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lung cancer
( 肺 癌 )
Epidemic report in 1999: 1,000, 000 new
cases worldwidely
Rapid increase in population of youth and
Death rate: 1st in male cancer patients, 3 rd
in female; In China, 3rd in cancer patients –
1st in urban, 4th in rural area
A report from WHO predict that lung cancer &
AIDS are the first TWO of the most severe D
in this century
Etiology & Mechanisms
( 病因和发病机制 )
1. Smoking
One of the most important risk factors
Smoking closely related to squamous & small
cell lung cancer
of lung cancer patients: smokers have 10-13
times higher Death rate than nonsmokers
The more the smoking, the longer the course,
the earlier the initiation, the younger the death
The passive smokers have even more
impairment than active ones
Smoking & histological changes
↓ Ciliary cells
Epithelial cells hyperplasia
Metaplasia to squamous cell
Atypical hyperplasia
Industrial waste air
Tail gas excreted by auto
Pitchy waste on highway
2. Air pollution
3. Pollution in family
passive smoking
Incomplete burning of coal
4. Occupational factors
Confirmed by WHO
Exposure to asbestos, inorganic Arsenate,
radon, Nickel, etc
Other possible factors include acrylamidine,
acrolein resin, chlorovynilic products, etc
5. Ionizing radiation
Lung is sensitive
Occurrence increased after atomic attacks in
Japan and radiation therapy
More related to small cell carcinoma
Nosocomial radiation is much more, among
which, 36.7% from X-ray
Natural radiation in special area
6. Diets & Nutrition
Deficiency of vitamin A or its derivatives,
vitamin C, B2 & E
Deficiency of selenium or zinc
Other factors
Bronchial carcinoma may be related to
chronic bronchitis, lung TB, or other chronic
respiratory D
TB scar tends to develop into Cancer
Genetic correlation remains to be proven
Anatomic classification
Central bronchial carcinoma: segmental
or larger bronchi, account for ¾ cases,
consist of squamous and small cell lung
Peripheral: small bronchi or
bronchioles, account for ¼
cases , adenocarcinoma is the main
histological type
Histological classification
Squamous cell
well, medium or badly differentiated
Small undifferentiated cell
lymphocyte-like ( avenine cell )
intermediate cell (fusiform cell, polyhedral cell, etc)
well, medium or badly differentiated, bronchoalveolar/papillary
Large cell
accompanied with mucus differentiation
accompanied with multilamellar structure
cytomegalic, megalocyte
Biobehavioral classification
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): 25%
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC):
75%, including squamous lung cancer,
adenocarcinoma, and adeno-squamous
lung cancer
Clinical features
Small cell carcinoma
Originated from Kultschitzky (K cell) or
argyrophilic cell in mucus gland of airway
Evidence from immunohistochemistry and
special tumor markers indicate SCLC has
characters of neuroendocrinal tissues
Paraneoplastic syndrome: serotonin, histamine,
kinin, catecholamine, etc
Polymorphic: avenine, lymphoid, and fusiform
Accounts for 25% of all lung cancer cases,
increase rapidly recently
Most malignant
Occur commonly at age of 40-50
Closely related to history of smoking
90% in a central location
Sensitive to radiation & chemical therapy
Rapidly growth
Earlier local infiltration: blood vessel, hilum of
lung, or mediastinal lymph node
Earlier metastasis: 22-28% in liver, 17-30% in
bone marrow, 8-15% in CNS, 11% in
Non-small cell lung carcinoma
Squamous cell (鳞癌)
Originated mainly from segmental or
subsegmental bronchi
Intraluminal growth
Cancerous cavity & abscess is more common
Medium or badly differentiated: cancerous
nest, keratinization, intercellular bridge
Neural granule rarely seen
Commonly occurrence
In the elder male persons
Closely related to smoking
Mostly in a central location
Slow growth, late metastasis, more
opportunity to be eradicated
Insensitive to radiation & chemical
Adenocarcinoma ( 腺癌 )
Acinar, papillary, mucoserous or mucus
cell carcinoma
Originated from peripheral bronchiole
mucoserous glands
Peripheral lung cancer
Extraluminal growth
more commonly in Females
Irrelevant to smoking
Early local infiltration & early metastasis
Infiltrate to pleura→ pleural effusion
Metastasis to liver, brain and bones
Bronchoalveolar cancer
( 细支气管肺泡癌 )
A subtype of lung adenocarcinoma
Peripheral region
Single nodule, multiple nodule or diffused distribution
Slow growth, especially for single nodule
Infiltrates to several lobe for diffuse ones
Well differentiated
Originated from Clara cell, type alveolar epithelialⅡ
cells or mucus cells
Large cell lung cancer
Megalocyte, polygonal or presented as
clear cytoplasm,
May be central, but more occurs
Neuroendocrinal granules
Metastasis is a little later than SCLC, so
more opportunity for surgery
Clinical manifestations
Symptoms caused by
primary tumors
Dyspnea or short of breath
Loss of body weight
One of the early symptoms
Stimulating Without sputum or with a little
mucus sputum
Large quantity of sputum was seen in
bronchoalveolar LC
Obstructive cough: persistent, high-pitch,
metal-like sound
Exuberant purulent sputum seen in those
accompanied with secondary infection
More commonly in central LC
A little amount of blood in sputum, large
amount of bleeding is rare
Gasping or asthma
Partly obstruction of airway induced by
Typical presentation: localized gasping
Dyspnea, short of breath
Possible mechanisms
1. Bronchial narrowing induced by intraluminal
growth of tumor
2. Extraluminal oppression by Metastasis of
hilar lymph node
3. Large amount of pleural effusion
4. Large amount of pericardium effusion
5. Diaphragmatic paralysis, obstruction of
superior cava vein, diffuse infiltration
Loss of body weight
Tumor toxin
Increased consumption
Dyspepsia caused by unendurable pain
Tumor necrosis, lower than 38.5ºC
Secondary infection
Symptoms caused by local
Chest pain: infiltrated to pleura, ribs or
thoracic wall
Dyspnea: big airway oppressed
Dysphagia: esophagus infiltrated, or
bronchoesophageal fistula
Aphasia: recurrent laryngeal nerve
Superior cava vein syndrome
Mechanism: Mediastinal infiltration →S.
cava V oppressed →blood flow obstructed
Manifestations: Edema on face, neck
and upper limbs
Varices and haemostasis on chest
Headache and dizziness
Horner syndrome
Also termed as Pancoast tumor, superior sulcus
In the apex or upper lobe near brachial plexus and
cervical sympathetic ganglion
Oppression on the latter →ipsilateral drooped eyelid,
myosis (retracted pupil), inward eyeball, little or no
sweating on ipsilateral forehead and chest
The former oppressed →ipsilateral pain radiated to
inside upper limb, exacerbated at night
Symptoms caused by distal
Metastasis to brain and CNS
Lymph node: such as supraclavicular
Paraneoplastic syndrome
• In SCLC, Endocrinal disorders: serotonin,
histamine, kinin, catecholamine, etc
Male mammary development caused by ↑
secretion of human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG)
Cushing syndrome caused by ↑ secretion
of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
1. Diluted hyponatremia
2. Dyspepsia
3. Fatigue, somnolence
Hypercalcemia caused by parathyroid
hormone- related hormone, more in
squamous LC
Neuromuscular syndrome
Mechanism is not clear
More commonly in SCLC, but seen in
all histological types of LC
Irrespective to site and metastasis
Characteristic manifestations: proximal
limb muscle weakness & fatigue
Carcinoid syndrome
Excessive secretion of serotonin
Occur in SCLC (avenine cell LC) and
Clinical manifestations:
1. Bronchial spasm →gasping or asthma
2. Paroxysmal tachycardia
3. Watery diarrhea
4. Skin flush
Digital clubbing & hypertrophic
More commonly in squamous lung cancer,
next is adenocarcinoma, least in SCLC
Distal side of long bone of limbs
Acropachy and oesteoarthropathy
Disappear after successful surgery, but
appear with recurrence of tumor
Thoracic X-ray– most important
1. Thoracic perspective
2. Posterioanterior and lateral X-RAY
3. CT
4. MRI
PA & lateral X-RAY imaging
Central LC
1. Mass or shadow near to hilum with
irregular margin
2. Multiple lobe
3. Coexistent of atelectasis, obstructive
pneumonia & localized emphysema
Peripheral LC
1. Bronchoalveolar LC
2. Nodular or diffuse type
Have advantage in diagnosis of LC in
special sites: posterior to heart, near to
spine, capitulum costae or diaphragm,
on apex
Discern metastasis to hilar or
mediastinal LN
Helix CT: > 3mm discernable
Compared with CT
1. Have advantage in discern the infiltration to
large blood vessels
2. But no advantage in the diagnosis of small
Sampling means
1. Bronchoscopy – most important ,90-93%
sensitive to central LC
2. CT-guided subcutaneous needle aspiration
3. Mediastinoscopy
4. Biopsy in surgery
5. Exfoliative cytology in sputum, more
sensitive for NSCLC, 70-80%
Scintigraphic Imaging
Tumorphilic chemicals labeled with Radioactive
Tumor marker-specific Ab labeled with
Radioactive isotypes –radioimmunography
Administered intravenously or by inhalation,
image obtained with a gamma camera
< 1cm LC or LN metastasis can be discerned
by PET
Tumor markers in use
CEA, NSE ( 神经原特异性烯醇化酶 ),
SCC ( 麟癌细胞抗原 ), TPA ( 组织多肽
抗原 )
Not sensitive and specific enough
1. > 40, longtime persistent heavy smokers (smoking
index >400 per year)
2. Stimulant cough without prominent trigger, little or
no response to therapy; Characters of cough
Varied in patients with chronic respiratory D
3. Persistent or recurrent hemoptysis, not interpreted
by other respiratory D
4. Recurrent localized pneumonia, esp. segmental
5. Lung abscess, without toxic presentations, no
exuberant purulent sputum, no inhalation of foreign
body, no response to antibiotics
1. Limb articulate pains or acropachy
2. Localized emphysema, or segmental,
lobar atelectasis
3. Solitary round loci, ipsilateral hilar
4. New alterations of Stable TB loci
5. Pleural effusion, especially
haemothorax with progressively
increase of effusion
Differentiation Diagnosis
Lung TB
Lung abscess
Tubercular effusion pleurisy
Lung TB
TB tuberculoma from central LC: more
common in youth, asymptomatic, with clear
margin & integral envelope, high density
→calcified loci, invariable with follow-ups
Hilus TB from metastasis to hilar LN: more
common in childhood & aging, well
responded to tuberculocides
Acute miliary TB from peripheral
bronchoalveolar LC: homogenous size,
evenly distributed, low density; while the latter
with uneven distributed loci, high density,
progressively enlargement
Abrupt onset
Respond well to antibiotics
Curable, loci can completely disappear
Lung abscess
Primary Lung abscess: abrupt onset, fever, &
other significant toxic symptoms, ↑ WBC &
neutral granulocyte counting; thinner cavity
wall with liquid plane & inflammatory changes
Cancerous cavity: centrifugal cavity within a
cancerous mass, thick & rough wall. May
complicated with secondary infection→ fever,
production of purulent sputum
Tubercular effusion pleurisy
Malignant effusion: haemothorax,
increase rapidly
No response to tuberculocides
Cytology examine in pleural precipitates
Clinical staging
TNM staging standard for LC
Cryptic Tx N0 M0 (or invisible )
0 Tis tumor in situ
Ⅰ T1N0M0 T2N0M0
Ⅱ T1N1M0 T2N1M0
Ⅲa T3N0M0 T3N1M0 T1-3N2M0
Ⅲb N3M0 with any T, T4 and M0 with any N
Ⅳ M1 with any T, any N
Interpretations for TNM staging
T: primary tumor
1. T0: no evidence of tumor
2. Tx: cytology findings, but not confirmed by X-ray
or bronchoscopy, termed as cryptic tumor
3. Tis: tumor in situ
4. T1: φ≤3cm, enveloped by lung tissue or visceral
layer of pleura, no infiltration to proximal lobar
5. T2: φ >3cm, or infiltrated to visceral layer of
pleura, or obstructive pneumonia or atelectasis;
hilar infiltration, but less than 2cm from carina;
6. T3 : infiltration to chest wall, diaphragm,
mediastinum, pleura or pericardium, hilar
infiltration, more than 2cm from carina
7. T4: Invades heart, great vessels, esophagus,
trachea, carina, vertebrae, or malignant effusion
N: infiltration to local LN
1. N0: no infiltration findings
2. N1: infiltration around bronchi, or ipsilateral
hilar infiltration, or bilateral infiltration
3. N2: metastasis to ipsilateral mediastinal LN
or those below carina
4. N3: metastasis to contralateral hilar,
mediastinal LN of the other side; ipsilateral
or contralateral metastasis to supraclavicular
or scalenus ( 斜角肌 ) LN
5. M: distal metastasis
M0: no evidence; M1: proved metastasis
1. Stage - a: surgery centered integralⅠ Ⅲ
2. Stage b: chemical therapy centeredⅢ
integral treatment
3. Stage : chemical therapy with supportiveⅣ
SCLC : chemical therapy centered,
assisted by surgery and/or radiation
Immune regulations
Limited resections
Carinal resection & sleeve Pneumonectomy
Monitor, Supportive therapy & chemical
therapy before & after operation
Chemical therapy
1. EP project: Etoposide + cisplatin
2. CAO project: cytoxan +adriamycina +
1. EP project
2. ICE project: ifosfamide + etoposide +
Good prognosis benefits from early
diagnosis and early intervention
Cryptic lung cancer is curable
Squamous better than
adenocarcinoma, the latter better than
small cell undifferentiated cancer

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4 lung cancer

  • 2. Prevalence Epidemic report in 1999: 1,000, 000 new cases worldwidely Rapid increase in population of youth and females Death rate: 1st in male cancer patients, 3 rd in female; In China, 3rd in cancer patients – 1st in urban, 4th in rural area A report from WHO predict that lung cancer & AIDS are the first TWO of the most severe D in this century
  • 3. Etiology & Mechanisms ( 病因和发病机制 )
  • 4. 1. Smoking One of the most important risk factors Smoking closely related to squamous & small cell lung cancer of lung cancer patients: smokers have 10-13 times higher Death rate than nonsmokers The more the smoking, the longer the course, the earlier the initiation, the younger the death The passive smokers have even more impairment than active ones
  • 5. Smoking & histological changes ↓ Ciliary cells Epithelial cells hyperplasia Metaplasia to squamous cell Atypical hyperplasia
  • 6. Industrial waste air Tail gas excreted by auto Pitchy waste on highway Benzopyrene 2. Air pollution
  • 7. 3. Pollution in family passive smoking Incomplete burning of coal Radon
  • 8. 4. Occupational factors Confirmed by WHO Exposure to asbestos, inorganic Arsenate, radon, Nickel, etc Other possible factors include acrylamidine, acrolein resin, chlorovynilic products, etc
  • 9. 5. Ionizing radiation Lung is sensitive Occurrence increased after atomic attacks in Japan and radiation therapy More related to small cell carcinoma Nosocomial radiation is much more, among which, 36.7% from X-ray Natural radiation in special area
  • 10. 6. Diets & Nutrition Deficiency of vitamin A or its derivatives, vitamin C, B2 & E Deficiency of selenium or zinc
  • 11. Other factors Bronchial carcinoma may be related to chronic bronchitis, lung TB, or other chronic respiratory D TB scar tends to develop into Cancer Genetic correlation remains to be proven
  • 13. Anatomic classification Central bronchial carcinoma: segmental or larger bronchi, account for ¾ cases, consist of squamous and small cell lung cancer Peripheral: small bronchi or bronchioles, account for ¼ cases , adenocarcinoma is the main histological type
  • 14. Histological classification (WHO) 1980 Squamous cell well, medium or badly differentiated Small undifferentiated cell lymphocyte-like ( avenine cell ) intermediate cell (fusiform cell, polyhedral cell, etc) Adenocarcinoma well, medium or badly differentiated, bronchoalveolar/papillary Large cell accompanied with mucus differentiation accompanied with multilamellar structure cytomegalic, megalocyte hyalocyte
  • 15. Biobehavioral classification Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): 25% Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): 75%, including squamous lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, and adeno-squamous lung cancer
  • 17. Small cell carcinoma Originated from Kultschitzky (K cell) or argyrophilic cell in mucus gland of airway Evidence from immunohistochemistry and special tumor markers indicate SCLC has characters of neuroendocrinal tissues Paraneoplastic syndrome: serotonin, histamine, kinin, catecholamine, etc Polymorphic: avenine, lymphoid, and fusiform
  • 18.
  • 19. Accounts for 25% of all lung cancer cases, increase rapidly recently Most malignant Occur commonly at age of 40-50 Closely related to history of smoking 90% in a central location Sensitive to radiation & chemical therapy
  • 20. Rapidly growth Earlier local infiltration: blood vessel, hilum of lung, or mediastinal lymph node Earlier metastasis: 22-28% in liver, 17-30% in bone marrow, 8-15% in CNS, 11% in postperitonum
  • 21. Non-small cell lung carcinoma (非小细胞肺癌)
  • 22. Squamous cell (鳞癌) Originated mainly from segmental or subsegmental bronchi Intraluminal growth Cancerous cavity & abscess is more common Medium or badly differentiated: cancerous nest, keratinization, intercellular bridge Neural granule rarely seen
  • 23.
  • 24. Commonly occurrence In the elder male persons Closely related to smoking Mostly in a central location Slow growth, late metastasis, more opportunity to be eradicated Insensitive to radiation & chemical therapy
  • 25. Adenocarcinoma ( 腺癌 ) Acinar, papillary, mucoserous or mucus cell carcinoma Originated from peripheral bronchiole mucoserous glands Peripheral lung cancer Extraluminal growth
  • 26.
  • 27. more commonly in Females Irrelevant to smoking Early local infiltration & early metastasis Infiltrate to pleura→ pleural effusion Metastasis to liver, brain and bones
  • 28. Bronchoalveolar cancer ( 细支气管肺泡癌 ) A subtype of lung adenocarcinoma Peripheral region Single nodule, multiple nodule or diffused distribution Slow growth, especially for single nodule Infiltrates to several lobe for diffuse ones Well differentiated Originated from Clara cell, type alveolar epithelialⅡ cells or mucus cells
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. Large cell lung cancer Megalocyte, polygonal or presented as clear cytoplasm, May be central, but more occurs peripherally Malignant Neuroendocrinal granules Metastasis is a little later than SCLC, so more opportunity for surgery
  • 32.
  • 34. Symptoms caused by primary tumors cough hemoptysis gasping Dyspnea or short of breath Loss of body weight fever
  • 35. Cough One of the early symptoms Stimulating Without sputum or with a little mucus sputum Large quantity of sputum was seen in bronchoalveolar LC Obstructive cough: persistent, high-pitch, metal-like sound Exuberant purulent sputum seen in those accompanied with secondary infection
  • 36. Hemoptysis More commonly in central LC A little amount of blood in sputum, large amount of bleeding is rare
  • 37. Gasping or asthma Partly obstruction of airway induced by tumor Typical presentation: localized gasping
  • 38. Dyspnea, short of breath Possible mechanisms 1. Bronchial narrowing induced by intraluminal growth of tumor 2. Extraluminal oppression by Metastasis of hilar lymph node 3. Large amount of pleural effusion 4. Large amount of pericardium effusion 5. Diaphragmatic paralysis, obstruction of superior cava vein, diffuse infiltration
  • 39. Loss of body weight Tumor toxin Increased consumption Infection Dyspepsia caused by unendurable pain
  • 40. Fever Tumor necrosis, lower than 38.5ºC Secondary infection
  • 41. Symptoms caused by local infiltration Chest pain: infiltrated to pleura, ribs or thoracic wall Dyspnea: big airway oppressed Dysphagia: esophagus infiltrated, or bronchoesophageal fistula Aphasia: recurrent laryngeal nerve infiltrated
  • 42. Superior cava vein syndrome Mechanism: Mediastinal infiltration →S. cava V oppressed →blood flow obstructed Manifestations: Edema on face, neck and upper limbs Varices and haemostasis on chest Headache and dizziness
  • 43.
  • 44. Horner syndrome Also termed as Pancoast tumor, superior sulcus tumor In the apex or upper lobe near brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic ganglion Oppression on the latter →ipsilateral drooped eyelid, myosis (retracted pupil), inward eyeball, little or no sweating on ipsilateral forehead and chest The former oppressed →ipsilateral pain radiated to inside upper limb, exacerbated at night
  • 45.
  • 46. Symptoms caused by distal metastasis Metastasis to brain and CNS Bone Liver Lymph node: such as supraclavicular ones
  • 47.
  • 48. Paraneoplastic syndrome • In SCLC, Endocrinal disorders: serotonin, histamine, kinin, catecholamine, etc Male mammary development caused by ↑ secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) Cushing syndrome caused by ↑ secretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
  • 49. Secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) 1. Diluted hyponatremia 2. Dyspepsia 3. Fatigue, somnolence Hypercalcemia caused by parathyroid hormone- related hormone, more in squamous LC
  • 50. Neuromuscular syndrome Mechanism is not clear More commonly in SCLC, but seen in all histological types of LC Irrespective to site and metastasis Characteristic manifestations: proximal limb muscle weakness & fatigue
  • 51. Carcinoid syndrome Excessive secretion of serotonin Occur in SCLC (avenine cell LC) and adenocarcinoma Clinical manifestations: 1. Bronchial spasm →gasping or asthma 2. Paroxysmal tachycardia 3. Watery diarrhea 4. Skin flush
  • 52. Digital clubbing & hypertrophic oesteoarthropathy More commonly in squamous lung cancer, next is adenocarcinoma, least in SCLC Distal side of long bone of limbs Acropachy and oesteoarthropathy Disappear after successful surgery, but appear with recurrence of tumor
  • 53.
  • 54. Imaging Thoracic X-ray– most important examination 1. Thoracic perspective 2. Posterioanterior and lateral X-RAY imaging 3. CT 4. MRI
  • 55. PA & lateral X-RAY imaging Central LC 1. Mass or shadow near to hilum with irregular margin 2. Multiple lobe 3. Coexistent of atelectasis, obstructive pneumonia & localized emphysema
  • 56. Peripheral LC 1. Bronchoalveolar LC 2. Nodular or diffuse type
  • 57. CT Have advantage in diagnosis of LC in special sites: posterior to heart, near to spine, capitulum costae or diaphragm, on apex Discern metastasis to hilar or mediastinal LN Helix CT: > 3mm discernable
  • 58. MRI Compared with CT 1. Have advantage in discern the infiltration to large blood vessels 2. But no advantage in the diagnosis of small tumors
  • 59. Histology Sampling means 1. Bronchoscopy – most important ,90-93% sensitive to central LC 2. CT-guided subcutaneous needle aspiration 3. Mediastinoscopy 4. Biopsy in surgery 5. Exfoliative cytology in sputum, more sensitive for NSCLC, 70-80%
  • 60. Scintigraphic Imaging Tumorphilic chemicals labeled with Radioactive isotypes Tumor marker-specific Ab labeled with Radioactive isotypes –radioimmunography Administered intravenously or by inhalation, image obtained with a gamma camera < 1cm LC or LN metastasis can be discerned by PET
  • 61. Tumor markers in use CEA, NSE ( 神经原特异性烯醇化酶 ), SCC ( 麟癌细胞抗原 ), TPA ( 组织多肽 抗原 ) Not sensitive and specific enough
  • 63. 1. > 40, longtime persistent heavy smokers (smoking index >400 per year) 2. Stimulant cough without prominent trigger, little or no response to therapy; Characters of cough Varied in patients with chronic respiratory D 3. Persistent or recurrent hemoptysis, not interpreted by other respiratory D 4. Recurrent localized pneumonia, esp. segmental pneumonia 5. Lung abscess, without toxic presentations, no exuberant purulent sputum, no inhalation of foreign body, no response to antibiotics
  • 64. 1. Limb articulate pains or acropachy 2. Localized emphysema, or segmental, lobar atelectasis 3. Solitary round loci, ipsilateral hilar enlargement 4. New alterations of Stable TB loci 5. Pleural effusion, especially haemothorax with progressively increase of effusion
  • 65. Differentiation Diagnosis Lung TB Pneumonia Lung abscess Tubercular effusion pleurisy
  • 66. Lung TB TB tuberculoma from central LC: more common in youth, asymptomatic, with clear margin & integral envelope, high density →calcified loci, invariable with follow-ups Hilus TB from metastasis to hilar LN: more common in childhood & aging, well responded to tuberculocides Acute miliary TB from peripheral bronchoalveolar LC: homogenous size, evenly distributed, low density; while the latter with uneven distributed loci, high density, progressively enlargement
  • 67. Pneumonia Abrupt onset Respond well to antibiotics Curable, loci can completely disappear
  • 68. Lung abscess Primary Lung abscess: abrupt onset, fever, & other significant toxic symptoms, ↑ WBC & neutral granulocyte counting; thinner cavity wall with liquid plane & inflammatory changes Cancerous cavity: centrifugal cavity within a cancerous mass, thick & rough wall. May complicated with secondary infection→ fever, production of purulent sputum
  • 69. Tubercular effusion pleurisy Malignant effusion: haemothorax, increase rapidly ↑CEA &LDH No response to tuberculocides Cytology examine in pleural precipitates
  • 70. Clinical staging TNM staging standard for LC Cryptic Tx N0 M0 (or invisible ) 0 Tis tumor in situ Ⅰ T1N0M0 T2N0M0 Ⅱ T1N1M0 T2N1M0 Ⅲa T3N0M0 T3N1M0 T1-3N2M0 Ⅲb N3M0 with any T, T4 and M0 with any N Ⅳ M1 with any T, any N
  • 71. Interpretations for TNM staging T: primary tumor 1. T0: no evidence of tumor 2. Tx: cytology findings, but not confirmed by X-ray or bronchoscopy, termed as cryptic tumor 3. Tis: tumor in situ 4. T1: φ≤3cm, enveloped by lung tissue or visceral layer of pleura, no infiltration to proximal lobar bronchi 5. T2: φ >3cm, or infiltrated to visceral layer of pleura, or obstructive pneumonia or atelectasis; hilar infiltration, but less than 2cm from carina; 6. T3 : infiltration to chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinum, pleura or pericardium, hilar infiltration, more than 2cm from carina 7. T4: Invades heart, great vessels, esophagus, trachea, carina, vertebrae, or malignant effusion
  • 72. N: infiltration to local LN 1. N0: no infiltration findings 2. N1: infiltration around bronchi, or ipsilateral hilar infiltration, or bilateral infiltration 3. N2: metastasis to ipsilateral mediastinal LN or those below carina 4. N3: metastasis to contralateral hilar, mediastinal LN of the other side; ipsilateral or contralateral metastasis to supraclavicular or scalenus ( 斜角肌 ) LN 5. M: distal metastasis M0: no evidence; M1: proved metastasis
  • 73. Treatment NSCLC 1. Stage - a: surgery centered integralⅠ Ⅲ intervention 2. Stage b: chemical therapy centeredⅢ integral treatment 3. Stage : chemical therapy with supportiveⅣ measurements SCLC : chemical therapy centered, assisted by surgery and/or radiation Immune regulations TCM
  • 74. Surgery Pneumonectomy Lobectomy Limited resections Carinal resection & sleeve Pneumonectomy Monitor, Supportive therapy & chemical therapy before & after operation
  • 75. Chemical therapy SCLC 1. EP project: Etoposide + cisplatin 2. CAO project: cytoxan +adriamycina + vincristine NSCLC 1. EP project 2. ICE project: ifosfamide + etoposide + carboplatin
  • 76. Prognosis Good prognosis benefits from early diagnosis and early intervention Cryptic lung cancer is curable Squamous better than adenocarcinoma, the latter better than small cell undifferentiated cancer

Editor's Notes

  1. 与部位、大小、类型、发展阶段、有无并发症或转移有密切关系。