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Chapter 3: Learning Objectives
•   Explain the electrical properties of the atom.
•   Describe how the properties of electricity explain the structure of atoms.
•   Describe the experiments that led to the discovery of X-Rays and an explanation of
•   Distinguish the three main types of radioactivity: alpha, beta and gamma.
•   Sketch the nuclear model of the atom and identify it’s parts.
•   List the particles that make up the nucleus of an atom and give heir relative masses and
    electric charges
•   Identify elements and isotopes from their nuclear particles.
•   Define quantum.
•   Arrange the electrons in a given atom in energy levels, (shells).
•   Relate the idea of a quantum of energy to an orbital.
•   Write an electron configuration, (in subshell notation), for a given atom.
•   Describe how an elements electron configuration relates to it’s location in the periodic table.
•   Distinguish the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy in a solar cell from the
    conversion of solar energy into the chemical bond energy of a solar fuel.
•   Explain why splitting water into the elements hydrogen and oxygen requires an energy input
    and producing water by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen produces water.

                                     © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Atomic Structure: Electricity and the Atom
      Electrolyte: A compound that conducts electricity when
      molten or dissolved in water.
      Electrodes: Carbon rods or metallic strips that carry
      electrical current.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3                     2
Electrolysis & Aluminum Synthesis:
Charles Martin Hall pictured below was an American chemist, who discovered an inexpensive method for the isolation of pure
aluminum from its compounds. The same electrolytic process was discovered concurrently by the French chemist Paul L.T.
Heroult and is therefore known as the Hall-Heroult process. It became the basis for the aluminum industries both in the United
States and in Europe.

                                                                                     Hall was born in Thompson, Ohio, on December
                                                                                     6th 1863. He became interested in chemistry, and
                                                                                     more specifically in finding an inexpensive
                                                                                     method for producing aluminum. While an
                                                                                     undergraduate at Oberlin College. After his
                                                                                     graduation in 1885, Hall set up laboratory at
                                                                                     home and began work on the purification of
                                                                                     aluminum. He had the idea that if he could find a
                                                                                     non-aqueous solvent for aluminum oxide, he
                                                                                     could produce metallic aluminum by
                                                                                     electrolysis, using carbon electrodes. On Feb.
                                                                                     23, 1886, Hall found that molten cryolite, which
                                                                                     is the mineral sodium aluminum fluoride, was
                                                                                     the solvent he needed for the process; using the
                                                                                     cryolite and aluminum oxide and homemade
                                                                                     batteries, he produced his first small globules of
      Anode: A positive electrode.

      Cathode: A negative

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.       Chapter 3   4
      Ion: An atom or group of atoms with a charge.

      Anion: A negative ion.

      Cation: A positive ion.

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Cathode Ray Tubes
      Mid-1800s: Crookes’s tube (Cathode Ray Tube)

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Thomson Experiment
      1897, Joseph John Thomson: Plum Pudding Model
      Determined the charge: Mass ratio of cathode rays
      (discovered electrons).

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Goldstein’s Experiment: Positive Particles

      1886, Goldstein:
      Observed positive rays
      using a perforated cathode.

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Eugen Goldstein
•   In the mid-nineteenth century, Julius Plücker investigated the light emitted in discharge tubes (Crookes
    tubes) and the influence of magnetic fields on the glow. Later, in 1869, Johann Wilhelm Hittorf studied
    discharge tubes with energy rays extending from a negative electrode, the cathode. These rays produced
    a fluorescence when they hit a tube's glass walls, and when interrupted by a solid object they cast a shadow.
•   In the 1870s Goldstein undertook his own investigations of discharge tubes, and named the light emissions
    studied by others kathodenstrahlen, or cathode rays. He discovered several important properties of cathode
    rays, which contributed to their later identification as the first subatomic particle, the electron. He found that
    cathode rays were emitted perpendicularly from a metal surface, and carried energy. He attempted to
    measure their velocity by the Doppler shift of spectral lines in the glow emitted by Crookes tubes.
•   In 1886, he discovered that tubes with a perforated cathode also emit a glow at the cathode end. Goldstein
    concluded that in addition to the already-known cathode rays, later recognized as electrons moving from the
    negatively-charged cathode toward the positively-charged anode, there is another ray that travels in the
    opposite direction. Because these latter rays passed through the holes, or channels, in the cathode, Goldstein
    called them Kanalstrahlen, or canal rays. They are composed of positive ions whose identity depends on the
    residual gas inside the tube. It was another of Helmholtz's students, Wilhelm Wien, who later conducted
    extensive studies of canal rays, and in time this work would become part of the basis for mass spectrometry.
•   The anode ray with the smallest e/m ratio comes from hydrogen gas (H 2), and is made of H+ ions. In other
    words this ray is made of protons. Goldstein's work with anode rays of H+ was apparently the first
    observation of the proton, although strictly speaking it might be argued that it was Wien who measured the
    e/m ratio of the proton and should be credited with its discovery.
•   Goldstein also used discharge tubes to investigate comets. An object, such as a small ball of glass or iron,
    placed in the path of cathode rays produces secondary emissions to the sides, flaring outwards in a manner
    reminiscent of a comet's tail. See the work of Hedenus for pictures and additional information. [2]
Electron Charge
       1909, Robert Millikan:
       Using the oil-drop
       experiment, Millikan
       determined the charge of an

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Plum Pudding Model

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1895, Wilhem
Using a cathode ray
tube, Roentgen
discovered X-rays.

1895, Antoine Becquerel: Radioactivity-Gamma Rays
    •   Shortly after the discovery of x-rays, another form of penetrating rays
        was discovered.
    • In 1896, French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered natural
        radioactivity. Many scientists of the period were working with cathode
        rays, and other scientists were gathering evidence on the theory that the
        atom could be subdivided.
    • Some of the new research showed that certain types of atoms
        disintegrate by themselves. Henri Becquerel discovered this
        phenomenon while investigating the properties of fluorescent minerals.
    • One of the minerals Becquerel worked with was a uranium
        compound. Uranium ore produces naturally occurring gamma
    • Becquerel's discovery was, unlike that of the x-rays, virtually unnoticed
        by laymen and scientists alike. It was not until the discovery of radium
        by the Curies two years later that interest in radioactivity became
    • After that Becquerel won a Nobel Prize and used his prize money to
        conveniently produce gamma radiation to transform himself into the
        Incredible Hulk. His son, Bruce Banner went on to fame on the staff of
        Marvel Comics.
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Meanwhile…Back in the Lab
 Marie & Pierre Curie studied radioactive stuff, like pitchblende, the ore from
  which uranium was extracted.
 Pitchblende was strangely more radioactive than the uranium extracted from it.
  They deduced that the pitchblende must contain traces of an unknown
  radioactive substance far more radioactive than uranium.
 Their work resulted in the identification of two new elements. The first
  element, they named "polonium," after Marie's native country, Poland. The
  other element they named "radium," for its intense radioactivity. Radium
  became the initial industrial gamma ray source. The material allowed
  radiographs of castings up to 10 to 12 inches thick to be produced.
 The couple became victims of radiation poisoning.
 During World War II and the race to produce a nuclear weapon, much was
  discovered about radioactive materials, and manmade isotopes became
  available. Ultimately the United States began their “Manhattan Project”.

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Three Types of Radioactivity

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3         15
Three Types of Radioactivity

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3     16
Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment
      In 1911, Ernest Rutherford published a paper in which he
      detailed his Gold Foil Experiment. Using an apparatus
      similar to that shown below, Rutherford discovered the
      atomic nucleus.


© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.            Chapter 3                  17
Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment

  1) What were the
     details of the
     atomic model
     BEFORE this

  2) What was
     before the

  3) How did the
     results of the
     Gold Foil expt.
     the model of
     the atom?

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3   18
Rutherford’s Results…changing the PPM

                           1) What does this picture to
                              the left tell us about the
                              atomic model post-
                           2) What evidence from
                              Rutherford’s expt suggests
                              amendments be made to
                              the PPM?
                           3) What is a good name for
                              the “Rutherford Model”?

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Rutherford’s Model
•  How did Rutherford’s Model improve
   upon Thomson’s Model?
• What were the weaknesses with
   Rutherford’s Model?
• Limitations of Classical Mechanics in
   working with sub-atomic particles
• Success and limitations of Rutherford
   model of an atom:
1. It showed for the first time, that the atomic
   volume is mostly devoid of mass except at
   its tiny positively charged center.
2. The classical theory predicts the
   accelerating electron in orbit to radiate
   electromagnetic energy. One would think,
   the electron that radiates would decrease
   its total energy and fall spiraling into the
   nucleus collapsing the atom. Whereas we
   know the atoms to be stable.
Subatomic Particles

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.          Chapter 3      21
Atomic Structure
             Atomic number: The number of protons in a nucleus.
             Mass number: The sum of protons and neutrons in a
             Nuclide Notation:

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.         Chapter 3              22
      Isotopes have the same atomic
      number, but have different mass numbers
      (same number of protons, but different
      number of neutrons).

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.        Chapter 3   23
Electron Arrangement:
                                    The Bohr Model
      Flame tests: Different elements give different colors
      to a flame.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3            24
Toward a Quantum Model of the Atom

• Classical Physics, (Mechanics), and Rutherford’s nuclear model cannot
  explain chemical properties of elements.
• Experiments with radiant energy, light, reveal interesting properties of
  matter perhaps related to the atomic model.
• What is the “visible spectrum”? IR? UV? …line spectra? emission spectra?
• A cool web site:
Electron Arrangement:
                                    The Bohr Model
      Continuous spectra:
      When light emitted from
      a solid substance is
      passed through a prism, it
      produces a continuous
      spectrum of colors.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       26
Electromagnetic Spectrum

•   Visible spectrum range
•   Plank’s equation, E=hc/λ(lambda)
•   h=6.626 x 10-34 J•s
•   lambda=wavelength
•   C=3.00 x 108 m/sec
•   Practice Problem 3.24, pp 96
Electromagnetic Radiation:
             • E=hc/λ
             E = energy
             h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34
             λ= wavelength
             Q: What is wavelength?
             c = 3.00 x 108 m/s
             1. What does this equation allow
                 you to do?
             2. How are E and λ related?
             • c = λυ
             • υ = frequency
             1. What is frequency? Explain.
             2. Practice Problem 4.3; pp 122
Will the Real Niels Bohr Please Stand Up?
•   The Energy of Electrons is Quantized!
•   Electrons may have only particular, discrete amounts of energy!
•   Explain how these statements relate to the hydrogen spectrum shown
•   Hint: Why are there black gaps between the solid colored vertical lines
    in the hydrogen spectrum? (There do not appear to be intermediate
    amounts of energy!) In other words the spectrum in NOT continuous.
•   Below you can see an emission line spectrum of hydrogen. It was
    produced by exciting a glass discharge tube of hydrogen gas with about
    5000 volts from a transformer. It was viewed through a diffraction
    grating with 600 lines/mm. The colors cannot be expected to be accurate
    because of differences in display devices
The 5th Solvay Conference: Brussels from
              23-29 October 1927.

•    Back row: A Piccard, E Henriot, P Ehrenfest, Ed Herzen, Th De Donder, E Schroedinger, E Verschaffelt, W Pauli, W
     Heisenberg, R H Fowler, L Brillouin.
     Middle Row: P Debye, M Knudsen, W L Bragg, H A Kramers, P A M Dirac, A H Compton, L de Broglie, M Born, N Bohr.
     Front Row: I Langmuir, M Planck, Mme Curie, H A Lorentz, A Einstein, P Langevin, Ch E Guye, C T R Wilson, O W
We're Getting a New Deal for Physics!
                           • Classical Physics: Objects may have
                             any energy!
                           • Quantum Physics: Objects, e.g.,
                             electrons, may have only specific

                                         Hmmm….so let’s see, when the car
                                         accelerates, it is accelerating in a
                                         quantum manner, by set, specific
                                         amounts of speed, not in a smooth
                                         linear manner……uhh…isn’t that a
                                         little “herky-jerky”?
                                                • Classical Physics works for
                                                  objects you can see, like big
                                                • Quantum Physics works to
                                                  describe the behavior of
                                                  objects too small to observe,
                                      Bean        i.e., sub-atomic particles---

Hey Bob, Toby looks so cute when he
comprehends quantum mechanics.
The Bohr Model: Background
                                                      In 1913 Niels Bohr came to
                                                work in the laboratory of Ernst
                                                Rutherford. A few years earlier
                                                Rutherford discovered the nuclear
                                                model of the atom. He asked Bohr
                                                to work on this model since he
                                                believed that there were some
                                                problems with the model.
                                                According to the physics of the
                                                time, Rutherford's nuclear atom
                                                should have an extremely short
                                                lifetime. Bohr thought about this
                                                problem and knew of the emission
                                                spectrum of hydrogen. He quickly
Foiling the Nazis!!                             realized that the two problems   were connected and after some
try/aquaregia.htm                               thought came up with the Bohr
                                                model of the atom. Bohr's model
                                                of the atom revolutionized atomic
Electron Arrangement:
                                    The Bohr Model
      Line spectra: When
      light from a gaseous
      substance is passed
      through a prism, it
      produces a line

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       34
Hydrogen gas, Discharge Tube, Pink
                 • Why does the gas
                   “glow” pink when Mr.
                   Bean turns on the
                 • Why does the pink light
                   separate into distinctly
                   different colored lines in
                   a hydrogen line
                 • Do excited hydrogen
                   atoms emit energy?
Emission of Light = Relaxation Energy
• An electron in an excited state can release energy in the form
  of light that corresponds to visible wavelengths that we see in
  the hydrogen line spectrum.
• This emitted energy is called “relaxation energy”.
• There are many relaxation energies that correspond to
  wavelengths that are outside the visible spectrum:
Balmer et al:
1. The visible hydrogen spectral lines are in the 380nm-750nm range in
   what is called the “Balmer” series.
2. Other energies are released for different transitions, e.g., n=5 to n=1, etc.
   that correspond to wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum.
3. Given all the energy transition possibilities…this gets pretty
   complicated. New image what this would be like for a multiple electron
Electron Arrangement:
                                    The Bohr Model
      Quantum: A tiny unit of energy produced or
      absorbed when an electron makes a transition from
      one energy level to another.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3        38
Electron Arrangement:
                                    The Bohr Model
      When electrons are in the lowest energy state, they are
      said to be in the ground state.

      When energy from a flame or other source is absorbed
      by the electrons, they are promoted to a higher energy
      state (excited state).

      When an electron in an excited state returns to a lower
      energy state, it emits a photon of energy, which may be
      observed as light.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3              39
The Bohr Model FOUR Principles:
1. Electrons assume only certain orbits around the nucleus. These orbits are stable and
   called "stationary" orbits.
2. Each orbit has an energy associated with it. For example the orbit closest to the
   nucleus has an energy E1, the next closest E2 and so on.
3. Light is emitted when an electron jumps from a higher orbit to a lower orbit and
   absorbed when it jumps from a lower to higher orbit.
4. The energy and frequency of light emitted or absorbed is given by the difference
   between the two orbit energies, e.g.,
                    E(light) = |Ef - Ei|
                    E(light) = hυ        Note: υ = frequency; E = hc/λ; λ = hc/E; c = λυ
                    h= Planck's constant = 6.627x10-34 J•s
                    where "f" and "i" represent final and initial orbits and ΔE

          With these conditions Bohr was able to explain the stability of atoms as well
   as the emission spectrum of hydrogen. According to Bohr's model only certain
   orbits were allowed which means only certain energies are possible. These energies
   naturally lead to the explanation of the hydrogen atom spectrum:

         Bohr's model was so successful that he immediately received world-wide
   fame. Unfortunately, Bohr's model worked only for hydrogen. Thus the final atomic
   model was yet to be developed.
Toward a Bohr or Quantum Model…
                • Orbits, “shells”, get larger
                  as the principal quantum
                  number, (n), increases.
                • Electrons in the n=1 orbit
                  have the lowest energy,
                  (ground state). Electrons in
                  orbits where n is larger have
                  more energy.
                • Each shell can hold a
                  maximum of 2n2 electrons.
                  Hmmm…what are the
                  electron capacities for the
                  first four shells?
Building a Bohr Atom…A Bohr Model

•   Draw a Bohr model of a
    sodium atom: 23 Na

1) Draw the nucleus, indicate
   #p and #n
2) Determine the #e-’s in the
3) Fill shells to their capacity
   with e-’s starting with n=1,
   (lowest energy, most
   stable), to
The Mystery of Periodicity &
                    Line Spectra Explained!!!
• The number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom is
  equal to the Roman numeral group for the representative
  elements…Eureka! Uuh…what’s a “valence” shell?
Bohr: Periodicity
• Bohr model shows that atoms of elements in the
  same groups, (families), of the representative
  elements have identical electron configurations in
  their valence shells!
• Hence…strong evidence to support a direct cause-
  effect relationship between similar chemical
  properties of elements in the same groups of
  representative elements and their common valence
  shell electron configurations!
Bohr: Line Spectra
• It explained why line spectra exist.
• Bohr’s mathematical model using Planck’s results
  can reproduce the hydrogen line spectrum.
• Bohr’s mathematic model quantified the energies of
  each line in the hydrogen spectrum.
• The differences in the energies between each shell
  correspond to the equivalent energies associated with
  each spectral line in the hydrogen line spectrum.
Electron Arrangement
      Energy states or levels are sometimes called shells.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3           46
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model
      The Quantum model of the atom is a probability-
      based model. It is composed of principal energy
      levels, sublevels, and orbitals.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       47
No Model is Perfect!!!!
• Predicted Helium line spectrum did not match up
  with observed helium line spectrum.
• Bohr’s mathematical model could not correctly
  predict any spectrum beyond Hydrogen.
• Improved spectroscopes revealed that the Hydrogen
  line spectrum was not so simple.
• What was thought to be single vertical lines in the
  spectrum were in fact closely spaced compound lines
  that appeared previously as single, bold spectral line.
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model
      Principal energy levels (shells): Roughly correlate to
      the distance that an electron is from an atom’s nucleus.

      Sublevels (subshells): Each principal energy level (n) is
      divided into n sublevels.

      Orbitals: Orbitals are regions in space that represent a
      high probability of locating an electron. Each sublevel
      has one or more orbitals.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3               49
And then there were Sub-Shells!
• The existence of multiple lines within
  a single, bold spectral line was
  explained by the existence of sub-
  shells within a shell.
• Sub-shells are closely spaced in
  energy and size.
• The principle quantum number
  corresponds to the number of sub-
  shells in each shell.
• Electron capacity for each sub-shell:
                 d = 10
                  f = 14
• s pdf in order of increasing
  energy and size
• But then there is this “Potassium
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       51
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       52
Modern Quantum Mechanical Model of the
• Schröedinger: Wave Mechanics…
  the idea that electrons have wave
  like behavior
• Heisenberg: Uncertainty
  Principle…the idea that you can
  estimate the probable location of
  an electron in an atom.
• Sub-shells correspond to probable
  locations, (and energies), for
• Sub-shells have shapes: orbitals:
  s, p, d and f
                                                              • The Modern Quantum
                                                                Mechanical Model:
                                                              • Retains Rutherford’s tiny,
                                                                massive, positive nucleus
                                                              • Retains Bohr’s idea of quantized
                                                                energy of electrons
Heisenberg & Pauli often communicated in secret about the
subtleties of the Uncertainty Principle and the Exclusion     • This movie, “Quantum
Principle. It was important to keep everything “Top Secret”     Mechanics”, is long, but well
                                                                worth it.
Which one is Heisenberg?

“The more precisely the position is determined, the
less precisely the momentum is known in this
instant, and vice versa.”

--Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927
Check it out…interesting….

Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model
      configurations: Allow
      us to represent the
      arrangement of the
      electrons in an atom.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       56
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       57
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model
             The textbook order-of-filling chart: (Merely OK)

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3              58
Electron Configurations Order of Filling (Easier):

• Write an expanded
  electron configuration
  for an atom of lead.

• Now, write the “noble
  gas” shortcut
  configuration for an
  atom of lead.
                            An easier shortcut method for
                            filling sub-shells.
Electron Arrangement:
                                  The Quantum Model

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.           Chapter 3       60
Electron Configurations and the
                        Periodic Table
      The periodic table is considered by many to be the most
      predictive tool in all of chemistry.
      It is composed of vertical columns called groups (or
      families) and horizontal rows called periods.
      Can you name and groups? Which ones? How are they

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3                  61
Electron Configurations and the
                        Periodic Table
      Groups (families): Vertical columns in the periodic
      table. Groups contain elements with similar chemical

      Periods: Horizontal rows in the periodic table. Elements
      in a period demonstrate a range of properties from
      metallic (on the left) to nonmetallic (on the right).

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3                   62
Electron Configurations and the
                        Periodic Table
      Valence electrons:
        • Valence electrons are the electrons in the
          outermost principal energy level of an atom.

               • These are the electrons that are gained, lost, or
                 shared in a chemical reaction.

               • Elements in a group or family have the same
                 number of valence electrons.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.        Chapter 3                      63
Electron Configurations and the
                        Periodic Table
      Some groups in the periodic table have special names:
      •Alkali Metals: Group 1A
         – Valence electron configuration: ns1
      •Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2A
         – Valence electron configuration: ns2
      •Halogens: Group 7A
         – Valence electron configuration: ns2np5
      •Noble Gases: Group 8A
         – Valence electron configuration: ns2np6
                                                    Get it?...Neon
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3          Trees          64
Electron Configurations and the
                        Periodic Table
      •       Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids:
              – Metals
                     • Metallic luster, conduct heat and
                     electricity, malleable, and ductile. Examples are sodium and
                     copper. Name the family and period for both elements.
             – Nonmetals
                     • Dull luster, nonconductors, and brittle in the solid state.
                     Examples are sulfur and bromine. Name the family and
                     period for both of these elements.
             – Metalloids
              • Demonstrate properties of both metals and nonmetals.
          Auric Goldfinger
              Examples are silicon and arsenic. Name the family and
              period for both elements.
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.               Chapter 3                          65
Electron Configuration Practice:
• Write the expanded AND noble gas
  abbreviated electron configurations for:
• Cu
• Na
• As
• S
• Br
• Si
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Periodic Trends

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Electron Configurations and the
                 Periodic Table

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.   Chapter 3   68
The Song of the Elements!
• Memorize this song. If                   Tom
  you sing it in a school                Lehrer…
  assembly with a                        another
  pianist and                            legend..
  accompanied by our
  class then…
• You win a $100 gift
  certificate to Sushi
  dinner in Quincy.

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  • 1. Chapter 3: Learning Objectives • Explain the electrical properties of the atom. • Describe how the properties of electricity explain the structure of atoms. • Describe the experiments that led to the discovery of X-Rays and an explanation of radioactivity. • Distinguish the three main types of radioactivity: alpha, beta and gamma. • Sketch the nuclear model of the atom and identify it’s parts. • List the particles that make up the nucleus of an atom and give heir relative masses and electric charges • Identify elements and isotopes from their nuclear particles. • Define quantum. • Arrange the electrons in a given atom in energy levels, (shells). • Relate the idea of a quantum of energy to an orbital. • Write an electron configuration, (in subshell notation), for a given atom. • Describe how an elements electron configuration relates to it’s location in the periodic table. • Distinguish the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy in a solar cell from the conversion of solar energy into the chemical bond energy of a solar fuel. • Explain why splitting water into the elements hydrogen and oxygen requires an energy input and producing water by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen produces water. © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
  • 2. Atomic Structure: Electricity and the Atom Electrolyte: A compound that conducts electricity when molten or dissolved in water. Electrodes: Carbon rods or metallic strips that carry electrical current. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 2
  • 3. Electrolysis & Aluminum Synthesis: Charles Martin Hall pictured below was an American chemist, who discovered an inexpensive method for the isolation of pure aluminum from its compounds. The same electrolytic process was discovered concurrently by the French chemist Paul L.T. Heroult and is therefore known as the Hall-Heroult process. It became the basis for the aluminum industries both in the United States and in Europe. Hall was born in Thompson, Ohio, on December 6th 1863. He became interested in chemistry, and more specifically in finding an inexpensive method for producing aluminum. While an undergraduate at Oberlin College. After his graduation in 1885, Hall set up laboratory at home and began work on the purification of aluminum. He had the idea that if he could find a non-aqueous solvent for aluminum oxide, he could produce metallic aluminum by electrolysis, using carbon electrodes. On Feb. 23, 1886, Hall found that molten cryolite, which is the mineral sodium aluminum fluoride, was the solvent he needed for the process; using the cryolite and aluminum oxide and homemade batteries, he produced his first small globules of aluminum.
  • 4. Electrolysis Anode: A positive electrode. Cathode: A negative electrode. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 4
  • 5. Ions Ion: An atom or group of atoms with a charge. Anion: A negative ion. Cation: A positive ion. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 5
  • 6. Cathode Ray Tubes Mid-1800s: Crookes’s tube (Cathode Ray Tube) © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 6
  • 7. Thomson Experiment 1897, Joseph John Thomson: Plum Pudding Model Determined the charge: Mass ratio of cathode rays (discovered electrons). © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 7
  • 8. Goldstein’s Experiment: Positive Particles 1886, Goldstein: Observed positive rays using a perforated cathode. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 8
  • 9. Eugen Goldstein • In the mid-nineteenth century, Julius Plücker investigated the light emitted in discharge tubes (Crookes tubes) and the influence of magnetic fields on the glow. Later, in 1869, Johann Wilhelm Hittorf studied discharge tubes with energy rays extending from a negative electrode, the cathode. These rays produced a fluorescence when they hit a tube's glass walls, and when interrupted by a solid object they cast a shadow. • In the 1870s Goldstein undertook his own investigations of discharge tubes, and named the light emissions studied by others kathodenstrahlen, or cathode rays. He discovered several important properties of cathode rays, which contributed to their later identification as the first subatomic particle, the electron. He found that cathode rays were emitted perpendicularly from a metal surface, and carried energy. He attempted to measure their velocity by the Doppler shift of spectral lines in the glow emitted by Crookes tubes. • In 1886, he discovered that tubes with a perforated cathode also emit a glow at the cathode end. Goldstein concluded that in addition to the already-known cathode rays, later recognized as electrons moving from the negatively-charged cathode toward the positively-charged anode, there is another ray that travels in the opposite direction. Because these latter rays passed through the holes, or channels, in the cathode, Goldstein called them Kanalstrahlen, or canal rays. They are composed of positive ions whose identity depends on the residual gas inside the tube. It was another of Helmholtz's students, Wilhelm Wien, who later conducted extensive studies of canal rays, and in time this work would become part of the basis for mass spectrometry. • The anode ray with the smallest e/m ratio comes from hydrogen gas (H 2), and is made of H+ ions. In other words this ray is made of protons. Goldstein's work with anode rays of H+ was apparently the first observation of the proton, although strictly speaking it might be argued that it was Wien who measured the e/m ratio of the proton and should be credited with its discovery. • Goldstein also used discharge tubes to investigate comets. An object, such as a small ball of glass or iron, placed in the path of cathode rays produces secondary emissions to the sides, flaring outwards in a manner reminiscent of a comet's tail. See the work of Hedenus for pictures and additional information. [2]
  • 10. Electron Charge 1909, Robert Millikan: Using the oil-drop experiment, Millikan determined the charge of an electron. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 10
  • 11. Plum Pudding Model © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. 3/11
  • 12. X-Rays 1895, Wilhem Roentgen: Using a cathode ray tube, Roentgen discovered X-rays. 12
  • 13. 1895, Antoine Becquerel: Radioactivity-Gamma Rays • Shortly after the discovery of x-rays, another form of penetrating rays was discovered. • In 1896, French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered natural radioactivity. Many scientists of the period were working with cathode rays, and other scientists were gathering evidence on the theory that the atom could be subdivided. • Some of the new research showed that certain types of atoms disintegrate by themselves. Henri Becquerel discovered this phenomenon while investigating the properties of fluorescent minerals. • One of the minerals Becquerel worked with was a uranium compound. Uranium ore produces naturally occurring gamma radiation. • Becquerel's discovery was, unlike that of the x-rays, virtually unnoticed by laymen and scientists alike. It was not until the discovery of radium by the Curies two years later that interest in radioactivity became widespread. • After that Becquerel won a Nobel Prize and used his prize money to conveniently produce gamma radiation to transform himself into the Incredible Hulk. His son, Bruce Banner went on to fame on the staff of Marvel Comics. uerel-bio.html © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 13
  • 14. Meanwhile…Back in the Lab  Marie & Pierre Curie studied radioactive stuff, like pitchblende, the ore from which uranium was extracted.  Pitchblende was strangely more radioactive than the uranium extracted from it. They deduced that the pitchblende must contain traces of an unknown radioactive substance far more radioactive than uranium.  Their work resulted in the identification of two new elements. The first element, they named "polonium," after Marie's native country, Poland. The other element they named "radium," for its intense radioactivity. Radium became the initial industrial gamma ray source. The material allowed radiographs of castings up to 10 to 12 inches thick to be produced.  The couple became victims of radiation poisoning.  During World War II and the race to produce a nuclear weapon, much was discovered about radioactive materials, and manmade isotopes became available. Ultimately the United States began their “Manhattan Project”. © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. 3/14
  • 15. Three Types of Radioactivity © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 15
  • 16. Three Types of Radioactivity © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 16
  • 17. Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment In 1911, Ernest Rutherford published a paper in which he detailed his Gold Foil Experiment. Using an apparatus similar to that shown below, Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 17
  • 18. Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment 1) What were the details of the atomic model BEFORE this expt? 2) What was Rutherford’s hypothesis before the experiment? 3) How did the results of the Gold Foil expt. Change/modify the model of the atom? © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 18
  • 19. Rutherford’s Results…changing the PPM 1) What does this picture to the left tell us about the atomic model post- Rutherford? 2) What evidence from Rutherford’s expt suggests amendments be made to the PPM? 3) What is a good name for the “Rutherford Model”? © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. 3/19
  • 20. Rutherford’s Model • How did Rutherford’s Model improve upon Thomson’s Model? • What were the weaknesses with Rutherford’s Model? • Limitations of Classical Mechanics in working with sub-atomic particles • Success and limitations of Rutherford model of an atom: 1. It showed for the first time, that the atomic volume is mostly devoid of mass except at its tiny positively charged center. 2. The classical theory predicts the accelerating electron in orbit to radiate electromagnetic energy. One would think, the electron that radiates would decrease its total energy and fall spiraling into the nucleus collapsing the atom. Whereas we know the atoms to be stable.
  • 21. Subatomic Particles © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 21
  • 22. Atomic Structure Atomic number: The number of protons in a nucleus. Mass number: The sum of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Nuclide Notation: © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 22
  • 23. Isotopes Isotopes have the same atomic number, but have different mass numbers (same number of protons, but different number of neutrons). © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 23
  • 24. Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model Flame tests: Different elements give different colors to a flame. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 24
  • 25. Toward a Quantum Model of the Atom • Classical Physics, (Mechanics), and Rutherford’s nuclear model cannot explain chemical properties of elements. • Experiments with radiant energy, light, reveal interesting properties of matter perhaps related to the atomic model. • What is the “visible spectrum”? IR? UV? …line spectra? emission spectra? • A cool web site:
  • 26. Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model Continuous spectra: When light emitted from a solid substance is passed through a prism, it produces a continuous spectrum of colors. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 26
  • 27. Electromagnetic Spectrum • Visible spectrum range • Plank’s equation, E=hc/λ(lambda) • h=6.626 x 10-34 J•s • lambda=wavelength • C=3.00 x 108 m/sec • Practice Problem 3.24, pp 96
  • 28. Electromagnetic Radiation: Light…Energy? • E=hc/λ E = energy h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J•s λ= wavelength Q: What is wavelength? c = 3.00 x 108 m/s Questions: 1. What does this equation allow you to do? 2. How are E and λ related? Explain. • c = λυ • υ = frequency Question: 1. What is frequency? Explain. 2. Practice Problem 4.3; pp 122
  • 29. Will the Real Niels Bohr Please Stand Up? • The Energy of Electrons is Quantized! • Electrons may have only particular, discrete amounts of energy! • Explain how these statements relate to the hydrogen spectrum shown below! • Hint: Why are there black gaps between the solid colored vertical lines in the hydrogen spectrum? (There do not appear to be intermediate amounts of energy!) In other words the spectrum in NOT continuous. • Below you can see an emission line spectrum of hydrogen. It was produced by exciting a glass discharge tube of hydrogen gas with about 5000 volts from a transformer. It was viewed through a diffraction grating with 600 lines/mm. The colors cannot be expected to be accurate because of differences in display devices
  • 30. The 5th Solvay Conference: Brussels from 23-29 October 1927. • Back row: A Piccard, E Henriot, P Ehrenfest, Ed Herzen, Th De Donder, E Schroedinger, E Verschaffelt, W Pauli, W Heisenberg, R H Fowler, L Brillouin. Middle Row: P Debye, M Knudsen, W L Bragg, H A Kramers, P A M Dirac, A H Compton, L de Broglie, M Born, N Bohr. Front Row: I Langmuir, M Planck, Mme Curie, H A Lorentz, A Einstein, P Langevin, Ch E Guye, C T R Wilson, O W Richardson.
  • 31. We're Getting a New Deal for Physics! • Classical Physics: Objects may have any energy! • Quantum Physics: Objects, e.g., electrons, may have only specific energies Hmmm….so let’s see, when the car accelerates, it is accelerating in a quantum manner, by set, specific amounts of speed, not in a smooth linear manner……uhh…isn’t that a little “herky-jerky”?
  • 32. Eureka! • Classical Physics works for objects you can see, like big objects. • Quantum Physics works to describe the behavior of objects too small to observe, Tyler Bean i.e., sub-atomic particles--- electrons! Hey Bob, Toby looks so cute when he comprehends quantum mechanics.
  • 33. The Bohr Model: Background In 1913 Niels Bohr came to work in the laboratory of Ernst Rutherford. A few years earlier Rutherford discovered the nuclear model of the atom. He asked Bohr to work on this model since he believed that there were some problems with the model. According to the physics of the time, Rutherford's nuclear atom should have an extremely short lifetime. Bohr thought about this problem and knew of the emission spectrum of hydrogen. He quickly Foiling the Nazis!! realized that the two problems were connected and after some try/aquaregia.htm thought came up with the Bohr model of the atom. Bohr's model of the atom revolutionized atomic physics.
  • 34. Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model Line spectra: When light from a gaseous substance is passed through a prism, it produces a line spectrum. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 34
  • 35. Hydrogen gas, Discharge Tube, Pink Light… • Why does the gas “glow” pink when Mr. Bean turns on the generator? • Why does the pink light separate into distinctly different colored lines in a hydrogen line spectrum? • Do excited hydrogen atoms emit energy? light?
  • 36. Emission of Light = Relaxation Energy • An electron in an excited state can release energy in the form of light that corresponds to visible wavelengths that we see in the hydrogen line spectrum. • This emitted energy is called “relaxation energy”. • There are many relaxation energies that correspond to wavelengths that are outside the visible spectrum:
  • 37. Balmer et al: 1. The visible hydrogen spectral lines are in the 380nm-750nm range in what is called the “Balmer” series. 2. Other energies are released for different transitions, e.g., n=5 to n=1, etc. that correspond to wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum. 3. Given all the energy transition possibilities…this gets pretty complicated. New image what this would be like for a multiple electron atom!
  • 38. Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model Quantum: A tiny unit of energy produced or absorbed when an electron makes a transition from one energy level to another. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 38
  • 39. Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model When electrons are in the lowest energy state, they are said to be in the ground state. When energy from a flame or other source is absorbed by the electrons, they are promoted to a higher energy state (excited state). When an electron in an excited state returns to a lower energy state, it emits a photon of energy, which may be observed as light. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 39
  • 40. The Bohr Model FOUR Principles: 1. Electrons assume only certain orbits around the nucleus. These orbits are stable and called "stationary" orbits. 2. Each orbit has an energy associated with it. For example the orbit closest to the nucleus has an energy E1, the next closest E2 and so on. 3. Light is emitted when an electron jumps from a higher orbit to a lower orbit and absorbed when it jumps from a lower to higher orbit. 4. The energy and frequency of light emitted or absorbed is given by the difference between the two orbit energies, e.g., E(light) = |Ef - Ei| E(light) = hυ Note: υ = frequency; E = hc/λ; λ = hc/E; c = λυ h= Planck's constant = 6.627x10-34 J•s where "f" and "i" represent final and initial orbits and ΔE With these conditions Bohr was able to explain the stability of atoms as well as the emission spectrum of hydrogen. According to Bohr's model only certain orbits were allowed which means only certain energies are possible. These energies naturally lead to the explanation of the hydrogen atom spectrum: Bohr's model was so successful that he immediately received world-wide fame. Unfortunately, Bohr's model worked only for hydrogen. Thus the final atomic model was yet to be developed.
  • 41. Toward a Bohr or Quantum Model… • Orbits, “shells”, get larger as the principal quantum number, (n), increases. • Electrons in the n=1 orbit have the lowest energy, (ground state). Electrons in orbits where n is larger have more energy. • Each shell can hold a maximum of 2n2 electrons. Hmmm…what are the electron capacities for the first four shells?
  • 42. Building a Bohr Atom…A Bohr Model • Draw a Bohr model of a sodium atom: 23 Na 11 1) Draw the nucleus, indicate #p and #n 2) Determine the #e-’s in the atom. 3) Fill shells to their capacity with e-’s starting with n=1, (lowest energy, most stable), to
  • 43. The Mystery of Periodicity & Line Spectra Explained!!! • The number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom is equal to the Roman numeral group for the representative elements…Eureka! Uuh…what’s a “valence” shell?
  • 44. Bohr: Periodicity • Bohr model shows that atoms of elements in the same groups, (families), of the representative elements have identical electron configurations in their valence shells! • Hence…strong evidence to support a direct cause- effect relationship between similar chemical properties of elements in the same groups of representative elements and their common valence shell electron configurations!
  • 45. Bohr: Line Spectra • It explained why line spectra exist. • Bohr’s mathematical model using Planck’s results can reproduce the hydrogen line spectrum. • Bohr’s mathematic model quantified the energies of each line in the hydrogen spectrum. • The differences in the energies between each shell correspond to the equivalent energies associated with each spectral line in the hydrogen line spectrum. •
  • 46. Electron Arrangement Energy states or levels are sometimes called shells. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 46
  • 47. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model The Quantum model of the atom is a probability- based model. It is composed of principal energy levels, sublevels, and orbitals. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 47
  • 48. No Model is Perfect!!!! • Predicted Helium line spectrum did not match up with observed helium line spectrum. • Bohr’s mathematical model could not correctly predict any spectrum beyond Hydrogen. • Improved spectroscopes revealed that the Hydrogen line spectrum was not so simple. • What was thought to be single vertical lines in the spectrum were in fact closely spaced compound lines that appeared previously as single, bold spectral line.
  • 49. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model Principal energy levels (shells): Roughly correlate to the distance that an electron is from an atom’s nucleus. Sublevels (subshells): Each principal energy level (n) is divided into n sublevels. Orbitals: Orbitals are regions in space that represent a high probability of locating an electron. Each sublevel has one or more orbitals. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 49
  • 50. And then there were Sub-Shells! • The existence of multiple lines within a single, bold spectral line was explained by the existence of sub- shells within a shell. • Sub-shells are closely spaced in energy and size. • The principle quantum number corresponds to the number of sub- shells in each shell. • Electron capacity for each sub-shell: s=2 p=6 d = 10 f = 14 • s pdf in order of increasing energy and size • But then there is this “Potassium Problem”!
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  • 52. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 52
  • 53. Modern Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom • Schröedinger: Wave Mechanics… the idea that electrons have wave like behavior • Heisenberg: Uncertainty Principle…the idea that you can estimate the probable location of an electron in an atom. • Sub-shells correspond to probable locations, (and energies), for electrons. • Sub-shells have shapes: orbitals: s, p, d and f
  • 54. MQMM • The Modern Quantum Mechanical Model: • Retains Rutherford’s tiny, massive, positive nucleus • Retains Bohr’s idea of quantized energy of electrons • Harrison/BohrModel/BohrModel.html • Harrison/BohrModel/Flash/BohrModel.html Heisenberg & Pauli often communicated in secret about the subtleties of the Uncertainty Principle and the Exclusion • This movie, “Quantum Principle. It was important to keep everything “Top Secret” Mechanics”, is long, but well worth it. • B1IedE&feature=BFa&list=LPWBNBv75 jtYM
  • 55. Which one is Heisenberg? “The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.” --Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927 Check it out…interesting…. 55
  • 56. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model Electron configurations: Allow us to represent the arrangement of the electrons in an atom. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 56
  • 57. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 57
  • 58. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model The textbook order-of-filling chart: (Merely OK) © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 58
  • 59. Electron Configurations Order of Filling (Easier): • Write an expanded electron configuration for an atom of lead. • Now, write the “noble gas” shortcut configuration for an atom of lead. An easier shortcut method for filling sub-shells.
  • 60. Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 60
  • 61. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table The periodic table is considered by many to be the most predictive tool in all of chemistry. It is composed of vertical columns called groups (or families) and horizontal rows called periods. Can you name and groups? Which ones? How are they denoted? © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 61
  • 62. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table Groups (families): Vertical columns in the periodic table. Groups contain elements with similar chemical properties. Periods: Horizontal rows in the periodic table. Elements in a period demonstrate a range of properties from metallic (on the left) to nonmetallic (on the right). © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 62
  • 63. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table Valence electrons: • Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost principal energy level of an atom. • These are the electrons that are gained, lost, or shared in a chemical reaction. • Elements in a group or family have the same number of valence electrons. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 63
  • 64. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table Some groups in the periodic table have special names: •Alkali Metals: Group 1A – Valence electron configuration: ns1 •Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2A – Valence electron configuration: ns2 •Halogens: Group 7A – Valence electron configuration: ns2np5 •Noble Gases: Group 8A – Valence electron configuration: ns2np6 Get it?...Neon © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 Trees 64
  • 65. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table • Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids: – Metals • Metallic luster, conduct heat and electricity, malleable, and ductile. Examples are sodium and copper. Name the family and period for both elements. – Nonmetals • Dull luster, nonconductors, and brittle in the solid state. Examples are sulfur and bromine. Name the family and period for both of these elements. – Metalloids • Demonstrate properties of both metals and nonmetals. Auric Goldfinger Examples are silicon and arsenic. Name the family and period for both elements. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 65
  • 66. Electron Configuration Practice: • Write the expanded AND noble gas abbreviated electron configurations for: • Cu • Na • As • S • Br • Si © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. 3/66
  • 67. Periodic Trends © 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. 3/67
  • 68. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 68
  • 69. The Song of the Elements! • Memorize this song. If Tom you sing it in a school Lehrer… assembly with a another pianist and legend.. accompanied by our class then… • You win a $100 gift certificate to Sushi dinner in Quincy. • 3SEteEJc