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Indus civilization: ......................................................................1
Muhammad bin Qasim .............................................................2
Important dates of Muslim rulers, conquests.........................2
Causes of fall of Muslims ..........................................................4
Dates of important events in Pakistan till now.......................4
Presidential form of Government ............................................5
Parliamentary form of Government........................................5
Objective resolution...................................................................6
23 March 1956 constitution ......................................................7
8 June 1962 constitution............................................................7
Made bY Noor Bazai
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Pak studies
Indus civilization:
 it is one of the earliest civilization of the world along with Egyptian and Mesopotamian
 its location lies in Pakistan and north west India
 Indus civilization origin lies between 3300-1300 BC
 it was discovered in 1921 by sir john marshal
 that era is called bronze age
 Harappa was an urban center. It is in Punjab Province near Sahiwal, located on an old river-
bed of River Ravi.
 Mohenjo Daro is located in Sindh province of Pakistan, which is next to the river Indus.
 Dholavira is situated on ‘Khadir Beyt’, which is an island in Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India.
 Lothal is located near the Sabarmati River and Arabian Sea, in the Gulf of Khambat,
Gujarat, India. The Indus Valley civilization is the first known Urban Culture in India.
 Mehrgarh it is considered the oldest of all the cities its location is in Baluchistan near daadar
 Majority of the sites developed on the banks of river Indus, Ghaggar and its tributaries.
 This civilization is credited for building cities complete with town planning,
sanitation, drainage system and broad well-laid roads.
 They also built double storied houses of burnt-bricks complete with bathroom, kitchen, and
a well.
 Their Walled cities had important buildings such as, the Great Bath, Granaries and the
Assembly Halls.
 Their Agriculture was considered major occupation for rural areas. While the City residents
were involved in internal & external trade which led to developed contacts with other
civilizations (e.g. Mesopotamia).
 Harappans were excellent potters as is evident by their artifacts.
 Harappans also had technical knowledge of metals & process of alloying (e.g. bronze
sculpture of dancing girl found in Mohenjodaro).
 Also, Shell, ivory, bone and faience were used as material for different crafts.
 Lothal was a well-planned walled city which was an important centre of sea trade with the
western world...
 Harappans used to worship plants, animals and the forces of nature.
 They also worshipped male god resembling Lord Shiva of later times and a mother
 They also probably believed in life after death and also in charms and spells.
 Their Seals were engraved with animal figures (e.g. humped bull, elephant and rhinoceros).
This suggests that these animals were considered sacred.
 The image of ‘Peepal’ tree is found depicted on many seals.
 Harappan script is yet to be deciphered. Hence, our knowledge of Harappan civilization is
solely based on archaeological evidence alone.
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 Harappans were the first people to cultivate cotton. They knew the art of spinning &
1. Muslims arrival to sub-continent
Muhammad bin Qasim
 His real name was hammad Uddin he was the son in law and nephew of hajjaj bin Yousef.
The Umayyad caliphate ordered Muhammad Bin Qasim to attack over Sindh. He led 6,000
Syrian cavalry and at the borders of Sindh he was joined by an advance guard and six
thousand camel riders and with five catapults (Manjaniks). Muhammad Bin Qasim first
captured Debal, from where the Arab army marched along the Indus. At Rohri he was met
by Dahir’s forces. Dahir died in the battle, his forces were defeated and Muhammad bin
Qasim took control of Sind. Mohammad Bin Qasim entered Daibul in 712 AD. As a result
of his efforts, he succeeded in capturing Daibul. He continued his Victorious Progress in
succession, Nirun, fortress (called Sikka), Brahman Abad, Alor, Multan and Gujrat. After
the conquest of Multan, he carried his arms to the borders of Kingdom of Kashmir, but his
dismissal stopped the further advance. Now Muslims were the masters of whole Sindh and
a part of Punjab up to the borders of Kashmir in the north. After the conquest, he adopted
a conciliatory policy, asking for acceptance of Muslim rule by the natives in return for non-
interference in their religious and cultural practices. He also established peace with a strong
taxation system. In return he provided the guaranty of security of life and property for the
natives. Hajjaj died in 714. When Walled Bin Abdul Malik died, his younger brother
Suleiman succeeded as the Caliph. He was a bitter enemy of Hajjaj’s family. He recalled
Mohammad Bin Qasim from Sindh, who obeyed the orders as the duty of a general. When
he came back, he was put to death on 18t NH of July, 715AD at the age of twenty. Hammad
bin qasim
Important dates of Muslim rulers, conquests.
712 Arab (Muhammad Bin Qasim) conquest of Dabul, Nion and Brahman Settlement
713 Arab conquest of Multan
750 Arab conquest, replace the Umayyad
771 Delegations of Indo-Pak scholars at Baghdad
825 Arabs in Malabar
870 Muslims Conquest of Kabul & Foundation of Ghazni
871 Sindh and Multan virtually independent of Baghdad
874 Rise of Bukhara as a great political and cultural center
977-97 Rise of Subuktigin, Ruler of Gazni
997-98 Death of Subuktigin, Accession of Mahmoud
1030 Death of Mahmood
1203 Muhammad Ghori ascends the throne
1206 Assassination of Muhammad Ghuri
1206-10 Qutab-ud-din Aback
1211 Accession of Illtutmish
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1236 Death of Illtutmish
1236-40 Razia Sultana
1246 Accession of Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
1265 Accession of Bal ban
1287 Death of Balban
1290 Accession of Jalal-ud-din Firoz Khailji
1296 Accession of Ala-ud-din Khailji
1316 Death of Ala-ud-din Khaliji
1320-25 Ghuyath-ud-din Tughlag
1325-51 Muhammad b Tughlag
1351-88 Firuz Tughalg
1388 Death of FirozTughlag
1398 Invasion of Timur
1413 Death of Muhammad Tughlag
1414-51 The rule of the sayyads
1451-89 Bahlul Lodi
1489-1517 Sikander Lodi
1517-26 Ibrahim Lodi
1526 First battle of Paniput
1530 Babur's death and Humayun's Accession
1539 Humayun defeated
1539 Sher Shah proclaims himself Emperor
1545 Sher Shah's death
1545-54Islam Shah Sur
1555 Humayon's reconquest of Delhi
1556 Death of Humayun
1656 Enthronement of Akbar
1605 Death of Akbar
1627 Death of Jahanger
1628 Shah Jahan's Enthronement
1657 Illness of Shah Jahan's War of Succession
1658 Informal Enthronement of Aurangzeb
1659 Second coronation of Aurangzeb
1666 Death of Shah Jahan
3rd March 1707 death of Aurangzeb
1707 Accession of Bahadur Shah
1712 Death of Bahadur Shah war of Succession
1713 Farrukh Siyar becomes Emperor
1719 Murder of Farrukh Siyar
1748 Enthronement of Muhammad Shah
1748 Accession of Ahmed Shah
1754 Alamgir 2 Enthroned
1757 Abdali Sacks Delhi
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1761 Shah-Alam becomes Emperor
1806 Death of Shah –Alam
1806 Akbar Shah 2 Enthroned
1837 Bahadur Shah 2 succeeds Akbar Shah 2
1858 Trial and Exile of Bahadur Shah
Causes of fall of Muslims
 Weak successors of Aurangzeb
 Luxuries life of rulers
 No rules of succession
 Lack of education
 Fights for throne among the sons of the emperors
 Lack of resources
 Vastness of empire
 Weak military force and lack of technology
 Corrupt administration
 Rise of Sikhs, Marathas and Hindus
 No naval power
 Decline of the faith in Islam because of ignorance to religion deen e illahi was introduced
by akbar which was totally against Islam
 Invasion and advents foreigners ( east India company)
Dates of important events in Pakistan till now
August 14, 1947 Partition and independence; Mohammad Ali Jinnah becomes Governor
General; Liaqath Ali Khan becomes Prime Minister
September 11, 1948 Jinnah dies; Khawaja Nazimuddin becomes Governor General
October 1951 Liaqath Ali Khan assassinated; Ghulam Mohammad becomes Governor General
August 1955 Ghulam Mohammad dies; succeeded by Iskander Mirza
October 1955 One Unit established, incorporating the four provinces of West Pakistan
March 23, 1956 Constitution adopted; Mirza becomes President
October 7, 1958 President Mirza abrogates constitution, declares martial law
October 27, 1958 Mirza sent into exile; General Mohammad Ayub Khan begins rule
September 1965 War with India over KASHMIR ISSUE.
March 25, 1969 Ayub resigns as result of public pressure; General Agha Mohammad Yahya
Khan assumes power.
July 1, 1970 one unit abolished, four provinces reestablished in West Pakistan
December 1970 First general elections; Awami League secures majority in East Pakistan &
People’s Party in West Pakistan.
March 25, 1971 East Pakistan attempts to secede; civil war begins
December 1971 Indo-Pakistani War; East Pakistan becomes the independent state of
Bangladesh; Yahya resigns; President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto takes charge as the Civilian Martial
Law Administrator.
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July 2, 1972 Bhutto and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi conclude Simla Agreement
August 14, 1973 New Constitution goes into effect with Bhutto as Prime Minister
February 22-25, 1974 Islam Summit Conference held in Lahore
March 1977 General elections; massive victory by Bhutto's party evokes widespread rioting and
July 5, 1977 Martial law proclaimed
September 1978 Mohammad Zia ul Haq becomes President
April 4, 1979 Bhutto hanged
March 4, 1981 Provisional Constitutional Order, which in effect suspended 1973Constitution
August 12, 1983 President Zia announces that martial law will be lifted in 1985,(Martial Law
under General Zia-ul-Haq 1977-1985)
Referendum 1984
February 1985 General Elections
Islamization Under General Zia-ul-Haq
1985-88 Muhammad Khan Junejo Becomes Prime Minister
1985 Historic 8th Amendment is passed
1988 Death of General Zia-ul-Haq
1988 Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister
1988 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Becomes President
1990 Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
1990 Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister
[1993] Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister
[1993] Sardar Farooq Legahri Becomes President
1996 Malik Meraj Khalid Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
1997 Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister
1997 Thirteenth Amendment is Passed
1997 Fourteenth Amendment is Passed
1998 Muhammad Rafiq Tarar Elected as President
28 may 1998 Pakistan: A Nuclear Power
1999 The Kargil Offensive
[1999] Military Comes to Power Again and implement emergency
Presidential form of Government
 The Executive Power is undivided. It is deposited in a president who is both the head of
State and the head of government.
 The president is elected by the people and not by the Legislative Branch, which gives him
independence before this branch.
 The president freely appoints and removes the cabinet.
Parliamentary form of Government
 Prime minister is the head of the govt in this form of govt
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 Cabinet members (Executive Branch) are also Members of Parliament (Legislative
 The cabinet is formed of the majority party leaders or by the party leaders who, through a
coalition, form the parliamentary majority.
 The Executive Branch is dual: there is a head of State who mainly has the functions of
representation and of protocol and a head of government, who heads the administration
and government itself.
 There is one person in the cabinet who has preeminence and who is generally referred to
as the Prime Minister.
 The cabinet will exist as long as it has the support of the parliament majority.
 Public administration is entrusted to the Cabinet, but the Cabinet is under constant
supervision from the Parliament.
 In a federal government, the powers of administration are divided between the centre and
the units. The powers may be distributed in one of the two ways. Either the Constitution
states what powers the federal authority shall have or leaves the remainder to the federating
units, or it states what powers the federating units shall possess and leaves the remainder
to the federal authority.
 The constitution of a federation should be better rigid so that it could be regarded as a
sacred agreement, the spirit of which should not be easily violated. A flexible constitution
allows scope to the central government to curtail the autonomy of the federating states.
 The constitution is the supreme law in a federation. Neither the central government nor the
government of the units can go against its spirit.
 Citizens in a federation enjoy certain rights given to them by the constitution. The
constitution of India, Russia, and the U.S.A. have given rights to the citizens. It is a well-
established custom now.
 Constitution must be an inviolable document so that neither the central nor the provincial
government may be in doubt about its powers and rights granted by it. In other words, the
federal constitution must be written and definite so that there may-be no dispute or doubt
about its provisions. Really speaking, sovereign States federate only when they know that
their rights and powers are secure under a supreme, definite and written constitution.
Objective resolution
 It was passed by assembly under Prime Minister Liaqat Ali khan in March 1949
 Following were the features of objective resolution
 Sovereignty Belongs to Allah
 Federal System
 Supreme Authority of the People
 Life According to the Teachings of Islam
 Protection of the Rights of Minorities’
 Equal Rights to Citizens
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 Development of Under Developed Areas
 Independence Judiciary
 Integrity of the territory and sovereignty of the country was to be safeguarded
 Constitution of Pakistan should be framed by the Constituent Assembly
23 March 1956 constitution
 Constitution of was a written and lengthy document. It had 234 Articles and 6 Schedule
 Objective Resolution was included as Preamble of Constitution
 Constitution of 1956 declared Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan
 Under constitution of 1956, Urdu and Bengali were made national Language.
 Islam was the state religion of Pakistan.
 Many Islamic Provisions was introduced in constitution of 1956 and decided that no law
will be made which against the injunction of Islam.
 Fundamental Rights were given to the people of Pakistan according to constitution of 1956
 Rights of minorities were provided in the constitution of Pakistan 1956. Minorities freely
perform own religion festivals.
 Constitution of 1956 was provided uni-cameral legislature which was based on just
national assembly
 Federal system was introduced in the country under the constitution of 1956
 Constitution of 1956 was introduced parliamentary form of govt
 Freedom of Judiciary was introduced in constitution of 1956. It was decided that Supreme
Court would interpret the constitution.
 In the Constitution of 1956 method of direct election was introduced.
 Iskander mirza became prime minister and it was aborted in 1958 7 October
8 June 1962 constitution
 Constitution of 1962 was a written document. It consisted of 5 Schedules and 250 Articles.
 Constitution of 1962 was a rigid constitution, procedure to amend this constitution was
complicated. Any amendment to this constitution required not only at least 2/3 majority of
Parliament but also authentication from President.
 Constitution of 1962 was declared Pakistan as Democratic Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
 Under constitution of 1962, Urdu and Bengali as National Languages.
 Many Islamic Provision was introduced in constitution of 1962 and decided that no law
will be made which against the injunction of Islam.
 Constitution of 1962 was provided unicameral legislature which was based on just national
 Constitution of 1962 introduced Presidential form of Govt in such form of Govt President
was made head and he possessed Power to appoint ministers of his cabinet.
 Freedom of Judiciary was introduced that supreme Court would interpret the constitution.
 The constitution of 1962 grants certain fundamental rights to the citizens of Pakistan. These
are basic human rights which cannot be taken away even by legislation in normal
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 The constitution of 1962 provided for the establishment of Islamic Ideology Council.
 The president had the power to proclaim the emergency when the integrity or the
sovereignty of Pakistan was threatened.
 The constitution also provided equal protection of law to all and no person can be deprived
of life saves in accordance with law
 Under constitution of 1962, President was really powerful. He could exercise all the
executive authority. All ministers were accountable to him alone. President not only
appointed provincial Governors, but also appointed all important officials. President also
possessed certain legislative, military and judicial powers. Even he had power to issue an
ordinance and to veto legislation.

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Note (pak study)_b_y_n00r

  • 1. Contents Indus civilization: ......................................................................1 Muhammad bin Qasim .............................................................2 Important dates of Muslim rulers, conquests.........................2 Causes of fall of Muslims ..........................................................4 Dates of important events in Pakistan till now.......................4 Presidential form of Government ............................................5 Parliamentary form of Government........................................5 Federation...................................................................................6 Objective resolution...................................................................6 23 March 1956 constitution ......................................................7 8 June 1962 constitution............................................................7 NOTES FOR PAK STUDY Made bY Noor Bazai
  • 2. 1 | P a g e Pak studies Indus civilization:  it is one of the earliest civilization of the world along with Egyptian and Mesopotamian  its location lies in Pakistan and north west India  Indus civilization origin lies between 3300-1300 BC  it was discovered in 1921 by sir john marshal  that era is called bronze age  Harappa was an urban center. It is in Punjab Province near Sahiwal, located on an old river- bed of River Ravi.  Mohenjo Daro is located in Sindh province of Pakistan, which is next to the river Indus.  Dholavira is situated on ‘Khadir Beyt’, which is an island in Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India.  Lothal is located near the Sabarmati River and Arabian Sea, in the Gulf of Khambat, Gujarat, India. The Indus Valley civilization is the first known Urban Culture in India.  Mehrgarh it is considered the oldest of all the cities its location is in Baluchistan near daadar   Majority of the sites developed on the banks of river Indus, Ghaggar and its tributaries.  This civilization is credited for building cities complete with town planning, sanitation, drainage system and broad well-laid roads.  They also built double storied houses of burnt-bricks complete with bathroom, kitchen, and a well.  Their Walled cities had important buildings such as, the Great Bath, Granaries and the Assembly Halls.  Their Agriculture was considered major occupation for rural areas. While the City residents were involved in internal & external trade which led to developed contacts with other civilizations (e.g. Mesopotamia).  Harappans were excellent potters as is evident by their artifacts.  Harappans also had technical knowledge of metals & process of alloying (e.g. bronze sculpture of dancing girl found in Mohenjodaro).  Also, Shell, ivory, bone and faience were used as material for different crafts.  Lothal was a well-planned walled city which was an important centre of sea trade with the western world...  Harappans used to worship plants, animals and the forces of nature.  They also worshipped male god resembling Lord Shiva of later times and a mother goddess.  They also probably believed in life after death and also in charms and spells.  Their Seals were engraved with animal figures (e.g. humped bull, elephant and rhinoceros). This suggests that these animals were considered sacred.  The image of ‘Peepal’ tree is found depicted on many seals.  Harappan script is yet to be deciphered. Hence, our knowledge of Harappan civilization is solely based on archaeological evidence alone.
  • 3. 2 | P a g e  Harappans were the first people to cultivate cotton. They knew the art of spinning & weaving. 1. Muslims arrival to sub-continent Muhammad bin Qasim  His real name was hammad Uddin he was the son in law and nephew of hajjaj bin Yousef. The Umayyad caliphate ordered Muhammad Bin Qasim to attack over Sindh. He led 6,000 Syrian cavalry and at the borders of Sindh he was joined by an advance guard and six thousand camel riders and with five catapults (Manjaniks). Muhammad Bin Qasim first captured Debal, from where the Arab army marched along the Indus. At Rohri he was met by Dahir’s forces. Dahir died in the battle, his forces were defeated and Muhammad bin Qasim took control of Sind. Mohammad Bin Qasim entered Daibul in 712 AD. As a result of his efforts, he succeeded in capturing Daibul. He continued his Victorious Progress in succession, Nirun, fortress (called Sikka), Brahman Abad, Alor, Multan and Gujrat. After the conquest of Multan, he carried his arms to the borders of Kingdom of Kashmir, but his dismissal stopped the further advance. Now Muslims were the masters of whole Sindh and a part of Punjab up to the borders of Kashmir in the north. After the conquest, he adopted a conciliatory policy, asking for acceptance of Muslim rule by the natives in return for non- interference in their religious and cultural practices. He also established peace with a strong taxation system. In return he provided the guaranty of security of life and property for the natives. Hajjaj died in 714. When Walled Bin Abdul Malik died, his younger brother Suleiman succeeded as the Caliph. He was a bitter enemy of Hajjaj’s family. He recalled Mohammad Bin Qasim from Sindh, who obeyed the orders as the duty of a general. When he came back, he was put to death on 18t NH of July, 715AD at the age of twenty. Hammad bin qasim Important dates of Muslim rulers, conquests. 712 Arab (Muhammad Bin Qasim) conquest of Dabul, Nion and Brahman Settlement 713 Arab conquest of Multan 750 Arab conquest, replace the Umayyad 771 Delegations of Indo-Pak scholars at Baghdad 825 Arabs in Malabar 870 Muslims Conquest of Kabul & Foundation of Ghazni 871 Sindh and Multan virtually independent of Baghdad 874 Rise of Bukhara as a great political and cultural center 977-97 Rise of Subuktigin, Ruler of Gazni 997-98 Death of Subuktigin, Accession of Mahmoud 1030 Death of Mahmood 1203 Muhammad Ghori ascends the throne 1206 Assassination of Muhammad Ghuri 1206-10 Qutab-ud-din Aback 1211 Accession of Illtutmish
  • 4. 3 | P a g e 1236 Death of Illtutmish 1236-40 Razia Sultana 1246 Accession of Nasir-ud-din Mahmud 1265 Accession of Bal ban 1287 Death of Balban 1290 Accession of Jalal-ud-din Firoz Khailji 1296 Accession of Ala-ud-din Khailji 1316 Death of Ala-ud-din Khaliji 1320-25 Ghuyath-ud-din Tughlag 1325-51 Muhammad b Tughlag 1351-88 Firuz Tughalg 1388 Death of FirozTughlag 1398 Invasion of Timur 1413 Death of Muhammad Tughlag 1414-51 The rule of the sayyads 1451-89 Bahlul Lodi 1489-1517 Sikander Lodi 1517-26 Ibrahim Lodi 1526 First battle of Paniput 1530 Babur's death and Humayun's Accession 1539 Humayun defeated 1539 Sher Shah proclaims himself Emperor 1545 Sher Shah's death 1545-54Islam Shah Sur 1555 Humayon's reconquest of Delhi 1556 Death of Humayun 1656 Enthronement of Akbar 1605 Death of Akbar 1627 Death of Jahanger 1628 Shah Jahan's Enthronement 1657 Illness of Shah Jahan's War of Succession 1658 Informal Enthronement of Aurangzeb 1659 Second coronation of Aurangzeb 1666 Death of Shah Jahan 3rd March 1707 death of Aurangzeb 1707 Accession of Bahadur Shah 1712 Death of Bahadur Shah war of Succession 1713 Farrukh Siyar becomes Emperor 1719 Murder of Farrukh Siyar 1748 Enthronement of Muhammad Shah 1748 Accession of Ahmed Shah 1754 Alamgir 2 Enthroned 1757 Abdali Sacks Delhi
  • 5. 4 | P a g e 1761 Shah-Alam becomes Emperor 1806 Death of Shah –Alam 1806 Akbar Shah 2 Enthroned 1837 Bahadur Shah 2 succeeds Akbar Shah 2 1858 Trial and Exile of Bahadur Shah Causes of fall of Muslims  Weak successors of Aurangzeb  Luxuries life of rulers  No rules of succession  Lack of education  Fights for throne among the sons of the emperors  Lack of resources  Vastness of empire  Weak military force and lack of technology  Corrupt administration  Rise of Sikhs, Marathas and Hindus  No naval power  Decline of the faith in Islam because of ignorance to religion deen e illahi was introduced by akbar which was totally against Islam  Invasion and advents foreigners ( east India company) Dates of important events in Pakistan till now August 14, 1947 Partition and independence; Mohammad Ali Jinnah becomes Governor General; Liaqath Ali Khan becomes Prime Minister September 11, 1948 Jinnah dies; Khawaja Nazimuddin becomes Governor General October 1951 Liaqath Ali Khan assassinated; Ghulam Mohammad becomes Governor General August 1955 Ghulam Mohammad dies; succeeded by Iskander Mirza October 1955 One Unit established, incorporating the four provinces of West Pakistan March 23, 1956 Constitution adopted; Mirza becomes President October 7, 1958 President Mirza abrogates constitution, declares martial law October 27, 1958 Mirza sent into exile; General Mohammad Ayub Khan begins rule September 1965 War with India over KASHMIR ISSUE. March 25, 1969 Ayub resigns as result of public pressure; General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan assumes power. July 1, 1970 one unit abolished, four provinces reestablished in West Pakistan December 1970 First general elections; Awami League secures majority in East Pakistan & People’s Party in West Pakistan. March 25, 1971 East Pakistan attempts to secede; civil war begins December 1971 Indo-Pakistani War; East Pakistan becomes the independent state of Bangladesh; Yahya resigns; President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto takes charge as the Civilian Martial Law Administrator.
  • 6. 5 | P a g e July 2, 1972 Bhutto and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi conclude Simla Agreement August 14, 1973 New Constitution goes into effect with Bhutto as Prime Minister February 22-25, 1974 Islam Summit Conference held in Lahore March 1977 General elections; massive victory by Bhutto's party evokes widespread rioting and protest July 5, 1977 Martial law proclaimed September 1978 Mohammad Zia ul Haq becomes President April 4, 1979 Bhutto hanged March 4, 1981 Provisional Constitutional Order, which in effect suspended 1973Constitution August 12, 1983 President Zia announces that martial law will be lifted in 1985,(Martial Law under General Zia-ul-Haq 1977-1985) Referendum 1984 February 1985 General Elections Islamization Under General Zia-ul-Haq 1985-88 Muhammad Khan Junejo Becomes Prime Minister 1985 Historic 8th Amendment is passed 1988 Death of General Zia-ul-Haq 1988 Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister 1988 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Becomes President 1990 Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister 1990 Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister [1993] Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister [1993] Sardar Farooq Legahri Becomes President 1996 Malik Meraj Khalid Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister 1997 Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister 1997 Thirteenth Amendment is Passed 1997 Fourteenth Amendment is Passed 1998 Muhammad Rafiq Tarar Elected as President 28 may 1998 Pakistan: A Nuclear Power 1999 The Kargil Offensive [1999] Military Comes to Power Again and implement emergency Presidential form of Government  The Executive Power is undivided. It is deposited in a president who is both the head of State and the head of government.  The president is elected by the people and not by the Legislative Branch, which gives him independence before this branch.  The president freely appoints and removes the cabinet. Parliamentary form of Government  Prime minister is the head of the govt in this form of govt
  • 7. 6 | P a g e  Cabinet members (Executive Branch) are also Members of Parliament (Legislative Branch).  The cabinet is formed of the majority party leaders or by the party leaders who, through a coalition, form the parliamentary majority.  The Executive Branch is dual: there is a head of State who mainly has the functions of representation and of protocol and a head of government, who heads the administration and government itself.  There is one person in the cabinet who has preeminence and who is generally referred to as the Prime Minister.  The cabinet will exist as long as it has the support of the parliament majority.  Public administration is entrusted to the Cabinet, but the Cabinet is under constant supervision from the Parliament. Federation  In a federal government, the powers of administration are divided between the centre and the units. The powers may be distributed in one of the two ways. Either the Constitution states what powers the federal authority shall have or leaves the remainder to the federating units, or it states what powers the federating units shall possess and leaves the remainder to the federal authority.  The constitution of a federation should be better rigid so that it could be regarded as a sacred agreement, the spirit of which should not be easily violated. A flexible constitution allows scope to the central government to curtail the autonomy of the federating states.  The constitution is the supreme law in a federation. Neither the central government nor the government of the units can go against its spirit.  Citizens in a federation enjoy certain rights given to them by the constitution. The constitution of India, Russia, and the U.S.A. have given rights to the citizens. It is a well- established custom now.  Constitution must be an inviolable document so that neither the central nor the provincial government may be in doubt about its powers and rights granted by it. In other words, the federal constitution must be written and definite so that there may-be no dispute or doubt about its provisions. Really speaking, sovereign States federate only when they know that their rights and powers are secure under a supreme, definite and written constitution. Objective resolution  It was passed by assembly under Prime Minister Liaqat Ali khan in March 1949  Following were the features of objective resolution  Sovereignty Belongs to Allah  Federal System  Supreme Authority of the People  Life According to the Teachings of Islam  Protection of the Rights of Minorities’  Equal Rights to Citizens
  • 8. 7 | P a g e  Development of Under Developed Areas  Independence Judiciary  Integrity of the territory and sovereignty of the country was to be safeguarded  Constitution of Pakistan should be framed by the Constituent Assembly 23 March 1956 constitution  Constitution of was a written and lengthy document. It had 234 Articles and 6 Schedule  Objective Resolution was included as Preamble of Constitution  Constitution of 1956 declared Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan  Under constitution of 1956, Urdu and Bengali were made national Language.  Islam was the state religion of Pakistan.  Many Islamic Provisions was introduced in constitution of 1956 and decided that no law will be made which against the injunction of Islam.  Fundamental Rights were given to the people of Pakistan according to constitution of 1956  Rights of minorities were provided in the constitution of Pakistan 1956. Minorities freely perform own religion festivals.  Constitution of 1956 was provided uni-cameral legislature which was based on just national assembly  Federal system was introduced in the country under the constitution of 1956  Constitution of 1956 was introduced parliamentary form of govt  Freedom of Judiciary was introduced in constitution of 1956. It was decided that Supreme Court would interpret the constitution.  In the Constitution of 1956 method of direct election was introduced.  Iskander mirza became prime minister and it was aborted in 1958 7 October 8 June 1962 constitution  Constitution of 1962 was a written document. It consisted of 5 Schedules and 250 Articles.  Constitution of 1962 was a rigid constitution, procedure to amend this constitution was complicated. Any amendment to this constitution required not only at least 2/3 majority of Parliament but also authentication from President.  Constitution of 1962 was declared Pakistan as Democratic Islamic Republic of Pakistan.  Under constitution of 1962, Urdu and Bengali as National Languages.  Many Islamic Provision was introduced in constitution of 1962 and decided that no law will be made which against the injunction of Islam.  Constitution of 1962 was provided unicameral legislature which was based on just national assembly.  Constitution of 1962 introduced Presidential form of Govt in such form of Govt President was made head and he possessed Power to appoint ministers of his cabinet.  Freedom of Judiciary was introduced that supreme Court would interpret the constitution.  The constitution of 1962 grants certain fundamental rights to the citizens of Pakistan. These are basic human rights which cannot be taken away even by legislation in normal circumstances.
  • 9. 8 | P a g e  The constitution of 1962 provided for the establishment of Islamic Ideology Council.  The president had the power to proclaim the emergency when the integrity or the sovereignty of Pakistan was threatened.  The constitution also provided equal protection of law to all and no person can be deprived of life saves in accordance with law  Under constitution of 1962, President was really powerful. He could exercise all the executive authority. All ministers were accountable to him alone. President not only appointed provincial Governors, but also appointed all important officials. President also possessed certain legislative, military and judicial powers. Even he had power to issue an ordinance and to veto legislation.