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Meeb Iveson
Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones
• The Archers (audio drama)
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
• Lore (documentary/factual)
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
• Soundscapes
Existing Products Research
– Shortworks, Episode 1, ‘Storytellers (2021)’ , BBC
Sounds, November 2021.
The whole story is narrated by Aisling Bea. To help the audience
understand different characters, she uses different accents
such as an American accent. I feel this helps create a sense of
lightness and makes the story more enjoyable.
At the start, there is an instrumental to introduce the show. The
instrumental sounds like how the story would sound in
instruments, in my opinion. Aside from the introductory music,
there is no other music throughout the duration of the story.
Shortworks, Episode 1, ‘Storytellers
(2021)’ , BBC Sounds, November 2021.
• Dialogue:
• Since the story is only narrated by on person, there is no real dialogue between
different people. However, when the narrator mentions another character, they
tend to change their voice to mimic theirs. An example would be when she
mentions their husband, she uses a British accent.
Existing Products Research
The Story of AIDS, Episode 4, The end of an
epidemic? (2021), BBC Sounds, 30th October.
This documentary was narrated by Audrey Brown. I feel she uses lots of emotion
in her way of speaking which helps gives the tone needed for the documentary.
Throughout the duration of the show, there are uses of interviews from nurses
and doctors that were heavily involved with the AIDS epidemic in South Africa.
The interviews helps give an real insight to the crisis by not using actors or almost
sugar-coating it.
The Story of AIDS, Episode 4, The end of an
epidemic? (2021), BBC Sounds, 30th October.
• Non-diegetic sound:
• Throughout the piece, there is music played in the background that
correlates to the words being spoken. An example would be when a nurse
is speaking about civilians were killed if others found out they were HIV
positive, sombre music would be in the background (2:13- 2:40). I feel that
the music played throughout the show, compliments the script; it helps
the audience to feel true empathy towards the victims.
Existing Products Research
– Eleanor Rising, Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC
Sounds, 9th April.
– Dialogue:
– This story is told through dialogue between the 5 characters. I feel if this story
was told by just narration, it wouldn’t have been as interesting to listen to. The
script’s vocabulary is fitting to the time period the story was set in.
– Diegetic sound:
– There are many sound effects such as water, chewing noises, crickets, glasses
being put down on a table etc. These give a feeling of normality and its almost
as if the audience are listening in on a conversation which I think is very smart.
– Non-Diegetic Sound:
– A tune possibly played on a guitar is played very quietly in the background
while one character is thanking another. However, this fades as an argument
arises. This gives depth to the argument and makes it more tense for the
Eleanor Rising, Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC
Sounds, 9th April.
• Foley:
• (2:13-2:30) You can hear the sound of a dress rustling. I feel this sound could’ve
been recreated with tissue paper. Again, I feel that this helps with the feeling of
normality and how the audience is almost listening into a conversation.
Existing Products Research
• Show Name Here
– Analysis
1. .
2. .
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
Foley experiment
I enjoyed experimenting with different sounds to create different effects. I
learned how easily noise can be picked up on the recorder. With a lot of the
recording I did, there was a lot of white noise in the background. To improve
for next time, I will rethink different recording locations where the white
noise is less predominant. I feel to improve, I should include more sounds to
create depth. I learned that there are so many different sounds in one shot.
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this
influence your project?
• I found it difficult to find places around college that didn’t
have lots of white noise. I found that the recordings I did get,
they weren’t to the quality I wanted them. If I were to do this
project again, I would think and plan for a little longer and
thin about areas in college where there isn’t lots of people
and noise. As much I enjoyed experimenting, I did start to get
frustrated when the sounds didn’t sound like my expectations.
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and
some writing about what went well, what
could be better and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
I struggled to understand the website at start but the more I used it, the more
the understood it. The backing track I created I will use in my project at the
beginning of the audio story as I think it fits with the idea I have in my head.
I feel the more I carry on using Beepbox, the more creative I will become and I
feel I will create more music that can be used in my project.
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
• Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister
who come from a poor family. Their dad gives
them both a piece of bread and abandons
them in a forest, where they fall into the
hands of a witch who lives in a house made
of gingerbread, cake, and pastries.
The cannibalistic witch intends to fatten the
children before eventually eating them, but
Gretel outwits the witch and kills her. The two
children then escape with their lives and
return home with the witch's treasure
Script Draft
Me: Once upon a time, in a a land far far away lived a family in a teeny tiny cottage. A
mother, father and two children called Hansel and Gretel. The family were poor and
struggled to provide food for themselves.
One winter night as Hansel and Gretel were drifting off to sleep they heard their mother
and father talk, “What has become of us? We cannot feed our children let alone
ourselves! Oh my what should we do?”
To the mother responded, “I say, tomorrow, at dawn, we take the children each with a
piece of bread, into the depths of the forest then leave them to go to work, then, never
The father, shocked by the response, replied ‘Never would I do such a thing to my
‘Then all of us will starve to death! Is that your wishes?” The mother exclaimed.
Gretel wept ‘Its over with us!’
‘Shhh Gretel! We will be fine!’ Said Hansel
The next day arrives and the father wakes the children and tells them ‘come on
lazybones! We need to collect wood for the fire!’
As the 3 of them strolled into the woods, the father handed them both a piece of bread.
Script Draft
Me: ‘Here is bread for you both for midday. Don’t eat it any sooner as you will not get
more.’ As the three walked, Hansel kept turning to look at the path they had taken. His
father noticed this and said ‘Don’t look back son, focus on what’s ahead of you’
Once they arrived in the middle of the woods, the father said ‘stay here little ones while I
collect some wood for a fire.’ As the two laid on the cold forest floor, they began to drift
away. When they awoke, the moon was high and the sun had gone to rest. Gretel,
panicked, exclaimed ‘how will we ever find home!’ To Hansel responded with ‘Do not
worry sister. I promise you we will find home.’
So off they went, walking in the direction they thought home was. They walked through
the night and through the day, still no home. Until, they came across a house. But not just
any old house, oh no no no. A house made from all the treats you could think off. The
children were overjoyed! They rushed over and began to sink their teeth into strange
house. Suddenly, an old woman came out of the sweet home and said ‘Dear children who
brought you here? Come inside. No one will hurt you in here.’ She took the children by the
hand into the home. She gave them a delightful meal of pancakes, nuts and milk! After the
children’s stomachs were happy and full, she made two beds for them and left them to
rest. The children thought they were in heaven.
Script Draft
Me: Now you see, the kind old woman wasn’t as kind as it may seem. Oh no. The
woman was in fact a witch and had built here house of treats only to find children to
For the next week, the witch spent her time feeding the children wonderful treats;
chocolate, ice cream, biscuits. You name it, they had it! One morning, Hansel
overheard the witch speaking to herself about how she was going to eat them, he was
terrified! He rushed to his sister and told her about his hearings. They decided that
they would, in fact, kill her! When the morning came and the witch stated they were
going to do some “baking,” the children knew that the day had come. ‘ I have already
lit the oven and the dough is already kneaded. Now Hansel, climb in to the oven to
see if its hot enough now dear.’ ‘I don’t know how to do that’ said the boy, ‘can you
show me how?’
“Stupid boy” said the witch, “the opening is big enough for all of us to fit in,” she
climbed in, “see?”
As fast as lighting, the children slammed the oven shut and ran out the house as fast
as their legs could take them. They ran until they started to become familiar with their
surroundings. ‘That’s our house’ exclaimed Gretel. They ran through the door to be
greeted by their parents at the table. Gretel emptied her pockets onto the table, she
had taken all of the witches jewellery! The family lived happily ever after (on the
money they made from the witches jewellery!)
Script Final
Once upon a time in a land far far way lived a mother, father and two children
called Hansel and Gretel. The family were poor and struggled to provide food
for themselves.
One winter night as Hansel and Gretel were drifting off to sleep they heard
their mother and father talk, “What has become of us? We cannot feed our
children let alone ourselves! Oh my what should we do?”
To the mother responded, “I say, tomorrow, at dawn, we take the children each
with a piece of bread, into the depths of the forest then leave them to go to
work, then, never return!’
The father was stunned by the response. He replied and said ‘I would never do
such a thing to my children!’
‘If we don’t do something, we will all starve to death!’
The children were devastated by the conversation; Gretel cried ‘It’s over
Hansel!’ Hansel sighed ‘we will be fine do not worry.’
The next morning the children were awoken by their father ‘Come on
lazybones! We need wood for our fire’
An accent for the
An accent for the
An accent for
An accent for
Script Final
Me: So off the 3 of them went, into the forest. As they walked deeper and deeper
into the dark forest, the father handed the 2 children each a piece of bread and
said ‘Here is some bread for you both. Don’t eat it before midday as you wont get
Once the trio arrived in the middle of woods the father explained that he was going
to collect some wood and how they should stay there as he wouldn’t be long.
The children decided to lay on the forest floor and get some rest.
As they awoke, the sun had gone to bed and the moon was high in the sky.
Gretel started to panic and exclaimed ‘How will we get home now Hansel!’
‘Don’t worry sister,’ he said ‘ I promise we will find home again.
Hansel and Gretel walked and walked until sunrise and still no sign of home. As
they started to give up, they saw something in the distance, a house! Hansel began
to run and Gretel shortly followed.
As they approached, the 2 realized that the house wasn’t any old house. Oh no. It
was a house made from all the sweet treats you could imagine. The kids were
overjoyed! They rushed over and began to sink their teeth into the home of their
Script Final
Suddenly, an old woman came from inside the house and shocked the poor children.
She asked the two ‘Dear children who brought you here? Come inside. No one will
hurt you in here.’ She took the children by the hand into the house and gave them a
delicious meal of pancakes, milk and nuts! After the children’s stomach full and happy,
the old woman made 2 beds where they could rest their heads; the children thought
they were in heaven.
Now you see, the old lady wasn’t as kind as she seems. Oh no. The woman was in fact
a witch and had built here house of treats only to find children to eat!
For the next week, the witch spent her time feeding the children wonderful treats;
chocolate, ice cream, biscuits. You name it, they had it! One morning, Hansel
overheard the witch speaking to herself about how she was going to eat them, he was
terrified! He rushed to his sister and told her about his hearings. They decided that
they would, in fact, kill her! When the morning came and the witch stated they were
going to do some “baking,” the children knew that the day had come.
‘The oven is already on and the dough has already been kneaded’ explained the witch.
‘Now, Hansel, would you be so kind and climb into the oven to check to see if the oven
is hot enough dear?’
Script Final
Me: ‘I don’t know how to get in there’ Hansel said,’I don’t think I can fit’
‘Stupid boy’ said the witch, ‘the oven is big enough to fit all of us in here’ she climbed into
the oven ‘see?’ As fast as lighting Gretel slammed the door shut and they both ran as fast
as they could out of the house. The two ran as fast their legs could carry them. They ran
until their surroundings became familiar to them. ‘That’s our house Hansel!’ exclaimed
Gretel. They bursted through the door to be greeted by their parents at the table. They
were overjoyed to see them. Even though the father was happy to see them, the issue of
money still stood. Suddenly, Gretel empties her pockets. On the table laid all of the witches’
jewelry! ‘We’re saved!’ Exclaimed the father.
And so, the family lived happily ever after on the money they made from the witches
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Duvet cover crinkle Clothes crinkling
Leaves crunching Stepping on leaves indoors
Twigs snapping Twigs snapping indoors
People eating Eating
Running Running indoors
Wind or a slight breeze Using wind in an place with no people
Clothes rustling Clothes crinkling
Oven heat wave >>>
Cackle Someone laughing
Sound effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Jewelry jangling Can tabs and jewelry
Milk being poured into a glass Pour water into an open container
Someone climbing into an oven Someone crawling on an oven tray
Slam of an oven door Slam an oven door
Door slamming Door slamming
Actor Role Location for recording
Myself Narrator College Studio
Band Name Track Name Link
Beepbox Opening track
Beepbox Mid track
Beepbox Escape track
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Leaves £0 Leaves crunching
Twigs £0 Twigs snapping
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Ive completed most of the sounds I need for my audio project. I need to
complete the backing track on Beepbox. I feel that this backing track will
help with creating a better atmosphere for my audio story.
• I have found it difficult to create sounds that sound accurate to the noise I
wanted to produce, so I may have to resort to BBC Sound Library.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• I’ve spent more time on creating a backing track for my project on
BeepBox. I feel these tracks help with the pace of the story. In terms of the
work I have created so far, it has not been as good as I was hoping for. I am
slightly disappointed by the quality of my recordings. I am going to try and
make the project something that sounds interesting as well as something I
am proud of.
I’ve also used some sounds from BBC
Sound Library which I have found has
improved my work.
Daily Reflection Day 3
Daily Reflection Day 4
I don’t think my research was as through as it could’ve been as the research I
did wasn’t really relevant to my end product. I feel this impacted my end
product as I wasn’t really familiar with the type of audio story I did.
A strength however, was the research I did on particular story, Eleanor Rising,
Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC Sounds, 9th April. I found this story gave me
lots of inspiration for different sounds I could use to create certain moods
and/or atmospheres. This research did have a positive effect on my work as it
made me think more about the sound effect and the effect that could have on
the audience.
• I don’t think my planning was a good as it could’ve been. I think I rushed it
therefore making my end product less well put together. I didn’t really use
my plan in production as looking back on it, I didn't really understand it.
One thing within my planning that helped was my checklist of sounds I
needed to create. I found this helped me to keep organised and to know
what I was doing. if were to do this project again, I would definitely use
the checklist again. I would also take more time to think about plan Bs as I
feel that was a downfall within my planning.
Time Management
• I think I managed my time well as I finished the project on time. I was
organised and knew when I was going to do the recording and editing. I
think this was a strength in my overall project. I think my final piece
would’ve been stronger with more time as I would’ve had more time to do
relevant research and to plan more effectively. Another way to improve for
me would be to use more of the time I had because I feel like I rushed this
project compared to the previous one.
• If I were have been given more time I would’ve collected more props to
create better sounds.
Technical Qualities
I used lots of layering in my final piece to help create more depth and make the
piece less plain. I also used foley. An example would be to show the children
are running in a forest, I crinkled pieces of tissue paper with the pace of
someone running to create the effect of running on leaves. I feel this was
I do feel that my work isn’t that complicated however with my target audience
this could be seen as a positive. I do think nonetheless that my work should’ve
included more complex sounds and the script could’ve been improved as I felt
it was plain.
Aural Qualities
I don’t think my project sounded as good as I wanted it to be as I feel I rushed it. I
experimented with different sounds such as rubbing my hands together with a
piece of tissue paper between to create clothes crinkling. One of my favourite
sounds I created was running as I found it fun to experiment with different ways to
create the noise. To improve, I would try and experiment more with more complex
sounds to make my piece more interesting to listen to.
Audience Appeal
I think my target audience changed during production as I felt my project would fit a
younger age rather than age 10.
I felt that my final piece would appeal to my audience because of how easily
digestible it is; there’s not much thinking needed for you to understand it. I feel the
vocabulary is easy to understand.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones below. • The Archers (audio drama) • • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) • • Lore (documentary/factual) • • Doctor Who (audio drama) • • Soundscapes • • • DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN DONE
  • 3. Existing Products Research – Shortworks, Episode 1, ‘Storytellers (2021)’ , BBC Sounds, November 2021. Narrator: The whole story is narrated by Aisling Bea. To help the audience understand different characters, she uses different accents such as an American accent. I feel this helps create a sense of lightness and makes the story more enjoyable. Soundtrack: At the start, there is an instrumental to introduce the show. The instrumental sounds like how the story would sound in instruments, in my opinion. Aside from the introductory music, there is no other music throughout the duration of the story.
  • 4. Shortworks, Episode 1, ‘Storytellers (2021)’ , BBC Sounds, November 2021. • Dialogue: • Since the story is only narrated by on person, there is no real dialogue between different people. However, when the narrator mentions another character, they tend to change their voice to mimic theirs. An example would be when she mentions their husband, she uses a British accent.
  • 5. Existing Products Research The Story of AIDS, Episode 4, The end of an epidemic? (2021), BBC Sounds, 30th October. Narrator: This documentary was narrated by Audrey Brown. I feel she uses lots of emotion in her way of speaking which helps gives the tone needed for the documentary. Voiceover: Throughout the duration of the show, there are uses of interviews from nurses and doctors that were heavily involved with the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. The interviews helps give an real insight to the crisis by not using actors or almost sugar-coating it.
  • 6. The Story of AIDS, Episode 4, The end of an epidemic? (2021), BBC Sounds, 30th October. • Non-diegetic sound: • Throughout the piece, there is music played in the background that correlates to the words being spoken. An example would be when a nurse is speaking about civilians were killed if others found out they were HIV positive, sombre music would be in the background (2:13- 2:40). I feel that the music played throughout the show, compliments the script; it helps the audience to feel true empathy towards the victims.
  • 7. Existing Products Research – Eleanor Rising, Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC Sounds, 9th April. – Dialogue: – This story is told through dialogue between the 5 characters. I feel if this story was told by just narration, it wouldn’t have been as interesting to listen to. The script’s vocabulary is fitting to the time period the story was set in. – Diegetic sound: – There are many sound effects such as water, chewing noises, crickets, glasses being put down on a table etc. These give a feeling of normality and its almost as if the audience are listening in on a conversation which I think is very smart. – Non-Diegetic Sound: – A tune possibly played on a guitar is played very quietly in the background while one character is thanking another. However, this fades as an argument arises. This gives depth to the argument and makes it more tense for the audience.
  • 8. Eleanor Rising, Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC Sounds, 9th April. • Foley: • (2:13-2:30) You can hear the sound of a dress rustling. I feel this sound could’ve been recreated with tissue paper. Again, I feel that this helps with the feeling of normality and how the audience is almost listening into a conversation.
  • 9. Existing Products Research • Show Name Here – Analysis
  • 11. Ideas
  • 15. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 16. Foley experiment • I enjoyed experimenting with different sounds to create different effects. I learned how easily noise can be picked up on the recorder. With a lot of the recording I did, there was a lot of white noise in the background. To improve for next time, I will rethink different recording locations where the white noise is less predominant. I feel to improve, I should include more sounds to create depth. I learned that there are so many different sounds in one shot.
  • 17. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
  • 18. Recording • I found it difficult to find places around college that didn’t have lots of white noise. I found that the recordings I did get, they weren’t to the quality I wanted them. If I were to do this project again, I would think and plan for a little longer and thin about areas in college where there isn’t lots of people and noise. As much I enjoyed experimenting, I did start to get frustrated when the sounds didn’t sound like my expectations.
  • 19. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 20. Beepbox I struggled to understand the website at start but the more I used it, the more the understood it. The backing track I created I will use in my project at the beginning of the audio story as I think it fits with the idea I have in my head. I feel the more I carry on using Beepbox, the more creative I will become and I feel I will create more music that can be used in my project.
  • 21. Proposal Working Title: What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 23. Story • Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister who come from a poor family. Their dad gives them both a piece of bread and abandons them in a forest, where they fall into the hands of a witch who lives in a house made of gingerbread, cake, and pastries. The cannibalistic witch intends to fatten the children before eventually eating them, but Gretel outwits the witch and kills her. The two children then escape with their lives and return home with the witch's treasure
  • 24. Script Draft Me: Once upon a time, in a a land far far away lived a family in a teeny tiny cottage. A mother, father and two children called Hansel and Gretel. The family were poor and struggled to provide food for themselves. One winter night as Hansel and Gretel were drifting off to sleep they heard their mother and father talk, “What has become of us? We cannot feed our children let alone ourselves! Oh my what should we do?” To the mother responded, “I say, tomorrow, at dawn, we take the children each with a piece of bread, into the depths of the forest then leave them to go to work, then, never return!’ The father, shocked by the response, replied ‘Never would I do such a thing to my children!’ ‘Then all of us will starve to death! Is that your wishes?” The mother exclaimed. Gretel wept ‘Its over with us!’ ‘Shhh Gretel! We will be fine!’ Said Hansel The next day arrives and the father wakes the children and tells them ‘come on lazybones! We need to collect wood for the fire!’ As the 3 of them strolled into the woods, the father handed them both a piece of bread.
  • 25. Script Draft Me: ‘Here is bread for you both for midday. Don’t eat it any sooner as you will not get more.’ As the three walked, Hansel kept turning to look at the path they had taken. His father noticed this and said ‘Don’t look back son, focus on what’s ahead of you’ Once they arrived in the middle of the woods, the father said ‘stay here little ones while I collect some wood for a fire.’ As the two laid on the cold forest floor, they began to drift away. When they awoke, the moon was high and the sun had gone to rest. Gretel, panicked, exclaimed ‘how will we ever find home!’ To Hansel responded with ‘Do not worry sister. I promise you we will find home.’ So off they went, walking in the direction they thought home was. They walked through the night and through the day, still no home. Until, they came across a house. But not just any old house, oh no no no. A house made from all the treats you could think off. The children were overjoyed! They rushed over and began to sink their teeth into strange house. Suddenly, an old woman came out of the sweet home and said ‘Dear children who brought you here? Come inside. No one will hurt you in here.’ She took the children by the hand into the home. She gave them a delightful meal of pancakes, nuts and milk! After the children’s stomachs were happy and full, she made two beds for them and left them to rest. The children thought they were in heaven.
  • 26. Script Draft Me: Now you see, the kind old woman wasn’t as kind as it may seem. Oh no. The woman was in fact a witch and had built here house of treats only to find children to eat! For the next week, the witch spent her time feeding the children wonderful treats; chocolate, ice cream, biscuits. You name it, they had it! One morning, Hansel overheard the witch speaking to herself about how she was going to eat them, he was terrified! He rushed to his sister and told her about his hearings. They decided that they would, in fact, kill her! When the morning came and the witch stated they were going to do some “baking,” the children knew that the day had come. ‘ I have already lit the oven and the dough is already kneaded. Now Hansel, climb in to the oven to see if its hot enough now dear.’ ‘I don’t know how to do that’ said the boy, ‘can you show me how?’ “Stupid boy” said the witch, “the opening is big enough for all of us to fit in,” she climbed in, “see?” As fast as lighting, the children slammed the oven shut and ran out the house as fast as their legs could take them. They ran until they started to become familiar with their surroundings. ‘That’s our house’ exclaimed Gretel. They ran through the door to be greeted by their parents at the table. Gretel emptied her pockets onto the table, she had taken all of the witches jewellery! The family lived happily ever after (on the money they made from the witches jewellery!)
  • 27. Script Final Once upon a time in a land far far way lived a mother, father and two children called Hansel and Gretel. The family were poor and struggled to provide food for themselves. One winter night as Hansel and Gretel were drifting off to sleep they heard their mother and father talk, “What has become of us? We cannot feed our children let alone ourselves! Oh my what should we do?” To the mother responded, “I say, tomorrow, at dawn, we take the children each with a piece of bread, into the depths of the forest then leave them to go to work, then, never return!’ The father was stunned by the response. He replied and said ‘I would never do such a thing to my children!’ ‘If we don’t do something, we will all starve to death!’ The children were devastated by the conversation; Gretel cried ‘It’s over Hansel!’ Hansel sighed ‘we will be fine do not worry.’ The next morning the children were awoken by their father ‘Come on lazybones! We need wood for our fire’ An accent for the mother An accent for the father An accent for Gretel An accent for Hansel An accent for the witch
  • 28. Script Final Me: So off the 3 of them went, into the forest. As they walked deeper and deeper into the dark forest, the father handed the 2 children each a piece of bread and said ‘Here is some bread for you both. Don’t eat it before midday as you wont get anymore’ Once the trio arrived in the middle of woods the father explained that he was going to collect some wood and how they should stay there as he wouldn’t be long. The children decided to lay on the forest floor and get some rest. As they awoke, the sun had gone to bed and the moon was high in the sky. Gretel started to panic and exclaimed ‘How will we get home now Hansel!’ ‘Don’t worry sister,’ he said ‘ I promise we will find home again. Hansel and Gretel walked and walked until sunrise and still no sign of home. As they started to give up, they saw something in the distance, a house! Hansel began to run and Gretel shortly followed. As they approached, the 2 realized that the house wasn’t any old house. Oh no. It was a house made from all the sweet treats you could imagine. The kids were overjoyed! They rushed over and began to sink their teeth into the home of their dreams.
  • 29. Script Final Suddenly, an old woman came from inside the house and shocked the poor children. She asked the two ‘Dear children who brought you here? Come inside. No one will hurt you in here.’ She took the children by the hand into the house and gave them a delicious meal of pancakes, milk and nuts! After the children’s stomach full and happy, the old woman made 2 beds where they could rest their heads; the children thought they were in heaven. Now you see, the old lady wasn’t as kind as she seems. Oh no. The woman was in fact a witch and had built here house of treats only to find children to eat! For the next week, the witch spent her time feeding the children wonderful treats; chocolate, ice cream, biscuits. You name it, they had it! One morning, Hansel overheard the witch speaking to herself about how she was going to eat them, he was terrified! He rushed to his sister and told her about his hearings. They decided that they would, in fact, kill her! When the morning came and the witch stated they were going to do some “baking,” the children knew that the day had come. ‘The oven is already on and the dough has already been kneaded’ explained the witch. ‘Now, Hansel, would you be so kind and climb into the oven to check to see if the oven is hot enough dear?’
  • 30. Script Final Me: ‘I don’t know how to get in there’ Hansel said,’I don’t think I can fit’ ‘Stupid boy’ said the witch, ‘the oven is big enough to fit all of us in here’ she climbed into the oven ‘see?’ As fast as lighting Gretel slammed the door shut and they both ran as fast as they could out of the house. The two ran as fast their legs could carry them. They ran until their surroundings became familiar to them. ‘That’s our house Hansel!’ exclaimed Gretel. They bursted through the door to be greeted by their parents at the table. They were overjoyed to see them. Even though the father was happy to see them, the issue of money still stood. Suddenly, Gretel empties her pockets. On the table laid all of the witches’ jewelry! ‘We’re saved!’ Exclaimed the father. And so, the family lived happily ever after on the money they made from the witches jewelry!
  • 31. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Duvet cover crinkle Clothes crinkling Leaves crunching Stepping on leaves indoors Twigs snapping Twigs snapping indoors People eating Eating Running Running indoors Wind or a slight breeze Using wind in an place with no people around Clothes rustling Clothes crinkling Oven heat wave >>> Cackle Someone laughing
  • 32. Sound effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Jewelry jangling Can tabs and jewelry Milk being poured into a glass Pour water into an open container Someone climbing into an oven Someone crawling on an oven tray Slam of an oven door Slam an oven door Door slamming Door slamming
  • 33. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Myself Narrator College Studio
  • 34. Music Band Name Track Name Link Beepbox Opening track Beepbox Mid track Beepbox Escape track
  • 35. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Leaves £0 Leaves crunching Twigs £0 Twigs snapping
  • 37. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Ive completed most of the sounds I need for my audio project. I need to complete the backing track on Beepbox. I feel that this backing track will help with creating a better atmosphere for my audio story. • I have found it difficult to create sounds that sound accurate to the noise I wanted to produce, so I may have to resort to BBC Sound Library.
  • 38. Daily Reflection Day 2 • I’ve spent more time on creating a backing track for my project on BeepBox. I feel these tracks help with the pace of the story. In terms of the work I have created so far, it has not been as good as I was hoping for. I am slightly disappointed by the quality of my recordings. I am going to try and make the project something that sounds interesting as well as something I am proud of. I’ve also used some sounds from BBC Sound Library which I have found has improved my work.
  • 42. Research I don’t think my research was as through as it could’ve been as the research I did wasn’t really relevant to my end product. I feel this impacted my end product as I wasn’t really familiar with the type of audio story I did. A strength however, was the research I did on particular story, Eleanor Rising, Episode 5, Series 2 (2021), BBC Sounds, 9th April. I found this story gave me lots of inspiration for different sounds I could use to create certain moods and/or atmospheres. This research did have a positive effect on my work as it made me think more about the sound effect and the effect that could have on the audience.
  • 43. Planning • I don’t think my planning was a good as it could’ve been. I think I rushed it therefore making my end product less well put together. I didn’t really use my plan in production as looking back on it, I didn't really understand it. One thing within my planning that helped was my checklist of sounds I needed to create. I found this helped me to keep organised and to know what I was doing. if were to do this project again, I would definitely use the checklist again. I would also take more time to think about plan Bs as I feel that was a downfall within my planning.
  • 44. Time Management • I think I managed my time well as I finished the project on time. I was organised and knew when I was going to do the recording and editing. I think this was a strength in my overall project. I think my final piece would’ve been stronger with more time as I would’ve had more time to do relevant research and to plan more effectively. Another way to improve for me would be to use more of the time I had because I feel like I rushed this project compared to the previous one. • If I were have been given more time I would’ve collected more props to create better sounds.
  • 45. Technical Qualities I used lots of layering in my final piece to help create more depth and make the piece less plain. I also used foley. An example would be to show the children are running in a forest, I crinkled pieces of tissue paper with the pace of someone running to create the effect of running on leaves. I feel this was effective. I do feel that my work isn’t that complicated however with my target audience this could be seen as a positive. I do think nonetheless that my work should’ve included more complex sounds and the script could’ve been improved as I felt it was plain.
  • 46. Aural Qualities I don’t think my project sounded as good as I wanted it to be as I feel I rushed it. I experimented with different sounds such as rubbing my hands together with a piece of tissue paper between to create clothes crinkling. One of my favourite sounds I created was running as I found it fun to experiment with different ways to create the noise. To improve, I would try and experiment more with more complex sounds to make my piece more interesting to listen to.
  • 47. Audience Appeal I think my target audience changed during production as I felt my project would fit a younger age rather than age 10. I felt that my final piece would appeal to my audience because of how easily digestible it is; there’s not much thinking needed for you to understand it. I feel the vocabulary is easy to understand.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  8. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  9. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  10. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  16. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  17. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  18. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  19. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  20. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.