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STUDENT ID: 2014050053 
Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being 
reflected or emitted by them. 
To see color, you have to have light. When light shines on an object some colors 
bounce off the object and others are absorbed by it. Our eyes only see the colors 
that are bounced off or reflected. All light rays contain color. Light is made of 
electromagnetic waves. The longest wavelength of light that humans can see is red. 
The shortest is violet. The sun’s rays contain all the colors of the rainbow mixed 
together. This mixture is known as white light. When white light strikes a white 
crayon or marker barrel, it appears white to us because it absorbs no color and 
reflects all color equally. A black crayon or marker cap absorbs all colors equally and 
reflects none, so it looks black to us. While artists consider black a color, scientists do 
not because black is the absence of all color. 
Colour has been investigated and used for more than 2000 years. Some of the early 
studies and theories about light were done by Aristotle. He discovered that by mixing 
two colours, a third is produced. He did this with a yellow and blue piece of glass, 
which when brought together produced green. He also discovered that light travels 
in waves. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) passed a beam of sunlight through a prism. 
When the light came out of the prism is was not white but was of seven different 
colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The spreading into rays 
was called dispersion by Newton and he called the different coloured rays the 
spectrum. He concluded that white light was made up of seven different coloured 
Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design 
applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. It create a logical structure for 
color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can 
organize them by color and place them on a circle that shows the colors in relation 
to each other. 
There are several categories of color theory 
- Color Wheel
- Primary color, Secondary Color, Tertiary Color 
- Color Harmony 
A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art. Sir Isaac 
Newton developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666. It is a visual 
representation of colors arranged according to their chromatic relationship. Begin a 
color wheel by positioning primary hues equidistant from one another, then create a 
bridge between primaries using secondary and tertiary colors. 
Primary colors are 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any 
combination of other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues. 
 Red 
 Blue
 Yellow 
These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors. 
 Orange 
 Violet 
 Green 
These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the 
hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange. 
 Red Orange 
 Yellow Orange 
 Yellow Green 
 Blue Green 
 Blue Violet
 Red Violet
Harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it 
creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience. Color harmony 
delivers usual interest and a sense of order. There are many theories for harmony. 
Analogous Color 
Analogous colors are any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color 
wheel, such as red, red-orange, and orange. Usually one of the three colors 
Complementary Color
Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other, 
such as red-orange and blue-green. The high contrast of complementary colors 
creates a vibrant look especially when used at full saturation. 
A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel and 
it can also formed a triangle. Triadic color harmonies tend to be quite vibrant, even if 
you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues. 
Split Complementary Color
The split-complementary color scheme is a variation of the complementary color 
scheme. In addition to the base color, it uses the two colors adjacent to its 
complement. The split complementary color is a good choice for the beginners 
because it is difficult to mess up. 
The rectangle or tetrad color scheme uses four colors arranged into two 
complementary pairs. This rich color scheme offers plenty of possibilities for 
Task for color harmony: Packaging
Achromatic Color 
‘Achromatic’ comes from the Greek meaning 'without 
color' so strictly speaking there are no achromatic colors. 
All neutral tones from pure white, all shades of pure grey 
to pure black are achromatic, but they are not properly 
called colors. 
Monochromatic Color 
Monochromatic colors are one color (hue) with the tints, 
tones and shades of that color. 
These terms are often used incorrectly, although they 
describe fairly simple color concepts. 
 Tints 
- A color that made lighter by adding white 
 Tones 
- A color that made different tone by adding gray 
 Shades 
- A color that made a darker by adding black
Watercolors are positioned on the color wheel according to their color temperature. 
Red, and colors that can be made from red, are positioned on the warm side of the 
color wheel. Whereas blue, and the colors that can made from blue, are positioned 
on the cool side of the color wheel. But colors on the warm side of the wheel can be 
known as cool, and colors on the cool side of the wheel can be known as warm, 
depending on the relationship to their neighboring color. 
Warm Color 
They are made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all. As the name 
indicates, they tend to make you think of sunlight and heat. Warm colors are vivid 
and energetic, and tend to advance in space. 
Cool Color 
Cool colors such as blue, green and light purple have the ability to calm and soothe. 
Where warm colors remind us of heat and sunshine, cool colors remind us of water 
and sky. Unlike warm colors, cool colors give an impression of calm, and create a 
soothing impression.
What is Color Psychology? 
Color psychology is a study of color as a determinant of human behaviour. It is based 
on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of 
life. There are some very subjective pieces to color psychology as well as some more 
accepted and proven elements. In addition, there will also be variations in 
interpretation, meaning, and perception between different cultures. 
Used of Color Psychology 
This is useful tool in all your business activities too. The color a company uses to 
brand itself conveys how trustworthy they are to consumers, the quality of their 
products, and much more. The physiological and emotional effect of color in each 
person is influenced by several factors such as past experiences, culture, religion, 
natural environment, gender, race, and nationality. Choosing the right colors can 
impact subliminally and positively on the subconscious minds of your clients and 
customers and therefore have an impact on the decisions they make when deciding 
to use your services or buy your products. Most results show that it is not a specific 
color that attracts all audiences, but that certain colors are deemed appropriate for 
certain products. 
For example, branding is one of the most important issues relating to color 
perception and the area where many articles on this subject run into problems. There 
are broader messaging patterns to be found in color perception and colors play an 
important role in purchases and branding. Additional studies have revealed that our 
brains prefer recognizable brands, which makes color incredibly important when 
creating a brand identity. When it comes to picking the “right” color, research has 
found that predicting consumer reaction to color appropriateness in relation to the 
product is far more important than the individual color itself. The colors can also play 
a role in represent the feeling, mood and image that the product itself. 
The Psychological Effects on Color 
Each color falls into a specific meaning and it will influencing our emotions and state 
of mind. For example, white reminds us purity, cleanliness, precision, innocence, 
sterility and death. Black reminds us power, sexuality, sophistication, death, mystery, 
fear, unhappiness, elegance. Blue reminds us trust, conservative, security, technology, 
cleanliness, order. It can also reduces mental excitability and therefore helps one to 
concentrate. It is both cooling and sedative, but cannot be used indiscriminately, as
too much of it produces melancholia. Green is a cooling color. It reminds us of 
nature, healthy, good luck, jealousy ("green with envy"), renewal. In addition, a 
research shown that green doesn't do well in a global market. There are problems 
associated with green packaging in China and France. Green has been successful in 
attracting investors in the Middle East. 
While yellow is cheering and stimulating and draws attention. It shows us optimism, 
hope, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice (a coward can be described as "yellow"), 
betrayal. Same as yellow, red is exciting and can stimulates the brain. It shows us 
power, energy, warmth, passions, love, aggression, danger. Red changes meaning in 
the presence of other colors. With green, it becomes a symbol of Christmas. When 
combined with white, it means joy. Violet is a sedative and soothing color. It reminds 
us of spirituality, mystery, royalty, transformation, cruelty, arrogance. Brown is restful 
and warming but should be combined with orange, yellow, or gold, because it can be 
depressing if used alone. It reminds us of earth, reliability, comfort, endurance. Grey 
is a color which is depressing unless combined with a livelier color. It reminds us of 
intellect, futurism, modesty, sadness and decay. 
Color Psychology as Therapy 
Color Therapy and healing uses the visible spectrum of light and color to affect a 
person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each color falls into a specific 
frequency and vibration, which many believe contribute to specific properties that 
can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies. It is common 
knowledge that light enters through our eyes, but it can also enter through our skin. 
Given the unique frequencies and vibrations of various colors, people believe that 
certain colors entering the body can activate hormones causing chemical reactions 
within the body, then influencing emotion and enabling the body to heal. 
Colors are known to have an effect on people with brain disorders or people with 
emotional troubles. For example, the color blue can have a calming effect which can 
then result in lower blood pressure, whereas the color red might have the opposite 
effect. Green is another color that may be used to relax people who are emotionally 
unbalanced. Yellow, on the other hand, may be used to help invigorate people who 
might be suffering from depression. 
Alternative therapies also believe that a person’s aura contains different layers of 
light which can be used for cleansing and balancing. Knowing the colors in your aura 
can help you better understand your spirit, and thus help you better understand how 
to heal. In addition, the colors surrounding you can also have various effects. 
Color Meaning and Symbolism
Colors hold significance for people around the world. Colors influence emotion, and 
they also hold meaning in religion and various cultures. Here are some examples how 
colors do influence in these categories. 
Blue is seen as conservative. Red is power and aggression. Brighter colors such as 
yellow and orange represent warmth not only with emotions but also with 
temperature. When someone is feeling down or depressed, it is said they are feeling 
"blue." When someone is angry they "see red." When someone is seen to be afraid 
they are called "yellow. 
Obviously green is the major color symbolizing ecology. The new phrase for people 
or companies who find ways to cut back on electricity, fuel, or things that damage 
the environment is "going green." 
When something is seen as opposite, extreme, or a firm position, it is said to be 
"black or white." When something is not clear or not in a firm position, it is said to be 
a "grey area." The blues describe a form of music. 
Colours are also used in religious ceremonies or represent aspects of religion. For 
example, Green is the traditional color of Islam. The Islamic flag is green. Green is 
also mentioned in the Quran as the color of garments, cushions and carpets in 
Color in your culture 
With the advent of the World Wide Web, there is a narrowing of the differences in 
meanings of colors between different cultures and countries. 
In China, red color hold a meaning of good luck and celebration. It also represent a 
vitality, happiness, long life. As Chinese people believe that red can bring us good 
luck so it usually used in many ceremonies from funerals to weddings. It is also 
traditionally worn on Chinese New Year to bring luck and prosperity. 
Moreover, yellow used as sacred, imperial, royalty, honor, and masculine color. 
Besides, green color represent a new life, regeneration and hope. In addition, it 
shows disgrace which means that giving a Chinese man a green hat indicates his wife 
and is cheating on him.
Whereas blue represent immortality, associated with pornography and 'blue films', 
and feminine color. 
Next, white color hold a meaning of death and mourning. It is common to see 
Chinese people used white color on the funerals. 
While in Chinese Horoscopes brown is the color for earth. 
Unlike red colour, black is a color for young boys and sometimes the eldest and our 
ancestors doesn’t like black color as they think that it will brings bad luck. 
What is Color good for? 
As my opinion color is important and it can bright up our life. It’s hard to identify 
things without color. Everything in our daily life are all related to color, such as we 
used color on the traffic light, road sign and more. 
There are also several benefits of color. Firstly, it can conveying emotion and 
meaning. Second, it changing perception of space. Next, it changing apparent size. 
Moreover, it shows similarities and differences. Furthermore, it linking spatially 
separated objects together. In addition, it also can attracting attention. Color not 
only creating emphasis but also smoothing to improve image quality. Lastly, color 
can creating aesthetic and emotional appeal
I drew an ocean, some obstacles in the ocean, a human, the sky, and sun. I used black 
color on the human and those obstacles, blue color and with some grey color for the 
ocean, yellow color for the sky, red and orange color for the sun. So now I’ll be 
explain why did I used those colors on the painting and my feelings right now. 
Firstly, black is the absorption of all color and the absence of light. In color 
psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress. We all use 
black at various times to hide from the world around us in one way or another. Some 
of us use it to hide our weight; and I use it to hide my feelings and lack of self-confidence. 
Black is the end, but I believe that the end always implies a new 
Next, blue is a color that seeks peace above everything. Change is difficult for blue. 
When faced with a new or different idea, it considers and thinks it over slowly and 
tries to make it fit its own acceptable version of reality.While grey is the color of 
compromise, which being neither black nor white. It is also a color that shows boring 
and depressing. 
Besides, yellow is a color which offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. It is a 
color of new ideas, which helping us to find new ways of doing things yet can 
awaken greater confidence. Moreover, if you are going through many change in your 
life you may find out that yellow is quite annoying and you can’t get to tolerate it 
very well. Therefore, as the reference I did added some orange into my life to balance 
and restore my energies. The color orange represent warmth and happiness. At the 
same time, it helps us to bounce back from disappointments. 
Furthermore, red is a warm and positive color. It shows us power. It excites the 
emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and 
leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It can also give 
confidence in people who are shy or lacking in power. 
As I already show up all the meanings of colors that I used, here the story. I am a 
people who always wanted to hide up because of lack of confidence in myself. I’m 
trying to protect myself from the outside world and I feel like I don’t really fit in or 
belong anywhere. I don’t show excitement about anything in my life and tend to be 
indecisive. At that moment my life is full of sadness and depression. But then I
realized that if I work a little bit harder my life might become more different from 
how depress it was. I can’t just look for how bad I am but also seeking for how good I 
can do for my own. So I decided to make some changes in my life, Changes are 
always the challenge for us and perhaps it will not be going smoothly all the way. 
Although we might be afraid of it but we have to become more confidence and 
strong to stand the challenges and if we do get to accept it and fight for what we 
want then it will ends up success. The conclusion is I’m still working on it and 
hopefully I get to reach what I am fighting for.

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Color Study

  • 3. WHAT IS COLOR? INTRODUCTION Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. To see color, you have to have light. When light shines on an object some colors bounce off the object and others are absorbed by it. Our eyes only see the colors that are bounced off or reflected. All light rays contain color. Light is made of electromagnetic waves. The longest wavelength of light that humans can see is red. The shortest is violet. The sun’s rays contain all the colors of the rainbow mixed together. This mixture is known as white light. When white light strikes a white crayon or marker barrel, it appears white to us because it absorbs no color and reflects all color equally. A black crayon or marker cap absorbs all colors equally and reflects none, so it looks black to us. While artists consider black a color, scientists do not because black is the absence of all color. HISTORY Colour has been investigated and used for more than 2000 years. Some of the early studies and theories about light were done by Aristotle. He discovered that by mixing two colours, a third is produced. He did this with a yellow and blue piece of glass, which when brought together produced green. He also discovered that light travels in waves. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) passed a beam of sunlight through a prism. When the light came out of the prism is was not white but was of seven different colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The spreading into rays was called dispersion by Newton and he called the different coloured rays the spectrum. He concluded that white light was made up of seven different coloured rays. COLOR THEORY Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. It create a logical structure for color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can organize them by color and place them on a circle that shows the colors in relation to each other. There are several categories of color theory - Color Wheel
  • 4. - Primary color, Secondary Color, Tertiary Color - Color Harmony COLOR PROPERTIES COLOR WHEEL A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art. Sir Isaac Newton developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666. It is a visual representation of colors arranged according to their chromatic relationship. Begin a color wheel by positioning primary hues equidistant from one another, then create a bridge between primaries using secondary and tertiary colors. PRIMARY COLOR Primary colors are 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues.  Red  Blue
  • 5.  Yellow SECONDARY COLOR These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors.  Orange  Violet  Green TERTIARY COLOR These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange.  Red Orange  Yellow Orange  Yellow Green  Blue Green  Blue Violet
  • 7. COLOR HARMONY Harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience. Color harmony delivers usual interest and a sense of order. There are many theories for harmony. Analogous Color Analogous colors are any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color wheel, such as red, red-orange, and orange. Usually one of the three colors predominates. Complementary Color
  • 8. Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other, such as red-orange and blue-green. The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look especially when used at full saturation. Triad A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel and it can also formed a triangle. Triadic color harmonies tend to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues. Split Complementary Color
  • 9. The split-complementary color scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme. In addition to the base color, it uses the two colors adjacent to its complement. The split complementary color is a good choice for the beginners because it is difficult to mess up. Tetrad The rectangle or tetrad color scheme uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs. This rich color scheme offers plenty of possibilities for variation.
  • 10. Task for color harmony: Packaging
  • 11. ACHROMATIC & MONOCHROMATIC Achromatic Color ‘Achromatic’ comes from the Greek meaning 'without color' so strictly speaking there are no achromatic colors. All neutral tones from pure white, all shades of pure grey to pure black are achromatic, but they are not properly called colors. Monochromatic Color Monochromatic colors are one color (hue) with the tints, tones and shades of that color. These terms are often used incorrectly, although they describe fairly simple color concepts.  Tints - A color that made lighter by adding white  Tones - A color that made different tone by adding gray  Shades - A color that made a darker by adding black
  • 12. COLOR TEMPERATURE Watercolors are positioned on the color wheel according to their color temperature. Red, and colors that can be made from red, are positioned on the warm side of the color wheel. Whereas blue, and the colors that can made from blue, are positioned on the cool side of the color wheel. But colors on the warm side of the wheel can be known as cool, and colors on the cool side of the wheel can be known as warm, depending on the relationship to their neighboring color. Warm Color They are made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all. As the name indicates, they tend to make you think of sunlight and heat. Warm colors are vivid and energetic, and tend to advance in space. Cool Color Cool colors such as blue, green and light purple have the ability to calm and soothe. Where warm colors remind us of heat and sunshine, cool colors remind us of water and sky. Unlike warm colors, cool colors give an impression of calm, and create a soothing impression.
  • 13. COLOR PSYCHOLOGY What is Color Psychology? Color psychology is a study of color as a determinant of human behaviour. It is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life. There are some very subjective pieces to color psychology as well as some more accepted and proven elements. In addition, there will also be variations in interpretation, meaning, and perception between different cultures. Used of Color Psychology This is useful tool in all your business activities too. The color a company uses to brand itself conveys how trustworthy they are to consumers, the quality of their products, and much more. The physiological and emotional effect of color in each person is influenced by several factors such as past experiences, culture, religion, natural environment, gender, race, and nationality. Choosing the right colors can impact subliminally and positively on the subconscious minds of your clients and customers and therefore have an impact on the decisions they make when deciding to use your services or buy your products. Most results show that it is not a specific color that attracts all audiences, but that certain colors are deemed appropriate for certain products. For example, branding is one of the most important issues relating to color perception and the area where many articles on this subject run into problems. There are broader messaging patterns to be found in color perception and colors play an important role in purchases and branding. Additional studies have revealed that our brains prefer recognizable brands, which makes color incredibly important when creating a brand identity. When it comes to picking the “right” color, research has found that predicting consumer reaction to color appropriateness in relation to the product is far more important than the individual color itself. The colors can also play a role in represent the feeling, mood and image that the product itself. The Psychological Effects on Color Each color falls into a specific meaning and it will influencing our emotions and state of mind. For example, white reminds us purity, cleanliness, precision, innocence, sterility and death. Black reminds us power, sexuality, sophistication, death, mystery, fear, unhappiness, elegance. Blue reminds us trust, conservative, security, technology, cleanliness, order. It can also reduces mental excitability and therefore helps one to concentrate. It is both cooling and sedative, but cannot be used indiscriminately, as
  • 14. too much of it produces melancholia. Green is a cooling color. It reminds us of nature, healthy, good luck, jealousy ("green with envy"), renewal. In addition, a research shown that green doesn't do well in a global market. There are problems associated with green packaging in China and France. Green has been successful in attracting investors in the Middle East. While yellow is cheering and stimulating and draws attention. It shows us optimism, hope, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice (a coward can be described as "yellow"), betrayal. Same as yellow, red is exciting and can stimulates the brain. It shows us power, energy, warmth, passions, love, aggression, danger. Red changes meaning in the presence of other colors. With green, it becomes a symbol of Christmas. When combined with white, it means joy. Violet is a sedative and soothing color. It reminds us of spirituality, mystery, royalty, transformation, cruelty, arrogance. Brown is restful and warming but should be combined with orange, yellow, or gold, because it can be depressing if used alone. It reminds us of earth, reliability, comfort, endurance. Grey is a color which is depressing unless combined with a livelier color. It reminds us of intellect, futurism, modesty, sadness and decay. Color Psychology as Therapy Color Therapy and healing uses the visible spectrum of light and color to affect a person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each color falls into a specific frequency and vibration, which many believe contribute to specific properties that can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies. It is common knowledge that light enters through our eyes, but it can also enter through our skin. Given the unique frequencies and vibrations of various colors, people believe that certain colors entering the body can activate hormones causing chemical reactions within the body, then influencing emotion and enabling the body to heal. Colors are known to have an effect on people with brain disorders or people with emotional troubles. For example, the color blue can have a calming effect which can then result in lower blood pressure, whereas the color red might have the opposite effect. Green is another color that may be used to relax people who are emotionally unbalanced. Yellow, on the other hand, may be used to help invigorate people who might be suffering from depression. Alternative therapies also believe that a person’s aura contains different layers of light which can be used for cleansing and balancing. Knowing the colors in your aura can help you better understand your spirit, and thus help you better understand how to heal. In addition, the colors surrounding you can also have various effects. Color Meaning and Symbolism
  • 15. Colors hold significance for people around the world. Colors influence emotion, and they also hold meaning in religion and various cultures. Here are some examples how colors do influence in these categories. Emotion Blue is seen as conservative. Red is power and aggression. Brighter colors such as yellow and orange represent warmth not only with emotions but also with temperature. When someone is feeling down or depressed, it is said they are feeling "blue." When someone is angry they "see red." When someone is seen to be afraid they are called "yellow. Ecology Obviously green is the major color symbolizing ecology. The new phrase for people or companies who find ways to cut back on electricity, fuel, or things that damage the environment is "going green." Phrases When something is seen as opposite, extreme, or a firm position, it is said to be "black or white." When something is not clear or not in a firm position, it is said to be a "grey area." The blues describe a form of music. Religion Colours are also used in religious ceremonies or represent aspects of religion. For example, Green is the traditional color of Islam. The Islamic flag is green. Green is also mentioned in the Quran as the color of garments, cushions and carpets in paradise. Color in your culture With the advent of the World Wide Web, there is a narrowing of the differences in meanings of colors between different cultures and countries. In China, red color hold a meaning of good luck and celebration. It also represent a vitality, happiness, long life. As Chinese people believe that red can bring us good luck so it usually used in many ceremonies from funerals to weddings. It is also traditionally worn on Chinese New Year to bring luck and prosperity. Moreover, yellow used as sacred, imperial, royalty, honor, and masculine color. Besides, green color represent a new life, regeneration and hope. In addition, it shows disgrace which means that giving a Chinese man a green hat indicates his wife and is cheating on him.
  • 16. Whereas blue represent immortality, associated with pornography and 'blue films', and feminine color. Next, white color hold a meaning of death and mourning. It is common to see Chinese people used white color on the funerals. While in Chinese Horoscopes brown is the color for earth. Unlike red colour, black is a color for young boys and sometimes the eldest and our ancestors doesn’t like black color as they think that it will brings bad luck. What is Color good for? As my opinion color is important and it can bright up our life. It’s hard to identify things without color. Everything in our daily life are all related to color, such as we used color on the traffic light, road sign and more. There are also several benefits of color. Firstly, it can conveying emotion and meaning. Second, it changing perception of space. Next, it changing apparent size. Moreover, it shows similarities and differences. Furthermore, it linking spatially separated objects together. In addition, it also can attracting attention. Color not only creating emphasis but also smoothing to improve image quality. Lastly, color can creating aesthetic and emotional appeal
  • 17. REFERENCES articles/color-what-is-color.aspx htm html Colors.htm htm effects-of-colors#.VDfwjOOSy1g ofColor.html VDimk_mSyM4 html
  • 20. RATIONALE I drew an ocean, some obstacles in the ocean, a human, the sky, and sun. I used black color on the human and those obstacles, blue color and with some grey color for the ocean, yellow color for the sky, red and orange color for the sun. So now I’ll be explain why did I used those colors on the painting and my feelings right now. Firstly, black is the absorption of all color and the absence of light. In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress. We all use black at various times to hide from the world around us in one way or another. Some of us use it to hide our weight; and I use it to hide my feelings and lack of self-confidence. Black is the end, but I believe that the end always implies a new beginning. Next, blue is a color that seeks peace above everything. Change is difficult for blue. When faced with a new or different idea, it considers and thinks it over slowly and tries to make it fit its own acceptable version of reality.While grey is the color of compromise, which being neither black nor white. It is also a color that shows boring and depressing. Besides, yellow is a color which offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. It is a color of new ideas, which helping us to find new ways of doing things yet can awaken greater confidence. Moreover, if you are going through many change in your life you may find out that yellow is quite annoying and you can’t get to tolerate it very well. Therefore, as the reference I did added some orange into my life to balance and restore my energies. The color orange represent warmth and happiness. At the same time, it helps us to bounce back from disappointments. Furthermore, red is a warm and positive color. It shows us power. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It can also give confidence in people who are shy or lacking in power. As I already show up all the meanings of colors that I used, here the story. I am a people who always wanted to hide up because of lack of confidence in myself. I’m trying to protect myself from the outside world and I feel like I don’t really fit in or belong anywhere. I don’t show excitement about anything in my life and tend to be indecisive. At that moment my life is full of sadness and depression. But then I
  • 21. realized that if I work a little bit harder my life might become more different from how depress it was. I can’t just look for how bad I am but also seeking for how good I can do for my own. So I decided to make some changes in my life, Changes are always the challenge for us and perhaps it will not be going smoothly all the way. Although we might be afraid of it but we have to become more confidence and strong to stand the challenges and if we do get to accept it and fight for what we want then it will ends up success. The conclusion is I’m still working on it and hopefully I get to reach what I am fighting for.