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Body fluid compartments, DailyBody fluid compartments, Daily
water intake and output, Bodywater intake and output, Body
fluid volume regulation, Volumefluid volume regulation, Volume
disorders & Diuresisdisorders & Diuresis
Dr. Ifat Ara Begum
Associate Professor
Dept of Biochemistry
Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
Introduction to body fluidIntroduction to body fluid
Body fluid means body water along with
its dissolved constituents
It constitutes :
 55% of female total body weight
 60% of male total body weight
Composition of body fluidComposition of body fluid
1. Water
2. Solids:
 Organic : Glucose, AA, FA etc
 Inorganic : Different electrolytes like
sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphate,
calcium, magnesium etc
Body fluid compartmentsBody fluid compartments
Compartments Fluid content
Intracellular compartment
(Inside the cell)
Intracellular fluid (ICF)
Extracellular compartment
(outside the cell)
Extracellular fluid (ECF)
Intercellular compartment /
interstitial space (Between
the cells)
Interstitial fluid (ISF) or
Intercellular fluid
Intravascular compartment
(In blood)
Total Body Water (TBW)Total Body Water (TBW)
It is about 72% of lean body mass (LBM)
 Highest water content: In brain
 Lowest water content: In adipose tissues
Female has 5-10% less TBW than that is
male because of their higher fat content
Distribution of TBW as % of body weightDistribution of TBW as % of body weight
 Early fetal life: 95% of body weight
 Infants & children: 75-80%
 Adult male: 60%
 Adult female: 55% (Fatty tissues contain
less water than muscle)
 Elderly male: 50% (due to loss of muscle
 Elderly female: 45%
Functions of body waterFunctions of body water
Acts as an universal medium without
which many biochemical reactions may be
Transport medium for many substances
Maintenance of
Metabolic integrity
Circulatory integrity
Body fluid osmolarity
Form & texture of tissues
Compartmental distribution of TBWCompartmental distribution of TBW
is 70 kg adult maleis 70 kg adult male
60% 0f body weight , i.e. 42 L
1.ICF: Two third of TBW or 40% of body
weight. i.e. 28 L
2.ECF: One third of TBW or 20% of body
weight. i.e. 14 L
In early fetal life : ECF ˃ ICF
In newborn & infants: ECF = ICF
From puberty onwards: ECF ˂ ICF
Transcellular fluidTranscellular fluid
Part of ECF that is formed by the transport
activity or secretory activity of cells
It is separated from plasma by an
additional epithelial cell layer along with
the capillary endothelium
Rich in MPS &/or glycoprotein
Present in potential body spaces
Acts as biological lubricant to avoid
mechanical injuries of tissues
Example: CSF, synovial fluid, pleural /
pericardial / peritoneal fluid,
gastrointestinal secretion etc
Points ECF ICF
Site Outside the cell Inside the cell
Protein content Less More
Major cation Na (mainly) , K,
K, Mg
Major anion Cl PO4
Cations in ECF & ICFCations in ECF & ICF
Points ECF (meq/L) ICF (meq/L)
Cation Na+
: 135-145 10-12
: 3.5-5 140-150
: 2-2.5 negligible
: 3 40
Anions in ECF & ICFAnions in ECF & ICF
Points ECF (meq/L) ICF (meq/L)
Anions Cl-
: 95-105 3-8
: 22-28 10-12
: 2 140
Protein: 16 40
Ionic composition of plasma & ISF is
same except for the protein which is high
in plasma but negligible in ISF
ICF free (ionized) Ca conc. is very low/
ECF volume is the direct function of body
Na+ content
In the ECF, there are the ions & nutrients
needed by cells for maintaining the cellular
life. Therefore, all cells live in essentially
the same environment, the ECF, for which
reason, the ECF is called the internal
environment of the body or the “milieu
Measurement of body fluidMeasurement of body fluid
By indicator (dye)/ isotope dilution
Principle: C = m/v or V = m/c
V = Volume of the compartment
c = Conc. of the indicator in the
m = Total amount of indicator
injected in to the compartment
Criteria of the indicator used:
Not metabolized
Easy to administer in to the desired
compartment & retains there for expected
Can be measured precisely before
introduction into the compartment
Urinary excretion: not too fast/slow
Indicator used:
For measurement of TBW: D2O, Tritium
oxide, antipyrine
For measurement of ECF: Sucrose,
mannitol, Isotope of Na / Cl etc
For measurement of plasma: Evan’s blue,
Radio-iodinated serum albumin (RISA)
Remember, ICF & ISF are calculated by
ICF vol. = TBW – ECF
ISF vol. = ECF – Plasma volume
Water homeostasisWater homeostasis
Two important things to consider here:
1.TBW & its compartmental distribution
inside the body
2.The water balance & its regulation
Water balanceWater balance
 Balance between water intake and output
 Water intake must be same as output to
maintain the water balance
 Two related term :
Obligatory intake or output
Facultative intake or output
Nature of
y (ml/day)
Drinks (pure
650 1000
Food water 600 -
350 -
TOTAL 1600 – 2600 ml/day
of output
y (ml/day)
As urine 500 1000
(via skin)
550 -
400 -
With stool 150 -
TOTAL 1600 – 2600 ml/day
Perspiration =
insensible perspiration
sensible perspiration / sweating
 Sweating: 100 ml/day
Insensible water lossInsensible water loss
Evaporative water loss that occurs beyond
the consciousness of an individual.
It occurs via:
1.Skin: by perspiration
2.Expired air: by transpiration
Amount: 1000 ml/day and it depend on
temp of body & atmosphere, BSA & RR
Imp for thermoregulation of body
Obligatory urine volumeObligatory urine volume
The minimum volume of urine required to
excrete the excretable solute load at
maximum concentration in an individual
per day
Obligatory urine volume = Excretable
solute load / maximum concentrating
power of kidney
700 mOsm/day
1400 mOsm/L
= 0.5 L/day
Related terms:
Oligouria: Daily urine production < the
obligatory urine volume (i.e. 500 ml/day)
Polyuria: Daily urine production >3
Metabolic waterMetabolic water
Endogenously synthesized water via
oxidation of carbohydrate, protein & fat at
cellular level .
Considered as insensible water gain to the
300 – 400 ml/day
Water turnoverWater turnover
Percentage of ECF volume that an
individual loses & gain again daily
Water turnover = (water intake or output /
ECF volume) x 100
= (2600/14000) x 100
= 18 % (in adult)
In children / infants : 40 – 45 %
So, they become quickly dehydrated
following any water losing episode like
diarrhoea, vomiting, excessive sweating
Water turnover depends on:
 Atmospheric temp
 Physical activity
 Diet habit
 State of metabolism
Water requirement in infant is veryWater requirement in infant is very
high : why?high : why?
Because the water loss is very high due to:
I. Higher basal heat production leading to
increased evaporative water loss to
maintain temp balance
II.Increased BSA to body weight ratio
III.Poor renal concentrating power leading to
more urinary water loss
Regulation of body fluidRegulation of body fluid
Can be discussed under two
1. Regulation of water balance
2. Regulation of electrolyte balance
(esp. of sodium )
1. Regulation of water balance: Includes
a)Regulation of water intake : By thirst
b)Regulation of water output: By primary
regulatory hormones like
ADH / Vasopressin
Aldosterone (RAAS)
2. Regulation of electrolyte balance:
a) For sodium:
Hormonal regulation by RAAS system,
ADH, ANP etc
b) For potassium:
i. Short term regulation by transmembrane
ii. Long term regulation by aldosterone
Regulation of water balanceRegulation of water balance
Water balance is the result of interaction
of thirst & ADH to maintain a stable
plasma tonicity (OP)
The sensation of thirst promotes water
ADH regulates urinary water excretion.
Positive / negative water balance and
the corresponding changes in tonicity
and cell volume are sensed by
osmoreceptor and thirst center cells in
the hypothalamus
The osmoreceptors are situated in the
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
of the hypothalamus;
The thirst center is situated in the
organum vasculosum of the anterior
Plasma hyperosmolarity &
hypovolemia are the stimulus for both.
Hypovolemia stimulates SNS (via
inhibition of baroreceptors) & activate
RAAS, both of which finally increase
angiotensin II production
Hyperosmolarity stimulates
osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
The activated osmoreceptors &
increased angiotensin II :
I. Stimulate thirst centre leasing to
increased water intake
II.Increase ADH secretion leasing to
increased renal water retention to
normalize plasma OP
Ultimately plasma OP normalizes.
ECF Na+ concentration is the function
of water balance
Regulation of water balance is
equivalent to osmoregulation (ADH
mechanism & thirst)
ECF volume is the direct function of
body Na+ content
1) Regulation of
water intake:
How acts?How acts?
Thirst centre is situated in the organum
vasculosum of the anterior hypothalamus.
Stimuli for thirst centre:
i. Plasma hyperosmolarity: 2-3% rise of
plasma osmolarity
ii. Hypovolemia: >10-15% reduction of
ECF (plasma) volume
iii.Baroreceptor input
iv.Angiotensin II etc
2) Regulation of
water output:
Directly by ADH
& indirectly by
other hormones
1. ADH/Vasopressin1. ADH/Vasopressin
A hormone made by the hypothalamus,
Stored and released in the posterior
pituitary gland
Primary function is to decrease the
amount of water lost at the kidneys
(conserve water), which reduces the
concentration of electrolytes
It also causes the constriction of
peripheral blood vessels, which helps to
increase blood pressure
Stimuli for ADH secretion:
i. Plasma hyperosmolarity: 1-2% rise of
plasma osmolarity that occurs due to rise
of electrolyte conc. in blood
ii. Hypovolemia: >10-15% reduction of ECF
(plasma / blood) volume
iii.Decreased blood pressure
These stimuli occur when a person
sweats excessively or is dehydrated.
How ADH acts?
Sweating/dehydration increases the blood
OP, which is detected by osmoreceptors
within the hypothalamus that constantly
monitor the osmolarity ("saltiness") of the
Osmoreceptors stimulate groups of neurons
within the hypothalamus to release ADH from
the posterior pituitary gland.
ADH travels through the bloodstream to
its target organs (mainly DCT & CD of
Main Target organ:
DCT & CD of Kidney (Main target site):
ADH makes the membrane more permeable
to water (that is it increases water
reabsorption) which leads to a decrease in
urine output.
[Remember, ADH promotes insertion of
aquaporins in to principal cells of CD to cause
more water reabsorption]
Remember, ADH promotes
insertion of aquaporins in
to principal cells of CD to
cause more water
Other Target organs:
a) Sweat glands : ADH stimulates them to
decrease perspiration to conserve water
b) Arterioles: ADH causes the smooth
muscle in the wall of the arterioles to
constrict. This narrows the diameter of the
arterioles which increases BP
2. Aldosterone (RAAS)2. Aldosterone (RAAS)
Aldosterone is a hormone made by cells
in the adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa)
It controls the levels of Na+
 and K+
 ions in
ECF ( blood)
Net result of its action is to reabsorb
 ions into the blood and simultaneously
excrete K+
 ions into the urine.
As because "water follows the ions," when
 is reabsorbed, water is also
3. ANP3. ANP
 A hormone made by specific cells of
cardiac atria whenever blood volume
increases (atria are stretched)
In general, the effects of ANP are
opposite to those of angiotensin II (in
other words, ANP opposes RAAS)
 It promotes
 The loss of Na+
and water at the kidneys in
the urine
 Inhibit renin release
 Inhibit the secretion of ADH and aldosterone
By inducing blood vessels to dilate and water
to be excreted in the urine, ANP reduce both
blood volume and blood pressure
Some related
associated with
1. ADH escape1. ADH escape
Escape of renal water excretion
mechanism from the effects of
chronically elevated plasma ADH level
Function of ADH is to increase renal
water retention thus to decrease urine
When plasma osmolarity is 280-290
mosm/L, ADH conc. is normal (3 pg/ml)
When plasma osmolarity is about
295 mosm/L, ADH conc. is 5 pg/ml
causing max renal water retention &
decreasing urine volume
When plasma osmolarity rises beyond
295 mosm/L, no further increase in
ADH concentration. So, renal water
retention decreases & urine volume
increases despite raised level of ADH.
A condition characterized by
excessive release of ADH from
pituitary gland or another
source, causing the body to
retain fluid and lower the blood
sodium level by dilution.
It is mainly caused by cancer,
esp. that of the lungs
The pituitary gland appropriately
produces and releases vasopressin
(ADH) when:
 The blood volume goes down or
 The blood pressure goes down or
 Levels of electrolytes (such as
sodium) become too high.
So, secretion of ADH is termed
inappropriate if it occurs when:
Blood volume is normal or high
Blood pressure is normal or high
Electrolyte concentrations are low
Other appropriate reasons
for vasopressin release are not present.
3. Water intoxication3. Water intoxication
Also known as water poisoning or
A potentially fatal disturbance
in brain functions that results when the
normal balance of electrolytes (precisely
of Na) in the body is pushed outside the
safe limits by overhydration
(excessive water intake).
When water intake is more than
maximum renal water excretion capacity
-------->Water retention ------>
Hyponatremia ----> hypoosmolarity of
ECF compared to that of ICF ---->Water
moves in to the cells by osmosis --->
cerebral edema -----> coma, death
Happens when water intake is ˃23 L/day.
A common phenomenon in CRF
May happen in normal individual if there is
rapid i/v infusion of hypotonic fluid/fluid
without Na
4. Osmolarity/ osmolality4. Osmolarity/ osmolality
Osmolarity: The concentration of
osmotically active particles in solution,
which may be quantitatively expressed in
osmoles of solute per liter of solution
Osmolality: Here, concentration of
solution is expressed in terms of osmole
of solute per kg of solvent (osm/Kg )
Both are measures that are technically
different, but functionally the same for
normal use. 
Plasma osmolarity: 280 – 300 mosm/L
Osmolarity = 2[Na+] + [Glucose] +[Urea]
All in mmol/L
If [glucose] and [urea] are in normal range,
only [Na+] will give the osmolar
5. Effective osmolarity5. Effective osmolarity
This term is used for those extracellular
solutes that determine water movement
across the cell membrane
Plasma Na+ concentration is reliable
index of total/effective osmolarity
Changes in osmolarity often results from
changes in [Na+]
If ECF & ICF have same osmolarity:
Cells neither shrink nor swell
Increased osmolarity in ECF: Water
comes out of cell (cell shrinks)
Decreased osmolarity in ECF: Cell
swells up
Causes of hyperosmolarityCauses of hyperosmolarity
1. Hypernatremia
2. Uremia
3. Hyperglycemia etc
6. Plasma osmolar gap6. Plasma osmolar gap
Difference between calculated plasma
osmolarity instrumentally measured
plasma osmolarity
Osmolar gap = (measured osmolarity) -
(calculated plasma osmolarity)
Normal: up to 12 mosm/L
Causes of increased plasma osmolar gap:
 Gross hyperproteinemia / hyperlipidaemia
 Keto/lactic acidosis
 Alcohol poisoning
ICF volume is the indirect function of ECF
osmolarity: If ECF osmolarity decreases,
ICF volume increases & vice versa
ECF osmolarity is the direct function of
ECF Na+ concentration
Introduction to volume disordersIntroduction to volume disorders
Always indicates disorder of ECF (not
Because sodium is the major osmotically
active ion in ECF, total body Na+ content
determines ECF volume. 
Deficiency / excess of total body sodium
content causes ECF volume
depletion / volume overload accordingly
Serum Na+ concentration does not
necessarily reflect total body Na+.
There may be :
1.Hypovolemic disorders (Salt deficit state) :
State of dehydration
2.Hypervolemic disorders (Salt excess
state: State of overhydration
The disorders may have isotonic, ,
hypotonic or hypertonic variety
Three basic homeostatic challengesThree basic homeostatic challenges
1. Gain/loss of isotonic solution: It affects
only ECF volume
2. Gain/loss of pure water: Volume
changes proportionately in both the
ECF & ICF compartments. Osmotic
changes in each are equal
3. Gain/loss of pure salt: Na+
is confined to
ECF compartment, so loss results in vol.
shift from ECF to ICF & gain results in
vol. shift from ICF to ECF
1. Isotonic hypovolemia1. Isotonic hypovolemia
It occurs when proportionally the same
amount of water and salt (sodium) is lost
from the body,
i.e. isotonic fluid loss
 Osmolarity of lost fluid is 300 mosm/L
 Sodium conc. of lost fluid : equal to
 Body total sodium content : decreases
 ECF volume decreases
 ICF volume is normal
 Osmolarity (OP): normal in both ECF &
Causes are:
 Severe hemorrhage
 Loss of small intestinal content by fistula,
ileostomy etc
 Intestinal obstruction
 Secretory diarrhoea
 Polyuric CRF etc
2. Hypertonic hypovolemia2. Hypertonic hypovolemia
It usually occurs when proportionally
more water is lost than the salt (sodium)
from the body
i.e. hypotonic fluid loss
 Osmolarity of lost fluid is <300 mosm/L
 Sodium conc. of lost fluid : Less than that
of plasma
 Body total sodium content : decreases
 ECF & ICF volume decrease (ECF due to
fluid loss & ICF due to osmotic water loss
from cells)
 Osmolarity (OP): increases in both ECF &
Causes are:
 Severe diarrhoea
 Persistent vomiting / NG suction
 Profuse sweating
 Severe burn
 Diuretic abuse & osmotic diuresis etc
3. Hypotonic hypovolemia3. Hypotonic hypovolemia
It occurs following treatment of patient
with isotonic / hypertonic hypovolemia by
wrongly selected i/v fluid without NaCl (5
% DA)
Rare clinically
Proportionally more salt (sodium) is lost
than the water from the body
 Body total sodium content : decreases
 ECF volume decrease but ICF volume
increases due to osmotic water gain in to
the cells
 Osmolarity (OP): Decreases in both ECF
Causes are:
Occurs in condition with renal & extra-
renal salt & water loss leading to isotonic /
hypertonic hypovolemia
 Extra-renal causes: Diarrhoea, vomiting,
hemorrhage, burn etc
 Renal causes: Salt losing nephritis,
osmotic diuresis, diuretic abuse, adrenal
deficiency etc
Remember the hormones releasedRemember the hormones released
in hypovolemiain hypovolemia
II. Aldosterone
III. Renin
IV. Catecholamine
Courtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel HaqueCourtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel Haque
1. Isotonic hypervolemia1. Isotonic hypervolemia
It occurs following isotonic fluid gain
Osmolarity of gained fluid : 300 mosm/L
Sodium concentration of gained fluid:
similar to plasma
Body total sodium content: Increases
ECF volume: increases
ICF volume: Normal
Osmolarity (OP): normal in both ECF &
No edema develops
Rarely found clinically
Causes :
 Excess infusion of normal saline
2. Hypertonic hypervolemia2. Hypertonic hypervolemia
It occurs following hypertonic fluid gain
Osmolarity of gained fluid : more than
300 mosm/L
Sodium concentration of gained fluid: Is
more than that of plasma
Body total sodium content: Increases
ECF volume: increases
ICF volume: Decreases due to osmotic
water loss from cell
Osmolarity (OP): Increases in both ECF
No edema develops
Rarely found clinically
Usually iatrogenic
Causes :
 Excess infusion of hypertonic saline
 Sea water intake
 Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s
 Cushing syndrome
3. Hypotonic hypervolemia3. Hypotonic hypervolemia
It occurs following hypotonic fluid gain
Osmolarity of gained fluid : Less than
300 mosm/L
Sodium concentration of gained fluid: Is
less than that of plasma
Body total sodium content: Increases
ECF volume: increases due to fluid gain
ICF volume: Increases due to osmotic
gain of water in to cells
Osmolarity (OP): Decreases in both ECF
Usually associated with edema
Commonly found clinically
Causes :
 NS
 Cirrhosis of liver
 Hepatic failure
 Protein losing enteropathies
 Kwashiorkor
Remember, the hormone releasedRemember, the hormone released
in hypervolemiain hypervolemia
Courtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel HaqueCourtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel Haque
Clinically found volume disordersClinically found volume disorders
Isotonic hypovolemia
Hypertonic hypovolemia
Hypotonic hypervolemia
Diuresis is increased urination and
the physiologic process that produces
such an increase
It involves extra urine production in the
kidneys as part of the body's
homeostatic maintenance of fluid
Three types:
I. Water diuresis
II.Osmotic diuresis
III.Pressure diuresis
1. Water diuresis1. Water diuresis
The excretion of large volume of
hypotonic urine due to excessive intake
of water/hypotonic fluid
It results from reduced secretion of ADH
in response to lowered plasma
osmolarity (OP) &/or increased blood
volume following increased water intake
Reduced secretion of ADH causes
decreased water reabsorption from CD:
either directly
or by decreased urea reabsorption from
CD causing poor development of
medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity
Finally diuresis occurs
At zero ADH conc. there occurs max.
diuresis (23 L/Day)
Conditions (clinical type as well) leading
to water diuresis:
 Excess water intake
 Excess infusion of hypotonic fluid (5 %
 DI
Features of water diuresisFeatures of water diuresis
Water reabsorption from PCT :Normal
Water reabsorption from DCT & CD :
ADH conc. : Decreased
Urinary osmolarity: Hypotonic
Electrolyte loss: Minimum
Urine vol. : Max 23 L/day
ECF vol. : Usually normal
Medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity:
Poorly developed due to reduced urea
reabsorption from CD
2. Osmotic diuresis2. Osmotic diuresis
The excretion of large volume of isotonic
/ hypertonic urine due to presence of
excess unabsorbed osmotically active
particles (like NaCl, glucose etc) in the
glomerular filtrate
The osmotically active particles prevent
water reabsorption by holding water with
them , ultimately causing an increase in
urine volume
Huge loss of electrolytes happen
Clinical conditions presenting with
osmotic diuresis:
 DM
 Diuretic use in HTN/RF etc
 Mannitol infusion etc
Features of osmotic diuresisFeatures of osmotic diuresis
Water reabsorp. from PCT :Decreased
Water reabsorp. from DCT & CD :
ADH conc. : Normal
Urinary osmolarity: Iso/hypertonic
Electrolyte loss: Huge
Urine vol. : May be >23 L/day
ECF vol. : May develop hypovolemia
Medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity:
Poorly developed due to reduced NaCl &
H2O reabsorption in renal tubule
3. Pressure diuresis3. Pressure diuresis
The excretion of large volume of urine
as a result of high mean systematic BP
>200 mm Hg
Here urine volume can be 7-8 times
At high systemic BP (>200 mm Hg),
renal auto-regulation fails & GFR
becomes the direct function of systemic
BP leading to high GFR & rapid flow of
Because of rapid flow of filtrate, tubular
system can’t reabsorb water, electrolytes
& nutrients efficiently
So, diuresis develops with loss of
electrolytes & nutrients
Diuresis versus polyuriaDiuresis versus polyuria
Diuresis is excessive urination
Polyuria is the production of an
abnormally large amount of urine 
Body fluid compartments, daily water intake and

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Body fluid compartments, daily water intake and

  • 1. Body fluid compartments, DailyBody fluid compartments, Daily water intake and output, Bodywater intake and output, Body fluid volume regulation, Volumefluid volume regulation, Volume disorders & Diuresisdisorders & Diuresis Dr. Ifat Ara Begum Associate Professor Dept of Biochemistry Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
  • 2. Introduction to body fluidIntroduction to body fluid Body fluid means body water along with its dissolved constituents It constitutes :  55% of female total body weight  60% of male total body weight
  • 3. Composition of body fluidComposition of body fluid 1. Water 2. Solids:  Organic : Glucose, AA, FA etc  Inorganic : Different electrolytes like sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, calcium, magnesium etc
  • 4. Body fluid compartmentsBody fluid compartments Compartments Fluid content Intracellular compartment (Inside the cell) Intracellular fluid (ICF) Extracellular compartment (outside the cell) Extracellular fluid (ECF) Intercellular compartment / interstitial space (Between the cells) Interstitial fluid (ISF) or Intercellular fluid Intravascular compartment (In blood) Plasma
  • 5.
  • 6. Total Body Water (TBW)Total Body Water (TBW) It is about 72% of lean body mass (LBM)  Highest water content: In brain  Lowest water content: In adipose tissues Female has 5-10% less TBW than that is male because of their higher fat content
  • 7. Distribution of TBW as % of body weightDistribution of TBW as % of body weight  Early fetal life: 95% of body weight  Infants & children: 75-80%  Adult male: 60%  Adult female: 55% (Fatty tissues contain less water than muscle)  Elderly male: 50% (due to loss of muscle mass)  Elderly female: 45%
  • 8. Functions of body waterFunctions of body water Acts as an universal medium without which many biochemical reactions may be impossible Transport medium for many substances Thermoregulation Maintenance of Metabolic integrity Circulatory integrity Body fluid osmolarity Form & texture of tissues
  • 9. Compartmental distribution of TBWCompartmental distribution of TBW is 70 kg adult maleis 70 kg adult male 60% 0f body weight , i.e. 42 L 1.ICF: Two third of TBW or 40% of body weight. i.e. 28 L 2.ECF: One third of TBW or 20% of body weight. i.e. 14 L
  • 10.
  • 11. ContdContd Remember, In early fetal life : ECF ˃ ICF In newborn & infants: ECF = ICF From puberty onwards: ECF ˂ ICF
  • 12. Transcellular fluidTranscellular fluid Part of ECF that is formed by the transport activity or secretory activity of cells It is separated from plasma by an additional epithelial cell layer along with the capillary endothelium Rich in MPS &/or glycoprotein Slippery
  • 13. ContdContd Present in potential body spaces Acts as biological lubricant to avoid mechanical injuries of tissues Example: CSF, synovial fluid, pleural / pericardial / peritoneal fluid, gastrointestinal secretion etc
  • 14. ECF vs. ICFECF vs. ICF Points ECF ICF Site Outside the cell Inside the cell Protein content Less More Major cation Na (mainly) , K, Ca K, Mg Major anion Cl PO4
  • 15. Cations in ECF & ICFCations in ECF & ICF Points ECF (meq/L) ICF (meq/L) Cation Na+ : 135-145 10-12 K+ : 3.5-5 140-150 Ca++ : 2-2.5 negligible Mg++ : 3 40
  • 16. Anions in ECF & ICFAnions in ECF & ICF Points ECF (meq/L) ICF (meq/L) Anions Cl- : 95-105 3-8 HCO3 - : 22-28 10-12 PO4 --- : 2 140 Protein: 16 40
  • 17. ContdContd Remember, Ionic composition of plasma & ISF is same except for the protein which is high in plasma but negligible in ISF ICF free (ionized) Ca conc. is very low/ negligible ECF volume is the direct function of body Na+ content
  • 18. ContdContd In the ECF, there are the ions & nutrients needed by cells for maintaining the cellular life. Therefore, all cells live in essentially the same environment, the ECF, for which reason, the ECF is called the internal environment of the body or the “milieu interior”
  • 19. Measurement of body fluidMeasurement of body fluid compartmentcompartment By indicator (dye)/ isotope dilution technique Principle: C = m/v or V = m/c Here, V = Volume of the compartment c = Conc. of the indicator in the compartment m = Total amount of indicator injected in to the compartment
  • 20. ContdContd Criteria of the indicator used: Nontoxic Inert Not metabolized Easy to administer in to the desired compartment & retains there for expected period Can be measured precisely before introduction into the compartment Urinary excretion: not too fast/slow
  • 21. ContdContd Indicator used: For measurement of TBW: D2O, Tritium oxide, antipyrine For measurement of ECF: Sucrose, mannitol, Isotope of Na / Cl etc For measurement of plasma: Evan’s blue, Radio-iodinated serum albumin (RISA)
  • 22. ContdContd Remember, ICF & ISF are calculated by formula i.e. ICF vol. = TBW – ECF ISF vol. = ECF – Plasma volume
  • 23. Water homeostasisWater homeostasis Two important things to consider here: 1.TBW & its compartmental distribution inside the body 2.The water balance & its regulation
  • 24. Water balanceWater balance  Balance between water intake and output  Water intake must be same as output to maintain the water balance  Two related term : Obligatory intake or output Facultative intake or output
  • 25. Intak e Nature of intake Obligator y (ml/day) Facultati ve (ml/day) Drinks (pure water/ beverages) 650 1000 Food water 600 - Metabolic water 350 - TOTAL 1600 – 2600 ml/day
  • 26. Outpu t Nature of output Obligator y (ml/day) Facultati ve (ml/day) As urine 500 1000 Perspiration (via skin) 550 - Transpiration (via expiration) 400 - With stool 150 - TOTAL 1600 – 2600 ml/day
  • 27. ContdContd Remember, Perspiration = insensible perspiration + sensible perspiration / sweating  Sweating: 100 ml/day
  • 28. Insensible water lossInsensible water loss Evaporative water loss that occurs beyond the consciousness of an individual. It occurs via: 1.Skin: by perspiration 2.Expired air: by transpiration Amount: 1000 ml/day and it depend on temp of body & atmosphere, BSA & RR Imp for thermoregulation of body
  • 29. Obligatory urine volumeObligatory urine volume The minimum volume of urine required to excrete the excretable solute load at maximum concentration in an individual per day Obligatory urine volume = Excretable solute load / maximum concentrating power of kidney 700 mOsm/day 1400 mOsm/L = 0.5 L/day
  • 30. ContdContd Related terms: Oligouria: Daily urine production < the obligatory urine volume (i.e. 500 ml/day) Polyuria: Daily urine production >3 liter/day
  • 31. Metabolic waterMetabolic water Endogenously synthesized water via oxidation of carbohydrate, protein & fat at cellular level . Considered as insensible water gain to the body 300 – 400 ml/day
  • 32. Water turnoverWater turnover Percentage of ECF volume that an individual loses & gain again daily Water turnover = (water intake or output / ECF volume) x 100 = (2600/14000) x 100 = 18 % (in adult)
  • 33. ContdContd In children / infants : 40 – 45 % So, they become quickly dehydrated following any water losing episode like diarrhoea, vomiting, excessive sweating etc Water turnover depends on:  Atmospheric temp  Physical activity  Diet habit  State of metabolism
  • 34. Water requirement in infant is veryWater requirement in infant is very high : why?high : why? Because the water loss is very high due to: I. Higher basal heat production leading to increased evaporative water loss to maintain temp balance II.Increased BSA to body weight ratio III.Poor renal concentrating power leading to more urinary water loss
  • 35. Regulation of body fluidRegulation of body fluid Can be discussed under two headings: 1. Regulation of water balance 2. Regulation of electrolyte balance (esp. of sodium )
  • 36. ContdContd 1. Regulation of water balance: Includes a)Regulation of water intake : By thirst mechanism b)Regulation of water output: By primary regulatory hormones like ADH / Vasopressin Aldosterone (RAAS) ANP
  • 37. ContdContd 2. Regulation of electrolyte balance: a) For sodium: Hormonal regulation by RAAS system, ADH, ANP etc b) For potassium: i. Short term regulation by transmembrane K-flux ii. Long term regulation by aldosterone
  • 38. Regulation of water balanceRegulation of water balance Water balance is the result of interaction of thirst & ADH to maintain a stable plasma tonicity (OP) The sensation of thirst promotes water intake and ADH regulates urinary water excretion.
  • 39. contdcontd Positive / negative water balance and the corresponding changes in tonicity and cell volume are sensed by osmoreceptor and thirst center cells in the hypothalamus
  • 40. contdcontd The osmoreceptors are situated in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus; The thirst center is situated in the organum vasculosum of the anterior hypothalamus. Plasma hyperosmolarity & hypovolemia are the stimulus for both.
  • 41. contdcontd Hypovolemia stimulates SNS (via inhibition of baroreceptors) & activate RAAS, both of which finally increase angiotensin II production Hyperosmolarity stimulates osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
  • 42. contdcontd The activated osmoreceptors & increased angiotensin II : I. Stimulate thirst centre leasing to increased water intake II.Increase ADH secretion leasing to increased renal water retention to normalize plasma OP Ultimately plasma OP normalizes.
  • 43. contdcontd Remember: ECF Na+ concentration is the function of water balance Regulation of water balance is equivalent to osmoregulation (ADH mechanism & thirst) ECF volume is the direct function of body Na+ content
  • 44. 1) Regulation of water intake: Thirst mechanism
  • 45. How acts?How acts? Thirst centre is situated in the organum vasculosum of the anterior hypothalamus. Stimuli for thirst centre: i. Plasma hyperosmolarity: 2-3% rise of plasma osmolarity ii. Hypovolemia: >10-15% reduction of ECF (plasma) volume iii.Baroreceptor input iv.Angiotensin II etc
  • 46.
  • 47. 2) Regulation of water output: Directly by ADH & indirectly by other hormones
  • 48. 1. ADH/Vasopressin1. ADH/Vasopressin A hormone made by the hypothalamus, Stored and released in the posterior pituitary gland Primary function is to decrease the amount of water lost at the kidneys (conserve water), which reduces the concentration of electrolytes It also causes the constriction of peripheral blood vessels, which helps to increase blood pressure
  • 49. ContdContd Stimuli for ADH secretion: i. Plasma hyperosmolarity: 1-2% rise of plasma osmolarity that occurs due to rise of electrolyte conc. in blood ii. Hypovolemia: >10-15% reduction of ECF (plasma / blood) volume iii.Decreased blood pressure These stimuli occur when a person sweats excessively or is dehydrated.
  • 50. ContdContd How ADH acts? Sweating/dehydration increases the blood OP, which is detected by osmoreceptors within the hypothalamus that constantly monitor the osmolarity ("saltiness") of the blood Osmoreceptors stimulate groups of neurons within the hypothalamus to release ADH from the posterior pituitary gland. ADH travels through the bloodstream to its target organs (mainly DCT & CD of kidney)
  • 51. ContdContd Main Target organ: DCT & CD of Kidney (Main target site): ADH makes the membrane more permeable to water (that is it increases water reabsorption) which leads to a decrease in urine output. [Remember, ADH promotes insertion of aquaporins in to principal cells of CD to cause more water reabsorption]
  • 52.
  • 53. Remember, ADH promotes insertion of aquaporins in to principal cells of CD to cause more water reabsorption
  • 54.
  • 55. ContdContd Other Target organs: a) Sweat glands : ADH stimulates them to decrease perspiration to conserve water b) Arterioles: ADH causes the smooth muscle in the wall of the arterioles to constrict. This narrows the diameter of the arterioles which increases BP
  • 56. 2. Aldosterone (RAAS)2. Aldosterone (RAAS) Aldosterone is a hormone made by cells in the adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa) It controls the levels of Na+  and K+  ions in ECF ( blood) Net result of its action is to reabsorb Na+  ions into the blood and simultaneously excrete K+  ions into the urine. As because "water follows the ions," when Na+  is reabsorbed, water is also reabsorbed.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. 3. ANP3. ANP  A hormone made by specific cells of cardiac atria whenever blood volume increases (atria are stretched) In general, the effects of ANP are opposite to those of angiotensin II (in other words, ANP opposes RAAS)
  • 60.
  • 61. ContdContd  It promotes  The loss of Na+ and water at the kidneys in the urine  Inhibit renin release  Inhibit the secretion of ADH and aldosterone By inducing blood vessels to dilate and water to be excreted in the urine, ANP reduce both blood volume and blood pressure
  • 63. 1. ADH escape1. ADH escape Escape of renal water excretion mechanism from the effects of chronically elevated plasma ADH level Function of ADH is to increase renal water retention thus to decrease urine volume When plasma osmolarity is 280-290 mosm/L, ADH conc. is normal (3 pg/ml)
  • 64. ContdContd When plasma osmolarity is about 295 mosm/L, ADH conc. is 5 pg/ml causing max renal water retention & decreasing urine volume When plasma osmolarity rises beyond 295 mosm/L, no further increase in ADH concentration. So, renal water retention decreases & urine volume increases despite raised level of ADH.
  • 65. 2. SIADH2. SIADH A condition characterized by excessive release of ADH from pituitary gland or another source, causing the body to retain fluid and lower the blood sodium level by dilution. It is mainly caused by cancer, esp. that of the lungs
  • 66. ContdContd The pituitary gland appropriately produces and releases vasopressin (ADH) when:  The blood volume goes down or  The blood pressure goes down or  Levels of electrolytes (such as sodium) become too high.
  • 67. ContdContd So, secretion of ADH is termed inappropriate if it occurs when: Blood volume is normal or high Blood pressure is normal or high Electrolyte concentrations are low Other appropriate reasons for vasopressin release are not present.
  • 68. 3. Water intoxication3. Water intoxication Also known as water poisoning or hyperhydration A potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes (precisely of Na) in the body is pushed outside the safe limits by overhydration (excessive water intake).
  • 69. ContdContd When water intake is more than maximum renal water excretion capacity -------->Water retention ------> Hyponatremia ----> hypoosmolarity of ECF compared to that of ICF ---->Water moves in to the cells by osmosis ---> cerebral edema -----> coma, death Happens when water intake is ˃23 L/day.
  • 70. ContdContd A common phenomenon in CRF May happen in normal individual if there is rapid i/v infusion of hypotonic fluid/fluid without Na
  • 71. 4. Osmolarity/ osmolality4. Osmolarity/ osmolality Osmolarity: The concentration of osmotically active particles in solution, which may be quantitatively expressed in osmoles of solute per liter of solution (osmole/L) Osmolality: Here, concentration of solution is expressed in terms of osmole of solute per kg of solvent (osm/Kg )
  • 72. ContdContd Both are measures that are technically different, but functionally the same for normal use.  Plasma osmolarity: 280 – 300 mosm/L Osmolarity = 2[Na+] + [Glucose] +[Urea] All in mmol/L If [glucose] and [urea] are in normal range, only [Na+] will give the osmolar concentration
  • 73. 5. Effective osmolarity5. Effective osmolarity This term is used for those extracellular solutes that determine water movement across the cell membrane Plasma Na+ concentration is reliable index of total/effective osmolarity Changes in osmolarity often results from changes in [Na+]
  • 74. ContdContd If ECF & ICF have same osmolarity: Cells neither shrink nor swell Increased osmolarity in ECF: Water comes out of cell (cell shrinks) Decreased osmolarity in ECF: Cell swells up
  • 75. Causes of hyperosmolarityCauses of hyperosmolarity 1. Hypernatremia 2. Uremia 3. Hyperglycemia etc
  • 76. 6. Plasma osmolar gap6. Plasma osmolar gap Difference between calculated plasma osmolarity instrumentally measured plasma osmolarity Osmolar gap = (measured osmolarity) - (calculated plasma osmolarity) Normal: up to 12 mosm/L
  • 77. ContdContd Causes of increased plasma osmolar gap:  Gross hyperproteinemia / hyperlipidaemia  Keto/lactic acidosis  CRF  Alcohol poisoning
  • 78. ContdContd Remember: ICF volume is the indirect function of ECF osmolarity: If ECF osmolarity decreases, ICF volume increases & vice versa ECF osmolarity is the direct function of ECF Na+ concentration
  • 80. Introduction to volume disordersIntroduction to volume disorders Always indicates disorder of ECF (not ICF) Because sodium is the major osmotically active ion in ECF, total body Na+ content determines ECF volume.  Deficiency / excess of total body sodium content causes ECF volume depletion / volume overload accordingly Serum Na+ concentration does not necessarily reflect total body Na+.
  • 81. ContdContd There may be : 1.Hypovolemic disorders (Salt deficit state) : State of dehydration 2.Hypervolemic disorders (Salt excess state: State of overhydration The disorders may have isotonic, , hypotonic or hypertonic variety
  • 82. Three basic homeostatic challengesThree basic homeostatic challenges 1. Gain/loss of isotonic solution: It affects only ECF volume 2. Gain/loss of pure water: Volume changes proportionately in both the ECF & ICF compartments. Osmotic changes in each are equal 3. Gain/loss of pure salt: Na+ is confined to ECF compartment, so loss results in vol. shift from ECF to ICF & gain results in vol. shift from ICF to ECF
  • 83.
  • 84. 1. Isotonic hypovolemia1. Isotonic hypovolemia It occurs when proportionally the same amount of water and salt (sodium) is lost from the body, i.e. isotonic fluid loss
  • 85. ContdContd Changes:  Osmolarity of lost fluid is 300 mosm/L  Sodium conc. of lost fluid : equal to plasma  Body total sodium content : decreases  ECF volume decreases  ICF volume is normal  Osmolarity (OP): normal in both ECF & ICF
  • 86. ContdContd Causes are:  Severe hemorrhage  Loss of small intestinal content by fistula, ileostomy etc  Intestinal obstruction  Secretory diarrhoea  Polyuric CRF etc
  • 87. 2. Hypertonic hypovolemia2. Hypertonic hypovolemia It usually occurs when proportionally more water is lost than the salt (sodium) from the body i.e. hypotonic fluid loss
  • 88. ContdContd Changes:  Osmolarity of lost fluid is <300 mosm/L  Sodium conc. of lost fluid : Less than that of plasma  Body total sodium content : decreases  ECF & ICF volume decrease (ECF due to fluid loss & ICF due to osmotic water loss from cells)  Osmolarity (OP): increases in both ECF & ICF
  • 89. ContdContd Causes are:  Severe diarrhoea  Persistent vomiting / NG suction  Profuse sweating  Severe burn  Diuretic abuse & osmotic diuresis etc
  • 90. 3. Hypotonic hypovolemia3. Hypotonic hypovolemia It occurs following treatment of patient with isotonic / hypertonic hypovolemia by wrongly selected i/v fluid without NaCl (5 % DA) Rare clinically Proportionally more salt (sodium) is lost than the water from the body
  • 91. ContdContd Changes:  Body total sodium content : decreases  ECF volume decrease but ICF volume increases due to osmotic water gain in to the cells  Osmolarity (OP): Decreases in both ECF & ICF
  • 92. ContdContd Causes are: Occurs in condition with renal & extra- renal salt & water loss leading to isotonic / hypertonic hypovolemia  Extra-renal causes: Diarrhoea, vomiting, hemorrhage, burn etc  Renal causes: Salt losing nephritis, osmotic diuresis, diuretic abuse, adrenal deficiency etc
  • 93. Remember the hormones releasedRemember the hormones released in hypovolemiain hypovolemia I. ADH II. Aldosterone III. Renin IV. Catecholamine
  • 94. Courtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel HaqueCourtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel Haque
  • 95.
  • 96. 1. Isotonic hypervolemia1. Isotonic hypervolemia It occurs following isotonic fluid gain Osmolarity of gained fluid : 300 mosm/L Sodium concentration of gained fluid: similar to plasma Body total sodium content: Increases
  • 97. ContdContd ECF volume: increases ICF volume: Normal Osmolarity (OP): normal in both ECF & ICF No edema develops Rarely found clinically Iatrogenic
  • 98. ContdContd Causes :  Excess infusion of normal saline
  • 99. 2. Hypertonic hypervolemia2. Hypertonic hypervolemia It occurs following hypertonic fluid gain Osmolarity of gained fluid : more than 300 mosm/L Sodium concentration of gained fluid: Is more than that of plasma Body total sodium content: Increases
  • 100. ContdContd ECF volume: increases ICF volume: Decreases due to osmotic water loss from cell Osmolarity (OP): Increases in both ECF & ICF No edema develops Rarely found clinically Usually iatrogenic
  • 101. ContdContd Causes :  Excess infusion of hypertonic saline  Sea water intake  Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome)  Cushing syndrome
  • 102. 3. Hypotonic hypervolemia3. Hypotonic hypervolemia It occurs following hypotonic fluid gain Osmolarity of gained fluid : Less than 300 mosm/L Sodium concentration of gained fluid: Is less than that of plasma Body total sodium content: Increases
  • 103. ContdContd ECF volume: increases due to fluid gain ICF volume: Increases due to osmotic gain of water in to cells Osmolarity (OP): Decreases in both ECF & ICF Usually associated with edema Commonly found clinically
  • 104. ContdContd Causes :  CCF  NS  Cirrhosis of liver  Hepatic failure  Protein losing enteropathies  Kwashiorkor
  • 105. Remember, the hormone releasedRemember, the hormone released in hypervolemiain hypervolemia ANP
  • 106. Courtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel HaqueCourtesy: abc of medical biochemistry by Prof Mozammel Haque
  • 107. Clinically found volume disordersClinically found volume disorders Isotonic hypovolemia Hypertonic hypovolemia Hypotonic hypervolemia
  • 109. DefinitionDefinition Diuresis is increased urination and the physiologic process that produces such an increase It involves extra urine production in the kidneys as part of the body's homeostatic maintenance of fluid balance
  • 110. TypesTypes Three types: I. Water diuresis II.Osmotic diuresis III.Pressure diuresis
  • 111. 1. Water diuresis1. Water diuresis The excretion of large volume of hypotonic urine due to excessive intake of water/hypotonic fluid It results from reduced secretion of ADH in response to lowered plasma osmolarity (OP) &/or increased blood volume following increased water intake
  • 112. ContdContd Reduced secretion of ADH causes decreased water reabsorption from CD: either directly or by decreased urea reabsorption from CD causing poor development of medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity Finally diuresis occurs
  • 113. ContdContd At zero ADH conc. there occurs max. diuresis (23 L/Day) Conditions (clinical type as well) leading to water diuresis:  Excess water intake  Excess infusion of hypotonic fluid (5 % D/A)  DI
  • 114. Features of water diuresisFeatures of water diuresis Water reabsorption from PCT :Normal Water reabsorption from DCT & CD : Decreased ADH conc. : Decreased Urinary osmolarity: Hypotonic Electrolyte loss: Minimum Urine vol. : Max 23 L/day ECF vol. : Usually normal Medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity: Poorly developed due to reduced urea reabsorption from CD
  • 115. 2. Osmotic diuresis2. Osmotic diuresis The excretion of large volume of isotonic / hypertonic urine due to presence of excess unabsorbed osmotically active particles (like NaCl, glucose etc) in the glomerular filtrate The osmotically active particles prevent water reabsorption by holding water with them , ultimately causing an increase in urine volume Huge loss of electrolytes happen
  • 116. ContdContd Clinical conditions presenting with osmotic diuresis:  DM  Diuretic use in HTN/RF etc  Mannitol infusion etc
  • 117. Features of osmotic diuresisFeatures of osmotic diuresis Water reabsorp. from PCT :Decreased Water reabsorp. from DCT & CD : Decreased ADH conc. : Normal Urinary osmolarity: Iso/hypertonic Electrolyte loss: Huge Urine vol. : May be >23 L/day ECF vol. : May develop hypovolemia Medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity: Poorly developed due to reduced NaCl & H2O reabsorption in renal tubule
  • 118. 3. Pressure diuresis3. Pressure diuresis The excretion of large volume of urine as a result of high mean systematic BP >200 mm Hg Here urine volume can be 7-8 times normal
  • 119. ContdContd At high systemic BP (>200 mm Hg), renal auto-regulation fails & GFR becomes the direct function of systemic BP leading to high GFR & rapid flow of filtrate Because of rapid flow of filtrate, tubular system can’t reabsorb water, electrolytes & nutrients efficiently So, diuresis develops with loss of electrolytes & nutrients
  • 120. Diuresis versus polyuriaDiuresis versus polyuria Diuresis is excessive urination Polyuria is the production of an abnormally large amount of urine