                 Conj                         Conjugated bilirubin
                 BR                           Glutathione S-conjugates
                                              other organic anions

Hepatic Bilirubin Transport and Mechanisms
                        of Hyperbilirubinemia
                     Gilbert's syndrome (mild)
                     Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe)


                  Unconj BR                             Bile
Unconj                                                  Canaliculus
                                                        Multispecific organic
                                                        anion transporter

                    Conj                            Conjugated bilirubin
                    BR                              Glutathione S-conjugates
                                                    other organic anions


                                     Dubin-Johnson syndrome
                                     Rotor's syndrome
Mechanism of Hyperbilirubinemia
                   in Liver Disease

                 Unconj BR
               Unconj BR



Interpretation of Elevated Serum Bilirubin
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia:
       BR reached liver and was conjugated but not excreted in bile

        1. Cholestasis/biliary obstruction (must be essentially complete)
        2. Hepatocellular damage (collateral damage to all liver functions)
               bile formation impaired >> conjugation impaired
        3. Rare disorders of canalicular secretion of conjugated bilirubin

Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia:
       BR didn't reach liver efficiently or wasn't conjugated

        1. Massive overproduction - acute hemolysis
        2. Impaired conjugation
               common:          Gilbert's syndrome (mild)
               rare:            Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe)
Further: Bilirubin Undergoes Non-Enzymatic Reaction
                     with Albumin

                Formation of Bilirubin-Albumin Conjugates
  Bili-albumin conjugate
  or "delta bilirubin"
          Alb                         Hepatocyte
          B -G
           R lu            Alb            ER
          Alb              BR

          B -G
           R lu                          B -G
                                          R lu       Bile

                    B -G
                     R lu
Why is Bili-Albumin of Clinical
• Not of interest during liver disease as this form of
  bilirubin is measured as conjugated bilirubin.

• However, after resolution of cholestasis/liver disease,
  bili-albumin is cleared like albumin
   – Albumin half-life:            several weeks
   – Conj. bilirubin half-life:    hours to days
• Thus resolution of jaundice is often SLOW compared
  to improvement of other liver functions.
Purpose of Liver Tests

1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease
             liver cell injury
             bile flow/cholestasis

2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction
             quantitative liver tests

3. Diagnose general type of liver disease
            pattern of liver test abnormalities

4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease
             disease-specific tests such as serology for
             viral hepatitis

                  Blood Level
Production      Albumin
             Clotting factors

                  Blood Level
                   Bile Acids



             Metabolites         CO2
• Rationale
  – Liver is the sole source
• Interpretation of Decreased Level
  – Decreased liver production
  – Increased renal/GI loss (nephrotic syndrome;
    protein losing enteropathy in inflammatory bowel
  – Protein malnutrition
• Disadvantages
  – Prolonged half-life
  – No unique interpretation
Prothrombin Time
• Rationale
  – Liver is sole source of vitamin K-dependent
    clotting factors, including those critical for PT
  – Factor VII has very short half-life (hours)
• Interpretation of Increased PT
  – Hepatocyte protein synthesis impaired
  – Vitamin K deficiency/Coumadin therapy
  – Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
• Advantages
  – Rapidly reflects changes in liver function
Interpretation of Abnormal
    Albumin/Prothrombin Time
Liver markedly diseased - reserve function gone

Albumin:     monitors slow changes in liver function
                     (months to years)
             reflects long-term liver dysfunction

Protime:     monitors rapid changes in liver function
                     (hours to days/weeks)
             reflects either short or long-term liver
Other Clues to Globally Impaired Liver Function

Bilirubin:   goes up with any disease that globally impairs
                   liver function (OR blocks bile flow)

Glucose:     hypoglycemia (late finding; indicates
                   very poor liver function)

BUN:         low BUN is a late and poorly specific finding
                   in liver dysfunction due to poor urea
Purpose of Liver Tests

1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease
             liver cell injury
             bile flow/cholestasis

2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction
             quantitative liver tests

3. Diagnose general type of liver disease
            pattern of liver test abnormalities

4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease
             disease-specific tests such as serology for
             viral hepatitis
Interpretation of Liver Tests

A. Consider nonhepatic causes of abnormal liver tests

B. Examine the pattern of liver test abnormalities to
            categorize liver disease:

 1. cholestatic         versus    hepatocellular

 2. acute               versus    chronic

 3. decompensated       versus    mild functional
    function                      impairment
Patterns of Abnormal Liver Tests

         Hepatocellular          Cholestasis

Major:   AST/ALT                 Alkaline Phosphatase

Minor:   Bilirubin               Bilirubin
         PT/albumin              AST/ALT
                                 PT (Vit K deficiency)
Patterns: Acute Liver Disease

       20                                 Hepatocellular disease

                                          Cholestatic disease




               AST or ALT   Alkaline       Bilirubin        PT
Clues to Acute vs Chronic Liver Disease

Abnormalities of PT versus albumin

Known duration of abnormal liver tests

History of exposure to potential causative agents

Clinical signs of consequences of long-standing liver disease

Tempo of subsequent changes in AST/ALT, bilirubin, PT
            chronic tends to change slowly
            acute tends to change quickly
20    Patterns: Chronic Liver Disease with Impaired Liver Function




           AST or ALT   Alkaline      Bilirubin     PT
Clues to Severity of Liver Dysfunction

  Prothrombin time


  (Bilirubin, glucose)

  (Clinical signs of consequences
  of severe liver dysfunction such
  as hepatic encephalopathy)
Clues to severity
of liver damage
and, potentially, to
severity of liver
dysfunction may
come from the
temporal sequence
of changes in
readily available liver

For example, rapid
fall in AST/ALT
in severe hepatitis
may not be a good
Purpose of Liver Tests

1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease
             liver cell injury
             bile flow/cholestasis

2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction
             quantitative liver tests

3. Diagnose general type of liver disease
            pattern of liver test abnormalities

4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease
             disease-specific tests such as serology for
             viral hepatitis
      These are discussed in future lectures

• Use biochemical tests to assess
  –   Presence of liver disease
  –   General type of liver disease
  –   Sense of severity of liver dysfunction
  –   Sense of acute versus chronic disease

• Use liver tests with other data to work
  through differential diagnosis
  – See algorithms in syllabus and textbook
Approach to the Patient with Jaundice (Bilirubin)

                                        History, PE
                                        Lab tests: AP, AST/ALT, Alb. PT

   Normal liver tests                                              Abnormal findings suggesting
                                                                     liver disease

                                    Suspect intrahepatic                               Suspect extrahepatic
 Fractionate bilirubin                cholestasis or                                     cholestasis

                                                                             Noninvasive imaging of the
    Unconjugated                                                              biliary tree: ultrasound or CT
    hyperbilirubinemia             Specific diagnostic tests                  (may go to direct duct
                                    hepatitis screen                          visualization in some cases)
                                    AMA, ANA, SMA
        Hemolysis                   Fe/TIBC, ferritin
        Gilbert’s syndrome                                             Normal           Normal ducts,               Dilated
                                   Stop drugs
        Crigler-Najjar syndrome                                        ducts            still suspect               ducts
                                   Consider liver biopsy
                                   Consider CT to r/o structural
                                   Medical management/
Conjugated                          observation                                                                Relief of biliary
hyperbilirubinemia                                                                Direct duct                  obstruction:
                                                                                  visualization                  surgical
                                                                                  (ERCP or PTC)                  endoscopic
    Rotor syndrome                                No obstruction
                                                  visualized                                                   Obstruction
Approa ch to Pa tie nt with Incre a se d Alka line Phospha tase

                                          Alkaline phosphatase (AP)

                                   Exclude pregnancy, physiologic causes

                               Obtain additional biochemical markers of cholestasis
                                (GGTP, 5'-NT, or AP isoenzymes, serum bilirubin)

   Nonhepatic cause of AP                                           Hepatic cause of   AP

   Consider: bone disease
   (eg, Paget's disease,                                Large (> 3-fold)          Modest (< 3-fold)
   hyperparathyroidism, bone                            elevation of AP           elevation of AP
   ectopic AP secretion

                                                                                  hepatocellular injury
                            Abdominal ultrasound or CT scan                       (eg, viral and
                                                                                  alcoholic hepatitis)

            Dilated ducts                                  Non-dilated ducts

 choledocholithiasis,                                                        Normal or diffusely
                                          Focal hepatic defects               abnormal liver
 cancer of the pancreas,
 biliary stricture, pancreatitis

                                         Consider: primary or                Liver biopsy and
                                         metastatic cancer of the            consider: primary
                                         liver, pyogenic/amebic              biliary cirrhosis,
                                         abscess                             granulomas

Modified from: Kelley Textbook of Internal Medicine, 3rd edition, 1997, pp 663.
A variety of cases are provided in your
syllabus to allow practice in analyzing
liver tests.

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02.01.12(b): Liver Tests - Use and Interpretation

  • 1. Author(s): Rebecca W. Van Dyke, M.D., 2012 License: Unless otherwise noted, this material is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike 3.0 License: We have reviewed this material in accordance with U.S. Copyright Law and have tried to maximize your ability to use, share, and adapt it. The citation key on the following slide provides information about how you may share and adapt this material. Copyright holders of content included in this material should contact with any questions, corrections, or clarification regarding the use of content. For more information about how to cite these materials visit Any medical information in this material is intended to inform and educate and is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Please speak to your physician if you have questions about your medical condition. Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers.
  • 2. Attribution Key for more information see: Use + Share + Adapt { Content the copyright holder, author, or law permits you to use, share and adapt. } Public Domain – Government: Works that are produced by the U.S. Government. (17 USC § 105) Public Domain – Expired: Works that are no longer protected due to an expired copyright term. Public Domain – Self Dedicated: Works that a copyright holder has dedicated to the public domain. Creative Commons – Zero Waiver Creative Commons – Attribution License Creative Commons – Attribution Share Alike License Creative Commons – Attribution Noncommercial License Creative Commons – Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike License GNU – Free Documentation License Make Your Own Assessment { Content Open.Michigan believes can be used, shared, and adapted because it is ineligible for copyright. } Public Domain – Ineligible: Works that are ineligible for copyright protection in the U.S. (17 USC § 102(b)) *laws in your jurisdiction may differ { Content Open.Michigan has used under a Fair Use determination. } Fair Use: Use of works that is determined to be Fair consistent with the U.S. Copyright Act. (17 USC § 107) *laws in your jurisdiction may differ Our determination DOES NOT mean that all uses of this 3rd-party content are Fair Uses and we DO NOT guarantee that your use of the content is Fair. To use this content you should do your own independent analysis to determine whether or not your use will be Fair.
  • 3. M2 GI Sequence Liver Tests: Use and Interpretation Rebecca W. Van Dyke, MD Winter 2012
  • 4. Learning Objectives • A. General: Understand the laboratory tests that are used in the clinical approach to liver disease and the pattern of abnormalities that occur in specific forms of liver injury. – 1. When do we suspect a patient has liver disease? What tests can be used to accept or deny the presence of liver disease? – 2. Can we define the type of liver disease the patient has by analyzing the results of the liver tests? – 3. How much functional liver tissue is present in a patient? • • B. Specific: – 1. Be able to interpret panels of biochemical liver tests in terms of general type of liver disease, chronicity and severity. – 2. Be able to construct a differential diagnosis for different patterns of liver test results. – 3. Be able to identify potential problems in interpreting liver tests.
  • 5. Industry Relationship Disclosures Industry Supported Research and Outside Relationships • None
  • 6. How Do We Tell Someone Has Liver Disease? Clues that may lead to a suspicion of liver disease: Anorexia Fatigue Nonspecific Nausea Vomiting Mental confusion Jaundice (“yellow eyes”) More specific Dark urine (“coca-cola” urine) (late findings) Abdominal swelling; ascites Peripheral edema; leg swelling Unfortunately none of these are specific markers of liver disease and for many patients these are very late findings.
  • 7. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis
  • 8. Tests of Liver Cell Injury/Death Transaminases Alanine amino transferase (ALT) Aspartate amino transfersase (AST)
  • 9. Transaminases are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of α- amino groups from amino acids to α-keto acids. These enzymes are important in gluconeogenesis. ALT (alanine aminotransferase) alanine pyruvic acid + + ketoglutarate glutamate AST (aspartate aminotransferase) aspartate oxaloacetic acid + + ketoglutarate glutamate
  • 10. Transaminases: AST(SGOT) ALT(SGPT) Many tissues Liver only Cytosol/mitochondria Cytosol Normal blood levels: 20-70 IU/liter (depending on method) Some AST/ALT release occurs normally Require pyridoxal 5’-phosphate as an essential cofactor
  • 11. Multi-channel Automated Analysis of Enzymes in Blood lamp Patient λ serum ALT Colored + product substrate Substrate λ Absorbance converted to enzyme activity Photodetector
  • 12. Release of AST/ALT from Liver Cells during Acute Hepatocellular Injury AST ALT
  • 13. Transaminases Why do we used these enzymes to indicate liver damage? 1. Convenient to measure 2. Present in liver cells in large amounts 3. Direct release of enzymes into blood through fenestrated endothelium allows rapid “quantitative” assessment of ongoing hepatocyte necrosis 4. Blood level roughly proportional to the number of hepatocytes that died recently (hours-days)
  • 14. Patterns: AST and ALT in Various Liver Diseases 30 00 20 00 AT S 500 AT L Serum Enzyme Level (IU/ml) 200 10 0 Acute viral Acute viral Mild chronic Cirrhosis hepatitis A hepatitis A hepatitis C (little ongoing (clinically severe) (clinically mild) (asymptomatic) injury)
  • 15. Ischemic infarction: how high would AST/ALT go?
  • 16. Transaminases Special considerations: 1. AST is also present in other tissues (muscle, brain, kidney, intestine). ALT is more specific for liver. 2. Even very mild liver abnormalities can cause slightly elevated AST/ALT - for example, mild fatty liver.
  • 17. Fatty Liver: Most Common Cause of Mildly Increased AST/ALT (~1.5-3x upper limit of normal)
  • 18. Transaminases Problems with using transaminases to assess liver injury: 3. Only assess injury over the past 1-2 days as enzymes are cleared efficiently from blood by RES 5. May not accurately assess hepatocyte death from apoptosis 7. Magnitude of elevation does not necessarily correlate with extent of liver function or dysfunction at the present time or in the future. AST and ALT = rate of destruction of hepatocytes Liver function = number of functional hepatocytes left
  • 19. Not all liver abnormalities cause liver cell death: simple liver cyst with normal liver tests
  • 20. Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Twist Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P) deficiency: q AST and ALT require P5P (vit. B-6) as an enzymatic cofactor q Alcoholics are often deficient in P5P as their major calorie source is alcohol q P5P deficiency results in lower synthesis of AST/ALT (less in hepatocytes) and very low enzymatic activity (ALT worse than AST) q Less AST/ALT released into blood and it isn’t measured by lab assays
  • 21. Transaminases and Alcoholic Liver Disease Further: Mitochondrial AST and alcohol q Alcohol shifts mAST from mitochondria to plasma membrane where it readily enters blood – thus AST easier to remove from hepatocytes. Therefore: AST>>ALT is released into blood from damaged hepatocytes AND both AST/ALT enzymatic activities in blood are lower than expected from the extent of liver damage/dysfunction.
  • 22. AST/ALT and Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate AST is Affected Less than ALT so AST>ALT P5’P Numerous active enzymes with P5’P Few inactive enzymes without P5’P Poorly measured by lab assays
  • 23. Release of AST/ALT from Liver Cells After Alcohol Exposure A T S ALT Alcohol increases mitochondrial AST on liver cell plasma membrane where it readily enters blood. Thus AST>>ALT in blood.
  • 24. Patterns: AST versus ALT 1000 Ratio 2.4 Ratio 0.65 Ratio 0.8 650 AST Serum Enzyme ALT Level (IU/ml) 200 100 Alcoholic Acute viral Mild chronic hepatitis hepatitis A hepatitis C
  • 25. Tests of Cholestasis/Reduced Bile Flow Enzymes released as a Accumulation in liver/blood consequence of decreased of substances normally bile flow excreted in bile Alkaline phosphatase Bilirubin or 5’-nucleotidase Bile salts Leucine aminopeptidase γ-glutamyl transpeptidase
  • 26. Alkaline Phosphatase: Location at Canalicular (Apical) Membrane
  • 27. Alkaline phosphatase Origin of enzyme and mechanism of increase in cholestatic liver disease: 1. Apical membrane of hepatocyte and bile duct cells 2. Very sensitive to any changes in bile flow, obstruction of large or small bile ducts. 3. Amplified by bile acid retention 4. Easily released into blood as it is a GPI-anchored protein solubilized from membrane by detergents (bile acids) Easily measured spectrophotometrically Purpose: ? Detoxifies lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from bacteria
  • 28. Bile Acids (Bile Salts) such as Taurocholate stimulate production of alkaline phosphatase molecules.
  • 29. Normal (A) and (B) Blebbed Hepatocytes Bile acid-induced injury
  • 30. Release of GPI-Anchored Proteins From Liver During Cholestasis GPI-Anchored Proteins Alkaline Phosphatase 5’ Nucleotidase GGTP Hepatocyte Bile canaliculus Blood
  • 31. Alkaline Phosphatase in Various Liver Diseases 10 50 10 00 Degree of elevation of AP is highly variable depending on duration and extent of cholestasis and other unknown factors. 50 0 Serum Enzyme Level (IU/ml) 20 0 10 0 Long-standing Acute bile Mild early Hepato- bile duct duct partial cellular obstruction obstruction bile duct disease obstruction
  • 32. Alkaline Phosphatase Interpretation of elevated levels: 1. Cholestasis (especially in extrahepatic obstruction 2. Infiltrative diseases (granulomas) 3. Neoplastic disease infiltrating liver Sensitive test as will go up if only some small ducts are obstructed and/or if there is only partial obstruction of major ducts. Disadvantages: Not completely specific because of isoenzymes in other organs (bone, intestine, placenta) Ex: bone disease, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy.
  • 33. Serum Bilirubin (Bile Acids) Rationale: Liver is virtually the only mechanism for excretion Cholestasis from any cause results in “back-up” of these compounds in blood Interpretation: Cholestasis: extrahepatic or intrahepatic Disadvantages: Does not distinguish hepatocellular disease, in which hepatocytes don’t make bile, from bile duct obstruction
  • 34. Bilirubin An organic anion The byproduct of heme breakdown In mammals bilirubin must be conjugated to glucuronic acid and excreted in bile Blood levels go up if any steps in production or hepatocyte excretion are altered. However obstruction at the level of bile ducts must be complete or virtually complete for bilirubin levels in blood to change
  • 35. Hepatic Bilirubin Transport SER UDP-glucuronide RBC + breakdown Unconj BR in RES Conj BR Unconj BR Bile Unconj Canaliculus Bilirubin Conj BR MRP-2: Multispecific organic anion transporter Conj Conjugated bilirubin BR Glutathione S-conjugates other organic anions ATP Blood Hepatocyte
  • 36.
  • 37. Hepatic Bilirubin Transport and Mechanisms of Hyperbilirubinemia Gilbert's syndrome (mild) Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe) SER Hemolysis Unconj BR Bile Unconj Canaliculus Bilirubin Conj BR Multispecific organic anion transporter Conj Conjugated bilirubin BR Glutathione S-conjugates other organic anions ATP Blood Hepatocyte Dubin-Johnson syndrome Rotor's syndrome ?estrogen/cyclosporin
  • 38. Mechanism of Hyperbilirubinemia in Liver Disease SER UDP-glucuronide + Unconj BR Conj BR Unconj BR Unconj Bilirubin Conj BR Conj BR Albumin Overall Rate-Limiting Step
  • 39. Interpretation of Elevated Serum Bilirubin Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia: BR reached liver and was conjugated but not excreted in bile 1. Cholestasis/biliary obstruction (must be essentially complete) 2. Hepatocellular damage (collateral damage to all liver functions) bile formation impaired >> conjugation impaired 3. Rare disorders of canalicular secretion of conjugated bilirubin Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia: BR didn't reach liver efficiently or wasn't conjugated 1. Massive overproduction - acute hemolysis 2. Impaired conjugation common: Gilbert's syndrome (mild) rare: Crigler-Najjar syndrome (severe)
  • 40. Further: Bilirubin Undergoes Non-Enzymatic Reaction with Albumin Formation of Bilirubin-Albumin Conjugates Bili-albumin conjugate or "delta bilirubin" Blood Alb Hepatocyte B -G R lu Alb ER BR BR Alb BR B -G R lu B -G R lu Bile B -G R lu
  • 41. Why is Bili-Albumin of Clinical Interest? • Not of interest during liver disease as this form of bilirubin is measured as conjugated bilirubin. • However, after resolution of cholestasis/liver disease, bili-albumin is cleared like albumin – Albumin half-life: several weeks – Conj. bilirubin half-life: hours to days – • Thus resolution of jaundice is often SLOW compared to improvement of other liver functions.
  • 42. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis
  • 43. TESTS OF LIVER FUNCTION Blood Level Production Albumin Clotting factors Blood Level Elimination Bilirubin Bile Acids Metabolism C-Aminopyrine 14 Metabolites CO2 14
  • 44. Albumin • Rationale – Liver is the sole source • Interpretation of Decreased Level – Decreased liver production – Increased renal/GI loss (nephrotic syndrome; protein losing enteropathy in inflammatory bowel disease – Protein malnutrition • Disadvantages – Prolonged half-life – No unique interpretation
  • 45. Prothrombin Time • Rationale – Liver is sole source of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, including those critical for PT – Factor VII has very short half-life (hours) • Interpretation of Increased PT – Hepatocyte protein synthesis impaired – Vitamin K deficiency/Coumadin therapy – Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy • Advantages – Rapidly reflects changes in liver function
  • 46. Interpretation of Abnormal Albumin/Prothrombin Time Liver markedly diseased - reserve function gone Albumin: monitors slow changes in liver function (months to years) reflects long-term liver dysfunction Protime: monitors rapid changes in liver function (hours to days/weeks) reflects either short or long-term liver dysfunction
  • 47. Other Clues to Globally Impaired Liver Function Bilirubin: goes up with any disease that globally impairs liver function (OR blocks bile flow) Glucose: hypoglycemia (late finding; indicates very poor liver function) BUN: low BUN is a late and poorly specific finding in liver dysfunction due to poor urea synthesis
  • 48. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis
  • 49. Interpretation of Liver Tests A. Consider nonhepatic causes of abnormal liver tests B. Examine the pattern of liver test abnormalities to categorize liver disease: 1. cholestatic versus hepatocellular 2. acute versus chronic 3. decompensated versus mild functional function impairment
  • 50. Patterns of Abnormal Liver Tests Hepatocellular Cholestasis Major: AST/ALT Alkaline Phosphatase Minor: Bilirubin Bilirubin PT/albumin AST/ALT PT (Vit K deficiency)
  • 51. Patterns: Acute Liver Disease 20 Hepatocellular disease Cholestatic disease Fold Increase 10 2 1 AST or ALT Alkaline Bilirubin PT Phosphatase
  • 52. Clues to Acute vs Chronic Liver Disease Abnormalities of PT versus albumin Known duration of abnormal liver tests History of exposure to potential causative agents Clinical signs of consequences of long-standing liver disease Tempo of subsequent changes in AST/ALT, bilirubin, PT chronic tends to change slowly acute tends to change quickly
  • 53. 20 Patterns: Chronic Liver Disease with Impaired Liver Function Fold Increase 10 2 1 Albumin AST or ALT Alkaline Bilirubin PT Phosphatase -2
  • 54. Clues to Severity of Liver Dysfunction Prothrombin time Albumin (Bilirubin, glucose) (Clinical signs of consequences of severe liver dysfunction such as hepatic encephalopathy)
  • 55. Clues to severity of liver damage and, potentially, to severity of liver dysfunction may come from the temporal sequence of changes in readily available liver tests. For example, rapid fall in AST/ALT in severe hepatitis may not be a good sign.
  • 56. Purpose of Liver Tests 1. Screen for clues to the presence of liver injury/disease liver cell injury bile flow/cholestasis 2. Quantitate degree of liver function/dysfunction quantitative liver tests 3. Diagnose general type of liver disease pattern of liver test abnormalities 4. Diagnosis of specific liver disease disease-specific tests such as serology for viral hepatitis These are discussed in future lectures
  • 57. Summary • Use biochemical tests to assess – Presence of liver disease – General type of liver disease – Sense of severity of liver dysfunction – Sense of acute versus chronic disease • Use liver tests with other data to work through differential diagnosis – See algorithms in syllabus and textbook
  • 58. Approach to the Patient with Jaundice (Bilirubin) History, PE Lab tests: AP, AST/ALT, Alb. PT Normal liver tests Abnormal findings suggesting liver disease Suspect intrahepatic Suspect extrahepatic Fractionate bilirubin cholestasis or cholestasis hepatocellular disease Noninvasive imaging of the Unconjugated biliary tree: ultrasound or CT hyperbilirubinemia Specific diagnostic tests (may go to direct duct hepatitis screen visualization in some cases) AMA, ANA, SMA Ceruloplasmin Hemolysis Fe/TIBC, ferritin Gilbert’s syndrome Normal Normal ducts, Dilated Stop drugs Crigler-Najjar syndrome ducts still suspect ducts Consider liver biopsy extrahepatic Consider CT to r/o structural cholestasis disease Medical management/ Conjugated observation Relief of biliary hyperbilirubinemia Direct duct obstruction: visualization surgical (ERCP or PTC) endoscopic percutaneous Dubin-Johnson syndrome Rotor syndrome No obstruction visualized Obstruction visualized
  • 59. Approa ch to Pa tie nt with Incre a se d Alka line Phospha tase Alkaline phosphatase (AP) Exclude pregnancy, physiologic causes Obtain additional biochemical markers of cholestasis (GGTP, 5'-NT, or AP isoenzymes, serum bilirubin) Nonhepatic cause of AP Hepatic cause of AP Consider: bone disease (eg, Paget's disease, Large (> 3-fold) Modest (< 3-fold) hyperparathyroidism, bone elevation of AP elevation of AP metastasis) ectopic AP secretion Consider: hepatocellular injury Abdominal ultrasound or CT scan (eg, viral and alcoholic hepatitis) Dilated ducts Non-dilated ducts Consider: choledocholithiasis, Normal or diffusely Focal hepatic defects abnormal liver cancer of the pancreas, cholangiocarcinoma, biliary stricture, pancreatitis Consider: primary or Liver biopsy and metastatic cancer of the consider: primary liver, pyogenic/amebic biliary cirrhosis, abscess granulomas Modified from: Kelley Textbook of Internal Medicine, 3rd edition, 1997, pp 663.
  • 60. A variety of cases are provided in your syllabus to allow practice in analyzing liver tests.