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What ’s New in Critical
Care of the Burn - Injured
Tina L. Palmieri, MD, FACS, FCCMa,b,*

  Burns  Sepsis  Inhalation injury  Critical care
  Glycemic control

Mortality after burn injury has decreased markedly         (ARDS).4 The risk for mortality from ALI and ARDS
in the past 30 years. Survival after burn injury to        approaches 40% to 50%.5 This mortality may be
more than 90% of the total body surface area is            directly due to respiratory failure and hypoxia, or
common in children, with some authors maintain-            it may result from associated multisystem organ
ing that virtually all children with burn injury should    failure or ventilator-associated pneumonia. New
be resuscitated.1 Unfortunately, the improvement           strategies for mechanical ventilation are currently
in survival does not apply to all age groups:              being used to support burn patients who have
survival in the elderly burn patient remains prob-         respiratory insufficiency, ALI, and ARDS. These
lematic. The increases in survival after burn injury       strategies include changes in traditional mechan-
have been linked, in part, to a variety of wound           ical ventilation paradigms (such as the use of
treatment modalities, including early excision and         low-tidal-volume ventilation) and the use of alter-
grafting, cultured epithelial autografting, and the        native modes of ventilation.
institution of broad-spectrum topical antimicrobial
therapy.2,3 Advances in critical care management,          Low-tidal-volume Ventilation
particularly with respect to ventilator manage-
ment, resuscitation, and sepsis management,                ALI and ARDS are caused by burn injury, sepsis,
have also contributed to the improved survival             pancreatitis, and drug toxicity, and they are also
after burn injury. This article describes the              present in inflammatory states. ALI and ARDS
advances in critical care management that have             are characterized by diffuse alveolar damage,
contributed to the decline in mortality in burn            with associated increases in capillary perialvolar
patients.                                                  permeability. Protein-rich fluid is transmitted from
                                                           the intravascular to the extravascular spaces and
ADVANCES IN VENTILATOR MANAGEMENT                          alveoli. This results in increases in cytokine
                                                           release, the accumulation of macrophages and
Mechanical ventilation is frequently required after        neutrophils in the alveolar-arteriolar interstitium,
major burn injury, especially when the patient has         and decreases in surfactant production.6,7 All of
concomitant inhalation injury. The term ‘‘acute            these factors combine to result in airway damage
lung injury’’ (ALI) is used to designate the acute         and alveolar collapse.
onset of impaired oxygen exchange that results                Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventila-
from lung injury, and the condition is characterized       tion are often necessary to support the patient who
by a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of less than 300. Severe              has burn or inhalation injury with ALI and ARDS.
cases of ALI, in which this ratio is less than 200,        Twenty years ago, the goal of ventilatory support

are termed ‘‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’’         was normalization of arterial blood gases (ie,

   Shriners Hospital for Children Northern California, 2425 Stockton Boulevard, Suite 718, Sacramento, CA
 95817, USA
   University of California Davis, Medial Center, 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA
 * Corresponding author. University of California Davis, Medial Center, 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento,
 CA 95817, USA.
 E-mail address:

 Clin Plastic Surg 36 (2009) 607–615
 0094-1298/09/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
608        Palmieri

      a pH as close as possible to 7.4, pCO2 at 35–45          because its use may decrease the incidence of
      mm Hg, and oxygen saturation greater than                VILI and improve overall survival. However, given
      95%). This was accomplished using high pres-             that this strategy has not been assessed in
      sures, inspired oxygen concentration, and minute         a prospective randomized trial in patients who
      ventilation delivered by volume-controlled ventila-      have burn injury, care must be taken in the applica-
      tors. Tidal volumes of 10 to 15 mL/kg were the           tion and monitoring this type of mechanical venti-
      standard, rationalized by the need for increased         lation in patients who have burn injury. The use
      recruitment of collapsed alveoli.                        of this ventilator strategy should not replace the
         These traditional ventilator-management strate-       use of escharotomy for patients who have chest
      gies were challenged in several prospective,             wall compartment syndrome, and care needs to
      randomized trials. Reports of ventilator-induced         be taken to guard against airway obstruction in
      lung injury (VILI), associated with hyperinflation of    patients who have inhalation injury.
      normal regions of aerated lung due to high tidal
      volumes began to appear. Overexpansion of
                                                               New Methods of Mechanical Ventilation
      normal alveoli leads to high transpulmonary pres-
      sures in aerated regions, making them susceptible        Several nonconventional modes of ventilation
      to direct physical damage. Data from animal              have been proposed for the treatment of severe
      studies resulted in the recommendation to reduce         ARDS in patients who have burn injury, including
      plateau pressures to 35 mm Hg to lessen the contri-      airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) and
      bution of VILI to the altered physiology of ALI and      high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Both of
      ARDS. Peak transpulmonary pressure reduction             these methods use lower tidal volumes and are
      was accomplished by increasing positive end-             designed primarily to improve oxygenation.
      expiratory pressure and decreasing tidal volume.         Although both methods have shown promise,
      The subsequent reduction in minute ventilation re-       neither has been extensively tested in patients
      sulted in hypercapnia, which became popularly            who have burn injury.
      known as permissive hypercapnia.8 A series of clin-         APRV, which was first described in 1987, is
      ical trials and a review by the Cochrane Anesthesia      a time-triggered, pressure-limited, and time-
      Review group demonstrated that mortality could be        cycled mode of ventilation that uses two different
      decreased in patients who had ALI and ARDS with          levels of airway pressures (high and low) over
      the use of tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg of ideal body        two different time periods (high and low).19 In
      weight.9–14 These protective effects were accom-         essence, APRV involves the maintenance of
      plished using tidal volumes of less than 7 mL/kg         a high, continuous, positive airway pressure that
      of measured body weight and plateau pressures            intermittently time-cycles to a lower airway pres-
      of less than 31 cm of water.12,13,15 The reductions      sure. APRV is designed to optimize and maintain
      in mortality and the duration of mechanical ventila-     airway recruitment throughout the respiratory
      tion correlated directly with the magnitude of differ-   cycle by maintaining a higher mean airway pres-
      ence in tidal volume between the control and             sure despite using lower tidal volumes and end
      treatment groups. The two studies showing the            expiratory pressures than other forms of ventila-
      highest protective value of low-tidal-volume venti-      tion.20,21 The key to the successful use of APRV
      lation10,11 calculated the delivered tidal volume        is to set the high pressure just a bit higher than
      based on ideal, rather than measured, patient            the alveolar closing pressure, which allows alve-
      weight, suggesting that ventilator management in         olar recruitment without alveolar collapse. Alveolar
      patients who have ALI and ARDS should be guided          recruitment is maintained during the inflation
      not by the actual weight, but by the ideal body          phase. The release phase, which is relatively short,
      weight. This is an important consideration in            allows for passive exhalation and ventilation.22
      patients who have a major burn injury because            Oxygenation is achieved, with increases in inspira-
      they often have vast increases in body weight due        tory pressure and time.
      to massive fluid resuscitation. However, this               APRV thus allows for spontaneous breathing
      strategy is not without risk. Adverse effects of         while decreasing the work of breathing and the
      a low-pressure ventilation strategy include              need for sedation. These salutary effects also
      increased intracranial pressure, decreased               can potentially minimize the impact of VILI and
      myocardial contractility, reductions in renal blood      improve hemodynamic parameters. Studies of
      flow, and pulmonary hypertension. However,               APRV have been restricted primarily to cases of
      multiple studies have shown that modest permis-          ARDS, and there are few reports of its use for
      sive hypercapnia is safe.16–18                           patients who have burns. Two randomized,
         Low-pressure ventilation should be considered         controlled trials have been performed to assess
      for burn patients who have severe ALI and ARDS           APRV, with variable results.23,24 Although neither
What’s New in Critical Care of the Burn Patient?               609

study demonstrated differences in mortality or            ventilation has become the standard of care for
length of stay, one study of trauma patients re-          mechanical ventilation in patients who have ARDS
ported lower end-inflation pressures, improved            and ALI.
oxygenation, decreased ventilator duration, and
decreased ICU stay in the APRV group compared
with the pressure control ventilation group.              RESUSCITATION AND FLUID MANAGEMENT
Caution must be exercised before using APRV,
however, because it theoretically could result in         One of the greatest advances in burn treatment in
lung overinflation and injury.                            the twentieth century was the development and
                                                          adoption of guidelines for burn resuscitation. Fluid
                                                          estimation formulas, such as the Parkland formula,
High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
                                                          which allow for the adjustment of intravenous fluid
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV),            administration based on urine output, provided
which has been used for decades in neonatal               clinicians with easily identifiable endpoints of
ICUs, is still under investigation for use in adults      resuscitation. Patients who had major burn injury
who have ARDS. HFOV, like APRV, improves                  were seldom dying from underresuscitation.
oxygenation by maintaining elevated mean airway           However, issues related to overresuscitation
pressure to recruit alveoli.25–28 It differs from volu-   began to develop. ‘‘Fluid creep,’’ the term used
metric diffusive ventilation, the current standard of     to describe the use of excessive intravenous fluid
care for inhalation injury, in its use of higher          during resuscitation, is being increasingly
frequencies and time cycling. To achieve airway           described in the literature.42–45 Abdominal
recruitment and improved oxygenation, HFOV                compartment syndrome, considered by some to
uses extremely small tidal volumes (1–2 mL/kg)            be a consequence of excessive resuscitation,
at high frequencies (3–15 Hz), as opposed to              also is being increasingly documented in the liter-
frequencies of 300 to 600 Hz used in volumetric           ature.46–49
diffusive ventilation. The result is the generation          Perhaps one of the most important issues in
of sustained mean airway pressures of 30 to               burn resuscitation is that the optimal measurable
40 cm H2O. Oxygenation and ventilation are                endpoint of resuscitation remains poorly defined.
essentially uncoupled and can be controlled               Studies attempting to generate variables predic-
independently.                                            tive of resuscitation nonresponders have been
   HFOV has been shown to decrease VILI in                unsuccessful, and no single formula accurately
animal models by limiting alveolar stretch and            predicts the fluid resuscitation needs for all
avoiding atelectrauma, which is caused by the             patients during burn shock.50 This lack of clarity
repeated opening and collapse of alveoli.29–33            is caused by the many confounding factors
The sustained recruitment of alveoli results in           surrounding burn injury, such as burn depth, inha-
improved oxygenation. HFOV has been used in               lation injury, associated injuries, age, delays in
adults primarily as a rescue mode of ventilation          resuscitation, the need for escharotomies or fas-
in cases of severe ARDS in different scenarios,           ciotomies, and the use of alcohol or drugs. Ideally,
including burn injury.34–39 To date, two random-          fluid resuscitation should be adjusted based on
ized, prospective trials have found no difference         physiologic endpoints. To date, urine output has
in outcomes between the use of HFOV and                   been the most commonly used endpoint, although
conventional mechanical ventilation; however,             the value of using urine output to adjust fluid rates
a current randomized, prospective trial is                during burn shock has been challenged.51
underway and should define the use of HFOV in                In recent years, the use of invasive monitoring
cases of severe ARDS.40,41 One of the potential           methods, such as central venous pressure moni-
major limitations of HFOV is difficulties with venti-     toring or the pulmonary artery catheter, has been
lation and severe respiratory acidosis due to             popularized, especially in the elderly, but recent
increases in pCO2.                                        reports raise questions about the utility of the
   Although both APRV and HFOV are promising              pulmonary artery catheter in critically ill
modalities for use in burn patients who have              patients.52–55 Even central venous pressure has
ARDS and ALI, neither has been rigorously studied         been shown to be influenced more by intra-
in a prospective, randomized fashion in patients          abdominal pressures than actual right atrial
who have burns. Likewise, the ability to decrease         pressure.56
the incidence of volutrauma by reducing tidal                Thus, although the pulmonary artery catheter
volumes during mechanical ventilation has not             and central venous pressure provide additional
been thoroughly evaluated in patients who have            information regarding heart function, studies failed
burn and inhalation injury. However, low-tidal-volume     to demonstrate improved survival with their use.
610        Palmieri

         New invasive monitors continue to be devel-                United States.69 The mean pretransfusion hemo-
      oped in an attempt to improve outcomes. Clini-                globin level was 8.6 Æ 1.7 g/dL, indicating that
      cians can now continuously measure mixed                      the majority of patients were still being transfused
      venous oxygenation, intrathoracic blood volume,               at a hemoglobin level higher than what was recom-
      total blood volume index, and extravascular lung              mended in the TRICC study. Once again, the
      water using specialized thermodilution tech-                  number of units of red blood cell transfusions the
      niques.54,57 Pulse contour analysis, transesopha-             patients received was independently associated
      geal echocardiography, partial carbon dioxide                 with longer ICU length of stay and increased
      rebreathing, and impedance electrocardiography                mortality. The CRIT study excluded burn patients;
      are all recently developed techniques that are                thus, it provides no data on burn center transfusion
      used to estimate cardiac output.58–61 Although                practices and the outcomes related to those
      these techniques show great promise, their utility            practices.
      in burn resuscitation remains unclear. Finally,                  Limited data exists regarding the effects of
      tissue perfusion monitors, such as gastric tonom-             a restrictive blood transfusion policy in adult burn
      eters or devices that measure oxygen and carbon               patients. In one study by Sittig and Deitch,70 14
      dioxide saturations in the subcutaneous tissues,              patients admitted to a burn center during a 6-
      have not been shown to improve resuscitation in               month interval were transfused when their hemo-
      burn patients. These techniques demonstrate low               globin level was less than 6.0 g/dL. The outcomes
      perfusion capabilities despite other signs of                 of patients who had burns over less than 20% of
      providing adequate resuscitation and may actually             their total body surface area or patients who
      lead to overresuscitation.62,63                               required excision and grafting of less than 10%
                                                                    of their total body surface area were retrospec-
                                                                    tively compared with a matched group of 38
      Blood Transfusion
                                                                    patients who had been treated the previous year
      Each year in the United States, more than $3 billion          using a nonrestrictive policy (hemoglobin level
      are spent on blood transfusions, with approxi-                maintained at greater than 9.5–10 g/dL). No differ-
      mately 25% of critically ill patients receiving at            ences existed in the hospital length of stay. The
      least one blood transfusion to treat anemia.64–66             patients treated using the liberal strategy received
      Although critically ill patients may be predisposed           3.5 times as much blood as their restrictive-policy
      to the adverse effects of anemia, they are also               counterparts. Although this study is an important
      subject to the adverse consequences of blood                  first step in the evaluation of blood transfusion in
      transfusion, including infection, pulmonary edema,            burn patients, it is limited by its retrospective
      immune suppression, and microcirculatory alter-               nature, review bias, and inadequate number of
      ations.67 Traditionally, blood transfusions have              patients.
      been administered when the patient’s hemoglobin                  To evaluate actual burn center transfusion prac-
      level is less than 10 g/dL or the hematocrit is less          tices, the Burn Multicenter Trials Group reviewed
      than 30%. However, a multicenter, prospective,                the actual use of blood transfusion in patients
      randomized study of transfusion in ICU patients,              who had burn injury to 20% or more of their total
      the TRICC study (Transfusion Requirements in                  body surface area for a 1-year period.71 Data
      Critical Care), challenged this standard.68 A total           was collected from 21 different burn centers on
      of 838 patients were randomized to receive blood              a total of 666 patients. The overall hemoglobin
      transfusion based on a liberal (maintain hemo-                level at which the first transfusion was adminis-
      globin level at 10–12 g/dL) versus a restrictive              tered was 9.35 Æ 0.8 g/dL for all patients, and
      (maintain hemoglobin level at 7–8 g/dL) strategy.             the mean number of blood transfusions was 13.7
      The restrictive strategy was at least as effective            Æ 1.1 units, with the vast majority of transfusions
      as the liberal strategy in critically ill patients. Signif-   given in the burn ICU (9.4 Æ 1.1). Mortality, as in
      icant differences favoring the restrictive strategy           other studies of transfusion, was related to the
      included the in-hospital mortality rate, the cardiac          number of units of blood transfused. In addition,
      complication rate, and organ dysfunction. This                each transfusion increased the risk for infection
      study suggested that blood transfusion should                 by 11%.
      be restricted to patients who have a hemoglobin                  Three other retrospective studies were con-
      level of less than 7 g/dL.                                    ducted to evaluate blood transfusion after burn
         The impact of the TRICC study on transfusion               injury: two in children and one in adults. One study
      practices in the United States has been limited.              by Jeschke and colleagues72 that evaluated the
      The CRIT study, a prospective, multicenter, obser-            use of blood transfusion in 227 children who had
      vational study of ICU patients, analyzed the trans-           major burn injury demonstrated increased rates
      fusion practices of 284 ICUs in 213 hospitals in the          of sepsis and mortality in children who received
What’s New in Critical Care of the Burn Patient?               611

more than 20 units of blood as compared with                  The definition of sepsis in the patient who has
similar children receiving less than 20 units. The         burns requires that an infection be documented
other two studies, one in children and one in              by way of a positive culture result, a pathologic
adults, demonstrated decreased mortality in                tissue source, or a clinical response to antimicro-
patients treated using a restrictive transfusion           bials and three of the following:
strategy.73,74 Although these studies suggest that
a restrictive transfusion strategy is efficacious,         1. Temperature greater than 39 C or less than
a prospective, randomized trial is needed to define           36.5 C
the optimal burn blood transfusion strategies. In          2. Progressive tachycardia (adults, 110 beats
the interim, the use of blood transfusion after               per minute; children, more than 2 SD above
burn injury should be scrutinized.                            age-specific norms)
                                                           3. Progressive tachypnea (adults 25 beats per
                                                              minute not ventilated, or with minute ventilation,
                                                              12 l/min ventilated; children, more than 2 SD
SEPSIS PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT                              above age-specific norms)
Sepsis continues to be one of the leading causes           4. Thrombocytopenia beginning 3 days after initial
of morbidity and mortality after burn injury. Recent          resuscitation (adults 100,000/ml; children, 2
advances in sepsis treatment fall into several cate-          SD under age-specific norms)
gories: the development of sepsis guidelines, the          5. Hyperglycemia in the absence of preexisting
definition of sepsis in burns, and the prevention             diabetes mellitus (untreated plasma glucose
of sepsis. This section provides an overview of               200 mg/dL, or equivalent mM/L or insulin
each of these areas.                                          resistance)
   The development of sepsis guidelines was de-            6. Inability to continue enteral feedings for more
signed to standardize the treatment of sepsis                 than 24 hours.
throughout all ICUs. The latest guidelines were               These criteria form the foundation for all future
developed by an international panel of sepsis              clinical studies and trials of sepsis in patients
experts spanning all ICU specialties.75 The guide-         who have burns.
lines were created and rated based on available
evidence from the literature. The current recom-
mendations for the treatment of sepsis, which
                                                           Glycemic Control
are broad based, include those listed in Box 1.
   The applicability of these recommendations in           Critically ill adults and children frequently develop
certain aspects of burn treatment may be prob-             stress-induced hyperglycemia secondary to alter-
lematic because the majority of the supporting             ations in the control mechanisms for glucose
data does not include burn patients.                       supply and demand.77 An ‘‘insulin-resistant’’ state
   One of the major limitations in sepsis research         develops, in which patients have either normal or
and the application of sepsis guidelines in patients       elevated plasma insulin concentrations during
who have burns is a lack of a burn-specific defini-        hyperglycemia.78 Early hyperglycemia and
tion of sepsis. Although sepsis definitions have           glucose variability after admission to the ICU
been developed for critically ill patients, their appli-   have been associated with adverse outcomes;
cability in patients who have burns is limited             prolonged hyperglycemia has been associated
because of the innate differences in the physiology        with a sixfold increase in mortality.79 Hypergly-
of burn patients. For example, a burn patient is           cemia has also been associated with increased
persistently hypermetabolic, resulting in tachy-           mortality in severely burned children and adults,
cardia, tachypnea, and elevated body tempera-              and the administration of exogenous insulin to
ture. These physiologic alterations would result in        minimize hyperglycemia after critical illness has
a sepsis definition in the vast majority of patients       been shown to impact outcome in adult patients.80
who have burn injury, many of whom would not               In a landmark study, van den Berghe and
have an ongoing infection. To address these                colleagues81 demonstrated that, in critically ill
issues, a consensus conference consisting of               patients, intensive intravenous insulin therapy, de-
burn experts from throughout the United States             signed to maintain normoglycemia (80–110 mg/dL
and Canada was held in January 2007 to define              plasma glucose level) reduced in-hospital
sepsis and infection for patients after burn injury.76     mortality by 34%. Similarly, patients who had dia-
The findings of this group formed the foundation           betes and acute myocardial infarction showed
for the diagnosis of sepsis in burns clinically and        improved long-term survival when they were
for all future trials related to clinical burn sepsis      treated using insulin therapy that targeted a plasma
and infection.                                             glucose level of less than 215 mg/dL.82
612      Palmieri

      Box 1                                                  22. Institute glycemic control that targets
      Current recommendations for the treatment                  patients who have a blood glucose level of
      of sepsis                                                  less than 150 mg/dL.
                                                             23. Maintain an equivalency of continuous
       1. Provide early, goal-directed resuscitation             veno-veno hemofiltration and intermittent
          within 6 hours of sepsis diagnosis.                    hemodialysis.
       2. Check blood cultures before starting antibi-       24. Use prophylaxis for patients who have
          otic therapy.                                          deep-vein thrombosis.
       3. Use imaging studies to confirm the infection       25. Use stress ulcer prophylaxis with H2 blockers
          source.                                                or proton pump inhibitors.
       4. Start the administration of broad-spectrum         26. Consider the limitation of support, when
          antibiotics within 1 hour of diagnosis of              appropriate.
          septic shock or severe sepsis.
       5. The narrowing of antibiotic coverage
          should be based on culture sensitivity
                                                               Several studies have been completed evaluating
       6. Use a 7- to 10-day antibiotic duration,           the impact of tight glycemic control after major burn
          guided by clinical response.                      injury. Two studies, one in adults and one in chil-
       7. Use source control.                               dren, have been performed in patients who had
       8. Provide resuscitation using colloid or crystal-   burn injury.83,84 Both studies demonstrated that
          loid agents.                                      a strict glycemic control protocol that maintained
       9. Use a fluid challenge to restore mean circu-      blood glucose levels at less than 120 mg/dL could
          lating filling pressures.                         be developed and safely applied for patients who
      10. Use a reduction in fluid administration in        had burns, with an incidence of hypoglycemia of
          cases with rising filling pressures and no        5%. These studies also demonstrated a decrease
          improvement in tissue perfusion.
                                                            in infectious complications and mortality. Although
      11. The vasopressor preference should be for
          norepinephrine or dopamine to maintain            these studies are suggestive of a salutary effect of
          the target arterial pressure at greater than      continuous exogenous insulin administration,
          65 mm Hg when fluid resuscitation fails to        further prospective, randomized trials are needed
          improve hemodynamics.                             to confirm these findings because other studies
      12. Use dobutamine when the cardiac output            of glycemic control in critical illness have reported
          remains low despite the use of fluid resusci-     differing results.85–87 Perhaps some of the
          tation and combined inotropic and vaso-           disparity in findings can be explained by the vaga-
          pressor therapy.                                  ries of glucose measurement for strict glycemic
      13. Use stress-dose steroid therapy only in cases     control protocols. Blood glucose levels can
          of septic shock when the blood pressure is
                                                            differ by as much as 20%, based on whether
          poorly responsive to fluid and vasopressor
          therapy.                                          the blood is drawn from a central venous cath-
      14. Provide recombinant-activated protein C           eter or an arterial line.88 In addition, anemia
          to patients who have severe sepsis and            may introduce an error rate of 15% to 20% in
          a high risk for death based on clinical           point of care glucose testing readings.89 Hence,
          assessment.                                       care needs to be taken in the development of
      15. Maintain hemoglobin levels at 7 to 9 g/dL,        a protocol, including planning how and when
          except in patients who have coronary artery       blood glucose levels will be measured. Addi-
          disease or acute hemorrhage.                      tional care needs to be taken to avoid the devel-
      16. Use low-tidal-volume ventilation and a limi-      opment of hypoglycemia during dressing
          tation of inspiratory plateau pressure in
                                                            changes, during operative interventions, and
          patients who have ALI and ARDS.
      17. Minimize the positive end-expiratory pres-        after the administration of certain medications.
          sure in patients who have ALI.
      18. Use a conservative fluid management
          strategy for patients who have ALI and
          ARDS who are not in shock.                         1. Wolf SE, Rose JK, Desai MH, et al. Mortality determi-
      19. Follow the protocols for weaning and seda-
                                                                nants in massive pediatric burns. An analysis of 103
          tion and analgesia.
      20. Use intermittent bolus sedation or contin-            children with  or 5 80% TBSA burns ( or 5 70%
          uous infusion sedation with daily                     full-thickness). Ann Surg 1997;225:554–65.
          interruption.                                      2. Xiao-Wu W, Herndon DN, Spies M, et al. Effects of
      21. Avoidance the use of a neuromuscular                  delayed wound excision and grafting in severely
          blockade.                                             burned children. Arch Surg 2002;137:1049–54.
What’s New in Critical Care of the Burn Patient?                       613

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What's new in critical care of the burn injured patient

  • 1. What ’s New in Critical Care of the Burn - Injured Patient? Tina L. Palmieri, MD, FACS, FCCMa,b,* KEYWORDS Burns Sepsis Inhalation injury Critical care Glycemic control Mortality after burn injury has decreased markedly (ARDS).4 The risk for mortality from ALI and ARDS in the past 30 years. Survival after burn injury to approaches 40% to 50%.5 This mortality may be more than 90% of the total body surface area is directly due to respiratory failure and hypoxia, or common in children, with some authors maintain- it may result from associated multisystem organ ing that virtually all children with burn injury should failure or ventilator-associated pneumonia. New be resuscitated.1 Unfortunately, the improvement strategies for mechanical ventilation are currently in survival does not apply to all age groups: being used to support burn patients who have survival in the elderly burn patient remains prob- respiratory insufficiency, ALI, and ARDS. These lematic. The increases in survival after burn injury strategies include changes in traditional mechan- have been linked, in part, to a variety of wound ical ventilation paradigms (such as the use of treatment modalities, including early excision and low-tidal-volume ventilation) and the use of alter- grafting, cultured epithelial autografting, and the native modes of ventilation. institution of broad-spectrum topical antimicrobial therapy.2,3 Advances in critical care management, Low-tidal-volume Ventilation particularly with respect to ventilator manage- ment, resuscitation, and sepsis management, ALI and ARDS are caused by burn injury, sepsis, have also contributed to the improved survival pancreatitis, and drug toxicity, and they are also after burn injury. This article describes the present in inflammatory states. ALI and ARDS advances in critical care management that have are characterized by diffuse alveolar damage, contributed to the decline in mortality in burn with associated increases in capillary perialvolar patients. permeability. Protein-rich fluid is transmitted from the intravascular to the extravascular spaces and ADVANCES IN VENTILATOR MANAGEMENT alveoli. This results in increases in cytokine release, the accumulation of macrophages and Mechanical ventilation is frequently required after neutrophils in the alveolar-arteriolar interstitium, major burn injury, especially when the patient has and decreases in surfactant production.6,7 All of concomitant inhalation injury. The term ‘‘acute these factors combine to result in airway damage lung injury’’ (ALI) is used to designate the acute and alveolar collapse. onset of impaired oxygen exchange that results Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventila- from lung injury, and the condition is characterized tion are often necessary to support the patient who by a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of less than 300. Severe has burn or inhalation injury with ALI and ARDS. cases of ALI, in which this ratio is less than 200, Twenty years ago, the goal of ventilatory support are termed ‘‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’’ was normalization of arterial blood gases (ie, a Shriners Hospital for Children Northern California, 2425 Stockton Boulevard, Suite 718, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA b University of California Davis, Medial Center, 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA * Corresponding author. University of California Davis, Medial Center, 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA. E-mail address: Clin Plastic Surg 36 (2009) 607–615 doi:10.1016/j.cps.2009.05.012 0094-1298/09/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 608 Palmieri a pH as close as possible to 7.4, pCO2 at 35–45 because its use may decrease the incidence of mm Hg, and oxygen saturation greater than VILI and improve overall survival. However, given 95%). This was accomplished using high pres- that this strategy has not been assessed in sures, inspired oxygen concentration, and minute a prospective randomized trial in patients who ventilation delivered by volume-controlled ventila- have burn injury, care must be taken in the applica- tors. Tidal volumes of 10 to 15 mL/kg were the tion and monitoring this type of mechanical venti- standard, rationalized by the need for increased lation in patients who have burn injury. The use recruitment of collapsed alveoli. of this ventilator strategy should not replace the These traditional ventilator-management strate- use of escharotomy for patients who have chest gies were challenged in several prospective, wall compartment syndrome, and care needs to randomized trials. Reports of ventilator-induced be taken to guard against airway obstruction in lung injury (VILI), associated with hyperinflation of patients who have inhalation injury. normal regions of aerated lung due to high tidal volumes began to appear. Overexpansion of New Methods of Mechanical Ventilation normal alveoli leads to high transpulmonary pres- sures in aerated regions, making them susceptible Several nonconventional modes of ventilation to direct physical damage. Data from animal have been proposed for the treatment of severe studies resulted in the recommendation to reduce ARDS in patients who have burn injury, including plateau pressures to 35 mm Hg to lessen the contri- airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) and bution of VILI to the altered physiology of ALI and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Both of ARDS. Peak transpulmonary pressure reduction these methods use lower tidal volumes and are was accomplished by increasing positive end- designed primarily to improve oxygenation. expiratory pressure and decreasing tidal volume. Although both methods have shown promise, The subsequent reduction in minute ventilation re- neither has been extensively tested in patients sulted in hypercapnia, which became popularly who have burn injury. known as permissive hypercapnia.8 A series of clin- APRV, which was first described in 1987, is ical trials and a review by the Cochrane Anesthesia a time-triggered, pressure-limited, and time- Review group demonstrated that mortality could be cycled mode of ventilation that uses two different decreased in patients who had ALI and ARDS with levels of airway pressures (high and low) over the use of tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg of ideal body two different time periods (high and low).19 In weight.9–14 These protective effects were accom- essence, APRV involves the maintenance of plished using tidal volumes of less than 7 mL/kg a high, continuous, positive airway pressure that of measured body weight and plateau pressures intermittently time-cycles to a lower airway pres- of less than 31 cm of water.12,13,15 The reductions sure. APRV is designed to optimize and maintain in mortality and the duration of mechanical ventila- airway recruitment throughout the respiratory tion correlated directly with the magnitude of differ- cycle by maintaining a higher mean airway pres- ence in tidal volume between the control and sure despite using lower tidal volumes and end treatment groups. The two studies showing the expiratory pressures than other forms of ventila- highest protective value of low-tidal-volume venti- tion.20,21 The key to the successful use of APRV lation10,11 calculated the delivered tidal volume is to set the high pressure just a bit higher than based on ideal, rather than measured, patient the alveolar closing pressure, which allows alve- weight, suggesting that ventilator management in olar recruitment without alveolar collapse. Alveolar patients who have ALI and ARDS should be guided recruitment is maintained during the inflation not by the actual weight, but by the ideal body phase. The release phase, which is relatively short, weight. This is an important consideration in allows for passive exhalation and ventilation.22 patients who have a major burn injury because Oxygenation is achieved, with increases in inspira- they often have vast increases in body weight due tory pressure and time. to massive fluid resuscitation. However, this APRV thus allows for spontaneous breathing strategy is not without risk. Adverse effects of while decreasing the work of breathing and the a low-pressure ventilation strategy include need for sedation. These salutary effects also increased intracranial pressure, decreased can potentially minimize the impact of VILI and myocardial contractility, reductions in renal blood improve hemodynamic parameters. Studies of flow, and pulmonary hypertension. However, APRV have been restricted primarily to cases of multiple studies have shown that modest permis- ARDS, and there are few reports of its use for sive hypercapnia is safe.16–18 patients who have burns. Two randomized, Low-pressure ventilation should be considered controlled trials have been performed to assess for burn patients who have severe ALI and ARDS APRV, with variable results.23,24 Although neither
  • 3. What’s New in Critical Care of the Burn Patient? 609 study demonstrated differences in mortality or ventilation has become the standard of care for length of stay, one study of trauma patients re- mechanical ventilation in patients who have ARDS ported lower end-inflation pressures, improved and ALI. oxygenation, decreased ventilator duration, and decreased ICU stay in the APRV group compared with the pressure control ventilation group. RESUSCITATION AND FLUID MANAGEMENT Caution must be exercised before using APRV, however, because it theoretically could result in One of the greatest advances in burn treatment in lung overinflation and injury. the twentieth century was the development and adoption of guidelines for burn resuscitation. Fluid estimation formulas, such as the Parkland formula, High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation which allow for the adjustment of intravenous fluid High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), administration based on urine output, provided which has been used for decades in neonatal clinicians with easily identifiable endpoints of ICUs, is still under investigation for use in adults resuscitation. Patients who had major burn injury who have ARDS. HFOV, like APRV, improves were seldom dying from underresuscitation. oxygenation by maintaining elevated mean airway However, issues related to overresuscitation pressure to recruit alveoli.25–28 It differs from volu- began to develop. ‘‘Fluid creep,’’ the term used metric diffusive ventilation, the current standard of to describe the use of excessive intravenous fluid care for inhalation injury, in its use of higher during resuscitation, is being increasingly frequencies and time cycling. To achieve airway described in the literature.42–45 Abdominal recruitment and improved oxygenation, HFOV compartment syndrome, considered by some to uses extremely small tidal volumes (1–2 mL/kg) be a consequence of excessive resuscitation, at high frequencies (3–15 Hz), as opposed to also is being increasingly documented in the liter- frequencies of 300 to 600 Hz used in volumetric ature.46–49 diffusive ventilation. The result is the generation Perhaps one of the most important issues in of sustained mean airway pressures of 30 to burn resuscitation is that the optimal measurable 40 cm H2O. Oxygenation and ventilation are endpoint of resuscitation remains poorly defined. essentially uncoupled and can be controlled Studies attempting to generate variables predic- independently. tive of resuscitation nonresponders have been HFOV has been shown to decrease VILI in unsuccessful, and no single formula accurately animal models by limiting alveolar stretch and predicts the fluid resuscitation needs for all avoiding atelectrauma, which is caused by the patients during burn shock.50 This lack of clarity repeated opening and collapse of alveoli.29–33 is caused by the many confounding factors The sustained recruitment of alveoli results in surrounding burn injury, such as burn depth, inha- improved oxygenation. HFOV has been used in lation injury, associated injuries, age, delays in adults primarily as a rescue mode of ventilation resuscitation, the need for escharotomies or fas- in cases of severe ARDS in different scenarios, ciotomies, and the use of alcohol or drugs. Ideally, including burn injury.34–39 To date, two random- fluid resuscitation should be adjusted based on ized, prospective trials have found no difference physiologic endpoints. To date, urine output has in outcomes between the use of HFOV and been the most commonly used endpoint, although conventional mechanical ventilation; however, the value of using urine output to adjust fluid rates a current randomized, prospective trial is during burn shock has been challenged.51 underway and should define the use of HFOV in In recent years, the use of invasive monitoring cases of severe ARDS.40,41 One of the potential methods, such as central venous pressure moni- major limitations of HFOV is difficulties with venti- toring or the pulmonary artery catheter, has been lation and severe respiratory acidosis due to popularized, especially in the elderly, but recent increases in pCO2. reports raise questions about the utility of the Although both APRV and HFOV are promising pulmonary artery catheter in critically ill modalities for use in burn patients who have patients.52–55 Even central venous pressure has ARDS and ALI, neither has been rigorously studied been shown to be influenced more by intra- in a prospective, randomized fashion in patients abdominal pressures than actual right atrial who have burns. Likewise, the ability to decrease pressure.56 the incidence of volutrauma by reducing tidal Thus, although the pulmonary artery catheter volumes during mechanical ventilation has not and central venous pressure provide additional been thoroughly evaluated in patients who have information regarding heart function, studies failed burn and inhalation injury. However, low-tidal-volume to demonstrate improved survival with their use.
  • 4. 610 Palmieri New invasive monitors continue to be devel- United States.69 The mean pretransfusion hemo- oped in an attempt to improve outcomes. Clini- globin level was 8.6 Æ 1.7 g/dL, indicating that cians can now continuously measure mixed the majority of patients were still being transfused venous oxygenation, intrathoracic blood volume, at a hemoglobin level higher than what was recom- total blood volume index, and extravascular lung mended in the TRICC study. Once again, the water using specialized thermodilution tech- number of units of red blood cell transfusions the niques.54,57 Pulse contour analysis, transesopha- patients received was independently associated geal echocardiography, partial carbon dioxide with longer ICU length of stay and increased rebreathing, and impedance electrocardiography mortality. The CRIT study excluded burn patients; are all recently developed techniques that are thus, it provides no data on burn center transfusion used to estimate cardiac output.58–61 Although practices and the outcomes related to those these techniques show great promise, their utility practices. in burn resuscitation remains unclear. Finally, Limited data exists regarding the effects of tissue perfusion monitors, such as gastric tonom- a restrictive blood transfusion policy in adult burn eters or devices that measure oxygen and carbon patients. In one study by Sittig and Deitch,70 14 dioxide saturations in the subcutaneous tissues, patients admitted to a burn center during a 6- have not been shown to improve resuscitation in month interval were transfused when their hemo- burn patients. These techniques demonstrate low globin level was less than 6.0 g/dL. The outcomes perfusion capabilities despite other signs of of patients who had burns over less than 20% of providing adequate resuscitation and may actually their total body surface area or patients who lead to overresuscitation.62,63 required excision and grafting of less than 10% of their total body surface area were retrospec- tively compared with a matched group of 38 Blood Transfusion patients who had been treated the previous year Each year in the United States, more than $3 billion using a nonrestrictive policy (hemoglobin level are spent on blood transfusions, with approxi- maintained at greater than 9.5–10 g/dL). No differ- mately 25% of critically ill patients receiving at ences existed in the hospital length of stay. The least one blood transfusion to treat anemia.64–66 patients treated using the liberal strategy received Although critically ill patients may be predisposed 3.5 times as much blood as their restrictive-policy to the adverse effects of anemia, they are also counterparts. Although this study is an important subject to the adverse consequences of blood first step in the evaluation of blood transfusion in transfusion, including infection, pulmonary edema, burn patients, it is limited by its retrospective immune suppression, and microcirculatory alter- nature, review bias, and inadequate number of ations.67 Traditionally, blood transfusions have patients. been administered when the patient’s hemoglobin To evaluate actual burn center transfusion prac- level is less than 10 g/dL or the hematocrit is less tices, the Burn Multicenter Trials Group reviewed than 30%. However, a multicenter, prospective, the actual use of blood transfusion in patients randomized study of transfusion in ICU patients, who had burn injury to 20% or more of their total the TRICC study (Transfusion Requirements in body surface area for a 1-year period.71 Data Critical Care), challenged this standard.68 A total was collected from 21 different burn centers on of 838 patients were randomized to receive blood a total of 666 patients. The overall hemoglobin transfusion based on a liberal (maintain hemo- level at which the first transfusion was adminis- globin level at 10–12 g/dL) versus a restrictive tered was 9.35 Æ 0.8 g/dL for all patients, and (maintain hemoglobin level at 7–8 g/dL) strategy. the mean number of blood transfusions was 13.7 The restrictive strategy was at least as effective Æ 1.1 units, with the vast majority of transfusions as the liberal strategy in critically ill patients. Signif- given in the burn ICU (9.4 Æ 1.1). Mortality, as in icant differences favoring the restrictive strategy other studies of transfusion, was related to the included the in-hospital mortality rate, the cardiac number of units of blood transfused. In addition, complication rate, and organ dysfunction. This each transfusion increased the risk for infection study suggested that blood transfusion should by 11%. be restricted to patients who have a hemoglobin Three other retrospective studies were con- level of less than 7 g/dL. ducted to evaluate blood transfusion after burn The impact of the TRICC study on transfusion injury: two in children and one in adults. One study practices in the United States has been limited. by Jeschke and colleagues72 that evaluated the The CRIT study, a prospective, multicenter, obser- use of blood transfusion in 227 children who had vational study of ICU patients, analyzed the trans- major burn injury demonstrated increased rates fusion practices of 284 ICUs in 213 hospitals in the of sepsis and mortality in children who received
  • 5. What’s New in Critical Care of the Burn Patient? 611 more than 20 units of blood as compared with The definition of sepsis in the patient who has similar children receiving less than 20 units. The burns requires that an infection be documented other two studies, one in children and one in by way of a positive culture result, a pathologic adults, demonstrated decreased mortality in tissue source, or a clinical response to antimicro- patients treated using a restrictive transfusion bials and three of the following: strategy.73,74 Although these studies suggest that a restrictive transfusion strategy is efficacious, 1. Temperature greater than 39 C or less than a prospective, randomized trial is needed to define 36.5 C the optimal burn blood transfusion strategies. In 2. Progressive tachycardia (adults, 110 beats the interim, the use of blood transfusion after per minute; children, more than 2 SD above burn injury should be scrutinized. age-specific norms) 3. Progressive tachypnea (adults 25 beats per minute not ventilated, or with minute ventilation, 12 l/min ventilated; children, more than 2 SD SEPSIS PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT above age-specific norms) Sepsis continues to be one of the leading causes 4. Thrombocytopenia beginning 3 days after initial of morbidity and mortality after burn injury. Recent resuscitation (adults 100,000/ml; children, 2 advances in sepsis treatment fall into several cate- SD under age-specific norms) gories: the development of sepsis guidelines, the 5. Hyperglycemia in the absence of preexisting definition of sepsis in burns, and the prevention diabetes mellitus (untreated plasma glucose of sepsis. This section provides an overview of 200 mg/dL, or equivalent mM/L or insulin each of these areas. resistance) The development of sepsis guidelines was de- 6. Inability to continue enteral feedings for more signed to standardize the treatment of sepsis than 24 hours. throughout all ICUs. The latest guidelines were These criteria form the foundation for all future developed by an international panel of sepsis clinical studies and trials of sepsis in patients experts spanning all ICU specialties.75 The guide- who have burns. lines were created and rated based on available evidence from the literature. The current recom- mendations for the treatment of sepsis, which Glycemic Control are broad based, include those listed in Box 1. The applicability of these recommendations in Critically ill adults and children frequently develop certain aspects of burn treatment may be prob- stress-induced hyperglycemia secondary to alter- lematic because the majority of the supporting ations in the control mechanisms for glucose data does not include burn patients. supply and demand.77 An ‘‘insulin-resistant’’ state One of the major limitations in sepsis research develops, in which patients have either normal or and the application of sepsis guidelines in patients elevated plasma insulin concentrations during who have burns is a lack of a burn-specific defini- hyperglycemia.78 Early hyperglycemia and tion of sepsis. Although sepsis definitions have glucose variability after admission to the ICU been developed for critically ill patients, their appli- have been associated with adverse outcomes; cability in patients who have burns is limited prolonged hyperglycemia has been associated because of the innate differences in the physiology with a sixfold increase in mortality.79 Hypergly- of burn patients. For example, a burn patient is cemia has also been associated with increased persistently hypermetabolic, resulting in tachy- mortality in severely burned children and adults, cardia, tachypnea, and elevated body tempera- and the administration of exogenous insulin to ture. These physiologic alterations would result in minimize hyperglycemia after critical illness has a sepsis definition in the vast majority of patients been shown to impact outcome in adult patients.80 who have burn injury, many of whom would not In a landmark study, van den Berghe and have an ongoing infection. To address these colleagues81 demonstrated that, in critically ill issues, a consensus conference consisting of patients, intensive intravenous insulin therapy, de- burn experts from throughout the United States signed to maintain normoglycemia (80–110 mg/dL and Canada was held in January 2007 to define plasma glucose level) reduced in-hospital sepsis and infection for patients after burn injury.76 mortality by 34%. Similarly, patients who had dia- The findings of this group formed the foundation betes and acute myocardial infarction showed for the diagnosis of sepsis in burns clinically and improved long-term survival when they were for all future trials related to clinical burn sepsis treated using insulin therapy that targeted a plasma and infection. glucose level of less than 215 mg/dL.82
  • 6. 612 Palmieri Box 1 22. Institute glycemic control that targets Current recommendations for the treatment patients who have a blood glucose level of of sepsis less than 150 mg/dL. 23. Maintain an equivalency of continuous 1. Provide early, goal-directed resuscitation veno-veno hemofiltration and intermittent within 6 hours of sepsis diagnosis. hemodialysis. 2. Check blood cultures before starting antibi- 24. Use prophylaxis for patients who have otic therapy. deep-vein thrombosis. 3. Use imaging studies to confirm the infection 25. Use stress ulcer prophylaxis with H2 blockers source. or proton pump inhibitors. 4. Start the administration of broad-spectrum 26. Consider the limitation of support, when antibiotics within 1 hour of diagnosis of appropriate. septic shock or severe sepsis. 5. The narrowing of antibiotic coverage should be based on culture sensitivity Several studies have been completed evaluating results. 6. Use a 7- to 10-day antibiotic duration, the impact of tight glycemic control after major burn guided by clinical response. injury. Two studies, one in adults and one in chil- 7. Use source control. dren, have been performed in patients who had 8. Provide resuscitation using colloid or crystal- burn injury.83,84 Both studies demonstrated that loid agents. a strict glycemic control protocol that maintained 9. Use a fluid challenge to restore mean circu- blood glucose levels at less than 120 mg/dL could lating filling pressures. be developed and safely applied for patients who 10. Use a reduction in fluid administration in had burns, with an incidence of hypoglycemia of cases with rising filling pressures and no 5%. These studies also demonstrated a decrease improvement in tissue perfusion. in infectious complications and mortality. Although 11. The vasopressor preference should be for norepinephrine or dopamine to maintain these studies are suggestive of a salutary effect of the target arterial pressure at greater than continuous exogenous insulin administration, 65 mm Hg when fluid resuscitation fails to further prospective, randomized trials are needed improve hemodynamics. to confirm these findings because other studies 12. Use dobutamine when the cardiac output of glycemic control in critical illness have reported remains low despite the use of fluid resusci- differing results.85–87 Perhaps some of the tation and combined inotropic and vaso- disparity in findings can be explained by the vaga- pressor therapy. ries of glucose measurement for strict glycemic 13. Use stress-dose steroid therapy only in cases control protocols. Blood glucose levels can of septic shock when the blood pressure is differ by as much as 20%, based on whether poorly responsive to fluid and vasopressor therapy. the blood is drawn from a central venous cath- 14. Provide recombinant-activated protein C eter or an arterial line.88 In addition, anemia to patients who have severe sepsis and may introduce an error rate of 15% to 20% in a high risk for death based on clinical point of care glucose testing readings.89 Hence, assessment. care needs to be taken in the development of 15. Maintain hemoglobin levels at 7 to 9 g/dL, a protocol, including planning how and when except in patients who have coronary artery blood glucose levels will be measured. Addi- disease or acute hemorrhage. tional care needs to be taken to avoid the devel- 16. Use low-tidal-volume ventilation and a limi- opment of hypoglycemia during dressing tation of inspiratory plateau pressure in changes, during operative interventions, and patients who have ALI and ARDS. 17. Minimize the positive end-expiratory pres- after the administration of certain medications. sure in patients who have ALI. 18. Use a conservative fluid management strategy for patients who have ALI and REFERENCES ARDS who are not in shock. 1. Wolf SE, Rose JK, Desai MH, et al. Mortality determi- 19. Follow the protocols for weaning and seda- nants in massive pediatric burns. An analysis of 103 tion and analgesia. 20. Use intermittent bolus sedation or contin- children with or 5 80% TBSA burns ( or 5 70% uous infusion sedation with daily full-thickness). Ann Surg 1997;225:554–65. interruption. 2. Xiao-Wu W, Herndon DN, Spies M, et al. Effects of 21. Avoidance the use of a neuromuscular delayed wound excision and grafting in severely blockade. burned children. Arch Surg 2002;137:1049–54.
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