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ISKO UK biennial conference
8th-9th July 2013
Knowledge Organisation:
pushing the boundaries
The Evolution Of Social
and its effects on knowledge
Image Source: Life of Brian
What has Social Media ever
done for us?
Name the film!
1. Social Media: love it or hate it
2. Technology
3. The Information deluge
4. Knowledge organisation (in search of relevance)
5. 21st Century Literacies
Image source:
The Good,The Bad and The Ugly....of Social Media.
The good.
The key point about all of these examples is that social media gives a voice to the people (the “democratisation of voice”). People do no longer isolated and can
share opinions (likes and dislikes) online. It offers true democratisation and can have a powerful effect on public opinion. Anyone can start an e-petition, and if it
attracts more then 100,000 signatures it can trigger a parliamentary debate.
Sources include:
40% of accounts and 8% of messages on
social media sites are robots or spam
24% of people have missed witnessing
important moments because they are too busy
trying to write about them on social networks.
40% of people spend more time
socialising online than they do face-
to-face (source: AllTwitter)
The average Briton has 26 Internet accounts for
everything from email and bank services to online
shopping, social media sites, Skype and Paypal.
“I take pictures of my food, my
feet….pretty much anything and post it
The bad.
Some useful (?) statistics:
•24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they were too busy trying to write about them on social networks.
•40% of people spend more time socialising online than they do face-to-face.
•40% of accounts and 8% of messages on social media websites are robots or spam.
•The average Briton has 26 Internet accounts for everything from email and bank services to online shopping, social media sites, Skype and Paypal.
•85% of employees working on Social Media have lass than 2 years experience.
•34% check their smartphone after sex,
•23% go on Twitter more than 10 times a day,
•51% check social network sites at dinner,
•62% use their phones while shopping and
•42% will stop a conversation if their phone beeps.
Source:The Guardian
The Ugly face of social media (not the people in the photos, but the concept).
Social Media has brought publishing to the masses, but with publishing comes responsibility. Social Media users are learning the rules the hard way, and in
particular, that press injunctions don’y just apply to the mainstream Press.
Left image – Peter Steiner,, The New Yorker, 1993. Right image – Tumblr user cachorro no computador.
One minor correction to the “On the Internet, everyone knows you’re a dog” - not everyone knows that they might be following or friending “bots”.
However, anyone wishing to establish reputation, social currency and trust needs to be open and transparent in their online personas.
Image:The Minority Report. 20th Century Fox
Name that film!
Social Networks
2013Distant Past
Digital Dawinsim: The evolution of consumer behaviour when society and technology evolve faster than your ability to adapt.
The underlying principle is that all technology should facilitate critical reflection - awareness of the self and the ability to articulate ideas. People need to make
judgements on the information they consume and the contexts they create whilst sharing information. Technology is becoming increasingly seamless but our
relationship with it isn't intuitive.
We’ve no doubt all heard about Google Glass, but this is by no means the trend-setter for wearable technology. The calculator watch, introduced in the 1980s, was
one original piece of widespread worn electronics.
Ilya Fridman designed a Bluetooth headset into a pair of earrings with a hidden microphone. The Spy TIE includes a colour video camera and USB Heating Gloves
keep hands warm when plugged in.
The tweeter can wear a "Pocket Tweet" using a Java application and cutting out and applying a Twitter text bubble to a person's shirt, one example of Do-it-yourself
wearable tech that was part of an art exhibit for the Wearable Technology AIR project in spring 2009. ZED-phones stitch headphones into beanies and headbands
allowing riders, snowboarders, Drivers and Runners to stay connected, hands-free, always.
Wearable technology has applications in monitoring and realtime feedback for athletes as well. The decreasing cost of processing power and other components is
encouraging widespread adoption and availability.
Transitioning to night life and entertainment industries electroluminescent shirts have appeared in concerts such as Electric Daisy Carnival and Lollapalooza.
Michael Graziano Clothing has worked with such artists as Deadmau5, Coldplay and Andy Moor they are appearing in the tourism industry.
According to ABI Research due to the relative ease of compatibility with smartphones and other electronic devices, the wearable technologies market will spike to
485 million annual device shipments by 2018.
Source: Wikipedia
Work is no longer dependent on workplace.
Enterprise social software should ultimately make business and work processes more efficient and adaptable to a fast-changing environment (internal or external).
How will improved knowledge flows and opportunities for collaboration and co-production be channelled into the existing business/work processes?
We’ve already passed the point where sales of mobile devices are outstripping those of traditional desktop PC’s, and by 2015 web browsing via mobile devices
will exceed that of desktop PCs. The future is clearly ‘mobile’.
Two-thirds of the mobile
workforce will own a
Smartphone by 2016, and 40%
of the workforce will be
mobile. Source: Gartner
The number of Smartphone users is
growing by 42% per year, globally.
Source: Morgan Stanley
There are already 1 billion smartphone users around the world, with 1.3 billion smartphone and tablet sales expected in 2013. Employees are using their personal
smartphones for work all over the globe. However, the trend is strongest in high growth countries, such as Brazil, Russia and India, and among the youngest
workers. Employees bring their own devices because they believe they let them do their jobs better, they like the flexibility to work when they want, and they prefer
to carry a single device for work and personal use. Even knowing the security risks and that their companies might be watching their online activities, isn’t stopping
this trend.
See more at:
Source: Gartner April 2013
High Growth Countries
The startling contrast in BYOD take-up rates between high-growth countries and mature markets.
The concept of information overload was originated by futurist Alvin Toffler in his 1970 book Future Shock as part of a depiction of a world in which the rate of
change would accelerate to the point that governments, society and individuals would be unable to keep up. They would in fact be “future shocked”.
90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone, according to IBM.
By 2015, it would take an individual five years to view all of the video content that will be transmitted every second.
However, what doesn’t change is that we only have 24 hours in every day!
But the problem of information overload is not only about quantity of information. It’s also a problem of quality and format. Widely different formats make it difficult
for use to scan and quickly assimilate new information, as we don’t automatically know where the key point lies in any given source, and we often have trouble
determining the reliability (veracity) of a source, particularly a new source.
Isn’t it all about finding
More doesn’t mean better
What is the role of knowledge professionals in an information-rich but attention-poor world?
Taxonomy Folksonomy
Central Control Democratic creation
Top-down Bottom-up
Meaning to the author Meaning to the reader
Process to add new Just do it
Accurate Good enough
Navigation Discovery
Restrictive Expansive
DefinedVocabulary PersonalVocabulary
Taxonomy vs. Folksonomy
Regulated Environments Unregulated Environments19
“Isn’t a taxonomy a collection of stuffed animals?”
85% of employees working on social media have less than 2 years experience.
We’re officially in the era of too many hashtags. Nearly three-quarters of social media users stick them in posts, according to a March 2013 study from
RadiumOne. But quickly scan Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr — and now Facebook — and even that seems low. In January, France banned the word
Even the father of the hashtag tells NBC News that enough is enough. “The worst thing is what I might call ‘poor hashtag grammar,’” says Chris Messina, a Google
engineer who first suggested hashtags as a Twitter tool back in 2007. “Like #when #people #tag #every #word #in #a #sentence! That's not the point!”
Knowledge Organisation: In
search of Relevance
Image source: Monty Python, Meaning of Life
What’s the film?
Links to
comments Categories
A number of facets to this slide:
1. Social Media is still relatively new, and we’re still learning the rules.
2. User generated content (blogs, Twitter, Facebook conversations) is feeding traditional news channels
3. We use tags and other metadata to help us find relevant information
4. Information is propagated (shared) usually with one-click
A small selection of the many information aggregation services, including:
Why is this such a growth market? We have plenty of data - too much maybe, but we lack meaning, a sense of how all the streams of information coming in fit
together to point us to wise decision-making.
Content curation is the process of seeking relevant, high quality information, adding a level of sense-making to it, and then sharing the results.
A “Curator” is a critical knowledge
broker who continually seeks, collects
and shares the most relevant content in
his/her area of expertise.
Digital curation is important because people want to know what’s important and they want to discover interesting and relevant content.
A great curator:
1. Optimises titles so it is relevant for that audience
2. Edits the content to add further relevance of the message
3. Formats the material so it is easy for the audience to read and apply to their situation
4. Adds good images and other visual material that complements and reinforces the content
5. Excerpts selected text so the reader can quickly and easily grasp the most important elements
6. Adds his or her own voice in an intro to the piece, adding context and relevance for the reader
7. Tags all content with relevant words and phrases so it is easily found by that audience
8. Supplies links to expand the scope of the piece and give access to added resources about the subject
9. Personalizes each piece for the relevant audience when posting to social sites, when appropriate
10.Ensures all curated content is correct and from a reliable source
11.Always gives attribution and links to sources
12.Filters content vigorously and does not publish anything and everything
13.Has a network of experts and curators in their sphere that they can tap into for personal insights
14.Suggests stories and items to other curators
15.Searches for additional material that can add depth and value or context to an item
16.Constantly scouts for interesting new sources
17.Sets up searches, filters and feeds to get a constant flow of relevant information
18.Makes the focus of the curated content perfectly clear and easy to see right upfront
19.Recommends other newsmasters and curators with great content
20.Crowd sources tips and suggestions from readers and always acknowledges their contributions
• Social media platforms are curating content, by giving curation tools to users
(YouTube playlists, Flickr galleries, Amazon lists, etc.)
• Media entrepreneurs are building new types of media platforms around
posting excerpts from the most relevant stories from around the web (The
Drudge Report, The Huffington Post, etc.)
• News media organizations are curating conversations around popular topics
e.g. The Guardian #smarttakes)
There are five generally accepted types of content curation (ref: Influential Marketing Blog:
1. Aggregation, which is analogous to being an archivist. The aggregator seeks to gather ALL the relevant content about a particular topic in one location.
Aggregation is about collection, not interpretation. It’s the most common form of curation, but probably the least useful. Most “list of resources” type blog posts are
aggregation curation.
2. Distillation, which is the role of our museum curator. In this instance, the curator first gathers, like the aggregator, but then condenses the mass of information
into a coherent story, providing not just a litany of resources of varying quality, but actual meaning. Many infographics are a result of distillation.
3. Elevation is about trend-spotting. This happens when the curator is deeply immersed in the daily milieu of a given topic and thus can spot a larger change in the
zeitgeist as it arises. This is particularly popular among technology trend-spotting websites like Techmeme and Mashable.
4. Mashups are created by artists, who take extant works and combine them to create something entirely new. Most commonly thought of in regards to music
(combining a vocal track from one song with an instrumental track from another), it’s a major movement in most of the arts, although it carries with it certain
inherent intellectual property problems.
5. Chronology is done by historians, who place events in a timeline to show the progression of a topic or idea. Chronology is another popular infographic format.
There is the who is doing the curation. This can be:
1. Algorithmic curation (done automatically by computers running algorithms)
2. Social curation, by humans, sharing the aggregation and curation of content across a variety of social platforms
3. Expert curation, by an expert in a given topic, weighs the quality of information in making source selections and adding an editorial element. Robin Good (http:// does expert curation on a large number of topics.
Image source: - Educating Rita
What’s the film?!
Source: Dr Daniel Churchill,
•Ability to identify
what information is
needed and the ability
to locate, evaluate and
use information
Visual Literacy
•Ability to understand
and produce visual
•Reading, writing,
speaking, listening,
Critical Literacy
•Ability to question,
challenge and evaluate
the meanings and
purposes of texts
Media Literacy
•Ability to question,
analyse, interpret,
evaluate and create
media messages
Tool Literacy
•Ability to use tools
to manage, consume
and create
Digital Literacy
•Ability to use digital
communication tools
and networks to
locate, evaluate and
create information
There’s also one other literacy - “Social Networking Literacy” - the ability to find, develop and nurture trusted social connections for mutual support and personal
We need to acquire the tools and develop the skills that enable us to focus, make sense of our complex world, to understand context and find
meaning, and ultimately to make better decisions, both personally and professionally.
★We live in a socially connected world, where anyone
can have a voice, and everyone wants to be heard.
★Social Media will not be tamed - but protocols are
★Information anywhere, all the time, any device
(including wearable!).
★Technology is becoming increasingly seamless but our
relationship with it isn't intuitive.
★Work is no longer dependent on workplace.
★Emergent/key Digital literacy skills: 1. Networking 2.
Sense-making 3. Curation
★The search for relevance continues...
•Cara Pring - Social Media & Intranet Statistics:
•The Social Skinny:
•Graphic - what happens in an Internet Minute:
•The Future of Wearable Technology (video):
•Today’s New Literacy: Dr Daniel Churchill:
•Mary Meeker Internet Web Trends:
•Images: Peter Steiner,, Cachorro no Coumputador, Mitchell Kapor,
Patient Opinion, Fixmystreet, HM Government,,, Lego:,
Minority Report/20th Century Fox, Monty Python: the Meaning of Life,
- Educating Rita.
Other photos and images sourced from Google images and Shutterstock Photos.
Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
“I was gratified to be able
to answer promptly, and
I did. I said I didn’t
― Mark Twain

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Evolution of Social Media and its effects on Knowledge Organisation

  • 1. ISKO UK biennial conference 8th-9th July 2013 Unless  otherwise  noted,  this  work  is  licensed  under  a  Crea4ve   Commons  A8ribu4on-­‐NonCommercial-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License. Knowledge Organisation: pushing the boundaries The Evolution Of Social Media and its effects on knowledge organisation 1
  • 2. Image Source: Life of Brian 2 What has Social Media ever done for us? Name the film!
  • 3. This  Session 1. Social Media: love it or hate it 2. Technology 3. The Information deluge 4. Knowledge organisation (in search of relevance) 5. 21st Century Literacies 3
  • 4. Image source: Social  Media:  The  Good,  The   Bad  and  The  Ugly 4 The Good,The Bad and The Ugly....of Social Media.
  • 5. The power of networks 5 The good. The key point about all of these examples is that social media gives a voice to the people (the “democratisation of voice”). People do no longer isolated and can share opinions (likes and dislikes) online. It offers true democratisation and can have a powerful effect on public opinion. Anyone can start an e-petition, and if it attracts more then 100,000 signatures it can trigger a parliamentary debate.
  • 6. Sources include: 40% of accounts and 8% of messages on social media sites are robots or spam 24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they are too busy trying to write about them on social networks. 40% of people spend more time socialising online than they do face- to-face (source: AllTwitter) The average Briton has 26 Internet accounts for everything from email and bank services to online shopping, social media sites, Skype and Paypal. “I take pictures of my food, my feet….pretty much anything and post it online”. 6 The bad. Some useful (?) statistics: •24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they were too busy trying to write about them on social networks. •40% of people spend more time socialising online than they do face-to-face. •40% of accounts and 8% of messages on social media websites are robots or spam. •The average Briton has 26 Internet accounts for everything from email and bank services to online shopping, social media sites, Skype and Paypal. •85% of employees working on Social Media have lass than 2 years experience. •34% check their smartphone after sex, •23% go on Twitter more than 10 times a day, •51% check social network sites at dinner, •62% use their phones while shopping and •42% will stop a conversation if their phone beeps.
  • 7. Source:The Guardian 7 The Ugly face of social media (not the people in the photos, but the concept). Social Media has brought publishing to the masses, but with publishing comes responsibility. Social Media users are learning the rules the hard way, and in particular, that press injunctions don’y just apply to the mainstream Press.
  • 8. Left image – Peter Steiner,, The New Yorker, 1993. Right image – Tumblr user cachorro no computador. Let’s  get  over  Privacy 8 One minor correction to the “On the Internet, everyone knows you’re a dog” - not everyone knows that they might be following or friending “bots”. However, anyone wishing to establish reputation, social currency and trust needs to be open and transparent in their online personas.
  • 9. Technology Image:The Minority Report. 20th Century Fox 9 Name that film!
  • 10. Informa(on  &  Knowledge  Sharing  Technologies Telephone Email/Calendar Blackberry Webcasts IM,Videochat Collaborative Authoring Social Networks Telepresence 2013Distant Past Capability Portals,Wikis, RSS Smartphones Brian  Solis 10 Digital Dawinsim: The evolution of consumer behaviour when society and technology evolve faster than your ability to adapt. The underlying principle is that all technology should facilitate critical reflection - awareness of the self and the ability to articulate ideas. People need to make judgements on the information they consume and the contexts they create whilst sharing information. Technology is becoming increasingly seamless but our relationship with it isn't intuitive.
  • 11. Wearable  Technology 11 We’ve no doubt all heard about Google Glass, but this is by no means the trend-setter for wearable technology. The calculator watch, introduced in the 1980s, was one original piece of widespread worn electronics. Ilya Fridman designed a Bluetooth headset into a pair of earrings with a hidden microphone. The Spy TIE includes a colour video camera and USB Heating Gloves keep hands warm when plugged in. The tweeter can wear a "Pocket Tweet" using a Java application and cutting out and applying a Twitter text bubble to a person's shirt, one example of Do-it-yourself wearable tech that was part of an art exhibit for the Wearable Technology AIR project in spring 2009. ZED-phones stitch headphones into beanies and headbands allowing riders, snowboarders, Drivers and Runners to stay connected, hands-free, always. Wearable technology has applications in monitoring and realtime feedback for athletes as well. The decreasing cost of processing power and other components is encouraging widespread adoption and availability. Transitioning to night life and entertainment industries electroluminescent shirts have appeared in concerts such as Electric Daisy Carnival and Lollapalooza. Michael Graziano Clothing has worked with such artists as Deadmau5, Coldplay and Andy Moor they are appearing in the tourism industry. According to ABI Research due to the relative ease of compatibility with smartphones and other electronic devices, the wearable technologies market will spike to 485 million annual device shipments by 2018. Source: Wikipedia
  • 12. There  is  a  growing  demand  for  applica(ons  that   are  always  “in  sync”  and  available  any(me,   anywhere,  any  device.   12 Work is no longer dependent on workplace. Enterprise social software should ultimately make business and work processes more efficient and adaptable to a fast-changing environment (internal or external). How will improved knowledge flows and opportunities for collaboration and co-production be channelled into the existing business/work processes?
  • 13. 13 We’ve already passed the point where sales of mobile devices are outstripping those of traditional desktop PC’s, and by 2015 web browsing via mobile devices will exceed that of desktop PCs. The future is clearly ‘mobile’.
  • 14. BYOD Two-thirds of the mobile workforce will own a Smartphone by 2016, and 40% of the workforce will be mobile. Source: Gartner The number of Smartphone users is growing by 42% per year, globally. Source: Morgan Stanley Source: 14 There are already 1 billion smartphone users around the world, with 1.3 billion smartphone and tablet sales expected in 2013. Employees are using their personal smartphones for work all over the globe. However, the trend is strongest in high growth countries, such as Brazil, Russia and India, and among the youngest workers. Employees bring their own devices because they believe they let them do their jobs better, they like the flexibility to work when they want, and they prefer to carry a single device for work and personal use. Even knowing the security risks and that their companies might be watching their online activities, isn’t stopping this trend. See more at:
  • 15. BYOD  AdopCon  Rates Source: Gartner April 2013 High Growth Countries 15 The startling contrast in BYOD take-up rates between high-growth countries and mature markets.
  • 17. Source:  h*p://­‐happens-­‐in-­‐an-­‐internet-­‐minute/17 The concept of information overload was originated by futurist Alvin Toffler in his 1970 book Future Shock as part of a depiction of a world in which the rate of change would accelerate to the point that governments, society and individuals would be unable to keep up. They would in fact be “future shocked”. 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone, according to IBM. By 2015, it would take an individual five years to view all of the video content that will be transmitted every second. However, what doesn’t change is that we only have 24 hours in every day! But the problem of information overload is not only about quantity of information. It’s also a problem of quality and format. Widely different formats make it difficult for use to scan and quickly assimilate new information, as we don’t automatically know where the key point lies in any given source, and we often have trouble determining the reliability (veracity) of a source, particularly a new source.
  • 18. Isn’t it all about finding stuff? 39 18 More doesn’t mean better What is the role of knowledge professionals in an information-rich but attention-poor world?
  • 19. Taxonomy Folksonomy Central Control Democratic creation Top-down Bottom-up Meaning to the author Meaning to the reader Process to add new Just do it Accurate Good enough Navigation Discovery Restrictive Expansive DefinedVocabulary PersonalVocabulary Taxonomy vs. Folksonomy Regulated Environments Unregulated Environments19 “Isn’t a taxonomy a collection of stuffed animals?” 85% of employees working on social media have less than 2 years experience.
  • 20. Hashtag  Failure 20 We’re officially in the era of too many hashtags. Nearly three-quarters of social media users stick them in posts, according to a March 2013 study from RadiumOne. But quickly scan Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr — and now Facebook — and even that seems low. In January, France banned the word hashtag. Even the father of the hashtag tells NBC News that enough is enough. “The worst thing is what I might call ‘poor hashtag grammar,’” says Chris Messina, a Google engineer who first suggested hashtags as a Twitter tool back in 2007. “Like #when #people #tag #every #word #in #a #sentence! That's not the point!”
  • 21. Knowledge Organisation: In search of Relevance Image source: Monty Python, Meaning of Life 21 What’s the film?
  • 22. Metadata  and  Filtering  help  us  find   what  is  relevant Trending Links to previous stories Sharing Reader’s comments Categories 22 A number of facets to this slide: 1. Social Media is still relatively new, and we’re still learning the rules. 2. User generated content (blogs, Twitter, Facebook conversations) is feeding traditional news channels 3. We use tags and other metadata to help us find relevant information 4. Information is propagated (shared) usually with one-click
  • 23. In  Search  Of  Relevance:   Aggrega<on  &  Filtering   23 A small selection of the many information aggregation services, including: •Bottlenose •Feedly • •Newsle •Mashable •Hootesuite Why is this such a growth market? We have plenty of data - too much maybe, but we lack meaning, a sense of how all the streams of information coming in fit together to point us to wise decision-making.
  • 24. Social/Digital Curation In  Search  Of  Relevance:  Cura<on 24 Content curation is the process of seeking relevant, high quality information, adding a level of sense-making to it, and then sharing the results.
  • 25. A “Curator” is a critical knowledge broker who continually seeks, collects and shares the most relevant content in his/her area of expertise. Digital  Cura(on 25 Digital curation is important because people want to know what’s important and they want to discover interesting and relevant content. A great curator: 1. Optimises titles so it is relevant for that audience 2. Edits the content to add further relevance of the message 3. Formats the material so it is easy for the audience to read and apply to their situation 4. Adds good images and other visual material that complements and reinforces the content 5. Excerpts selected text so the reader can quickly and easily grasp the most important elements 6. Adds his or her own voice in an intro to the piece, adding context and relevance for the reader 7. Tags all content with relevant words and phrases so it is easily found by that audience 8. Supplies links to expand the scope of the piece and give access to added resources about the subject 9. Personalizes each piece for the relevant audience when posting to social sites, when appropriate 10.Ensures all curated content is correct and from a reliable source 11.Always gives attribution and links to sources 12.Filters content vigorously and does not publish anything and everything 13.Has a network of experts and curators in their sphere that they can tap into for personal insights 14.Suggests stories and items to other curators 15.Searches for additional material that can add depth and value or context to an item 16.Constantly scouts for interesting new sources 17.Sets up searches, filters and feeds to get a constant flow of relevant information 18.Makes the focus of the curated content perfectly clear and easy to see right upfront 19.Recommends other newsmasters and curators with great content 20.Crowd sources tips and suggestions from readers and always acknowledges their contributions
  • 26. Digital  CuraCon  is  happening  all   around  us • Social media platforms are curating content, by giving curation tools to users (YouTube playlists, Flickr galleries, Amazon lists, etc.) • Media entrepreneurs are building new types of media platforms around posting excerpts from the most relevant stories from around the web (The Drudge Report, The Huffington Post, etc.) • News media organizations are curating conversations around popular topics e.g. The Guardian #smarttakes) 26 There are five generally accepted types of content curation (ref: Influential Marketing Blog: curation) 1. Aggregation, which is analogous to being an archivist. The aggregator seeks to gather ALL the relevant content about a particular topic in one location. Aggregation is about collection, not interpretation. It’s the most common form of curation, but probably the least useful. Most “list of resources” type blog posts are aggregation curation. 2. Distillation, which is the role of our museum curator. In this instance, the curator first gathers, like the aggregator, but then condenses the mass of information into a coherent story, providing not just a litany of resources of varying quality, but actual meaning. Many infographics are a result of distillation. 3. Elevation is about trend-spotting. This happens when the curator is deeply immersed in the daily milieu of a given topic and thus can spot a larger change in the zeitgeist as it arises. This is particularly popular among technology trend-spotting websites like Techmeme and Mashable. 4. Mashups are created by artists, who take extant works and combine them to create something entirely new. Most commonly thought of in regards to music (combining a vocal track from one song with an instrumental track from another), it’s a major movement in most of the arts, although it carries with it certain inherent intellectual property problems. 5. Chronology is done by historians, who place events in a timeline to show the progression of a topic or idea. Chronology is another popular infographic format.
  • 27. Source: 27 There is the who is doing the curation. This can be: 1. Algorithmic curation (done automatically by computers running algorithms) 2. Social curation, by humans, sharing the aggregation and curation of content across a variety of social platforms 3. Expert curation, by an expert in a given topic, weighs the quality of information in making source selections and adding an editorial element. Robin Good (http:// does expert curation on a large number of topics.
  • 28. 21st  Century  Literacies Image source: - Educating Rita 28 What’s the film?!
  • 29. Source: Dr Daniel Churchill, Today’s (new) Literacy Information Literacy •Ability to identify what information is needed and the ability to locate, evaluate and use information Visual Literacy •Ability to understand and produce visual messages Traditional Literacy •Reading, writing, speaking, listening, Critical Literacy •Ability to question, challenge and evaluate the meanings and purposes of texts Media Literacy •Ability to question, analyse, interpret, evaluate and create media messages Tool Literacy •Ability to use tools to manage, consume and create information Digital Literacy •Ability to use digital technology, communication tools and networks to locate, evaluate and create information 30 There’s also one other literacy - “Social Networking Literacy” - the ability to find, develop and nurture trusted social connections for mutual support and personal development. We need to acquire the tools and develop the skills that enable us to focus, make sense of our complex world, to understand context and find meaning, and ultimately to make better decisions, both personally and professionally.
  • 30. ★We live in a socially connected world, where anyone can have a voice, and everyone wants to be heard. ★Social Media will not be tamed - but protocols are emerging. ★Information anywhere, all the time, any device (including wearable!). ★Technology is becoming increasingly seamless but our relationship with it isn't intuitive. ★Work is no longer dependent on workplace. ★Emergent/key Digital literacy skills: 1. Networking 2. Sense-making 3. Curation ★The search for relevance continues... 30 Key  Points
  • 31. Sources/References •Cara Pring - Social Media & Intranet Statistics: media-and-internet-statistics-september-2012/ •The Social Skinny: september-2012/ •Graphic - what happens in an Internet Minute: an-internet-minute/ •The Future of Wearable Technology (video): v=4qFW4zwXzLs •Today’s New Literacy: Dr Daniel Churchill: •Mary Meeker Internet Web Trends: trends-all-the-slides-plus-highlights/ •BYOD: •Images: Peter Steiner,, Cachorro no Coumputador, Mitchell Kapor, Patient Opinion, Fixmystreet, HM Government,,, Lego:, Minority Report/20th Century Fox, Monty Python: the Meaning of Life, - Educating Rita. Other photos and images sourced from Google images and Shutterstock Photos. 31
  • 32. Email: Twi8er:  @stephendale,  @collabor8now Profile:  h8p:// Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. “I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know.” ― Mark Twain 32