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20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 1
By : Dr. Radhika Mantry
Guide : Dr Himanshu Dua
Damage to nerves which may be caused either
by diseases or trauma to the nerve or as a
component of systemic illness
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 2
 In most common forms of polyneuropathy, the
nerve fibers most distant from the brain and
the spinal cord malfunction first.
 Pain and other symptoms often appear
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 3
 The peripheral nerves include:
 Cranial nerves
(with the exception of the second)
 Spinal nerve roots
 Dorsal root ganglia
 Peripheral nerve trunks and their terminal branches
 Peripheral autonomic nervous system
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 4
In chronic course symptoms worse, muscle
wasting, paralysis, or gland dysfunction
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 5
 Distal sensory loss
 Distal weakness and
 Decreased or absent
 Ankle jerks lost first
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 6
Various classifications
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 7
Hereditary Neuropathies
(A) Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
1. Hereditary motor and sensory
neuropathy – type I
2. HMSN – Type II
3. Dejerine – Sottas Neuropathy HMSN-
type III
4. HSMN – type IV
5. HSMN – type V
B – Distal Hereditary motor neurono pathies
C – Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic
Neropathy (1 to 5)
Inflammatory neuropathies
 Immune mediated
o Guillain-Barré syndrome(AIDP)
o Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
 Infectious
 Leprosy
 Diphtheria
 Varicella – zoster
Acquired metabolic and toxic
 Peripheral neuropathy in adult
onset Diabetes
 Metabolic and nutritional
peripheral neuropathies
 Neuropathies associated with
 Toxic neuropathies
Traumatic neuropathies
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 8
Nitrous oxide
Alfa interferon
o Demyelinating
o Neuronopathy
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 9
• Motor , sensory, or autonomic
 Mononeuropathy , polyneuropathy or
mononueritis multiplex
 Focal, multifocal or symmetric
 Proximal or distal
 Axonal, demyelinating or both
 Acute, sub acute or chronic
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 10
 Some neuropathies may affect all three types
of nerves, others primarily affect one or two
 Predominately motor neuropathy
 Predominately sensory neuropathy
 Sensory-motor neuropathy
 Autonomic neuropathy
 Impaired function and symptoms depend on
the type of nerves that are damaged.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 11
 Mononeuropathy involve damage to only one
 When multiple nerves supplying one limb are
affected-called polyneuropathy.
 Two or more isolated nerves in separate areas
of the body are affected-called mononeuritis
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 12
o Focal neuropathies include common compressive
neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar
neuropathy ,peroneal neuropathy
o Multifocal neuropathy suggests a mononeuritis
multiplex that may be caused, for example, by
vasculitis or diabetes
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 13
 Primary destruction of the axon with
secondary degeneration of its myelin sheath
 Generalized abnormality in the neuron cell
body- neuronopathy
 Abnormality in the axon - axonapathy
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 14
Dysfucntion of Schwann cell or damage to the myelin sheath
Denuded axon provide signal for remyelination
Precursor cells within endoneurium replace injured cells
Cells proliferate and engulf axon.= remyelination in time
o The prototype
o Distal paresthesia with symmetric weakness
o Distal areflexia
o Variants are pure motor, pure sensory, autonomic,
relapsing, and Miller fisher types
o Cranial nerves esp facial n and bulbar may be involved
o Respiratory muscles are severely involved in about 25
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 16
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 17
 Pathological findings include inflammatory and
demyelinating changes.
 Monocytes and macrophages appear to attack myelin
 Myelinated fibers show segmental demyelination
during the first few days. Segmental remyelination
occurs subsequently.
 The lesions have a perivenular distribution
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 18
 Chronic progressive or relapsing neuropathy, motor >
 Electrophysiology: slow conduction velocity &
conduction block
 Pathology: segmental demyelination and
remyelination, onion bulbs, fibrosis and little or no
lymphocytic infiltration of tissue.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 19
 Onset of neuropathy depends upon the
duration of illness
 50% diabetics have peripheral neuropathy of
which 80% have had the illness for >15 years
 Distal symmetric sensory or sensorimotor,
autonomic, focal or multifocal asymmetric
 Symmetric neuropathy involves distal sensory ,
motor nerves .
 Decreased sensation, loss of pain sensation –
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 20
1. Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy [ I – VII ]
(Charcot Marie Tooth Disease)
CMT 1 CMT 2 CMT3 – Dejerine
Sottas syndrome
1 Demyelenating Axonal Demyelenating
2 1st – 2nd decade Later Neonatal
3 AD AD/AR/X linked AD
4 Severe Muscular
Milder Hypotonia ,breathing
and feeding difficulty
,pupilary abnormality,
5 Sensory Involvement Decreased Present
6 Onion Bulb Absent Present
7 NCV Decreased Less Decreased Severely Decreased
1. 1st decade
2. Lower > Upper
3. Distal > Proximal
4. Stork Legs
5. Hammer toes
6. Cumberland Ankle instability tool
7. Foot Drop
8. Claw Hand
9. Rhomberg Sign – Prop & Vibration
10. DTR Lost
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 22
1. NCV < 38 m/s
2. EMG - Cycle of Denervation and Renervation
3. CSF Protiens May be Elevated
4. Diagnostic Test – Surnal Nerve Biopsy
5. Onion Bulb Formation – Interstitial
hypertrophic neuropathy
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 23
1. Stabilisation of Ankle Joint
2. Stiff Boot that extend to mid calf
3. Light weight plastic splint custom made to
extend beneath the foot & around the back of
the ankle
4. External short leg braces
5. Surgical fusion of ankle
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 24
1. AR
2. Phytanic acid −−−− Pristanic Acid
3. Infantile Refsum Disease - Zellweger
Syndrome Secondary to Primary Peroxismal
• Ataxia
• Anorexia
• Icthyosis
• Retinitis Pigmentosa
• Steatorrhea
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 25
Phytanic acid oxidaseSpinach ,nuts coffee
• Skeletal Malformations
• Cardiac Defects
• Conduction defects
• Cardiomyopathy
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 26
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 27
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 28
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 29
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 30
1. Friedreichs Ataxia
2. Giant Axonal Neuropathy
3. Infantile Neuropathy
4. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
5. Adrenoleukodystrophy
6. Krabbes Disease
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 31
The structure of central and peripheral myelin is essentially the same. Myelin is
composed of 70% lipids and 30% protein. There are some important differences
in myelin proteins between CNS and PNS. These differences explain why an
allergic reaction against PNS myelin does not cause central demyelination and
vice versa; and why inherited metabolic disorders of myelin proteins that affect
peripheral nerves do not damage central myelin. On the other hand, lipids are
similar between PNS and CNS myelin. For this reason, metabolic disorders of
myelin lipids, such as metachromatic leukodystrophy, affect both, the central
white matter and peripheral nerves.
1. AR
2. Chromosome – 9
3. Frataxin Protein
4. GAA repeats
5. Cf –
 Progressive Ataxia
 Dysarthria
 Position vibration loss
 Pes cavus
 Intellect preserved
 Cardiomyopathy
6. Treatment – No Cure (Symptomatic)
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 32
1. AR
2. Chromosome 16 – Gigaxonin
3. Progressive Axonal Neuropathy
4. Abnormal Cytoplasmic Microfilament – Shwann Cells,Fibroblast
5. Cf -
 Progressive Gait Disturbance
 Kinky Hairs
 Long curly eyelashes
 High Forehead
 Leucoencephalopathy and Cognitive impairment
 Declining Motor function
 CNS Involvement
 Optic Atrophy
 MR
 Spasticity
6. Diagnosis – Peripheral Nerve shows Axonal loss and increased Neuro
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 33
1. PLA2G6 gene Mutation
2. Cytosolic Phospholipids – membrane homeostasis
3. Cf –
 Loss of mental plus motor milestones
 Seizures
 Progressive Motor Sensory Neuropathy
 Hypotonia
 Decreased DTRs
 Neuroregression
 Urinary retention
 Hypothalamic Failure –DI ,Hypothyroidism
 ANS Affected
Diagnosis –
Central ,peripheral ,Autonomic neurons contain Spheroids Of Various sizes
Sural Nerve Biopsy – PAS Positive ,Ballooning of axons ,Spheroids Present
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 34
 Mutations:
•arylsulfatase A gene (ARSA) on
chromosome 22q13
 Late infantile (18-24 months)
 Gait disturbances
 Memory deficits
 Seizures (may be present)
 Loss of motor developmental
 Decreased attention span
 Speech disturbances
 Decline in school performance
 Investigations:
 Spinal fluid – moderately elevated
protein at 1.5 – 3.0 g/L Urine
 Deficiency in arylsulfatase A
activity (or in leukocytes)
 Metachromatic granules
 Cholecystogram/ultrasound –
decreased gall bladder function
 Evoked potentials – abnormalities in
 Nerve conduction velocities
 MRI – symmetric diffuse signal
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 35
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 36
 Decreased oligodendrocytes in areas of demyelination
 Globoid cells – periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining cells in CNS white
 Genetics:
 Galactocerebroside ß-galactosidase (GALC gene, chromosome 14)
 AR
 Pure neurologic condition
 Onset at 3-8 months of age
 Irritability, intermittent fevers, heightened startle reflex, feeding
 Develop seizures, opisthotonus
 Deafness and blindness by 9 months
 Predominant pathology is axonal neuropathy.
 In chronic cases segmental demyelination also seen
Pathophysiology –
 Loss of small myelinated fibers and unmyelinated
fibers. But large fibers can also be affected.
 Endoneurial arterioles show thickening,
hyalination, intense PAS positivity in the walls and
extrensive reduplication basement membrane
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 38
 Nerve conduction studies
 Diminished or absent SNAP amplitude in the
setting of normal motor nerve conduction
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 39
 Paresthesia and dyesthesia of feet and distal
 Wasting is marked
 Loss of ankle reflex
 Pathophysiology – evidence of degeneration of
distal portion of axons
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 40
Nerve conduction studies
 Reduced or absent SNAP
 CMAP amplitude decreases and motor
conduction velocity also decrease in later stage
 Fibrillations and positive sharp waves are
prominent in distal muscles.
 Temporal dispersion on proximal stimulation
is not found as in demyelinating neuropathies
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 41
 Diabetes
 Uremia
 Paraproteinemia
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 42
 Paresthesia, dyesthesia or numbness
 Reduced vibration and two point
 Pathophysiology – segmental demyelination
and remyelination along with axonal
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 43
 Nerve conduction studies
 Reduced or unrecordable CMAP, SNAP or
 Moderate to severe slowing of NCV with
temporal dispersion of CMAP
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 44
 Thorough history and physical examination is
 Cranial nerve examination
 Motor , sensory, autonomic nervous system
 Fundus examination
 Lymphadenopathy , hepatomegaly or
splenomegaly, and skin lesions
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 45
 CBC, electrolytes, ESR
 Fasting serum glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin,
blood urea nitrogen, creatinine,
 Liver , kidney,, thyroid function studies
 Inflammatory markers,
 Total protein level
 Vit D, B12,
 Cytology
 Urinalysis
 Nerve biopsy
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 46
 EMG and nerve conduction studies (NCS) are often the
most useful initial laboratory studies in the evaluation
of a patient with peripheral neuropathy
 Confirm the presence of a neuropathy
 Provide information as to the type of fibers involved
(motor, sensory, or both), the pathophysiology (axonal
loss versus demyelination) and a symmetric versus
asymmetric or multifocal pattern of involvement.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 47
 The limitations of EMG/NCS.
 There is no reliable means of studying proximal
sensory nerves.
 NCS results can be normal in patients with small-
fiber neuropathies
 Lower extremity sensory responses can be absent in
normal elderly patients.
 EMG/NCS are not substitutes for a good
clinical examination.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 48
 The goal of treatment is to manage the
underlying condition causing the neuropathy
and repair damage, as well as provide
symptom relief.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 49
 Medical management
 Analgesics .
 antiepileptic drugs, including gabapentin,
phenytoin, and carbamazepine
 some classes of antidepressants, including tricyclics
such as amitriptyline.
 Mexiletine
 local anesthetics such as lidocaine or topical patches
containing lidocaine
 Codeine/oxycodone
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 50
 Mechanical aids can help reduce pain and lessen the
impact of physical disability.
 Hand or foot braces can compensate for muscle weakness or
alleviate nerve compression.
 Orthopedic shoes can improve gait disturbances and help
prevent foot injuries in people with a loss of pain sensation.
 If breathing becomes severely impaired, mechanical
ventilation can provide essential life support.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 51
 Surgical intervention often can provide
immediate relief from mononeuropathies
caused by compression or entrapment injuries.
 Repair of a slipped disk can reduce pressure on nerves
where they emerge from the spinal cord; the removal
of benign or malignant tumors can also alleviate
damaging pressure on nerves.
 Nerve entrapment often can be corrected by the
surgical release of ligaments or tendons.
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 52
20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 53

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New one neuropathy

  • 1. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 1 By : Dr. Radhika Mantry Guide : Dr Himanshu Dua
  • 2. Damage to nerves which may be caused either by diseases or trauma to the nerve or as a component of systemic illness 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 2
  • 3.  In most common forms of polyneuropathy, the nerve fibers most distant from the brain and the spinal cord malfunction first.  Pain and other symptoms often appear symmetrically 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 3
  • 4.  The peripheral nerves include:  Cranial nerves (with the exception of the second)  Spinal nerve roots  Dorsal root ganglia  Peripheral nerve trunks and their terminal branches  Peripheral autonomic nervous system 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 4
  • 5. In chronic course symptoms worse, muscle wasting, paralysis, or gland dysfunction 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 5
  • 6.  Distal sensory loss  Distal weakness and atrophy  Decreased or absent reflexes  Ankle jerks lost first 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 6
  • 8. Hereditary Neuropathies (A) Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy 1. Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy – type I 2. HMSN – Type II 3. Dejerine – Sottas Neuropathy HMSN- type III 4. HSMN – type IV 5. HSMN – type V B – Distal Hereditary motor neurono pathies (dHMN) C – Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neropathy (1 to 5) Inflammatory neuropathies  Immune mediated o Guillain-Barré syndrome(AIDP) o Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy  Infectious  Leprosy  Diphtheria  Varicella – zoster Acquired metabolic and toxic neuropathies  Peripheral neuropathy in adult onset Diabetes  Metabolic and nutritional peripheral neuropathies  Neuropathies associated with malignancy  Toxic neuropathies Traumatic neuropathies 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 8
  • 9. Axonal Vincristine Nitrous oxide Colchicine Isoniazid Hydralazine Metronidazole Pyridoxine Lithium Alfa interferon Dapsone Phenytoin Disulfiram Chloroquine Ethambutol Amitriptyline o Demyelinating Amiodarone Chloroquine Suramin Gold o Neuronopathy Thalidomide Cisplatin Pyridoxine 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 9
  • 10. • Motor , sensory, or autonomic  Mononeuropathy , polyneuropathy or mononueritis multiplex  Focal, multifocal or symmetric  Proximal or distal  Axonal, demyelinating or both  Acute, sub acute or chronic 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 10
  • 11.  Some neuropathies may affect all three types of nerves, others primarily affect one or two types.  Predominately motor neuropathy  Predominately sensory neuropathy  Sensory-motor neuropathy  Autonomic neuropathy  Impaired function and symptoms depend on the type of nerves that are damaged. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 11
  • 12.  Mononeuropathy involve damage to only one nerve  When multiple nerves supplying one limb are affected-called polyneuropathy.  Two or more isolated nerves in separate areas of the body are affected-called mononeuritis multiplex 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 12
  • 13. o Focal neuropathies include common compressive neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy ,peroneal neuropathy o Multifocal neuropathy suggests a mononeuritis multiplex that may be caused, for example, by vasculitis or diabetes 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 13
  • 14.  Primary destruction of the axon with secondary degeneration of its myelin sheath  Generalized abnormality in the neuron cell body- neuronopathy  Abnormality in the axon - axonapathy 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 14
  • 15. 15 Dysfucntion of Schwann cell or damage to the myelin sheath Denuded axon provide signal for remyelination Precursor cells within endoneurium replace injured cells Cells proliferate and engulf axon.= remyelination in time
  • 16. o The prototype o Distal paresthesia with symmetric weakness o Distal areflexia o Variants are pure motor, pure sensory, autonomic, relapsing, and Miller fisher types o Cranial nerves esp facial n and bulbar may be involved o Respiratory muscles are severely involved in about 25 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 16
  • 18.  Pathological findings include inflammatory and demyelinating changes.  Monocytes and macrophages appear to attack myelin sheaths.  Myelinated fibers show segmental demyelination during the first few days. Segmental remyelination occurs subsequently.  The lesions have a perivenular distribution 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 18
  • 19.  Chronic progressive or relapsing neuropathy, motor > sensory.  Electrophysiology: slow conduction velocity & conduction block  Pathology: segmental demyelination and remyelination, onion bulbs, fibrosis and little or no lymphocytic infiltration of tissue. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 19
  • 20.  Onset of neuropathy depends upon the duration of illness  50% diabetics have peripheral neuropathy of which 80% have had the illness for >15 years  Distal symmetric sensory or sensorimotor, autonomic, focal or multifocal asymmetric  Symmetric neuropathy involves distal sensory , motor nerves .  Decreased sensation, loss of pain sensation – ulcer 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 20
  • 21. 1. Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy [ I – VII ] (Charcot Marie Tooth Disease) 21 CMT 1 CMT 2 CMT3 – Dejerine Sottas syndrome 1 Demyelenating Axonal Demyelenating (Hypomyelenating) 2 1st – 2nd decade Later Neonatal 3 AD AD/AR/X linked AD 4 Severe Muscular Atrophy Milder Hypotonia ,breathing and feeding difficulty ,pupilary abnormality, arythrogryposis 5 Sensory Involvement Decreased Present 6 Onion Bulb Absent Present 7 NCV Decreased Less Decreased Severely Decreased
  • 22. 1. 1st decade 2. Lower > Upper 3. Distal > Proximal 4. Stork Legs 5. Hammer toes 6. Cumberland Ankle instability tool 7. Foot Drop 8. Claw Hand 9. Rhomberg Sign – Prop & Vibration 10. DTR Lost 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 22
  • 23. 1. NCV < 38 m/s 2. EMG - Cycle of Denervation and Renervation 3. CSF Protiens May be Elevated 4. Diagnostic Test – Surnal Nerve Biopsy 5. Onion Bulb Formation – Interstitial hypertrophic neuropathy 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 23
  • 24. 1. Stabilisation of Ankle Joint 2. Stiff Boot that extend to mid calf 3. Light weight plastic splint custom made to extend beneath the foot & around the back of the ankle 4. External short leg braces 5. Surgical fusion of ankle 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 24
  • 25. 1. AR 2. Phytanic acid −−−− Pristanic Acid 3. Infantile Refsum Disease - Zellweger Syndrome Secondary to Primary Peroxismal Disorder • Ataxia • Anorexia • Icthyosis • SNHL • Retinitis Pigmentosa • Steatorrhea 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 25 Phytanic acid oxidaseSpinach ,nuts coffee • Skeletal Malformations • Cardiac Defects • Conduction defects • Cardiomyopathy
  • 31. 1. Friedreichs Ataxia 2. Giant Axonal Neuropathy 3. Infantile Neuropathy 4. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy 5. Adrenoleukodystrophy 6. Krabbes Disease 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 31 The structure of central and peripheral myelin is essentially the same. Myelin is composed of 70% lipids and 30% protein. There are some important differences in myelin proteins between CNS and PNS. These differences explain why an allergic reaction against PNS myelin does not cause central demyelination and vice versa; and why inherited metabolic disorders of myelin proteins that affect peripheral nerves do not damage central myelin. On the other hand, lipids are similar between PNS and CNS myelin. For this reason, metabolic disorders of myelin lipids, such as metachromatic leukodystrophy, affect both, the central white matter and peripheral nerves.
  • 32. 1. AR 2. Chromosome – 9 3. Frataxin Protein 4. GAA repeats 5. Cf –  Progressive Ataxia  Dysarthria  Position vibration loss  Pes cavus  DTR  Intellect preserved  Cardiomyopathy 6. Treatment – No Cure (Symptomatic) 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 32
  • 33. 1. AR 2. Chromosome 16 – Gigaxonin 3. Progressive Axonal Neuropathy 4. Abnormal Cytoplasmic Microfilament – Shwann Cells,Fibroblast ,Endothelium 5. Cf -  Progressive Gait Disturbance  Kinky Hairs  Long curly eyelashes  High Forehead  Leucoencephalopathy and Cognitive impairment  Declining Motor function  CNS Involvement  Optic Atrophy  MR  Spasticity 6. Diagnosis – Peripheral Nerve shows Axonal loss and increased Neuro filaments 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 33
  • 34. 1. PLA2G6 gene Mutation 2. Cytosolic Phospholipids – membrane homeostasis 3. Cf –  Loss of mental plus motor milestones  Seizures  Progressive Motor Sensory Neuropathy  Hypotonia  Decreased DTRs  Neuroregression  Urinary retention  Hypothalamic Failure –DI ,Hypothyroidism  ANS Affected Diagnosis – Central ,peripheral ,Autonomic neurons contain Spheroids Of Various sizes Sural Nerve Biopsy – PAS Positive ,Ballooning of axons ,Spheroids Present 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 34
  • 35.  Mutations: •arylsulfatase A gene (ARSA) on chromosome 22q13 •AR  Late infantile (18-24 months)  Gait disturbances  Memory deficits  Seizures (may be present)  Loss of motor developmental milestones  Decreased attention span  Speech disturbances  Decline in school performance  Investigations:  Spinal fluid – moderately elevated protein at 1.5 – 3.0 g/L Urine  Deficiency in arylsulfatase A activity (or in leukocytes)  Metachromatic granules  Cholecystogram/ultrasound – decreased gall bladder function  Evoked potentials – abnormalities in ABR, VEP, SSEP  Nerve conduction velocities decreased  MRI – symmetric diffuse signal abnormalities 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 35
  • 37.  Decreased oligodendrocytes in areas of demyelination  Globoid cells – periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining cells in CNS white matter  Genetics:  Galactocerebroside ß-galactosidase (GALC gene, chromosome 14)  AR  Pure neurologic condition  Onset at 3-8 months of age  Irritability, intermittent fevers, heightened startle reflex, feeding problems  Develop seizures, opisthotonus  Deafness and blindness by 9 months 37
  • 38.  Predominant pathology is axonal neuropathy.  In chronic cases segmental demyelination also seen Pathophysiology –  Loss of small myelinated fibers and unmyelinated fibers. But large fibers can also be affected.  Endoneurial arterioles show thickening, hyalination, intense PAS positivity in the walls and extrensive reduplication basement membrane 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 38
  • 39.  Nerve conduction studies  Diminished or absent SNAP amplitude in the setting of normal motor nerve conduction velocity 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 39
  • 40.  Paresthesia and dyesthesia of feet and distal legs  Wasting is marked  Loss of ankle reflex  Pathophysiology – evidence of degeneration of distal portion of axons 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 40
  • 41. Nerve conduction studies  Reduced or absent SNAP  CMAP amplitude decreases and motor conduction velocity also decrease in later stage EMG  Fibrillations and positive sharp waves are prominent in distal muscles.  Temporal dispersion on proximal stimulation is not found as in demyelinating neuropathies 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 41
  • 42.  Diabetes  Uremia  Paraproteinemia 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 42
  • 43.  Paresthesia, dyesthesia or numbness  Reduced vibration and two point discrimination  Pathophysiology – segmental demyelination and remyelination along with axonal degeneration 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 43
  • 44.  Nerve conduction studies  Reduced or unrecordable CMAP, SNAP or both  Moderate to severe slowing of NCV with temporal dispersion of CMAP 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 44
  • 45.  Thorough history and physical examination is needed.  Cranial nerve examination  Motor , sensory, autonomic nervous system examination  Fundus examination  Lymphadenopathy , hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, and skin lesions 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 45
  • 46.  CBC, electrolytes, ESR  Fasting serum glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine,  Liver , kidney,, thyroid function studies  Inflammatory markers,  Total protein level  Vit D, B12,  Cytology  CSF  Urinalysis  Nerve biopsy 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 46
  • 47.  EMG and nerve conduction studies (NCS) are often the most useful initial laboratory studies in the evaluation of a patient with peripheral neuropathy  Confirm the presence of a neuropathy  Provide information as to the type of fibers involved (motor, sensory, or both), the pathophysiology (axonal loss versus demyelination) and a symmetric versus asymmetric or multifocal pattern of involvement. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 47
  • 48.  The limitations of EMG/NCS.  There is no reliable means of studying proximal sensory nerves.  NCS results can be normal in patients with small- fiber neuropathies  Lower extremity sensory responses can be absent in normal elderly patients.  EMG/NCS are not substitutes for a good clinical examination. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 48
  • 49.  The goal of treatment is to manage the underlying condition causing the neuropathy and repair damage, as well as provide symptom relief. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 49
  • 50.  Medical management  Analgesics .  antiepileptic drugs, including gabapentin, phenytoin, and carbamazepine  some classes of antidepressants, including tricyclics such as amitriptyline.  Mexiletine  local anesthetics such as lidocaine or topical patches containing lidocaine  Codeine/oxycodone 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 50
  • 51.  Mechanical aids can help reduce pain and lessen the impact of physical disability.  Hand or foot braces can compensate for muscle weakness or alleviate nerve compression.  Orthopedic shoes can improve gait disturbances and help prevent foot injuries in people with a loss of pain sensation.  If breathing becomes severely impaired, mechanical ventilation can provide essential life support. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 51
  • 52.  Surgical intervention often can provide immediate relief from mononeuropathies caused by compression or entrapment injuries.  Repair of a slipped disk can reduce pressure on nerves where they emerge from the spinal cord; the removal of benign or malignant tumors can also alleviate damaging pressure on nerves.  Nerve entrapment often can be corrected by the surgical release of ligaments or tendons. 20-12-2017 Jipmer physiologist 52