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 What Does Leadership Involve?

 Trait and Behavioral Theories of Leadership

 Situational Theories

 From Transactional to Charismatic Leadership

 Additional Perspectives on Leadership
  - The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model
  - Substitutes for Leadership
  - Servant-Leadership
  - Superleadership
What is Leadership?
• Definition:
  A social influence process in which a person
  seeks the voluntary participation of
  subordinates in an effort to achieve
  organizational goals
A Conceptual Framework for
                  Understanding Leadership

     Leader                 Managerial              Desired End
Characteristics/Traits     Behavior/Roles            Results

• Need for achievement   • Interpersonal roles   • Unit performance
• Need for power         • Informational roles   • Profitability
• Cognitive ability      • Decisional roles      • Goal attainment
• Interpersonal skills                           • Job satisfaction
• Self-confidence                                • Learning
• Ethics                                          organization
A Conceptual Framework for
         Understanding Leadership (continued)
      Leader               Managerial                  Desired End
Characteristics/Traits   Behavior/Roles                  Results

                                     Situational Variables
                                      Individual level
                                 • Leader’s position power
                                 • Follower motivation
                                 • Follower role clarity
                                 • Follower ability

                                    Organizational level
                                 • Resource adequacy
                                 • Task/technology
                                 • Organization structure
                                 • External enviornment
The leader
(trait, style, behavior,                            The task
vision, charisma)                                   (from holistic to
                                                    discretion or
The led (follower)                                  direction)
(motivations, readiness,
                           The organization
                           (structural, political, moral purpose)
Contingency Theory of Leadership

• Contingency theory of leadership assumes
  that there is no one best way to lead.
• Effective leadership depends on the leader’s
  and follower’s characteristics as well as other
  factors in the leadership situation.
Central Features of the Contingency Theory of

Best way: there is no one best way to lead.
Leadership style: Different leadership styles are
 appropriate for different situations.
Middle ground: The contingency theory stresses
 the views that (a) there is some middle ground
 between the existence of universal principles of
 leadership that fit all situations and (b) each
 situation is unique and therefore must be
 studied and treated as unique.
Central Features of the Contingency Theory of
              Leadership (Cont.)

Focus: The contingency theories of leadership
 we studied focus on three variables:
   (a) leader’s style;
   (b) follower’s motivation and skill; and
    (c) the nature of the task.
Adaptability of leadership style: For an
 individual leader, this theory assumes that
 leadership is changeable and should be variable
 for different situations.
Differences between Leaders
             and Managers
LEADERS                    MANAGERS
Innovate                   Administer
Develop                    Maintain
Inspire                    Control
Long-term view             Short-term view
Ask what and why           Ask how and when
Originate                  Initiate
Challenge the status quo   Accept the status quo
Do the right things               Do things right
Trait Theory
 Leadership Traits: represent the personal characteristics that differentiate leaders from

 Historic findings reveal that leaders and followers vary by
  - intelligence
  - dominance
  - self-confidence
  - level of energy and activity
  - task-relevant knowledge
 Contemporary findings show that
  - people tend to perceive that someone is a leader when he or she exhibits traits
  associated with intelligence, masculinity, and dominance
  - people want their leaders to be credible
  - credible leaders are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and
Trait Theory (continued)
Gender and leadership
   men and women differ in the type of leadership roles
    they assume in work groups:
            men display more task
             leadership and
            women exhibit more social leadership
   leadership styles vary by gender:
            women are more democratic and
            men are more autocratic and directive
   female and male leaders are equally effective
Trait Theory (continued)
Gender and leadership (continued)
   men are perceived as more effective than women when the job is defined in masculine
    terms, and women are more effective than men in roles defined in less masculine
   male leaders are perceived as more effective than females when there are
    a greater percentage of
    male leaders and male
    direct reports; the same
    positive bias is not
    true for women leaders
Four Leadership Styles Derived
                         from the Ohio State Studies
                                 Low structure,                         High structure,
                               high consideration                     high consideration
                       Less emphasis is placed on              The leader provides a lot of guidance
                High   structuring employee tasks while the    about how tasks can be completed

                       leader concentrates on satisfying       while being highly considerate of
                       employee needs and wants.               employee needs and wants.

                                 Low structure,                          High structure,
                               low consideration                        low consideration
                       The leader fails to provide necessary   Primary emphasis is placed on
                Low    structure and demonstrates little       structuring employee tasks while
                       consideration for employee needs        the leader demonstrates little
                       and wants.                              consideration for employee needs
                                                               and wants.

                                     Low                                    High
                                                  Initiating Structure
The Leadership Grid®
  9          1, 9                                                                            9,9
         Country club                                                                       Team
  8     management                                                                       management
  6                                            5,5
  5                                      road management
             1,1                                                                              9,1
  2     Impoverished                                                                       Authority-
  1     management                                                                        compliance

Low Low      1       2              3          4          5          6          7         8          9          High
                               Concern for Production
              Source: From Leadership Dilemmas - Grid Solutions, p 29 by Robert R Blake and Anne Adams McCanse.
              Copyright © 1991 by Robert R Blake and the estate of Jane S Mouton. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
The Leadership Grid

        High 1,9                                                                                                       9,9
                              Country Club Management                                                    Team Management
        8                     Thoughtful attention to the needs                                                        Work accomplishment is from
                              of the people for satisfying                                               committed people;
        7            relationships leads to a                                                             interdependence through a
                               comfortable, friendly organization                                              “common stake” in organization
             6                atmosphere and work tempo                                                   purpose leads to relationships of
                                                                                                        trust and respect
Concern for People

                                                             Middle-of-the-road Management
             5                                               5,5
                                                             Adequate organization performance is possible through
             4                                               balancing the necessity to get work out while
                                                             maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level.
                              Impoverished Management                                                   Authority-Compliance Management
                             Exertion of minimum effort to get required                  Efficiency in operations results from arranging
             2                work done is appropriate to sustain                       conditions of work in such a way that human
                             organization membership.                                    elements interfere to a minimum degree
             1       1,1
        Low           1        2         3         4           5         6       7        8         9
                     Low                               Concern for Results                                             High
Tannenbaum-Schmidt’s Continuum of Leader
(Democratic)                                                        (Authoritarian)]
Relationships Oriented                                        Task Oriented
      Source of

                     Area of Freedom for

     Leader                        Leader                       Leader                   Leader
     permits                       presents                     presents                 makes
     subordinates                  problem,                     idea                     decision
     to function                   gets                         and                      and
     within limits    Leader       suggestions,   Leader        invites       Leader     announce
     defined          defines      and makes       presents     questions     “sells”    it
     by superior      limits;       decision      tentative                   decision
                      asks group                  decision
                      to make                     subject
                      decision                    to change
Behavioral Styles Theory
 Ohio State Studies identified two critical dimensions of leader
  1. Consideration: creating mutual respect and trust with followers
  2. Initiating Structure: organizing and defining what group
     members should be doing
 University of Michigan Studies identified two leadership styles that
  were similar to the Ohio State studies
  - one style was employee centered and the other was job centered
 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid represents four leadership styles
  found by crossing concern for production and concern for people
 Research shows that there is not one best style of leadership. The
  effectiveness of a particular leadership style depends on the situation
  at hand.

        Ethics at Work
          Key Issue:
         Can a leader
       display too much
Representation of Fiedler’s Contingency
Situational       High Control         Moderate           Low Control
 Control           Situations       Control Situations     Situations
Leader-member Good Good Good        Good Poor     Poor   Poor      Poor

Task Structure High   High   Low    Low    High   High   Low       Low

Position Power Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong          Weak

 Situation    I        II     III   IV      V      VI    VII       VIII

                  Task Motivated        Relationship      Task Motivated
                    Leadership       Motivated Leadership   Leadership
House’s Path-Goal Theory
                          Employee Characteristics
                         - Locus of control
                         - Task ability
                         - Need for achievement
                         - Experience
                         - Need for clarity

   Leadership Styles                                   Employee Attitudes
- Directive                                               and Behavior
- Supportive                                         - Job satisfaction
- Participative                                      - Acceptance of leader
- Achievement oriented                               - Motivation

                           Environmental Factors
                         - Employee’s task
                         - Authority system
                         - Work group
Hersey and Blanchard’s
                        Situational Leadership Theory
                                               Leader Behavior
                                Participating                     Selling
                                       S3                            S2
Relationship Behavior

                               Share ideas and            Explain decisions and
(supportive behavior)

                                 facilitate in           provide opportunity for
                               decision making                 clarification

                                  Delegating                      Telling
                                       S4                           S1
                                   Turn over                 Provide specific
                               responsibility for        instructions and closely
                                 decisions and           supervise performance
                        Low                     Task Behavior                 High
                                           Follower Readiness
                        High                     Moderate                   Low
                        R4                 R3              R2                 R1

                               Follower-Directed                 Leader-Directed
Vroom-Yetten’s Contingency Model
             Figure 5-5 Schematic representation of variables used in leadership research
    Reprinted from Leadership and Decision-Making by Victor H. Vroom and Philip W. Yetton by permission of the University of
                                   Pittsburgh Press. 1973 by University of Pittsburgh Press

Situational variables (1)                                               Organizational (4)
                                Leader behavior(3)

Personal attributes(2)                                               Situational variables(1a)

Is there a      Do I have       Is the      Is acceptance      Do subordinates          Is conflict
quality re-     sufficient       problem      of decision      share the organ-          among subor-
quirement such information         structured? by subordinates     izational goal            dinates likely
that one solu-   to make a                   critical to     to be obtained             in preferred
 tion is likely high quality                 effective im-   in solving this            solutions?
to be more      decision?                     plementation?     problem?
rational than
   A              B             C           D                 E                  F
House-Mitchell’s Path-Goal Theory

                   Causal Variables              Moderator Variables             Outcome Variables
                   Leader Behavior                     Subordinate Characteristics Satisfaction
                   Directive           Ability                                      Motivation
                   supportive                         Locus of Control                            Effort
                    participative                      Needs and Motives                          Performance
Relationship of       Achievement-Oriented             Environmental Forces
Variables in the                                      The task
Path-Goal Theory                                      Work Group
                                                      Authority System
House-Mitchell’s Path-Goal Theory
                                House’s Path-Goal Theory

           Situations     Leadership    Leadership
                            style          Actions
           Ambiguous       Directive       Guidance
             Roles                    Procedures
           Stressful                   Welfare,
          Boring Tasks   Supportive         Supportive
Leaders                                              Goal
           Competent     Achievement        Challenging
          Subordinates    Oriented         Goals and
          Unstructured                  Participation
           Tasks       Participative     in Decision

                         Path                        Goal
Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership

Task Behavior---The extent to which the leader engages in defining roles
   is telling what, how, when, where, and if more than one person who
   is to do what in:
•    Goal-setting
•    Organizing
•    Establishing time lines
•    Directing
•    Controlling
Relationship Behavior—The extent to which a leader engages in two-
   way (multi-way) communication, listening, facilitating behaviors,
   and providing socioemotional support
•    Giving support
•    Communicating
•    Facilitating interactions
•    Active listening
•    Providing feedback
Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership

Decision Styles
1. Leader-made decision
2. Leader-made decision with Dialogue and/or
3. Leader/follower made decision or follower-made
   decision with encouragement from leader
4. Follower-made decision
Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership (Cont.)

 Ability: has the necessary knowledge, experience, and skill
 Willingness: has the necessary confidence, commitment, motivation
                        Follower Readiness
    High                  Moderate                   Low
    R4              R3             R2                R1
   Able and          Able but            Unable but             Unable and
    Willing          Unwilling            Willing              Unwilling
   or Confident       or Insecure         or Confident           or Insecure
         Follower Directed                        Leader Directed
  When a leader behavior is used appropriately with its corresponding level of readiness, it is
     termed a High Probability Match. The following are descriptors that can be useful when using
     situational leadership for specific applications.
    S1                    S2                S3                    S4
   Telling               Selling            Participating          Delegati ng
   Guiding               Explaining          Encouraging            Observing
   Directing             Clarifying          Collaborating           Monitoring
   Establishing           Persuading          Committing             Fulfilling
Transactional versus Charismatic
Transactional Leadership: focuses on the
  interpersonal interactions between managers
  and employees
Transactional Leaders
  - use contingent rewards to motivate employees
  - exert corrective action only when employees
    fail to obtain performance goals
Transactional versus Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership: emphasizes symbolic leader behavior that
  transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-
 Charismatic Leaders
  - use visionary and inspirational messages
  - rely on non-verbal communication
  - appeal to ideological values
  - attempt to intellectually stimulate employees
  - display confidence in self and followers
  - set high performance expectations
 For class discussion: Should a leader be both transactional and
  charismatic? Is charismatic leadership only critical for senior
  executives and not for entry level supervisors or managers?
Charismatic Model of Leadership
                                           Effects on
Organizational        Leader
                                        followers and          Outcomes
   culture           behavior
                                         work groups
• Adaptive       • Leader               • Increased          • Personal
                   establishes a          intrinsic            commitment
                   vision                 motivation,          to leader
                 • Leader                 achievement          and vision
                   establishes high       orientation, and   • Self-
                   performance            goal pursuit         sacrificial
                   expectations and     • Increased            behavior
                   displays               identification     • Organiza-
                   confidence in          with the leader       tional
                   him/herself and        and the              commitment
                   the collective         collective         • Task
                   ability to             interests of         meaningful-
                   realize the vision     organizational       ness and
                                          members             satisfaction
Charismatic Model of Leadership (continued)
                                        Effects on
Organizational        Leader
                                     followers and           Outcomes
   culture           behavior
                                      work groups
                 • Leader models    • Increased         • Increased
                  the desired         cohesion            individual,
                  values, traits,     among work-         group, and
                  beliefs, and        group members organiza-
                  behaviors         • Increased           tional
                  needed to           self-esteem,        performance
                  realize the         self-efficacy,
                  vision              and intrinsic
                                      interests in goal
                                    • Increased role
                                       modeling of
The Leader-Member Exchange
                   (LMX Model)
This model is based on the idea that one of two distinct
 types of leader-member exchange relationships evolve,
 and these exchanges are related to important work
 - in-group exchange: a partnership characterized by
   mutual trust, respect and liking
 - out-group exchange: a partnership characterized by a
   lack of mutual trust, respect and liking
Research supports this model
Substitutes for Leadership

Substitutes for leadership represent situational
 variables that can substitute for, neutralize, or enhance
 the effects of leadership.
Research shows that substitutes for leadership directly
 influence employee attitudes and performance.
Servant and Super leadership
 Represents a philosophy of leadership in which
  leaders focus on increased service to others
  rather than to oneself.
 A super leader is someone who leads others to
  lead themselves by developing employees’ self-
  management skills.
 Super leaders attempt to increase employees’
  feelings of personal control and intrinsic
Characteristics of the
1. Listening       Servant-leaders focus on listening to
                   identify and clarify the needs and desires of
                   a group.
2. Empathy         Servant-leaders try to empathize with
                   others’ feelings and emotion. An individual’s
                   good intentions are assumed even when he
                   or she performs poorly.
3. Healing         Servant-leaders strive to make themselves
                   and others whole in the face of failure or
4. Awareness       Servant-leaders are very self-aware or their
                   strengths and limitations.
Characteristics of the
                Servant-Leader (continued)
5. Persuasion        Servant-leaders rely more on persuasion than
                     positional authority when making decisions
                     and trying to influence others.
6. Conceptualization Servant-leaders take the time and effort to
                     develop broader based conceptual thinking.
                     Servant-leaders seek an appropriate balance
                     between a short-term, day-to-day focus and
                     a long-term, conceptual orientation.
7. Foresight         Servant-leaders have the ability to foresee
                     future outcomes associated with a current
                     course of action or situation.
Characteristics of the
          Servant-Leader (continued)
8. Stewardship     Servant-leaders assume that they are
                   stewards of the people and resources they
9. Commitment to   Servant-leaders are committed to people
   the growth of   beyond their immediate work role. They
   people          commit to fostering an environment that
                   encourages personal, professional, and
                   spiritual growth.
10. Building       Servant-leaders strive to create a sense of
                   Community both within and outside the
                   work organization.

       The Importance of Leadership

“Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than
  the science of management says is possible.”
                          - Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State

        The Importance of Leadership

“Leadership, then, is not mobilizing others to solve
  problems we already know how to solve, but to
 help them confront problems that have never yet
          been successfully addressed.”
                                         - Michael Fullan from
                                Leading in a Culture of Change
        Management Strengths vs. Leadership Strengths

Management                   Leadership
•Doing things right          •Doing the right thing
•Rules                       •Values
•Goals                       •Vision
•Processes                   •People
•Facts                       •Feelings
•Reactive                    •Proactive
•Control                     •Commitment
•Position Power              •Persuasion power
•Standardization             •Innovation
•Light a fire under people   •Stoke the fire within people
                  Public Sector Leadership Challenges

•Achieving personal balance
•Shaping organizational dynamics
•Political reality
•Demographic changes
•Public Involvement
•Recruitment, retention & development of staff
             Critical Skills for the new Public Sector Leader

•Self-defined personal Leadership & Values
•Innovation & Flexibility
•Understanding Others
•Coaching & Developing Others
•Service Orientation
•Planning & Organizing
•Decision Making & Accountability
                                       OLD & NEW GOVERNMENT WORKPLACE MODELS
                                  Declining                                           Emerging
                           The Bureaucratic workplace                          The Flexible workplace
Implemented in the early 20th century to            International research shows that
Eradicate patronage and create a career             when “bundled”, these practices can
civil service                                       improve performance and the quality of
                                         work life:
-Multi-layered, rigid hierarchical structure                     - Flatter, more fluid organizational

- Top-down chain of command                                     - Employee participation in
                                                                  decisions, shared information
- Specialized division of labour, narrow job                    - Extensive use of work teams

-Majority of workers performed routine                          - More skilled & knowledge-             administrative
tasks                                                intensive jobs

-Driven by rules and regulations                                - Delegated responsibility

-Training                                                                    - Learning

-Vertical career mobility for a minority                        - Horizontal and spiral career paths

- Work environment issues not important                         - Healthy, supportive work

“Leadership is about coping with change. Part of the reason
it has become so important in recent years is that the world
has become more competitive and volatile…doing what was
done yesterday, or doing it 5% better, is no longer a formula
for success. Major changes are more and more necessary to
survive and compete effectively in this new environment.
More change always demands more leadership.”

                  - John Kotter, Harvard Business Review
•Identification of Leaders
•The needs of a leader
•Politician’s vs. bureaucrats
•The new public sector leader
   •E Government
   •Performance Management
   •Citizens’ Charter
   •Community partnership

Leader Identification:
  •Why is this important?

90% of politicians are…


 Good Management = Personal Longevity
Good Leadership = Organizational Longevity
•Thank you
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  • 2. Outline  What Does Leadership Involve?  Trait and Behavioral Theories of Leadership  Situational Theories  From Transactional to Charismatic Leadership  Additional Perspectives on Leadership - The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model - Substitutes for Leadership - Servant-Leadership - Superleadership
  • 3. What is Leadership? • Definition: A social influence process in which a person seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in an effort to achieve organizational goals
  • 4. A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Leadership Leader Managerial Desired End Characteristics/Traits Behavior/Roles Results • Need for achievement • Interpersonal roles • Unit performance • Need for power • Informational roles • Profitability • Cognitive ability • Decisional roles • Goal attainment • Interpersonal skills • Job satisfaction • Self-confidence • Learning • Ethics organization
  • 5. A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Leadership (continued) Leader Managerial Desired End Characteristics/Traits Behavior/Roles Results Situational Variables Individual level • Leader’s position power • Follower motivation • Follower role clarity • Follower ability Organizational level • Resource adequacy • Task/technology • Organization structure • External enviornment
  • 6. The leader (trait, style, behavior, The task vision, charisma) (from holistic to reductionism, needing discretion or The led (follower) direction) (motivations, readiness, attitudes) The organization (structural, political, moral purpose)
  • 7. Contingency Theory of Leadership • Contingency theory of leadership assumes that there is no one best way to lead. • Effective leadership depends on the leader’s and follower’s characteristics as well as other factors in the leadership situation.
  • 8. Central Features of the Contingency Theory of Leadership Best way: there is no one best way to lead. Leadership style: Different leadership styles are appropriate for different situations. Middle ground: The contingency theory stresses the views that (a) there is some middle ground between the existence of universal principles of leadership that fit all situations and (b) each situation is unique and therefore must be studied and treated as unique.
  • 9. Central Features of the Contingency Theory of Leadership (Cont.) Focus: The contingency theories of leadership we studied focus on three variables: (a) leader’s style; (b) follower’s motivation and skill; and  (c) the nature of the task. Adaptability of leadership style: For an individual leader, this theory assumes that leadership is changeable and should be variable for different situations.
  • 10. Differences between Leaders and Managers LEADERS MANAGERS Innovate Administer Develop Maintain Inspire Control Long-term view Short-term view Ask what and why Ask how and when Originate Initiate Challenge the status quo Accept the status quo Do the right things Do things right
  • 11. Trait Theory Leadership Traits: represent the personal characteristics that differentiate leaders from followers.  Historic findings reveal that leaders and followers vary by - intelligence - dominance - self-confidence - level of energy and activity - task-relevant knowledge  Contemporary findings show that - people tend to perceive that someone is a leader when he or she exhibits traits associated with intelligence, masculinity, and dominance - people want their leaders to be credible - credible leaders are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competent
  • 12. Trait Theory (continued) Gender and leadership  men and women differ in the type of leadership roles they assume in work groups:  men display more task leadership and  women exhibit more social leadership  leadership styles vary by gender:  women are more democratic and  men are more autocratic and directive  female and male leaders are equally effective
  • 13. Trait Theory (continued) Gender and leadership (continued)  men are perceived as more effective than women when the job is defined in masculine terms, and women are more effective than men in roles defined in less masculine terms  male leaders are perceived as more effective than females when there are a greater percentage of male leaders and male direct reports; the same positive bias is not true for women leaders
  • 14. Four Leadership Styles Derived from the Ohio State Studies Low structure, High structure, high consideration high consideration Less emphasis is placed on The leader provides a lot of guidance High structuring employee tasks while the about how tasks can be completed Consideration leader concentrates on satisfying while being highly considerate of employee needs and wants. employee needs and wants. Low structure, High structure, low consideration low consideration The leader fails to provide necessary Primary emphasis is placed on Low structure and demonstrates little structuring employee tasks while consideration for employee needs the leader demonstrates little and wants. consideration for employee needs and wants. Low High Initiating Structure
  • 15. The Leadership Grid® High 9 1, 9 9,9 Country club Team 8 management management 7 6 5,5 Middle-of-the 5 road management 4 3 1,1 9,1 2 Impoverished Authority- 1 management compliance Low Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 High Concern for Production Source: From Leadership Dilemmas - Grid Solutions, p 29 by Robert R Blake and Anne Adams McCanse. Copyright © 1991 by Robert R Blake and the estate of Jane S Mouton. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
  • 16. The Leadership Grid High 1,9 9,9 Country Club Management Team Management 8 Thoughtful attention to the needs Work accomplishment is from of the people for satisfying committed people; 7 relationships leads to a interdependence through a comfortable, friendly organization “common stake” in organization 6 atmosphere and work tempo purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect Concern for People Middle-of-the-road Management 5 5,5 Adequate organization performance is possible through 4 balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level. 3 Impoverished Management Authority-Compliance Management Exertion of minimum effort to get required Efficiency in operations results from arranging 2 work done is appropriate to sustain conditions of work in such a way that human organization membership. elements interfere to a minimum degree 1 1,1 9,1 Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Low Concern for Results High
  • 17. Tannenbaum-Schmidt’s Continuum of Leader Behavior (Democratic) (Authoritarian)] Relationships Oriented Task Oriented Source of Authority Area of Freedom for Subordinates Leader Leader Leader Leader permits presents presents makes subordinates problem, idea decision to function gets and and within limits Leader suggestions, Leader invites Leader announce defined defines and makes presents questions “sells” it by superior limits; decision tentative decision asks group decision to make subject decision to change
  • 18. Behavioral Styles Theory  Ohio State Studies identified two critical dimensions of leader behavior. 1. Consideration: creating mutual respect and trust with followers 2. Initiating Structure: organizing and defining what group members should be doing  University of Michigan Studies identified two leadership styles that were similar to the Ohio State studies - one style was employee centered and the other was job centered  Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid represents four leadership styles found by crossing concern for production and concern for people  Research shows that there is not one best style of leadership. The effectiveness of a particular leadership style depends on the situation at hand.
  • 19. 17-9 Ethics at Work Key Issue: Can a leader display too much consideration?
  • 20. Representation of Fiedler’s Contingency Model Situational High Control Moderate Low Control Control Situations Control Situations Situations Leader-member Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor relations Task Structure High High Low Low High High Low Low Position Power Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Situation I II III IV V VI VII VIII Optimal Task Motivated Relationship Task Motivated Leadership Leadership Motivated Leadership Leadership Style
  • 21. House’s Path-Goal Theory Employee Characteristics - Locus of control - Task ability - Need for achievement - Experience - Need for clarity Leadership Styles Employee Attitudes - Directive and Behavior - Supportive - Job satisfaction - Participative - Acceptance of leader - Achievement oriented - Motivation Environmental Factors - Employee’s task - Authority system - Work group
  • 22. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory Leader Behavior High Participating Selling S3 S2 Relationship Behavior Share ideas and Explain decisions and (supportive behavior) facilitate in provide opportunity for decision making clarification Delegating Telling S4 S1 Turn over Provide specific responsibility for instructions and closely decisions and supervise performance implementation Low Low Task Behavior High Follower Readiness High Moderate Low R4 R3 R2 R1 Follower-Directed Leader-Directed
  • 23. Vroom-Yetten’s Contingency Model Figure 5-5 Schematic representation of variables used in leadership research Reprinted from Leadership and Decision-Making by Victor H. Vroom and Philip W. Yetton by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press. 1973 by University of Pittsburgh Press Situational variables (1) Organizational (4) effectiveness Leader behavior(3) Personal attributes(2) Situational variables(1a) Is there a Do I have Is the Is acceptance Do subordinates Is conflict quality re- sufficient problem of decision share the organ- among subor- quirement such information structured? by subordinates izational goal dinates likely that one solu- to make a critical to to be obtained in preferred tion is likely high quality effective im- in solving this solutions? to be more decision? plementation? problem? rational than another? A B C D E F
  • 24. House-Mitchell’s Path-Goal Theory Causal Variables Moderator Variables Outcome Variables Leader Behavior Subordinate Characteristics Satisfaction Directive Ability Motivation supportive Locus of Control Effort participative Needs and Motives Performance Relationship of Achievement-Oriented Environmental Forces Variables in the The task Path-Goal Theory Work Group Authority System
  • 25. House-Mitchell’s Path-Goal Theory House’s Path-Goal Theory Situations Leadership Leadership style Actions Ambiguous Directive Guidance Roles Procedures Stressful Welfare, Boring Tasks Supportive Supportive Climate Leaders Goal Accomplishment Competent Achievement Challenging Subordinates Oriented Goals and Standards Unstructured Participation Tasks Participative in Decision Making Path Goal
  • 26. Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership Task Behavior---The extent to which the leader engages in defining roles is telling what, how, when, where, and if more than one person who is to do what in: • Goal-setting • Organizing • Establishing time lines • Directing • Controlling Relationship Behavior—The extent to which a leader engages in two- way (multi-way) communication, listening, facilitating behaviors, and providing socioemotional support • Giving support • Communicating • Facilitating interactions • Active listening • Providing feedback
  • 27. Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership (Cont.) Decision Styles 1. Leader-made decision 2. Leader-made decision with Dialogue and/or Explanation 3. Leader/follower made decision or follower-made decision with encouragement from leader 4. Follower-made decision
  • 28. Blanchard and Hersey’s Theory of Situational Leadership (Cont.) Ability: has the necessary knowledge, experience, and skill Willingness: has the necessary confidence, commitment, motivation Follower Readiness High Moderate Low R4 R3 R2 R1 Able and Able but Unable but Unable and Willing Unwilling Willing Unwilling or Confident or Insecure or Confident or Insecure Follower Directed Leader Directed When a leader behavior is used appropriately with its corresponding level of readiness, it is termed a High Probability Match. The following are descriptors that can be useful when using situational leadership for specific applications. S1 S2 S3 S4 Telling Selling Participating Delegati ng Guiding Explaining Encouraging Observing Directing Clarifying Collaborating Monitoring Establishing Persuading Committing Fulfilling
  • 29. Transactional versus Charismatic Leadership Transactional Leadership: focuses on the interpersonal interactions between managers and employees Transactional Leaders - use contingent rewards to motivate employees - exert corrective action only when employees fail to obtain performance goals
  • 30. Transactional versus Charismatic Leadership (continued) Charismatic Leadership: emphasizes symbolic leader behavior that transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self- interests  Charismatic Leaders - use visionary and inspirational messages - rely on non-verbal communication - appeal to ideological values - attempt to intellectually stimulate employees - display confidence in self and followers - set high performance expectations  For class discussion: Should a leader be both transactional and charismatic? Is charismatic leadership only critical for senior executives and not for entry level supervisors or managers?
  • 31. Charismatic Model of Leadership Effects on Organizational Leader followers and Outcomes culture behavior work groups • Adaptive • Leader • Increased • Personal establishes a intrinsic commitment vision motivation, to leader • Leader achievement and vision establishes high orientation, and • Self- performance goal pursuit sacrificial expectations and • Increased behavior displays identification • Organiza- confidence in with the leader tional him/herself and and the commitment the collective collective • Task ability to interests of meaningful- realize the vision organizational ness and members satisfaction
  • 32. Charismatic Model of Leadership (continued) Effects on Organizational Leader followers and Outcomes culture behavior work groups • Leader models • Increased • Increased the desired cohesion individual, values, traits, among work- group, and beliefs, and group members organiza- behaviors • Increased tional needed to self-esteem, performance realize the self-efficacy, vision and intrinsic interests in goal accomplishment • Increased role modeling of charismatic leadership
  • 33. The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX Model) This model is based on the idea that one of two distinct types of leader-member exchange relationships evolve, and these exchanges are related to important work outcomes. - in-group exchange: a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect and liking - out-group exchange: a partnership characterized by a lack of mutual trust, respect and liking Research supports this model
  • 34. Substitutes for Leadership Substitutes for leadership represent situational variables that can substitute for, neutralize, or enhance the effects of leadership. Research shows that substitutes for leadership directly influence employee attitudes and performance.
  • 35. Servant and Super leadership  Represents a philosophy of leadership in which leaders focus on increased service to others rather than to oneself.  A super leader is someone who leads others to lead themselves by developing employees’ self- management skills.  Super leaders attempt to increase employees’ feelings of personal control and intrinsic motivation.
  • 36. Characteristics of the Servant-Leader 1. Listening Servant-leaders focus on listening to identify and clarify the needs and desires of a group. 2. Empathy Servant-leaders try to empathize with others’ feelings and emotion. An individual’s good intentions are assumed even when he or she performs poorly. 3. Healing Servant-leaders strive to make themselves and others whole in the face of failure or suffering. 4. Awareness Servant-leaders are very self-aware or their strengths and limitations.
  • 37. Characteristics of the Servant-Leader (continued) 5. Persuasion Servant-leaders rely more on persuasion than positional authority when making decisions and trying to influence others. 6. Conceptualization Servant-leaders take the time and effort to develop broader based conceptual thinking. Servant-leaders seek an appropriate balance between a short-term, day-to-day focus and a long-term, conceptual orientation. 7. Foresight Servant-leaders have the ability to foresee future outcomes associated with a current course of action or situation.
  • 38. Characteristics of the Servant-Leader (continued) 8. Stewardship Servant-leaders assume that they are stewards of the people and resources they manage. 9. Commitment to Servant-leaders are committed to people the growth of beyond their immediate work role. They people commit to fostering an environment that encourages personal, professional, and spiritual growth. 10. Building Servant-leaders strive to create a sense of Community both within and outside the work organization.
  • 39. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER The Importance of Leadership “Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.” - Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State
  • 40. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER The Importance of Leadership “Leadership, then, is not mobilizing others to solve problems we already know how to solve, but to help them confront problems that have never yet been successfully addressed.” - Michael Fullan from Leading in a Culture of Change
  • 41. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER Management Strengths vs. Leadership Strengths Management Leadership •Doing things right •Doing the right thing •Rules •Values •Goals •Vision •Processes •People •Facts •Feelings •Reactive •Proactive •Control •Commitment •Position Power •Persuasion power •Standardization •Innovation •Light a fire under people •Stoke the fire within people
  • 42. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER Public Sector Leadership Challenges •Achieving personal balance •Shaping organizational dynamics •Political reality •Unionization •Demographic changes •Public Involvement •Accountability •Transparency •Recruitment, retention & development of staff
  • 43. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER Critical Skills for the new Public Sector Leader •Self-defined personal Leadership & Values •Adaptability •Innovation & Flexibility •Understanding Others •Coaching & Developing Others •Collaboration •Communication •Service Orientation •Planning & Organizing •Decision Making & Accountability
  • 44. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER OLD & NEW GOVERNMENT WORKPLACE MODELS Declining Emerging The Bureaucratic workplace The Flexible workplace Implemented in the early 20th century to International research shows that Eradicate patronage and create a career when “bundled”, these practices can civil service improve performance and the quality of work life: -Multi-layered, rigid hierarchical structure - Flatter, more fluid organizational form - Top-down chain of command - Employee participation in decisions, shared information - Specialized division of labour, narrow job - Extensive use of work teams descriptions -Majority of workers performed routine - More skilled & knowledge- administrative tasks intensive jobs -Driven by rules and regulations - Delegated responsibility -Training - Learning -Vertical career mobility for a minority - Horizontal and spiral career paths - Work environment issues not important - Healthy, supportive work environment
  • 45. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER “Leadership is about coping with change. Part of the reason it has become so important in recent years is that the world has become more competitive and volatile…doing what was done yesterday, or doing it 5% better, is no longer a formula for success. Major changes are more and more necessary to survive and compete effectively in this new environment. More change always demands more leadership.” - John Kotter, Harvard Business Review
  • 46. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER •Identification of Leaders •The needs of a leader •Politician’s vs. bureaucrats •The new public sector leader •E Government •Performance Management •Citizens’ Charter •Community partnership
  • 47. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER Leader Identification: •Why is this important?
  • 48. THE NEW PUBLIC SECTOR LEADER 90% of politicians are… MANAGERS!!
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  • 51. Connect With Us ULTRASPECTRA OPEN Academy