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Wellcome in our new group ..... Dr.SAMIR EL ANSARY
Aortic dissection
An aortic dissection is a tearing of the layers
within the aortic wall, classically associated
with sudden-onset chest or back pain, a pulse
deficit, and mediastinal widening on a chest
Depending on size and degree of aortic
involvement, it may result in marked
hemodynamic instability and, often, a rapid
Aortic dissection.
Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment
are critical to maximize the possibility of
Significant dissections are often fatal and
rarely survive to clinical attention; the majority
of dissections seen in the critical care
environment are either
Subacute, contained, or sparing the
major aortic vessels.
Anatomy of injury in aortic
The tear usually originates in the intima.
It then propagates into the media creating a
false channel for blood to flow and hematoma
to form.
The dissection process may alternatively
originate with hemorrhage
in the media that secondarily causes
disruption of the intima.
In approximately 70% of patients, the intimal
tear, which is the beginning of the dissection,
occurs in the ascending aorta.
In 20% of patients it occurs in the descending
thoracic aorta, and in 10% of patients it occurs
in the aortic arch.
Only rarely is an intimal tear identified in the
abdominal aorta.
DeBakey classifications of aortic
The two classification systems most
commonly used both have anatomic
as well as management
The DeBakey classification describes three
types of dissection :
Type I: extends from aortic root to beyond the
ascending aorta
Type 11: involves only the ascending aorta
Type Ill: Begins distal to the takeoff of the left
subclavian artery and has two subtypes
Type III A: limited to the thoracic aorta
Type 111 B: extends below the diaphragm
The Stanford classification has
two types of dissection
Type A: involves the ascending
Type B: involves the descending
aorta, distal to the left subclavian
Approximately 75% of patients with ruptured
aortic aneurysm will reach an emergency
department alive.
Whereas for aortic dissection 40% die
Furthermore, only 50% to 70% will be alive 5
years after surgery depending on age and
underlying cause.
For untreated acute dissection of the
ascending aorta the mortality rate is 1 % to 2%
per hour after onset.
For type A dissections treated medically it is
approximately 20% within the first 24 hours and
50% by 1 month after presentation.
Even with surgical intervention
the mortality rate for type A dissection may be
as high as 10% after 24 hours and nearly 20%
1 month after repair.
Although type B dissection is less dangerous
than type A, it is still associated with an
extremely high mortality.
The 30-day mortality rate for an uncomplicated
type B dissection approaches 10%.
However, patients with type B dissection who
have complications such as limb ischemia,
renal failure, or visceral ischemia have a 2-day
mortality upwards of 20% and may prompt the
need for surgical intervention.
Risk factors
Hypertension: Present in 70% to 90% of
patients with acute dissection.
Advanced age: Mean of 63 years in the
International Registry of Acute Aortic
Dissection (IRAD).
Male sex: Represented by 65% of patients in
the IRAD.
Family history: Recently recognized is a
genetic, nonsyndromic familial form of thoracic
aortic dissection.
Trauma (deceleration/torsional
injury) .
Congenital and inflammatory
Present as Marfan syndrome in
almost 5% of total patients in the
IRAD and half of those patients under
age 40 years.
Other associated congenital disorders
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Loeys-Dietz
syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic
coarctation, Turner syndrome, Takayasu
and giant-cell aortitis, relapsing
polychondritis (Behcet disease,
spondyloarthropathies), or confirmed
genetic mutations known to predispose
.to dissections (TGFBRI, TGFBRP, FBNI,
ACTAP, or MYHI I ) .
Associated with 50% of dissections in
women under age 40 and most
frequently occurring in the third
This might be attributable to
elevations in cardiac output during
pregnancy that cause increased
wall stress.
Circadian and seasonal
Producing a higher frequency of dissection
in the morning hours and in the winter
Occurring as a consequence of invasive
procedures or surgery, especially when the
aorta has been entered or its main
branches have been cannulated, such as
for cardiopulmonary bypass.
The common clinical
signs and symptoms of
aortic dissection.
The most common presenting symptom is
chest pain, occurring in up to 90% of
patients with acute dissection.
Classically, for type A dissections, sudden
onset of severe anterior chest pain with
extension to the back occurs that is
described as ripping or tearing in nature.
The pain is usually of maximal intensity
from its inception and is frequently
It may migrate along the path of the
The pain of aortic dissection may mimic
that of myocardial ischemia.
Patients with type B dissections are more
likely to be seen with back pain ( 64%)
Syncope is a well-recognized clinical
feature of dissection, occurring in up to
13% of cases.
Impairments of cerebral blood flow can
be due to
Acute hypovolemia, low cardiac output,
or dissection-involvement of the cerebral
Patients with a presenting syncope were
significantly more likely to die than were
those without syncope (34% vs. 23%),
likely because of
the frequent correlation with associated
cardiac tamponade, stroke,
decreased consciousness, and
spinal cord ischemia.
The common clinical
findings associated with
aortic dissection.
Neurologic symptoms
17% of patients were seen initially with neurologic
symptoms, 53% of which represented
ischemic stroke.
Neurologic complications may result from
hypotension, malperfusion, distal thromboembolism,
or nerve compression.
Acute paraplegia as a result of spinal cord
malperfusion has been described as a primary
manifestation in 1% to 3% of patients.
Up to 50% of neurologic symptoms may be
Cardiovascular manifestations
The heart is the most frequently involved end-organ
in acute proximal aortic dissections.
Acute aortic regurgitation
may be present in 41 % to 76% of patients with
proximal dissection and may be caused by widening
of the aortic annulus resulting in incomplete valve
closure or actual disruption of the aortic valve
leaflets from the dissection flap.
Clinical manifestations of dissection-
related aortic regurgitation span from
mere diastolic murmurs without clinical
significance to overt congestive heart
failure and cardiogenic shock.
Myocardial ischemia or infarction
May result from compromised coronary artery flow
by an expanding false lumen that compresses the
proximal coronary or by extension of the dissection
flap into the coronary artery ostium.
This occurs in 7% to 19% of patients with proximal
aortic dissections.
Clinically, these present as electrocardiographic
changes consistent with primary myocardial
ischemia and/or infarction.
Cardiac tamponade is diagnosed in 8% to
10% of patients seen with acute type A
It is associated with a high mortality and
should prompt consideration for emergent
drainage and aortic repair.
Hypertension occurs in greater than 50% of
patients with dissection, more commonly with
distal disease.
Ongoing renal ischemia can produce severe
Hypotension/shock may present in up to 20% of
patients with dissection.
This may be a result of cardiac tamponade from aortic
rupture into the pericardium, dissection, or
compression of the coronary arteries, acute aortic
regurgitation, acute blood loss, true lumen
compression by distended false lumen, or an intra-
abdominal catastrophe.
Cardiogenic shock
In approximately 6% of cases.
This can be due to acute aortic
regurgitation or ongoing myocardial
Peripheral vascular complications
Can manifest as pulse and/or blood pressure
differentials or deficits and occur in
approximately one third to one half of patients
with proximal dissection.
Etiology is partial compression, obstruction,
thrombosis, or embolism of
the aortic branch vessels, resulting in
cerebral, renal, visceral, or limb ischemia.
Peripheral pulse deficits should alert the clinician to
possible ongoing renal or visceral ischemia unable to
be detected from physical examination or laboratory
values alone.
Pulmonary complications
May manifest as pleural effusions, which
occur most frequently on the left.
Causes include rupture of the dissection
into the pleural space or weeping of fluid
from the aorta as an inflammatory
response to the dissection.
Laboratory abnormalities
associated with aortic dissection
Laboratory data are usually unrevealing, but
anemia from blood loss into the false lumen
can occur.
A moderate leukocytosis (10,000-14,000
white cells per mL) is sometimes seen.
Lactic acid dehydrogenase and bilirubin
levels may be elevated because of hemolysis
within the false lumen.
Laboratory abnormalities
associated with aortic dissection
Disseminated intravascular coagulation has
been reported.
Currently, randomized controlled data do not
support the use of D-dimers or experimental
serum markers (plasma smooth muscle
myosin heavy chain protein, high-sensitivity
C-reactive protein).
Imaging modalities
used to diagnose aortic
On the basis of clinical risk factors and
conditions, presentation, and associated
examination findings, patients are
stratified into
Low- intermediate- or high-
risk categories.
Further work-up is dictated by this pretest
probability index.
Some patients with acute dissection initially
have no high-risk features, creating a
diagnostic dilemma.
According to most recent guidelines, if a
clear alternative diagnosis is not established
after the initial evaluation, then obtaining a
diagnostic aortic imaging study should be
Although lacking specificity, a chest
radiograph should be obtained as part
of the initial diagnostic evaluation.
A radiograph abnormality is seen in up
to 90% of patients with aortic
dissection; most frequent is widening
of the aorta and mediastinum.
Other findings may include a localized hump on
the aortic arch, displacement of calcification in
the aortic knob, and pleural effusions.
However, approximately 40% of radiographs in
acute dissection lack a widened mediastinum,
and as many as 16% are normal.
Thus a negative radiograph must not delay
definitive aortic imaging in patients deemed at
high risk for aortic dissection by initial
Computed tomography (CT) scanning,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
echocardiography (TEE)
Are all highly accurate imaging modalities that
may be used to make the diagnosis; all can
provide acceptable diagnostic accuracy.
Transthoracic echocardiography has
limited diagnostic accuracy.
Which was once the test of choice, is no
longer used routinely because it is invasive and
time-consuming and involves exposure to
intravenous contrast dye.
The most recent comparative study with
nonhelical CT, MRI, and TEE showed 100%
sensitivity for all modalities, with better
specificity of CT (100%) as compared with TEE
or MRI.
A recent metaanalysis found that all three
imaging techniques provided equally
reliable results.
Although each imaging modality offers
advantages and disadvantages, the
choice among CT, MRI, and TEE is
probably best based on which is most
readily available.
It should be noted, however, that the diagnosis
of acute aortic dissection can be difficult and
occasionally cannot be absolutely excluded by
a single imaging study.
If a high clinical suspicion exists despite initially
negative imaging, then consideration should be
given to a second imaging modality.
Regardless, prompt surgical consultation
should be initiated in any patient with a
suspected dissection.
Regardless, prompt surgical
consultation should be
initiated in any patient with a
suspected dissection.
Diagnosis could be confused
with Aortic dissection
Acute myocardial infarction
Pulmonary embolism
Acute cholycystitis
Atherosclerotic emboli
Cerebrovascular accidents . .
Acute aortic regurgitation
Thoracic nondissecting aneurysm . .
Mediastinal cysts or tumors
Cholecystitis .
Musculoskeletal pain
Atherosclerotic emboli
Differentiate between the
management of Stanford type A
and type B dissections
An acute type A dissection is a surgical
However, medical management is critical to
halt the progression of the dissection while the
diagnostic work-up takes place and while
preparations are made to bring the patient to
the operating room for definitive treatment.
While the diagnosis work-up proceeds and a
cardiothoracic surgeon is consulted, the
patient's condition should be carefully
monitored and stabilized in an intensive care
Pain management and gradual down-titration of
blood pressure are critical to prevent extension
of the dissection.
Sufficient blood products and intravascular
access should be available in the event of
aortic rupture.
Patients with uncomplicated type B dissection
are preferably managed medically with p-
blockers and other antihypertensive agents.
Surgical intervention has no demonstrable
superiority except in cases of failed medical
management manifesting as malperfusion,
aortic expansion with potential for imminent
rupture, or intractable pain.
Ongoing advances with less
invasive interventions
(endovascular stent grafts and
endovascular fenestration
procedures) suggest an expanded
role for interventional management
in the treatment of acute type B
dissection, especially in experienced
The strategies for medical
management of dissection and
commonly used medications
The goals of medical therapy are to treat
pain, to aggressively control blood
pressure, and to determine need for
surgical or endovascular intervention.
Patients who are seen with hypotension
should receive the following:
Prompt but judicious volume resuscitation and
hemodynamic support with intravenous
vasopressors to maintain a goal mean
arterial pressure of 70 mm Hg .
Rapid search for underlying etiology
(tamponade, myocardial dysfunction, acute
Emergent surgical consultation for operative
In those who are seen initially with
hypertension, the blood pressure should
generally be lowered to a systolic of 100 to
120 mm Hg, to a mean of 60 to 65 mm Hg,
or to the lowest level that is compatible with
perfusion of the vital organs.
The aortic wall stress is affected by the
heart rate, blood pressure, and velocity of
ventricular contraction (dP/dt).
The ideal antihypertensive regimen must
decrease blood pressure
without increasing
cardiac output
through peripheral vasodilatation.
This is because an increased cardiac output
can increase flow rates producing higher
aortic wall stress and thus propagating the
Intravenous p-blockers (commonly esmolol,
labetalol, propranolol, or metoprolol) are
considered the first-line medical stabilization
regimen because they affect all three parameters
without increases
in cardiac output and aortic wall stress.
In patients who are unable to tolerate B- blockade,
nondihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists
(verapamil, diltiazem) offer an acceptable
Often, single-drug therapy alone is
inadequate to optimize blood pressure
Adequate pain control is essential not only
for patient comfort but also to decrease
sympathetic mediated increases in heart rate
and blood pressure.
This may be accomplished with intravenous
opioid analgesics.
If p-blockade and adequate pain control
are ineffective to control blood pressure,
the addition of a rapidly acting, easily
titratable intravenous vasodilator, such
should be considered.
Other agents, such as
Nicardipine, nitroglycerin, and
are also acceptable.
Vasodilator therapy without prior p-blockade
may cause reflex tachycardia and increased
force of ventricular contraction leading to
greater wall stress and potentially causing
false lumen propagation; therefore adequate
p-blockade must be established first, before
the vasodilator is initiated.
The surgical approach for repair of Stanford
type A dissection.
The purpose of surgery is to resect the aortic
segment containing the proximal intimal tear, to
obliterate the false channel, and to restore aortic
continuity with a graft or by reapproximating the
transected ends of the aorta.
For patients with aortic insufficiency, it may be
possible to resuspend the aortic valve, but in
some cases replacement of the aortic valve is
In some cases of proximal dissection,
reimplantation of the coronary arteries is
If a DeBakey type II dissection is present,
the entire dissected aorta should be
Surgery to repair an aortic dissection
generally requires cardiopulmonary bypass
and, often, deep hypothermic circulatory
Recent alternatives to surgical repair of
aortic dissection
An endovascular technique of stent-grafting
and/or balloon fenestration may be used for
initial surgical treatment of some dissections.
Indications for open or endograft treatment are
based on the anatomic features of the lesion,
clinical presentation and course, patient
comorbidities, and anatomic constraints
related to endograft technology.
Dissections pose a complex situation because
the branches of the aorta may be perfused
from either the true or false lumen.
Often, both the true and false lumens are
patent and some of the visceral, renal, or lower
extremity vessels are fed by one channel and
the remainder by the other.
Consideration must be given to how blood flow
reaches vital organs before considering
treatment of a dissection with an endovascular
For type B dissection, an increasing
number of reports show better results
with endovascular repair versus open
surgical repair.
The role of endovascular stent-graft
versus optimal medical therapy was
recently examined in the literature, but
no difference was noted in survival or
number of adverse events.
However, longer-term (5 year)
data are needed to fully assess
the potential impact of stent-
grafting for acute dissection,
Effects on survival, clinical
outcomes, and long-term
aortic remodeling.
The use of fenestrated endografts
A new era in the treatment of aortic
Unsuitable anatomy is a significant barrier
to the use of endovascular stent-grafts for
most forms of aortic disease, where the
ostia of major vessels would otherwise be
partially or completed covered with the
deployment of a stent-graft.
The use of fenestrated endografts
Using preoperative
Three-dimensional CT aortic
customized stents can be constructed,
featuring holes (fenestrations) or side-
branches matched to patient-specific
anatomy to ensure perfusion to major
aortic branch vessels.
The use of fenestrated endografts
Current trials are underway in
Europe and the United States for
their use for
complex aneurysmal disease, and
expectations are high for similar
application to aortic dissection.
Global Critical Care!/groups/145
Wellcome in our new group ..... Dr.SAMIR EL ANSARY

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Aortic dissection 2015

  • 3. Aortic dissection An aortic dissection is a tearing of the layers within the aortic wall, classically associated with sudden-onset chest or back pain, a pulse deficit, and mediastinal widening on a chest radiograph. Depending on size and degree of aortic involvement, it may result in marked hemodynamic instability and, often, a rapid death.
  • 4. Aortic dissection. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are critical to maximize the possibility of survival. Significant dissections are often fatal and rarely survive to clinical attention; the majority of dissections seen in the critical care environment are either Subacute, contained, or sparing the major aortic vessels.
  • 5. Anatomy of injury in aortic dissection The tear usually originates in the intima. It then propagates into the media creating a false channel for blood to flow and hematoma to form. The dissection process may alternatively originate with hemorrhage in the media that secondarily causes disruption of the intima.
  • 6. In approximately 70% of patients, the intimal tear, which is the beginning of the dissection, occurs in the ascending aorta. In 20% of patients it occurs in the descending thoracic aorta, and in 10% of patients it occurs in the aortic arch. Only rarely is an intimal tear identified in the abdominal aorta.
  • 7. DeBakey classifications of aortic dissection The two classification systems most commonly used both have anatomic as well as management implications.
  • 8. The DeBakey classification describes three types of dissection : Type I: extends from aortic root to beyond the ascending aorta Type 11: involves only the ascending aorta Type Ill: Begins distal to the takeoff of the left subclavian artery and has two subtypes Type III A: limited to the thoracic aorta Type 111 B: extends below the diaphragm
  • 9. The Stanford classification has two types of dissection Type A: involves the ascending aorta Type B: involves the descending aorta, distal to the left subclavian artery
  • 10. Approximately 75% of patients with ruptured aortic aneurysm will reach an emergency department alive. Whereas for aortic dissection 40% die immediately. Furthermore, only 50% to 70% will be alive 5 years after surgery depending on age and underlying cause.
  • 11. For untreated acute dissection of the ascending aorta the mortality rate is 1 % to 2% per hour after onset. For type A dissections treated medically it is approximately 20% within the first 24 hours and 50% by 1 month after presentation. Even with surgical intervention the mortality rate for type A dissection may be as high as 10% after 24 hours and nearly 20% 1 month after repair.
  • 12. Although type B dissection is less dangerous than type A, it is still associated with an extremely high mortality. The 30-day mortality rate for an uncomplicated type B dissection approaches 10%. However, patients with type B dissection who have complications such as limb ischemia, renal failure, or visceral ischemia have a 2-day mortality upwards of 20% and may prompt the need for surgical intervention.
  • 14. Hypertension: Present in 70% to 90% of patients with acute dissection. Advanced age: Mean of 63 years in the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD). Male sex: Represented by 65% of patients in the IRAD. Family history: Recently recognized is a genetic, nonsyndromic familial form of thoracic aortic dissection.
  • 15. Trauma (deceleration/torsional injury) . Congenital and inflammatory disorders: Present as Marfan syndrome in almost 5% of total patients in the IRAD and half of those patients under age 40 years.
  • 16. Other associated congenital disorders include Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic coarctation, Turner syndrome, Takayasu and giant-cell aortitis, relapsing polychondritis (Behcet disease, spondyloarthropathies), or confirmed genetic mutations known to predispose .to dissections (TGFBRI, TGFBRP, FBNI, ACTAP, or MYHI I ) .
  • 17. Pregnancy Associated with 50% of dissections in women under age 40 and most frequently occurring in the third trimester. This might be attributable to elevations in cardiac output during pregnancy that cause increased wall stress.
  • 18. Circadian and seasonal variations Producing a higher frequency of dissection in the morning hours and in the winter months. Iatrogenic Occurring as a consequence of invasive procedures or surgery, especially when the aorta has been entered or its main branches have been cannulated, such as for cardiopulmonary bypass.
  • 19. The common clinical signs and symptoms of aortic dissection.
  • 20. Pain The most common presenting symptom is chest pain, occurring in up to 90% of patients with acute dissection. Classically, for type A dissections, sudden onset of severe anterior chest pain with extension to the back occurs that is described as ripping or tearing in nature.
  • 21. The pain is usually of maximal intensity from its inception and is frequently unremitting. It may migrate along the path of the dissection. The pain of aortic dissection may mimic that of myocardial ischemia. Patients with type B dissections are more likely to be seen with back pain ( 64%) alone.
  • 22. Syncope Syncope is a well-recognized clinical feature of dissection, occurring in up to 13% of cases. Impairments of cerebral blood flow can be due to Acute hypovolemia, low cardiac output, or dissection-involvement of the cerebral vessels.
  • 23. Syncope Patients with a presenting syncope were significantly more likely to die than were those without syncope (34% vs. 23%), likely because of the frequent correlation with associated cardiac tamponade, stroke, decreased consciousness, and spinal cord ischemia.
  • 24. The common clinical findings associated with aortic dissection.
  • 25. Neurologic symptoms 17% of patients were seen initially with neurologic symptoms, 53% of which represented ischemic stroke. Neurologic complications may result from hypotension, malperfusion, distal thromboembolism, or nerve compression. Acute paraplegia as a result of spinal cord malperfusion has been described as a primary manifestation in 1% to 3% of patients. Up to 50% of neurologic symptoms may be transient.
  • 26. Cardiovascular manifestations The heart is the most frequently involved end-organ in acute proximal aortic dissections. Acute aortic regurgitation may be present in 41 % to 76% of patients with proximal dissection and may be caused by widening of the aortic annulus resulting in incomplete valve closure or actual disruption of the aortic valve leaflets from the dissection flap.
  • 27. Clinical manifestations of dissection- related aortic regurgitation span from mere diastolic murmurs without clinical significance to overt congestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock.
  • 28. Myocardial ischemia or infarction May result from compromised coronary artery flow by an expanding false lumen that compresses the proximal coronary or by extension of the dissection flap into the coronary artery ostium. This occurs in 7% to 19% of patients with proximal aortic dissections. Clinically, these present as electrocardiographic changes consistent with primary myocardial ischemia and/or infarction.
  • 29. Cardiac tamponade is diagnosed in 8% to 10% of patients seen with acute type A dissections. It is associated with a high mortality and should prompt consideration for emergent drainage and aortic repair. Hypertension occurs in greater than 50% of patients with dissection, more commonly with distal disease. Ongoing renal ischemia can produce severe hypertension.
  • 30. Hypotension/shock may present in up to 20% of patients with dissection. This may be a result of cardiac tamponade from aortic rupture into the pericardium, dissection, or compression of the coronary arteries, acute aortic regurgitation, acute blood loss, true lumen compression by distended false lumen, or an intra- abdominal catastrophe. Cardiogenic shock In approximately 6% of cases. This can be due to acute aortic regurgitation or ongoing myocardial ischemia.
  • 31. Peripheral vascular complications Can manifest as pulse and/or blood pressure differentials or deficits and occur in approximately one third to one half of patients with proximal dissection. Etiology is partial compression, obstruction, thrombosis, or embolism of the aortic branch vessels, resulting in cerebral, renal, visceral, or limb ischemia. Peripheral pulse deficits should alert the clinician to possible ongoing renal or visceral ischemia unable to be detected from physical examination or laboratory values alone.
  • 32. Pulmonary complications May manifest as pleural effusions, which occur most frequently on the left. Causes include rupture of the dissection into the pleural space or weeping of fluid from the aorta as an inflammatory response to the dissection.
  • 33. Laboratory abnormalities associated with aortic dissection Laboratory data are usually unrevealing, but anemia from blood loss into the false lumen can occur. A moderate leukocytosis (10,000-14,000 white cells per mL) is sometimes seen. Lactic acid dehydrogenase and bilirubin levels may be elevated because of hemolysis within the false lumen.
  • 34. Laboratory abnormalities associated with aortic dissection Disseminated intravascular coagulation has been reported. Currently, randomized controlled data do not support the use of D-dimers or experimental serum markers (plasma smooth muscle myosin heavy chain protein, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein).
  • 35. Imaging modalities used to diagnose aortic dissection On the basis of clinical risk factors and conditions, presentation, and associated examination findings, patients are stratified into Low- intermediate- or high- risk categories.
  • 36. Further work-up is dictated by this pretest probability index. Some patients with acute dissection initially have no high-risk features, creating a diagnostic dilemma. According to most recent guidelines, if a clear alternative diagnosis is not established after the initial evaluation, then obtaining a diagnostic aortic imaging study should be considered.
  • 37. Although lacking specificity, a chest radiograph should be obtained as part of the initial diagnostic evaluation. A radiograph abnormality is seen in up to 90% of patients with aortic dissection; most frequent is widening of the aorta and mediastinum.
  • 38. Other findings may include a localized hump on the aortic arch, displacement of calcification in the aortic knob, and pleural effusions. However, approximately 40% of radiographs in acute dissection lack a widened mediastinum, and as many as 16% are normal. Thus a negative radiograph must not delay definitive aortic imaging in patients deemed at high risk for aortic dissection by initial screening.
  • 39. Computed tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) Are all highly accurate imaging modalities that may be used to make the diagnosis; all can provide acceptable diagnostic accuracy. Transthoracic echocardiography has limited diagnostic accuracy.
  • 40. Aortography Which was once the test of choice, is no longer used routinely because it is invasive and time-consuming and involves exposure to intravenous contrast dye. The most recent comparative study with nonhelical CT, MRI, and TEE showed 100% sensitivity for all modalities, with better specificity of CT (100%) as compared with TEE or MRI.
  • 41. A recent metaanalysis found that all three imaging techniques provided equally reliable results. Although each imaging modality offers advantages and disadvantages, the choice among CT, MRI, and TEE is probably best based on which is most readily available.
  • 42. It should be noted, however, that the diagnosis of acute aortic dissection can be difficult and occasionally cannot be absolutely excluded by a single imaging study. If a high clinical suspicion exists despite initially negative imaging, then consideration should be given to a second imaging modality. Regardless, prompt surgical consultation should be initiated in any patient with a suspected dissection.
  • 43. Regardless, prompt surgical consultation should be initiated in any patient with a suspected dissection.
  • 44. Diagnosis could be confused with Aortic dissection Acute myocardial infarction Pulmonary embolism Acute cholycystitis Pleuritis Pericarditis Atherosclerotic emboli Cerebrovascular accidents . . Acute aortic regurgitation Thoracic nondissecting aneurysm . . Mediastinal cysts or tumors Cholecystitis . Musculoskeletal pain Atherosclerotic emboli
  • 45. Differentiate between the management of Stanford type A and type B dissections An acute type A dissection is a surgical emergency However, medical management is critical to halt the progression of the dissection while the diagnostic work-up takes place and while preparations are made to bring the patient to the operating room for definitive treatment.
  • 46. While the diagnosis work-up proceeds and a cardiothoracic surgeon is consulted, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored and stabilized in an intensive care unit. Pain management and gradual down-titration of blood pressure are critical to prevent extension of the dissection.
  • 47. Sufficient blood products and intravascular access should be available in the event of aortic rupture. Patients with uncomplicated type B dissection are preferably managed medically with p- blockers and other antihypertensive agents. Surgical intervention has no demonstrable superiority except in cases of failed medical management manifesting as malperfusion, aortic expansion with potential for imminent rupture, or intractable pain.
  • 48. Ongoing advances with less invasive interventions (endovascular stent grafts and endovascular fenestration procedures) suggest an expanded role for interventional management in the treatment of acute type B dissection, especially in experienced centers.
  • 49. The strategies for medical management of dissection and commonly used medications The goals of medical therapy are to treat pain, to aggressively control blood pressure, and to determine need for surgical or endovascular intervention.
  • 50. Patients who are seen with hypotension should receive the following: Prompt but judicious volume resuscitation and hemodynamic support with intravenous vasopressors to maintain a goal mean arterial pressure of 70 mm Hg . Rapid search for underlying etiology (tamponade, myocardial dysfunction, acute hemorrhage) Emergent surgical consultation for operative management
  • 51. In those who are seen initially with hypertension, the blood pressure should generally be lowered to a systolic of 100 to 120 mm Hg, to a mean of 60 to 65 mm Hg, or to the lowest level that is compatible with perfusion of the vital organs. The aortic wall stress is affected by the heart rate, blood pressure, and velocity of ventricular contraction (dP/dt).
  • 52. The ideal antihypertensive regimen must decrease blood pressure without increasing cardiac output through peripheral vasodilatation. This is because an increased cardiac output can increase flow rates producing higher aortic wall stress and thus propagating the dissection.
  • 53. Intravenous p-blockers (commonly esmolol, labetalol, propranolol, or metoprolol) are considered the first-line medical stabilization regimen because they affect all three parameters without increases in cardiac output and aortic wall stress. In patients who are unable to tolerate B- blockade, nondihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists (verapamil, diltiazem) offer an acceptable alternative.
  • 54. Often, single-drug therapy alone is inadequate to optimize blood pressure management. Adequate pain control is essential not only for patient comfort but also to decrease sympathetic mediated increases in heart rate and blood pressure. This may be accomplished with intravenous opioid analgesics.
  • 55. . If p-blockade and adequate pain control are ineffective to control blood pressure, the addition of a rapidly acting, easily titratable intravenous vasodilator, such as nitroprusside should be considered.
  • 56. Other agents, such as Nicardipine, nitroglycerin, and fenoldopam are also acceptable. Vasodilator therapy without prior p-blockade may cause reflex tachycardia and increased force of ventricular contraction leading to greater wall stress and potentially causing false lumen propagation; therefore adequate p-blockade must be established first, before the vasodilator is initiated.
  • 57. The surgical approach for repair of Stanford type A dissection. The purpose of surgery is to resect the aortic segment containing the proximal intimal tear, to obliterate the false channel, and to restore aortic continuity with a graft or by reapproximating the transected ends of the aorta. For patients with aortic insufficiency, it may be possible to resuspend the aortic valve, but in some cases replacement of the aortic valve is necessary. .
  • 58. In some cases of proximal dissection, reimplantation of the coronary arteries is required. If a DeBakey type II dissection is present, the entire dissected aorta should be replaced. Surgery to repair an aortic dissection generally requires cardiopulmonary bypass and, often, deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
  • 59. Recent alternatives to surgical repair of aortic dissection An endovascular technique of stent-grafting and/or balloon fenestration may be used for initial surgical treatment of some dissections. Indications for open or endograft treatment are based on the anatomic features of the lesion, clinical presentation and course, patient comorbidities, and anatomic constraints related to endograft technology.
  • 60. Dissections pose a complex situation because the branches of the aorta may be perfused from either the true or false lumen. Often, both the true and false lumens are patent and some of the visceral, renal, or lower extremity vessels are fed by one channel and the remainder by the other. Consideration must be given to how blood flow reaches vital organs before considering treatment of a dissection with an endovascular stent-graft.
  • 61. For type B dissection, an increasing number of reports show better results with endovascular repair versus open surgical repair. The role of endovascular stent-graft versus optimal medical therapy was recently examined in the literature, but no difference was noted in survival or number of adverse events.
  • 62. However, longer-term (5 year) data are needed to fully assess the potential impact of stent- grafting for acute dissection, including Effects on survival, clinical outcomes, and long-term aortic remodeling.
  • 63. The use of fenestrated endografts A new era in the treatment of aortic dissections. Unsuitable anatomy is a significant barrier to the use of endovascular stent-grafts for most forms of aortic disease, where the ostia of major vessels would otherwise be partially or completed covered with the deployment of a stent-graft. .
  • 64. The use of fenestrated endografts Using preoperative Three-dimensional CT aortic reconstruction customized stents can be constructed, featuring holes (fenestrations) or side- branches matched to patient-specific anatomy to ensure perfusion to major aortic branch vessels.
  • 65. The use of fenestrated endografts Current trials are underway in Europe and the United States for their use for complex aneurysmal disease, and expectations are high for similar application to aortic dissection.
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