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Quantum Computers
New Generation of Computers
Professor Lili Saghafi
Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference
April 2015
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
• Why Quantum Computers, what are QC good for
• The type of processor
• Digital Computers vs Quantum Computers
• Superposition
• Digital / Conventional computers
• A new kind of computing
• Intrinsic randomness
• Decoherence
• The use of Quantum Computers
• Quantum-readiness Plan
• This lecture is intended to introduce the concepts
and terminology used in Quantum Computing, to
provide an overview of what a Quantum
Computer is, and why you would want to
program one.
• The material here is using very high level
concepts and is designed to be accessible to both
technical and non-technical audiences.
• Some background in physics, mathematics and
programming is useful to help understand the
concepts presented.
The Quantum Computers
• Exploits Quantum Mechanical effects
• Built around “Qubits” rather than “bits”
• Operates in an extreme environment
• Enables quantum algorithms to solve very
hard problems
1-Quantum Computers rely on
Quantum Mechanics to work
• The rules for the microscopic particles that make
up atoms are drastically different from the rules
for macroscopic objects that we can see with the
naked eye.
• For example, Quantum particles can exist in two
places at once, move forwards or backwards in
time, and even “teleport” by way of what
physicists call “Quantum Tunneling.”
• Scientists can’t really explain it.
Quantum Tunneling
2-A Quantum Computer solves problems that are
impossible or impractical for a conventional computer
• Quantum Computers are good for solving optimization
• Some of these problems are so complex that it would
require an impractical amount of time for a computer to
solve. Like, billions of years.
• A classic example is the “Traveling Salesman Problem.”
Imagine a list of towns showing the distances between
each one.
• You’re a salesman trying to figure out the shortest route to
travel while still visiting every town.
• The only way to do this with a personal computer is to
record the distance of every possible route and then look
for the shortest one.
“Traveling Salesman Problem.”
• Remember that quantum bits (Qubits) ,
however, can represent more than one things
• This means that a Quantum Computer can try
out an insane number of routes at the same
time and return the shortest one to you in
“Traveling Salesman Problem.”
insane number of routes
“Traveling Salesman Problem.”
Quantum Computers can solve in
3-tracing Out Potential Routes In Other Realities In
Order To Drastically Reduce The Amount Of Time
Required To Compute It
• No one can really identify the mechanism that
lets a Qubit represent more than one thing at
a time.
• It’s inherent in its weird Quantum nature and
has thus far defied understanding.
• But just because we don’t understand it
doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
• Scientists have all kinds of ideas as to how it’s
Some think that Quantum Computers are running calculations
in alternate universes!!!!
Multiverse Theory
• My favorite is the Multiverse Theory, an idea in
theoretical physics which states that there are multiple
(probably an infinite number of) alternative realities.
• The various universes within the multiverse are
sometimescalled "parallel universes" or "alternate
• In this model, a Quantum Computer solving a traveling
salesman-type problem may actually be running
calculations in alternate universes, tracing out potential
routes in other realities in order to drastically reduce
the amount of time required to compute it.
Multiverse Theory
• "Bubble universes":
every disk is a bubble
universe (Universe 1 to
Universe 6 are different
bubbles; they have
physical constants that
are different from our
universe); our universe
is just one of the
The basic component of Traditional Digital Computers,
presence or absence of voltage
4-forget The Digital Bits Of Ones And Zeroes – Quantum
Computers Use Qubits
Quantum Computers basic component is Qubit , at the
same time 0 and 1 may exist
Quantum Computer’s Qubits are
working with superconductors
Quantum Computing Will
Revolutionize Encryption
• Kryptos, the encrypted sculpture outside CIA
headquarters in Virginia.
5-breaking Unbreakable Codes
• Outside of being handy at optimization
problems, Quantum Computers will punch
holes in our contemporary idea of encryption
and data security.
• We’re talking virtually unbreakable codes for
uninhibited communication between anyone.
Two different Quantum Computers one for breaking
codes and one for optimization
• Quantum Computers are good for mass problem.
• Factoring really large numbers , because we believe the
problem is very hard we use it as a lock for security.
• if that lock can be broken , the person with Quantum
Computers , could break most of cryptography , all
traffic going on the web , all financial transaction , all
authentication can be venerable to these Quantum
• The other type is good for optimization , like D-Wave
system (Lowest valley in mountain area , the lowest
value , price, ...)
D-Wave Systems’ Quantum Computer ( a Canadian company presented the
first commercial Quantum Computers in 2011)
Quantum Computers are good for
weather forecast
6-Quantum Computers have to be
kept extremely cold to run properly
• Zero degrees Kelvin, or absolute zero, is the
coldest temperature that can possibly be
• It’s the temperature at which every single atom
that constitutes an object stops moving, and
therefore stops generating heat.
• The inside of D-Wave Systems’ Quantum
Computer ( a Canadian company presented the first commercial
Quantum Computers in 2011) is kept at a balmy .02
degrees Kelvin.
• That’s about -460 degrees Fahrenheit.
Power and Cooling
• “The Fridge” is a closed cycle dilution
• The superconducting processor generates no
• Cooled to 150x colder than interstellar space
(0.02 Kelvin)
-273°C , 0.02° above absolute zero
7-Quantum Computers are faster than
you can imagine
• Quantum approach is “thousands of times”
Quantum Computing, what it is, how
it works/ Video
A Unique Processor Environment
• Shielded to 50,000× less than Earth’s magnetic
• In a high vacuum: pressure is 10 billion times
lower than atmospheric pressure
• 192 i/o and control lines from room temperature
to the chip
• "The Fridge" and servers consume just 15.5kW of
• Power demand won’t increase as it scales to
thousands of Qubits
• A lattice of 512 tiny superconducting circuits (D-Wave
systems) , known as Qubits, is chilled close to absolute
zero to get quantum effects
• Type of solution that D-Wave Quantum Computers
presents .Example :A user models a problem into a
search for the “lowest point in a vast landscape”
• The processor considers all possibilities simultaneously
to determine the lowest energy required to form those
• Multiple solutions are returned to the user, scaled to
show optimal answers
We examine …
• How quantum physics gives us a new way to
• The similarities and differences between
quantum computing and classical computing
• How the fundamental units of quantum
computing (Qubits) are manipulated to solve
hard problems
• Why Quantum Computing is well suited to AI and
machine learning applications, and how Quantum
Computers may be used as 'AI co-processors'
Mind Machine Project, or MMP
• The new project, launched in MIT with an initial
$5 million grant and a five-year timetable, is
called the Mind Machine Project, or MMP, a
loosely bound collaboration of about two dozen
professors, researchers, students and postdocs.
• According to Neil Gershenfeld, one of the leaders
of MMP and director of MIT’s Center for Bits and
Atoms, one of the project’s goals is to create
intelligent machines — “whatever that means.”
Moore’s Law
• Every year or two, the capacities of computers
have approximately doubled inexpensively. This
remarkable trend often is called Moore’s Law.
• Moore’s Law and related observations apply
especially to the amount of memory that
computers have for programs, the amount of
secondary storage (such as disk storage) they
have to hold programs and data over longer
periods of time, and their processor speeds—the
speeds at which computers execute their
programs (i.e., do their work).
The death of Moore’s law
Videos and Articles:
•Moore's Law is dead
•Tweaking Moore's Law and the Computers of the Post-Silicon 46
On one silicon chip there are 3 billion of these
transistors, 5000 times smaller than human
The size of atom
Bit state differences
Bit state differences
Bit state differences
Bit state differences
The power of Quantum Computation
300 qubits Quantum Computer is more
powerful than all computer in the world
connecting together 56
Quantum Computers’ computational
• Qubits have both state in the same time
• As we increase the number of qubits the computational power
• One Qubit two possible state at the same time
• Two qubits , 4 possible state at the same time
• Every time we add a Qubit to a quantum computer we are
doubling computational power
• 30 Qubit Quantum Computers is more powerful than the most
supercomputer that exist
• 300 qubits Quantum Computers is more powerful than all
computer in the world connecting together
• 300 qubits Quantum Computers compares 3 billion conventional
Quantum Computers
New Generation of Computers
Professor Lili Saghafi
Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference
April 2015
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
• superposition, where a quantum object can exist in two states at
the same time.
• A regular transistor allows you to encode 2 different states (using
• The superconducting qubit structure instead encodes 2 states as
tiny magnetic fields, which either point up or down.
• We call these states +1 and -1, and they correspond to the two
states that the qubit can 'choose' between.
• Using the quantum mechanics that is accessible with these
structures, we can control this object so that we can put the qubit
into a superposition of these two states as described earlier.
• So by adjusting a control knob on the quantum computer, you can
put all the qubits into a superposition state where it hasn't yet
decided which of those +1, -1 states to be.
Electron in transistor react different
and they behave like waves
Movement of Electrons in Quantum
Rules by probability not certainty
It Is All About Uncertainty Not
"An Act of Desperation"
• In 1900, Max Planck was a physicist in Berlin studying
something called the "ultraviolet catastrophe."
• The problem was the laws of physics predicted that if you
heat up a box in such a way that no light can get out
(known as a "black box"), it should produce an infinite
amount of ultraviolet radiation.
• In real life no such thing happened: the box radiated
different colors, red, blue, white, just as heated metal does,
but there was no infinite amount of anything.
• It didn't make sense.
• These were laws of physics that perfectly described how
light behaved outside of the box -- why didn't they
accurately describe this black box scenario?
"An Act of Desperation"
• Planck tried a mathematical trick.
• He presumed that the light wasn't really a
continuous wave as everyone assumed, but
perhaps could exist with only specific amounts,
or "quanta," of energy.
• Planck didn't really believe this was true about
light, in fact he later referred to this math
gimmick as "an act of desperation."
• But with this adjustment, the equations worked,
accurately describing the box's radiation.
"An Act of Desperation"
• It took awhile for everyone to agree on what
this meant, but eventually Albert Einstein
interpreted Planck's equations to mean that
light can be thought of as discrete particles,
just like electrons or protons.
• In 1926, Berkeley physicist Gilbert Lewis
named them photons.
Quanta, quanta everywhere
• This idea that particles could only contain lumps
of energy in certain sizes moved into other areas
of physics as well.
• Over the next decade, Niels Bohr pulled it into his
description of how an atom worked.
• He said that electrons traveling around a nucleus
couldn't have arbitrarily ( by chance ) small or
arbitrarily large amounts of energy, they could
only have multiples of a standard "quantum" of
• Eventually scientists realized this, explained
why some materials are conductors of
electricity and some aren't -- since atoms with
differing energy electron orbits conduct
electricity differently.
• This understanding was crucial to building a
transistor, since the crystal at its core is made
by mixing materials with varying amounts of
But They're Waves Too
• Here's one of the quirky things about quantum
mechanics: just because an electron or a photon can
be thought of as a particle, doesn't mean they can't
still be though of as a wave as well.
• In fact, in a lot of experiments light acts much more
like a wave than like a particle.
• This wave nature produces some interesting effects.
• For example, if an electron traveling around a nucleus
behaves like a wave, then its position at any one time
becomes fuzzy.
• Instead of being in a concrete point, the electron is
smeared out in space.
Move like a wave
They have superposition
How current flowed through the first
• This smearing means that electrons don't always travel
quite the way one would expect.
• Unlike water flowing along in one direction through a
hose, electrons traveling along as electrical current
can sometimes follow weird paths, especially if
they're moving near the surface of a material.
• Moreover, electrons acting like a wave can sometimes
burrow right through a barrier.
• Understanding this odd behavior of electrons was
necessary as scientists tried to control how current
flowed through the first transistors.
Digital Computers
• To understand quantum computing, it is useful to
first think about conventional computing.
• We take modern digital computers and their
ability to perform a multitude of different
applications for granted.
• Our desktop PCs, laptops and smart phones can
run spreadsheets, stream live video, allow us to
chat with people on the other side of the world,
and immerse us in realistic 3D environments.
Digital Computers
• But at their core, all digital computers have
something in common.
• They all perform simple arithmetic operations.
• Their power comes from the immense speed at
which they are able to do this.
• Computers perform billions of operations per
• These operations are performed so quickly that
they allow us to run very complex high level
Dataflow in a conventional computer
Conventional digital computing can be summed up by the diagram shown
Digital Computers
• Although there are many tasks that conventional
computers are very good at, there are still some
areas where calculations seem to be exceedingly
• Examples of these areas are:
– Image recognition,
– natural language (getting a computer to understand
what we mean if we speak to it using our own
language rather than a programming language),
– and tasks where a computer must learn from
experience to become better at a particular task.
Digital Computers , cont...
• Even though there has been much effort and
research poured into this field over the past
few decades, our progress in this area has
been slow and the prototypes that we do have
working usually require very large
supercomputers to run them, consuming a
vast quantities of space and power.
Digital Computers , cont...
• We can ask the question: Is there a different
way of designing computing systems, from
the ground up?
• If we could start again from scratch and do
something completely different, to be better
at these tasks that conventional computers
find hard, how would we go about building a
new type of computer?
A new kind of computing
• Quantum computing is radically different from
the conventional approach of transforming
bits strings from one set of 0's and 1's to
• With quantum computing, everything
• The physics that we use to understand bits of
information and the devices that manipulate
them are totally different.
A new kind of computing
• The way in which we build such devices is
different, requiring new materials, new design
rules and new processor architectures.
• Finally, the way we program these systems is
entirely different.
• how replacing the conventional bit (0 or 1)
with a new type of information - the Qubit -
can change the way we think about
There should be no lick from Quantum Computers
which destroys the Quantum Computing , because
there is no record kept
• One of the biggest hurdles faced by quantum
computing researchers is called decoherence —
the tendency of quantum systems to be
• This vulnerability to noise leads to errors, which
can be overcome by quantum error correction.
• Because error correction techniques are
themselves susceptible to noise, it is crucial to
develop fault-tolerant correction.
• liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance
• information is physical and cannot exist without a physical
• In recent decades, the relationship between physics and
information has been revisited from a new perspective: could the
laws of physics play a role in how information is processed? The
answer appears to be yes.
• If information is represented by systems such as nuclear spins
governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, an entirely new way
of doing computation, quantum computation (QC), becomes
• Quantum computing is not just different or new; it offers an
extraordinary promise, the capability of solving certain problems
which are beyond the reach of any machine relying on the classical
laws of physics
Quantum Error Correction Had To
Overcome Three Important Obstacles:
• (1) the no-cloning theorem, which states that
it is not possible to copy unknown quantum
• (2) measuring a quantum system affects its
• (3) errors on qubits can be arbitrary rotations
in Hilbert space, compared with simple bit
flips for classical bits.
Quantum Error Correction
• Quantum error correction requires many extra operations
and extra qubits (ancillae), however, which might introduce
more errors than are corrected, especially because the
effect of decoherence increases exponentially with the
number of entangled qubits, in much the same manner
that multiple quantum coherences decay exponentially
faster than single quantum coherences.
• Therefore, a second surprising result was that provided the
error rate (probability of error per elementary operation) is
below a certain threshold, and given a fresh supply of
ancilla qubits in the ground state, it is possible to perform
arbitrarily long quantum computations
New Perspective On NMR, Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance
• The possible payoff for successful quantum
computing is tremendous: to solve problems
beyond the reach of any classical computer.
• It is not clear at this point whether quantum
computers will fulfill this promise, but in any case
quantum computing has already provided an
exciting new perspective on NMR and, more
broadly, on the connection between physics,
information and computation.
A-Quantum Computers are good for
complicated calculations
• Quantum Computers are good for Data
encryption , working with prime factors of large
numbers , divisible by itself or one
• Quantum Computers are good for mass problem,
Factoring really large numbers , because we
believe the problem is very hard we use it as lock
• If that lock can be broken , the person with QC ,
could break most of cryptography , all traffic
going on the web , all financial transaction , all
authentication can be venerable to these
Quantum Computers.
public-key cryptography under attack
• "Every single security function out there is
using something called public-key
cryptography. It's a specific set of algorithms
and they all share one common property –
they absolutely spill their guts and fall apart
under a quantum computing attack, "Mr Snow, a
technical director at the US National Security Agency
(NSA) for six years
B-Quantum Computers are good for
Data encryption
The factorization of a number into its constituent primes, also
called prime decomposition. Given a positive integer , the
prime factorization is written
RSA/ Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir and Leonard Adleman
• RSA is one of the first practical public-key
cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data
• In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is
public and differs from the decryption key which
is kept secret.
• In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical
difficulty of factoring the product of two
large prime numbers, the factoring problem.
• RSA is made of the initial letters of the
surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first
publicly described the algorithm in 1977.
• Clifford Cocks, an English mathematician, had
developed an equivalent system in 1973, but
it was not declassified until 1997.
RSA problem
• A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key
based on the two large prime numbers, along with an
auxiliary value.
• The prime numbers must be kept secret.
• Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message,
but with currently published methods, if the public key
is large enough, only someone with knowledge of the
prime numbers can feasibly decode the message.
• Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem;
whether it is as hard as the factoring problem, it
remains an open question.
Quantum Computers are good for
Data encryption
Quantum Computers are good for
Data encryption
Quantum Computers are good for
Data encryption
• Code are information in very large number
• 768 bite number ,RSA code broken in 2010, it
can take 3 years for Digital Computers
• 1024 bite code number it takes 3000 years for
Digital Computers, for Quantum Computers in
a minute
C-Quantum Computers are good for
DATA security
• It was once believed that Quantum Computers
could only solve problems that had underlying
mathematical structures, such as code
• However, new algorithms have emerged that
could enable Quantum Machines to solve
problems in fields as diverse as weather
prediction, materials science and artificial
Quantum Computers are good for
DATA security
• the ability of Quantum Computers to process
massive amounts of data in a relatively short
amount of time makes them extremely
interesting to the scientific community.
Quantum Computers
• Since instead of just computing in a linear binary way,
with the presence or absence of an electrical charge
being converted into "bits" of zeros or ones, Quantum
Computers can take the rich quantum properties of
subatomic particles and turn them into "Qubits" that
can be both zero and one at the same time.
• Quantum Computers could potentially run simulations
and solve problems that are far too big for today's
• But there is a catch: A Quantum Computer could also
break public encryption keys used today to keep data
Quantum-Readiness Plan
• quantum-readiness plan, providing advice
about where vulnerabilities might be in the
quantum-computer era, and strategies and
tools that could be implemented now to make
any transition into that era much easier.
Quantum Computers
• Quantum Computers are not just faster and
better computers — they would operate in a
radically different way to exploit the powerful
quantum mechanical features of subatomic
Quantum Partnership Focuses On
Cyber Security
• "If we want the advent of Quantum
Computers to be a positive milestone in
human history, we have to make sure that our
cyber infrastructure is quantum-safe first,“
Michele Mosca ( co-
founder and cryptography expert at the
institute and a co-founder with Norbert
Lütkenhaus of evolutionQ, a professional
services company that is helping companies
prepare for the quantum future.)
Quantum Computing
•Exploits quantum mechanical effects
•Built around “Qubits” rather than “bits”
•Operates in an extreme environment
•Enables quantum algorithms to solve very hard problems
Quantum Computer
“Computersare useless.
- Pablo Picasso
They can only giveyou
Thank you!
Great Audience
Professor Lili Saghafi
References, Images Credit
• Internet and World Wide Web How To Program, 5/E , (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Associates
• New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive, 9th Edition Gary P. Schneider Quinnipiac
• Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 6/E, Terry Felke-Morris, Harper College
• SAP Market Place
• Forbes
• Youtube
• Professor Saghafi’s blog
• TED Talks
• TEDXtalks
• Timo Elliot
• Theoretical Physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis
• Institute for Quantum Computing
• quantum physics realisation Data-Burger, scientific advisor: J. Bobroff, with the support of :
Univ. Paris Sud, SFP, Triangle de la Physique, PALM, Sciences à l'Ecole, ICAM-I2CAM
• Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP)

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Quantum Computers PART 1 & 2 by Prof Lili Saghafi

  • 1. Quantum Computers New Generation of Computers PART 1 Professor Lili Saghafi Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference April 2015 Baltimore, Maryland, United States 1
  • 2. AGENDA • Why Quantum Computers, what are QC good for • The type of processor • Digital Computers vs Quantum Computers • Superposition • Digital / Conventional computers • A new kind of computing • Intrinsic randomness • Decoherence • The use of Quantum Computers • Quantum-readiness Plan 2
  • 3. Introduction • This lecture is intended to introduce the concepts and terminology used in Quantum Computing, to provide an overview of what a Quantum Computer is, and why you would want to program one. • The material here is using very high level concepts and is designed to be accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences. • Some background in physics, mathematics and programming is useful to help understand the concepts presented. 3
  • 4. The Quantum Computers • Exploits Quantum Mechanical effects • Built around “Qubits” rather than “bits” • Operates in an extreme environment • Enables quantum algorithms to solve very hard problems 4
  • 6. 1-Quantum Computers rely on Quantum Mechanics to work • The rules for the microscopic particles that make up atoms are drastically different from the rules for macroscopic objects that we can see with the naked eye. • For example, Quantum particles can exist in two places at once, move forwards or backwards in time, and even “teleport” by way of what physicists call “Quantum Tunneling.” • Scientists can’t really explain it. 6
  • 8. 2-A Quantum Computer solves problems that are impossible or impractical for a conventional computer • Quantum Computers are good for solving optimization problems. • Some of these problems are so complex that it would require an impractical amount of time for a computer to solve. Like, billions of years. • A classic example is the “Traveling Salesman Problem.” Imagine a list of towns showing the distances between each one. • You’re a salesman trying to figure out the shortest route to travel while still visiting every town. • The only way to do this with a personal computer is to record the distance of every possible route and then look for the shortest one. 8
  • 9. “Traveling Salesman Problem.” • Remember that quantum bits (Qubits) , however, can represent more than one things simultaneously. • This means that a Quantum Computer can try out an insane number of routes at the same time and return the shortest one to you in seconds. 9
  • 11. “Traveling Salesman Problem.” Quantum Computers can solve in instant 11
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  • 15. 3-tracing Out Potential Routes In Other Realities In Order To Drastically Reduce The Amount Of Time Required To Compute It • No one can really identify the mechanism that lets a Qubit represent more than one thing at a time. • It’s inherent in its weird Quantum nature and has thus far defied understanding. • But just because we don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. • Scientists have all kinds of ideas as to how it’s possible 15
  • 16. Some think that Quantum Computers are running calculations in alternate universes!!!! 16
  • 17. Multiverse Theory • My favorite is the Multiverse Theory, an idea in theoretical physics which states that there are multiple (probably an infinite number of) alternative realities. • The various universes within the multiverse are sometimescalled "parallel universes" or "alternate universes". • In this model, a Quantum Computer solving a traveling salesman-type problem may actually be running calculations in alternate universes, tracing out potential routes in other realities in order to drastically reduce the amount of time required to compute it. 17
  • 18. Multiverse Theory • "Bubble universes": every disk is a bubble universe (Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles; they have physical constants that are different from our universe); our universe is just one of the bubbles. 18
  • 19. The basic component of Traditional Digital Computers, presence or absence of voltage 19
  • 20. 4-forget The Digital Bits Of Ones And Zeroes – Quantum Computers Use Qubits 20
  • 21. 21
  • 22. INTERNAL PART OF A Quantum Computer 22
  • 23. Quantum Computers basic component is Qubit , at the same time 0 and 1 may exist 23
  • 24. Quantum Computer’s Qubits are working with superconductors 24
  • 25. Quantum Computing Will Revolutionize Encryption • Kryptos, the encrypted sculpture outside CIA headquarters in Virginia. 25
  • 26. 5-breaking Unbreakable Codes • Outside of being handy at optimization problems, Quantum Computers will punch holes in our contemporary idea of encryption and data security. • We’re talking virtually unbreakable codes for uninhibited communication between anyone. 26
  • 27. Two different Quantum Computers one for breaking codes and one for optimization • Quantum Computers are good for mass problem. • Factoring really large numbers , because we believe the problem is very hard we use it as a lock for security. • if that lock can be broken , the person with Quantum Computers , could break most of cryptography , all traffic going on the web , all financial transaction , all authentication can be venerable to these Quantum Computers. • The other type is good for optimization , like D-Wave system (Lowest valley in mountain area , the lowest value , price, ...) 27 D-Wave Systems’ Quantum Computer ( a Canadian company presented the first commercial Quantum Computers in 2011)
  • 28. 28
  • 29. Quantum Computers are good for weather forecast 29
  • 30. 6-Quantum Computers have to be kept extremely cold to run properly • Zero degrees Kelvin, or absolute zero, is the coldest temperature that can possibly be measured. • It’s the temperature at which every single atom that constitutes an object stops moving, and therefore stops generating heat. • The inside of D-Wave Systems’ Quantum Computer ( a Canadian company presented the first commercial Quantum Computers in 2011) is kept at a balmy .02 degrees Kelvin. • That’s about -460 degrees Fahrenheit. 30
  • 31. Power and Cooling • “The Fridge” is a closed cycle dilution refrigerator • The superconducting processor generates no heat • Cooled to 150x colder than interstellar space (0.02 Kelvin) -273°C , 0.02° above absolute zero 31
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  • 33. 7-Quantum Computers are faster than you can imagine • Quantum approach is “thousands of times” faster. 33
  • 34. Quantum Computing, what it is, how it works/ Video 34
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  • 37. A Unique Processor Environment • Shielded to 50,000× less than Earth’s magnetic field • In a high vacuum: pressure is 10 billion times lower than atmospheric pressure • 192 i/o and control lines from room temperature to the chip • "The Fridge" and servers consume just 15.5kW of power • Power demand won’t increase as it scales to thousands of Qubits 37
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  • 42. Processing • A lattice of 512 tiny superconducting circuits (D-Wave systems) , known as Qubits, is chilled close to absolute zero to get quantum effects • Type of solution that D-Wave Quantum Computers presents .Example :A user models a problem into a search for the “lowest point in a vast landscape” • The processor considers all possibilities simultaneously to determine the lowest energy required to form those relationships • Multiple solutions are returned to the user, scaled to show optimal answers 42
  • 44. We examine … • How quantum physics gives us a new way to compute • The similarities and differences between quantum computing and classical computing • How the fundamental units of quantum computing (Qubits) are manipulated to solve hard problems • Why Quantum Computing is well suited to AI and machine learning applications, and how Quantum Computers may be used as 'AI co-processors' 44
  • 45. Mind Machine Project, or MMP • The new project, launched in MIT with an initial $5 million grant and a five-year timetable, is called the Mind Machine Project, or MMP, a loosely bound collaboration of about two dozen professors, researchers, students and postdocs. • According to Neil Gershenfeld, one of the leaders of MMP and director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, one of the project’s goals is to create intelligent machines — “whatever that means.” 45
  • 46. Moore’s Law • Every year or two, the capacities of computers have approximately doubled inexpensively. This remarkable trend often is called Moore’s Law. • Moore’s Law and related observations apply especially to the amount of memory that computers have for programs, the amount of secondary storage (such as disk storage) they have to hold programs and data over longer periods of time, and their processor speeds—the speeds at which computers execute their programs (i.e., do their work). The death of Moore’s law Videos and Articles: •Moore's Law is dead •Tweaking Moore's Law and the Computers of the Post-Silicon 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. On one silicon chip there are 3 billion of these transistors, 5000 times smaller than human hair 48
  • 49. The size of atom 49
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  • 56. The power of Quantum Computation 300 qubits Quantum Computer is more powerful than all computer in the world connecting together 56
  • 57. Quantum Computers’ computational power • Qubits have both state in the same time • As we increase the number of qubits the computational power increase • One Qubit two possible state at the same time • Two qubits , 4 possible state at the same time • Every time we add a Qubit to a quantum computer we are doubling computational power • 30 Qubit Quantum Computers is more powerful than the most supercomputer that exist • 300 qubits Quantum Computers is more powerful than all computer in the world connecting together • 300 qubits Quantum Computers compares 3 billion conventional transistors 57
  • 58. Quantum Computers New Generation of Computers PART 2 Professor Lili Saghafi Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference April 2015 Baltimore, Maryland, United States 58
  • 60. Superposition • superposition, where a quantum object can exist in two states at the same time. • A regular transistor allows you to encode 2 different states (using voltages). • The superconducting qubit structure instead encodes 2 states as tiny magnetic fields, which either point up or down. • We call these states +1 and -1, and they correspond to the two states that the qubit can 'choose' between. • Using the quantum mechanics that is accessible with these structures, we can control this object so that we can put the qubit into a superposition of these two states as described earlier. • So by adjusting a control knob on the quantum computer, you can put all the qubits into a superposition state where it hasn't yet decided which of those +1, -1 states to be. 60
  • 61. Electron in transistor react different and they behave like waves 61
  • 62. Movement of Electrons in Quantum Mechanic 62
  • 63. Rules by probability not certainty 63
  • 64. It Is All About Uncertainty Not Probability 64
  • 65. "An Act of Desperation" • In 1900, Max Planck was a physicist in Berlin studying something called the "ultraviolet catastrophe." • The problem was the laws of physics predicted that if you heat up a box in such a way that no light can get out (known as a "black box"), it should produce an infinite amount of ultraviolet radiation. • In real life no such thing happened: the box radiated different colors, red, blue, white, just as heated metal does, but there was no infinite amount of anything. • It didn't make sense. • These were laws of physics that perfectly described how light behaved outside of the box -- why didn't they accurately describe this black box scenario? 65
  • 66. "An Act of Desperation" • Planck tried a mathematical trick. • He presumed that the light wasn't really a continuous wave as everyone assumed, but perhaps could exist with only specific amounts, or "quanta," of energy. • Planck didn't really believe this was true about light, in fact he later referred to this math gimmick as "an act of desperation." • But with this adjustment, the equations worked, accurately describing the box's radiation. 66
  • 67. "An Act of Desperation" • It took awhile for everyone to agree on what this meant, but eventually Albert Einstein interpreted Planck's equations to mean that light can be thought of as discrete particles, just like electrons or protons. • In 1926, Berkeley physicist Gilbert Lewis named them photons. 67
  • 68. Quanta, quanta everywhere • This idea that particles could only contain lumps of energy in certain sizes moved into other areas of physics as well. • Over the next decade, Niels Bohr pulled it into his description of how an atom worked. • He said that electrons traveling around a nucleus couldn't have arbitrarily ( by chance ) small or arbitrarily large amounts of energy, they could only have multiples of a standard "quantum" of energy. 68
  • 69. transistor • Eventually scientists realized this, explained why some materials are conductors of electricity and some aren't -- since atoms with differing energy electron orbits conduct electricity differently. • This understanding was crucial to building a transistor, since the crystal at its core is made by mixing materials with varying amounts of conductivity. 69
  • 70. But They're Waves Too • Here's one of the quirky things about quantum mechanics: just because an electron or a photon can be thought of as a particle, doesn't mean they can't still be though of as a wave as well. • In fact, in a lot of experiments light acts much more like a wave than like a particle. • This wave nature produces some interesting effects. • For example, if an electron traveling around a nucleus behaves like a wave, then its position at any one time becomes fuzzy. • Instead of being in a concrete point, the electron is smeared out in space. 70
  • 71. Move like a wave 71
  • 73. How current flowed through the first transistor • This smearing means that electrons don't always travel quite the way one would expect. • Unlike water flowing along in one direction through a hose, electrons traveling along as electrical current can sometimes follow weird paths, especially if they're moving near the surface of a material. • Moreover, electrons acting like a wave can sometimes burrow right through a barrier. • Understanding this odd behavior of electrons was necessary as scientists tried to control how current flowed through the first transistors. 73
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  • 77. Digital Computers • To understand quantum computing, it is useful to first think about conventional computing. • We take modern digital computers and their ability to perform a multitude of different applications for granted. • Our desktop PCs, laptops and smart phones can run spreadsheets, stream live video, allow us to chat with people on the other side of the world, and immerse us in realistic 3D environments. 77
  • 78. Digital Computers • But at their core, all digital computers have something in common. • They all perform simple arithmetic operations. • Their power comes from the immense speed at which they are able to do this. • Computers perform billions of operations per second. • These operations are performed so quickly that they allow us to run very complex high level applications. 78
  • 79. Dataflow in a conventional computer Conventional digital computing can be summed up by the diagram shown 79
  • 80. Digital Computers • Although there are many tasks that conventional computers are very good at, there are still some areas where calculations seem to be exceedingly difficult. • Examples of these areas are: – Image recognition, – natural language (getting a computer to understand what we mean if we speak to it using our own language rather than a programming language), – and tasks where a computer must learn from experience to become better at a particular task. 80
  • 81. Digital Computers , cont... • Even though there has been much effort and research poured into this field over the past few decades, our progress in this area has been slow and the prototypes that we do have working usually require very large supercomputers to run them, consuming a vast quantities of space and power. 81
  • 82. Digital Computers , cont... • We can ask the question: Is there a different way of designing computing systems, from the ground up? • If we could start again from scratch and do something completely different, to be better at these tasks that conventional computers find hard, how would we go about building a new type of computer? 82
  • 84. A new kind of computing • Quantum computing is radically different from the conventional approach of transforming bits strings from one set of 0's and 1's to another. • With quantum computing, everything changes. • The physics that we use to understand bits of information and the devices that manipulate them are totally different. 84
  • 85. A new kind of computing • The way in which we build such devices is different, requiring new materials, new design rules and new processor architectures. • Finally, the way we program these systems is entirely different. • how replacing the conventional bit (0 or 1) with a new type of information - the Qubit - can change the way we think about computing. 85
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  • 98. There should be no lick from Quantum Computers which destroys the Quantum Computing , because there is no record kept 98
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  • 100. DECOHERENCE • One of the biggest hurdles faced by quantum computing researchers is called decoherence — the tendency of quantum systems to be disturbed. • This vulnerability to noise leads to errors, which can be overcome by quantum error correction. • Because error correction techniques are themselves susceptible to noise, it is crucial to develop fault-tolerant correction. • liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance 100
  • 101. DECOHERENCE • information is physical and cannot exist without a physical representation. • In recent decades, the relationship between physics and information has been revisited from a new perspective: could the laws of physics play a role in how information is processed? The answer appears to be yes. • If information is represented by systems such as nuclear spins governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, an entirely new way of doing computation, quantum computation (QC), becomes possible. • Quantum computing is not just different or new; it offers an extraordinary promise, the capability of solving certain problems which are beyond the reach of any machine relying on the classical laws of physics 101
  • 102. Quantum Error Correction Had To Overcome Three Important Obstacles: • (1) the no-cloning theorem, which states that it is not possible to copy unknown quantum states • (2) measuring a quantum system affects its state • (3) errors on qubits can be arbitrary rotations in Hilbert space, compared with simple bit flips for classical bits. 102
  • 103. Quantum Error Correction • Quantum error correction requires many extra operations and extra qubits (ancillae), however, which might introduce more errors than are corrected, especially because the effect of decoherence increases exponentially with the number of entangled qubits, in much the same manner that multiple quantum coherences decay exponentially faster than single quantum coherences. • Therefore, a second surprising result was that provided the error rate (probability of error per elementary operation) is below a certain threshold, and given a fresh supply of ancilla qubits in the ground state, it is possible to perform arbitrarily long quantum computations 103
  • 104. New Perspective On NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • The possible payoff for successful quantum computing is tremendous: to solve problems beyond the reach of any classical computer. • It is not clear at this point whether quantum computers will fulfill this promise, but in any case quantum computing has already provided an exciting new perspective on NMR and, more broadly, on the connection between physics, information and computation. 104
  • 106. A-Quantum Computers are good for complicated calculations • Quantum Computers are good for Data encryption , working with prime factors of large numbers , divisible by itself or one • Quantum Computers are good for mass problem, Factoring really large numbers , because we believe the problem is very hard we use it as lock • If that lock can be broken , the person with QC , could break most of cryptography , all traffic going on the web , all financial transaction , all authentication can be venerable to these Quantum Computers. 106
  • 107. public-key cryptography under attack • "Every single security function out there is using something called public-key cryptography. It's a specific set of algorithms and they all share one common property – they absolutely spill their guts and fall apart under a quantum computing attack, "Mr Snow, a technical director at the US National Security Agency (NSA) for six years 107
  • 108. B-Quantum Computers are good for Data encryption 108 The factorization of a number into its constituent primes, also called prime decomposition. Given a positive integer , the prime factorization is written
  • 109. RSA/ Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman • RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. • In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret. • In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem. 109
  • 110. RSA • RSA is made of the initial letters of the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described the algorithm in 1977. • Clifford Cocks, an English mathematician, had developed an equivalent system in 1973, but it was not declassified until 1997. 110
  • 111. RSA problem • A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key based on the two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. • The prime numbers must be kept secret. • Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but with currently published methods, if the public key is large enough, only someone with knowledge of the prime numbers can feasibly decode the message. • Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem; whether it is as hard as the factoring problem, it remains an open question. 111
  • 112. Quantum Computers are good for Data encryption 112
  • 113. Quantum Computers are good for Data encryption 113
  • 114. Quantum Computers are good for Data encryption • Code are information in very large number • 768 bite number ,RSA code broken in 2010, it can take 3 years for Digital Computers • 1024 bite code number it takes 3000 years for Digital Computers, for Quantum Computers in a minute 114
  • 115. C-Quantum Computers are good for DATA security • It was once believed that Quantum Computers could only solve problems that had underlying mathematical structures, such as code breaking. • However, new algorithms have emerged that could enable Quantum Machines to solve problems in fields as diverse as weather prediction, materials science and artificial intelligence. 115
  • 116. Quantum Computers are good for DATA security • the ability of Quantum Computers to process massive amounts of data in a relatively short amount of time makes them extremely interesting to the scientific community. 116
  • 118. Quantum Computers • Since instead of just computing in a linear binary way, with the presence or absence of an electrical charge being converted into "bits" of zeros or ones, Quantum Computers can take the rich quantum properties of subatomic particles and turn them into "Qubits" that can be both zero and one at the same time. • Quantum Computers could potentially run simulations and solve problems that are far too big for today's computers. • But there is a catch: A Quantum Computer could also break public encryption keys used today to keep data safe. 118
  • 119. Quantum-Readiness Plan • quantum-readiness plan, providing advice about where vulnerabilities might be in the quantum-computer era, and strategies and tools that could be implemented now to make any transition into that era much easier. 119
  • 120. Quantum Computers • Quantum Computers are not just faster and better computers — they would operate in a radically different way to exploit the powerful quantum mechanical features of subatomic particles. 120
  • 121. Quantum Partnership Focuses On Cyber Security • "If we want the advent of Quantum Computers to be a positive milestone in human history, we have to make sure that our cyber infrastructure is quantum-safe first,“ Michele Mosca ( co- founder and cryptography expert at the institute and a co-founder with Norbert Lütkenhaus of evolutionQ, a professional services company that is helping companies prepare for the quantum future.) 121
  • 123. Quantum Computing •Exploits quantum mechanical effects •Built around “Qubits” rather than “bits” •Operates in an extreme environment •Enables quantum algorithms to solve very hard problems Quantum Computer Tutorial 123
  • 124. “Computersare useless. - Pablo Picasso They can only giveyou answers.” 124
  • 125. 125 Thank you! Great Audience Professor Lili Saghafi
  • 126. References, Images Credit • Internet and World Wide Web How To Program, 5/E , (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Associates • New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive, 9th Edition Gary P. Schneider Quinnipiac University • Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 6/E, Terry Felke-Morris, Harper College • SAP Market Place • Forbes customers-coming-back-for-more/ • Youtube • Professor Saghafi’s blog • TED Talks • TEDXtalks • • Timo Elliot • • • Theoretical Physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis • Institute for Quantum Computing • quantum physics realisation Data-Burger, scientific advisor: J. Bobroff, with the support of : Univ. Paris Sud, SFP, Triangle de la Physique, PALM, Sciences à l'Ecole, ICAM-I2CAM • Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) 126