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After this course you will be able to:-
Know role of calcium in body
Know development of fetal bone
Know calcium deficiency related disorders.
Know Calcima product knowledge.
Know market positioning of Calcima.
Know market competitors and competitive advantages.
(Calcium deficiency )
 Calcium is a mineral contribute about 1.5-2 % of human body which is
considered the largest amount of mineral in the body.
 The distribution of calcium in the body mostly concentrated in bone 98% and
2% are distributed in other body tissues and fluids.
Distribution of Calcium in Body
99% in bone 1% in blood and body fluids
Blood Calcium (10mg/dl)
Non diffusible 35 %
Albumin bound
80 %
Globulin bound
20 %
Diffusible 65 %
Ionized 80 % Complexed 20 %
Total body calcium- 1kg
Functions of Calcium
1. Growth
2. Maintenance of bones and teeth.
3. Muscle contraction
4. Heart contraction and regulation of blood pressure
5. Nerve transmission
6. Oocyte activation
7. Number of other cell processes
Calcium functions (Bone)
• Osteoclasts (bone cells) remodel the
bone by dissolving or resorbing bone
• Osteoblasts (bone forming cells)
synthesize new bone to replace the
resorbed bone
- Found on the outer surfaces of the
bones and in the bone cavities
Calcium Compounds Absorption
Concentrations of elemental
calcium absorption
Type of calcium
35-40%Calcium carbonate
20%Calcium citrate
3-9%Calcium gluconate
13-18%Calcium lactate
30%Calcium phosphate
27%Calcium citrate malate
19%Calcium orotate
Calcium Absorption
Factors increase calcium
Factors decrease calcium
• Vitamin D
• Gastric HCL
• Dietary intake of certain types of
proteins (MBP)
• Age
• Increase in dietary animal
proteins (High phosphorous
• Increase in dietary fat intake
Calcium is absorbed from the upper part of small intestine (duodenum).
Calcium Homeostasis
• The bone is considered the store of calcium in the body
• When calcium level in body fluids decreases the body react by withdrawing
the calcium from bones to compensate the decreased amount
• Prolonged calcium deficiency result in resorption of high amount of calcium
from bones which lead to Osteoporosis
Calcium Homeostasis
Hormonal Regulators
• Calcitonin (CT)
• Lowers Ca++ in the blood
• Inhibits osteoclasts
• Parathormone (PTH)
• Increases Ca++ in the blood
• Stimulates osteoclasts
• 1,25 Vitamin D3
• Increases Ca++ in the blood
• Increase Ca++ uptake from the gut
• Stimulates osteoclasts
Calcium deficiency
Types of calcium deficiency
1-Dietary calcium deficiency is a condition in which there is an inadequate
calcium intake, which can lead to depleted calcium stores in the bones,
thinning and weakening of the bones, and osteoporosis.
2-Hypocalcemia is a low level of calcium in the blood. It can occur from taking
medications, such as diuretics; medical treatments; or disease processes, such
as renal failure or hypo-parathyroidism
Vitamin D
• Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in food
• Sunshine is very important for usage of vitamin D because UV rays from
sunlight trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin .
• Vitamin D exists in several forms, each with a different level of activity.
• Colecalciferol (D3) is the most active form of vitamin D. and other forms are
relatively of low activity or inactive in the body.
• The liver and kidney help convert vitamin D to its active hormone form .
Vitamin D
• Stimulates GI calcium and phosphate absorption
• Promotes renal calcium and phosphate re-absorption
• Calcium homeostasis: together with PTH it mobilizes calcium from skeletal stores.
• Mineralization of the growth plate & osteoid
Signs of Calcium Deficiency
• Impaired bone growth
• Numbness of the arms and or
• Joint pains
• Muscle cramping.
• Dry skin and brittle nails
• Bone fractures or breakage
• Increased Premenstrual
syndrome symptoms
• Eczema
• Heart palpitations &
• Insomnia
Calcium & Pregnancy
• The requirements are greatest during the periods of growth such as
during pregnancy, when breast feeding and childhood.
• During Pregnancy the average foetus requires about 30 gm of calcium to
mineralize its skeleton and maintain normal physiological processes.
Calcium &
Fetal Skeleton
Fetal Skeleton development
Via the placenta, fetus delivering calcium to help her bones harden, strengthen
and lengthen. This calcium transfer continues up until birth
the majority of the calcium baby gets from mother is transferred during the
third trimester – about 250 milligrams a day the baby is busy transforming
cartilage to bone as well as developing muscle
At week 36, mother-baby calcium transfer peaks, with you passing along as
many as 350 milligrams of the mineral every day. That’s the case even
though your baby’s bones are still softer than an adult’s.
They have to be, so they can fit through the birth canal around week 40 and
allow room for growth once baby is born.
Fetal Skeleton development
Calcium deficiency related pregnancy
Pre Eclampsia
Gestational hypertension
Preterm Labor
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Hypertension in
>140 or 90 mmHg
2 consecutive times 6 hours apart Pregnant patient
Pregnancy Induced
Gestational Hypertension
-ve proteinuria
+ proteinuria (≥300mg/24 or 1+)
+/- nondependent edema (face &
+ unexplained grand mal
Chronic Hypertension
• Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by :-
high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, often the kidneys.
• Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose
blood pressure had been normal.
• Even a slight rise in blood pressure may be a sign of preeclampsia.
• The main cause of preeclampsia is unknown but experts thought that it’s
related to abnormal development of placental blood vessels
Preeclampsia - Definition
•Presence of
•2 readings 6 hours apart
•Elevated Fasting blood glucose (FPG)
• ≥ 1+ Urine dipstick (not sensitive)
• ≥ 300 mg / 24
Nondependent Edema
•Not sensitive or specific
Preeclampsia - Complications
• Seizures
• Strokes (thrombosis)
•Hepatic Failure
•Renal Failure
•Pulmonary Edema
Preterm Delivery
Stillbirth (IUFD)
Intrapartum Fetal Distress
• Severe headaches.
• Shortness of breath
• Changes in vision(temporary loss of vision, blurred vision or light sensitivity).
• Nausea or vomiting
• Upper abdominal pain, (under your ribs on the right side
• Decreased urine output.(Oliguria)
• Decreased levels of platelets in blood (thrombocytopenia)
• Impaired liver function
Preeclampsia symptoms (Cont.)
• Low-dose aspirin a daily low-dose aspirin — between 60 and 81 milligrams
— beginning late in the first trimester.
• Calcium-Vit D
Consumption of Calcium-Vitamin D supplements were containing 500 mg Calcium plus 200 IU vitamin D3 for 9
weeks during pregnancy among pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia resulted in decreased FPG and serum
triglycerides levels *
* Pak J Biol Sci. Effect of calcium-vitamin D supplementation on metabolic profiles in pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. 2012 Apr 1;15(7):316-24
Gestational hypertension
• Gestational hypertension is usually defined as having a blood
pressure higher than 140/90 without the presence of protein in
the urine and diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation
Calcium supplementation in the range of 375–2000 mg resulted in a significant reduction in systolic blood
pressure of 5.40 mm Hg (95% CI: −7.81, −3.00 mm Hg) and in diastolic blood pressure of 3.44 mm Hg*
* Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ, et al. Effect of calcium supplementation on pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 1996;275:1113–7.
Preterm Labor
• Preterm labor occurs when regular contractions begin to open cervix
before 37 weeks of pregnancy. A full-term pregnancy should last about 40
• Many premature babies (preemies) need special care in the neonatal
intensive care unit. Preemies can also have long-term mental and physical
New studies have provided more evidence on the effects of supplementing pregnant women with vitamin D
alone or with calcium on pregnancy outcomes shown that it may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, low birthweight and
preterm birth.*
* De-Regil LM1, Palacios C, Lombardo LK, Peña-Rosas JP. Vitamin D supplementation for women during pregnancy Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Jan 14;1:CD008873. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008873.pub3.
• Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle
that a fall or even mild stresses like bending over or coughing can cause a
• Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or
• Older women who are past menopause are at highest risk. Medications,
healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss or
strengthen already weak bones
Causes :
• Calcium Deficiency
• Hormonal changes (Specially female sex hormones)
• Long periods of inactivity
• Long-term use of high-dose oral corticosteroids
• Family history
• Heavy drinking and smoking
• Rickets is defective calcification of bones before epiphyseal closure in
young children due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of Vitamin D,
Calcium or Phosphorus
• If this case is developed after epiphyseal closure in adults its called
Vitamin D Supplementation (200-400 IU daily) is recommended for prevention of rickets but the treatment require
very high doses of Vit D may reach to 5000-1000 IU daily
Symptoms Of Rickets
• Bone tenderness and dental problems.
• Muscle Weakness (rickets myopathy)
• increased tendency for fracture
• Skeletal deformity
• As dietary supplement, used to treat hyperphosphatemia in patients with
chronic kidney disease by combining with dietary phosphate to form
insoluble calcium phosphate, which is excreted in feces. Calcium salts as
antacids neutralize gastric acidity resulting in increased gastric and
duodenal bulb pH; they additionally inhibit proteolytic activity of pepsin if
the pH is increased >4 and increase lower esophageal sphincter tone (IOM,
• Absorption
Minimal unless chronic, high doses; absorption predominantly in the
duodenum and dependent on calcitriol and vitamin D; mean absorption of
calcium intake varies with age (infants 60%, prepubertal children 28%,
pubertal children 34%, adults 25%); during pregnancy, calcium absorption
doubles; calcium is absorbed in soluble, ionized form; solubility of calcium is
increased in an acid environment (IOM 2011).
• Distribution
Primarily in bones, teeth (IOM, 2011).
• Excretion
Primarily feces (75%; as unabsorbed calcium); urine (22%) (IOM, 2011).
• Protein Binding
~40%, primarily to albumin (Wills 1971)
Major Drug Interactions
• Decreases absorption of quinolones, tetracyclines, iron, magnesium,
and zinc
• Corticosteroids decrease calcium status
• Loop diuretics increase urinary calcium loss
• Thiazide diuretics increase renal calcium reabsorption
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Main Composition
1-Calcium carbonate 1530 mg (500 mg elemental)
2-Vitamin D (200 I.U)
3-Milk Basic Protein (MBP)
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Calcium Carbonate 1530 mg (elemental 500 mg).
Reduce the risks of:-
Gestational hypertension
Preterm birth
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Calcium Carbonate 1530 mg (elemental 500 mg).
Improves BMD
Reduce the Risk of
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Milk Basic Protein MBP (whey protein)
Bone mineral density
Bone Remodeling Process
Fetal skeletal growth
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Placebo MBP
Gain of bone mineral density in healthy adult women given placebo or MBP supplementation (40 mg) for six months.
Calcima.... chewable pieces
Vitamin D
Minerals absorption (Ca, Phosphorus)
Fetus birth weigh growth
Bone mineralization.
Calcima… An innovated formula with calcium – MBP combination with
delicious chocolate taste which improves calcium absorption.
Calcima… Contains vitamin D that maintain proper levels of calcium and
Calcima… the ideal combination that decrease preeclampsia risks.
Calcima… Ideal standard recommended concentrations with high safety profile
to ensures proper bone mineralization.
Calcima… Aspartame free, Sorbitol free. with no heart burn.
Calcima… Small pieces with no chalky taste unlike other traditional calcium
 The only product in Egyptian market that contains Calcium, Vit D in
combination with MBP that increase BMD and improve the absorption of
calcium supplement.
 Chewable chocolate pieces of Calcima has delicious taste.
 Calcima is safe, sorbitol free and aspartame free with no chalky taste .
 30 chocolate pcs easily monthly control
Why Calcima…
Target Audience
 Gynecology (PM only)
 Selected Orthopedics (Starting from 2nd Qtr)
 Selected Pediatrics (Starting from 2nd Qtr)
• 1-3 daily chewable
piece or as prescribed
by physician.
• 30 chewable piece…. 44.95 LE
 For patients and pregnant who
suffer from calcium deficiency ,
Calcima is a unique formula of ideal
recommended concentrations of
Calcium , Vitamin D in combination
with MBP with delicious chewable
chocolate taste that provides high
patient compliance and safety.
For prevention and treatment of
Calcium and vitamin D deficiency
• Increased Calcium demand in
pregnancy, children and adults
• osteoporosis.
• Prophylaxis against rickets
Calcima competitive advantages:-
• Combination of Ca & Vit D with MBP that
enhance BMD
• No Chalky taste
• No Vit K (vit K may enhance postnatal
• Package (30 pcs) more suitable for monthly
• Price
Calcima competitive advantages:-
• Combination of Ca & Vit D with MBP that
enhance BMD
• Chewable chocolate pieces with high
• Not cause gastric irritation or heart burn
• Calcium and Vit D content with ideal
concentration according to
Calcium-d deficiency

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Calcium-d deficiency

  • 2. After this course you will be able to:- Know role of calcium in body Know development of fetal bone Know calcium deficiency related disorders. Know Calcima product knowledge. Know market positioning of Calcima. Know market competitors and competitive advantages.
  • 4. Calcium  Calcium is a mineral contribute about 1.5-2 % of human body which is considered the largest amount of mineral in the body.  The distribution of calcium in the body mostly concentrated in bone 98% and 2% are distributed in other body tissues and fluids. .
  • 5. Distribution of Calcium in Body 99% in bone 1% in blood and body fluids Blood Calcium (10mg/dl) Non diffusible 35 % Albumin bound 80 % Globulin bound 20 % Diffusible 65 % Ionized 80 % Complexed 20 % Bicarbonate Citrate Phosphate Total body calcium- 1kg
  • 6. Functions of Calcium 1. Growth 2. Maintenance of bones and teeth. 3. Muscle contraction 4. Heart contraction and regulation of blood pressure 5. Nerve transmission 6. Oocyte activation 7. Number of other cell processes
  • 7. Calcium functions (Bone) • Osteoclasts (bone cells) remodel the bone by dissolving or resorbing bone • Osteoblasts (bone forming cells) synthesize new bone to replace the resorbed bone - Found on the outer surfaces of the bones and in the bone cavities
  • 8. Calcium Compounds Absorption Concentrations of elemental calcium absorption Type of calcium 35-40%Calcium carbonate 20%Calcium citrate 3-9%Calcium gluconate 13-18%Calcium lactate 30%Calcium phosphate 27%Calcium citrate malate 19%Calcium orotate
  • 9. Calcium Absorption Factors increase calcium absorption Factors decrease calcium absorption • Vitamin D • Gastric HCL • Dietary intake of certain types of proteins (MBP) • Age • Increase in dietary animal proteins (High phosphorous content) • Increase in dietary fat intake Calcium is absorbed from the upper part of small intestine (duodenum).
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  • 11. Calcium Homeostasis • The bone is considered the store of calcium in the body • When calcium level in body fluids decreases the body react by withdrawing the calcium from bones to compensate the decreased amount • Prolonged calcium deficiency result in resorption of high amount of calcium from bones which lead to Osteoporosis
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  • 14. Hormonal Regulators • Calcitonin (CT) • Lowers Ca++ in the blood • Inhibits osteoclasts • Parathormone (PTH) • Increases Ca++ in the blood • Stimulates osteoclasts • 1,25 Vitamin D3 • Increases Ca++ in the blood • Increase Ca++ uptake from the gut • Stimulates osteoclasts
  • 16. Calcium deficiency Types of calcium deficiency 1-Dietary calcium deficiency is a condition in which there is an inadequate calcium intake, which can lead to depleted calcium stores in the bones, thinning and weakening of the bones, and osteoporosis. 2-Hypocalcemia is a low level of calcium in the blood. It can occur from taking medications, such as diuretics; medical treatments; or disease processes, such as renal failure or hypo-parathyroidism
  • 17. Vitamin D • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in food • Sunshine is very important for usage of vitamin D because UV rays from sunlight trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin . • Vitamin D exists in several forms, each with a different level of activity. • Colecalciferol (D3) is the most active form of vitamin D. and other forms are relatively of low activity or inactive in the body. • The liver and kidney help convert vitamin D to its active hormone form .
  • 18. Vitamin D • Stimulates GI calcium and phosphate absorption • Promotes renal calcium and phosphate re-absorption • Calcium homeostasis: together with PTH it mobilizes calcium from skeletal stores. • Mineralization of the growth plate & osteoid
  • 19. Signs of Calcium Deficiency • Impaired bone growth • Numbness of the arms and or legs • Joint pains • Muscle cramping. • Dry skin and brittle nails • Bone fractures or breakage • Increased Premenstrual syndrome symptoms • Eczema • Heart palpitations & Hypertension • Insomnia
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  • 23. Calcium & Pregnancy • The requirements are greatest during the periods of growth such as during pregnancy, when breast feeding and childhood. • During Pregnancy the average foetus requires about 30 gm of calcium to mineralize its skeleton and maintain normal physiological processes.
  • 26. Fetal Skeleton development • MONTH 4: MOM’S SUPPLYING BABY PLENTY OF CALCIUM Via the placenta, fetus delivering calcium to help her bones harden, strengthen and lengthen. This calcium transfer continues up until birth • MONTHS 7 AND 8: TRANSFORMING CARTILAGE TO BONE the majority of the calcium baby gets from mother is transferred during the third trimester – about 250 milligrams a day the baby is busy transforming cartilage to bone as well as developing muscle
  • 27. • MONTH 9: BABY’S BONES REMAIN SOFT At week 36, mother-baby calcium transfer peaks, with you passing along as many as 350 milligrams of the mineral every day. That’s the case even though your baby’s bones are still softer than an adult’s. They have to be, so they can fit through the birth canal around week 40 and allow room for growth once baby is born. Fetal Skeleton development
  • 28. Calcium deficiency related pregnancy complications Pre Eclampsia Gestational hypertension Preterm Labor
  • 29. Hypertension in Pregnancy Hypertension in Pregnancy >140 or 90 mmHg 2 consecutive times 6 hours apart Pregnant patient Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Gestational Hypertension -ve proteinuria Preeclampsia + proteinuria (≥300mg/24 or 1+) +/- nondependent edema (face & hands) Eclampsia + unexplained grand mal seizures Chronic Hypertension
  • 30. Preeclampsia • Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by :- high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, often the kidneys. • Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose blood pressure had been normal. • Even a slight rise in blood pressure may be a sign of preeclampsia. • The main cause of preeclampsia is unknown but experts thought that it’s related to abnormal development of placental blood vessels
  • 31. Preeclampsia - Definition •Presence of Hypertension •>140/90 •2 readings 6 hours apart •Elevated Fasting blood glucose (FPG) Proteinuria • ≥ 1+ Urine dipstick (not sensitive) • ≥ 300 mg / 24 Nondependent Edema •Hand •Face •Not sensitive or specific
  • 32. Preeclampsia - Complications Maternal CNS • Seizures • Strokes (thrombosis) Hepatic •Hepatic Failure Renal •Renal Failure •Proteinuria Lungs •Pulmonary Edema Fetal Preterm Delivery Stillbirth (IUFD) Intrapartum Fetal Distress
  • 33. • Severe headaches. • Shortness of breath • Changes in vision(temporary loss of vision, blurred vision or light sensitivity). • Nausea or vomiting • Upper abdominal pain, (under your ribs on the right side • Decreased urine output.(Oliguria) • Decreased levels of platelets in blood (thrombocytopenia) • Impaired liver function Preeclampsia symptoms (Cont.)
  • 34. Preeclampsia Prevention • Low-dose aspirin a daily low-dose aspirin — between 60 and 81 milligrams — beginning late in the first trimester. • Calcium-Vit D Consumption of Calcium-Vitamin D supplements were containing 500 mg Calcium plus 200 IU vitamin D3 for 9 weeks during pregnancy among pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia resulted in decreased FPG and serum triglycerides levels * * Pak J Biol Sci. Effect of calcium-vitamin D supplementation on metabolic profiles in pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. 2012 Apr 1;15(7):316-24
  • 35. Gestational hypertension • Gestational hypertension is usually defined as having a blood pressure higher than 140/90 without the presence of protein in the urine and diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation Calcium supplementation in the range of 375–2000 mg resulted in a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure of 5.40 mm Hg (95% CI: −7.81, −3.00 mm Hg) and in diastolic blood pressure of 3.44 mm Hg* * Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ, et al. Effect of calcium supplementation on pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 1996;275:1113–7.
  • 36. Preterm Labor • Preterm labor occurs when regular contractions begin to open cervix before 37 weeks of pregnancy. A full-term pregnancy should last about 40 weeks. • Many premature babies (preemies) need special care in the neonatal intensive care unit. Preemies can also have long-term mental and physical disabilities. New studies have provided more evidence on the effects of supplementing pregnant women with vitamin D alone or with calcium on pregnancy outcomes shown that it may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, low birthweight and preterm birth.* * De-Regil LM1, Palacios C, Lombardo LK, Peña-Rosas JP. Vitamin D supplementation for women during pregnancy Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Jan 14;1:CD008873. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008873.pub3.
  • 37. Osteoporosis • Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle that a fall or even mild stresses like bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. • Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine. • Older women who are past menopause are at highest risk. Medications, healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss or strengthen already weak bones
  • 38. Osteoporosis Causes : • Calcium Deficiency • Hormonal changes (Specially female sex hormones) • Long periods of inactivity • Long-term use of high-dose oral corticosteroids • Family history • Heavy drinking and smoking
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  • 40. Ricketts • Rickets is defective calcification of bones before epiphyseal closure in young children due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of Vitamin D, Calcium or Phosphorus • If this case is developed after epiphyseal closure in adults its called Osteomalacia. Vitamin D Supplementation (200-400 IU daily) is recommended for prevention of rickets but the treatment require very high doses of Vit D may reach to 5000-1000 IU daily
  • 41. Symptoms Of Rickets • Bone tenderness and dental problems. • Muscle Weakness (rickets myopathy) • increased tendency for fracture • Skeletal deformity
  • 42. Pharmacology • As dietary supplement, used to treat hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease by combining with dietary phosphate to form insoluble calcium phosphate, which is excreted in feces. Calcium salts as antacids neutralize gastric acidity resulting in increased gastric and duodenal bulb pH; they additionally inhibit proteolytic activity of pepsin if the pH is increased >4 and increase lower esophageal sphincter tone (IOM, 2011).
  • 43. Pharmacology • Absorption Minimal unless chronic, high doses; absorption predominantly in the duodenum and dependent on calcitriol and vitamin D; mean absorption of calcium intake varies with age (infants 60%, prepubertal children 28%, pubertal children 34%, adults 25%); during pregnancy, calcium absorption doubles; calcium is absorbed in soluble, ionized form; solubility of calcium is increased in an acid environment (IOM 2011).
  • 44. Pharmacology • Distribution Primarily in bones, teeth (IOM, 2011). • Excretion Primarily feces (75%; as unabsorbed calcium); urine (22%) (IOM, 2011). • Protein Binding ~40%, primarily to albumin (Wills 1971)
  • 45. Major Drug Interactions • Decreases absorption of quinolones, tetracyclines, iron, magnesium, and zinc • Corticosteroids decrease calcium status • Loop diuretics increase urinary calcium loss • Thiazide diuretics increase renal calcium reabsorption
  • 48. Main Composition 1-Calcium carbonate 1530 mg (500 mg elemental) 2-Vitamin D (200 I.U) 3-Milk Basic Protein (MBP)
  • 49. Calcima.... chewable pieces Calcium Carbonate 1530 mg (elemental 500 mg). Reduce the risks of:- Gestational hypertension Preeclampsia Preterm birth
  • 51. Calcima.... chewable pieces Calcium Carbonate 1530 mg (elemental 500 mg). Osteoporosis Osteomalacia Improves BMD Reduce the Risk of
  • 52. Calcima.... chewable pieces Milk Basic Protein MBP (whey protein) Improves:- Bone mineral density Bone Remodeling Process Fetal skeletal growth
  • 53. Calcima.... chewable pieces 0.00% 0.20% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% 1.00% 1.20% 1.40% 1.60% 1.80% Placebo MBP GainoflumbarBMD% Gain of bone mineral density in healthy adult women given placebo or MBP supplementation (40 mg) for six months.
  • 54. Calcima.... chewable pieces Vitamin D Improves:- Minerals absorption (Ca, Phosphorus) Fetus birth weigh growth Bone mineralization.
  • 55. Calcima… An innovated formula with calcium – MBP combination with delicious chocolate taste which improves calcium absorption. Calcima… Contains vitamin D that maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus. Calcima… the ideal combination that decrease preeclampsia risks. Calcima… Ideal standard recommended concentrations with high safety profile to ensures proper bone mineralization. Calcima… Aspartame free, Sorbitol free. with no heart burn. Calcima… Small pieces with no chalky taste unlike other traditional calcium supplements.
  • 56.  The only product in Egyptian market that contains Calcium, Vit D in combination with MBP that increase BMD and improve the absorption of calcium supplement.  Chewable chocolate pieces of Calcima has delicious taste.  Calcima is safe, sorbitol free and aspartame free with no chalky taste .  30 chocolate pcs easily monthly control Why Calcima…
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  • 66. Target Audience  Gynecology (PM only)  Selected Orthopedics (Starting from 2nd Qtr)  Selected Pediatrics (Starting from 2nd Qtr) Application:- • 1-3 daily chewable piece or as prescribed by physician. Packaging:- • 30 chewable piece…. 44.95 LE
  • 67. Positioning:  For patients and pregnant who suffer from calcium deficiency , Calcima is a unique formula of ideal recommended concentrations of Calcium , Vitamin D in combination with MBP with delicious chewable chocolate taste that provides high patient compliance and safety. Indications: For prevention and treatment of Calcium and vitamin D deficiency • Increased Calcium demand in pregnancy, children and adults • osteoporosis. • Prophylaxis against rickets
  • 70. Extreme Calcima competitive advantages:- • Combination of Ca & Vit D with MBP that enhance BMD • No Chalky taste • No Vit K (vit K may enhance postnatal jaundice) • Package (30 pcs) more suitable for monthly control • Price
  • 71. Calcitron Calcima competitive advantages:- • Combination of Ca & Vit D with MBP that enhance BMD • Chewable chocolate pieces with high bioavailability • Not cause gastric irritation or heart burn • Calcium and Vit D content with ideal concentration according to recommendations