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Pakistan Affairs
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Day 2
 Muslim Rule in India
 Muslim Reformist Movements
 War of Independence 1857
 Ideology of Pakistan
 Two-Nation Theory
 Spread of Islam in sub-continent
 Questions and Answers
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 3
After the fall of the Gupta Empire in the 500 AD, India broke apart
into a number of small kingdoms.
• During period of small
kingdoms, Arab Muslim
traders arrived in India for
first time
• Traders sailed to ports on west
coast in search of goods such
as spices
• Over time, traders settled in
India, lived peacefully beside
Hindus, Buddhists
The Arrival of Islam
• Next Muslims to arrive not so
• Early 700 AD, Muslim raiders
including Mohd bin Qasim,
invaded and conquered region
of Sind, in what is now
Pakistan 300 years later,
Muslims poured into north
India from Afghanistan
• By 1200s, most of northern
India under Muslim control
Muslim Raiders
Muslim Rule in India
Advent of Islam
 Arab Traders in Malabar Region (Link between them and South
East Asia)
 The first Indian mosque was built in 629 A.D, at the behest of
Cheraman Perumal (later converted to Islam), who is considered
the first Indian Muslim. It was constructed in the district of
Thrissur, Kerala by Malik Bin Deenar (Tabi’in and 12 associates)
 In Malabar, the Mappilas may have been the first community to
convert to Islam
 Source: Elliot and Dowson in their book: The History of India as told by its own
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 6
Malabar (Kerala)
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 7
Cheraman Perumal
 King of Chera Dynasty
in Malabar
 First Muslim Mosque of
 Cheraman to Tajuddin
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 8
Invasions of Sub Continent
Hazrat Umer, in 644 A.D., sent expeditions under
Hakam Ibn Amr in Markan. The Messenger
brought this news:
“ 'O Commander of the faithful!
It's a land where the plains are stony; Where water
is scanty; Where the fruits are unsavory; Where
men are known for treachery; Where plenty is
unknown; Where virtue is held of little account;
And where evil is dominant; A large army is less for
there; And a less army is useless there; The land
beyond it, is even worse.”
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 9
 In 644 AD, Balochistan (Part of Sistan) was captured by
Suhail Ibn Adi under Hazrat Umer’s rule
 Around 664 AD, during the Umayyad Caliphate, led by Al
Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah marched towards Multan in
Southern Punjab (in modern day Pakistan).
 Muhallab's expeditions were not aimed at conquest,
though they penetrated only as far as the capital of the
Maili, he returned with wealth and prisoners of war.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 10
Growth of Muslim Society
 It took several centuries for Islam to spread across India
and how it did so is a topic of intense debate.
1. Inspiration with Islamic teachings
2. Forced conversions to Islam
3. Imposition of Jizya and Dhimmitude (protected)
favoring Muslim citizens, and the threat of naked force.
4. Inter-marriages
5. Economic integration
6. Sufism
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 11
Ghaznavi Period
 In 1001, Mahmud Ghaznavi defeated Shahi Raja
Jayapala of the Hindu Shahi Dynasty of Gandhara
 Also fought against the Ismaili Fatimids and obtained
formal recognition of Ghazni's sovereignty from the
Abbassid Khalifah, al-Qadir Billah
 Died in 1030 at the age of 59
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 13
Muhammad Ghauri
 Muhammad Ghouri was a Turk-Afghan conqueror from
the region of Ghor in Afghanistan
 In 1160, the Ghourids conquered Ghazni from the
 In 1187, he conquered Lahore in alliance with a local
Hindu ruler
 1191 and 1192, won Battle of Tarain vs Prithvi Raj Chohan
 Died in 1200 and Qutbuddin Aibak took Control
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 14
 The Slave Dynasty (1211–1290)
 The Khalji (1290–1320)
 The Tughlaq (1320–1413)
 The Sayyid (1414–51)
 The Lodhi (1451–1526)
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 15
The Slave Dynasty (1211–1290)
Mamluk Dynasty or Ghulam Dynasty
 Qutb-ud-din Aybak (1206–1210).
 Aram Shah (1210–1211).
 Shams ud din Iltutmish (1211–1236), son-in-law of Qut-bud-
din Aybak.
 Rukn ud din Firuz (1236), son of Iltutmish.
 Raziyyat-ud-din Sultana (1236–1240), daughter of
 Muiz ud din Bahram (1240–1242), son of Iltutmish.
 Ala ud din Masud (1242–1246), son of Ruk-nud-din.
 Nasir ud din Mahmud (1246–1266), son of Iltutmish.
 Ghiyas ud din Balban (1266–1286), ex-slave, son-in-law of
 Muiz ud din Qaiqabad (1286–1290), grandson of Balban
and Nasir-ud-din.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 16
Khalji Sultans of Delhi (1290-1320)
 Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji (1290-1296)
 Ala ud din Khilji (1296-1316)
 Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah (1316-1320)
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 17
Tughluq Dynasty
 Ghiyas ud din Tughluq Shah I (1321 - 1325)
 Muhammad Shah II (1325 - 1351)
 Mahmud Ibn Muhammad ( March 1351)
 Firuz Shah Tughluq (1351 - 1388)
 Ghiyas ud din Tughluq II (1388 - 1389)
 Abu Baker (1389 - 1390)
 Nasir ud din Muhammad Shah III (1390 - 1393)
 Sikander Shah I ( March - April 1393)
 Mahmud Nasir ud din (Sultan Mahmud II) at Delhi (1393 -
 (1394-1398)
 Nusrat Shah, grandson of Firuz Shah Tughluq, controlled the
west from Firozabad
 Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Shah, son of Mahmud Nasir ud din,
controlled the east from Delhi
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 18
 Babar (1526-1530)
 Hamayun(1530–1539, 1555–1556)
 Akbar (1556–1605 )
 Jehangir (1605–1627 )
 Shah Jehan(1628–1658 )
 Aurungzeb (1658–1707 )
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 19
Later Mughals
 Bahadur Shah I 1707-1712 First of the Mughal
emperors to preside over a steady and severe decline in
the territories under the empire's control and military
power. After his reign, the emperor became a
progressively insignificant figurehead.
 Jahandar Shah 1712-1713 He was merely a
puppet in the hands of his Chief Minister Zulfikar Khan.
The acts of Jahandar Shah brought down the prestige of
the Mughal Empire.
 Furrukhsiyar 1713-1719 In 1717 he granted a
firman to the English East India Company granting them
duty free trading rights for Bengal, and confirmed their
position in India.
 Rafi Ul-Darjat
 Shah Jahan II
 NikusiyarSunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 20
Later Mughals
 Muhammad Ibrahim
 Muhammad Shah 1719-1720, 1720-1748 Suffered
the invasion of Nadir-Shah of Persia in 1739.
 Ahmad Shah Bahadur 1748-54
 Alamgir II 1754-1759
 Shah Alam II 1759-1806 Suffered the invasion of
Ahmed-Shah-Abdali in 1761; granted the 'Nizami' of
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the BEIC in 1765, formally
accepted the protection of the BEIC in 1803.
 Akbar Shah II 1806-1837 Titular figurehead under
British protection
 Bahadur Shah Zafar 1837-1857 Deposed by the
British and exiled to Burma following the Great Mutiny.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 21
Muslim Views
• Worked to impose own strict
religious views on society
• Issued strict decrees about
morality, personal behavior
Crushing Protesters
• Crowds of Shia, Sufi Muslims
gathered to protest actions
• Aurangzeb ordered soldiers
mounted on elephants to
crush them
Religious Persecution
• Persecuted Hindus, Sikhs
• Taxed them, forbade them
high positions in government
• Destroyed their temples
God of All
• Restrictions, persecution led
many to rebel
• One wrote: “God is the God of
all mankind…not the God of
Muslims alone.”
Domestic Affairs in South Asia
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 22
• Soon invaders poured into
India from north
• Mughals continued to rule for
about 150 more years, but held
little power, controlled far less
• Eventually India fell under
colonial sway of British as part
of their global empire
• Technological backwardness
in warfare
• Lack ok naval power
Power and Territory Loss
• Aurangzeb enlarged Mughal
empire, however his actions
marked beginning of its end
• Due to harsh measures of
regime, frequent rebellions
broke out in later 1600s
• When Aurangzeb died, rival
claims to throne led to civil
• Lack of unity among Muslims
• Relaxations to East India
Civil War
Decline of the Muslim Rule
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 23
South Asia in 18th Century
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 24
Write Up
 What are the basic reasons of the downfall
of Muslim Rule in India?
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 25
The Bhakti Movement
 The Bhakti movement was a Hindu religious movement in
which the main spiritual practice is loving devotion among
the Shaivite and Vaishnava saints.
 The Bhakti movement originated in ancient Tamil Nadu and
began to spread to the north during the late medieval ages
when north India was under Islamic rule. The Islamic rulers
were pressing the public to convert from Hindu to Islam.
 During the 14th–17th centuries, a great Bhakti movement
swept through central and northern India, initiated by a
loosely associated group of teachers or saints.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 27
The Bhakti Movement
• The history of the movement goes back to the time of great
reformer Shankaracharya who gave Hinduism a solid
philosophical background.
• But the movement became popular in the middle ages. Kabir’s
teachings had great influence in the Punjab, but actually the
movement in the Punjab was led by Guru Nanak and his nine
• The message was spread among the people of the Punjab for ten
generations. This intense and organized propaganda of the
Bhakti cult by the Sikh Gurus led to the foundation of a
community of Bhaktas known as the Sikhs.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 28
The Bhakti Movement
 Beyond the confines of such formal schools and movements,
however, the development of Bhakti as a major form of
Hindu practice started to have an indelible stamp on the
 Generally a liberal movement, its denouncement of caste
offered recourse for Hindus from the orthodox Brahaminical
 According to its teachings, “Both Ram and Rehman are one.”
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 29
Role of Sufis
 Contrary to the spiritual mission of Sufism, the cult was
primarily introduced in India for spread of Islam with a
view to help the Muslim rulers for political domination.
 By and large the spiritual successors of mystic Islamic
saints enjoyed the royal favor of Muslim rulers and gave
moral support to the atrocious Muslim invaders and
looked other way to ignore the growing social conflict.
 They also guided the State in political affairs with their
experience of regular interaction with common people
 They also endeavored to neutralize the negative effects
of the Bhakti Movement.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 31
Role of Sufis
 Four prominent Sufi orders
1. Chistia Order
2. Suharwardya Order
3. Naqshbandia Order
4. Qadri Order
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 32
Role of Sufis
1. Chistia Order
 Four Islamic mystics from Afghanistan namely Moinuddin
(d. 1233 in Ajmer), Qutbuddin (d. 1236 in Delhi),
Nizamuddin (d.1335 in Delhi) and Fariduddin (d.1265 in
Pattan now in Pakistan) accompanied the Islamic invaders in
India (A History of Modern India edited by Claude Markovitz, Anthen Press,
2002, Page 30).
 All of them were from the Chistia order of Islamic mysticism.
Radiating from Delhi under Nizamuddin and following the
trail of Mohammad ibn Tughlaq towards the south, the
Chistia spread its roots all across India.
 Internationally famous Sufi Shine at Ajmer Sharif in
Rajasthan and Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi belong to this
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 33
Role of Sufis
 A section of Sufis under Chistia order was not against
adjustment with Hindu saints of Bhakti cult and used
even Hindi language for Islamic devotional songs.
 However, the orthodox Ulema with royal support forced
the Sufis to raise the slogan of “Back to Shariat."
 Even though Ulema had certain differences with Sufis
over theological and mystic issues, Shariat remained a
cementing force between them.
 Later both the Islamist groups joined together to woo the
rulers with a view to furthering their self-seeking
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 34
Role of Sufis
2. Suharwardya Order
 Suharawardy order of Sufism was founded by Shihabud-
Din Suharawardy of Baghdad and introduced in India by
his disciple Baha-ud-Din Zakariya of Multan.
 Suharawardiyya order of Sufism became popular in
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 35
Role of Sufis
3. Naqshbandia Order
• Baha-ud-Din Naqshband (1318-1389) of Turkistan founded
Naqshbandi order of Sufism.
• Insistence on rigid adherence to Shariat and nurturing love for
prophet was the essence of this order that established its hold in
India under the patronage of Mogul rulers, as its founder was their
ancestral 'Pir' (Spiritual guide). "The conquest of India by Babur in
1526 gave considerable impetus to the Naqshbandiyya order"
(History of Sufism in India by Sayed Athar Abbas Rizvi, Volume 2, 1992, Page 180).
• Its disciples remained loyal to the throne because of the common
Turk origin. With the royal patronage of most of the Mogul rulers,
Naqshbandia order served the cause for revival of Islam in its
pristine form.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 36
Role of Sufis
 Khwaja Mohhammad Baqi Billah Berang whose tomb is
in Delhi introduced Naqshbandi order in India.
 Though, the Sufis of this order were lying low during the
period of Akbar, Khalifa Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, (1564-
1624), a favourite disciple of Baqi Billah achieved
increasing importance and popularised this order when
the Great Mogul became bed ridden. Baqi Billah,
nicknamed him as 'Mujaddid (Reformer or reviver of
Islam for the second millenium).
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 37
Role of Sufis
4. Qadri Order
 Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi
 Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 38
Spread of Islam by Sufis
 Famous Saints of the region:
 Nizam-ud-din Auliya
 Hazrat Khawaja Muin-ud-din Chishti (Ajmer)
 Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (Delhi)
 Shah Jalal (Bengal)
 Amir Khusro (UP to Delhi)
 Sarkar Sabir Pak (Uttarakhand)
 Shekh Alla-ul-Haq Pandwi
 Ashraf Jahangir Semnani
 Waris Pak
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 39
Quotations and views of Historians
 Ramesh Chunder Dutt(Bengali Civil Servant) in his book
A History of Civilization in Ancient India,
“The people were kept in ignorance fed with unwholesome
superstition and beguiled with gorgeous and never ending
 R.C. Majumdar in his book The History and Culture of
the Indian People
“The Hindu Society now reesembled that unfortunate human
being whose head and feet were active but whose intermediate
limbs were maimed an paralysed”
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 40
Write Up
In the West, there is a separation between
the religion and the State. However, the contemporary
history of South Asia reveals that the State has always
used religion to advance its interests. Which line of
action is more preferred- the former or the latter. Also
exemplify your response.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 41
42Pakistan AffairsSunday, March 1, 2015
Please contact for Queries
Asmatullah Junejo (PSP)
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 43

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  • 3. Sequence  Muslim Rule in India  Muslim Reformist Movements  War of Independence 1857  Ideology of Pakistan  Two-Nation Theory  Spread of Islam in sub-continent  Questions and Answers Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 3
  • 4.
  • 5. After the fall of the Gupta Empire in the 500 AD, India broke apart into a number of small kingdoms. • During period of small kingdoms, Arab Muslim traders arrived in India for first time • Traders sailed to ports on west coast in search of goods such as spices • Over time, traders settled in India, lived peacefully beside Hindus, Buddhists The Arrival of Islam • Next Muslims to arrive not so peaceful • Early 700 AD, Muslim raiders including Mohd bin Qasim, invaded and conquered region of Sind, in what is now Pakistan 300 years later, Muslims poured into north India from Afghanistan • By 1200s, most of northern India under Muslim control Muslim Raiders Muslim Rule in India
  • 6. Advent of Islam  Arab Traders in Malabar Region (Link between them and South East Asia)  The first Indian mosque was built in 629 A.D, at the behest of Cheraman Perumal (later converted to Islam), who is considered the first Indian Muslim. It was constructed in the district of Thrissur, Kerala by Malik Bin Deenar (Tabi’in and 12 associates)  In Malabar, the Mappilas may have been the first community to convert to Islam  Source: Elliot and Dowson in their book: The History of India as told by its own Historians Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 6
  • 7. Malabar (Kerala) Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 7
  • 8. Cheraman Perumal  King of Chera Dynasty in Malabar  First Muslim Mosque of India  Cheraman to Tajuddin Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 8
  • 9. Invasions of Sub Continent Hazrat Umer, in 644 A.D., sent expeditions under Hakam Ibn Amr in Markan. The Messenger brought this news: “ 'O Commander of the faithful! It's a land where the plains are stony; Where water is scanty; Where the fruits are unsavory; Where men are known for treachery; Where plenty is unknown; Where virtue is held of little account; And where evil is dominant; A large army is less for there; And a less army is useless there; The land beyond it, is even worse.” Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 9
  • 10.  In 644 AD, Balochistan (Part of Sistan) was captured by Suhail Ibn Adi under Hazrat Umer’s rule  Around 664 AD, during the Umayyad Caliphate, led by Al Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah marched towards Multan in Southern Punjab (in modern day Pakistan).  Muhallab's expeditions were not aimed at conquest, though they penetrated only as far as the capital of the Maili, he returned with wealth and prisoners of war. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 10
  • 11. Growth of Muslim Society  It took several centuries for Islam to spread across India and how it did so is a topic of intense debate. 1. Inspiration with Islamic teachings 2. Forced conversions to Islam 3. Imposition of Jizya and Dhimmitude (protected) favoring Muslim citizens, and the threat of naked force. 4. Inter-marriages 5. Economic integration 6. Sufism Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 11
  • 12.
  • 13. Ghaznavi Period  In 1001, Mahmud Ghaznavi defeated Shahi Raja Jayapala of the Hindu Shahi Dynasty of Gandhara  Also fought against the Ismaili Fatimids and obtained formal recognition of Ghazni's sovereignty from the Abbassid Khalifah, al-Qadir Billah  Died in 1030 at the age of 59 Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 13
  • 14. Muhammad Ghauri  Muhammad Ghouri was a Turk-Afghan conqueror from the region of Ghor in Afghanistan  In 1160, the Ghourids conquered Ghazni from the Ghaznevids  In 1187, he conquered Lahore in alliance with a local Hindu ruler  1191 and 1192, won Battle of Tarain vs Prithvi Raj Chohan  Died in 1200 and Qutbuddin Aibak took Control Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 14
  • 15.  The Slave Dynasty (1211–1290)  The Khalji (1290–1320)  The Tughlaq (1320–1413)  The Sayyid (1414–51)  The Lodhi (1451–1526) Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 15
  • 16. The Slave Dynasty (1211–1290) Mamluk Dynasty or Ghulam Dynasty  Qutb-ud-din Aybak (1206–1210).  Aram Shah (1210–1211).  Shams ud din Iltutmish (1211–1236), son-in-law of Qut-bud- din Aybak.  Rukn ud din Firuz (1236), son of Iltutmish.  Raziyyat-ud-din Sultana (1236–1240), daughter of Iltutmish.  Muiz ud din Bahram (1240–1242), son of Iltutmish.  Ala ud din Masud (1242–1246), son of Ruk-nud-din.  Nasir ud din Mahmud (1246–1266), son of Iltutmish.  Ghiyas ud din Balban (1266–1286), ex-slave, son-in-law of Iltutmish.  Muiz ud din Qaiqabad (1286–1290), grandson of Balban and Nasir-ud-din. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 16
  • 17. Khalji Sultans of Delhi (1290-1320)  Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji (1290-1296)  Ala ud din Khilji (1296-1316)  Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah (1316-1320) Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 17
  • 18. Tughluq Dynasty  Ghiyas ud din Tughluq Shah I (1321 - 1325)  Muhammad Shah II (1325 - 1351)  Mahmud Ibn Muhammad ( March 1351)  Firuz Shah Tughluq (1351 - 1388)  Ghiyas ud din Tughluq II (1388 - 1389)  Abu Baker (1389 - 1390)  Nasir ud din Muhammad Shah III (1390 - 1393)  Sikander Shah I ( March - April 1393)  Mahmud Nasir ud din (Sultan Mahmud II) at Delhi (1393 - 1394)  (1394-1398)  Nusrat Shah, grandson of Firuz Shah Tughluq, controlled the west from Firozabad  Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Shah, son of Mahmud Nasir ud din, controlled the east from Delhi Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 18
  • 19. Mughals  Babar (1526-1530)  Hamayun(1530–1539, 1555–1556)  Akbar (1556–1605 )  Jehangir (1605–1627 )  Shah Jehan(1628–1658 )  Aurungzeb (1658–1707 ) Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 19
  • 20. Later Mughals  Bahadur Shah I 1707-1712 First of the Mughal emperors to preside over a steady and severe decline in the territories under the empire's control and military power. After his reign, the emperor became a progressively insignificant figurehead.  Jahandar Shah 1712-1713 He was merely a puppet in the hands of his Chief Minister Zulfikar Khan. The acts of Jahandar Shah brought down the prestige of the Mughal Empire.  Furrukhsiyar 1713-1719 In 1717 he granted a firman to the English East India Company granting them duty free trading rights for Bengal, and confirmed their position in India.  Rafi Ul-Darjat  Shah Jahan II  NikusiyarSunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 20
  • 21. Later Mughals  Muhammad Ibrahim  Muhammad Shah 1719-1720, 1720-1748 Suffered the invasion of Nadir-Shah of Persia in 1739.  Ahmad Shah Bahadur 1748-54  Alamgir II 1754-1759  Shah Alam II 1759-1806 Suffered the invasion of Ahmed-Shah-Abdali in 1761; granted the 'Nizami' of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the BEIC in 1765, formally accepted the protection of the BEIC in 1803.  Akbar Shah II 1806-1837 Titular figurehead under British protection  Bahadur Shah Zafar 1837-1857 Deposed by the British and exiled to Burma following the Great Mutiny. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 21
  • 22. Muslim Views • Worked to impose own strict religious views on society • Issued strict decrees about morality, personal behavior Crushing Protesters • Crowds of Shia, Sufi Muslims gathered to protest actions • Aurangzeb ordered soldiers mounted on elephants to crush them Religious Persecution • Persecuted Hindus, Sikhs • Taxed them, forbade them high positions in government • Destroyed their temples God of All • Restrictions, persecution led many to rebel • One wrote: “God is the God of all mankind…not the God of Muslims alone.” Domestic Affairs in South Asia Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 22
  • 23. • Soon invaders poured into India from north • Mughals continued to rule for about 150 more years, but held little power, controlled far less territory • Eventually India fell under colonial sway of British as part of their global empire • Technological backwardness in warfare • Lack ok naval power Power and Territory Loss • Aurangzeb enlarged Mughal empire, however his actions marked beginning of its end • Due to harsh measures of regime, frequent rebellions broke out in later 1600s • When Aurangzeb died, rival claims to throne led to civil war • Lack of unity among Muslims • Relaxations to East India Company Civil War Decline of the Muslim Rule Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 23
  • 24. South Asia in 18th Century Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 24
  • 25. Write Up  What are the basic reasons of the downfall of Muslim Rule in India? Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 25
  • 26.
  • 27. The Bhakti Movement  The Bhakti movement was a Hindu religious movement in which the main spiritual practice is loving devotion among the Shaivite and Vaishnava saints.  The Bhakti movement originated in ancient Tamil Nadu and began to spread to the north during the late medieval ages when north India was under Islamic rule. The Islamic rulers were pressing the public to convert from Hindu to Islam.  During the 14th–17th centuries, a great Bhakti movement swept through central and northern India, initiated by a loosely associated group of teachers or saints. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 27
  • 28. The Bhakti Movement • The history of the movement goes back to the time of great reformer Shankaracharya who gave Hinduism a solid philosophical background. • But the movement became popular in the middle ages. Kabir’s teachings had great influence in the Punjab, but actually the movement in the Punjab was led by Guru Nanak and his nine successors. • The message was spread among the people of the Punjab for ten generations. This intense and organized propaganda of the Bhakti cult by the Sikh Gurus led to the foundation of a community of Bhaktas known as the Sikhs. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 28
  • 29. The Bhakti Movement  Beyond the confines of such formal schools and movements, however, the development of Bhakti as a major form of Hindu practice started to have an indelible stamp on the faith.  Generally a liberal movement, its denouncement of caste offered recourse for Hindus from the orthodox Brahaminical systems.  According to its teachings, “Both Ram and Rehman are one.” Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 29
  • 30.
  • 31. Role of Sufis  Contrary to the spiritual mission of Sufism, the cult was primarily introduced in India for spread of Islam with a view to help the Muslim rulers for political domination.  By and large the spiritual successors of mystic Islamic saints enjoyed the royal favor of Muslim rulers and gave moral support to the atrocious Muslim invaders and looked other way to ignore the growing social conflict.  They also guided the State in political affairs with their experience of regular interaction with common people  They also endeavored to neutralize the negative effects of the Bhakti Movement. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 31
  • 32. Role of Sufis  Four prominent Sufi orders 1. Chistia Order 2. Suharwardya Order 3. Naqshbandia Order 4. Qadri Order Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 32
  • 33. Role of Sufis 1. Chistia Order  Four Islamic mystics from Afghanistan namely Moinuddin (d. 1233 in Ajmer), Qutbuddin (d. 1236 in Delhi), Nizamuddin (d.1335 in Delhi) and Fariduddin (d.1265 in Pattan now in Pakistan) accompanied the Islamic invaders in India (A History of Modern India edited by Claude Markovitz, Anthen Press, 2002, Page 30).  All of them were from the Chistia order of Islamic mysticism. Radiating from Delhi under Nizamuddin and following the trail of Mohammad ibn Tughlaq towards the south, the Chistia spread its roots all across India.  Internationally famous Sufi Shine at Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan and Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi belong to this order. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 33
  • 34. Role of Sufis  A section of Sufis under Chistia order was not against adjustment with Hindu saints of Bhakti cult and used even Hindi language for Islamic devotional songs.  However, the orthodox Ulema with royal support forced the Sufis to raise the slogan of “Back to Shariat."  Even though Ulema had certain differences with Sufis over theological and mystic issues, Shariat remained a cementing force between them.  Later both the Islamist groups joined together to woo the rulers with a view to furthering their self-seeking interest. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 34
  • 35. Role of Sufis 2. Suharwardya Order  Suharawardy order of Sufism was founded by Shihabud- Din Suharawardy of Baghdad and introduced in India by his disciple Baha-ud-Din Zakariya of Multan.  Suharawardiyya order of Sufism became popular in Bengal. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 35
  • 36. Role of Sufis 3. Naqshbandia Order • Baha-ud-Din Naqshband (1318-1389) of Turkistan founded Naqshbandi order of Sufism. • Insistence on rigid adherence to Shariat and nurturing love for prophet was the essence of this order that established its hold in India under the patronage of Mogul rulers, as its founder was their ancestral 'Pir' (Spiritual guide). "The conquest of India by Babur in 1526 gave considerable impetus to the Naqshbandiyya order" (History of Sufism in India by Sayed Athar Abbas Rizvi, Volume 2, 1992, Page 180). • Its disciples remained loyal to the throne because of the common Turk origin. With the royal patronage of most of the Mogul rulers, Naqshbandia order served the cause for revival of Islam in its pristine form. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 36
  • 37. Role of Sufis  Khwaja Mohhammad Baqi Billah Berang whose tomb is in Delhi introduced Naqshbandi order in India.  Though, the Sufis of this order were lying low during the period of Akbar, Khalifa Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, (1564- 1624), a favourite disciple of Baqi Billah achieved increasing importance and popularised this order when the Great Mogul became bed ridden. Baqi Billah, nicknamed him as 'Mujaddid (Reformer or reviver of Islam for the second millenium). Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 37
  • 38. Role of Sufis 4. Qadri Order  Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi  Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 38
  • 39. Spread of Islam by Sufis  Famous Saints of the region:  Nizam-ud-din Auliya  Hazrat Khawaja Muin-ud-din Chishti (Ajmer)  Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (Delhi)  Shah Jalal (Bengal)  Amir Khusro (UP to Delhi)  Sarkar Sabir Pak (Uttarakhand)  Shekh Alla-ul-Haq Pandwi  Ashraf Jahangir Semnani  Waris Pak Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 39
  • 40. Quotations and views of Historians  Ramesh Chunder Dutt(Bengali Civil Servant) in his book A History of Civilization in Ancient India, “The people were kept in ignorance fed with unwholesome superstition and beguiled with gorgeous and never ending festivals”  R.C. Majumdar in his book The History and Culture of the Indian People “The Hindu Society now reesembled that unfortunate human being whose head and feet were active but whose intermediate limbs were maimed an paralysed” Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 40
  • 41. Write Up In the West, there is a separation between the religion and the State. However, the contemporary history of South Asia reveals that the State has always used religion to advance its interests. Which line of action is more preferred- the former or the latter. Also exemplify your response. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 41
  • 43. Please contact for Queries Asmatullah Junejo (PSP) 0300-7064608 Sunday, March 1, 2015 Pakistan Affairs 43