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Facilitation Techniques for
Agile Teams
Svetlana Mukhina
Agile and Career Coach at Luxoft Agile Practice
Experience: 12+ years in IT, Project and department management,
Computer Linguistics, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance
Interests: Project management, Agile transformation, Career and
performance coaching, Psychology
Hobbies: Horse riding, music, poker, travelling
Warm-ups How To
• Find out name,
interesting facts
• Warm-up
• Increase trust and
collaboration level
• Time-box it
• Make it
• Make it positive
• Involve all
• Start with it when
awaiting for
• Explain purpose
• Prevent critics
• Avoid kinesthetic
• Don’t leave the
• Decrease side
• Tribes
• Say your name
and adjective
• Constellation
• My Thing
• Journey Line
• My Word
• New team forming
• New Team
• Retrospective
• Town-Hall
• Project or Release
planning session
• Stakeholders
meeting with a
Team Facilitator?
- Know the right answer for all questions
- Judge opinion of others
- Evaluate group decisions
- Control the conversation
- Fight with bad opponents
- Take a side of good fellows
- Lead rescuing activities
Team Facilitator?
- Invisible
- Professional
- Tactful
- Respectful
- Trustful
- Understandable
- Energizing
- Encouraging
- Open-minded
Agile Team Facilitator Behaviors
Treasure Agile Values
Follow Agile Principles
Master Facilitation
Agile Values
Individuals and
interactions over
processes and
software over
collaboration over
Responding to
change over
following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Agile Principles
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant
pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
10. Simplicity – “the art of maximizing the amount of work not done” - is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Gathering Information
BrainSwarming on Practice
BrainSwarming Game Rules
1. Moderator chooses an insight puzzle and initiates the Brainswarming graph on the board. Moderator writes the goal at the top and the known resources
at the bottom.
2. Moderator explains the insight puzzle to the group (e.g., Stuck Truck Problem).
3. Moderator explains (or reminds) the group how Brainswarming works. Here are the main points to cover.
- No talking is necessary among the group while Brainswarming is going on. Simply write your contribution on a Post-It note (or on the board) and draw a
line to what it should be connected to.
- There are three types of contributions you could make.
- First, you could break a resource into one of its parts. In this case, put your Post-It note just above the resource and draw a line to the resource.
- Second, you could make a goal more specific. For example, the top goal in Figure 2, free truck from underpass, is very general. Ask yourself,
“How could I achieve this goal?” One way is to lower the truck, so this sub-goal should go below the goal free truck from underpass. In general, ask
yourself the How question to make goals more specific and concrete.
- Third, you could add an interaction such as put oil from the truck engine on the top of the truck so the truck will slide more easily. On the
Brainswarming diagram, this interaction is indicated very simply by adding lines that connect oil, the truck top, and slide the truck. If the interaction is not
clear to people, the contributor can write it in more detail on a different part of the blackboard so as to not clutter up the Brainswarming diagram.
BrainSwarming How To
• Generate lot’s of
solutions in silent
• Improve collaboration
• Gamify information
gathering process
• Encourage up-bottom
and bottom-up thinking
• Team-building (aha-
• Prepare environment
(tables or walls with
enough space near it)
• Prepare stationary
(flipcharts, markers,
• Explain the purpose
• Explain the rules
• Clearly define problem
• Time-box
• Track the rules
• Contact the author
(Tony McCaffrey) to
discuss results and
find out more details of
the technique
• Stop verbal
communication during
• Don’t insist on making
this exercise, if the
group can’t get its
meaning, although you
can suggest to try it
and see the results
• Don’t encourage
competition inside the
• Meetings on
complicated and long-
lasting issues
• Problem solving
session, where
domain experts are
not available
• A-Ha tasks, where it’s
necessary to think out-
MainMapping How To
• Information visualization
and structuring
• New way of thinking
• Unlock creativity
• Start with center topic
• Use images/symbols
• Select key words
• The lines should be
• Use multiple colors and
lines thickness
• Keep the mind map
clear by using radial
• When you don’t want to
focus on ideas/concepts
• It can’t incorporate
large chunks of text
• It is not the fastest way
to structure information
• In case of map
personalization it can be
difficult for others to
understand what it is
• If you are a linear
• When you don’t have
enough space for
• Preparation for
presentations, work-
shops, trainings
• Group meetings for
problem solving
• Retrospective event
• Project scope roadmap
• Project structure
diagram (teams,
projects, deliverables,
• Note taking
• Summarization
• Brainstorming and
• Collecting information
Mindwriting/Brainwriting How To
• Collect silently initial
thoughts and ideas on
a topic
• Eliminate
disadvantages of
• Give yourself a time
• Keep your hand
moving until the time is
• Pay no attention to
grammar, spelling,
punctuation, style
• Can be used as a
background for many
other group facilitation
techniques e.g. “6-3-5
brain writing”
• Don’t use it, if you
have already several
good ideas to choose
• It is can be boring
• Avoid if quality, but not
quantity is required
• Individual, not group
• Writing takes time
• Ideas gathering from
everybody on Retro
• During any event
when you need input
from each participant
• In large groups/teams
Exploring Information
Home and Away (World Café)
World Café Principles
World Café How To
• Collaborative dialog
• Connection of
diverse perspective
• Team-building
• Clarify the Context
• Create Hospitable
• Focus on What
• Listen to
• Link and Connect
• Encourage
• Share Collective
• Draw, doodle,
• Have Fun
• Does not work well
for small (10-15
people) groups
• Requires at least 3
groups of 5 people
• Stop chaotic
movement from
table to table, the
teams should act
• During multi-teams
sessions (PBR,
Planning, Retro)
• As a team-building
activity, discussion
of a book, event,
Six Thinking Hats
Six Thinking Hats How To
• Encourage full-spectrum
• Help to switch thinking
• Separate ego from
• Brings emotions,
innovations, optimism,
scepticism, facts and
order into discussion
• Reduce confrontation
• Examine hypothetical
• Practice respect and
loyalty to different
• Use on individual,
participant and group
• Mention that this is just
a game, as some
participants can have
difficulties with changing
communication and
thinking style
• Identify the complicated
and complex issue.
• Describe the
characteristics of hats
• Be available for
• Summarize the results
• Use T-shirts, colored
cards or badges, or
• If you don’t have at least
6 participants in a group
• If there is no candidates
for white and blue hats
• In case you can’t clearly
explain the rules
• Better not to use without
ice-breaker in a new
• In unfamiliar culture
(e.g., in China, "wearing
a green hat" means that
your spouse is cheating
on you)
• Planning, discussion
• Retrospective,
discussion results
• Discussion over
• Training of a new
thinking style
• Exploration of various
Check-in How To
• Gather of
information about
feelings towards
the meeting or
situation in the
given moment
• Focus on/off,
switching, pause
• Understand why
you are going to
use check-in,
what is your
• Prepare the
• Make is quick
• No sense to use
it if you don’t
want to know the
• Avoid its usage
when you
already know
that morale is
low, deal with the
issue instead
• Happiness Radar
(Mad Sad Glad)
• Dots (green,
yellow, red)
• One word/image
• Standup
• At the mid of
long meeting,
e.g. Product
• Unclear situation
• Separator
between two
parts of a
meeting (e.g.
Scrum Planning)
• Wake-up after
lunch or coffee
Evaluating Information
Voting Techniques
Thumb Up
Voting with dots
Voting Techniques How To
• Gives each
participant a
possibility to
influence the
• Define procedure
to follow when
voting is done
• Make sure all
participants are
fine with voting
• Make sure all
make the voting
even if they say
that will follow
any decision
• If information is
not well gathered
and explored
• When a group
needs for time for
• Planning, to vote
for Sprint
• Retro, to vote for
• Any meeting you
need to come to
a decision as a
Pro/Con List
Pro/Con List How To
• Compare
advantages and
of idea,
• If you need to
define and
group facts into
two categories
• Provide
clarification of
drawbacks and
• Filter information
• With
of significant
difference and
• In case you
need to avoid
• Discussions
• Choosing
approaches of a
User Story,
migration to a
new platform,
Data Base
Affinity Line
Affinity Line How To
• Provide initial
estimation to a
bulk of
epic, features
• Prepare list items
to participants
• Explain rules and
answer questions
• Setup
space, so
everybody can
take part
• Avoid calling the
results “Project
Plan”, make sure
the stakeholders
understand that
these is a high-
level estimation
and it can be
changed when
scope is better
• Relative
• High-level
• Scope
• Project Roadmap
Prioritization Matrix
KANO Model
KANO and Prioritization Matrix How To
• Features
• Scope grouping
• Visualize
satisfaction level
• Prepare a list of
User Stories,
• Make sure BA or
PO is available to
answer questions
regarding features
• Clearly decide
what is going to
be done with each
group of items
• If you can’t
influence Iteration
or Release scope
• In case you don’t
know the project
scope at all, you
should do some
grooming at first
• Strategic planning
• Product Re-
• Startup
• Stakeholders
• Review session,
to discuss project
future scope for 2-
3 sprint ahead
Dealing with
Dysfunctional Behavior
Group Dynamics
Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention
 Unclear Goals
 Low level of commitment
 Vаgue communication flow
 Responsibility is mostly avoided
 Absence of prominent leaders
 Build a common purpose
 Identify expectations
 Encourage for leadership and motivation
 Inspire to take responsibility
 Support contribution and collaboration
Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention
 High level of independence
 Communication gaps
 Misunderstanding
 Uncertainty
 Dysfunctional behavior
 Differences and struggles
 Reduce toxic communication
 Invite different opinions and approaches
 Recognize tolerance and loyalty
 Define ground rules
 Develop common goal
 Involve everyone in discussion
Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention
 Confidence and clarity
 Relevance
 Defined communication flow, goals, rules, roles
 Built relations
 Understanding of interdependence
 Develop process of information sharing
 Build feedback loops
 Use sharing format frequently to track progress
 Discuss discipline distribution
 Support negotiation and consensus
Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention
 Responsibility over tasks and relations
 Stable progress and results
 High level of proactivity
 Self-organization and self-facilitation
 Collaboration
 Retrospect and seek for improvements
 Celebrate success
 Test and question habitual patterns
 Evaluate results against purpose
 Remember about rules, processes and focus
Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention
(postpone, suspend, transform)
 Lack of interest
 Irrelevant goals
 High level of predictability and competence
 Satisfaction
 Stability
 Increase complexity and unpredictability
 Restructure the process
 Discuss team dissolving/rotation
 Transform to network/community
 Remember success and results
Functional Behavior Patterns
 Involvement during meetings
 Giving constructive feedback
 Asking powerful questions
 Providing specific examples
 Active listening
 Sharing information
 Respecting the speaker
 Confirming understanding
 Being loyal to different opinions
 Encouraging collaboration
Dysfunctional Behavior Patterns
Providing unrelated details
Expressing strong negative reaction
Ignoring other’s opinion
Using lot’s of unknown terms
Distracting participants
Playing blaming game
Excusing for all the time
Criticizing without recommendations
Complaining on everything
Whispering with neighbors
Making generalizations
Talking loudly
Sitting silently during all discussion
Withholding information
Expressing strong emotions
Stealing ideas of participants
Repeating same ideas
Trolling participants
Stages of Dysfunctional Behavior
From: The Secrets of Facilitation by Michael Wilkinson
 Physical attacking someone
 Leaving the room in disgust
 Verbal attack directed at participants
 Negative comments directed at participant
 Audible sights of displeasure
 Negative physical reaction to discussing
 Doing other work on session
 Side conversations
 Folding arms, facing door or window
 Silence, lack of participation
 Arriving late, leaving early
Degree Of Dysfunction
As the degree of dysfunction increases,
the severity of disruption caused by the
dysfunction increases as well
Game on Dysfunctional Behavior Identification
The Diagnosis-Intervention Cycle
behavior and test
for different views
Share interference
and test for
different views
Help group to
decide whether and
how to change
behavior and test
for different views
Observe Behavior
Infer Meaning
Decide whether,
how and why to
Intervention Strategies
Situation Intervention
The group don’t understand what
is expected from them
Repeat the purpose once again Explain the purpose in other
words and provide examples
Domination of a participant Stop the person Encourage others to speak up
Side conversations Ask to focus on the topic Ask to link it to the topic
Use of mobiles, laptops Ignore
Ask to stop using
Before the meeting together with
the group create ground rules
Late arrival of meeting
Delay a meeting start to 5-10-15
Start on time
Start only when all members
Person repeating him/herself Tell him/her they you got it Use paraphrasing technique
Most of the group lost focus Ask them to be more attentive Make a brake
Participant discovered a new topic Ask him to come on track Ask him to link a new topic to the
main track

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العصف الذهني Brainstorming
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Svetlana Mukhina ICP, -ATF, -BVA, - ACC, PSM I, CSPO
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Techniques for Team and Group Facilitation

  • 2. Introduction Svetlana Mukhina ICAgile ICP, ICP-ATF, ICP-BVA, PSM I Agile and Career Coach at Luxoft Agile Practice Experience: 12+ years in IT, Project and department management, Computer Linguistics, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance Interests: Project management, Agile transformation, Career and performance coaching, Psychology Hobbies: Horse riding, music, poker, travelling
  • 4. Warm-ups How To Purpose: • Find out name, position, interesting facts • Warm-up atmosphere • Increase trust and collaboration level Do • Time-box it • Make it comfortable • Make it positive • Involve all participants • Start with it when awaiting for participants • Explain purpose Don’t • Prevent critics • Avoid kinesthetic exercises • Don’t leave the group • Decrease side conversations Examples • Tribes • Say your name and adjective • Constellation • My Thing • Journey Line • My Word Usage • New team forming • New Team member introduction • Retrospective • Town-Hall • Project or Release planning session • Stakeholders meeting with a team
  • 5. Team Facilitator? - Know the right answer for all questions - Judge opinion of others - Evaluate group decisions - Control the conversation - Fight with bad opponents - Take a side of good fellows - Lead rescuing activities
  • 6. Team Facilitator? - Invisible - Professional - Tactful - Respectful - Trustful - Understandable - Energizing - Encouraging - Open-minded
  • 7. Agile Team Facilitator Behaviors Treasure Agile Values Follow Agile Principles Master Facilitation Techniques
  • 8. Agile Values Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
  • 9. Agile Principles 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 10. Simplicity – “the art of maximizing the amount of work not done” - is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
  • 13. BrainSwarming Game Rules 1. Moderator chooses an insight puzzle and initiates the Brainswarming graph on the board. Moderator writes the goal at the top and the known resources at the bottom. 2. Moderator explains the insight puzzle to the group (e.g., Stuck Truck Problem). 3. Moderator explains (or reminds) the group how Brainswarming works. Here are the main points to cover. - No talking is necessary among the group while Brainswarming is going on. Simply write your contribution on a Post-It note (or on the board) and draw a line to what it should be connected to. - There are three types of contributions you could make. - First, you could break a resource into one of its parts. In this case, put your Post-It note just above the resource and draw a line to the resource. - Second, you could make a goal more specific. For example, the top goal in Figure 2, free truck from underpass, is very general. Ask yourself, “How could I achieve this goal?” One way is to lower the truck, so this sub-goal should go below the goal free truck from underpass. In general, ask yourself the How question to make goals more specific and concrete. - Third, you could add an interaction such as put oil from the truck engine on the top of the truck so the truck will slide more easily. On the Brainswarming diagram, this interaction is indicated very simply by adding lines that connect oil, the truck top, and slide the truck. If the interaction is not clear to people, the contributor can write it in more detail on a different part of the blackboard so as to not clutter up the Brainswarming diagram.
  • 14. BrainSwarming How To Purpose: • Generate lot’s of solutions in silent mode • Improve collaboration • Gamify information gathering process • Encourage up-bottom and bottom-up thinking • Team-building (aha- tasks) Do • Prepare environment (tables or walls with enough space near it) • Prepare stationary (flipcharts, markers, stickers) • Explain the purpose • Explain the rules • Clearly define problem • Time-box • Track the rules • Contact the author (Tony McCaffrey) to discuss results and find out more details of the technique Don’t • Stop verbal communication during exercise • Don’t insist on making this exercise, if the group can’t get its meaning, although you can suggest to try it and see the results • Don’t encourage competition inside the team Usage • Meetings on complicated and long- lasting issues • Problem solving session, where domain experts are not available • A-Ha tasks, where it’s necessary to think out- of-the-box
  • 16. MainMapping How To Purpose: • Information visualization and structuring • New way of thinking • Unlock creativity Do • Start with center topic • Use images/symbols • Select key words • The lines should be connected • Use multiple colors and lines thickness • Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy Don’t • When you don’t want to focus on ideas/concepts connections • It can’t incorporate large chunks of text • It is not the fastest way to structure information • In case of map personalization it can be difficult for others to understand what it is about • If you are a linear thinker • When you don’t have enough space for drawing Usage • Preparation for presentations, work- shops, trainings • Group meetings for problem solving • Retrospective event • Project scope roadmap • Project structure diagram (teams, projects, deliverables, stakeholders, milestones) • Note taking • Summarization • Brainstorming and collaboration • Collecting information
  • 18. Mindwriting/Brainwriting How To Purpose: • Collect silently initial thoughts and ideas on a topic • Eliminate disadvantages of speaking Do • Give yourself a time limit • Keep your hand moving until the time is up • Pay no attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, style • Can be used as a background for many other group facilitation techniques e.g. “6-3-5 brain writing” Don’t • Don’t use it, if you have already several good ideas to choose from • It is can be boring • Avoid if quality, but not quantity is required • Individual, not group technique • Writing takes time Usage • Ideas gathering from everybody on Retro • During any event when you need input from each participant • In large groups/teams discussions
  • 22. World Café How To Purpose: • Collaborative dialog • Connection of diverse perspective • Team-building Do • Clarify the Context • Create Hospitable Space • Focus on What Matters • Listen to Understand • Link and Connect Ideas • Encourage Contribution • Share Collective Discoveries • Draw, doodle, • Have Fun Don’t • Does not work well for small (10-15 people) groups • Requires at least 3 groups of 5 people each • Stop chaotic movement from table to table, the teams should act synchronously Usage • During multi-teams collaboration sessions (PBR, Planning, Retro) • As a team-building activity, discussion of a book, event, movie
  • 24. Six Thinking Hats How To Purpose: • Encourage full-spectrum thinking • Help to switch thinking pattern • Separate ego from performance. • Brings emotions, innovations, optimism, scepticism, facts and order into discussion • Reduce confrontation • Examine hypothetical consequences • Practice respect and loyalty to different opinions Do • Use on individual, participant and group level • Mention that this is just a game, as some participants can have difficulties with changing communication and thinking style • Identify the complicated and complex issue. • Describe the characteristics of hats • Be available for questions • Summarize the results • Use T-shirts, colored cards or badges, or pens. Don’t • If you don’t have at least 6 participants in a group • If there is no candidates for white and blue hats • In case you can’t clearly explain the rules • Better not to use without ice-breaker in a new team • In unfamiliar culture (e.g., in China, "wearing a green hat" means that your spouse is cheating on you) Usage • Planning, discussion estimations • Retrospective, discussion results • Discussion over implementation approaches • Training of a new thinking style • Exploration of various perspectives
  • 26. Check-in How To Purpose: • Gather of information about participants feelings towards the meeting or situation in the given moment • Focus on/off, reloading, switching, pause Do • Understand why you are going to use check-in, what is your purpose • Prepare the necessary stationary beforehand • Make is quick Don’t • No sense to use it if you don’t want to know the participants “status” • Avoid its usage when you already know that morale is low, deal with the issue instead Examples • ESVP • Happiness Radar (Mad Sad Glad) • Dots (green, yellow, red) • One word/image Usage • Standup • At the mid of long meeting, e.g. Product Backlog Refinement • Unclear situation • Separator between two parts of a meeting (e.g. Scrum Planning) • Wake-up after lunch or coffee break
  • 29. Voting Techniques How To Purpose: • Gives each participant a possibility to influence the decision Do • Define procedure to follow when voting is done • Make sure all participants are fine with voting rules • Make sure all make the voting even if they say that will follow any decision Don’t • If information is not well gathered and explored • When a group needs for time for discussion Usage • Planning, to vote for Sprint Backlog candidates • Retro, to vote for improvement backlog candidates • Any meeting you need to come to a decision as a group
  • 31. Pro/Con List How To Purpose: • Compare advantages and disadvantages of idea, approach, method Do • If you need to define and group facts into two categories • Provide general/initial clarification of drawbacks and benefits • Filter information Don’t • With characteristics of significant difference and importance • In case you need to avoid simplification Usage • Discussions over technological stack • Choosing implementation approaches of a User Story, migration to a new platform, Data Base
  • 33. Affinity Line How To Purpose: • Provide initial estimation to a bulk of requirements, epic, features Do • Prepare list items (requirements, epics) understandable to participants • Explain rules and answer questions • Setup appropriate space, so everybody can take part Don’t • Avoid calling the results “Project Plan”, make sure the stakeholders understand that these is a high- level estimation and it can be changed when scope is better explored Usage • Relative estimation • High-level estimation • Scope dependencies identification • Project Roadmap creation
  • 36. KANO and Prioritization Matrix How To Purpose: • Features Prioritization • Scope grouping • Visualize stokeholds satisfaction level Do • Prepare a list of requirements, User Stories, features • Make sure BA or PO is available to answer questions regarding features • Clearly decide what is going to be done with each group of items Don’t • If you can’t influence Iteration or Release scope • In case you don’t know the project scope at all, you should do some grooming at first Usage • PBR • Strategic planning • Product Re- branding • Startup • Stakeholders expectation management • Review session, to discuss project future scope for 2- 3 sprint ahead
  • 39. Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention FORMING  Unclear Goals  Low level of commitment  Vаgue communication flow  Responsibility is mostly avoided  Absence of prominent leaders  Build a common purpose  Identify expectations  Encourage for leadership and motivation  Inspire to take responsibility  Support contribution and collaboration
  • 40. Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention STORMING  High level of independence  Communication gaps  Misunderstanding  Uncertainty  Dysfunctional behavior  Differences and struggles  Reduce toxic communication  Invite different opinions and approaches  Recognize tolerance and loyalty  Define ground rules  Develop common goal  Involve everyone in discussion
  • 41. Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention NORMING  Confidence and clarity  Relevance  Defined communication flow, goals, rules, roles  Built relations  Understanding of interdependence  Develop process of information sharing  Build feedback loops  Use sharing format frequently to track progress  Discuss discipline distribution  Support negotiation and consensus
  • 42. Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention PERFORMING  Responsibility over tasks and relations  Stable progress and results  High level of proactivity  Self-organization and self-facilitation  Collaboration  Retrospect and seek for improvements  Celebrate success  Test and question habitual patterns  Evaluate results against purpose  Remember about rules, processes and focus
  • 43. Choosing the Level of Facilitation Intervention ADJOURNING (postpone, suspend, transform)  Lack of interest  Irrelevant goals  High level of predictability and competence  Satisfaction  Stability  Increase complexity and unpredictability  Restructure the process  Discuss team dissolving/rotation  Transform to network/community  Remember success and results
  • 44. Functional Behavior Patterns  Involvement during meetings  Giving constructive feedback  Asking powerful questions  Providing specific examples  Active listening  Sharing information  Respecting the speaker  Confirming understanding  Being loyal to different opinions  Encouraging collaboration
  • 45. Dysfunctional Behavior Patterns Providing unrelated details Expressing strong negative reaction Ignoring other’s opinion Using lot’s of unknown terms Distracting participants Playing blaming game Excusing for all the time Criticizing without recommendations Complaining on everything Whispering with neighbors Making generalizations Talking loudly Sitting silently during all discussion Withholding information Expressing strong emotions Stealing ideas of participants Repeating same ideas Trolling participants
  • 46. Stages of Dysfunctional Behavior From: The Secrets of Facilitation by Michael Wilkinson  Physical attacking someone  Leaving the room in disgust  Verbal attack directed at participants  Negative comments directed at participant  Audible sights of displeasure  Negative physical reaction to discussing  Doing other work on session  Side conversations  Folding arms, facing door or window  Silence, lack of participation  Arriving late, leaving early SeverityofDisruption Degree Of Dysfunction As the degree of dysfunction increases, the severity of disruption caused by the dysfunction increases as well
  • 47. Game on Dysfunctional Behavior Identification
  • 48. The Diagnosis-Intervention Cycle Describe behavior and test for different views Share interference and test for different views Help group to decide whether and how to change behavior and test for different views Observe Behavior Infer Meaning Decide whether, how and why to intervene DiagnosisSteps InterventionSteps
  • 49. Intervention Strategies Situation Intervention The group don’t understand what is expected from them Repeat the purpose once again Explain the purpose in other words and provide examples Domination of a participant Stop the person Encourage others to speak up Side conversations Ask to focus on the topic Ask to link it to the topic Use of mobiles, laptops Ignore Ask to stop using Before the meeting together with the group create ground rules Late arrival of meeting participants Delay a meeting start to 5-10-15 min Start on time Start only when all members arrive Person repeating him/herself Tell him/her they you got it Use paraphrasing technique Most of the group lost focus Ask them to be more attentive Make a brake Participant discovered a new topic Ask him to come on track Ask him to link a new topic to the main track

Editor's Notes

  1. While brainswarming, an approach pioneered by Tony McCaffrey, directly challenges the idea of brainstorming by asking - why do we need to talk in the first place? This idea is probably best explained using an example from the lives of insects. Ants solve problems by leaving signals in their environment that influences the behavior of the others. When searching for food, successful ants leave traces of pheromones along along their trails. A signal to the other ants that there’s a path to dinner. If we make a problem solving graph, then humans can quietly leave their signals, i.e. their ideas, for others to build upon. Statistics have shown that brainswarming produces 115 ideas in 15 minutes while the traditional brainstorming produces only 100 ideas in 60 minutes.
  2. Tony Buzan, Author, educationalist and the creator of Mind Mapping (R) A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea. Guidelines for creating mind maps: Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic and thinner as they radiate out from the center. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also to encode or group. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches.
  3. Visualization
  4. The knowledge café method has multiple origins with links to other related methods such as The World Cafe. Elizabeth Lank developed the concept creating a physical and mobile cafe area in the 1990s. It has been popularised by Charles Savage[1] and Entovation International [2] and in recent years by David Gurteen, a UK-based consultant specialising in knowledge management. Eunika Mercier-Laurent uses a similar principle for her Innovation cafés.[3]
  5. optimist vs pessimist / pro vs con
  6. A list of arguments for and against some particular contention or position. These take several forms, including lists of advantages & disadvantages, lists of criticisms & defenses, and etc.