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 Inflammation of nasal mucosa
 Acute – common cold (non specific), diptheria
 Chronic (non specific) – simple chronic rhinitis,
hypertrophic rhinitis, rhinitis sicca, rhinitis
caseosa, granuloma, sarcoidosis, atrophic rhinitis
 Chronic (specific) – rhinosporodiosis,
rhinoscleroma, TB, leprosy, syphilis, lupus,
 Allergic rhinitis, VMR
 Common cold/ Coryza
 Non specific rhinitis
 Any sex any age
 Etiology – rhinovirus (mc), influenza (Severe
form), parainfluenza, adenovirus, ECHO viruses
 Secondary infection – bacterial – streptococci,
pneumococci, H. influenzae, staphylococci
 Predisposing factors – change of climate, cold
and wet climate, low immunity, vitamin and
nutritional deficiency, diabetes, TB, thyroid
 Transmission – airborne – sneezing , coughing,
talking, contact - kissing
 C/F – lasts for 2 – 3 weeks
 Burning sensation of back of nose, nasopharynx,
throat dryness – initial symptom
 Sore throat, fever low grade, bodyache, nasal
stuffiness, rhinorrhoea, sneezing, post nasal
discharge, dry cough
 Influenza – malaise, joint pain, acute respiratory
obstruction – children
 Secondary bacterial infection – mucopurulent
 Self limiting disease, influenza – high morbidity,
 Complications – pharyngitis, tonsillitis,
lymphadenitis, sinusitis, otitis media, LRTI, GI
infection, laryngitis
 D/D – Allergic rhinitis, VMR, Chronic rhinitis
 Treatment – Bed rest/ Isolation
 Plenty of fluids/ nutritious diet
 Steam inhalation with inhalant capsules
 Decongestants, nasal drops, analgesics, antipyretics,
Vitamin C, antibiotics (if mucopurulent discharge ),
 Avoid smoking, alcohol, dirty and crowded places
 Influenza vaccine
 Acute specific rhinitis
 Etiology – Corynebacterium diptheriae
 Age – children (carriers)
 C/F – fever, malaise, joint pain, nasal
obstruction, blood stained discharge from nose
 Signs – purulent nasal discharge, foul smelling
 Excoriation of nasal skin
 Greyish white pseudomembrane over nasal floor,
inferior turbinate and septum , loosely attached,
rarely bleeds on removal
 Less toxic, loose membrane – due to mucous
blanket covering the mucosa
 D/D – chronic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis,
influenza, F/B (but U/L)
 Investigations – X Ray PNS, Nasal swab c/s
 Treatment – Isolation
 Anti diptheria serum/ antitoxin
 Pencillin/ Erythromycin
streptococci, staphylococci – more common in
Chicken pox
 Predisposing factors – recurrent attacks of
acute rhinitis, infections in sinuses, pharynx,
chronic irritation due to dust, smoke,
smoking, alcohol, pollution, DNS, Allergic
rhinitis, VMR, hypothyroidism, lack of
exercise, nasal drops overuse
 Types
 Initial stage – chronic simple rhinitis -
 Advanced stage – chronic hypertrophic
rhinitis - irreversible
 C/F – Nasal obstruction – worst on lying at
 Nasal discharge – mucoid/ mucopurulent
 Post nasal discharge
 Headache – enlarged turbinates touch septum
 Loss of smell
 Signs – secretions present, enlarged
turbinates which pit on pressure and shrink
on applying vasoconstrictor
 Advanced stage
 Irreversible mucosal thickening, no pitting on
pressure or no shrinkage of turbinates due to
fibrosis – permanent hypertrophied turbinates
 Persistent severe nasal obstruction at night
 Mouth breathing, hawking, thick voice
 Diffuse hypertrophy mainly of inferior turbinate –
papillary hypertrophy anterior end, mulberry
hypertrophy posterior end (pinkish)
 Diagnosis – DNE, X Ray PNS
 Treatment
 Treat the cause
 Antibiotics for acute exacerbations
 Alkaline nasal douching
 For early stage – topical steroids, nasal
 For advanced stage – turbinoplasty –
turbinectomy, SMR, diathermy, electrocautery,
marked DNS on opposite side
 Due to prolonged use of local nasal decongestant
drops – oxymetazoline, xylometazoline – more
than 1 week
 Rebound congestion
 C/F
 Nasal obstruction worst at night, headache due
to blockage ostia
 Bloody red nasal mucosa with granulations,
turbinate hypertrophy
 Treatment – stop nasal drops, oral/systemic
steroids, intranasal steroids, turbinate reduction
 Cocaine
 Antihypertensives – ACE inhibitors, beta blockers
 Aspirin, NSAID
 OCP, estrogens
 Gabapentin, methyldopa
 HORMONAL RHINITIS – puberty, menstruation,
pregnancy , sex (honeymoon rhinitis)
 EMOTION INDUCED RHINITIS – stress, anxiety,
tension, grief, emotions
 FOOD INDUCED RHINITIS – hot spicy food,
 IRRITATIONAL RHINTIS – dust, smoke, ammonia,
acid fumes, formalin, FB
 Atrophic changes affecting the anterior nasal
cavity due to dry and dusty enviroment
 Etiology – farmers, miners, bakers, iron and
goldsmith, alcoholics, nutritional deficiency, post
nasal surgery
 Pathology – respiratory epithelium changes to
squamous, atrophy of seromucinous glands
 C/F – dirty black crusts in anterior 1/3rd of nasal
cavity which on removal can cause ulceration,
nasal bleed, perforation, dry mucosa
 Non foul smelling nasal discharge
 Nasal obstruction, Epistaxis
 Treatment
 Change of place of work, lifestyle
 Avoid nose picking, removal of crusts
 Use masks and filters at work
 Lubrication with antibiotic steroid ointment
 25% glucose in glycerine nasal drops – 3
drops TDS for 2-3 months
 Alkaline nasal douching
 Chronic inflammation of nose due to formation
of granulations and foul smelling offensive
cheesy material in nasal cavity
 Affects nose and PNS (mainly maxillary sinus)
 Etiology – nasal stenosis, adhesions, synechiae,
sinusitis, FB Nose, rhinolith, fungal infections
 Pathology – stagnation of secretions,
accumulated discharge, caseous material
formation, destruction of bony walls, on
microscopy – cholesterol crystals
 Males (mc), any age (3rd and 4th decade mc)
 C/F – foul smelling nasal discharge, nasal
obstruction, loss of smell, headache, halitosis,
defective taste
 Signs – cheesy material (white debris) in nasal
cavity, ulceration of nasal mucosa, perforation
and destruction of walls, external deformity
 Investigations
 DNE, CT PNS, X Rays
 Biposy
 Fungal culture
 D/D – Malignancy, Fungal sinusitis
 Complications – Intracranial spread, orbital
complications (rare)
 Prognosis - good
 Treatment
 Oral Pencillin thrice a day for 7 days
 Endoscopic removal of cause
 Removal of debris and granulation tissue
 FESS – for restoration of sinus drainage
 Chronic inflammatory condition of nose associated with
progressive atrophy of nasal mucosa and turbinate bones
charaacterised by greenish yellow crusts (posterior part),
foul smell (OZAENA)
 Types
 Primary
 Idiopathic
 Endocrinal imbalance – more common in females during
menstrual age (puberty to menopause), aggravated during
menstruation and pregnancy
 Nutritional deficiency – Vitamin A, D, Iron – more in poor
socio economic group, malnourished
 Racial – more in whites and yellow races
 Hereditary – AD
 Climate - Common in tropical countries like India
 Secondary infection – Klebsiella ozaenae (perez
bacilli), Diptheroids, Proteus, E coli
 Autoimmune disorder
 Broad nose
 Secondary –
 DNS (U/L)
 TB, syphilis, leprosy, lupus, rhinoscleroma
 Trauma
 Excessive turbinatectomy
 RT
 Chronic rhinosinusitis
 Pathology
 Respiratory -> squmaous epithelium – stagnated mucous
– crusts – secondary infection
 Gland atrophy – dryness
 Nerves atrophy – nasal blockage, anosmia (I)
 Periarteritis and endarteritis – diminished blood supply to
 Symptoms
 Foul offensive smell – perceived by others
 Anosmia/ hyposmia (merciful)
 B/L Nasal Obstruction – crusts, nerve atrophy
 Greenish yellow crusts – posterior part
 Epistaxis – dislodgement of crusts
 Headache
 Signs
 Depression of bridge of nose, broadened nose
 Nasal vestibulitis
 Fetor
 Roomy nasal cavities, turbinate atrophy
 Pale dry mucosa
 Nasopharynx visible on ant rhinoscopy
 Septal perforation
 Complications – atrophic pharyngitis (dry throat,
irritation, atrophic laryngitis (cough, hoarseness),
 Sinusitis with small PNS, middle ear infection
(Eustachian tube obstruction), Maggots in nose
(foul smell, nerve atrophy)
 Investigations
 CBC – Hb
 Serum Iron and proteins
 C/S of Nasal swab
 X Ray PNS, CT PNS – hypoplasia, opacity,
thickened walls of maxillary sinus, erosion of
lateral wall
 Chest X Ray – TB
 Nasal smear/biopsy
 D/D – Rhinitis sicca, Syphilis, leprosy,
rhinoscleroma, rhinoloith, FB, Sinusitis (no crusts)
 Prognosis – life long , regress after middle age
 Treatment
 Purpose – restore hydration, minimize crusting
 Medical
 Alkaline nasal douching – 56.8 g (2 parts) Sodium
chloride/ salt, 28.4 g (1 part) of Sodium
bicarbonate/baking soda (loosen crusts), 28.4 g (1 part) of
Sodium biborate/washing soda (anti septic) in 280 ml (2
glasses) of warm water irrigation using 20 ml syringe , 2-3
times a day for life long
 25% glucose in glycerine nasal drops/ paint after crust
removal – inhibit proteolytic organisms/ foul smell
 Gauze pack soaked in liquid paraffin – lubricate nose,
loosen crusts
 Kemicetene anti ozaenae solution
 Potassium iodide orally – loosens secretions
 Placental extract injections submucosally
 Estrogen/ Estradiol nasal spray – increase vascularity
of nasal mucosa
 Vitamin A, D, E, Iron
 Chloramphenicol nasal drops
 Streptomycin/ Rifampicin
 Surgical
 Young’s operation- both nasal apertures completely
closed for upto 2 years anteriorly
 Modified young’s operation – a 3 mm opening left for
 Submucosal injection of teflon paste, fat, cartilage
 Section and medial displacement of lateral wall
 Transfer of stenson’s duct to maxillary sinus
 Mikulicz disease
 Chronic granulomatous disease characterised by
sclerosis and stenosis of nasal passages can also
effect pharynx, larynx, trachea
 Etiology
 Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis
 Young age – 2nd or 3rd decade
 Females
 Rural areas
 Poor socio economic status, poor nutrition and
 North India, East Europe, Middle East, South
America, Africa
 Pathogenesis
 Air borne – droplet/ contamination material
 Pathology
 Begins in vestibule of nose, then spread to nose, pharynx,
larynx, trachea, bronchi
 Histopathology
 Mikulicz cells – large foam cells containing bacilli
 Russell bodies- homogenous eosinophilic inclusion bodies
 C/F
 Prodromal/catarrhal stage – nasal mucosa congested, foul
smelling purulent yellowish nasal discharge, sneezing
 Atrophic stage – atrophy but pink mucosa, nasal
obstruction, crusting, headache, epistaxis
 Granulomatous stage – multiple painless rubbery nodule,
non ulcerative, enlarge to form hard pale granulomas
 Broadening, thickening and woody feel of
nose (Hebra nose)
 Dyspnoea and stridor (if larynx affected)
 Cicatrization stage
 Fibrosis of external nose (Tapir nose)
 Stenosis of vestibule, nasopharynx, larynx
with adhesions leading to respiratory distress
 Diagnosis – biopsy
 D/D – Atrophic rhinitis (pale mucosa), tertiary
 Treatment
 Prolonged antibiotics for 4-6 weeks
 Streptomycin – DOC
 Tetracycline
 Amoxycillin, ciprofloxacin, rifampicin,
ampicillin, doxycycline
 Steroids – to reduce fibrosis
 Nasal reconstruction – to establish airway
 RT – not effective
 Chronic granulomatous disease affecting the mucous
membrane of nose, nasopharynx manifesting as vascular
 Can also affect larynx, bronchi, conjuctiva, skin, genitals,
lip and palate and spread to liver and spleen through
 Endemic in coastal areas- india, srilanka, africa, south
 Young age – 15 to 40 years M:F 4:1
 Etiology – Rhinosporidium seeberi (aquatic protozoa)/
 water borne – contaminated water of ponds with animal
dung – cattle, horses, mules
 Air borne – dust mixed with animal dung
 Trauma is a predisposing factor
 Pathology
 Sporangia – chitinous cyst containing spores
 Symptoms
 Nasal obstruction U/L
 Epistaxis
 Blood tinged nasal discharge
 Post nasal discharge, hyposmia
 Signs
 U/L leafy pink to purple granular polypoidal mass with
black spots bleeds on touch, pedunculated and friable
attached to nasal septum or lateral wall or nasopharynx
 Avoid probe test
 Biopsy – avoided as bleed, sporangia, can do DNE
 D/D – Nasal growth
 Treatment
 Complete excision of mass by diathermy
knife or LASER and cauterization of base
 Endoscopic examination – to identify pedicle
 For larger mass – lateral rhinotomy approach
 Dapsone
 Amphotericin B
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
 Secondary to pulmonary TB
 Affects anterior part of nasal cavity (cartilaginous
septum), ant end of inferior turbinate
 Stages
 Catarrhal – inflammation and congestion
 Nodular – tuberculoma formation
 Ulcerative – septal perforation
 Cicatrization – fibrosis, stenosis, adhesions
 Pathology – acid fast bacilli, epitheloid cells,
langheran giant cells
 C/F
 Serosanginous nasal discharge, later stage –
blood stained
 Nasal obstruction
 Pain – due to exposed nerve endings
 Signs – bright nodular thickening of septum
with perforation, adhesions, stenosis
 Investigations – chest x ray, swab c/s, biopsy
, sputum for AFB, biopsy, x ray pns
 Treatment – ATT, surgical reconstruction
 Indolent and chronic form of TB
 F:M 2:1
 Early adult age
 Nasal vestibule (mc), skin of nose and face
 Pathology – granuloma formation, fibrosis,
 C/F
 Foul smelling nasal discharge, crusting, nasal
obstruction, epistaxis
 Butterfly appearance of nasal skin
 Reddish brown APPLE JELLY NODULES – become
prominent on pressing by a glass slide
 Chronic vestibulitis, septal perforation
 Diagnosis – biopsy, c/s, mantoux test, chest
x ray
 Complications – atrophic rhinitis, chronic
 Treatment
 Reconstructive surgery
 Hansen’s disease
 Lepromatous leprosy – nose involved in all cases
 Tropical/subtropical warm/wet climate
 Anterior end of inferior turbinate (mc), septum
 Mycobacterium leprae
 Mode of transmission – prolonged contact, droplet
 C/F
 Catarrhal stage – coryza with bacterial infiltration following
nose picking
 Nodular stage – thickening of affected part, secondary
atrophic rhinitis
 Ulcerative stage – septal perforation, nasal destruction
 Cicatrization stage – fibrosis, stenosis of vestibule
 Saddle nose deformity, columellar retraction, AR
 Diagnosis – biopsy
 Treatment
 Dapsone – DOC for 2 months
 Rifampicin, clofazimine, isoniazid
 Surgical reconstruction – after disease free
 Treponema Pallidium – spirochete
 Primary
 CHANCRE – hard, non painful, ulcerated papule most
commonly involves nasal vestibule with enlarged rubbery
LN – rare
 Secondary
 Simple catarrhal rhinitis- skin rash, rhinitis, fever, crusting
 Tertiary – MC
 Gumma – affects bony part of septum (mc), cartilage part
(rare) – swelling seen, ulcerates, scarring
 Septal perforation, palatal perforation, collapse of nasal
bridge, pain, headache worst at night, crusts, bleeding,
offensive nasal discharge , vestibular stenosis
 Congenital
 Birth – 1st three months of life
 Snuffles – excoriation of nasal vestibule or skin
of upper lip, features of simple catarrhal rhinitis
 Delayed – puberty – Gumma formation
 Diagnosis – biopsy, VDRL test
 Treatment
 Pencillin – DOC
 Doxycycline, amoxycillin
 Alkaline nasal douching
 Surgical reconstruction when disease cured/free
 Granulomatous disease associated with
abnormality of cell mediated and humoral
 Resembles TB but Non caseating
 Females , 3rd to 5th decade
 Involves almost all organs – nose, lungs, eyes,
salivary glands, tonsils, larynx, skin, ears
 Nasal features – submucosal bluish red nodules
on septum and inferior turbinate, vestibule
 Crusts with nasal obstruction, pain, epistaxis
 Also cause – lymphadenopathy, facial nerve
palsy, sudden deafness
 Diagnosis
 Biopsy – non caseating granuloma without myc.
 Chest X Ray – diffuse pulmonary infiltrates with
hilar adenopathy
 Bronchopulmonary lavage
 Gallium 67 scan
 Kveim test – positive
 Increased serum and urinary calcium, ESR,
Alkaline phosphatase
 Treatment – topical steroid nasal spray, oral
 Methotrexate – for refractory cases
 Autoimmune condition associated with necrotizing
granulomas and vasculitis of upper and lower
respiratory tract
 1st site affected – nasal cavity
 Also involves kidneys and skin
 M=F, 40-50 years of age
 Very rapid destruction but less severe
 Type 1 – limited to nose
 C/F – ulceration of nose with very large crusts, blood
stained nasal discharge, pain over dorsum of nose,
doesn’t respond to medical treatment
 Can lead to septal perforation, saddle nose
 Associated with weakness, fatigue, night sweats,
 Type 2 – with pulmonary symptoms like cough,
hemoptysis, pleuritic pain and cavity in lung
 Type 3 – multi organ involvement
 Eyes – NLD obstruction, proptosis
 Ear – serous otitis media, profound SNHL
 Oropharynx – ulcers, gingival lesions
 Subglottis and trachea - stenosis
 Kidneys – renal failure – cause of death
 Skin
 Prognosis – high chances of recurrence
 Diagnosis
 CBC – anaemia, raised ESR, eosinophilia
 Raised RFT
 Urine – red cells, casts and albumin
 X Ray chest – cavity
 Biopsy (from turbinates) – vasculitis, granuloma
 Anti Neutrophilic Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)
 C ANCA (cytoplasmic) – more specific than p
ANCA (perinuclear)
 More sensitive for type 3 disease
 D/D – Sinonasal lymphoma
 Treatment
 Immuno suppressive therapy –
 Oral Cyclophosphamide/Azathioprine – cytotoxic
 Wysolone
 Cotrimoxazole – for early limited type 1
 IV Ig
 Plasma exchange
 Nasal douching for crusts
 Surgery – reconstruction when disease inactive
 Malignant granuloma/ midline lymphoma/
stewart’s granuloma/ peripheral T cell neoplasm
 Slow destruction but very severe
 No pulmonary/renal involvement
 No vasculitis
 Autoimmune disease leading to destruction of
midline of face
 Nasal – ulceration of cartilage and bone,
serosanguinous discharge, swelling of nose
 Can involve upper lip, maxillary sinus, oral cavity
 Can be secondary infected by bacteria
 Destruction of nose and PNS
 Diagnosis
 Biopsy
 Immunohistochemical studies
 Treatment
 Curative RT
 Surgical debridement
 No role of steroids or cytotoxic drugs
 MC – children, mental retarded adults
 Can enter through anterior and posterior
 Accidental – children – ant nares
 Food particles, vomitus while coughing,
regurgitation – post nares, due to
nasopharyngeal isthmus incompetency
 Iatrogenic – sponge, cotton swabs
 Bullets – penetrating FB
 Infection – atrophic rhinitis - maggots
 Types
 Living – maggots, leech
 Non living – organic (seeds, grams), inorganic
(paper, button, pebble, rubber, chalk, beads, cell
 C/F
 h/o FB
 Sneezing, u/l nasal blockage, u/l bleeding
 u/l foul smelling nasal discharge purulent and
may be blood stained
 Pain
 FB seen – mc site is lower part of nasal cavity
 Oedematous mucosa with granulations
 Complications
 Emergency – risk of inhalation into lower
respiratory tract
 Rhinolith – long term FB with deposition of
calcium and magnesium salts
 Nasal infection, sinusitis
 Swallowed in oesophagus
 Diagnosis
 X ray PNS, Lateral view Neck – radio opaque
 Treatment
 FB removal
 Forceps/hook/ ET catheter – pass behind the
FB to pull it
 Children – under GA
 Leech – removed by putting pinch of salt/
hypertonic saline/ oxalic acid on body
 Calculus/concretions Nose
 Stone formation in nasal cavity
 Formed around FB, blood clot, secretions – long
standing, thick mucus
 Due to deposition of carbonates and phosphates
of calcium and magnesium
 C/F
 Large hard irregular but friable mass – greyish
brown or greenish black in colour, stony hard on
probing near floor of nasal cavity
 U/L Nasal obstruction
 u/l foul smelling blood stained nasal discharge
 Head ache, epistaxis
 Ulceration of mucosa and granulations
 MC – adults
 Diagnosis – X Ray PNS, DNE
 Complications – Oroantral fistula
 Treatment
 Endoscopic removal under GA
 Break the rhinolith into small pieces
 Large rhinolith – lateral rhinotomy
 Maggots in nose
 Larvae of house fly – genus chrysomyia
 Tropics – hot and humid climate
 Months of August to November
 Infest nose, nasopharynx, PNS
 Also ear, tracheostoma and neck flaps
 Etiology
 Poor hygiene
 Foul smelling nasal discharge seen in atrophic
rhintis, syphilis, leprosy, wegner’s
granulomatosis, suppurative sinusitis,
malignancy of maxilla
 Immunocompromised patients - DM
 Osteoradionecrosis after RT
 Comatosed patients
 Pathogenesis – foul smell attracts flies which lay
eggs, develop into larva in 24 hours (maggots)
 Larva secrete proteolytic enzymes which cause
extensive destruction
 C/F
 Tickling sensation in nose leading to irritation
 Sneezing
 Lacrimation
 Blood stained nasal discharge, foul smelling
 Nasal obstruction
 Crusting and loss of sensation
 Headache, fever, toxemia
 Cellulitis of face and nose, diffuse swelling
 Pain over root of nose
 Congestion, oedema and ulceration of nasal
 Complications
 Intracranial complications like meningitis
 Septicaemia/ infection
 Destruction of nose and PNS
 Palatal perforation and fistulae, septal
 Psychological effect
 Treatment
 Isolate the patient – with mosquito net to avoid
contact with flies, hospitalization
 Nasal hygiene to prevent recurrence
 Inj TT
 Broad spectrum antibiotics for secondary
 Irritate the maggots and plug the nasal cavity by
using cotton pledgets soaked in liquid paraffin,
chloroform, turpentine oil, ether
 Topical oil, liquid paraffin drops
 Nasal douching
 Forceps removal
 Acute IgE mediated immunological (type I hypersensitivity)
response of nasal mucosa to a allergen (antigen)
associated with atleast 2 of the following symptoms –
nasal discharge, nasal blockage, itching and watering from
the nose
 Co exists with asthma in 45% patients, allergic dermatitis
 Allergens
 Inhaled – house dust mite, pollens, moulds, animal
dander, insects
 Food – eggs, sea food, pea nut, milk, wheat
 Drugs – aspirin, hypotensive drugs, iodide
 Seasonal – HAY FEVER – more severe, pollens –
 Perennial – less severe – dust mite, mould, animal dander
 Precipitating factors
 Age – younger age – 15-40 years
 Sex – slightly in males
 Flora – geography, climate, season
 Pollutants and smoke – industrialization, urbanization
 Genetics – family history 50% positive
 Infection – effects on tissue
 Endocrine – increased in pregnancy, menstruation,
 Psychological
 Work place and living conditions – crowded, dirty, dusty,
damp, less sunlight
 Deficiency of Vitamin C,D,Calcium and IgA
 Trauma
 Pathophysiology
 Mucosa already sensitized to a allergen (priming)
 Second exposure -> antibody produced against
antigen -> fixes to mast cells ->degranulation of
mast cells -> release of mediators – IMMEDIATE
RESPONSE – within 5-30 minutes of exposure
 Histamine – sneezing, itching, watery discharge
 PG – nasal blockage, Leukotriens – sinusitis, cold,
 LATE RESPONSE – after 2-8 hours – eosinophils,
neutrophils, basophils, CD4 T cells – swelling,
thick secretions, nasal congestion
 C/F
 10-20 bouts of sneezing at a time
 B/L Nasal obstruction
 Watering and itching of nose
 Watering and itching of eyes
 Itching of palate, skin
 Decreased sensation of smell
 Bronchospasm
 Recurrent cold in perennial AR
 Signs – oedematous nasal mucosa pale blue,
oedematous turbinates pale blue, clear/mucoid
secretions, polypoidal mucosa, thickened
septum, high arched palate
 Allergic shiners – dark circles around eyes due to
venous stasis
 Allergic salute – rubs nose with the palm
 Dennie Morgan/Darrier’s line – transverse nasal
crease along middle of nasal dorsum
 Complications
 Recurrent Sinusitis, nasal polyp
 Eyes – conjuctivitis and oedema
 Ears – SOM, ET blockage, retracted TM, CHL
 Pharynx – granular pharyngitis, adenoid facies
 Larynx – vc oedema, hoarseness of voice
 Intermittent AR – symptoms less than 4
weeks or less than 4 days per week
 Persistant AR – symptoms more than 4 weeks
or more than 4 days per week
 Diagnosis
 Nasal smear – nasal cytology for eosinophilia
 X Ray PNS/ CT PNS – sinusitis/polyp
 Subcuticular test/ skin prick test/ scratch test
 Preferred, reproducible, more accurate, less false
 Wheal more than 3 mm than negative control
 10 min for histamine, 20 min for allergens
 C/I – extensive dermatitis, dermatographism, on
 Intradermal tests
 High risk of anaphylaxis
 Nasal provocation/ challenge test – small amount
of allergen is sniffed by the patient, applied to
mucosa, through nebulizer – anaphylaxis risk
 RAST – Radio Allergo Sorbent Test
 FAST – Fluoro Allergo Sorbent Test
 PRIST – Paper Immuno Allergo Sorbent Test
 Specific IgE
 Total IgE
 No risk of systemic reaction
 No affect of dermatitis, dermatographism,
 Less sensitive
 More false negative results
 Avoidance of allergen
 Avoid early morning outdoors for pollen
 Keep pets away for animal dander
 Change bedsheets and pillow covers twice a
week, encass the mattresses, vacuum
cleaner/wet mopping, avoid carpets – dust mite
 Repair leaks, damp walls – indoor moulds
 Change of place, work, enviroment, AC closed
rooms, less articles in room, avoid food and
drugs causing allergy
 Antihistamines
 1st gen – CPM – sedation
 2nd gen – cetrizine, loratidine – less sedation
 3rd gen – levocetrizine, fexofenadine – minimal sedation
 Relieves itching, watering and sneezing
 No effect on nasal obstruction
 Azelastin nasal spray – no long term sedation, safe
 Steroids
 Intranasal steroids – DOC , less side effects, can be used
for longer periods – fluticasone, mometasone, budesonide,
beclomethasone – rarely long term lead to fungal infection
and crusting
 Oral steroids – in severe cases, for shorter periods
 Mast cell stabilizers
 Sodium chromoglycate nasal drops/spray
 For prophylaxis
 Decongestants
 For nasal obstruction and mucosal oedema
 Oral – phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine
 Topical – xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, ephidrine –
use less than 7 days – Rhinitis medicamentosa
 Anticholinergic drugs
 Ipratropium bromide – topical
 For watery rhinorrhoea, post nasal discharge
 Not for sneezing, nasal obstruction, pruritus
 Antileukotriens
 Monteleukast, zafirleukast, pratileukast
 For nasal obstruction, mucous secretions
 Anti IgE antibody
 Omalizumab
 Above age of 12 years
 For AR associated with moderate to severe asthma
 Saline irrigation
 Surgical – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, FESS
 Immunotherapy – SCIT, SLIT – suppresses IgE, raise
IgG, for severe AR not responding to medical and
avoidance therapy, more effective when single or
fewer allergens
 Desensitization – for specific allergens, drug allergy
 MILD – oral antihistaminics
 SEVERE – oral antihistaminics and INS
 VERY SEVERE – Oral steroids and
 If nasal obstructions – topic nasal
 For prophylaxis – intra nasal sodium
 Chronic condition of nasal cavity associated with
nasal blockage and rhinorrhoea due to imbalance in
autonomic nervous system with parasympathetic
overactivity and sympathetic underactivity
 Parasympathetic leads to vasodilation and congestion
 Etiology
 Younger age, females, anxiety and depression,
 Precipitated by dust, fumes, climate changes,
irritants, alcohol, exercise
 Endocrinal/ hormonal causes
 No cause identified - idiopathic
 C/F
 Profuse excessive rhinorrhoea, more early morning –
 B/L alternating nasal obstruction, more at night –
 Post nasal discharge
 Sneezing, itching - rare
 Less oedematous pale mucosa
 Turbinate hypertrophy
 Mulberry inferior turbinate – posterior end
 Complications
 Polyps, sinusitis
 D/D – Allergic rhinitis, infective rhinitis
 Diagnosis
 CBC, Nasal smear, Allergy tests
 Treatment
 Antihistamines
 Oral decongestants
 Ipratropium bromide nasal spray – for nasal
 Topical decongestants – not effective
 Exercise – adjuvant role
 Alprazolam – tranquillizer
 Avoid precipitating factors
 Surgery
 Turbinate reduction
 Vidian neurectomy – for refractory cases with
excessive rhinorrhoea – section of the ps fibres
 Non Allergic Rhinitis with Eosinophilia
 Perennial
 Aggravated by weather changes, chemical
 Watery discharge, itching, sneezing, epiphora
 Nasal smear - eosinophilia

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  • 1.
  • 2.  Inflammation of nasal mucosa  INFECTIVE  Acute – common cold (non specific), diptheria (specific)  Chronic (non specific) – simple chronic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, rhinitis sicca, rhinitis caseosa, granuloma, sarcoidosis, atrophic rhinitis  Chronic (specific) – rhinosporodiosis, rhinoscleroma, TB, leprosy, syphilis, lupus, fungal  NON INFECTIVE  Allergic rhinitis, VMR
  • 3.  Common cold/ Coryza  Non specific rhinitis  Any sex any age  Etiology – rhinovirus (mc), influenza (Severe form), parainfluenza, adenovirus, ECHO viruses  Secondary infection – bacterial – streptococci, pneumococci, H. influenzae, staphylococci  Predisposing factors – change of climate, cold and wet climate, low immunity, vitamin and nutritional deficiency, diabetes, TB, thyroid disorders  Transmission – airborne – sneezing , coughing, talking, contact - kissing
  • 4.  C/F – lasts for 2 – 3 weeks  Burning sensation of back of nose, nasopharynx, throat dryness – initial symptom  Sore throat, fever low grade, bodyache, nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhoea, sneezing, post nasal discharge, dry cough  Influenza – malaise, joint pain, acute respiratory obstruction – children  Secondary bacterial infection – mucopurulent discharge  Self limiting disease, influenza – high morbidity, mortality
  • 5.  Complications – pharyngitis, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, sinusitis, otitis media, LRTI, GI infection, laryngitis  D/D – Allergic rhinitis, VMR, Chronic rhinitis  Treatment – Bed rest/ Isolation  Plenty of fluids/ nutritious diet  Steam inhalation with inhalant capsules  Decongestants, nasal drops, analgesics, antipyretics, Vitamin C, antibiotics (if mucopurulent discharge ), NSAID  NO ASPIRIN – INCREASED SHEDDING OF VIRUS  Avoid smoking, alcohol, dirty and crowded places  Influenza vaccine
  • 6.  Acute specific rhinitis  Etiology – Corynebacterium diptheriae  Age – children (carriers)  C/F – fever, malaise, joint pain, nasal obstruction, blood stained discharge from nose  Signs – purulent nasal discharge, foul smelling  Excoriation of nasal skin  Greyish white pseudomembrane over nasal floor, inferior turbinate and septum , loosely attached, rarely bleeds on removal  Less toxic, loose membrane – due to mucous blanket covering the mucosa
  • 7.  D/D – chronic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, influenza, F/B (but U/L)  Investigations – X Ray PNS, Nasal swab c/s  Treatment – Isolation  Anti diptheria serum/ antitoxin  Pencillin/ Erythromycin  PRIMARY BACTERIAL RHINITIS - Pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci – more common in children  RHINITIS WITH EXANTHEMAS – Measles, Rubella, Chicken pox
  • 8.  Predisposing factors – recurrent attacks of acute rhinitis, infections in sinuses, pharynx, chronic irritation due to dust, smoke, smoking, alcohol, pollution, DNS, Allergic rhinitis, VMR, hypothyroidism, lack of exercise, nasal drops overuse  Types  Initial stage – chronic simple rhinitis - reversible  Advanced stage – chronic hypertrophic rhinitis - irreversible
  • 9.  CHRONIC SIMPLE RHINITIS  C/F – Nasal obstruction – worst on lying at night  Nasal discharge – mucoid/ mucopurulent  Post nasal discharge  Headache – enlarged turbinates touch septum  Loss of smell  Signs – secretions present, enlarged turbinates which pit on pressure and shrink on applying vasoconstrictor
  • 10.  CHRONIC HYPERTROPHIC RHINITIS  Advanced stage  Irreversible mucosal thickening, no pitting on pressure or no shrinkage of turbinates due to fibrosis – permanent hypertrophied turbinates  Persistent severe nasal obstruction at night  Mouth breathing, hawking, thick voice  Diffuse hypertrophy mainly of inferior turbinate – papillary hypertrophy anterior end, mulberry hypertrophy posterior end (pinkish)
  • 11.  Diagnosis – DNE, X Ray PNS  Treatment  Treat the cause  Antibiotics for acute exacerbations  Alkaline nasal douching  For early stage – topical steroids, nasal decongestants  For advanced stage – turbinoplasty – turbinectomy, SMR, diathermy, electrocautery, LASER  COMPENSATORY HYPERTROPHY RHINITIS – due to marked DNS on opposite side
  • 12.  Due to prolonged use of local nasal decongestant drops – oxymetazoline, xylometazoline – more than 1 week  Rebound congestion  C/F  Nasal obstruction worst at night, headache due to blockage ostia  Bloody red nasal mucosa with granulations, turbinate hypertrophy  Treatment – stop nasal drops, oral/systemic steroids, intranasal steroids, turbinate reduction
  • 13.  Cocaine  Antihypertensives – ACE inhibitors, beta blockers  Aspirin, NSAID  OCP, estrogens  Gabapentin, methyldopa  HORMONAL RHINITIS – puberty, menstruation, pregnancy , sex (honeymoon rhinitis)  EMOTION INDUCED RHINITIS – stress, anxiety, tension, grief, emotions  FOOD INDUCED RHINITIS – hot spicy food, alcohol  IRRITATIONAL RHINTIS – dust, smoke, ammonia, acid fumes, formalin, FB
  • 14.  Atrophic changes affecting the anterior nasal cavity due to dry and dusty enviroment  Etiology – farmers, miners, bakers, iron and goldsmith, alcoholics, nutritional deficiency, post nasal surgery  Pathology – respiratory epithelium changes to squamous, atrophy of seromucinous glands  C/F – dirty black crusts in anterior 1/3rd of nasal cavity which on removal can cause ulceration, nasal bleed, perforation, dry mucosa  Non foul smelling nasal discharge  Nasal obstruction, Epistaxis
  • 15.  Treatment  Change of place of work, lifestyle  Avoid nose picking, removal of crusts  Use masks and filters at work  Lubrication with antibiotic steroid ointment  25% glucose in glycerine nasal drops – 3 drops TDS for 2-3 months  Alkaline nasal douching
  • 16.  NASAL CHOLESTEATOMA  Chronic inflammation of nose due to formation of granulations and foul smelling offensive cheesy material in nasal cavity  Affects nose and PNS (mainly maxillary sinus)  Etiology – nasal stenosis, adhesions, synechiae, sinusitis, FB Nose, rhinolith, fungal infections  Pathology – stagnation of secretions, accumulated discharge, caseous material formation, destruction of bony walls, on microscopy – cholesterol crystals  Males (mc), any age (3rd and 4th decade mc)
  • 17.  C/F – foul smelling nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, loss of smell, headache, halitosis, defective taste  Signs – cheesy material (white debris) in nasal cavity, ulceration of nasal mucosa, perforation and destruction of walls, external deformity  Investigations  DNE, CT PNS, X Rays  Biposy  Fungal culture  D/D – Malignancy, Fungal sinusitis
  • 18.  Complications – Intracranial spread, orbital complications (rare)  Prognosis - good  Treatment  Oral Pencillin thrice a day for 7 days  Endoscopic removal of cause  Removal of debris and granulation tissue  FESS – for restoration of sinus drainage
  • 19.  Chronic inflammatory condition of nose associated with progressive atrophy of nasal mucosa and turbinate bones charaacterised by greenish yellow crusts (posterior part), foul smell (OZAENA)  Types  Primary  Idiopathic  Endocrinal imbalance – more common in females during menstrual age (puberty to menopause), aggravated during menstruation and pregnancy  Nutritional deficiency – Vitamin A, D, Iron – more in poor socio economic group, malnourished  Racial – more in whites and yellow races  Hereditary – AD  Climate - Common in tropical countries like India
  • 20.  Secondary infection – Klebsiella ozaenae (perez bacilli), Diptheroids, Proteus, E coli  Autoimmune disorder  Broad nose  Secondary –  DNS (U/L)  TB, syphilis, leprosy, lupus, rhinoscleroma  Trauma  Excessive turbinatectomy  RT  Chronic rhinosinusitis
  • 21.  Pathology  Respiratory -> squmaous epithelium – stagnated mucous – crusts – secondary infection  Gland atrophy – dryness  Nerves atrophy – nasal blockage, anosmia (I)  Periarteritis and endarteritis – diminished blood supply to mucosa  Symptoms  Foul offensive smell – perceived by others  Anosmia/ hyposmia (merciful)  B/L Nasal Obstruction – crusts, nerve atrophy  Greenish yellow crusts – posterior part  Epistaxis – dislodgement of crusts  Headache
  • 22.  Signs  Depression of bridge of nose, broadened nose  Nasal vestibulitis  Fetor  Roomy nasal cavities, turbinate atrophy  Pale dry mucosa  Nasopharynx visible on ant rhinoscopy  Septal perforation  Complications – atrophic pharyngitis (dry throat, irritation, atrophic laryngitis (cough, hoarseness),  Sinusitis with small PNS, middle ear infection (Eustachian tube obstruction), Maggots in nose (foul smell, nerve atrophy)
  • 23.  Investigations  CBC – Hb  Serum Iron and proteins  VDRL  C/S of Nasal swab  X Ray PNS, CT PNS – hypoplasia, opacity, thickened walls of maxillary sinus, erosion of lateral wall  Chest X Ray – TB  Nasal smear/biopsy  D/D – Rhinitis sicca, Syphilis, leprosy, rhinoscleroma, rhinoloith, FB, Sinusitis (no crusts)  Prognosis – life long , regress after middle age
  • 24.  Treatment  Purpose – restore hydration, minimize crusting  Medical  Alkaline nasal douching – 56.8 g (2 parts) Sodium chloride/ salt, 28.4 g (1 part) of Sodium bicarbonate/baking soda (loosen crusts), 28.4 g (1 part) of Sodium biborate/washing soda (anti septic) in 280 ml (2 glasses) of warm water irrigation using 20 ml syringe , 2-3 times a day for life long  25% glucose in glycerine nasal drops/ paint after crust removal – inhibit proteolytic organisms/ foul smell  Gauze pack soaked in liquid paraffin – lubricate nose, loosen crusts  Kemicetene anti ozaenae solution  Potassium iodide orally – loosens secretions
  • 25.  Placental extract injections submucosally  Estrogen/ Estradiol nasal spray – increase vascularity of nasal mucosa  Vitamin A, D, E, Iron  Chloramphenicol nasal drops  Streptomycin/ Rifampicin  Surgical  Young’s operation- both nasal apertures completely closed for upto 2 years anteriorly  Modified young’s operation – a 3 mm opening left for breathing  Submucosal injection of teflon paste, fat, cartilage  Section and medial displacement of lateral wall  Transfer of stenson’s duct to maxillary sinus
  • 26.  Mikulicz disease  Chronic granulomatous disease characterised by sclerosis and stenosis of nasal passages can also effect pharynx, larynx, trachea  Etiology  Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis  Young age – 2nd or 3rd decade  Females  Rural areas  Poor socio economic status, poor nutrition and hygiene  North India, East Europe, Middle East, South America, Africa
  • 27.  Pathogenesis  Air borne – droplet/ contamination material  Pathology  Begins in vestibule of nose, then spread to nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi  Histopathology  Mikulicz cells – large foam cells containing bacilli  Russell bodies- homogenous eosinophilic inclusion bodies  C/F  Prodromal/catarrhal stage – nasal mucosa congested, foul smelling purulent yellowish nasal discharge, sneezing  Atrophic stage – atrophy but pink mucosa, nasal obstruction, crusting, headache, epistaxis  Granulomatous stage – multiple painless rubbery nodule, non ulcerative, enlarge to form hard pale granulomas
  • 28.  Broadening, thickening and woody feel of nose (Hebra nose)  Dyspnoea and stridor (if larynx affected)  Cicatrization stage  Fibrosis of external nose (Tapir nose)  Stenosis of vestibule, nasopharynx, larynx with adhesions leading to respiratory distress  Diagnosis – biopsy  D/D – Atrophic rhinitis (pale mucosa), tertiary syphilis
  • 29.  Treatment  Prolonged antibiotics for 4-6 weeks  Streptomycin – DOC  Tetracycline  Amoxycillin, ciprofloxacin, rifampicin, ampicillin, doxycycline  Steroids – to reduce fibrosis  Nasal reconstruction – to establish airway  RT – not effective
  • 30.  Chronic granulomatous disease affecting the mucous membrane of nose, nasopharynx manifesting as vascular polyps  Can also affect larynx, bronchi, conjuctiva, skin, genitals, lip and palate and spread to liver and spleen through blood  Endemic in coastal areas- india, srilanka, africa, south america  Young age – 15 to 40 years M:F 4:1  Etiology – Rhinosporidium seeberi (aquatic protozoa)/ Kinealyi  water borne – contaminated water of ponds with animal dung – cattle, horses, mules  Air borne – dust mixed with animal dung  Trauma is a predisposing factor
  • 31.  Pathology  Sporangia – chitinous cyst containing spores  Symptoms  Nasal obstruction U/L  Epistaxis  Blood tinged nasal discharge  Post nasal discharge, hyposmia  Signs  U/L leafy pink to purple granular polypoidal mass with black spots bleeds on touch, pedunculated and friable attached to nasal septum or lateral wall or nasopharynx  Avoid probe test  Biopsy – avoided as bleed, sporangia, can do DNE  D/D – Nasal growth
  • 32.  Treatment  Complete excision of mass by diathermy knife or LASER and cauterization of base  Endoscopic examination – to identify pedicle  For larger mass – lateral rhinotomy approach  Dapsone  Amphotericin B
  • 33.  Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Secondary to pulmonary TB  Affects anterior part of nasal cavity (cartilaginous septum), ant end of inferior turbinate  Stages  Catarrhal – inflammation and congestion  Nodular – tuberculoma formation  Ulcerative – septal perforation  Cicatrization – fibrosis, stenosis, adhesions  Pathology – acid fast bacilli, epitheloid cells, langheran giant cells
  • 34.  C/F  Serosanginous nasal discharge, later stage – blood stained  Nasal obstruction  Pain – due to exposed nerve endings  Signs – bright nodular thickening of septum with perforation, adhesions, stenosis  Investigations – chest x ray, swab c/s, biopsy , sputum for AFB, biopsy, x ray pns  Treatment – ATT, surgical reconstruction
  • 35.  Indolent and chronic form of TB  F:M 2:1  Early adult age  Nasal vestibule (mc), skin of nose and face  Pathology – granuloma formation, fibrosis, stenosis  C/F  Foul smelling nasal discharge, crusting, nasal obstruction, epistaxis  Butterfly appearance of nasal skin  Reddish brown APPLE JELLY NODULES – become prominent on pressing by a glass slide  Chronic vestibulitis, septal perforation
  • 36.  Diagnosis – biopsy, c/s, mantoux test, chest x ray  Complications – atrophic rhinitis, chronic dacrocystitis  Treatment  ATT  Reconstructive surgery
  • 37.  Hansen’s disease  Lepromatous leprosy – nose involved in all cases  Tropical/subtropical warm/wet climate  Anterior end of inferior turbinate (mc), septum  Mycobacterium leprae  Mode of transmission – prolonged contact, droplet infection  C/F  Catarrhal stage – coryza with bacterial infiltration following nose picking  Nodular stage – thickening of affected part, secondary atrophic rhinitis  Ulcerative stage – septal perforation, nasal destruction  Cicatrization stage – fibrosis, stenosis of vestibule  Saddle nose deformity, columellar retraction, AR
  • 38.  Diagnosis – biopsy  Treatment  Dapsone – DOC for 2 months  Rifampicin, clofazimine, isoniazid  Surgical reconstruction – after disease free
  • 39.  Treponema Pallidium – spirochete  ACQUIRED SYPHILIS  Primary  CHANCRE – hard, non painful, ulcerated papule most commonly involves nasal vestibule with enlarged rubbery LN – rare  Secondary  Simple catarrhal rhinitis- skin rash, rhinitis, fever, crusting  Tertiary – MC  Gumma – affects bony part of septum (mc), cartilage part (rare) – swelling seen, ulcerates, scarring  Septal perforation, palatal perforation, collapse of nasal bridge, pain, headache worst at night, crusts, bleeding, offensive nasal discharge , vestibular stenosis
  • 40.  Congenital  Birth – 1st three months of life  Snuffles – excoriation of nasal vestibule or skin of upper lip, features of simple catarrhal rhinitis  Delayed – puberty – Gumma formation  Diagnosis – biopsy, VDRL test  Treatment  Pencillin – DOC  Doxycycline, amoxycillin  Alkaline nasal douching  Surgical reconstruction when disease cured/free
  • 41.  Granulomatous disease associated with abnormality of cell mediated and humoral immunity  Resembles TB but Non caseating  Females , 3rd to 5th decade  Involves almost all organs – nose, lungs, eyes, salivary glands, tonsils, larynx, skin, ears  Nasal features – submucosal bluish red nodules on septum and inferior turbinate, vestibule  Crusts with nasal obstruction, pain, epistaxis  Also cause – lymphadenopathy, facial nerve palsy, sudden deafness
  • 42.  Diagnosis  Biopsy – non caseating granuloma without myc. Tuberculosis  Chest X Ray – diffuse pulmonary infiltrates with hilar adenopathy  Bronchopulmonary lavage  Gallium 67 scan  Kveim test – positive  Increased serum and urinary calcium, ESR, Alkaline phosphatase  Treatment – topical steroid nasal spray, oral steroids  Methotrexate – for refractory cases
  • 43.  Autoimmune condition associated with necrotizing granulomas and vasculitis of upper and lower respiratory tract  1st site affected – nasal cavity  Also involves kidneys and skin  M=F, 40-50 years of age  Very rapid destruction but less severe  Type 1 – limited to nose  C/F – ulceration of nose with very large crusts, blood stained nasal discharge, pain over dorsum of nose, doesn’t respond to medical treatment  Can lead to septal perforation, saddle nose  Associated with weakness, fatigue, night sweats, arthralgia
  • 44.  Type 2 – with pulmonary symptoms like cough, hemoptysis, pleuritic pain and cavity in lung  Type 3 – multi organ involvement  Eyes – NLD obstruction, proptosis  Ear – serous otitis media, profound SNHL  Oropharynx – ulcers, gingival lesions  Subglottis and trachea - stenosis  Kidneys – renal failure – cause of death  Skin  Prognosis – high chances of recurrence 
  • 45.  Diagnosis  CBC – anaemia, raised ESR, eosinophilia  Raised RFT  Urine – red cells, casts and albumin  X Ray chest – cavity  Biopsy (from turbinates) – vasculitis, granuloma  Anti Neutrophilic Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)  C ANCA (cytoplasmic) – more specific than p ANCA (perinuclear)  More sensitive for type 3 disease  D/D – Sinonasal lymphoma
  • 46.  Treatment  Immuno suppressive therapy –  Oral Cyclophosphamide/Azathioprine – cytotoxic drugs  Wysolone  Cotrimoxazole – for early limited type 1  IV Ig  Plasma exchange  Nasal douching for crusts  Surgery – reconstruction when disease inactive
  • 47.  Malignant granuloma/ midline lymphoma/ stewart’s granuloma/ peripheral T cell neoplasm  Slow destruction but very severe  No pulmonary/renal involvement  No vasculitis  Autoimmune disease leading to destruction of midline of face  Nasal – ulceration of cartilage and bone, serosanguinous discharge, swelling of nose  Can involve upper lip, maxillary sinus, oral cavity  Can be secondary infected by bacteria  Destruction of nose and PNS
  • 48.  Diagnosis  Biopsy  Immunohistochemical studies  EBV – RNA  Treatment  Curative RT  Surgical debridement  No role of steroids or cytotoxic drugs
  • 49.  MC – children, mental retarded adults  Can enter through anterior and posterior nares  Accidental – children – ant nares  Food particles, vomitus while coughing, regurgitation – post nares, due to nasopharyngeal isthmus incompetency  Iatrogenic – sponge, cotton swabs  Bullets – penetrating FB  Infection – atrophic rhinitis - maggots
  • 50.  Types  Living – maggots, leech  Non living – organic (seeds, grams), inorganic (paper, button, pebble, rubber, chalk, beads, cell battery)  C/F  h/o FB  Sneezing, u/l nasal blockage, u/l bleeding  u/l foul smelling nasal discharge purulent and may be blood stained  Pain  FB seen – mc site is lower part of nasal cavity  Oedematous mucosa with granulations
  • 51.  Complications  Emergency – risk of inhalation into lower respiratory tract  Rhinolith – long term FB with deposition of calcium and magnesium salts  Nasal infection, sinusitis  Swallowed in oesophagus  Diagnosis  X ray PNS, Lateral view Neck – radio opaque FB  DNE
  • 52.  Treatment  FB removal  Forceps/hook/ ET catheter – pass behind the FB to pull it  Children – under GA  Leech – removed by putting pinch of salt/ hypertonic saline/ oxalic acid on body
  • 53.  Calculus/concretions Nose  Stone formation in nasal cavity  Formed around FB, blood clot, secretions – long standing, thick mucus  Due to deposition of carbonates and phosphates of calcium and magnesium  C/F  Large hard irregular but friable mass – greyish brown or greenish black in colour, stony hard on probing near floor of nasal cavity  U/L Nasal obstruction  u/l foul smelling blood stained nasal discharge  Head ache, epistaxis
  • 54.  Ulceration of mucosa and granulations  MC – adults  Diagnosis – X Ray PNS, DNE  Complications – Oroantral fistula  Treatment  Endoscopic removal under GA  Break the rhinolith into small pieces  Large rhinolith – lateral rhinotomy
  • 55.  Maggots in nose  Larvae of house fly – genus chrysomyia  Tropics – hot and humid climate  Months of August to November  Infest nose, nasopharynx, PNS  Also ear, tracheostoma and neck flaps  Etiology  Poor hygiene  Foul smelling nasal discharge seen in atrophic rhintis, syphilis, leprosy, wegner’s granulomatosis, suppurative sinusitis, malignancy of maxilla  Immunocompromised patients - DM
  • 56.  Osteoradionecrosis after RT  Comatosed patients  Pathogenesis – foul smell attracts flies which lay eggs, develop into larva in 24 hours (maggots)  Larva secrete proteolytic enzymes which cause extensive destruction  C/F  Tickling sensation in nose leading to irritation  Sneezing  Lacrimation  Blood stained nasal discharge, foul smelling  Nasal obstruction  Crusting and loss of sensation
  • 57.  Headache, fever, toxemia  Cellulitis of face and nose, diffuse swelling  Pain over root of nose  Congestion, oedema and ulceration of nasal mucosa  Complications  Intracranial complications like meningitis  Septicaemia/ infection  Destruction of nose and PNS  Palatal perforation and fistulae, septal perforation  Psychological effect
  • 58.  Treatment  Isolate the patient – with mosquito net to avoid contact with flies, hospitalization  Nasal hygiene to prevent recurrence  Inj TT  Broad spectrum antibiotics for secondary infection  Irritate the maggots and plug the nasal cavity by using cotton pledgets soaked in liquid paraffin, chloroform, turpentine oil, ether  Topical oil, liquid paraffin drops  Nasal douching  Forceps removal
  • 59.  Acute IgE mediated immunological (type I hypersensitivity) response of nasal mucosa to a allergen (antigen) associated with atleast 2 of the following symptoms – nasal discharge, nasal blockage, itching and watering from the nose  Co exists with asthma in 45% patients, allergic dermatitis  Allergens  Inhaled – house dust mite, pollens, moulds, animal dander, insects  Food – eggs, sea food, pea nut, milk, wheat  Drugs – aspirin, hypotensive drugs, iodide  TYPES  Seasonal – HAY FEVER – more severe, pollens – tree/grass/weeds  Perennial – less severe – dust mite, mould, animal dander
  • 60.  Precipitating factors  Age – younger age – 15-40 years  Sex – slightly in males  Flora – geography, climate, season  Pollutants and smoke – industrialization, urbanization  Genetics – family history 50% positive  Infection – effects on tissue  Endocrine – increased in pregnancy, menstruation, menopause  Psychological  Work place and living conditions – crowded, dirty, dusty, damp, less sunlight  Deficiency of Vitamin C,D,Calcium and IgA  Trauma
  • 61.  Pathophysiology  Mucosa already sensitized to a allergen (priming)  Second exposure -> antibody produced against antigen -> fixes to mast cells ->degranulation of mast cells -> release of mediators – IMMEDIATE RESPONSE – within 5-30 minutes of exposure  Histamine – sneezing, itching, watery discharge  PG – nasal blockage, Leukotriens – sinusitis, cold, polyp  LATE RESPONSE – after 2-8 hours – eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, CD4 T cells – swelling, thick secretions, nasal congestion
  • 62.  C/F  10-20 bouts of sneezing at a time  B/L Nasal obstruction  Watering and itching of nose  Watering and itching of eyes  Itching of palate, skin  Decreased sensation of smell  Bronchospasm  Recurrent cold in perennial AR  Signs – oedematous nasal mucosa pale blue, oedematous turbinates pale blue, clear/mucoid secretions, polypoidal mucosa, thickened septum, high arched palate
  • 63.  Allergic shiners – dark circles around eyes due to venous stasis  Allergic salute – rubs nose with the palm  Dennie Morgan/Darrier’s line – transverse nasal crease along middle of nasal dorsum  Complications  Recurrent Sinusitis, nasal polyp  Eyes – conjuctivitis and oedema  Ears – SOM, ET blockage, retracted TM, CHL  Pharynx – granular pharyngitis, adenoid facies  Larynx – vc oedema, hoarseness of voice
  • 64.  Intermittent AR – symptoms less than 4 weeks or less than 4 days per week  Persistant AR – symptoms more than 4 weeks or more than 4 days per week  Diagnosis  Nasal smear – nasal cytology for eosinophilia (>10%)  CBC – TLC/DLC, AEC  DNE  X Ray PNS/ CT PNS – sinusitis/polyp
  • 65.  IN VIVO TESTS  Subcuticular test/ skin prick test/ scratch test  Preferred, reproducible, more accurate, less false positive  Wheal more than 3 mm than negative control  10 min for histamine, 20 min for allergens  C/I – extensive dermatitis, dermatographism, on antihistamines  Intradermal tests  High risk of anaphylaxis  Nasal provocation/ challenge test – small amount of allergen is sniffed by the patient, applied to mucosa, through nebulizer – anaphylaxis risk
  • 66.  IN VITRO TESTS  RAST – Radio Allergo Sorbent Test  FAST – Fluoro Allergo Sorbent Test  PRIST – Paper Immuno Allergo Sorbent Test  Specific IgE  Total IgE  No risk of systemic reaction  No affect of dermatitis, dermatographism, antihistamines  Less sensitive  More false negative results
  • 67.  TREATMENT  Avoidance of allergen  Avoid early morning outdoors for pollen  Keep pets away for animal dander  Change bedsheets and pillow covers twice a week, encass the mattresses, vacuum cleaner/wet mopping, avoid carpets – dust mite  Repair leaks, damp walls – indoor moulds  Change of place, work, enviroment, AC closed rooms, less articles in room, avoid food and drugs causing allergy
  • 68.  DRUGS  Antihistamines  1st gen – CPM – sedation  2nd gen – cetrizine, loratidine – less sedation  3rd gen – levocetrizine, fexofenadine – minimal sedation  Relieves itching, watering and sneezing  No effect on nasal obstruction  Azelastin nasal spray – no long term sedation, safe  Steroids  Intranasal steroids – DOC , less side effects, can be used for longer periods – fluticasone, mometasone, budesonide, beclomethasone – rarely long term lead to fungal infection and crusting  Oral steroids – in severe cases, for shorter periods
  • 69.  Mast cell stabilizers  Sodium chromoglycate nasal drops/spray  For prophylaxis  Decongestants  For nasal obstruction and mucosal oedema  Oral – phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine  Topical – xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, ephidrine – use less than 7 days – Rhinitis medicamentosa  Anticholinergic drugs  Ipratropium bromide – topical  For watery rhinorrhoea, post nasal discharge  Not for sneezing, nasal obstruction, pruritus
  • 70.  Antileukotriens  Monteleukast, zafirleukast, pratileukast  For nasal obstruction, mucous secretions  Anti IgE antibody  Omalizumab  Above age of 12 years  For AR associated with moderate to severe asthma  Saline irrigation  Surgical – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, FESS  Immunotherapy – SCIT, SLIT – suppresses IgE, raise IgG, for severe AR not responding to medical and avoidance therapy, more effective when single or fewer allergens  Desensitization – for specific allergens, drug allergy
  • 71.  PROTOCOL  MILD – oral antihistaminics  MODERATE/PERSISTANT – INS  SEVERE – oral antihistaminics and INS  VERY SEVERE – Oral steroids and immunotherapy  If nasal obstructions – topic nasal decongestants  For prophylaxis – intra nasal sodium chromoglycate
  • 72.  Chronic condition of nasal cavity associated with nasal blockage and rhinorrhoea due to imbalance in autonomic nervous system with parasympathetic overactivity and sympathetic underactivity  Parasympathetic leads to vasodilation and congestion  Etiology  Younger age, females, anxiety and depression, psychological  Precipitated by dust, fumes, climate changes, irritants, alcohol, exercise  Endocrinal/ hormonal causes  No cause identified - idiopathic
  • 73.  C/F  Profuse excessive rhinorrhoea, more early morning – runners  B/L alternating nasal obstruction, more at night – blockers  Post nasal discharge  Sneezing, itching - rare  Less oedematous pale mucosa  Turbinate hypertrophy  Mulberry inferior turbinate – posterior end  Complications  Polyps, sinusitis  D/D – Allergic rhinitis, infective rhinitis
  • 74.  Diagnosis  CBC, Nasal smear, Allergy tests  CT/MRI  Treatment  Antihistamines  Oral decongestants  Ipratropium bromide nasal spray – for nasal secretions  Topical decongestants – not effective  Exercise – adjuvant role  Alprazolam – tranquillizer  Avoid precipitating factors
  • 75.  Surgery  Turbinate reduction  Vidian neurectomy – for refractory cases with excessive rhinorrhoea – section of the ps fibres  NARES  Non Allergic Rhinitis with Eosinophilia  Perennial  Negative SPT/ IN VITRO TESTS  Aggravated by weather changes, chemical irritants  Watery discharge, itching, sneezing, epiphora  Nasal smear - eosinophilia