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Introduction to Econometrics
Gaetan “Guy” Lion
June 2015
Table of Content
1) Linear Regression.
2) Multiple Regression. Multiple Regression as an
3) Building an Econometrics model. Stepwise
Regression, Autoregressive Regression.
4) Model testing. Multicollinearity, Autocorrelation,
Heteroskedasticity, Robust Standard Errors, Outliers testing,
Normality, Scenario testing.
1) Linear Regression
The Basic Linear Regression Equation
Y = Constant + bX + Error term
Y is the dependent
variable we want
to estimate or
b is a coefficient that
multiplies the
independent variable
X. It is called the
Slope of X. It reflects
Xs influence on Y, the
dependent variable.
X is the
variable that helps
us in estimating Y.
Constant also
called the
Intercept is the
value of Y when X
is equal to zero.
Error term also
called Residual is the
difference between
the actual value of Y
and the estimated
value of Y derived
from: Const. + bX
A Regression Model allows us to
estimate and explain the
behavior of a variable Y using an
independent variable X.
Let’s estimate Economic Growth using
Home Price changes
price chg.
2000 4.1% 4.1%
2001 1.0% 5.8%
2002 1.8% 7.6%
2003 2.8% 7.3%
2004 3.8% 8.1%
2005 3.3% 12.8%
2006 2.7% 2.1%
2007 1.8% -2.9%
2008 -0.3% -9.2%
2009 -2.8% -11.9%
2010 2.5% 0.1%
2011 1.6% -4.5%
2012 2.3% 6.5%
2013 2.2% 11.4%
2014 2.4% 5.8%
Within our data set Real GDP growth
(annual) is the dependent variable Y. And,
annual Home Price change is the
independent variable.
Linear Regression allows us to explore
how well we can estimate Real GDP
growth, if we know the Home Price chg.
Excel Scatter Plot = Regression the easy way
H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression
Running a Linear Regression visually is very easy in three easy steps:
1) Do a Scatter Plot with your independent variable X (Home price chg.) on the X-axis and
your dependent variable Y (Real GDP growth) on the Y-axis;
2) Add a Trendline to your Scatter Plot. That is actually your Regression line that best fit the
3) Format your Trendline by adding the actual regression equation and the R^2 measure
that tells how much the variable X explains of the variance of variable Y.
The regressed equation solution: Real GDP Growth = 1.44% + 0.177(Home price chg.)
Step 1: Do a Scatter Plot with X var. on X-axis; Y var. on Y-Axis Step 2: Add a Trendline Step 3: Format Trendline by adding equation and R^2
-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
y = 0.1771x+0.0144
R² = 0.5674
-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
The Geometry of Linear Regression
Constant or Intercept = value of Y when X = 0
Beta coefficient or Slope = Chg. in Y/Chg. in X
-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
Chg. in Y
Chg. in X
H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression
The Arithmetic of Linear Regression
8H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression
price chg. XY X^2 Y^2
2000 4.1% 4.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
2001 1.0% 5.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0%
2002 1.8% 7.6% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0%
2003 2.8% 7.3% 0.2% 0.5% 0.1%
2004 3.8% 8.1% 0.3% 0.7% 0.1%
2005 3.3% 12.8% 0.4% 1.6% 0.1%
2006 2.7% 2.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1%
2007 1.8% -2.9% -0.1% 0.1% 0.0%
2008 -0.3% -9.2% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0%
2009 -2.8% -11.9% 0.3% 1.4% 0.1%
2010 2.5% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
2011 1.6% -4.5% -0.1% 0.2% 0.0%
2012 2.3% 6.5% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1%
2013 2.2% 11.4% 0.3% 1.3% 0.0%
2014 2.4% 5.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1%
Average 1.9% 2.9% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1%
Values used in Numerator 1.9% 2.9% 0.1%
Values used in Denominator 2.9% 0.6%
Calculating the Slope b :
Numerator: avg(XY) - avgX*avgY
Y = C + b X Denominator: avgX^2 - (avgX)^2
Numerator: 0.1%
Denominator: 0.5%
b 0.177
Calculating the Constant or Intercept:
C or Constant = avgY - b avgX
C 1.44%
A 2nd Arithmetic Approach
Slope b = Covariance (X, Y)/Variance(X)
Covar(X,Y) Var(X)
R GDP Home price A B A x B B^2
Y X Y - Avg. X - Avg.
2000 4.1% 4.1% 2.1% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0%
2001 1.0% 5.8% -1.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.1%
2002 1.8% 7.6% -0.2% 4.7% 0.0% 0.2%
2003 2.8% 7.3% 0.9% 4.4% 0.0% 0.2%
2004 3.8% 8.1% 1.8% 5.3% 0.1% 0.3%
2005 3.3% 12.8% 1.4% 9.9% 0.1% 1.0%
2006 2.7% 2.1% 0.7% -0.8% 0.0% 0.0%
2007 1.8% -2.9% -0.2% -5.8% 0.0% 0.3%
2008 -0.3% -9.2% -2.2% -12.0% 0.3% 1.4%
2009 -2.8% -11.9% -4.7% -14.8% 0.7% 2.2%
2010 2.5% 0.1% 0.6% -2.7% 0.0% 0.1%
2011 1.6% -4.5% -0.3% -7.4% 0.0% 0.5%
2012 2.3% 6.5% 0.4% 3.6% 0.0% 0.1%
2013 2.2% 11.4% 0.3% 8.6% 0.0% 0.7%
2014 2.4% 5.8% 0.4% 2.9% 0.0% 0.1%
Average 1.9% 2.9% 1.3% 7.3% Sum
0.09% 0.49% Sum/n
Slope = Covar(X,Y)/Var(X)
Numerator 0.09%
Denominator 0.49%
Slope 0.177
H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2
Linear Regression Excel Basics
R GDP Home price
Y Y est. X
2000 4.1% 2.2% 4.1%
2001 1.0% 2.5% 5.8%
2002 1.8% 2.8% 7.6%
2003 2.8% 2.7% 7.3%
2004 3.8% 2.9% 8.1%
2005 3.3% 3.7% 12.8%
2006 2.7% 1.8% 2.1%
2007 1.8% 0.9% -2.9%
2008 -0.3% -0.2% -9.2%
2009 -2.8% -0.7% -11.9%
2010 2.5% 1.5% 0.1%
2011 1.6% 0.6% -4.5%
2012 2.3% 2.6% 6.5%
2013 2.2% 3.5% 11.4%
2014 2.4% 2.5% 5.8%
Basic formulas
SLOPE() 0.177
RSQ () 0.567
STYX() 1.2%RSQ() = R Square. is the
square of correlation
between Y and Y est. It
tells how well the model’s
estimates fit the actual
data. It also tells what is
the % of the dependent
variable’s variance
explained by the model.
This value ranges from 0 (a
terrible model that does
not fit or explain the data)
to 1 (a perfect model that
fits the data identically and
explains 100% of the
variance of the dependent
STYX () = Standard Error
of Model. Assuming
that the Errors are
normally distributed,
one can assume that
about 2/3ds of data
observations fall within +
or – 1 Standard Error
from the model’s
estimate. And, 95% of
them fall within + or –
1.96 Standard Errors
away from the model’s
Linear Regression with LINEST()
11H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2
LINEST () Regression with one ind. Variable
Home pr. Intercept
Coefficient 0.177 1.44%
SE of Coeff 0.043 0.32%
R Square St. Error 0.567 1.2%
F Stat df Residual 17.05 13
SS Regres SS Residual 0.0023 0.0017
Rearranging LINEST() results in a standard format
Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 1.44% 0.32% 4.44 0.0007
Home price 0.177 0.043 4.13 0.0012
The LINES() formula generates a lot of info
including the Standard Error of the specific
regression coefficient(s).
This allows us to evaluate whether Home price
chg. is a good explanatory variable to keep in
model. Is it statistically significant? What is
the probability that its regression coefficient is
not different from 0?
Let’s answer those questions. By dividing
Home price’s reg. coefficient by its Standard
Error we get its t Stat: 0.177/0.043 = 4.13.
In turn, we can calculate the probability that this regression coefficient is not different
from 0 using the TDIST() function. Its arguments include: t Stat, df Residual, and # of
tails you want to test four (which is always 2 in regressions). TDIST (4.13, 13, 2) = 0.0012
which is essentially 0, meaning there is a near 0% probability that this regression
coefficient could be 0. We can be nearly 100% confident, this reg. coefficient is
different than 0. Thus, we are confident Home price chg. does belong in this model and
is a good explanatory variable to explain and estimate Real GDP growth.
Depicting 95% Confidence Interval
Real GDPGrowthActual, Est, 95% C.I.
Y Y est. CI Low CI High
-15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0%
Home Price change
Real GDP Growth vs Home price chg, 95% C.I.
Y Y est. CI Low CI High
H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2
Depicting 95% C.I. over time Depicting 95% C.I. vs. Home Price chg.
A 95% Confidence Interval means that we would expect that about 1 observation out of 20
would fall outside the Confidence Interval. The graphs look about right. We have only 15
observations. But, two of them are just within the C.I. All others are well within.
The C.I. Low range is 1.96 Standard Error of the model below Y estimate. The C.I. High range
is 1.96 Standard Error above Y estimate.
2) Multiple Regression as an Optimization
Those two methods are identical. The only difference is that the
Regression statistical output gives you a lot of very valuable
information about a model that Optimization does not.
The Basic Multiple Regression Equation
Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term
Y is the dependent
variable we want
to estimate or
b1 is a coefficient
that multiplies the
independent variable
X1. It reflects X1’s
influence on Y, the
dependent variable.
X1 is the 1st
variable that helps
us in estimating Y.
X2 is the 2nd
variable that helps
us in estimating Y.
Constant also
called the
Intercept is the
value of Y when X1
and X2 are equal
to zero.
b2 same
as b1.
Error term also
called Residual is the
difference between
the actual value of Y
and the estimated
value of Y derived
from: Const. + b1X1
+ b2X2.
Such Regressions can
have many more
independent variables
X3, X4, X5, …
The objective of such modeling
Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term
Find the Constant and b1 and b2 coefficients so as to minimize
the sum of the square of the Error terms or Residuals. That is
why Regression is called (OLS) Regression. OLS means
Ordinary Least Square (minimizing the Square of the
Residuals). That is specifically an optimization process.
Modify Constant, b1, and b2
Minimize sum of square
of Error terms.
As described Multiple Regression is actually an Optimization.
An Optimization Example
Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term
Real GDP Growth = Constant + b1Home Price chg + b2S&P 500 chg + Error term
We are going to model or estimate annual Real GDP Growth with
two independent variables: Home Price yearly change and S&P 500
yearly change.
Optimization starting point
What to change
Constant 2%
b 1 Home price 0.1
b 2 S&P 500 0.1
Y Y est. Error Error^2 X1 X2
R. GDP Estimate Residual Residual^2
price S&P 500
2000 4.1% 3.2% -0.9% 0.0% 4.1% 7.6%
2001 1.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 5.8% -16.4%
2002 1.8% 1.1% -0.7% 0.0% 7.6% -16.5%
2003 2.8% 2.4% -0.4% 0.0% 7.3% -3.2%
2004 3.8% 4.5% 0.8% 0.0% 8.1% 17.3%
2005 3.3% 4.0% 0.6% 0.0% 12.8% 6.8%
2006 2.7% 3.1% 0.4% 0.0% 2.1% 8.6%
2007 1.8% 3.0% 1.2% 0.0% -2.9% 12.7%
2008 -0.3% -0.6% -0.4% 0.0% -9.2% -17.3%
2009 -2.8% -1.4% 1.3% 0.0% -11.9% -22.5%
2010 2.5% 4.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.1% 20.3%
2011 1.6% 2.7% 1.1% 0.0% -4.5% 11.4%
2012 2.3% 3.5% 1.2% 0.0% 6.5% 8.7%
2013 2.2% 5.0% 2.8% 0.1% 11.4% 19.1%
2014 2.4% 4.3% 1.9% 0.0% 5.8% 17.5%
What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.2%
R. GDP gr. in 2000 = 2% + 0.1(4.1%) +
0.1(7.6%) = 3.2%
Using Excel Solver to run the Optimization
What to change
Constant 1.37%
b 1 Home price 0.133
b 2 S&P 500 0.054
Y Y est. Error Error^2 X1 X2
R. GDP Estimate Residual Residual^2
price S&P 500
2000 4.1% 2.3% -1.8% 0.0% 4.1% 7.6%
2001 1.0% 1.3% 0.3% 0.0% 5.8% -16.4%
2002 1.8% 1.5% -0.3% 0.0% 7.6% -16.5%
2003 2.8% 2.2% -0.6% 0.0% 7.3% -3.2%
2004 3.8% 3.4% -0.4% 0.0% 8.1% 17.3%
2005 3.3% 3.4% 0.1% 0.0% 12.8% 6.8%
2006 2.7% 2.1% -0.6% 0.0% 2.1% 8.6%
2007 1.8% 1.7% -0.1% 0.0% -2.9% 12.7%
2008 -0.3% -0.8% -0.5% 0.0% -9.2% -17.3%
2009 -2.8% -1.4% 1.3% 0.0% -11.9% -22.5%
2010 2.5% 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 20.3%
2011 1.6% 1.4% -0.2% 0.0% -4.5% 11.4%
2012 2.3% 2.7% 0.4% 0.0% 6.5% 8.7%
2013 2.2% 3.9% 1.7% 0.0% 11.4% 19.1%
2014 2.4% 3.1% 0.7% 0.0% 5.8% 17.5%
What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.1%
Now let’s run a Regression
What to change
Constant 1.37%
b 1 Home price 0.133
b 2 S&P 500 0.054
What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.1%
LINEST () Regression with two ind. Variables
X2 X1
S&P 500 Home pr. Intercept
Coefficient 0.054 0.133 1.37%
SE of Coeff 0.018 0.036 0.003
R Square St. Error 0.757 0.009 #N/A
F Stat df Residual 18.7 12 #N/A
SS Regres SS Residual 0.003 0.1% #N/A
Rearranging LINEST() results in a standard format
Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 1.37% 0.003 5.40 0.0002
Home price 0.133 0.036 3.65 0.0033
S&P 500 0.054 0.018 3.05 0.0100
Optimization results w/ Solver
Regression with Data Analysis toolpack
Regression using LINEST ()
Running a regression using the Data Analysis toolpack
or using LINEST () generates the exact same sum of
squared errors and regression coefficients as when
running the optimization with Solver.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.870
R Square 0.757
Adj. R Square 0.716
St. Error 0.9%
Observations 15
df SS MS F Signif. F
Regression 2 0.003 0.002 18.7 0.0
Residual 12 0.1% 8.19E-05
Total 14 0.004
Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 1.37% 0.003 5.40 0.0002
Home price 0.133 0.036 3.65 0.0033
S&P 500 0.054 0.018 3.05 0.0100
Regression = Optimization
Both methods do the exact same thing by minimizing the sum of the square of the
Errors or Residuals. Consequently, they generate the exact same overall model with
identical independent variable coefficients.
The big difference is that the standard Regression output generates a lot of
information about the model that Optimization does not do.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.870
R Square 0.757
Adj. R Square 0.716
St. Error 0.9%
Observations 15
R Square: same meaning as defined within Linear Regression
Adjusted R Square: it adjusts R Square downward for using more
variables. So, Adj. R Square is always a bit smaller than R Square.
Unlike R Square, Adj. R Square can have negative values (for really
bad fitting models).
Standard Error: same meaning as defined within Linear Regression section.
So whenever you can you should use Regression instead of Optimization. But,
Optimization is more flexible, as it can handle constraints on the independent variables
(maybe one of the Xs coeff. should be negative or < 1 for some reason). Regression
can’t handle such constraints.
More Regression info: statistical
significance of independent variables
How do we know if variables (Home Price, S&P 500) truly help in explaining and
estimating R. GDP growth)?
The Regression Output tells you whether such variables are statistically significant.
To investigate if Home price chg. is statistically significant, the Regression Output
discloses the Standard Error of that specific regression coefficient: 0.036. Then, it
discloses the t Statistic of this coefficient. It is equal to the regression coefficient/St.
Error: 0.133/0.036 = 3.65. Next, it figures what is the P-value using the t distribution
TDIST(t Stat, df Residual, 2-tail). In this case, it is: TDIST(3.65, 12,2) = 0.0033. This P
value indicates there is only a very small probability that this regression coefficient is
Zero. Thus, we are confident this variable does help explain and estimate R.GDP
A Visual Summary. Two Independent
Variables for one Model
-2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0%
R GDP growthActual vs Estimate
-15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0%
Home price change
R GDP growthvs Home Price change
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0%
S&P 500 change
R GDP growthvs S&P 500 change
3) Building an Econometrics Model
Do Leading Indicators lead Real GDP growth?
Are they good predictors of Real GDP growth?
• We will build econometric models to address those
• We will test those models using state-of-the-art peer-
review practices.
The Leading Indicators
1 Hours Avg. Weekly Hours - Manufacturing, (Hours)
2 Un_claim Average Weekly Initial Claims - Unemployment Insurance, (Ths.)
3 New_orders Manufacturers' New Orders - Consumer Goods and Materials, (Mil. 1982 $)
4 Nondef1 Manufact. New Orders - Nondefense capital goods exclud. aircraft, (Mil. 1982 $)
5 Nondef2 Manufacturers' New Orders - Nondefense Capital Goods, (Mil. Ch. 1982 $)
6 Building_permits Building Permits for New Private Housing Units, (Ths.)
7 S&P 500 Index of stock prices - 500 common stocks, (1941-43=10, NSA)
8 M2 Money supply - M2, (Bil. 2009 $, NSA)
9 Spread Interest rate spread 10-year Treasury bonds less federal funds, (%, NSA)
10 Expectations Consumer Expectations - from the University of Michigan, (1966Q1=100, NSA)
Original source: Conference Board, BEA, Federal Reserve, BLS. Actual source: Moody's
2015EconometricsLeading indicators.xlsxLeading indicators
We are using a data set going back to 1982. This will allow us to explore the out-of-
sample issue later on with earlier data prior to 1982.
How to structure the Dependent Variable, Real GDP Growth?
Unit root test (nonstationary): Unit root test (nonstationary): Unit root test (nonstationary):
tau Stat Critic. val. Type tau Stat Critic. val. Type tau Stat Critic. val. Type
Dickey-Fuller -1.12 -3.15 with Constant, with Trend Dickey-Fuller -0.83 -3.15 with Constant, with Trend Dickey-Fuller -6.79 -2.58 with Constant, no Trend
Augmented DF -4.74 -2.58 with Constant, no Trend
Real GDP in 2009 $mm
LN(Real GDP in2009 $)
Real GDP Growthquarterly % chg.
A unitroot testtestsif a variable isnonstationary. If itis,the Average
and Variance of the time seriesare unstable acrosssubsectionsof the
data. Here,we can see the Avg.iseverincreasing. The Variance is
mostprobablytoo. Those propertieswill renderall statistical
significance inferencesflawed.
We usedthe Dickey-Fuller(DF) test withaConstant,because the
Average > 0, and a Trendbecause the data clearlytrends. The DF
testconfirmsthisvariable hasa unitrootbecause itstau Stat of -1.12
isnot negative enoughvs.the Critical valueof - 3.15.
Many practitioners believe that taking the log of a level variable
is an effective way to fix this problem. It rarely is. The DF test
suggests this logged variable is even more nonstationary than
the original level variable.
Transformingthe variable intoa% change from one periodtothe next
effectivelyrendersitstationary(mean-reverting). We can see now
that boththe Avg. andVariance are likelytoremainmore stable
across varioustimeframes.
The DF testconfirmsthatisthe case as the tau State of-6.79 ismuch
more negative thanthe Critical value of- 2.58 (fora variable withan
Avg. greaterthan zeroand notrend). In thiscase we also usedthe
AugmentedDFtodouble checkthatthisvariable isstationary. It is.
To avoid unit root issues (nonstationary), we will structure the Leading Indicators
in a similar fashion (% change from one period to the next); except for the Spread
(10 Year Treasury – FF) that is already pretty mean-reverting.
Level: has Unit Root
Not mean-reverting
LN(Level): has Unit Root
Not mean-reverting
% Chg: No Unit Root
2015EconometricsLeading indicators.xlsxVisuals
Selecting independent variables
1) Select independent variables that are correlated with the dependent
variable at a statistically significant level.
Correlation stat significance
n 123
St. error 0.09 SQRT(1/(n-1))
a level 0.05 Stat. sign. threshold
Correlation 0.18 St. error x 1.96
Within our data associated with 123
quarterly observations, and using a statistical
significance level of 0.05, this corresponds to
a minimum absolute Correlation of 0.18. For
good measure, let’s round up this minimum
Correlation to 0.20.
2) Select the variable lag (spot, lag 1-, lag 2-, lag 3-, lag 4-quarters) associated
with the highest correlation with the dependent variable.
The independent variables are Leading Indicators. Given that, we expect that
some of the quarterly lags will have the highest correlations.
2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection
Correlation with Real GDP Growth
Correlation with Real GDP Growth
Hours Un_claim New_orders Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits S&P 500 M2 Spread Expectations
Spot 0.50 -0.60 0.68 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.32 -0.21 0.04 0.16
Lag 1 0.33 -0.47 0.52 0.36 0.33 0.44 0.38 0.01 0.09 0.17
Lag 2 0.25 -0.39 0.33 0.26 0.26 0.39 0.34 0.07 0.12 0.18
Lag 3 0.12 -0.22 0.26 0.04 0.04 0.40 0.28 0.10 0.16 0.18
Lag 4 0.17 -0.22 0.12 0.02 -0.01 0.27 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17
2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection
We can in part answer the first question regarding how much the Leading
Indicators lead economic growth… Apparently, not by much. In six out of the
eight Leading Indicators with statistically significant correlations, the Spot
correlation is the highest.
Selecting the variables
Correlation with Real GDP Growth
Hours Un_claim New_orders Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits S&P 500 M2 Spread Expectations
Spot 0.50 -0.60 0.68 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.32 -0.21 0.04 0.16
Lag 1 0.33 -0.47 0.52 0.36 0.33 0.44 0.38 0.01 0.09 0.17
Lag 2 0.25 -0.39 0.33 0.26 0.26 0.39 0.34 0.07 0.12 0.18
Lag 3 0.12 -0.22 0.26 0.04 0.04 0.40 0.28 0.10 0.16 0.18
Lag 4 0.17 -0.22 0.12 0.02 -0.01 0.27 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17
2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection
The highlighted variables have statistically significant correlations
with the dependent variable (Real GDP Growth). And, they have
the highest correlations among the various quarterly lags.
-10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0%
Quarterly change in New Orders
New Orders vs R GDP
-2.0% -1.5% -1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0%
Quarterly change in Hours
Hours vs R GDP
-20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0%
Quarterly change in Unemployment Claims
Unemployment Claims vs R GDP
-20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0%
Quarterly change in Nondef Spending1
Nondefense Spending1 vs R GDP
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0%
Quarterly change in Nondef Spending2
Nondefense Spending2 vs R GDP
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0%
Quarterly change in Building Permits Lag1
Building Permits Lag1 vs R GDP
-30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0%
Quarterly change in S&P 500 Lag1
S&P 500 Lag1 vs R GDP
-2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0%
Quarterly change in M2
M2 vs R GDP
Scatter Plots illustrating the
relationship between the
independent variables and
the dependent one (R GDP
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxPlots
Building the Model manually:
Forward Stepwise Regression, 1st step
Correlation with Residual of Step 1
0.00 (0.02) 0.12 (0.26) (0.05) (0.12) (0.07) (0.03)
New_orders Hours Un_claim Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits Lag1S&P 500 Lag1 M2
5.0% 1.4% -4.1% 6.6% 8.9% 17.2% 8.0% 1.6%
5.0% 1.2% -10.8% 5.2% 2.7% 14.4% 10.2% 0.3%
5.0% 0.4% -7.6% 4.4% 6.0% 1.8% 1.7% 1.1%
1.4% 0.6% -10.2% 5.8% 9.6% -1.6% 0.1% 1.1%
-1.4% -0.2% 5.1% 2.7% 1.4% 8.9% -3.2% 1.2%
0.0% -0.4% 5.4% -0.8% -2.2% -3.6% -2.9% 0.5%
Real GDP Y est. Residual New_orders
1983q2 9.4% 6.7% -2.8% 5.0%
1983q3 8.1% 6.7% -1.4% 5.0%
1983q4 8.5% 6.7% -1.8% 5.0%
1984q1 8.2% 3.8% -4.4% 1.4%
1984q2 7.2% 1.5% -5.7% -1.4%
1984q3 4.0% 2.7% -1.3% 0.0%
1984q4 3.2% 2.1% -1.1% -0.7%
First step: build a simple linear
regression model with the independent
variable with the highest absolute
correlation with the dependent one. In
this case, it is New_orders with a
correlation of 0.68.
Next, select a 2nd independent
variable with the highest
correlation with the residual of
this first linear regression. As
shown it is Nondef1 with a
correlation of -0.26.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep1
Forward Stepwise Regression, 2nd step
Y Y est X1 X2
Real GDP Estimate Residual New_orders Nondef1
1983q2 9.4% 7.0% -2.5% 5.0% 6.6%
1983q3 8.1% 6.7% -1.4% 5.0% 5.2%
1983q4 8.5% 6.6% -1.9% 5.0% 4.4%
1984q1 8.2% 4.6% -3.6% 1.4% 5.8%
1984q2 7.2% 2.3% -4.9% -1.4% 2.7%
1984q3 4.0% 2.5% -1.5% 0.0% -0.8%
1984q4 3.2% 2.2% -1.0% -0.7% 0.1%
Second step: build a multiple linear
regression model with the two
selected independent variables:
New_orders and Nondef1.
Correlation with Residual of Step 2
0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.13 (0.11) (0.05) (0.11)
X1 X2
New_orders Nondef1 Hours Un_claim Nondef2 Building_permits Lag1S&P 500 Lag1 M2
5.0% 6.6% 1.4% -4.1% 8.9% 17.2% 8.0% 1.6%
5.0% 5.2% 1.2% -10.8% 2.7% 14.4% 10.2% 0.3%
5.0% 4.4% 0.4% -7.6% 6.0% 1.8% 1.7% 1.1%
1.4% 5.8% 0.6% -10.2% 9.6% -1.6% 0.1% 1.1%
-1.4% 2.7% -0.2% 5.1% 1.4% 8.9% -3.2% 1.2%
0.0% -0.8% -0.4% 5.4% -2.2% -3.6% -2.9% 0.5%
-0.7% 0.1% -0.2% 4.7% -1.8% -12.6% 3.1% 1.6%
Next, select a 3d independent
variable with the highest
correlation with the residual of
this second regression. As
shown it is Nondef2 with a
correlation of 0.13. This
correlation is probably too low.
We suspect this variable will not be adequately statistically significant when included in
the model. Let’s check…
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep2
Forward Stepwise Regression, 3d step
Coefficients St. Error t Stat
Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.8
X1 New_orders 0.643 0.091 7.1
X2 Nondef1 0.286 0.069 4.2
X3 Nondef2 -0.087 0.041 (2.1)
Actually, the issue with X3 Nondef2 is not
that it is not statistically significant, but
that its regression coefficient has the
wrong sign relative to its original
correlation with the dependent variable.
That’s a concern.
Let’s redo this 3d step with the next independent variable that had the 2nd highest
absolute correlation with the residual from the regression in the 2nd step. It was
Building_permits Lag 1 with a correlation of (0.11). That correlation appears too low.
We suspect again this variable will not be adequately statistically significant. But, let’s
give it a try to find out…
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep3
Forward Stepwise Regression, 3d step, 2nd try
Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.7 0.00
X1 New_orders 0.556 0.100 5.6 0.00
X2 Nondef1 0.192 0.054 3.5 0.00
X3 Building_permits Lag10.040 0.028 1.4 0.16
Actually, Building_permits did better
than expected. t Stat of 1.4 and P-
value of 0.16 can be deemed
acceptable if the variable and its
regression coefficient sign make good
sense; which in this case they do.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep3b
Given the already very low correlation coefficients associated with this 3d regression it
is not worth going on to a 4th regression to select a 4th independent variable. So, our
model will at most have three independent variables.
The next step is to check if adding this 3d independent variable is even worth it? Does
it add much incremental information over the model with just two independent
Comparing model with two vs. three
independent variables
Hold out performance
2 var 3 var
Actual Model Model
2014q1 -2.1% 2.2% 2.5%
2014q2 4.6% 4.0% 3.7%
2014q3 5.0% 3.9% 4.0%
2014q4 2.6% 1.7% 1.8%
2014 2.5% 2.9% 3.0%
Regression Stats 2 var. 3 var.
Multiple R 0.718 0.724
R Square 0.516 0.524
Adj. R Square 0.508 0.512
Standard Error 1.83% 1.83%
Observations 123 123
Regression coefficients. 2 variable model
Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.5 0.00
New_orders 0.616 0.091 6.8 0.00
Nondef1 0.197 0.054 3.6 0.00
Regression coefficients. 3 variable model
Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.7 0.00
New_orders 0.556 0.100 5.6 0.00
Nondef1 0.192 0.054 3.5 0.00
Building_permits Lag10.040 0.028 1.4 0.16
The two models are just about even on
Goodness-of-fit measures.
In the two-variable model both variables are
very statistically significant.
In the three-variable model, the 3d one, as
mentioned is not statistically significant.
In the Hold Out, the 2- var. model performs
just as well if not better than the 3-var. one.
All of the above suggests the 2-var. model is
the winner as the 3d variable does not add
enough incremental information.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxCompare 2 vs 3b
Model with 2 variables. Variables’ Influence
R² = 0.4635
-10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0%
New_orders vs Real GDP growth
R² = 0.3321
-20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0%
Nondef1 vs Real GDP growth
R² = 0.5161
-10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0%
2 var. model estimate
2 variable model vs Real GDP growth
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg Model testing.xlsxMulticollinearity
has a stronger
influence on
the fit of the
Historical fit & Error Reduction
Real GDP growth
Average 2.9%
St. Deviation 2.62%
St. Error 1.83%
Error reduction -29.9%
Real GDP growthvs. 2 var model estimate
Real GDP Estimate
Average 2.9%
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg Model testing.xlsxMulticollinearity
This is a very simple, yet powerful
way to assess the effectiveness of a
model. In the absence of any model,
you could simply use the historical
average economic growth of 2.9% as
a forecast. In essence, you would
accept the Standard Deviation of this
variable of 2.62% as your model’s
Standard Error. This is sometimes
called a Naïve model.
Next, you check how much lower is the Standard Error of your actual model vs. the Standard
Deviation of the variable: (1.83%)/2.62% = -29.9%. That’s not bad…
Adding an Autoregressive Variable (Y Lag 4)
Model 2-var
2-var + Y Lag 4
Regression Stats
Multiple R 0.718 0.750
R Square 0.516 0.563
Adj. R Square 0.508 0.552
St. Error 1.83% 1.75%
Observations 123 123
Intercept 2.6% 2.0%
New_orders 0.62 0.65
Nondef1 0.20 0.18
Y Lag 4 0.21
Standardized coefficient
New_orders 0.52 0.55
Nondef1 0.28 0.25
Y Lag 4 0.22
T Stat
Intercept 15.5 8.4
New_orders 6.8 7.4
Nondef1 3.6 3.4
Y Lag 4 3.6
P value
Intercept 0.00 0.00
New_orders 0.00 0.00
Nondef1 0.00 0.00
Y Lag 4 0.00
Model 2-var
Actual 2-var + Y Lag 4
2014q1 -2.1% 2.2% 2.1%
2014q2 4.6% 4.0% 3.7%
2014q3 5.0% 3.9% 4.2%
2014q4 2.6% 1.7% 1.8%
2014 2.5% 2.9% 3.0%
If you know economic growth 4 quarters ago, it does
provide marginally additional incremental info on
estimating economic growth in current quarter.
Coefficients for New_orders and Nondef1 have
remained surprisingly stable and so have their
influence as measured with Standardized
significance of
variables is very
similar for both
Hold Out
is pretty
much even
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxModel finalists
Visual comp.: Regression vs Autoregressive model
10.0% 1983q2
Reg model:Actual vs Estimate
Actual Estimate
Autoreg model:Actual vs Estimate
Actual Estimate
2014q1 2014q2 2014q3 2014q4 Average
Hold Out Performance
Actual Reg est. Autoreg est.
New_orders Nondef1 Y Lag 4
Reg Autoreg
Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxComparison
The Pros & Cons of Autoregressive Models
The pros:
1) It often reduce the autocorrelation of residuals;
2) It improves the overall Goodness-of-fit of a model;
3) It often improves the forecasting up to the Lag used in the model (Lag 4
quarters will allow you to forecast potentially better up to 4 quarters out).
The cons:
1) The autoregressive variable can grab away explanatory information from the
macroeconomic variables and weaken their statistical significance;
2) It can weaken the forecasting beyond the Lag used in the model. If you use
Lag 4 quarters, the model forecasting may weaken beyond 4 quarters.
Thus, depending on what is your objective and the issues associated with a model, an
autoregressive model may add value or not. You may decide to keep both models and
use them in different circumstances.
In this specific example, the autoregressive model does not add much value.
4) Model Testing
Linear Regression underlying assumptions:
1) No near-exact linear relationships between independent variables. Multicollinearity issue.
2) Error terms (Residuals) are independent. Autocorrelation issue.
3) Residuals have a constant variance. Heteroskedasticity issue.
We will test the regular Regression model with two variables for all of the above
assumptions, and conduct additional tests related to model specification.
To test an independent variable for
multicollinearity, you run a
regression using it as a dep. variable
and use all other ind. variables to
regress it. If that model’s resulting
RSquare > 0.75, you may have a
multicollinearity issue.
The literature focuses on the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). But, SQRT(VIF) is more
interesting as it denotes the coefficient’s Standard Error multiple. So, if VIF is 4, SQRT(VIF) is 2
and the coefficient’s Standard Error is 2 x as large and the t Stat half of what it would be if
multicollinearity was not an issue. (Source: John Fox 1991). A short cut to calculating
SQRT(VIF) is to run a model with only the one variable being tested. And, divide the Standard
Error of this variable’s coeff. within the multiple regression model by the one within the linear
regression (with only that one variable). And, you get SQRT(VIF). (EViews documentation).
In R, you can calculate the VIF using the vif( ) function with the car package.
The two variables have the same exact VIF
because they are regressed against each other
without any additional variables.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxmulticollinearity
Regressing New_orders (Y), using Nondef1 (X)
Multicollinearity test
Actual Severe Conservative Standard
R 0.57 0.87 0.89 0.95
RSquare 0.32 0.75 0.80 0.90
1 - R Squ. Tolerance 0.68 0.25 0.20 0.10
1/Tolerance VIF 1.48 4 5 10
SQRT(VIF) 1.22 2.0 2.2 3.2
2-variable Model Residuals
Econometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation
Unless the residual pattern is extremely obvious, it is difficult to visually accurately
assess whether residuals are autocorrelated or heteroskedastic. You have to statistically
test for those properties to get an accurate diagnostic. However, we can speculate that
the residuals are probably not very heteroskedastic (right hand side scatter plot).
-8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0%
2-var model:Residual l vs Estimate
Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxRegression model
Autocorrelation Lag 1 test: Durbin Watson (DW)
In R with lmtest package.
> dwtest(Regression, = NULL, exact = NULL)
Durbin-Watson test
data: Regression
DW = 1.7189, p-value = 0.05316
alternative hypothesis: true autocorrelation is greater than 0
P-value Interpretation
0.05 We can reject alternative hypothesis that true autocorrelation is >0.
0.95 We can't reject the alternative hypothesis that the true autocorrelation is >0.
Durbin Watson
Numerator 6.94% sum(Residual - Residual t-1)^2
Denominator 4.04% sum(Residual^2)
DW score 1.719
n 123
k 2
dL 1.634
dU 1.715
Value from DW table
Value from DW table
number of observations
number of independent variables
The 1.719 DW score falls just outside
the zone of uncertainty for positive
autocorrelation (1.634 – 1.715). So,
we can be pretty sure those residuals
are not positively autocorrelated with
Lag 1 residuals.
The R output says the same thing.
There is only a 0.05 chance that such
residuals are autocorrelated. In R,
watch for the direction of this test.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation
Two better tests than DW: Ljung-Box & Breusch-Godfrey
Comparing Ljung-Box and Breusch-Godfrey tests using R
Ljung-Box test Breusch-Godfrey test.
You don't need to load any extra library for this test. In R with lmtest package.
Testing for Lag 1 or AR(1) Testing for Lag 1 or AR(1)
> bgtest(Regression, order = 1, type = c("Chisq"))
Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation of order up to 1
data: Regression
LM test = 2.2148, df = 1, p-value = 0.1367
Testing up to Lag 4 or AR(4) Testing up to Lag 4 or AR(4)
> Box.test(Regression$res,lag = 4, type = c("Ljung-Box"),fitdf = 0) > bgtest(Regression, order = 4, type = c("Chisq"))
Box-Ljung test Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation of order up to 4
data: Regression$res data: Regression
X-squared = 37.1735, df = 4, p-value = 1.659e-07 LM test = 24.7465, df = 4, p-value = 5.657e-05
2015EconometricsReg Model testing.xlsxAutocorrelation
Autocorrelation related p-value
LB BG Interpretation
AR(1) 0.1355 0.1367 Not stat. significant
AR(4) 0.0000 0.0000 Very stat. significant
The LB and BG tests are better than DW for
two reasons. They can test for more than one
lag. They can also test a model with an
autoregressive variable. Meanwhile, DW
The LB and BG tests diagnostics were nearly
identical. Residuals do not have an AR(1)
process. But, they have an AR(4) one.
Autocorrelations statistical significance
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation
Autocorrelation tests
Correl. SE t stat P value
Lag 1 0.13 0.09 1.48 0.14
Lag 2 0.42 0.09 4.66 0.00
Lag 3 0.21 0.09 2.34 0.02
Lag 4 0.25 0.09 2.77 0.01
Notice that the P value for Lag 1 is very close to the P value for the Ljung-Box and
Breusch-Godfrey tests shown on previous slide. All three test approaches seem more
sensitive than DW that came up with a very low P value that Residuals would be
Autocorrelation: Regular model vs Autoregressive one
Regular model
Autocorrelation statistical significance
Correl. SE t stat P value
Lag 1 0.13 0.09 1.48 0.14
Lag 2 0.42 0.09 4.66 0.00
Lag 3 0.21 0.09 2.34 0.02
Lag 4 0.25 0.09 2.77 0.01
Autoregressive Model
Autocorrelation statistical significance
Correl. SE t stat P value
Lag 1 0.01 0.09 0.13 0.90
Lag 2 0.27 0.09 2.95 0.00
Lag 3 0.10 0.09 1.08 0.28
Lag 4 0.02 0.09 0.20 0.84
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation
By adding a Y Lag 4 variable, the Autoregressive model reduced all autocorrelations
(from Lag 1 to Lag 4) vs. the Regular model. This is a common phenomenon in
modeling. Notice the Autoregressive Model would not entirely circumvent the
autocorrelation of residual issue. The Lag 2 is clearly statistically significant.
Heteroskedasticity test: Breusch-Pagan
Y X1 X2
Residual^2 New_ordersNondef1
1983q2 0.1% 5.0% 6.6%
1983q3 0.0% 5.0% 5.2%
1983q4 0.0% 5.0% 4.4%
1984q1 0.1% 1.4% 5.8%
1984q2 0.2% -1.4% 2.7%
Breusch-Pagan LM Chi dist. P value
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) 0.8
DF (# variables) 2.0
Chi Dist. P value 0.68
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.079
R Square 0.006
Adj. R Square -0.010
Standard Error 0.000
Observations 123
df SS MS F Signif. F
Regression 2 1.75E-07 8.77E-08 0.38 0.68
Residual 120 2.77E-05 2.31E-07
Total 122 2.78E-05
In R with lmtest package.
> bptest(Regression,varformula = NULL, studentize = FALSE)
Breusch-Pagan test
data: Regression
BP = 0.8135, df = 2, p-value = 0.6658
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity
The BP test tests for linear heteroskedasticity. It
suggests that residuals are not heteroskedastic
because the LM Chi distribution P value at 0.68 is far
from being statistically significant. In most cases, the
ANOVA F test generates very similar values.
Heteroskedasticity test: White Test
Residual^2 X1 X2 X1^2 X2^2
1983q2 0.1% 5.0% 6.6% 0.2% 0.4%
1983q3 0.0% 5.0% 5.2% 0.2% 0.3%
1983q4 0.0% 5.0% 4.4% 0.3% 0.2%
1984q1 0.1% 1.4% 5.8% 0.0% 0.3%
1984q2 0.2% -1.4% 2.7% 0.0% 0.1%
df SS MS F Signific. F
Regression 4 5.08E-07 1.27E-07 0.55 0.70
Residual 118 2.73E-05 2.32E-07
Total 122 2.78E-05
White Test LM Chi dist. P value
Lagrange Multiplier (LM)2.2
DF (# variables) 4.0
Chi Dist. P value 0.69
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity
The White Test tests for linear and
nonlinear heteroskedasticity. You can see
how its regression is specified with all the
2nd degree variables. This test confirms
that residuals are not heteroskedastic
even on a nonlinear basis.
Heteroskedasticity test: Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
Y X1 X2 X3 X4
Resid^2 Resid^2 t-1 Resid^2 t-2 Resid^2 t-3 Resid^2 t-4
1983q2 0.1%
1983q3 0.0% 0.1%
1983q4 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
1984q1 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
1984q2 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
1984q3 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0%
1984q4 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0%
df SS MS F Sign. F
Regression 4 5.21E-07 1.3E-07 0.56 0.69
Residual 114 2.63E-05 2.31E-07
Total 118 2.68E-05
ARCH LM Chi dist. P value
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) 2.3
DF (# lags) 4
Chi Dist. P value 0.68
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity
This heteroskedasticity test checks
whether the variance of an error
term is a function of the size of the
previous error terms.
In plain English, are large residuals
followed by large residuals and
small ones by small ones.
As indicated with the high value for
Significance of F and Chi
distribution P value, this model’s
residuals do not suffer from this
type of heteroskedasticity.
Where does heteroskedasticity come from?
-8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0%
Reg model:Residual l vs Estimate
-10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0%
Reg model:Residual vs New_orders
-16.0% -11.0% -6.0% -1.0% 4.0% 9.0%
Reg model:Residual vs Nondef1
Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxRegression model
We already know the overall model does not demonstrate heteroskedastic residuals. But
if it is some model reviewers fit a quadratic regression line to the residuals vs. each of the
independent variables to identify heteroskedasticity at the variable level. In this case, the
resulting quadratic regression lines are pretty flat reflecting unlikely heteroskedasticity
Testing Heteroskedasticity at the
variable level: Park Test
df SS MS F Signif. F
Regression 1 0.000 0.000 0.233 0.63
Residual 121 0.000 0.000
Total 122 0.000
Coeff. St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 0.00 0.00 7.42 0.00
New_orders 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.63
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity variable
The most common form of the Park test is to log all the
variables. But, you can’t log negative values. So, the
Park test has also a linear form described here. Notice
that this version of the Park test is nearly identical to
the Breusch-Pagan test except it tests for one single
variable at a time to identify where the
heteroskedasticity comes from.
Using linear form of the Park test.
Y X1
Residual^2 New_orders
1983q2 0.06% 5.0%
1983q3 0.02% 5.0%
1983q4 0.04% 5.0%
1984q1 0.13% 1.4%
We ran the same test for Nondef1, and got P
values of 0.38. So, in both cases the
residuals are not heteroskedastic relative to
the level of either independent variables.
Residual autocorrelation &
heteroskedasticity recap
Residuals are not heteroskedastic. Note that all the
heteroskedasticity tests (BP, White, ARCH) for the overall model
generated almost the same Sign. of F and Chi Square dist. P-
value (all near 0.7). That’s even though they tested for different
shapes of heteroskedasticity.
Residuals are autocorrelated when looking beyond Lag 1. There
too a couple of the tests (Ljung-Box, Breusch-Pagan) gave us
nearly identical results in terms of respective P values.
There are several ways to resolve autocorrelation and
heteroskedasticity issues as shown on the next slide.
How to resolve Autocorrelation & Heteroskedasticity
C:UsersliongcDesktopEconometricsModel GuidanceModel guidance map.xlsxSimple Map
A Unit Root issue often leaves a footprint in residual issues such as autocorrelation and
heteroskedasticity. The above diagram shows the three ways to resolve autocorrelation
and heteroskedasticity issues.
Calculate RobustStandardError: Newey-West.
Recalculate ind.variablestatistical significance.
Introduce anautoregressive variable:Y Lag 4.
Feasible GeneralizedLeastSquaresModel (FGLS)
Calculate RobustStandardError: White.
Recalculate ind.variablestatistical significance.
TransformY variable. Detrendmore if possible.
WeightedLeastSquaresModel (WLS)
Stationarity issue
Mapping the Robust Standard Error Path
C:UsersliongcDesktopEconometricsModel GuidanceModel guidance map.xlsxMap 2
The diagram below fleshes
out what it means to
calculate Robust Standard
Error and test ind. variables
statistical significance.
No Yes
Are residuals
Calculate RobustStandard
Error: White for heteros.;
Recalculate independent
Good,you are done with
Good,you are done with
Confirmthata variable
that isnot stat.
by economictheory. If
Is yourdependent
variable stationary
[UnitRoot ] (Dickey-
to % change or
First-Difference .
White SEs = Newey-West SEs w/ zero lag with R
Testing that White SE (hc1) = Newey-West (0 Lag, alt.model, small sample adjustment).
For the Regression model.
> library(car)
> sqrt(diag(hccm(Regression,type=c("hc1"))))
(Intercept) New_orders Nondef1
0.001654879 0.101647319 0.056301194
> library(sandwich)
> sqrt(diag(NeweyWest(Regression,lag=0,prewhite=FALSE,adjust=123/121)))
(Intercept) New_orders Nondef1
0.001654879 0.101647319 0.056301194
This calculates the original
White SE “HC1” version
developed by White but
adjusted for small sample.
This is the Newey-West SE with a manual adjustment for small sample. The adjustment is
described as: n/(n – k).
n is sample size (123)
k is number of parameters.
The literature describes “k” as including the intercept and “n – k” being equal to the df of
residual for the regression (n – k = 120). But, I got exact results White SEs = Newey-West
SEs by treating k as number of independent variables excluding the intercept with n – k =
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxStat sign.
Another way to get White SEs = N-W SEs is to use the White SEs “hc0” version that
excludes a small sample adjustment. When doing N-W, you would not enter the small
sample adj. argument. If you have a very large sample using those would be fine.
White SE = Newey-West SE summary
White hc1 = Newey-West (with zero lag) with small sample adjustment
White hc0 = Newey-West (with zero lag) without small sample adjustment
If sample is very large, the sample adjustment may be immaterial.
Using White hc2 or White hc3 will result in Robust SEs adjusted for
heteroskedasticity that will often be much larger than Robust SEs adjusted for
both heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation (N-W), a rather incoherent
Recalculating variables stat. significance
The N-W SE with up to a 4 quarter lag is
higher for the Nondef1 but is actually
lower for New_orders vs the N-W SE with
0 lag or the White SE. This is not a typo (I
reran R several times to double check it).
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxStat sign.
Existing Stat. Sign. with regular Standard Errors
Error t Stat P-value
New_orders 0.616 0.091 6.75 0.00
Nondef1 0.197 0.054 3.61 0.00
Recalculating Stat. Sign. with White S.Es
Coeffic. White SE t Stat P-value
New_orders 0.616 0.102 6.06 0.00
Nondef1 0.197 0.056 3.49 0.00
The t Stat = Regression coefficient/Robust Standard Error
P-value = TDIST(abs(t Stat), DF of Residual, 2)
Recalculating Stat. Sign. with Newey-West S.Es. Lag=4
Coeffic. N-W SE t Stat P-value
New_orders 0.616 0.097 6.33 0.00
Nondef1 0.197 0.059 3.36 0.00
The t Stat = Regression coefficient/Robust Standard Error
P-value = TDIST(abs(t Stat), DF of Residual, 2)
Recalculating the stat. significance of
variables with Robust SEs did not have a
material impact. The variables remained
very statistically significant.
Testing coefficient
stability across different
time series
Regression Coefficient X2 X1
Nondef1 New_ordersIntercept
Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.197 0.616 2.6%
Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.221 0.604 2.9%
Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.176 0.646 2.6%
Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.193 0.588 2.4%
Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.223 0.523 2.3%
t Stat X2 X1
Nondef1 New_orders
Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 3.6 6.8
Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 3.9 5.8
Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 3.2 6.9
Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 3.3 6.1
Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 3.6 5.2
P value X2 X1
Nondef1 New_orders
Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.00 0.00
Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.00 0.00
Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.00 0.00
Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.00 0.00
Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.00 0.00
Goodness-of-fit of models
R Square St. Error
Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.516 1.83%
Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.446 1.70%
Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.562 1.71%
Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.530 1.78%
Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.524 1.75%
We reran this regression by using four
different periods of 14.5 years each
every two years to observe how
stable the regression coefficients are.
Regression coefficients
are overall pretty stable.
Statistical significance of
regression coefficients held
up well for all regressions.
Goodness-of-fit of the various models as
measured by R Square and Standard Error
remained reasonably stable too.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxCoefficient stability
Exploring Outliers (why R can be really cool)
> influencePlot(Regression, id.n=6) Cook's D
(bubble size)
It measures the change to
the estimates that results
from deleting an
observation. Its
calculation combines a
measure of Outlierness
(like Stud. Residuals) and
Threshold:> 4/n
Studentized Residuals
Dependent variable
Large error. Unusual
dependent variable value
given the independent
variable’s input. This means
an actual datapoint is two
standard deviations (scaled
on a t distribution) of the
Residual away from the
regressed line. Fairly similar
to being two model's
Standard Errors away (small
differences due to dfs).
Threshold: + or - 2.
Independent variable outliers
Leverage measures how far an independent
variable deviates from its Mean. Threshold:
>(2k + 2)/n
EconometricsGraphs.xlsxR Graphs
Using the car package
> influencePlot(Regression, id.n=6)
StudRes Hat CookD
5 2.81192728 0.026683421 0.261387671
9 1.31478653 0.060466331 0.191990916
23 1.43797317 0.068965131 0.224956383
33 -0.79884290 0.066833211 0.123615536
69 2.63048375 0.038623597 0.297165815
100 -2.14789027 0.029868097 0.214386600
102 -0.01900992 0.070398888 0.003032988
103 -1.58568051 0.176556380 0.421266201
104 0.30230346 0.199567139 0.087481253
106 -2.44084923 0.025118592 0.221672137
112 -2.57586760 0.008165951 0.131880907
119 -2.14938212 0.011899339 0.134171528
2 var Regression Model
A B A x B Rank Rank
Observ. StudRes Hat-Lev. CookD Influence CookD Influence
103 -1.586 0.177 0.421 0.280 1 1
69 2.630 0.039 0.297 0.102 2 2
5 2.812 0.027 0.261 0.075 3 5
23 1.438 0.069 0.225 0.099 4 3
106 -2.441 0.025 0.222 0.061 5 7
100 -2.148 0.030 0.214 0.064 6 6
9 1.315 0.060 0.192 0.080 7 4
119 -2.149 0.012 0.134 0.026 8 10
112 -2.576 0.008 0.132 0.021 9 11
33 -0.799 0.067 0.124 0.053 10 9
104 0.302 0.200 0.087 0.060 11 8
102 -0.019 0.070 0.003 0.001 12 12
Correlation 0.87
EconometricsGraphs.xlsxR Graphs
The most important and encompassing outlier-measure is Cook’s D because it
pretty much aggregates the information from Studentized Residuals and Leverage.
Impact of Outliers on regression coefficients
> Regression103<-lm(Real.GDP~New_orders + Nondef1, econdata,subset=-c(103,124,125,126,127))
> summary(Regression103)
Regression testing for outliers
without without without
All data 103 69 5
Intercept 0.026 0.027 0.026 0.026
New_orders0.616 0.575 0.648 0.647
Nondef1 0.197 0.186 0.173 0.179
t Stat
New_orders 6.75 6.11 7.21 7.24
Nondef1 3.61 3.40 3.20 3.36
Adj. R Sq. 0.508 0.433 0.522 0.528
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxOutliers
Here we reran the regression by taking out one
at a time each of the top three observations
ranked by Cook’s D measure (the more
encompassing measure of influence).
As shown, the coefficients and their statistical
respective statistical significance remained
pretty stable.
Does Cook’s D really work?
Should we be concerned about datapoint 104. It
has the highest Leverage combined with a very low
Residual. Hypothesis: could this mean it actually
has a greater influence on regression coefficients
than datapoint 103 that has a pretty large residual?
Regression testing for outliers
Change Change
without without without without
All data 103 104 103 104
Intercept 0.026 0.027 0.026 1.8% -0.4%
New_orders0.616 0.575 0.621 -6.6% 0.9%
Nondef1 0.197 0.186 0.201 -5.7% 2.1%
t Stat
New_orders 6.75 6.11 6.65
Nondef1 3.61 3.40 3.56
Adj. R Sq. 0.508 0.433 0.463 -14.7% -8.9%
As shown, Cook’s D did work just fine.
Datapoint 103 (large bubble) has much more
influence on the regression coefficient than
datapoint 104 (small bubble).
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxOutliers
Are Residuals Normally distributed?
Jarque- Bera test.
Probability distribution is Normal
n - k 121
Skewness 0.0
Kurtosis 0.2
JB score 0.1
DF 2
p-value 0.94
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxNormality
> qqPlot(Regression)
> hist(rstudent(Regression))
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxR Graph
Visually by either looking at a QQ Plot or a
histogram, we can see that the Residuals look
pretty normally distributed. Note, the QQ Plot
also describes a 95% CI relative to a Normal
distribution. Also, the Jarque-Bera test confirms
that the Residuals are normally distributed (p
value 0.94).
Need packages: tseries & quadprog
> jarque.bera.test(Regression$res)
Jarque Bera Test
data: Regression$res
X-squared = 0.0529, df = 2, p-value = 0.9739
Scenario Testing: Can the Model break down?
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxScenario testing
If we use inputs
(yellow), we get
output (pink).
Scenarios: Real GDP quarterly change annualized
Min Median Max
3.1% -11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9%
Min -20.6% -8.4% -5.9% -3.5% -1.0% 0.5% 1.9% 3.4%
-13.4% -7.0% -4.5% -2.1% 0.4% 1.9% 3.4% 4.8%
-6.2% -5.6% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 3.3% 4.8% 6.2%
Nondef1 Median 0.9% -4.2% -1.7% 0.8% 3.2% 4.7% 6.2% 7.6%
6.3% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 4.3% 5.8% 7.2% 8.7%
11.7% -2.1% 0.4% 2.9% 5.4% 6.8% 8.3% 9.8%
Max 17.1% -1.0% 1.5% 3.9% 6.4% 7.9% 9.4% 10.8%
Regression Model Model data from 1982 From beginning of series in 1959
Coefficient Min Median Max Min Median Max
Intercept 2.6%
New_orders 0.616 0.5% -9.3% 0.5% 5.2% -11.4% 0.7% 7.9%
Nondef1 0.197 0.9% -15.7% 0.9% 7.5% -20.6% 0.9% 17.1%
Output estimate
Real GDP 3.1%
Median R GDP
Learning sample 3.1%
Since 1947 3.2%
We then sensitize the
values of both
New_orders and
Nondef1 based on
historical ranges
going back to 1959.
We then generate 49
different scenarios of
GDP growth.
Are the scenario estimates reasonable?
Scenarios: Real GDP quarterly change annualized
Min Median Max
3.1% -11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9%
Min -20.6% -8.4% -5.9% -3.5% -1.0% 0.5% 1.9% 3.4%
-13.4% -7.0% -4.5% -2.1% 0.4% 1.9% 3.4% 4.8%
-6.2% -5.6% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 3.3% 4.8% 6.2%
Nondef1 Median 0.9% -4.2% -1.7% 0.8% 3.2% 4.7% 6.2% 7.6%
6.3% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 4.3% 5.8% 7.2% 8.7%
11.7% -2.1% 0.4% 2.9% 5.4% 6.8% 8.3% 9.8%
Max 17.1% -1.0% 1.5% 3.9% 6.4% 7.9% 9.4% 10.8%
Percentiles vs Real GDP history going back to 1947Q2
Min Median Max
-11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9%
Min -20.6% 0.003 0.014 0.049 0.121 0.189 0.317 0.535
-13.4% 0.009 0.033 0.075 0.183 0.313 0.531 0.718
Nondef1 -6.2% 0.017 0.057 0.132 0.310 0.525 0.714 0.792
Median 0.9% 0.036 0.089 0.201 0.521 0.708 0.791 0.874
6.3% 0.057 0.131 0.310 0.652 0.785 0.856 0.930
11.7% 0.074 0.180 0.442 0.748 0.831 0.909 0.959
Max 17.1% 0.120 0.276 0.617 0.801 0.887 0.941 0.976
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxScenario testing
Some of the
scenarios input may
not be reasonable
because New_orders
and Nondef1 are
positively correlated
(R = 0.52). But, the
resulting output of
the R GDP estimates
percentiles vs entire
series going back to
1947 seems pretty
reasonable. Thus,
the Model does not
appear to break
down readily even
with out-of-sample
variable inputs.
Red = < 10th percentile. Green > 90th percentile
Is the Model well specified? Link test
R GDP Y est. Y est.^2
1983q2 9.4% 7.0% 0.5%
1983q3 8.1% 6.7% 0.4%
1983q4 8.5% 6.6% 0.4%
1984q1 8.2% 4.6% 0.2%
1984q2 7.2% 2.3% 0.1%
1984q3 4.0% 2.5% 0.1%
1984q4 3.2% 2.2% 0.0%
1985q1 4.0% 4.1% 0.2%
1985q2 3.7% 1.4% 0.0%
Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 0.00 0.003 0.24 0.810
Y est. 1.07 0.106 10.10 0.000
Y est.^2 -2.21 1.961 -1.13 0.261
The Link test checks if your regression is properly specified. If it is one should not be able to find any additional
independent variables that are significant, except by chance. The Link Test is a regression using the Y estimate and
the Y estimate^2 as the independent variables to regress the dependent variable Y. If your model is properly
specified, the Y estimate independent variable will be statistically significant because it is the predicted value from
the original model. And, the Y estimat^2 will not be statistically significant because if the model is specified
correctly, the squared predictions should not have much explanatory power. And, that is what we got here.
The Y estimate is very statistically significant with a t Stat of 10.1 and a P value of essentially Zero (0.00...).
The Y estimate^2 is not statistically significant with a t Stat of -1.13 and a P value of 0.26.
EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxModel Specification

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Intro to econometrics

  • 1. Introduction to Econometrics Gaetan “Guy” Lion June 2015 1
  • 2. Table of Content 1) Linear Regression. 2) Multiple Regression. Multiple Regression as an Optimization. 3) Building an Econometrics model. Stepwise Regression, Autoregressive Regression. 4) Model testing. Multicollinearity, Autocorrelation, Heteroskedasticity, Robust Standard Errors, Outliers testing, Normality, Scenario testing. 2
  • 4. The Basic Linear Regression Equation 4 Y = Constant + bX + Error term Y is the dependent variable we want to estimate or model. b is a coefficient that multiplies the independent variable X. It is called the Slope of X. It reflects Xs influence on Y, the dependent variable. X is the independent variable that helps us in estimating Y. Constant also called the Intercept is the value of Y when X is equal to zero. Error term also called Residual is the difference between the actual value of Y and the estimated value of Y derived from: Const. + bX A Regression Model allows us to estimate and explain the behavior of a variable Y using an independent variable X.
  • 5. Let’s estimate Economic Growth using Home Price changes 5 Y X R. GDP Home price chg. 2000 4.1% 4.1% 2001 1.0% 5.8% 2002 1.8% 7.6% 2003 2.8% 7.3% 2004 3.8% 8.1% 2005 3.3% 12.8% 2006 2.7% 2.1% 2007 1.8% -2.9% 2008 -0.3% -9.2% 2009 -2.8% -11.9% 2010 2.5% 0.1% 2011 1.6% -4.5% 2012 2.3% 6.5% 2013 2.2% 11.4% 2014 2.4% 5.8% Within our data set Real GDP growth (annual) is the dependent variable Y. And, annual Home Price change is the independent variable. Linear Regression allows us to explore how well we can estimate Real GDP growth, if we know the Home Price chg.
  • 6. Excel Scatter Plot = Regression the easy way 6 H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression Running a Linear Regression visually is very easy in three easy steps: 1) Do a Scatter Plot with your independent variable X (Home price chg.) on the X-axis and your dependent variable Y (Real GDP growth) on the Y-axis; 2) Add a Trendline to your Scatter Plot. That is actually your Regression line that best fit the data; 3) Format your Trendline by adding the actual regression equation and the R^2 measure that tells how much the variable X explains of the variance of variable Y. The regressed equation solution: Real GDP Growth = 1.44% + 0.177(Home price chg.) Step 1: Do a Scatter Plot with X var. on X-axis; Y var. on Y-Axis Step 2: Add a Trendline Step 3: Format Trendline by adding equation and R^2 -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change y = 0.1771x+0.0144 R² = 0.5674 -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change
  • 7. The Geometry of Linear Regression 7 Constant or Intercept = value of Y when X = 0 Beta coefficient or Slope = Chg. in Y/Chg. in X -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change Intercept -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change Chg. in Y Chg. in X H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression
  • 8. The Arithmetic of Linear Regression 8H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression Y X R. GDP Home price chg. XY X^2 Y^2 2000 4.1% 4.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 2001 1.0% 5.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 2002 1.8% 7.6% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0% 2003 2.8% 7.3% 0.2% 0.5% 0.1% 2004 3.8% 8.1% 0.3% 0.7% 0.1% 2005 3.3% 12.8% 0.4% 1.6% 0.1% 2006 2.7% 2.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 2007 1.8% -2.9% -0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 2008 -0.3% -9.2% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 2009 -2.8% -11.9% 0.3% 1.4% 0.1% 2010 2.5% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 2011 1.6% -4.5% -0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 2012 2.3% 6.5% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1% 2013 2.2% 11.4% 0.3% 1.3% 0.0% 2014 2.4% 5.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% Average 1.9% 2.9% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1% Values used in Numerator 1.9% 2.9% 0.1% Values used in Denominator 2.9% 0.6% Calculating the Slope b : Numerator: avg(XY) - avgX*avgY Y = C + b X Denominator: avgX^2 - (avgX)^2 Numerator: 0.1% Denominator: 0.5% b 0.177 Calculating the Constant or Intercept: C or Constant = avgY - b avgX C 1.44%
  • 9. A 2nd Arithmetic Approach Slope b = Covariance (X, Y)/Variance(X) 9 Covar(X,Y) Var(X) R GDP Home price A B A x B B^2 Y X Y - Avg. X - Avg. 2000 4.1% 4.1% 2.1% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 2001 1.0% 5.8% -1.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.1% 2002 1.8% 7.6% -0.2% 4.7% 0.0% 0.2% 2003 2.8% 7.3% 0.9% 4.4% 0.0% 0.2% 2004 3.8% 8.1% 1.8% 5.3% 0.1% 0.3% 2005 3.3% 12.8% 1.4% 9.9% 0.1% 1.0% 2006 2.7% 2.1% 0.7% -0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 2007 1.8% -2.9% -0.2% -5.8% 0.0% 0.3% 2008 -0.3% -9.2% -2.2% -12.0% 0.3% 1.4% 2009 -2.8% -11.9% -4.7% -14.8% 0.7% 2.2% 2010 2.5% 0.1% 0.6% -2.7% 0.0% 0.1% 2011 1.6% -4.5% -0.3% -7.4% 0.0% 0.5% 2012 2.3% 6.5% 0.4% 3.6% 0.0% 0.1% 2013 2.2% 11.4% 0.3% 8.6% 0.0% 0.7% 2014 2.4% 5.8% 0.4% 2.9% 0.0% 0.1% Average 1.9% 2.9% 1.3% 7.3% Sum 0.09% 0.49% Sum/n Slope = Covar(X,Y)/Var(X) Numerator 0.09% Denominator 0.49% Slope 0.177 H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2
  • 10. Linear Regression Excel Basics 10 R GDP Home price Y Y est. X 2000 4.1% 2.2% 4.1% 2001 1.0% 2.5% 5.8% 2002 1.8% 2.8% 7.6% 2003 2.8% 2.7% 7.3% 2004 3.8% 2.9% 8.1% 2005 3.3% 3.7% 12.8% 2006 2.7% 1.8% 2.1% 2007 1.8% 0.9% -2.9% 2008 -0.3% -0.2% -9.2% 2009 -2.8% -0.7% -11.9% 2010 2.5% 1.5% 0.1% 2011 1.6% 0.6% -4.5% 2012 2.3% 2.6% 6.5% 2013 2.2% 3.5% 11.4% 2014 2.4% 2.5% 5.8% Basic formulas SLOPE() 0.177 INTERCEPT() 1.44% RSQ () 0.567 STYX() 1.2%RSQ() = R Square. is the square of correlation between Y and Y est. It tells how well the model’s estimates fit the actual data. It also tells what is the % of the dependent variable’s variance explained by the model. This value ranges from 0 (a terrible model that does not fit or explain the data) to 1 (a perfect model that fits the data identically and explains 100% of the variance of the dependent variable). STYX () = Standard Error of Model. Assuming that the Errors are normally distributed, one can assume that about 2/3ds of data observations fall within + or – 1 Standard Error from the model’s estimate. And, 95% of them fall within + or – 1.96 Standard Errors away from the model’s estimate.
  • 11. Linear Regression with LINEST() 11H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2 LINEST () Regression with one ind. Variable X Home pr. Intercept Coefficient 0.177 1.44% SE of Coeff 0.043 0.32% R Square St. Error 0.567 1.2% F Stat df Residual 17.05 13 SS Regres SS Residual 0.0023 0.0017 Rearranging LINEST() results in a standard format Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 1.44% 0.32% 4.44 0.0007 Home price 0.177 0.043 4.13 0.0012 The LINES() formula generates a lot of info including the Standard Error of the specific regression coefficient(s). This allows us to evaluate whether Home price chg. is a good explanatory variable to keep in model. Is it statistically significant? What is the probability that its regression coefficient is not different from 0? Let’s answer those questions. By dividing Home price’s reg. coefficient by its Standard Error we get its t Stat: 0.177/0.043 = 4.13. In turn, we can calculate the probability that this regression coefficient is not different from 0 using the TDIST() function. Its arguments include: t Stat, df Residual, and # of tails you want to test four (which is always 2 in regressions). TDIST (4.13, 13, 2) = 0.0012 which is essentially 0, meaning there is a near 0% probability that this regression coefficient could be 0. We can be nearly 100% confident, this reg. coefficient is different than 0. Thus, we are confident Home price chg. does belong in this model and is a good explanatory variable to explain and estimate Real GDP growth.
  • 12. Depicting 95% Confidence Interval 12 -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% Real GDPGrowthActual, Est, 95% C.I. Y Y est. CI Low CI High -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% RealGDPgrowth Home Price change Real GDP Growth vs Home price chg, 95% C.I. Y Y est. CI Low CI High H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxLinear regression2 Depicting 95% C.I. over time Depicting 95% C.I. vs. Home Price chg. A 95% Confidence Interval means that we would expect that about 1 observation out of 20 would fall outside the Confidence Interval. The graphs look about right. We have only 15 observations. But, two of them are just within the C.I. All others are well within. The C.I. Low range is 1.96 Standard Error of the model below Y estimate. The C.I. High range is 1.96 Standard Error above Y estimate.
  • 13. 2) Multiple Regression as an Optimization 13 Those two methods are identical. The only difference is that the Regression statistical output gives you a lot of very valuable information about a model that Optimization does not.
  • 14. The Basic Multiple Regression Equation 14 Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term Y is the dependent variable we want to estimate or model. b1 is a coefficient that multiplies the independent variable X1. It reflects X1’s influence on Y, the dependent variable. X1 is the 1st independent variable that helps us in estimating Y. X2 is the 2nd independent variable that helps us in estimating Y. Constant also called the Intercept is the value of Y when X1 and X2 are equal to zero. b2 same explanation as b1. Error term also called Residual is the difference between the actual value of Y and the estimated value of Y derived from: Const. + b1X1 + b2X2. Such Regressions can have many more independent variables X3, X4, X5, …
  • 15. The objective of such modeling 15 Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term Find the Constant and b1 and b2 coefficients so as to minimize the sum of the square of the Error terms or Residuals. That is why Regression is called (OLS) Regression. OLS means Ordinary Least Square (minimizing the Square of the Residuals). That is specifically an optimization process. Modify Constant, b1, and b2 Minimize sum of square of Error terms. As described Multiple Regression is actually an Optimization.
  • 16. An Optimization Example 16 Y = Constant + b1X1 + b2X2 + Error term Real GDP Growth = Constant + b1Home Price chg + b2S&P 500 chg + Error term We are going to model or estimate annual Real GDP Growth with two independent variables: Home Price yearly change and S&P 500 yearly change.
  • 17. Optimization starting point 17 What to change Constant 2% b 1 Home price 0.1 b 2 S&P 500 0.1 Y Y est. Error Error^2 X1 X2 R. GDP Estimate Residual Residual^2 Home price S&P 500 2000 4.1% 3.2% -0.9% 0.0% 4.1% 7.6% 2001 1.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 5.8% -16.4% 2002 1.8% 1.1% -0.7% 0.0% 7.6% -16.5% 2003 2.8% 2.4% -0.4% 0.0% 7.3% -3.2% 2004 3.8% 4.5% 0.8% 0.0% 8.1% 17.3% 2005 3.3% 4.0% 0.6% 0.0% 12.8% 6.8% 2006 2.7% 3.1% 0.4% 0.0% 2.1% 8.6% 2007 1.8% 3.0% 1.2% 0.0% -2.9% 12.7% 2008 -0.3% -0.6% -0.4% 0.0% -9.2% -17.3% 2009 -2.8% -1.4% 1.3% 0.0% -11.9% -22.5% 2010 2.5% 4.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.1% 20.3% 2011 1.6% 2.7% 1.1% 0.0% -4.5% 11.4% 2012 2.3% 3.5% 1.2% 0.0% 6.5% 8.7% 2013 2.2% 5.0% 2.8% 0.1% 11.4% 19.1% 2014 2.4% 4.3% 1.9% 0.0% 5.8% 17.5% What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.2% H:AbilitiesProjects2015EconometricsBasics.xlsxOptimization R. GDP gr. in 2000 = 2% + 0.1(4.1%) + 0.1(7.6%) = 3.2%
  • 18. Using Excel Solver to run the Optimization 18 What to change Constant 1.37% b 1 Home price 0.133 b 2 S&P 500 0.054 Y Y est. Error Error^2 X1 X2 R. GDP Estimate Residual Residual^2 Home price S&P 500 2000 4.1% 2.3% -1.8% 0.0% 4.1% 7.6% 2001 1.0% 1.3% 0.3% 0.0% 5.8% -16.4% 2002 1.8% 1.5% -0.3% 0.0% 7.6% -16.5% 2003 2.8% 2.2% -0.6% 0.0% 7.3% -3.2% 2004 3.8% 3.4% -0.4% 0.0% 8.1% 17.3% 2005 3.3% 3.4% 0.1% 0.0% 12.8% 6.8% 2006 2.7% 2.1% -0.6% 0.0% 2.1% 8.6% 2007 1.8% 1.7% -0.1% 0.0% -2.9% 12.7% 2008 -0.3% -0.8% -0.5% 0.0% -9.2% -17.3% 2009 -2.8% -1.4% 1.3% 0.0% -11.9% -22.5% 2010 2.5% 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 20.3% 2011 1.6% 1.4% -0.2% 0.0% -4.5% 11.4% 2012 2.3% 2.7% 0.4% 0.0% 6.5% 8.7% 2013 2.2% 3.9% 1.7% 0.0% 11.4% 19.1% 2014 2.4% 3.1% 0.7% 0.0% 5.8% 17.5% What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.1%
  • 19. Now let’s run a Regression 19 What to change Constant 1.37% b 1 Home price 0.133 b 2 S&P 500 0.054 What to minimize: Sum E.^2 0.1% LINEST () Regression with two ind. Variables X2 X1 S&P 500 Home pr. Intercept Coefficient 0.054 0.133 1.37% SE of Coeff 0.018 0.036 0.003 R Square St. Error 0.757 0.009 #N/A F Stat df Residual 18.7 12 #N/A SS Regres SS Residual 0.003 0.1% #N/A Rearranging LINEST() results in a standard format Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 1.37% 0.003 5.40 0.0002 Home price 0.133 0.036 3.65 0.0033 S&P 500 0.054 0.018 3.05 0.0100 Optimization results w/ Solver Regression with Data Analysis toolpack Regression using LINEST () Running a regression using the Data Analysis toolpack or using LINEST () generates the exact same sum of squared errors and regression coefficients as when running the optimization with Solver. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.870 R Square 0.757 Adj. R Square 0.716 St. Error 0.9% Observations 15 ANOVA df SS MS F Signif. F Regression 2 0.003 0.002 18.7 0.0 Residual 12 0.1% 8.19E-05 Total 14 0.004 Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 1.37% 0.003 5.40 0.0002 Home price 0.133 0.036 3.65 0.0033 S&P 500 0.054 0.018 3.05 0.0100
  • 20. Regression = Optimization 20 Both methods do the exact same thing by minimizing the sum of the square of the Errors or Residuals. Consequently, they generate the exact same overall model with identical independent variable coefficients. The big difference is that the standard Regression output generates a lot of information about the model that Optimization does not do. Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.870 R Square 0.757 Adj. R Square 0.716 St. Error 0.9% Observations 15 R Square: same meaning as defined within Linear Regression section. Adjusted R Square: it adjusts R Square downward for using more variables. So, Adj. R Square is always a bit smaller than R Square. Unlike R Square, Adj. R Square can have negative values (for really bad fitting models). Standard Error: same meaning as defined within Linear Regression section. So whenever you can you should use Regression instead of Optimization. But, Optimization is more flexible, as it can handle constraints on the independent variables (maybe one of the Xs coeff. should be negative or < 1 for some reason). Regression can’t handle such constraints.
  • 21. More Regression info: statistical significance of independent variables 21 How do we know if variables (Home Price, S&P 500) truly help in explaining and estimating R. GDP growth)? The Regression Output tells you whether such variables are statistically significant. To investigate if Home price chg. is statistically significant, the Regression Output discloses the Standard Error of that specific regression coefficient: 0.036. Then, it discloses the t Statistic of this coefficient. It is equal to the regression coefficient/St. Error: 0.133/0.036 = 3.65. Next, it figures what is the P-value using the t distribution TDIST(t Stat, df Residual, 2-tail). In this case, it is: TDIST(3.65, 12,2) = 0.0033. This P value indicates there is only a very small probability that this regression coefficient is Zero. Thus, we are confident this variable does help explain and estimate R.GDP growth.
  • 22. A Visual Summary. Two Independent Variables for one Model 22-4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% Actual Estimate R GDP growthActual vs Estimate -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% RGDPgrowth Home price change R GDP growthvs Home Price change -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% RGDPgrowth S&P 500 change R GDP growthvs S&P 500 change
  • 23. 3) Building an Econometrics Model 23
  • 24. Do Leading Indicators lead Real GDP growth? Are they good predictors of Real GDP growth? • We will build econometric models to address those questions. • We will test those models using state-of-the-art peer- review practices. 24
  • 25. The Leading Indicators 1 Hours Avg. Weekly Hours - Manufacturing, (Hours) 2 Un_claim Average Weekly Initial Claims - Unemployment Insurance, (Ths.) 3 New_orders Manufacturers' New Orders - Consumer Goods and Materials, (Mil. 1982 $) 4 Nondef1 Manufact. New Orders - Nondefense capital goods exclud. aircraft, (Mil. 1982 $) 5 Nondef2 Manufacturers' New Orders - Nondefense Capital Goods, (Mil. Ch. 1982 $) 6 Building_permits Building Permits for New Private Housing Units, (Ths.) 7 S&P 500 Index of stock prices - 500 common stocks, (1941-43=10, NSA) 8 M2 Money supply - M2, (Bil. 2009 $, NSA) 9 Spread Interest rate spread 10-year Treasury bonds less federal funds, (%, NSA) 10 Expectations Consumer Expectations - from the University of Michigan, (1966Q1=100, NSA) Original source: Conference Board, BEA, Federal Reserve, BLS. Actual source: Moody's 25 2015EconometricsLeading indicators.xlsxLeading indicators We are using a data set going back to 1982. This will allow us to explore the out-of- sample issue later on with earlier data prior to 1982.
  • 26. How to structure the Dependent Variable, Real GDP Growth? 26 Unit root test (nonstationary): Unit root test (nonstationary): Unit root test (nonstationary): tau Stat Critic. val. Type tau Stat Critic. val. Type tau Stat Critic. val. Type Dickey-Fuller -1.12 -3.15 with Constant, with Trend Dickey-Fuller -0.83 -3.15 with Constant, with Trend Dickey-Fuller -6.79 -2.58 with Constant, no Trend Augmented DF -4.74 -2.58 with Constant, no Trend $- $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 1982q1 1983q3 1985q1 1986q3 1988q1 1989q3 1991q1 1992q3 1994q1 1995q3 1997q1 1998q3 2000q1 2001q3 2003q1 2004q3 2006q1 2007q3 2009q1 2010q3 2012q1 2013q3 Real GDP in 2009 $mm 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 1982q1 1983q3 1985q1 1986q3 1988q1 1989q3 1991q1 1992q3 1994q1 1995q3 1997q1 1998q3 2000q1 2001q3 2003q1 2004q3 2006q1 2007q3 2009q1 2010q3 2012q1 2013q3 LN(Real GDP in2009 $) -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 1982q1 1983q3 1985q1 1986q3 1988q1 1989q3 1991q1 1992q3 1994q1 1995q3 1997q1 1998q3 2000q1 2001q3 2003q1 2004q3 2006q1 2007q3 2009q1 2010q3 2012q1 2013q3 Real GDP Growthquarterly % chg. annualized A unitroot testtestsif a variable isnonstationary. If itis,the Average and Variance of the time seriesare unstable acrosssubsectionsof the data. Here,we can see the Avg.iseverincreasing. The Variance is mostprobablytoo. Those propertieswill renderall statistical significance inferencesflawed. We usedthe Dickey-Fuller(DF) test withaConstant,because the Average > 0, and a Trendbecause the data clearlytrends. The DF testconfirmsthisvariable hasa unitrootbecause itstau Stat of -1.12 isnot negative enoughvs.the Critical valueof - 3.15. Many practitioners believe that taking the log of a level variable is an effective way to fix this problem. It rarely is. The DF test suggests this logged variable is even more nonstationary than the original level variable. Transformingthe variable intoa% change from one periodtothe next effectivelyrendersitstationary(mean-reverting). We can see now that boththe Avg. andVariance are likelytoremainmore stable across varioustimeframes. The DF testconfirmsthatisthe case as the tau State of-6.79 ismuch more negative thanthe Critical value of- 2.58 (fora variable withan Avg. greaterthan zeroand notrend). In thiscase we also usedthe AugmentedDFtodouble checkthatthisvariable isstationary. It is. To avoid unit root issues (nonstationary), we will structure the Leading Indicators in a similar fashion (% change from one period to the next); except for the Spread (10 Year Treasury – FF) that is already pretty mean-reverting. Level: has Unit Root Not mean-reverting Nonstationary LN(Level): has Unit Root Not mean-reverting Nonstationary % Chg: No Unit Root Mean-reverting Stationary 2015EconometricsLeading indicators.xlsxVisuals
  • 27. Selecting independent variables 27 1) Select independent variables that are correlated with the dependent variable at a statistically significant level. Correlation stat significance n 123 St. error 0.09 SQRT(1/(n-1)) a level 0.05 Stat. sign. threshold Correlation 0.18 St. error x 1.96 Within our data associated with 123 quarterly observations, and using a statistical significance level of 0.05, this corresponds to a minimum absolute Correlation of 0.18. For good measure, let’s round up this minimum Correlation to 0.20. 2) Select the variable lag (spot, lag 1-, lag 2-, lag 3-, lag 4-quarters) associated with the highest correlation with the dependent variable. The independent variables are Leading Indicators. Given that, we expect that some of the quarterly lags will have the highest correlations. 2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection
  • 28. Correlation with Real GDP Growth 28 Correlation with Real GDP Growth Hours Un_claim New_orders Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits S&P 500 M2 Spread Expectations Spot 0.50 -0.60 0.68 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.32 -0.21 0.04 0.16 Lag 1 0.33 -0.47 0.52 0.36 0.33 0.44 0.38 0.01 0.09 0.17 Lag 2 0.25 -0.39 0.33 0.26 0.26 0.39 0.34 0.07 0.12 0.18 Lag 3 0.12 -0.22 0.26 0.04 0.04 0.40 0.28 0.10 0.16 0.18 Lag 4 0.17 -0.22 0.12 0.02 -0.01 0.27 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17 2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection We can in part answer the first question regarding how much the Leading Indicators lead economic growth… Apparently, not by much. In six out of the eight Leading Indicators with statistically significant correlations, the Spot correlation is the highest.
  • 29. Selecting the variables 29 Correlation with Real GDP Growth Hours Un_claim New_orders Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits S&P 500 M2 Spread Expectations Spot 0.50 -0.60 0.68 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.32 -0.21 0.04 0.16 Lag 1 0.33 -0.47 0.52 0.36 0.33 0.44 0.38 0.01 0.09 0.17 Lag 2 0.25 -0.39 0.33 0.26 0.26 0.39 0.34 0.07 0.12 0.18 Lag 3 0.12 -0.22 0.26 0.04 0.04 0.40 0.28 0.10 0.16 0.18 Lag 4 0.17 -0.22 0.12 0.02 -0.01 0.27 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17 2015EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxVariable Selection The highlighted variables have statistically significant correlations with the dependent variable (Real GDP Growth). And, they have the highest correlations among the various quarterly lags.
  • 30. 30 -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in New Orders New Orders vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -2.0% -1.5% -1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in Hours Hours vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in Unemployment Claims Unemployment Claims vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in Nondef Spending1 Nondefense Spending1 vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in Nondef Spending2 Nondefense Spending2 vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in Building Permits Lag1 Building Permits Lag1 vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in S&P 500 Lag1 S&P 500 Lag1 vs R GDP -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% RGDPgrowth Quarterly change in M2 M2 vs R GDP Scatter Plots illustrating the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent one (R GDP growth). EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxPlots
  • 31. Building the Model manually: Forward Stepwise Regression, 1st step 31 Correlation with Residual of Step 1 0.00 (0.02) 0.12 (0.26) (0.05) (0.12) (0.07) (0.03) X New_orders Hours Un_claim Nondef1 Nondef2 Building_permits Lag1S&P 500 Lag1 M2 5.0% 1.4% -4.1% 6.6% 8.9% 17.2% 8.0% 1.6% 5.0% 1.2% -10.8% 5.2% 2.7% 14.4% 10.2% 0.3% 5.0% 0.4% -7.6% 4.4% 6.0% 1.8% 1.7% 1.1% 1.4% 0.6% -10.2% 5.8% 9.6% -1.6% 0.1% 1.1% -1.4% -0.2% 5.1% 2.7% 1.4% 8.9% -3.2% 1.2% 0.0% -0.4% 5.4% -0.8% -2.2% -3.6% -2.9% 0.5% Y X Real GDP Y est. Residual New_orders 1983q2 9.4% 6.7% -2.8% 5.0% 1983q3 8.1% 6.7% -1.4% 5.0% 1983q4 8.5% 6.7% -1.8% 5.0% 1984q1 8.2% 3.8% -4.4% 1.4% 1984q2 7.2% 1.5% -5.7% -1.4% 1984q3 4.0% 2.7% -1.3% 0.0% 1984q4 3.2% 2.1% -1.1% -0.7% First step: build a simple linear regression model with the independent variable with the highest absolute correlation with the dependent one. In this case, it is New_orders with a correlation of 0.68. Next, select a 2nd independent variable with the highest correlation with the residual of this first linear regression. As shown it is Nondef1 with a correlation of -0.26. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep1
  • 32. Forward Stepwise Regression, 2nd step 32 Y Y est X1 X2 Real GDP Estimate Residual New_orders Nondef1 1983q2 9.4% 7.0% -2.5% 5.0% 6.6% 1983q3 8.1% 6.7% -1.4% 5.0% 5.2% 1983q4 8.5% 6.6% -1.9% 5.0% 4.4% 1984q1 8.2% 4.6% -3.6% 1.4% 5.8% 1984q2 7.2% 2.3% -4.9% -1.4% 2.7% 1984q3 4.0% 2.5% -1.5% 0.0% -0.8% 1984q4 3.2% 2.2% -1.0% -0.7% 0.1% Second step: build a multiple linear regression model with the two selected independent variables: New_orders and Nondef1. Correlation with Residual of Step 2 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.13 (0.11) (0.05) (0.11) X1 X2 New_orders Nondef1 Hours Un_claim Nondef2 Building_permits Lag1S&P 500 Lag1 M2 5.0% 6.6% 1.4% -4.1% 8.9% 17.2% 8.0% 1.6% 5.0% 5.2% 1.2% -10.8% 2.7% 14.4% 10.2% 0.3% 5.0% 4.4% 0.4% -7.6% 6.0% 1.8% 1.7% 1.1% 1.4% 5.8% 0.6% -10.2% 9.6% -1.6% 0.1% 1.1% -1.4% 2.7% -0.2% 5.1% 1.4% 8.9% -3.2% 1.2% 0.0% -0.8% -0.4% 5.4% -2.2% -3.6% -2.9% 0.5% -0.7% 0.1% -0.2% 4.7% -1.8% -12.6% 3.1% 1.6% Next, select a 3d independent variable with the highest correlation with the residual of this second regression. As shown it is Nondef2 with a correlation of 0.13. This correlation is probably too low. We suspect this variable will not be adequately statistically significant when included in the model. Let’s check… EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep2
  • 33. Forward Stepwise Regression, 3d step 33 Coefficients St. Error t Stat Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.8 X1 New_orders 0.643 0.091 7.1 X2 Nondef1 0.286 0.069 4.2 X3 Nondef2 -0.087 0.041 (2.1) Actually, the issue with X3 Nondef2 is not that it is not statistically significant, but that its regression coefficient has the wrong sign relative to its original correlation with the dependent variable. That’s a concern. Let’s redo this 3d step with the next independent variable that had the 2nd highest absolute correlation with the residual from the regression in the 2nd step. It was Building_permits Lag 1 with a correlation of (0.11). That correlation appears too low. We suspect again this variable will not be adequately statistically significant. But, let’s give it a try to find out… EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep3
  • 34. Forward Stepwise Regression, 3d step, 2nd try 34 Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.7 0.00 X1 New_orders 0.556 0.100 5.6 0.00 X2 Nondef1 0.192 0.054 3.5 0.00 X3 Building_permits Lag10.040 0.028 1.4 0.16 Actually, Building_permits did better than expected. t Stat of 1.4 and P- value of 0.16 can be deemed acceptable if the variable and its regression coefficient sign make good sense; which in this case they do. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxStep3b Given the already very low correlation coefficients associated with this 3d regression it is not worth going on to a 4th regression to select a 4th independent variable. So, our model will at most have three independent variables. The next step is to check if adding this 3d independent variable is even worth it? Does it add much incremental information over the model with just two independent variable?
  • 35. Comparing model with two vs. three independent variables 35 Hold out performance 2 var 3 var Actual Model Model 2014q1 -2.1% 2.2% 2.5% 2014q2 4.6% 4.0% 3.7% 2014q3 5.0% 3.9% 4.0% 2014q4 2.6% 1.7% 1.8% 2014 2.5% 2.9% 3.0% Regression Stats 2 var. 3 var. Multiple R 0.718 0.724 R Square 0.516 0.524 Adj. R Square 0.508 0.512 Standard Error 1.83% 1.83% Observations 123 123 Regression coefficients. 2 variable model Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.5 0.00 New_orders 0.616 0.091 6.8 0.00 Nondef1 0.197 0.054 3.6 0.00 Regression coefficients. 3 variable model Coefficients St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 2.6% 0.2% 15.7 0.00 New_orders 0.556 0.100 5.6 0.00 Nondef1 0.192 0.054 3.5 0.00 Building_permits Lag10.040 0.028 1.4 0.16 The two models are just about even on Goodness-of-fit measures. In the two-variable model both variables are very statistically significant. In the three-variable model, the 3d one, as mentioned is not statistically significant. In the Hold Out, the 2- var. model performs just as well if not better than the 3-var. one. All of the above suggests the 2-var. model is the winner as the 3d variable does not add enough incremental information. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxCompare 2 vs 3b
  • 36. Model with 2 variables. Variables’ Influence 36 R² = 0.4635 -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% RealGDPgrowth New_orders New_orders vs Real GDP growth R² = 0.3321 -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% RealGDPgrowth Nondef1 Nondef1 vs Real GDP growth R² = 0.5161 -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% RealGDPgrowth 2 var. model estimate 2 variable model vs Real GDP growth EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg Model testing.xlsxMulticollinearity New_orders has a stronger influence on the fit of the model.
  • 37. Historical fit & Error Reduction 37 Real GDP growth Average 2.9% St. Deviation 2.62% St. Error 1.83% Error reduction -29.9% -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 1983q2 1984q4 1986q2 1987q4 1989q2 1990q4 1992q2 1993q4 1995q2 1996q4 1998q2 1999q4 2001q2 2002q4 2004q2 2005q4 2007q2 2008q4 2010q2 2011q4 2013q2 2014q4 Real GDP growthvs. 2 var model estimate Real GDP Estimate Average 2.9% EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg Model testing.xlsxMulticollinearity This is a very simple, yet powerful way to assess the effectiveness of a model. In the absence of any model, you could simply use the historical average economic growth of 2.9% as a forecast. In essence, you would accept the Standard Deviation of this variable of 2.62% as your model’s Standard Error. This is sometimes called a Naïve model. Next, you check how much lower is the Standard Error of your actual model vs. the Standard Deviation of the variable: (1.83%)/2.62% = -29.9%. That’s not bad…
  • 38. Adding an Autoregressive Variable (Y Lag 4) 38 Model Model 2-var 2-var + Y Lag 4 Regression Stats Multiple R 0.718 0.750 R Square 0.516 0.563 Adj. R Square 0.508 0.552 St. Error 1.83% 1.75% Observations 123 123 Coefficient Intercept 2.6% 2.0% New_orders 0.62 0.65 Nondef1 0.20 0.18 Y Lag 4 0.21 Standardized coefficient New_orders 0.52 0.55 Nondef1 0.28 0.25 Y Lag 4 0.22 T Stat Intercept 15.5 8.4 New_orders 6.8 7.4 Nondef1 3.6 3.4 Y Lag 4 3.6 P value Intercept 0.00 0.00 New_orders 0.00 0.00 Nondef1 0.00 0.00 Y Lag 4 0.00 Model Model 2-var Actual 2-var + Y Lag 4 2014q1 -2.1% 2.2% 2.1% 2014q2 4.6% 4.0% 3.7% 2014q3 5.0% 3.9% 4.2% 2014q4 2.6% 1.7% 1.8% 2014 2.5% 2.9% 3.0% If you know economic growth 4 quarters ago, it does provide marginally additional incremental info on estimating economic growth in current quarter. Coefficients for New_orders and Nondef1 have remained surprisingly stable and so have their influence as measured with Standardized coefficients. Statistical significance of variables is very similar for both models. Hold Out performance is pretty much even EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxModel finalists
  • 39. Visual comp.: Regression vs Autoregressive model 39 -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 1983q2 1984q4 1986q2 1987q4 1989q2 1990q4 1992q2 1993q4 1995q2 1996q4 1998q2 1999q4 2001q2 2002q4 2004q2 2005q4 2007q2 2008q4 2010q2 2011q4 2013q2 2014q4 QuarterlyRealGDPchange,annualized Reg model:Actual vs Estimate Actual Estimate -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 1983q2 1984q4 1986q2 1987q4 1989q2 1990q4 1992q2 1993q4 1995q2 1996q4 1998q2 1999q4 2001q2 2002q4 2004q2 2005q4 2007q2 2008q4 2010q2 2011q4 2013q2 2014q4 QuarterlyRealGDPchange,annualized Autoreg model:Actual vs Estimate Actual Estimate -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 2014q1 2014q2 2014q3 2014q4 Average Hold Out Performance Actual Reg est. Autoreg est. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 New_orders Nondef1 Y Lag 4 #ofStandarddeviations StandardizedRegressioncoefficient Reg Autoreg Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxComparison
  • 40. The Pros & Cons of Autoregressive Models 40 The pros: 1) It often reduce the autocorrelation of residuals; 2) It improves the overall Goodness-of-fit of a model; 3) It often improves the forecasting up to the Lag used in the model (Lag 4 quarters will allow you to forecast potentially better up to 4 quarters out). The cons: 1) The autoregressive variable can grab away explanatory information from the macroeconomic variables and weaken their statistical significance; 2) It can weaken the forecasting beyond the Lag used in the model. If you use Lag 4 quarters, the model forecasting may weaken beyond 4 quarters. Thus, depending on what is your objective and the issues associated with a model, an autoregressive model may add value or not. You may decide to keep both models and use them in different circumstances. In this specific example, the autoregressive model does not add much value.
  • 41. 4) Model Testing 41 Linear Regression underlying assumptions: 1) No near-exact linear relationships between independent variables. Multicollinearity issue. 2) Error terms (Residuals) are independent. Autocorrelation issue. 3) Residuals have a constant variance. Heteroskedasticity issue. We will test the regular Regression model with two variables for all of the above assumptions, and conduct additional tests related to model specification.
  • 42. Multicollinearity 42 To test an independent variable for multicollinearity, you run a regression using it as a dep. variable and use all other ind. variables to regress it. If that model’s resulting RSquare > 0.75, you may have a multicollinearity issue. The literature focuses on the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). But, SQRT(VIF) is more interesting as it denotes the coefficient’s Standard Error multiple. So, if VIF is 4, SQRT(VIF) is 2 and the coefficient’s Standard Error is 2 x as large and the t Stat half of what it would be if multicollinearity was not an issue. (Source: John Fox 1991). A short cut to calculating SQRT(VIF) is to run a model with only the one variable being tested. And, divide the Standard Error of this variable’s coeff. within the multiple regression model by the one within the linear regression (with only that one variable). And, you get SQRT(VIF). (EViews documentation). In R, you can calculate the VIF using the vif( ) function with the car package. The two variables have the same exact VIF because they are regressed against each other without any additional variables. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxmulticollinearity Regressing New_orders (Y), using Nondef1 (X) Multicollinearity test Threshold Actual Severe Conservative Standard R 0.57 0.87 0.89 0.95 RSquare 0.32 0.75 0.80 0.90 1 - R Squ. Tolerance 0.68 0.25 0.20 0.10 1/Tolerance VIF 1.48 4 5 10 SQRT(VIF) 1.22 2.0 2.2 3.2
  • 43. 2-variable Model Residuals 43 Econometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation Unless the residual pattern is extremely obvious, it is difficult to visually accurately assess whether residuals are autocorrelated or heteroskedastic. You have to statistically test for those properties to get an accurate diagnostic. However, we can speculate that the residuals are probably not very heteroskedastic (right hand side scatter plot). -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% Residual Estimate 2-var model:Residual l vs Estimate Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxRegression model
  • 44. Autocorrelation Lag 1 test: Durbin Watson (DW) 44 In R with lmtest package. > dwtest(Regression, = NULL, exact = NULL) Durbin-Watson test data: Regression DW = 1.7189, p-value = 0.05316 alternative hypothesis: true autocorrelation is greater than 0 P-value Interpretation 0.05 We can reject alternative hypothesis that true autocorrelation is >0. 0.95 We can't reject the alternative hypothesis that the true autocorrelation is >0. Durbin Watson Numerator 6.94% sum(Residual - Residual t-1)^2 Denominator 4.04% sum(Residual^2) DW score 1.719 n 123 k 2 dL 1.634 dU 1.715 Value from DW table Value from DW table number of observations number of independent variables The 1.719 DW score falls just outside the zone of uncertainty for positive autocorrelation (1.634 – 1.715). So, we can be pretty sure those residuals are not positively autocorrelated with Lag 1 residuals. The R output says the same thing. There is only a 0.05 chance that such residuals are autocorrelated. In R, watch for the direction of this test. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation
  • 45. Two better tests than DW: Ljung-Box & Breusch-Godfrey 45 Comparing Ljung-Box and Breusch-Godfrey tests using R Ljung-Box test Breusch-Godfrey test. You don't need to load any extra library for this test. In R with lmtest package. Testing for Lag 1 or AR(1) Testing for Lag 1 or AR(1) > bgtest(Regression, order = 1, type = c("Chisq")) Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation of order up to 1 data: Regression LM test = 2.2148, df = 1, p-value = 0.1367 Testing up to Lag 4 or AR(4) Testing up to Lag 4 or AR(4) > Box.test(Regression$res,lag = 4, type = c("Ljung-Box"),fitdf = 0) > bgtest(Regression, order = 4, type = c("Chisq")) Box-Ljung test Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation of order up to 4 data: Regression$res data: Regression X-squared = 37.1735, df = 4, p-value = 1.659e-07 LM test = 24.7465, df = 4, p-value = 5.657e-05 2015EconometricsReg Model testing.xlsxAutocorrelation Autocorrelation related p-value LB BG Interpretation AR(1) 0.1355 0.1367 Not stat. significant AR(4) 0.0000 0.0000 Very stat. significant The LB and BG tests are better than DW for two reasons. They can test for more than one lag. They can also test a model with an autoregressive variable. Meanwhile, DW can’t. The LB and BG tests diagnostics were nearly identical. Residuals do not have an AR(1) process. But, they have an AR(4) one.
  • 46. Autocorrelations statistical significance 46 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation Autocorrelation tests Correl. SE t stat P value Lag 1 0.13 0.09 1.48 0.14 Lag 2 0.42 0.09 4.66 0.00 Lag 3 0.21 0.09 2.34 0.02 Lag 4 0.25 0.09 2.77 0.01 Notice that the P value for Lag 1 is very close to the P value for the Ljung-Box and Breusch-Godfrey tests shown on previous slide. All three test approaches seem more sensitive than DW that came up with a very low P value that Residuals would be autocorrelated.
  • 47. Autocorrelation: Regular model vs Autoregressive one 47 Regular model Autocorrelation statistical significance Correl. SE t stat P value Lag 1 0.13 0.09 1.48 0.14 Lag 2 0.42 0.09 4.66 0.00 Lag 3 0.21 0.09 2.34 0.02 Lag 4 0.25 0.09 2.77 0.01 Autoregressive Model Autocorrelation statistical significance Correl. SE t stat P value Lag 1 0.01 0.09 0.13 0.90 Lag 2 0.27 0.09 2.95 0.00 Lag 3 0.10 0.09 1.08 0.28 Lag 4 0.02 0.09 0.20 0.84 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxautocorrelation By adding a Y Lag 4 variable, the Autoregressive model reduced all autocorrelations (from Lag 1 to Lag 4) vs. the Regular model. This is a common phenomenon in modeling. Notice the Autoregressive Model would not entirely circumvent the autocorrelation of residual issue. The Lag 2 is clearly statistically significant.
  • 48. Heteroskedasticity test: Breusch-Pagan 48 Y X1 X2 Residual^2 New_ordersNondef1 1983q2 0.1% 5.0% 6.6% 1983q3 0.0% 5.0% 5.2% 1983q4 0.0% 5.0% 4.4% 1984q1 0.1% 1.4% 5.8% 1984q2 0.2% -1.4% 2.7% Breusch-Pagan LM Chi dist. P value Lagrange Multiplier (LM) 0.8 DF (# variables) 2.0 Chi Dist. P value 0.68 Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.079 R Square 0.006 Adj. R Square -0.010 Standard Error 0.000 Observations 123 ANOVA df SS MS F Signif. F Regression 2 1.75E-07 8.77E-08 0.38 0.68 Residual 120 2.77E-05 2.31E-07 Total 122 2.78E-05 In R with lmtest package. > bptest(Regression,varformula = NULL, studentize = FALSE) Breusch-Pagan test data: Regression BP = 0.8135, df = 2, p-value = 0.6658 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity The BP test tests for linear heteroskedasticity. It suggests that residuals are not heteroskedastic because the LM Chi distribution P value at 0.68 is far from being statistically significant. In most cases, the ANOVA F test generates very similar values.
  • 49. Heteroskedasticity test: White Test 49 Y Residual^2 X1 X2 X1^2 X2^2 1983q2 0.1% 5.0% 6.6% 0.2% 0.4% 1983q3 0.0% 5.0% 5.2% 0.2% 0.3% 1983q4 0.0% 5.0% 4.4% 0.3% 0.2% 1984q1 0.1% 1.4% 5.8% 0.0% 0.3% 1984q2 0.2% -1.4% 2.7% 0.0% 0.1% ANOVA df SS MS F Signific. F Regression 4 5.08E-07 1.27E-07 0.55 0.70 Residual 118 2.73E-05 2.32E-07 Total 122 2.78E-05 White Test LM Chi dist. P value Lagrange Multiplier (LM)2.2 DF (# variables) 4.0 Chi Dist. P value 0.69 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity The White Test tests for linear and nonlinear heteroskedasticity. You can see how its regression is specified with all the 2nd degree variables. This test confirms that residuals are not heteroskedastic even on a nonlinear basis.
  • 50. Heteroskedasticity test: Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) 50 Y X1 X2 X3 X4 Resid^2 Resid^2 t-1 Resid^2 t-2 Resid^2 t-3 Resid^2 t-4 1983q2 0.1% 1983q3 0.0% 0.1% 1983q4 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1984q1 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1984q2 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1984q3 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1984q4 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% ANOVA df SS MS F Sign. F Regression 4 5.21E-07 1.3E-07 0.56 0.69 Residual 114 2.63E-05 2.31E-07 Total 118 2.68E-05 ARCH LM Chi dist. P value Lagrange Multiplier (LM) 2.3 DF (# lags) 4 Chi Dist. P value 0.68 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity This heteroskedasticity test checks whether the variance of an error term is a function of the size of the previous error terms. In plain English, are large residuals followed by large residuals and small ones by small ones. As indicated with the high value for Significance of F and Chi distribution P value, this model’s residuals do not suffer from this type of heteroskedasticity.
  • 51. Where does heteroskedasticity come from? 51 -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% Residual Estimate Reg model:Residual l vs Estimate -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% Residual New_orders Reg model:Residual vs New_orders -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% -16.0% -11.0% -6.0% -1.0% 4.0% 9.0% Residual Nondef1 Reg model:Residual vs Nondef1 Econometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxRegression model We already know the overall model does not demonstrate heteroskedastic residuals. But if it is some model reviewers fit a quadratic regression line to the residuals vs. each of the independent variables to identify heteroskedasticity at the variable level. In this case, the resulting quadratic regression lines are pretty flat reflecting unlikely heteroskedasticity issues.
  • 52. Testing Heteroskedasticity at the variable level: Park Test 52 ANOVA df SS MS F Signif. F Regression 1 0.000 0.000 0.233 0.63 Residual 121 0.000 0.000 Total 122 0.000 Coeff. St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 0.00 0.00 7.42 0.00 New_orders 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.63 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxheteroskedasticity variable The most common form of the Park test is to log all the variables. But, you can’t log negative values. So, the Park test has also a linear form described here. Notice that this version of the Park test is nearly identical to the Breusch-Pagan test except it tests for one single variable at a time to identify where the heteroskedasticity comes from. Using linear form of the Park test. Y X1 Residual^2 New_orders 1983q2 0.06% 5.0% 1983q3 0.02% 5.0% 1983q4 0.04% 5.0% 1984q1 0.13% 1.4% We ran the same test for Nondef1, and got P values of 0.38. So, in both cases the residuals are not heteroskedastic relative to the level of either independent variables.
  • 53. Residual autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity recap 53 Residuals are not heteroskedastic. Note that all the heteroskedasticity tests (BP, White, ARCH) for the overall model generated almost the same Sign. of F and Chi Square dist. P- value (all near 0.7). That’s even though they tested for different shapes of heteroskedasticity. Residuals are autocorrelated when looking beyond Lag 1. There too a couple of the tests (Ljung-Box, Breusch-Pagan) gave us nearly identical results in terms of respective P values. There are several ways to resolve autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity issues as shown on the next slide.
  • 54. How to resolve Autocorrelation & Heteroskedasticity 54 C:UsersliongcDesktopEconometricsModel GuidanceModel guidance map.xlsxSimple Map A Unit Root issue often leaves a footprint in residual issues such as autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. The above diagram shows the three ways to resolve autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity issues. Calculate RobustStandardError: Newey-West. Recalculate ind.variablestatistical significance. Introduce anautoregressive variable:Y Lag 4. Feasible GeneralizedLeastSquaresModel (FGLS) Calculate RobustStandardError: White. Recalculate ind.variablestatistical significance. TransformY variable. Detrendmore if possible. WeightedLeastSquaresModel (WLS) Autocorrelation Heteroskedasticity UnitRoot Stationarity issue
  • 55. Mapping the Robust Standard Error Path 55 C:UsersliongcDesktopEconometricsModel GuidanceModel guidance map.xlsxMap 2 The diagram below fleshes out what it means to calculate Robust Standard Error and test ind. variables statistical significance. Yes No Yes No Yes No Are residuals heteroskedastic(White test,Breusch-Pagan) and/orautocorrelated (DW,Ljung)? Calculate RobustStandard Error: White for heteros.; Newey-Westforautocor. Recalculate independent variablesstatistical significance. Are independent variablesstill statistically significant? Good,you are done with heteroskedasticityand autocorrelationtesting. Good,you are done with resolving heteroskedasticityand autocorrelationissues. Confirmthata variable that isnot stat. significantissupported by economictheory. If not,considerremoving variable. Is yourdependent variable stationary [UnitRoot ] (Dickey- Fullertest)? Consider transformingY to % change or First-Difference .
  • 56. White SEs = Newey-West SEs w/ zero lag with R 56 Testing that White SE (hc1) = Newey-West (0 Lag, alt.model, small sample adjustment). For the Regression model. > library(car) > sqrt(diag(hccm(Regression,type=c("hc1")))) (Intercept) New_orders Nondef1 0.001654879 0.101647319 0.056301194 > library(sandwich) > sqrt(diag(NeweyWest(Regression,lag=0,prewhite=FALSE,adjust=123/121))) (Intercept) New_orders Nondef1 0.001654879 0.101647319 0.056301194 This calculates the original White SE “HC1” version developed by White but adjusted for small sample. This is the Newey-West SE with a manual adjustment for small sample. The adjustment is described as: n/(n – k). n is sample size (123) k is number of parameters. The literature describes “k” as including the intercept and “n – k” being equal to the df of residual for the regression (n – k = 120). But, I got exact results White SEs = Newey-West SEs by treating k as number of independent variables excluding the intercept with n – k = 121. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxStat sign. Another way to get White SEs = N-W SEs is to use the White SEs “hc0” version that excludes a small sample adjustment. When doing N-W, you would not enter the small sample adj. argument. If you have a very large sample using those would be fine.
  • 57. White SE = Newey-West SE summary 57 White hc1 = Newey-West (with zero lag) with small sample adjustment White hc0 = Newey-West (with zero lag) without small sample adjustment If sample is very large, the sample adjustment may be immaterial. Using White hc2 or White hc3 will result in Robust SEs adjusted for heteroskedasticity that will often be much larger than Robust SEs adjusted for both heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation (N-W), a rather incoherent outcome.
  • 58. Recalculating variables stat. significance 58 The N-W SE with up to a 4 quarter lag is higher for the Nondef1 but is actually lower for New_orders vs the N-W SE with 0 lag or the White SE. This is not a typo (I reran R several times to double check it). EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxStat sign. Existing Stat. Sign. with regular Standard Errors Coeffic. Standard Error t Stat P-value New_orders 0.616 0.091 6.75 0.00 Nondef1 0.197 0.054 3.61 0.00 Recalculating Stat. Sign. with White S.Es Coeffic. White SE t Stat P-value New_orders 0.616 0.102 6.06 0.00 Nondef1 0.197 0.056 3.49 0.00 The t Stat = Regression coefficient/Robust Standard Error P-value = TDIST(abs(t Stat), DF of Residual, 2) Recalculating Stat. Sign. with Newey-West S.Es. Lag=4 Coeffic. N-W SE t Stat P-value New_orders 0.616 0.097 6.33 0.00 Nondef1 0.197 0.059 3.36 0.00 The t Stat = Regression coefficient/Robust Standard Error P-value = TDIST(abs(t Stat), DF of Residual, 2) Recalculating the stat. significance of variables with Robust SEs did not have a material impact. The variables remained very statistically significant.
  • 59. Testing coefficient stability across different time series 59 Regression Coefficient X2 X1 Nondef1 New_ordersIntercept Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.197 0.616 2.6% Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.221 0.604 2.9% Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.176 0.646 2.6% Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.193 0.588 2.4% Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.223 0.523 2.3% t Stat X2 X1 Nondef1 New_orders Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 3.6 6.8 Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 3.9 5.8 Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 3.2 6.9 Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 3.3 6.1 Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 3.6 5.2 P value X2 X1 Nondef1 New_orders Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.00 0.00 Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.00 0.00 Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.00 0.00 Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.00 0.00 Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.00 0.00 Goodness-of-fit of models R Square St. Error Model from 1983q2 to 2013q4 0.516 1.83% Model from 1983q2 to 2007q4 0.446 1.70% Model from 1985q2 to 2009q4 0.562 1.71% Model from 1987q2 to 2011q4 0.530 1.78% Model from 1989q2 to 2013q4 0.524 1.75% We reran this regression by using four different periods of 14.5 years each every two years to observe how stable the regression coefficients are. Regression coefficients are overall pretty stable. Statistical significance of regression coefficients held up well for all regressions. Goodness-of-fit of the various models as measured by R Square and Standard Error remained reasonably stable too. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxCoefficient stability
  • 60. Exploring Outliers (why R can be really cool) 60 > influencePlot(Regression, id.n=6) Cook's D (bubble size) It measures the change to the estimates that results from deleting an observation. Its calculation combines a measure of Outlierness (like Stud. Residuals) and Leverage. Threshold:> 4/n Studentized Residuals (y-axis) Dependent variable outliers Large error. Unusual dependent variable value given the independent variable’s input. This means an actual datapoint is two standard deviations (scaled on a t distribution) of the Residual away from the regressed line. Fairly similar to being two model's Standard Errors away (small differences due to dfs). Threshold: + or - 2. Hat-Leverage (x-axis) Independent variable outliers Leverage measures how far an independent variable deviates from its Mean. Threshold: >(2k + 2)/n EconometricsGraphs.xlsxR Graphs Using the car package
  • 61. Outliers 61 > influencePlot(Regression, id.n=6) StudRes Hat CookD 5 2.81192728 0.026683421 0.261387671 9 1.31478653 0.060466331 0.191990916 23 1.43797317 0.068965131 0.224956383 33 -0.79884290 0.066833211 0.123615536 69 2.63048375 0.038623597 0.297165815 100 -2.14789027 0.029868097 0.214386600 102 -0.01900992 0.070398888 0.003032988 103 -1.58568051 0.176556380 0.421266201 104 0.30230346 0.199567139 0.087481253 106 -2.44084923 0.025118592 0.221672137 112 -2.57586760 0.008165951 0.131880907 119 -2.14938212 0.011899339 0.134171528 2 var Regression Model A B A x B Rank Rank Observ. StudRes Hat-Lev. CookD Influence CookD Influence 103 -1.586 0.177 0.421 0.280 1 1 69 2.630 0.039 0.297 0.102 2 2 5 2.812 0.027 0.261 0.075 3 5 23 1.438 0.069 0.225 0.099 4 3 106 -2.441 0.025 0.222 0.061 5 7 100 -2.148 0.030 0.214 0.064 6 6 9 1.315 0.060 0.192 0.080 7 4 119 -2.149 0.012 0.134 0.026 8 10 112 -2.576 0.008 0.132 0.021 9 11 33 -0.799 0.067 0.124 0.053 10 9 104 0.302 0.200 0.087 0.060 11 8 102 -0.019 0.070 0.003 0.001 12 12 Correlation 0.87 EconometricsGraphs.xlsxR Graphs The most important and encompassing outlier-measure is Cook’s D because it pretty much aggregates the information from Studentized Residuals and Leverage.
  • 62. Impact of Outliers on regression coefficients 62 > Regression103<-lm(Real.GDP~New_orders + Nondef1, econdata,subset=-c(103,124,125,126,127)) > summary(Regression103) Regression testing for outliers without without without All data 103 69 5 Coeffic. Intercept 0.026 0.027 0.026 0.026 New_orders0.616 0.575 0.648 0.647 Nondef1 0.197 0.186 0.173 0.179 t Stat New_orders 6.75 6.11 7.21 7.24 Nondef1 3.61 3.40 3.20 3.36 Adj. R Sq. 0.508 0.433 0.522 0.528 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxOutliers Here we reran the regression by taking out one at a time each of the top three observations ranked by Cook’s D measure (the more encompassing measure of influence). As shown, the coefficients and their statistical respective statistical significance remained pretty stable.
  • 63. Does Cook’s D really work? 63 Should we be concerned about datapoint 104. It has the highest Leverage combined with a very low Residual. Hypothesis: could this mean it actually has a greater influence on regression coefficients than datapoint 103 that has a pretty large residual? Regression testing for outliers Change Change without without without without All data 103 104 103 104 Coeffic. Intercept 0.026 0.027 0.026 1.8% -0.4% New_orders0.616 0.575 0.621 -6.6% 0.9% Nondef1 0.197 0.186 0.201 -5.7% 2.1% t Stat New_orders 6.75 6.11 6.65 Nondef1 3.61 3.40 3.56 Adj. R Sq. 0.508 0.433 0.463 -14.7% -8.9% As shown, Cook’s D did work just fine. Datapoint 103 (large bubble) has much more influence on the regression coefficient than datapoint 104 (small bubble). EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxOutliers
  • 64. Are Residuals Normally distributed? 64 Jarque- Bera test. Probability distribution is Normal n - k 121 Skewness 0.0 Kurtosis 0.2 JB score 0.1 DF 2 p-value 0.94 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxNormality > qqPlot(Regression) > hist(rstudent(Regression)) EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxGraphs.xlsxR Graph Visually by either looking at a QQ Plot or a histogram, we can see that the Residuals look pretty normally distributed. Note, the QQ Plot also describes a 95% CI relative to a Normal distribution. Also, the Jarque-Bera test confirms that the Residuals are normally distributed (p value 0.94). Need packages: tseries & quadprog > jarque.bera.test(Regression$res) Jarque Bera Test data: Regression$res X-squared = 0.0529, df = 2, p-value = 0.9739
  • 65. Scenario Testing: Can the Model break down? 65 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxScenario testing If we use inputs (yellow), we get output (pink). Scenarios: Real GDP quarterly change annualized New_orders Min Median Max 3.1% -11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9% Min -20.6% -8.4% -5.9% -3.5% -1.0% 0.5% 1.9% 3.4% -13.4% -7.0% -4.5% -2.1% 0.4% 1.9% 3.4% 4.8% -6.2% -5.6% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 3.3% 4.8% 6.2% Nondef1 Median 0.9% -4.2% -1.7% 0.8% 3.2% 4.7% 6.2% 7.6% 6.3% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 4.3% 5.8% 7.2% 8.7% 11.7% -2.1% 0.4% 2.9% 5.4% 6.8% 8.3% 9.8% Max 17.1% -1.0% 1.5% 3.9% 6.4% 7.9% 9.4% 10.8% Regression Model Model data from 1982 From beginning of series in 1959 Coefficient Min Median Max Min Median Max Intercept 2.6% New_orders 0.616 0.5% -9.3% 0.5% 5.2% -11.4% 0.7% 7.9% Nondef1 0.197 0.9% -15.7% 0.9% 7.5% -20.6% 0.9% 17.1% Output estimate Real GDP 3.1% Median R GDP Learning sample 3.1% Since 1947 3.2% We then sensitize the values of both New_orders and Nondef1 based on historical ranges going back to 1959. We then generate 49 different scenarios of GDP growth.
  • 66. Are the scenario estimates reasonable? 66 Scenarios: Real GDP quarterly change annualized New_orders Min Median Max 3.1% -11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9% Min -20.6% -8.4% -5.9% -3.5% -1.0% 0.5% 1.9% 3.4% -13.4% -7.0% -4.5% -2.1% 0.4% 1.9% 3.4% 4.8% -6.2% -5.6% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 3.3% 4.8% 6.2% Nondef1 Median 0.9% -4.2% -1.7% 0.8% 3.2% 4.7% 6.2% 7.6% 6.3% -3.1% -0.7% 1.8% 4.3% 5.8% 7.2% 8.7% 11.7% -2.1% 0.4% 2.9% 5.4% 6.8% 8.3% 9.8% Max 17.1% -1.0% 1.5% 3.9% 6.4% 7.9% 9.4% 10.8% Percentiles vs Real GDP history going back to 1947Q2 New_orders Min Median Max -11.4% -7.3% -3.3% 0.7% 3.1% 5.5% 7.9% Min -20.6% 0.003 0.014 0.049 0.121 0.189 0.317 0.535 -13.4% 0.009 0.033 0.075 0.183 0.313 0.531 0.718 Nondef1 -6.2% 0.017 0.057 0.132 0.310 0.525 0.714 0.792 Median 0.9% 0.036 0.089 0.201 0.521 0.708 0.791 0.874 6.3% 0.057 0.131 0.310 0.652 0.785 0.856 0.930 11.7% 0.074 0.180 0.442 0.748 0.831 0.909 0.959 Max 17.1% 0.120 0.276 0.617 0.801 0.887 0.941 0.976 EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxScenario testing Some of the scenarios input may not be reasonable because New_orders and Nondef1 are positively correlated (R = 0.52). But, the resulting output of the R GDP estimates percentiles vs entire series going back to 1947 seems pretty reasonable. Thus, the Model does not appear to break down readily even with out-of-sample variable inputs. Red = < 10th percentile. Green > 90th percentile
  • 67. Is the Model well specified? Link test 67 Y R GDP Y est. Y est.^2 1983q2 9.4% 7.0% 0.5% 1983q3 8.1% 6.7% 0.4% 1983q4 8.5% 6.6% 0.4% 1984q1 8.2% 4.6% 0.2% 1984q2 7.2% 2.3% 0.1% 1984q3 4.0% 2.5% 0.1% 1984q4 3.2% 2.2% 0.0% 1985q1 4.0% 4.1% 0.2% 1985q2 3.7% 1.4% 0.0% Coeffic. St. Error t Stat P-value Intercept 0.00 0.003 0.24 0.810 Y est. 1.07 0.106 10.10 0.000 Y est.^2 -2.21 1.961 -1.13 0.261 The Link test checks if your regression is properly specified. If it is one should not be able to find any additional independent variables that are significant, except by chance. The Link Test is a regression using the Y estimate and the Y estimate^2 as the independent variables to regress the dependent variable Y. If your model is properly specified, the Y estimate independent variable will be statistically significant because it is the predicted value from the original model. And, the Y estimat^2 will not be statistically significant because if the model is specified correctly, the squared predictions should not have much explanatory power. And, that is what we got here. The Y estimate is very statistically significant with a t Stat of 10.1 and a P value of essentially Zero (0.00...). The Y estimate^2 is not statistically significant with a t Stat of -1.13 and a P value of 0.26. EconometricsEconometric models.xlsxReg model testing.xlsxModel Specification