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Future Trends in Education

               Karen Brooks
Currently in Education

       May 7, 2012
Chinese Physicists Teleport Photons Over 100 Kilometers

                                      May 11, 2012
Raspberry PI $35 Computer
Laptops Replace Lectures
What will you and your children be
             doing in:
• 2015 – 3 years from now
• 2020 – 8 years from now                                      By 2020, the UK economy will be even more globalised. The transition
  from fossil fuels to alternative energy will be in full swing. Rapid development in China, India and elsewhere will place huge strain on
  resources. The gaming generation will be middle-aged – and virtual services will be the basis for many jobs. There will still be real jobs
  to be had – but you may have to switch careers to find one.

• 2025 - 2012/2013 Kindergarteners Graduate
• 2035 – Class of 2025 10 year reunion/ 5-6 year
                            out of college
• 2045 – 2012/2013 Kindergarteners are in late 30’s to early
• 2070 – 2012/13 Kindergarteners are reaching retirement
                            age at 67
College Estimator Costs
Company Technology Goals for Families,
   Education and Business by 2019:
A Day Made of Glass . . . Made possible
             by Corning

                Video - 5:33
Teaching in 2025!

        Hans Rosling

21 Things that will be Obsolete by 2025

1.  Desks – Education will be mobile        1.   Organization of Educational
                                                 Services by Grade rather will be by
2.  Language Labs                                peer groups by interest altering
3.  Desktop Computers                            the K-12 structure as we know it.
4.  Homework – Learning will be 24/7        2.   Education Schools that Fail to
5.  Role of Standardized Test in College         Integrate Technology – 5 years
    Admissions – Digital Portfolios will    3.   Paid/Outsources Professional
    replace these.                               Development
6. Differentiated Instruction as a Sign     4.   Current Curricular Norms to Middle
    of a Distinguished Teacher                   Schools for Foundational Content
7. Fear of Wikipedia                             Providers and High Schools as
8. Paperbacks                                    Places for Specialized Learning.
9. Attendance Offices                       5.   Parent Teacher Conference Night
10. Lockers – replaced by a coat check.     6.   Typical Cafeteria Food
11. IT Departments – function will          7.   Outsourced Graphic Design and
    change to innovation and change              Web Design
12. Centralized Institutions –              8.   High School Algebra 1– will be
     –     Buildings will get smaller and
                                                 taught in Middle School
           greener.                         9.   Paper – 10 years it will decline by
     –     They will be home bases               90%
     –     Learning in Communities for
           experiential learning
Future Work Skills 2020?
•   Sense-making. The ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of
    what is being expressed
•   Social intelligence. The ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to
    sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions
•   Novel and adaptive thinking. Proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions
    and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based
•   Cross-cultural competency. The ability to operate in different cultural settings
•   Computational thinking. The ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract
    concepts and to understand data-based reasoning
•   New-media literacy. The ability to critically assess and develop content that uses
    new media forms and to leverage these media for persuasive communication
•   Transdisciplinarity. Literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple
•   Design mind-set. Ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for
    desired outcomes
•   Cognitive load management. The ability to discriminate and filter information for
    importance and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a
    variety of tools and techniques
•   Virtual collaboration. The ability to work productively, drive engagement and
    demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team
The Leader in Me-7 Habits
                                                   Habit1: Be Proactive®
                                                         • You’re in Charge
                                                   Habit2: Begin With the End in Mind®
                                                         • Have a Plan
                                                   Habit3: Put First Things First®
                                                         • Work First, Then Play
                                                   Habit4: Think Win-Win®
                                                         • Everyone Can Win
                                                   Habit5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
                                                         • Listen Before You Talk
                                                   Habit6: Synergize®
                                                         • Together Is Better
                                                   Habit7: Sharpen the Saw®  • Balance Feels Best
21st Century Life: Will Your Kids be Ready?
                     by Maria Chesley Fisk, Ph.D.
  1. Affirm the importance of your role as a teacher to your child. 
       Reflect and learn more about what and how teach and help your child
       prepare for her future.
  2. Help your child think of learning as a life-LONG process.
       Mere memorization and acquisition of knowledge just won't work
  3. Help your child think of learning as a life-WIDE process.
       Encourage her to embrace opportunities for learning and self-
       improvement at home, at school, on the internet, and in the community.
  4. Focus on communication skills. Today's future adults will need to effectively 
       express their thoughts and questions. 
  5. Think global. 
       Help your child learn about the cultures and languages around him and

             across the globe.
  6. Instill in your child the understanding that if he works hard, he can learn and

     improve in any area. 
       She should wholeheartedly believe he can utilize resources and sincere
       effort to better learn and do what it is he cares about.
  7. Be a learner yourself! 
       Point out to your child, for example, how you thoughtfully enter new
       situations, set goals, and draw on resources that help create and sustain
       positive change and learning.
Ten Best Jobs in the Near Future
                     Based on Data from 2008 to 2010

10. Personal Financial                9. Dental Hygienists
  Advisors                                 – Total new jobs
   – Total new jobs                          (2008-2018): 62,900
     (2008-2018): 62,800                   – Pct. increase: 36.1%
   – Pct. increase: 30.1%                  – Median income:
   – Median income:                          $68,250
     $64,750                               – States with most jobs
   – States with most jobs                   per capita: Michigan,
     per capita: New York,                   Idaho, Utah
     Connecticut, Delaware
8. Civil Engineers           7. Market Research
   – Total new jobs             Analysts
     (2008-2018): 67,600       – Total new jobs
   – Pct. increase: +24.1%       (2008-2018): 70,100
   – Median income:            – Pct. increase: +28.1%
     $77,650                   – Median income:
   – States with most jobs       $60,570
     per capita: Alaska,       – States with most jobs
     Washington, Colorado        per capita: District of
                                 Columbia, Delaware,
6. Computer Systems         5. Physicians and
   Analysts                    Surgeons
  – Total new jobs             – Total new jobs
    (2008-2018): 108,100         (2008-2018): 144,100
  – Pct. increase: +20.3%      – Pct. increase: +21.8%
  – Median income:             – Median income:
    $77,740                      $94,000-$153,000
  – States with most jobs      – States with most jobs
    per capita: Virginia,        per capita: New Mexico,
    Delaware, New Jersey         West Virginia, Wyoming
4. Computer Applications      3. Management Analysts
   Software Engineers           – Total new jobs
   (Apps and Cloud                (2008-2018): 178,300
   Computing)                   – Pct. increase: 23.9%
  – Total new jobs              – Median income:
    (2008-2018): 175,100          $78,160
  – Pct. increase: 34%          – States with most jobs
  – Median income: 94,180         per capita:
                                  Massachusetts, New
  – States with most jobs
                                  York, Georgia
    per capita: Washington,
    Colorado, Virginia
2. Accountants and            1. Registered Nurses
   Auditors                      – Total new jobs
  – Total new jobs                 (2008-2018): 581,500
    (2008-2018): 279,400         – Pct. increase: 22.2%
  – Pct. increase: 21.6%         – Median income:
  – Median income:                 $64,690
    $61,690                      – States with most jobs
  – States with most jobs          per capita: Rhode Island,
    per capita: District of        South Dakota,
    Columbia, Colorado,            Massachusetts
Top 10 Jobs Employers Can't Fill In 2011

 • According to Manpower's annual
   Talent Shortage Survey, about 52 percent of the
   employers surveyed reported difficulty filling jobs.
   This is up from 14 percent in 2010, nearly a four-fold

 • What do you think these jobs are?

 • Let’s take a look.
1. Technicians                                                      5. Secretaries/Administrative
   –   Though the term is somewhat broad, technicians can
       be found installing, configuring, troubleshooting and           Assistants
       repairing products and services of all kinds. Technician        –   Administrative assistants, personal assistants and
       roles have been the most difficult to fill since 2008,              secretaries are all instrumental in keeping any office
       according to Manpower.                                              running smoothly. Even with the ubiquitous BlackBerry's
                                                                           presence in the corporate world, there's no replacement
2. Sales Representatives                                                   for human contact.
   –   Someone has to deal with the consumer on the
       products and services that the aforementioned                6. Drivers
       technicians are working with all day. Sales
                                                                       –   Got a clean record with the DMV? You might be a good fit
       representatives inform potential customers about
                                                                           as a driver (courier, in some cases) for one of countless
       their products, from automobiles to insurance.
                                                                           companies that need to transport physical goods from

3. Skilled Trades Workers                                                  Point A to Point B   .
   –   Electricians, plumbers, welders and HVAC specialists
       alike are, apparently, in high demand and low supply.
       With "lack of 'hard' job skills" as a top reason for the
                                                                    7. Production Operators
                                                                       –   Production operators can be found at assembly lines and
       difficulty in filling these positions, we'd say that trade
                                                                           production plants across the nation, working hard to
       schools have their work cut out.
                                                                           assemble the goods that Americans depend and thrive on

4. Engineers
                                                                           day-to-day. The potential for advancement to managerial
                                                                           roles is great.
   –   Engineers cover the gamut from electrical to
       aerospace, and spend their days researching and
       developing solutions to the nation's development and
                                                                    8. Laborers
                                                                       –   Laborers can be found performing all sorts of roles on
       well-being. Many large universities now partner their
                                                                           construction sites, from the easy to the hazardous. Much of
       engineering programs with companies like G.E. in
                                                                           the training is provided on-the-job, although there are
       order to provide students with the most specialized
                                                                           apprenticeship programs available that lead to the best
       training possible.
                                                                           formal preparation.
9. Accounting & Finance                                     10. Management/Executives
  –   Financial jobs can require a great deal of formal       –   Don't let the word "executive" scare you. Management
      education, but provide great long-term rewards.             roles are available on numerous experience levels, and
      Internships typically prove beneficial in providing         can be rewarding both for yourself and those you lead.
      hands-on experience that can lead to an entry-              Leadership can "make or break" any job.
      level position.
Jobs in 2025
• We know where the jobs are today -- and we
  definitely know where they aren't. But what
  about in 10 or even 20 years?
• Some are speculative, some are definitive --
  but here are 10 potential jobs of the near or
  distant future, based on the trends:
1. Cyber Security Specialist                             5. Mobile Application Developer
    –   Cyber security is a growing industry.                –   Remember car phones? You know, the equivalent
        Knowledgeable professionals who can protect              of a cell phone, except that you could only use it in
        websites and expose hackers will be a hot                the car and it was the size of a brick? With the
        commodity in the coming years                            development of phones like the BlackBerry,
                                                                 Android and iPhone, the mobile media industry is
2. Genetic Counselor                                             continually progressing. An increased number of
    –   Genetics are advancing at a rapid rate.                  developers will be needed to help develop
        Doctors can now run tests that will predict              applications, in addition to combating security and
        genetic conditions, and soon, parents may be             compatibility issues.
        able to choose the sex of their unborn
        children. With the help of genetic counselors,   6. Robotics Technician
        families can educate themselves on available         –   Robots are becoming more commonplace and they
        genetic technologies and options.                        don't run on their own. Technicians will be needed
                                                                 to build robots, maintain them and keep them
3. Organic Food Farmer                                           from malfunctioning.
    –   Organic food currently occupies about 10
        percent of the food and beverage market --       7. Simulation Engineer
        and it's only going to increase. As a result,        –   There's a simulator for nearly everything these
        more organic farmers and producers will                  days, from surgeries to flying to drinking and
        need to improve organic farming techniques               driving. As more simulation-based technologies
        and grow the food.                                       follow suit, engineers will be required to help out.
4. Medical Records Administrator                         8. Social Media Manager
    –   Medical records are at the forefront of              –   Social media is the new "it" profession. It started
        innovative technology, with a strong push to             with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and has
        digitize medical records. An increased number            expanded to many other platforms. Organizations
        of medical researchers will be needed to help            are now employing social media managers to
        move records from paper to digital, and to be            oversee their online communities and
        able to navigate records quickly for patients.           enhance/protect the company brand.
9. Stem Cell Researcher                            10. Sustainability Officer
   –   Although it's a controversial topic, stem      –   Sustainability has become a concern
       cell research is gaining ground. If this           around the world and also among
       continues, more researchers will be                businesses. Since the executive suite may
       needed to develop cures for diseases,              not have time to learn all there is to know,
       genetic enhancements, and the other                organizations are hiring eco-savvy
       information these cells may potentially            individuals as "sustainability officers."
       hold.                                              These folks will find, research, and
                                                          implement eco-friendly policies to benefit
                                                          the organization.
10 Future Technologies that Already Exist
Best Fields
• Technology and business evolve quickly, and
  new careers come and go just as fast. Because
  of this, it’s important to choose a career field
  that will be in high demand for the
  foreseeable future and sharpen your skills
  over time.
• What do you think are the best jobs to have
  over the next 10 years?
• Are you pursuing or currently working in any
  of these career fields?
Best Fields
1. Medical Field                                           6. Business Services Jobs
                                                              –   Environment Health Specialist, Construction Estimator
   –   Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA),
       Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants
                                                           7. Sales Jobs
2. Technology Sector                                          –   Sales Director, Sales Executive, Senior Sales Professional
   –   Software Architects, Systems Engineers, Software
       Engineers, IT Analysts                              8. Consulting Jobs
3. Financial Services
                                                              –   Management Consultants, Healthcare Consultants

   –   Accountants, Actuaries, Financial Advisers          9. Engineering Jobs
4. Education Arena
                                                              –   Project Engineer, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer,
                                                                  Environmental Engineer, Biomedical Engineer
   –   College Professors, Elementary School Teachers,
       High School Teachers                                10. Middle Management
5. Technical Jobs                                            Jobs
   –   Physical Therapist Assistants, Dental Hygienists,      –   Research and Development Manager, Product Manager,
       Veterinary Technicians                                     Risk Management Manager
Emerging Mega Regions 2050

Other findings of the International Center for Peace and 
Development research include :
    •   By 2013, labor-force growth in the United 
    States will be zero. The US is forecast to have  a 
    shortage of 17 million working age people by 
    2020 . 
    •   China will be short 10 million 
    •   India will have a surplus of 47 million10 
World Futurist Society Forecasts for Next
                    25 Years
•   The dust bowls of the twenty-first century will      •   Learning will become more social and game-based,
    dwarf those seen in the twentieth. Two giant             and online social gaming may soon replace textbooks
    dust bowls are now forming, in Asia and in Africa,       in schools. The idea that students learn more when
    due to massive amounts of soil erosion and               they are engaged — as they are when playing games
    desertification resulting from overgrazing.              — is helping educators embrace new technologies in
•   Commercial space tourism will grow significantly         the classroom. In addition to encouraging
    during the coming decade. By 2021, there will be         collaborations, games also allow students to learn
    13,000 suborbital passengers annually, resulting         from their mistakes through trial and error.
    in $650 million in revenue. Many companies are       •   Lunar-based solar power production may be the best
    currently working to make commercial space               way to meet future energy demands. Solar power can
    flight a viable industry, according to Melchor           be more dependably and inexpensively gathered on
    Antuñano, director of the FAA Civil Aerospace            the Moon than on Earth.
    Medical Institute.                                   •   Machine vision will become available in the next 5 to
•   Nanotechnology offers hope for restoring                 15 years, with visual range ultimately exceeding that
    eyesight. Flower-shaped electrodes topped with           of the human eye. This technology will greatly
    photodiodes, implanted in blind patients’ eyes,          enhance robotic systems’ capabilities.
    may restore their sight.                             •   Advances in fuel cells will enable deep-sea
•   Robotic earthworms will gobble up our garbage.           habitation. Fuel cells such as those currently being
    Much of what we throw away still has value.              developed for automobiles will produce electricity
    Metals, petroleum, and other components could            directly, with no toxic fumes.
    get additional use if we extracted them, and
    robotic earthworms could do that for us.
•   Future buildings may be more responsive to           •   The end of identity as we know it? It may
    weather fluctuations. “Protocell cladding” that          become very easy to create a new identity
    utilizes bioluminescent bacteria or other                (or many identities) for ourselves. All we will
    materials would be applied on building facades           have to do is create new avatars in virtual
    to collect water and sunlight, helping to cool the       reality. Those avatars will act on our behalf in
    interiors and produce biofuels.                          real life to conduct such high-level tasks as
                                                             performing intensive research, posting blog
                                                             entries and Facebook updates, and managing
                                                             businesses. The lines between ourselves and
                                                             our virtual other selves will blur, to the point
                                                             where most of us will, in essence, have
                                                             multiple personalities.
New Gaming on the Market
World Future
70 Jobs by 2030
60 Careers that will Rock the Future
Planning for the Future Happening
                                   America and High Speed Rail System -
California High Speed Rail -2050   2050
China lays out its plan for
USA Space Plans                 Mars
• In 2010, a bill was signed in • Orbiter toward Mars on a
  the United States               Chinese rocket as early as
  discontinuing plans for a       2013.
  manned mission to the         • Colony by 2050
  Moon by 2020, and instead,
  authorizing manned misions
  to an asteroid in 2025 and
  to the planet Mars by the
Japanese Company – Space
Elevator by 2050                             Airbus Future Plans
    Tokyo-based Obayashi Corp. wants to
    build an operational space elevator
     by the middle of the century,
    Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper
    reported Wednesday (Feb. 22). The
    device would carry passengers
    skyward at about 124 mph (200 kph),
    delivering them to a station 22,000
    miles (36,000 kilometers) above
    Earth in a little more than a week.


The Positive
Microsoft 2019
Other Resources

Karen Brooks

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2025 future of education final

  • 1. 2025 Future Trends in Education Karen Brooks
  • 3.
  • 4. Current Science May 7, 2012
  • 5. Chinese Physicists Teleport Photons Over 100 Kilometers May 11, 2012
  • 6. Raspberry PI $35 Computer
  • 8. What will you and your children be doing in: • 2015 – 3 years from now • 2020 – 8 years from now By 2020, the UK economy will be even more globalised. The transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy will be in full swing. Rapid development in China, India and elsewhere will place huge strain on resources. The gaming generation will be middle-aged – and virtual services will be the basis for many jobs. There will still be real jobs to be had – but you may have to switch careers to find one. • 2025 - 2012/2013 Kindergarteners Graduate • 2035 – Class of 2025 10 year reunion/ 5-6 year out of college • 2045 – 2012/2013 Kindergarteners are in late 30’s to early 40’s. • 2070 – 2012/13 Kindergarteners are reaching retirement age at 67
  • 10. Company Technology Goals for Families, Education and Business by 2019: A Day Made of Glass . . . Made possible by Corning Video - 5:33
  • 11.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 19. 21 Things that will be Obsolete by 2025 1. Desks – Education will be mobile 1. Organization of Educational Services by Grade rather will be by 2. Language Labs peer groups by interest altering 3. Desktop Computers the K-12 structure as we know it. 4. Homework – Learning will be 24/7 2. Education Schools that Fail to 5. Role of Standardized Test in College Integrate Technology – 5 years Admissions – Digital Portfolios will 3. Paid/Outsources Professional replace these. Development 6. Differentiated Instruction as a Sign 4. Current Curricular Norms to Middle of a Distinguished Teacher Schools for Foundational Content 7. Fear of Wikipedia Providers and High Schools as 8. Paperbacks Places for Specialized Learning. 9. Attendance Offices 5. Parent Teacher Conference Night 10. Lockers – replaced by a coat check. 6. Typical Cafeteria Food 11. IT Departments – function will 7. Outsourced Graphic Design and change to innovation and change Web Design 12. Centralized Institutions – 8. High School Algebra 1– will be – Buildings will get smaller and taught in Middle School greener. 9. Paper – 10 years it will decline by – They will be home bases 90% – Learning in Communities for experiential learning
  • 20. Future Work Skills 2020? • Sense-making. The ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed • Social intelligence. The ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions • Novel and adaptive thinking. Proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based • Cross-cultural competency. The ability to operate in different cultural settings • Computational thinking. The ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning • New-media literacy. The ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms and to leverage these media for persuasive communication • Transdisciplinarity. Literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines • Design mind-set. Ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes • Cognitive load management. The ability to discriminate and filter information for importance and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques • Virtual collaboration. The ability to work productively, drive engagement and demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team
  • 21. The Leader in Me-7 Habits Habit1: Be Proactive® • You’re in Charge Habit2: Begin With the End in Mind® • Have a Plan Habit3: Put First Things First® • Work First, Then Play Habit4: Think Win-Win® • Everyone Can Win Habit5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® • Listen Before You Talk Habit6: Synergize® • Together Is Better Habit7: Sharpen the Saw® • Balance Feels Best
  • 22. 21st Century Life: Will Your Kids be Ready? by Maria Chesley Fisk, Ph.D. 1. Affirm the importance of your role as a teacher to your child.  Reflect and learn more about what and how teach and help your child prepare for her future. 2. Help your child think of learning as a life-LONG process. Mere memorization and acquisition of knowledge just won't work anymore. 3. Help your child think of learning as a life-WIDE process. Encourage her to embrace opportunities for learning and self- improvement at home, at school, on the internet, and in the community. 4. Focus on communication skills. Today's future adults will need to effectively  express their thoughts and questions.  5. Think global.  Help your child learn about the cultures and languages around him and across the globe. 6. Instill in your child the understanding that if he works hard, he can learn and improve in any area.  She should wholeheartedly believe he can utilize resources and sincere effort to better learn and do what it is he cares about. 7. Be a learner yourself!  Point out to your child, for example, how you thoughtfully enter new situations, set goals, and draw on resources that help create and sustain positive change and learning.
  • 23.
  • 24. Ten Best Jobs in the Near Future Based on Data from 2008 to 2010 10. Personal Financial 9. Dental Hygienists Advisors – Total new jobs – Total new jobs (2008-2018): 62,900 (2008-2018): 62,800 – Pct. increase: 36.1% – Pct. increase: 30.1% – Median income: – Median income: $68,250 $64,750 – States with most jobs – States with most jobs per capita: Michigan, per capita: New York, Idaho, Utah Connecticut, Delaware
  • 25. Continued 8. Civil Engineers 7. Market Research – Total new jobs Analysts (2008-2018): 67,600 – Total new jobs – Pct. increase: +24.1% (2008-2018): 70,100 – Median income: – Pct. increase: +28.1% $77,650 – Median income: – States with most jobs $60,570 per capita: Alaska, – States with most jobs Washington, Colorado per capita: District of Columbia, Delaware, Massachusetts
  • 26. Continued 6. Computer Systems 5. Physicians and Analysts Surgeons – Total new jobs – Total new jobs (2008-2018): 108,100 (2008-2018): 144,100 – Pct. increase: +20.3% – Pct. increase: +21.8% – Median income: – Median income: $77,740 $94,000-$153,000 – States with most jobs – States with most jobs per capita: Virginia, per capita: New Mexico, Delaware, New Jersey West Virginia, Wyoming
  • 27. Continued 4. Computer Applications 3. Management Analysts Software Engineers – Total new jobs (Apps and Cloud (2008-2018): 178,300 Computing) – Pct. increase: 23.9% – Total new jobs – Median income: (2008-2018): 175,100 $78,160 – Pct. increase: 34% – States with most jobs – Median income: 94,180 per capita: Massachusetts, New – States with most jobs York, Georgia per capita: Washington, Colorado, Virginia
  • 28. Continued 2. Accountants and 1. Registered Nurses Auditors – Total new jobs – Total new jobs (2008-2018): 581,500 (2008-2018): 279,400 – Pct. increase: 22.2% – Pct. increase: 21.6% – Median income: – Median income: $64,690 $61,690 – States with most jobs – States with most jobs per capita: Rhode Island, per capita: District of South Dakota, Columbia, Colorado, Massachusetts Delaware
  • 29. Top 10 Jobs Employers Can't Fill In 2011 • According to Manpower's annual Talent Shortage Survey, about 52 percent of the employers surveyed reported difficulty filling jobs. This is up from 14 percent in 2010, nearly a four-fold increase. • What do you think these jobs are? • Let’s take a look.
  • 30. 1. Technicians 5. Secretaries/Administrative – Though the term is somewhat broad, technicians can be found installing, configuring, troubleshooting and Assistants repairing products and services of all kinds. Technician – Administrative assistants, personal assistants and roles have been the most difficult to fill since 2008, secretaries are all instrumental in keeping any office according to Manpower. running smoothly. Even with the ubiquitous BlackBerry's presence in the corporate world, there's no replacement 2. Sales Representatives for human contact. – Someone has to deal with the consumer on the products and services that the aforementioned 6. Drivers technicians are working with all day. Sales – Got a clean record with the DMV? You might be a good fit representatives inform potential customers about as a driver (courier, in some cases) for one of countless their products, from automobiles to insurance. companies that need to transport physical goods from 3. Skilled Trades Workers Point A to Point B . – Electricians, plumbers, welders and HVAC specialists alike are, apparently, in high demand and low supply. With "lack of 'hard' job skills" as a top reason for the 7. Production Operators – Production operators can be found at assembly lines and difficulty in filling these positions, we'd say that trade production plants across the nation, working hard to schools have their work cut out. assemble the goods that Americans depend and thrive on 4. Engineers day-to-day. The potential for advancement to managerial roles is great. – Engineers cover the gamut from electrical to aerospace, and spend their days researching and developing solutions to the nation's development and 8. Laborers – Laborers can be found performing all sorts of roles on well-being. Many large universities now partner their construction sites, from the easy to the hazardous. Much of engineering programs with companies like G.E. in the training is provided on-the-job, although there are order to provide students with the most specialized apprenticeship programs available that lead to the best training possible. formal preparation.
  • 31. Continued 9. Accounting & Finance 10. Management/Executives – Financial jobs can require a great deal of formal – Don't let the word "executive" scare you. Management education, but provide great long-term rewards. roles are available on numerous experience levels, and Internships typically prove beneficial in providing can be rewarding both for yourself and those you lead. hands-on experience that can lead to an entry- Leadership can "make or break" any job. level position.
  • 32. Jobs in 2025 • We know where the jobs are today -- and we definitely know where they aren't. But what about in 10 or even 20 years? • Some are speculative, some are definitive -- but here are 10 potential jobs of the near or distant future, based on the trends: •
  • 33. 1. Cyber Security Specialist 5. Mobile Application Developer – Cyber security is a growing industry. – Remember car phones? You know, the equivalent Knowledgeable professionals who can protect of a cell phone, except that you could only use it in websites and expose hackers will be a hot the car and it was the size of a brick? With the commodity in the coming years development of phones like the BlackBerry, Android and iPhone, the mobile media industry is 2. Genetic Counselor continually progressing. An increased number of – Genetics are advancing at a rapid rate. developers will be needed to help develop Doctors can now run tests that will predict applications, in addition to combating security and genetic conditions, and soon, parents may be compatibility issues. able to choose the sex of their unborn children. With the help of genetic counselors, 6. Robotics Technician families can educate themselves on available – Robots are becoming more commonplace and they genetic technologies and options. don't run on their own. Technicians will be needed to build robots, maintain them and keep them 3. Organic Food Farmer from malfunctioning. – Organic food currently occupies about 10 percent of the food and beverage market -- 7. Simulation Engineer and it's only going to increase. As a result, – There's a simulator for nearly everything these more organic farmers and producers will days, from surgeries to flying to drinking and need to improve organic farming techniques driving. As more simulation-based technologies and grow the food. follow suit, engineers will be required to help out. 4. Medical Records Administrator 8. Social Media Manager – Medical records are at the forefront of – Social media is the new "it" profession. It started innovative technology, with a strong push to with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and has digitize medical records. An increased number expanded to many other platforms. Organizations of medical researchers will be needed to help are now employing social media managers to move records from paper to digital, and to be oversee their online communities and able to navigate records quickly for patients. enhance/protect the company brand.
  • 34. 9. Stem Cell Researcher 10. Sustainability Officer – Although it's a controversial topic, stem – Sustainability has become a concern cell research is gaining ground. If this around the world and also among continues, more researchers will be businesses. Since the executive suite may needed to develop cures for diseases, not have time to learn all there is to know, genetic enhancements, and the other organizations are hiring eco-savvy information these cells may potentially individuals as "sustainability officers." hold. These folks will find, research, and implement eco-friendly policies to benefit the organization.
  • 35. 10 Future Technologies that Already Exist
  • 36. Best Fields • Technology and business evolve quickly, and new careers come and go just as fast. Because of this, it’s important to choose a career field that will be in high demand for the foreseeable future and sharpen your skills over time. • What do you think are the best jobs to have over the next 10 years? • Are you pursuing or currently working in any of these career fields?
  • 37. Best Fields 1. Medical Field 6. Business Services Jobs – Environment Health Specialist, Construction Estimator – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants 7. Sales Jobs 2. Technology Sector – Sales Director, Sales Executive, Senior Sales Professional – Software Architects, Systems Engineers, Software Engineers, IT Analysts 8. Consulting Jobs 3. Financial Services – Management Consultants, Healthcare Consultants – Accountants, Actuaries, Financial Advisers 9. Engineering Jobs 4. Education Arena – Project Engineer, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Biomedical Engineer – College Professors, Elementary School Teachers, High School Teachers 10. Middle Management 5. Technical Jobs Jobs – Physical Therapist Assistants, Dental Hygienists, – Research and Development Manager, Product Manager, Veterinary Technicians Risk Management Manager
  • 39. Other findings of the International Center for Peace and  Development research include : •   By 2013, labor-force growth in the United  States will be zero. The US is forecast to have  a  shortage of 17 million working age people by  2020 .  •   China will be short 10 million  •   India will have a surplus of 47 million10 
  • 40. World Futurist Society Forecasts for Next 25 Years • The dust bowls of the twenty-first century will • Learning will become more social and game-based, dwarf those seen in the twentieth. Two giant and online social gaming may soon replace textbooks dust bowls are now forming, in Asia and in Africa, in schools. The idea that students learn more when due to massive amounts of soil erosion and they are engaged — as they are when playing games desertification resulting from overgrazing. — is helping educators embrace new technologies in • Commercial space tourism will grow significantly the classroom. In addition to encouraging during the coming decade. By 2021, there will be collaborations, games also allow students to learn 13,000 suborbital passengers annually, resulting from their mistakes through trial and error. in $650 million in revenue. Many companies are • Lunar-based solar power production may be the best currently working to make commercial space way to meet future energy demands. Solar power can flight a viable industry, according to Melchor be more dependably and inexpensively gathered on Antuñano, director of the FAA Civil Aerospace the Moon than on Earth. Medical Institute. • Machine vision will become available in the next 5 to • Nanotechnology offers hope for restoring 15 years, with visual range ultimately exceeding that eyesight. Flower-shaped electrodes topped with of the human eye. This technology will greatly photodiodes, implanted in blind patients’ eyes, enhance robotic systems’ capabilities. may restore their sight. • Advances in fuel cells will enable deep-sea • Robotic earthworms will gobble up our garbage. habitation. Fuel cells such as those currently being Much of what we throw away still has value. developed for automobiles will produce electricity Metals, petroleum, and other components could directly, with no toxic fumes. get additional use if we extracted them, and robotic earthworms could do that for us.
  • 41. Continued • Future buildings may be more responsive to • The end of identity as we know it? It may weather fluctuations. “Protocell cladding” that become very easy to create a new identity utilizes bioluminescent bacteria or other (or many identities) for ourselves. All we will materials would be applied on building facades have to do is create new avatars in virtual to collect water and sunlight, helping to cool the reality. Those avatars will act on our behalf in interiors and produce biofuels. real life to conduct such high-level tasks as performing intensive research, posting blog entries and Facebook updates, and managing businesses. The lines between ourselves and our virtual other selves will blur, to the point where most of us will, in essence, have multiple personalities.
  • 42. New Gaming on the Market 
  • 44. World Future Society 70 Jobs by 2030
  • 45. 60 Careers that will Rock the Future
  • 46. Planning for the Future Happening NOW America and High Speed Rail System - California High Speed Rail -2050 2050
  • 47. China lays out its plan for USA Space Plans Mars • In 2010, a bill was signed in • Orbiter toward Mars on a the United States Chinese rocket as early as discontinuing plans for a 2013. manned mission to the • Colony by 2050 Moon by 2020, and instead, authorizing manned misions to an asteroid in 2025 and to the planet Mars by the 2030s. •
  • 48. Japanese Company – Space Elevator by 2050 Airbus Future Plans • Tokyo-based Obayashi Corp. wants to build an operational space elevator by the middle of the century, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Wednesday (Feb. 22). The device would carry passengers skyward at about 124 mph (200 kph), delivering them to a station 22,000 miles (36,000 kilometers) above Earth in a little more than a week. • • • •   •  
  • 51. Other Resources • • • • • •