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Programming & Development Tools                        Introduction to Programming


Introduction to Programming
Overview of Office Tools

This unit explains about various office tools.
At the end of this unit, you will be able to
           Explain the features of Office tools
           List the applications in Microsoft Office
           List the various menu options
           Identify the various toolbar options
           Perform basic file operations such as creating a new file, opening
           an existing file, saving a file and closing the file
           Identify various file formats such as .doc, .xls and .ppt

Benchmark Standard
           Create files and save them in various formats such as .doc, .xls and
           Edit and format the files you created to make them more

Overview of Office Tools                                                   1.1-1
Programming & Development Tools                       Introduction to Programming

Microsoft Office XP is an advanced version of Office 2000. Office XP is also
referred to as Office 2002. This is the most widely used application in
personal computers. It is user-friendly and is designed to simplify the way
people work. Microsoft Office XP is a collection of Microsoft programs such as
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Front Page. In this unit you will learn
about the various menu and tool bar options used in some of these

1.1.1 Features of Office Tools
Office XP applications are provided with a new look and feel. The features of
Office XP are enhanced when compared with that of Office 2000. It enables
you to perform the common user activities easily and quickly.
Some of the Office XP features that are common to its applications are:
   •   Task Pane
   •   Microsoft Script Editor
   •   Office Clipboard
   •   Help System

1.1.1 (A) Task Pane
Definition: Task Pane is a panel located at the right side of the application
window that provides easy access to the frequently used commands.
Task Pane is a new feature added to the Office XP application. This pane is
displayed at the right of the application window and it changes based on what
you are doing. Its purpose is to give you easy access to frequently used
commands. Figure 1.1.1 displays the Task Pane used in various applications.

Overview of Office Tools                                                  1.1-2
Programming & Development Tools                                   Introduction to Programming

        WORD                               POWERPOINT                     EXCEL

  Figure 1.1.1: Task Pane for Word, PowerPoint and Excel Respectively

Managing the Task Pane
At the top of the Task Pane, there will be a bar as shown in Figure 1.1.2.

                             Next Button          Drop-Down Menu

                           Previous    Name of the Task   Close
                            Button      Pane you are
                                         Working in

                             Figure 1.1.2: Task Pane Bar

   •   In the Task Pane, you will have the previous and the next button to
       navigate through the other Task Pane choices.
   •   Next, the name of the Task Pane you are currently working in will be
   •   Drop-down menu will reveal all the Task Pane available, as shown in
       Figure 1.1.3.

Overview of Office Tools                                                              1.1-3
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

                    Figure 1.1.3: Drop-Down Menu (In Word)

   •   To close the task pane, click on the Close button (    ) button.
   •   To view the Task Pane, choose View         Task Pane as shown in
       Figure 1.1.4.

                           Figure 1.1.4: Viewing Task Pane

1.1.1 (B) Microsoft Script Editor
Definition: Microsoft Script Editor is an editor that enables you to view and
edit HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application.
Any changes made in the document will be reflected in the script editor as
shown in Figure 1.1.5.

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-4
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

                 Figure 1.1.5: Opening Microsoft Script Editor

Microsoft Script Editor Window appears as shown in Figure 1.1.6.

                       Figure 1.1.6: Microsoft Script Editor

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-5
Programming & Development Tools                           Introduction to Programming

1.1.1 (C) Office Clipboard
Definition: Clipboard is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the
cut or copied items for easy reference.
To view Clipboard content, choose Edit         Office Clipboard as shown in
Figure 1.1.7.

                      Figure 1.1.7: Opening Clipboard Pane

Clipboard pane appears as shown in Figure 1.1.8.

                           Figure 1.1.8: Clipboard Pane

In Figure 1.1.9, the first line in the document is copied and it appears in the
Clipboard task pane at the right end of the window.

Overview of Office Tools                                                      1.1-6
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

                Figure 1.1.9: Copied Text Places in the Clipboard


The Clipboard can hold up to 24 cut or copied items.

1.1.1 (D) Help System
Definition: The Help system in Office XP helps to find information quickly and
Follow the given steps to search for information in office suite:
    1. To invoke help option, choose Help      Microsoft Word Help. Office
       Assistant appears as shown in Figure 1.1.10.

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-7
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

                           Figure 1.1.10: Office Assistant

   2. Type the question in the search box.
   3. Click on Search button. List of possible links will be displayed as
      shown in Figure 1.1.11.

Figure 1.1.11: Office Assistant Listing the Possible Links for the Search

   4. Select from the suggested category by clicking on the appropriate

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-8
Programming & Development Tools                                  Introduction to Programming


Office Assistant is an animated character that gives you tips, messages and help to work
efficiently with the application.


To invoke Office Assistant, press F1.

      Self-Check Exercise 1.1.1

    1. Microsoft Office XP is also referred as Microsoft Office ________.
    2. _________ is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the cut or copied items
       for easy reference.
    3. To invoke Office Assistant, press ______.
    4. ____________________ is an editor that enables you to view and edit HTML codes,
       DHTML objects and scripts in an office application.

1.1.2 Working with Menu and Toolbars
Definition: Menu bar is a horizontal bar that appears at the top of the active
window, which is associated with pull-down menus.
Definition: Toolbar is a collection of icons that provides easy access to
commonly used menu commands.

1.1.2 (A) Menu Bar
Menu bar contains list of commands that are used for creating and editing
documents and presentations. They appear at the top of the active window as
shown in Figure 1.1.12.

                           Figure 1.1.12: Menu Bar (In Word)

When you click on the menu name, the menu options appear as shown in
Figure 1.1.13.

Overview of Office Tools                                                                   1.1-9
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

                             Figure 1.1.13: Menu Options

You can now choose the required menu option.

      Activity 1.1.1

   1. Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications. Notice the difference
      in menu names between Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

1.1.2 (B) Toolbar
Toolbar is a collection of frequently used menu options, which is represented
in form of icons. They contain buttons, menus or a combination of both that
are used to perform actions faster. There are various toolbars available in
Office. The most commonly used toolbars are Standard toolbar and
Formatting toolbar. Standard and Formatting toolbars are shown in Figure
1.1.14 and 1.1.15.

                           Figure 1.1.14: Standard Toolbar

                           Figure 1.1.15: Formatting Toolbar

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-10
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

When you open the Office application for the first time, the Standard and
Formatting toolbars will be displayed by default. To view other toolbars,
choose View     Toolbars and select the required toolbar as shown in Figure

                           Figure 1.1.16: Selecting Toolbar

1.1.2 (C) Menu Options
Now that you are familiar with menu and toolbar, you will now learn about
various menu options.
(a) File Menu
File menu helps in performing file related operations such as opening, saving
and closing a file. File menu is shown in Figure 1.1.17.

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-11
Programming & Development Tools                            Introduction to Programming

                               Figure 1.1.17: File Menu

Table 1.1.1 describes the various menu options in File menu.

                   Menu Option              Description
                      New             Creates a new blank file.
                           Open       Opens an existing file.
                           Close      Closes the active file.
                           Save       Saves the active file.
                       Save As        Saves the active file with a
                                      different name in a
                                      different location.

                     Table 1.1.1: Menu Options in File Menu


To create a new file, perform the following steps:
   1. Open the word application. New Document task pane will appear as
      shown in Figure 1.1.18.
   2. From the New Document task pane choose Blank Document.

Overview of Office Tools                                                       1.1-12
Programming & Development Tools                                 Introduction to Programming

  Figure 1.1.18: Choosing Blank Document From New Document Task

    3. Type the text It is never too late to become what you might have been.
    4. Save the document by either choosing File    Save or click on Save
       button (   ) on the Standard toolbar. Name the file as File1.doc.
    5. To close the file, choose File         Close.


To create a blank document when the application is already opened, either choose File
New or click on New button (   ) on the Standard toolbar.


To close the active window, press Ctrl and W key combination.


To open an existing file, perform the following steps:
1. To open an existing file by either choosing File   Open or click on Open
   button (     ) on the Standard toolbar. Open dialog box appears as shown
   in Figure 1.1.19.

Overview of Office Tools                                                                1.1-13
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

                           Figure 1.1.19: Open Dialog Box

2. Click on the Look in drop down list box and select the file you want to
   open from the corresponding folder.
3. Finally, click on the open button. The file opens.


To save the existing file with another name, perform the following steps:
1. Open the file File1.doc.
2. Choose File        Save As. Save As dialog box appears as shown in Figure

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-14
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

                           Figure 1.1.20: Save As Dialog Box

3. Click on the Save in drop-down list box and select the required folder.
4. Type the file name in the File name textbox as File2.doc.
5. Finally, click the Save button.


To invoke Save As dialog box, press F12.

      Activity 1.1.2 (a)

In the following figure, label the icons and state its main function in the box

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-15
Programming & Development Tools                                 Introduction to Programming

      Activity 1.1.2 (b)

Perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open Excel application.
Step 2: Type the number 123.
Step 3: Save the file with the name Ex1.xls.
Step 4: Close the file.
Step 5: Open the file Ex1.xls.
Step 6: Save the file with the name Ex2.xls.
Step 7: Close the file.
Step 8: Close the application.

      Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 1: Open a blank document and type the following:
                " I had lunch with a chess champion the other day. I knew he was a chess
               champion because it took him 20 minutes to pass the salt. "
                Save the document with the name Quote1.doc.
Lab Exercise 2: Open the document Quote1.doc and add the following quote:
                " When humour goes, there goes civilization. "
                Save the document with the name Quote2.doc.

Overview of Office Tools                                                              1.1-16
Programming & Development Tools                               Introduction to Programming

(b) Edit Menu
Edit menu is used for editing the content of the file using commands such as
cut, copy and paste. Edit menu is shown in Figure 1.1.21.

                                  Figure 1.1.21: Edit Menu

Table 1.1.2 describes the various menu options in Edit menu.

                  Menu Option                   Description
                      Cut               Removes the selected item
                                        and places it in the
                           Copy         Copies the selected item and
                                        places it in the Clipboard.
                       Paste            Inserts the item at the cursor
                           Find         Searches for the specified
                      Replace           Searches for and replaces
                                        the specified text.

                     Table 1.1.2: Menu Options in Edit Menu


Perform the following steps to duplicate a paragraph:
1. Open the file Fraser's Hill.doc. The document appears as shown in Figure

Overview of Office Tools                                                          1.1-17
Programming & Development Tools                       Introduction to Programming

                           Figure 1.1.22: Document Window

2. Select the paragraph as shown in the Figure 1.1.23.

         Figure 1.1.23: Document Window After Selection the Text

3. To copy the selected text, either choose Edit      Copy or click on Copy
   button (  ) on the Standard toolbar.
4. Unselect the text and press Enter.
5. To paste the text, either choose Edit    Paste or click on Paste button
   (   ) on the toolbar. The document appears as shown in Figure 1.1.24.

Overview of Office Tools                                                  1.1-18
Programming & Development Tools                                  Introduction to Programming

             Figure 1.1.24: Document Window After Pasting the Text

6. Save the file as Hill.doc.
7. Close the document.


To copy the selected text you can use the key combination of Ctrl and C. To paste the copied
text you can use the key combination of Ctrl and V.


Perform the following steps to cut and paste a line in a document:
1. Open the file Hill.doc.
2. Select the text as shown in Figure 1.1.25.

Overview of Office Tools                                                               1.1-19
Programming & Development Tools                      Introduction to Programming

         Figure 1.1.25: Document Window After Selecting the Text

3. To cut the selected text, either choose Edit    Cut or click on Cut button
   (   ) on the Standard toolbar.
4. Place the cursor at the end of the paragraph.
5. To paste the text, choose Edit      Paste. The document will appear as
   shown in Figure 1.1.26.

          Figure 1.1.26: Document Window After Pasting the Text

6. Save and close the document.

Overview of Office Tools                                                 1.1-20
Programming & Development Tools                        Introduction to Programming


Perform the following steps to find and replace a text in a document:
1. Open the file Bill Gates.doc.
2. To search for the text Bill Gates, choose Edit         Replace. Find and
   Replace dialog box appears.
3. On the Find what textbox, type the text bill gates and on the Replace with
   textbox, type the text he as shown in Figure 1.1.27.

                  Figure 1.1.27: Find and Replace Dialog Box

4. Use Find Next and Replace buttons to replace the text as shown in
   Figure 1.1.28.

Overview of Office Tools                                                   1.1-21
Programming & Development Tools                       Introduction to Programming

  Figure 1.1.28: Document Window Before and After Replacing the Text

5. Save the document as Bill_Change.doc.
6. Close the document.

      Activity 1.1.3 (a)

In the following figure, label the icons and state its main function in the box

Overview of Office Tools                                                  1.1-22
Programming & Development Tools                                Introduction to Programming

      Activity 1.1.3 (b)

The weekly sales report of the company JPS SPORTS Sdn. Bhd is generated
every month. The item code, name and quantity of each item appear in the
report. Company decides to change the item code of football is from I001 to
I003. Make the necessary changes in the report by following the given steps:
Step 1: Open the data file Report1.xls.
Step 2: To change the item code of football, choose Edit              Replace.
Step 3: On the Find what textbox, type the text I001 and on the Replace with
        textbox, type the text I003.
Step 4: Click on Replace All button.

      Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 3: Open a blank workbook and type the following:
                      1841 Japanese invaded Malaya
                      1857 Federation of Malaya gained independence
                      1863 Malaysia founded
                      1865 Singapore withdrew from Malaysia
                As the years are wrongly typed, replace all 18 with 19.
                Save the workbook with the name Years1.xls.

Overview of Office Tools                                                           1.1-23
Programming & Development Tools                                Introduction to Programming

Lab Exercise 4: Open a blank workbook. Copy the dates from Years1.xls and paste it in a
                new workbook. Save the workbook with the name Years2.xls.

(C) View Menu
View menu will affect what the user views in the window. View menu is
shown in Figure 1.1.29.

                             Figure 1.1.29: View Menu

Table 1.1.3 describes the various menu options in View menu.

                   Menu Option                Description
                     Toolbars           Displays or hides toolbars.
                     Header and         Adds text that appears at
                       Footer           the top and bottom of
                                        every page or

                    Table 1.1.3: Menu Options in View Menu


Perform the following steps to hide and then display the Standard and
Formatting toolbars:
1. To hide the Standard toolbar, choose View      Toolbars              Standard. This
   will clear the checkbox next to the toolbar name.
2. Similarly to hide the Formatting toolbar, choose View                   Toolbars

Overview of Office Tools                                                            1.1-24
Programming & Development Tools                           Introduction to Programming

3. To display Standard toolbar, choose View       Toolbars         Standard. This
   will select the checkbox next to the toolbar name.
4. Similarly, to display Formatting toolbar, choose View              Toolbars


Perform the following steps to add header and footer to a document:
1. Open the data file Records.doc.
2. To add header and footer, choose View      Header and Footer. Header
   and Footer toolbar appears as shown in Figure 1.1.30.

                    Figure 1.1.30: Header and Footer Toolbar

3. In the header section, add the text Records as shown in Figure 1.1.31.

                Figure 1.1.31: Header Section in the Document

4. To switch to the footer section, click on       button.
5. In the footer section, type the text Page.
6. To insert the page number click on           button.
7. Type the text of.
8. To insert the total number of pages, click on          button. The footer
   section appears as shown in the Figure 1.1.32.

Overview of Office Tools                                                       1.1-25
Programming & Development Tools                              Introduction to Programming

                Figure 1.1.32: Footer Section in the Document

9. Click the Close button.
The header and footer you have entered will appear in all the pages
document. Table 1.1.4 describes the commonly used buttons in the Header
and Footer toolbar.

     Buttons                                     Description
                           Inserts the pre-defined text.

                           Inserts the page number.

                           Inserts the total number of pages.

                           Inserts the current date and keeps updating whenever
                           the document opens.
                           Inserts the current time and keeps updating whenever
                           the document opens.
                           Switches between header and footer.

                           Closes the header and footer editing pane.

               Table 1.1.4: Header and Footer Toolbar Buttons

      Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 5: Open the document Quote2.doc. Add the text Quotes in the header and date
                in the footer. Save the document.

Overview of Office Tools                                                          1.1-26
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

(d) Format Menu
Format menu will affect the way the document or presentation appears.
Format menu is shown in Figure 1.1.33.

                           Figure 1.1.33: Format Menu


Perform the following steps to format the given document:
1. Open the file Interesting.doc.
2. Select the line Interesting facts about Titanic.
3. To apply format to this line, choose Format          Font. Font dialog box
   appears as shown in Figure 1.1.34.

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-27
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

                           Figure 1.1.34: Font Dialog Box

4. Change the Font to Arial Narrow.
5. Change the Font Style to Bold.
6. Change the Size to 20.
7. Click on OK button. Figure 1.1.35 displays the document window before
   and after applying the formatting.

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-28
Programming & Development Tools                           Introduction to Programming

             Figure 1.1.35: Document Before and After Formatting


You can also use Formatting toolbar to format the text.

       Activity 1.1.4

Perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Continents.ppt data file.
Step 2: On the first slide, change the colour of the text to Blue.
Step 3: On the rest of the slides, change the font size of the title to 40.
Step 4: Apply Italics to all the numbers such as 30065000, 13209000 etc. in the
Step 5: Save the file as Continents1.ppt.

File Formats
Whenever you save a file, the file is saved along with its extension. The
extension describes the type of file and helps an application to recognize the
file. For example, a word document will have the extension as .doc. Table
1.1.5 displays the file extension along with their description.

Overview of Office Tools                                                      1.1-29
Programming & Development Tools                                 Introduction to Programming

                           File Extension            File Type
                                .DOC                    Word
                                  .PPT               PowerPoint
                                  .XLS                 Excel
                                 .HTML               Web Page

                             Table 1.1.5: File Extensions

      Lab Exercise

Lab Exercise 6: Open the workbook Years1.xls. Change the font to Book Antiqua and size to
                14. Save the workbook.

      Self-Check Exercise 1.1.2

   1. What is the file extension of the following:
           a. Word
           b. Excel
           c. PowerPoint
   2. _______________ menu will affect the way the document or presentation appears.

      Technical Terminologies

Task Pane                     - The panel located at the right side of the
                                application window that provides easy access to
                                the frequently used commands.
Microsoft Script Editor - The editor that enables you to view and edit HTML
                          codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office
Clipboard               - A temporary area in the memory used for holding
                          the cut or copied items for easy reference.

Overview of Office Tools                                                            1.1-30
Programming & Development Tools                         Introduction to Programming

In this unit, you learnt that
           Task Pane is a panel located at the right side of the application
           window that provides easy access to the frequently used
           Microsoft Script Editor is an editor that enables you to view and edit
           HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application.
           Clipboard is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the
           cut or copied items for easy reference.
           The Help system in Office XP helps to find information quickly and
           Menu bar is a horizontal bar that appears at the top of the active
           window, which is associated with pull-down menus.
           Toolbar is a collection of icons that provides easy access to
           commonly used menu commands.
           Menu bar contains list of commands that are used for creating and
           editing documents and presentations.
           File menu helps in performing file related operations such as
           opening, saving and closing a file.
           Edit menu is used for editing the content of the file using commands
           such as cut, copy and paste.
           View menu will affect what the user views in the window.
           Format menu will affect the way the document or presentation
           File extension describes the type of file and helps an application to
           recognize the file.


       1. Open Word application. Write few lines about you. Save the file with
          the name Myself.doc.
       2. Name any three toolbars that are available in Office application.
       3. Describe the need for Office Clipboard.
       4. What is a Task Pane?
       5. What is the file extension of Excel?

Overview of Office Tools                                                    1.1-31
Programming & Development Tools                          Introduction to Programming

Criterion Referenced Test
Instruction: Students must evaluate themselves to attain the list of
             competencies to be achieved.

Subject: Programming and Development Tools
Unit: Overview of Office Tools

Please tick [ √ ] the appropriate box when you have achieved the respective

                      Date         Overview of Office Tools
                                  C1   C2     C3     C4    C5


Competency Codes:

C1 = List the features of office applications.
C2= Perform basic file operations such as creating a new file, opening a
    existing file, saving a file and closing the file using File menu.
C3= Edit a file using Edit options such as cut, copy and paste.
C4= Change the appearance of the document or presentation by inserting
    header and footer and changing the font style.
C5 = Identify the various file formats from its extension.

Overview of Office Tools                                                     1.1-32

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Unit 1.1

  • 1. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming UNIT 1.1 Introduction to Programming Overview of Office Tools OBJECTIVES This unit explains about various office tools. At the end of this unit, you will be able to Explain the features of Office tools List the applications in Microsoft Office List the various menu options Identify the various toolbar options Perform basic file operations such as creating a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file and closing the file Identify various file formats such as .doc, .xls and .ppt Benchmark Standard Create files and save them in various formats such as .doc, .xls and .ppt. Edit and format the files you created to make them more presentable. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-1
  • 2. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Introduction Microsoft Office XP is an advanced version of Office 2000. Office XP is also referred to as Office 2002. This is the most widely used application in personal computers. It is user-friendly and is designed to simplify the way people work. Microsoft Office XP is a collection of Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Front Page. In this unit you will learn about the various menu and tool bar options used in some of these applications. 1.1.1 Features of Office Tools Office XP applications are provided with a new look and feel. The features of Office XP are enhanced when compared with that of Office 2000. It enables you to perform the common user activities easily and quickly. Some of the Office XP features that are common to its applications are: • Task Pane • Microsoft Script Editor • Office Clipboard • Help System 1.1.1 (A) Task Pane Definition: Task Pane is a panel located at the right side of the application window that provides easy access to the frequently used commands. Task Pane is a new feature added to the Office XP application. This pane is displayed at the right of the application window and it changes based on what you are doing. Its purpose is to give you easy access to frequently used commands. Figure 1.1.1 displays the Task Pane used in various applications. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-2
  • 3. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming WORD POWERPOINT EXCEL Figure 1.1.1: Task Pane for Word, PowerPoint and Excel Respectively Managing the Task Pane At the top of the Task Pane, there will be a bar as shown in Figure 1.1.2. Next Button Drop-Down Menu Previous Name of the Task Close Button Pane you are Working in Figure 1.1.2: Task Pane Bar • In the Task Pane, you will have the previous and the next button to navigate through the other Task Pane choices. • Next, the name of the Task Pane you are currently working in will be displayed. • Drop-down menu will reveal all the Task Pane available, as shown in Figure 1.1.3. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-3
  • 4. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.3: Drop-Down Menu (In Word) • To close the task pane, click on the Close button ( ) button. • To view the Task Pane, choose View Task Pane as shown in Figure 1.1.4. Figure 1.1.4: Viewing Task Pane 1.1.1 (B) Microsoft Script Editor Definition: Microsoft Script Editor is an editor that enables you to view and edit HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application. Any changes made in the document will be reflected in the script editor as shown in Figure 1.1.5. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-4
  • 5. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.5: Opening Microsoft Script Editor Microsoft Script Editor Window appears as shown in Figure 1.1.6. Figure 1.1.6: Microsoft Script Editor Overview of Office Tools 1.1-5
  • 6. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming 1.1.1 (C) Office Clipboard Definition: Clipboard is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the cut or copied items for easy reference. To view Clipboard content, choose Edit Office Clipboard as shown in Figure 1.1.7. Figure 1.1.7: Opening Clipboard Pane Clipboard pane appears as shown in Figure 1.1.8. Figure 1.1.8: Clipboard Pane In Figure 1.1.9, the first line in the document is copied and it appears in the Clipboard task pane at the right end of the window. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-6
  • 7. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.9: Copied Text Places in the Clipboard Note The Clipboard can hold up to 24 cut or copied items. 1.1.1 (D) Help System Definition: The Help system in Office XP helps to find information quickly and easily. Follow the given steps to search for information in office suite: 1. To invoke help option, choose Help Microsoft Word Help. Office Assistant appears as shown in Figure 1.1.10. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-7
  • 8. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.10: Office Assistant 2. Type the question in the search box. 3. Click on Search button. List of possible links will be displayed as shown in Figure 1.1.11. Figure 1.1.11: Office Assistant Listing the Possible Links for the Search Text 4. Select from the suggested category by clicking on the appropriate option. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-8
  • 9. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Note Office Assistant is an animated character that gives you tips, messages and help to work efficiently with the application. Tip To invoke Office Assistant, press F1. Self-Check Exercise 1.1.1 1. Microsoft Office XP is also referred as Microsoft Office ________. 2. _________ is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the cut or copied items for easy reference. 3. To invoke Office Assistant, press ______. 4. ____________________ is an editor that enables you to view and edit HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application. 1.1.2 Working with Menu and Toolbars Definition: Menu bar is a horizontal bar that appears at the top of the active window, which is associated with pull-down menus. Definition: Toolbar is a collection of icons that provides easy access to commonly used menu commands. 1.1.2 (A) Menu Bar Menu bar contains list of commands that are used for creating and editing documents and presentations. They appear at the top of the active window as shown in Figure 1.1.12. Figure 1.1.12: Menu Bar (In Word) When you click on the menu name, the menu options appear as shown in Figure 1.1.13. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-9
  • 10. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.13: Menu Options You can now choose the required menu option. Activity 1.1.1 1. Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications. Notice the difference in menu names between Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 1.1.2 (B) Toolbar Toolbar is a collection of frequently used menu options, which is represented in form of icons. They contain buttons, menus or a combination of both that are used to perform actions faster. There are various toolbars available in Office. The most commonly used toolbars are Standard toolbar and Formatting toolbar. Standard and Formatting toolbars are shown in Figure 1.1.14 and 1.1.15. Figure 1.1.14: Standard Toolbar Figure 1.1.15: Formatting Toolbar Overview of Office Tools 1.1-10
  • 11. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming When you open the Office application for the first time, the Standard and Formatting toolbars will be displayed by default. To view other toolbars, choose View Toolbars and select the required toolbar as shown in Figure 1.1.16. Figure 1.1.16: Selecting Toolbar 1.1.2 (C) Menu Options Now that you are familiar with menu and toolbar, you will now learn about various menu options. (a) File Menu File menu helps in performing file related operations such as opening, saving and closing a file. File menu is shown in Figure 1.1.17. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-11
  • 12. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.17: File Menu Table 1.1.1 describes the various menu options in File menu. Menu Option Description New Creates a new blank file. Open Opens an existing file. Close Closes the active file. Save Saves the active file. Save As Saves the active file with a different name in a different location. Table 1.1.1: Menu Options in File Menu Hands-On! To create a new file, perform the following steps: 1. Open the word application. New Document task pane will appear as shown in Figure 1.1.18. 2. From the New Document task pane choose Blank Document. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-12
  • 13. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.18: Choosing Blank Document From New Document Task Pane 3. Type the text It is never too late to become what you might have been. 4. Save the document by either choosing File Save or click on Save button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. Name the file as File1.doc. 5. To close the file, choose File Close. Note To create a blank document when the application is already opened, either choose File New or click on New button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. Tip To close the active window, press Ctrl and W key combination. Hands-On! To open an existing file, perform the following steps: 1. To open an existing file by either choosing File Open or click on Open button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. Open dialog box appears as shown in Figure 1.1.19. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-13
  • 14. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.19: Open Dialog Box 2. Click on the Look in drop down list box and select the file you want to open from the corresponding folder. 3. Finally, click on the open button. The file opens. Hands-On! To save the existing file with another name, perform the following steps: 1. Open the file File1.doc. 2. Choose File Save As. Save As dialog box appears as shown in Figure 1.1.20. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-14
  • 15. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.20: Save As Dialog Box 3. Click on the Save in drop-down list box and select the required folder. 4. Type the file name in the File name textbox as File2.doc. 5. Finally, click the Save button. Tip To invoke Save As dialog box, press F12. Activity 1.1.2 (a) In the following figure, label the icons and state its main function in the box given: Overview of Office Tools 1.1-15
  • 16. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Activity 1.1.2 (b) Perform the following steps: Step 1: Open Excel application. Step 2: Type the number 123. Step 3: Save the file with the name Ex1.xls. Step 4: Close the file. Step 5: Open the file Ex1.xls. Step 6: Save the file with the name Ex2.xls. Step 7: Close the file. Step 8: Close the application. Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 1: Open a blank document and type the following: " I had lunch with a chess champion the other day. I knew he was a chess champion because it took him 20 minutes to pass the salt. " Save the document with the name Quote1.doc. Lab Exercise 2: Open the document Quote1.doc and add the following quote: " When humour goes, there goes civilization. " Save the document with the name Quote2.doc. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-16
  • 17. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming (b) Edit Menu Edit menu is used for editing the content of the file using commands such as cut, copy and paste. Edit menu is shown in Figure 1.1.21. Figure 1.1.21: Edit Menu Table 1.1.2 describes the various menu options in Edit menu. Menu Option Description Cut Removes the selected item and places it in the Clipboard. Copy Copies the selected item and places it in the Clipboard. Paste Inserts the item at the cursor position. Find Searches for the specified text. Replace Searches for and replaces the specified text. Table 1.1.2: Menu Options in Edit Menu Hands-On! Perform the following steps to duplicate a paragraph: 1. Open the file Fraser's Hill.doc. The document appears as shown in Figure 1.1.22. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-17
  • 18. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.22: Document Window 2. Select the paragraph as shown in the Figure 1.1.23. Figure 1.1.23: Document Window After Selection the Text 3. To copy the selected text, either choose Edit Copy or click on Copy button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. 4. Unselect the text and press Enter. 5. To paste the text, either choose Edit Paste or click on Paste button ( ) on the toolbar. The document appears as shown in Figure 1.1.24. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-18
  • 19. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.24: Document Window After Pasting the Text 6. Save the file as Hill.doc. 7. Close the document. Tip To copy the selected text you can use the key combination of Ctrl and C. To paste the copied text you can use the key combination of Ctrl and V. Hands-On! Perform the following steps to cut and paste a line in a document: 1. Open the file Hill.doc. 2. Select the text as shown in Figure 1.1.25. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-19
  • 20. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.25: Document Window After Selecting the Text 3. To cut the selected text, either choose Edit Cut or click on Cut button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. 4. Place the cursor at the end of the paragraph. 5. To paste the text, choose Edit Paste. The document will appear as shown in Figure 1.1.26. Figure 1.1.26: Document Window After Pasting the Text 6. Save and close the document. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-20
  • 21. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Hands-On! Perform the following steps to find and replace a text in a document: 1. Open the file Bill Gates.doc. 2. To search for the text Bill Gates, choose Edit Replace. Find and Replace dialog box appears. 3. On the Find what textbox, type the text bill gates and on the Replace with textbox, type the text he as shown in Figure 1.1.27. Figure 1.1.27: Find and Replace Dialog Box 4. Use Find Next and Replace buttons to replace the text as shown in Figure 1.1.28. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-21
  • 22. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.28: Document Window Before and After Replacing the Text 5. Save the document as Bill_Change.doc. 6. Close the document. Activity 1.1.3 (a) In the following figure, label the icons and state its main function in the box given: Overview of Office Tools 1.1-22
  • 23. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Activity 1.1.3 (b) The weekly sales report of the company JPS SPORTS Sdn. Bhd is generated every month. The item code, name and quantity of each item appear in the report. Company decides to change the item code of football is from I001 to I003. Make the necessary changes in the report by following the given steps: Step 1: Open the data file Report1.xls. Step 2: To change the item code of football, choose Edit Replace. Step 3: On the Find what textbox, type the text I001 and on the Replace with textbox, type the text I003. Step 4: Click on Replace All button. Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 3: Open a blank workbook and type the following: 1841 Japanese invaded Malaya 1857 Federation of Malaya gained independence 1863 Malaysia founded 1865 Singapore withdrew from Malaysia As the years are wrongly typed, replace all 18 with 19. Save the workbook with the name Years1.xls. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-23
  • 24. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Lab Exercise 4: Open a blank workbook. Copy the dates from Years1.xls and paste it in a new workbook. Save the workbook with the name Years2.xls. (C) View Menu View menu will affect what the user views in the window. View menu is shown in Figure 1.1.29. Figure 1.1.29: View Menu Table 1.1.3 describes the various menu options in View menu. Menu Option Description Toolbars Displays or hides toolbars. Header and Adds text that appears at Footer the top and bottom of every page or presentation. Table 1.1.3: Menu Options in View Menu Hands-On! Perform the following steps to hide and then display the Standard and Formatting toolbars: 1. To hide the Standard toolbar, choose View Toolbars Standard. This will clear the checkbox next to the toolbar name. 2. Similarly to hide the Formatting toolbar, choose View Toolbars Formatting. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-24
  • 25. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming 3. To display Standard toolbar, choose View Toolbars Standard. This will select the checkbox next to the toolbar name. 4. Similarly, to display Formatting toolbar, choose View Toolbars Formatting. Hands-On! Perform the following steps to add header and footer to a document: 1. Open the data file Records.doc. 2. To add header and footer, choose View Header and Footer. Header and Footer toolbar appears as shown in Figure 1.1.30. Figure 1.1.30: Header and Footer Toolbar 3. In the header section, add the text Records as shown in Figure 1.1.31. Figure 1.1.31: Header Section in the Document 4. To switch to the footer section, click on button. 5. In the footer section, type the text Page. 6. To insert the page number click on button. 7. Type the text of. 8. To insert the total number of pages, click on button. The footer section appears as shown in the Figure 1.1.32. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-25
  • 26. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.32: Footer Section in the Document 9. Click the Close button. The header and footer you have entered will appear in all the pages document. Table 1.1.4 describes the commonly used buttons in the Header and Footer toolbar. Buttons Description Inserts the pre-defined text. Inserts the page number. Inserts the total number of pages. Inserts the current date and keeps updating whenever the document opens. Inserts the current time and keeps updating whenever the document opens. Switches between header and footer. Closes the header and footer editing pane. Table 1.1.4: Header and Footer Toolbar Buttons Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 5: Open the document Quote2.doc. Add the text Quotes in the header and date in the footer. Save the document. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-26
  • 27. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming (d) Format Menu Format menu will affect the way the document or presentation appears. Format menu is shown in Figure 1.1.33. Figure 1.1.33: Format Menu Hands-On! Perform the following steps to format the given document: 1. Open the file Interesting.doc. 2. Select the line Interesting facts about Titanic. 3. To apply format to this line, choose Format Font. Font dialog box appears as shown in Figure 1.1.34. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-27
  • 28. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.34: Font Dialog Box 4. Change the Font to Arial Narrow. 5. Change the Font Style to Bold. 6. Change the Size to 20. 7. Click on OK button. Figure 1.1.35 displays the document window before and after applying the formatting. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-28
  • 29. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Figure 1.1.35: Document Before and After Formatting Tip You can also use Formatting toolbar to format the text. Activity 1.1.4 Perform the following steps: Step 1: Open the Continents.ppt data file. Step 2: On the first slide, change the colour of the text to Blue. Step 3: On the rest of the slides, change the font size of the title to 40. Step 4: Apply Italics to all the numbers such as 30065000, 13209000 etc. in the slides. Step 5: Save the file as Continents1.ppt. File Formats Whenever you save a file, the file is saved along with its extension. The extension describes the type of file and helps an application to recognize the file. For example, a word document will have the extension as .doc. Table 1.1.5 displays the file extension along with their description. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-29
  • 30. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming File Extension File Type .DOC Word .PPT PowerPoint .XLS Excel .HTML Web Page Table 1.1.5: File Extensions Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 6: Open the workbook Years1.xls. Change the font to Book Antiqua and size to 14. Save the workbook. Self-Check Exercise 1.1.2 1. What is the file extension of the following: a. Word b. Excel c. PowerPoint 2. _______________ menu will affect the way the document or presentation appears. Technical Terminologies Task Pane - The panel located at the right side of the application window that provides easy access to the frequently used commands. Microsoft Script Editor - The editor that enables you to view and edit HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application. Clipboard - A temporary area in the memory used for holding the cut or copied items for easy reference. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-30
  • 31. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Summary In this unit, you learnt that Task Pane is a panel located at the right side of the application window that provides easy access to the frequently used commands. Microsoft Script Editor is an editor that enables you to view and edit HTML codes, DHTML objects and scripts in an office application. Clipboard is a temporary area in the memory used for holding the cut or copied items for easy reference. The Help system in Office XP helps to find information quickly and easily. Menu bar is a horizontal bar that appears at the top of the active window, which is associated with pull-down menus. Toolbar is a collection of icons that provides easy access to commonly used menu commands. Menu bar contains list of commands that are used for creating and editing documents and presentations. File menu helps in performing file related operations such as opening, saving and closing a file. Edit menu is used for editing the content of the file using commands such as cut, copy and paste. View menu will affect what the user views in the window. Format menu will affect the way the document or presentation appears. File extension describes the type of file and helps an application to recognize the file. Assignment 1. Open Word application. Write few lines about you. Save the file with the name Myself.doc. 2. Name any three toolbars that are available in Office application. 3. Describe the need for Office Clipboard. 4. What is a Task Pane? 5. What is the file extension of Excel? Overview of Office Tools 1.1-31
  • 32. Programming & Development Tools Introduction to Programming Criterion Referenced Test Instruction: Students must evaluate themselves to attain the list of competencies to be achieved. Name: Subject: Programming and Development Tools Unit: Overview of Office Tools Please tick [ √ ] the appropriate box when you have achieved the respective competency. Date Overview of Office Tools C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Comment Competency Codes: C1 = List the features of office applications. C2= Perform basic file operations such as creating a new file, opening a existing file, saving a file and closing the file using File menu. C3= Edit a file using Edit options such as cut, copy and paste. C4= Change the appearance of the document or presentation by inserting header and footer and changing the font style. C5 = Identify the various file formats from its extension. Overview of Office Tools 1.1-32