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• Steve Roughley is an ex-serviceman dedicated and devoted to his bag pipes. He found what he thought
was the ideal place to practise – A workingmen’s club opposite St. Lawrence church graveyard. However,
from the first night he knew he was not alone. He became aware of a presence like ‘darkness’ or a
‘shadow hanging over me’. When he played ‘flower of Scotland’ and ‘One Hundred Pipes’ there was a
mighty gust of wind – an icy cold blast that twisted into the room rocking and rattling the fixtures and
exploding the lights.
• Steve was certain in that intense moment that he could hear close beside him another piper playing.
• A psychic investigation and historical research has convinced Steve that he has been touched by the
spirit of James Reid whose story is a shocking and tragic one. Enlisted in Lord Ogilvy’s 1st Battalion he
was captured at Carlisle then imprisoned in York for a year before being tried for treason.
• An educated articulate man Reid defended himself against three judges. He claimed he was a piper not a
soldier. The judges sneered that his ‘pipes were his weapons’ and that ‘his music inspired men to war’.
His eloquence may well have been regarded as insolence and he was condemned to death. This ruling
appears unique in history. Reid was the only man to be executed for simply playing music.
• In November 1746 he was hanged drawn and quartered. His body butchered, dissected and mutilated.
His body parts may well have been displayed on Walmgate Bar opposite St Lawrence church where
Steve first practised his pipes.
• Steve believes it is this cruel humiliating and degrading treatment that has tormented his spirit but
through their mutual love for music they connected. Steve’s aim is to tell the story to understand the
suffering and thereby bring a kind of peace to the soul of James Reid forever.
Existing Products Research
• Lore – Episode 74: All Fall Down
– This is a podcast all about the sky and how it has
affected different cultures and people all around the
world since the dawn of time. It goes over how we don't
always notice it there but we have a huge dependence
on whether it chooses to rain or give us sunshine, this
has always affected the growth of crops which provide
us food. It also goes over how this has been
incorporated into religion and how this affected people's
outlook on the weather and world. The only sound
effects used in this podcast is different sets of sombre
music that sets the tone.
Existing Products Research
• The Misfits Podcast
– This is a podcast featuring a group of friends who play
video games together talking about all the antics that
they get up in real life. This is a very mature podcast as
they laugh about the doing drugs and trying to navigate
around different countries at the same time but it is
quite funny. No sound effects have been used in these
podcasts as it is just the friends talking to each other.
Existing Products Research
• Happy Hour Podcast
– The Happy Hour podcast is a podcast created by two
youtubers in which they have a different youtuber guest
every week and talk about what drama has happened to
them or on the platform in the last week. There are
some sound effects used in this podcast mainly a little
jingle at the start and end of the podcast and sometimes
in between for an ad break.
• YouTube.
1. Spotify.
2. Spotify.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• When I first hear about the details of this project I
wasn't that enthusiastic about it as I'm not really
that interested in ghost stories as they are quite
overused and overdone especially in cinema. So I
decided to really dig around and look for a story
that might not be so over used in York. Which York
is absolutely pack full of so it wasn't easy at all.
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
York's Most Unique Ghostly Encounters
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience
Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why
would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.)
I plan to aim my product at anyone over the age of 18+, anyone who is interested in horror. I plan to keep the
age above 18+ because of the mature content I intend to put into my product I want to make it a truly
horrifying experience for the listener
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project?
The concept for my project is to give the listeners a new ghost story to listen to, it's a very over used genre
today in lots of forms of media. I want to try to create a unique experience for the listener, to make this I will
need to research and find a story that is rarely told to people and then convey it to them in a sureal and
immersive way. A way to really draw in the listener and make them feel trapped in the story as if they are
apart of it to really create that trapped and helpless feeling.
• *Ominous church bell rings from a distance in the background*
• Along with the sounds of some wind whistling
• Listeners welcome to this week's episode of York's Most Unique Ghostly Encounters. Today we are going to be talking
about the story of "The Pipers Tale" this is the story of how Steve Roughley ex – serviceman came into contact with
James Reid, also an ex-serviceman in 1764. Now Steve Roughley is dedicated to his bagpipes. He found what he
thought was the ideal place to practise – A workingmen’s club opposite St. Lawrence church graveyard.
• *Quiet bagpipes play in the background
• However, from the first night he knew he was not alone. He became aware of a presence like ‘darkness’ or a ‘shadow
hanging over me’. When he played ‘flower of Scotland’ and ‘One Hundred Pipes’ there was a mighty gust of wind – an
icy cold blast that twisted into the room rocking and rattling the fixtures and exploding the lights.
• Steve was certain in that intense moment that he could hear close beside him another piper playing.
• A psychic investigation and historical research has convinced Steve that he has been touched by the spirit of James Reid
whose story is a shocking and tragic one. Enlisted in Lord Ogilvy’s 1st Battalion he was captured at Carlisle then
imprisoned in York for a year before being tried for treason.
• An educated articulate man Reid defended himself against three judges. He claimed he was a piper not a soldier. The
judges sneered that his ‘pipes were his weapons’ and that ‘his music inspired men to war’. His eloquence may well
have been regarded as insolence and he was condemned to death. This ruling appears unique in history. Reid was the
only man to be executed for simply playing music.
• In November 1746 he was hanged drawn and quartered. His body butchered, dissected and mutilated. His body parts
may well have been displayed on Walmgate Bar opposite St Lawrence church where Steve first practised his pipes.
• Steve believes it is this cruel humiliating and degrading treatment that has tormented his spirit but through their
mutual love for music they connected. Steve’s aim is to tell the story to understand the suffering and thereby bring a
kind of peace to the soul of James Reid forever.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Church Bells Record the sounds myself
Wind whistling Record the sounds myself
Bagpipes playing Will have to find the sound somewhere as
I do not have one or know anyone that
plays one.
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
YouTube N/A The Bagpipes
My Phone Owned Church Bells
My Phone Owned Wind
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Today I have been mainly focused on improving my script and trying to make it more
interesting towards my target audience, I have done this by doing more research into the
story I have chosen to make my podcast on. I have deleved into this story further by reading
more eye witness accounts and sighttings of James Reid. I also made the effort to E-mail
Steve Roughley, who's eyewitness account I am mainly baseing my podcast off of, I emailed
him to possibly get more details on the story the online article might have missed out.
However so far I have not had a reply. I have alos been focusing on sourceing out my sound
effects and music tracks that I wish to use in my podcast, Most of my sound effects I have
been able to record myself but with certain sound effects like the playing of bagpipes I have
had to look on the internet for as I have no way of recording the sound myself.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• Today I have been focusing on recording myself for the podcast following the script and
making sure I have all the sound effects and music ready for when it comes to editing
everything together later in the day using premire. I have now recorded everything I need
using my phone and I have uploded all files I need into premire so I can edit them together
to make my podcast and be able to add all the music and sound effects in the right places
and then be able to decide which parts I want kept in and which parts I want to get rid of
just to make the whole experience better for my listeners. Now I have done all of this I will
make a start on my improvements and evaluation.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• Today I have decided to focus on my evaluation by going back through all of my work and
reading over it and just double checking everything making sure everything makes sense and
adding more to my research to meet the requirements better, I am also checking all of the
other slides that have led up to the evaluation double checking them. I have now started
going through my evaluation and sticking to the requirments.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• Today I am making sure that everything in this unit is completely finished and double
checking all of my work making sure everything makes sense and is up to a good standard. I
am also working on finalizing my improvements making my podcast better and up to a
greater standard.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Church Bells Record the sounds myself
Wind whistling Record the sounds myself
Bagpipes playing Will have to find the sound somewhere as
I do not have one or know anyone that
plays one.
• When looking back on my research I can clearly see some strengths and some
obvious weaknesses. One strength that I can see is that I mainly looked at podcasts
as that was what I wanted to make my product so oit made researching all the
easier. The only bit of my reasearch that wasn't a podcast was a youtube video that
I thought would help me as it is sort of like a podcast except it's one man telling a
story using lots of sound effects and music. I thought this could help me be better
at knowing what kinds of sound effects and music to use and how to place them
• One weakness I can see in my research though is that even though I mainly focused
on looking at podcast I didn't really look at podcast in the horror catergory. I feel
like this did give me a disadvantage because if I had looked at some in the horror
catergory I propbably wouldn't have had as much trouble in trying to create an
atmosophere for my listener.
• If I were to improve my product I think I would go back research horror podcasts as
to understand how I can create a darker atmosphere for my listener to make the
podcast more enjoyable espically for someone looking for that experience.
• When looking back at my planning I can see some clear strengths but I can also see
some obvious weaknesses. One strength I can clearly see when looking at my
planning is the amount of research I did into the story that I decided to base my
product around. I believe that I researched the story a lot finding out everything I
could about Steve Roughley (the eye witness) and James Reid (the ghost). I felt the
need to do a good amaount of research as I wanted to give the listener an in depth
feel into the story so they didn't feel confused at any stage.
• One weakness I can see in my planning is that I haven't been able to think of many
sound effects and music tracks to use. I think that this is a weakness because with
good sound effects and music I can create a good atmosphere to draw my listener
in and keep them in.
• If I was to improve my work I would definiety look into sound effects and music
tracks more so I can create that atmosphere that draws and keeps the listener in
and also just creates the overall horror feeling because that is what the listener is
here for.
Time Management
• When thinking back on the project as a whole I think I managed my time fairly well
when it came to completing this powerpoint as I managed to deligate my time well
and completing the powerpoint in a matter of a few days.
• But when it came to making the actual product I struggled quite a bit with my
time only just managing to complete it on time. I believe if I had managed my time
a lot better I would have been able to put more time into my sound effects and
music tracks so I would have made my product a lot better overall as I would have
been able to make my podcast a lot more mysterious and scary to draw into my
target audience a lot better.
• If I had more time to produce my work I would have also tried to find more eye
witness accounts and stories of sightings James Reid as to try to give my podcast a
bit more backstory and knowledge for my listener.
Technical Qualities
When I was researching for my product I spent a lot of time looking into a podcast called Lore, I
was interested in this podcast because of how the presenter focused on using sound effects to
help create imagery for his audience of listeners. I decided to do this with my work because I
think it is a better way of keeping the listeners attention and allowing them to use their
imagination instead of showing them pictures of what you are talking about. Unlike Lore, I don't
believe that my work is technically detailed or complicated enough.
I have used a few sound effects for my audio project, I created these effects by recording them
myself, I recorded the church bell noise by simply standing in my garden to record the church
bells that chime nearby and just made the audio louder so they are easier to hear. Now when it
came to getting the bag pipe sound effect I don't know anyone who can play them or knows
anyone who does therefore I had to source that out myself from YouTube. Although I was able
to record the wind sound effect myself using my phone and leaving it outside to record the noise
of the wind during a very windy day. When getting my sound effects I didn't use any foley
methods as all of my attempts to use foley methods didn't go very well.
Aural Qualities
Personally I think my work sounds alright, I don't think it's great but then again I don't believe it
is terrible. I think my work is creative, I put a lot of time and research into trying to find a ghost
story that had rarely been told in York which was hard to find, considering it is packed full of
them. I think if I had given myself more time with creating the audio, I think I would have added
pictures and possibly some ominous music to really create the unsettling atmosphere for my
One strength from my audio I think is my use of sound effects, I think this is a strength because
the sound effects match what I am talking about. For example when I was talking about Steve
playing his bag pipes, I added in a sound effect of ominous bag pipes to really create the feeling
of dread for my listeners.
One weakness from my audio I think is the lack of music and pictures. I think that this is a
weakness because if I had added some music even if it was a little segment or a couple of
pictures instead, it could have helped me really capture the sense of something not being right
for the audience.
Audience Appeal
When looking at my product as a whole I think I have managed to appeal to my target audience.
I believe I have done by the atmosphere and story I have chosen. For example my target
audience is fans of horror but mainly it's horror fans who look for unique storys, and I found
probably the most overlooked story out there which means it hasn't been over used which then
gives my podcast a better chance of bringing more of my target audience because they could be
intrigued into listening to a story they haven't heard of or seen repeated 100's of times already.

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Audio pro forma(1)

  • 2. Story • Steve Roughley is an ex-serviceman dedicated and devoted to his bag pipes. He found what he thought was the ideal place to practise – A workingmen’s club opposite St. Lawrence church graveyard. However, from the first night he knew he was not alone. He became aware of a presence like ‘darkness’ or a ‘shadow hanging over me’. When he played ‘flower of Scotland’ and ‘One Hundred Pipes’ there was a mighty gust of wind – an icy cold blast that twisted into the room rocking and rattling the fixtures and exploding the lights. • Steve was certain in that intense moment that he could hear close beside him another piper playing. • A psychic investigation and historical research has convinced Steve that he has been touched by the spirit of James Reid whose story is a shocking and tragic one. Enlisted in Lord Ogilvy’s 1st Battalion he was captured at Carlisle then imprisoned in York for a year before being tried for treason. • An educated articulate man Reid defended himself against three judges. He claimed he was a piper not a soldier. The judges sneered that his ‘pipes were his weapons’ and that ‘his music inspired men to war’. His eloquence may well have been regarded as insolence and he was condemned to death. This ruling appears unique in history. Reid was the only man to be executed for simply playing music. • In November 1746 he was hanged drawn and quartered. His body butchered, dissected and mutilated. His body parts may well have been displayed on Walmgate Bar opposite St Lawrence church where Steve first practised his pipes. • Steve believes it is this cruel humiliating and degrading treatment that has tormented his spirit but through their mutual love for music they connected. Steve’s aim is to tell the story to understand the suffering and thereby bring a kind of peace to the soul of James Reid forever.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Lore – Episode 74: All Fall Down – This is a podcast all about the sky and how it has affected different cultures and people all around the world since the dawn of time. It goes over how we don't always notice it there but we have a huge dependence on whether it chooses to rain or give us sunshine, this has always affected the growth of crops which provide us food. It also goes over how this has been incorporated into religion and how this affected people's outlook on the weather and world. The only sound effects used in this podcast is different sets of sombre music that sets the tone.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • The Misfits Podcast – This is a podcast featuring a group of friends who play video games together talking about all the antics that they get up in real life. This is a very mature podcast as they laugh about the doing drugs and trying to navigate around different countries at the same time but it is quite funny. No sound effects have been used in these podcasts as it is just the friends talking to each other.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Happy Hour Podcast – The Happy Hour podcast is a podcast created by two youtubers in which they have a different youtuber guest every week and talk about what drama has happened to them or on the platform in the last week. There are some sound effects used in this podcast mainly a little jingle at the start and end of the podcast and sometimes in between for an ad break.
  • 8. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction • When I first hear about the details of this project I wasn't that enthusiastic about it as I'm not really that interested in ghost stories as they are quite overused and overdone especially in cinema. So I decided to really dig around and look for a story that might not be so over used in York. Which York is absolutely pack full of so it wasn't easy at all.
  • 9. Proposal Working Title: What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later York's Most Unique Ghostly Encounters Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) I plan to aim my product at anyone over the age of 18+, anyone who is interested in horror. I plan to keep the age above 18+ because of the mature content I intend to put into my product I want to make it a truly horrifying experience for the listener Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project? The concept for my project is to give the listeners a new ghost story to listen to, it's a very over used genre today in lots of forms of media. I want to try to create a unique experience for the listener, to make this I will need to research and find a story that is rarely told to people and then convey it to them in a sureal and immersive way. A way to really draw in the listener and make them feel trapped in the story as if they are apart of it to really create that trapped and helpless feeling.
  • 10. Script • *Ominous church bell rings from a distance in the background* • Along with the sounds of some wind whistling • Listeners welcome to this week's episode of York's Most Unique Ghostly Encounters. Today we are going to be talking about the story of "The Pipers Tale" this is the story of how Steve Roughley ex – serviceman came into contact with James Reid, also an ex-serviceman in 1764. Now Steve Roughley is dedicated to his bagpipes. He found what he thought was the ideal place to practise – A workingmen’s club opposite St. Lawrence church graveyard. • *Quiet bagpipes play in the background • However, from the first night he knew he was not alone. He became aware of a presence like ‘darkness’ or a ‘shadow hanging over me’. When he played ‘flower of Scotland’ and ‘One Hundred Pipes’ there was a mighty gust of wind – an icy cold blast that twisted into the room rocking and rattling the fixtures and exploding the lights. • Steve was certain in that intense moment that he could hear close beside him another piper playing. • A psychic investigation and historical research has convinced Steve that he has been touched by the spirit of James Reid whose story is a shocking and tragic one. Enlisted in Lord Ogilvy’s 1st Battalion he was captured at Carlisle then imprisoned in York for a year before being tried for treason. • An educated articulate man Reid defended himself against three judges. He claimed he was a piper not a soldier. The judges sneered that his ‘pipes were his weapons’ and that ‘his music inspired men to war’. His eloquence may well have been regarded as insolence and he was condemned to death. This ruling appears unique in history. Reid was the only man to be executed for simply playing music. • In November 1746 he was hanged drawn and quartered. His body butchered, dissected and mutilated. His body parts may well have been displayed on Walmgate Bar opposite St Lawrence church where Steve first practised his pipes. • Steve believes it is this cruel humiliating and degrading treatment that has tormented his spirit but through their mutual love for music they connected. Steve’s aim is to tell the story to understand the suffering and thereby bring a kind of peace to the soul of James Reid forever.
  • 11. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Church Bells Record the sounds myself Wind whistling Record the sounds myself Bagpipes playing Will have to find the sound somewhere as I do not have one or know anyone that plays one.
  • 12. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? YouTube N/A The Bagpipes My Phone Owned Church Bells My Phone Owned Wind
  • 14. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Today I have been mainly focused on improving my script and trying to make it more interesting towards my target audience, I have done this by doing more research into the story I have chosen to make my podcast on. I have deleved into this story further by reading more eye witness accounts and sighttings of James Reid. I also made the effort to E-mail Steve Roughley, who's eyewitness account I am mainly baseing my podcast off of, I emailed him to possibly get more details on the story the online article might have missed out. However so far I have not had a reply. I have alos been focusing on sourceing out my sound effects and music tracks that I wish to use in my podcast, Most of my sound effects I have been able to record myself but with certain sound effects like the playing of bagpipes I have had to look on the internet for as I have no way of recording the sound myself.
  • 15. Daily Reflection Day 2 • Today I have been focusing on recording myself for the podcast following the script and making sure I have all the sound effects and music ready for when it comes to editing everything together later in the day using premire. I have now recorded everything I need using my phone and I have uploded all files I need into premire so I can edit them together to make my podcast and be able to add all the music and sound effects in the right places and then be able to decide which parts I want kept in and which parts I want to get rid of just to make the whole experience better for my listeners. Now I have done all of this I will make a start on my improvements and evaluation.
  • 16. Daily Reflection Day 3 • Today I have decided to focus on my evaluation by going back through all of my work and reading over it and just double checking everything making sure everything makes sense and adding more to my research to meet the requirements better, I am also checking all of the other slides that have led up to the evaluation double checking them. I have now started going through my evaluation and sticking to the requirments.
  • 17. Daily Reflection Day 4 • Today I am making sure that everything in this unit is completely finished and double checking all of my work making sure everything makes sense and is up to a good standard. I am also working on finalizing my improvements making my podcast better and up to a greater standard.
  • 18. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Church Bells Record the sounds myself Wind whistling Record the sounds myself Bagpipes playing Will have to find the sound somewhere as I do not have one or know anyone that plays one.
  • 20. Research • When looking back on my research I can clearly see some strengths and some obvious weaknesses. One strength that I can see is that I mainly looked at podcasts as that was what I wanted to make my product so oit made researching all the easier. The only bit of my reasearch that wasn't a podcast was a youtube video that I thought would help me as it is sort of like a podcast except it's one man telling a story using lots of sound effects and music. I thought this could help me be better at knowing what kinds of sound effects and music to use and how to place them better. • One weakness I can see in my research though is that even though I mainly focused on looking at podcast I didn't really look at podcast in the horror catergory. I feel like this did give me a disadvantage because if I had looked at some in the horror catergory I propbably wouldn't have had as much trouble in trying to create an atmosophere for my listener. • If I were to improve my product I think I would go back research horror podcasts as to understand how I can create a darker atmosphere for my listener to make the podcast more enjoyable espically for someone looking for that experience.
  • 21. Planning • When looking back at my planning I can see some clear strengths but I can also see some obvious weaknesses. One strength I can clearly see when looking at my planning is the amount of research I did into the story that I decided to base my product around. I believe that I researched the story a lot finding out everything I could about Steve Roughley (the eye witness) and James Reid (the ghost). I felt the need to do a good amaount of research as I wanted to give the listener an in depth feel into the story so they didn't feel confused at any stage. • One weakness I can see in my planning is that I haven't been able to think of many sound effects and music tracks to use. I think that this is a weakness because with good sound effects and music I can create a good atmosphere to draw my listener in and keep them in. • If I was to improve my work I would definiety look into sound effects and music tracks more so I can create that atmosphere that draws and keeps the listener in and also just creates the overall horror feeling because that is what the listener is here for.
  • 22. Time Management • When thinking back on the project as a whole I think I managed my time fairly well when it came to completing this powerpoint as I managed to deligate my time well and completing the powerpoint in a matter of a few days. • But when it came to making the actual product I struggled quite a bit with my time only just managing to complete it on time. I believe if I had managed my time a lot better I would have been able to put more time into my sound effects and music tracks so I would have made my product a lot better overall as I would have been able to make my podcast a lot more mysterious and scary to draw into my target audience a lot better. • If I had more time to produce my work I would have also tried to find more eye witness accounts and stories of sightings James Reid as to try to give my podcast a bit more backstory and knowledge for my listener.
  • 23. Technical Qualities When I was researching for my product I spent a lot of time looking into a podcast called Lore, I was interested in this podcast because of how the presenter focused on using sound effects to help create imagery for his audience of listeners. I decided to do this with my work because I think it is a better way of keeping the listeners attention and allowing them to use their imagination instead of showing them pictures of what you are talking about. Unlike Lore, I don't believe that my work is technically detailed or complicated enough. I have used a few sound effects for my audio project, I created these effects by recording them myself, I recorded the church bell noise by simply standing in my garden to record the church bells that chime nearby and just made the audio louder so they are easier to hear. Now when it came to getting the bag pipe sound effect I don't know anyone who can play them or knows anyone who does therefore I had to source that out myself from YouTube. Although I was able to record the wind sound effect myself using my phone and leaving it outside to record the noise of the wind during a very windy day. When getting my sound effects I didn't use any foley methods as all of my attempts to use foley methods didn't go very well.
  • 24. Aural Qualities Personally I think my work sounds alright, I don't think it's great but then again I don't believe it is terrible. I think my work is creative, I put a lot of time and research into trying to find a ghost story that had rarely been told in York which was hard to find, considering it is packed full of them. I think if I had given myself more time with creating the audio, I think I would have added pictures and possibly some ominous music to really create the unsettling atmosphere for my listeners. One strength from my audio I think is my use of sound effects, I think this is a strength because the sound effects match what I am talking about. For example when I was talking about Steve playing his bag pipes, I added in a sound effect of ominous bag pipes to really create the feeling of dread for my listeners. One weakness from my audio I think is the lack of music and pictures. I think that this is a weakness because if I had added some music even if it was a little segment or a couple of pictures instead, it could have helped me really capture the sense of something not being right for the audience.
  • 25. Audience Appeal When looking at my product as a whole I think I have managed to appeal to my target audience. I believe I have done by the atmosphere and story I have chosen. For example my target audience is fans of horror but mainly it's horror fans who look for unique storys, and I found probably the most overlooked story out there which means it hasn't been over used which then gives my podcast a better chance of bringing more of my target audience because they could be intrigued into listening to a story they haven't heard of or seen repeated 100's of times already.

Editor's Notes

  1. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel. Reference audience appeal.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel. Reference audience appeal.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Log your Thoughts and feelings for this project. Reference ideas for your concept and any aspects of construction. Consider mind maps, mood boards, lists, paragraphed text etc.
  7. Write out dialogue/sound effects/list of events as a script, detailing what will happen in chronological order
  8. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  9. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. The majority of sound effects must be made by you. If you have had to use existing effects, log them here
  13. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  15. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  16. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  17. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  18. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows