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Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care (2002) 13, 87^91

 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
doi:10.1054/cacc.2002.0384, available online at on


Anaesthesia for plastic surgery in children
S. M. Fenlon

Anaesthetic Department, QueenVictoria Hospital NHS Trust, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3DZ, UK

 KEYWORDS                               Summary Children constitute a signi¢cant and interesting part of the workload in
 surgery, plastic, paediatrics,         plastic surgery Many congenital and acquired problems are referred for sole or joint in-
 anaesthesia                            volvement with plastic surgeons. In the same way that surgeons have narrowed their
                                        focus to areas of special interest, so have anaesthetists. Paediatric practice has become
                                        a sub-specialty within anaesthesia, and the ¢eld of plastic surgery in the paediatric po-
                                        pulation is a further branch to this specialization.The onus is on those currently practi-
                                        cing to maintain and improve standards, even in areas where the surgery or anaesthesia
                                        appears mundane. As in all areas of paediatric practice, the nature of the work requires
                                        adaptability to the often unusual, and occasionally unexpected; whilstconstantly striving
                                        to maintain as friendly and supportive an environment as possible for apprehensive chil-
                                        dren and their parents. Many of the children will attend for further surgery and their
                                        outlook is easily tarnished by one bad experience. 
 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

INTRODUCTION                                                                the UK. Cleft lip and usually cleft palate are obvious at
                                                                            birth, though associated abnormalities may be more
The earliest accounts of attempted constructive and re-                     subtle and continuous involvement of paediatricians
constructive surgery without anaesthesia make for har-                      prior to and during cleft repair is essential.4 Many such
rowing reading.The early pioneers in plastic surgery not                    associations have now been described,5 and doubtless
only alleviated their patient’s su¡ering, they made sur-                    more will come to light together with further de¢nition
gery both safer and more e¡ective.1                                         of the genetic component. Some conditions have major
   Plastic surgery caters for patients of all ages, and in its              implications for the anaesthetist, particularly abnormal
paediatric branch presents patients from birth to teen-                     airway anatomy; others such as cardiac defects may in-
agers. Anaesthetists undertaking this work should meet                      £uence the optimal timing and location of surgery.6 Of
the requirements suggested by a number of bodies at-                        particular relevance is the Pierre Robin Sequence of mi-
tempting to limit ‘occasional practice’ in paediatric anaes-                crognathia, large tongue and airway obstruction. These
thesia.2 Sta⁄ng of wards, recovery and other areas                          children are more likely to cause di⁄culty in airway man-
within the hospital, as well as the hospital environment                    agement during induction of anaesthesia and in the post-
itself, must meet certain standards.3                                       operative period.7 However, the condition improves
   This article is divided according to the procedures                      with age and a scoring system may help identify those
most commonly performed at this institution. Many                           who should have surgery delayed to allow the airway to
areas such as burns management are dealt with else-                         improve.8
where in this issue, and detail is limited to avoid unneces-                   Occasionally, the child with CLAP also has di⁄culty in
sary repetition.                                                            feeding, and further to this may su¡er the e¡ects of re-
                                                                            peated pulmonary aspiration.9 Failure to thrive may have
                                                                            other aetiologies, which should be excluded. Feeding
CLEFT LIP AND PALATE SURGERY                                                aids, a period of nasogastric tube feeding, and airway
Primary cleft lip and palate (CLAP) surgery presents                        support such as nasopharyngeal airway insertion may
some of the youngest patients. CLAP is one of the most                      be needed to help overcome some of the problems these
common congenital malformations, and may be diag-                           babies su¡er.10 Early communication between surgeon,
nosed in the antenatal period by ultrasound scanning.                       anaesthetist, and other members of the cleft team is
The incidence is between 1:300 and 1:600 live births in                     vital in dealing with these complicated cases.
                                                                               The timing of surgery is governed by the desire for an
Correspondence to: SMF.                                                     aesthetic result and furthering development of normal
0953-7112/02/$^ see front matter
88                                                                           CURRENT ANAESTHESIA & CRITICAL CARE

speech and dentition, but tempered by the practical con-       analgesics postoperatively, preferring instead to use co-
siderations of operating on very young children. Primary       deine. It has been shown that the pharmacokinetic and
cleft lip repair is usually undertaken at 3 months of age,     analgesic properties of morphine are similar in young
and palate repair between 6 and 9 months when mouth            children to adults. If required, morphine can be used
breathing is established.4 The present tendency towards        safely in appropriate doses as long as there is adequate
earlier palate repair aims to improve speech develop-          postoperative observation.22 Codeine phosphate may
ment. Neonatal lip repair, at one time more widely prac-       be insu⁄cient, and it may be that other opioids could be
ticed, is now uncommon in this country.11 Intra-uterine        more e¡ectively employed in the paediatric population.23
repair, whilst established in animal models, has not yet          Surgery may be prolonged, and adequate precautions
been extended to humans.12 All babies require an estima-       against hypothermia should include temperature moni-
tion of pre-operative haemoglobin as many have a phy-          toring and forced air warming blankets. Accurate mea-
siological anaemia at the time of surgery for cleft lip.       surement of blood loss is di⁄cult, though an attempt
   There are studies supporting the use of oral atropine       can be made to judge the amount collected on swabs
as a premedicant, though the observed incidence of oxy-        and in suction apparatus. In palate surgery, losses are
gen desaturation was not reduced in the study by Shaw          usually replaced with crystalloid infusion.24 Some
et al.13 In this hospital, we do not usually premedicate       authors quote signi¢cant rates of blood transfusion fol-
these children. Our practice is to induce anaesthesia by       lowing CLAP surgery, though in our own experience
inhalation with sevo£urane in 100% oxygen; intravenous         the need for transfusion is rare.25 On completion of sur-
access, if not previously established, is then secured.        gery, the oropharynx is inspected to remove the throat
Once a suitable depth of anaesthesia is reached, con¢r-        pack and any blood clot, and to assess any continuing
mation of facemask ventilation is followed by paralysis        bleeding.There is an association between slow recovery
achieved with either a depolarizing or a longer acting         and postoperative airway obstruction and time should
muscle relaxant.We favour the latter. Di⁄cult face mask        be allowed for adequate elimination of anaesthetic
ventilation is extremely rare, though a di⁄cult view at        agents.24
laryngoscopy is a more frequent ¢nding and can to some            The child is extubated when fully awake, and supple-
extent be predicted pre-operatively.14 Use of a straight       mentary oxygen given by mask. At this time, particular
laryngoscope blade, the lateral or molar approach, and         attention is paid for signs of airway obstruction.This may
external laryngeal manipulation can help, as may a piece       occur at any part of the upper respiratory tract. If seen,
of gauze packed into the cleft lip.15,16 Techniques employ-    thought should be given to possibilities such as upper air-
ing the laryngeal mask and ¢breoptic bronchoscope have         way narrowing, blood clot, retained throat pack, tongue
been described.17 As mentioned above, if di⁄culty is           swelling from retraction, or inadequate mouth breath-
encountered, thought should be given to postponing             ing. Active management will depend on the aetiology; it
surgery to a later date. The anatomy and neuromuscular         may be su⁄cient to apply continuous positive airway
co-ordination of the upper airway may improve                  pressure for a time. Further to this, careful insertion of
with age.7                                                     an oro-pharyngeal airway, naso-pharyngeal airway, or
   Prior to surgery, the airway is secured with an endo-       even re-intubation may be needed. Close observation
tracheal tube. The preformed RAE type of tube passes           continues into the recovery period, again watching for
out over the lower lip, where it is ¢xed centrally, allowing   signs of airway obstruction or bleeding. Once the child
for optimal surgical access. The shared airway presents        is awake, and no bleeding seen, feeding with clear £uids
opportunities for inadvertent extubation at almost any         can begin and is usually comforting. Parents are encour-
stage.18 A throat pack is used for lip surgery though pa-      aged to come and join their child at this time.
late surgery is usually conducted without. Anaesthesia is         Later in life these children may require further sur-
maintained by controlled ventilation with volatile anaes-      gery to improve speech quality, dental development and
thetic agents. There may be some advantages to using           facial appearance. Awake ¢breoptic nasendoscopy allows
des£urane in this age group for its extremely rapid wash-      accurate evaluation of velo-pharyngeal incompetence,
out characteristics.19 Intraoperative analgesia is provided    and planning of future surgery to improve speech,12 Sur-
with fentanyl 1^2 mcg/kg intravenously, in combination         gery to improve naso-pharyngeal sphincter function can
with local anaesthetic in¢ltration. For lip repair, infra-     compromise the airway postoperatively so close obser-
orbital nerve blocks have been shown to be e¡ective20.         vation is needed in the recovery period.
   Paracetamol is commonly prescribed for postopera-
tive analgesia, and may be given as a loading dose
peri-operatively per rectum. Non-steroidal anti-in£am-
matory drugs are used by many paediatric anaesthetists
                                                               COSMETIC SURGERY
for children from 3 months of age.21 Due to fears of re-       The anxiety felt by parents of children having cosmetic
spiratory depression and excessive sedation, some              procedures may exceed that usually encountered. The
authors recommend avoiding the use of potent opioid            surgery is often performed at their request, and may
ANAESTHESIA FOR PLASTIC SURGERY IN CHILDREN                                                                             89

not be considered essential by the child at the time. Cos-     has not been shown on postoperative pain, this techni-
metic surgery in children is usually limited to correction     que does allow for reduced anaesthetic use, and provides
of prominent ears, removal of small areas of accessory         excellent postoperative analgesia.34 Digital transplants
tissue, and excision of skin lesions of varying sizes. The     require continuous observation of arterial and venous
larger lesions may require serial excision in multiple sur-    integrity. This may be augmented by using a pulse oxi-
gical episodes. Tissue expanders can be used to provide        meter probe attached to the operated digit, and com-
a source of local autologous skin by a process of              paring measurements with those from a normal digit.35
skin expansion.12 Some large skin naevii may have malig-
nant potential.26
   Pinnaplasty aims to restore the antihelical fold of the     TRAUMA
external ear, thus allowing the pinna to lay parallel to the
                                                               The case-load of traumatic injury to the face and hands
head. In older children, or for single ear surgery, local
                                                               of children presenting to plastic surgery units is increas-
anaesthesia may su⁄ce; but general anaesthesia is usually
                                                               ing. Though the degree of injury is usually less than that
required. Field in¢ltration or regional block with local
                                                               seen in adults, general anaesthesia is more likely to be re-
anaesthesia will both provide excellent postoperative an-
                                                               quired for the child, particularly in the younger age
algesia.27 Packing the external auditory meatus following
                                                               groups. These cases should be dealt with by appropri-
pinnaplasty causes postoperative nausea and vomiting
                                                               ately senior sta¡ at arranged times; night-time operating
and is now generally avoided. Nausea and vomiting is
                                                               is rarely justi¢ed.36 More serious pathology, particularly
further reduced by avoiding opioids with a prolonged
                                                               head injury, may occur in association with otherwise ap-
duration of action, maintaining anaesthesia by the intra-
                                                               parently trivial injury.
venous infusion of propofol,28 and the prophylactic ad-
                                                                  Clear guidelines exist for fasting of elective patients
ministration of ondansetron.29
                                                               and, anaesthetists often apply similar rules to emergency
   Pre-auricular skin tags are usually removed in the ¢rst
                                                               cases.37 Whilst each case should be managed on its mer-
year of life.They may contain cartilage, but are easily ex-
                                                               its, a number of individual factors may help make the de-
cised under general anaesthesia supplemented with in¢l-
                                                               cision as to how the airway should be managed.38
tration of local anaesthetic.More severe abnormalities of
                                                                  As mentioned above, most trauma surgery is simple,
the external ear may occur as part of a syndrome with
                                                               but occasionally severe tissue loss will need more com-
other defects that result from abnormal development of
                                                               plex surgery with tissue transfer. Environmental tem-
the ¢rst and second branchial arches.30 In these cases,
                                                               perature control, attention to £uid balance calculations,
aesthetic correction is undertaken as part of the overall
                                                               and the use of supplementay regional anaesthetic techni-
management of the associated problems.
                                                               ques where possible are major considerations. Experi-
                                                               enced postoperative monitoring of both patient and
                                                               tissue £ap are necessary. Flap donor sites, for example la-
HAND SURGERY                                                   tissimus dorsi muscle, are not always amenable to regio-
                                                               nal anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia can be well
Congenital hand deformities range from simple acces-
                                                               managed by opioid infusion tailored to accepted local
sory digits to complete absence of digits and associated
                                                               guidelines.To this may be added a patient controlled facil-
hand structures. Thus, surgery varies from short proce-
                                                               ity according to the level of understanding of the child.22
dures to surgically complex prolonged operations such as
toe-to-hand transfer. The anaesthetic management of
such cases is usually straightforward, requiring attention
to detail in respect of positioning, temperature control
                                                               SURGERY FOR THERMAL INJURY
and e¡ective analgesia. The surgical tourniquet, occa-         Management of acute burns in children is a highly specia-
sionally employed in two sites, has the potential to cause     lized subject, and initial treatment has as its primary aim
permanent injury and so care should be taken with ap-          restoration of skin integrity. Scarring left from the
propriate tourniquet size, padding and duration of use.        healed burn and skin grafting may need further surgery
Tourniquets are a source of signi¢cant surgical stimulus,      to improve the functional and aesthetic result. These
and may require potent intraoperative analgesia.31 An in-      children often make several trips to the operating thea-
teresting e¡ect of tourniquet use is its potential to raise    tre, and continuity of care is helpful. This permits indivi-
core temperature intraoperatively.32                           dual likes and dislikes to be catered for, at times when the
   Regional blocks, particularly the axillary approach to      maintenance of even small degrees of control can be very
brachial plexus block, are useful for analgesia. Multiple      important to the child.
site injections appear to confer no bene¢t over the single        Again, the surgery ranges from minor scar revision to
injection in children.33 Insertion of a catheter into the      prolonged and extensive reconstruction and anaesthesia
plexus sheath via the axillary approach allows continuous      is adapted accordingly following discussion with the
blockade to be established. Whilst a pre-emptive e¡ect         surgeon. Airway di⁄culties and problems in securing
90                                                                                            CURRENT ANAESTHESIA & CRITICAL CARE

venous access can prolong anaesthetic induction and                           6. Daly H, Moscuzza F. Anaesthesia for the child with congenital
theatre timings should be adjusted appropriately. Scar-                          heart disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery. In: Kaufman L, Gins-
ring deformity to the upper airway may result in di⁄cult                         burg (eds). Anaesthesia Review 14. London: Churchill Livingstone,
                                                                                 1998; 57^71.
laryngoscopy and, more rarely, di⁄cult face mask venti-                       7 HenrikssonT G, Skoog V T Identi¢cation of children at high anaes-
                                                                               .                              .
lation. The former can be managed by laryngeal mask in-                          thetic risk at the time of primary palatoplasty. Scand J Plast Re-
sertion or ¢breoptic-assisted intubation following                               constr Surg Hand Surg 2001; 35: 177^182.
induction of general anaesthesia. The latter represent a                      8. Caouette-Laberge L, Bayet B, Larocque Y The Pierre Robin se-
more complex scenario and may require an airway                                  quence: review of 125 cases and evolution of treatment modalities.
                                                                                 Plast Reconstr Surg 1994; 93: 934 ^942.
to be secured prior to anaesthesia. Achieving this in
                                                                              9. Tobin M, Stevenson G W, Hall S C. Anesthetic considerations for
an awake child is rarely possible and some form of                               the pediatric plastic surgical patient. Plast Surg Nurs 1994; 14:
light anaesthesia will usually be needed to achieve                              71^78, 85.
co-operation.39                                                             10. Marques I L, de Sousa T V, Carneiro A F, Barbieri M A, Bettiol H,
                                                                                 Gutierrez M R. Clinical experience with infants with Robin se-
                                                                                 quence: a prospective study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2001 Mar; 38:
HYPOSPADIAS REPAIR                                                          11. Asher-McDade C, Shaw W C.Current cleft lip and palate manage-
Hypospadias is a relatively common congenital condition                          ment in the United Kingdom. Br J Plast Surg.1990; 43: 318 ^321.
                                                                            12. Sadove A M, Eppley B L. Pediatric plastic surgery. Clin Plast Surg
with an incidence quoted as high as 1:300 live male                              1996 23: 139^155.
births.40 Other conditions often associated with hypos-                     13. Shaw C A, Kelleher A A,Gill C P, Murdoch L J, Stables R H, Black A
padias are undescended testes and inguinal hernia. Iso-                          E. Comparison of the incidence of complications at induction and
lated hypospadiasis is rarely associated with upper                              emergence in infants receiving oral atropine vs no premedication.
urinary tract disorders, and further investigation is not                        Br J Anaesth 2000; 84: 174 ^178.
                                                                            14. Gunawardana R H. Di⁄cult laryngoscopy in cleft lip and palate sur-
recommended in this group.41 A single- or two-stage re-
                                                                                 gery. Br J Anaesth 1996; 76: 757^759.
pair is usually carried out at about 3 years of age when                    15. Hatch D J. Airway management in cleft lip and palate surgery. Br J
continence is established, and co-operation with cathe-                          Anaesth 1996; 76: 755^756.
terization is better.General anaesthesia is supplemented                    16. Brown J M. Anaesthesia for cleft surgery. In: Patel H (ed.). Anaes-
with a caudal block to minimize opioid use and lead to a                         thesia for Burns, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. London: Edward
                                                                                 Arnold,1993; 43^52.
smooth pain-free recovery.Various methods of prolong-
                                                                            17 Andrews P J, Marchant R B. A new technique for di⁄cult intuba-
ing the block have been described.41,42 Children will have                       tion in babies.Technic 1995; 143.
an indwelling urinary catheter, usually per urethrum, for                   18. Clark M X, Knights D T, Henley M. A risk associated with the
2^ 6 days postoperatively. Early mobilization reduces sur-                       shared airway in reconstructive palate surgery. Anaesthesia 2001;
gical complications though care must be taken to prevent                         56: 1028.
pulling on or blockage of the catheter.40                                   19. Wolf A R, Lawson R A, Dryden C M, Davies F W. Recovery after
                                                                                 des£urane anaesthesia in the infant: comparison with iso£urane.
                                                                                 Br J Anaesth1996; 76: 362^364.
                                                                            20. Bosenberg A T, Kimble F W. Infraorbital nerve block in neonates
FURTHER READING                                                                  for cleft lip repair: anatomical study and clinical application. Br J
                                                                                 Anaesth 1995; 74: 506 ^508.
Many excellent general texts and articles exist detailing paediatric        21. de Lima J, Lloyd-Thomas A R, Howard R F, Sumner E, QuinnT M.
   anaesthetic techniques for surgery, which apply as much to children           Infant and neonatal pain: anaesthetists’ perceptions and prescrib-
   having plastic surgery. For guidance on management of general                 ing patterns. BMJ1996; 313: 787 .
   issues surrounding anaesthesia in children, readers may refer to es-     22. Kart T, Christrup L L, Rasmussen M. Recommended use of mor-
   tablished texts.44 More speci¢c detail can be found for pre-medica-           phine in neonates, infants and children based on a literature re-
   tion,45 pre-operative fasting,46, peri-operative £uid balance47 and           view: Part 2Fclinical use. Paediatr Anaesth 1997; 7: 93^101.
   analgesia.48                                                             23. Williams D G, Hatch D J, Howard R F. Codeine phosphate in pae-
                                                                                 diatric medicine. Br J Anaesth 2001; 86: 413^ 421.
                                                                            24. Xue F S, An G, Tong S Y, Liao X, Liu J H, Luo LK. In£uence of
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Anestesia y niños

  • 1. Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care (2002) 13, 87^91 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. c doi:10.1054/cacc.2002.0384, available online at on FOCUS ON: BURNS AND PLASTICS Anaesthesia for plastic surgery in children S. M. Fenlon Anaesthetic Department, QueenVictoria Hospital NHS Trust, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3DZ, UK KEYWORDS Summary Children constitute a signi¢cant and interesting part of the workload in surgery, plastic, paediatrics, plastic surgery Many congenital and acquired problems are referred for sole or joint in- . anaesthesia volvement with plastic surgeons. In the same way that surgeons have narrowed their focus to areas of special interest, so have anaesthetists. Paediatric practice has become a sub-specialty within anaesthesia, and the ¢eld of plastic surgery in the paediatric po- pulation is a further branch to this specialization.The onus is on those currently practi- cing to maintain and improve standards, even in areas where the surgery or anaesthesia appears mundane. As in all areas of paediatric practice, the nature of the work requires adaptability to the often unusual, and occasionally unexpected; whilstconstantly striving to maintain as friendly and supportive an environment as possible for apprehensive chil- dren and their parents. Many of the children will attend for further surgery and their outlook is easily tarnished by one bad experience. 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. c INTRODUCTION the UK. Cleft lip and usually cleft palate are obvious at birth, though associated abnormalities may be more The earliest accounts of attempted constructive and re- subtle and continuous involvement of paediatricians constructive surgery without anaesthesia make for har- prior to and during cleft repair is essential.4 Many such rowing reading.The early pioneers in plastic surgery not associations have now been described,5 and doubtless only alleviated their patient’s su¡ering, they made sur- more will come to light together with further de¢nition gery both safer and more e¡ective.1 of the genetic component. Some conditions have major Plastic surgery caters for patients of all ages, and in its implications for the anaesthetist, particularly abnormal paediatric branch presents patients from birth to teen- airway anatomy; others such as cardiac defects may in- agers. Anaesthetists undertaking this work should meet £uence the optimal timing and location of surgery.6 Of the requirements suggested by a number of bodies at- particular relevance is the Pierre Robin Sequence of mi- tempting to limit ‘occasional practice’ in paediatric anaes- crognathia, large tongue and airway obstruction. These thesia.2 Sta⁄ng of wards, recovery and other areas children are more likely to cause di⁄culty in airway man- within the hospital, as well as the hospital environment agement during induction of anaesthesia and in the post- itself, must meet certain standards.3 operative period.7 However, the condition improves This article is divided according to the procedures with age and a scoring system may help identify those most commonly performed at this institution. Many who should have surgery delayed to allow the airway to areas such as burns management are dealt with else- improve.8 where in this issue, and detail is limited to avoid unneces- Occasionally, the child with CLAP also has di⁄culty in sary repetition. feeding, and further to this may su¡er the e¡ects of re- peated pulmonary aspiration.9 Failure to thrive may have other aetiologies, which should be excluded. Feeding CLEFT LIP AND PALATE SURGERY aids, a period of nasogastric tube feeding, and airway Primary cleft lip and palate (CLAP) surgery presents support such as nasopharyngeal airway insertion may some of the youngest patients. CLAP is one of the most be needed to help overcome some of the problems these common congenital malformations, and may be diag- babies su¡er.10 Early communication between surgeon, nosed in the antenatal period by ultrasound scanning. anaesthetist, and other members of the cleft team is The incidence is between 1:300 and 1:600 live births in vital in dealing with these complicated cases. The timing of surgery is governed by the desire for an Correspondence to: SMF. aesthetic result and furthering development of normal 0953-7112/02/$^ see front matter
  • 2. 88 CURRENT ANAESTHESIA & CRITICAL CARE speech and dentition, but tempered by the practical con- analgesics postoperatively, preferring instead to use co- siderations of operating on very young children. Primary deine. It has been shown that the pharmacokinetic and cleft lip repair is usually undertaken at 3 months of age, analgesic properties of morphine are similar in young and palate repair between 6 and 9 months when mouth children to adults. If required, morphine can be used breathing is established.4 The present tendency towards safely in appropriate doses as long as there is adequate earlier palate repair aims to improve speech develop- postoperative observation.22 Codeine phosphate may ment. Neonatal lip repair, at one time more widely prac- be insu⁄cient, and it may be that other opioids could be ticed, is now uncommon in this country.11 Intra-uterine more e¡ectively employed in the paediatric population.23 repair, whilst established in animal models, has not yet Surgery may be prolonged, and adequate precautions been extended to humans.12 All babies require an estima- against hypothermia should include temperature moni- tion of pre-operative haemoglobin as many have a phy- toring and forced air warming blankets. Accurate mea- siological anaemia at the time of surgery for cleft lip. surement of blood loss is di⁄cult, though an attempt There are studies supporting the use of oral atropine can be made to judge the amount collected on swabs as a premedicant, though the observed incidence of oxy- and in suction apparatus. In palate surgery, losses are gen desaturation was not reduced in the study by Shaw usually replaced with crystalloid infusion.24 Some et al.13 In this hospital, we do not usually premedicate authors quote signi¢cant rates of blood transfusion fol- these children. Our practice is to induce anaesthesia by lowing CLAP surgery, though in our own experience inhalation with sevo£urane in 100% oxygen; intravenous the need for transfusion is rare.25 On completion of sur- access, if not previously established, is then secured. gery, the oropharynx is inspected to remove the throat Once a suitable depth of anaesthesia is reached, con¢r- pack and any blood clot, and to assess any continuing mation of facemask ventilation is followed by paralysis bleeding.There is an association between slow recovery achieved with either a depolarizing or a longer acting and postoperative airway obstruction and time should muscle relaxant.We favour the latter. Di⁄cult face mask be allowed for adequate elimination of anaesthetic ventilation is extremely rare, though a di⁄cult view at agents.24 laryngoscopy is a more frequent ¢nding and can to some The child is extubated when fully awake, and supple- extent be predicted pre-operatively.14 Use of a straight mentary oxygen given by mask. At this time, particular laryngoscope blade, the lateral or molar approach, and attention is paid for signs of airway obstruction.This may external laryngeal manipulation can help, as may a piece occur at any part of the upper respiratory tract. If seen, of gauze packed into the cleft lip.15,16 Techniques employ- thought should be given to possibilities such as upper air- ing the laryngeal mask and ¢breoptic bronchoscope have way narrowing, blood clot, retained throat pack, tongue been described.17 As mentioned above, if di⁄culty is swelling from retraction, or inadequate mouth breath- encountered, thought should be given to postponing ing. Active management will depend on the aetiology; it surgery to a later date. The anatomy and neuromuscular may be su⁄cient to apply continuous positive airway co-ordination of the upper airway may improve pressure for a time. Further to this, careful insertion of with age.7 an oro-pharyngeal airway, naso-pharyngeal airway, or Prior to surgery, the airway is secured with an endo- even re-intubation may be needed. Close observation tracheal tube. The preformed RAE type of tube passes continues into the recovery period, again watching for out over the lower lip, where it is ¢xed centrally, allowing signs of airway obstruction or bleeding. Once the child for optimal surgical access. The shared airway presents is awake, and no bleeding seen, feeding with clear £uids opportunities for inadvertent extubation at almost any can begin and is usually comforting. Parents are encour- stage.18 A throat pack is used for lip surgery though pa- aged to come and join their child at this time. late surgery is usually conducted without. Anaesthesia is Later in life these children may require further sur- maintained by controlled ventilation with volatile anaes- gery to improve speech quality, dental development and thetic agents. There may be some advantages to using facial appearance. Awake ¢breoptic nasendoscopy allows des£urane in this age group for its extremely rapid wash- accurate evaluation of velo-pharyngeal incompetence, out characteristics.19 Intraoperative analgesia is provided and planning of future surgery to improve speech,12 Sur- with fentanyl 1^2 mcg/kg intravenously, in combination gery to improve naso-pharyngeal sphincter function can with local anaesthetic in¢ltration. For lip repair, infra- compromise the airway postoperatively so close obser- orbital nerve blocks have been shown to be e¡ective20. vation is needed in the recovery period. Paracetamol is commonly prescribed for postopera- tive analgesia, and may be given as a loading dose peri-operatively per rectum. Non-steroidal anti-in£am- matory drugs are used by many paediatric anaesthetists COSMETIC SURGERY for children from 3 months of age.21 Due to fears of re- The anxiety felt by parents of children having cosmetic spiratory depression and excessive sedation, some procedures may exceed that usually encountered. The authors recommend avoiding the use of potent opioid surgery is often performed at their request, and may
  • 3. ANAESTHESIA FOR PLASTIC SURGERY IN CHILDREN 89 not be considered essential by the child at the time. Cos- has not been shown on postoperative pain, this techni- metic surgery in children is usually limited to correction que does allow for reduced anaesthetic use, and provides of prominent ears, removal of small areas of accessory excellent postoperative analgesia.34 Digital transplants tissue, and excision of skin lesions of varying sizes. The require continuous observation of arterial and venous larger lesions may require serial excision in multiple sur- integrity. This may be augmented by using a pulse oxi- gical episodes. Tissue expanders can be used to provide meter probe attached to the operated digit, and com- a source of local autologous skin by a process of paring measurements with those from a normal digit.35 skin expansion.12 Some large skin naevii may have malig- nant potential.26 Pinnaplasty aims to restore the antihelical fold of the TRAUMA external ear, thus allowing the pinna to lay parallel to the The case-load of traumatic injury to the face and hands head. In older children, or for single ear surgery, local of children presenting to plastic surgery units is increas- anaesthesia may su⁄ce; but general anaesthesia is usually ing. Though the degree of injury is usually less than that required. Field in¢ltration or regional block with local seen in adults, general anaesthesia is more likely to be re- anaesthesia will both provide excellent postoperative an- quired for the child, particularly in the younger age algesia.27 Packing the external auditory meatus following groups. These cases should be dealt with by appropri- pinnaplasty causes postoperative nausea and vomiting ately senior sta¡ at arranged times; night-time operating and is now generally avoided. Nausea and vomiting is is rarely justi¢ed.36 More serious pathology, particularly further reduced by avoiding opioids with a prolonged head injury, may occur in association with otherwise ap- duration of action, maintaining anaesthesia by the intra- parently trivial injury. venous infusion of propofol,28 and the prophylactic ad- Clear guidelines exist for fasting of elective patients ministration of ondansetron.29 and, anaesthetists often apply similar rules to emergency Pre-auricular skin tags are usually removed in the ¢rst cases.37 Whilst each case should be managed on its mer- year of life.They may contain cartilage, but are easily ex- its, a number of individual factors may help make the de- cised under general anaesthesia supplemented with in¢l- cision as to how the airway should be managed.38 tration of local anaesthetic.More severe abnormalities of As mentioned above, most trauma surgery is simple, the external ear may occur as part of a syndrome with but occasionally severe tissue loss will need more com- other defects that result from abnormal development of plex surgery with tissue transfer. Environmental tem- the ¢rst and second branchial arches.30 In these cases, perature control, attention to £uid balance calculations, aesthetic correction is undertaken as part of the overall and the use of supplementay regional anaesthetic techni- management of the associated problems. ques where possible are major considerations. Experi- enced postoperative monitoring of both patient and tissue £ap are necessary. Flap donor sites, for example la- HAND SURGERY tissimus dorsi muscle, are not always amenable to regio- nal anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia can be well Congenital hand deformities range from simple acces- managed by opioid infusion tailored to accepted local sory digits to complete absence of digits and associated guidelines.To this may be added a patient controlled facil- hand structures. Thus, surgery varies from short proce- ity according to the level of understanding of the child.22 dures to surgically complex prolonged operations such as toe-to-hand transfer. The anaesthetic management of such cases is usually straightforward, requiring attention to detail in respect of positioning, temperature control SURGERY FOR THERMAL INJURY and e¡ective analgesia. The surgical tourniquet, occa- Management of acute burns in children is a highly specia- sionally employed in two sites, has the potential to cause lized subject, and initial treatment has as its primary aim permanent injury and so care should be taken with ap- restoration of skin integrity. Scarring left from the propriate tourniquet size, padding and duration of use. healed burn and skin grafting may need further surgery Tourniquets are a source of signi¢cant surgical stimulus, to improve the functional and aesthetic result. These and may require potent intraoperative analgesia.31 An in- children often make several trips to the operating thea- teresting e¡ect of tourniquet use is its potential to raise tre, and continuity of care is helpful. This permits indivi- core temperature intraoperatively.32 dual likes and dislikes to be catered for, at times when the Regional blocks, particularly the axillary approach to maintenance of even small degrees of control can be very brachial plexus block, are useful for analgesia. Multiple important to the child. site injections appear to confer no bene¢t over the single Again, the surgery ranges from minor scar revision to injection in children.33 Insertion of a catheter into the prolonged and extensive reconstruction and anaesthesia plexus sheath via the axillary approach allows continuous is adapted accordingly following discussion with the blockade to be established. Whilst a pre-emptive e¡ect surgeon. Airway di⁄culties and problems in securing
  • 4. 90 CURRENT ANAESTHESIA & CRITICAL CARE venous access can prolong anaesthetic induction and 6. Daly H, Moscuzza F. Anaesthesia for the child with congenital theatre timings should be adjusted appropriately. Scar- heart disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery. In: Kaufman L, Gins- ring deformity to the upper airway may result in di⁄cult burg (eds). Anaesthesia Review 14. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1998; 57^71. laryngoscopy and, more rarely, di⁄cult face mask venti- 7 HenrikssonT G, Skoog V T Identi¢cation of children at high anaes- . . lation. The former can be managed by laryngeal mask in- thetic risk at the time of primary palatoplasty. Scand J Plast Re- sertion or ¢breoptic-assisted intubation following constr Surg Hand Surg 2001; 35: 177^182. induction of general anaesthesia. The latter represent a 8. Caouette-Laberge L, Bayet B, Larocque Y The Pierre Robin se- . more complex scenario and may require an airway quence: review of 125 cases and evolution of treatment modalities. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994; 93: 934 ^942. to be secured prior to anaesthesia. Achieving this in 9. Tobin M, Stevenson G W, Hall S C. Anesthetic considerations for an awake child is rarely possible and some form of the pediatric plastic surgical patient. Plast Surg Nurs 1994; 14: light anaesthesia will usually be needed to achieve 71^78, 85. co-operation.39 10. Marques I L, de Sousa T V, Carneiro A F, Barbieri M A, Bettiol H, Gutierrez M R. Clinical experience with infants with Robin se- quence: a prospective study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2001 Mar; 38: 171^178. HYPOSPADIAS REPAIR 11. Asher-McDade C, Shaw W C.Current cleft lip and palate manage- Hypospadias is a relatively common congenital condition ment in the United Kingdom. Br J Plast Surg.1990; 43: 318 ^321. 12. Sadove A M, Eppley B L. Pediatric plastic surgery. Clin Plast Surg with an incidence quoted as high as 1:300 live male 1996 23: 139^155. births.40 Other conditions often associated with hypos- 13. Shaw C A, Kelleher A A,Gill C P, Murdoch L J, Stables R H, Black A padias are undescended testes and inguinal hernia. Iso- E. Comparison of the incidence of complications at induction and lated hypospadiasis is rarely associated with upper emergence in infants receiving oral atropine vs no premedication. urinary tract disorders, and further investigation is not Br J Anaesth 2000; 84: 174 ^178. 14. Gunawardana R H. Di⁄cult laryngoscopy in cleft lip and palate sur- recommended in this group.41 A single- or two-stage re- gery. Br J Anaesth 1996; 76: 757^759. pair is usually carried out at about 3 years of age when 15. Hatch D J. Airway management in cleft lip and palate surgery. Br J continence is established, and co-operation with cathe- Anaesth 1996; 76: 755^756. terization is better.General anaesthesia is supplemented 16. Brown J M. Anaesthesia for cleft surgery. In: Patel H (ed.). Anaes- with a caudal block to minimize opioid use and lead to a thesia for Burns, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. London: Edward Arnold,1993; 43^52. smooth pain-free recovery.Various methods of prolong- 17 Andrews P J, Marchant R B. A new technique for di⁄cult intuba- . ing the block have been described.41,42 Children will have tion in babies.Technic 1995; 143. an indwelling urinary catheter, usually per urethrum, for 18. Clark M X, Knights D T, Henley M. A risk associated with the 2^ 6 days postoperatively. Early mobilization reduces sur- shared airway in reconstructive palate surgery. Anaesthesia 2001; gical complications though care must be taken to prevent 56: 1028. pulling on or blockage of the catheter.40 19. Wolf A R, Lawson R A, Dryden C M, Davies F W. Recovery after des£urane anaesthesia in the infant: comparison with iso£urane. Br J Anaesth1996; 76: 362^364. 20. Bosenberg A T, Kimble F W. Infraorbital nerve block in neonates FURTHER READING for cleft lip repair: anatomical study and clinical application. Br J Anaesth 1995; 74: 506 ^508. Many excellent general texts and articles exist detailing paediatric 21. de Lima J, Lloyd-Thomas A R, Howard R F, Sumner E, QuinnT M. anaesthetic techniques for surgery, which apply as much to children Infant and neonatal pain: anaesthetists’ perceptions and prescrib- having plastic surgery. For guidance on management of general ing patterns. BMJ1996; 313: 787 . issues surrounding anaesthesia in children, readers may refer to es- 22. Kart T, Christrup L L, Rasmussen M. Recommended use of mor- tablished texts.44 More speci¢c detail can be found for pre-medica- phine in neonates, infants and children based on a literature re- tion,45 pre-operative fasting,46, peri-operative £uid balance47 and view: Part 2Fclinical use. Paediatr Anaesth 1997; 7: 93^101. analgesia.48 23. Williams D G, Hatch D J, Howard R F. Codeine phosphate in pae- diatric medicine. Br J Anaesth 2001; 86: 413^ 421. 24. Xue F S, An G, Tong S Y, Liao X, Liu J H, Luo LK. In£uence of REFERENCES surgical technique on early postoperative hypoxaemia in children undergoing elective palatoplasty. Br J Anaesth 1998; 80: 1. Bodley P. Development of anaesthesia for plastic surgery. J R Soc 447^ 451. Med1978; 71: 839^ 843. 25. Doyle E, Hudson I. Anaesthesia for primary repair of cleft lip and 2. Lunn J N. Implications of the national con¢dential enquiry into peri- cleft palate: a review of 244 procedures. Paediatr Anaesth 1992; 2: operative deaths for paediatric anaesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth 139^145. 1992; 2: 69^72. 26. Hutcinson J M S. In: Muir I F K (ed.), Plastic Surgery in Paediatrics. 3. Department of Health. Welfare of Children and Y oung People in London: Lloyd-Luke,1987 ,1^10. Hospital. London: HMSO,1991. 27 Cregg N, Conway F, Casey W. Analgesia after otoplasty: regional . 4. Sommerlad B C. Management of cleft clip and palate.Curr Paediatr nerve blockade vs local anaesthetic in¢ltration of the ear. Can J 1994; 4: 189^195. Anaesth 1996; 43: 141^147 . 5. Shprintzen R J, Siegel-Sadewitz V L, Amato J, Goldberg R B. 28. Woodward W M, Barker I, John R E, Peacock J E. Propofol infusion Anomalies associated with cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. Am J vs thiopentone/iso£urane anaesthesia for prominent ear correc- Med Genet 1985; 20: 585^595. tion in children. Paediatr Anaesth 1997; 7: 379^383.
  • 5. ANAESTHESIA FOR PLASTIC SURGERY IN CHILDREN 91 29. Paxton D, Taylor R H, Gallagher T M, Crean P M. Postoperative 39. Barham C J. Anaesthesia for maxiofacial surgery. In: Patel H (ed.). emesis following otoplasty in children. Anaesthesia 1995; 50: Anaesthesia for Burns, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. London: 1083^1085. Edward Arnold,1993. 30. Muir I F K, McLay K A. In: Muir I F K (ed.). Plastic Surgery in Paedia- 40. Grobbelaar A O, Laing J H, Harrison D H, Sanders R. Hypospadias trics. London: Lloyd-Luke,1987; 82^92. repair: the in£uence of postoperative care and a patient factor on 31. Kam P C A, Kavanagh R, Y oong F F Y The arterial tourniquet: . surgical morbidity. Ann Plast Surg 1996; 37: 612^ 617. pathophysiological consequences and anaesthetic implications. 41. Khuri F J, Hardy B E, Churchill B M. Urologic anomalies associated Anaesthesia 2001; 56: 534 ^545. with hypospadias. Urol Clin North Am1981; 8: 565^571. 32. Bloch E C,Ginsberg B, Binner Jr R A, Sessler D I. Limb tourniquets 42. Gunduz M, Ozcengiz D, Ozbek H, Isik G. A comparison of single and central temperature in anesthetized children. Anesth Analg dose caudal tramadol, tramadol plus bupivacaine and bupivacaine 1992; 74: 486^ 489. administration for postoperative analgesia in children. Paediatr 33. Carre P, Joly A,Cluzel Field B,Wodey E, Lucas M M, Eco¡ey C. Ax- Anaesth 2001; 1 323^326. 1: illary block in children: single or multiple injection? Paediatr 43. Sharpe P, Klein J R,Thompson J P et al. Analgesia for circumcision in Anaesth 2000; 10: 35^39. a paediatric population: comparison of caudal bupivacaine alone 34. Altintas F, Bozkurt P, Ipek N,Y ucel A, Kaya G.The e⁄cacy of pre- with bupivacaine plus two doses of clonidine. Paediatr Anaesth versus postsurgical axillary block on postoperative pain in paedia- 2001; 1 695^700. 1: tric patients. Paediatr Anaesth 2000; 10: 23^28. 44. Sumner E, Hatch D J (eds). Paediatric Anaesthesia.London: Arnold, 35. Jones N F, Gupta R. Postoperative monitoring of pediatric toe-to- 1999. hand transfers with di¡erential pulse oximetry. J Hand Surg [Am]. 45. Sury M R J. Premedication in paediatric anaesthesia. In: Kaufman L, 2001; 26: 525^529. Ginsbury R (eds). Anaesthesia Review 11. London: Churchill Living- 36. Campling E A, Devlin H B, Lunn J N. The Report of the National stone,1994; 193^206. Con¢dential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths1989. London,1990. 46. Phillips S, Daborn A K, Hatch D J. Preoperative fasting for paedia- 37 Emerson B M, Wrigley S R, Newton M. Pre-operative fasting for . tric anaesthesia Br J Anaesth.1994; 73: 529^536. paediatric anaesthesia. A survey of current practice. Anaesthesia 47 Rice H E, Caty M G,Glick P L. Fluid therapy for the pediatric surgi- . 1998; 53: 326^330. cal patient. Pediatr Clin North Am 1998; 45: 719^727 . 38. Goodwin M W, Robinson K N. A pragmatic approach to fasting in 48. Morton N S. Prevention and control of pain in children. Br J paediatric trauma? Paediatr Anaesth 2000; 10: 452^ 453. Anaesth 1999; 83: 1 ^129. 18