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Dr Shahjada Selim
Registrar (Medicine)
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka
 The word dengue is derived from African
word denga: meaning fever with hemorrhage .
Is caused by virus transmitted of bites of
mosquito aedes.
Definition of Dengue Syndrome
Dengue Fever, a benign syndrome caused
by several arthropod–borne viruses, is
characterized by biphasic fever, Myalgia, or
Arthralgia, rash, Leukopenia and
Over the last two hundred years dengue
was known to the physician as a self
limiting benign febrile condition.
The first outbreak that resembles a
disease now recognized as dengue fever
was that described by Benjamn Rush in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1780.
Epidemics probably due to dengue were
common from the eighteenth to the
twentieth centuries among the inhabitants
of the Atlantic coast of the United States.
Dengue viruses almost certainly were the
cause of the 5 and 7 day fevers that
occurred among European Colonists in
Tropical Asia.
In 1905 Aedes Aeggpti was identified as a
dengue vector by Bancroft Ashburn and C
In 1956 Philippine hemorrhage fever was associated
with dengue when types 3 and 4 were recovered.
It now has become endemic through out tropical Asia
since 1967 the term dengue hemorrhagic fever and
DSS have come in to general use.
The Dengue Virus
Positive sense
Single stranded RNA virus
40 to 50 nanometers
Four sero-sub types
Type 1 to 4
Arthropod borne
Dengue virion are spherical particles approximately
50 nm in diameter.
 contains a single plus strand of RNA. Surrounded by
a lipid bilayer.
Mature virions are composed of 6% RNA, 9%
carbohydrate, and 17% lipid.
Because of the lipid envelope, flavviviruses are readily
inactivated by organic solvents and detergents.
Three viral proteins are associated with virions.
The E (envelop), M (membrane) and C (capsid)
The E protein is the major surface protein of the viral
particle probably interacts with viral receptors, and
mediates virus-cell membrane fusion.
Antibodies that neutralize virus infectivity usually
recognize this protein and mutations in E can affect
M protein is a small proteolytic fragment which is
important for maturation of the virus into an
infectious form.
C protein is a component nucleocapsid.
Four distinct antigenically related serotypes ( 1to 4) of
dengue virus of the family flaviviridae are
etiologically responsible.
Infection in human by one serotypes produces life
long immunity against re-infection by the same
subsequent infection with other serotypes may result
in a severe illness ie., DHF or DSS
Dengue like fever
Three other arthropod born viruses cause similar
febrile diseases with rash.
Chikungunya, Onyong-nyong and West Nile Fever
Dengue like fever
Dengue like diseases may also occur in epidemics.
Epidemiological features depends on the vector and
their geographic distribution.
Dengue outbreaks in urban areas infested with
A.aegypti may be explosive upto 70-80% of
population may be involved.
 During epidemic most disease occur in older
children and adults because A.aegypti has a
limited range spread, epidemic occurs mainly
through viremic human beings and follows the
main lines of transportation .
Where dengue is endemic children and
susceptible foreigners may be the only persons to
acquire overt disease adults having become
Dengue viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes of the
stegomyia family.
 Acdes aegypti a day time biting mosquito is the
principal vector and all 4 types of virus have been
recovered from it.
Aedes mosquitoes (Tiger mosquito): distinguished by
white stripes on black body.
 Important members aedes family:A. aegypty,
A.vittatus and A. albopictus.
 They are most abundent during rainy season.
Lays egg singly, and eggs are cigar shaped.
Female mosquito acts as vector.
 They do not fly over long distance-
<100mts(110yards), this factor facilitates its
In most tropical areas A-aegypti is highly urbanized.
They breed in fresh water like water stored for
drinking or bathing and in rain water collected in any
Dengue viruses have also been recovered from Aedes-
Outbreaks in the Pacific area have been attributed to
several other Aedes species.
These species breed in water trapped in vegetation.
The pathogenesis of severe disease is not well
Various mechanisms of severe disease have been
suggested , including
1. Antibody –dependent enhancements
2.Complement activation by virus- antibody
3. T-cell mediated immuno pathology
4.Cytokine abundance
In experimental studies of dengue virus infection in
rhesus monkeys, after subcutaneous inoculation,
virus was disseminated rapidly to regional lymph
nodes and then to lymphatic tissue through out the
Early in the viremic period virus could be recovered
only from lymphonodes.
2-3 days later there will be evidence of dissemination
of skin and other tissues
Virus was recovred from skin, lymphonodes and
several leukocyte –rich tissues for up to 3 days after
termination of Viremia.
The number of sites of virus recovery greater as the
infection progresses. Intra cellular infection is
terminated abruptly 2-3 days after viremia ceases.
Animals infected with dengue virus type, 1,3 & 4 and
then infected with dengue virus type 2 circulated
virus at higher titer than when the strain was
inoculated on to susceptible animals.
Epidemiological , Clinical and virologic studies of
DHF / DSS in humans have shown a significant
association between severe illness and infection in
presence of circulating dengue antibody.
If tissue culture or suckling mice are used for virus
recovery, dengue virus almost invariably is absent in
tissues at the time of death. Tissue suspension
contain large qualities of dengue neutralizing
DHF / DSS occurred in children who were circulating
enhancing antibodies from a previous single dengue
virus infection. But did not occur in children whose
first infection left them with low levels of cross
reactive Dengue virus type-2 neutralizing antibodies
at the time of second dengue virus infections.
In vitro studies of dengue virus type-2 demonstrated
enhanced growth in cultures of human mononuclear
phagocytes that were supplemented with very small
qualities of dengue antibodies.
It has been proposed that the number of infected
mono nuclear phagocytes in individuals with
naturally or passively acquired antibody may exceed
that in non immune individuals.
Increase production of infected cells may contribute
to shock, possibly through the release of cytokines,
themselves the products of the immune elimination
of virus infected, mononuclear phagocytes through
cell mediated mechanisms.
It is thought that the reduced risk to DHF / DSS of
protein – calorie malnourished children is consistent
with hypothesis that a competent immune
elimination system generates the cytokines that
produce DHF / DSS.
Early in the acute stage of secondary dengue virus
infection, there is rapid activation of the complement
During shock :
Blood levels of C1q, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 and C3
proactivator are depressed.
C3 catabolic rates elevated.
The blood clotting and fibrinolytic system are
Recent studies suggest a role for tumor
necrosis factor and interferon gamma.
As yet neither the mediator of vascular
permiability nor complete mechanism of bleeding has
been identified.
Capillary damage allows fluid electrolytes, protein,
and in some instances red blood cell to leak in to intra
vascular spaces. This internal redistribution of fluid
together with deficit due to fasting, thirsting and
vomiting results in hemo concentration, hypovolemia,
increased cardiac work, tissue hypoxia, metabolic
acidosis and hyponatremia.
A mild degree of DIC plus liver damage and
thrombocytopenia Could contribute additively to
produce haemorrhage.
Pathologic examination there usually are no gross or
microscopic lesions found that might account for death.
 In rare instances death may be due to gastro intestinal or
intra cranial hemorrhages.
 Haemorrhages are seen in: Upper GI tract intra
ventricular septum of heart, on the pericardium. And on the
subserosal surfaces of major viscera.
Focal hemorrhages occasionally seen in the lungs,
liver, adrenals, sub arachniod space.
The liver is usually is enlarged often with fatty
 Yellow watery at times blood tinged effusions are
present in serous cavities in about ¾ of patient and
retro peritoneal tissues are markedly edematous.
Perivascular edema in the soft tissues and wide
spread of diapedesis of RBC.
There may be maturational arrest of megakaryocytes
in the bone marrow and increased numbers of them
are seen in capillaries of lungs, in renal grlomeruli and
in sinusoids of the liver and spleen.
Proliferation of lymphoid and plasma cytoid cells,
lymphocytolysis and lymphophagocytosis occurs in
the spleen and lymphonodes.
In the spleen malpighian corpuscle germinal centres
are necrotic there is a depletion of lymphocytes in
the thymus.
 Liver: there are varying degrees of
Falty metamorphosis,
Focal midzonal necrosis
Hyperplasia of the Kupffer Cells.
Non nucleated cells with vacuolated
acidophilic cytoplasm resembling councilmanbodies
are seen in the sinusoids.
Kidney:There is a mild proliferative glamerulo
nephritis .
Skin: Biopsies of the rash reveal swelling and minimal
necrosis of endothelial cells. Subcutaneous deposits of
fibrinogen and in a few cases dengue antigen in extra
vascular mononuclear cells and on blood vessel walls.
 Dengue fever
Dengue haemorrhagic fever
Dengue shock syndrome
Expanded dengue syndrome
Dengue fever
 Dengue fever is an acute febrile viral illness
presenting with Headache, bone (break bone fever),
or joint (chikungunya or o-nyony-nyong) and
muscular pains, rash and leucopenia caused by
arthropod borne viruses.
Age & sex distribution
<1 yr 1-5 yrs 5-10 yrs >10 yrs
Population distribution
Dengue fever
7 7
<5 days
5-10 days
>10 days
Symptoms - Typical
Natural course of illness
2.1. Undifferentiated fever
Those who have been infected with dengue
virus,especially for the first time (i.e. primary dengue
infection), may develop a simple fever
indistinguishable from other viral infections.
2.2. Dengue fever (DF)
It is generally an acute febrile illness, with severe
headache, myalgia,
arthralgia and rashes. Leucopenia and
thrombocytopenia may also be
observed. Although DF may be benign, it could be
an incapacitating
disease with severe headache, muscle and joint and
bone pains (breakbone
Fever). Occasionally unusual haemorrhage such as
bleeding, hypermenorrhea and massive epistaxis
may occur.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)
DHF is characterized by the acute onset of high
fever and is associated
with signs and symptoms similar to DF in the early
febrile phase. Plasma
leakage is the hallmark of DHF which occurs soon
after the end of the
febrile phase. There is a tendency to develop
hypovolemic shock (dengue
shock syndrome) due to plasma leakage.
High-risk patients
Infant and the elderly
 pregnant women
 Women who have menstruation or abnormal vaginal
Hemolytic disease
Congenital heart disease
Chronic disease such as DM, HTN,CRF,IHD,
Asthama, Liver cirrhosis
Patient on steroid or NSAID treatment
Warning signs
No clinical improvement or worsening of the
situation just before or during the transition to
afebrile phase or the disease progresses .
Persistent vomiting .
Severe abdominal pain .
Lethargy and / or restlessness ,sudden behavioral
change .
Bleeding : Epistaxis, black stool, haematemesis,
excessive menstrual bleeding , dark coloured urine
(haemoglobinuria)or haematuria.
Pale, cold and clammy hands and feet .
Less /no urine output for 4-6 hours .
Liver enlargement >2cm.
Tourniquet Test
Inflate blood pressure cuff to a point
midway between systolic and diastolic
pressure for 5 minutes
Positive test: 20 or more petechiae
per 1 inch² (6.25 cm²)
Tourniquet Test
Atypical manifestation
•Febrile seizures in young children
•Encephalitis/aseptic meningitis
•Subdural effusions
•Mononeuropathies/polyneuropathies/guilane-barre syndrome
•Transverse myelities
Hepatitis/fulminant hepatic failure
Acalculous cholecystitis
Acute pancreatitis
Hyperplasia of peyer’s patches
Acute renal failure
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Conduction abnormalities
Acute respiratory syndrome
Pulmonary haemorrhage
Myositis with raised creative phosphokinase
Lymphoreticular/ bonemarrow :
Infection associated haemophagocytic syndrome
Spontaneous splenic rupture
Lymph node infarction
Macular haemorrhage
Impaired visual acuity
Optic neuritis
Post-infectious fatigue syndrome,
depression, hallucinations, psychosis,
Expanded dengue syndrome / Isolated
organopathy ( unusual manifestation )
patients with dengue illness can sometimes develop
unusual manifestations such as involvement of liver
,kidneys ,brain or heart with or without evidence of
fluid leakage and therefore do not necessarily fall into
the category of DHF. These conditions are very rare
and management is symptomatic . Such unusual
manifestations may be associated with coinfections
and comorbidities. However , these manifestations if
seen in DHF patients are mostly a result of prolonged
shock leading to organ failure .
Lab investigations for diagnosis
Dengue virus infection creates a broad spectrum of
symptoms , several of which are non – specific .
Thus ,a clinical diagnosis based on only symptoms is
untrustworthy .Early laboratory confirmation of
clinical diagnosis may be important because some
patients progress within a short period from mild to
severe disease and sometimes to death . Early
intervention may be life –saving. The management of
DS is based on clinical judgment rather than
laboratory evaluations alone . However , few indirect
tests may be suggestive of DS from the outset . The
following tests may be done .
Lab tests for diagnosis and
monitoring :
CBC: including Total Leucocyte Count, Total Platelet
Count and Hct should be done on first consultation
of the patient to have the baseline :
 All febrile patients at the first visit .
 All patients with warning signs .
 All patients with fever >3 days .
Leucopenia is common in both adults and children
with DF and has an important diagnostic implication
in early period . The change in total white cell count
(<_5ooo cells /mm3) and ratio of neutrophils to
lymphocyte (neutrophils< lymphocytes ) is useful to
predict the critical period of plasma leakage . This
finding precedes thrombocytopenia or rising
haematocrit. This changes seen in DF and DHF
both .
Thrombocytopenia is observed in some patients
with DF Mild thrombocytopenia (100,000-150,000
cells /mm3)is common and about half of all DF
patients have platelet count below 100,000 cells
/mm3; A sudden drop In platelet count to below
100,000 occurs before the onset of shock or
subsidence of fever . The level of platelet count is
correlated with severity of DHF. Severe
thrombocytopenia (<100,000/mm3) usually
precedes / accompanies overt plasma leakage .
Hct : A slight increase may be due to high fever ,
anorexia and vomiting (10%). A sudden rise in
haematocrit is observed simultaneously or shortly
after the drop in platelet
count.Haemoconcentration or rising haematocrit
by 20% from the baseline , e.g. from haematocrit of
35% to >_42% is objective evidence of leakage of
plasma .1 of haematocrit may be affected by early
volume replacement and by bleeding .
 Serum AST(SGOT) and ALT(SGPT):
AST and ALT levels are frequently elevated in both
adults and children with DF and DHF; -- Levels are
significantly higher (5-15 times the upper limit of
normal )in patients with DHF.
Other findings are hypoproteinemia/
albuminaemia (as a consequence of plasma leakage
), hyponatremia, Albuminuria.
Occult blood is often found in the stool .
In DSS cases , assays of coagulation and
fibrinolytic factors show reduction . Partial
thromboplastin time and prothrombin time are
prolonged in about half and one third of DHF cases
respectively . Thrombin time is also prolonged in
severe cas.
Dengue Diagnostic Test
Detection of antigen: NS1 antigen (non-
structural protein 1):
NS1 antigen rapid test –positive within minutes of
starting symptoms .
The ELISA NS1 antigen will be positive on first day of
illness .
This test becomes negative from day 4-5 of illness .
Commercial kits for the detection of NS1 antigen are
now available in ELISA or rapid test format .
Detection of Antibody(Anti dengue
antibody test )
Dengue lgM/lgG test (MAC ELISA or Rapid ICT)
 Anti –dengue lgM specific antibodies can be detected
3-5 days after the onset of fever .
 lgM is detected and which increase to 95-98%, by day
 It can be detected in low level up to 1-3 months after
fever .
 In primary dengue infection –IgM will be more than
lg G early period and increased lg G at 9 or 10th
day of
fever . Level of this lgG may persist at low levels for
decades , indicating past dengue infection .
Detection of antibody(cont..)
In secondary dengue infection – higher elevation of
anti- dengue specific lgG antibodies and lower levels
of lgM. The higher lgG levels remain for 30-40 days .
Rapid ICT test provides result within 15-20 minutes .
Dengue virus isolation
Dengue virus isolation from serum ,plasma and leukocytes
is the most definitive test for dengue infection ,which can
be accomplished in majority of cases if the sample is taken
in the few days of illness .
Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or autopsy
Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue ,serum or
cerebrospinal fluid by immunohistochemistry
,immunofluorescence or enzyme –linked immunosorbent
Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by reverse
transcription –polymerase chain reaction.
Nucleic Acid Detection
The reverse transcriptase ploymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR)-confirm diagnosis (<5 days of illness ).
The amplified DNA viral RNAs can be detected by
tradition or real time PCR.
The test is expensive and available only in referral
Case definitions
Case definitions are developed as aid tools for Early
Diagnosis and Promote Treatment ,Epidemiological
surveillance and Reporting .But this should not
supersede the good clinical judgment in
individualized situation .The purpose is as follows :
1. For uniformity in clinical case management at both
outpatient and inpatient setups .
2. For uniform reporting of the cases to designed
appropriate health authority .
Dengue fever
Suspected Dengue
Actual febrile illness with two or more of following :
Retro-orbital pain
Haemorrhagic manifestations
Leucopenia (wbc<_5000 cells mm3)
Thrombocytopenia(platelet count<150000 cells/mm3)
Rising haematocrit(5-10%)
High index of suspicion based on period ,population &
place .
Absence of convincing evidence of any other febrile illness .
Probable dengue
Suspected dengue and at least one of following :
Supportive serology on single serum sample : titre
>_1280 with haemagglutination inhabition test
,comparable IgG titre with enzyme –linked
immunosorbent assay, or testing positive in IgM
antibody test .
Confirmed dengue
Probable dengue and at least one of the following :
Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or
autopsy samples .
Fourfold or greater increase in serum lgG (by
haemagglutination inhalation test ) or increase in
lgM antibody specific to dengue virus .
Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue
,serum or cerebrospinal fluid by
immunohistochemistry ,immunofluorescence or
enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay.
Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by
reverse transcription –polymerase chain reaction .
Therefore suspected DF and DHF patients should
be closely monitored to identify patients with
DHF.For efficient management of DHF it is
important to understand its natural history and its
dynamic nature. Clinical course of DHF is
stereotypic and consists of three stages
Febrile phase
Critical phase (leakage phase)
Convalescent phase
Febrile phase
Febrile phase is characterized by continuing high fever lasting for
days. Other features seen in the febrile phase include facial
flushing/diffuse blanching erythema of the skin, myalgia,
headache, nausea and vomiting. Some patients may have sore
injected pharynx, conjunctival injection and diarrhoea. Mild
manifestations can occur. Leucopenia (WBC<5000 mm3) and mild
thrombocytopenia (<150,000 /mm3) are common in the late
febrile phase.
Above features are usually indistinguishable between DF and DHF
the febrile phase. However, the presence of tender hepatomegaly
the diagnosis of DHF.
Critical phase (leakage phase)
The critical phase is heralded by the onset of
plasma leakage. This
usually occurs towards the late febrile phase, often
after the 3rd day of
fever, usually around the 5th or 6th day of illness
with defervescence
(settling of fever). However some patients may
enter the critical phase
while having high fever.
Plasma leakage is due to increased capillary permeability.
Plasma leakage
in DHF is selective and transient and usually lasts f o
r 24-48 hours.
Increased capillary permeability is the result of immune
mediators and is
not a result of destruction of capillaries. Though the
disease is systemic,
plasma leakage occurs selectively into the peritoneal and
pleural spaces.
Pericardial effusion, if there is any, is rather minimal.
Generalized or facial
oedema, if seen, is more likely to be due to fluid overload
rather than due to
plasma leakage.
With the leakage of plasma there will be haemo-
concentration which will
manifest as an increase in HCT. A 20% rise of HCT from
the baseline is
indicative of significant plasma leakage. (A smaller rise in
HCT which may
be seen in the early phase of the disease is usually due to
dehydration). A
rise in HCT less than 20% can be found in patients who
received excess
oral/I.V. fluids or in patients with bleeding.
Other evidence of plasma leakage are a decrease in serum
(<3.5g/dl) and non-fasting serum cholesterol (<100
Convalescent phase (recovery phase)
This starts after the end of the critical phase and usually lasts 2-5 days.
There will be reabsorption of extravasated fluid during this period.
Features which would suggest that the patient has reached the
convalescent phase are:
 Improved general wellbeing and improved appetite
 Appearance of convalescent rash
 Generalized itching (more intense in palms and soles)
 Haemodynamic stability
 Bradycardia (seen in some patients)
 Diuresis
 Stabilization of Haematocrit (HCT) may even be lower than baseline
due to reabsorption of extravasated fluid)
 Rise in white cell count followed by a rise in the platelet count
Dengue haemorrhagic fever
Suspected DHF
Probable DHF
Suspected DHF and at least one of following :
Supportive serology on single serum sample : titre
>_1280 with haemagglutination inhabition test
,comparable IgG titre with enzyme –linked
immunosorbent assay, or testing positive in IgM
antibody test .
Confirmed DHF
Probable case with at least one of the following :
Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or
autopsy samples .
Fourfold or greater increase in serum lgG (by
haemagglutination inhalation test ) or increase in
lgM antibody specific to dengue virus .
Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue
,serum or cerebrospinal fluid by
immunohistochemistry ,immunofluorescence or
enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay.
Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by
reverse transcription –polymerase chain reaction .
Approximately 20-30% of cases of dengue H.F. are
complicated by shock (DSS)
Fewer than 10% of patients have gross echymosis or
gastro intestinal bleeding usually after a period of
corrected shock.
After a 24 to 36 hrs period of crisis, convalescence is
fairly rapid in children who recover.
The temperature may return to normal before or
during the stage of shock.
Bradycardia and ventricular extrasystoles are
common during convalescence.
Dengue shock syndrome
Dengue shock syndrome is a presentation of Dengue
syndromes when a case of DHF manifests circulatory
failure with one or more of the following features :
Criteria for dengue haemorrhagic fever as above with
signs of shock including :
o Tachycardia ,cool extremities ,delayed capillary
refill ,weak pulse ,lethargy or restlessness ,which may
be a sign of reduced brain perfusion .
o Pulse pressure _< 20mmHg with increased diastolic
pressure ,e.g. 100/80mmHg.
o Hypotension by age ,defined as systolic pressure .
Severity grading of dengue
DF /DHF Grad
Symptoms Laboratory
DF Fever with two or more of the
following signs; headache, retro-
orbital pain, Myalgia, arthralgia.
Luecopenia occasionally
Thromocytopenia may
be present, no evidence
of plasma leakage.
DHF I Above signs plus positive tourniquet
<100,000 HCt
DHF II Above signs plus spontaneous
<100,000, HCt
DHF III Above signs plus circulatory failure
(rapid weak pulse, pressure, cold
clammy skin, restlessness and capillary
refill time >3sec)
<100,000, Het rise
DHF IV Profound shock with undectable blood
pressure and pulse
<100,000, rise >20%.
Clinical diagnosis (High suspicion)
Knowledge of the geographic distribution.
Environmental cycles of causal viruses.
The term dengue like disease should be used until a
specific diagnosis is established.
WHO Criteria For DHF :
Fever, Minor or Major Hemorrhagic manifestations.
Thrombocytopenia ( < 100000 / mn3)
Objective evidence of increased capillary permeability
(hematocrit increased > 20%) X-ray pleural effusion
DSS : Above mentioned criteria plus hypo tension and
narrow pulse pressure ( < 20 mm of Hg)
Virologic diagnosis can be established by serologic tests
or by isolation of the virus from blood leukocytes or
Both in primary and second dengue infections, there is
relatively transient appearance of anti dengue
immunoglobulin IgM antibodies. These antibodies
disappear after 6-12 weeks which can be used to time a
dengue infection.
In secondary infection most antibody is of the IgG
Serological diagnosis depends on a four fold or
greater increase in IgG antibody titer in paired
Hemaglutination inhibition.
Complement fixation
Enzyme immunoassay
Neutralization tests
Carefully standardized immunoglobulin IgM, and IgG
capture enzyme immuno assays are now to identify the
acute phase antibodies from patients with primary or
secondary dengue infections in single serum samples.
(IgG antibody concentrations are abundant in secondary
but minimum in primary) usually such samples should
be collected not earlier than 5 days nor later than 6
weeks after onset.
The DDS of DF includes viral respiratory and
influenza like diseases. Early stages of Malaria , mild
yellow fever, scrub typhus, viral hepatitis and
Four arboviral diseases have dengue like courses but
without rash – Colorado Tick fever, sand fly fever, Rift
valley fever and Ross river
Meningo Cocccemia , Yellow Fever other viral
hemorrhagic fevers, many in rickettsial diseases and
other severe illneses caused by a variety of agents may
produce clinical picture similar to DHF.
Management of those who do
not need Admission
Following treatment measures are recommended:
 Ensure adequate oral fluid intake of around 2500 ml for
24 hours
(if the body weight is less than 50kg give fluids as 50ml/kg
for 24
hours). This should consist of oral rehydration fluid, coconut
water, other fruit juices, kanji or soup rather than plain
Exclude red and brown drinks which could cause confusion
haematemesis or coffee ground vomitus.commercial
carbonated drinks that exceed the isotonic level should be
 Adequate physical rest
 Tepid sponging for fever
 Paracetamol not exceeding 2 tablets six hourly (reduce
dose for
patients with lower body weights). Warn the patient that
the fever
may not fully settle with paracetamol and advice not to
 A nti-emetics and H2 receptor blockers if necessary
 Avoid all NSAIDS and steroids
 Withhold Aspirin, Clopidogrel & Dipyridamole in
patients who take
these on long term basis
Advise immediate return for review if any of
the following occur:
 Clinical deterioration with settling of fever
 Inability to tolerate oral fluids
 Severe abdominal pain
 Cold and clammy extremities
 Lethargy or irritability/restlessness
 Bleeding tendency including inter-menstrual
bleeding or
 Not passing urine for more than 6 hours
Indications of hospitalizations
 Restlessness or lethargy frequent vomiting one or two days of
febrile illness.
 Cold extremities or circumoral cyanosis.
 Bleeding in any form.
 Rapid and weak pulse.
 Capillary refill time > 3 seconds.
 Narrowing of pulse pressure (<20 mm Hg) or Hypo tension.
 Hematocrit of 40 or rising hematocrit.
 Platelet count of < 1,00000/ mm3
 Acute abdominal pain
 Evidence of Plasma leakage. Eg. Pleural effusion /Ascities
Dengue fever
 There is no specific anti viral treatment and
 The management is essentially supportive and
symptomatic (Bedrest)
 The key to success is frequent monitoring and
changing strategies depending on clinical and
laboratory evaluations.
Dengue fever
 The management of dengue fever is symptomatic
and supportive.
 Bed rest is advisable during the acute febrile phase.
 Antipyretics or cold sponging should be used to
keep the body temperature < 400C.
 Analgesics and mild sedation may be required to
control pain
Dengue fever
 Fluids and electrolyte replacement therapy is
required when there are deficits due to sweating/
fasting / thirsting / vomiting or diarrhea.
 Because of the dengue hemorrhageic diathesis
aspirin should not be given to reduce fever or
control pain.
Electrolyte and dextrose Solution ( as used in
diarrhea disease) or Fruit Juice or both are preferable
to plain water.
With high fever there is a risk of convulsion and
antipyretic drugs may be indicated.
Acetaminophen is preferable at the following
doses younger than year of age 60mg / dose, 1-3
years 60-120mg/dose, 3-6 years – 120 mg/dose, 6-
12 years 240mg /dose children should be observed
closely for early signs of shock. The critical period
is the transition from febrile to afebrile phase.
A rise in hematocrit value indicates significant
plasma loss and a need for parenteral fluid
In grade I and II volume replacement can be given in
a period of 12-24 hours.
Patients with any signs of bleeding and persistently
high hematocrit values dispite being given volume
replacement should be admitted to hospital.
The volume and type of fluid should be similar to that
used in the treatment of diarrhea with moderate
isotonic dehydration but the rate should be carefully
titrated. The required volume should be charted on a
2 – 3 hours basis and the rate of administration
adjusted throughout the 24 – 48 hours period of
6.5.3 When the patient is in the critical phase
(leakage phase)
The fluid requirement, both oral and intravenous,
in critical phase (48
hours) is calculated as M+5% (maintenance + 5%
deficit). Maintenance
(M) is calculated as follows:
 For the 1st 10 kg -100 ml/kg
 For the 2nd 10 kg - 50 ml/kg
 From 20 kg and above up to 50 kg - 20 ml/kg
 5% deficit is calculated as 50 ml/kg up to 50kg
Serial haemetocrit determination every 4 – 6 hours
and frequent recording of vital signs are recorded for
adjusting the fluid replacement. In order to assume
adequate volume replacement and avoid over
Fluid Management
Fluid Management
ml / hr = (drop / min) x 3
The fluid replacement should be the minimum
volume i.e. sufficient to maintain effective
circulation during the period of leakage.
Excessive replacement will cause respiratory
distress (from massive pleural effusion and
ascites). Pulmonary congestion and edema
Fluid management
The type of fluid used are 1) Crystalloid and 2)
I. Crystalloid
1/3 to ½ of the total fluid as physiologic saline
solution (NS)
½ to 2/3 of the remainder as 5% glucose in water.
For acidosis ¼ of the total fluid should be 1/6
molar sodium bicarbonate.
Fluid management
 5% dextrose in ringer lactate solution
 5% dextrose in ringer acetate solution
 5% dextrose in half strength NS.
 5% dextrose in NS solution.
Fluid management
 Dextran 40 and plasma
Management of Shock :
DSS is a medical emergency that requires prompt
and vigorous volume replacement therapy.
There are also electrolytes (sodium) and acid base
disturbances it must be consider that there is a
high potential for developing DIC. And stagnant
acidemia. Blood will promote and or enhance
DIC which may lead to sever hemorrhage and or
irreversible shock.
The replacement of plasma loss
 Immediate replacement of plasma loss with isotonic
salt solution (5% dextrose in ringer acetate solution or
5% dextrose in NS) at the rate of 10-20ml / kg body
weight are in case of profound shock (grade-4) as a
bolus of 10ml/kg body weight (1-2 times) should take
If the patient is not responding to two boluses of
crystalloid, contributory
causes for shock other than plasma leakage should
be considered. These
Acidosis check venous blood gas (if present,
check liver and renal profiles)
Bleeding check HCT
Calcium and other electrolytes (sodium and
potassium) - check serum
Sugar check random capillary blood sugar
It is important to correct these conditions as quickly as possible. If
patient is clinically acidotic one dose of 50 ml of 8.4% sodium
may be given empirically if blood gas cannot be assessed.
Empirical treatment with 10% calcium gluconate 10 ml over 10
minutes is
justifiable if a patient is in shock and is not responding to
adequate fluid
replacement, this may be continued six hourly. IV calcium
gluconate may
be used in patients who show evidence of myocardial involvement
as well,
as hypocalcaemia is common in DHF patients and calcium may
the myocardial contractility in such patients
If the blood g l u c o s e l e v e l i s less than 7 0
mg/dl correct it by giving
15 – 20g glucose orally or intravenously. At the time
of shock, use
30–40 ml of 50% Dextrose (15-20g) intravenously.
Re-check capillary
blood sugar in 15 minutes and if it is less than 7 0
mg/dl repeat 30-
40ml of 50% Dextrose intravenously.
The replacement of plasma loss
In case of continued or propound shock (with high
haematocrit values) colloidal fluid (dextran or
medium molecular weight in NSS or plasma) should
be given the following initial fluid at a rate of 10-
20ml/kg body weight / hour.
Blood transfusion is indicated in cases with profound
and persistent shock dispite declining hematocrit
values after initial fluid replacement
The replacement of plasma loss
When improvement is apparent the rate of I/V fluid
replacement should be reduced and adjusted 1-2
hourly throughout the 24 hours period.
Colloidal fluid is indicated in cases with massive
leakage and to whom a large volume of crystalloid
fluid as been given.
The replacement of plasma loss
In small children 5% dextrose in a half strength
normal saline solution (5% dextrose / ½ NSS ) initial
resuscitation and 5% dextrose in ½ NSS may be used
in infants under 1 year age. If the serum sodium is
Discontinuation of IV fluids
The hematocrit reading drops to around 40%
Vital signs are stable.
A good urine out flow indicates sufficient circulate
renal volume.
A return of appetite and diuresis are signs of recovery
Discontinuation of IV fluids
It is extremely important to emphasize that a drop in
heamatocrit reading at this stage should not be
interpreted as a sign of internal hemorrhage.
Strong pulse, BP with wide pulse pressure and
diuresis are good vital signs during this re-absorption
Management (contd)
 Sedations are needed in some cases because of
marked agitation.
 Hepatotoxic drugs should be avoided.
 Chloral hydrate orally or rectally recommended in a
dose of 30 – 50 mg/kg as a single hypotonic dose
(maximum dose 1gram).
Management (contd)
 In cases without pulmonary complications
paraldehyde 0.1ml/kg I.M. (maximum dose 10ml)
also be use.
 Oxygen therapy should be given to all patients in
shock. The oxygen mask or tent may increase
Management of fluid overload
Review the total intravenous fluid therapy and
clinical course and check and correct for abcs.
All hypotonic solution should be stopped .
Switch from crystalloid to colloid solutions as bolus
fluid .
Dextran 40 is effective as 10 ml/kg bolus infusion , but
the dose is restricted to 30ml/kg/day because of its
renal effects .
Blood transfusion
Transfusion with fresh whole blood is preferable and
the amount to given should be such that normal RBC
concentration is not exceeded.
Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) may be indicated in cases
where consumptive coagulopathy causes massive
bleeding. DIC is usual in sever shock and may play an
important part in the development of massive
bleeding or lethal shock.
Platelet transfusion
Platelet transfusion in cases of DHF / DSS is also
surrounded with controversies. Mild reductions in
platelet counts are usually not associated with
significant bleeding.
Secondly thrombocytopenia in DHF / DSS is a short
lived phenomenon with platelets returning to normal
by 7 to 9 days.
Platelet transfusion
Platelet transfusions are recommended only for
children with platelet count of 50,000 / mm3 and
having significant bleeding manifestations.
Prophylactic platelet concentrate is indicated when
platelet count is less than 10000-20000 / mm3 (10 to
20ml / kg of platelet).
Need the insertion of intercostal tube or ascitic drainage
Caution must be taken before drainage as the chances of
sever hemorrhages are high.
Patients should be haematologically stabilized first with use
of fresh whole blood, FFP or platelet concentrates and
drainage of these fluids should be done slowly to prevent
sudden circulatory collapse.
Large pleural effusions during the recovery phase
after 48 hours may need small doses of frusemide
(0.25 to 0.5 mg / kg B/w 6th hourly) with these
method it may possible to avoid insertion of
intercostal drains.
Generally steroids do not shorten the duration of
disease or improve the prognosis in children
receiving careful supportive therapy.
Management of Hepatic
Encephalopathy in DHF
 Maintain adequate airway and oxygenation
 Infuse minimal intravenous fluids sufficient to maintain
intravascular volume (80% of maintenance)
 Use hyper-oncotic colloid solution early if HCT is increased
 Infuse Mannitol to reduce intracranial pressure if renal
functions are normal
 Take measures to maintain serum sodium in-between 145-155
meq/L. (3% hypertonic saline may be of use if Mannitol cannot
be used, and if serum sodium is very low)
Maintain blood sugar above 60 mg/dl
 Give a single dose of Vitamin K 10 mg IV
 Give Lactulose to maintain 3-4 bowel motions per day. However,
lactulose commonly causes gaseous abdominal distension and this
may interfere with respiration in these patients and may even
cause aspiration
 Treat with broad spectrum antibiotics, which are not excreted
through liver, if secondary bacterial infection is suspected
(Cefotaxime is preferred)
 Oral Metronidazole may be used (supportive evidence is
 Ventilate (IPPV) early, if the features of encephalopathy are
getting worse
Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) should not be used
routinely, but may be
used if there is active bleeding or prior to invasive
(However, be aware of possible fluid overload with
Bowel washes and enemas should be avoided
There is no evidence to support the use of L-
Arginine L-Ornithine (LOLA)
or N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) in these patients and
therefore, use of which is
not recommended
Dengue in Co-morbid
Liver Disease:
Baseline liver function tests (LFT) including prothrombin time
(PT) is of
value when dengue is suspected in patients with chronic liver
disease. If
AST/ALT is very high the patient is likely to develop neurological
involvement (Hepatic Encephalopathy) especially in those with
(GI) bleeding. In such patients liver failure regime should be
used early . If baseline albumin level is low these patients
may have more plasma leakage.
Managing these patients with the
minimum amount of IV fluids to maintain intravascular
volume in order to
prevent respiratory distress (acute pulmonary oedema)
and/or heart
failure is crucial. Prolonged PT or INR (>1.3) indicates
that these patients
have a tendency for more bleeding and therefore Vitamin
K1 IV is
recommended. In addition, assessment of the degree of
bleeding and
transfusing adequate amount of blood and blood
components are
important considerations.
Heart Disease:
The key consideration in patients with heart diseases would be
to identify
the underlying heart disease and the current medication.
These patients
should be observed carefully with close and continuous
preferably echocardiography especially during the critical
phase. Careful
adjustment of IV fluid is the key to success and to prevent
Those who are on anti-platelet or anti-coagulation therapy are
recommended to stop the medication for a few days especially
during the
critical phase.
Myocardial Involvement in Dengue
Global dysfunction of myocardial contractility may be seen
in DHF patients
who are in prolonged shock and the most likely reason is
acidosis. However hypocalcaemia (which is a common
finding in DHF
patients with moderate to large pleural effusion / ascites)
should be
considered as well.
Hence, if there is evidence of cardiac dysfunction,
acidosis and
hypocalcaemia should be corrected quickly
Empirical treatment with calcium is justifiable if
clinically indicated.
Myocarditis is an uncommon finding in Dengue and
is very unlikely to
cause death in a patient with DHF. However, such a
patient could easily
develop pulmonary oedema with fluid overload.
Therefore, if myocardial Involvement is
suspected fluid should be
given very carefully
Treatment of myocardial Involvement is
Diabetes Mellitus:
Frequent monitoring of blood sugar is important from
the time the patients
are admitted to hospital. All anti-diabetic drugs have to
be switched to
insulin in order to keep blood sugar level preferably
below 150-200mg/dl.
Closely monitor the patient and look for the possible
development of
Diabetic Ketoacidosis where patient will need more IV
fluid, IV insulin as
an infusion and monitoring of central venous pressure if
possible. Manage
the commonly associated conditions with DM, e.g.
Renal Disease:
The baseline renal function tests (Blood Urea, Creatinine), electrolytes,
acid-base balance, GFR, urine output per day and urine analysis should
be performed during the early febrile phase and regularly tested during
course of the illness. Close monitoring of fluid intake and urine output
very important. Fluid overload during convalescent phase is the most
important cause of death among these patients. Early consultation
with a
Nephrologist and early planning of any renal replacement therapy in
patients who are oliguric with signs and symptoms of fluid overload is
Management of Pregnant patients
with DF/DHF close to delivery
Risk of bleeding is at its highest during the period of
plasma leakage therefore ,
Unless to save mothers life, avoid Lower segment
caesarean section during the critical ( plasma
leakage ) phase.
Obstetric procedure should be avoided .
If obstetric procedure are to be undertaken ,
Maintain the platelet count above 50,000/mm3.
 Single donor platelet transfusion is preferred , if
available , if platelet transfusion is necessary .
If patient goes into spontaneous labor during
critical phase take steps to prevent vaginal tears by
performing an episiotomy.
Increase of fetal compromise priority should be
given to the mothers life .
Patients should be monitored constantly until there is
a reasonable certainly that the danger as passed in
Pulse, BP, RR & Temp. be taken every 15 to 30
minutes are more often until the shock resolves.
 Hematocrit or Hb studies should be performed
every two hours for the first six hours then every
four hours thereafter until the patient is stable.
 Accurate record of intake and output including the
type of fluid given should be made.
Management of Epidemic Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever
 During epidemics, outpatient and inpatient facilities
may be overwhelmed.
 It is essential that only children requiring hospital
care be admitted.
A recently elevated body temperature and positive
tourniquet test are sufficient to suggest DHF
Management of Epidemic Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever
When possible, a microhematocrit and platelet count
should be done in the outpatient department.
Patients with thrombocytopenia and elevated
hematocrit counts should be sent to a rehydration
ward or, if hematocrit does not fall or rises in the face
of fluid therapy, admitted to hospital.
Management of Epidemic Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever
. If a patient lives a long distance from the hospital
and nearby accommodations are not available,
admission for observation may be necessary.
Regulatory Measures
Dengue diseases are not subject to international
surveillance regulations. An intensive and effective
voluntary reporting system has been devised by the
regional offices of the World Health Organization.
 Children who develop profound shock rapidly with
no detectable diastolic pressure or with
unobtainable blood pressure.
 Children in shock with delayed admission to
 Children in shock with gastrointestinal hemorrhage
have a poor prognosis.
 Mortality rates may exceed 50 per cent in these
Discharge criteria
 Tissue culture-based vaccines for dengue virus
types 1, 2, 3 and 4 are immunogenic but not
available for general use.
 Prophylaxis depends on use of insecticides,
repellents, body protective clothing, and screening
of houses to avoid the bite of the mosquito.
 Destruction of A. aegypti breeding sites also is
 If water storage is mandatory, a light-fitting lid or a
thin layer of oil may prevent egg deposits or
 A larvicide, such as Abate, available as a 1% sand
granule formulation and effective at a
concentration of 1 part per million, may be added
safely to drinking water.
World Health Organization recommendations are as
follow :
On the basis of epidemiologic and entomologic information,
the size of the area that requires adult mosquito abatement
should be determined.
With technical malathion or fenitrothion at 438 ml/ha, two
adulticidal treatments at a 10-day interval should be made
by use of a vehicle-mounted or portable ultra-low-volume
aerosol generator or mist blower.
Cities of moderate size should stockpile at least one
vehicle-mounted aerosol generator, five mist blowers,
10 swing fog machines, and 1000 liters of ultra-low-
volume insecticides to be prepared to carry out
adulticidal operations over a 20-km2 area rapidly.
 With limited funds, such equipment and
insecticides can be stockpiled centrally for rapid
transportation where required. Priority areas for
launching ground applications are those having a
concentration of cases.
 Special attention should be focused on areas where
people congregate during daylight hours, for example,
hospitals and schools. If necessary, ultra-low-volume
insecticides may be applied from aircraft. C47 or
similar aircraft, smaller agricultural spray planes, and
helicopters have been used to make aerial
 During the early stages of epidemics, ultra-low-
volume spray of 4 % malathion in diesel oil or
kerosene may be used to spray all houses within a
100-m radius of the residence of DHF patients.
Eradication and Control
A. aegypti was eradicated from countries and whole
continents with use of the techniques pioneered by
the Rockefeller Foundation.
With time, the species successfully reestablished
itself in much of its former range.
Eradication and Control
An eradication campaign in the United States was
abandoned and was replaced by a program of disease
surveillance and containment of introduced virus.
Eradication and Control
 Mosquito control or eradication programs require
the simultaneous use of two approaches:
Reduction in breeding sites
Application of larvicides
Alternatively, a significant reduction in population
may be effected by closely spaced application of
Reduction in breeding sites
Source reduction campaigns should be well
organized, supervised, and evaluated.
 Includes proper disposal of discarded cans, bottles,
tires, and other potential breeding sites not used for
storage of drinking or bathing water.
 Drinking and bathing water storage containers and
flower vases should be emptied completely once
Reduction in breeding sites
Water containers that can not be emptied should be
treated with Abate 1% sand granules at dosage of 1
ppm (e.g., 10 g of sand to 100 L of water).
Treatments should be repeated at intervals of 2 to 3
Application of larvicides
Vehicles-mounted or portable ultra-low-volume
aerosol generators or mist blowers can be used to
apply technical grade malathion or fenitrothion at 438
Three applications made at 1-week intervals can
suppress. A aegypti populations for about 2 months.
Health Education
 A. aegypti control has been maintained effectively
in some tropical areas through the simple
expedient of emptying water containers once a
 During the yellow fever campaigns, strong sanitary
laws made the breeding of mosquitoes on premises
a crime punishable by fine or jail
Health Education
 In the modern era, Singapore and Cuba have
adopted these measures successfully.
 Health education through mass media or through
the schools has been attempted in Burma,
Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia without
spectacular success.
National Dengue Management Guideline for Bangladesh

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National Dengue Management Guideline for Bangladesh

  • 1. Dr Shahjada Selim Registrar (Medicine) Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka
  • 2. Dengue  The word dengue is derived from African word denga: meaning fever with hemorrhage . Is caused by virus transmitted of bites of mosquito aedes.
  • 3. Definition of Dengue Syndrome Dengue Fever, a benign syndrome caused by several arthropod–borne viruses, is characterized by biphasic fever, Myalgia, or Arthralgia, rash, Leukopenia and lymphadenopathy.
  • 4. History Over the last two hundred years dengue was known to the physician as a self limiting benign febrile condition. The first outbreak that resembles a disease now recognized as dengue fever was that described by Benjamn Rush in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1780.
  • 5. History Epidemics probably due to dengue were common from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries among the inhabitants of the Atlantic coast of the United States.
  • 6. History Dengue viruses almost certainly were the cause of the 5 and 7 day fevers that occurred among European Colonists in Tropical Asia. In 1905 Aedes Aeggpti was identified as a dengue vector by Bancroft Ashburn and C raig.
  • 7. History In 1956 Philippine hemorrhage fever was associated with dengue when types 3 and 4 were recovered. It now has become endemic through out tropical Asia since 1967 the term dengue hemorrhagic fever and DSS have come in to general use.
  • 8. The Dengue Virus Flavivirus Positive sense Single stranded RNA virus 40 to 50 nanometers Four sero-sub types Type 1 to 4 Arthropod borne
  • 9. ETIOLOGY of VIRUS Dengue virion are spherical particles approximately 50 nm in diameter.  contains a single plus strand of RNA. Surrounded by a lipid bilayer. Mature virions are composed of 6% RNA, 9% carbohydrate, and 17% lipid. Because of the lipid envelope, flavviviruses are readily inactivated by organic solvents and detergents.
  • 11. ETIOLOGY VIRUS Three viral proteins are associated with virions. The E (envelop), M (membrane) and C (capsid) proteins.
  • 12. VIRUS The E protein is the major surface protein of the viral particle probably interacts with viral receptors, and mediates virus-cell membrane fusion. Antibodies that neutralize virus infectivity usually recognize this protein and mutations in E can affect virulence.
  • 13. VIRUS M protein is a small proteolytic fragment which is important for maturation of the virus into an infectious form. C protein is a component nucleocapsid.
  • 14. Etiology Types Four distinct antigenically related serotypes ( 1to 4) of dengue virus of the family flaviviridae are etiologically responsible. Infection in human by one serotypes produces life long immunity against re-infection by the same serotype. subsequent infection with other serotypes may result in a severe illness ie., DHF or DSS
  • 15. Etiology Dengue like fever Three other arthropod born viruses cause similar febrile diseases with rash. Chikungunya, Onyong-nyong and West Nile Fever
  • 16. Etiology Dengue like fever Dengue like diseases may also occur in epidemics. Epidemiological features depends on the vector and their geographic distribution.
  • 17. EPIDOMIOLOGY Dengue outbreaks in urban areas infested with A.aegypti may be explosive upto 70-80% of population may be involved.  During epidemic most disease occur in older children and adults because A.aegypti has a limited range spread, epidemic occurs mainly through viremic human beings and follows the main lines of transportation . Where dengue is endemic children and susceptible foreigners may be the only persons to acquire overt disease adults having become immune.
  • 18. EPIDOMIOLOGY Vector Dengue viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes of the stegomyia family.  Acdes aegypti a day time biting mosquito is the principal vector and all 4 types of virus have been recovered from it.
  • 19. Vector Aedes mosquitoes (Tiger mosquito): distinguished by white stripes on black body.  Important members aedes family:A. aegypty, A.vittatus and A. albopictus.  They are most abundent during rainy season.
  • 20. Vector Lays egg singly, and eggs are cigar shaped. Female mosquito acts as vector.  They do not fly over long distance- <100mts(110yards), this factor facilitates its eradication.
  • 21. Transmission In most tropical areas A-aegypti is highly urbanized. They breed in fresh water like water stored for drinking or bathing and in rain water collected in any container. Dengue viruses have also been recovered from Aedes- Albopictus.
  • 22. Transmission Outbreaks in the Pacific area have been attributed to several other Aedes species. These species breed in water trapped in vegetation.
  • 23. The pathogenesis of severe disease is not well understood Various mechanisms of severe disease have been suggested , including 1. Antibody –dependent enhancements 2.Complement activation by virus- antibody complex 3. T-cell mediated immuno pathology 4.Cytokine abundance
  • 24. Pathogenesis In experimental studies of dengue virus infection in rhesus monkeys, after subcutaneous inoculation, virus was disseminated rapidly to regional lymph nodes and then to lymphatic tissue through out the body.
  • 25. Pathogenesis Early in the viremic period virus could be recovered only from lymphonodes. 2-3 days later there will be evidence of dissemination of skin and other tissues Virus was recovred from skin, lymphonodes and several leukocyte –rich tissues for up to 3 days after termination of Viremia.
  • 26. Pathogenesis The number of sites of virus recovery greater as the infection progresses. Intra cellular infection is terminated abruptly 2-3 days after viremia ceases. Animals infected with dengue virus type, 1,3 & 4 and then infected with dengue virus type 2 circulated virus at higher titer than when the strain was inoculated on to susceptible animals.
  • 27. Pathogenesis Epidemiological , Clinical and virologic studies of DHF / DSS in humans have shown a significant association between severe illness and infection in presence of circulating dengue antibody. If tissue culture or suckling mice are used for virus recovery, dengue virus almost invariably is absent in tissues at the time of death. Tissue suspension contain large qualities of dengue neutralizing substances.
  • 28. Pathogenesis DHF / DSS occurred in children who were circulating enhancing antibodies from a previous single dengue virus infection. But did not occur in children whose first infection left them with low levels of cross reactive Dengue virus type-2 neutralizing antibodies at the time of second dengue virus infections.
  • 29. Pathogenesis In vitro studies of dengue virus type-2 demonstrated enhanced growth in cultures of human mononuclear phagocytes that were supplemented with very small qualities of dengue antibodies. It has been proposed that the number of infected mono nuclear phagocytes in individuals with naturally or passively acquired antibody may exceed that in non immune individuals.
  • 30. Pathogenesis Increase production of infected cells may contribute to shock, possibly through the release of cytokines, themselves the products of the immune elimination of virus infected, mononuclear phagocytes through cell mediated mechanisms.
  • 31. Pathogenesis It is thought that the reduced risk to DHF / DSS of protein – calorie malnourished children is consistent with hypothesis that a competent immune elimination system generates the cytokines that produce DHF / DSS.
  • 32. Pathogenesis Early in the acute stage of secondary dengue virus infection, there is rapid activation of the complement system. During shock : Blood levels of C1q, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 and C3 proactivator are depressed. C3 catabolic rates elevated. The blood clotting and fibrinolytic system are activated.
  • 33. Pathogenesis Recent studies suggest a role for tumor necrosis factor and interferon gamma. As yet neither the mediator of vascular permiability nor complete mechanism of bleeding has been identified.
  • 34. Pathogenesis Capillary damage allows fluid electrolytes, protein, and in some instances red blood cell to leak in to intra vascular spaces. This internal redistribution of fluid together with deficit due to fasting, thirsting and vomiting results in hemo concentration, hypovolemia, increased cardiac work, tissue hypoxia, metabolic acidosis and hyponatremia.
  • 35. Pathogenesis A mild degree of DIC plus liver damage and thrombocytopenia Could contribute additively to produce haemorrhage.
  • 36. Pathology Pathologic examination there usually are no gross or microscopic lesions found that might account for death.  In rare instances death may be due to gastro intestinal or intra cranial hemorrhages.  Haemorrhages are seen in: Upper GI tract intra ventricular septum of heart, on the pericardium. And on the subserosal surfaces of major viscera. 
  • 37. Pathology Focal hemorrhages occasionally seen in the lungs, liver, adrenals, sub arachniod space. The liver is usually is enlarged often with fatty changes.  Yellow watery at times blood tinged effusions are present in serous cavities in about ¾ of patient and retro peritoneal tissues are markedly edematous.
  • 38. Pathology Microscopy Perivascular edema in the soft tissues and wide spread of diapedesis of RBC. There may be maturational arrest of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow and increased numbers of them are seen in capillaries of lungs, in renal grlomeruli and in sinusoids of the liver and spleen.
  • 39. Pathology Microscopy Proliferation of lymphoid and plasma cytoid cells, lymphocytolysis and lymphophagocytosis occurs in the spleen and lymphonodes. In the spleen malpighian corpuscle germinal centres are necrotic there is a depletion of lymphocytes in the thymus.
  • 40. Pathology Microscopy  Liver: there are varying degrees of Falty metamorphosis, Focal midzonal necrosis Hyperplasia of the Kupffer Cells. Non nucleated cells with vacuolated acidophilic cytoplasm resembling councilmanbodies are seen in the sinusoids.
  • 41. Pathology Microscopy Kidney:There is a mild proliferative glamerulo nephritis . Skin: Biopsies of the rash reveal swelling and minimal necrosis of endothelial cells. Subcutaneous deposits of fibrinogen and in a few cases dengue antigen in extra vascular mononuclear cells and on blood vessel walls.
  • 42. Dengue Classification  Dengue fever Dengue haemorrhagic fever Dengue shock syndrome Expanded dengue syndrome
  • 43.
  • 44. Classification Dengue fever  Dengue fever is an acute febrile viral illness presenting with Headache, bone (break bone fever), or joint (chikungunya or o-nyony-nyong) and muscular pains, rash and leucopenia caused by arthropod borne viruses.
  • 45. Age & sex distribution 1 7 9 3 2 4 8 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 <1 yr 1-5 yrs 5-10 yrs >10 yrs Male Female
  • 50. Natural course of illness 2.1. Undifferentiated fever Those who have been infected with dengue virus,especially for the first time (i.e. primary dengue infection), may develop a simple fever indistinguishable from other viral infections. 2.2. Dengue fever (DF) It is generally an acute febrile illness, with severe headache, myalgia,
  • 51. arthralgia and rashes. Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia may also be observed. Although DF may be benign, it could be an incapacitating disease with severe headache, muscle and joint and bone pains (breakbone Fever). Occasionally unusual haemorrhage such as gastrointestinal bleeding, hypermenorrhea and massive epistaxis may occur.
  • 52. Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) DHF is characterized by the acute onset of high fever and is associated with signs and symptoms similar to DF in the early febrile phase. Plasma leakage is the hallmark of DHF which occurs soon after the end of the febrile phase. There is a tendency to develop hypovolemic shock (dengue shock syndrome) due to plasma leakage.
  • 53. High-risk patients Infant and the elderly Obesity  pregnant women PUD  Women who have menstruation or abnormal vaginal bleeding Hemolytic disease Congenital heart disease Chronic disease such as DM, HTN,CRF,IHD, Asthama, Liver cirrhosis Patient on steroid or NSAID treatment
  • 54. Warning signs No clinical improvement or worsening of the situation just before or during the transition to afebrile phase or the disease progresses . Persistent vomiting . Severe abdominal pain . Lethargy and / or restlessness ,sudden behavioral change . Bleeding : Epistaxis, black stool, haematemesis, excessive menstrual bleeding , dark coloured urine (haemoglobinuria)or haematuria.
  • 55. Giddiness Pale, cold and clammy hands and feet . Less /no urine output for 4-6 hours . Liver enlargement >2cm. Haematocrit>20%.
  • 56.
  • 57. Tourniquet Test Inflate blood pressure cuff to a point midway between systolic and diastolic pressure for 5 minutes Positive test: 20 or more petechiae per 1 inch² (6.25 cm²)
  • 59.
  • 60. Atypical manifestation Neurolgical: •Febrile seizures in young children •Encephalopathy •Encephalitis/aseptic meningitis •Subdural effusions •Mononeuropathies/polyneuropathies/guilane-barre syndrome •Transverse myelities
  • 61. Gastrointestinal/hepatic: Hepatitis/fulminant hepatic failure Acalculous cholecystitis Acute pancreatitis Hyperplasia of peyer’s patches Acuteparotitis
  • 62. Renal: Acute renal failure Hemolytic uremic syndrome Cardiac: Conduction abnormalities myocarditis pericarditis
  • 63. Respiratory Acute respiratory syndrome Pulmonary haemorrhage Musculoskeletal Myositis with raised creative phosphokinase Rhabdomyolysis
  • 64. Lymphoreticular/ bonemarrow : Infection associated haemophagocytic syndrome ITP Spontaneous splenic rupture Lymph node infarction
  • 65. Eye Macular haemorrhage Impaired visual acuity Optic neuritis Others Post-infectious fatigue syndrome, depression, hallucinations, psychosis, alopecia
  • 66. Expanded dengue syndrome / Isolated organopathy ( unusual manifestation ) patients with dengue illness can sometimes develop unusual manifestations such as involvement of liver ,kidneys ,brain or heart with or without evidence of fluid leakage and therefore do not necessarily fall into the category of DHF. These conditions are very rare and management is symptomatic . Such unusual manifestations may be associated with coinfections and comorbidities. However , these manifestations if seen in DHF patients are mostly a result of prolonged shock leading to organ failure .
  • 67.
  • 68. Lab investigations for diagnosis management Dengue virus infection creates a broad spectrum of symptoms , several of which are non – specific . Thus ,a clinical diagnosis based on only symptoms is untrustworthy .Early laboratory confirmation of clinical diagnosis may be important because some patients progress within a short period from mild to severe disease and sometimes to death . Early intervention may be life –saving. The management of DS is based on clinical judgment rather than laboratory evaluations alone . However , few indirect tests may be suggestive of DS from the outset . The following tests may be done .
  • 69. Lab tests for diagnosis and monitoring : CBC: including Total Leucocyte Count, Total Platelet Count and Hct should be done on first consultation of the patient to have the baseline : Recommendations:  All febrile patients at the first visit .  All patients with warning signs .  All patients with fever >3 days . Leucopenia is common in both adults and children with DF and has an important diagnostic implication in early period . The change in total white cell count (<_5ooo cells /mm3) and ratio of neutrophils to lymphocyte (neutrophils< lymphocytes ) is useful to
  • 70. predict the critical period of plasma leakage . This finding precedes thrombocytopenia or rising haematocrit. This changes seen in DF and DHF both . Thrombocytopenia is observed in some patients with DF Mild thrombocytopenia (100,000-150,000 cells /mm3)is common and about half of all DF patients have platelet count below 100,000 cells /mm3; A sudden drop In platelet count to below 100,000 occurs before the onset of shock or subsidence of fever . The level of platelet count is correlated with severity of DHF. Severe thrombocytopenia (<100,000/mm3) usually precedes / accompanies overt plasma leakage .
  • 71. Hct : A slight increase may be due to high fever , anorexia and vomiting (10%). A sudden rise in haematocrit is observed simultaneously or shortly after the drop in platelet count.Haemoconcentration or rising haematocrit by 20% from the baseline , e.g. from haematocrit of 35% to >_42% is objective evidence of leakage of plasma .1 of haematocrit may be affected by early volume replacement and by bleeding .  Serum AST(SGOT) and ALT(SGPT): AST and ALT levels are frequently elevated in both adults and children with DF and DHF; -- Levels are significantly higher (5-15 times the upper limit of normal )in patients with DHF.
  • 72. Other findings are hypoproteinemia/ albuminaemia (as a consequence of plasma leakage ), hyponatremia, Albuminuria. Occult blood is often found in the stool . In DSS cases , assays of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors show reduction . Partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time are prolonged in about half and one third of DHF cases respectively . Thrombin time is also prolonged in severe cas.
  • 73. Dengue Diagnostic Test Detection of antigen: NS1 antigen (non- structural protein 1): NS1 antigen rapid test –positive within minutes of starting symptoms . The ELISA NS1 antigen will be positive on first day of illness . This test becomes negative from day 4-5 of illness . Commercial kits for the detection of NS1 antigen are now available in ELISA or rapid test format .
  • 74. Detection of Antibody(Anti dengue antibody test ) Dengue lgM/lgG test (MAC ELISA or Rapid ICT)  Anti –dengue lgM specific antibodies can be detected 3-5 days after the onset of fever .  lgM is detected and which increase to 95-98%, by day 6-10.  It can be detected in low level up to 1-3 months after fever .  In primary dengue infection –IgM will be more than lg G early period and increased lg G at 9 or 10th day of fever . Level of this lgG may persist at low levels for decades , indicating past dengue infection .
  • 75. Detection of antibody(cont..) In secondary dengue infection – higher elevation of anti- dengue specific lgG antibodies and lower levels of lgM. The higher lgG levels remain for 30-40 days . Rapid ICT test provides result within 15-20 minutes .
  • 76. Dengue virus isolation Dengue virus isolation from serum ,plasma and leukocytes is the most definitive test for dengue infection ,which can be accomplished in majority of cases if the sample is taken in the few days of illness . Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or autopsy sample Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue ,serum or cerebrospinal fluid by immunohistochemistry ,immunofluorescence or enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay. Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by reverse transcription –polymerase chain reaction.
  • 77. Nucleic Acid Detection The reverse transcriptase ploymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-confirm diagnosis (<5 days of illness ). The amplified DNA viral RNAs can be detected by tradition or real time PCR. The test is expensive and available only in referral centers.
  • 78. Case definitions Purpose Case definitions are developed as aid tools for Early Diagnosis and Promote Treatment ,Epidemiological surveillance and Reporting .But this should not supersede the good clinical judgment in individualized situation .The purpose is as follows : 1. For uniformity in clinical case management at both outpatient and inpatient setups . 2. For uniform reporting of the cases to designed appropriate health authority .
  • 79. Dengue fever Suspected Dengue Actual febrile illness with two or more of following : Headache Retro-orbital pain Myalgia Rash Haemorrhagic manifestations Leucopenia (wbc<_5000 cells mm3) Thrombocytopenia(platelet count<150000 cells/mm3) Rising haematocrit(5-10%) And High index of suspicion based on period ,population & place . And Absence of convincing evidence of any other febrile illness .
  • 80. Probable dengue Suspected dengue and at least one of following : Supportive serology on single serum sample : titre >_1280 with haemagglutination inhabition test ,comparable IgG titre with enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay, or testing positive in IgM antibody test .
  • 81. Confirmed dengue Probable dengue and at least one of the following : Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or autopsy samples . Fourfold or greater increase in serum lgG (by haemagglutination inhalation test ) or increase in lgM antibody specific to dengue virus . Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue ,serum or cerebrospinal fluid by immunohistochemistry ,immunofluorescence or enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay. Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by reverse transcription –polymerase chain reaction .
  • 82. Therefore suspected DF and DHF patients should be closely monitored to identify patients with DHF.For efficient management of DHF it is important to understand its natural history and its dynamic nature. Clinical course of DHF is stereotypic and consists of three stages Febrile phase Critical phase (leakage phase) Convalescent phase
  • 83. Febrile phase Febrile phase is characterized by continuing high fever lasting for 2-7 days. Other features seen in the febrile phase include facial flushing/diffuse blanching erythema of the skin, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, nausea and vomiting. Some patients may have sore throat, injected pharynx, conjunctival injection and diarrhoea. Mild haemorrhagic manifestations can occur. Leucopenia (WBC<5000 mm3) and mild thrombocytopenia (<150,000 /mm3) are common in the late febrile phase. Above features are usually indistinguishable between DF and DHF during the febrile phase. However, the presence of tender hepatomegaly favours the diagnosis of DHF.
  • 84. Critical phase (leakage phase) The critical phase is heralded by the onset of plasma leakage. This usually occurs towards the late febrile phase, often after the 3rd day of fever, usually around the 5th or 6th day of illness with defervescence (settling of fever). However some patients may enter the critical phase while having high fever.
  • 85. Plasma leakage is due to increased capillary permeability. Plasma leakage in DHF is selective and transient and usually lasts f o r 24-48 hours. Increased capillary permeability is the result of immune mediators and is not a result of destruction of capillaries. Though the disease is systemic, plasma leakage occurs selectively into the peritoneal and pleural spaces. Pericardial effusion, if there is any, is rather minimal. Generalized or facial oedema, if seen, is more likely to be due to fluid overload rather than due to plasma leakage.
  • 86. With the leakage of plasma there will be haemo- concentration which will manifest as an increase in HCT. A 20% rise of HCT from the baseline is indicative of significant plasma leakage. (A smaller rise in HCT which may be seen in the early phase of the disease is usually due to dehydration). A rise in HCT less than 20% can be found in patients who received excess oral/I.V. fluids or in patients with bleeding. Other evidence of plasma leakage are a decrease in serum albumin (<3.5g/dl) and non-fasting serum cholesterol (<100 mg/dl).
  • 87. Convalescent phase (recovery phase) This starts after the end of the critical phase and usually lasts 2-5 days. There will be reabsorption of extravasated fluid during this period. Features which would suggest that the patient has reached the convalescent phase are:  Improved general wellbeing and improved appetite  Appearance of convalescent rash  Generalized itching (more intense in palms and soles)  Haemodynamic stability  Bradycardia (seen in some patients)  Diuresis  Stabilization of Haematocrit (HCT) may even be lower than baseline due to reabsorption of extravasated fluid)  Rise in white cell count followed by a rise in the platelet count
  • 90. Probable DHF Suspected DHF and at least one of following : Supportive serology on single serum sample : titre >_1280 with haemagglutination inhabition test ,comparable IgG titre with enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay, or testing positive in IgM antibody test .
  • 91. Confirmed DHF Probable case with at least one of the following : Isolation of dengue virus from serum ,CSF or autopsy samples . Fourfold or greater increase in serum lgG (by haemagglutination inhalation test ) or increase in lgM antibody specific to dengue virus . Detection of dengue virus or antigen in tissue ,serum or cerebrospinal fluid by immunohistochemistry ,immunofluorescence or enzyme –linked immunosorbent assay. Detection of dengue virus genomic sequence by reverse transcription –polymerase chain reaction .
  • 92. DHF Approximately 20-30% of cases of dengue H.F. are complicated by shock (DSS) Fewer than 10% of patients have gross echymosis or gastro intestinal bleeding usually after a period of corrected shock.
  • 93. DHF After a 24 to 36 hrs period of crisis, convalescence is fairly rapid in children who recover. The temperature may return to normal before or during the stage of shock. Bradycardia and ventricular extrasystoles are common during convalescence.
  • 94. Dengue shock syndrome Dengue shock syndrome is a presentation of Dengue syndromes when a case of DHF manifests circulatory failure with one or more of the following features : Criteria for dengue haemorrhagic fever as above with signs of shock including : o Tachycardia ,cool extremities ,delayed capillary refill ,weak pulse ,lethargy or restlessness ,which may be a sign of reduced brain perfusion . o Pulse pressure _< 20mmHg with increased diastolic pressure ,e.g. 100/80mmHg. o Hypotension by age ,defined as systolic pressure .
  • 95. Severity grading of dengue syndrome DF /DHF Grad e Symptoms Laboratory DF Fever with two or more of the following signs; headache, retro- orbital pain, Myalgia, arthralgia. Luecopenia occasionally Thromocytopenia may be present, no evidence of plasma leakage. DHF I Above signs plus positive tourniquet test. Thrombocytopenia <100,000 HCt rise>20% DHF II Above signs plus spontaneous bleeding Thrombocytopenia <100,000, HCt rise>20%. DHF III Above signs plus circulatory failure (rapid weak pulse, pressure, cold clammy skin, restlessness and capillary refill time >3sec) Thrombocytopenia <100,000, Het rise >20% DHF IV Profound shock with undectable blood pressure and pulse Thrombocytopenia <100,000, rise >20%. 
  • 96. Diagnosis D.F Clinical diagnosis (High suspicion) Knowledge of the geographic distribution. Environmental cycles of causal viruses. The term dengue like disease should be used until a specific diagnosis is established.
  • 97. Diagnosis D.H.F WHO Criteria For DHF : Fever, Minor or Major Hemorrhagic manifestations. Thrombocytopenia ( < 100000 / mn3) Objective evidence of increased capillary permeability (hematocrit increased > 20%) X-ray pleural effusion Hypoalbuminemia. DSS : Above mentioned criteria plus hypo tension and narrow pulse pressure ( < 20 mm of Hg)
  • 98. Diagnosis D.H.F Virologic diagnosis can be established by serologic tests or by isolation of the virus from blood leukocytes or serum. Both in primary and second dengue infections, there is relatively transient appearance of anti dengue immunoglobulin IgM antibodies. These antibodies disappear after 6-12 weeks which can be used to time a dengue infection.
  • 99. Diagnosis D.H.F In secondary infection most antibody is of the IgG class. Serological diagnosis depends on a four fold or greater increase in IgG antibody titer in paired sera By: Hemaglutination inhibition. Complement fixation Enzyme immunoassay Neutralization tests
  • 100. Diagnosis D.H.F Carefully standardized immunoglobulin IgM, and IgG capture enzyme immuno assays are now to identify the acute phase antibodies from patients with primary or secondary dengue infections in single serum samples. (IgG antibody concentrations are abundant in secondary but minimum in primary) usually such samples should be collected not earlier than 5 days nor later than 6 weeks after onset.
  • 101.
  • 102. D/D D.F The DDS of DF includes viral respiratory and influenza like diseases. Early stages of Malaria , mild yellow fever, scrub typhus, viral hepatitis and leptospirosis. Four arboviral diseases have dengue like courses but without rash – Colorado Tick fever, sand fly fever, Rift valley fever and Ross river
  • 103. D/D D.H.F Meningo Cocccemia , Yellow Fever other viral hemorrhagic fevers, many in rickettsial diseases and other severe illneses caused by a variety of agents may produce clinical picture similar to DHF.
  • 104. Management of those who do not need Admission Following treatment measures are recommended:  Ensure adequate oral fluid intake of around 2500 ml for 24 hours (if the body weight is less than 50kg give fluids as 50ml/kg for 24 hours). This should consist of oral rehydration fluid, coconut water, other fruit juices, kanji or soup rather than plain water. Exclude red and brown drinks which could cause confusion with haematemesis or coffee ground vomitus.commercial carbonated drinks that exceed the isotonic level should be
  • 105.  Adequate physical rest  Tepid sponging for fever  Paracetamol not exceeding 2 tablets six hourly (reduce dose for patients with lower body weights). Warn the patient that the fever may not fully settle with paracetamol and advice not to take excess.  A nti-emetics and H2 receptor blockers if necessary  Avoid all NSAIDS and steroids  Withhold Aspirin, Clopidogrel & Dipyridamole in patients who take these on long term basis
  • 106. Advise immediate return for review if any of the following occur:  Clinical deterioration with settling of fever  Inability to tolerate oral fluids  Severe abdominal pain  Cold and clammy extremities  Lethargy or irritability/restlessness  Bleeding tendency including inter-menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia  Not passing urine for more than 6 hours
  • 107. Management Indications of hospitalizations  Restlessness or lethargy frequent vomiting one or two days of febrile illness.  Cold extremities or circumoral cyanosis.  Bleeding in any form.  Rapid and weak pulse.  Capillary refill time > 3 seconds.  Narrowing of pulse pressure (<20 mm Hg) or Hypo tension.  Hematocrit of 40 or rising hematocrit.  Platelet count of < 1,00000/ mm3  Acute abdominal pain  Evidence of Plasma leakage. Eg. Pleural effusion /Ascities
  • 108. Management Dengue fever  There is no specific anti viral treatment and  The management is essentially supportive and symptomatic (Bedrest)  The key to success is frequent monitoring and changing strategies depending on clinical and laboratory evaluations.
  • 109. Management Dengue fever  The management of dengue fever is symptomatic and supportive.  Bed rest is advisable during the acute febrile phase.  Antipyretics or cold sponging should be used to keep the body temperature < 400C.  Analgesics and mild sedation may be required to control pain
  • 110. Management Dengue fever  Fluids and electrolyte replacement therapy is required when there are deficits due to sweating/ fasting / thirsting / vomiting or diarrhea.  Because of the dengue hemorrhageic diathesis aspirin should not be given to reduce fever or control pain.
  • 111. Management DHF Electrolyte and dextrose Solution ( as used in diarrhea disease) or Fruit Juice or both are preferable to plain water. With high fever there is a risk of convulsion and antipyretic drugs may be indicated.
  • 112. Management DHF Acetaminophen is preferable at the following doses younger than year of age 60mg / dose, 1-3 years 60-120mg/dose, 3-6 years – 120 mg/dose, 6- 12 years 240mg /dose children should be observed closely for early signs of shock. The critical period is the transition from febrile to afebrile phase. A rise in hematocrit value indicates significant plasma loss and a need for parenteral fluid therapy.
  • 113. Management DHF In grade I and II volume replacement can be given in a period of 12-24 hours. Patients with any signs of bleeding and persistently high hematocrit values dispite being given volume replacement should be admitted to hospital.
  • 114. Management DHF The volume and type of fluid should be similar to that used in the treatment of diarrhea with moderate isotonic dehydration but the rate should be carefully titrated. The required volume should be charted on a 2 – 3 hours basis and the rate of administration adjusted throughout the 24 – 48 hours period of leakage.
  • 115. 6.5.3 When the patient is in the critical phase (leakage phase) The fluid requirement, both oral and intravenous, in critical phase (48 hours) is calculated as M+5% (maintenance + 5% deficit). Maintenance (M) is calculated as follows:  For the 1st 10 kg -100 ml/kg  For the 2nd 10 kg - 50 ml/kg  From 20 kg and above up to 50 kg - 20 ml/kg  5% deficit is calculated as 50 ml/kg up to 50kg
  • 116. Management DHF Serial haemetocrit determination every 4 – 6 hours and frequent recording of vital signs are recorded for adjusting the fluid replacement. In order to assume adequate volume replacement and avoid over transfusion.
  • 118. DHF Fluid Management Formula ml / hr = (drop / min) x 3 The fluid replacement should be the minimum volume i.e. sufficient to maintain effective circulation during the period of leakage. Excessive replacement will cause respiratory distress (from massive pleural effusion and ascites). Pulmonary congestion and edema
  • 119. D H F Fluid management The type of fluid used are 1) Crystalloid and 2) Colloidal I. Crystalloid 1/3 to ½ of the total fluid as physiologic saline solution (NS) ½ to 2/3 of the remainder as 5% glucose in water. For acidosis ¼ of the total fluid should be 1/6 molar sodium bicarbonate.
  • 120. D H F Fluid management  5% dextrose in ringer lactate solution  5% dextrose in ringer acetate solution  5% dextrose in half strength NS.  5% dextrose in NS solution.
  • 121. Fluid management Colloids  Dextran 40 and plasma Management of Shock : DSS is a medical emergency that requires prompt and vigorous volume replacement therapy. There are also electrolytes (sodium) and acid base disturbances it must be consider that there is a high potential for developing DIC. And stagnant acidemia. Blood will promote and or enhance DIC which may lead to sever hemorrhage and or irreversible shock.
  • 122. The replacement of plasma loss  Immediate replacement of plasma loss with isotonic salt solution (5% dextrose in ringer acetate solution or 5% dextrose in NS) at the rate of 10-20ml / kg body weight are in case of profound shock (grade-4) as a bolus of 10ml/kg body weight (1-2 times) should take place.
  • 123. ABCS If the patient is not responding to two boluses of crystalloid, contributory causes for shock other than plasma leakage should be considered. These are, Acidosis check venous blood gas (if present, check liver and renal profiles) Bleeding check HCT Calcium and other electrolytes (sodium and potassium) - check serum Sugar check random capillary blood sugar
  • 124. It is important to correct these conditions as quickly as possible. If the patient is clinically acidotic one dose of 50 ml of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate may be given empirically if blood gas cannot be assessed. Empirical treatment with 10% calcium gluconate 10 ml over 10 minutes is justifiable if a patient is in shock and is not responding to adequate fluid replacement, this may be continued six hourly. IV calcium gluconate may be used in patients who show evidence of myocardial involvement as well, as hypocalcaemia is common in DHF patients and calcium may improve the myocardial contractility in such patients
  • 125. If the blood g l u c o s e l e v e l i s less than 7 0 mg/dl correct it by giving 15 – 20g glucose orally or intravenously. At the time of shock, use 30–40 ml of 50% Dextrose (15-20g) intravenously. Re-check capillary blood sugar in 15 minutes and if it is less than 7 0 mg/dl repeat 30- 40ml of 50% Dextrose intravenously.
  • 126. The replacement of plasma loss In case of continued or propound shock (with high haematocrit values) colloidal fluid (dextran or medium molecular weight in NSS or plasma) should be given the following initial fluid at a rate of 10- 20ml/kg body weight / hour. Blood transfusion is indicated in cases with profound and persistent shock dispite declining hematocrit values after initial fluid replacement
  • 127. The replacement of plasma loss When improvement is apparent the rate of I/V fluid replacement should be reduced and adjusted 1-2 hourly throughout the 24 hours period. Colloidal fluid is indicated in cases with massive leakage and to whom a large volume of crystalloid fluid as been given.
  • 128. The replacement of plasma loss In small children 5% dextrose in a half strength normal saline solution (5% dextrose / ½ NSS ) initial resuscitation and 5% dextrose in ½ NSS may be used in infants under 1 year age. If the serum sodium is normal.
  • 129. D H F Discontinuation of IV fluids WHEN: The hematocrit reading drops to around 40% Vital signs are stable. A good urine out flow indicates sufficient circulate renal volume. A return of appetite and diuresis are signs of recovery
  • 130. D H F Discontinuation of IV fluids It is extremely important to emphasize that a drop in heamatocrit reading at this stage should not be interpreted as a sign of internal hemorrhage. Strong pulse, BP with wide pulse pressure and diuresis are good vital signs during this re-absorption phase.
  • 131. D H F Management (contd)  Sedations are needed in some cases because of marked agitation.  Hepatotoxic drugs should be avoided.  Chloral hydrate orally or rectally recommended in a dose of 30 – 50 mg/kg as a single hypotonic dose (maximum dose 1gram).
  • 132. D H F Management (contd)  In cases without pulmonary complications paraldehyde 0.1ml/kg I.M. (maximum dose 10ml) also be use.  Oxygen therapy should be given to all patients in shock. The oxygen mask or tent may increase apprehension.
  • 133. Management of fluid overload Review the total intravenous fluid therapy and clinical course and check and correct for abcs. All hypotonic solution should be stopped . Switch from crystalloid to colloid solutions as bolus fluid . Dextran 40 is effective as 10 ml/kg bolus infusion , but the dose is restricted to 30ml/kg/day because of its renal effects .
  • 134. Management Blood transfusion Transfusion with fresh whole blood is preferable and the amount to given should be such that normal RBC concentration is not exceeded. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) may be indicated in cases where consumptive coagulopathy causes massive bleeding. DIC is usual in sever shock and may play an important part in the development of massive bleeding or lethal shock.
  • 135. Management Platelet transfusion Platelet transfusion in cases of DHF / DSS is also surrounded with controversies. Mild reductions in platelet counts are usually not associated with significant bleeding. Secondly thrombocytopenia in DHF / DSS is a short lived phenomenon with platelets returning to normal by 7 to 9 days.
  • 136. Management Platelet transfusion Platelet transfusions are recommended only for children with platelet count of 50,000 / mm3 and having significant bleeding manifestations. Prophylactic platelet concentrate is indicated when platelet count is less than 10000-20000 / mm3 (10 to 20ml / kg of platelet).
  • 137. Polyserosities Need the insertion of intercostal tube or ascitic drainage respectively. Caution must be taken before drainage as the chances of sever hemorrhages are high. Patients should be haematologically stabilized first with use of fresh whole blood, FFP or platelet concentrates and drainage of these fluids should be done slowly to prevent sudden circulatory collapse.
  • 138. Polyserosities Large pleural effusions during the recovery phase after 48 hours may need small doses of frusemide (0.25 to 0.5 mg / kg B/w 6th hourly) with these method it may possible to avoid insertion of intercostal drains. Generally steroids do not shorten the duration of disease or improve the prognosis in children receiving careful supportive therapy.
  • 139. Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy in DHF  Maintain adequate airway and oxygenation  Infuse minimal intravenous fluids sufficient to maintain intravascular volume (80% of maintenance)  Use hyper-oncotic colloid solution early if HCT is increased  Infuse Mannitol to reduce intracranial pressure if renal functions are normal  Take measures to maintain serum sodium in-between 145-155 meq/L. (3% hypertonic saline may be of use if Mannitol cannot be used, and if serum sodium is very low)
  • 140. Maintain blood sugar above 60 mg/dl  Give a single dose of Vitamin K 10 mg IV  Give Lactulose to maintain 3-4 bowel motions per day. However, lactulose commonly causes gaseous abdominal distension and this may interfere with respiration in these patients and may even cause aspiration  Treat with broad spectrum antibiotics, which are not excreted through liver, if secondary bacterial infection is suspected (Cefotaxime is preferred)  Oral Metronidazole may be used (supportive evidence is limited)  Ventilate (IPPV) early, if the features of encephalopathy are getting worse
  • 141. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) should not be used routinely, but may be used if there is active bleeding or prior to invasive procedures. (However, be aware of possible fluid overload with FFP) Bowel washes and enemas should be avoided There is no evidence to support the use of L- Arginine L-Ornithine (LOLA) or N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) in these patients and therefore, use of which is not recommended
  • 142. Dengue in Co-morbid Conditions Liver Disease: Baseline liver function tests (LFT) including prothrombin time (PT) is of value when dengue is suspected in patients with chronic liver disease. If AST/ALT is very high the patient is likely to develop neurological involvement (Hepatic Encephalopathy) especially in those with gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. In such patients liver failure regime should be used early . If baseline albumin level is low these patients may have more plasma leakage.
  • 143. Managing these patients with the minimum amount of IV fluids to maintain intravascular volume in order to prevent respiratory distress (acute pulmonary oedema) and/or heart failure is crucial. Prolonged PT or INR (>1.3) indicates that these patients have a tendency for more bleeding and therefore Vitamin K1 IV is recommended. In addition, assessment of the degree of bleeding and transfusing adequate amount of blood and blood components are important considerations.
  • 144. Heart Disease: The key consideration in patients with heart diseases would be to identify the underlying heart disease and the current medication. These patients should be observed carefully with close and continuous monitoring preferably echocardiography especially during the critical phase. Careful adjustment of IV fluid is the key to success and to prevent complications. Those who are on anti-platelet or anti-coagulation therapy are recommended to stop the medication for a few days especially during the critical phase.
  • 145. Myocardial Involvement in Dengue Global dysfunction of myocardial contractility may be seen in DHF patients who are in prolonged shock and the most likely reason is metabolic acidosis. However hypocalcaemia (which is a common finding in DHF patients with moderate to large pleural effusion / ascites) should be considered as well. Hence, if there is evidence of cardiac dysfunction, acidosis and hypocalcaemia should be corrected quickly
  • 146. Empirical treatment with calcium is justifiable if clinically indicated. Myocarditis is an uncommon finding in Dengue and is very unlikely to cause death in a patient with DHF. However, such a patient could easily develop pulmonary oedema with fluid overload. Therefore, if myocardial Involvement is suspected fluid should be given very carefully Treatment of myocardial Involvement is symptomatic.
  • 147. Diabetes Mellitus: Frequent monitoring of blood sugar is important from the time the patients are admitted to hospital. All anti-diabetic drugs have to be switched to insulin in order to keep blood sugar level preferably below 150-200mg/dl. Closely monitor the patient and look for the possible development of Diabetic Ketoacidosis where patient will need more IV fluid, IV insulin as an infusion and monitoring of central venous pressure if possible. Manage the commonly associated conditions with DM, e.g. hypertension
  • 148. Renal Disease: The baseline renal function tests (Blood Urea, Creatinine), electrolytes, acid-base balance, GFR, urine output per day and urine analysis should be performed during the early febrile phase and regularly tested during the course of the illness. Close monitoring of fluid intake and urine output is very important. Fluid overload during convalescent phase is the most important cause of death among these patients. Early consultation with a Nephrologist and early planning of any renal replacement therapy in those patients who are oliguric with signs and symptoms of fluid overload is important.
  • 149. Management of Pregnant patients with DF/DHF close to delivery Risk of bleeding is at its highest during the period of plasma leakage therefore , Unless to save mothers life, avoid Lower segment caesarean section during the critical ( plasma leakage ) phase. Obstetric procedure should be avoided . If obstetric procedure are to be undertaken , Maintain the platelet count above 50,000/mm3.  Single donor platelet transfusion is preferred , if available , if platelet transfusion is necessary .
  • 150. If patient goes into spontaneous labor during critical phase take steps to prevent vaginal tears by performing an episiotomy. Increase of fetal compromise priority should be given to the mothers life .
  • 151. Monitoring Patients should be monitored constantly until there is a reasonable certainly that the danger as passed in practice. Pulse, BP, RR & Temp. be taken every 15 to 30 minutes are more often until the shock resolves.
  • 152. Monitoring  Hematocrit or Hb studies should be performed every two hours for the first six hours then every four hours thereafter until the patient is stable.  Accurate record of intake and output including the type of fluid given should be made.
  • 153. Management of Epidemic Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever  During epidemics, outpatient and inpatient facilities may be overwhelmed.  It is essential that only children requiring hospital care be admitted. A recently elevated body temperature and positive tourniquet test are sufficient to suggest DHF
  • 154. Management of Epidemic Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever When possible, a microhematocrit and platelet count should be done in the outpatient department. Patients with thrombocytopenia and elevated hematocrit counts should be sent to a rehydration ward or, if hematocrit does not fall or rises in the face of fluid therapy, admitted to hospital.
  • 155. Management of Epidemic Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever . If a patient lives a long distance from the hospital and nearby accommodations are not available, admission for observation may be necessary.
  • 156. Regulatory Measures Dengue diseases are not subject to international surveillance regulations. An intensive and effective voluntary reporting system has been devised by the regional offices of the World Health Organization.
  • 157. Prognosis  Children who develop profound shock rapidly with no detectable diastolic pressure or with unobtainable blood pressure.  Children in shock with delayed admission to hospital.  Children in shock with gastrointestinal hemorrhage have a poor prognosis.  Mortality rates may exceed 50 per cent in these groups.
  • 159. PREVENTION  Tissue culture-based vaccines for dengue virus types 1, 2, 3 and 4 are immunogenic but not available for general use.  Prophylaxis depends on use of insecticides, repellents, body protective clothing, and screening of houses to avoid the bite of the mosquito.  Destruction of A. aegypti breeding sites also is effective.
  • 160. PREVENTION  If water storage is mandatory, a light-fitting lid or a thin layer of oil may prevent egg deposits or hatching.  A larvicide, such as Abate, available as a 1% sand granule formulation and effective at a concentration of 1 part per million, may be added safely to drinking water.
  • 161. EPIDEMIC MEASURES World Health Organization recommendations are as follow : On the basis of epidemiologic and entomologic information, the size of the area that requires adult mosquito abatement should be determined. With technical malathion or fenitrothion at 438 ml/ha, two adulticidal treatments at a 10-day interval should be made by use of a vehicle-mounted or portable ultra-low-volume aerosol generator or mist blower.
  • 162. EPIDEMIC MEASURES Cities of moderate size should stockpile at least one vehicle-mounted aerosol generator, five mist blowers, 10 swing fog machines, and 1000 liters of ultra-low- volume insecticides to be prepared to carry out adulticidal operations over a 20-km2 area rapidly.
  • 163. EPIDEMIC MEASURES  With limited funds, such equipment and insecticides can be stockpiled centrally for rapid transportation where required. Priority areas for launching ground applications are those having a concentration of cases.
  • 164. EPIDEMIC MEASURES  Special attention should be focused on areas where people congregate during daylight hours, for example, hospitals and schools. If necessary, ultra-low-volume insecticides may be applied from aircraft. C47 or similar aircraft, smaller agricultural spray planes, and helicopters have been used to make aerial applications.  During the early stages of epidemics, ultra-low- volume spray of 4 % malathion in diesel oil or kerosene may be used to spray all houses within a 100-m radius of the residence of DHF patients.
  • 165. Eradication and Control A. aegypti was eradicated from countries and whole continents with use of the techniques pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation. With time, the species successfully reestablished itself in much of its former range.
  • 166. Eradication and Control An eradication campaign in the United States was abandoned and was replaced by a program of disease surveillance and containment of introduced virus.
  • 167. Eradication and Control  Mosquito control or eradication programs require the simultaneous use of two approaches: Reduction in breeding sites Application of larvicides Alternatively, a significant reduction in population may be effected by closely spaced application of adulticides.
  • 168. Reduction in breeding sites Source reduction campaigns should be well organized, supervised, and evaluated.  Includes proper disposal of discarded cans, bottles, tires, and other potential breeding sites not used for storage of drinking or bathing water.  Drinking and bathing water storage containers and flower vases should be emptied completely once weekly.
  • 169. Reduction in breeding sites Water containers that can not be emptied should be treated with Abate 1% sand granules at dosage of 1 ppm (e.g., 10 g of sand to 100 L of water). Treatments should be repeated at intervals of 2 to 3 months.
  • 170. Application of larvicides Vehicles-mounted or portable ultra-low-volume aerosol generators or mist blowers can be used to apply technical grade malathion or fenitrothion at 438 mL/ha. Three applications made at 1-week intervals can suppress. A aegypti populations for about 2 months.
  • 171. Health Education  A. aegypti control has been maintained effectively in some tropical areas through the simple expedient of emptying water containers once a week.  During the yellow fever campaigns, strong sanitary laws made the breeding of mosquitoes on premises a crime punishable by fine or jail
  • 172. Health Education  In the modern era, Singapore and Cuba have adopted these measures successfully.  Health education through mass media or through the schools has been attempted in Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia without spectacular success.