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Consumer trends for 2013
Our final lesson of Digital School identifies 10 Web Trends
including examples of brands and businesses that are already
putting them into practice.
The Trends:
- Generation G
- Point & Know
- Maturialism
- Social Lite
- Pricing Pandemonium

- Be Ethical
- Be Faster & Friendly
- Second screen
- Data shaped
- The mass and the virgin Consumers



For many consumers, giving and sharing
is the new status symbol.
GENERATION G captures the growing
importance of ‘generosity’ as a leading
societal and business mindset. In fact, for
many, giving, sharing and then receiving
recognition have replaced ‘taking’ as the
new status symbol.

Get a pair, donate a pair

Warby Parker provides children in
need with a pair of glasses for
every pair purchased via their


In 2012 KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese
launched the iPad application "Dinner Not
The art of making compositions with pasta
has been practiced by children for
decades. KRAFT designed this application
on the basis of maintaining this creative
tradition while eliminating food waste.
The app enables users
to express their creativity and for each
macaroon that is not wasted one is
donated to the association Feeding

Airbnb and hurricane sandy

Airbnb launched a microsite that
encouraged people to offer rooms, houses
or sofas free of charge to victims of
Hurricane Sandy in November 2012.
In collaboration with the city of New York,
Airbnb allowed free advertising space, with
the goal of helping New Yorkers who
were left homeless as a result of the storm.


point & know

The readily availability of textual search and textual
information means that the race is on to include ‘real
world’ elements – when we talk about ‘real world’ we
are referring to humans and physical objects.
In 2012 we saw a combination of recognised Apps
and QR codes, highlighting information about physical
objects and people that consumers encounter in the
real world.
Similar to other trends, it was the rise of the (alwaysin-my-pocket) smartphone that fuelled POINT &
KNOW over the last 12 months.


Mobile addiction: A survey of U.S. adult
smartphone owners found that 63% of
female respondents and 73% of male
respondents are not able to live an hour
without checking their phones.
(Harris Interactive, May 2012)
People always have a smartphone with
them and use it relentlessly to stay
connected and be informed!

point and know

Election campaigns also use a ‘social’ approach.
Super PAC is an application that recognises the
themes and contents of electoral messages and
directs the user to external sources to check these
out. Developed as an offshoot of MIT, it is free and
allows users to share their opinions.

Peapod, created a virtual supermarket in
Chicago. Users could buy the products via
a QR code displayed on the "virtual" shelves
Project ingeborg

A virtual library in Klagenfurt
The Austrian city of Klagenfurt does
not have a library, 70 stickers
displaying QR codes and containing
NFC chips were placed in different
locations, allowing users to download



Mature materialism
Experienced, urban, hyperconsumers are
able to handle more daring innovations,
more quirky flavors, more risqué
experiences. Fed up with being treated
as bland, vanilla audiences, these
consumers increasingly appreciate brands
that push the boundaries.


Contrex, the brand of mineral water owned by
Nestlè Waters group launched the second edition of
the Paris "But Contrexpérience’’ in September 2012.
The initiative included a projection mapping on the
facade of the Cité Universitaire that recreated the
scene of a blazing fire, with a large group of men in
the flesh begging to be saved.
The passers-by and potential consumers were
then invited to climb the steps to pedal in order to
activate a sprinkler system to ‘put out’ the fake fire.
The message behind the initiative is that you
can easily burn calories and keep fit.

windows 8 - live tile experiment

For the release of Windows 8, Microsoft launched
an exciting initiative in Oslo. A false wall of a
building was mounted in quiet street, located just
outside was an illuminated tile with the symbol of
the headphones on it, in collaboration with the band
Datarock, who kicked off a concert behind this wall.
The unsuspecting passers-by, intrigued by the
shadows of the crowd and the music coming from
the windows of this wall tile and seeing the light,
were forced to stand on it.
The result? The wall collapsed, leaving the passerby unharmed but surrounded by a crowd of people
jumping to the rhythm of music.

red bull crashed ice & Racing showcar

64 skaters participated in a race in the center of the city.
This is the video for the race of Saint Paul.
The tour covers several cities around the world.

Formula 1 cars and the best stunts in
the centers of major cities around the


Summer 2012 saw Coca Cola launching an
initiative for their "Happiness" in Naples project.
The Brand, in collaboration with the chef Simone
Rugiati, used a delivery truck which transformed
into a mobile kitchen including a dining room. so
that passers-by were invited to sit and enjoy an
delicious dinner and to drink Coke.
A dedicated application on Facebook was also
set up to encourage customers to invite their
A delivery truck that transforms into a dining
room to have dinner "together".


In September, 2012 Coca Cola launched
an advertising campaign in Korea featuring
an interactive vending machine that rewarded
people with free cans of Coke when they
completed the dance sequences shown.
An interesting initiative that is part of the
project "Happiness" Coca-Cola.



The element of ‘Sharing’ allows individuals to –
compile, remix, comment and recommend
information to friends and interested parties.
The bonus arises in that individuals who practice
sharing become important and respected
‘influencers’ for others.


The restaurant Comodo in Manhattan
exploited the propensity of customers to
take pictures of dishes ordered, creating
a menu on Instagram.
Via the hashtag #comodomenu users could
take advantage of a "user generated" menu.


To accompany the opening of the
Hitchcock film, a contest was launched on
Instagram called Hitchshots, which
required users to post their photos on the
social network inspired by the films of the
master of mystery.
The winners reportedly accounted for the
movie poster autographed by the actors.
Contest on Instagram that invites users to
post their own photos inspired by the films
of Hitchcock.


pricing pandemonium

Consumers have always been price orientated,
however, with the rise in new technologies and
services, their attitudes have evolved.
This is interesting from the view point of brands,
as they can attract consumers in new ways i.e.
smart pricing!


Launched in Spain in January 2012, Zeerca
the free mobile app. The app using GPS
shows users where they can locate shops,
bars and restaurants offering discounts and
Users can follow Zeerca on Twitter and
Facebook to discover the latest news on deals
within their area.

Pay what you want

A successful experiment from Humble Book:
users were asked to pay "what they felt was the
right price’’ to read e-books.


An e-bookstore and e-reading platform
that lets you pay only for what you read.

pear to pear

Airbnb provide the most famous “peer to peer”
service: consumers are brought together in a
community, where everyone has a score and a
reputation based on their behaviour.
The company is an online service that provides a
platform for individuals referred to as “hosts”,
generally private parties, to rent unoccupied living
space and other short-term lodging to guests
The success of Airbnb is due to the fact that users
can earn money, but also save it for their own
travel interests.

Share and pay instead of buying

Car sharing sponsored by Citroen: the service
is also available in Italy. Customers can
choose to rent electric-run cars at reasonable

P2P lending platform - More than a billion
dollars in personal loans up to November

CLEANING pandemonium

Also the world of washing
machines is taking part!
A service that connects those who have a
washing machine and who does not.

- Clients ask for transparency, clarity and honesty from the companies -

be transparent

In 2013, more and more consumers are
demanding transparency from brands, i.e.
they must have nothing to hide!

Soda brand
“Check Then Choose”: a
vending machine that
displays the calorie count
of the drink.

Companies are now required to fulfil the
needs of consumers in respect to product
information: how they are made and their
impact on the environment.
69% of consumers say they would
willingly buy from a brand that publishes
its CSR results compared to a company that
does not.


‘’Under 400 Calories’’:
informed their consumers
re: the calorie intake.

(Source: Cone Communications, Oct 2012)

patagonia - footprint chronicles

A section of the site is dedicated to
Patagonia to describe how it functions.
The site aims to make the company
transparent and to reduce the
environmental impact.

- Today we communicate with consumers and fans in real time, in turn they
constantly have questions and requests to the brand or celebrity, and expect a clear
and immediate answer, with a simple and friendly tone of voice! -

THE CASE OF bodyform

In October 2012, a "male" user published an
ironic post about sanitary towels on the
Bodyform website that made fun of
stereotypical women in the communications
The company promptly responded with a
video, using a fake Manger of the group, who
responded with sarcasm to the post.
The video went viral and generated a lot of
buzz online.

THE CASE OF thomas cook

A user named Thomas Cook asked
the historical agency "Thomas Cook"
to be reimbursed for sharing the
same name as the company.
The company’s managers responded
using an ironic tone, stating that they
can not give away a free trip.

THE CASE OF thomas cook a small travel agency,
took advantage of the situation with a really
ironic, funny and fresh response.

THE CASE OF thomas cook

Thomas Cook goes to Paris!
This was the published on Reddit, earning
a lot of popularity for


In May, 2012, a fan of Samsung products
posted a comment on the Canadian Samsung
Facebook page, asking for a Galaxy S III
before the release of the smartphone and
attaching a drawing of a dragon.
Samsung responded by refusing the request
but offered in exchange a drawing
of a kangaroo on a unicycle.

OreO @super bowl

During the Super Bowl game on February 4,
2013, there was a blackout that cut-off half of
the light supply in the New Orleans stadium,
halting the game for up to 34 minutes.
At 20:48 (3:48 Italian time) the official account
on Twitter Oreo cookies, owned by the group
Mondelez International, tweeted:
"Black out? No problem".
The tweet was accompanied by this image,
it has been retweeted 15 thousand times in the
first 14 hours and the same image on Facebook
received 20 thousand likes.

- We have already seen a lesson dedicated to this important trend. “95% of social conversation about TV happens on Twitter.”
Fred Graver, Manager di Twitter

second screen

Several studies outline a clear trend where
individuals use of other devices while watching
television, in particular tablets or smartphones.
The symbiosis between the traditional TV and
the social world will be one of the most
interesting trends to watch this year.
Twitter as well as other social media offer a
means of measuring what Auditel fails to
calculate: the engagement, the amplification of
the messages concerning a transmission, the
liking (through the use of semantic engines).	

people love tablet: SALES TRENDS

18m 64m


2010 2011






By 2015, the smartphone market will have grown from around 450m devices
today to 1.1bn (android, windows, ios, rim).
By next year, 12% of us adults (28.9m people) will own an e-reader.

lean back e lean forward: cosa vuol dire?


iPad users - lean back approach
Book readers - lean forward approach
PC users - lean forward approach
I.E. This is the way we sit while interacting
with these different media.

lean back e lean forward: cosa vuol dire?

Jacob Nielsen, one of the greatest scholars of
interaction design, did a study on the different
ways to use the media.


To the question: "how readers read on the web?"
Nielsen said: "They do not read."
According to Nielsen people rarely read web pages
word for word instead they skim the page, and pick
up on words or phrases that have caught their
79% of web readers read superficially, compared
to a measly 16% reading in depth word for word.



Web users - lean forward approach also when they read
the daily newspaper, scanning for interesting information.
People use the internet with a specific purpose:
articles should be short and be straight to the point
and videos should be brief.


Tablet users have a "lean back" approach which is more
a passive
The users are more isolated, and less likely to share.

- How data is changing the consumer experience -

real time rElevance

In 2013, busy consumers will expect
mobile to provide real-time information
services that pay attention to their needs
and respond accordingly.
That means hyper-personal, supersynced, almost accurate lifestyle
assistance that arrives just as – or even
better, just before – consumers realize
they need it.

real time rElevance

Virtual wallet automatically displays relevant contents

In September 2012 Apple launched its
latest mobile operating system, including
Passbook, an app that functions as a
virtual wallet. Users store loyalty cards,
concert tickets, and coupons using the
app, as well as boarding passes from
participating airlines, which will
automatically display when the user
arrives at the flight departure gate.

real time rilevance

Online catalog reccomends products based on
friends’ likes

Lauched in the US during Q3 2012, Pickie
provides personaliSed product catalogues
for consumers to browse, based on the
items being discussed by their friends on
social media sites. Users link their Pickie
account to their social media profiles, and
the site then generates the catalogues, as
well as offering articles on shopping and
selected products.

in store guide

Indoor GPS allows customers to find products easily

Macy’s shopping app, updated in October
2012, offers an indoor navigation function
that enables customers to receive in-store
directions. The app uses a combination of
GPS and wifi data to determinate the
location of users and provide turn-by-turn
directions to products. Currently limited to
the Herald Square store in NYC, Macy’s
plans to expand the service countrywide.


remember the mass!

Apart from these emerging trends, it’s vital to
remember the most potent ongoing consumer megatrend of them all: MASS.
MASS & DON’T CARE: The trends in this Trend
Report, including the game-changing trends, will not
apply to everyone in 2013, least of all the billions of
MASS consumers, many of whom simply DON’T

angry birds: global takeover

Alongside the niche – the crafted, the handmade, the
unique – there is also the MASS. Indeed, the vast
majority of the billions of transactions made every
day by consumers around the world are, and
always will be, MASS.

There will also be endless consumers who, for better
or for worse, DON’T CARE (yet) about seeking out
the new. Even if it promises to be cleaner, healthier,
more convenient, more relevant, better. Whether
through inertia, inability or apathy, most consumers’
behavior won’t change overnight, if at all.

In October 2012, McDonald’s China announced its partership
with Rovio, which saw the brands launch special, limited
location Angry Birds games. While in participating restaurants,
players can access sepecial hidden game modes and features
that are not present in the normal game

angry birds: global takeover

In June 2012, Finland-based Angry Birds developer Rovio
launched branded MasterCard credit cards in Russia, in
partnership with commercial bank Promsvyazbank. Decorated
with the videogame’s main characters, only 100.000 of the cards
were available, with cardholders offered a 10% discount on all
Angry Birds merchandise in Rovio’s internet store.

In June 2012, the Särkänniemi Adventure Park in Finland
opened Angry Birds Land, On offer are rides based on the Angry
Birds game, as well as an adventure playground, designed for
adults and kids alike.

angry birds: global takeover

Angry Birds Star Wars was
launched in November 2012. the
initial download offers players 80
levels split between two worlds.
Tatooine and the Death Star, and
the birds have Star Wars props
such as light sabers and lasers.


The ultimate DON’T CARE: June 2012
saw Burger King’s Bacon Sundae rolled
out across the US after a successful
pilot in Nashville.
So much for healthy lifestyles ;-)

Within the mass there will always be new consumers, ready to try new products and experiences.
At every social level.
People are always fascinated by what is new!






Adopting a VIRGIN mindset is essential if you want to stand a chance
with many consumers.

• Increasing mobile access
• Social media will play an increasingly important role
in our lives

• We will use the Internet in a more "professional" and
"private" manner.

• The Internet will be ‘content’ orientated.
• Innovative forms of communication, including digital
and traditional.

Thank you!
In the following concluding
lesson you can join us to
discover how to understand
consumers using social analysis!


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Digital Revolution and Consumer Trends for 2013

  • 2. introduction Our final lesson of Digital School identifies 10 Web Trends including examples of brands and businesses that are already putting them into practice. The Trends: - Generation G - Point & Know - Maturialism - Social Lite - Pricing Pandemonium - Be Ethical - Be Faster & Friendly - Second screen - Data shaped - The mass and the virgin Consumers 2
  • 4. GENERATION G For many consumers, giving and sharing is the new status symbol. GENERATION G captures the growing importance of ‘generosity’ as a leading societal and business mindset. In fact, for many, giving, sharing and then receiving recognition have replaced ‘taking’ as the new status symbol. 4
  • 5. Get a pair, donate a pair Warby Parker provides children in need with a pair of glasses for every pair purchased via their website. 5
  • 6. KRAFT In 2012 KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese launched the iPad application "Dinner Not Art". The art of making compositions with pasta has been practiced by children for decades. KRAFT designed this application on the basis of maintaining this creative tradition while eliminating food waste. The app enables users to express their creativity and for each macaroon that is not wasted one is donated to the association Feeding America. 6
  • 7. Airbnb and hurricane sandy Airbnb launched a microsite that encouraged people to offer rooms, houses or sofas free of charge to victims of Hurricane Sandy in November 2012. In collaboration with the city of New York, Airbnb allowed free advertising space, with the goal of helping New Yorkers who were left homeless as a result of the storm. 7
  • 9. point & know The readily availability of textual search and textual information means that the race is on to include ‘real world’ elements – when we talk about ‘real world’ we are referring to humans and physical objects. In 2012 we saw a combination of recognised Apps and QR codes, highlighting information about physical objects and people that consumers encounter in the real world. Similar to other trends, it was the rise of the (alwaysin-my-pocket) smartphone that fuelled POINT & KNOW over the last 12 months. 9
  • 10. ADDICTION TO “mobile” Mobile addiction: A survey of U.S. adult smartphone owners found that 63% of female respondents and 73% of male respondents are not able to live an hour without checking their phones. (Harris Interactive, May 2012) People always have a smartphone with them and use it relentlessly to stay connected and be informed! 10
  • 11. point and know Election campaigns also use a ‘social’ approach. Super PAC is an application that recognises the themes and contents of electoral messages and directs the user to external sources to check these out. Developed as an offshoot of MIT, it is free and allows users to share their opinions. Peapod, created a virtual supermarket in Chicago. Users could buy the products via a QR code displayed on the "virtual" shelves 11
  • 12. Project ingeborg A virtual library in Klagenfurt The Austrian city of Klagenfurt does not have a library, 70 stickers displaying QR codes and containing NFC chips were placed in different locations, allowing users to download e-books! 12
  • 14. maturalism Mature materialism Experienced, urban, hyperconsumers are able to handle more daring innovations, more quirky flavors, more risqué experiences. Fed up with being treated as bland, vanilla audiences, these consumers increasingly appreciate brands that push the boundaries. 14
  • 15. CONTREX Contrex, the brand of mineral water owned by Nestlè Waters group launched the second edition of the Paris "But Contrexpérience’’ in September 2012. The initiative included a projection mapping on the facade of the Cité Universitaire that recreated the scene of a blazing fire, with a large group of men in the flesh begging to be saved. The passers-by and potential consumers were then invited to climb the steps to pedal in order to activate a sprinkler system to ‘put out’ the fake fire. The message behind the initiative is that you can easily burn calories and keep fit. 15
  • 16. windows 8 - live tile experiment For the release of Windows 8, Microsoft launched an exciting initiative in Oslo. A false wall of a building was mounted in quiet street, located just outside was an illuminated tile with the symbol of the headphones on it, in collaboration with the band Datarock, who kicked off a concert behind this wall. The unsuspecting passers-by, intrigued by the shadows of the crowd and the music coming from the windows of this wall tile and seeing the light, were forced to stand on it. The result? The wall collapsed, leaving the passerby unharmed but surrounded by a crowd of people jumping to the rhythm of music. 16
  • 17. red bull crashed ice & Racing showcar 64 skaters participated in a race in the center of the city. This is the video for the race of Saint Paul. The tour covers several cities around the world. Formula 1 cars and the best stunts in the centers of major cities around the world. 17
  • 18. COCA COLA Summer 2012 saw Coca Cola launching an initiative for their "Happiness" in Naples project. The Brand, in collaboration with the chef Simone Rugiati, used a delivery truck which transformed into a mobile kitchen including a dining room. so that passers-by were invited to sit and enjoy an delicious dinner and to drink Coke. A dedicated application on Facebook was also set up to encourage customers to invite their friends.. A delivery truck that transforms into a dining room to have dinner "together". 18
  • 19. COCA COLA In September, 2012 Coca Cola launched an advertising campaign in Korea featuring an interactive vending machine that rewarded people with free cans of Coke when they completed the dance sequences shown. An interesting initiative that is part of the project "Happiness" Coca-Cola. 19
  • 21. SOCIAL LITE The element of ‘Sharing’ allows individuals to – compile, remix, comment and recommend information to friends and interested parties. The bonus arises in that individuals who practice sharing become important and respected ‘influencers’ for others. 21
  • 22. COMODO NYC The restaurant Comodo in Manhattan exploited the propensity of customers to take pictures of dishes ordered, creating a menu on Instagram. Via the hashtag #comodomenu users could take advantage of a "user generated" menu. 22
  • 23. HITCHSHOTS To accompany the opening of the Hitchcock film, a contest was launched on Instagram called Hitchshots, which required users to post their photos on the social network inspired by the films of the master of mystery. The winners reportedly accounted for the movie poster autographed by the actors. Contest on Instagram that invites users to post their own photos inspired by the films of Hitchcock. 23
  • 25. pricing pandemonium Consumers have always been price orientated, however, with the rise in new technologies and services, their attitudes have evolved. This is interesting from the view point of brands, as they can attract consumers in new ways i.e. smart pricing! 25
  • 26. Zeerca Launched in Spain in January 2012, Zeerca the free mobile app. The app using GPS shows users where they can locate shops, bars and restaurants offering discounts and promotions. Users can follow Zeerca on Twitter and Facebook to discover the latest news on deals within their area. 26
  • 27. Pay what you want A successful experiment from Humble Book: users were asked to pay "what they felt was the right price’’ to read e-books. 27
  • 28. READ FIRST, PAY LATER An e-bookstore and e-reading platform that lets you pay only for what you read. 28
  • 29. pear to pear Airbnb provide the most famous “peer to peer” service: consumers are brought together in a community, where everyone has a score and a reputation based on their behaviour. The company is an online service that provides a platform for individuals referred to as “hosts”, generally private parties, to rent unoccupied living space and other short-term lodging to guests The success of Airbnb is due to the fact that users can earn money, but also save it for their own travel interests. 29
  • 30. Share and pay instead of buying Car sharing sponsored by Citroen: the service is also available in Italy. Customers can choose to rent electric-run cars at reasonable prices. P2P lending platform - More than a billion dollars in personal loans up to November 2012. 30
  • 31. CLEANING pandemonium Also the world of washing machines is taking part! A service that connects those who have a washing machine and who does not. 31
  • 32. BE ETHICAL - Clients ask for transparency, clarity and honesty from the companies - 32
  • 33. be transparent In 2013, more and more consumers are demanding transparency from brands, i.e. they must have nothing to hide! Soda brand “Check Then Choose”: a vending machine that displays the calorie count of the drink. Companies are now required to fulfil the needs of consumers in respect to product information: how they are made and their impact on the environment. 69% of consumers say they would willingly buy from a brand that publishes its CSR results compared to a company that does not. McDonald's ‘’Under 400 Calories’’: informed their consumers re: the calorie intake. (Source: Cone Communications, Oct 2012) 33
  • 34. patagonia - footprint chronicles A section of the site is dedicated to Patagonia to describe how it functions. The site aims to make the company transparent and to reduce the environmental impact. 34
  • 35. BE FASTER AND FRIENDLY - Today we communicate with consumers and fans in real time, in turn they constantly have questions and requests to the brand or celebrity, and expect a clear and immediate answer, with a simple and friendly tone of voice! - 35
  • 36. THE CASE OF bodyform In October 2012, a "male" user published an ironic post about sanitary towels on the Bodyform website that made fun of stereotypical women in the communications sector. The company promptly responded with a video, using a fake Manger of the group, who responded with sarcasm to the post. The video went viral and generated a lot of buzz online. 36
  • 37. THE CASE OF thomas cook A user named Thomas Cook asked the historical agency "Thomas Cook" to be reimbursed for sharing the same name as the company. The company’s managers responded using an ironic tone, stating that they can not give away a free trip. 37
  • 38. THE CASE OF thomas cook a small travel agency, took advantage of the situation with a really ironic, funny and fresh response. 38
  • 39. THE CASE OF thomas cook Thomas Cook goes to Paris! This was the published on Reddit, earning a lot of popularity for 39
  • 40. SAMSUNG CANADA In May, 2012, a fan of Samsung products posted a comment on the Canadian Samsung Facebook page, asking for a Galaxy S III before the release of the smartphone and attaching a drawing of a dragon. Samsung responded by refusing the request but offered in exchange a drawing of a kangaroo on a unicycle. 40
  • 41. OreO @super bowl During the Super Bowl game on February 4, 2013, there was a blackout that cut-off half of the light supply in the New Orleans stadium, halting the game for up to 34 minutes. At 20:48 (3:48 Italian time) the official account on Twitter Oreo cookies, owned by the group Mondelez International, tweeted: "Black out? No problem". The tweet was accompanied by this image, it has been retweeted 15 thousand times in the first 14 hours and the same image on Facebook received 20 thousand likes. 41
  • 42. SECOND SCREEN DOMINATION - We have already seen a lesson dedicated to this important trend. “95% of social conversation about TV happens on Twitter.” Fred Graver, Manager di Twitter 42
  • 43. second screen Several studies outline a clear trend where individuals use of other devices while watching television, in particular tablets or smartphones. The symbiosis between the traditional TV and the social world will be one of the most interesting trends to watch this year. Twitter as well as other social media offer a means of measuring what Auditel fails to calculate: the engagement, the amplification of the messages concerning a transmission, the liking (through the use of semantic engines).   43
  • 44. people love tablet: SALES TRENDS SALES OF TABLETS, SMARTPHONES AND E-READERS ARE SET TO GROW FAST: TABLET SALES FORECAST, 2010-2015 18m 64m 104m 2010 2011 2012 178m 252m 2014 2013 326m 2015 By 2015, the smartphone market will have grown from around 450m devices today to 1.1bn (android, windows, ios, rim). By next year, 12% of us adults (28.9m people) will own an e-reader. 44
  • 45. lean back e lean forward: cosa vuol dire? LEAN BACK 2.0 iPad users - lean back approach Book readers - lean forward approach PC users - lean forward approach I.E. This is the way we sit while interacting with these different media. 45
  • 46. lean back e lean forward: cosa vuol dire? Jacob Nielsen, one of the greatest scholars of interaction design, did a study on the different ways to use the media. LEAN BACK 2.0 To the question: "how readers read on the web?" Nielsen said: "They do not read." According to Nielsen people rarely read web pages word for word instead they skim the page, and pick up on words or phrases that have caught their attention. 79% of web readers read superficially, compared to a measly 16% reading in depth word for word. 46
  • 47. READING ON A TABLET/READING ON THE WEB READING ON THE WEB Web users - lean forward approach also when they read the daily newspaper, scanning for interesting information. People use the internet with a specific purpose: articles should be short and be straight to the point and videos should be brief. READING ON A TABLET Tablet users have a "lean back" approach which is more a passive The users are more isolated, and less likely to share. 47
  • 48. DATASHAPED - How data is changing the consumer experience - 48
  • 49. real time rElevance In 2013, busy consumers will expect mobile to provide real-time information services that pay attention to their needs and respond accordingly. That means hyper-personal, supersynced, almost accurate lifestyle assistance that arrives just as – or even better, just before – consumers realize they need it. 49
  • 50. real time rElevance APPLE PASSBOOK Virtual wallet automatically displays relevant contents In September 2012 Apple launched its latest mobile operating system, including Passbook, an app that functions as a virtual wallet. Users store loyalty cards, concert tickets, and coupons using the app, as well as boarding passes from participating airlines, which will automatically display when the user arrives at the flight departure gate. 50
  • 51. real time rilevance APPLE PASSBOOK Online catalog reccomends products based on friends’ likes Lauched in the US during Q3 2012, Pickie provides personaliSed product catalogues for consumers to browse, based on the items being discussed by their friends on social media sites. Users link their Pickie account to their social media profiles, and the site then generates the catalogues, as well as offering articles on shopping and selected products. 51
  • 52. in store guide MACY’S Indoor GPS allows customers to find products easily Macy’s shopping app, updated in October 2012, offers an indoor navigation function that enables customers to receive in-store directions. The app uses a combination of GPS and wifi data to determinate the location of users and provide turn-by-turn directions to products. Currently limited to the Herald Square store in NYC, Macy’s plans to expand the service countrywide. 52
  • 54. remember the mass! YOU’VE JUST SEEN AN ARRAY OF EMERGING CONSUMER TRENDS THAT WILL BE VITAL FOR THE COMING YEAR. BUT THERE’S MORE. Apart from these emerging trends, it’s vital to remember the most potent ongoing consumer megatrend of them all: MASS. MASS & DON’T CARE: The trends in this Trend Report, including the game-changing trends, will not apply to everyone in 2013, least of all the billions of MASS consumers, many of whom simply DON’T CARE. 54
  • 55. angry birds: global takeover Alongside the niche – the crafted, the handmade, the unique – there is also the MASS. Indeed, the vast majority of the billions of transactions made every day by consumers around the world are, and always will be, MASS. There will also be endless consumers who, for better or for worse, DON’T CARE (yet) about seeking out the new. Even if it promises to be cleaner, healthier, more convenient, more relevant, better. Whether through inertia, inability or apathy, most consumers’ behavior won’t change overnight, if at all. In October 2012, McDonald’s China announced its partership with Rovio, which saw the brands launch special, limited location Angry Birds games. While in participating restaurants, players can access sepecial hidden game modes and features that are not present in the normal game 55
  • 56. angry birds: global takeover In June 2012, Finland-based Angry Birds developer Rovio launched branded MasterCard credit cards in Russia, in partnership with commercial bank Promsvyazbank. Decorated with the videogame’s main characters, only 100.000 of the cards were available, with cardholders offered a 10% discount on all Angry Birds merchandise in Rovio’s internet store. In June 2012, the Särkänniemi Adventure Park in Finland opened Angry Birds Land, On offer are rides based on the Angry Birds game, as well as an adventure playground, designed for adults and kids alike. 56
  • 57. angry birds: global takeover Angry Birds Star Wars was launched in November 2012. the initial download offers players 80 levels split between two worlds. Tatooine and the Death Star, and the birds have Star Wars props such as light sabers and lasers. 57
  • 58. THE MASS DO WHAT THEY WANT The ultimate DON’T CARE: June 2012 saw Burger King’s Bacon Sundae rolled out across the US after a successful pilot in Nashville. So much for healthy lifestyles ;-) 58
  • 59. VIRGIN CONSUMERISM Within the mass there will always be new consumers, ready to try new products and experiences. At every social level. People are always fascinated by what is new! 59
  • 60. VIRGIN CONSUMERISM THE KEY TO ADOPTING A VIRGIN MINDSET #1 KEEP IT SIMPLE #2 EXPLAIN YOUR BRAND #3 DON’T ASK FOR COMMITMENT Adopting a VIRGIN mindset is essential if you want to stand a chance with many consumers. 60
  • 61. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM 2013? • Increasing mobile access • Social media will play an increasingly important role in our lives • We will use the Internet in a more "professional" and "private" manner. • The Internet will be ‘content’ orientated. • Innovative forms of communication, including digital and traditional. 61
  • 62. Thank you! In the following concluding lesson you can join us to discover how to understand consumers using social analysis! 62