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Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones
• The Archers (audio drama)
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
• Lore (documentary/factual)
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
• Soundscapes
Existing Products Research
Existing Products Research
• Price of fear – lot 132
– The start of this vintage radio show is kicked off with a classic horror sort of
sound to it, this sound consists of very high notes then all the way down to
very low notes then back up to high and then keeps repeating itself for about
30 seconds. This classic horror sound does not end straight away as we start to
hear a voice of one of the characters and the noise in the background starts to
fade down in volume until we can no longer hear it. The only other things we
can sort of hear within the audio is the fuzziness of the microphones which
gives us the idea that this was filmed quite some time ago and not recently,
and the characters dialogue. If you did not know the name of this radio show
then you would not really get the impression that it was meant to be a scary,
horror show as there aren’t many ominous sound effects that we usually hear
in modern day horror movies.
Idea Generation/Initial
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this
influence your project?
• Some experiences I had with recording different sounds in different
locations is that it can be very difficult to just get that one bit of sound you
need without having anything else being heard within the audio, for
example when trying to capture some birds chirping the audio kept picking
up cars going by so when I ended up hearing the audio, I could barely hear
the birds as they were being blocked out by the cars driving past. Also,
when recording different bits of audio in and around the college it was
particularly difficult to find somewhere where there was no noise at all
because college is a busy place and there is always something happening
so finding a place to record where there was no background noise was
very difficult.
• The effect of all the background noise when trying to record was
extremely frustrating as all we wanted was to capture the sounds, we
needed without having anything to interrupt us.
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and
some writing about what went well, what
could be better and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
Garage Band
When working with the garage band app to create a background piece of horror audio I
managed to create this sound which can be heard on my final audio product. I have used
garage band in the past when creating different bits of music, so I was very familiar with
how it works and how to use different instruments to create the sounds that I specifically
needed for my horror audio piece.
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
Script Draft
• I bought a new house in the small town of Winthrop. The house was cheap, but the
most important part was that I needed to get away from the city. A few months ago, I
had a run-in with a stalker. While I had managed to get him arrested, I couldn't shake
the feeling of eyes just constantly watching me.
• I felt like there were eyes everywhere, at home and on the street, so I decided to move
out into the country to somewhere with less people, just for peace of mind. The house
itself was big and somewhat old, but otherwise very welcoming. The agent who
introduced me to the house had been required to mention that a serial killer had lived
here in the past, which was why the house was so cheap.
• However, he, and later, my next door neighbour Sarah, both told me to pay the thought
no mind. Four other owners had lived in the house since then, and all of them were
very happy with it. I loved the house. Its interior furnishings were beautiful and very
comfortable. The people of Winthrop were friendly, often bringing over freshly baked
pastries or inviting me over for dinner. "Get-togethers," they said, "were the key to
making sure everyone who lived in Winthrop loved it there.
Script draft
• Yet after a week, I stopped "loving it." The feeling of someone watching returned, worse
than before. I tried to ignore it, but soon I started losing sleep. Giant bags grew under
my eyes and I began yawning almost as much as I breathed. Sarah was kind enough to
let me stay in her house for a few nights. It was during this time that I heard the legend
of Forrest Carter, the serial killer who had lived in my house.
• While no one knows his exact kill count, Carter, also known as the Winthrop Peacock,
was a man with extremely severe case of narcissism. Legends say that he couldn't fall
asleep if he didn't feel like he was being watched. He was finally arrested for putting up
a scarecrow to watch him during the night. Only it wasn't a scarecrow. Carter had
murdered a 17 year old girl, just so her corpse could stare at him. The story gave me
shivers, and after I went home, I felt like there were hundreds of pairs of eyes just
watching me no matter how I turned.
• Today, however, was the first day that I acted out. I was cooking breakfast, when I felt
the eyes. Instinctively, out of fear, I threw my kitchen knife, which lodged itself into the
wall. As I pulled it out, I found myself staring at a pair of eyes, pickling in formaldehyde.
I've been watching the police peel away the drywall of my house for hours now. So far,
they've found 142 pairs of eyes in little glass jars. The scariest thing is, each and every
one was staring at me
Script Final
• I bought a new house in the small village of Hawkshead, the village is located just
north of the esthwaite river in the lake district. The house was cheap, but the most
important part was that I needed to get away from the city. A few months ago, I
had a run-in with a stalker. While I had managed to get him arrested, I couldn't
shake the feeling of eyes just constantly watching me.
• I felt like there were eyes everywhere, at home and on the street, so I decided to
move out into the country to somewhere with less people, just for peace of mind.
The house itself was big and somewhat old, but otherwise very welcoming. The
agent who introduced me to the house had been required to mention that a serial
killer had lived here in the past, which was why the house was so cheap.
• However, he, and later, my next door neighbour Sarah, both told me to pay the
thought no mind. Four other owners had lived in the house since then, and all of
them were very happy with it. I loved the house. Its interior furnishings were
beautiful and very comfortable. The people of Winthrop were friendly, often
bringing over freshly baked pastries or inviting me over for dinner. "Get-togethers,"
they said, "were the key to making sure everyone who lived in Hawkshead loved it
Script Final
• Yet after a week, I stopped "loving it." The feeling of someone watching returned, worse than
before. I tried to ignore it, but soon I started losing sleep. Giant bags grew under my eyes and
I began yawning almost as much as I breathed. Sarah was kind enough to let me stay in her
house for a few nights. It was during this time that I heard the legend of Forrest Carter, the
serial killer who had lived in my house.
• While no one knows his exact kill count, Carter, also known as the Hawkshead Peacock, was a
man with extremely severe case of narcissism. Legends say that he couldn't fall asleep if he
didn't feel like he was being watched. He was finally arrested for putting up a scarecrow to
watch him during the night. Only it wasn't a scarecrow. Carter had murdered a 17 year old
girl, just so her corpse could stare at him. The story gave me shivers, and after I went home, I
felt like there were hundreds of pairs of eyes just watching me no matter how I turned.
• Today, however, was the first day that I acted out. I was cooking breakfast, when I felt the
eyes. Instinctively, out of fear, I threw my kitchen knife, which lodged itself into the wall. As I
pulled it out, I found myself staring at a pair of eyes, pickling in formaldehyde. I've been
watching the police peel away the drywall of my house for hours now. So far, they've found
142 pairs of eyes in little glass jars. The scariest thing is, each and every one was staring at me
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Doors creaking Attempt to find a fairly old door that
makes some form of creaking noise as it
Footsteps Record someone walking on different
types of floors to
Police sirens Attempt to capture sirens passing by
Screaming Record someone, preferably a woman
screaming as they tend to have higher
pitched screams
Birds (animals) Capture birds in the morning
Band Name Track Name Link
Krzysztof Penderecki Polymorphia
Krzysztof Penderecki Fluorescences
Role Location for recording
Herbie Narrator A quiet room within my house
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Garage band Cost nothing as
it is a free app
On the garage band app I will use it
to make a horror themed
background music that will be
played for the duration of the
An audio app on my phone Again it costs
nothing as you
can download
it for free
I will use the app to record many
different sound effects that I need
for example using the app to
capture the birds in nature.
Daily Reflection Day 1
• For the first day of production, I didn’t manage to record anything for my
final audio product as I wanted to record the actual script when I was
• So, throughout the day I ended up just finishing off bits of work that I
hadn’t managed to complete from other lessons, and I also had another
look at different audio sounds that I could potentially end up using if I got
the chance to get them.
• During the lessons I ended up coming across this video about how foley
artists create different sounds and I thought It was very useful.
Daily Reflection Day 2
On the second day of audio production, I managed to
record the audio script on my phone the night before
so that I could test it on adobe premiere pro to see if it
sounded like you could at least hear what I was
narrating. When I did put the audio clip into premiere
pro it sounded relatively decent, however some parts
of the audio are quite hard to hear as the microphone
isn’t that good on the iPhone.
I also managed to capture some birds chirping on the
evening Aswell because I thought that it might come in
useful if I had some nature in the background of my
final product.
Daily Reflection Day 3
On the third day of the audio production, I went onto the garage band app on my phone
and created my own horror themed background music. As you can see in the picture, I
used violas for the strings which created a very eerie sound as we mostly hear in other
horror themed audio projects, and for the main sound I used my own voice to create a
what I think Is a really good horror themed background sound. The picture on the left is
what settings I had for the microphone, so it shows what I used to get the sound I wanted.
• The strengths to my research was that when we first started the project, I
immediately started to look at lots of different types of audio sounds and audio
dramas that have been made. I ended up finding lots of Spotify sort of
stories/podcasts that were horror themed and from when I listened to them, I
knew that that’s what I wanted to make for my final project. The research
definitely helped my product as I found a piece of audio that I wanted to base my
product off so that helped massively.
• Some weaknesses to my research was that maybe I could have not chosen one
audio idea straight away and maybe could’ve looked at other options to do for my
final product instead of just finding the first one I came across and choosing it to
do for my product. Another weakness to my research was that I could’ve wrote
about other pieces of audio work and gone into depth about what sounds were
used and how they worked in a certain way
• The strengths of my planning was that I was able to draft up a script to use for
my final audio product, Aswell as producing a script for my final product I also
looked at different background music that were along the theme of horror
sounding for example Krzysztof Penderecki – Polymorphia this sound would
work perfectly for any creepy themed audio piece. Parts of the planning did
help my product but the biggest part that helped my product was the script
for my final product.
• Some weaknesses of my planning was that I didn’t use all the things I had
written down when planning it. For example, I thought I was going to use
many different sound effects that I had come up with but in the end, I didn’t
use any of them. What I could have done to improve was change the planning
so that it actually showed what I was going to be using in my final audio
project instead of showing something else and then it end up not being in the
final piece. This had a small effect on the product as people would have been
listening out for the sounds that I said would be included within the audio and
then by the end of it they weren’t included.
Time Management
• For my audio project I definitely could have handled my time a lot better
than what it was. I could’ve improved on getting the audio completed
within the actual timeframe that I had instead of missing some days and
not actually working on the project. My project could’ve been improved
massively if I had put some extra time into it and much more commitment
rather than finishing it quite fast and then not going back over it and
seeing if I could have made any changes to it to make it sound much
better. If we were given a longer time window to finish the project, then I
most certainly would have put much more effort and time into the final
audio piece and made it sound a lot more professional.
Technical Qualities
A lot of stuff my final audio piece was based on was many different podcasts/
horror themed stories that I came across whilst on Spotify. The similarities of my
final product and the stories I had researched was that the stories on Spotify
consisted of a narrator telling a story and then in the background an eerie/creepy
piece of music was being played whilst the narrator was speaking and sharing the
story, so I used this idea when it came to my final product and that is the
similarities that they both have. I suppose the differences between the pieces of
work is that the Spotify stories sound a lot cleaner and more professional as I'm
guessing they use much more high quality and improved equipment than what I
used when I was recording my final piece. I don’t really believe that my work is
that technically detailed and complicated as it was quite a simple piece of audio I
did, but I thought it was a piece of audio I would enjoy making as it fitted best to
what I liked.
Aural Qualities
I think that overall, my final product for the audio project sounded relatively
okay. I think I could have improved on being a bit more creative on my final
audio project instead of just narrating a story and having some creepy themed
background music I could have added more sound effects to it and effects that I
could have gone out and recorded myself. Many aspects of the audio I like
because it is the one piece of audio that really caught my attention when
researching different pieces of audio work so when it came to making the actual
piece of audio, I enjoyed using the ideas I found and putting them into my own
work. If I was to improve my final audio product then I would definitely improve
the audio quality and try to make my voice sound much clearer.
Audience Appeal
Personally, I think that I have appealed to my target audience as when I wrote down
saying that my target audience is any gender, race and ethnicity I was right in saying that
because I believe anyone can enjoy this piece of audio drama. The age I chose was 12 ad
up and still think that’s right because you must be older to understand what it is I am
narrating and have to be able to handle a bit of horror themed audio narration.

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Audio Pro-Forma

  • 2. Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones below. • The Archers (audio drama) • • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) • • Lore (documentary/factual) • • Doctor Who (audio drama) • • Soundscapes • • • DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN DONE
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Price of fear – lot 132 – The start of this vintage radio show is kicked off with a classic horror sort of sound to it, this sound consists of very high notes then all the way down to very low notes then back up to high and then keeps repeating itself for about 30 seconds. This classic horror sound does not end straight away as we start to hear a voice of one of the characters and the noise in the background starts to fade down in volume until we can no longer hear it. The only other things we can sort of hear within the audio is the fuzziness of the microphones which gives us the idea that this was filmed quite some time ago and not recently, and the characters dialogue. If you did not know the name of this radio show then you would not really get the impression that it was meant to be a scary, horror show as there aren’t many ominous sound effects that we usually hear in modern day horror movies.
  • 9. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 10. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
  • 11. Recording • Some experiences I had with recording different sounds in different locations is that it can be very difficult to just get that one bit of sound you need without having anything else being heard within the audio, for example when trying to capture some birds chirping the audio kept picking up cars going by so when I ended up hearing the audio, I could barely hear the birds as they were being blocked out by the cars driving past. Also, when recording different bits of audio in and around the college it was particularly difficult to find somewhere where there was no noise at all because college is a busy place and there is always something happening so finding a place to record where there was no background noise was very difficult. • The effect of all the background noise when trying to record was extremely frustrating as all we wanted was to capture the sounds, we needed without having anything to interrupt us.
  • 12. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 13. Garage Band When working with the garage band app to create a background piece of horror audio I managed to create this sound which can be heard on my final audio product. I have used garage band in the past when creating different bits of music, so I was very familiar with how it works and how to use different instruments to create the sounds that I specifically needed for my horror audio piece.
  • 14. Proposal Working Title: What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 15.
  • 17. Script Draft • I bought a new house in the small town of Winthrop. The house was cheap, but the most important part was that I needed to get away from the city. A few months ago, I had a run-in with a stalker. While I had managed to get him arrested, I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes just constantly watching me. • I felt like there were eyes everywhere, at home and on the street, so I decided to move out into the country to somewhere with less people, just for peace of mind. The house itself was big and somewhat old, but otherwise very welcoming. The agent who introduced me to the house had been required to mention that a serial killer had lived here in the past, which was why the house was so cheap. • However, he, and later, my next door neighbour Sarah, both told me to pay the thought no mind. Four other owners had lived in the house since then, and all of them were very happy with it. I loved the house. Its interior furnishings were beautiful and very comfortable. The people of Winthrop were friendly, often bringing over freshly baked pastries or inviting me over for dinner. "Get-togethers," they said, "were the key to making sure everyone who lived in Winthrop loved it there.
  • 18. Script draft • Yet after a week, I stopped "loving it." The feeling of someone watching returned, worse than before. I tried to ignore it, but soon I started losing sleep. Giant bags grew under my eyes and I began yawning almost as much as I breathed. Sarah was kind enough to let me stay in her house for a few nights. It was during this time that I heard the legend of Forrest Carter, the serial killer who had lived in my house. • While no one knows his exact kill count, Carter, also known as the Winthrop Peacock, was a man with extremely severe case of narcissism. Legends say that he couldn't fall asleep if he didn't feel like he was being watched. He was finally arrested for putting up a scarecrow to watch him during the night. Only it wasn't a scarecrow. Carter had murdered a 17 year old girl, just so her corpse could stare at him. The story gave me shivers, and after I went home, I felt like there were hundreds of pairs of eyes just watching me no matter how I turned. • Today, however, was the first day that I acted out. I was cooking breakfast, when I felt the eyes. Instinctively, out of fear, I threw my kitchen knife, which lodged itself into the wall. As I pulled it out, I found myself staring at a pair of eyes, pickling in formaldehyde. I've been watching the police peel away the drywall of my house for hours now. So far, they've found 142 pairs of eyes in little glass jars. The scariest thing is, each and every one was staring at me
  • 19. Script Final • I bought a new house in the small village of Hawkshead, the village is located just north of the esthwaite river in the lake district. The house was cheap, but the most important part was that I needed to get away from the city. A few months ago, I had a run-in with a stalker. While I had managed to get him arrested, I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes just constantly watching me. • I felt like there were eyes everywhere, at home and on the street, so I decided to move out into the country to somewhere with less people, just for peace of mind. The house itself was big and somewhat old, but otherwise very welcoming. The agent who introduced me to the house had been required to mention that a serial killer had lived here in the past, which was why the house was so cheap. • However, he, and later, my next door neighbour Sarah, both told me to pay the thought no mind. Four other owners had lived in the house since then, and all of them were very happy with it. I loved the house. Its interior furnishings were beautiful and very comfortable. The people of Winthrop were friendly, often bringing over freshly baked pastries or inviting me over for dinner. "Get-togethers," they said, "were the key to making sure everyone who lived in Hawkshead loved it there.
  • 20. Script Final • Yet after a week, I stopped "loving it." The feeling of someone watching returned, worse than before. I tried to ignore it, but soon I started losing sleep. Giant bags grew under my eyes and I began yawning almost as much as I breathed. Sarah was kind enough to let me stay in her house for a few nights. It was during this time that I heard the legend of Forrest Carter, the serial killer who had lived in my house. • While no one knows his exact kill count, Carter, also known as the Hawkshead Peacock, was a man with extremely severe case of narcissism. Legends say that he couldn't fall asleep if he didn't feel like he was being watched. He was finally arrested for putting up a scarecrow to watch him during the night. Only it wasn't a scarecrow. Carter had murdered a 17 year old girl, just so her corpse could stare at him. The story gave me shivers, and after I went home, I felt like there were hundreds of pairs of eyes just watching me no matter how I turned. • Today, however, was the first day that I acted out. I was cooking breakfast, when I felt the eyes. Instinctively, out of fear, I threw my kitchen knife, which lodged itself into the wall. As I pulled it out, I found myself staring at a pair of eyes, pickling in formaldehyde. I've been watching the police peel away the drywall of my house for hours now. So far, they've found 142 pairs of eyes in little glass jars. The scariest thing is, each and every one was staring at me
  • 21. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Doors creaking Attempt to find a fairly old door that makes some form of creaking noise as it opens. Footsteps Record someone walking on different types of floors to Police sirens Attempt to capture sirens passing by Screaming Record someone, preferably a woman screaming as they tend to have higher pitched screams Birds (animals) Capture birds in the morning
  • 22. Music Band Name Track Name Link Krzysztof Penderecki Polymorphia Krzysztof Penderecki Fluorescences
  • 23. Actors/Locations Role Location for recording Herbie Narrator A quiet room within my house
  • 24. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Garage band Cost nothing as it is a free app On the garage band app I will use it to make a horror themed background music that will be played for the duration of the audio. An audio app on my phone Again it costs nothing as you can download it for free I will use the app to record many different sound effects that I need for example using the app to capture the birds in nature.
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 1 • For the first day of production, I didn’t manage to record anything for my final audio product as I wanted to record the actual script when I was home. • So, throughout the day I ended up just finishing off bits of work that I hadn’t managed to complete from other lessons, and I also had another look at different audio sounds that I could potentially end up using if I got the chance to get them. • During the lessons I ended up coming across this video about how foley artists create different sounds and I thought It was very useful.
  • 27. Daily Reflection Day 2 On the second day of audio production, I managed to record the audio script on my phone the night before so that I could test it on adobe premiere pro to see if it sounded like you could at least hear what I was narrating. When I did put the audio clip into premiere pro it sounded relatively decent, however some parts of the audio are quite hard to hear as the microphone isn’t that good on the iPhone. I also managed to capture some birds chirping on the evening Aswell because I thought that it might come in useful if I had some nature in the background of my final product.
  • 28. Daily Reflection Day 3 On the third day of the audio production, I went onto the garage band app on my phone and created my own horror themed background music. As you can see in the picture, I used violas for the strings which created a very eerie sound as we mostly hear in other horror themed audio projects, and for the main sound I used my own voice to create a what I think Is a really good horror themed background sound. The picture on the left is what settings I had for the microphone, so it shows what I used to get the sound I wanted.
  • 30. Research • The strengths to my research was that when we first started the project, I immediately started to look at lots of different types of audio sounds and audio dramas that have been made. I ended up finding lots of Spotify sort of stories/podcasts that were horror themed and from when I listened to them, I knew that that’s what I wanted to make for my final project. The research definitely helped my product as I found a piece of audio that I wanted to base my product off so that helped massively. • Some weaknesses to my research was that maybe I could have not chosen one audio idea straight away and maybe could’ve looked at other options to do for my final product instead of just finding the first one I came across and choosing it to do for my product. Another weakness to my research was that I could’ve wrote about other pieces of audio work and gone into depth about what sounds were used and how they worked in a certain way
  • 31. Planning • The strengths of my planning was that I was able to draft up a script to use for my final audio product, Aswell as producing a script for my final product I also looked at different background music that were along the theme of horror sounding for example Krzysztof Penderecki – Polymorphia this sound would work perfectly for any creepy themed audio piece. Parts of the planning did help my product but the biggest part that helped my product was the script for my final product. • Some weaknesses of my planning was that I didn’t use all the things I had written down when planning it. For example, I thought I was going to use many different sound effects that I had come up with but in the end, I didn’t use any of them. What I could have done to improve was change the planning so that it actually showed what I was going to be using in my final audio project instead of showing something else and then it end up not being in the final piece. This had a small effect on the product as people would have been listening out for the sounds that I said would be included within the audio and then by the end of it they weren’t included.
  • 32. Time Management • For my audio project I definitely could have handled my time a lot better than what it was. I could’ve improved on getting the audio completed within the actual timeframe that I had instead of missing some days and not actually working on the project. My project could’ve been improved massively if I had put some extra time into it and much more commitment rather than finishing it quite fast and then not going back over it and seeing if I could have made any changes to it to make it sound much better. If we were given a longer time window to finish the project, then I most certainly would have put much more effort and time into the final audio piece and made it sound a lot more professional.
  • 33. Technical Qualities A lot of stuff my final audio piece was based on was many different podcasts/ horror themed stories that I came across whilst on Spotify. The similarities of my final product and the stories I had researched was that the stories on Spotify consisted of a narrator telling a story and then in the background an eerie/creepy piece of music was being played whilst the narrator was speaking and sharing the story, so I used this idea when it came to my final product and that is the similarities that they both have. I suppose the differences between the pieces of work is that the Spotify stories sound a lot cleaner and more professional as I'm guessing they use much more high quality and improved equipment than what I used when I was recording my final piece. I don’t really believe that my work is that technically detailed and complicated as it was quite a simple piece of audio I did, but I thought it was a piece of audio I would enjoy making as it fitted best to what I liked.
  • 34. Aural Qualities I think that overall, my final product for the audio project sounded relatively okay. I think I could have improved on being a bit more creative on my final audio project instead of just narrating a story and having some creepy themed background music I could have added more sound effects to it and effects that I could have gone out and recorded myself. Many aspects of the audio I like because it is the one piece of audio that really caught my attention when researching different pieces of audio work so when it came to making the actual piece of audio, I enjoyed using the ideas I found and putting them into my own work. If I was to improve my final audio product then I would definitely improve the audio quality and try to make my voice sound much clearer.
  • 35. Audience Appeal Personally, I think that I have appealed to my target audience as when I wrote down saying that my target audience is any gender, race and ethnicity I was right in saying that because I believe anyone can enjoy this piece of audio drama. The age I chose was 12 ad up and still think that’s right because you must be older to understand what it is I am narrating and have to be able to handle a bit of horror themed audio narration.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  4. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  5. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  6. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  7. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  8. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  9. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  13. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  15. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  16. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  17. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.