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   Derived from Greek word ‘pterygion’ means
   It is a non malignant slow growing
    proliferation of wing shaped fibrovascular
   Arises from subconjunctival tissue.
   May extend over the cornea thus disturbing
    the vision.
   World wide distribution.
   More common in warm and dry climates.
   Prevalence : 22% equatorial areas.
                 <2% in latitudes between
   Direct relation with amount of UV exposure.
   Sex: male : female= 2:1
   Age:>40years high prevalence
         20-40years high incidence.
   In India prevalence is 9.5%.
   Morbidity: causes significant alteration in
    visual function in advanced cases.
   Strong association between UV light exposure
    and formation of pterygium.

   More common- in patients who worked
   In welders than other factory workers.
   Also associated with basal cell
    carcinoma, porphyria cutanea
    tarda, polymorphous light
    eruptions, xeroderma pigmentosa.
    exposure causes biological changes in the
    bowmans membrane.

   Altered protein so formed could act as
    angiogenic/ pterygiogenic factor.
   UV Exposure: May induce hyperplasia in limbal
    cells. These altered cells invade the cornea and
    limbus which moves centripetally with them. This
    explains wing shape of the pterygium.

   UV radiation causes depletion of langerhan cells
    at limbus.(stocker’s line).
   Exposure to UVB+altered tear film

   Injury and susceptibility

   Loss of collagenase and dehydration

   Accumulation of Extracellular matrix

   Antigenic,type1 HS          Pinguecula
   Fibroblastic reaction
   PTERYGIUM                   PTERYGIUM
   Light entering the temporal limbus at
    90degree is concentrated at medial limbus.

   Related to corneal curvature.

   This explains the predominance of medial
   Dry and dusty environment.

   Drying of the tear film by wind devitalizes
    tissue of medial 3rd of the palpebral aperture.

   This allows the actinic radiation to damage
    the conjunctival, corneal epithelium and
    bowmans membrane.
   MICROTRAUMA: mechanical irritation by dust
    particles, enhanced by tear flow from lateral
    to medial.

   IMMUNOLOGY: Cell bound IgE irritant
    complexes initiate the release of
    inflammatory mediators from mast cells.
     Release of stimulatory factors.
     Development of pterygium.
   Expression of vimentin.
   P53 mutation leads to decreased apoptosis
    and increased TGF-b which leads to increased

   RECURRENT PTERYGIUM- stem cells are more
    scattered and expression pattern is more
   HYPOXIA: increase in non perfusion areas and
    attenuated vessels in nasal limbus during
    early stage of pterygium causes recruitment
    of progenitor cells.

   Viral markers: infection with HPV and herpes
    virus is considered as risk factor(rare).
   Elastotic degeneration of collagen.(Not a true
    elastic tissue)
   Fibro vascular proliferation with an overlying
    covering of epithelium-characterized by
    Cellular proliferation.
    Tissue remodeling.

   Subepithelial tissue shows basophilic
   Destruction of bowman’s membrane in the
   So there is residual corneal scarring when
    these growth are removed.

   Epithelium shows secondary changes like

   Mast cells occur in increased number.
Normal conjunctiva   Pterygium
CLINICAL STAGING                             PATHOLOGICAL
Stage I    Exposure          Size and number of        Altered tear film
           conjunctivitis   Conjunctival vessels       Mild vascular
                            Mild – moderate congestion response
                            S/S of dryness
                            No formed lesions
Stage II   Pinguecula    Distinct raised lesion on      Cell injury
           and pterygium bulbar conjunctiva             Inflammatory
                         With or w/o abnormal           response
                         vascularization and
Stage III   Limbal pterygium   Head is on or across      Lesion
                               the limbus with or w/o    organization
                               an iron line at the
                               conjunctival corneal      Mixed
                               interface                 proliferation
                               Vascularization and       degeneration
                               fibrous proliferation
                               Symptoms more

Stage IV    Corneal            Lesion 2mm or more        Lesion b/w
            pterygium          into cornea               epithelium and
                               Invasion of granulation   bowman
                               Zone of dellen            Mixed
                               Stocker’s line            proliferative
                               Infiltration of corneal   and
                               nerves- pain              degeneration
Stage V   Compound             Induced astigmatism Lesion extended
          pterygium            Symptoms more       into stroma
                               frequent and severe
                                                   proliferative and

  Proliferation- Small lymphocytes and plasma cells
  Degeneration- Swirls of type I collagen
   Fuch’s patches.
   Stocker’s line.
   Hood.
   Head.
   Body.
   Base.
   Superior edge.
   Inferior edge.
 Progressive: thick
                marked vascularity.
It has opaque infitrative spot known as cap.
Stocker’s line.

   Atrophic/stationary: thin
                         poor vascularity
                         no cap.
Progressive pterygium   Atrophic pterygium
   Primary double pterygium.
   Recurrent pterygium.
   Pseudopterygium.
   Malignant pterygium(rare):recurrent
    pterygium with restriction of ocular
   Asymptomatic
   Foreign body sensation
   Discomfort
   Congestion(redness)
   Irritation and grittiness-interference with
    precorneal tear film.
   Interference with vision-obscuring visual axis
                             -inducing astigmatism
   Cosmesis.
   Type 1: extends <2mm on the cornea.

   Type 2: 4mm of cornea is involved.

   Type 3: encroaches onto >4mm of cornea
    and involves visual axis.
Condition        Signs and symptoms          Tests

Pseudopterygiu   Most often hx of            -Slit-lamp examination:
m                previous infective,         reveals lesion to be
                 chemical, thermal, or       adhesion of a fold of
                 traumatic injury to the     conjunctiva, which has
                 cornea.                     occurred as a response to
                 May occur at multiple       a previous peripheral
                 locations and is not        corneal
                 restricted to the 3 and 9   ulcer/inflammation.
                 o'clock (interpalpebral)    -Lesion typically only fixed
                 positions.                  at its apex to the cornea
                                             so that a probe may be
                                             passed underneath its
                                             body at the limbus, while a
                                             true pterygium adheres to
                                             the underlying cornea
                                             throughout its length.
                                             Thinning of the underlying
                                             cornea may be seen at its
Pinguecula           Does not encroach on         Slit-lamp examination:
                     the cornea.                  reveals exact extent and
                                                  nature of lesion. A
                                                  pingueculum is limited to
                                                  limbus and conjunctiva
                                                  and does not encroach
                                                  onto the cornea.

Marginal keratitis   Associated with              Corneal swab/scraping:
                     blepharitis. Infiltrate on   microscopy and culture
                     corneal surface is           positive for infecting
                     separated by a clear         organism, but infecting
                     zone from the limbus.        organisms are often not
                     Occur at 2, 4, 8, and        detected, as many cases
                     10 o'clock position.         are due to an
                     Does not have typical        inflammatory reaction to
                     pterygium shape. Often       staphylococcal proteins
                     superior and inferior.
Corneal micropannus   Hx of trachoma or lack   Slit-lamp examination:
                      of corneal oxygenation   reveals encroachment
                      due to excessive         of fine blood vessels
                      contact lens wear.       onto corneal surface.

Conjunctival          Rare. Does not have      Slit-lamp examination:
carcinoma in situ/    typical pterygium        gelatinous-appearing
bowens epithlioma.    shape. Not restricted    mass.
                      to the 3 and 9 o'clock   Biopsy: cytological
                      (interpalpebral)         features of a
                      positions and can        squamous cell
                      occur at any position    carcinoma, but the
                      on the cornea.           basal membrane of
                                               the epithelium
                                               remains intact.
Squamous cell    Rare. Does not have typical   Slit-lamp examination:
carcinoma        pterygium shape. Not          surface may appear
                 restricted to the 3 and 9     keratinised and
                 o'clock (interpalpebral)      friable.
                 positions and can occur at    Biopsy: well-
                 any position on the cornea.   differentiated
                 May arise from a pterygium,   squamous cell
                 carcinoma in situ, or de      carcinoma with
                 novo.                         invasion of the basal

Limbal dermoid   Benign choriostomatous        Histology contains
                 tissue. MC site:inferior      abberant tissue like
                 temporal quadrant.            epidermal
                                               e tissue,skin,fatmuscle
   Symptomatic patients- Tear substitutes

           Inflammation- Topical steroids

   Sunglasses- to reduce UV exposure and
    decrease growth stimulus
1.   Extension to the visual axis and induced

2.   Recurrent irritation.

3.   Cosmetic- patient should be explained
     there is fairly high risk of recurrence, which
     may be more unsightly.
    Free conjunctival autograft for primary and
     recurrent pterygium.
    Pre op evaluation:
1.    Evaluation of pterygium.
2.    Evaluation of superior bulbar conjunctiva.
3.    Pre op preparation.
4.    Anaesthesia and sedation.
Preparation and drape.

Place anaesthetic drops or topical

Ask patient to look opposite side of pterygium.
   Goal: Achieve a normal, topographically
    smooth ocular surface
   Dissect a smooth plane toward the
   Preferable to dissect down to bare sclera
    at limbus
   Bare sclera = remove loose Tenon’s layer
    and leave episcleral vessels intact
 Mechanism of action: it acts forming a fibrin
  clot between graft and host tissue.
 Advantages : decreases the post op pain.
               reduces the surgical time as well
               as recurrence rate.
Disadvantage : not FDA approved.
                graft dehiscence.
                infection, discomfort.
Recurrence rate: less as compared to suture.
   Avoid exposure to sunlight.

   Use of dark sun glasses.

   Topical steroid antibiotic drops, topical
    NSAIDS, artificial tears.

   POD3/5 graft acquires redness.
   Complete healing expected between 6-

   Topical medications should be tapered.
    Lubricants should remain for 3months.

   Instruction to patient: avoid exposure to
   Graft failure.
   Granuloma formation.
   Conjunctival infection.
   Suture detachment.
   Delayed healing.
   Recurrence.
Bare sclera technique:
   Subconjunctival scarring limitation of
    movements        diplopia.

   Disinsertion of medial rectus muscle.

   Scleral perforation.

   Corneal irregularity due to deep stromal
   Growth of fibrovascular tissue across the limbus
    onto cornea after initial removal.

   Excludes persistence of deeper corneal vessels
    and scarring which may remain even after
    adequate removal.

   Bunching of conjunctiva and formation of
    parallel loops of vessels, which aim almost like
    an arrowhead at the limbus, usually denotes a
    conjunctival recurrence.
   Grade 1 – normal appearing
    operative site.
   Grade 2 – fine episcleral
    vessels in the site extending
    to the limbus.
   Grade 3 – additional fibrous
    tissues in site.
   Grade 4 – actual corneal
    AIM: To reduce recurrence.
1.    Corticosteroids- post operative use of
      topical steroids can reduce inflammatory
      reaction and revascularization at the
      operative site.

2.    No significant role in prevention of
   Antibiotic and antineoplastic properties.
   Blocks the DNA synthesis.
   Concentration: 0.02%
   Use: intraoperative to the area of resection
    with sponge for 2min followed by irrigating
    with balanced salt solution.
   Side effects: pyogenic granuloma
                  dellen of sclera.
                   perforation of eye.
                   corneal edema.
   Recurrence: 3-25% (intraoperative)
   Post operative
     period            LCAG       MMC
     3 month            1          -
     6 month            1           2
    12 month             -          1
    18 month             -          -
    Total            02 (4%)   03 (6%)
   Nitrogen mustard alkylating agent.
    antimitotic property.
   Radiomimetic- obliterates vascular
    endothelial cells.
   Dose:1:2000 every 3 hours for 6 weeks.
   Used in bare sclera method.
   Complication: scleral thinning.
   Recurrence:10-16%
   Antiproliferative
   Inhibits thymidylate synthetase, thus inhibits
   Only cells in the synthesis phase are
    affected, allowing the remaining cells to
    continue to proliferate after exposure to 5-
   Immunosuppresant drug.
   Dose: 0.05% topical for 3 months following
    pterygium excision.

   Safe and effective.

   Low recurrence rate(3.4%)
   Inhibit neovascularisation.
   Stop the progression or prevent the

 Case reported by Wu and co workers.
Topical bevacizumab eye drops 25mg/ml
  4times for 3weeks.
 No recurrence in 1year follow up period.
   Reduces mitosis in rapidly dividing vascular
    endothelial cells.
   Dose : 15Gy units in single or divided doses.
   Recurrence: 4.3%-35% with bare sclera or
    simple conjunctival closure.
   Complications: scleral necrosis
                    cataract formation.
                    conjunctival telangiectasia.
   The area of bare scleral was covered with
    amniotic membrane, which was oriented with
    the basement membrane side up.

    The amniotic membrane was sutured
    through the episcleral tissue to the edge of
    the conjunctiva along the bare sclera border
    with 7-8 interrupted 8-0 Vicryl sutures.

   The eye was patched.
   Useful in:

    very large conjunctival defects.
    To preserve superior conjunctiva for future
    glaucoma surgery.

   Advantages: faster healing rate
                less discomfort.
                lower recurrence rate(2% in
                 1year follow up)

Angiostatic steroid: Inhibits the blood vessel’s.

Topical 1% have inhibitory effect on pterygium
 regrowth following recurrenr pterygium
   Surgical and medical management of
    pterygium-Ashok garg.

   Pterygium-a practical guide to
    management,L. Alfred andeze.

   Kanski clinical ophthalmology.
Pterygium and its management

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Pterygium and its management

  • 2.
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  • 4. Derived from Greek word ‘pterygion’ means wing.  It is a non malignant slow growing proliferation of wing shaped fibrovascular tissue.  Arises from subconjunctival tissue.  May extend over the cornea thus disturbing the vision.
  • 5. World wide distribution.  More common in warm and dry climates.  Prevalence : 22% equatorial areas. <2% in latitudes between 28-38degree.  Direct relation with amount of UV exposure.
  • 6. Sex: male : female= 2:1  Age:>40years high prevalence 20-40years high incidence.  In India prevalence is 9.5%.  Morbidity: causes significant alteration in visual function in advanced cases.
  • 7. Strong association between UV light exposure and formation of pterygium.  More common- in patients who worked outdoors.  In welders than other factory workers.  Also associated with basal cell carcinoma, porphyria cutanea tarda, polymorphous light eruptions, xeroderma pigmentosa.
  • 8. ANGIOGENESIS FACTOR:Prolonged UV exposure causes biological changes in the bowmans membrane.  Altered protein so formed could act as angiogenic/ pterygiogenic factor.
  • 9. UV Exposure: May induce hyperplasia in limbal cells. These altered cells invade the cornea and limbus which moves centripetally with them. This explains wing shape of the pterygium.  UV radiation causes depletion of langerhan cells at limbus.(stocker’s line).
  • 10. Exposure to UVB+altered tear film  Injury and susceptibility  Loss of collagenase and dehydration  Accumulation of Extracellular matrix  Antigenic,type1 HS Pinguecula  Fibroblastic reaction Inflammation  PTERYGIUM PTERYGIUM
  • 11. Light entering the temporal limbus at 90degree is concentrated at medial limbus.  Related to corneal curvature.  This explains the predominance of medial pterygium.
  • 12. Dry and dusty environment.  Drying of the tear film by wind devitalizes tissue of medial 3rd of the palpebral aperture.  This allows the actinic radiation to damage the conjunctival, corneal epithelium and bowmans membrane.
  • 13. MICROTRAUMA: mechanical irritation by dust particles, enhanced by tear flow from lateral to medial.  IMMUNOLOGY: Cell bound IgE irritant complexes initiate the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells. Release of stimulatory factors. Development of pterygium.
  • 14. Expression of vimentin.  P53 mutation leads to decreased apoptosis and increased TGF-b which leads to increased growth.  RECURRENT PTERYGIUM- stem cells are more scattered and expression pattern is more denser.
  • 15. HYPOXIA: increase in non perfusion areas and attenuated vessels in nasal limbus during early stage of pterygium causes recruitment of progenitor cells.  Viral markers: infection with HPV and herpes virus is considered as risk factor(rare).
  • 16. Elastotic degeneration of collagen.(Not a true elastic tissue)  Fibro vascular proliferation with an overlying covering of epithelium-characterized by Cellular proliferation. Tissue remodeling. Neovascularisation.  Subepithelial tissue shows basophilic degeneration.
  • 17. Destruction of bowman’s membrane in the cornea.  So there is residual corneal scarring when these growth are removed.  Epithelium shows secondary changes like orthokeratosis,acanthosis,dyskeratosis.  Mast cells occur in increased number.
  • 18. Normal conjunctiva Pterygium
  • 19.
  • 20. CLINICAL STAGING PATHOLOGICAL STAGING Stage I Exposure Size and number of Altered tear film conjunctivitis Conjunctival vessels Mild vascular Mild – moderate congestion response S/S of dryness No formed lesions Stage II Pinguecula Distinct raised lesion on Cell injury and pterygium bulbar conjunctiva Inflammatory With or w/o abnormal response vascularization and inflammation
  • 21. Stage III Limbal pterygium Head is on or across Lesion the limbus with or w/o organization an iron line at the conjunctival corneal Mixed interface proliferation and Vascularization and degeneration fibrous proliferation Symptoms more pronounced Stage IV Corneal Lesion 2mm or more Lesion b/w pterygium into cornea epithelium and Invasion of granulation bowman tissue Zone of dellen Mixed Stocker’s line proliferative Infiltration of corneal and nerves- pain degeneration
  • 22. Stage V Compound Induced astigmatism Lesion extended pterygium Symptoms more into stroma frequent and severe Mixed proliferative and degeneration Proliferation- Small lymphocytes and plasma cells Degeneration- Swirls of type I collagen
  • 23. Fuch’s patches.  Stocker’s line.  Hood.  Head.  Body.  Base.  Superior edge.  Inferior edge.
  • 24.
  • 25.  Progressive: thick fleshy marked vascularity. It has opaque infitrative spot known as cap. Stocker’s line.  Atrophic/stationary: thin attenuated poor vascularity no cap.
  • 26. Progressive pterygium Atrophic pterygium
  • 27.
  • 28. Primary double pterygium.  Recurrent pterygium.  Pseudopterygium.  Malignant pterygium(rare):recurrent pterygium with restriction of ocular movements.
  • 29.
  • 30. Asymptomatic  Foreign body sensation  Discomfort  Congestion(redness)  Irritation and grittiness-interference with precorneal tear film.  Interference with vision-obscuring visual axis -inducing astigmatism  Cosmesis.
  • 31. Type 1: extends <2mm on the cornea.  Type 2: 4mm of cornea is involved.  Type 3: encroaches onto >4mm of cornea and involves visual axis.
  • 32. Condition Signs and symptoms Tests Pseudopterygiu Most often hx of -Slit-lamp examination: m previous infective, reveals lesion to be chemical, thermal, or adhesion of a fold of traumatic injury to the conjunctiva, which has cornea. occurred as a response to May occur at multiple a previous peripheral locations and is not corneal restricted to the 3 and 9 ulcer/inflammation. o'clock (interpalpebral) -Lesion typically only fixed positions. at its apex to the cornea so that a probe may be passed underneath its body at the limbus, while a true pterygium adheres to the underlying cornea throughout its length. Thinning of the underlying cornea may be seen at its head.
  • 33. Pinguecula Does not encroach on Slit-lamp examination: the cornea. reveals exact extent and nature of lesion. A pingueculum is limited to limbus and conjunctiva and does not encroach onto the cornea. Marginal keratitis Associated with Corneal swab/scraping: blepharitis. Infiltrate on microscopy and culture corneal surface is positive for infecting separated by a clear organism, but infecting zone from the limbus. organisms are often not Occur at 2, 4, 8, and detected, as many cases 10 o'clock position. are due to an Does not have typical inflammatory reaction to pterygium shape. Often staphylococcal proteins superior and inferior.
  • 34. Corneal micropannus Hx of trachoma or lack Slit-lamp examination: of corneal oxygenation reveals encroachment due to excessive of fine blood vessels contact lens wear. onto corneal surface. Conjunctival Rare. Does not have Slit-lamp examination: carcinoma in situ/ typical pterygium gelatinous-appearing bowens epithlioma. shape. Not restricted mass. to the 3 and 9 o'clock Biopsy: cytological (interpalpebral) features of a positions and can squamous cell occur at any position carcinoma, but the on the cornea. basal membrane of the epithelium remains intact.
  • 35. Squamous cell Rare. Does not have typical Slit-lamp examination: carcinoma pterygium shape. Not surface may appear restricted to the 3 and 9 keratinised and o'clock (interpalpebral) friable. positions and can occur at Biopsy: well- any position on the cornea. differentiated May arise from a pterygium, squamous cell carcinoma in situ, or de carcinoma with novo. invasion of the basal membrane. Limbal dermoid Benign choriostomatous Histology contains tissue. MC site:inferior abberant tissue like temporal quadrant. epidermal appendages,connectiv e tissue,skin,fatmuscle teeth.
  • 36. Symptomatic patients- Tear substitutes  Inflammation- Topical steroids  Sunglasses- to reduce UV exposure and decrease growth stimulus
  • 37. 1. Extension to the visual axis and induced astigmatism. 2. Recurrent irritation. 3. Cosmetic- patient should be explained there is fairly high risk of recurrence, which may be more unsightly.
  • 38. Free conjunctival autograft for primary and recurrent pterygium.  Pre op evaluation: 1. Evaluation of pterygium. 2. Evaluation of superior bulbar conjunctiva. 3. Pre op preparation. 4. Anaesthesia and sedation.
  • 39. Preparation and drape. Place anaesthetic drops or topical vasoconstrictor. Ask patient to look opposite side of pterygium.
  • 40. Goal: Achieve a normal, topographically smooth ocular surface  Dissect a smooth plane toward the limbus  Preferable to dissect down to bare sclera at limbus  Bare sclera = remove loose Tenon’s layer and leave episcleral vessels intact
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.  Mechanism of action: it acts forming a fibrin clot between graft and host tissue.  Advantages : decreases the post op pain. reduces the surgical time as well as recurrence rate. Disadvantage : not FDA approved. graft dehiscence. infection, discomfort. Recurrence rate: less as compared to suture.
  • 44. Avoid exposure to sunlight.  Use of dark sun glasses.  Topical steroid antibiotic drops, topical NSAIDS, artificial tears.  POD3/5 graft acquires redness.
  • 45. Complete healing expected between 6- 8weeks.  Topical medications should be tapered. Lubricants should remain for 3months.  Instruction to patient: avoid exposure to sunlight.
  • 46. Graft failure.  Granuloma formation.  Conjunctival infection.  Suture detachment.  Delayed healing.  Recurrence.
  • 48.
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  • 51. Subconjunctival scarring limitation of movements diplopia.  Disinsertion of medial rectus muscle.  Scleral perforation.  Corneal irregularity due to deep stromal excision.
  • 52. Growth of fibrovascular tissue across the limbus onto cornea after initial removal.  Excludes persistence of deeper corneal vessels and scarring which may remain even after adequate removal.  Bunching of conjunctiva and formation of parallel loops of vessels, which aim almost like an arrowhead at the limbus, usually denotes a conjunctival recurrence.
  • 53. Grade 1 – normal appearing operative site.  Grade 2 – fine episcleral vessels in the site extending to the limbus.  Grade 3 – additional fibrous tissues in site.  Grade 4 – actual corneal recurrence.
  • 54. AIM: To reduce recurrence. 1. Corticosteroids- post operative use of topical steroids can reduce inflammatory reaction and revascularization at the operative site. 2. No significant role in prevention of recurrence.
  • 55. Antibiotic and antineoplastic properties.  Blocks the DNA synthesis.  Concentration: 0.02%  Use: intraoperative to the area of resection with sponge for 2min followed by irrigating with balanced salt solution.
  • 56. Side effects: pyogenic granuloma dellen of sclera. perforation of eye. glaucoma. cataract. corneal edema.  Recurrence: 3-25% (intraoperative) 5-54%(postoperative)
  • 57. Post operative period LCAG MMC 3 month 1 - 6 month 1 2 12 month - 1 18 month - - Total 02 (4%) 03 (6%)
  • 58. Nitrogen mustard alkylating agent. antimitotic property.  Radiomimetic- obliterates vascular endothelial cells.  Dose:1:2000 every 3 hours for 6 weeks.  Used in bare sclera method.  Complication: scleral thinning.  Recurrence:10-16%
  • 59. Antiproliferative  Inhibits thymidylate synthetase, thus inhibits DNA.  Only cells in the synthesis phase are affected, allowing the remaining cells to continue to proliferate after exposure to 5- FU.
  • 60. Immunosuppresant drug.  Dose: 0.05% topical for 3 months following pterygium excision.  Safe and effective.  Low recurrence rate(3.4%)
  • 61. Inhibit neovascularisation.  Stop the progression or prevent the recurrence.  Case reported by Wu and co workers. Topical bevacizumab eye drops 25mg/ml 4times for 3weeks.  No recurrence in 1year follow up period.
  • 62. Reduces mitosis in rapidly dividing vascular endothelial cells.  Dose : 15Gy units in single or divided doses.  Recurrence: 4.3%-35% with bare sclera or simple conjunctival closure.  Complications: scleral necrosis endophthalmitis cataract formation. conjunctival telangiectasia.
  • 63. The area of bare scleral was covered with amniotic membrane, which was oriented with the basement membrane side up.  The amniotic membrane was sutured through the episcleral tissue to the edge of the conjunctiva along the bare sclera border with 7-8 interrupted 8-0 Vicryl sutures.  The eye was patched.
  • 64.
  • 65. Useful in:  very large conjunctival defects.  To preserve superior conjunctiva for future glaucoma surgery.  Advantages: faster healing rate less discomfort. lower recurrence rate(2% in 1year follow up)
  • 66. ANECORTANE ACETATE: Angiostatic steroid: Inhibits the blood vessel’s. Topical 1% have inhibitory effect on pterygium regrowth following recurrenr pterygium excision.
  • 67. Surgical and medical management of pterygium-Ashok garg.  Pterygium-a practical guide to management,L. Alfred andeze.  Kanski clinical ophthalmology.