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Non- Violence in Educational
Individuals and long term solutions to
maintain non- violence.
Assistant Professor
At the end of the course the student teacher will
1. Understand the concept of peace education.
2. Understand the dynamics of transformation of
violence into Peace.
3. Understand the nature of conflicts and their
4. Imbibe the knowledge, attitudes and skills
needed to achieve and sustain a global culture
of peace.
5. Adopt peace education in the curriculum.
Unit - 3:
Non- Violence in Educational Setting
3.1 Factors Contributing to Non Violence at
3.2 Violence and Aggression - Perception of
Threat and Aggressive Behavior.
3.3 Rejection and Withdrawal - Measures to
bring about nonviolence in schools -
Strategies that can be adopted in school.
3.4 Individuals and long term solutions to
maintain non- violence.
Unit - 3:
Non- Violence in Educational Setting
3.4 Individuals and long term
solutions to maintain non- violence.
1. Make a personal commitment to
2. When you see someone in trouble, whether
he or she is lost, confused, upset, or has
fallen, don’t act like you don’t see the person
– provide some help.
3. Show a child how to achieve calmness
through deep breathing.
4. Show a child how to be kind to animals.
5. Show a child how to be kind to vulnerable
people – the homeless, those with physical or
cognitive disabilities, older people, and
anyone else that appears different to the
6. Speak out against prejudice and
discrimination when you see it.
7. When you feel angry, count to ten before
saying anything. Then, ask yourself what
response will be best for the greater good.
8. When you feel slighted, ask yourself if what
happened was really about you or if it was
about the other person.
9. When you realize that it was about the other
person, find in your heart some compassion
for that person, realizing that he or she is
most surely struggling.
10. Regard people who hurt your feelings as
your personal teachers of how to maintain a
peaceful nature.
11. If you are a member of a religious
community, ask how you can get more
involved in promoting peace through its
programs and ministries.
12. If you are not a member of a religious
community, find a not-for-profit community
organization that works toward peaceful
communities and volunteer.
13. Choose a career that yields only good things
for our families, our communities, and our
14. Look people in the eye and smile when you
pass them on the street. Better yet, actually
say, “Hello.”
15. Become trained in mental health first aid so
you can respond to people in mental distress.
16. Serve on committees and task forces that
work to make your neighborhoods, schools,
and workplaces safer.
17. Celebrate successes in the quest for peace
and nonviolence.
18. Don’t hide from life. Have faith that there is
still an abundance of good in this world.
To restore peace in any place
you find yourself
• For you to live in peace with your neighbour
or in any place you find yourself , you must
learn how to endure things .
• Endurance is the key that will help you to live
in peace with your neighbour .
• Without endurance , there may not be peace
with your neighbour in the society .
• There are some certain things that people
might do to you which you need endurance to
overcome such things .
• You need to learn how to endure things if you
want to live in peace with people around you .
• Challenges may come but you need to endure
them if you want peace to reign .
• Before you leave at peace with your neighbour ,
you must learn how to tolerate .
• It is not everything that occurs that you need to
put your mouth .
• Tolerant is another key thing that will help you
to live in peace with one another .
• It will help you to overcome some problems and
challenges .
• Your ability to tolerate some certain things will
determine your level of maturity in the society .
• It is the major key that will help you to
maintain peace in the society .
• Friendship has been found to be one of the
major things that helps to maintain peace .
• You need to be friendly to people even when
they offend you .
• Friendship with one another will help you to
be at peace with everybody .
• Someone who has good manners and behaves in a way that
is socially correct and not rude to other people .
• You need to exhibit the act of politeness that is in you if you
need to be at peace with everybody .
• Being polite will help to boost your peace with everybody .
• Some people don’t have manner of approach which makes it
difficult for them to live at peace with people that are
around them .
• Politeness will restore peace between you and people
around you .
• You need to be kind to people .
• You have to behave in a gentle , caring
and helpful way towards other people .
• It will help you to be at peace with
people around you .
• Kindness will bring peace with people
around you .
• It sounds strange but it is one of the things
that will restore peace in the society .
• Giving to people will make them to love you
and they would be at peace with you .
• You need to develop the spirit of giving if
you want to live at peace with everybody .
Find Inner Peace
• If violence begins with stressful thoughts in
the mind, then peace begins with silence in
the mind.
• According to the American Institute of Stress,
44 percent of Americans report feeling more
stressed than they did five years ago.
• Just as we need to shower, eat and exercise
on a daily basis, we need to practice healthy
ways to release our stress on a daily basis.
• Meditation and breathing techniques such as
Sudarshan Kriya—which is how I begin my
mornings—are potent ways to cleanse your
system of stress.
• Research shows the destructive link between
high levels of stress and reduced productivity.
• So while it may seem counterintuitive to sit
in meditation while your to-do-list looms
large, you’ll actually be more focused,
productive and efficient after a session of
• Society is made up individuals; thus your
daily investment in creating a stress-free
mind is critical to creating a stress-free,
peaceful society.
Perform Acts of Kindness
• Several years ago, my father’s station wagon
broke down on a deserted road.
• A stranger offered him a lift to the nearest gas
station to pick up a spare part.
• As my father began walking back to his car, the
stranger circled around and offered him a ride
• When my father offered to pay the stranger for
his kindness, the fellow replied, “Just pay it
• I know you’ll find a way to help someone else.”
• Selfless acts of service uplift your
consciousness as well as bring comfort and
solace to others.
• Whether it’s scraping the ice off a neighbor’s
windshield, volunteering at a food bank, or
taking in a foster child your kindness
brightens someone’s day and inspires him or
her to help others.
Create Work-Life Balance
• Finding work-life balance is like riding a
• At times you need to a lean a bit more
to the left and at times to the right.
• Almost instinctively, you know (or will
soon figure out) how to maintain your
balance without falling.
• When your family is the sole recipient of your
energy and attention, you may experience
frustration or feel stifled.
• When your energies are focused exclusively
on work or social service endeavors and your
family-life takes a backseat, you may feel
guilty or imbalanced.
• When we integrate divergent aspects of our
life, we feel more whole and connected to
others and ourselves.
Eliminate Prejudice
• American writer E. B. White
wryly noted, “Prejudice is a great
time saver. You can form
opinions without having to get
to the facts.”
• We need to advocate a multi-religious,
multi-cultural education system that
enables children to learn about the
world around them.
• Learning about other cultures, religions
and customs enables children to
understand different perspectives and
develop a feeling of connection with all
Resolve to Be Happy
• Anyone can be happy when life is going great.
But when you can sing, laugh, dance and
jump up and down when you have reasons to
be miserable, then your happiness has
greater value.
• Then you’ve learned to divorce your state of
mind from your circumstances and tap into
your inner reservoir of joy
Culture of Peace
According to UN Resolutions 1998,
• "culture of peace is an integral approach to
preventing violence and violent conflicts, and
an alternative to the culture of war and
violence based on education for peace, the
promotion of sustainable economic and social
development, respect for human rights,
equality between women and men,
democratic participation, tolerance, the free
flow of information and disarmament.”
• This culture of peace can only be
implemented by means of an education
oriented towards inner peace, Tolerance and
solidarity, understanding tolerance,
Solidarity, Participatory Communication,
sustainable Economic and social
development, Non-violence, International
Peace and Security. The following description
reveal significance of peace.
Fostering culture of peace for inner peace
• Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a
state of being mentally and spiritually at
peace, with enough knowledge and
understanding to keep oneself strong in the
face of discord or stress.
• Being "at peace" is considered by many to be
healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of
being stressed or anxious.
• Peace of mind is generally associated with
bliss, happiness and contentment.
• Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are
descriptions of a disposition free from the
effects of stress.
• In some cultures, inner peace is considered a
state of consciousness or enlightenment that
may be cultivated by various forms of
training, such as prayer, meditation, yoga, for
• Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as
an experience of knowing oneself.
• Finding inner peace is often associated with
traditions religious practices.
• The cultural of peace envisioned by the
United Nations calls on people to be
educated (or socialised) to see
themselves as a peaceful people with
norms that emphasize co operations
and resolution of conflicts by dialogue,
negotiations and non-violence.
• This can be achieved by the citizens through
understanding global problems and acquiring
skills to resolve conflicts struggle for justice,
non-violence, live for international started
for human rights and equity, appreciate
cultural diversity, respect the earth and each
• Such value can be achieved through
promoting culture of peace.
• Tolerance is respect, acceptance and
appreciation of the rich diversity of our
world's cultures, our forms of expression and
ways of being human.
• It is fostered by knowledge, openness,
communication, and freedom of thought,
conscience and belief.
• Tolerance is harmony in difference.
• It is not only a moral duty; it is also a political
and legal requirement.
• Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace
possible, contributes to the replacement of
the culture of war by a culture of peace.
• Tolerance is, above all, an active attitude
prompted by recognition of the universal
human rights and fundamental freedoms of
• Creating the conducive environment for
promoting inner peace would help to
enhance the tolerance among the individuals.
• A world of peace and solidarity can only be
accomplished by acknowledging and
celebrity our diversity.
• First and foremost, human solidarity is
founded on mutual respect of each other’s
uniqueness, and a deep sense of appreciation
of our common humanity - that we are
individuals with intrinsic self-worth, and that
we are sisters and brothers within one
human family inhabiting planet EARTH, our
home and our heritage.
• Human solidarity is likewise
fostered by the realization and
strengthening of the ties that bind
us together in our common
humanity: our human nature and
the human condition, our common
habitat and destiny, our universally–
shared values.
Participatory communication
• "Participatory communication is the theory
and practices of communication used to
involve people in the decision-making the
development process.
• It intends to return to the roots of its
meaning, which, similarly to the term
community, originate from the Latin word
'communis', i.e.common (Mody, 1991).
• Therefore, the purpose of communication
should be to make something common, or to
share...meanings, perceptions, worldviews or
• In this context, sharing implies an equitable
division of what is being shared, which is why
communication should almost be naturally
associated with a balanced, two-way flow of
• Generally, four different ways of participation
can be observed in most development
projects claiming to be participatory in
nature (Uphoff: 1985).
• They are:
• Participation in implementation: People are
actively encouraged and mobilized to take
part in the actualization of peacemaking
projects. They are given certain
responsibilities and set certain tasks or
required to contribute specified resources.
• Participation in evaluation: Upon completion
of a peacemaking project, people are invited
to critique the success or failure of it.
• Participation in benefit: People take part in
enjoying the fruits of a peacemaking project,
this maybe tangible natural resources or good
relationship with neighborhoods.
• Participation in decision-making: People initiate,
discuss, conceptualize and plan activities they will all
do as a community.
• Some of this may be related to more common
development areas such as cleaning the environment.
• Others may be more political, such as broadcasting
the message of peace through mass media removing
misunderstanding of the masses, supporting deserved
parliamentary candidates, or resisting pressures from
the elites.
• Yet others may be cultural or religious in nature--
organizing a traditional feast, all faith prayers for
improving peace in the minds of people, and a big
party just to have a good time.
Democratic Participation and Gender equality
• The fostering of democratic participation and
governance is the only way to replace the
authoritarian structures of power which were
created by and which have, in the past,
sustained the culture of war and violence.
• The Copenhagen Declaration on Social
Development, democracy and transparent
and accountable governance and
administration in all sectors of society are
indispensable foundations for the realization
of social and people-centred sustainable
development [which, with social justice] are
indispensable for the achievement and
maintenance of peace and security within
and among our nations.
Sustainable Economical and Social development
• Sustainable economic growth is economic
development that attempts to satisfy the
needs of humans but in a manner that
sustains natural resources and the
environment for future generations.
• Conflicts may arise not only because of
political and military threats to national
sovereignty; they may derive also from
environmental degradation and the pre-
emption of development options.
• Therefore, the peacekeeping organisation
should encourage the people to involve in
carriers which sustainable economical
• The peace and economical development are
inseparable and corporate sectors are also
focusing to create peace culture in the world.
• A peaceful society worth living in is based on
basic social policy values, such as equality of
opportunity, solidarity and participation.
• Long term social policy investments in society
promote sustainable development and
economic growth.
• Education, health and social protection
systems provide people with an opportunity
to develop from their own resources and live
• Moreover education and health are human
rights. Peace education is a powerful driver
of development.
• We have to promote peace culture through
formal and informal education in preschool,
basic education and university education.
• To make optimal use of the potential of
young people, we develop concepts for
economic and social integration and
empowerment of youth.
• Therefore the social development depends
on the peace culture inculcated in the minds
of the individuals living in the society.
Teacher Education for Peace
• “Education is the only defense” against war.
• How significant and true it is in a world that
sites over huge stockpiles of nuclear
explosive in the name of deterrent or right to
• Through the science and technology
developed like any things, the massive
loss of human lives at the hands of the
powerful, strife, wars, human
degradation and the unscrupulous
during the twentieth century than hat
during the entire human history.
• To overcome the problems related to fear,
teaching peace education at all level of
Education is most warranted.
• The destiny of any nation is being shaped in
the classrooms.
• The teachers are playing key role in shaping
the destiny of the future citizen.
• The teachers are the role models for the
• Therefore, the teachers should be given
intensive training/ molding in the line of
several good aspects such as communication
skill, value development, science and
technology knowledge, and peace culture.
• Therefore, the teacher education curriculum
should be judicially mixed with the peace
education components.
• The NCERT and NCTE have already suggested
integrating peace education syllabus in the
Teacher education.
• The curricular and co-curricular activities
promoting peace culture have to be
integrated in the teacher education
• Teacher as role model for the students.
• A role model is a person who inspires and
encourages us to strive for greatness, live to
our fullest potential and see the best in our
full set potential and see the best in
• We learn through teachers, through their
commitment to excellence and through their
ability to make us realize our own personal
• We look to them for advice and guidance.
• A role model can be anybody a parent, a
sibling, a friend but some of our most
influential and life – changing role models are
• Therefore, the teacher preparation
programmes should plan to give appropriate
experience to make each and every teacher
to uphold their responsibilities.
Sources are taken from
•Web sources

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Non- Violence in Educational Setting

  • 1. Non- Violence in Educational Setting Individuals and long term solutions to maintain non- violence. By M.VIJAYALAKSHMI Assistant Professor
  • 2. Objectives At the end of the course the student teacher will 1. Understand the concept of peace education. 2. Understand the dynamics of transformation of violence into Peace. 3. Understand the nature of conflicts and their resolution. 4. Imbibe the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to achieve and sustain a global culture of peace. 5. Adopt peace education in the curriculum.
  • 3. Unit - 3: Non- Violence in Educational Setting 3.1 Factors Contributing to Non Violence at Schools. 3.2 Violence and Aggression - Perception of Threat and Aggressive Behavior. 3.3 Rejection and Withdrawal - Measures to bring about nonviolence in schools - Strategies that can be adopted in school. 3.4 Individuals and long term solutions to maintain non- violence.
  • 4. Unit - 3: Non- Violence in Educational Setting 3.4 Individuals and long term solutions to maintain non- violence.
  • 5. 1. Make a personal commitment to nonviolence. 2. When you see someone in trouble, whether he or she is lost, confused, upset, or has fallen, don’t act like you don’t see the person – provide some help. 3. Show a child how to achieve calmness through deep breathing. 4. Show a child how to be kind to animals.
  • 6. 5. Show a child how to be kind to vulnerable people – the homeless, those with physical or cognitive disabilities, older people, and anyone else that appears different to the child. 6. Speak out against prejudice and discrimination when you see it. 7. When you feel angry, count to ten before saying anything. Then, ask yourself what response will be best for the greater good.
  • 7. 8. When you feel slighted, ask yourself if what happened was really about you or if it was about the other person. 9. When you realize that it was about the other person, find in your heart some compassion for that person, realizing that he or she is most surely struggling. 10. Regard people who hurt your feelings as your personal teachers of how to maintain a peaceful nature.
  • 8. 11. If you are a member of a religious community, ask how you can get more involved in promoting peace through its programs and ministries. 12. If you are not a member of a religious community, find a not-for-profit community organization that works toward peaceful communities and volunteer.
  • 9. 13. Choose a career that yields only good things for our families, our communities, and our planet. 14. Look people in the eye and smile when you pass them on the street. Better yet, actually say, “Hello.” 15. Become trained in mental health first aid so you can respond to people in mental distress.
  • 10. 16. Serve on committees and task forces that work to make your neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces safer. 17. Celebrate successes in the quest for peace and nonviolence. 18. Don’t hide from life. Have faith that there is still an abundance of good in this world.
  • 11. To restore peace in any place you find yourself
  • 12. ENDURANCE • For you to live in peace with your neighbour or in any place you find yourself , you must learn how to endure things . • Endurance is the key that will help you to live in peace with your neighbour . • Without endurance , there may not be peace with your neighbour in the society .
  • 13. • There are some certain things that people might do to you which you need endurance to overcome such things . • You need to learn how to endure things if you want to live in peace with people around you . • Challenges may come but you need to endure them if you want peace to reign .
  • 14. TOLERANT • Before you leave at peace with your neighbour , you must learn how to tolerate . • It is not everything that occurs that you need to put your mouth . • Tolerant is another key thing that will help you to live in peace with one another . • It will help you to overcome some problems and challenges . • Your ability to tolerate some certain things will determine your level of maturity in the society .
  • 15. FRIENDLINESS • It is the major key that will help you to maintain peace in the society . • Friendship has been found to be one of the major things that helps to maintain peace . • You need to be friendly to people even when they offend you . • Friendship with one another will help you to be at peace with everybody .
  • 16. POLITE • Someone who has good manners and behaves in a way that is socially correct and not rude to other people . • You need to exhibit the act of politeness that is in you if you need to be at peace with everybody . • Being polite will help to boost your peace with everybody . • Some people don’t have manner of approach which makes it difficult for them to live at peace with people that are around them . • Politeness will restore peace between you and people around you .
  • 17. KINDNESS • You need to be kind to people . • You have to behave in a gentle , caring and helpful way towards other people . • It will help you to be at peace with people around you . • Kindness will bring peace with people around you .
  • 18. GIVING • It sounds strange but it is one of the things that will restore peace in the society . • Giving to people will make them to love you and they would be at peace with you . • You need to develop the spirit of giving if you want to live at peace with everybody .
  • 19. Find Inner Peace • If violence begins with stressful thoughts in the mind, then peace begins with silence in the mind. • According to the American Institute of Stress, 44 percent of Americans report feeling more stressed than they did five years ago. • Just as we need to shower, eat and exercise on a daily basis, we need to practice healthy ways to release our stress on a daily basis.
  • 20. • Meditation and breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya—which is how I begin my mornings—are potent ways to cleanse your system of stress. • Research shows the destructive link between high levels of stress and reduced productivity.
  • 21. • So while it may seem counterintuitive to sit in meditation while your to-do-list looms large, you’ll actually be more focused, productive and efficient after a session of meditation. • Society is made up individuals; thus your daily investment in creating a stress-free mind is critical to creating a stress-free, peaceful society.
  • 22. Perform Acts of Kindness • Several years ago, my father’s station wagon broke down on a deserted road. • A stranger offered him a lift to the nearest gas station to pick up a spare part. • As my father began walking back to his car, the stranger circled around and offered him a ride back. • When my father offered to pay the stranger for his kindness, the fellow replied, “Just pay it forward. • I know you’ll find a way to help someone else.”
  • 23. • Selfless acts of service uplift your consciousness as well as bring comfort and solace to others. • Whether it’s scraping the ice off a neighbor’s windshield, volunteering at a food bank, or taking in a foster child your kindness brightens someone’s day and inspires him or her to help others.
  • 24. Create Work-Life Balance • Finding work-life balance is like riding a bicycle. • At times you need to a lean a bit more to the left and at times to the right. • Almost instinctively, you know (or will soon figure out) how to maintain your balance without falling.
  • 25. • When your family is the sole recipient of your energy and attention, you may experience frustration or feel stifled. • When your energies are focused exclusively on work or social service endeavors and your family-life takes a backseat, you may feel guilty or imbalanced. • When we integrate divergent aspects of our life, we feel more whole and connected to others and ourselves.
  • 26. Eliminate Prejudice • American writer E. B. White wryly noted, “Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get to the facts.”
  • 27. • We need to advocate a multi-religious, multi-cultural education system that enables children to learn about the world around them. • Learning about other cultures, religions and customs enables children to understand different perspectives and develop a feeling of connection with all people.
  • 28. Resolve to Be Happy • Anyone can be happy when life is going great. But when you can sing, laugh, dance and jump up and down when you have reasons to be miserable, then your happiness has greater value. • Then you’ve learned to divorce your state of mind from your circumstances and tap into your inner reservoir of joy
  • 29. Culture of Peace According to UN Resolutions 1998, • "culture of peace is an integral approach to preventing violence and violent conflicts, and an alternative to the culture of war and violence based on education for peace, the promotion of sustainable economic and social development, respect for human rights, equality between women and men, democratic participation, tolerance, the free flow of information and disarmament.”
  • 30. • This culture of peace can only be implemented by means of an education oriented towards inner peace, Tolerance and solidarity, understanding tolerance, Solidarity, Participatory Communication, sustainable Economic and social development, Non-violence, International Peace and Security. The following description reveal significance of peace.
  • 31. Fostering culture of peace for inner peace • Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. • Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. • Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss, happiness and contentment.
  • 32. • Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress. • In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training, such as prayer, meditation, yoga, for example. • Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowing oneself. • Finding inner peace is often associated with traditions religious practices.
  • 33. Understanding • The cultural of peace envisioned by the United Nations calls on people to be educated (or socialised) to see themselves as a peaceful people with norms that emphasize co operations and resolution of conflicts by dialogue, negotiations and non-violence.
  • 34. • This can be achieved by the citizens through understanding global problems and acquiring skills to resolve conflicts struggle for justice, non-violence, live for international started for human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, respect the earth and each other. • Such value can be achieved through promoting culture of peace.
  • 35. Tolerance • Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. • It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. • Tolerance is harmony in difference.
  • 36. • It is not only a moral duty; it is also a political and legal requirement. • Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace. • Tolerance is, above all, an active attitude prompted by recognition of the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. • Creating the conducive environment for promoting inner peace would help to enhance the tolerance among the individuals.
  • 37. Solidarity • A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrity our diversity. • First and foremost, human solidarity is founded on mutual respect of each other’s uniqueness, and a deep sense of appreciation of our common humanity - that we are individuals with intrinsic self-worth, and that we are sisters and brothers within one human family inhabiting planet EARTH, our home and our heritage.
  • 38. • Human solidarity is likewise fostered by the realization and strengthening of the ties that bind us together in our common humanity: our human nature and the human condition, our common habitat and destiny, our universally– shared values.
  • 39. Participatory communication • "Participatory communication is the theory and practices of communication used to involve people in the decision-making the development process. • It intends to return to the roots of its meaning, which, similarly to the term community, originate from the Latin word 'communis', i.e.common (Mody, 1991).
  • 40. • Therefore, the purpose of communication should be to make something common, or to share...meanings, perceptions, worldviews or knowledge. • In this context, sharing implies an equitable division of what is being shared, which is why communication should almost be naturally associated with a balanced, two-way flow of information."
  • 41. • Generally, four different ways of participation can be observed in most development projects claiming to be participatory in nature (Uphoff: 1985). • They are:
  • 42. • Participation in implementation: People are actively encouraged and mobilized to take part in the actualization of peacemaking projects. They are given certain responsibilities and set certain tasks or required to contribute specified resources. • Participation in evaluation: Upon completion of a peacemaking project, people are invited to critique the success or failure of it.
  • 43. • Participation in benefit: People take part in enjoying the fruits of a peacemaking project, this maybe tangible natural resources or good relationship with neighborhoods.
  • 44. • Participation in decision-making: People initiate, discuss, conceptualize and plan activities they will all do as a community. • Some of this may be related to more common development areas such as cleaning the environment. • Others may be more political, such as broadcasting the message of peace through mass media removing misunderstanding of the masses, supporting deserved parliamentary candidates, or resisting pressures from the elites. • Yet others may be cultural or religious in nature-- organizing a traditional feast, all faith prayers for improving peace in the minds of people, and a big party just to have a good time.
  • 45. Democratic Participation and Gender equality • The fostering of democratic participation and governance is the only way to replace the authoritarian structures of power which were created by and which have, in the past, sustained the culture of war and violence.
  • 46. • The Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development, democracy and transparent and accountable governance and administration in all sectors of society are indispensable foundations for the realization of social and people-centred sustainable development [which, with social justice] are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among our nations.
  • 47. Sustainable Economical and Social development • Sustainable economic growth is economic development that attempts to satisfy the needs of humans but in a manner that sustains natural resources and the environment for future generations. • Conflicts may arise not only because of political and military threats to national sovereignty; they may derive also from environmental degradation and the pre- emption of development options.
  • 48. • Therefore, the peacekeeping organisation should encourage the people to involve in carriers which sustainable economical development. • The peace and economical development are inseparable and corporate sectors are also focusing to create peace culture in the world.
  • 49. • A peaceful society worth living in is based on basic social policy values, such as equality of opportunity, solidarity and participation. • Long term social policy investments in society promote sustainable development and economic growth. • Education, health and social protection systems provide people with an opportunity to develop from their own resources and live independently.
  • 50. • Moreover education and health are human rights. Peace education is a powerful driver of development. • We have to promote peace culture through formal and informal education in preschool, basic education and university education.
  • 51. • To make optimal use of the potential of young people, we develop concepts for economic and social integration and empowerment of youth. • Therefore the social development depends on the peace culture inculcated in the minds of the individuals living in the society.
  • 52. Teacher Education for Peace • “Education is the only defense” against war. • How significant and true it is in a world that sites over huge stockpiles of nuclear explosive in the name of deterrent or right to sovereignty.
  • 53. • Through the science and technology developed like any things, the massive loss of human lives at the hands of the powerful, strife, wars, human degradation and the unscrupulous during the twentieth century than hat during the entire human history.
  • 54. • To overcome the problems related to fear, teaching peace education at all level of Education is most warranted. • The destiny of any nation is being shaped in the classrooms. • The teachers are playing key role in shaping the destiny of the future citizen. • The teachers are the role models for the students.
  • 55. • Therefore, the teachers should be given intensive training/ molding in the line of several good aspects such as communication skill, value development, science and technology knowledge, and peace culture. • Therefore, the teacher education curriculum should be judicially mixed with the peace education components.
  • 56. • The NCERT and NCTE have already suggested integrating peace education syllabus in the Teacher education. • The curricular and co-curricular activities promoting peace culture have to be integrated in the teacher education programmes.
  • 57. • Teacher as role model for the students. • A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in our full set potential and see the best in ourselves. • We learn through teachers, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth. • We look to them for advice and guidance.
  • 58. • A role model can be anybody a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life – changing role models are teachers. • Therefore, the teacher preparation programmes should plan to give appropriate experience to make each and every teacher to uphold their responsibilities.
  • 59. Sources are taken from • •Web sources