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Dr. Shivananda (Shivoo) R Koteshwar
NITI ATAL Mentor of Change (MoC)
FACEBOOK : shivoo.koteshwar
CFAL, Mangalore
January 2019
 Learning through attention
 Inquiry based learning
 Constructivism
 Mediated learning
 Discovery learning
 Learning as conversation
 Problem Based Learning
 Reflective Practice
 Meta Cognition
 Experiential Learning
 Learner oriented approach
 Self Paced Learning
 Learn by doing
 Congenial Learning
 Continuous development grind
or rote learning
 Target based learning
 Outcome based learning
 Collaborative learning
 Self discovery
 Social constructivism
 Situated learning
Creativity = f {Knowledge,
Exposure, Experience,
Imagination, Perception}
 Connecting science, technology and innovation with societal outcomes, will drive strong economic and social
progress for India
 The National Institution for Transforming India, also called NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union
Cabinet on January 1, 2015, replacing the Planning Commission instituted in 1950
 Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is a flagship initiative of the , housed at the NITI Aayog, to promote innovation and
entrepreneurship across the length and breadth of the country
 NITI Aayog is also developing itself as a State-of-the-Art Resource Centre (Atal Tinkering lab - ATL), with the
necessary resources, knowledge and skills, that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation,
provide strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues
 The Mentor of Change (MoC) Program is another citizen led national movement being led by AIM, wherein skilled
professionals provide pro-bono mentoring to young ATL innovators, with a strong sentiment towards nation
 AIM's Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) are creating world-class ecosystems for start-ups to flourish, with the
required handholding including access to mentoring and investor networks
 Launched byAIM in collaboration with five Ministries of the Government of India, the Atal New India Challenges
(ANIC) provided innovators an opportunity to propose technological solutions in 24 different areas of national
importance.The selected innovations shall receive grant-in-aid along with support for swift productization and
 AIM-Atal Research and Innovation in Small Enterprises (ARISE) encourage the Ministries to invest in research
and innovation, and thereby accept innovation from small enterprises into the public system, through a
comprehensive framework for procurement.
 AIM Goal: Students get an opportunity to experience design thinking and widen their intellectual
horizons in pursuit of solutions to day-to-day problems and showcase their innovations at
prestigious platforms
 ATL Program:
▪ ATL fosters curiosity and lets innovators start young. Students are free to think and explore, try and fail,
even come up with something out of the box. The program is designed to tap on the intrinsic
imaginative and problem solving knack of children and equip students with the 21 century skills such as
design thinking, critical thinking, computational thinking, digital fabrication, collaboration and complex
problem solving skills, adaptive learning, computational skills etc which are required for future
▪ ATL is encouraging students and teachers to experiment, explore and follow a self-learning path,
thereby empowering them to think differently about problems and develop innovative solutions, by
leveraging latest technology tools including 3D printing, Internet of Things, robotics, miniaturized
electronics, space technology, drone technology, technology inspired textiles and so on
▪ Mission to create an ecosystem that nurtures futuristic skills with a vision to create 1 million neoteric
innovators. Access to multiple ATL resources is helping children to ideate and create feasible solutions
to substantial problems plaguing the community
 Under the ATL scheme grant-in-aid of upto INR 20lakh is provided to schools selected to setup anATL
 The grant must be spent exclusively for the specified purpose within the stipulated time of a maximum
period of 5 years, with Rs.10 lakh for capital expense and remaining Rs.10 lakh for operational and
maintenance expenses (12 lakhs first year, 2 lakh/year next 4 years)
 As of December 2018, more than 5,000 ATLs have been announced, covering 87% of all the districts
and 110 Aspirational Districts of India. These labs, established in both government. and private schools
and majority in coeducational and girls' schools, are serving as community hubs of innovation, while
transforming the way India learns, thinks, ideates and innovates
 As per the Strategy for New India published by NITI Aayog, AIM shall establish over 10,000 ATLs by
 More than 40 of India's top thought leaders have signed up as Super Mentors for this initiative (MoC).
The MoC program recently opened the opportunity for online mentoring. As on date, more than 2,500
mentors are devoting their services towards mentoring young innovators with immense self-drive,
passion and commitment. Also, as per latest records, the MoCs have conducted more than 1,800
sessions with over 6,000 hours of mentoring, over the past few months
 Objective is to provide facilities to work with latest technologies and tools, to create innovations for
applications in multiple sectors including medical, clean energy, conservation of water, natural
resources, agriculture, smart mobility, thereby contributing towards sustainable development and
help build innovative solutions for India’s unique problems
• Creativity & Innovation
• Critical Thinking & Problem-solving
• Communication & Collaboration
• Flexibility & Adaptability
• Initiative & Self-direction
• Social & Cross-cultural Skills
• Productivity & Accountability
• Leadership & Responsibility
• Information Literacy
• Media Literacy
• ICT Literacy
 Content Proficient
 Able toWrite Proficiently
 Orally Proficient
 Able toThinkCritically
 Technologically Proficient
 Able to Collaborate
 Prepared for a Career
 Solid Citizens with Ethical Behavior
 Able to Analyze and deal with Data
 Possessing a solidWork Ethic
• Project- and Problem-Based Learning
Keys to 21st Century Learning. Teachers need to start each unit by
challenging students with a realistic or real-world project that both
engages interest and generates a list of things the student need to
• Projects are designed to tackle complex problems, requiring critical
How to do?
 To learn collaboration, work in teams.
 To learn critical thinking, take on complex problems.
 To learn oral communication, present.
 To learn written communication, write.
 To learn technology, use technology.
 To develop citizenship, take on civic and global issues.
 To learn about careers, do internships.
 To learn content, research and do all of the above.
What to do?
• Project
• Teamwork
• Presentation
• Exhibition
• Assessment and
What does project include ?
STEP Expected Outcome
Students are presented with a complex,
standards-based problem
Students form a team, develop a
work contract and build a work plan
Students get to work! Students are provided an online briefcase specific to the project with
information, resources, links and assessment criteria that help guide them
Students NeedTo Know Student questions and “need to knows” drive classroom lectures and
activities. Sometimes for the whole class … sometime for just one student
Students experiment and apply learning Students test their ideas and experiment to find solutions and
breakthroughs while receiving ongoing feedback from instructors
Students get back to work! Students work and collaborate in a business-like environment, where they
know their deliverables and have the technology tools to do their jobs
Students prepare to present Students work on building presentations to repre-sent their work and
defend their solutions
Students present their solutions! Students present ideas through debates, skits, panels, presentations, etc…
where their work is evaluated by peers, teachers, parents, and community
Situation Problem
Students earlier attended school to get
information but now they get
information everywhere
Assimilation of information
is missing
Impatience to irresolution Weak Problem Solving Skills
Surplus information or insufficient
Distractors causing lesser
Exposure to interesting and engaging
channels of information
Classroom management
becomes a challenge
1. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
2. Logical/Mathematical
3. Visual/Spatial Intelligence
4. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
5. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
6. Naturalist Intelligence
7. Interpersonal Intelligence
8. Intra personal Intelligence
Rehman Sachin
Salim Ali Mahatma
 Parent
▪ Work Hard, Get good marks, Get a College degree, Get a job/start
something → SETTLE
 Child
▪ Its better to have a degree but not a necessity. I want to have fun
 School
▪ Every child, regardless of background circumstances, deserves the
opportunity to succeed in life and its our responsibility to create the
opportunity but within the framework of the board/system
Cockroach Beatbox!
What all do you
learn from this
short video?
 Chemistry
 Biology
 Physics
 Electronics
 The power ofVISUALs
▪ Describe in words vs. pictures
▪ With visuals, identification, synthesis and retention is easy
 VisualThinking and Problem Solving
▪ Understanding and defining the problem
▪ Joining the pieces together
▪ Understanding the bigger picture
 Creative thinking helps in fine tuning your intuition,
increase your observation and problem solving skills
Creativity = f {Knowledge, Exposure, Experience, Imagination, Perception}
Teachers ofYesterday Teachers ofTomorrow
 Imparting knowledge
 Always in control
 Regular, safe, classroom
 Theoretical
 Passive participation
 Facilitators
 Sharing knowledge
 Active participation
 Learning together
 Experiment oriented
 Guide & Mentor
 Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ….
 When water is usually found in the ground, WHY did they go
up the hill? ..Have you ever thought of it?
 If NO, that is the problem I am trying to highlight ROTE
learning !
SONG 1 : English Song SONG 2 : Kannada Song
Always understand the context before
blindly ROTE learning
Rain Rain Go Away Huyyo Huyyo Maleraya
 Learn drawing
 Never lose your creativity and inquisitiveness
 Cross synthesis of knowledge is one of the most important aspect of
 Give importance to so called ‘Non Core” subjects – History, Civics,
Geography, English
 Never judge the created solution/idea.The solution space cannot be
in a box
 Collaboration is a must. Great learning happens in a group
 Internalize the information - STAR (Synthesis,Thinking, Analysis
and Reasoning)
 Learn to enjoy learning
Teachers Parents
TrendMost Freedom
Family Business
Nothing else to choose
Let me leave it to chance
What is required?
It’s time to look beyond
learning ability.
It’s time to look to develop
learning agility.
• Strengthening the fundamentals with experiential
• Focus on 21st Century Pedagogy – Problem
Solving Skills, Communication and Enquiry Skills
• Develop deep understanding of the concepts,
practice solving complex problems and develop
an ability to think and arrive at alternative ways of
solving tricky problems
Education prepares you for certainty;
Learning prepares you for surprises
FitnessTrackers SoundWall Pet Cube
Google Glasses ConnectedToothbrush
Regular watches getting smarter Mini 3D printer Pacif-I
Melomind - electroencephalogram (EEG)
Wireless Charging
Fashion + FitnessTracker The Ring Walk Car
Smarthing Hub Bendy Liquid Metal Coils – Stretchable
Autonomous Cars
Google Pixel Buds Sony Glasses
 Technology means the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes
LowVision Magnifier
Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
Virtual keyboard/Speech synthesizer
Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
Patient Condition Communicator
Device Control
Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
 In 1990 (twenty-five years ago), he predicted
▪ That computer would defeat a world chess champion by 1998.Then in 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov
▪ That PCs would be capable of answering queries by accessing information wirelessly via the Internet by 2010. He was right!
▪ That by the early 2000s, exoskeletal limbs would let the disabled walk. Companies like Ekso Bionics and others now have
technology that does just this, and much more
 In 1999, he predicted……
▪ That people would be able talk to their computer to give commands by 2009. While still in the early days in 2009, natural
language interfaces like Apple’s Siri and Google Now have come a long way
▪ That computer displays would be built into eyeglasses for augmented reality by 2009. Labs and teams were building head
mounted displays well before 2009, but Google started experimenting with Google Glass prototypes in 2011
 In 2005, he predicted……
▪ That by the 2010s, virtual solutions would be able to do real-time language translation in which words spoken in a foreign
language would be translated into text that would appear as subtitles to a user wearing the glasses. Well, Microsoft (via Skype
Translate), Google (Translate), and others have done this and beyond. One app called Word Lens actually uses your camera to
find and translate text imagery in real time.
 By the late 2010s
▪ Glasses will beam images directly onto the retina.
▪ Ten terabytes of computing power (roughly the same as the human brain) will cost about $1,000.
 By the 2020s
▪ Most diseases will go away as nanobots become smarter than current medical technology
▪ Normal human eating can be replaced by nanosystems
▪ TheTuring test begins to be passable
▪ Self-driving cars begin to take over the roads, and people won’t be allowed to drive on highways
 By the 2030s
▪ Virtual reality will begin to feel 100% real
▪ We will be able to upload our mind/consciousness by the end of the decade
 By the 2040s
▪ Non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than biological intelligence (a.k.a. us)
▪ Nanotech foglets (self-reconfiguring modular robotics) will be able to make food out of thin air and create any
object in physical world at a whim
 By 2045
▪ We will multiply our intelligence a billion fold by linking wirelessly from our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex
in the cloud.
Curiosity Generator
• Making me want to learn
• Enhancing Problem Solving
• Mapping to Syllabus board
• Mapping to adopted methodology
• Relevance to further studies
•To life
•To further studies
•To job
Attempt to increase
Pass Percentage
Attempt to increase
Attempt to bring
50 Shades of Life
50 Colours of Love
 Belakoo Education Trust offers free quality education for
underprivileged children. We run STEAM programs for
Government School kids substituting their learnings at school.
 We participate in Skill Development Program for students under
various running central/stage level schemes
All pictures are from with either
copyright or with common creatives
Visit my slideshare to view all
these presentations
Dr. Shivananda (Shivoo) R Koteshwar
FACEBOOK: shivoo.koteshwar

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Nurturing Innovative Minds

  • 1. Dr. Shivananda (Shivoo) R Koteshwar NITI ATAL Mentor of Change (MoC) LINKEDIN : FACEBOOK : shivoo.koteshwar SLIDESHARE : CFAL, Mangalore January 2019
  • 2.  Learning through attention  Inquiry based learning  Constructivism  Mediated learning  Discovery learning  Learning as conversation  Problem Based Learning  Reflective Practice  Meta Cognition  Experiential Learning  Learner oriented approach  Self Paced Learning  Learn by doing  Congenial Learning  Continuous development grind or rote learning  Target based learning  Outcome based learning  Collaborative learning  Self discovery  Social constructivism  Situated learning
  • 3. Creativity = f {Knowledge, Exposure, Experience, Imagination, Perception}
  • 4.  Connecting science, technology and innovation with societal outcomes, will drive strong economic and social progress for India  The National Institution for Transforming India, also called NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on January 1, 2015, replacing the Planning Commission instituted in 1950  Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is a flagship initiative of the , housed at the NITI Aayog, to promote innovation and entrepreneurship across the length and breadth of the country  NITI Aayog is also developing itself as a State-of-the-Art Resource Centre (Atal Tinkering lab - ATL), with the necessary resources, knowledge and skills, that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, provide strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues  The Mentor of Change (MoC) Program is another citizen led national movement being led by AIM, wherein skilled professionals provide pro-bono mentoring to young ATL innovators, with a strong sentiment towards nation building.  AIM's Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) are creating world-class ecosystems for start-ups to flourish, with the required handholding including access to mentoring and investor networks  Launched byAIM in collaboration with five Ministries of the Government of India, the Atal New India Challenges (ANIC) provided innovators an opportunity to propose technological solutions in 24 different areas of national importance.The selected innovations shall receive grant-in-aid along with support for swift productization and commercialisation  AIM-Atal Research and Innovation in Small Enterprises (ARISE) encourage the Ministries to invest in research and innovation, and thereby accept innovation from small enterprises into the public system, through a comprehensive framework for procurement.
  • 5.  AIM Goal: Students get an opportunity to experience design thinking and widen their intellectual horizons in pursuit of solutions to day-to-day problems and showcase their innovations at prestigious platforms  ATL Program: ▪ ATL fosters curiosity and lets innovators start young. Students are free to think and explore, try and fail, even come up with something out of the box. The program is designed to tap on the intrinsic imaginative and problem solving knack of children and equip students with the 21 century skills such as design thinking, critical thinking, computational thinking, digital fabrication, collaboration and complex problem solving skills, adaptive learning, computational skills etc which are required for future ▪ ATL is encouraging students and teachers to experiment, explore and follow a self-learning path, thereby empowering them to think differently about problems and develop innovative solutions, by leveraging latest technology tools including 3D printing, Internet of Things, robotics, miniaturized electronics, space technology, drone technology, technology inspired textiles and so on ▪ Mission to create an ecosystem that nurtures futuristic skills with a vision to create 1 million neoteric innovators. Access to multiple ATL resources is helping children to ideate and create feasible solutions to substantial problems plaguing the community
  • 6.  Under the ATL scheme grant-in-aid of upto INR 20lakh is provided to schools selected to setup anATL  The grant must be spent exclusively for the specified purpose within the stipulated time of a maximum period of 5 years, with Rs.10 lakh for capital expense and remaining Rs.10 lakh for operational and maintenance expenses (12 lakhs first year, 2 lakh/year next 4 years)  As of December 2018, more than 5,000 ATLs have been announced, covering 87% of all the districts and 110 Aspirational Districts of India. These labs, established in both government. and private schools and majority in coeducational and girls' schools, are serving as community hubs of innovation, while transforming the way India learns, thinks, ideates and innovates  As per the Strategy for New India published by NITI Aayog, AIM shall establish over 10,000 ATLs by 2020  More than 40 of India's top thought leaders have signed up as Super Mentors for this initiative (MoC). The MoC program recently opened the opportunity for online mentoring. As on date, more than 2,500 mentors are devoting their services towards mentoring young innovators with immense self-drive, passion and commitment. Also, as per latest records, the MoCs have conducted more than 1,800 sessions with over 6,000 hours of mentoring, over the past few months  Objective is to provide facilities to work with latest technologies and tools, to create innovations for applications in multiple sectors including medical, clean energy, conservation of water, natural resources, agriculture, smart mobility, thereby contributing towards sustainable development and help build innovative solutions for India’s unique problems
  • 7.
  • 8. LEARNING & INNOVATION • Creativity & Innovation • Critical Thinking & Problem-solving • Communication & Collaboration LIFE & CAREER • Flexibility & Adaptability • Initiative & Self-direction • Social & Cross-cultural Skills • Productivity & Accountability • Leadership & Responsibility INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY • Information Literacy • Media Literacy • ICT Literacy
  • 9.  Content Proficient  Able toWrite Proficiently  Orally Proficient  Able toThinkCritically  Technologically Proficient  Able to Collaborate  Prepared for a Career  Solid Citizens with Ethical Behavior  Able to Analyze and deal with Data  Possessing a solidWork Ethic Outcomes • Project- and Problem-Based Learning Keys to 21st Century Learning. Teachers need to start each unit by challenging students with a realistic or real-world project that both engages interest and generates a list of things the student need to know • Projects are designed to tackle complex problems, requiring critical thinking How to do?  To learn collaboration, work in teams.  To learn critical thinking, take on complex problems.  To learn oral communication, present.  To learn written communication, write.  To learn technology, use technology.  To develop citizenship, take on civic and global issues.  To learn about careers, do internships.  To learn content, research and do all of the above. What to do? • Project Management • Teamwork • Presentation • Exhibition • Assessment and Feedback What does project include ?
  • 10. STEP Expected Outcome Students are presented with a complex, standards-based problem Students form a team, develop a work contract and build a work plan Students get to work! Students are provided an online briefcase specific to the project with information, resources, links and assessment criteria that help guide them Students NeedTo Know Student questions and “need to knows” drive classroom lectures and activities. Sometimes for the whole class … sometime for just one student Students experiment and apply learning Students test their ideas and experiment to find solutions and breakthroughs while receiving ongoing feedback from instructors Students get back to work! Students work and collaborate in a business-like environment, where they know their deliverables and have the technology tools to do their jobs Students prepare to present Students work on building presentations to repre-sent their work and defend their solutions Students present their solutions! Students present ideas through debates, skits, panels, presentations, etc… where their work is evaluated by peers, teachers, parents, and community
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  • 16. Situation Problem Students earlier attended school to get information but now they get information everywhere Assimilation of information is missing Impatience to irresolution Weak Problem Solving Skills Surplus information or insufficient information Distractors causing lesser engagement Exposure to interesting and engaging channels of information Classroom management becomes a challenge
  • 17. 1. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence 2. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence 3. Visual/Spatial Intelligence 4. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence 5. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence 6. Naturalist Intelligence 7. Interpersonal Intelligence 8. Intra personal Intelligence Arundathi Roy Srinivasa Ramanujan Manish Malhotra Rehman Sachin Tendulkar Salim Ali Mahatma Gandhi Vivekananda
  • 18.  Parent ▪ Work Hard, Get good marks, Get a College degree, Get a job/start something → SETTLE  Child ▪ Its better to have a degree but not a necessity. I want to have fun  School ▪ Every child, regardless of background circumstances, deserves the opportunity to succeed in life and its our responsibility to create the opportunity but within the framework of the board/system
  • 20. What all do you learn from this short video?  Chemistry  Biology  Physics  Electronics
  • 21.  The power ofVISUALs ▪ Describe in words vs. pictures ▪ With visuals, identification, synthesis and retention is easy  VisualThinking and Problem Solving ▪ Understanding and defining the problem ▪ Joining the pieces together ▪ Understanding the bigger picture  Creative thinking helps in fine tuning your intuition, increase your observation and problem solving skills Creativity = f {Knowledge, Exposure, Experience, Imagination, Perception}
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  • 26. Teachers ofYesterday Teachers ofTomorrow  Imparting knowledge  Always in control  Regular, safe, classroom environment  Theoretical  Passive participation  Facilitators  Sharing knowledge  Active participation  Learning together  Experiment oriented  Guide & Mentor
  • 27.  Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ….  When water is usually found in the ground, WHY did they go up the hill? ..Have you ever thought of it?  If NO, that is the problem I am trying to highlight ROTE learning !
  • 28. SONG 1 : English Song SONG 2 : Kannada Song Always understand the context before blindly ROTE learning Rain Rain Go Away Huyyo Huyyo Maleraya
  • 29.  Learn drawing  Never lose your creativity and inquisitiveness  Cross synthesis of knowledge is one of the most important aspect of creativity  Give importance to so called ‘Non Core” subjects – History, Civics, Geography, English  Never judge the created solution/idea.The solution space cannot be in a box  Collaboration is a must. Great learning happens in a group  Internalize the information - STAR (Synthesis,Thinking, Analysis and Reasoning)  Learn to enjoy learning Creative
  • 30. Teachers Parents $$$Jobs Friends TrendMost Freedom Family Business Nothing else to choose Let me leave it to chance Cousins Rebel PASSION PERSISTENCE PATIENCE What is required?
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  • 36. It’s time to look beyond learning ability. It’s time to look to develop learning agility. • Strengthening the fundamentals with experiential learning • Focus on 21st Century Pedagogy – Problem Solving Skills, Communication and Enquiry Skills • Develop deep understanding of the concepts, practice solving complex problems and develop an ability to think and arrive at alternative ways of solving tricky problems
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  • 43. Education prepares you for certainty; Learning prepares you for surprises
  • 44. FitnessTrackers SoundWall Pet Cube Google Glasses ConnectedToothbrush
  • 45. Regular watches getting smarter Mini 3D printer Pacif-I Melomind - electroencephalogram (EEG) Trackers Wireless Charging
  • 46. Fashion + FitnessTracker The Ring Walk Car Smarthing Hub Bendy Liquid Metal Coils – Stretchable Speakers Autonomous Cars
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  • 50. Google Pixel Buds Sony Glasses
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  • 53.  Technology means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes LowVision Magnifier Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
  • 56. Patient Condition Communicator Device Control Courtesy: Santosh kodimyala 2008
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  • 58.  In 1990 (twenty-five years ago), he predicted ▪ That computer would defeat a world chess champion by 1998.Then in 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov ▪ That PCs would be capable of answering queries by accessing information wirelessly via the Internet by 2010. He was right! ▪ That by the early 2000s, exoskeletal limbs would let the disabled walk. Companies like Ekso Bionics and others now have technology that does just this, and much more  In 1999, he predicted…… ▪ That people would be able talk to their computer to give commands by 2009. While still in the early days in 2009, natural language interfaces like Apple’s Siri and Google Now have come a long way ▪ That computer displays would be built into eyeglasses for augmented reality by 2009. Labs and teams were building head mounted displays well before 2009, but Google started experimenting with Google Glass prototypes in 2011  In 2005, he predicted…… ▪ That by the 2010s, virtual solutions would be able to do real-time language translation in which words spoken in a foreign language would be translated into text that would appear as subtitles to a user wearing the glasses. Well, Microsoft (via Skype Translate), Google (Translate), and others have done this and beyond. One app called Word Lens actually uses your camera to find and translate text imagery in real time.
  • 59.  By the late 2010s ▪ Glasses will beam images directly onto the retina. ▪ Ten terabytes of computing power (roughly the same as the human brain) will cost about $1,000.  By the 2020s ▪ Most diseases will go away as nanobots become smarter than current medical technology ▪ Normal human eating can be replaced by nanosystems ▪ TheTuring test begins to be passable ▪ Self-driving cars begin to take over the roads, and people won’t be allowed to drive on highways  By the 2030s ▪ Virtual reality will begin to feel 100% real ▪ We will be able to upload our mind/consciousness by the end of the decade  By the 2040s ▪ Non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than biological intelligence (a.k.a. us) ▪ Nanotech foglets (self-reconfiguring modular robotics) will be able to make food out of thin air and create any object in physical world at a whim  By 2045 ▪ We will multiply our intelligence a billion fold by linking wirelessly from our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud.
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  • 62. Relevance Applicability Curiosity Generator • Making me want to learn • Enhancing Problem Solving Skills • Mapping to Syllabus board • Mapping to adopted methodology • Relevance to further studies •To life •To further studies •To job Attempt to increase Pass Percentage Attempt to increase engagement Attempt to bring relevance
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  • 65. 50 Shades of Life 50 Colours of Love
  • 66.  Belakoo Education Trust offers free quality education for underprivileged children. We run STEAM programs for Government School kids substituting their learnings at school.  We participate in Skill Development Program for students under various running central/stage level schemes
  • 67. All pictures are from with either copyright or with common creatives
  • 68. Visit my slideshare to view all these presentations
  • 69. Dr. Shivananda (Shivoo) R Koteshwar FACEBOOK: shivoo.koteshwar LINKEDIN: SLIDESHARE: