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Radiation Effects.
Plants Immunity.
Toxicity of Plants after
Dmitri Popov MD (Canada), PhD (Russia-Canada)
Advanced Medical Technology and Systems Inc.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3185.6400
• A plant vacuolar protease, VPE, mediates radiation-induced
hypersensitive cell death.
• A high level of Plant Vacuolar Protease, activated after moderate
and high doses of radiation, possible playing role as radiation toxin
and can induce development of Acute Radiation Syndromes in
mammals after ingestion.
Plant Immune System.
• “ Many plant-associated microbes are pathogens that impair plant growth and
reproduction. Plants respond to infection using a two-branched innate immune
system. The first branch recognizes and responds to molecules common to many
classes of microbes, including non-pathogens. The second responds to pathogen
virulence factors, either directly or through their effects on host targets. These
plant immune systems, and the pathogen molecules to which they respond,
provide extraordinary insights into molecular recognition, cell biology and
evolution across biological kingdoms. A detailed understanding of plant immune
function will underpin crop improvement for food, fibre and biofuels production”
• Nature 444, 323-329 (16 November 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature05286
• The plant immune system
• Jonathan D. G. Jones1 & Jeffery L. Dangl2
Plants immunity.
• Plant radiation resistance protects plants from radiation in two ways:
mechanisms and by radiation-induced responses of the immune
• Relative to a susceptible plant, radiation resistance is the reduction of
radiation damage on or in the plant, while the term radiation
tolerance describes plants that exhibit little disease damage despite
substantial radiation levels.
• Plant Radiation Toxins (possible Vacuolar Processing Enzyme) can
induce acute radiation disease of mammals.
• Irradiated living plants with active mitosis can be toxic up to 30 days
after irradiation.
Vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE).
• “Apoptotic cell death in animals is regulated by cysteine proteinases called
caspases. Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as a
plant caspase. VPE deficiency prevents cell death during hypersensitive
response and cell death of limited cell layers at the early stage of
embryogenesis. VPE plays an essential role in the regulation of the lytic
system of plants during the processes of defense and development. VPE is
localized in the vacuoles, unlike animal caspases, which are localized in the
cytosol. Thus, plants might have evolved a regulated cellular suicide
strategy that, unlike animal apoptosis, is mediated by VPE and the
• Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Aug;8(4):404-8.
• Vacuolar processing enzyme: an executor of plant cell death.
• Hara-Nishimura I1, Hatsugai N, Nakaune S, Kuroyanagi M, Nishimura M.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Programmed cell death (PCD) occurs in animals and plants under
various stresses and during development. Recently, vacuolar
processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as an executioner of plant
• “A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death”
• Apoptosis 2006; 11: 905–911 C 2006 Springer Science + Business
Media, LLC. Manufactured in The United States. DOI:
10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1. N. Hatsugai et al.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as an
executioner of plant PCD. VPE is a cysteine protease that cleaves a
peptide bond at the C-terminal side of asparagine and aspartic acid.
• “A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death”
• Apoptosis 2006; 11: 905–911 C 2006 Springer Science + Business
Media, LLC. Manufactured in The United States. DOI:
10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1. N. Hatsugai et al.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active, genetically controlled
• process leading to selective elimination of unwanted or damaged cells
in eukaryotes. PCD is essential for growth and development of
multicellular organisms as well as for proper response to environment
(Gechev et al., 2006; Lam, 2004).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Plant PCD is associated with a number of developmental processes
including embryo formation, degeneration of the aleurone layer
during monocot seed germination, differentiation of tracheary
elements in water-conducting xylem tissues, formation of root
aerenchyma and epidermal trichomes, anther tapetum degeneration,
floral organ abscission, pollen self-incompatibility, remodeling of
some types of leaf shape, and leaf senescence. (Gechev et al., 2006;
Thomas and Franklin-Tong, 2004).
• Programmed Cell Death in Plants: New Insights into Redox Regulation
• and the Role of Hydrogen Peroxide
• Ilya Gadjev,1,* Julie M. Stone,† and Tsanko S. Gechev*
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) have
become recognized to be key modulators of PCD of as well as many other
biological processes such as growth, development, and stress adaptation
(Gechev et al., 2006).
• Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 Jul 15;53(2):260-70. doi:
10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.04.033. Epub 2012 May 8.
• Ionizing radiation induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species
production accompanied by upregulation of mitochondrial electron
transport chain function and mitochondrial content under control of the
cell cycle checkpoint.
• Yamamori T1, Yasui H, Yamazumi M, Wada Y, Nakamura Y, Nakamura
H, Inanami O.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Although specific ROS receptors/sensors remain largely elusive,
downstream components of H2O2 and ROS signal transduction
networks controlling plant PCD have been identified, including
protein kinases, protein phosphatases, and transcription factors.
• The majority of these are restricted to plants, with only a few genes
having close homologues in animals. (Gechev et al., 2006).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Hydrogen peroxide is produced in all cellular compartments as a
result of reactions of energy transfer, electron leakage from saturated
electron transport chains, and the activities of various oxidases and
peroxidases (Apel and Hirt, 2004).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Programmed cell death (PCD) is a process by which cells in many
organisms die. The basic morphological and biochemical features of
PCD are conserved between the animal and plant kingdoms.
Cysteine proteases have emerged as key enzymes in the regulation of
animal PCD.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• The discovery that cell death is a tightly regulated (programmed)
process has stirred a great deal of interest in its mechanisms.
Studies of animal systems have shown that the execution of
programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis is controlled by a multistep
signaling pathway (McConkey and Orrenius, 1994; Stewart, 1994).
• In plants, PCD has been implicated in xylogenesis (Fukuda,
1996; Groover et al., 1997), in some forms of senescence,
and in the hypersensitive response to pathogens and environmental
stresses (Greenberg, 1996; Mittler and Lam,
1996; Lamb and Dixon, 1997).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Although a detailed understanding of how plant cells die is still largely
unknown, recent studies have shown that the apoptotic pathways of
the animal and plant kingdoms are morphologically and biochemically
similar (Greenberg, 1996; Levine et al., 1996; Wang et al., 1996).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Specifically, the morphological hallmarks of apoptosis include
cytoplasmic shrinkage, nuclear condensation, and membrane
blebbing (Earnshaw, 1995; Martins and Earnshaw, 1997); the
biochemical events involve calcium influx, exposure of
phosphatidylserine and activation of specific proteases and DNA
fragmentation, first to large 50-kb fragments and then to nucleosomal
ladders (McConkey and Orrenius, 1994; Stewart, 1994; Wang et al.,
1996; O’Brien et al., 1998).
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• The Involvement of Cysteine Proteases and Protease Inhibitor Genes in the
Regulation of Programmed Cell Death in Plants.
• The Plant Cell, Vol. 11, 431–443, March 1999, © 1999
American Society of Plant Physiologists.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• VPE processing system mediates a cellular suicide strategy in plants. In
animals, dying cells are packaged into apoptotic bodies
• and then engulfed by phagocytes. In contrast, because plants do not have
phagocytes and the cells are surrounded by rigid cell walls, plant
• cells must degrade their materials by themselves. VPE, which has caspase-
1-like activity, is accumulated after perception of death signals such
• as pathogen infection. VPE is involved in activation of the target proteins to
provoke disintegration of the vacuolar membranes. Consequently,
• the vacuolar hydrolytic enzymes leave the vacuole for the cytosol and
degrade cellular components. Plants have evolved a death strategy that
• is mediated by the VPE processing system, which is not seen in animals.
A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death.
N. Hatsugai et al. DOI: 10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• The genome of an organism is under constant attack from endogenous and
exogenous DNA damaging factors, such as reactive radicals, radiation, and
genotoxins. Therefore, DNA damage response systems to sense DNA
damage, arrest cell cycle, repair DNA lesions, and/or induce programmed
cell death are crucial for maintenance of genomic integrity and survival of
the organism. Genome sequences revealed that, although plants possess
many of the DNA damage response factors that are present in the animal
systems, they are missing some of the important regulators, such as the
p53 tumor suppressor. These observations suggest differences in the DNA
damage response mechanisms between plants and animals. In this review
the DNA damage responses in plants and animals are compared and
contrasted. In addition, the function of SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA
RESPONSE 1 (SOG1), a plant-specific transcription factor that governs the
robust response to DNA damage, is discussed.
Biology 2013, 2, 1338-1356; doi:10.3390/biology2041338
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Can irradiated plant’s cells used for feeding induce radiation disease
of mammals?
• Yes.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• A careful analysis by FDA of all Army data present (including 31 loose-
leaf notebooks of animal feeding test results) showed significant
adverse effects produced in animals fed irradiated food...
• In the course of legalizing the irradiation of beef, chicken, pork, fruit,
vegetables, eggs, juice, spices and sprouting seeds -- a process that
has spanned nearly 20 years -- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
has dismissed or ignored a substantial body of evidence suggesting
that irradiated food may not be safe for human consumption.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• What were these adverse effects?
• A decrease of 20.7 percent in surviving weaned rats.
• A 32.3 percent decrease in surviving progeny of dogs.
• Dogs weighing 11.3 percent less than animals on the control diets...
Carcinomas of the pituitary gland, a particularly disturbing finding
since this is an extremely rare type of malignant tumor."
• Food irradiation: An FDA report. FDA Papers, Oct. 1968.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats (I)
• "A significant number of rats consuming irradiated beef died from
internal hemorrhage within 46 days, the first death of a male rat
coming on the 11th day of feeding. This rat became sluggish on the
8th day of the regimen and started refusing food. He continued to be
morbid during the next two days, did not eat any food, lost weight
and appeared anemic. He was found dead on the 11th day.
• Vitamin K deficiency in rats induced by feeding of irradiated beef.
• Journal of Nutrition, 69:18-21, 1959. (Cosponsored by the Surgeon
General of the US Army)
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats (II)
• "Hemorrhagic death had occurred in all males fed irradiated diets by
day 34... There is evidence to suggest that inefficient absorption of
vitamins, i.e. vitamin K, from the intestinal tract may contribute to a
deficiency state." [Note: Vitamin K plays a major role in blood
• Influence of age, sex, strain of rat and fat soluble vitamins on
hemorrhagic syndromes in rats fed irradiated beef.
• Federation Proceedings, 19:1045-1048, 1960. (Cosponsored by the
Surgeon General of the US Army)
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Fetal Deaths in Mice
• "Freshly irradiated diets produced elevated levels of early deaths in
[mice fetuses]... The increase in early deaths would suggest that the
diet when irradiated has some mutagenic potential."
• Irradiated laboratory animal diets: Dominant lethal studies in the
• Mutation Research, 80:333-345, 1981.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Toxic effects of irradiated foods. Nature, 211:302, 1966.
• A Thalidomide Warning (II)
• "Irradiating can bring about chemical transformations in food and food
components resulting in the formation of potential mutagens, particularly
hydrogen peroxide and various organic peroxides.
• It is now realized, especially since the thalidomide episode, that older
testing protocols do not detect the more subtle population hazards such as
mutagens and teratogens. In view of the serious consequences to the
human population which could arise from a high level of induced
mutations, it is desirable that protocols for irradiated food should include
in vivo tests on mammals for possible mutagenicity."
• Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of irradiated foods and food components.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 41:873-904,
1969. (Cosponsored by the US Atomic Energy Commission and Food and
Drug Administration)
• A Host of Problems
• "Numerous studies have been carried out to ascertain whether cytotoxic
effects occur when un irradiated biological test systems are cultured or fed
with irradiated media or food. In such studies, adverse physiological
growth retardation and inhibition, cytological cell division inhibition and
chromosome aberrations and genetical effects have been observed in a
wide range of test systems, ranging from bacteriophages to human cells...
The available data suggest that a variety of free radicals may act as the
toxic and mutagenic agents.“
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of irradiated substrates and food
material. Radiation Botany, 11:253-281, 1971.
• A Cancer Warning
• "An increase in concentration of a mutagen in food by irradiation
will increase the incidence of cancer. It will take four to six decades to
demonstrate a statistically significant increase in cancer due to
mutagens introduced into food by irradiation. When food irradiation
is finally prohibited, several decades worth of people with increased
cancer incidence will be in the pipeline.“
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Growth, reproduction, survival and histopathology of rats fed beef
irradiated with electrons. Food Research, 20:193-214, 1955.
• Chromosomal Damage to Human Cells (I)
• "Irradiated sucrose solutions were extremely toxic to human white
blood cells. Cell divisions were inhibited. Degenerated cell divisions
were observed and the chromosomes were grossly damaged. The
DNA was clumped or the chromosomes appeared shattered or
pulverized. In contrast, treatment with un irradiated sucrose at the
same concentration had no apparent effect on the mitotic rate and
the chromosomes were not visibly damaged.“
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Cytotoxic and radiomimetic activity of irradiated culture medium on
human leukocytes. Current Science, 16:403-404, 1966.
• Toxic Chemical Formed in Food Containing Fat (I)
• "When food containing fat is treated by ionizing radiation, a group of
2-alkylcyclobutanones [toxic chemicals] is formed. To date, there is no
evidence that the cyclobutanones occur in unirradiated food. In vitro
experiments using rat and human colon cells indicate that 2-
dodecylcyclobutanone (2-DCB)... is clearly cytotoxic and genotoxic.“
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Radiation Toxins – Effects of Radiation Toxicity, Molecular
Mechanisms of Action, Radiomimetic Properties and Possible
Countermeasures for Radiation Injury.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after
• Some results under way.
Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after

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Radiation. Plants Immunity. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation.

  • 1. Radiation Effects. Plants Immunity. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. Dmitri Popov MD (Canada), PhD (Russia-Canada) Advanced Medical Technology and Systems Inc.
  • 2. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3185.6400 • A plant vacuolar protease, VPE, mediates radiation-induced hypersensitive cell death. • A high level of Plant Vacuolar Protease, activated after moderate and high doses of radiation, possible playing role as radiation toxin and can induce development of Acute Radiation Syndromes in mammals after ingestion.
  • 3. Plant Immune System. • “ Many plant-associated microbes are pathogens that impair plant growth and reproduction. Plants respond to infection using a two-branched innate immune system. The first branch recognizes and responds to molecules common to many classes of microbes, including non-pathogens. The second responds to pathogen virulence factors, either directly or through their effects on host targets. These plant immune systems, and the pathogen molecules to which they respond, provide extraordinary insights into molecular recognition, cell biology and evolution across biological kingdoms. A detailed understanding of plant immune function will underpin crop improvement for food, fibre and biofuels production” • Nature 444, 323-329 (16 November 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature05286 • The plant immune system • Jonathan D. G. Jones1 & Jeffery L. Dangl2
  • 4. Plants immunity. • Plant radiation resistance protects plants from radiation in two ways: mechanisms and by radiation-induced responses of the immune system. • Relative to a susceptible plant, radiation resistance is the reduction of radiation damage on or in the plant, while the term radiation tolerance describes plants that exhibit little disease damage despite substantial radiation levels. • Plant Radiation Toxins (possible Vacuolar Processing Enzyme) can induce acute radiation disease of mammals. • Irradiated living plants with active mitosis can be toxic up to 30 days after irradiation.
  • 5. Vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE). • “Apoptotic cell death in animals is regulated by cysteine proteinases called caspases. Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as a plant caspase. VPE deficiency prevents cell death during hypersensitive response and cell death of limited cell layers at the early stage of embryogenesis. VPE plays an essential role in the regulation of the lytic system of plants during the processes of defense and development. VPE is localized in the vacuoles, unlike animal caspases, which are localized in the cytosol. Thus, plants might have evolved a regulated cellular suicide strategy that, unlike animal apoptosis, is mediated by VPE and the vacuoles.” • Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Aug;8(4):404-8. • Vacuolar processing enzyme: an executor of plant cell death. • Hara-Nishimura I1, Hatsugai N, Nakaune S, Kuroyanagi M, Nishimura M.
  • 6. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Programmed cell death (PCD) occurs in animals and plants under various stresses and during development. Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as an executioner of plant PCD. • “A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death” • Apoptosis 2006; 11: 905–911 C 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC. Manufactured in The United States. DOI: 10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1. N. Hatsugai et al.
  • 7. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as an executioner of plant PCD. VPE is a cysteine protease that cleaves a peptide bond at the C-terminal side of asparagine and aspartic acid. • “A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death” • Apoptosis 2006; 11: 905–911 C 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC. Manufactured in The United States. DOI: 10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1. N. Hatsugai et al.
  • 8. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active, genetically controlled • process leading to selective elimination of unwanted or damaged cells in eukaryotes. PCD is essential for growth and development of multicellular organisms as well as for proper response to environment (Gechev et al., 2006; Lam, 2004).
  • 9. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Plant PCD is associated with a number of developmental processes including embryo formation, degeneration of the aleurone layer during monocot seed germination, differentiation of tracheary elements in water-conducting xylem tissues, formation of root aerenchyma and epidermal trichomes, anther tapetum degeneration, floral organ abscission, pollen self-incompatibility, remodeling of some types of leaf shape, and leaf senescence. (Gechev et al., 2006; Thomas and Franklin-Tong, 2004). • Programmed Cell Death in Plants: New Insights into Redox Regulation • and the Role of Hydrogen Peroxide • Ilya Gadjev,1,* Julie M. Stone,† and Tsanko S. Gechev*
  • 10. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) have become recognized to be key modulators of PCD of as well as many other biological processes such as growth, development, and stress adaptation (Gechev et al., 2006). • Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 Jul 15;53(2):260-70. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.04.033. Epub 2012 May 8. • Ionizing radiation induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production accompanied by upregulation of mitochondrial electron transport chain function and mitochondrial content under control of the cell cycle checkpoint. • Yamamori T1, Yasui H, Yamazumi M, Wada Y, Nakamura Y, Nakamura H, Inanami O.
  • 11. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Although specific ROS receptors/sensors remain largely elusive, downstream components of H2O2 and ROS signal transduction networks controlling plant PCD have been identified, including protein kinases, protein phosphatases, and transcription factors. • The majority of these are restricted to plants, with only a few genes having close homologues in animals. (Gechev et al., 2006).
  • 12. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Hydrogen peroxide is produced in all cellular compartments as a result of reactions of energy transfer, electron leakage from saturated electron transport chains, and the activities of various oxidases and peroxidases (Apel and Hirt, 2004).
  • 13. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Programmed cell death (PCD) is a process by which cells in many organisms die. The basic morphological and biochemical features of PCD are conserved between the animal and plant kingdoms. Cysteine proteases have emerged as key enzymes in the regulation of animal PCD.
  • 14. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • The discovery that cell death is a tightly regulated (programmed) process has stirred a great deal of interest in its mechanisms. Studies of animal systems have shown that the execution of programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis is controlled by a multistep signaling pathway (McConkey and Orrenius, 1994; Stewart, 1994). • In plants, PCD has been implicated in xylogenesis (Fukuda, 1996; Groover et al., 1997), in some forms of senescence, and in the hypersensitive response to pathogens and environmental stresses (Greenberg, 1996; Mittler and Lam, 1996; Lamb and Dixon, 1997).
  • 15. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Although a detailed understanding of how plant cells die is still largely unknown, recent studies have shown that the apoptotic pathways of the animal and plant kingdoms are morphologically and biochemically similar (Greenberg, 1996; Levine et al., 1996; Wang et al., 1996).
  • 16. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Specifically, the morphological hallmarks of apoptosis include cytoplasmic shrinkage, nuclear condensation, and membrane blebbing (Earnshaw, 1995; Martins and Earnshaw, 1997); the biochemical events involve calcium influx, exposure of phosphatidylserine and activation of specific proteases and DNA fragmentation, first to large 50-kb fragments and then to nucleosomal ladders (McConkey and Orrenius, 1994; Stewart, 1994; Wang et al., 1996; O’Brien et al., 1998).
  • 17. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • The Involvement of Cysteine Proteases and Protease Inhibitor Genes in the Regulation of Programmed Cell Death in Plants. • The Plant Cell, Vol. 11, 431–443, March 1999, © 1999 American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  • 18. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • VPE processing system mediates a cellular suicide strategy in plants. In animals, dying cells are packaged into apoptotic bodies • and then engulfed by phagocytes. In contrast, because plants do not have phagocytes and the cells are surrounded by rigid cell walls, plant • cells must degrade their materials by themselves. VPE, which has caspase- 1-like activity, is accumulated after perception of death signals such • as pathogen infection. VPE is involved in activation of the target proteins to provoke disintegration of the vacuolar membranes. Consequently, • the vacuolar hydrolytic enzymes leave the vacuole for the cytosol and degrade cellular components. Plants have evolved a death strategy that • is mediated by the VPE processing system, which is not seen in animals. A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death. N. Hatsugai et al. DOI: 10.1007/s10495-006-6601-1
  • 19. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • The genome of an organism is under constant attack from endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors, such as reactive radicals, radiation, and genotoxins. Therefore, DNA damage response systems to sense DNA damage, arrest cell cycle, repair DNA lesions, and/or induce programmed cell death are crucial for maintenance of genomic integrity and survival of the organism. Genome sequences revealed that, although plants possess many of the DNA damage response factors that are present in the animal systems, they are missing some of the important regulators, such as the p53 tumor suppressor. These observations suggest differences in the DNA damage response mechanisms between plants and animals. In this review the DNA damage responses in plants and animals are compared and contrasted. In addition, the function of SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 (SOG1), a plant-specific transcription factor that governs the robust response to DNA damage, is discussed. Biology 2013, 2, 1338-1356; doi:10.3390/biology2041338
  • 20. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Can irradiated plant’s cells used for feeding induce radiation disease of mammals? • Yes.
  • 21. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • A careful analysis by FDA of all Army data present (including 31 loose- leaf notebooks of animal feeding test results) showed significant adverse effects produced in animals fed irradiated food... • • In the course of legalizing the irradiation of beef, chicken, pork, fruit, vegetables, eggs, juice, spices and sprouting seeds -- a process that has spanned nearly 20 years -- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has dismissed or ignored a substantial body of evidence suggesting that irradiated food may not be safe for human consumption. •
  • 22. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • What were these adverse effects? • A decrease of 20.7 percent in surviving weaned rats. • A 32.3 percent decrease in surviving progeny of dogs. • Dogs weighing 11.3 percent less than animals on the control diets... Carcinomas of the pituitary gland, a particularly disturbing finding since this is an extremely rare type of malignant tumor." • Food irradiation: An FDA report. FDA Papers, Oct. 1968.
  • 23. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats (I) • "A significant number of rats consuming irradiated beef died from internal hemorrhage within 46 days, the first death of a male rat coming on the 11th day of feeding. This rat became sluggish on the 8th day of the regimen and started refusing food. He continued to be morbid during the next two days, did not eat any food, lost weight and appeared anemic. He was found dead on the 11th day. • Vitamin K deficiency in rats induced by feeding of irradiated beef. • Journal of Nutrition, 69:18-21, 1959. (Cosponsored by the Surgeon General of the US Army)
  • 24. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats (II) • "Hemorrhagic death had occurred in all males fed irradiated diets by day 34... There is evidence to suggest that inefficient absorption of vitamins, i.e. vitamin K, from the intestinal tract may contribute to a deficiency state." [Note: Vitamin K plays a major role in blood clotting.] • Influence of age, sex, strain of rat and fat soluble vitamins on hemorrhagic syndromes in rats fed irradiated beef. • Federation Proceedings, 19:1045-1048, 1960. (Cosponsored by the Surgeon General of the US Army)
  • 25. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Fetal Deaths in Mice • "Freshly irradiated diets produced elevated levels of early deaths in [mice fetuses]... The increase in early deaths would suggest that the diet when irradiated has some mutagenic potential." • Irradiated laboratory animal diets: Dominant lethal studies in the mouse. • Mutation Research, 80:333-345, 1981. •
  • 26. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Toxic effects of irradiated foods. Nature, 211:302, 1966. • A Thalidomide Warning (II) • "Irradiating can bring about chemical transformations in food and food components resulting in the formation of potential mutagens, particularly hydrogen peroxide and various organic peroxides. • It is now realized, especially since the thalidomide episode, that older testing protocols do not detect the more subtle population hazards such as mutagens and teratogens. In view of the serious consequences to the human population which could arise from a high level of induced mutations, it is desirable that protocols for irradiated food should include in vivo tests on mammals for possible mutagenicity." • Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of irradiated foods and food components. •
  • 27. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 41:873-904, 1969. (Cosponsored by the US Atomic Energy Commission and Food and Drug Administration) • A Host of Problems • "Numerous studies have been carried out to ascertain whether cytotoxic effects occur when un irradiated biological test systems are cultured or fed with irradiated media or food. In such studies, adverse physiological growth retardation and inhibition, cytological cell division inhibition and chromosome aberrations and genetical effects have been observed in a wide range of test systems, ranging from bacteriophages to human cells... The available data suggest that a variety of free radicals may act as the toxic and mutagenic agents.“ •
  • 28. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of irradiated substrates and food material. Radiation Botany, 11:253-281, 1971. • A Cancer Warning • "An increase in concentration of a mutagen in food by irradiation will increase the incidence of cancer. It will take four to six decades to demonstrate a statistically significant increase in cancer due to mutagens introduced into food by irradiation. When food irradiation is finally prohibited, several decades worth of people with increased cancer incidence will be in the pipeline.“ •
  • 29. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Growth, reproduction, survival and histopathology of rats fed beef irradiated with electrons. Food Research, 20:193-214, 1955. • Chromosomal Damage to Human Cells (I) • "Irradiated sucrose solutions were extremely toxic to human white blood cells. Cell divisions were inhibited. Degenerated cell divisions were observed and the chromosomes were grossly damaged. The DNA was clumped or the chromosomes appeared shattered or pulverized. In contrast, treatment with un irradiated sucrose at the same concentration had no apparent effect on the mitotic rate and the chromosomes were not visibly damaged.“ •
  • 30. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Cytotoxic and radiomimetic activity of irradiated culture medium on human leukocytes. Current Science, 16:403-404, 1966. • Toxic Chemical Formed in Food Containing Fat (I) • "When food containing fat is treated by ionizing radiation, a group of 2-alkylcyclobutanones [toxic chemicals] is formed. To date, there is no evidence that the cyclobutanones occur in unirradiated food. In vitro experiments using rat and human colon cells indicate that 2- dodecylcyclobutanone (2-DCB)... is clearly cytotoxic and genotoxic.“ •
  • 31. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Radiation Toxins – Effects of Radiation Toxicity, Molecular Mechanisms of Action, Radiomimetic Properties and Possible Countermeasures for Radiation Injury. • radiation-research/radiation-toxins-molecular-mechanisms-of- toxicity-and-radiomimetic-properties-
  • 32. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation. • Some results under way.
  • 33. Radiation Effects. Toxicity of Plants after irradiation.