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                  Master di II livello in Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e Attività Regolatorie

  Applicazione dei principi di QbD
    allo sviluppo di un metodo
            The Pharmaceutical Quality System:
                     ICH Q8/ICH Q9
                                Parma, 18-19 Maggio 2012

    Dott.ssa Annalisa Forlenza
Analytical Scientist, Alfa Wassermann

Why QbD for analytical methods?

Comparison of traditional and QbD approches

Framework for applying QbD to analytical methods

QbD for Analytical methods
QbD, as defined in ICH Q8(R1), is a systematic approach
  to pharmaceutical development beginning with
  predefined objectives that emphasize product and
  process understanding as well as product and process
   Process                      analytical methods
   Product                       quality data

If the analytical method is considered a process whose
    output is quality data , the concepts of QbD can be
    applied to develop analytical methods
QbD for Analytical methods
ICH Q8(R2) doesn’t explicitly discuss analytical method
However, concepts apply:
    −Application of Science and Risk based methodology
    −Systematic approach that includes: risk assessment, defining
    a design space, control strategy and continual improvement to
    increases method robustness and understanding
Steps, tools, and approaches developed for application
of QbD to manufacturing processes have analogous
application to the development and use of analytical
Why QbD for Analytical methods?
To enhance method understanding and robustness
 – beyond ICH validation “check box” exercise
 – understand, reduce and control sources of variability
To aligne method with processes
 – better understanding and control of method variability
 – increase the understanding and control of the
   process variability
To facilitate continuous improvement
 – advanced regulatory approaches
Why QbD for Analytical methods?
Traditional approch of method validation does not take
account of modern Six Sigma concepts and of statistical
approaches, to understanding/controlling variability

Nevalainen et al., have estimated analytical performance
at the 3.85-sigma level

All analytical methods used to monitor and control our
manufacturing processes are directly linked to the risk
assessment performed during the process control
Comparison of traditional and QbD
approaches to analytical methods

          (OFAT) approach, is
        carried out by selecting
      one instrument parameter
       to study while holding all
        other parameters fixed.
                                    Pharmaceutical technology, 34 (2) 2010
Comparison of traditional and QbD
approaches to analytical methods

                      Pharmaceutical technology, 34 (2) 2010
How QbD for analytical methods is driven by
   the overall process-control strategy

                                Phil Borman et al.
                         PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY ( 2007)
Method performance requirements
                          the criteria that must be met
                    1.a :method performance criteria

These criteria are driven by an understanding of the process
    monitoring and control requirements; that is, the process
    critical quality attributes (CQAs) and specification limits.
For methods measuring these CQAs, criteria, such as the
    following, would need to be met:

Precision—the need for method variability to be a small proportion of the specification
Selectivity—being clear on which impurities actually need to be monitored at each step in
       a process and ensuring adequate discrimination between them
Sensitivity—ensuring the method is sufficiently sensitive relative to the specification limit.
Analytical Target Profile

                         The ATP can be
                         used to describe
                         necessery to
                         measure the
                         defined CQAs of
                         the drug product

                                 Quality by Design
                      V McCurdy - Process Understanding, 2011
                                   - Wiley Online Library
Analytical Target Profile
The ATP attempts to address such questions as:
   What is the method’s purpose (to quantitate the major
  component, or stability indicating)?
  What are the specificity requirements?
  What are the accuracy and precision requirements?
  What are the resource constraints (instrumentation, run
  time, reagents)?
  Are there other constraints such as solution stability?
Method performance requirements
        1.b: Method operational intent

 These criteria address the aspects of the method that
are required to facilitate ease of use in routine operation
(e.g., analysis time, acceptable solvents, available
2: Method development

The design and selection of the method takes place 
“method scouting”
3: Risk assessment and analytical
        design-space definition

   It is imperative to reach a high degree of confidence.
It means that the analytical method will meet all method performance
    criteria under all conditions of use as it proceeds through the

   This confidence level can be achieved:
    – using a rigorous approach for identifying all the potential method
      factors that may need to be controlled to ensure method
    – through the use of risk assessment tools and prioritized
      experimentation that eliminate areas of risk.
3: Risk assessment and analytical
      design-space definition
Typically DoE (Design of Experiment) is used to find
ranges for instrument operating parameters, to
understand sample preparation variations and variations
of method precision.
– Example terminology for design space: MODR (method operable
  design range)
4: Analytical method control strategy

  Using the appropriate risk-assessment tools, the critical
 factors and their acceptable ranges (from the risk
 assessment or experimental work) are explicitly defined
 in the method.
Robustness: a fundamental criteria
 of quality in an HPLC separation
  Ensure that methods would be robust and rugged throughout
  their lifecycle of use - the same goal as QbD for
  manufacturing process

  Rugged, as defined by the United States Pharmacopeia
The degree of reproducibility of test results obtained by the
  analysis of the same samples under a variety of normal test

  Robust, as defined by ICH Q2(R1)
A measure of its capacity to remain unaffected by small but
  deliberate variations in the method parameters and provides
  an indication of its reliability during normal use: INTERNAL
Robustness: a fundamental criteria
 of quality in an HPLC separation
 RUGGEDNESS:                  ROBUSTNESS:
 –   Different laboratories   – Change in flow rate
 –   Analyst                  – Concentration of organic acid
 –   Instruments                in mobile fase
 –   Reagent batches
 –   Analysis days
 –   Assay temperature
Robustness: a fundamental criteria
 of quality in an HPLC separation
 In the past, robustness testing was tipically carried out
 during the final stage of a method development process
 during the validation stage
 This led to undesired surprises being found late on
 The method had to be redeveloped and reoptimized
Robustness: a fundamental criteria
 of quality in an HPLC separation
 To avoid these costly repetitions, there is an increasing
 tendency of including multifactorial robustness
 evaluation at the early stage of development, to built in
 quality from the outset
 By defining method operating conditions not as discrete
 points but as a working spaces with known tolerances,
 we obtain:
 – the flexibility of a method is increased
 – The likelihood of method failure is reduced
 – The method can withstand small changed
 By design.
Multifactorial robustness evaluation

 A modern QbD based treatment of the robustness of an
 HPLC method requires the assessment of all parameters
 which most strongly influence selectivity alone and in
 The critical parameters are:
 – Gradient time (tG)
 – Temperature (T)
 – pH eluent A (pH)
 – Ternary eluent composition (tC)
 – Stationary fase
 Other parameters such as flow rate, start B%, end B%, dwell
   volume, may also be important.
Multifactorial robustness evaluation
  In HPLC analysis, for a method to be accurate, precise
  and robust the sample must first be well separated
  Prerequisite for robustness is critical resolution:
  resolution between the least well separated peak pair

 For baseline separation
           Rs≥ 1,5

All condition for which
    the Rs remains above
    a given value         (
    1.5 - 2.0) are robust
ELUENT A: 50mM KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN 95/5 v/v
pH adjusted to 2.1, 2.7, 3.3, 6.8, 7.4, 8.0 prior to adding ACN
ELUENT B: 50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN 20/80 v/v
        50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN/MEOH 20/40/40 v/v/v
        50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/MEOH 20/80 v/v

UPLC (binary solvent pump, PDA detector, cooled autosampler,
  temperature controlled column compartment)
Waters HSS t3 C18 column
  Eye drop solution containing 2 APIs (A-B) and 9 known impurities
  ( 4 API-A imp.+ 5 API-B imp.) each spiked at 0.1 % level of their
  respective API

       Journal of Chromatography A,
          1232 (2012) 218– 230
  Method intent

                        1.   Design of experiments
                        2.   Design space generation
Method design &
                        3.   Visualize robusteness
                        4.   Select working point

Method evaluation       1.   Robusteness evaluation
                        2.   Formal validation

 Method Control
Method intent
The aim of this study was to develop a fully validated
UHPLC method in accordance with QbD principles for
the assay of two APIs and impurities for an eye drop
sample, providing a fast and robust stability indicating
All impurities must be separeted from each other and
from the main peaks
Method target performance criteria was baseline
separation for all peaks within a robust working region
All acceptance criteria pertinent to a formal validation
should be met
Method design:DOE

                                                       Journal of Chromatography A,
                                                          1232 (2012) 218– 230

3 different 3D resolution models were constructed:
   - tG-T-pH (acidic pH, eluent B:ACN)
   - tG-T-pH (neutral pH, eluent B:ACN)
   - tG-T-tC ( eluent A: pH 2.7)
Flow rate 0.3 ml/min; gradient range 0 -> 100 %B remain constant
Method design:DOE
            TG          T°C        TC                  pH
            TG1   TG2   T1    T2   TC1   TC2    TC3    pH1   pH2   pH3

tG-T-Ph     15    30    25    50   ACN                 2.1   2.7   3.3

tG-T-pH     15    30    25    50   ACN                 6.8   7.4   8.0

tG-T-TC     15    30    25    50   ACN   ACN/   MeOH         2.7
Method design: DOE
Primary systematic and scientific evaluation of the
critically influential separation parameters:

Log D diagrams for column selection and best pH working

pH 2-4
pH 11-13

                                               Journal of Chromatography A,
                                                     1232 (2012) 218– 230
Method design:DOE
The acidic pH region was chosen for this study: in the
acidic pH range the logD values for most components is
below 0 indicating that compounds contained in the eye
drop sample are very polar
Waters HSS T3 column is suitable for the separation of
polar compounds.
Design space generation
First, the influence on relative retention of gradient
time, temperature and pH of eluent A – in the
acidic pH range – were investigated in a
simultaneous fashion by means of 3D resolution
cubes (Cube A).
To verify the decision to work at acidic pH, another
tG–T–pH cube was generated in the neutral pH
range (Cube B)
Once an optimal acidic pH was determined, a further 3D
resolution cube modeling gradient time, temperature and
ternary eluent composition was constructed (Cube C)
 at optimal pH.
Design space generation

Cube A

                            Journal of Chromatography A,
                               1232 (2012) 218– 230
Design space generation
Resolution models map the
critical resolution for each value
of the critical resolution (Rs,crit )
is represented in color so that:
– warm colors show large Rs,crit values
– cold colors show low values
  corresponding to inefficient
– Specifically, in red regions the
  resolution is baseline or above (Rs,crit
  = 1.5) and dark blue lines signalize
  peak overlaps (Rs,crit = 0).
Design space: robustness

                                          Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230

All combination of measured parameters with Rs ≤ 1,5 are removed
from the resolution spaces
Red regions represent robust above baseline separations
Method selection
     Two criteria for selection of working point:
1.   It should be contained within the largest robustness
2.   It should have the shortes run time

                   Working point:Cube A
                         TG: 7 min
                          T: 25°C
                           pH 2.7
Method evaluation:tolerances
Evaluation of robustness and ruggedness of selected
working point
Determination of parameters’ tolerances
     TG: 7±1 min     T: 25±2 °C     pH: 2.7± 0.1
12 new experiments were carried out: they were used to
construct a new smaller cube which proved to yield
critical resolution above 1.5 in the whole range
In combination with the previously ± value, a number of
different tolerances were evaluated:
         Flow rate     start B%     end B%
Method evaluation:tolerances
                                  Parameters ± tolerance
          TG               T °C           pH                  Flow rate     start B%       End B%

A          7                25             2.7                   0,3             0          100

B         7±1              25±2          2.7±0.1              0.3±0.01        0±0.1        100-0.1

C         7±1              25±2          2.7±0.1              0.3±0.05        0±0.5        100-0.5

D         7±1              25±2          2.7±0.1               0.3±0.1         0±1          100-1

                (Rs crit) avg                (R s crit )max               (R s crit )min

      A             2.14                           2.14                       2.14
      B             2.14                           2.35                       1.93
      C             2.12                           2.60                       1.67
      D             2.10                           2.88                       1.28
Method evaluation:tolerances
The final tolerances, selected for this study, were those
indicated for test C as they are larger than the instrument
They allow the largest experimental tolerance without
compromising the separation
Method evaluation:
        column & ternary eluent
Models were constructed with a theorical lower plate
number than the experimental observed
3 columns were predicted to give equivalent selectivity
(Fs< 3) to the one used in this study
Cube C was also investigated: Acn yielded a larger
robust region at lower analysis times than MeOH or
mixtures of both
Method control
The final method has been designed with sufficient
So in a GLP environment no critical factors need to be
tightly controlled in order to meet method performance
Benefits of application of QbD
    approach to analytical methods
Methods will be more robust and rugged, resulting in fewer
resources spent investigating out-of-specification results and
greater confidence in analysis testing cycle times

The introduction of new analytical methods using a QbD
approach will lead to a higher transfer success rate than with
traditional technology-transfer approaches

Regulatory flexibility
 – Movements within “Design Space” are not considered a
   change in method
The QbD approach to analytical
   methods faces several barriers
Current validation guidance does not lead to methods that can
always be reliably operated
External guidance must be developed in this area; ICH
guideline Q2(R1) requires revision (or removal)
A common language for some of the new terms is required
(analytical method design space, analytical method control
strategy, and method performance criteria)
Analysts must learn new tools and skills
A consistent worldwide approach is required for this initiative
to be effective.

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Analytical quality by design

  • 1. UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA Master di II livello in Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e Attività Regolatorie Applicazione dei principi di QbD allo sviluppo di un metodo analitico SEMINARIO The Pharmaceutical Quality System: ICH Q8/ICH Q9 Parma, 18-19 Maggio 2012 Dott.ssa Annalisa Forlenza Analytical Scientist, Alfa Wassermann
  • 2. Outline Why QbD for analytical methods? Comparison of traditional and QbD approches Framework for applying QbD to analytical methods Study
  • 3. QbD for Analytical methods QbD, as defined in ICH Q8(R1), is a systematic approach to pharmaceutical development beginning with predefined objectives that emphasize product and process understanding as well as product and process control QbD Process analytical methods Product quality data If the analytical method is considered a process whose output is quality data , the concepts of QbD can be applied to develop analytical methods
  • 4. QbD for Analytical methods ICH Q8(R2) doesn’t explicitly discuss analytical method development. However, concepts apply: −Application of Science and Risk based methodology −Systematic approach that includes: risk assessment, defining a design space, control strategy and continual improvement to increases method robustness and understanding Steps, tools, and approaches developed for application of QbD to manufacturing processes have analogous application to the development and use of analytical methods.
  • 5. Why QbD for Analytical methods? To enhance method understanding and robustness – beyond ICH validation “check box” exercise – understand, reduce and control sources of variability To aligne method with processes – better understanding and control of method variability – increase the understanding and control of the process variability To facilitate continuous improvement – advanced regulatory approaches
  • 6. Why QbD for Analytical methods? Traditional approch of method validation does not take account of modern Six Sigma concepts and of statistical approaches, to understanding/controlling variability Nevalainen et al., have estimated analytical performance at the 3.85-sigma level All analytical methods used to monitor and control our manufacturing processes are directly linked to the risk assessment performed during the process control definition
  • 7. Comparison of traditional and QbD approaches to analytical methods one-factor-at-a-time" (OFAT) approach, is carried out by selecting one instrument parameter to study while holding all other parameters fixed. Pharmaceutical technology, 34 (2) 2010
  • 8. Comparison of traditional and QbD approaches to analytical methods Pharmaceutical technology, 34 (2) 2010
  • 9. How QbD for analytical methods is driven by the overall process-control strategy Phil Borman et al. PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY ( 2007)
  • 10. Method performance requirements the criteria that must be met 1.a :method performance criteria These criteria are driven by an understanding of the process monitoring and control requirements; that is, the process critical quality attributes (CQAs) and specification limits. For methods measuring these CQAs, criteria, such as the following, would need to be met: Precision—the need for method variability to be a small proportion of the specification Selectivity—being clear on which impurities actually need to be monitored at each step in a process and ensuring adequate discrimination between them Sensitivity—ensuring the method is sufficiently sensitive relative to the specification limit.
  • 11. Analytical Target Profile The ATP can be used to describe method requirements necessery to adequately measure the defined CQAs of the drug product Quality by Design V McCurdy - Process Understanding, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
  • 12. Analytical Target Profile The ATP attempts to address such questions as: What is the method’s purpose (to quantitate the major component, or stability indicating)? What are the specificity requirements? What are the accuracy and precision requirements? What are the resource constraints (instrumentation, run time, reagents)? Are there other constraints such as solution stability?
  • 13. Method performance requirements 1.b: Method operational intent These criteria address the aspects of the method that are required to facilitate ease of use in routine operation (e.g., analysis time, acceptable solvents, available equipment).
  • 14. 2: Method development The design and selection of the method takes place  “method scouting”
  • 15. 3: Risk assessment and analytical design-space definition It is imperative to reach a high degree of confidence. It means that the analytical method will meet all method performance criteria under all conditions of use as it proceeds through the lifecycle. This confidence level can be achieved: – using a rigorous approach for identifying all the potential method factors that may need to be controlled to ensure method performance – through the use of risk assessment tools and prioritized experimentation that eliminate areas of risk.
  • 16. 3: Risk assessment and analytical design-space definition Typically DoE (Design of Experiment) is used to find ranges for instrument operating parameters, to understand sample preparation variations and variations of method precision. – Example terminology for design space: MODR (method operable design range)
  • 17. 4: Analytical method control strategy Using the appropriate risk-assessment tools, the critical factors and their acceptable ranges (from the risk assessment or experimental work) are explicitly defined in the method.
  • 18. Robustness: a fundamental criteria of quality in an HPLC separation Ensure that methods would be robust and rugged throughout their lifecycle of use - the same goal as QbD for manufacturing process Rugged, as defined by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) The degree of reproducibility of test results obtained by the analysis of the same samples under a variety of normal test conditions:EXTERNAL FACTORS Robust, as defined by ICH Q2(R1) A measure of its capacity to remain unaffected by small but deliberate variations in the method parameters and provides an indication of its reliability during normal use: INTERNAL FACTORS
  • 19. Robustness: a fundamental criteria of quality in an HPLC separation RUGGEDNESS: ROBUSTNESS: – Different laboratories – Change in flow rate – Analyst – Concentration of organic acid – Instruments in mobile fase – Reagent batches – Analysis days – Assay temperature
  • 20. Robustness: a fundamental criteria of quality in an HPLC separation In the past, robustness testing was tipically carried out during the final stage of a method development process during the validation stage This led to undesired surprises being found late on The method had to be redeveloped and reoptimized
  • 21. Robustness: a fundamental criteria of quality in an HPLC separation To avoid these costly repetitions, there is an increasing tendency of including multifactorial robustness evaluation at the early stage of development, to built in quality from the outset By defining method operating conditions not as discrete points but as a working spaces with known tolerances, we obtain: – the flexibility of a method is increased – The likelihood of method failure is reduced – The method can withstand small changed By design.
  • 22. Multifactorial robustness evaluation A modern QbD based treatment of the robustness of an HPLC method requires the assessment of all parameters which most strongly influence selectivity alone and in combination The critical parameters are: – Gradient time (tG) – Temperature (T) – pH eluent A (pH) – Ternary eluent composition (tC) – Stationary fase Other parameters such as flow rate, start B%, end B%, dwell volume, may also be important.
  • 23. Multifactorial robustness evaluation In HPLC analysis, for a method to be accurate, precise and robust the sample must first be well separated Prerequisite for robustness is critical resolution: resolution between the least well separated peak pair For baseline separation Rs≥ 1,5 All condition for which the Rs remains above a given value ( 1.5 - 2.0) are robust
  • 24. Study ELUENT AND REAGENT: ACN – MEOH – WATER PURIFIED ELUENT A: 50mM KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN 95/5 v/v pH adjusted to 2.1, 2.7, 3.3, 6.8, 7.4, 8.0 prior to adding ACN ELUENT B: 50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN 20/80 v/v 50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/ACN/MEOH 20/40/40 v/v/v 50 Mm KH2PO4 IN H20/MEOH 20/80 v/v EQUIPMENT: UPLC (binary solvent pump, PDA detector, cooled autosampler, temperature controlled column compartment) Waters HSS t3 C18 column
  • 25. Study SAMPLE: Eye drop solution containing 2 APIs (A-B) and 9 known impurities ( 4 API-A imp.+ 5 API-B imp.) each spiked at 0.1 % level of their respective API Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230
  • 26. Workflow Method intent 1. Design of experiments 2. Design space generation Method design & 3. Visualize robusteness selection 4. Select working point Method evaluation 1. Robusteness evaluation 2. Formal validation Method Control
  • 27. Method intent The aim of this study was to develop a fully validated UHPLC method in accordance with QbD principles for the assay of two APIs and impurities for an eye drop sample, providing a fast and robust stability indicating analysis All impurities must be separeted from each other and from the main peaks Method target performance criteria was baseline separation for all peaks within a robust working region All acceptance criteria pertinent to a formal validation should be met
  • 28. Method design:DOE Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230 3 different 3D resolution models were constructed: - tG-T-pH (acidic pH, eluent B:ACN) - tG-T-pH (neutral pH, eluent B:ACN) - tG-T-tC ( eluent A: pH 2.7) Flow rate 0.3 ml/min; gradient range 0 -> 100 %B remain constant
  • 29. Method design:DOE TG T°C TC pH TG1 TG2 T1 T2 TC1 TC2 TC3 pH1 pH2 pH3 tG-T-Ph 15 30 25 50 ACN 2.1 2.7 3.3 (acidic) tG-T-pH 15 30 25 50 ACN 6.8 7.4 8.0 (neutral) tG-T-TC 15 30 25 50 ACN ACN/ MeOH 2.7 MeOH
  • 30. Method design: DOE Primary systematic and scientific evaluation of the critically influential separation parameters: Log D diagrams for column selection and best pH working range: pH 2-4 pH 11-13 Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230
  • 31. Method design:DOE The acidic pH region was chosen for this study: in the acidic pH range the logD values for most components is below 0 indicating that compounds contained in the eye drop sample are very polar Waters HSS T3 column is suitable for the separation of polar compounds.
  • 32. Design space generation First, the influence on relative retention of gradient time, temperature and pH of eluent A – in the acidic pH range – were investigated in a simultaneous fashion by means of 3D resolution cubes (Cube A). To verify the decision to work at acidic pH, another tG–T–pH cube was generated in the neutral pH range (Cube B) Once an optimal acidic pH was determined, a further 3D resolution cube modeling gradient time, temperature and ternary eluent composition was constructed (Cube C) at optimal pH.
  • 33. Design space generation Cube A Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230
  • 34. Design space generation Resolution models map the critical resolution for each value of the critical resolution (Rs,crit ) is represented in color so that: – warm colors show large Rs,crit values – cold colors show low values corresponding to inefficient separations. – Specifically, in red regions the resolution is baseline or above (Rs,crit = 1.5) and dark blue lines signalize peak overlaps (Rs,crit = 0).
  • 35. Design space: robustness Journal of Chromatography A, 1232 (2012) 218– 230 All combination of measured parameters with Rs ≤ 1,5 are removed from the resolution spaces Red regions represent robust above baseline separations
  • 36. Method selection Two criteria for selection of working point: 1. It should be contained within the largest robustness space 2. It should have the shortes run time Working point:Cube A TG: 7 min T: 25°C pH 2.7
  • 37. Method evaluation:tolerances Evaluation of robustness and ruggedness of selected working point Determination of parameters’ tolerances TG: 7±1 min T: 25±2 °C pH: 2.7± 0.1 12 new experiments were carried out: they were used to construct a new smaller cube which proved to yield critical resolution above 1.5 in the whole range In combination with the previously ± value, a number of different tolerances were evaluated: Flow rate start B% end B%
  • 38. Method evaluation:tolerances Parameters ± tolerance TG T °C pH Flow rate start B% End B% A 7 25 2.7 0,3 0 100 B 7±1 25±2 2.7±0.1 0.3±0.01 0±0.1 100-0.1 C 7±1 25±2 2.7±0.1 0.3±0.05 0±0.5 100-0.5 D 7±1 25±2 2.7±0.1 0.3±0.1 0±1 100-1 Results (Rs crit) avg (R s crit )max (R s crit )min A 2.14 2.14 2.14 B 2.14 2.35 1.93 C 2.12 2.60 1.67 D 2.10 2.88 1.28
  • 39. Method evaluation:tolerances The final tolerances, selected for this study, were those indicated for test C as they are larger than the instrument precision They allow the largest experimental tolerance without compromising the separation
  • 40. Method evaluation: column & ternary eluent composition Models were constructed with a theorical lower plate number than the experimental observed 3 columns were predicted to give equivalent selectivity (Fs< 3) to the one used in this study Cube C was also investigated: Acn yielded a larger robust region at lower analysis times than MeOH or mixtures of both
  • 41. Method control The final method has been designed with sufficient robusteness. So in a GLP environment no critical factors need to be tightly controlled in order to meet method performance criteria
  • 42. Benefits of application of QbD approach to analytical methods Methods will be more robust and rugged, resulting in fewer resources spent investigating out-of-specification results and greater confidence in analysis testing cycle times The introduction of new analytical methods using a QbD approach will lead to a higher transfer success rate than with traditional technology-transfer approaches Regulatory flexibility – Movements within “Design Space” are not considered a change in method
  • 43. The QbD approach to analytical methods faces several barriers Current validation guidance does not lead to methods that can always be reliably operated External guidance must be developed in this area; ICH guideline Q2(R1) requires revision (or removal) A common language for some of the new terms is required (analytical method design space, analytical method control strategy, and method performance criteria) Analysts must learn new tools and skills A consistent worldwide approach is required for this initiative to be effective.

Editor's Notes

  1. Applicazione al processo produttivo comporta necessariamente di seguire la stessa metodologia per metodi analitici che devono monitorare e controllare il proc. Produttivo
  2. Development:Ofat Validation: exerc. Check box
  3. Process monitoring Control requirements -----&gt; CQA /specification limits CQAs are identified, through an understanding of those characteristics of a drug substance or a drug product that may need to be controlled to ensure the safety or efficacy of a product
  4. Si deve raggiungere un grado di confidenza elevato da assicurare i criteri di perf. Utilizzando un approccio rigoroso per identificare i fattori potenziali e il RA Il metodo è assessed
  5. Programma che analizzando le strutture molecolari e le proprietà fisico-chimiche dei costituenti permette di valutare le regioni di pH in cui i tempi di ritenz degli analiti dovrebbero rimanere costanti