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Note : Toxicology is a very important topic and if u try reading each
poisons Separately , u will definitely forget them.
So best way to remember them more is to practice
MCQs and then read topics by correlating.
That’s what I think….
It may or may not apply for u…..
But atleast try once like this and then choose your own way .
1) Gastric lavage is indicated in all cases of acute poisoning ideally because of:
A Fear of aspiration
B Danger of cardiac arrest
C Danger of respiratory arrest
D Inadequate ventilation
Ans. A Fear of aspiration
The main danger of consuming a poison, other than
reducing the effects of poison itself on the body due to
absorption, is death due to aspiration pneumonitis.
It is because of this that gastric lavage is indicated in all
cases of acute poisoning wherever possible.
-Ideal time = <3hrs
-Initially lavage should be done with plain water since the poison need to be
sent to lab for tests.
-MC substance used for gastric Lavage = KMnO4
- Ideal tube = Lavacutor
- Position of Patient during lavage = Prone/Left lateral
- Contra Indicated in = Corrosives except Carbolic acid
(Since Increase chance of aspiration)
Position of Patient during lavage
Prone/Left lateral
-Measure from tip of nose to ear lobe first……
- then measure from ear lobe to xiphoid process….
- add both measurements and mark it on Ryle’s tube….
-Insert Ryle’s tube upto that level.
-Government doctor should inform all cases
of poisoning to Police
- Private practitioner should inform only in
Homicidal cases.
Opium is always secreted into G.I.T doesn’t matter from which route it is taken/
administered. So gastric lavage is compulsory for opium poisoning.
Q.2) A 60 year old man presents in OPD with history of opium
addiction for the last 20 yrs. He has given up opium for 2 days.
Withdrawal symptoms will include:
A )Drowsiness
B )Constricted pupil
C) Rhinorrhoea
D)↓ed Blood pressure
Ans. C Rhinorrhoea
Withdrawal symptoms due to any drug of addiction are usually
same, barring minor differences- Chilliness/ sensation of cold,
uneasiness, yawning, rhinorrhoea, lacrimation, goose-skin,
tremors, dilated pupils, anorexia, tachypnoea, ↑ sleep, fever,
HT, cramps legs/abdomen, diarrhoea.
-All secretions are increased like lacrimation, Rhinorrhea ,
-Derived from Poppy plant
- Unriped fruit is Toxic
-Seeds are not toxic
-Lethal dose : 2gms
- Lethal dose of Morphine = 0.2gms
-Active principle = Endorphin
-Black color postmortem lividity
Morphine Bupronorphine
Codeine Methadone
Heroin Dextromethorphine
Poppy plant
1) Stage of Excitement = Hallucination
2) Stage of stupor
3) Stage of coma = Pin point non reacting pupil,hypotension, bradycardia,
Respiratory depression
- There may be whit froth from mouth , in PM examination.
1) Lacrimation
2) Vomiting
3) Rhinorrhoea
4) Sweating
5) Diarrhoea
6) Piloerection(goose flesh)
7) Raise in B.P
1) Acute Intoxication = I.V Naloxone followed by Naltrexone
2) Withdrawal symptoms = Methadone> Buprenorphine
Since methadone is a opioid agonist and it produces all effects of morphine/heroin
except dependence
3) Maintenance therapy = Methadone> Buprenorphine
4) Aversion therapy = Naltrexone
-Di acetyl Morphine
-Addiction is known as Cutting-In
-Also k/a Brown sugar/smack/junk
-Smoking Heroin is k/a Chasing The Dragon
-Speed ball = Heroin + Cocaine
-CNS Stimulant
-Mech. ; Dopamine/Serotonin/Nor epinephrine
-Derives from leaves of erythoxylum cocca
-Tactile hallucinations: also k/a Cocaine bugs/magnan bugs
-Paranoid delusions : is the fixed, false belief that one is being
harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people.
-If sniffed can cause Nasal septum perforation
-On oral intake : Black jet tongue
-Antidote = Amyl Nitrate
Black Jet Tongue /Teeths
3.Q. The sensation of creeping, bugs over the body is a feature
of poisoning with:
A Cocaine
B Diazepam
C Barbiturates
D Brown sugar
Ans. A Cocaine
‘Cocaine bugs’/ Magnan’s symptoms,
+ ulceration of the nasal septum due to sniffing.
Cocainism= Cocaine habit
Cocainomania- chr. abusers tolerate upto 10gms/day.
Antidote- amyl nitrite.
4.Q. Which type of cattle poisoning occurs due to ingestion
of LINSEED (Alsi) plant:
A Aconite
B Pilocarpine
C Atropine
D Hydrocyanic acid
Ans. D Hydrocyanic acid
-Also k/a Prussic Acid
-Derived from Linseed Plant
-Bitter almond smell
-Inhibits enzymes of respiratory chain : 1) Carbonic anhydrase
2) superoxide dismutase
3) Cytochrome oxidase
4) Succinate dehydrogenase
-Rx: Amyl Nitrite
Vit. B12
Na. Thiosulphate
Triple Antidote
Amyl nitrite + CN = Meth-Hb
Vit.B12 + CN = Cyanocobalamine
Na.thiosulphate +CN= Thiocyanate
5.Q) Heera Lals’s 10 year old child presented in casualty with
snakebite since six hours. On examination no systemic signs
are found & lab investigation are normal except localized
swelling over the leg <5 cms. Next step in management
would be:
A Incision & suction of local swelling
B I/V anti-venom serum
C S/c anti-venom at local swelling
D Observe the patient for progression of symptoms wait for
anti-venom therapy
Ans. D Observe the patient for progression of symptoms
wait for anti-venom therapy
Since there no systemic signs & lab investigation are
normal and there is only mild swelling over the leg <5 cms
These is considered non toxic and swelling is a reaction
of inflammation….
so we can wait till further symptoms arrives…
- Cobra
-Common Krait
-King Cobra
-Viper : Russel viper
Saw scaled Viper
-Sea Snake = Myotoxic
- In Krait local symptoms are absent
Elipidae group
- Neurotoxic
Krait is most poisonous but still Cobra is considered more
dangerous since it inserts 40times more poison than KRAIT
Fatal dose= Cobra=12mg
Krait = 6mg
Fatal Period= ½ -6hrs
1) Immobilise the limb as movement may aggrevate spread
2) Bite site shouldn’t be cleaned or sucked
3) Tourniquet is of no use as poison spreads from lymphatics and not from
blood vessels but still if it is applied ,it shouldn’t be very tight.
The pressure should be less than 70mmHg.
4) Antisnake Venom : Produced in Hoffkin Institute Bombay
ASV should be given over 1hour infusion
6.Q.Cherry-red colour in post mortem staining is a feature of
poisoning with:
A Nitrites
B Aniline
C Phosphorus
D Carbon Monoxide
Ans. D Carbon Monoxide
(Colour of post-mortem staining in poisoning-
1) Dark brown or yellow- Phosphorus or acute copper poisoning,
2)Cherry red- CO & Cold storage,
3) Bluish-green- H2S,
4) Bright red- HCN/ Cyanides,
5) Chocolate/Red-brown coloured- Nitrites/Nitrates, aniline, Nitrobenzene,
Acetanilide, Bromates, Chlorates (due to formation of Methaemoglobin.)
7.Q. In exhumed bodies, poison likely to be detected:
A Dhatura
B Mercury
C Arsenic
D Cocaine
Ans. C (Arsenic is the poison likely to be detected in exhumed bodies as it
undergoes post-mortem imbibition.)
Metallic Arsenic is not poisonous since it is not absorbed in intestines
Arsenic oxide or arsenic trioxide is poisonous and it occurs in powder form.
It has no smell,no taste and partly soluble in water.
-Copper arsenite - Scheele’s Green
- copper acetoarsenite – Paris green
-It reacts with sulfhydryl group and interferes
with cell metabolism
-Fulminant dose: 3-5gms
- fulminant period: 1-3hrs
Fatal dose – 100-200mg
Fatal period: 1-2days
Aldrich mee lines
- Rain drop pigmentation/rash/Red velvety Mucosa
Sub endocardial hemorrhage
Excessive pigmentation
Iron Oxide + BAL : Treatment
Mimics Cholera
1) Hemodialysis
2) Gastric lavage– but do not mix alkali as it may increase solubility
of arsenic
3) Chelating agent : BAL+ Iron Oxide
4) arsine binds to and causes rapid destruction of red blood cells, so blood
transfusions and exchange transfusions may help the patient
ARSENOPHAGISTS – Persons who can tolerate Arsenic in high doses
-Mimics Cholera/Measles/addison’s disease
- may cause basal cell carcinoma
- also causes fatty infiltration of liver/NCPF
- Ideal Test: Gutzeit Test > Reinsch Test
- In chronic poisoning arsenic may be found in Bones/nails/hairs
-Can be detected even in decomposed body/bones/ashes
- delays putrifaction
8.Q.Which of the following poisons has only local action?
A Sulphuric acid
B Carbolic acid
C Oxalic acid
D Phosphorus
Ans. A Sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid - effect on the system.
Extract the water from the tissues
Fixes, destroys and erodes the tissues
Converts haemoglobin in to heamatin
Causes coagulation necrosis by precipitation of proteins
-Oil of Vitriol
-Vitriolage : Throwing corrosive on another person
-MC symptom dur to ingestion : Pharyngeal Pain
-Brown discoloration of stomach
-Only local symptoms…no systemic effects
-Maximum chance of stomach perforation among all corrosives
-Mucosa will be burnt : Bloating Paper appearance
-Gastric lavage and alkali administration is contra indicated
-Antidote = MgO
-Only corrosive where gastric lavage can be done.
-Metabolites : Pyrocatechol
-Ochronosis : Hydroquinone deposits in cartilages.
-Carboluria : Both metabolites when excreted in urine gives Green colour
-Delays decomposition
-Causes miosis
-Fatal dose : 1-2ml
-Fatal period: 3-4hrs
Mnemonic : 1-2-3-4
-Acid of Sugar/ Acid of Sorrel
-Presnt in Tomato/ Cabbage/ Spinach
-Oxalate reacts with calcium and thus causes Hypocalcemia
-Used as Ink remover
-Coffee ground vomiting: Blood + vomiting
-Antidote: Calcium Gluconate
Coffee ground vomiting
-Aqua Fortis
-Gives brown color to urine
-Xanthoproteic reaction : Skin becomes Yellow
-Brown mucosa
Seen in Boric Acid
9.Q) All are features of lead poisoning, EXCEPT:
A Diarrhoea
B abdominal pain
C Encephalopathy
D Nephropathy
Ans. A Diarrhoea
-MC route of poisoning = Inhalation
-Sindhur = Lead Tetraoxide
-Antidote = E.D.T.A ( In children: DMSA (succimer)
-MC lead leading to toxicity= Lead acetate
-Lethal dose = 20gm
-Chronic poisoning is known as Plumbism/Saturnism
Basophilic stippling/Burtonian lines
Facial pallor
Basophilic stippling
Blue dots on RBCs
Burtonian lines
- Blue lines on Gums.
1) Coproporphyrin in
>150mcg/l Exposure to lead
2) Amino Levulinic Acid
in Urine
>5mg/l Indicates lead
3) Lead in blood >70mcg/100ml Clinical symptoms
4) Lead in urine >0.8mg/l Lead exposure and
5) Basophilic stippling
of RBCs
Punctate basophilia
10)Q. An addicted patient presenting with visual and tactile
hallucinations, has black staining of tongue and teeth,
the agent is:
A Cocaine
B Cannabis
C Heroin
D Opium
Ans. A Cocaine
tactile hallucinations (Magnan's symptoms = Cocaine bugs),
visual hallucinations,
black staining of tongue & teeth,
ulceration of the nasal septum due to sniffing.
11)Q. A farmer was brought to the casualty with restlessness and
agitation. Examination shows temp 1030 F, flushed face, pupils
dilated and fixed. The diagnosis is:
A Dhatura poisoning
B Organophosphorus poisoning
C Diazepam poisoning
D Opium poisoning
Ans. A Dhatura poisoning
Hot as a hare,
Blind as a bat,
Dry as a bone,
Red as a beet,
Mad as wet hen.
Pyrexia + contracted pupils = Phenobarbitone poisoning;
Pyrexia + dilated pupils = Datura poisoning.
-Principle : Hyoscine/Atropine/Hyoscyamine/Scopola
-So all anti-cholinergic effects are seen
-Lethal Dose = 100-125seeds
-Seeds resembles chilly seeds
Antidote: Physostigmine/Pilocarpine
12) Q.BAL is used as an antidote poisoning for:
A Morphine
B Aconite
C Phenol
D Mercury
Ans. D Mercury B.A.L. = Dimercaprol = British anti-lewisite = As, Pb, Bi, Cu, Hg, Gold.
Action- heavy metals combine with the two –SH groups on BAL.
Dose- 3-4 mg/kgbw of 10% BAL
1) British Anti Lewisite (B.A.L)
Given in = Arsenic
C.I in = Iron/Cadmium
-Given in Copper Poisoning
-C.I in Arsenic Poisoning
-Given in Lead poisoning
-C.I in Mercury
Magnesium Oxide = 1 part
Tannic Acid = 1 part
Charcoal =2 parts
Adsorps poison
Precipitates Poison
13) Q. Necrosis of Proximal convoluted tubules is caused by:
A Arsenic
B Phenol
C Alcohol
D Amanita phalloides
Ans. A Arsenic
PCT necrosis is caused by-
Carbon tetra Chloride, Cantharidine,
14)Q. Smell of bitter almonds is seen in poisoning with:
A Phosphorus
B Hydrocyanic acid
C Nitric acid
D Oxalic acid
Ans. B Hydrocyanic acid
Smell about mouth & Nose-
Garlic-like – Phosphorus, Arsenic, Parathion, Malathion,
Sweetish or fruity- Ethanol, Chloroform, Nitrites.
Acrid- Paraldehyde, Chloral hydrate.
Rotten eggs- Hydrogen Sulphide, Mercaptans, Disulfiram.
Fishy or musty- Zn Phosphide, Cyanides, Phenol, Opium, Ether.
Bitter almonds- Cyanides, HCN
15) Q.Haemodialysis is may be used for each of the following
poisonings EXCEPT:
A Kerosene oil
B Barbiturates
C Alcohol
D Aspirin
Ans. A Kerosene oil
Hemoperfusion is done for = Barbiturates
Exchange Transfusion is done for = Arsenic
B = Barbiturates
L = Lithium
A = Alcohol
S = Salicylates
T = Thiophylline/Thiocyanate

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  • 2. Note : Toxicology is a very important topic and if u try reading each poisons Separately , u will definitely forget them. So best way to remember them more is to practice MCQs and then read topics by correlating. That’s what I think…. It may or may not apply for u….. But atleast try once like this and then choose your own way .
  • 3.
  • 4. 1) Gastric lavage is indicated in all cases of acute poisoning ideally because of: A Fear of aspiration B Danger of cardiac arrest C Danger of respiratory arrest D Inadequate ventilation
  • 5. Ans. A Fear of aspiration The main danger of consuming a poison, other than reducing the effects of poison itself on the body due to absorption, is death due to aspiration pneumonitis. It is because of this that gastric lavage is indicated in all cases of acute poisoning wherever possible.
  • 6. -Ideal time = <3hrs -Initially lavage should be done with plain water since the poison need to be sent to lab for tests. -MC substance used for gastric Lavage = KMnO4 - Ideal tube = Lavacutor - Position of Patient during lavage = Prone/Left lateral - Contra Indicated in = Corrosives except Carbolic acid (Since Increase chance of aspiration)
  • 7. Position of Patient during lavage Prone/Left lateral
  • 8. -Measure from tip of nose to ear lobe first…… - then measure from ear lobe to xiphoid process…. - add both measurements and mark it on Ryle’s tube…. -Insert Ryle’s tube upto that level.
  • 9. -Government doctor should inform all cases of poisoning to Police - Private practitioner should inform only in Homicidal cases.
  • 10.
  • 11. Opium is always secreted into G.I.T doesn’t matter from which route it is taken/ administered. So gastric lavage is compulsory for opium poisoning.
  • 12. Q.2) A 60 year old man presents in OPD with history of opium addiction for the last 20 yrs. He has given up opium for 2 days. Withdrawal symptoms will include: A )Drowsiness B )Constricted pupil C) Rhinorrhoea D)↓ed Blood pressure
  • 13. Ans. C Rhinorrhoea Withdrawal symptoms due to any drug of addiction are usually same, barring minor differences- Chilliness/ sensation of cold, uneasiness, yawning, rhinorrhoea, lacrimation, goose-skin, tremors, dilated pupils, anorexia, tachypnoea, ↑ sleep, fever, HT, cramps legs/abdomen, diarrhoea. -All secretions are increased like lacrimation, Rhinorrhea , vomitings,etc.
  • 14. -Derived from Poppy plant - Unriped fruit is Toxic -Seeds are not toxic -Lethal dose : 2gms - Lethal dose of Morphine = 0.2gms -Active principle = Endorphin -Black color postmortem lividity NATURAL SYNTHETIC Morphine Bupronorphine Codeine Methadone Heroin Dextromethorphine Thebaine Poppy plant
  • 15.
  • 16. 1) Stage of Excitement = Hallucination 2) Stage of stupor 3) Stage of coma = Pin point non reacting pupil,hypotension, bradycardia, Respiratory depression - There may be whit froth from mouth , in PM examination.
  • 17. 1) Lacrimation 2) Vomiting 3) Rhinorrhoea 4) Sweating 5) Diarrhoea 6) Piloerection(goose flesh) 7) Raise in B.P
  • 18. 1) Acute Intoxication = I.V Naloxone followed by Naltrexone 2) Withdrawal symptoms = Methadone> Buprenorphine Since methadone is a opioid agonist and it produces all effects of morphine/heroin except dependence 3) Maintenance therapy = Methadone> Buprenorphine 4) Aversion therapy = Naltrexone
  • 19. -Di acetyl Morphine -Addiction is known as Cutting-In -Also k/a Brown sugar/smack/junk -Smoking Heroin is k/a Chasing The Dragon -Speed ball = Heroin + Cocaine
  • 20. -CNS Stimulant -Mech. ; Dopamine/Serotonin/Nor epinephrine -Vasoconstrictor -Derives from leaves of erythoxylum cocca -Tactile hallucinations: also k/a Cocaine bugs/magnan bugs -Paranoid delusions : is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. -If sniffed can cause Nasal septum perforation -On oral intake : Black jet tongue -Antidote = Amyl Nitrate
  • 21.
  • 22. COCAINE ORAL INTAKE Black Jet Tongue /Teeths
  • 23. 3.Q. The sensation of creeping, bugs over the body is a feature of poisoning with: A Cocaine B Diazepam C Barbiturates D Brown sugar
  • 24. Ans. A Cocaine ‘Cocaine bugs’/ Magnan’s symptoms, + ulceration of the nasal septum due to sniffing. Cocainism= Cocaine habit Cocainomania- chr. abusers tolerate upto 10gms/day. Antidote- amyl nitrite.
  • 25. 4.Q. Which type of cattle poisoning occurs due to ingestion of LINSEED (Alsi) plant: A Aconite B Pilocarpine C Atropine D Hydrocyanic acid
  • 26. Ans. D Hydrocyanic acid -Also k/a Prussic Acid -Derived from Linseed Plant -Bitter almond smell -Inhibits enzymes of respiratory chain : 1) Carbonic anhydrase 2) superoxide dismutase 3) Cytochrome oxidase 4) Succinate dehydrogenase -Rx: Amyl Nitrite + Vit. B12 + Na. Thiosulphate Triple Antidote Amyl nitrite + CN = Meth-Hb Vit.B12 + CN = Cyanocobalamine Na.thiosulphate +CN= Thiocyanate
  • 27. 5.Q) Heera Lals’s 10 year old child presented in casualty with snakebite since six hours. On examination no systemic signs are found & lab investigation are normal except localized swelling over the leg <5 cms. Next step in management would be: A Incision & suction of local swelling B I/V anti-venom serum C S/c anti-venom at local swelling D Observe the patient for progression of symptoms wait for anti-venom therapy
  • 28. Ans. D Observe the patient for progression of symptoms wait for anti-venom therapy Since there no systemic signs & lab investigation are normal and there is only mild swelling over the leg <5 cms …. These is considered non toxic and swelling is a reaction of inflammation…. so we can wait till further symptoms arrives…
  • 29. -Ophistoxemia - Cobra -Common Krait -King Cobra -Viper : Russel viper Saw scaled Viper -Sea Snake = Myotoxic - In Krait local symptoms are absent Elipidae group - Neurotoxic Hemotoxic
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Krait is most poisonous but still Cobra is considered more dangerous since it inserts 40times more poison than KRAIT Fatal dose= Cobra=12mg Krait = 6mg Fatal Period= ½ -6hrs
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. 1) Immobilise the limb as movement may aggrevate spread 2) Bite site shouldn’t be cleaned or sucked 3) Tourniquet is of no use as poison spreads from lymphatics and not from blood vessels but still if it is applied ,it shouldn’t be very tight. The pressure should be less than 70mmHg. 4) Antisnake Venom : Produced in Hoffkin Institute Bombay
  • 46.
  • 47. ASV should be given over 1hour infusion
  • 48. 6.Q.Cherry-red colour in post mortem staining is a feature of poisoning with: A Nitrites B Aniline C Phosphorus D Carbon Monoxide
  • 49. Ans. D Carbon Monoxide (Colour of post-mortem staining in poisoning- 1) Dark brown or yellow- Phosphorus or acute copper poisoning, 2)Cherry red- CO & Cold storage, 3) Bluish-green- H2S, 4) Bright red- HCN/ Cyanides, 5) Chocolate/Red-brown coloured- Nitrites/Nitrates, aniline, Nitrobenzene, Acetanilide, Bromates, Chlorates (due to formation of Methaemoglobin.)
  • 50. 7.Q. In exhumed bodies, poison likely to be detected: A Dhatura B Mercury C Arsenic D Cocaine
  • 51. Ans. C (Arsenic is the poison likely to be detected in exhumed bodies as it undergoes post-mortem imbibition.)
  • 52.
  • 53. Metallic Arsenic is not poisonous since it is not absorbed in intestines Arsenic oxide or arsenic trioxide is poisonous and it occurs in powder form. It has no smell,no taste and partly soluble in water. -Copper arsenite - Scheele’s Green - copper acetoarsenite – Paris green -It reacts with sulfhydryl group and interferes with cell metabolism -Fulminant dose: 3-5gms - fulminant period: 1-3hrs Fatal dose – 100-200mg Fatal period: 1-2days
  • 54.
  • 55. Aldrich mee lines - Rain drop pigmentation/rash/Red velvety Mucosa Sub endocardial hemorrhage Excessive pigmentation Neuritis Iron Oxide + BAL : Treatment Mimics Cholera
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. 1) Hemodialysis 2) Gastric lavage– but do not mix alkali as it may increase solubility of arsenic 3) Chelating agent : BAL+ Iron Oxide 4) arsine binds to and causes rapid destruction of red blood cells, so blood transfusions and exchange transfusions may help the patient
  • 59. ARSENOPHAGISTS – Persons who can tolerate Arsenic in high doses -Mimics Cholera/Measles/addison’s disease - may cause basal cell carcinoma - also causes fatty infiltration of liver/NCPF - Ideal Test: Gutzeit Test > Reinsch Test - In chronic poisoning arsenic may be found in Bones/nails/hairs -Can be detected even in decomposed body/bones/ashes - delays putrifaction
  • 60. 8.Q.Which of the following poisons has only local action? A Sulphuric acid B Carbolic acid C Oxalic acid D Phosphorus
  • 61. Ans. A Sulphuric acid Sulphuric acid - effect on the system. Extract the water from the tissues Fixes, destroys and erodes the tissues Converts haemoglobin in to heamatin Causes coagulation necrosis by precipitation of proteins
  • 62. -Oil of Vitriol -Vitriolage : Throwing corrosive on another person -MC symptom dur to ingestion : Pharyngeal Pain -Brown discoloration of stomach -Only local symptoms…no systemic effects -Maximum chance of stomach perforation among all corrosives -Mucosa will be burnt : Bloating Paper appearance -Gastric lavage and alkali administration is contra indicated -Antidote = MgO
  • 63.
  • 64. -PHENOL -Only corrosive where gastric lavage can be done. -Metabolites : Pyrocatechol Hydroquinone -Ochronosis : Hydroquinone deposits in cartilages. -Carboluria : Both metabolites when excreted in urine gives Green colour -Delays decomposition -Causes miosis -Fatal dose : 1-2ml -Fatal period: 3-4hrs Mnemonic : 1-2-3-4
  • 65. -Acid of Sugar/ Acid of Sorrel -Presnt in Tomato/ Cabbage/ Spinach -Oxalate reacts with calcium and thus causes Hypocalcemia -Used as Ink remover -Coffee ground vomiting: Blood + vomiting -Antidote: Calcium Gluconate Coffee ground vomiting
  • 66. -Aqua Fortis -Gives brown color to urine -Xanthoproteic reaction : Skin becomes Yellow -Brown mucosa
  • 67. Seen in Boric Acid Poisonings
  • 68. 9.Q) All are features of lead poisoning, EXCEPT: A Diarrhoea B abdominal pain C Encephalopathy D Nephropathy
  • 70. -MC route of poisoning = Inhalation -Sindhur = Lead Tetraoxide -Antidote = E.D.T.A ( In children: DMSA (succimer) -MC lead leading to toxicity= Lead acetate -Lethal dose = 20gm -Chronic poisoning is known as Plumbism/Saturnism
  • 73. Burtonian lines - Blue lines on Gums.
  • 75. LAB PARAMETER VALUES REMARK 1) Coproporphyrin in Urine >150mcg/l Exposure to lead 2) Amino Levulinic Acid in Urine >5mg/l Indicates lead absorption 3) Lead in blood >70mcg/100ml Clinical symptoms appears 4) Lead in urine >0.8mg/l Lead exposure and absorption 5) Basophilic stippling of RBCs Punctate basophilia
  • 76. 10)Q. An addicted patient presenting with visual and tactile hallucinations, has black staining of tongue and teeth, the agent is: A Cocaine B Cannabis C Heroin D Opium
  • 77. Ans. A Cocaine COCAINE POISONING- tactile hallucinations (Magnan's symptoms = Cocaine bugs), visual hallucinations, black staining of tongue & teeth, ulceration of the nasal septum due to sniffing.
  • 78. 11)Q. A farmer was brought to the casualty with restlessness and agitation. Examination shows temp 1030 F, flushed face, pupils dilated and fixed. The diagnosis is: A Dhatura poisoning B Organophosphorus poisoning C Diazepam poisoning D Opium poisoning
  • 79. Ans. A Dhatura poisoning Hot as a hare, Blind as a bat, Dry as a bone, Red as a beet, Mad as wet hen. Pyrexia + contracted pupils = Phenobarbitone poisoning; Pyrexia + dilated pupils = Datura poisoning.
  • 80. -Principle : Hyoscine/Atropine/Hyoscyamine/Scopola -So all anti-cholinergic effects are seen -Lethal Dose = 100-125seeds -Seeds resembles chilly seeds Antidote: Physostigmine/Pilocarpine
  • 82. 12) Q.BAL is used as an antidote poisoning for: A Morphine B Aconite C Phenol D Mercury
  • 83. Ans. D Mercury B.A.L. = Dimercaprol = British anti-lewisite = As, Pb, Bi, Cu, Hg, Gold. Action- heavy metals combine with the two –SH groups on BAL. Dose- 3-4 mg/kgbw of 10% BAL
  • 84. 1) British Anti Lewisite (B.A.L) (Dimercaprol) Given in = Arsenic Mercury C.I in = Iron/Cadmium
  • 85. D-PENICILLAMINE -Given in Copper Poisoning -C.I in Arsenic Poisoning EDTA -Given in Lead poisoning -C.I in Mercury
  • 87. Magnesium Oxide = 1 part Tannic Acid = 1 part Charcoal =2 parts Adsorps poison Precipitates Poison
  • 88. 13) Q. Necrosis of Proximal convoluted tubules is caused by: A Arsenic B Phenol C Alcohol D Amanita phalloides
  • 89. Ans. A Arsenic PCT necrosis is caused by- Carbon tetra Chloride, Cantharidine, Lysol, Arsenic, Mercury, Phenol.
  • 90. 14)Q. Smell of bitter almonds is seen in poisoning with: A Phosphorus B Hydrocyanic acid C Nitric acid D Oxalic acid
  • 91. Ans. B Hydrocyanic acid Smell about mouth & Nose- Garlic-like – Phosphorus, Arsenic, Parathion, Malathion, Sweetish or fruity- Ethanol, Chloroform, Nitrites. Acrid- Paraldehyde, Chloral hydrate. Rotten eggs- Hydrogen Sulphide, Mercaptans, Disulfiram. Fishy or musty- Zn Phosphide, Cyanides, Phenol, Opium, Ether. Bitter almonds- Cyanides, HCN
  • 92. 15) Q.Haemodialysis is may be used for each of the following poisonings EXCEPT: A Kerosene oil B Barbiturates C Alcohol D Aspirin
  • 93. Ans. A Kerosene oil Hemoperfusion is done for = Barbiturates Exchange Transfusion is done for = Arsenic
  • 94. B = Barbiturates L = Lithium A = Alcohol S = Salicylates T = Thiophylline/Thiocyanate
  • 95. HEMODIALYSIS IS C.I in POISONS erosene enzodiaepine hloroquine/CuSO4 eroin