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Seminar program: SPSS workshops 
Date: 6-7/ 9 2014 
Venue: Fakulti sains , UM 
Data file – key in data 
Key in the values
Copy and paste to all values column.. 
Missing value 
Data in complete- put the numbers that not uses in values – 
For age- use 99 ( make sure they no use the number) 
Filtering data
Frequencies -> variable 
Frequency Percent Valid Percent 
Valid Male 94 44.3 47.0 47.0 
Female 106 50.0 53.0 100.0 
Total 200 94.3 100.0 
Missing System 12 5.7 
Total 212 100.0 
Missing data 
Data ascending -> select and clear.. 
Frequency Percent Valid Percent 
Valid Never 1 .5 .5 .5 
Very rarely - one or more a 
2 1.0 1.0 1.5
Rarely - one a month 15 7.5 7.5 9.0 
Often - sometimes a month 20 10.0 10.0 19.0 
More than often - one a 
40 20.0 20.0 39.0 
Very Often - more than one 
a week 
81 40.5 40.5 79.5 
Always - every day 40 20.0 20.0 99.5 
7.00 1 .5 .5 100.0 
Total 200 100.0 100.0 
Got number 7 at data -> check back at data -> select variable-> find and replace ( ctrl + F) 
Check back with questioners -> repair -> do flitering back 
Frequency Percent Valid Percent 
Valid Never 4 2.0 2.0 2.0 
Very rarely - one or more a 
4 2.0 2.0 4.0 
Rarely - one a month 14 7.0 7.1 11.1 
Often - sometimes a month 26 13.0 13.1 24.2 
More than often - one a 
51 25.5 25.8 50.0 
Very Often - more than one 
a week 
62 31.0 31.3 81.3 
Always - every day 36 18.0 18.2 99.5 
7.00 1 .5 .5 100.0 
Total 198 99.0 100.0 
Missing 9.00 2 1.0 
Total 200 100.0 
Wrong data -> salah key in 
Missing data _-> data hilang
Measure something same 
Alpha Cronbach – analysis by theme 
Scale label
Reliability Statistics 
Alpha N of Items 
.866 5 
Good if more than 0.6 
See biggest value item at Cronbach’s Alpha item deleted -> delete that item -> analysis back 
Alpha conbach= less than 0.6 
Look at item statitics = deleted item with worse value 
boleh mengukur bahan yg diukur menggunakan instrument yg betul 
Explanatory Factor Analysis = EFA 
Perbezaan dua pengukur yg hampir sama eg: stress and anxiety
Not confirm 
Try and error 
KMO and Bartlett's Test 
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .823
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1135.684 
df 45 
Sig. .000 
More than 0.6 -> questionnaires acceptance -> proceed to CFA 
Sig -> less than 0.05 significant 
Component Matrixa 
1 2 
Stress1 .638 .540 
Stress2 .727 .524 
Stress3 .730 .520 
Stress4 .729 .443 
Stress5 .272 .508 
Anxiety1 .709 -.384 
Anxiety2 .738 -.500 
Anxiety3 .601 -.578 
Anxiety4 .653 -.534 
Anxiety5 .689 -.331 
Extraction Method: Principal 
Component Analysis. 
a. 2 components extracted. 
*nilai data stress n anxiety hampir sama-> mereka mungkin benda yg sama 
Component Matrixa 
1 2 
Stress1 .760 .370 
Stress2 .835 .334 
Stress3 .859 .274 
Stress4 .838 .211 
Stress5 .401 .348
Perfo1 -.471 .819 
Perfo2 -.470 .830 
Perfo3 -.412 .816 
Extraction Method: Principal 
Component Analysis. 
a. 2 components extracted. 
+ or - =measure the positive and negative thing there are different thing measure 
Component 1 = stress lebih tinggi 
Component 2 = perfo lebih tinggi 
Component Matrixa 
1 2 
Perfo1 .832 -.457 
Perfo2 .822 -.487 
Perfo3 .801 -.438 
Reward1 .577 .623 
Reward2 .574 .675 
Reward3 .523 .736 
Extraction Method: Principal 
Component Analysis. 
a. 2 components extracted. 
*terdapat perbezaan nilai yg ketara bermakna mereka kira benda yag berbeza 
Component Matrixa 
1 2 
ID .129 .357 
Stress1 .629 -.549 
Stress2 .721 -.523 
Stress3 .722 -.528 
Stress4 .722 -.456 
Stress5 .264 -.512 
Anxiety1 .712 .358 
Anxiety2 .745 .482 
Anxiety3 .610 .565 
Anxiety4 .661 .517 
Anxiety5 .694 .319 
Extraction Method: Principal 
Component Analysis. 
a. 2 components extracted. 
Selepas buat force factor masih belum dapat membezakan antara kedua2 boleh ubah.. jadi boleh 
gabungkan kedua variable
Confirmatory Factor Analysis =CFA 
Really confirm 
Sebelum bt compute bt reliability dulu pastikan realibility ggo
Click paste -> syntax put out
Select  RUN ( green botton) 
New variable motivation will appear 
Reliability = must do at least 60 
and validity = must do at least 100
normality of data 
checking normality – graph, despcription statistic, formal statistical analaysis 
to test normality of data 
*mesti sekurang-kurang 2 test berjaya conclude that normal or normal. 
Dapatkan data normaliti
To get quartiles
Data not normal 
Test 1: check skweness and kartosis 
Data ini range value -1 and +1 + normal 
Statistic Std. Error 
Age Mean 34.85 .432 
95% Confidence Interval for 
Lower Bound 34.00 
Upper Bound 35.70 
5% Trimmed Mean 34.48 
Median 33.00 
Variance 93.521 
Std. Deviation 9.671 
Minimum 20 
Maximum 59 
Range 39 
Interquartile Range 15 
Skewness .530 .109 
Kurtosis -.703 .218
Skewness and kurtosis _ within -1 t- +1 ( normal) 
Test 2: check the grapfh 
Curves normal or not 
Double click on graph – test for normal 
*not normal distributor- skewed to right 
Test 3: Q-Q plot 
*no normal because point not straight line,
Test 4 : test of normality 
Tests of Normality 
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk 
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. 
Age .106 502 .000 .948 502 .000 
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction 
If n more than 100  look kat kolmo 
Sig  less than 0.05 not normal (significant data not normal) 
Report : 
Data shown not normal -> report as median = age, median (Q1 , Q3) =
N Valid 502 
Missing 0 
Median 33.00 
Percentiles 25 27.00 
50 33.00 
75 42.00 
Data normal 
Test 1 = check skewness and kurtosis, if in -1 dan +1 normal 
Statistic Std. Error 
Body mass index Mean 26.2081 .21896 
95% Confidence Interval for 
Lower Bound 25.7779 
Upper Bound 26.6383 
5% Trimmed Mean 25.9809 
Median 25.8850 
Variance 24.067 
Std. Deviation 4.90586 
Minimum 16.11 
Maximum 43.83 
Range 27.72 
Interquartile Range 6.52 
Skewness .648 .109 
Kurtosis .779 .218
Test 2: build the grapf plot ( curve normal or not) 
Test 3 : Q-Q plot are in same line ( normal)
Test 4 : N more than 100 look at Kol 
Sig : >0.05, normal 
Tests of Normality 
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk 
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. 
Body mass index .040 502 .050 .973 502 .000 
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction 
Normal report 
as normal distribution = mean +- S.D
N Valid 502 
Missing 0 
Percentiles 25 27.00 
50 33.00 
75 42.00 
Change continues data to group 
Continues data (eg: percentage, age) into group of data 
Low risk cvd (label 0)= cvd risk < 10% 
High risk (label1) =cvd risk >10% 
0 = reference no, low risk 
1= higher risk, positive, predictor
New variable data will perform
Example independent sample t test 
Hipotesis: high risk group has higher mean of SBP compared to low risk group 
*two group same variable 
Group- SBP high and low, Variable : risk group
Group Statistics 
CVDgroup N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 
Systolic blood pressure high risk 112 135.009 16.4531 1.5547 
low risk 390 121.409 13.2375 .6703 
High risk Low risk T test p-value 
SBP 135.09 ± 16.45 121.41+ 13.24 9.05 <0.001 
Independent Samples Test 
Levene's Test for 
Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means 
F Sig. t df 
Sig. (2- 
Std. Error 
95% Confidence Interval Lower Systolic 
Equal variances 
11.979 .001 9.051 500 .000 13.5995 1.5025 assumed 
Equal variances 
not assumed 
8.033 154.580 .000 13.5995 1.6930
if sig value <0.05= read t value on the top 
if sig value > 0.05= read t value on low level 
value 2 tailed ( 0.00 assume p=<000.1) 
Age Weight 
Age Pearson Correlation 1 .107* 
Sig. (2-tailed) .016 
N 502 502 
Weight Pearson Correlation .107* 1 
Sig. (2-tailed) .016 
Decimal point 
3= p value 
2 = 
1= percentage 
Probability of 
making Type 1 
error is less than 
P= 0.001 
Probability of 
making Type 1 
error is less than 
N 502 502 
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 
Relation have correlation but poor at level 0.05 
r=0.107 ( p<0.05) 
Chi-Square tests 
Test ddata for more then 2 varrable
Chi-Square Tests 
Value df 
Asymp. Sig. (2- 
Pearson Chi-Square 34.476a 4 .000 
Likelihood Ratio 35.614 4 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 26.250 1 .000 
N of Valid Cases 502 
a. 4 cells (40.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum 
expected count is .45. 
Can take the Chi-square because 4 cells still not zero 
Or less than 20% 
Need to transform recode different variable  group back 
Analyze crosstab  
Simple linear regation 
=menentukan faktor pekali
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) -20.660 2.351 -8.787 .000 
Systolic blood pressure .230 .019 .481 12.270 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: CVD Risk 
Y= a + bx 
Contant = -20.660 + 0.23 (SBP) 
DAY 2 ( 7/9/2014) 
1) Make reliability ( alpha less than 0.06 delete item) 
2) Compute data 
T –test
Independent Samples Test 
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) depression Equal variances assumed 2.340 .127 .255 231 Equal variances not assumed .248 187.272 satisfaction Equal variances assumed 1.338 .249 -2.430 236 Equal variances not assumed -2.431 222.029 productivity Equal variances assumed .677 .411 .028 228 Equal variances not assumed .027 205.604 supervisor Equal variances assumed .838 .361 -.795 227 Equal variances not assumed -.790 212.433 coworker Equal variances assumed .069 .793 -1.740 226 Equal variances not assumed -1.782 225.387 To determine the difference see the sig value 
= >0.05 not sig 
t=-2.43,df=236 (not significant) 
Untuk membezakan antara lebih dari 2 group
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 
depression Between Groups .154 3 .051 .362 .781 
Within Groups 34.746 245 .142 
Total 34.900 248 
satisfaction Between Groups 2.550 3 .850 1.751 .157 
Within Groups 122.339 252 .485 
Total 124.889 255 
productivity Between Groups 13.585 3 4.528 1.591 .192 
Within Groups 694.511 244 2.846 
Total 708.096 247 
supervisor Between Groups 6.296 3 2.099 3.648 .013 
Within Groups 138.636 241 .575 
Total 144.932 244 
coworker Between Groups 1.058 3 .353 1.439 .232 
Within Groups 59.064 241 .245 
Total 60.122 244 
emotional Between Groups 3.989 3 1.330 2.406 .068 
Within Groups 135.943 246 .553 
Total 139.932 249 
role Between Groups 2.622 3 .874 1.311 .272 
Within Groups 159.403 239 .667 
Total 162.025 242 
commited Between Groups 1.348 3 .449 .930 .427 
Within Groups 118.892 246 .483 
Total 120.240 249 
Supervisor = signifant because less than 0.05 ( terdapat perbezaan kumpulan) 
Emotional= significant if sample saiz too small 
Report= there are differences supervision support between group ethnics ( F= 3.64, df=3. Sig=0.05)
Test of Homogeneity of Variances 
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 
depression .939 3 245 .422 
satisfaction .717 3 252 .543 
productivity 3.368 3 244 .019 
supervisor 2.664 3 241 .049 
coworker .441 3 241 .724 
emotional .670 3 246 .571 
role 1.088 3 239 .355 
commited .890 3 246 .447 
Homogeneity = hope not significant (compare betweenin group)( normal distributor) 
Not homogeneity= (not distribute normally) 
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects 
Source Dependent Variable 
Type III Sum of 
Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 
Corrected Model supervisor 18.594a 15 1.240 2.223 .007 
satisfaction 13.330b 15 .889 1.866 .028 
Intercept supervisor 364.454 1 364.454 653.536 .000 
satisfaction 542.281 1 542.281 1138.406 .000 
ETHNIC supervisor 6.451 3 2.150 3.856 .010 
satisfaction 2.461 3 .820 1.722 .163 
EDU supervisor 8.384 5 1.677 3.007 .012 
satisfaction 4.237 5 .847 1.779 .118 
ETHNIC * EDU supervisor 4.603 7 .658 1.179 .316 
satisfaction 4.572 7 .653 1.371 .219 
Error supervisor 124.917 224 .558 
satisfaction 106.703 224 .476 
Total supervisor 2358.861 240 
satisfaction 4184.556 240 
Corrected Total supervisor 143.511 239 
satisfaction 120.033 239
a. R Squared = .130 (Adjusted R Squared = .071) 
b. R Squared = .111 (Adjusted R Squared = .052) 
Rule of thumb- 
Many factor contribute to 1 factor 
 If have correlation proceed to reggeration 
emotional depression supervisor coworker role 
emotional Pearson Correlation 1 .295** -.100 -.232** .431** 
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .123 .000 .000 
N 251 244 240 240 241 
depression Pearson Correlation .295** 1 -.233** -.270** .278** 
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 
N 244 250 239 239 238 
supervisor Pearson Correlation -.100 -.233** 1 .397** -.168** 
Sig. (2-tailed) .123 .000 .000 .010 
N 240 239 246 238 235 
coworker Pearson Correlation -.232** -.270** .397** 1 -.132* 
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .044 
N 240 239 238 246 234 
role Pearson Correlation .431** .278** -.168** -.132* 1 
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .010 .044 
N 241 238 235 234 244 
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 
>0.05 not significant = no coloration between to variable 
Emo, sup, co, role p value <0.05 = significant= have relation between to depression 
Cannot use correlation to test hypothesis because know the relation but don’t who come first (just 
Eg: eggs and chicken. (have relation but don’t how come 1 st) 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1(C onstant) 1.915 .181 10.600 .000 
emotional .113 .035 .223 3.228 .001 
role .081 .032 .171 2.503 .013 
supervisor -.082 .034 -.156 -2.387 .018 
coworker -.111 .054 -.137 -2.057 .041 
a. Dependent Variable: depression 
B= beta value 
B = look at the – or + value ( hingher B value more strong contribute to depression)
Result : B= 0.11, s.e = 0.3 
coworker = support if significant 
More emotional demand more depress 
Regression step wise 
Kick people slowly. 
To determine variable that less contributed to depression.
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 1.369 .041 33.640 .000 
emotional .178 .032 .352 5.525 .000 
2 (Constant) 1.732 .110 15.709 .000 
emotional .163 .032 .323 5.151 .000 
supervisor -.115 .033 -.221 -3.527 .001 
3 (Constant) 1.629 .117 13.973 .000 
emotional .127 .035 .251 3.674 .000 
supervisor -.104 .033 -.200 -3.208 .002 
role .080 .033 .170 2.465 .014 
4 (Constant) 1.915 .181 10.600 .000 
emotional .113 .035 .223 3.228 .001 
supervisor -.082 .034 -.156 -2.387 .018 
role .081 .032 .171 2.503 .013 
coworker -.111 .054 -.137 -2.057 .041 
a. Dependent Variable: depression 
demand most 
contributed to 
Start with model 4 – will kick up one by one. 
Model 4= coworker reject- sig value higher 
Depression Depression model Mod depression
Insert independent variable then insert next—insert next independent variable – lastly put both 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.777 .701 8.239 .000 
coworker .507 .226 .147 2.245 .026 
2 (Constant) 5.264 .719 7.324 .000 
coworker .252 .243 .073 1.039 .300 
supervisor .429 .162 .186 2.645 .009 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Final model is model 1= coworker more contribute to productivity 
Mediation ( model)
Baron & Kenny (1986) 
Assumption : 
1) There must have relation between IV and DV 
2) Iv significant to mediates 
3) Mediation significant to DV 
4) When M added in the model IV no longer significant to DV ( fully mediation) 
5) If inclusion of M, the relationship between IV to DV ( partial mediation) 
1) IV to DV 
2) IV to mediates 
3) Mediates to DV 
4) Mediates to IV and DV 
Test 1 : IV sig to DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.878 .434 13.544 .000 
supervisor .482 .138 .221 3.486 .001 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 2: IV to M 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 3.349 .597 5.609 .000 
satisfaction .971 .143 .397 6.797 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 3 : M to DV 
Test 4 : determine ( fully or partial mediation) 
Partial= boleh pergi pada M and DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 2.805 .658 4.261 .000
satisfaction .875 .148 .360 5.926 .000 
supervisor .309 .132 .142 2.335 .020 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
SOBEL TEST Mediation 
 No signification for small simple size 
Test 5 
- Install directly to computer
To get numbers 
1. Run a regression analysis with the IV predicting the mediator. This will give a and sa. 
2. Run a regression analysis with the IV and mediator predicting the DV. This will give b and sb. 
Note that sa and sb should never be negative. 
To conduct the Sobel test 
Details can be found in Baron and Kenny (1986), Sobel (1982), Goodman (1960), and MacKinnon, 
Warsi, and Dwyer (1995). Insert the a, b, sa, and sb into the cells below and this program will 
calculate the critical ratio as a test of whether the indirect effect of the IV on the DV via the 
mediator is significantly different from zero. 
Input: Test statistic: Std. Error: p-value: 
Sobel test: 
Aroian test: 
Goodman test: 
sb Res et all 
Alternatively, you can insert ta and tb into the cells below, where ta and tb are the t-test statistics for 
the difference between the a and b coefficients and zero. Results should be identical to the first 
test, except for error due to rounding. 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 3.502 .178 19.637 .000 
supervisor .202 .057 .221 3.545 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction 
a= beta value 
sa= standard error 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 2.805 .658 4.261 .000 
satisfaction .875 .148 .360 5.926 .000
supervisor .309 .132 .142 2.335 .020 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Report= z=3.36, SE=0.05, sig=<0.001 
Sigficant there partical correlation 
Exercise 1 
Test 1 : IV to DV 
emotional profomence 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 7.757 .186 41.716 .000 
emotional -.392 .145 -.172 -2.710 .007 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 2 : IV to M 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 2.664 .075 35.593 .000 
emotional -.145 .059 -.156 -2.465 .014 
a. Dependent Variable: commited 
= significant 
Test 3 : M to DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.864 .403 14.539 .000 
commited .571 .154 .232 3.710 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
= significant 
Test 4 : DV with M and IV
Determine: partially significant go sobel test 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 6.408 .460 13.939 .000 
commited .495 .158 .200 3.142 .002 
emotional -.343 .144 -.151 -2.373 .018 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
 Partially mediation = IV relation with M and DV 
*if fully mediation= IV only relation with M but no DV anymore. 
Test 5 : Sobel test 
Nilai a= ambil di 2 
Nilai b amik dari test 4 
Report= z=-2.12, SE=0.03 , sig=<0.05 
Monte carlo 
Test 1 : 1V to DV 
coworker proformance 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.705 .685 8.332 .000 
coworker .533 .221 .155 2.416 .016 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 2: IV to M 
Model Unstandardized Coefficients 
Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta 
1 (Constant) 2.545 .118 21.540 .000 
commited .202 .045 .277 4.474 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: coworker 
= significant 
Test 3 : M to DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.864 .403 14.539 .000 
commited .571 .154 .232 3.710 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 4 : DV with IV and M 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.070 .718 7.057 .000 
commited .460 .169 .181 2.722 .007 
coworker .348 .228 .102 1.529 .128 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Coworker = not significant more with productivity so it Fully Mediations 
Test 5: test for monte carlo
Value a= form test 2 
Value b = test 4 
Sobet resut 
Monte Carlo Result 
– dapatan yg lebih tepat ( terutama pada sample yg skit) 
Significant = if not content 0 
Content zero if value = -ve and +ve
Result = 95% confident interval 
Lower level = 0.04 
Upper level = 0.03 
Both positive value level = so it significant 
Report = (95 % confident interval [CI], lower level, 0.04, upper level 0.03) 
Exercise 2
Test 1 : IV and DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 1.383 .039 35.066 .000 
emotional .148 .031 .295 4.797 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: depression 
= significant 
Test 2 : IV and M 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 4.303 .074 58.104 .000 
emotional -.179 .058 -.192 -3.093 .002 
a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction 
emotional depression
Test 3 : M and DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 2.217 .135 16.474 .000 
satisfaction -.165 .032 -.310 -5.135 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: depression 
= significant 
Test 4 = 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 1.987 .144 13.775 .000 
satisfaction -.141 .032 -.262 -4.342 .000 
emotional .124 .030 .247 4.097 .000 
a. Dependent Variable: depression 
IV significant with DV= partial mediation 
Test 5 
Sobel test 
= significant
Marte Carlo 
Significant = because not content zero 
Result : 95%, lower level= 0.007 , upper level = 0.04
- Pembolehubah penyerderhana 
- Pembolehubah interaksi 
Test 1 : IV to DV 
Test 2 : M to DV 
test 3; standiziation for IV and moderator 
insert IV and moderator
new data appear 
Compute Z IV and moderator 
Eg: Z IV*ZM 
After compute Z iv 
and Zm
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) .963 .310 3.107 .002 
supervisor .088 .063 .095 1.405 .161 
coworker .418 .103 .299 4.070 .000 
supXcow .052 .033 .107 1.556 .121 
a. Dependent Variable: commited 
Not significant between variable 
Open : 
IV + moderato
Not significant= because no cross between line 
*no interaction effect between them 
Exercise 3 
Test 1 : IV and DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 5.878 .434 13.544 .000 
supervisor .482 .138 .221 3.486 .001 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 2 : M to DV 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 7.757 .186 41.716 .000 
emotional -.392 .145 -.172 -2.710 .007 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 3 : standardized
Test 4 : compute supervision and emos
Test 5 : get regreation zIV, z M , IV+M 
Unstandardized Coefficients 
B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 
1 (Constant) 7.300 .106 68.681 .000 
Zscore(supervisor) .390 .106 .232 3.669 .000 
Zscore(emotional) -.323 .107 -.190 -3.010 .003 
supXemo -.269 .090 -.190 -3.002 .003 
a. Dependent Variable: productivity 
Test 6 : go to excel 
*No correlation = not significant = no interaction between to line = not interaction between supervision 
support and emotional 
Seminar SPSS di UM

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Seminar SPSS di UM

  • 1. Seminar program: SPSS workshops Date: 6-7/ 9 2014 Venue: Fakulti sains , UM Data file – key in data Key in the values
  • 2. Copy and paste to all values column.. Missing value Data in complete- put the numbers that not uses in values – For age- use 99 ( make sure they no use the number) Filtering data
  • 3. Frequencies -> variable Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Male 94 44.3 47.0 47.0 Female 106 50.0 53.0 100.0 Total 200 94.3 100.0 Missing System 12 5.7 Total 212 100.0 Missing data Data ascending -> select and clear.. Mot1 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Never 1 .5 .5 .5 Very rarely - one or more a year 2 1.0 1.0 1.5
  • 4. Rarely - one a month 15 7.5 7.5 9.0 Often - sometimes a month 20 10.0 10.0 19.0 More than often - one a week 40 20.0 20.0 39.0 Very Often - more than one a week 81 40.5 40.5 79.5 Always - every day 40 20.0 20.0 99.5 7.00 1 .5 .5 100.0 Total 200 100.0 100.0 Got number 7 at data -> check back at data -> select variable-> find and replace ( ctrl + F) Check back with questioners -> repair -> do flitering back Mot4 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Never 4 2.0 2.0 2.0 Very rarely - one or more a year 4 2.0 2.0 4.0 Rarely - one a month 14 7.0 7.1 11.1 Often - sometimes a month 26 13.0 13.1 24.2 More than often - one a week 51 25.5 25.8 50.0 Very Often - more than one a week 62 31.0 31.3 81.3 Always - every day 36 18.0 18.2 99.5 7.00 1 .5 .5 100.0 Total 198 99.0 100.0 Missing 9.00 2 1.0 Total 200 100.0 Wrong data -> salah key in Missing data _-> data hilang
  • 5. Reliability Measure something same Alpha Cronbach – analysis by theme Scale label
  • 6. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .866 5 Good if more than 0.6 IF LESS THAN 0.6 See biggest value item at Cronbach’s Alpha item deleted -> delete that item -> analysis back Alpha conbach= less than 0.6 Look at item statitics = deleted item with worse value Validity boleh mengukur bahan yg diukur menggunakan instrument yg betul Explanatory Factor Analysis = EFA Perbezaan dua pengukur yg hampir sama eg: stress and anxiety
  • 7. Not confirm Try and error KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .823
  • 8. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1135.684 df 45 Sig. .000 More than 0.6 -> questionnaires acceptance -> proceed to CFA Sig -> less than 0.05 significant Component Matrixa Component 1 2 Stress1 .638 .540 Stress2 .727 .524 Stress3 .730 .520 Stress4 .729 .443 Stress5 .272 .508 Anxiety1 .709 -.384 Anxiety2 .738 -.500 Anxiety3 .601 -.578 Anxiety4 .653 -.534 Anxiety5 .689 -.331 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. *nilai data stress n anxiety hampir sama-> mereka mungkin benda yg sama Component Matrixa Component 1 2 Stress1 .760 .370 Stress2 .835 .334 Stress3 .859 .274 Stress4 .838 .211 Stress5 .401 .348
  • 9. Perfo1 -.471 .819 Perfo2 -.470 .830 Perfo3 -.412 .816 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. + or - =measure the positive and negative thing there are different thing measure Component 1 = stress lebih tinggi Component 2 = perfo lebih tinggi Component Matrixa Component 1 2 Perfo1 .832 -.457 Perfo2 .822 -.487 Perfo3 .801 -.438 Reward1 .577 .623 Reward2 .574 .675 Reward3 .523 .736 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. *terdapat perbezaan nilai yg ketara bermakna mereka kira benda yag berbeza TO COMBINE SAME FACTORS -> TRY TO PUST IN TO FACTORS
  • 10. Component Matrixa Component 1 2 ID .129 .357 Stress1 .629 -.549 Stress2 .721 -.523 Stress3 .722 -.528 Stress4 .722 -.456 Stress5 .264 -.512 Anxiety1 .712 .358 Anxiety2 .745 .482 Anxiety3 .610 .565 Anxiety4 .661 .517 Anxiety5 .694 .319 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. Selepas buat force factor masih belum dapat membezakan antara kedua2 boleh ubah.. jadi boleh gabungkan kedua variable
  • 11. Confirmatory Factor Analysis =CFA Really confirm Compute Sebelum bt compute bt reliability dulu pastikan realibility ggo
  • 12. Click paste -> syntax put out
  • 13. Select  RUN ( green botton) New variable motivation will appear Reliability = must do at least 60 and validity = must do at least 100
  • 14. normality of data checking normality – graph, despcription statistic, formal statistical analaysis to test normality of data *mesti sekurang-kurang 2 test berjaya conclude that normal or normal. Dapatkan data normaliti
  • 16. Data not normal Test 1: check skweness and kartosis Data ini range value -1 and +1 + normal Descriptives Statistic Std. Error Age Mean 34.85 .432 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 34.00 Upper Bound 35.70 5% Trimmed Mean 34.48 Median 33.00 Variance 93.521 Std. Deviation 9.671 Minimum 20 Maximum 59 Range 39 Interquartile Range 15 Skewness .530 .109 Kurtosis -.703 .218
  • 17. Skewness and kurtosis _ within -1 t- +1 ( normal) Test 2: check the grapfh Curves normal or not Double click on graph – test for normal *not normal distributor- skewed to right Test 3: Q-Q plot *no normal because point not straight line,
  • 18. Test 4 : test of normality Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Age .106 502 .000 .948 502 .000 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction If n more than 100  look kat kolmo Sig  less than 0.05 not normal (significant data not normal) Report : Data shown not normal -> report as median = age, median (Q1 , Q3) =
  • 19. Statistics Age N Valid 502 Missing 0 Median 33.00 Percentiles 25 27.00 50 33.00 75 42.00 Data normal Test 1 = check skewness and kurtosis, if in -1 dan +1 normal Descriptives Statistic Std. Error Body mass index Mean 26.2081 .21896 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 25.7779 Upper Bound 26.6383 5% Trimmed Mean 25.9809 Median 25.8850 Variance 24.067 Std. Deviation 4.90586 Minimum 16.11 Maximum 43.83 Range 27.72 Interquartile Range 6.52 Skewness .648 .109 Kurtosis .779 .218
  • 20. Test 2: build the grapf plot ( curve normal or not) Test 3 : Q-Q plot are in same line ( normal)
  • 21. Test 4 : N more than 100 look at Kol Sig : >0.05, normal Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Body mass index .040 502 .050 .973 502 .000 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Normal report as normal distribution = mean +- S.D
  • 22. Statistics Age N Valid 502 Missing 0 Percentiles 25 27.00 50 33.00 75 42.00 Change continues data to group Continues data (eg: percentage, age) into group of data Eg: Low risk cvd (label 0)= cvd risk < 10% High risk (label1) =cvd risk >10% 0 = reference no, low risk 1= higher risk, positive, predictor
  • 23. New variable data will perform
  • 24. Example independent sample t test Hipotesis: high risk group has higher mean of SBP compared to low risk group *two group same variable Group- SBP high and low, Variable : risk group
  • 25. Group Statistics CVDgroup N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Systolic blood pressure high risk 112 135.009 16.4531 1.5547 low risk 390 121.409 13.2375 .6703 High risk Low risk T test p-value SBP 135.09 ± 16.45 121.41+ 13.24 9.05 <0.001 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Differenc e Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval Lower Systolic blood pressure Equal variances 11.979 .001 9.051 500 .000 13.5995 1.5025 assumed Equal variances not assumed 8.033 154.580 .000 13.5995 1.6930
  • 26. if sig value <0.05= read t value on the top if sig value > 0.05= read t value on low level value 2 tailed ( 0.00 assume p=<000.1) correlation Correlations Age Weight Age Pearson Correlation 1 .107* Sig. (2-tailed) .016 N 502 502 Weight Pearson Correlation .107* 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .016 Decimal point 3= p value 2 = 1= percentage P=0.05 Probability of making Type 1 error is less than <5% P= 0.001 Probability of making Type 1 error is less than <5%
  • 27. N 502 502 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Relation have correlation but poor at level 0.05 r=0.107 ( p<0.05) Chi-Square tests Test ddata for more then 2 varrable
  • 28. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) Pearson Chi-Square 34.476a 4 .000 Likelihood Ratio 35.614 4 .000
  • 29. Linear-by-Linear Association 26.250 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 502 a. 4 cells (40.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .45. Can take the Chi-square because 4 cells still not zero Or less than 20% Need to transform recode different variable  group back Analyze crosstab  Simple linear regation =menentukan faktor pekali
  • 30. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) -20.660 2.351 -8.787 .000 Systolic blood pressure .230 .019 .481 12.270 .000 a. Dependent Variable: CVD Risk Y= a + bx Contant = -20.660 + 0.23 (SBP) DAY 2 ( 7/9/2014) 1) Make reliability ( alpha less than 0.06 delete item) 2) Compute data T –test
  • 31. Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) depression Equal variances assumed 2.340 .127 .255 231 Equal variances not assumed .248 187.272 satisfaction Equal variances assumed 1.338 .249 -2.430 236 Equal variances not assumed -2.431 222.029 productivity Equal variances assumed .677 .411 .028 228 Equal variances not assumed .027 205.604 supervisor Equal variances assumed .838 .361 -.795 227 Equal variances not assumed -.790 212.433 coworker Equal variances assumed .069 .793 -1.740 226 Equal variances not assumed -1.782 225.387 To determine the difference see the sig value = >0.05 not sig t=-2.43,df=236 (not significant) Anova Untuk membezakan antara lebih dari 2 group
  • 32.
  • 33. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. depression Between Groups .154 3 .051 .362 .781 Within Groups 34.746 245 .142 Total 34.900 248 satisfaction Between Groups 2.550 3 .850 1.751 .157 Within Groups 122.339 252 .485 Total 124.889 255 productivity Between Groups 13.585 3 4.528 1.591 .192 Within Groups 694.511 244 2.846 Total 708.096 247 supervisor Between Groups 6.296 3 2.099 3.648 .013 Within Groups 138.636 241 .575 Total 144.932 244 coworker Between Groups 1.058 3 .353 1.439 .232 Within Groups 59.064 241 .245 Total 60.122 244 emotional Between Groups 3.989 3 1.330 2.406 .068 Within Groups 135.943 246 .553 Total 139.932 249 role Between Groups 2.622 3 .874 1.311 .272 Within Groups 159.403 239 .667 Total 162.025 242 commited Between Groups 1.348 3 .449 .930 .427 Within Groups 118.892 246 .483 Total 120.240 249 Supervisor = signifant because less than 0.05 ( terdapat perbezaan kumpulan) Emotional= significant if sample saiz too small Report= there are differences supervision support between group ethnics ( F= 3.64, df=3. Sig=0.05)
  • 34. Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. depression .939 3 245 .422 satisfaction .717 3 252 .543 productivity 3.368 3 244 .019 supervisor 2.664 3 241 .049 coworker .441 3 241 .724 emotional .670 3 246 .571 role 1.088 3 239 .355 commited .890 3 246 .447 Homogeneity = hope not significant (compare betweenin group)( normal distributor) Not homogeneity= (not distribute normally) Ankova
  • 35. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model supervisor 18.594a 15 1.240 2.223 .007 satisfaction 13.330b 15 .889 1.866 .028 Intercept supervisor 364.454 1 364.454 653.536 .000 satisfaction 542.281 1 542.281 1138.406 .000 ETHNIC supervisor 6.451 3 2.150 3.856 .010 satisfaction 2.461 3 .820 1.722 .163 EDU supervisor 8.384 5 1.677 3.007 .012 satisfaction 4.237 5 .847 1.779 .118 ETHNIC * EDU supervisor 4.603 7 .658 1.179 .316 satisfaction 4.572 7 .653 1.371 .219 Error supervisor 124.917 224 .558 satisfaction 106.703 224 .476 Total supervisor 2358.861 240 satisfaction 4184.556 240 Corrected Total supervisor 143.511 239 satisfaction 120.033 239
  • 36. a. R Squared = .130 (Adjusted R Squared = .071) b. R Squared = .111 (Adjusted R Squared = .052) Significant= Correlations Rule of thumb- Many factor contribute to 1 factor  If have correlation proceed to reggeration Correlations emotional depression supervisor coworker role emotional Pearson Correlation 1 .295** -.100 -.232** .431** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .123 .000 .000 N 251 244 240 240 241 depression Pearson Correlation .295** 1 -.233** -.270** .278** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 244 250 239 239 238 supervisor Pearson Correlation -.100 -.233** 1 .397** -.168** Sig. (2-tailed) .123 .000 .000 .010 N 240 239 246 238 235 coworker Pearson Correlation -.232** -.270** .397** 1 -.132* Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .044 N 240 239 238 246 234 role Pearson Correlation .431** .278** -.168** -.132* 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .010 .044 N 241 238 235 234 244 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). >0.05 not significant = no coloration between to variable Emo, sup, co, role p value <0.05 = significant= have relation between to depression Cannot use correlation to test hypothesis because know the relation but don’t who come first (just perception)
  • 37. Eg: eggs and chicken. (have relation but don’t how come 1 st) Regression Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1(C onstant) 1.915 .181 10.600 .000 emotional .113 .035 .223 3.228 .001 role .081 .032 .171 2.503 .013 supervisor -.082 .034 -.156 -2.387 .018 coworker -.111 .054 -.137 -2.057 .041 a. Dependent Variable: depression B= beta value B = look at the – or + value ( hingher B value more strong contribute to depression)
  • 38. Result : B= 0.11, s.e = 0.3 coworker = support if significant More emotional demand more depress Regression step wise Kick people slowly. To determine variable that less contributed to depression.
  • 39. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 1.369 .041 33.640 .000 emotional .178 .032 .352 5.525 .000 2 (Constant) 1.732 .110 15.709 .000 emotional .163 .032 .323 5.151 .000 supervisor -.115 .033 -.221 -3.527 .001 3 (Constant) 1.629 .117 13.973 .000 emotional .127 .035 .251 3.674 .000 supervisor -.104 .033 -.200 -3.208 .002 role .080 .033 .170 2.465 .014 4 (Constant) 1.915 .181 10.600 .000 emotional .113 .035 .223 3.228 .001 supervisor -.082 .034 -.156 -2.387 .018 role .081 .032 .171 2.503 .013 coworker -.111 .054 -.137 -2.057 .041 a. Dependent Variable: depression Result: Emotional demand most contributed to depression
  • 40. Start with model 4 – will kick up one by one. Model 4= coworker reject- sig value higher Report: Depression Depression model Mod depression
  • 41. Insert independent variable then insert next—insert next independent variable – lastly put both Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.777 .701 8.239 .000 coworker .507 .226 .147 2.245 .026 2 (Constant) 5.264 .719 7.324 .000 coworker .252 .243 .073 1.039 .300 supervisor .429 .162 .186 2.645 .009 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Final model is model 1= coworker more contribute to productivity Mediation ( model)
  • 42. Baron & Kenny (1986) Assumption : 1) There must have relation between IV and DV 2) Iv significant to mediates 3) Mediation significant to DV 4) When M added in the model IV no longer significant to DV ( fully mediation) 5) If inclusion of M, the relationship between IV to DV ( partial mediation) Hipotesis 1) IV to DV 2) IV to mediates 3) Mediates to DV mediates dependent variable independet variable
  • 43. 4) Mediates to IV and DV Test 1 : IV sig to DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.878 .434 13.544 .000 supervisor .482 .138 .221 3.486 .001 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 2: IV to M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 3.349 .597 5.609 .000 satisfaction .971 .143 .397 6.797 .000 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 3 : M to DV Test 4 : determine ( fully or partial mediation) Partial= boleh pergi pada M and DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 2.805 .658 4.261 .000
  • 44. satisfaction .875 .148 .360 5.926 .000 supervisor .309 .132 .142 2.335 .020 a. Dependent Variable: productivity SOBEL TEST Mediation  No signification for small simple size Test 5 - Install directly to computer
  • 45. To get numbers 1. Run a regression analysis with the IV predicting the mediator. This will give a and sa. 2. Run a regression analysis with the IV and mediator predicting the DV. This will give b and sb. Note that sa and sb should never be negative. To conduct the Sobel test Details can be found in Baron and Kenny (1986), Sobel (1982), Goodman (1960), and MacKinnon, Warsi, and Dwyer (1995). Insert the a, b, sa, and sb into the cells below and this program will calculate the critical ratio as a test of whether the indirect effect of the IV on the DV via the mediator is significantly different from zero. Input: Test statistic: Std. Error: p-value: a Sobel test: b Aroian test: sa Goodman test: sb Res et all Alternatively, you can insert ta and tb into the cells below, where ta and tb are the t-test statistics for the difference between the a and b coefficients and zero. Results should be identical to the first test, except for error due to rounding. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 3.502 .178 19.637 .000 supervisor .202 .057 .221 3.545 .000 a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction a= beta value sa= standard error Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 2.805 .658 4.261 .000 satisfaction .875 .148 .360 5.926 .000
  • 46. supervisor .309 .132 .142 2.335 .020 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Report= z=3.36, SE=0.05, sig=<0.001 Sigficant there partical correlation Exercise 1 Test 1 : IV to DV comitment emotional profomence Coefficientsa
  • 47. Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 7.757 .186 41.716 .000 emotional -.392 .145 -.172 -2.710 .007 a. Dependent Variable: productivity =significant Test 2 : IV to M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 2.664 .075 35.593 .000 emotional -.145 .059 -.156 -2.465 .014 a. Dependent Variable: commited = significant Test 3 : M to DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.864 .403 14.539 .000 commited .571 .154 .232 3.710 .000 a. Dependent Variable: productivity = significant Test 4 : DV with M and IV
  • 48. Determine: partially significant go sobel test Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 6.408 .460 13.939 .000 commited .495 .158 .200 3.142 .002 emotional -.343 .144 -.151 -2.373 .018 a. Dependent Variable: productivity  Partially mediation = IV relation with M and DV *if fully mediation= IV only relation with M but no DV anymore. Test 5 : Sobel test Nilai a= ambil di 2 Nilai b amik dari test 4 Report= z=-2.12, SE=0.03 , sig=<0.05 significant
  • 49. Monte carlo Test 1 : 1V to DV comitment coworker proformance Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.705 .685 8.332 .000 coworker .533 .221 .155 2.416 .016 a. Dependent Variable: productivity =significant Test 2: IV to M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
  • 50. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2.545 .118 21.540 .000 commited .202 .045 .277 4.474 .000 a. Dependent Variable: coworker = significant Test 3 : M to DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.864 .403 14.539 .000 commited .571 .154 .232 3.710 .000 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 4 : DV with IV and M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.070 .718 7.057 .000 commited .460 .169 .181 2.722 .007 coworker .348 .228 .102 1.529 .128 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Coworker = not significant more with productivity so it Fully Mediations Test 5: test for monte carlo
  • 51. Value a= form test 2 Value b = test 4 Sobet resut Monte Carlo Result – dapatan yg lebih tepat ( terutama pada sample yg skit) Significant = if not content 0 Content zero if value = -ve and +ve
  • 52. Result = 95% confident interval Lower level = 0.04 Upper level = 0.03 Both positive value level = so it significant Report = (95 % confident interval [CI], lower level, 0.04, upper level 0.03) Exercise 2
  • 53. Test 1 : IV and DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 1.383 .039 35.066 .000 emotional .148 .031 .295 4.797 .000 a. Dependent Variable: depression = significant Test 2 : IV and M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 4.303 .074 58.104 .000 emotional -.179 .058 -.192 -3.093 .002 a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction satisfaction emotional depression
  • 54. =significant Test 3 : M and DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 2.217 .135 16.474 .000 satisfaction -.165 .032 -.310 -5.135 .000 a. Dependent Variable: depression = significant Test 4 = Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 1.987 .144 13.775 .000 satisfaction -.141 .032 -.262 -4.342 .000 emotional .124 .030 .247 4.097 .000 a. Dependent Variable: depression IV significant with DV= partial mediation Test 5 Sobel test = significant
  • 55. Marte Carlo Significant = because not content zero Result : 95%, lower level= 0.007 , upper level = 0.04
  • 56. Moderation - Pembolehubah penyerderhana - Pembolehubah interaksi Test 1 : IV to DV Test 2 : M to DV test 3; standiziation for IV and moderator insert IV and moderator
  • 58. new data appear Compute Z IV and moderator Eg: Z IV*ZM Standardize data After compute Z iv and Zm
  • 59. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) .963 .310 3.107 .002 supervisor .088 .063 .095 1.405 .161 coworker .418 .103 .299 4.070 .000 supXcow .052 .033 .107 1.556 .121 a. Dependent Variable: commited Not significant between variable Open : IV Moderator IV + moderato
  • 60. Not significant= because no cross between line *no interaction effect between them Exercise 3 supervisor support emosional Test 1 : IV and DV proformance
  • 61. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.878 .434 13.544 .000 supervisor .482 .138 .221 3.486 .001 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 2 : M to DV Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 7.757 .186 41.716 .000 emotional -.392 .145 -.172 -2.710 .007 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 3 : standardized
  • 62. Test 4 : compute supervision and emos
  • 63. Test 5 : get regreation zIV, z M , IV+M Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 7.300 .106 68.681 .000 Zscore(supervisor) .390 .106 .232 3.669 .000 Zscore(emotional) -.323 .107 -.190 -3.010 .003 supXemo -.269 .090 -.190 -3.002 .003 a. Dependent Variable: productivity Test 6 : go to excel *No correlation = not significant = no interaction between to line = not interaction between supervision support and emotional -Tamat-