cultural evolution discovery of agriculture social change hieroglyphs quiqu mayan writing rebus principle gelb dictum alphabetic writing linear b linear a syllabic writing cuneiform logographic writing ancient sumerian writing record keeping history of writing modern surgery diagnostic technology medical statistics antibiotics anti septics germ theory of disease discovery of anaesthesia vaccination edward jenner circulation of the blood renaissance medicine medieval european medicine arab medicine dark age medicine roman medicine ancient greek medicine indian medicine chinese medicine medicine reality collapse of wave function quantum physics quantum mechanics sensory apparatus niels bohr sensory worlds copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics schrödinger's cat quantum particles many worlds interpretation schrodinger wave function existence quantum theory reduction of wave packet quantum measurement problem philosophy of history history philosophy cultural bubble chambers atomic bombs quark nuclear fission murray gell-mann cloud chambers proton particle accelerators electron enrico fermi neils bohr james chadwick neutron particle zoo ernest rutherford j j thompson domestication of plants pre historic hunter gatherers proto agriculture hunter gatherers karl popper stone tools philosophy of history history of chemistry evolution of history historical change karl marx human historical development guttman scale analysis
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