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Maya Spriggs
1.Presente –ar, -er, -ir……………………….3                 “Snakeys”……………….19
2.Stem Changers……………………………….4                       Triggers................20
3.Irregulars –go, -zco,-oy………………….5        12. Comparitives……………………21
4.Saber vs. Conocer………………………….6            13. Superlatives…………………….22
5.Reflexives………………………………………7               14. Futuro.....................23-25
6. „Se‟ impersonal…………………………….8                     irregulars………………..24
7. Verbs like Gustar………………………….9                    trigger words………....25
8. –uir/-guir, -cer/-cir, -ger/-gir………10
9. Hacer Expressions………………………..11
10. El Imperfecto………………………..12-13
11. El Preterito…………………………….14-20
         -car, -gar, -zar…………………….15
         “Spoc” verbs……………………….16
         Cucaracha verbs……………..….17
         Snake verbs…………………………18
 -AR                               -ER
     -o       -amos            -o     -emos
    -as        -aís           -es         -eís
     -a        -an
                               -e         -en
                -IR
                -o     -imos
                -es    -eís
                -e     -en
o    ue

e   ie   changers   e   i

         u    ue
 Only    change in the yo form
                                     -zco (conocer)
 -go (tener)
                                   Conozco    Conocimos
 Tengo       Tenemos              • Conoces   • Conoceis
                                  • Conoce    • Conocen
• Tienes     • Tieneis
• Tiene      • Tienen

 -oy (dar)
                  Doy    Damos
                • Das    • Dais
                • Da     • Dan
-How to do             someone
                To -Familiar with
    -Often     Know
followed by             -often
  infinitive         followed by
                    direct object
 Tomake a verb reflexive, add me, te, se,
 nos, os, or se before the verb:

             Yo -me         Nosotros- nos

             Tu - te        Vosotros-os

            usted- se        Ustedes-se

 Reflexives   can hook on to infinitives too…
    El tiene que bañarse
 When using impersonal „se‟ in front of

                         „Se‟ can be           No specific
   Verb is in
                          used in all          subject of
  third person
                            tenses              sentence

  Example:                     English Translation
  Se abren a las ocho de la    They open at 8:00 in the
  mañana                       morning
   For verbs like gustar, encantar, or molestar that express
      (Reflexive pronoun) +Verb + noun
Example: Me gusta la escuela. I like school.
When the noun is plural, verbs like gustar also change to
  plural form:
                                 • El taco
                       Gusta • La escuela

                                   • Los tacos
                        Gustan     • Las
        -uir                           -guir
   -uyo        -imos        (gu to g before letter „a‟)

    -uyes        -uís             -ga      -gamos

    -uye        -uyen
                                 -gas       -gáis

                                 -ga         -gan
    -ger/-gir                                               -cer/-cir
(g to j before letter „a‟)
                                                           -zo    -cemos
    -ja          -jamos
                                                           -ces   -céis
    -jas          -jáis
                                                           -ce    -cen
    -ja            -jan
   Hacer is used to express…
Hace + time +que + Preterite verb      (for past action)
Preterite verb + hace +time            ( for past action)
Hace +time +que + present tense verb   (continuing action)
Present tense verb +hace +time         (continuing action)
Hacía + time + que +imperfect          (interrupted past action)
Imperfect + hacía + que                (interrupted past action)

       And…

Hace+ Adjective

-ar    -er/-ir   ir            iba

-aba     -ía     ser           era

                 ver           veía
Todos los días     Siempre
A menudo           Con frecuencia
De vez en cuando   Habitualmente
Normalmente        A veces
Todos las noches   Cada día
Cada mañana        Por/en la mañana
Por/en la tarde    Por/en la noche
Por lo regular     Frecuentemente
Generalmente       Todos los años
De costumbre
-AR                 -IR/-ER

  -é     -amos      -í        -imos

 -aste   -asteis   -iste      -isteis

  -ó        -       -ió       -ieron
 Verbsending in –car, -gar, and –zar change in
 the yo form in el preterito.

   -car             -gar           -zar

   -gué            -qué             -cé
Andar                Anduve
    Estar                Estuve

    Poder                Pude                     -iste

    Poner                Puse                     -o
    Querer               Quise
    Saber                Supe
    Tener                Tuve

    Venir                Vine

   -cir goes to –j + ending (-eron instead of -ieron)
 Stem   changes only in the Usted and Ustedes
 Example: Dormir (o to u)

            Dormí          dormimos
           dormiste          dormisteis

            durmió           durmieron
Verbs with endings like leer and creer – usted
  and ustedes endings change to –yó and –yeron

              Leí         Leimos
             Leiste         Leisteis

             Leyó          Leyeron
Trigger Word              English Translation

Anteayer                  Day before yesterday

Anoche                    Last night

La semana pasada          Last week

El mes pasado             Last month

El ano pasado             Last year

El fin de semana pasado   Last weekend

Ayer                      Yesterday


-é    -emos
-ás   -éis
-á    -án
Decir    Dir-
Haber    Habr-     é
Hacer    Har-
Poder    Podr-
Poner    Pondr-    -á
Querer   Querr-   -emos
Saber    Sabr-
Salir    Saldr-
Tener    Tendr-
Valer    Valdr-
Venir    Vendr-
Trigger word                English Translation

Mañana                      Tomorrow

La proxima día              The next day

Éste Lunes/Martes/etc…      This Monday/Tuesday/etc…

La proxima semana           Next week

Mañana pasado               The day after tomorrow

En __ día                   In __days

En ___(semanas, años,etc)   In __ (weeks, years, etc)
   Pretarito vs. Imperfecto……………………………………………………………..28
   Futuro vs. Conditional…………………………………………………………………29
   Por……………………………………………………………………………………………….30
   Para………………………………………………………………………………………………31
   Por vs. Para………………………………………………………………………………….32
   Commands…………………………………………………………………………………..33
   Present Perfect……………………………………………………………………………34
   Double Object Pronouns……………………………………………………………..35
   Adverbs………………………………………………………………………………………..36
   Subjunctive………………………………………………………………………………….37
   Se impersonal………………………………………………………………………………38
   Progressive with ir, andar, and seguir………………………………………….39
-ar    -er/-ir
         -ar                     -er
 -é       -amos       -í         -imos      -car     -gar      -zar
-aste     -asteis    -iste       -isteis
                                            -gué     -qué      -cé    -aba     -ía
 -ó        -aron      -ió        -ieron

   Snakes-                                 Snakeys
      Dormí         dormimos
                                             Leí            Leimos

                                                                      ir        iba
      dormiste      dormisteis
                                           Leiste       Leisteis
      durmió        durmieron
                                            Leyó        Leyeron
                                                                      ser      era
                                                                      ver      veía
       Estuve                -e
       Pude                  -iste
-é           -emos              -ía    -íamos
                  -ás           -éis             -ías     -íais
                  -á            -án               -ía     -ían

Decir    Dir-                          Habr-
Haber    Habr-                         Har-
Hacer    Har-                                   -ía     -íamos
         Podr-           é                      -ías    -íais
Poder                                  Pondr-
Poner    Pondr-          -ás           Querr-
                                                -ía      -ían
Querer   Querr-          -á            Sabr-
Saber    Sabr-                         Saldr-
Salir    Saldr-                        Tendr-
Tener    Tendr-                        Valdr-
Valer    Valdr-                        Vendr-
Venir    Vendr-
1   Indicate motion or general location (similar to around, through,
    along or by)
2   Duration of an action (similar to for, during, and in)
3   Expresses reason or motive for an action (similar to because of,
    on account of, or on behalf of)
4   Object of a search (similar to for, or in search of)
5   Means by which something is done (by, by, way of, by means of)
6   Exchange or substitution (for, in exchange for)
7   Unit of measures (per, by)
1 Expresses destination (toward, in the direction of)
2 Indicates deadline or specific time in the future( by, for)
3 Purpose or goal + infinitive (in order to)
4 Purpose of a noun (for, used for)
5 Recipient of something (for)
6 Make comparison with others or give an opinion (for, considering)
7 Indicates who someone works for (for)
1 Expresses destination (toward, in        1   Indicate motion or general location (similar to
  the direction of)                            around, through, along or by)
2 Indicates deadline or specific time          Duration of an action (similar to for, during,
  in the future( by, for)                  2
                                               and in)
3 Purpose or goal + infinitive (in order   3   Expresses reason or motive for an action
  to)                                          (similar to because of, on account of, or on
                                               behalf of)
4 Purpose of a noun (for, used for)
                                           4   Object of a search (similar to for, or in search
5 Recipient of something (for)                 of)
                                           5   Means by which something is done (by, by,
6 Make comparison with others or               way of, by means of)
  give an opinion (for, considering)
                                           6   Exchange or substitution (for, in exchange for)
7 Indicates who someone works for
  (for)                                    7   Unit of measures (per, by)

                                              Rule                Irregulars
  DOP + IOP +           Tú                    Drop the s          Di, haz, ve, pon,
  „se‟ can                                                        sal, sé, ten, ven
  attach to an
  affirmative           Ud./Uds.              Put in yo form and Tener, Venir,
                                              change to          dar/decir, ir, ser,
                                              opposite vowel     hacer/haber,estar,
                 Rule                 Irregulars
Tú               Put in to form and   Tener, venir,             DOP + IOP +
                 change to            dar/decir, ir, ser,       „se‟ must go
                 opposite vowel       hacer/haber,              before the
                 and add an s         estar, saber              negative
Ud./Uds.         Put in yo form and Tener, Venir,               command
                 change to          dar/decir, ir, ser,
                 opposite vowel     hacer/haber,estar,
Present Tense
                          Past Participle

has             Infinitive – ending + ado/edo
ha                              Irregulars:

hemos                           Abrir           Abierto
                                Cubrir          Cubierto
                                Decir           Dicho
han                             Escribir        Escrito
                                Hacer           Hecho
                                Morir           Muerto
                                Poner           Puesto
                                Resolver        Resuelto
                                Romper          Roto
                                Ver             Visto
                                Vover           Vuelto
                                Ir              ido
Whenever both an indirect and direct pronoun are used in a

1. Indirect pronoun comes first
     (i.e: ellos me los dan)

2. When both pronouns begin with “l”, change the first pronoun to “se”
     (i.e: le lo se lo)

3. In a negative sentence, the “no” comes before the first pronoun
      (i.e: No se lo tengo)
Bastarte     Quiet
Demasiado    Too
Mal          Badly
Mucho        A lot
Muy          Very
Nunca        Never
Peor         Worse
Siempre      always
                                                       Hable    Hablemos
                                                       Hables   Habléis
Put in yo and go to opposite vowel
                                                       Hable    hablen
                       Irregular verbs with irregular yo forms have same
Diga       Digamos
                       irregularity in all forms
Digas      Digáis
Diga       Digan
-ir stem changers change in all forms    Dar            Dé
                                         Estar          Esté
                                         Ir             Vaya
                                         Saber          Sepa
                                         Ser            Seya
                                         Hay            haya
 When using impersonal „se‟ in front of

                         „Se‟ can be           No specific
   Verb is in
                          used in all          subject of
  third person
                            tenses              sentence

  Example:                     English Translation
  Se abren a las ocho de la    They open at 8:00 in the
  mañana                       morning
Is slowly
            Present               but
           participle            surely

                             Is going
            Present          around
           Participle        ____ing

          Present        Is still
         participle     ____ing
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Repaso gramatica

  • 2. 1.Presente –ar, -er, -ir……………………….3 “Snakeys”……………….19 2.Stem Changers……………………………….4 Triggers................20 3.Irregulars –go, -zco,-oy………………….5 12. Comparitives……………………21 4.Saber vs. Conocer………………………….6 13. Superlatives…………………….22 5.Reflexives………………………………………7 14. Futuro.....................23-25 6. „Se‟ impersonal…………………………….8 irregulars………………..24 7. Verbs like Gustar………………………….9 trigger words………....25 8. –uir/-guir, -cer/-cir, -ger/-gir………10 9. Hacer Expressions………………………..11 10. El Imperfecto………………………..12-13 Triggers……………………………….13 11. El Preterito…………………………….14-20 -car, -gar, -zar…………………….15 “Spoc” verbs……………………….16 Cucaracha verbs……………..….17 Snake verbs…………………………18
  • 3.  -AR -ER -o -amos -o -emos -as -aís -es -eís -a -an -e -en  -IR -o -imos -es -eís -e -en
  • 4. o ue Stem e ie changers e i u ue
  • 5.  Only change in the yo form -zco (conocer) -go (tener) Conozco Conocimos Tengo Tenemos • Conoces • Conoceis • Conoce • Conocen • Tienes • Tieneis • Tiene • Tienen -oy (dar) Doy Damos • Das • Dais • Da • Dan
  • 6. -Fact -Know -How to do someone something To -Familiar with -Often Know followed by -often infinitive followed by direct object
  • 7.  Tomake a verb reflexive, add me, te, se, nos, os, or se before the verb: Yo -me Nosotros- nos Tu - te Vosotros-os usted- se Ustedes-se  Reflexives can hook on to infinitives too…  El tiene que bañarse
  • 8.  When using impersonal „se‟ in front of verbs… „Se‟ can be No specific Verb is in used in all subject of third person tenses sentence Example: English Translation Se abren a las ocho de la They open at 8:00 in the mañana morning
  • 9. For verbs like gustar, encantar, or molestar that express opinion: (Reflexive pronoun) +Verb + noun Example: Me gusta la escuela. I like school. When the noun is plural, verbs like gustar also change to plural form: • El taco Gusta • La escuela • Los tacos Gustan • Las escuelas
  • 10. -uir -guir  -uyo -imos (gu to g before letter „a‟) -uyes -uís -ga -gamos -uye -uyen -gas -gáis -ga -gan -ger/-gir -cer/-cir (g to j before letter „a‟) -zo -cemos -ja -jamos -ces -céis -jas -jáis -ce -cen -ja -jan
  • 11. Hacer is used to express… Time: Hace + time +que + Preterite verb (for past action) Preterite verb + hace +time ( for past action) Hace +time +que + present tense verb (continuing action) Present tense verb +hace +time (continuing action) Hacía + time + que +imperfect (interrupted past action) Imperfect + hacía + que (interrupted past action)  And… Weather: Hace+ Adjective
  • 12. Irregulars: -ar -er/-ir ir iba -aba -ía ser era ver veía
  • 13. Todos los días Siempre A menudo Con frecuencia De vez en cuando Habitualmente Normalmente A veces Todos las noches Cada día Cada mañana Por/en la mañana Por/en la tarde Por/en la noche Por lo regular Frecuentemente Generalmente Todos los años De costumbre
  • 14. -AR -IR/-ER -é -amos -í -imos -aste -asteis -iste -isteis -ó - -ió -ieron aron
  • 15.  Verbsending in –car, -gar, and –zar change in the yo form in el preterito. -car -gar -zar -gué -qué -cé
  • 16.
  • 17. Andar Anduve -e Estar Estuve Poder Pude -iste Poner Puse -o Querer Quise -imos Saber Supe -ieron Tener Tuve Venir Vine  -cir goes to –j + ending (-eron instead of -ieron)
  • 18.  Stem changes only in the Usted and Ustedes forms  Example: Dormir (o to u) Dormí dormimos dormiste dormisteis durmió durmieron
  • 19. Verbs with endings like leer and creer – usted and ustedes endings change to –yó and –yeron Leí Leimos Leiste Leisteis Leyó Leyeron
  • 20. Trigger Word English Translation Anteayer Day before yesterday Anoche Last night La semana pasada Last week El mes pasado Last month El ano pasado Last year El fin de semana pasado Last weekend Ayer Yesterday
  • 22.
  • 23. -emos -ás -éis -á -án
  • 24. Decir Dir- Haber Habr- é Hacer Har- -ás Poder Podr- Poner Pondr- -á Querer Querr- -emos Saber Sabr- -án Salir Saldr- Tener Tendr- Valer Valdr- Venir Vendr-
  • 25. Trigger word English Translation Mañana Tomorrow La proxima día The next day Éste Lunes/Martes/etc… This Monday/Tuesday/etc… La proxima semana Next week Mañana pasado The day after tomorrow En __ día In __days En ___(semanas, años,etc) In __ (weeks, years, etc)
  • 26.
  • 27. Pretarito vs. Imperfecto……………………………………………………………..28  Futuro vs. Conditional…………………………………………………………………29  Por……………………………………………………………………………………………….30  Para………………………………………………………………………………………………31  Por vs. Para………………………………………………………………………………….32  Commands…………………………………………………………………………………..33  Present Perfect……………………………………………………………………………34  Double Object Pronouns……………………………………………………………..35  Adverbs………………………………………………………………………………………..36  Subjunctive………………………………………………………………………………….37  Se impersonal………………………………………………………………………………38  Progressive with ir, andar, and seguir………………………………………….39
  • 28. -ar -er/-ir -ar -er -é -amos -í -imos -car -gar -zar -aste -asteis -iste -isteis -gué -qué -cé -aba -ía -ó -aron -ió -ieron Snakes- Snakeys Dormí dormimos Leí Leimos ir iba dormiste dormisteis Leiste Leisteis durmió durmieron Leyó Leyeron ser era ver veía Anduve Estuve -e Pude -iste Puse -o Quise -imos Supe -ieron Tuve Vine
  • 29. -emos -ía -íamos -ás -éis -ías -íais -á -án -ía -ían Dir- Decir Dir- Habr- Haber Habr- Har- Hacer Har- -ía -íamos Podr- Podr- é -ías -íais Poder Pondr- Poner Pondr- -ás Querr- -ía -ían Querer Querr- -á Sabr- Saber Sabr- Saldr- -emos Salir Saldr- Tendr- -án Tener Tendr- Valdr- Valer Valdr- Vendr- Venir Vendr-
  • 30. Uses 1 Indicate motion or general location (similar to around, through, along or by) 2 Duration of an action (similar to for, during, and in) 3 Expresses reason or motive for an action (similar to because of, on account of, or on behalf of) 4 Object of a search (similar to for, or in search of) 5 Means by which something is done (by, by, way of, by means of) 6 Exchange or substitution (for, in exchange for) 7 Unit of measures (per, by)
  • 31. Uses 1 Expresses destination (toward, in the direction of) 2 Indicates deadline or specific time in the future( by, for) 3 Purpose or goal + infinitive (in order to) 4 Purpose of a noun (for, used for) 5 Recipient of something (for) 6 Make comparison with others or give an opinion (for, considering) 7 Indicates who someone works for (for)
  • 32. Uses Uses 1 Expresses destination (toward, in 1 Indicate motion or general location (similar to the direction of) around, through, along or by) 2 Indicates deadline or specific time Duration of an action (similar to for, during, in the future( by, for) 2 and in) 3 Purpose or goal + infinitive (in order 3 Expresses reason or motive for an action to) (similar to because of, on account of, or on behalf of) 4 Purpose of a noun (for, used for) 4 Object of a search (similar to for, or in search 5 Recipient of something (for) of) 5 Means by which something is done (by, by, 6 Make comparison with others or way of, by means of) give an opinion (for, considering) 6 Exchange or substitution (for, in exchange for) 7 Indicates who someone works for (for) 7 Unit of measures (per, by)
  • 33. Affirmative Rule Irregulars DOP + IOP + Tú Drop the s Di, haz, ve, pon, „se‟ can sal, sé, ten, ven attach to an affirmative Ud./Uds. Put in yo form and Tener, Venir, change to dar/decir, ir, ser, opposite vowel hacer/haber,estar, saber Negative Rule Irregulars Tú Put in to form and Tener, venir, DOP + IOP + change to dar/decir, ir, ser, „se‟ must go opposite vowel hacer/haber, before the and add an s estar, saber negative Ud./Uds. Put in yo form and Tener, Venir, command change to dar/decir, ir, ser, opposite vowel hacer/haber,estar, saber
  • 34. Present Tense Past Participle Haber He has Infinitive – ending + ado/edo ha Irregulars: hemos Abrir Abierto Cubrir Cubierto Habéis Decir Dicho han Escribir Escrito Hacer Hecho Morir Muerto Poner Puesto Resolver Resuelto Romper Roto Ver Visto Vover Vuelto Ir ido
  • 35. Whenever both an indirect and direct pronoun are used in a sentence…. 1. Indirect pronoun comes first (i.e: ellos me los dan) 2. When both pronouns begin with “l”, change the first pronoun to “se” (i.e: le lo se lo) 3. In a negative sentence, the “no” comes before the first pronoun (i.e: No se lo tengo)
  • 36. Irregulars Bastarte Quiet Demasiado Too Mal Badly Mucho A lot Muy Very Nunca Never Peor Worse Siempre always
  • 37. Hablar Hable Hablemos Hables Habléis Put in yo and go to opposite vowel Hable hablen Decir Irregular verbs with irregular yo forms have same Diga Digamos irregularity in all forms Digas Digáis Diga Digan Irregulars: -ir stem changers change in all forms Dar Dé Estar Esté Ir Vaya Saber Sepa Ser Seya Hay haya
  • 38.  When using impersonal „se‟ in front of verbs… „Se‟ can be No specific Verb is in used in all subject of third person tenses sentence Example: English Translation Se abren a las ocho de la They open at 8:00 in the mañana morning
  • 39. Is slowly Present but Ir participle surely ___ing Is going Present around Andar Participle ____ing Present Is still Seguir participle ____ing