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Omar Banat 
Bashar Mudallal
◦Introduction: definitions, Transient and Persistent 
developmental delays 
◦Developmental milestones: normal for age, 
warning signs. 
◦Etiology: causes of global developmental delay, high 
risk children 
◦Approach to a Child with Developmental Delay: 
History, Physical exm, Invistigations, Screening 
What is child development? 
◦Child development refers to how a 
child becomes able to do more 
complex things as they get older. 
◦Growth only refers to the child 
getting bigger in size.
What is developmental delay? 
◦Developmental Delay is when a child does 
not reach their developmental milestones at the 
expected times. 
◦ It is an ongoing major or minor delay in the process of 
◦Delay can occur in one or many areas—for 
example, gross or fine motor, language, social, 
or thinking skills.
◦Developmental delay is not uncommon and 
occurs in 2-3% of all children. (~) 
◦The term developmental delay is often used 
until the exact nature and cause of the delay is 
◦The significance of the delay is often only 
determined by observing the child’s 
development over time.
Transient developmental delay 
◦ Some children have a transient delay in their 
◦ For example, some extremely premature babies may 
show a delay in the area of sitting, crawling and 
walking but then progress on at a normal rate. 
◦ Other causes of transient delay may be related to 
physical illness and prolonged hospitalization, 
immaturity, family stress or lack of opportunities to 
Persistent developmental delay 
◦ If the delay in development persists it is usually related to 
problems in one or more of the following areas: 
 understanding and learning 
 moving 
 communication 
 hearing 
 seeing. 
◦ An assessment is often needed to determine what area or 
areas are affected. 
◦ Disorders which cause persistent developmental delay are often 
termed developmental disabilities .
Developmental disability 
◦ Developmental disability is estimated to occur in 5-10% of 
the population with enormous psychological, emotional, and 
economic impact on the affected individuals and society. 
◦ Studies have shown that developmentally delayed children who 
are recognized at an early age receive more developmental 
optimization and greater gains than those who are identified 
later in life. 
◦ Early recognition of children with developmental problems is 
therefore important. 
◦ There are several disabilities in the classification of 
developmental delay:
Disability Description 
Gross motor delay Significant delay in fine or gross motor skills 
with no impairment in other developmental 
Developmental language disorders Significant delay in receptive and/or expressive 
language skills with no delay in other 
developmental domains 
Global developmental delay Significant delay in two or more developmental 
streams as measured by appropriate 
standardized screening tests. This term is 
reserved for children less than 5 years of age 
Cerebral palsy Early-onset non-progressive motor 
impairment with associated abnormalities in 
muscle tone 
Hearing sensory impairment A reduction in the ability to hear sound, ranging 
from slight to complete deafness
Disability Description 
Visual sensory impairment An optically or medically diagnosable condition 
in the eye(s) or visual system that affects the 
development and normal use of vision, ranging 
from slight to complete blindness 
Learning disabilities Significantly lowered individual achievement 
than predicted by intellectual ability as 
measured by standardized psycho-educational 
tests assessing reading, mathematics, or written 
Pervasive developmental delay (PPD) / 
Impairments in social skills, communication 
skills and restrictive / repetitive patterns of 
Pervasive developmental disorders not 
otherwise specified / Autism Spectrum 
Similar to PDD but not enough symptoms to 
warrant a PDD diagnosis
What are developmental 
◦Developmental milestones are a set of functional 
skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do 
at a certain age range. 
◦ A pediatrician uses milestones to help check how a 
child is developing. 
◦ Although each milestone has an age level, the actual 
age when a normally developing child reaches that 
milestone can vary quite a bit. Every child is unique! 
◦ CDC’s milestone checklists
In these categories… 
◦ Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, 
run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions. 
◦ Fine motor: using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, 
write, and do many other things. 
◦ Language: speaking, using body language and gestures, 
communicating, and understanding what others say. 
◦ Cognitive: Thinking skills: including learning, understanding, 
problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering. 
◦ Social: Interacting with others, having relationships with 
family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the 
feelings of others.
1 month 
• Makes jerky, quivering arm thrusts 
• Brings hands within range of eyes and 
• Moves head from side to side while 
lying on stomach 
• Head flops backward if unsupported 
• Keeps hands in tight fists 
• Strong reflex movements 
1 month 
• Focuses 8 to 12 inches (20.3 to 30.4 cm) 
• Eyes wander and occasionally cross 
• Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast 
• Prefers the human face to all other patterns 
• Hearing is fully mature 
• Recognizes some sounds 
• May turn toward familiar sounds and voices 
Visual and 
1 month 
• Prefers sweet smells 
• Avoids bitter or acidic smells 
• Recognizes the scent of his own 
mother’s breastmilk 
• Prefers soft to coarse sensations 
• Dislikes rough or abrupt 
Smell and 
3 months 
• Raises head and chest when lying on stomach 
• Supports upper body with arms when lying on 
• Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach 
or back 
• Opens and shuts hands 
• Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm 
• Brings hand to mouth 
• Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands 
• Grasps and shakes hand toys 
3 months 
• Watches faces intently 
• Follows moving objects 
• Recognizes familiar objects and people at a 
• Starts using hands and eyes in coordination 
• Smiles at the sound of your voice 
• Begins to babble 
• Begins to imitate some sounds 
• Turns head toward direction of sound 
Visual and 
3 months 
• Begins to develop a social smile 
• Enjoys playing with other people 
and may cry when playing stops 
• Becomes more communicative and 
expressive with face and body 
• Imitates some movements and 
facial expressions 
Social and 
7 months 
• Rolls both ways (front to back, back 
to front) 
• Sits with, and then without, support 
of her hands 
• Supports her whole weight on her legs 
• Reaches with one hand 
• Transfers object from hand to hand 
• Uses raking grasp (not pincer) 
7 months 
• Develops full color 
• Distance vision matures 
• Ability to track moving 
objects improves 
7 months 
• Responds to own name 
• Begins to respond to “no” 
• Distinguishes emotions by tone of 
• Responds to sound by making sounds 
• Uses voice to express joy and 
• Babbles chains of consonants 
7 months 
• Finds partially hidden 
• Explores with hands and 
• Struggles to get objects 
that are out of reach 
7 months 
• Enjoys social play 
• Interested in mirror images 
• Responds to other people’s 
expressions of emotion 
and appears joyful often 
Social and 
12 months 
• Gets to sitting position without assistance 
• Crawls forward on belly by pulling with arms and 
pushing with legs 
• Assumes hands-and-knees position 
• Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands 
and knees 
• Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on 
stomach) position 
• Pulls self up to stand 
• Walks holding on to furniture 
• Stands momentarily without support 
• May walk two or three steps without support 
12 months 
• Uses pincer grasp 
• Bangs two cubes together 
• Puts objects into container 
• Takes objects out of container 
• Lets objects go voluntarily 
• Pokes with index finger 
• Tries to imitate scribbling 
In Hand 
and Finger 
12 months 
• Pays increasing attention to speech 
• Responds to simple verbal requests 
• Responds to “no” 
• Uses simple gestures, such as shaking 
head for “no” 
• Babbles with inflection 
• Says “dada” and “mama” 
• Uses exclamations, such as “oh-oh!” 
• Tries to imitate words 
12 months 
• Explores objects in many different ways 
(shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) 
• Finds hidden objects easily 
• Looks at correct picture when the 
image is named 
• Imitates gestures 
• Begins to use objects correctly (drinking 
from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, 
listening to receiver) 
12 months 
• Shy or anxious with strangers 
• Cries when mother or father leaves 
• Enjoys imitating people in play 
• Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys 
• Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings (What do 
you do when he refuses a food?) 
• Tests parental responses to his behavior (What do you do if he 
cries after you leave the room?) 
• May be fearful in some situations 
• Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others 
• Repeats sounds or gestures for attention 
• Finger-feeds himself 
• Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed 
Social and 
2 years 
• Walks alone 
• Pulls toys behind her while walking 
• Carries large toy or several toys while walking 
• Begins to run 
• Stands on tiptoe 
• Kicks a ball 
• Climbs onto and down from furniture 
• Walks up and down stairs holding on to 
2 years 
• Scribbles spontaneously 
• Turns over container to pour 
out contents 
• Builds tower of four blocks or 
• Might use one hand more 
frequently than the other 
in hand 
and finger 
2 years 
• Points to object or picture when it’s named for him 
• Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and 
body parts 
• Says several single words (by fifteen to eighteen 
• Uses simple phrases (by eighteen to twenty-four 
• Uses two- to four-word sentences 
• Follows simple instructions 
• Repeats words overheard in conversation 
2 years 
• Finds objects even when 
hidden under two or 
three covers 
• Begins to sort by shapes 
and colors 
• Begins make-believe play 
2 years 
• Imitates behavior of others, especially adults 
and older children 
• Increasingly aware of herself as separate from 
• Increasingly enthusiastic about company of 
other children 
• Demonstrates increasing independence 
• Begins to show defiant behavior 
• Increasing episodes of separation anxiety 
toward midyear, then they fade 
Social and 
3-4 years 
• Hops and stands on one foot up to five 
• Goes upstairs and downstairs without 
• Kicks ball forward 
• Throws ball overhand 
• Catches bounced ball most of the time 
• Moves forward and backward with agility 
3-4 years 
• Copies square shapes 
• Draws a person with two to 
four body parts 
• Uses scissors 
• Draws circles and squares 
• Begins to copy some capital 
in hand 
and finger 
3-4 years 
• Understands the concepts of “same” 
and “different” 
• Has mastered some basic rules of 
• Speaks in sentences of five to six words 
• Speaks clearly enough for strangers to 
• Tells stories 
3-4 years 
• Correctly names some colors 
• Understands the concept of counting and may 
know a few numbers 
• Approaches problems from a single point of 
• Begins to have a clearer sense of time 
• Follows three-part commands 
• Recalls parts of a story 
• Understands the concept of same/different 
• Engages in fantasy play 
3-4 years 
• Interested in new experiences 
• Cooperates with other children 
• Plays “Mom” or “Dad” 
• Increasingly inventive in fantasy play 
• Dresses and undresses 
• Negotiates solutions to conflicts 
• More independent 
• Imagines that many unfamiliar images may be “monsters” 
• Views self as a whole person involving body, mind, and 
• Often cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality 
Social and 
4-5 years 
• Stands on one foot for 
ten seconds or longer 
• Hops, somersaults 
• Swings, climbs 
• May be able to skip 
4-5 years 
• Copies triangle and other geometric 
• Draws person with body 
• Prints some letters 
• Dresses and undresses without assistance 
• Uses fork, spoon, and (sometimes) a table 
• Usually cares for own toilet needs 
in hand 
and finger 
4-5 years 
• Recalls part of a story 
• Speaks sentences of more 
than five words 
• Uses future tense 
• Tells longer stories 
• Says name and address 
4-5 years 
• Can count ten or more objects 
• Correctly names at least four 
• Better understands the concept of 
• Knows about things used every 
day in the home (money, food, 
4-5 years 
• Wants to please friends 
• Wants to be like her friends 
• More likely to agree to rules 
• Likes to sing, dance, and act 
• Shows more independence and may even visit 
a next-door neighbor by herself 
• Aware of sexuality 
• Able to distinguish fantasy from reality 
• Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly 
Social and 
What are the 
Warning signs of 
a physical 
delay ?
Newborn to 2 months 
after 2 months, doesn't hold his head up when you pick 
him up from lying on his back 
after 2 months, still feels particularly stiff or floppy 
after 2 months, overextends his back and neck (as if 
he's pushing away from you) when cradled in your arms 
after 2 or 3 months, stiffens, crosses, or "scissors" his 
legs when you pick him up by the trunk
3 to 6 months 
by 3 or 4 months, doesn't grasp or reach for toys 
by 3 or 4 months, can't support his head well 
by 4 months, isn't bringing objects to his mouth 
by 4 months, doesn't push down with his legs when his feet are 
placed on a firm surface 
after 4 months, still has Moro reflex (when he falls backward or is startled, he throws 
out his arms and legs, extends his neck, and then quickly brings his arms back 
together and begins to cry)
3 to 6 months 
after 5 or 6 months, still has the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (when 
his head turns to one side, his arm on that side will straighten, with the 
opposite arm bent up as if he's holding a fencing sword) 
by 6 months, can't sit with help 
after 6 months, reaches out with only one hand while keeping the other 
doesn't roll over in either direction (back to front or front to back) by 5 
or 6 months
7 to 9 months 
at 7 months, has poor head control when pulled to a sitting 
at 7 months, is unable to get objects into his mouth 
at 7 months, is not reaching for objects 
by 7 months, doesn't bear some weight on his legs 
by 9 months, can't sit independently
9 to 12 months 
after 10 months, crawls in a lopsided manner, pushing 
off with one hand and leg while dragging the 
opposite hand and leg 
at 12 months, is not crawling 
at 12 months, can't stand with support
13 to 24 months 
by 18 months, can't walk 
after several months of walking, doesn't walk 
confidently or consistently walks on toes 
after his second birthday, is growing less than 2 
inches per year (get more on a normal growth rate)
36 months 
falls frequently or is unable to use the 
drools persistently 
can't manipulate small objects
Why is finding a cause 
◦ Establishing a cause has many benefits for the child and family and improves 
overall quality of life: 
◦ The family gains understanding of the condition, including prognostic information. 
◦ Lessens parental blame. 
◦ Ameliorates or prevents co-morbidity by identifying factors likely to cause secondary 
disability that are potentially preventable e.g. surveillance of other systems such as 
vision and hearing. 
◦ Appropriate genetic counselling about recurrence risk for future children and the 
wider family. 
◦ Accessing more support (e.g. within education services and specific syndrome support 
◦ To address concerns about possible causes e.g. events during pregnancy or delivery. 
◦ Potential treatment for a few conditions.
Causes of Global 
Developmental Delay 
◦ Global developmental delay can be the presenting feature of a 
huge number of neurodevelopmental disorders (from learning 
disability to neuromuscular disorders). 
◦ It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list. 
◦ Careful evaluation and investigation can reveal a cause in 50-70% 
of cases. 
◦ This leaves a large minority where the cause is not determined. 
◦ It is still useful to investigate globally delayed development 
whatever the age of the child (occasionally older children with 
significant disability may not have been investigated adequately)
Environmental Factors that 
May Place a Child at Risk 
◦ Living in families that are at lower socioeconomic levels; 
◦ Living in families with varied cultural backgrounds; 
◦ Living in families classified as dysfunctional; 
◦ Being born to teenage mothers or mothers more than forty years old; 
◦ Growing up in homes where English is not the primary language spoken: 
◦ Being exposed prenatally to viruses, drugs, or alcohol; 
◦ Being born into families with other children who have developmental 
◦ Being born to mothers who were malnourished during pregnancy; 
◦ Being born to mothers who have diabetes, thyroid disorders, syphilis, or 
other viral infections.
An Approach to a Child with 
Developmental Delay 
◦ A child’s development is a dynamic process, and assessment at any point 
in time is merely a snap shot of the bigger picture and should be 
interpreted in the context of the child’s history from conception to the 
◦ While a child may appear to have normal development for the first twelve 
months of life, a deviation in the course of the child’s development in 
subsequent years is indicative of an underlying disability. 
◦ It is important to keep this in mind as you assess a child, and to keep 
reassessing children in subsequent office visits. 
◦ Developmental assessment involves three aspects: screening, 
surveillance, and definitive diagnostic assessment.
Developmental Assessment 
◦ Developmental screening is identifying children who may need more comprehensive 
evaluation. It is a brief assessment procedure designed to identify children who should 
receive more intensive diagnosis or assessment. This is accomplished in the pediatrician’s 
office through thorough history taking +/- the use of screening tools such as the Denver 
or Bayley Scales of infant development. 
◦ Developmental surveillance is a continuous process whereby the child is followed over 
time to pick up on subtle deficiencies in the child’s developmental trajectory. The 
components of developmental surveillance include eliciting and attending to parental 
concerns, obtaining a relevant developmental history, observing the child’s development 
in the office and referring for further assessment of development by other relevant 
professionals such as OT/PT for motor developmental concerns or hearing tests for 
concerns with language acquisition. 
◦ Diagnostic assessment is performed on a child who has been identified as having a 
potential problem. This step requires extensive involvement of various team players such 
as a psychologist, educator, social worker, developmental pediatrician, geneticist, and/or 
other medical professionals.
◦ To perform a developmental assessment, a detailed history 
from conception to the present is required to assess 
developmental level. 
◦ Knowing the appropriate milestones is key to this 
◦ Any signs of developmental regression should be regarded as 
a medical emergency and an urgent medical workup is 
◦ An underlying etiology for developmental delay should be 
sought through attention to the following clues on history:
Prenatal History 
◦Prenatal diagnoses made (eg. Down 
◦Infections (eg. TORCH) 
◦Exposures (eg. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
Obstetrical History 
◦APGAR scores 
◦Infections (eg. Group B Strep) 
◦Hearing test performed 
◦Newborn screening performed
Past medical history and 
◦Ototoxic antibiotics eg. Gentamicin 
◦Frequent ear infections may lead to 
effusions affecting hearing
Behavior since birth 
◦Behavioral disturbances – aggression, self 
injury, defiance, inattention, anxiety, 
depression, sleep disturbances, stereotypic 
behaviors, poor social skills, hyperactivity, 
difficult temperaments
Family History 
◦Relatives with developmental delay, 
genetic abnormalities, syndromes 
Social History 
◦ Evidence of neglect or abuse which may have a negative 
influence on development. 
◦ Primary languages. ESL children may have relative delay in 
English language acquisition. 
◦ In children with a previously identified delay it is important to assess 
the resources already accessed to support the family such as personal 
tutors in the educational system, OT/PT for speech and language 
therapy,etc. The “Infant development program” is a regional resource 
supplying support to children until age 3. The “At home” program is a 
federal incentive to provide financial support and respite care to 
families with an affected child.
Screening Tools 
◦ There are various screening instruments used for 
assessing developmental. 
◦ The Denver II assesses gross motor, fine motor, 
adaptive and social skills. 
◦ It is designed for children between the ages of 0 and 
◦ Similar tools are the “Ages and Stages” 
questionnaires and the Bayley infant development 
Physical Examination 
◦A thorough physical examination is important 
in the assessment of a developmentally 
delayed child. 
◦Characteristic findings on physical exam may 
provide clues as to the cause of the 
developmental delay. 
◦Some clinical signs and their corresponding 
clinical significance are listed below:
Growth Parameters 
◦Microcephaly: eg in Rett’s Disorder 
◦Macrocephaly: eg in hydrocephalus 
◦Short stature: Turner syndrome, Williams 
◦Obesity: Prader-Willi syndrome, Beckwith- 
Wiedemann syndrome
Head and Neck 
◦ Flat occiput: Down syndrome, Zellweger syndrome 
◦ Prominent occiput: trisomy 18 
◦ Craniosynostosis: Crouzon syndrome, Pfeiffer 
◦ Midface hypoplasia: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), 
Down syndrome 
◦ Prominent nose and chin: Fragile X syndrome 
◦ Round facies: Prader-Willi syndrome
Head and Neck 
◦Triangular facies: Turner syndrome 
◦Hypertelorism: Fetal hydantoin syndrome 
◦Hypotelorism: maternal PKU effect 
◦Brushfield spots: Down syndrome 
◦Prominent eyes: Beckwith-Wiedemann 
◦Lisch nodules: neurofibromatosis
Head and Neck 
◦Large pinna: Fragile X syndrome 
◦Malformed pinna: Treacher Collins syndrome, 
CHARGE association 
◦Broad nasal bridge: Fragile X syndrome 
◦Low nasal bridge: Down syndrome 
◦Long philtrum: FAS
Head and Neck 
◦ Cleft lip and palate: may either be isolated or 
part of a syndrome 
◦Micrognathia: Robin sequence 
◦Macroglossia: Beckwith-Wiedemann 
◦Abnormal hair whorls: Down syndrome 
◦Webbed neck: Turner syndrome
◦Macroorchidism: Fragile X 
◦Hypogonadism: Prader-Willi 
◦Small hands: Prader-Willi syndrome 
◦Clinodactyly: trisomies including Down 
◦Transverse palmer crease: Down 
◦Nail hypoplasia or dysplasia: FAS 
◦Facial port wine hemangioma: Sturge- 
Weber syndrome 
◦Café au lait spots: Neurofibromatosis 
◦Ashleaf spots: Tuberous Sclerosis
Neurological Exam 
◦ Cranial nerves 
◦ Specific vision tests: red reflex, normal fundi, 
response to visual stimuli, field of vision 
◦ Specific auditory tests: response to auditory stimuli 
◦ Receptive or expressive language delay 
◦ Abnormal speech (eg. articulation) 
◦ Persistently present Babinski response (older than 2 
years of age)
Neurological Exam 
◦ Hyper- or Hypotonia 
◦ Sensory 
◦ Motor strength 
◦Deep tendon reflexes 
◦ Primitive reflexes – Moro, Gallant 
◦Postural reflexes – propping response
Investigations: Genetics 
◦Karyotyping to assess for chromosomal 
◦FISH analysis to assess for microdeletions 
◦Many of these investigations will be 
performed through specialist referral. Medical 
Genetics consultation should be done at this 
◦TSH, free T4 
◦Referral to endocrinology should be 
◦Metabolic screening – glucose, electrolytes, 
serum lactate, ammonia, liver function tests, 
pyruvate, albumin, triglycerides, uric acid, 
serum quantitative amino acids, urine organic 
acids, acylcarnitines, creatine phosphokinase 
(if suspecting myopathy) 
◦Referral to metabolic diseases specialists 
should be considered.
◦Head CT 
◦Referral to Neurologists if any of these tests 
are considered.
◦ After completion of a comprehensive medical and 
developmental evaluation of the child with developmental 
problems and the establishment of developmental diagnoses and 
identification of associated medical conditions, a plan for active 
treatment and comprehensive management can be initiated by 
the physician. 
◦ Beginning with early identification of these problems, an 
affected child can receive educational and intervention services 
aimed at improvement of the child’s development through local 
early intervention and special education programs, as established 
in the United States through federal law under the Individuals 
with Disabilities Education Act.
◦ Beginning as early as birth and continuing through age 3 
years, any child with a known disability, significant delay, or 
condition with a high risk for disability (eg, Down syndrome) 
is entitled to early intervention services that provide 
developmental therapies intended to improve performance in 
one of the developmental spheres. 
◦ These can include traditional therapies, such as physical 
therapy, occupation therapy, and speech-language therapy, as 
well as broader services such as special instruction, 
counseling, and family training.
◦ Many programs provide for parent training or home-based 
therapy to allow for generalization of skills 
◦ For children 3 years and older and continuing into 
the school-age years, the child with disabilities is 
entitled to an individualized, free, and appropriate 
education along with related therapy services.
◦ Specific medical treatments targeted towards a child’s related 
medical conditions should also begin with diagnosis. 
◦ For example, along with receiving physical therapy and other 
early intervention services, the child with cerebral palsy 
should be considered for medical treatment of tone 
abnormalities with oral agents, intramuscular botulinum 
toxin, or intrathecal baclofen. 
◦ The child with behavior disorders accompanying a 
communication or intellectual disability is a candidate for 
psychopharmacologic treatments, such as stimulants for 
ADHD and risperidone for aggression.
◦ Finally, the child with a developmental disability should have 
a medical home as a child with special health care needs. 
◦ This allows the primary care provider a program of chronic 
condition management for regular health monitoring for 
chronological age and developmental monitoring in order to 
provide anticipatory guidance for developmental age. 
◦ Specialized, condition-related office visits, written care plans, 
explicit co-management with medical specialists, appropriate 
patient education, and an effective system for monitoring and 
tracking should be put in place
◦ Both the primary care physician and the specialist can refer 
the family to community-based support services, such as 
respite care, parent-to-parent programs, and advocacy 
◦ Parent organizations such as Family Voices, and condition-specific 
organizations, such as Autism Speaks and The Ark, 
can provide further support, assistance, and information. 
◦ Some children will qualify for additional benefits such as 
Supplemental Security Income, public insurance, waiver 
programs, and state programs for children with special health 
care needs.
◦ Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition. 
◦ Center of Disease Control’s checklist of developmental milestones. 
◦ The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne; developmental delay: an information guide to parents. 
◦ Developmental Delay – Causes and Investigation, Angharad V Walters 
The End

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Approach to developmental delay

  • 1. APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY Omar Banat Bashar Mudallal
  • 2. Objectives ◦Introduction: definitions, Transient and Persistent developmental delays ◦Developmental milestones: normal for age, warning signs. ◦Etiology: causes of global developmental delay, high risk children ◦Approach to a Child with Developmental Delay: History, Physical exm, Invistigations, Screening ◦Resources
  • 4. What is child development? ◦Child development refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get older. ◦Growth only refers to the child getting bigger in size.
  • 5. What is developmental delay? ◦Developmental Delay is when a child does not reach their developmental milestones at the expected times. ◦ It is an ongoing major or minor delay in the process of development. ◦Delay can occur in one or many areas—for example, gross or fine motor, language, social, or thinking skills.
  • 6. ◦Developmental delay is not uncommon and occurs in 2-3% of all children. (~) ◦The term developmental delay is often used until the exact nature and cause of the delay is known. ◦The significance of the delay is often only determined by observing the child’s development over time.
  • 7. Transient developmental delay ◦ Some children have a transient delay in their development. ◦ For example, some extremely premature babies may show a delay in the area of sitting, crawling and walking but then progress on at a normal rate. ◦ Other causes of transient delay may be related to physical illness and prolonged hospitalization, immaturity, family stress or lack of opportunities to learn.
  • 8. Persistent developmental delay ◦ If the delay in development persists it is usually related to problems in one or more of the following areas:  understanding and learning  moving  communication  hearing  seeing. ◦ An assessment is often needed to determine what area or areas are affected. ◦ Disorders which cause persistent developmental delay are often termed developmental disabilities .
  • 9. Developmental disability ◦ Developmental disability is estimated to occur in 5-10% of the population with enormous psychological, emotional, and economic impact on the affected individuals and society. ◦ Studies have shown that developmentally delayed children who are recognized at an early age receive more developmental optimization and greater gains than those who are identified later in life. ◦ Early recognition of children with developmental problems is therefore important. ◦ There are several disabilities in the classification of developmental delay:
  • 10. Disability Description Gross motor delay Significant delay in fine or gross motor skills with no impairment in other developmental areas Developmental language disorders Significant delay in receptive and/or expressive language skills with no delay in other developmental domains Global developmental delay Significant delay in two or more developmental streams as measured by appropriate standardized screening tests. This term is reserved for children less than 5 years of age Cerebral palsy Early-onset non-progressive motor impairment with associated abnormalities in muscle tone Hearing sensory impairment A reduction in the ability to hear sound, ranging from slight to complete deafness
  • 11. Disability Description Visual sensory impairment An optically or medically diagnosable condition in the eye(s) or visual system that affects the development and normal use of vision, ranging from slight to complete blindness Learning disabilities Significantly lowered individual achievement than predicted by intellectual ability as measured by standardized psycho-educational tests assessing reading, mathematics, or written expression Pervasive developmental delay (PPD) / Autism Impairments in social skills, communication skills and restrictive / repetitive patterns of behavior Pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified / Autism Spectrum Disorder Similar to PDD but not enough symptoms to warrant a PDD diagnosis
  • 13. What are developmental milestones? ◦Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range. ◦ A pediatrician uses milestones to help check how a child is developing. ◦ Although each milestone has an age level, the actual age when a normally developing child reaches that milestone can vary quite a bit. Every child is unique! ◦ CDC’s milestone checklists
  • 14. In these categories… ◦ Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions. ◦ Fine motor: using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things. ◦ Language: speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say. ◦ Cognitive: Thinking skills: including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering. ◦ Social: Interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others.
  • 15.
  • 16. 1 month • Makes jerky, quivering arm thrusts • Brings hands within range of eyes and mouth • Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach • Head flops backward if unsupported • Keeps hands in tight fists • Strong reflex movements Movement Milestones
  • 17. 1 month • Focuses 8 to 12 inches (20.3 to 30.4 cm) away • Eyes wander and occasionally cross • Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast patterns • Prefers the human face to all other patterns • Hearing is fully mature • Recognizes some sounds • May turn toward familiar sounds and voices Visual and Hearing Milestones
  • 18. 1 month • Prefers sweet smells • Avoids bitter or acidic smells • Recognizes the scent of his own mother’s breastmilk • Prefers soft to coarse sensations • Dislikes rough or abrupt handling Smell and Touch Milestones
  • 19. 3 months • Raises head and chest when lying on stomach • Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach • Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back • Opens and shuts hands • Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface • Brings hand to mouth • Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands • Grasps and shakes hand toys Movement Milestones
  • 20. 3 months • Watches faces intently • Follows moving objects • Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance • Starts using hands and eyes in coordination • Smiles at the sound of your voice • Begins to babble • Begins to imitate some sounds • Turns head toward direction of sound Visual and Hearing Milestones
  • 21. 3 months • Begins to develop a social smile • Enjoys playing with other people and may cry when playing stops • Becomes more communicative and expressive with face and body • Imitates some movements and facial expressions Social and Emotional Milestones
  • 22. 7 months • Rolls both ways (front to back, back to front) • Sits with, and then without, support of her hands • Supports her whole weight on her legs • Reaches with one hand • Transfers object from hand to hand • Uses raking grasp (not pincer) Movement Milestones
  • 23. 7 months • Develops full color vision • Distance vision matures • Ability to track moving objects improves Visual Milestones
  • 24. 7 months • Responds to own name • Begins to respond to “no” • Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice • Responds to sound by making sounds • Uses voice to express joy and displeasure • Babbles chains of consonants Language Milestones
  • 25. 7 months • Finds partially hidden object • Explores with hands and mouth • Struggles to get objects that are out of reach Cognitive Milestones
  • 26. 7 months • Enjoys social play • Interested in mirror images • Responds to other people’s expressions of emotion and appears joyful often Social and Emotional Milestones
  • 27. 12 months • Gets to sitting position without assistance • Crawls forward on belly by pulling with arms and pushing with legs • Assumes hands-and-knees position • Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands and knees • Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position • Pulls self up to stand • Walks holding on to furniture • Stands momentarily without support • May walk two or three steps without support Movement Milestones
  • 28. 12 months • Uses pincer grasp • Bangs two cubes together • Puts objects into container • Takes objects out of container • Lets objects go voluntarily • Pokes with index finger • Tries to imitate scribbling Milestones In Hand and Finger Skills
  • 29. 12 months • Pays increasing attention to speech • Responds to simple verbal requests • Responds to “no” • Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no” • Babbles with inflection • Says “dada” and “mama” • Uses exclamations, such as “oh-oh!” • Tries to imitate words Language Milestones
  • 30. 12 months • Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) • Finds hidden objects easily • Looks at correct picture when the image is named • Imitates gestures • Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver) Cognitive Milestones
  • 31. 12 months • Shy or anxious with strangers • Cries when mother or father leaves • Enjoys imitating people in play • Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys • Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings (What do you do when he refuses a food?) • Tests parental responses to his behavior (What do you do if he cries after you leave the room?) • May be fearful in some situations • Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others • Repeats sounds or gestures for attention • Finger-feeds himself • Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed Social and Emotional Milestones
  • 32. 2 years • Walks alone • Pulls toys behind her while walking • Carries large toy or several toys while walking • Begins to run • Stands on tiptoe • Kicks a ball • Climbs onto and down from furniture unassisted • Walks up and down stairs holding on to support Movement milestones
  • 33. 2 years • Scribbles spontaneously • Turns over container to pour out contents • Builds tower of four blocks or more • Might use one hand more frequently than the other Milestones in hand and finger skills
  • 34. 2 years • Points to object or picture when it’s named for him • Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts • Says several single words (by fifteen to eighteen months) • Uses simple phrases (by eighteen to twenty-four months) • Uses two- to four-word sentences • Follows simple instructions • Repeats words overheard in conversation Language milestones
  • 35. 2 years • Finds objects even when hidden under two or three covers • Begins to sort by shapes and colors • Begins make-believe play Cognitive milestones
  • 36. 2 years • Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children • Increasingly aware of herself as separate from others • Increasingly enthusiastic about company of other children • Demonstrates increasing independence • Begins to show defiant behavior • Increasing episodes of separation anxiety toward midyear, then they fade Social and emotional milestones
  • 37. 3-4 years • Hops and stands on one foot up to five seconds • Goes upstairs and downstairs without support • Kicks ball forward • Throws ball overhand • Catches bounced ball most of the time • Moves forward and backward with agility Movement milestones
  • 38. 3-4 years • Copies square shapes • Draws a person with two to four body parts • Uses scissors • Draws circles and squares • Begins to copy some capital letters Milestones in hand and finger skills
  • 39. 3-4 years • Understands the concepts of “same” and “different” • Has mastered some basic rules of grammar • Speaks in sentences of five to six words • Speaks clearly enough for strangers to understand • Tells stories Language milestones
  • 40. 3-4 years • Correctly names some colors • Understands the concept of counting and may know a few numbers • Approaches problems from a single point of view • Begins to have a clearer sense of time • Follows three-part commands • Recalls parts of a story • Understands the concept of same/different • Engages in fantasy play Cognitive milestones
  • 41. 3-4 years • Interested in new experiences • Cooperates with other children • Plays “Mom” or “Dad” • Increasingly inventive in fantasy play • Dresses and undresses • Negotiates solutions to conflicts • More independent • Imagines that many unfamiliar images may be “monsters” • Views self as a whole person involving body, mind, and feelings • Often cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality Social and emotional milestones
  • 42. 4-5 years • Stands on one foot for ten seconds or longer • Hops, somersaults • Swings, climbs • May be able to skip Movement milestones
  • 43. 4-5 years • Copies triangle and other geometric patterns • Draws person with body • Prints some letters • Dresses and undresses without assistance • Uses fork, spoon, and (sometimes) a table knife • Usually cares for own toilet needs Milestones in hand and finger skills
  • 44. 4-5 years • Recalls part of a story • Speaks sentences of more than five words • Uses future tense • Tells longer stories • Says name and address Language milestones
  • 45. 4-5 years • Can count ten or more objects • Correctly names at least four colors • Better understands the concept of time • Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, appliances) Cognitive milestones
  • 46. 4-5 years • Wants to please friends • Wants to be like her friends • More likely to agree to rules • Likes to sing, dance, and act • Shows more independence and may even visit a next-door neighbor by herself • Aware of sexuality • Able to distinguish fantasy from reality • Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly cooperative Social and emotional milestones
  • 47. What are the Warning signs of a physical developmental delay ?
  • 48. Newborn to 2 months after 2 months, doesn't hold his head up when you pick him up from lying on his back after 2 months, still feels particularly stiff or floppy after 2 months, overextends his back and neck (as if he's pushing away from you) when cradled in your arms after 2 or 3 months, stiffens, crosses, or "scissors" his legs when you pick him up by the trunk
  • 49. 3 to 6 months by 3 or 4 months, doesn't grasp or reach for toys by 3 or 4 months, can't support his head well by 4 months, isn't bringing objects to his mouth by 4 months, doesn't push down with his legs when his feet are placed on a firm surface after 4 months, still has Moro reflex (when he falls backward or is startled, he throws out his arms and legs, extends his neck, and then quickly brings his arms back together and begins to cry)
  • 50. 3 to 6 months after 5 or 6 months, still has the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (when his head turns to one side, his arm on that side will straighten, with the opposite arm bent up as if he's holding a fencing sword) by 6 months, can't sit with help after 6 months, reaches out with only one hand while keeping the other fisted doesn't roll over in either direction (back to front or front to back) by 5 or 6 months
  • 51. 7 to 9 months at 7 months, has poor head control when pulled to a sitting position at 7 months, is unable to get objects into his mouth at 7 months, is not reaching for objects by 7 months, doesn't bear some weight on his legs by 9 months, can't sit independently
  • 52. 9 to 12 months after 10 months, crawls in a lopsided manner, pushing off with one hand and leg while dragging the opposite hand and leg at 12 months, is not crawling at 12 months, can't stand with support
  • 53. 13 to 24 months by 18 months, can't walk after several months of walking, doesn't walk confidently or consistently walks on toes after his second birthday, is growing less than 2 inches per year (get more on a normal growth rate)
  • 54. 36 months falls frequently or is unable to use the stairs drools persistently can't manipulate small objects
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 58. Why is finding a cause important? ◦ Establishing a cause has many benefits for the child and family and improves overall quality of life: ◦ The family gains understanding of the condition, including prognostic information. ◦ Lessens parental blame. ◦ Ameliorates or prevents co-morbidity by identifying factors likely to cause secondary disability that are potentially preventable e.g. surveillance of other systems such as vision and hearing. ◦ Appropriate genetic counselling about recurrence risk for future children and the wider family. ◦ Accessing more support (e.g. within education services and specific syndrome support groups). ◦ To address concerns about possible causes e.g. events during pregnancy or delivery. ◦ Potential treatment for a few conditions.
  • 59. Causes of Global Developmental Delay ◦ Global developmental delay can be the presenting feature of a huge number of neurodevelopmental disorders (from learning disability to neuromuscular disorders). ◦ It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list. ◦ Careful evaluation and investigation can reveal a cause in 50-70% of cases. ◦ This leaves a large minority where the cause is not determined. ◦ It is still useful to investigate globally delayed development whatever the age of the child (occasionally older children with significant disability may not have been investigated adequately)
  • 60.
  • 61. Environmental Factors that May Place a Child at Risk ◦ Living in families that are at lower socioeconomic levels; ◦ Living in families with varied cultural backgrounds; ◦ Living in families classified as dysfunctional; ◦ Being born to teenage mothers or mothers more than forty years old; ◦ Growing up in homes where English is not the primary language spoken: (racism?) ◦ Being exposed prenatally to viruses, drugs, or alcohol; ◦ Being born into families with other children who have developmental delays; ◦ Being born to mothers who were malnourished during pregnancy; ◦ Being born to mothers who have diabetes, thyroid disorders, syphilis, or other viral infections.
  • 63. An Approach to a Child with Developmental Delay ◦ A child’s development is a dynamic process, and assessment at any point in time is merely a snap shot of the bigger picture and should be interpreted in the context of the child’s history from conception to the present. ◦ While a child may appear to have normal development for the first twelve months of life, a deviation in the course of the child’s development in subsequent years is indicative of an underlying disability. ◦ It is important to keep this in mind as you assess a child, and to keep reassessing children in subsequent office visits. ◦ Developmental assessment involves three aspects: screening, surveillance, and definitive diagnostic assessment.
  • 64. Developmental Assessment ◦ Developmental screening is identifying children who may need more comprehensive evaluation. It is a brief assessment procedure designed to identify children who should receive more intensive diagnosis or assessment. This is accomplished in the pediatrician’s office through thorough history taking +/- the use of screening tools such as the Denver or Bayley Scales of infant development. ◦ Developmental surveillance is a continuous process whereby the child is followed over time to pick up on subtle deficiencies in the child’s developmental trajectory. The components of developmental surveillance include eliciting and attending to parental concerns, obtaining a relevant developmental history, observing the child’s development in the office and referring for further assessment of development by other relevant professionals such as OT/PT for motor developmental concerns or hearing tests for concerns with language acquisition. ◦ Diagnostic assessment is performed on a child who has been identified as having a potential problem. This step requires extensive involvement of various team players such as a psychologist, educator, social worker, developmental pediatrician, geneticist, and/or other medical professionals.
  • 65. History ◦ To perform a developmental assessment, a detailed history from conception to the present is required to assess developmental level. ◦ Knowing the appropriate milestones is key to this assessment. ◦ Any signs of developmental regression should be regarded as a medical emergency and an urgent medical workup is indicated. ◦ An underlying etiology for developmental delay should be sought through attention to the following clues on history:
  • 66. Prenatal History ◦Complications ◦Prenatal diagnoses made (eg. Down Syndrome) ◦Infections (eg. TORCH) ◦Exposures (eg. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
  • 67. Obstetrical History ◦Complications ◦APGAR scores ◦Infections (eg. Group B Strep) ◦Seizures ◦Hearing test performed ◦Newborn screening performed
  • 68. Past medical history and medications ◦Ototoxic antibiotics eg. Gentamicin ◦Frequent ear infections may lead to effusions affecting hearing
  • 69. Behavior since birth ◦Behavioral disturbances – aggression, self injury, defiance, inattention, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, stereotypic behaviors, poor social skills, hyperactivity, difficult temperaments
  • 70. Family History ◦Relatives with developmental delay, genetic abnormalities, syndromes ◦Consanguinity
  • 71. Social History ◦ Evidence of neglect or abuse which may have a negative influence on development. ◦ Primary languages. ESL children may have relative delay in English language acquisition. ◦ In children with a previously identified delay it is important to assess the resources already accessed to support the family such as personal tutors in the educational system, OT/PT for speech and language therapy,etc. The “Infant development program” is a regional resource supplying support to children until age 3. The “At home” program is a federal incentive to provide financial support and respite care to families with an affected child.
  • 72. Screening Tools ◦ There are various screening instruments used for assessing developmental. ◦ The Denver II assesses gross motor, fine motor, adaptive and social skills. ◦ It is designed for children between the ages of 0 and 6. ◦ Similar tools are the “Ages and Stages” questionnaires and the Bayley infant development scales.
  • 73. Physical Examination ◦A thorough physical examination is important in the assessment of a developmentally delayed child. ◦Characteristic findings on physical exam may provide clues as to the cause of the developmental delay. ◦Some clinical signs and their corresponding clinical significance are listed below:
  • 74. Growth Parameters ◦Microcephaly: eg in Rett’s Disorder ◦Macrocephaly: eg in hydrocephalus ◦Short stature: Turner syndrome, Williams syndrome ◦Obesity: Prader-Willi syndrome, Beckwith- Wiedemann syndrome
  • 75. Head and Neck ◦ Flat occiput: Down syndrome, Zellweger syndrome ◦ Prominent occiput: trisomy 18 ◦ Craniosynostosis: Crouzon syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome ◦ Midface hypoplasia: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Down syndrome ◦ Prominent nose and chin: Fragile X syndrome ◦ Round facies: Prader-Willi syndrome
  • 76. Head and Neck ◦Triangular facies: Turner syndrome ◦Hypertelorism: Fetal hydantoin syndrome ◦Hypotelorism: maternal PKU effect ◦Brushfield spots: Down syndrome ◦Prominent eyes: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome ◦Lisch nodules: neurofibromatosis
  • 77. Head and Neck ◦Large pinna: Fragile X syndrome ◦Malformed pinna: Treacher Collins syndrome, CHARGE association ◦Broad nasal bridge: Fragile X syndrome ◦Low nasal bridge: Down syndrome ◦Long philtrum: FAS
  • 78. Head and Neck ◦ Cleft lip and palate: may either be isolated or part of a syndrome ◦Micrognathia: Robin sequence ◦Macroglossia: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome ◦Abnormal hair whorls: Down syndrome ◦Webbed neck: Turner syndrome
  • 79. Genitourinary ◦Macroorchidism: Fragile X syndrome ◦Hypogonadism: Prader-Willi syndrome
  • 80. Extremities ◦Small hands: Prader-Willi syndrome ◦Clinodactyly: trisomies including Down syndrome ◦Transverse palmer crease: Down syndrome
  • 81. Skin ◦Nail hypoplasia or dysplasia: FAS ◦Facial port wine hemangioma: Sturge- Weber syndrome ◦Café au lait spots: Neurofibromatosis ◦Ashleaf spots: Tuberous Sclerosis
  • 82. Neurological Exam ◦ Cranial nerves ◦ Specific vision tests: red reflex, normal fundi, response to visual stimuli, field of vision ◦ Specific auditory tests: response to auditory stimuli ◦ Receptive or expressive language delay ◦ Abnormal speech (eg. articulation) ◦ Persistently present Babinski response (older than 2 years of age)
  • 83. Neurological Exam ◦ Hyper- or Hypotonia ◦ Sensory ◦ Motor strength ◦Gait ◦Deep tendon reflexes ◦ Primitive reflexes – Moro, Gallant ◦Postural reflexes – propping response
  • 84. Investigations: Genetics ◦Karyotyping to assess for chromosomal abnormalities ◦FISH analysis to assess for microdeletions ◦Many of these investigations will be performed through specialist referral. Medical Genetics consultation should be done at this time.
  • 85. Endocrinology ◦TSH, free T4 ◦Referral to endocrinology should be considered.
  • 86. Metabolic ◦Metabolic screening – glucose, electrolytes, serum lactate, ammonia, liver function tests, pyruvate, albumin, triglycerides, uric acid, serum quantitative amino acids, urine organic acids, acylcarnitines, creatine phosphokinase (if suspecting myopathy) ◦Referral to metabolic diseases specialists should be considered.
  • 87. Neurology ◦EEG ◦Head CT ◦Referral to Neurologists if any of these tests are considered.
  • 88.
  • 90. ◦ After completion of a comprehensive medical and developmental evaluation of the child with developmental problems and the establishment of developmental diagnoses and identification of associated medical conditions, a plan for active treatment and comprehensive management can be initiated by the physician. ◦ Beginning with early identification of these problems, an affected child can receive educational and intervention services aimed at improvement of the child’s development through local early intervention and special education programs, as established in the United States through federal law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • 91. ◦ Beginning as early as birth and continuing through age 3 years, any child with a known disability, significant delay, or condition with a high risk for disability (eg, Down syndrome) is entitled to early intervention services that provide developmental therapies intended to improve performance in one of the developmental spheres. ◦ These can include traditional therapies, such as physical therapy, occupation therapy, and speech-language therapy, as well as broader services such as special instruction, counseling, and family training.
  • 92. ◦ Many programs provide for parent training or home-based therapy to allow for generalization of skills learned. ◦ For children 3 years and older and continuing into the school-age years, the child with disabilities is entitled to an individualized, free, and appropriate education along with related therapy services.
  • 93. ◦ Specific medical treatments targeted towards a child’s related medical conditions should also begin with diagnosis. ◦ For example, along with receiving physical therapy and other early intervention services, the child with cerebral palsy should be considered for medical treatment of tone abnormalities with oral agents, intramuscular botulinum toxin, or intrathecal baclofen. ◦ The child with behavior disorders accompanying a communication or intellectual disability is a candidate for psychopharmacologic treatments, such as stimulants for ADHD and risperidone for aggression.
  • 94. ◦ Finally, the child with a developmental disability should have a medical home as a child with special health care needs. ◦ This allows the primary care provider a program of chronic condition management for regular health monitoring for chronological age and developmental monitoring in order to provide anticipatory guidance for developmental age. ◦ Specialized, condition-related office visits, written care plans, explicit co-management with medical specialists, appropriate patient education, and an effective system for monitoring and tracking should be put in place
  • 95. ◦ Both the primary care physician and the specialist can refer the family to community-based support services, such as respite care, parent-to-parent programs, and advocacy organizations. ◦ Parent organizations such as Family Voices, and condition-specific organizations, such as Autism Speaks and The Ark, can provide further support, assistance, and information. ◦ Some children will qualify for additional benefits such as Supplemental Security Income, public insurance, waiver programs, and state programs for children with special health care needs.
  • 96. Resources ◦ Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition. ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Center of Disease Control’s checklist of developmental milestones. ◦ The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne; developmental delay: an information guide to parents. ◦ Developmental Delay – Causes and Investigation, Angharad V Walters ◦ delay/ ◦ management/P3

Editor's Notes

  1. OT/PT: Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy