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Male Sexual Dysfunction:
Workup and Management
Dr Shahjada Selim
Associate Professor, Department of Endocrinology, BSMMU
Faculty in Endocrinology, Texila American University, USA
& EC Member, International Society of Sexual Medicine
Types of Sexual Dysfunction in Male
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
(HSDD) in Men
Krakowsky et al 2016 Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women:DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3100-2
There are two possible approaches to the
treatment of male hypoactive sexual desire
a.psychotherapeutic approaches and
a.Pharmacological approaches
Treatment of MHSDD
Clayton et al. Burden of phase-specifi c sexual dysfunction with SSRIs. J Affect Disord. 2006;91:27–32.
Regarding pharmacological approaches, there are
no effective symptomatic treatments as there are for
other sexual dysfunctions.
Bupropion, has been studied and has shown a
modest effect on women [1].
Flibanserin, an agonist/antagonist of serotonin
receptors, the potential for possible benefit (current
experience is only in research)
….Treatment of Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
1. Segraves et al. Bupropion sustained release (SR) for the treatment of hypoactive exual desire disorder (HSDD) in non-depressed
women. J Sex Marital Ther. 2001;27:303–16.
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
Premature Ejaculation
 It is the most common male sexual dysfunction
 The clinical determination is based on client self
 About 30% of men report chronic premature
 There is a current trend to medicalize ED
 Medication should be used in addition to
Important Aspects of History
 Age at onset of disorder
 Frequency of PE (Consistent or Intermittent)
 Circumstance(s) when PE occurs
 Estimate of Intravaginal Ejaculatory Latency
Time (IELT)
 Any other sexual problems (e.g. ED)?
 How has it affected the relationship(s)?
 How has it impacted the sense of well-being?
Physical Examination and
 Physical exam is not helpful in diagnosing
condition except in some secondary cases
where neurologic conditions or prostatitis
are entertained
 No laboratory test available to confirm the
 Can consider psychological tests to assess
for anxiety disorder
Treatment for PE
 Treat underlying cause (e.g. infection)
if found
 Behavioral interventions
 Pharmacologic Interventions
Treatment of premature
Behavioral interventions:
 Treating sex as novelty.
 Fear & performance anxiety.
 Remind the pt about 3 C’s:
 Confidence
 Calmness
 Clear minded.
Exercises to cure premature
1. Stop start method
with a squeeze
2.Pelvic floor muscles.
Stop the flow of urine (several
times) while you are peeing
Exercises to cure premature
ejaculation (cont.)
Kegel Exercises
Pharmacologic Interventions
 Topical anesthetics
 Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
 Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5Is)
Topical anesthetics
 Mode of Action: Desensitize penis and
therefore increase IELT
 Example: Lidocaine/prilocaine cream
 How to use: Apply to penis 20-30 minutes
prior to intercourse, wash off before sex
 Potential problems
 Loss of pleasurable sensation for male and
 Contact skin reaction or allergy
Lidocaine cream
Desensitization cream
 @Marathon cream
 @Enhance male
 @7.5 % benzocaine
 @For climax control
 @Durex play gel
Tricyclic antidepressants
 Mode of Action: presumed to act via
neurotransmitters involved to inhibit ejaculation
 Example: Clomipramine
 How to use: Can take on as needed basis before
intercourse or continuous basis
 Potential problems
 Side effects
 Doses and regimens not standardized (Not FDA
Daily vs As Needed Clomipramine
 In a study* of on demand (OD) clomipramine
use in men with PE, 3 factors predicted likely
success of OD use
 Men with IELTs of greater than 60 seconds
 Men with higher self-reported sexual
 Men who ejaculated 2 or more times per week
*Rowland et. al., Int J Imp Res (2004); 16: 354-357
Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors (SSRIs)
 Mode of Action: Acts centrally through
serotonin receptors in inhibiting ejaculation
 Example: Paroxetine
 How to use: Can take OD, on a continuous
basis, or a combination of both
 Potential problems
 Side effects
 Doses and regimens not standardized (Not FDA
Oral Therapies- Doses*
Fluoxetine 5- 20 mg/day
Paroxetine 10-40 mg/day or
20 mg 3-4 hrs before
intercourse (BI)
Sertraline 25-200 mg/day or
50 mg 4-8 hrs BI
Clomipramine 25-50 mg/day or
25 mg 4-24 hrs BI
*From Amer Urol Assn Guideline, J Urolog (2004); 172: 290-294
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors
 Mode of Action: ?
 having higher cGMP levels might prolong
nitrous oxide (NO) effect by delaying
ejaculatory emission
 Prolong erections – may reduce performance
anxiety since have improved erections
Example: Sildenafil
Which Option(s) for Patient
 Consider co-morbidities
 e.g. atopic dermatitis, anxiety
 Side effects
 Expense
 Ultimately a shared decision between
patient and provider
Education about PE
 Education is important
 Both men and women have unrealistic expections
about the amount of time spent in intercourse
 15-45 minutes is typical
 Getting men to view women as an intimate sexual
friend is important to therapy
 There are exercise that allow for ejaculatory
 Men and women that are able to communicate
comfortably about sexual feelings, techniques
and request prevent relapse
Delayed Ejaculation
 Normally, a man can achieve orgasm within the
time needed to finish smoking a cigarette or 2-4
minutes of active thrusting during sexual
 Delayed ejaculation occurs when a man
cannot have an orgasm at all or have an orgasm
after prolonged intercourse for 3O -45 minutes or
Delayed Ejaculation
1. Psychological: anxiety or distraction from
2. Physical: adaptation to certain masturbation
Diseases: Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke or damage
to spinal cord, After pelvic surgery.
3. Side effect of medication e.g. antihypertensive,
4. excessive use of alcohol
Treatment is targeting the primary cause(s)
Retrograde ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation does not
interfere with a man's ability to
have an erection or to achieve
orgasm, but it can cause
infertility because the sperm
cannot reach the woman's
Retrograde ejaculation is
responsible for about 1% [0.3-
2%] of all cases of male
infertility in the United States.
Treatment is only needed when
a man wants to father a child.
Ephedrine tablet is effective or
having sperms taken from the
urine for use in artificial
insemination or in vitro
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
 “the consistent or recurrent inability of a
man to attain and/or maintain an erection
sufficient for sexual performance”*
*First International Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction, WHO, 1999
Evaluation of Patients with ED
Sexual history
 Onset of Symptoms
 Duration of Symptoms
 Circumstances when ED occurs
Problems with having an erection
Problems with maintaining an erection
 Libido
 Concurrent premature ejaculation
Medical History in ED
 Any comorbidities?
 CV disease, Diabetes, Depression, Alcoholism
 Smoker?
 Pelvic surgery, radiation, or trauma?
 Neurologic disease?
 Other endocrine disorders?
 Recreational or prescribed medication use?
Medications Known to Cause ED
• Anti-hypertensives: - Diuretics
- Beta-blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
- Centrally acting drugs
• Cardiac medications:- Digoxin
• Psychotropic medication: - Major tranquillizers
- Anti-depressants
- Anxiolytics
• Anti-androgens
• 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors
• Hormones
Physical Examination
 Blood Pressure Measurement
 Testicular Exam
 Exam of Penis
 Vascular and Neurologic Exam if indicated
ED Screening Tool
International Inventory of Erectile Function (IIEF) Score
IIEF Score ED Status
26- 30 Normal
22- 25 Mild ED
17-21 Mild to Moderate ED
11-16 Moderate ED
6-10 Severe ED
A series of questions to determine how severe it is
Laboratory Tests
Aim is to identify/confirm specific etiologies
(eg, hypogonadism or co-morbidities eg, DM,
Recommended tests typically include
 HbA1C
 Lipid Profile and
 Hormone profile (FT4, TSH, T, PRL).
Additional lab tests may be done in concurrent
Neuro-physiological TestsVascular Tests
• Color Duplex Doppler Penile
• ICI (intracavernous injection
pharmacotesting); office test
• Dynamic infusion
/cavernosography (DICC)
• Penile-brachial index
• Selective internal pudendal
arteriography (SIPA)
 Bulbocavernous reflex latency
(BRL) test:- most ↑ rated (2B)
for ED.
 Nocturnal penile tumescence
& rigidity (NPTR)
 Corpus cavernosal-EMG (CC-
 Biothesiometry (penile
vibration sensation testing)
Endothelial Dysfunction tests: Proposed for routine use
• Forearm occlusion methods or
• Simple office recording methods (EndoPat)
Treatment of ED
 Identify and Treat Organic Comorbidities
and other risk factors
 Counsel and Educate the Patient and
 Identify and Treat any Psychosexual
 Medications and Devices
 Surgery
Lifestyle modifications
Weight loss
Increase Exercise
Smoking Cessation
Oral Drug Therapies
 Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors
 Yohimbine
Surgical Methods
Use of PDE5 Inhibitors
 All are almost similarly effective
 75% of men on medications have
satisfactory erection to complete intercourse
 No large head-to-head trials to compare the
3 available medications
 Some patients prefer one over the others
PDE-5i Standard
Take (h)
Prior to Sex
Duration (h)
of Action
Sildenafil 50-100 mg 1.0 < 4
Tadalafil 10-20 mg 0.5 - 12 36
Vardenafil 10-20 mg 0.5-1.0 < 5
Avanafil 50-200 mg 30 > 6
Comparison of PDE5 Inhibitors
*Based on average price reported
PDE5 Inhibitors
• Nitrates (12/24 h separation)
• Guanylate cyclase
activators (pulmonary
• Protease inhibitors
(ritonavir, saquinavir)
• Alpha blockers
• CYP3A4 inhibitors
(grapefruit juice)
• Poor cardiac reserve
(2 flights of stairs)
Side effects
 Headache
 Facial flushing
 GI effects (Heartburn)
 Nasal congestion
 Visual disturbances:
- PDE6 inhibition
-Diplopia, blurred vision
 Myalgia
Patient Counselling about PDE5is Use
 Still require sexual stimulation to have
 Sildenafil’s absorption may be reduced by
foods – especially fatty foods
 Expect maximal efficacy in 1 hour (2 hours
after tadalafil)
 First few doses may not be successful –
try 6-8 times before giving up
 Recommended for all patients
 Efficacy
 Side Effects
 Any significant change in health status
(including new medications)
Algorithm for PDE5i Prescription
Patient with ED
Sexual activity
Predictable Not Predictable
Vardenafil On
On Demand
Tadalafil 5 mg daily +
On Demand extra dose
Why Treatment Failures
 Food or Drug interactions
 Timing of Dose
 ?Maximal Dose
 Lack of Sexual Stimulation
 Heavy Alcohol Use
 Relationship Problems
Yohimbine for ED
 Derived from the bark of the yohimbine
tree in Central Africa
 Traditionally used to treat all forms of
 Believed to work through the Central
Nervous System
 An alpha-2 adrenoreceptor blocker
Yohimbine for ED
 Meta-analysis shows yohimbine superior to
placebo (Odds ratio of 3.85)*
 Relatively safe medication
 Low cost
 American Urology Association does not
recommend its use at this time
*Ernst, Pittler; J Urol (1998); 159: 433-436
• Anti-coagulation
• Poor penile sensation
• Poor cognitive
• Peyronie’s disease
Vacuum Device
Precautions &
Otto Lederer (patent with technical drawing for his vacuum device from 1913).
Intracavernosal Injection Therapy
 PGE1: cAMP activator
• Papaverine: non-specific PDE
• Phentolamine: nonselective α-
• Bypasses neural input
• CCSM health affects
Papaverine & Phentolamine (Androskat)
Papaverine, Phentolamine & PGE1 (trimix)
VIP & phentolamine (invicorp®)
• Direct injection into corpus
• 2/10 o’clock positions
Intracavernosal Injection(ICI)
• H/o Priapism
• Conditions predisposing to
priapism: Sickle cell disease,
Multiple myeloma
• MAOI drugs
• Coagulopathy
• Poor manual dexterity
• Poor vision
• Peyronie’s dis.
Side effects
 Priapism
 Bruising
 Pain (PGE1
 Cavernosal fibrosisAnticoagulation is not a contraindication
Intra-urethral PGE1 (MUSE)
• Priapism
• Urethral bleeding
• Penile pain (PGE1
• Inconsistent
• Vaginal irritation
•PGE1- Both ICI &
intraurethral are effective;
• Injection is more effective
Surgical Treatment for
Erectile Dysfunction
Surgery Evidence Scope/Indication
Arterial revas-
Retrospective studies; No
comparative prospective,
randomized study
Very Limited/ Strict selection criteria.
Age<55, Isolated IP artery stenosis,
Non- smoker, no DM or CVOD
Controvertial & Invest-
igational. Selection Criteria
yet to be unequi-vocally
Numerous studies have
shown ↑ satisfaction rates
for both partners.
•Failed /contra-indicated medical Rx
and other therapies.
• Well-motivation to continue sexual
• Malleable (non-inflatable)
• 2-piece inflatable (no reservoir)
• 3-piece inflatable (reservoir)
 Infection (3%)
 Mechanical malfunction (20%)
 Crossover
 Perforation: urethral / crural
 Mis-sizing
 Delayed erosion
Reproduced from Carson C,Holmes S,Kirby R. Fast Facts-Erectile Dysfunction. Oxford: Health Press Limited; 2002 : 66
Penile Prosthesis
Malleable Penile prosthesis
Summary of Treatment of ED
 Causes of ED need to identified and targeted
 Patient counseling, life style modification &
initial medical therapy constitute the basic
management of ED.
 Oral PDE5I constitute the 1st line of medical
Summary of Treatment of ED
 Vacuum erection device is an alternative in
1st line therapy.
 Intracavernous, intraurethral and topical
pharmaco-therapy are in 2nd line therapy.
 Penile prosthesis is an ultimate & surgical

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Male Sexual Dysfunction: Evaluation and Management by Dr Shahjada Selim

  • 1. Male Sexual Dysfunction: Workup and Management Dr Shahjada Selim Associate Professor, Department of Endocrinology, BSMMU Faculty in Endocrinology, Texila American University, USA & EC Member, International Society of Sexual Medicine
  • 3. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in Men
  • 4. Krakowsky et al 2016 Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women:DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3100-2
  • 5. There are two possible approaches to the treatment of male hypoactive sexual desire disorder: a.psychotherapeutic approaches and a.Pharmacological approaches Treatment of MHSDD Clayton et al. Burden of phase-specifi c sexual dysfunction with SSRIs. J Affect Disord. 2006;91:27–32.
  • 6. Regarding pharmacological approaches, there are no effective symptomatic treatments as there are for other sexual dysfunctions. Bupropion, has been studied and has shown a modest effect on women [1]. Flibanserin, an agonist/antagonist of serotonin receptors, the potential for possible benefit (current experience is only in research) ….Treatment of Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 1. Segraves et al. Bupropion sustained release (SR) for the treatment of hypoactive exual desire disorder (HSDD) in non-depressed women. J Sex Marital Ther. 2001;27:303–16.
  • 8. Premature Ejaculation  It is the most common male sexual dysfunction  The clinical determination is based on client self report  About 30% of men report chronic premature ejaculation  There is a current trend to medicalize ED  Medication should be used in addition to therapy
  • 9. Important Aspects of History  Age at onset of disorder  Frequency of PE (Consistent or Intermittent)  Circumstance(s) when PE occurs  Estimate of Intravaginal Ejaculatory Latency Time (IELT)  Any other sexual problems (e.g. ED)?  How has it affected the relationship(s)?  How has it impacted the sense of well-being?
  • 10. Physical Examination and “Tests”  Physical exam is not helpful in diagnosing condition except in some secondary cases where neurologic conditions or prostatitis are entertained  No laboratory test available to confirm the diagnosis  Can consider psychological tests to assess for anxiety disorder
  • 11. Treatment for PE  Treat underlying cause (e.g. infection) if found  Behavioral interventions  Pharmacologic Interventions
  • 12. Treatment of premature ejaculation Behavioral interventions:  Treating sex as novelty.  Fear & performance anxiety.  Remind the pt about 3 C’s:  Confidence  Calmness  Clear minded.
  • 13. Exercises to cure premature ejaculation 1. Stop start method with a squeeze 2.Pelvic floor muscles. Stop the flow of urine (several times) while you are peeing intentionally
  • 14. Exercises to cure premature ejaculation (cont.) 3.Squeeze technique 4.Condom
  • 16. Pharmacologic Interventions  Topical anesthetics  Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)  Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5Is)
  • 17. Topical anesthetics  Mode of Action: Desensitize penis and therefore increase IELT  Example: Lidocaine/prilocaine cream  How to use: Apply to penis 20-30 minutes prior to intercourse, wash off before sex  Potential problems  Loss of pleasurable sensation for male and partner  Contact skin reaction or allergy
  • 19. Desensitization cream  @Marathon cream  @Enhance male performance  @7.5 % benzocaine  @For climax control  @Durex play gel
  • 20. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)  Mode of Action: presumed to act via neurotransmitters involved to inhibit ejaculation  Example: Clomipramine  How to use: Can take on as needed basis before intercourse or continuous basis  Potential problems  Side effects  Doses and regimens not standardized (Not FDA approved)
  • 21. Daily vs As Needed Clomipramine  In a study* of on demand (OD) clomipramine use in men with PE, 3 factors predicted likely success of OD use  Men with IELTs of greater than 60 seconds  Men with higher self-reported sexual satisfaction  Men who ejaculated 2 or more times per week *Rowland et. al., Int J Imp Res (2004); 16: 354-357
  • 22. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)  Mode of Action: Acts centrally through serotonin receptors in inhibiting ejaculation  Example: Paroxetine  How to use: Can take OD, on a continuous basis, or a combination of both  Potential problems  Side effects  Doses and regimens not standardized (Not FDA approved)
  • 23. Oral Therapies- Doses* Fluoxetine 5- 20 mg/day Paroxetine 10-40 mg/day or 20 mg 3-4 hrs before intercourse (BI) Sertraline 25-200 mg/day or 50 mg 4-8 hrs BI Clomipramine 25-50 mg/day or 25 mg 4-24 hrs BI *From Amer Urol Assn Guideline, J Urolog (2004); 172: 290-294
  • 24. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5Is)  Mode of Action: ?  having higher cGMP levels might prolong nitrous oxide (NO) effect by delaying ejaculatory emission  Prolong erections – may reduce performance anxiety since have improved erections Example: Sildenafil
  • 25. Which Option(s) for Patient  Consider co-morbidities  e.g. atopic dermatitis, anxiety  Side effects  Expense  Ultimately a shared decision between patient and provider
  • 26. Education about PE  Education is important  Both men and women have unrealistic expections about the amount of time spent in intercourse  15-45 minutes is typical  Getting men to view women as an intimate sexual friend is important to therapy  There are exercise that allow for ejaculatory control  Men and women that are able to communicate comfortably about sexual feelings, techniques and request prevent relapse
  • 27. Delayed Ejaculation  Normally, a man can achieve orgasm within the time needed to finish smoking a cigarette or 2-4 minutes of active thrusting during sexual intercourse.  Delayed ejaculation occurs when a man cannot have an orgasm at all or have an orgasm after prolonged intercourse for 3O -45 minutes or more.
  • 28. Delayed Ejaculation Causes: 1. Psychological: anxiety or distraction from environment. 2. Physical: adaptation to certain masturbation technique Diseases: Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke or damage to spinal cord, After pelvic surgery. 3. Side effect of medication e.g. antihypertensive, antidepressant 4. excessive use of alcohol Treatment is targeting the primary cause(s)
  • 30. Retrograde ejaculation does not interfere with a man's ability to have an erection or to achieve orgasm, but it can cause infertility because the sperm cannot reach the woman's uterus. Retrograde ejaculation is responsible for about 1% [0.3- 2%] of all cases of male infertility in the United States.
  • 31. Treatment is only needed when a man wants to father a child. Ephedrine tablet is effective or having sperms taken from the urine for use in artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
  • 33. Erectile Dysfunction (ED)  “the consistent or recurrent inability of a man to attain and/or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual performance”* *First International Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction, WHO, 1999
  • 34. Evaluation of Patients with ED Sexual history  Onset of Symptoms  Duration of Symptoms  Circumstances when ED occurs Problems with having an erection Problems with maintaining an erection  Libido  Concurrent premature ejaculation
  • 35. Medical History in ED  Any comorbidities?  CV disease, Diabetes, Depression, Alcoholism  Smoker?  Pelvic surgery, radiation, or trauma?  Neurologic disease?  Other endocrine disorders?  Recreational or prescribed medication use?
  • 36. Medications Known to Cause ED • Anti-hypertensives: - Diuretics - Beta-blockers - Calcium channel blockers - Centrally acting drugs • Cardiac medications:- Digoxin • Psychotropic medication: - Major tranquillizers - Anti-depressants - Anxiolytics • Anti-androgens • 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors • Hormones
  • 37. Physical Examination  Blood Pressure Measurement  Testicular Exam  Exam of Penis  Vascular and Neurologic Exam if indicated
  • 38. ED Screening Tool International Inventory of Erectile Function (IIEF) Score IIEF Score ED Status 26- 30 Normal 22- 25 Mild ED 17-21 Mild to Moderate ED 11-16 Moderate ED 6-10 Severe ED A series of questions to determine how severe it is
  • 39. Laboratory Tests Aim is to identify/confirm specific etiologies (eg, hypogonadism or co-morbidities eg, DM, dysrlipidemia) Recommended tests typically include  HbA1C  Lipid Profile and  Hormone profile (FT4, TSH, T, PRL). Additional lab tests may be done in concurrent illnesses.
  • 40. Neuro-physiological TestsVascular Tests • Color Duplex Doppler Penile USG (CDDPU) • ICI (intracavernous injection pharmacotesting); office test • Dynamic infusion cavernosometry /cavernosography (DICC) • Penile-brachial index • Selective internal pudendal arteriography (SIPA)  Bulbocavernous reflex latency (BRL) test:- most ↑ rated (2B) for ED.  Nocturnal penile tumescence & rigidity (NPTR)  Corpus cavernosal-EMG (CC- EMG)  Biothesiometry (penile vibration sensation testing) Endothelial Dysfunction tests: Proposed for routine use recently. • Forearm occlusion methods or • Simple office recording methods (EndoPat)
  • 41. Treatment of ED  Identify and Treat Organic Comorbidities and other risk factors  Counsel and Educate the Patient and Partner  Identify and Treat any Psychosexual Dysfunctions  Medications and Devices  Surgery
  • 43. Oral Drug Therapies  Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors (PDE5I)  Yohimbine Surgical Methods
  • 44. Use of PDE5 Inhibitors  All are almost similarly effective  75% of men on medications have satisfactory erection to complete intercourse  No large head-to-head trials to compare the 3 available medications  Some patients prefer one over the others
  • 45. PDE-5i Standard Dose Take (h) Prior to Sex Duration (h) of Action Sildenafil 50-100 mg 1.0 < 4 Tadalafil 10-20 mg 0.5 - 12 36 Vardenafil 10-20 mg 0.5-1.0 < 5 Avanafil 50-200 mg 30 > 6 Comparison of PDE5 Inhibitors *Based on average price reported
  • 46. PDE5 Inhibitors Precaution/contraindication • Nitrates (12/24 h separation) • Guanylate cyclase activators (pulmonary hypertension) • Protease inhibitors (ritonavir, saquinavir) • Alpha blockers • CYP3A4 inhibitors (grapefruit juice) • Poor cardiac reserve (2 flights of stairs) Side effects  Headache  Facial flushing  GI effects (Heartburn)  Nasal congestion  Visual disturbances: - PDE6 inhibition -Diplopia, blurred vision  Myalgia
  • 47. Patient Counselling about PDE5is Use  Still require sexual stimulation to have erection  Sildenafil’s absorption may be reduced by foods – especially fatty foods  Expect maximal efficacy in 1 hour (2 hours after tadalafil)  First few doses may not be successful – try 6-8 times before giving up
  • 48. Follow-up  Recommended for all patients  Efficacy  Side Effects  Any significant change in health status (including new medications)
  • 49. Algorithm for PDE5i Prescription Patient with ED Sexual activity Frequency ≤2/week Predictable Not Predictable Sildenafil/Avanafil/ Vardenafil On Demand Tadalafil On Demand ≥3/week Tadalafil 5 mg daily + On Demand extra dose
  • 50. Why Treatment Failures  Food or Drug interactions  Timing of Dose  ?Maximal Dose  Lack of Sexual Stimulation  Heavy Alcohol Use  Relationship Problems
  • 51. Yohimbine for ED  Derived from the bark of the yohimbine tree in Central Africa  Traditionally used to treat all forms of impotence  Believed to work through the Central Nervous System  An alpha-2 adrenoreceptor blocker
  • 52. Yohimbine for ED  Meta-analysis shows yohimbine superior to placebo (Odds ratio of 3.85)*  Relatively safe medication  Low cost  American Urology Association does not recommend its use at this time *Ernst, Pittler; J Urol (1998); 159: 433-436
  • 53. • Anti-coagulation • Poor penile sensation • Poor cognitive function • Peyronie’s disease Vacuum Device Therapy Precautions & Contraindications Otto Lederer (patent with technical drawing for his vacuum device from 1913).
  • 54. Intracavernosal Injection Therapy  PGE1: cAMP activator Alprostadil/Caverject • Papaverine: non-specific PDE inhibitor • Phentolamine: nonselective α- blocker • Bypasses neural input • CCSM health affects efficacy Agents Technique Papaverine & Phentolamine (Androskat) Papaverine, Phentolamine & PGE1 (trimix) VIP & phentolamine (invicorp®) Combination • Direct injection into corpus cavernosum • 2/10 o’clock positions
  • 55. Intracavernosal Injection(ICI) Therapy Precautions • H/o Priapism • Conditions predisposing to priapism: Sickle cell disease, Multiple myeloma Leukemia. • MAOI drugs • Coagulopathy • Poor manual dexterity • Poor vision • Peyronie’s dis. Side effects  Priapism  Bruising  Pain (PGE1 hypersensitivity)  Cavernosal fibrosisAnticoagulation is not a contraindication
  • 56. Intra-urethral PGE1 (MUSE) • Priapism • Urethral bleeding • Penile pain (PGE1 hypersensitivity) • Inconsistent response • Vaginal irritation Complications •PGE1- Both ICI & intraurethral are effective; • Injection is more effective
  • 57. Surgical Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Surgery Evidence Scope/Indication Arterial revas- cularization Retrospective studies; No comparative prospective, randomized study Very Limited/ Strict selection criteria. Age<55, Isolated IP artery stenosis, Non- smoker, no DM or CVOD Cavernous veno-occlusive dysfunction (CVOD) Controvertial & Invest- igational. Selection Criteria yet to be unequi-vocally developed. Penile prosthesis Numerous studies have shown ↑ satisfaction rates for both partners. •Failed /contra-indicated medical Rx and other therapies. • Well-motivation to continue sexual activity.
  • 58. Types • Malleable (non-inflatable) • 2-piece inflatable (no reservoir) • 3-piece inflatable (reservoir)  Infection (3%)  Mechanical malfunction (20%)  Crossover  Perforation: urethral / crural  Mis-sizing  Delayed erosion Reproduced from Carson C,Holmes S,Kirby R. Fast Facts-Erectile Dysfunction. Oxford: Health Press Limited; 2002 : 66 Penile Prosthesis Complications
  • 60. Summary of Treatment of ED  Causes of ED need to identified and targeted first  Patient counseling, life style modification & initial medical therapy constitute the basic management of ED.  Oral PDE5I constitute the 1st line of medical therapy
  • 61. Summary of Treatment of ED  Vacuum erection device is an alternative in 1st line therapy.  Intracavernous, intraurethral and topical pharmaco-therapy are in 2nd line therapy.  Penile prosthesis is an ultimate & surgical alternatives.