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Kapidex Juice
" Lower is Better, and Lowest is Best"
Table of Contents
Medical Background
Product Knowledge
Medical Background
What’re Lipids?
Lipids are fats and fat-like substances.
They provide fuel for the body and are essential components of
cell structure.
They are made by the liver and intestines and are also derived
from dietary sources.
Lipids in the blood can accumulate in artery walls,
a process that can lead to atherosclerosis.
General characters of lipids are
• Lipids are relatively insoluble in water.
• They are soluble in non-polar solvents, like ether, methanol.
• Lipids have high energy content and are metabolized to release calories.
• Fats contain saturated fatty acids, they are solid at room temperatures. Example,
animal fats.
• Plant fats are unsaturated and are liquid at room temperatures.
• Pure fats are colorless, they have extremely bland taste.
General characters of lipids are
• They are freely soluble in organic solvents like ether, acetone and benzene.
• The melting point of fats depends on the length of the chain of the constituent fatty
acid and the degree of unsaturation.
• Geometric isomerism, the presence of double bond in the unsaturated fatty acid of
the lipid molecule produces geometric or cis-trans isomerism.
• Fats have insulating capacity, they are bad conductors of heat.
• Emulsification is the process by which a lipid mass is converted to a number of
small lipid droplets. The process of emulsification happens before the fats can be
absorbed by the intestinal walls.6
Function of Lipids
Lipids perform several biological functions:
Lipids are storage compounds, triglycerides serve as reserve energy of
the body.
• Lipids are important component of cell membranes structure.
• Lipids regulate membrane permeability.
• They serve as source for fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K.
• Lipids are components of some enzyme systems.
• Cholesterol is found in cell membranes, blood, and bile of many
Function of Lipids
• Layers of fat in the subcutaneous layer, provides insulation and protection from
cold. Body temperature maintenance is done by brown fat.
• Polyunsaturated phospholipids are important constituents of phospholipids, they
provide fluidity and flexibility to the cell membranes.
• Cholesterol maintains fluidity of membranes by interacting with lipid complexes.
• Cholesterol is the precursor of bile acids, Vitamin D and steroids.
• Essential fatty acids like linoleic and linolenic acids are precursors of many different
types of ecosanoids including prostaglandins, thromboxanes. These play a
important role in pain, fever, inflammation and blood clotting
Two important lipids in the blood
A. Cholesterol
B. Triglycerides
• It is a fat-like substance that combines with fatty acids to form
cholesterol esters.
• About 70% of cholesterol in the bloodstream is in the form of
cholesterol esters.
• High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of coronary
heart disease.
Two important lipids in the blood
Triglycerides are fats.
• Triglycerides levels < 200 mg/dl are considered normal by
• Although high triglyceride levels may not directly
increase CHD risk, they have been associated with
such as diabetes, that can increase chd coronary heart
disease risk.
• The relationship between triglyceride levels and CHD is10
Two important lipids in the blood
Elevated triglyceride levels alone do not appear to increase
the risk for CHD, but when they are linked to low HDL levels
and to certain types of LDL that pose a particular risk for
atherosclerosis (such as small, dense LDL), they do have an
Elevated triglycerides are often secondary to:
3-Excessive alcohol consumption.
Controlling these factors will lower triglyceride levels11
These are complex water-soluble molecules consisting of a core
of cholesterol ester and triglyceride covered by a surface
monolayer of phospholipids.
 Complex of polar and nonpolar lipid molecules and proteins,
known as Apo proteins, that circulate in the bloodstream.
 Polar lipids, such as lecithin and free cholesterol, form the outer
surface of these complexes.
Nonpolar lipids, such as cholesterol-ester and triglycerides,
ride inside the globules.
 The Apo proteins, which have access to the surface of
these complexes, are largely responsible for the properties
and interactions of the different lipoprotein complexes .
The 4 principal types of lipoproteins
High – Density
Types & composition of lipoproteins
Contributions of Each Major Lipoprotein Class to Total plasma
Cholesterol in a person with a normal lipid profile:
LDL 70% of total plasma cholesterol
HDL 17%
VLDL 13%
Chylomicron < 5%
 A transitional form of lipoprotein exists:
 Intermediate-Density Lipoprotein (IDL)
Chylomicrons :
 Largest lipoproteins.
 Primarily contain triglycerides.
 Transport dietary triglycerides & cholesterol.
 Their primary function is to transport triglycerides
from the small intestine to body tissues after meals..
Very – Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)
Very – Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)
 Composed mainly of triglycerides.
 Precursors of LDL.
 Transport lipids from the liver to the tissues.
 As triglycerides are removed, they become IDL.
 IDL (Taken up by the liver or converted to LDL).
Low-Density-Lipoproteins (LDL)
• Low-Density-Lipoproteins (LDL)
 Transport cholesterol from the liver to body
tissues where it is used as fuel.
 About 60-70% of cholesterol in the blood is
contained in LDL.
 Atherosclerotic plaques consist mainly of
LDL cholesterol.
High – Density – Lipoproteins (HDL)
Smallest and most dense
Function as a "retrieval“ or
removal service, carrying
cholesterol from body tissues
(arterial wall) to the liver for
HDL is often referred to as the
"good cholesterol".
Dietary fats
The body has two ways to obtain lipids:
• Endogenous:
• Making them primarily in the liver & intestines
• Exogenous:
• Getting them from food
is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or
fat) in the blood. that is, an elevation of lipids in the
This is often due to diet and lifestyle. Prolonged
elevation of insulin levels can also lead to dyslipidemia.
Many forms exist:
Includes hypercholesterolemia.
May by genetic (inherited) or acquired.
caused by diet, drugs, or underlying medical conditions
eg. Diabetes
Important because it is one of the 3 modifiable
risk factors for CHD (along with hypertension & smoking).
Dyslipidemia may be:
Primary Dyslipidemia:
• Unknown cause.
• Genetic cause presumed; confirmed by
• Reviewing family history for inherited traits.
• Special biochemical and physiologic studies
Secondary Dyslipidemia:
Caused by:
 Diet.
 Underlying medical conditions.
 Medications
Some Causes of Secondary Dyslipidemia:
Diet Alcohol Underlying medical conditions.
• Metabolic: diabetes, Syndrome X, Gout, obesity.
• Renal disorders: nephrotic syndrome, renal failure,
• hemodialysis, renal transplantation.
• Obstructive liver diseases: primary biliary cirrhosis,
• prolonged cholestasis.
• Hormonal: pregnancy, oral contraceptives,
Medications: Thiazide diuretics/ Beta-blockers.
High serum cholesterol levels may encourage the
formation of fatty streaks, atherosclerotic plaques, and
the occlusion of coronary arteries that eventually
leads to overt disease.
• How Do Statin Drugs Work?
Statin drugs work by blocking the action of the liver
enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol.
Too much cholesterol in the blood can cause a buildup
of plaque on the walls of the arteries. That buildup can
eventually cause the arteries to narrow or harden.
Sudden blood clots in these narrowed arteries can
cause a heart attack or stroke.
Omega 3 deficiency
• Having an Omega 3 deficiency while pregnant can prove
very harmful to the mother and the baby.
• baby takes Omega 3 from the foods that mother eat.
• The nutrients cross the placenta, helping the baby to grow
and develop. However, if baby does not get enough
Omega-3 from the food mother eat, he will begin to take it
from her own stores.
• Researchers believe that these stores may be located in the
brain, which can result in a loss of up to 3% of your brain
Omega 3 deficiency
Omega 3 deficiency during pregnancy is linked with:
increased rates of postpartum depression.
increased chances of having a low birth weight baby.
increased chances of preterm labor or cesarean birth.
Omega 3 deficiency
• During pregnancy, it is recommended that mother get at
least 250 mg of Omega 3 every day. However, Omega 3
oils are especially important during the final trimester.
• It is during this time that baby uses Omega-3 to form
approximately 70% of brain system. And also working
on the rest of nervous system.
Docosahexaenoic acid
DHA: Docosahexaenoic acid, an essential fatty acid, thought to be
important to the development of infants, particularly as regards their eyes
and brain.
 DHA is present in breast milk and has been added to some infant formulas.
Postnatal DHA may improve vision and some cognitive functions in infants
and toddlers. DHA is an omega-3, polyunsaturated, 22-carbon fatty acid.
It is present in abundance in certain fish (such as tuna and bluefish) and
marine animal oils
Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid: One of the principal omega-
3 fatty acids. Abbreviated EPA. The body has a limited
ability to manufacture EPA by converting the essential
fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is found
in flaxseed oil, canola oil or walnuts.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Product Knowledge
Kapidex juice
120 ml each 5 ml contain:-
 Fish oil 2250 mg (900 mg EPA + 450 mg DHA)
 Vit D3 1000 i.u
 Vit E 150 mg
 Vit C 100 mg
Kapidex juice
Kapidex juice “Dyslipidemia”
Reduces synthesis of VLDL.
Increases chylomicron clearance.
Improves lipid profile .
Boosts statins actions.
Reduces arrhythmic events.
Reduces CHD and CVD risks.
Provides cardio protective effect.
Reduces Lipid Peroxidation.
Kapidex juice
Vit D3 and Vit E play an important roles as
antioxidant which prevent Lipid peroxidation.
Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia
Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia
Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia
Selling Point
Kapidex lowers triglyceride level effectively
Kapidex unique formula which contains the most purified
source of DHA,EPA in fish oil, vit d3 vit c and vit e with cardio
protective effects.
Kapidex synergize the effect of statins in mixed dyslipidemia
Kapidex powerful antioxidant which reduce lipid peroxidation.
Kapidex easy to apply ,high safety margins with maximum
Kapidex free from fish odor-maximum bioavailability
Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia
• Food supplement as an adjunct in the reduction of
plasma TG in patients with severe hypertriglyceredemia.
• Dyslipidemia
• Coronary heart diseases
Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia
Dose :-
5- 10 ml daily .
Kapidex juice
Kapidex juice pregnant health
 Improve fetus health and its nervous system development.
 Help in developing brain functions.
 Normalize pregnant pressure.
 Prevent pre-term labor and delivery,
 Lower the risk of preeclampsia.
 Increase birth weight.
 Prevent vitamin d deficiency which results in failure of bone to
used after birth to make breast milk.
EPA and DHA have a positive effect on visual and
cognitive development of the baby.
EPA 900 mg/DHA 450 mg
EPA supports the heart, immune system, and
inflammatory response.
DHA supports the brain, eyes, and central nervous
system, which is why it is uniquely important for
pregnant and lactating women.
Selling Point
Kapidex unique formula which contains the most purified
source of DHA,EPA in fish oil, vit D3 vit C and vit E which
is necessary for healthy birth.
Kapidex lower the risk of preeclampsia
Kapidex support pregnant mature birth.
Kapidex easy to apply ,high safety margins with maximum
Kapidex free from fish odor with maximum bioavailability.
Kapidex juice pregnant health
• Support the pregnancy and provide healthy fetus.
Market Competitors
• Composition:
• Composition: Each 5 ml Contains:
Cod Liver oil 0.25 gm.
Fat + Staurated Fatty acids + Mono unsaturated fatty acids + Poly
unsaturated fatty acids + Omega-3 Fatty acids +
Vit A + Vit D + Vit E + Vit C + EPA & DHA.
* Dose:
- For neonates up to 6 months : half teaspoonful once daily.
- For infants 6-12 months : one teaspoonful once daily.
- For children over 12 months and adults : 1-2 teaspoonful once daily
• Egyptian Group For Pharmaceutical Industries (EGPI).
For: International Egyptian Company For Pharmaceuticals and Medical
Supplements (I.E.C. Pharma). Made in A.R.E
• Food Supplement. Cod Liver Oil
syrup. Orange Flavor.
It is Rich natural source of Vitamin
A and D & Omega 3 poly
unsaturated Fatty acids EPA and
• Shake well before use.
• * Produced by: Western
Pharmaceutical Industries.
Silver seas (cod liver oil) syrup 120 ml
• * Manufactured by: El Obour
Modern Pharmaceutical
Industries. For: Echemico
For Trade & Distribution
10 ML
• Dosage: one tablespoonful
once or twice daily.
* Product of: SIGMA
Pharmaceutical industries.
For: TIBA Pharmaceutical
Omega -3 Plus (Sedico)
• Composition:
1000 mg fish oil which provides only
300 mg omega-3 (18% EPA & 12%
+100gm WGO.
• Price:
20 capsules: L.E 14.50
Super seas (DBK)
• Composition:
Each soft gelatin capsule contains:
Cod Liver Oil 400 mg, which gives:
Vitamin A 390 I.U + Vitamin D 55 I.U + EPA
(ecosapentanoic acid) 40 mg + DHA
(docosahexanoic acid) 45 mg
• Price:
30 capsules: L.E. 18.50
Ultranyl (AGD)
• Composition:
500mg omega-3 extract
from cod liver oil
• Price:
20 capsules  29.90 L.E

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Omega 3 juice for hyperlipidemia & essential elements for pregnancy

  • 1. Kapidex Juice " Lower is Better, and Lowest is Best"
  • 2. Table of Contents 2 Medical Background Product Knowledge Competitors
  • 4. What’re Lipids? Lipids are fats and fat-like substances. They provide fuel for the body and are essential components of cell structure. They are made by the liver and intestines and are also derived from dietary sources. Lipids in the blood can accumulate in artery walls, a process that can lead to atherosclerosis. 4
  • 5. General characters of lipids are • Lipids are relatively insoluble in water. • They are soluble in non-polar solvents, like ether, methanol. • Lipids have high energy content and are metabolized to release calories. • Fats contain saturated fatty acids, they are solid at room temperatures. Example, animal fats. • Plant fats are unsaturated and are liquid at room temperatures. • Pure fats are colorless, they have extremely bland taste. 5
  • 6. General characters of lipids are • They are freely soluble in organic solvents like ether, acetone and benzene. • The melting point of fats depends on the length of the chain of the constituent fatty acid and the degree of unsaturation. • Geometric isomerism, the presence of double bond in the unsaturated fatty acid of the lipid molecule produces geometric or cis-trans isomerism. • Fats have insulating capacity, they are bad conductors of heat. • Emulsification is the process by which a lipid mass is converted to a number of small lipid droplets. The process of emulsification happens before the fats can be absorbed by the intestinal walls.6
  • 7. Function of Lipids Lipids perform several biological functions: Lipids are storage compounds, triglycerides serve as reserve energy of the body. • Lipids are important component of cell membranes structure. • Lipids regulate membrane permeability. • They serve as source for fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K. • Lipids are components of some enzyme systems. • Cholesterol is found in cell membranes, blood, and bile of many organisms. 7
  • 8. Function of Lipids • Layers of fat in the subcutaneous layer, provides insulation and protection from cold. Body temperature maintenance is done by brown fat. • Polyunsaturated phospholipids are important constituents of phospholipids, they provide fluidity and flexibility to the cell membranes. • Cholesterol maintains fluidity of membranes by interacting with lipid complexes. • Cholesterol is the precursor of bile acids, Vitamin D and steroids. • Essential fatty acids like linoleic and linolenic acids are precursors of many different types of ecosanoids including prostaglandins, thromboxanes. These play a important role in pain, fever, inflammation and blood clotting 8
  • 9. Two important lipids in the blood A. Cholesterol B. Triglycerides Cholesterol • It is a fat-like substance that combines with fatty acids to form cholesterol esters. • About 70% of cholesterol in the bloodstream is in the form of cholesterol esters. • High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of coronary heart disease. 9
  • 10. Two important lipids in the blood Triglycerides are fats. • Triglycerides levels < 200 mg/dl are considered normal by NCEP. • Although high triglyceride levels may not directly increase CHD risk, they have been associated with conditions, such as diabetes, that can increase chd coronary heart disease risk. • The relationship between triglyceride levels and CHD is10
  • 11. Two important lipids in the blood Elevated triglyceride levels alone do not appear to increase the risk for CHD, but when they are linked to low HDL levels and to certain types of LDL that pose a particular risk for atherosclerosis (such as small, dense LDL), they do have an impact. Elevated triglycerides are often secondary to: 1-Obesity. 2-Diabetes 3-Excessive alcohol consumption. Controlling these factors will lower triglyceride levels11
  • 12. Lipoproteins These are complex water-soluble molecules consisting of a core of cholesterol ester and triglyceride covered by a surface monolayer of phospholipids.  Complex of polar and nonpolar lipid molecules and proteins, known as Apo proteins, that circulate in the bloodstream.  Polar lipids, such as lecithin and free cholesterol, form the outer surface of these complexes. 12
  • 13. Lipoproteins Nonpolar lipids, such as cholesterol-ester and triglycerides, ride inside the globules.  The Apo proteins, which have access to the surface of these complexes, are largely responsible for the properties and interactions of the different lipoprotein complexes . 13
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  • 16. The 4 principal types of lipoproteins Very-Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL) Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) High – Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Chylomicrons
  • 17. Types & composition of lipoproteins ProteinPhospholipidsTriglycerideCholesterolComposition Type 10%12%65%13%VLDL 25%22%10%43%LDL 50%30%2%18%HDL 1%4%90%5%Chylomicron Contributions of Each Major Lipoprotein Class to Total plasma Cholesterol in a person with a normal lipid profile: LDL 70% of total plasma cholesterol HDL 17% VLDL 13% Chylomicron < 5%
  • 18. Chylomicrons  A transitional form of lipoprotein exists:  Intermediate-Density Lipoprotein (IDL) Chylomicrons :  Largest lipoproteins.  Primarily contain triglycerides.  Transport dietary triglycerides & cholesterol.  Their primary function is to transport triglycerides from the small intestine to body tissues after meals.. 18
  • 19. Very – Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL) Very – Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)  Composed mainly of triglycerides.  Precursors of LDL.  Transport lipids from the liver to the tissues.  As triglycerides are removed, they become IDL.  IDL (Taken up by the liver or converted to LDL). 19
  • 20. Low-Density-Lipoproteins (LDL) • Low-Density-Lipoproteins (LDL)  Transport cholesterol from the liver to body tissues where it is used as fuel.  About 60-70% of cholesterol in the blood is contained in LDL.  Atherosclerotic plaques consist mainly of LDL cholesterol. 20
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  • 22. High – Density – Lipoproteins (HDL) Smallest and most dense lipoproteins. Function as a "retrieval“ or removal service, carrying cholesterol from body tissues (arterial wall) to the liver for excretion. HDL is often referred to as the "good cholesterol". 22
  • 23. Dietary fats The body has two ways to obtain lipids: • Endogenous: • Making them primarily in the liver & intestines • Exogenous: • Getting them from food 23
  • 24. Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood. that is, an elevation of lipids in the blood. This is often due to diet and lifestyle. Prolonged elevation of insulin levels can also lead to dyslipidemia. 24
  • 25. Dyslipidemia Many forms exist: Includes hypercholesterolemia. May by genetic (inherited) or acquired. caused by diet, drugs, or underlying medical conditions eg. Diabetes Important because it is one of the 3 modifiable risk factors for CHD (along with hypertension & smoking). 25
  • 26. Dyslipidemia may be: Primary Dyslipidemia: • Unknown cause. • Genetic cause presumed; confirmed by • Reviewing family history for inherited traits. • Special biochemical and physiologic studies 26
  • 27. Secondary Dyslipidemia: Caused by:  Diet.  Underlying medical conditions.  Medications 27
  • 28. Some Causes of Secondary Dyslipidemia: Diet Alcohol Underlying medical conditions. • Metabolic: diabetes, Syndrome X, Gout, obesity. • Renal disorders: nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, • hemodialysis, renal transplantation. • Obstructive liver diseases: primary biliary cirrhosis, • prolonged cholestasis. • Hormonal: pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hypothyroidism Medications: Thiazide diuretics/ Beta-blockers. 28
  • 29. Dyslipidemia High serum cholesterol levels may encourage the formation of fatty streaks, atherosclerotic plaques, and the occlusion of coronary arteries that eventually leads to overt disease. 29
  • 30. Statin • How Do Statin Drugs Work? Statin drugs work by blocking the action of the liver enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol. Too much cholesterol in the blood can cause a buildup of plaque on the walls of the arteries. That buildup can eventually cause the arteries to narrow or harden. Sudden blood clots in these narrowed arteries can cause a heart attack or stroke. 30
  • 31. Omega 3 deficiency • Having an Omega 3 deficiency while pregnant can prove very harmful to the mother and the baby. • baby takes Omega 3 from the foods that mother eat. • The nutrients cross the placenta, helping the baby to grow and develop. However, if baby does not get enough Omega-3 from the food mother eat, he will begin to take it from her own stores. • Researchers believe that these stores may be located in the brain, which can result in a loss of up to 3% of your brain cells. 31
  • 32. Omega 3 deficiency Omega 3 deficiency during pregnancy is linked with: increased rates of postpartum depression. increased chances of having a low birth weight baby. increased chances of preterm labor or cesarean birth. 32
  • 33. Omega 3 deficiency • During pregnancy, it is recommended that mother get at least 250 mg of Omega 3 every day. However, Omega 3 oils are especially important during the final trimester. • It is during this time that baby uses Omega-3 to form approximately 70% of brain system. And also working on the rest of nervous system. 33
  • 34. Docosahexaenoic acid DHA: Docosahexaenoic acid, an essential fatty acid, thought to be important to the development of infants, particularly as regards their eyes and brain.  DHA is present in breast milk and has been added to some infant formulas. Postnatal DHA may improve vision and some cognitive functions in infants and toddlers. DHA is an omega-3, polyunsaturated, 22-carbon fatty acid. It is present in abundance in certain fish (such as tuna and bluefish) and marine animal oils 34
  • 35. Eicosapentaenoic Acid Eicosapentaenoic acid: One of the principal omega- 3 fatty acids. Abbreviated EPA. The body has a limited ability to manufacture EPA by converting the essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is found in flaxseed oil, canola oil or walnuts. 35
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  • 40. Kapidex juice 120 ml each 5 ml contain:-  Fish oil 2250 mg (900 mg EPA + 450 mg DHA)  Vit D3 1000 i.u  Vit E 150 mg  Vit C 100 mg 40
  • 42. Kapidex juice “Dyslipidemia” Reduces synthesis of VLDL. Increases chylomicron clearance. Improves lipid profile . Boosts statins actions. Reduces arrhythmic events. Reduces CHD and CVD risks. Provides cardio protective effect. Reduces Lipid Peroxidation. 42
  • 43. Kapidex juice Vit D3 and Vit E play an important roles as antioxidant which prevent Lipid peroxidation. 43
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 49. Selling Point Kapidex lowers triglyceride level effectively Kapidex unique formula which contains the most purified source of DHA,EPA in fish oil, vit d3 vit c and vit e with cardio protective effects. Kapidex synergize the effect of statins in mixed dyslipidemia Kapidex powerful antioxidant which reduce lipid peroxidation. Kapidex easy to apply ,high safety margins with maximum efficacy. Kapidex free from fish odor-maximum bioavailability
  • 50. Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia Indications • Food supplement as an adjunct in the reduction of plasma TG in patients with severe hypertriglyceredemia. • Dyslipidemia • Coronary heart diseases
  • 51. Kapidex juice Dyslipidemia Dose :- 5- 10 ml daily .
  • 53. Kapidex juice pregnant health  Improve fetus health and its nervous system development.  Help in developing brain functions.  Normalize pregnant pressure.  Prevent pre-term labor and delivery,  Lower the risk of preeclampsia.  Increase birth weight.  Prevent vitamin d deficiency which results in failure of bone to mineralize. used after birth to make breast milk. EPA and DHA have a positive effect on visual and cognitive development of the baby.
  • 54. EPA 900 mg/DHA 450 mg EPA supports the heart, immune system, and inflammatory response. DHA supports the brain, eyes, and central nervous system, which is why it is uniquely important for pregnant and lactating women. 54
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  • 58.
  • 59. Selling Point Kapidex unique formula which contains the most purified source of DHA,EPA in fish oil, vit D3 vit C and vit E which is necessary for healthy birth. Kapidex lower the risk of preeclampsia Kapidex support pregnant mature birth. Kapidex easy to apply ,high safety margins with maximum efficacy. Kapidex free from fish odor with maximum bioavailability.
  • 60. Kapidex juice pregnant health Indications:- • Support the pregnancy and provide healthy fetus.
  • 62. ULTRA SEAS (COD LIVER OIL) 120 ML SYRUP • Composition: • Composition: Each 5 ml Contains: Cod Liver oil 0.25 gm. Fat + Staurated Fatty acids + Mono unsaturated fatty acids + Poly unsaturated fatty acids + Omega-3 Fatty acids + Vit A + Vit D + Vit E + Vit C + EPA & DHA. * Dose: - For neonates up to 6 months : half teaspoonful once daily. - For infants 6-12 months : one teaspoonful once daily. - For children over 12 months and adults : 1-2 teaspoonful once daily • Egyptian Group For Pharmaceutical Industries (EGPI). For: International Egyptian Company For Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplements (I.E.C. Pharma). Made in A.R.E
  • 63. HIGH SEAS SYRUP 120 ML • Food Supplement. Cod Liver Oil syrup. Orange Flavor. It is Rich natural source of Vitamin A and D & Omega 3 poly unsaturated Fatty acids EPA and DHA. • COD LIVER OIL 1 ML / 5 ML • Shake well before use. • * Produced by: Western Pharmaceutical Industries.
  • 64. Silver seas (cod liver oil) syrup 120 ml • COD LIVER OIL + VITAMIN A + VITAMIN D3 • * Manufactured by: El Obour Modern Pharmaceutical Industries. For: Echemico For Trade & Distribution (ETD).
  • 65. TOTAL ( ORANGE ) SYRUP 120 ML • COD LIVER OIL 1000 MG / 10 ML • Dosage: one tablespoonful once or twice daily. * Product of: SIGMA Pharmaceutical industries. For: TIBA Pharmaceutical industries
  • 66. Omega -3 Plus (Sedico) • Composition: 1000 mg fish oil which provides only 300 mg omega-3 (18% EPA & 12% DHA) +100gm WGO. • Price: 20 capsules: L.E 14.50
  • 67. Super seas (DBK) • Composition: Each soft gelatin capsule contains: Cod Liver Oil 400 mg, which gives: Vitamin A 390 I.U + Vitamin D 55 I.U + EPA (ecosapentanoic acid) 40 mg + DHA (docosahexanoic acid) 45 mg • Price: 30 capsules: L.E. 18.50
  • 68. Ultranyl (AGD) • Composition: 500mg omega-3 extract from cod liver oil • Price: 20 capsules  29.90 L.E
  • 69. 69

Editor's Notes

  1. نتائج البحث National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)