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Faith Fomekong
Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones
• The Archers (audio drama)
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
• Lore (documentary/factual)
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
• Soundscapes
Existing Products Research
• Haunted House soundscape
• I’m not really a fan of horror or paranormal experiences but
this audio was so gripping and absorbing that I couldn’t stop
• The overlapping of different scary sound effects including
children screaming, footsteps and other classic scary sounds
was something I thought was quite interesting as it is used to
confuse the audience as well as build up tension to try and
scare us in the end.
Existing Products Research
–Mr Nightmare
– The horror story’s are very entertaining including the way
the narrator tells the story as there sometimes is a long
pause in between sentences, this is used to build up
tension and keep the audience entertained.
– The sound effects used in the background make us put our
self in the characters shoes to make us feel their fear. This
is something I thought was quite interesting.
Existing Products Research
– The Arches
– I was only able to listen to 1 min of the podcast as I
thought that it wasn’t that interesting or entertaining.
– The fact that it started of with some plain classic music
shows that it is maybe more suitable for an older audience
instead of teenagers/younger audience.
1. .
2. .
Idea Generation/ Initial Reaction
I’m going to tell my personal
experience while making
some parts up to make it
more interesting
I will be the one narrating it.
with some creepy voices
and sound effects in the
background to make it more
entertaining For the sounds I could
include scary ghost music
that plays throughout the
Sounds I want to
Sound of the wind and the
tree branches
Creaking sound of the door
Heavy breathing
Movement under the
sheets in bed
I’m going to include some
foley like the creaking sound
of the door or the sound of
the wind and I’m going to
ask a friend to do some voice
Thinking of ending the podcast with
A cliffhanger to keep the suspense
Working Title: Sleeping Paralysis : Based on true story
The audience target is mainly teenagers that are into paranormal experiences 14-17 years old
both females and males that are Emulators/ Wanna be’s as most teenagers want to be/appear
like an Achiever to attract the opposite sex or the approval of their peers.
The social status is Working Class as you will be able to listen to my Podcast for free so it is mainly
for people that don’t have lots of money for expensive luxury items or just don’t have a lot of
spending money.
Since I’m doing a scary ghost story, I think that it would be something mostly teenagres would be
interested in as it is easier for them to be and feel intrigued.
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
My project is going to be based on my own experience. I’m going to explain what happened to
me while using my imagination at the same time.
I’m quite familiar with scary/Horror type of podcast as I watch them on Youtube with animations
quite often so I already have a good idea of what I want to produce
I want my project to make my audience feel tense and interested and I also want them to
understand what the story is about without them feeling lost or confused.
I’m also going to take breaks between sentences to attract the audience a bit more and make
them feel a bit uncomfortable.
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this
influence your project?
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and
some writing about what went well, what
could be better and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
• My horror story is going to be based on my paranormal experience that happened to me last
• I had sleeping paralysis every night for a whole week and couldn’t move anything apart from my
fingers and my eyes. During this week I asked my sister to wake me up whenever she’s awake just
incase I would still be paralysed. The last day of the week when I went to bed knowing that I
would have sleeping paralysis. Before this night I coudn’t really see anything apart from shadows
in corners of my room which wasn’t really frightening. That night, before I went to bed I felt very
uncomfortable for some reason but didn’t really think anything of it. As I closed my eyes and
started falling asleep I became paralysed again but this time I was scared. I started seeing a figure
in the corner of my room, a really tall figure as it was almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really
make out the face or what it was wearing because this all happened in the dark but I knew that
the figure was dressed in black.
• I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified, when I opened them
again the figure stood in another corner but this time close to my bed and it was just looking back
at me. I was moving my fingers as fast as I could hoping to wake up but that didn’t work either. As
I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was
coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my bed, even though I couldn’t see the
figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched.So I looked up. What I saw in that
moment made my heart drop and my blood run cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look.
Next thing I knew I was screaming…
Script DraftIntro song : scary ghost music
Voice acting :The story that is about to be told is based on true events
Narrator : My name is Faith and since the age of 12 I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis and had vivid hallucinations a lot more than the
average person, and let’s just say its one of the most unpleasant things u can experience.
I don’t usually get scared when this happens because I start to get use to it but this story is one of the most terrifying things that happen to
me in my lifetime.
It all started on a Monday evening during summer time, I had just moved to the UK From Belgium and my family and I lived in a house that
used to be owned by an old couple but the man passed away so his wife decided to move out.
Througout the whole evening I was in my room on my computer when I suddenly felt an unsettling feeling of an unwanted presence.
Voice acting: Hello?
I said knowing that I wasn’t going to get a reply
I looked around me just to see if anyone was there but as you have probably guessed I was the only one in the room. At this exact moment I
knew that I was going to experience sleeping paralysis that night, this thought didn’t scare me at all because I started getting used to it and I
already knew what to do when it happened to me .
Even though sleeping paralysis did not scare me, the thought of not being able to move anything apart from your fingers and eyes is still very
disturbing so I tried to stay up all night watching youtube video’s and going on my phone but at around 2:30 AM I felt my eyes slowly shutting
and I dozed off.
*Sound of the wind*
I opened my eyes, trying to get up but realised I couldn’t move at all, sleep paralysis took over my body. I looked around my room and saw
the same kind of shadow I usually see and once again it was just a black figure standing there, No face, No legs, Nothing but an inhumane
Nothing really happened that night but the next day as I tried to get up to go downstairs I realized that I still coudn’t move. I could see my
sister coming towards me while telling me to wake up but without anyone physically touching me my body wont be waking for a long time.
I closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping so she had to shake my leg to get me to wake up. Once she did that I immediately jumped up and
gasped for air even though I was breathing fine then I asked my sister to physically wake me up whenever she’s awake just incase I would still
be paralysed.
For the next 6 days, every night , without fail, I experienced sleeping paralysis and wasn’t able to wake up in the morning.
But on the 7th night is where everything really began…
That evening I once again had the unsettling feeling of being watched but this time it was a lot more vivid. I didn’t really pay attention to it
and that night I went to bed knowing that I would probably have sleeping paralysis.
I hoped into bed, pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep in the pitch black room.
*Tapping on my door*
*Sound that makes you feel tense*
I opened my eyes and tried to move but realised, I had been paralysed.
I look at where the tapping was coming from and saw something. A figure. Not like the other ones. This time it wasn’t just a shadow but a tall
figure with really long legs in the corner of my room, almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really make out the face or what it was wearing
because it was pitch black but I could tell that he was dressed in black. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting more
and more terrified but when I opened them again the figure stood in another corner but this time close to my bed. Even tho I couldn’t see the
figures face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. use this all happened in the dark but I could tell that the figure was dressed in
I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified but as I opened them again the figure stood in another corner ,this time close to my
bed and was just looking back at me. I started moving my fingers as fast as I could and holding my breath for the longest time hoping to wake up but that
didn’t work either
As I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my
bed, even though I couldn’t see the figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. So I looked up. What I saw in that moment made my heart
drop and my blood run cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look.
Voice acting: Scream
His eyes were pitch black with no pupils, he had a wide inhuman, demonic grin with bared razor sharp teeth. I was Clutching for my life as the figure drifted
closer without a step until he appeared towering to my right. Hair on my arms stood anxiously on its end, my eyes sealed shut as my room suddenly
enveloped a silence. I started holing my breath until I felt like passing out so that my body would react. Suddently I was able to control my body so I sat up and
focused on catching my breath for a while. As I looked up the figure’s face was right in font of mine. So this wasn’t a hallucination. I heard him whisper
Voice acting: You will be next.
Outro song
End of the podcast.
Script Final
Intro song : scary ghost music
Voice acting :The story that is about to be told is based on true events
Narrator : My name is Faith and since the age of 12 I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis and had vivid hallucinations a lot more than the average person, and let’s just say
its one of the most unpleasant things u can experience.
I don’t usually get scared when this happens because I start to get use to it but this story is one of the most terrifying things that happen to me in my lifetime.
It all started on a Monday evening during summer time, I had just moved to the UK From Belgium and my family and I lived in a house that used to be owned by an old
couple but the man passed away so his wife decided to move out.
Througout the whole evening I was in my room on my computer when I suddenly felt an unsettling feeling of an unwanted presence.
Voice acting: Hello?
I said knowing that I wasn’t going to get a reply
I looked around me just to see if anyone was there but as you have probably guessed I was the only one in the room. At this exact moment I knew that I was going to
experience sleeping paralysis that night, this thought didn’t scare me at all because I started getting used to it and I already knew what to do when it happened to me .
Even though sleeping paralysis did not scare me, the thought of not being able to move anything apart from your fingers and eyes is still very disturbing so I tried to stay up
all night watching youtube video’s and going on my phone but at around 2:30 AM I felt my eyes slowly shutting and I dozed off.
*Sound of the wind*
I opened my eyes, trying to get up but realised I couldn’t move at all, sleep paralysis took over my body. I looked around my room and saw the same kind of shadow I usually
see and once again it was just a black figure standing there, No face, No legs, Nothing but an inhumane creature.
Nothing really happened that night but the next day as I tried to get up to go downstairs I realized that I still coudn’t move. I could see my sister coming towards me while
telling me to wake up but without anyone physically touching me my body wont be waking for a long time.
I closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping so she had to shake my leg to get me to wake up. Once she did that I immediately jumped up and gasped for air even though I
was breathing fine then I asked my sister to physically wake me up whenever she’s awake just incase I would still be paralysed.
For the next 6 days, every night , without fail, I experienced sleeping paralysis and wasn’t able to wake up in the morning.
But on the 7th night is where everything really began…
That evening I once again had the unsettling feeling of being watched but this time it was a lot more vivid. I didn’t really pay attention to it and that night I went to bed
knowing that I would probably have sleeping paralysis.
I hoped into bed, pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep in the pitch black room.
*Tapping on my door*
*Sound that makes you feel tense*
I opened my eyes and tried to move but realised, I had been paralysed.
I look at where the tapping was coming from and saw something. A figure. Not like the other ones. This time it wasn’t just a shadow but a tall figure with really long legs in
the corner of my room, almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really make out the face or what it was wearing because it was pitch black but I could tell that he was dressed
in black. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting more and more terrified but when I opened them again the figure stood in another corner but this
time close to my bed. Even tho I couldn’t see the figures face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. use this all happened in the dark but I could tell that the figure
was dressed in black.
I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified but as I opened them again the figure stood in another corner ,this time close to my bed and was just
looking back at me. I started moving my fingers as fast as I could and holding my breath for the longest time hoping to wake up but that didn’t work either
As I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my bed, even
though I couldn’t see the figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. So I looked up. What I saw in that moment made my heart drop and my blood run
cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look.
Voice acting: Scream
His eyes were pitch black with no pupils, he had a wide inhuman, demonic grin with bared razor sharp teeth. I was Clutching for my life as the figure drifted closer without a
step until he appeared towering to my right. Hair on my arms stood anxiously on its end, my eyes sealed shut as my room suddenly enveloped a silence. I started holing my
breath until I felt like passing out so that my body would react. Suddently I was able to control my body so I sat up and focused on catching my breath for a while. As I looked
up the figure’s face was right in font of mine. So this wasn’t a hallucination. I heard him whisper
Voice acting: You will be next.
Outro song
End of the podcast.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Tapping on the door One of my friends will just softly tap on
the door in a rhythmic way
Movement of sheets on the bed Someone can tuck themselves in bed
while making a lot of noise
Heavy breathing I’ll be the one heavy breathing
Screaming I’ll get my sister to scream
Actor Role Location for recording
My Sister Screaming towards the end My room
Sam Voice acting
Jess Voice acting school
Band Name Track Name Link
Creepy sounds Beepbox
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Trees N/A Blowing of the wind
A person N/A screaming
A person N/A Voice acting
A door N/A Tapping on the door effect
A bed and sheets N/A Movement in the sheets
Daily Reflection Day 1+2
• On the first day of production I took the audio recorder home to record it in my
room and decided to be the one narrating the story which is based on true events.
• I ended the podcast with a cliffhanger to keep the suspense going
• I recorded the sound effects (sound of the wind, tapping on the door) after
recording my story
• On the first day I messed up the ending part as I was too close to the mic so I
recorded that part again
• I also recorded some more sound effects
Daily Reflection Day 3
• I asked Jess if she could voice act some parts
so she did it in college which u could tell but in
my opinion it still sounded quite nice all
• In my podcast I added some
background music that I got
from youtube to really set
the creepy mood.
• I produced the intro myself
on Beepbox but added the
piano sound in the
background to intrigue the
audience from the
• The third day I was in school so I
started to use Audition to edit my
Daily Reflection Day 4
• On the last day of production I finished off the ending of my podcast and decided
to leave it on a cliff hanger to get the audiences attention until the end.
• Just like the intro, I created my own outro and added the piano sound in the
• In general I think my intro and outro sounds quite nice as the two different sounds
go really well together
• I’m quite familiar with scary/Horror type of podcast as I watch them on
Youtube with animations so when I got told that that would be the topic
for my project I already had an idea of what to do and really wanted to try
it out myself.
• i’ve experienced quite a lot of paranormal things in my life so I didn’t really
have to search far for ideas as I decided to do it based on my own
experience while using my imagination.
• I could have used a wider range of research techniques instead of mostly
going on youtube to get my ideas. This could have improved my final
project as I would have been able to be a bit more original and creative.
• During the planning I started of by listening to horror storys on podcasts
on youtube. Then I listened to some more podcasts on the BBC website.
This really helped as I started to get an Idea of what I’m doing for my final
• Since I’m quite familiar with paranormal experiences writing my script
afterwards wasn’t really an issue
• When writing my script I planned out what I was going to say and who was
going to voice act. This really helped in the end because I just had to easily
read it of the script so I knew exactly what to say
• However during the planning I could have double checked and planned
out a bit more who was going to voice act as I had to completely change
the actor towards the end of production.
Time Management
• In general my time management was quite good. I recorded the audio at
home on Thursday so the following Monday which was the start of the
production week so I spend the whole day editing and finished editing the
following day.
• However I realised that towards the end of my audio recording I was too
close to the mic so I had to book the audio recorder again which meant
that I finished editing the last Tuesday of production.
• If I had more time to produce my final project, I would have added some
more sound effects and voice acting to be able to make the audience
really feel the fear and panic that I was feeling.
Technical Qualities
• Compared to some horror storys on youtube e.g Mr Nightmare, I think my work
Is quite good and the way I narrated to story is quite similar to the way some
youtubers do when narrating their own storys.
To make the reader feel intrigued all throughout my podcast i’ve narrated it quite
slowly while taking a lot of breaks between sentences, this will help the reader to
take in what I have said and what I’m talking about and also to keep them intrested
• I recorded my audio using an audio recorded. I also produced some sound effects
Myself; I put the audio recorded outside so that t takes in the sound of the wind, I
also tapped on my door in a rhythm to create an other sound effect and I made one
of my siblings scream to create another soud effect.
Aural Qualities
• In general I think that the sound sounds pretty good. I really like the way I produced
the intro using 2 different sounds, I think that it sounds pretty good and original.
When I added sound effects or voice acting I made sure to stop the background music
And take breaks between sounds to try and make the audience feel tense and get their
• However, I don’t think that my audio project was that creative as I tried to make
It sound like the examples I saw on youtube
I should have made my own music or beat instead of only using it for the intro and
outro and getting some of them from youtube
• Also when I recorded it I was pausing my audio to take breaks but I didn’t realize that
we would be able to hear it in the end so now I can sometimes hear the click sound in
my final project. This is something I think I could have improved as I could have
removed it when editing.
Audience Appeal
My audio project appeals to my target audience which is teenagers 15-18
As it is a ghost story which is something that attracts more of a younger audience
The fact that I’m the one narrating it and I’m a teenager could also attract my target
audience as it would maybe be a voice their more use to/comfortable with.

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Audio pro forma-1-1

  • 2. Research- If you are unable to find your own examples, you can use the ones below. • The Archers (audio drama) • • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) • • Lore (documentary/factual) • • Doctor Who (audio drama) • • Soundscapes • • • DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN DONE
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Haunted House soundscape • I’m not really a fan of horror or paranormal experiences but this audio was so gripping and absorbing that I couldn’t stop listening. • The overlapping of different scary sound effects including children screaming, footsteps and other classic scary sounds was something I thought was quite interesting as it is used to confuse the audience as well as build up tension to try and scare us in the end.
  • 4. Existing Products Research –Mr Nightmare – The horror story’s are very entertaining including the way the narrator tells the story as there sometimes is a long pause in between sentences, this is used to build up tension and keep the audience entertained. – The sound effects used in the background make us put our self in the characters shoes to make us feel their fear. This is something I thought was quite interesting.
  • 5. Existing Products Research – The Arches – I was only able to listen to 1 min of the podcast as I thought that it wasn’t that interesting or entertaining. – The fact that it started of with some plain classic music shows that it is maybe more suitable for an older audience instead of teenagers/younger audience.
  • 6. Bibliography 1. . 2. .
  • 8. Idea Generation/ Initial Reaction I’m going to tell my personal experience while making some parts up to make it more interesting I will be the one narrating it. with some creepy voices and sound effects in the background to make it more entertaining For the sounds I could include scary ghost music that plays throughout the podcast Sounds I want to include Sound of the wind and the tree branches Creaking sound of the door Heavy breathing Screaming Movement under the sheets in bed I’m going to include some foley like the creaking sound of the door or the sound of the wind and I’m going to ask a friend to do some voice acting. Thinking of ending the podcast with A cliffhanger to keep the suspense going
  • 9. Proposal Working Title: Sleeping Paralysis : Based on true story Audience: The audience target is mainly teenagers that are into paranormal experiences 14-17 years old both females and males that are Emulators/ Wanna be’s as most teenagers want to be/appear like an Achiever to attract the opposite sex or the approval of their peers. The social status is Working Class as you will be able to listen to my Podcast for free so it is mainly for people that don’t have lots of money for expensive luxury items or just don’t have a lot of spending money. Since I’m doing a scary ghost story, I think that it would be something mostly teenagres would be interested in as it is easier for them to be and feel intrigued. Project Concept (approx. 200 words) My project is going to be based on my own experience. I’m going to explain what happened to me while using my imagination at the same time. I’m quite familiar with scary/Horror type of podcast as I watch them on Youtube with animations quite often so I already have a good idea of what I want to produce I want my project to make my audience feel tense and interested and I also want them to understand what the story is about without them feeling lost or confused. I’m also going to take breaks between sentences to attract the audience a bit more and make them feel a bit uncomfortable.
  • 11. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 12. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
  • 13. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 15. Story • My horror story is going to be based on my paranormal experience that happened to me last year. • I had sleeping paralysis every night for a whole week and couldn’t move anything apart from my fingers and my eyes. During this week I asked my sister to wake me up whenever she’s awake just incase I would still be paralysed. The last day of the week when I went to bed knowing that I would have sleeping paralysis. Before this night I coudn’t really see anything apart from shadows in corners of my room which wasn’t really frightening. That night, before I went to bed I felt very uncomfortable for some reason but didn’t really think anything of it. As I closed my eyes and started falling asleep I became paralysed again but this time I was scared. I started seeing a figure in the corner of my room, a really tall figure as it was almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really make out the face or what it was wearing because this all happened in the dark but I knew that the figure was dressed in black. • I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified, when I opened them again the figure stood in another corner but this time close to my bed and it was just looking back at me. I was moving my fingers as fast as I could hoping to wake up but that didn’t work either. As I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my bed, even though I couldn’t see the figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched.So I looked up. What I saw in that moment made my heart drop and my blood run cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look. Next thing I knew I was screaming…
  • 16. Script DraftIntro song : scary ghost music Voice acting :The story that is about to be told is based on true events Narrator : My name is Faith and since the age of 12 I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis and had vivid hallucinations a lot more than the average person, and let’s just say its one of the most unpleasant things u can experience. I don’t usually get scared when this happens because I start to get use to it but this story is one of the most terrifying things that happen to me in my lifetime. *pause* It all started on a Monday evening during summer time, I had just moved to the UK From Belgium and my family and I lived in a house that used to be owned by an old couple but the man passed away so his wife decided to move out. Througout the whole evening I was in my room on my computer when I suddenly felt an unsettling feeling of an unwanted presence. Voice acting: Hello? I said knowing that I wasn’t going to get a reply I looked around me just to see if anyone was there but as you have probably guessed I was the only one in the room. At this exact moment I knew that I was going to experience sleeping paralysis that night, this thought didn’t scare me at all because I started getting used to it and I already knew what to do when it happened to me . Even though sleeping paralysis did not scare me, the thought of not being able to move anything apart from your fingers and eyes is still very disturbing so I tried to stay up all night watching youtube video’s and going on my phone but at around 2:30 AM I felt my eyes slowly shutting and I dozed off. *Sound of the wind* I opened my eyes, trying to get up but realised I couldn’t move at all, sleep paralysis took over my body. I looked around my room and saw the same kind of shadow I usually see and once again it was just a black figure standing there, No face, No legs, Nothing but an inhumane creature. Nothing really happened that night but the next day as I tried to get up to go downstairs I realized that I still coudn’t move. I could see my sister coming towards me while telling me to wake up but without anyone physically touching me my body wont be waking for a long time. I closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping so she had to shake my leg to get me to wake up. Once she did that I immediately jumped up and gasped for air even though I was breathing fine then I asked my sister to physically wake me up whenever she’s awake just incase I would still be paralysed. For the next 6 days, every night , without fail, I experienced sleeping paralysis and wasn’t able to wake up in the morning. But on the 7th night is where everything really began… That evening I once again had the unsettling feeling of being watched but this time it was a lot more vivid. I didn’t really pay attention to it and that night I went to bed knowing that I would probably have sleeping paralysis. I hoped into bed, pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep in the pitch black room. *Tapping on my door* *Sound that makes you feel tense* I opened my eyes and tried to move but realised, I had been paralysed. I look at where the tapping was coming from and saw something. A figure. Not like the other ones. This time it wasn’t just a shadow but a tall figure with really long legs in the corner of my room, almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really make out the face or what it was wearing because it was pitch black but I could tell that he was dressed in black. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting more and more terrified but when I opened them again the figure stood in another corner but this time close to my bed. Even tho I couldn’t see the figures face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. use this all happened in the dark but I could tell that the figure was dressed in black.
  • 17. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified but as I opened them again the figure stood in another corner ,this time close to my bed and was just looking back at me. I started moving my fingers as fast as I could and holding my breath for the longest time hoping to wake up but that didn’t work either As I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my bed, even though I couldn’t see the figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. So I looked up. What I saw in that moment made my heart drop and my blood run cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look. Voice acting: Scream His eyes were pitch black with no pupils, he had a wide inhuman, demonic grin with bared razor sharp teeth. I was Clutching for my life as the figure drifted closer without a step until he appeared towering to my right. Hair on my arms stood anxiously on its end, my eyes sealed shut as my room suddenly enveloped a silence. I started holing my breath until I felt like passing out so that my body would react. Suddently I was able to control my body so I sat up and focused on catching my breath for a while. As I looked up the figure’s face was right in font of mine. So this wasn’t a hallucination. I heard him whisper Voice acting: You will be next. Outro song End of the podcast.
  • 18. Script Final Intro song : scary ghost music Voice acting :The story that is about to be told is based on true events Narrator : My name is Faith and since the age of 12 I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis and had vivid hallucinations a lot more than the average person, and let’s just say its one of the most unpleasant things u can experience. I don’t usually get scared when this happens because I start to get use to it but this story is one of the most terrifying things that happen to me in my lifetime. *pause* It all started on a Monday evening during summer time, I had just moved to the UK From Belgium and my family and I lived in a house that used to be owned by an old couple but the man passed away so his wife decided to move out. Througout the whole evening I was in my room on my computer when I suddenly felt an unsettling feeling of an unwanted presence. Voice acting: Hello? I said knowing that I wasn’t going to get a reply I looked around me just to see if anyone was there but as you have probably guessed I was the only one in the room. At this exact moment I knew that I was going to experience sleeping paralysis that night, this thought didn’t scare me at all because I started getting used to it and I already knew what to do when it happened to me . Even though sleeping paralysis did not scare me, the thought of not being able to move anything apart from your fingers and eyes is still very disturbing so I tried to stay up all night watching youtube video’s and going on my phone but at around 2:30 AM I felt my eyes slowly shutting and I dozed off. *Sound of the wind* I opened my eyes, trying to get up but realised I couldn’t move at all, sleep paralysis took over my body. I looked around my room and saw the same kind of shadow I usually see and once again it was just a black figure standing there, No face, No legs, Nothing but an inhumane creature. Nothing really happened that night but the next day as I tried to get up to go downstairs I realized that I still coudn’t move. I could see my sister coming towards me while telling me to wake up but without anyone physically touching me my body wont be waking for a long time. I closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping so she had to shake my leg to get me to wake up. Once she did that I immediately jumped up and gasped for air even though I was breathing fine then I asked my sister to physically wake me up whenever she’s awake just incase I would still be paralysed. For the next 6 days, every night , without fail, I experienced sleeping paralysis and wasn’t able to wake up in the morning. But on the 7th night is where everything really began… That evening I once again had the unsettling feeling of being watched but this time it was a lot more vivid. I didn’t really pay attention to it and that night I went to bed knowing that I would probably have sleeping paralysis. I hoped into bed, pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep in the pitch black room. *Tapping on my door* *Sound that makes you feel tense* I opened my eyes and tried to move but realised, I had been paralysed. I look at where the tapping was coming from and saw something. A figure. Not like the other ones. This time it wasn’t just a shadow but a tall figure with really long legs in the corner of my room, almost touching the ceiling. I couldn’t really make out the face or what it was wearing because it was pitch black but I could tell that he was dressed in black. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting more and more terrified but when I opened them again the figure stood in another corner but this time close to my bed. Even tho I couldn’t see the figures face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. use this all happened in the dark but I could tell that the figure was dressed in black. I closed my eyes praying that I would wake up as I was getting terrified but as I opened them again the figure stood in another corner ,this time close to my bed and was just looking back at me. I started moving my fingers as fast as I could and holding my breath for the longest time hoping to wake up but that didn’t work either As I was too busy worrying about ways to get out of this paralysis I didn’t realise that the figure was coming closer and closer. Until it was standing next to my bed, even though I couldn’t see the figure’s face I could feel a piercing feeling of being watched. So I looked up. What I saw in that moment made my heart drop and my blood run cold. I could see his face but I wish I didn’t look. Voice acting: Scream His eyes were pitch black with no pupils, he had a wide inhuman, demonic grin with bared razor sharp teeth. I was Clutching for my life as the figure drifted closer without a step until he appeared towering to my right. Hair on my arms stood anxiously on its end, my eyes sealed shut as my room suddenly enveloped a silence. I started holing my breath until I felt like passing out so that my body would react. Suddently I was able to control my body so I sat up and focused on catching my breath for a while. As I looked up the figure’s face was right in font of mine. So this wasn’t a hallucination. I heard him whisper Voice acting: You will be next. Outro song End of the podcast.
  • 19. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Tapping on the door One of my friends will just softly tap on the door in a rhythmic way Movement of sheets on the bed Someone can tuck themselves in bed while making a lot of noise Heavy breathing I’ll be the one heavy breathing Screaming I’ll get my sister to scream
  • 20. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording My Sister Screaming towards the end My room Sam Voice acting Jess Voice acting school
  • 21. Music Band Name Track Name Link Creepy sounds Beepbox
  • 22. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Trees N/A Blowing of the wind A person N/A screaming A person N/A Voice acting A door N/A Tapping on the door effect A bed and sheets N/A Movement in the sheets
  • 24. Daily Reflection Day 1+2 • On the first day of production I took the audio recorder home to record it in my room and decided to be the one narrating the story which is based on true events. • I ended the podcast with a cliffhanger to keep the suspense going • I recorded the sound effects (sound of the wind, tapping on the door) after recording my story • On the first day I messed up the ending part as I was too close to the mic so I recorded that part again • I also recorded some more sound effects
  • 25. Daily Reflection Day 3 • I asked Jess if she could voice act some parts so she did it in college which u could tell but in my opinion it still sounded quite nice all together. . • In my podcast I added some background music that I got from youtube to really set the creepy mood. • I produced the intro myself on Beepbox but added the piano sound in the background to intrigue the audience from the beginning. • The third day I was in school so I started to use Audition to edit my work.
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 4 • On the last day of production I finished off the ending of my podcast and decided to leave it on a cliff hanger to get the audiences attention until the end. • Just like the intro, I created my own outro and added the piano sound in the background • In general I think my intro and outro sounds quite nice as the two different sounds go really well together
  • 28. Research • I’m quite familiar with scary/Horror type of podcast as I watch them on Youtube with animations so when I got told that that would be the topic for my project I already had an idea of what to do and really wanted to try it out myself. • i’ve experienced quite a lot of paranormal things in my life so I didn’t really have to search far for ideas as I decided to do it based on my own experience while using my imagination. • I could have used a wider range of research techniques instead of mostly going on youtube to get my ideas. This could have improved my final project as I would have been able to be a bit more original and creative.
  • 29. Planning • During the planning I started of by listening to horror storys on podcasts on youtube. Then I listened to some more podcasts on the BBC website. This really helped as I started to get an Idea of what I’m doing for my final project • Since I’m quite familiar with paranormal experiences writing my script afterwards wasn’t really an issue • When writing my script I planned out what I was going to say and who was going to voice act. This really helped in the end because I just had to easily read it of the script so I knew exactly what to say • However during the planning I could have double checked and planned out a bit more who was going to voice act as I had to completely change the actor towards the end of production.
  • 30. Time Management • In general my time management was quite good. I recorded the audio at home on Thursday so the following Monday which was the start of the production week so I spend the whole day editing and finished editing the following day. • However I realised that towards the end of my audio recording I was too close to the mic so I had to book the audio recorder again which meant that I finished editing the last Tuesday of production. • If I had more time to produce my final project, I would have added some more sound effects and voice acting to be able to make the audience really feel the fear and panic that I was feeling.
  • 31. Technical Qualities • Compared to some horror storys on youtube e.g Mr Nightmare, I think my work Is quite good and the way I narrated to story is quite similar to the way some youtubers do when narrating their own storys. To make the reader feel intrigued all throughout my podcast i’ve narrated it quite slowly while taking a lot of breaks between sentences, this will help the reader to take in what I have said and what I’m talking about and also to keep them intrested • I recorded my audio using an audio recorded. I also produced some sound effects Myself; I put the audio recorded outside so that t takes in the sound of the wind, I also tapped on my door in a rhythm to create an other sound effect and I made one of my siblings scream to create another soud effect.
  • 32. Aural Qualities • In general I think that the sound sounds pretty good. I really like the way I produced the intro using 2 different sounds, I think that it sounds pretty good and original. When I added sound effects or voice acting I made sure to stop the background music And take breaks between sounds to try and make the audience feel tense and get their attention. • However, I don’t think that my audio project was that creative as I tried to make It sound like the examples I saw on youtube I should have made my own music or beat instead of only using it for the intro and outro and getting some of them from youtube • Also when I recorded it I was pausing my audio to take breaks but I didn’t realize that we would be able to hear it in the end so now I can sometimes hear the click sound in my final project. This is something I think I could have improved as I could have removed it when editing.
  • 33. Audience Appeal My audio project appeals to my target audience which is teenagers 15-18 As it is a ghost story which is something that attracts more of a younger audience The fact that I’m the one narrating it and I’m a teenager could also attract my target audience as it would maybe be a voice their more use to/comfortable with.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  5. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  6. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  7. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  8. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  9. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  14. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  15. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  16. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  17. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  18. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.