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When an accident occurs during root canal treatment, the
patient should be informed about:

(1) the incident.
(2) procedures necessary for correction,
(3)alternative treatment modalities.
(4) the effect of this accident on prognosis.
In addition, the practitioner who
  knows his or her limitations will
recognize potentially difficult cases
   and will refer the patient to an
Accidents During Access Preparation

Accidents During Cleaning and Shaping

Accidents During Obturation

Classification of Procedural Accidents

Accidents During Access Preparation
• Perforations During Access
                                        Accidents During Obturation
   Preparation                          •Underfilling
• Causes                                •Overfilling
• Prevention                            •Vertical Root Fracture
• Recognition and Treatment
• Prognosis
                                        Accidents During Post Space
Accidents During Cleaning and Shaping   Preparation
• Ledge formation                       •I ndicators
• Cervical canal perforations           •Treatment and Prognosis
• Midroot perforations
• Apical perforations
• Separated instruments and foreign
• Canal blockage
Perforations During Access
 The prime objective of an access cavity is to provide an
  unobstructed or straight-line pathway to the apical
 Accidents such as excess removal of tooth structure or
  perforation may occur during attempts to locate
 Failure to achieve straight-line access is often the main
  etiologic factor for other types of intracanal accidents.
 Perforations must be recognized early to avoid
  subsequent damage to the periodontal tissues with
  intracanal instruments and irrigants.

There are two types:

1. Lateral root perforation   2. Furcation perforation
1.   Failure to direct the bur parallel to the long axis of the
2.   Searching for canals through an underprepared access
3.   Access through a small or flattened (disk-like) pulp chamber
     in a multirooted tooth.
4.   Access through a cast crown often is not aligned in the long
     axis of the tooth.
Disk-like pulp chamber (arrow)
Clinical examination
1. Thorough knowledge of tooth morphology and outlines of
      the access cavities .
2. Identification of tooth angulation according to the adjacent
3. Proper reading of the preoperative (diagnostic) radiograph
      to get information about the size and extent of the pulp
      chamber and internal changes (calcification or resorption).
4. Radiograph from different angles .
Bur held alongside radiograph to estimate the depth
of penetration
Operative procedures
1. Access without rubber dam or using “split technique” is
    preferred in specific cases
2. Use of fiberoptic light and magnifiers
3. Removal of restorations when possible

                      Split dam technique
1.   Sudden pain
2.   Sudden hemorrhage
3.   Radiograph
4.   Apex locator
5.   Taste of irrigant during irrigation
Lateral root perforation
A- Perforation at or above the height of crestal bone
Treatment: restorative treatment

                   Supracrestal perforation repair
B- Perforation below the height of crestal bone in the coronal
     third of the root
The treatment goal is to position the apical portion of the
defect above crestal bone by orthodontic extrusion or crown
lengthening .
Internal repair by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is also
possible .
Furcation perforation
A- Direct perforation
Treatment: immediate sealing using the suitable restorative
material (MTA)

         Furcation repair using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
B- Stripping perforation
-    Usually results from excessive flaring with files or drills
     (Gates Glidden)
-    Treatment:
     non-surgical treatment by immediate sealing using MTA
    surgical treatment: hemisection, bicuspidization, and root
Repair of stripping perforation (arrow)
Nonsurgical Treatment
1. The site of the perforation must be found,
2. the floor of the preparation cleansed,
3. the bleeding stopped,
4. mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) applied to the
   perforation .
5. Because it takes MTA more than 3 hours to set,
   it should be covered with a fast-setting cement.
6. The other canal orifices should be protected by
   placing paper points or an instrument in the
   canals to prevent blockage.
In the event MTA cannot be
         immediately applied,
A. it is best to stop the bleeding,
B.  place calcium hydroxide over the “wound,”
C.  place a good temporary filling,
D.  set an appointment with the patient, the sooner
   the better.
E. The perforation area will be dry at the next
F. MTA can be applied
G. treatment continued.
Surgical Treatment
Surgery treatment requires:-
1. more complex restorative procedures .
2. more demanding oral hygiene from the patient.‘
 Surgical alternatives are hemisection, bicuspidization,
root amputation, and intentional replantation.
1.when the defect is inaccessible.
2.when multiple problems exist, such as a perforation
combined with a separated instrument.
3. when the prognosis with other surgical procedures is
poor .
Dentist and patient must recognize that the
prognosis for treatment of surgically altered
teeth is guarded because of the increased
technical difficulty associated with restorative
procedures and demanding oral hygiene
Factors affecting the long-term prognosis of teeth after
perforation repair include:-
1. the location of the defect in relation to crestal bone.
2. the accessibility for repair.
3. the size of the defect.
4. the presence or absence of a periodontal communication
    to the defect.
5. the time between perforation and repair.
6. the sealing ability of restorative material.
7. subjective factors such as:-
  I.     the technical competence of the dentist.
   II.    The attitude and oral hygiene of the patient
Treatment of the Wrong Tooth
• Treatment of the wrong tooth can be so easily
  prevented. One should make sure through
  testing, examining, and radiography that one
  has confirmed which tooth requires treatment
• Open the access cavity before applying the
  rubber dam
Damage to an Existing Restoration
• Porcelain crowns are the most susceptible to
  chipping and fracture.
• When one is present, use a water-
  cooled, smooth diamond point and do not
  force the bur, let it cut its own way .
• Also, do not place a rubber dam clamp on the
  gingiva of any porcelain or
 porcelain-faced crown
Missed Canals
• Additional canals in the mesial roots of
  maxillary molars and the distal roots of
  mandibular molars are the most frequently
• Second canals in lower incisors, and second
  canals in lower premolars, as well as third
  canals in upper premolars are also missed.
• One must be prepare adequate occlusal
Ledge Formation
a ledge has been created when the working length can
     not longer be negotiated and the original patency
     of the canal is lost.
1. inadequate straight-line access into the
2. inadequate irrigation or lubrication.
3. excessive enlargement of a curved canal with
4. packing debris in the apical portion of the
Preoperative evaluation
1. Curvature
2. Length
Technical procedures:
   Straight line access.
   Accurate working length measurement .
   Frequent recapitulation and irrigation.
   Use of lubricant like RC-PREP.
   Use of flexible Ni-Ti files in curved canals .
   Each file must be used until it is loose before a larger size is
    used .
   Avoid application of severe forces during instrumentation .
Management of ledge
• A ledge is difficult to correct.
• An initial attempt should be made to bypass the
  ledge with a No. 10 steel file to regain working
• The file tip (2 to 3 mm) is sharply bent and
  worked in the canal in the direction of the canal
• Lubricants are helpful.
• If the original canal is located, the file is then
  worked with a reaming motion and occasionally
  an up-and-down movement to maintain the
  space and remove debris
• If the original canal cannot be located by this
  method, cleaning and shaping of the existing
  canal space is completed at the new working
The failure depends on the amount of debris left
  in the uninstrumented and unfilled portion of the
The amount depends on when ledge formation
  occurred during instrumentation.
In general, short and cleaned apical ledges have
 good prognoses.
 Future appearance of clinical symptoms or
 radiographic evidence of failure may require
 referral for apical surgery or retreatment.
Root Perforations
Apical perforation
A. Apical perforation through the apical foramen
B- Apical perforation through the body of the root in the
    apical third

               Ledge             apical perforation
a.   Apical perforation through the apical foramen:
-    It is caused by instrumentation of the canal beyond the
     apical constriction (incorrect working length)
b.   Apical perforation through the body of the root in the
     apical third:
-    It is caused as a result of operator insistence to manage a
     ledge in the apical third (especially in curved canals)
1.   Hemorrhage in the canal
2.   Bleeding at the tip of paper point
3.   Sudden pain
4.   Sudden loss of the apical stop
5.   Radiograph

                                    Bleeding at the tip of paper point
  To prevent apical perforation, proper
 working lengths must be established and
  maintained throughout the procedure.
- In case of overinstrumentation, corrective treatment includes
  reestablishing tooth length short of the original length and
  then enlarging the canal, with larger instruments, to that
- Placement of MTA as an apical barrier can prevent extrusion of
  obturation material
- In case of apical perforation through the body of the root in the
  apical third, try to negotiate the original canal   .
- One is now dealing with two foramina: one natural, the other
  iatral. Obturation of both of these foramina and of the main
  body of the canal requires the vertical compacting techniques
  with heat-softened gutta-percha
Non-surgical repair of apical perforation through the body of the root
• Success of treatment depends primarily on
  the size and shape of the defect. An open apex
  or reverse funnel is difficult to seal and also
  allows extrusion of the filling materials.
Lateral (midroot) perforations
-    There are two types of midroot perforations:
a. Direct perforation as a result of pressure and force applied
     to a file during negotiation of ledged canals, or through post
     space preparation using cutting-end bur
b. Stripping perforation is a lateral perforation caused by
     overinstrumentation using files or drills like Gates-Glidden
     through a thin wall in the root and is most likely to happen
     on the inside (inner) wall of a curved canal, such as the
     distal (inner) wall of the mesial roots in mandibular first
Stripping perforation
Danger zone and safety zone
- They are similar to those of apical perforation

    The area of hemorrhage on the point indicates the area where the
    strip has occurred.
To avoid these perforations some factors should
  be considered:
1. degree of canal curvature and size .
2. inflexibility of the larger files, especially
   stainless steel files.
- The main goal is to instrument and obturate the entire root
  canal system
- Perforation repair surgically or non-surgically using suitable
  restorative material (MTA)

                  Repair of stripping perforation using MTA

 It depends on several factors:
 - Remaining amount of undebrided and unobturated canal.
 - Perforation size.
 - Surgical accessibility.
• Obturation is difficult because of lack of a stop , and gutta-percha
    tends to be extruded during condensation.
• Teeth with perforations close to the apex after complete or partial
    débridement of the canal have a better prognosis than those with
    perforations that occur earlier.
• In addition to the length of uncleaned and unfilled portions of the
    canal, size and surgical accessibility of perforations are important.
• In general, small perforations are easier to seal than large ones.
Coronal root perforation
- Direct perforation happens during access preparation while
   the operator attempts to locate the canals
- Stripping perforation happens during flaring procedures by
   files or Gates-Glidden

- It is similar to what described earlier in the prevention of
   perforation during access preparation
- Careful and conservative flaring, especially during using
   Gates-Glidden, is also recommended
Treatment & Prognosis
• Repair of a stripping perforation in the coronal third of the
  root has the poorest long-term prognosis of any type of
• The defect is usually inaccessible for adequate repair. An
  attempt should be made to seal the defect internally, even
  though the prognosis is guarded. Patency of the canal system
  must be maintained during the repair process.

     MTA is a promising material to repair
       almost all types of perforations
Separated Instruments
-   Limited flexibility
-   Over use
-   Excessive forced applied to files
-   Improper use

    Notice: any instrument may break either steel, NiTi, hand or
- Removal of shortened file from the canal
- Loss of canal patency
- Radiograph is essential for confirmation.
• limitations of files is critical.
• Continual lubrication with either irrigating solution or
  lubricants is required.
• Each instrument is examined before use ( flutes distortion).
• Small files must be replaced often.
• To minimize binding, each file size is worked in the canal until
  it is very loose before the next file size is used.
• Nickel-titanium files usually do not show visual signs of fatigue
  similar to the “untwisting” of steel files, they should be
  discarded before visual signs of untwisting are seen .
Signs of instrument distortion (arrows)
-    There are three approaches:
1.   Attempt to remove the instrument (using small file to
     bypass the instrument then retrieve it, using ultrasonic tips,
     or using especially designed pliers)

2- attempt to bypass it.
3- prepare and obturate to the segment coronal to the
 The operator should attempt to bypass the separated
    instrument. After bypassing the separated instrument,
    ultrasonic files broaches, or Hedstrom files are used to
    remove the segment.
If removal of the separated piece is unsuccessful, then the
    canal is cleaned, shaped, and obturated to its new working
If the instrument cannot be bypassed, preparation and
    obturation should be performed to the coronal level of the
A, Arrow pointing to a separated instrument in the mesiolingual canal
B, Postobturation film with an arrow identifying “tunneling” that was created with an
ultrasonic instrument to remove the separated instrument
Removal of broken instrument extended beyond the apex (arrow)
 It depends on how much undbrided and unobturated canal
 The prognosis is best when separation of a large instrument
  occurs in the later stages of preparation close to the working
 Prognosis is poorer for teeth with undébrided canals in
  which a small instrument is separated short of the apex or
  beyond the apical foramen early in preparation.
 For medical-legal reasons, the patient must be informed of
  an instrument separation.
 If the patient remains symptomatic or there is a subsequent
  failure, the tooth can be treated surgically.
Instrument Aspiration or
Prevention        Ingestion
- Rubber dam
- Instrument disappearance followed by severe coughing or
  gagging by the patient
- Radiograph

- When the lost instrument is readily accessible, high volume
  suction, hemostat, or cotton pliers may help to retrieve the
  instrument. Otherwise, referral to a medical service is
  required and major surgical intervention may also be
Swallowed endodontic file ended up in appendix and led to acute appendicitis
and appendectomy. Rubber dam would have prevented this tragedy.
Extrusion of Irrigant
• Wedging of a needle in the canal or out of a
  perforation with forceful expression of irrigant causes
  penetration of irrigants into the periradicular tissues
  and inflammation and discomfort for patients.
• Loose placement of irrigation needles and careful
  irrigation with light pressure or use of a perforated
  needle precludes forcing the irrigating solution into the
  periradicular tissues.
• Sudden prolonged and sharp pain during irrigation
  followed by rapid diffuse swelling (the “sodium
  hypochlorite accident”) usually indicates penetration of
  solution into the periradicular tissues.
Severe swelling caused by injecting hydrogen peroxide irrigant into tissues.
A                      B
A, Hemorrhagic reaction caused by NaOCl accident
B, Healing within few weeks
- Because of the potential for spread of infection related to
  tissue destruction, it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics in
  addition to analgesics for pain
- Antihistamines can also be helpful
- Ice packs applied initially to the area, followed by warm
  saline soaks the following day, should be initiated to reduce
  the swelling
- In more severe cases, hospitalization and surgical
  intervention with wound débridement, may be necessary
- Patient reassurance
- Generally is favorable
- In some cases, the long-term effects of irrigant injection into
  the tissues have included paresthesia, scarring, and muscle
-   Natural barrier in the canal.
-   Ledge.
-   Insufficient flaring.
-   Poorly adapted master cone.
- Confirmatory MAC radiograph .
- If displacement of the MAC is suspected, a radiograph is
  made before excess gutta-percha removal .

- Re-treatment
- Overinstrumentation
- Open apex
- Uncontrolled condensation forces
- Avoid overinstrumentation.
- Prepare apical matrix (seat).
- Confirmatory MAC radiograph.
- If displacement of the MAC is suspected, a radiograph is
  made before excess gutta-percha removal.
- In case of wide (open) apex, a solvent customized cone
  technique is preferred .
- In case of endodontic failure, apical surgery may be required
  to remove the extruded material

- It depends on some factors: quality of the apical seal, amount
  and biocompatibility of extruded material, and host response
Usually, slight over extension of GP cone beyond the apex
(around 2 mm) doesn’t cause problem and doesn’t need
further treatment.
Surgical removal of extended gutta-percha beyond the apex
Gross paste overfilling
Vertical Root Fracture
-   Overflaring
-   Screw post placement
-   Post cementation
-   Excessive applied forces during gutta-percha condensation

- Appropriate (conservative) canal preparation
- Balanced applied forces during condensation
- Finger spreaders produce less stress than hand fingers during
 -   Sudden sound and pain during obturation
 -   Narrow periodontal pocket or sinus tract stoma
 -   “Halo” radiographic radiolucency
 -   Surgical exploration

Narrow periodontal pocket   “Halo” radiographic radiolucency   Surgical exploration
- Removal of the fractured root in multi-rooted tooth and
  extraction of single-rooted tooth
Root Perforation
- Gutta-percha removal using heated pluggers.
- Good knowledge of root canal anatomy, location of the
  root, and its direction in the alveolus.
- Gates-Glidden and Peeso reamer are safe, however, they can
  lead to excessive removal of tooth structure and therefore can
  potentially lead to “stripping” perforation or root fracture.
- High speed burs shouldn’t be used at all in post space
- Bleeding during preparation
- Sinus tract or pocket extended to the post base
- Lateral radiographic radiolucency

                          radiographic radiolucency caused
                          root perforation during post space preparation
- Non-surgical repair if the post can be removed (as stated in
  management of root perforation)
- Surgical repair if the post cannot be removed and the
  perforation is accessible
- Otherwise extraction is required
Non-surgical repair using MTA of perforation caused during post space preparation
- It depends on: perforation size, surgical accessibility, and
  perforation location ( apical perforation has better prognosis
  than that close to the gingival sulcus)
Procedural accidents in root canal treatment last one

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Procedural accidents in root canal treatment last one

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. When an accident occurs during root canal treatment, the patient should be informed about: (1) the incident. (2) procedures necessary for correction, (3)alternative treatment modalities. (4) the effect of this accident on prognosis.
  • 5. In addition, the practitioner who knows his or her limitations will recognize potentially difficult cases and will refer the patient to an endodontist.
  • 6. Accidents During Access Preparation Accidents During Cleaning and Shaping Accidents During Obturation ACCIDENTS DURING POST SPACE PREPARATION
  • 7. Classification of Procedural Accidents Accidents During Access Preparation • Perforations During Access Accidents During Obturation Preparation •Underfilling • Causes •Overfilling • Prevention •Vertical Root Fracture • Recognition and Treatment • Prognosis Accidents During Post Space Accidents During Cleaning and Shaping Preparation • Ledge formation •I ndicators • Cervical canal perforations •Treatment and Prognosis • Midroot perforations • Apical perforations • Separated instruments and foreign objects • Canal blockage
  • 8.
  • 9. Perforations During Access Preparation  The prime objective of an access cavity is to provide an unobstructed or straight-line pathway to the apical foramen.  Accidents such as excess removal of tooth structure or perforation may occur during attempts to locate canals.  Failure to achieve straight-line access is often the main etiologic factor for other types of intracanal accidents.  Perforations must be recognized early to avoid subsequent damage to the periodontal tissues with intracanal instruments and irrigants.
  • 10. Perforations There are two types: 1. Lateral root perforation 2. Furcation perforation
  • 11. Causes 1. Failure to direct the bur parallel to the long axis of the tooth. 2. Searching for canals through an underprepared access cavity. 3. Access through a small or flattened (disk-like) pulp chamber in a multirooted tooth. 4. Access through a cast crown often is not aligned in the long axis of the tooth.
  • 13. Prevention Clinical examination 1. Thorough knowledge of tooth morphology and outlines of the access cavities . 2. Identification of tooth angulation according to the adjacent teeth. 3. Proper reading of the preoperative (diagnostic) radiograph to get information about the size and extent of the pulp chamber and internal changes (calcification or resorption). 4. Radiograph from different angles .
  • 14. Bur held alongside radiograph to estimate the depth of penetration
  • 15. Operative procedures 1. Access without rubber dam or using “split technique” is preferred in specific cases 2. Use of fiberoptic light and magnifiers 3. Removal of restorations when possible Split dam technique
  • 16. Recognition 1. Sudden pain 2. Sudden hemorrhage 3. Radiograph 4. Apex locator 5. Taste of irrigant during irrigation
  • 17. Treatment Lateral root perforation A- Perforation at or above the height of crestal bone Treatment: restorative treatment Supracrestal perforation repair
  • 18. B- Perforation below the height of crestal bone in the coronal third of the root The treatment goal is to position the apical portion of the defect above crestal bone by orthodontic extrusion or crown lengthening . Internal repair by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is also possible .
  • 19. Furcation perforation A- Direct perforation Treatment: immediate sealing using the suitable restorative material (MTA) Furcation repair using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
  • 20. B- Stripping perforation - Usually results from excessive flaring with files or drills (Gates Glidden) - Treatment: non-surgical treatment by immediate sealing using MTA surgical treatment: hemisection, bicuspidization, and root amputation
  • 21. Repair of stripping perforation (arrow)
  • 22. Nonsurgical Treatment 1. The site of the perforation must be found, 2. the floor of the preparation cleansed, 3. the bleeding stopped, 4. mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) applied to the perforation . 5. Because it takes MTA more than 3 hours to set, it should be covered with a fast-setting cement. 6. The other canal orifices should be protected by placing paper points or an instrument in the canals to prevent blockage.
  • 23. In the event MTA cannot be immediately applied, A. it is best to stop the bleeding, B. place calcium hydroxide over the “wound,” C. place a good temporary filling, D. set an appointment with the patient, the sooner the better. E. The perforation area will be dry at the next appointment; F. MTA can be applied G. treatment continued.
  • 24. Surgical Treatment Surgery treatment requires:- 1. more complex restorative procedures . 2. more demanding oral hygiene from the patient.‘ Surgical alternatives are hemisection, bicuspidization, root amputation, and intentional replantation. Indicated: 1.when the defect is inaccessible. 2.when multiple problems exist, such as a perforation combined with a separated instrument. 3. when the prognosis with other surgical procedures is poor .
  • 25. Dentist and patient must recognize that the prognosis for treatment of surgically altered teeth is guarded because of the increased technical difficulty associated with restorative procedures and demanding oral hygiene requirements.
  • 26. PROGNOSIS Factors affecting the long-term prognosis of teeth after perforation repair include:- 1. the location of the defect in relation to crestal bone. 2. the accessibility for repair. 3. the size of the defect. 4. the presence or absence of a periodontal communication to the defect. 5. the time between perforation and repair. 6. the sealing ability of restorative material. 7. subjective factors such as:- I. the technical competence of the dentist. II. The attitude and oral hygiene of the patient
  • 27. Treatment of the Wrong Tooth • Treatment of the wrong tooth can be so easily prevented. One should make sure through testing, examining, and radiography that one has confirmed which tooth requires treatment • Open the access cavity before applying the rubber dam
  • 28. Damage to an Existing Restoration • Porcelain crowns are the most susceptible to chipping and fracture. • When one is present, use a water- cooled, smooth diamond point and do not force the bur, let it cut its own way . • Also, do not place a rubber dam clamp on the gingiva of any porcelain or porcelain-faced crown
  • 29. Missed Canals • Additional canals in the mesial roots of maxillary molars and the distal roots of mandibular molars are the most frequently missed. • Second canals in lower incisors, and second canals in lower premolars, as well as third canals in upper premolars are also missed. • One must be prepare adequate occlusal access.
  • 30.
  • 31. Ledge Formation Definition a ledge has been created when the working length can not longer be negotiated and the original patency of the canal is lost.
  • 32. Causes 1. inadequate straight-line access into the canal. 2. inadequate irrigation or lubrication. 3. excessive enlargement of a curved canal with files. 4. packing debris in the apical portion of the canal.
  • 34. Technical procedures:  Straight line access.  Accurate working length measurement .  Frequent recapitulation and irrigation.  Use of lubricant like RC-PREP.  Use of flexible Ni-Ti files in curved canals .  Each file must be used until it is loose before a larger size is used .  Avoid application of severe forces during instrumentation .
  • 35. Management of ledge • A ledge is difficult to correct. • An initial attempt should be made to bypass the ledge with a No. 10 steel file to regain working length. • The file tip (2 to 3 mm) is sharply bent and worked in the canal in the direction of the canal curvature. • Lubricants are helpful. • If the original canal is located, the file is then worked with a reaming motion and occasionally an up-and-down movement to maintain the space and remove debris • If the original canal cannot be located by this method, cleaning and shaping of the existing canal space is completed at the new working length.
  • 36. Prognosis The failure depends on the amount of debris left in the uninstrumented and unfilled portion of the canal. The amount depends on when ledge formation occurred during instrumentation. In general, short and cleaned apical ledges have good prognoses.  Future appearance of clinical symptoms or radiographic evidence of failure may require referral for apical surgery or retreatment.
  • 37. Root Perforations Apical perforation Types A. Apical perforation through the apical foramen (overinstrumentation)
  • 38. B- Apical perforation through the body of the root in the apical third Ledge apical perforation
  • 39. Etiology a. Apical perforation through the apical foramen: - It is caused by instrumentation of the canal beyond the apical constriction (incorrect working length) b. Apical perforation through the body of the root in the apical third: - It is caused as a result of operator insistence to manage a ledge in the apical third (especially in curved canals)
  • 40. Indicators 1. Hemorrhage in the canal 2. Bleeding at the tip of paper point 3. Sudden pain 4. Sudden loss of the apical stop 5. Radiograph Bleeding at the tip of paper point
  • 41. Prevention To prevent apical perforation, proper working lengths must be established and maintained throughout the procedure.
  • 42. Treatment - In case of overinstrumentation, corrective treatment includes reestablishing tooth length short of the original length and then enlarging the canal, with larger instruments, to that length. - Placement of MTA as an apical barrier can prevent extrusion of obturation material - In case of apical perforation through the body of the root in the apical third, try to negotiate the original canal .
  • 43. - One is now dealing with two foramina: one natural, the other iatral. Obturation of both of these foramina and of the main body of the canal requires the vertical compacting techniques with heat-softened gutta-percha
  • 44. Non-surgical repair of apical perforation through the body of the root
  • 45. Prognosis • Success of treatment depends primarily on the size and shape of the defect. An open apex or reverse funnel is difficult to seal and also allows extrusion of the filling materials.
  • 46. Lateral (midroot) perforations Etiology - There are two types of midroot perforations: a. Direct perforation as a result of pressure and force applied to a file during negotiation of ledged canals, or through post space preparation using cutting-end bur b. Stripping perforation is a lateral perforation caused by overinstrumentation using files or drills like Gates-Glidden through a thin wall in the root and is most likely to happen on the inside (inner) wall of a curved canal, such as the distal (inner) wall of the mesial roots in mandibular first molars
  • 48. Danger zone and safety zone
  • 49. Indicators - They are similar to those of apical perforation The area of hemorrhage on the point indicates the area where the strip has occurred.
  • 50. Prevention To avoid these perforations some factors should be considered: 1. degree of canal curvature and size . 2. inflexibility of the larger files, especially stainless steel files.
  • 51. Treatment - The main goal is to instrument and obturate the entire root canal system - Perforation repair surgically or non-surgically using suitable restorative material (MTA) Repair of stripping perforation using MTA
  • 52. Prognosis It depends on several factors: - Remaining amount of undebrided and unobturated canal. - Perforation size. - Surgical accessibility. • Obturation is difficult because of lack of a stop , and gutta-percha tends to be extruded during condensation. • Teeth with perforations close to the apex after complete or partial débridement of the canal have a better prognosis than those with perforations that occur earlier. • In addition to the length of uncleaned and unfilled portions of the canal, size and surgical accessibility of perforations are important. • In general, small perforations are easier to seal than large ones.
  • 53. Coronal root perforation Etiology - Direct perforation happens during access preparation while the operator attempts to locate the canals - Stripping perforation happens during flaring procedures by files or Gates-Glidden Prevention - It is similar to what described earlier in the prevention of perforation during access preparation - Careful and conservative flaring, especially during using Gates-Glidden, is also recommended
  • 54. Treatment & Prognosis • Repair of a stripping perforation in the coronal third of the root has the poorest long-term prognosis of any type of perforation. • The defect is usually inaccessible for adequate repair. An attempt should be made to seal the defect internally, even though the prognosis is guarded. Patency of the canal system must be maintained during the repair process.  MTA is a promising material to repair almost all types of perforations
  • 56. Etiology - Limited flexibility - Over use - Excessive forced applied to files - Improper use Notice: any instrument may break either steel, NiTi, hand or rotary
  • 57. Recognition - Removal of shortened file from the canal - Loss of canal patency - Radiograph is essential for confirmation.
  • 58. Prevention • limitations of files is critical. • Continual lubrication with either irrigating solution or lubricants is required. • Each instrument is examined before use ( flutes distortion). • Small files must be replaced often. • To minimize binding, each file size is worked in the canal until it is very loose before the next file size is used. • Nickel-titanium files usually do not show visual signs of fatigue similar to the “untwisting” of steel files, they should be discarded before visual signs of untwisting are seen .
  • 59. Signs of instrument distortion (arrows)
  • 60. Treatment - There are three approaches: 1. Attempt to remove the instrument (using small file to bypass the instrument then retrieve it, using ultrasonic tips, or using especially designed pliers) Pliers
  • 61. 2- attempt to bypass it. 3- prepare and obturate to the segment coronal to the instrument. The operator should attempt to bypass the separated instrument. After bypassing the separated instrument, ultrasonic files broaches, or Hedstrom files are used to remove the segment. If removal of the separated piece is unsuccessful, then the canal is cleaned, shaped, and obturated to its new working length. If the instrument cannot be bypassed, preparation and obturation should be performed to the coronal level of the fragment.
  • 62. A, Arrow pointing to a separated instrument in the mesiolingual canal B, Postobturation film with an arrow identifying “tunneling” that was created with an ultrasonic instrument to remove the separated instrument
  • 63. Removal of broken instrument extended beyond the apex (arrow)
  • 64. Prognosis  It depends on how much undbrided and unobturated canal remains.  The prognosis is best when separation of a large instrument occurs in the later stages of preparation close to the working length.  Prognosis is poorer for teeth with undébrided canals in which a small instrument is separated short of the apex or beyond the apical foramen early in preparation.  For medical-legal reasons, the patient must be informed of an instrument separation.  If the patient remains symptomatic or there is a subsequent failure, the tooth can be treated surgically.
  • 65.
  • 66. Instrument Aspiration or Prevention Ingestion - Rubber dam
  • 67. Indicators - Instrument disappearance followed by severe coughing or gagging by the patient - Radiograph Treatment - When the lost instrument is readily accessible, high volume suction, hemostat, or cotton pliers may help to retrieve the instrument. Otherwise, referral to a medical service is required and major surgical intervention may also be required
  • 68. Swallowed endodontic file ended up in appendix and led to acute appendicitis and appendectomy. Rubber dam would have prevented this tragedy.
  • 69.
  • 70. Extrusion of Irrigant • Wedging of a needle in the canal or out of a perforation with forceful expression of irrigant causes penetration of irrigants into the periradicular tissues and inflammation and discomfort for patients. • Loose placement of irrigation needles and careful irrigation with light pressure or use of a perforated needle precludes forcing the irrigating solution into the periradicular tissues. • Sudden prolonged and sharp pain during irrigation followed by rapid diffuse swelling (the “sodium hypochlorite accident”) usually indicates penetration of solution into the periradicular tissues.
  • 71. Severe swelling caused by injecting hydrogen peroxide irrigant into tissues.
  • 72. A B A, Hemorrhagic reaction caused by NaOCl accident B, Healing within few weeks
  • 73. Treatment - Because of the potential for spread of infection related to tissue destruction, it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics in addition to analgesics for pain - Antihistamines can also be helpful - Ice packs applied initially to the area, followed by warm saline soaks the following day, should be initiated to reduce the swelling - In more severe cases, hospitalization and surgical intervention with wound débridement, may be necessary - Patient reassurance
  • 74. Prognosis - Generally is favorable - In some cases, the long-term effects of irrigant injection into the tissues have included paresthesia, scarring, and muscle weakness
  • 75.
  • 76. Undefilling Causes - Natural barrier in the canal. - Ledge. - Insufficient flaring. - Poorly adapted master cone.
  • 77. Prevention - Confirmatory MAC radiograph . - If displacement of the MAC is suspected, a radiograph is made before excess gutta-percha removal . Treatment - Re-treatment
  • 78. Overfilling Causes - Overinstrumentation - Open apex - Uncontrolled condensation forces
  • 79. Prevention - Avoid overinstrumentation. - Prepare apical matrix (seat). - Confirmatory MAC radiograph. - If displacement of the MAC is suspected, a radiograph is made before excess gutta-percha removal. - In case of wide (open) apex, a solvent customized cone technique is preferred .
  • 80. Treatment - In case of endodontic failure, apical surgery may be required to remove the extruded material Prognosis - It depends on some factors: quality of the apical seal, amount and biocompatibility of extruded material, and host response
  • 81. Usually, slight over extension of GP cone beyond the apex (around 2 mm) doesn’t cause problem and doesn’t need further treatment.
  • 82. Surgical removal of extended gutta-percha beyond the apex
  • 85. Causes - Overflaring - Screw post placement - Post cementation - Excessive applied forces during gutta-percha condensation Prevention - Appropriate (conservative) canal preparation - Balanced applied forces during condensation - Finger spreaders produce less stress than hand fingers during obturation
  • 86. Indicators - Sudden sound and pain during obturation - Narrow periodontal pocket or sinus tract stoma - “Halo” radiographic radiolucency - Surgical exploration Narrow periodontal pocket “Halo” radiographic radiolucency Surgical exploration
  • 87. Treatment - Removal of the fractured root in multi-rooted tooth and extraction of single-rooted tooth
  • 88.
  • 89. Root Perforation Prevention - Gutta-percha removal using heated pluggers. - Good knowledge of root canal anatomy, location of the root, and its direction in the alveolus. - Gates-Glidden and Peeso reamer are safe, however, they can lead to excessive removal of tooth structure and therefore can potentially lead to “stripping” perforation or root fracture. - High speed burs shouldn’t be used at all in post space preparation
  • 90. Indicators - Bleeding during preparation - Sinus tract or pocket extended to the post base - Lateral radiographic radiolucency radiographic radiolucency caused root perforation during post space preparation
  • 91. Treatment - Non-surgical repair if the post can be removed (as stated in management of root perforation) - Surgical repair if the post cannot be removed and the perforation is accessible - Otherwise extraction is required
  • 92. Non-surgical repair using MTA of perforation caused during post space preparation
  • 93. Prognosis - It depends on: perforation size, surgical accessibility, and perforation location ( apical perforation has better prognosis than that close to the gingival sulcus)