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Understanding your game through data
Sergey Galyonkin
Understanding your game through data
Marketing analyst
Worked for Wargaming, Nival, 1C, handled Ukrainian distribution for
Activision Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Take Two and so on.
I also host a podcast about game development “How games are made”
and write a lot on Twitter as @Steam_Spy.
Sergey Galyonkin
Who am I?
Understanding your game through data
What I’m going to talk about
• There are many ways to obtain data that might
help you to improve your game.
• You should gather data on all stages of game’s
lifecycle, starting with pre-production and going
well into support and “$0.99 sales” stages.
• You should start to work with analytics before
you even launch the development.
• Not every tool mentioned will work for your
game, but most of them will.
Understanding your game through data
“Don’t tell me how to make my game”
“I’m a creator, not a corporate slave, and I don’t need
marketing research to make something truly unique.
Like retro-looking platformer for Steam.”
Understanding your game through data
Some arguments against doing your research
• “I’m a creator, I know what I’m doing and I don’t
want unwashed masses opinions on that”.
• You’re not asking for advice when you’re doing
research. You’re asking questions.
• “I’m making something truly unique, there is no
pre-existing market for it”.
• Awesome, but how do you know, if you didn’t do
a proper research first? Chances are there have
been games with mechanics similar to yours.
Don’t you want to learn on their mistakes?
• “I don’t care about the numbers, my goals are
qualitative, not quantitative”.
• Qualitative goals can be measured too. Don’t you
want to make sure you’ve achieved your targets?
Understanding your game through data
Some truisms
• You’re doing research and analytics to make
informed decisions about your game.
• You’re the one making decisions. Not the
audience, not Steam Spy, not Google Analytics.
• Data doesn’t “tell” anything, nor it is “good” or
“bad”. You’re the one interpreting it.
• There are many tools to do the research. Not
everything will be applicable to your game.
• One day spent doing the research could save a
month in development later.
• While doing research is an actual job (like
marketing or art), you can still do some of it
yourself without hiring other people.
Before the development
I don’t even have a game yet, why do I need to do
analytics at this stage?
Understanding your game through data
• It’s the best time to research the market, as you
are not invested in your game too deep yet –
both emotionally and financially.
• You can cancel or change the game after one
week of market research – it’s cheaper and easier
compared to years of development.
• You might improve your game even before you
start working on it.
Understanding your game through data
What do I need to research?
• The game’s theme
• The game’s core mechanics (genre)
• Audience
• Market
• Competition
Understanding your game through data
Theme, mechanics and visual style
• Your game could be described as intersection of
theme (sci-fi, fantasy, modern warfare), set of
core mechanics (FPS, RPG, side-scroller) and
visual style (80’s cartoon, surrealism, gritty, fake
• The theme is the easiest part to research
Understanding your game through data
• Look for movies, TV shows, comic books and books
sales and audience engagement stats for your
• Most of it could be obtained through Statista, Box
Office Mojo and IMDB. Or even Google Trends.
Steam Spy is not so great here.
• E.g. it’s obvious that the interest in sci-fi and space
opera is growing recently as we see more movies,
books and comic books in this theme.
• It’s hard to lead the trend - create a game that will
make everyone interested in sci-fi.
• It’s easier to follow - create a sci-fi game just in time
when people have an itch to fly space ships thanks
to a movie or book they’ve enjoyed recently.
Understanding your game through data
Understanding your game through data
• Predicting a trend is a bit harder, but it’s worth it.
Sci-fi growth was visible right after Avatar success
and we saw a number of games successfully
using it.
• Look for announcements of big movies with your
theme and chart them on a graph so you can see
when you can expect their marketing campaigns
to start (and help you).
• If your theme is too niche or too small – it’s fine
too. You’ll learn more when researching your
Understanding your game through data
Core mechanics
• Decompose your game into several core
mechanics that are easy to explain and preferably
match Steam’s tags. E.g. Turn-Based + Platformer
+ Clicker.
• Look for games that are using the same core
mechanics on Steam Spy or Google.
• Make a list of top games for each mechanics (or
better for their combination) and list their
strengths and weaknesses (gameplay-wise).
• You will later use this list to avoid making
mistakes other people did while developing
similar games and to improve your own game.
Understanding your game through data
• This one is tricky.
• Your potential audience are people with access
to the platform of your choice interested in your
game’s theme and its core mechanics and not
scared away by its visual style.
• You’ll probably have to use social media groups
or forums. I’d start with the ones dedicated to
your theme, but you can go with core mechanics
as well.
• Go, introduce yourself and just ask people if they
would be interested in playing something like
your game. Make a poll if the social media of
choice allows it.
Understanding your game through data
• Don’t ask your friends and don’t promote that
poll on your own social media. You want an
opinion of your target audience.
• Use several independent forums or groups, not
just one.
• Don’t pay too much attention to game ideas
people will gladly provide you with. Not at this
stage at least.
• Be aware of sampling error (both oversampling
and undersampling). If, according to movies and
books with the same theme, your game’s theme
is more appealing to women over 40, don’t ask
twenty-something males about it.
Understanding your game through data
• Make a list of games that are using the same
theme and some (or all) of your core mechanics.
Both released and upcoming.
• Make a basic SWOT analysis for all of them, but
also add an additional field: “Why our game is
• The key word here is “different” not “better”, so
you won’t get caught in wishful thinking “we’ll
have better graphics and better balance”.
• You can also check geographical distribution and
stats for released games on SteamSpy or
AppAnnie, but, frankly, it’s not that useful at this
Understanding your game through data
• A good analysis will take you a week or two, full-
• It might seem like overkill, but it’s nothing
compared to doing the same during actual game
development and then changing the game
• Do it yourself, don’t outsource. You might come
up with new ideas for your game at this stage by
just researching relevant media and audience.
Understanding your game through data
During the development
Your choices now are becoming more and more
Understanding your game through data
• It’s the time when you can get a reaction to your
game, not just an idea of it.
• You can change many things without angering
your existing audience.
Understanding your game through data
What do I need to research?
• An audience reaction to your visual style
• Players behavior in your prototype
• User interface
Understanding your game through data
Visual style
• If you’ve talked to people online about your
game in the previous stage, you should have a
pretty good understanding of who is the target
audience for your game.
• You can now ask them about your visual style.
Usually it’s enough to have several art
• Don’t ask if they like it or not, ask if they’d play a
game that looks like this.
• Focus on your target audience. Every successful
game is considered ugly by someone on Internet.
Skyrim? Too dirty. Clash of Clans? Too childish.
League of Legends? Too bright.
Understanding your game through data
Player behavior
• By now you should be adding in-game analytics
already. There are many options, you can choose
whatever you like.
• But even if it’s not there yet, you can learn a lot
by watching people play your prototype.
• The best way is to record a person’s face
simultaneously with what’s going on the screen
(think “letsplays”), but you could just sit nearby
and watch if the person is comfortable.
• Again, when inviting people to try your game,
focus on the target audience, not your friends.
• It will get harder in the end, as you’ll be running
out of relatives to test the game on.
Understanding your game through data
Player behavior
Things to look for when watching people play your
• What catches their attention?
• What do they do first?
• How much time passes before the person gets to the
first major point in the game?
• Did you expect it to take this long?
• Do they understand the game rules?
• Do they understand effects of game items or enemy
• How do they handle controls?
When a person starts playing, don’t talk, don’t help,
don’t defend or explain your game. Shut up and watch.
Understanding your game through data
Player behavior
• Always do a short interview and a survey after
the playtest. It helps to quantify and record the
• Determine a net promoter score. Ask “On a scale
of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this
game to a friend?”
• You can ask if the person liked the game or not,
but NPS is more useful, as people tend to lie so
they don’t hurt your feelings.
• Ask about what the person found most
confusing, most fun, most difficult and most
Understanding your game through data
Net Promoter Score
Test Detractors (0-6) Passives (7-8) Promoters (9-10) NPS Score
Idea test 1 (online poll on forum) 5 20 10 14%
Visual Style 1 5 7 6 6%
Visual Style 2 7 4 7 0%
Visual Style 3 7 6 5 -11%
Playtest 1 (studio) 5 7 6 6%
Playtest 2 (expo) 20 45 30 11%
Playtest 3 (online) 110 200 250 25%
How likely are you to recommend the game to your
friends? On a scale from 0 (not likely) to 10
(extremely likely)
Understanding your game through data
User Interface
• Prototype on paper. Get a notepad the size of
iPad or iPhone (they’re available online) or just
typical A4 one and draw stuff.
• If your game is for mobile devices, consider
different screen sizes and different hands sizes.
Test on different people.
• You’ll be able to eliminate many problems by just
handing the piece of paper to a person and
asking if he/she can understand how the game is
supposed to be played and what’s going on the
• I have a friend who builds elaborate paper UI
prototypes with moving parts, but it’s probably
too much. Quite fun to use, though.
Understanding your game through data
After the launch
The game is done, fire and forget.
Why are we still analyzing it?
Understanding your game through data
• You have actual users playing the game!
• You can still find and fix a lot of problems
• You’ll learn a lot for your next game
Understanding your game through data
What do I need to research?
• In-game behavior
• In-game economics
• In-game balance
Understanding your game through data
• I hope that by release you have some analytics
system implemented – Google Analytics, Unity
Analytics or even home-grown solution will do.
• You should be tracking user path through the
• Cluster users based on the steps they’re taking in
your game. Some will go straight to tutorial,
some will go PVP, some will start exploring.
• How much time a person spends in a game per
sitting? How often does he play per week?
• Don’t go for averages, always go for brackets or
clusters, as averages are deceiving.
Understanding your game through data
• How many resources a person has after 1 hour /
1 chapter into the game? How many people have
too much and how many don’t have enough?
• What people usually spend their resources on?
Do they go for armor, swords, potions, artillery or
tanks? Why?
• Cross-reference the economy with behavior
clustering. Do “explorers” buy different items
compared to “fighters”? Do they have more
resources or less? Should it be like this?
• Research consumables (potions, gems, etc). Do
people actually use them or save them for later?
Understanding your game through data
Expected valueDidn’t
understand the
game at all
Low skill, will
have problems
later in the
High skill, might
find the game
too easy later
Understanding your game through data
• Which character/class/role people choose more
often? Does it vary based on their behavior in
• Based on the character selected are there any
differences in resources acquired, damage dealt,
time spent in game?
• If the game has PVP, check the win/lose ratio for
every class. Again, use brackets or clustering
instead of averages, as win ratio might vary a lot
depending on users’ skill.
Understanding your game through data
The 1st chapter
Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk
Total players 600 200 100 50 50
Share of all players 60% 20% 10% 5% 5%
Resources after 252 170 150 405 180
DPS after 45.2 35.2 17.2 92.5 40.2
Average time to beat 01:05 01:30 02:30 00:55 01:15
The 2nd chapter
Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk
Total players 550 180 70 47 47
Share of all players 62% 20% 8% 5% 5%
Resources after 630 442 390 810 450
DPS after 90.4 70.4 43 148 80.4
Average time to beat 01:02 01:20 03:00 00:50 01:10
The 3rd chapter
Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk
Total players 545 175 35 45 45
Share of all players 64% 21% 4% 5% 5%
Resources after 1575 1105 975 1782 1125
DPS after 180.8 140.8 107.5 236.8 160.8
Average time to beat 01:07 01:25 03:30 00:40 01:15
What can we learn here?
• Priest class might be severely
underpowered. Players are
leaving the game.
• Wizard class is either too
strong or more appealing to
more skilled players
• Monk and Paladin are all right
• Warriors might need some
balancing, so they spend more
Understanding your game through data
A quick recap
Understanding your game through data
Key takeaway
Do your research
before developing a game.
You’ll both save time
and learn a lot.
Understanding your game through data
Key takeaway
Test your game
on your target audience
even before you have
anything playable.
Understanding your game through data
Key takeaway
Implement in-game analytics
as early as you can,
it makes analyzing
user behavior way easier.
Understanding your game through data
Key takeaway
Don’t trust averages,
look at the whole picture.
Understanding your game through data
Key takeaway
Don’t dismiss analytics
as something
for “the big guys only”.
You can do a lot of it yourself
or with a small team.
Understanding your game through data
Are we
going to
die or
Sergey Galyonkin

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Understanding your game through data

  • 1. Understanding your game through data Sergey Galyonkin
  • 2. Understanding your game through data 2 Marketing analyst Worked for Wargaming, Nival, 1C, handled Ukrainian distribution for Activision Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Take Two and so on. I also host a podcast about game development “How games are made” and write a lot on Twitter as @Steam_Spy. Sergey Galyonkin Who am I?
  • 3. Understanding your game through data 3 What I’m going to talk about • There are many ways to obtain data that might help you to improve your game. • You should gather data on all stages of game’s lifecycle, starting with pre-production and going well into support and “$0.99 sales” stages. • You should start to work with analytics before you even launch the development. • Not every tool mentioned will work for your game, but most of them will.
  • 4. Understanding your game through data “Don’t tell me how to make my game” “I’m a creator, not a corporate slave, and I don’t need marketing research to make something truly unique. Like retro-looking platformer for Steam.”
  • 5. Understanding your game through data 5 Some arguments against doing your research • “I’m a creator, I know what I’m doing and I don’t want unwashed masses opinions on that”. • You’re not asking for advice when you’re doing research. You’re asking questions. • “I’m making something truly unique, there is no pre-existing market for it”. • Awesome, but how do you know, if you didn’t do a proper research first? Chances are there have been games with mechanics similar to yours. Don’t you want to learn on their mistakes? • “I don’t care about the numbers, my goals are qualitative, not quantitative”. • Qualitative goals can be measured too. Don’t you want to make sure you’ve achieved your targets?
  • 6. Understanding your game through data 6 Some truisms • You’re doing research and analytics to make informed decisions about your game. • You’re the one making decisions. Not the audience, not Steam Spy, not Google Analytics. • Data doesn’t “tell” anything, nor it is “good” or “bad”. You’re the one interpreting it. • There are many tools to do the research. Not everything will be applicable to your game. • One day spent doing the research could save a month in development later. • While doing research is an actual job (like marketing or art), you can still do some of it yourself without hiring other people.
  • 7. Before the development I don’t even have a game yet, why do I need to do analytics at this stage?
  • 8. Understanding your game through data 8 Why? • It’s the best time to research the market, as you are not invested in your game too deep yet – both emotionally and financially. • You can cancel or change the game after one week of market research – it’s cheaper and easier compared to years of development. • You might improve your game even before you start working on it.
  • 9. Understanding your game through data 9 What do I need to research? • The game’s theme • The game’s core mechanics (genre) • Audience • Market • Competition
  • 10. Understanding your game through data 10 Theme, mechanics and visual style • Your game could be described as intersection of theme (sci-fi, fantasy, modern warfare), set of core mechanics (FPS, RPG, side-scroller) and visual style (80’s cartoon, surrealism, gritty, fake retro). • The theme is the easiest part to research
  • 11. Understanding your game through data 11 Theme • Look for movies, TV shows, comic books and books sales and audience engagement stats for your theme. • Most of it could be obtained through Statista, Box Office Mojo and IMDB. Or even Google Trends. Steam Spy is not so great here. • E.g. it’s obvious that the interest in sci-fi and space opera is growing recently as we see more movies, books and comic books in this theme. • It’s hard to lead the trend - create a game that will make everyone interested in sci-fi. • It’s easier to follow - create a sci-fi game just in time when people have an itch to fly space ships thanks to a movie or book they’ve enjoyed recently.
  • 12. Understanding your game through data 12 Theme
  • 13. Understanding your game through data 13 Theme • Predicting a trend is a bit harder, but it’s worth it. Sci-fi growth was visible right after Avatar success and we saw a number of games successfully using it. • Look for announcements of big movies with your theme and chart them on a graph so you can see when you can expect their marketing campaigns to start (and help you). • If your theme is too niche or too small – it’s fine too. You’ll learn more when researching your audience.
  • 14. Understanding your game through data 14 Core mechanics • Decompose your game into several core mechanics that are easy to explain and preferably match Steam’s tags. E.g. Turn-Based + Platformer + Clicker. • Look for games that are using the same core mechanics on Steam Spy or Google. • Make a list of top games for each mechanics (or better for their combination) and list their strengths and weaknesses (gameplay-wise). • You will later use this list to avoid making mistakes other people did while developing similar games and to improve your own game.
  • 15. Understanding your game through data 15 Audience • This one is tricky. • Your potential audience are people with access to the platform of your choice interested in your game’s theme and its core mechanics and not scared away by its visual style. • You’ll probably have to use social media groups or forums. I’d start with the ones dedicated to your theme, but you can go with core mechanics as well. • Go, introduce yourself and just ask people if they would be interested in playing something like your game. Make a poll if the social media of choice allows it.
  • 16. Understanding your game through data 16 Caveats • Don’t ask your friends and don’t promote that poll on your own social media. You want an opinion of your target audience. • Use several independent forums or groups, not just one. • Don’t pay too much attention to game ideas people will gladly provide you with. Not at this stage at least. • Be aware of sampling error (both oversampling and undersampling). If, according to movies and books with the same theme, your game’s theme is more appealing to women over 40, don’t ask twenty-something males about it.
  • 17. Understanding your game through data 17 Competitors • Make a list of games that are using the same theme and some (or all) of your core mechanics. Both released and upcoming. • Make a basic SWOT analysis for all of them, but also add an additional field: “Why our game is different”. • The key word here is “different” not “better”, so you won’t get caught in wishful thinking “we’ll have better graphics and better balance”. • You can also check geographical distribution and stats for released games on SteamSpy or AppAnnie, but, frankly, it’s not that useful at this stage.
  • 18. Understanding your game through data 18 Summary • A good analysis will take you a week or two, full- time. • It might seem like overkill, but it’s nothing compared to doing the same during actual game development and then changing the game accordingly. • Do it yourself, don’t outsource. You might come up with new ideas for your game at this stage by just researching relevant media and audience.
  • 19. Understanding your game through data During the development Your choices now are becoming more and more expensive.
  • 20. Understanding your game through data 20 Why? • It’s the time when you can get a reaction to your game, not just an idea of it. • You can change many things without angering your existing audience.
  • 21. Understanding your game through data 21 What do I need to research? • An audience reaction to your visual style • Players behavior in your prototype • User interface
  • 22. Understanding your game through data 22 Visual style • If you’ve talked to people online about your game in the previous stage, you should have a pretty good understanding of who is the target audience for your game. • You can now ask them about your visual style. Usually it’s enough to have several art draft/mockups. • Don’t ask if they like it or not, ask if they’d play a game that looks like this. • Focus on your target audience. Every successful game is considered ugly by someone on Internet. Skyrim? Too dirty. Clash of Clans? Too childish. League of Legends? Too bright.
  • 23. Understanding your game through data 23 Player behavior • By now you should be adding in-game analytics already. There are many options, you can choose whatever you like. • But even if it’s not there yet, you can learn a lot by watching people play your prototype. • The best way is to record a person’s face simultaneously with what’s going on the screen (think “letsplays”), but you could just sit nearby and watch if the person is comfortable. • Again, when inviting people to try your game, focus on the target audience, not your friends. • It will get harder in the end, as you’ll be running out of relatives to test the game on.
  • 24. Understanding your game through data 24 Player behavior Things to look for when watching people play your game: • What catches their attention? • What do they do first? • How much time passes before the person gets to the first major point in the game? • Did you expect it to take this long? • Do they understand the game rules? • Do they understand effects of game items or enemy strategies? • How do they handle controls? When a person starts playing, don’t talk, don’t help, don’t defend or explain your game. Shut up and watch.
  • 25. Understanding your game through data 25 Player behavior • Always do a short interview and a survey after the playtest. It helps to quantify and record the results. • Determine a net promoter score. Ask “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this game to a friend?” • You can ask if the person liked the game or not, but NPS is more useful, as people tend to lie so they don’t hurt your feelings. • Ask about what the person found most confusing, most fun, most difficult and most boring.
  • 26. Understanding your game through data 26 Net Promoter Score Test Detractors (0-6) Passives (7-8) Promoters (9-10) NPS Score Idea test 1 (online poll on forum) 5 20 10 14% Visual Style 1 5 7 6 6% Visual Style 2 7 4 7 0% Visual Style 3 7 6 5 -11% Playtest 1 (studio) 5 7 6 6% Playtest 2 (expo) 20 45 30 11% Playtest 3 (online) 110 200 250 25% How likely are you to recommend the game to your friends? On a scale from 0 (not likely) to 10 (extremely likely)
  • 27. Understanding your game through data 27 User Interface • Prototype on paper. Get a notepad the size of iPad or iPhone (they’re available online) or just typical A4 one and draw stuff. • If your game is for mobile devices, consider different screen sizes and different hands sizes. Test on different people. • You’ll be able to eliminate many problems by just handing the piece of paper to a person and asking if he/she can understand how the game is supposed to be played and what’s going on the screen. • I have a friend who builds elaborate paper UI prototypes with moving parts, but it’s probably too much. Quite fun to use, though.
  • 28. Understanding your game through data After the launch The game is done, fire and forget. Why are we still analyzing it?
  • 29. Understanding your game through data 29 Why? • You have actual users playing the game! • You can still find and fix a lot of problems • You’ll learn a lot for your next game
  • 30. Understanding your game through data 30 What do I need to research? • In-game behavior • In-game economics • In-game balance
  • 31. Understanding your game through data 31 Behavior • I hope that by release you have some analytics system implemented – Google Analytics, Unity Analytics or even home-grown solution will do. • You should be tracking user path through the game. • Cluster users based on the steps they’re taking in your game. Some will go straight to tutorial, some will go PVP, some will start exploring. • How much time a person spends in a game per sitting? How often does he play per week? • Don’t go for averages, always go for brackets or clusters, as averages are deceiving.
  • 32. Understanding your game through data 32 Economy • How many resources a person has after 1 hour / 1 chapter into the game? How many people have too much and how many don’t have enough? • What people usually spend their resources on? Do they go for armor, swords, potions, artillery or tanks? Why? • Cross-reference the economy with behavior clustering. Do “explorers” buy different items compared to “fighters”? Do they have more resources or less? Should it be like this? • Research consumables (potions, gems, etc). Do people actually use them or save them for later?
  • 33. Understanding your game through data 33 Economy Expected valueDidn’t understand the game at all Low skill, will have problems later in the game High skill, might find the game too easy later Munchkins? Exploiters?
  • 34. Understanding your game through data 34 Balance • Which character/class/role people choose more often? Does it vary based on their behavior in game? • Based on the character selected are there any differences in resources acquired, damage dealt, time spent in game? • If the game has PVP, check the win/lose ratio for every class. Again, use brackets or clustering instead of averages, as win ratio might vary a lot depending on users’ skill.
  • 35. Understanding your game through data 35 Balance The 1st chapter Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk Total players 600 200 100 50 50 Share of all players 60% 20% 10% 5% 5% Resources after 252 170 150 405 180 DPS after 45.2 35.2 17.2 92.5 40.2 Average time to beat 01:05 01:30 02:30 00:55 01:15 The 2nd chapter Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk Total players 550 180 70 47 47 Share of all players 62% 20% 8% 5% 5% Resources after 630 442 390 810 450 DPS after 90.4 70.4 43 148 80.4 Average time to beat 01:02 01:20 03:00 00:50 01:10 The 3rd chapter Class Warrior Paladin Priest Wizard Monk Total players 545 175 35 45 45 Share of all players 64% 21% 4% 5% 5% Resources after 1575 1105 975 1782 1125 DPS after 180.8 140.8 107.5 236.8 160.8 Average time to beat 01:07 01:25 03:30 00:40 01:15 What can we learn here? • Priest class might be severely underpowered. Players are leaving the game. • Wizard class is either too strong or more appealing to more skilled players • Monk and Paladin are all right • Warriors might need some balancing, so they spend more resources
  • 36. Understanding your game through data Summary A quick recap
  • 37. Understanding your game through data 37 Key takeaway Do your research before developing a game. You’ll both save time and learn a lot.
  • 38. Understanding your game through data 38 Key takeaway Test your game on your target audience even before you have anything playable.
  • 39. Understanding your game through data 39 Key takeaway Implement in-game analytics as early as you can, it makes analyzing user behavior way easier.
  • 40. Understanding your game through data 40 Key takeaway Don’t trust averages, look at the whole picture.
  • 41. Understanding your game through data 41 Key takeaway Don’t dismiss analytics as something for “the big guys only”. You can do a lot of it yourself or with a small team.
  • 42. Understanding your game through data 42 Questions? Skype sergesegal E-mail Twitter @Steam_Spy What? How? When? Why? Where? Are we going to die or not? Sergey Galyonkin

Editor's Notes

  1. I’m not talking about MAU/DAU/ARPU/Retention and conversion rates as they’re widely covered online.
  2. You should probably look at distributions for all classes as well.